Test Prep Relay POS Unit Test Jeopardy

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Test Prep Relay. POS Unit Test Jeopardy. Wall of Academic Achievement. Nouns $200. Define Noun. Nouns $400. A Common Noun is: A specific person, place, thing, or idea. A general person, place, thing, or idea. A word that shows action A word that shows emotion. Nouns $600. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Test Prep Relay

Nouns $1000During the Dark Age, maps were rare among common people, so they had to find their way through forests or in water with knowledge they knew about landmarks.

List the nouns in the sentence above. Mark them as Common or Proper.

Common: maps, people, forests, water, knowledge, landmarks Proper: Dark Age7Wall of Academic AchievementNounsPronounsAdjectives & AdverbsVerbsConjunctions, Prepositions, and Interjections$1000$1000

$1000$1000$1000$800$800$800$800$800$600$600$600$600$600$400$400$400$400$400$200$200$200$200$200Adjectives & Adverbs $1000All Vikings were rich. The thralls were captured slaves. Vikings were warlike and always liked to take stuff from other places.

Identify the Adjectives and Adverbs in the sentence above.

Adjectives: Rich, captured, warlike, stuff, otherAdverbs: always17Verbs $1000Lou could not come to class today; yesterday he felt sick and his parents drived him home.Write each verb. Above each action verb write AV. Above each linking verb write LV. Above each helping verb write HV. Underline the misused verb in the sentence.

could not (hv) come (mv), felt (LV) sick (mv), drived is misused and it is AV.22Conjunctions, Prepositions, & Interjections $1000Joe was thinking about a complicated math problem as he walked around in the school gym after school.Write the sentence. Circle each preposition, and box each prepositional object.

Around (he) In (gym)27Nouns $800INDIVIDUALLY: List the nouns in the following sentence.

Hades runs the Underworld with an iron fist.

Hades, Underworld, fist (3)6Pronouns $800What is an Antecedent?

The word that a pronoun replaces.11Adjectives & Adverbs $800What are the steps we should take to confirm the presence of an Adverb?

1. Find the verb, adjective, or adverb you believe it is modifying.2. Determine which of the four questions it answers about the verb, adjective, or adverb.3. Make sure you can remove it from the sentence and still have a complete sentence.

16Verbs $800List 7 non-action verbs.

Am, is, was, be, being, been, are21Conjunctions, Prepositions, & Interjections $800My family hasnt eaten out in a long time, so yesterday we ate at a fancy Thai restaurant.Write the sentence. Circle each preposition, and box each prepositional object.

In (time), at (restaurant)26Nouns $600The brawl, or fight, on the playground got both kids sent to the principle.

List the nouns in the sentence above.

Brawl, fight, playground, kids principle (5)5Pronouns $600Which passage has a pronoun? What is the pronoun? What noun/pronoun is it replacing?The leaders of the newly created U.S. met to establish rules for governing the nation. A Bill of Rights was created to explain the rights of each citizen.James Madison kept detailed records, he went on to become the 4th President of the United States.

C. He, James Madison10Adjectives & Adverbs $600What questions do adverbs answer?

What, when, how, To what extent (how much, how long)15Verbs $600Define Verb.

A word used to express an action or a state of being20Conjunctions, Prepositions, & Interjections $600Cruella said, Either you bring me puppies, or I will make a coat out of you.

Which type of conjunction?Coordinating ConjunctionCorrelative ConjunctionSubordinating Conjunction

Correlative: Because it is Either, or25Nouns $400A Common Noun is:A specific person, place, thing, or idea.A general person, place, thing, or idea.A word that shows actionA word that shows emotion

Adjectives & Adverbs $400What do adverbs modify?

Verbs, adjectives & adverbs14Verbs $400Individual Answer. Please take out your whiteboards.Mr. Smee rowed the boat to Skull Rock.What is the verb? Is it Action/Non-action? Is it Transitive/Intransitive?

RowedActionTransitive19Conjunctions, Prepositions, & Interjections $400Drats! yelled Anastasia. Which word is an interjection?

Drats24Nouns $200Define Noun

Pronouns $200Individual Answer. Please take out your whiteboards.

The word that a pronoun replaces is called an article.True or False? If false, why?

False (called its antecedent)8Adjectives & Adverbs $200Individual Answer. Please take out your whiteboards.Adjectives modify nouns.True or False?

True13Verbs $200Verbs always show action.True or False? If false, why?

False, verbs can also show states of being.18Conjunctions, Prepositions, & Interjections $200Individual Answer. Please take out your whiteboards.A word that shows logical, temporal and spatial connections.A word that connects words, phrases and clauses.A word that shows emotion/excitement.

PrepositionsB. Conjunctions,C, Interjections23Jeopardy (Think Music)TV ThemeTelevision's Greatest Hits - V, track 321986Pop37668.598eng - , AG# 9523C027