©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, ©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,  Auditing 12/e,  Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder 14 - 1  Audit o the !al es and "ollection "ycle# $ests o "ontrols and !ubstanti%e $ests o $ransactions "ha&ter 14

Test of Controls and Substantive Tests

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder 14 - 1

 Audit o the !ales and"ollection "ycle# $ests o

"ontrols and !ubstanti%e$ests o $ransactions"ha&ter 14

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 22

'earning (b)ecti%e 1

*dentiy the accounts and the

classes o transactions in the

sales and collection cycle+

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 -

 Accounts in the !ales and

"ollection "ycle



Sales onaccount

Accounts ReceivableCash receipts

Sales returnsand allowances

Write-off of uncollectibleaccounts


Sales onaccount


Cash in Bank

Cash DiscountsTaken

Bad DebtEpense

Sales Returnsand Allowances

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 44

 Accounts in the !ales and

"ollection "ycle

Accounts Receivable

Cash receipts

Sales returnsand allowances

Write-off of uncollectible



Sales onaccount


Allowance for !ncollectible Accounts

Write-off of uncollectibleaccounts


Esti"ate of bad debtepense

EndingbalanceBad DebtEpense

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 -

'earning (b)ecti%e 2

.escribe the business unctions

and the related docuents and

records in the sales and

collection cycle+

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 -

!ales $ransaction





Business #unctions


  custo"er orders

 %ranting credit

 Shipping goods

 Billing custo"ers

  and recording


Docu"ents and Records

 Custo"er order  Sales order 

 Custo"er order or   sales order  Shipping docu"ent Sales invoice Sales transaction file Sales &ournal or listing Accounts receivable  "aster file Accounts receivable  trial balance 'onthl( state"ents

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 -

"ash ecei&ts $ransaction

 Cash in bank

  )debits fro"

  cash receipts* Accounts


 $rocessing and

  recording cash


Re"ittance advice

 $relisting of cash

  receipts Cash receipts

  transaction file

 Cash receipts &ournal

  or listing

Accounts Business #unctions Docu"ents and Records

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 88

!ales eturns and Allo3ances


 Sales returns


  allowances Accounts


 $rocessing and

  recording sales

  returns and  allowances

 Credit "e"o

 Sales and returns and

  allowances &ournal

Accounts Business #unctions Docu"ents and Records

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 -

5rite-o o 6ncollectible

 Accounts $ransaction



 Allowance for   uncollectible


 Writing off 


  accounts  receivable

 !ncollectible account

  authori+ation fro"

  general &ournal

Accounts Business #unctions Docu"ents and Records

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 1010

Bad .ebt E7&ense


 Bad debt


 Allowance for   uncollectible


 $roviding for bad


 %eneral &ournal

Accounts Business #unctions Docu"ents and Records

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 1111

Processing "ustoer (rders

"ustoer (rder# A reuest or erchandise by a custoer 

!ales (rder# A docuent describing the goods ordered

by a custoer 

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 1212

9ranting "redit

 Beore goods are shi&&ed, a &ro&erly

authori:ed &erson ust approve credit 

to the custoer or sales on account

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 11

!hi&&ing 9oods

 $his is the irst &oint in the cycle

3here co&any assets are gi%en u&

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 1414

Billing "ustoers and

ecording !ales

 !ales in%oice

 !ales transaction ile

 !ales )ournal or listing

 Accounts recei%able aster ile

 Accounts recei%able trial balance ;onthly stateent

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 11

Processing and ecording

"ash ecei&ts

 eittance ad%ice

 Prelisting o cash recei&ts

 "ash recei&ts transaction ile

 "ash recei&ts )ournal or listing

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 11

Processing and ecording

!ales eturns and Allo3ances

 "redit eo

 !ales returns and allo3ances )ournal

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 11

5riting ( 6ncollectible

 Accounts ecei%able

 6ncollectible account authori:ation or

 $his is a docuent used internally to

indicate authority to 3rite an account

recei%able o as uncollectible

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 1818

Pro%iding or Bad .ebts

 $his &ro%ision re&resents a residual,

resulting ro anageent<s

end-o-&eriod ad)ustent o the

allo3ance or uncollectible accounts

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 11

'earning (b)ecti%e

6nderstand internal control, and

design and &eror tests o 

controls and substanti%e tests

o transactions or sales+

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 2020

;ethodology or .esigning "ontrols

and !ubstanti%e $ests

!nderstand internal control , sales

Audit procedures

Sa"ple si+e

te"s to select


Assess planned control risk , sales

Deter"ine etent of testing controls

Design tests of controls and

substantive tests of transactions

for sales to "eet transaction-

related audit ob&ectives

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 2121

6nderstand *nternal "ontrol =


!tudy the client<s lo3charts, &re&are

an internal control uestionnaire, and

&eror 3al>-through tests o sales+

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 2222

 Assess Planned "ontrol is>

 = !ales

1+ ?rae3or> or assessing control ris>

2+ *dentiy >ey internal controls and deiciencies

+ Associate controls and deiciencies 3ith the


4+ Assess control ris> or each ob)ecti%e

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 22

 Assess Planned "ontrol is>

 = !ales

  Adeuate se&aration o duties

  Pro&er authori:ation

  Adeuate docuents and records

  Prenubered docuents

  ;onthly stateents

  *nternal %eriication &rocedures

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 2424

.eterine E7tent o $esting


 Audits o &ublic co&anies

 Audits o non&ublic co&anies

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 22

$ransaction-related Audit

(b)ecti%es or !ales


ecorded sales are or shi&ents actually ade+


ecorded sales are or the aount shi&&ed+

"o&leteness#E7isting sales transactions are recorded+

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 22

$ransaction-related Audit

(b)ecti%es or !ales


!ales transactions are correctly classiied+

$iing#!ales are recorded on the correct dates+

Posting and suari:ation#

!ales transactions are correctly included

in the accounts recei%able aster ile+

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 22

.irection o $ests or !ales
















aster ile


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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 2828

!uary o ;ethodology

or !ales

 $ransaction-related audit ob)ecti%es @"olun 1

 ey e7isting controls @"olun 2

 $ests o control @"olun  .eiciencies @"olun 4

 !ubstanti%e tests o transactions @"olun

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 22

'earning (b)ecti%e 4

 A&&ly the ethodology or controls

o%er sales transactions to controls

o%er sales returns and allo3ances+

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 00

!ales eturns and Allo3ances

$he transaction-related audit ob)ecti%es and

client<s ethods o controlling isstateents

are essentially the sae or &rocessing crediteos as those described or sales+

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 11

!ales eturns and Allo3ances

$here are, ho3e%er, t3o i&ortant dierences+


 E&hasis on ob)ecti%es

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 22

'earning (b)ecti%e

6nderstand internal control, and

design and &eror tests o 

controls and substanti%e tests

o transactions or cash recei&ts+

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 -

$ests o "ontrols and !ubstanti%e

$ests o $ransactions or "ash

ecei&ts .eterine 3hether cash recei%ed 3as recorded

 Pre&are &roo o cash recei&ts

 $est to disco%er la&&ing o accounts recei%able

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 - 44

'earning (b)ecti%e

 A&&ly the ethodology or

controls o%er the sales and

collection cycle to 3rite-os

o uncollectible accounts


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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 -

 Audit $ests or the 5rite-( 

o 6ncollectible Accounts

 (ccurrence transaction-related audit ob)ecti%e

 Ceriication o accounts 3ritten o 

 Pro&er authori:ation o the 3rite-o o 

uncollectible accounts

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 -

 Additional *nternal "ontrols

(%er Account Balances

 eali:able %alue

 "redit a&&ro%al

 Aged accounts recei%able trial balance

 5riting o uncollectibles

 ights and obligations

 Presentation and disclosure

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©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing,©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder  Arens/Beasley/Elder  14 -14 -

Eect o esults o "ontrols and

!ubstanti%e $ests o $ransactions

$he &arts o the audit ost aected by the

tests or the sales and collection cycle are#

 Accounts recei%able

 Bad debt e7&ense


 Allo3ance or doubtul accounts

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$y&es o Audit $ests or the

!ales and "ollection "ycle

!ales Accountsecei%able

"ash inBan>


"ash recei&tstransactions



$(" D !$($ D AP D $.B !uicient a&&ro&riate e%idence

Audited b(T.C/ ST.T/ and A$

Audited b( A$ and TDB

Audited b(T.C/ ST.T/ and A$

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©2008 P ti H ll B i P bli hi©2008 P ti H ll B i P bli hi A diti 12/A diti 12/ A /B l /EldA /B l /Eld 14

End o "ha&ter 14