Test - Theodore Thomas Genre: Contemporary fantasy fiction This fantasy tells the story of Robert Proctor who, while taking a driver’s test under an advanced form of hypnosis, experiences a terrible accident. Although he behaves responsibly, he is denied his license and is taken away by the authorities. The story has two plots – in two different times, two different state of mind, namely the accident that Robert experiences while hypnotizing, and in the action the testing centre. Technique employed by the author to create different moods in the story – writer uses short sentences to create tension, urgency and fast action, while long sentences are put in to slow the pace and create more thoughtful atmosphere. Theme: Ethics of the power of the state to control its citizens. Point of view: Third person narrator. Setting: Turn-pike and a room where Robert Proctor is hypnotized. Summary and critical analysis Test” is a fascinating story about Robert Proctor, who represents the young enthusiastic people wanting to drive and the authority conducting a test to see whether he fits to get a driver’s license. Though the fantasy fiction describes the concerns of the government in preventing and controlling accident, Thomas surprises the reader with a very unique way to test people on their driving skill. It provides us a glimpse on the imaginary invention of the future consisting of futuristic elements of science fiction, action stories and realism. The story explores the theme of the ethics of the state to control the citizens, over their opinion, ideas and self identity. The blue uniform and men with coat symbolizes the group of government officials trying to exhibit their ability and technology to control the mind of Robert Proctor under an advanced form of hypnosis, and make him experience a terrible accident. Although Robert Proctor behaves responsibly, he is denied his license and he is taken away by the authorities. He feels responsible for the death of his mother and the girl in the car which loomed ahead of him though nothing of that happened in reality. The vivid image of the girl’s face in his head, along with his mother’s cry lingers in his mind after the hypnosis is broken. This is where Thomas integrates the two plot, and surprises the reader that the emotions that ran through him are true and real, but has been intentionally misled by the testing people (the authorities), because the act of hypnosis itself is someone going into your mind and telling you exactly what to do. The “two grooves worn in the floor”, of the last sentence of the story suggest the executive decision regarding the fate of the people coming to test themselves in the testing centre. The world in which Robert Proctor lives, is a world based on control. The ruts on the floor symbolize the number of people who had come to test their driving skill, but have been dragged out of the door by the authorities deliberately, proclaiming theme unfit to be a driver in the real world. The author sends out signal for the readers to question whether such type of test is fair or ethical, how could they judge people’s ability and skills with such restrictions? Would they make better drivers? Would they make careful for the rest of their lives, by mentally torturing and causing trauma to the person? Will Robert Proctor be able to come back and get himself tested again? – are the questions which make the reader think and find out remedies to help the government prevent such dictatorship on the citizen in future. SRHSS/ For reference only Page 1 of 3 Roshan. P

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Test - Theodore ThomasGenre: Contemporary fantasy fiction

This fantasy tells the story of Robert Proctor who, while taking a driver’s test under an advanced form of hypnosis, experiences a terrible accident. Although he behaves responsibly, he is denied his license and is taken away by the authorities.

The story has two plots – in two different times, two different state of mind, namely the accident that Robert experiences while hypnotizing, and in the action the testing centre.

Technique employed by the author to create different moods in the story – writer uses short sentences to create tension, urgency and fast action, while long sentences are put in to slow the pace and create more thoughtful atmosphere.

Theme: Ethics of the power of the state to control its citizens.

Point of view: Third person narrator.

Setting: Turn-pike and a room where Robert Proctor is hypnotized.

Summary and critical analysis

“Test” is a fascinating story about Robert Proctor, who represents the young enthusiastic people wanting to drive and the authority conducting a test to see whether he fits to get a driver’s license. Though the fantasy fiction describes the concerns of the government in preventing and controlling accident, Thomas surprises the reader with a very unique way to test people on their driving skill. It provides us a glimpse on the imaginary invention of the future consisting of futuristic elements of science fiction, action stories and realism.

The story explores the theme of the ethics of the state to control the citizens, over their opinion, ideas and self identity. The blue uniform and men with coat symbolizes the group of government officials trying to exhibit their ability and technology to control the mind of Robert Proctor under an advanced form of hypnosis, and make him experience a terrible accident. Although Robert Proctor behaves responsibly, he is denied his license and he is taken away by the authorities. He feels responsible for the death of his mother and the girl in the car which loomed ahead of him though nothing of that happened in reality. The vivid image of the girl’s face in his head, along with his mother’s cry lingers in his mind after the hypnosis is broken. This is where Thomas integrates the two plot, and surprises the reader that the emotions that ran through him are true and real, but has been intentionally misled by the testing people (the authorities), because the act of hypnosis itself is someone going into your mind and telling you exactly what to do.

The “two grooves worn in the floor”, of the last sentence of the story suggest the executive decision regarding the fate of the people coming to test themselves in the testing centre. The world in which Robert Proctor lives, is a world based on control. The ruts on the floor symbolize the number of people who had come to test their driving skill, but have been dragged out of the door by the authorities deliberately, proclaiming theme unfit to be a driver in the real world.

The author sends out signal for the readers to question whether such type of test is fair or ethical, how could they judge people’s ability and skills with such restrictions? Would they make better drivers? Would they make careful for the rest of their lives, by mentally torturing and causing trauma to the person? Will Robert Proctor be able to come back and get himself tested again? – are the questions which make the reader think and find out remedies to help the government prevent such dictatorship on the citizen in future.

The protagonist is hypnotized for a driver’s test, so the emotions that run through him are true but the incident that he imagines took place actually never happens. The protagonist sees himself driving on the turnpike on a warm may morning with his mother on the front seat. It was a pleasant ride and they were enjoying the ride. Robert could see a blue convertible following a big truck in front of his car. He began to overtake them. When suddenly the blue convertible swung out behind the truck without warning and struck his car on the right front fender. As a result of this his car was knocked to the side of the turnpike. He was too smart to slam on the brakes. After that he lost control of the car and tried to struggle with the steering wheel. Then series of accidents occur. First the car hits a rock blowing out of the tire, and the car turned sideways and skidded into the oncoming lanes, next an oncoming car struck his car from the side and spun it into the left hand lanes and finally his car met head on with an oncoming car which was at high speed and he went into darkness.

Before he met head on with the oncoming car, he saw on the front seat a small girl fast asleep with her head supported against the back seat, Robert Proctor stared at the face of the girl and the image of the girl was imprinted in his mind. After the accident, he felt deeply for her. All the time the vivid image of the girl was in his mind. We the readers finally realize that what Robert experienced had never happened and the girl who died was

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not real as he was hypnotized to take the driver’s test. He was deliberately put in an accident by the hypnotists to test whether he was really fit to be a driver in the real world. He feels responsible for the death and even after the hypnosis is broken, there is a vivid picture of her face in his head but in real life no accident or death takes place. It’s really ironical in such a situation as Robert had no control over his mind as his mind was controlled by hypnotists. Still the hypnotists pronounce him unfit to drive in the real world. They fail to see that Robert was able to come out of the trauma after the serious accident and that he would be confident to face the road again. It makes the reader wonder whether such a test is really ethical. How can someone test one’s ability by hypnotizing them and concluding from the unreality of the situation to the reality?

“Test” is a short story about humanities need for power. The power being that to control other’s ideas, opinions and self identity, through fear of divergence and government control. The short story “Test” is derived form the fear of diversification and self identity. From the moment Robert Proctor wakes up from his hypnosis, the reader sees that the foundation of the world he is living is based on control. The act of hypnosis itself is someone going into your mind and telling you exactly what to do. Symbolism abounds in this short story: one in particular is that of the man in the blue uniform. The uniform symbolizes police and government dominance. However “Test” shows us that in the future it is the government that is in control. Throughout the story the main character is always referred to by his full name, Robert Proctor. This suggests that Robert is being watched and recorded all the time he is taking his test. Big Brother is always watching him; perhaps the men in white coats are observing him throughout his ordeal watching him like a lab rat. The man telling Robert what to do during his test is wearing a blue uniform symbolizing police and government control. In this story, the government is like a “Dictator”. The theme of the story is revealed in the final interchange between Robert and the uniformed man.

The author points that we never know when a seemingly simple action, like driving down a freeway, will have serious consequences. Or ability to make wise decisions may be tested at any time. Hence, Theodore Thomas uses current-day situation in such a way that readers would be alert when the time comes and might use prevention rather than cure.

Study questions.

Provide a detailed character analysis of Robert Proctor.

Where does this story take place?

Describe the two plots, in two different times with two different states of mind of the protagonist.

Define plot. Provide a brief plot summary for this story.

Why does Robert fail his driving test?

What is the significance of the ruts on the floor?

Should licenses be issued this way? Why or why not?

Based on what you've read, what do you think Mr. Thomas would say about teenagers? Why do you think he feels this way?

Explain the theme for this story.

What ways can a writer develop a character?

Is it possible to develop a character even though the vast majority of the story "didn't really happen"?


What will happen if the government has too much control over our daily lives?

What do the “two grooves worn in the floor” in the last sentence of the story suggest?

If you were in the place of the protagonist how would you react?

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