Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012

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  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012






  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012



    02 Edinburgh

    04 Welcome to the College

    06 Campus and Facilities

    10 Student Lie

    12 International

    16 Exchanges

    17 Student Support

    18 Accommodation

    20 Learning and Teaching

    22 Widening Participation

    24 University o Edinburgh

    106 Part-time Study

    108 Entry Requirements and How to Apply

    116 Fees & Funding

    117 Frequently Asked Questions

    120 Contact Us


    26 Introduction

    28 BA (Hons) Intermedia Art

    32 BA (Hons) Painting

    36 BA (Hons) Photography

    40 BA (Hons) Sculpture

    44 MA (Hons) Fine Art


    48 Introduction

    50 BA (Hons) Animation

    54 BA (Hons) Fashion

    58 BA (Hons) Film & Television

    62 BA (Hons) Glass

    66 BA (Hons) Graphic Design

    70 BA (Hons) Illustration

    74 BA (Hons) Interior Design

    78 BA (Hons) Jewellery & Silversmithing

    82 BA (Hons) Perormance Costume

    86 BA (Hons) Product Design

    90 BA (Hons) Textiles




    94 Introduction

    98 BA/MA (Hons) Architecture100 MA (Hons) Architecture in Creative

    and Cultural Environments

    104 BA (Hons)/MSc Integrated MastersLandscape Architecture


  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012



    ECA Edinburgh



    As one o Europes nest capitals, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site,

    Edinburgh not only has a rich sense o history but also a lively,

    contemporary and cosmopolitan eel. Once known as the Athens othe North, Edinburgh stood at the centre o the Scottish Enlightenment

    which revolutionised European thinking. For centuries the city has

    attracted artists and writers, scientists and philosophers.

    Edinburgh is celebrated or its vibrant and creative environment. Thecitys rich cultural mix nds expression in some o the nest museums,galleries and libraries in the UK. Scotlands national art collections holda magnicent selection o European art rom Renaissance painting andsculpture to contemporary work. Edinburgh is also the home o the NationalMuseums o Scotland which house a vast range o arteacts rom Celtic

    jewellery to the preserved remains o the worlds rst cloned mammal, Dollythe sheep. The National Library, one o Britains copyright libraries, hostsa hugely important collection o books and manuscripts.


    This truly is a city o learning. With ouruniversities and several colleges, Edinburghhas a large student community. The city ishome to many cinemas and theatres, andhas one o the nest perormance scenesoutside London. The population is alsoserved by a thriving retail and leisure scene,with plenty o shops, clubs, restaurants,cas and bars.

    Unlike many other seats o learning,Edinburgh is as lively during holidayperiods as it is during term time. In August,Edinburgh becomes the arts capital o

    the world, home to the Edinburgh Festivaland its younger, more chaotic sibling theEdinburgh Festival Fringe. Around thistime there is also the Jazz Festival, theBook Festival, the Television Festival, andthe Edinburgh Mela Scotlands biggestintercultural estival. At other times o theyear the city hosts a Science Festival, anInternational Film Festival and EdinburghsChristmas and world-amous Hogmanayestivities.

    Many who visit Edinburgh understandablynever wish to leave. The spectacular

    backdrop o its built environment oersa curious blend o the mystery o theOld Town, the disciplined elegance othe Georgian New Town and the boldstatements o contemporary architecture.Sae and compact, Edinburgh isconsistently ranked in international surveysas one o the best places to live.

    Edinburgh College o Art sits at the hearto the city, within the Old Town. TheColleges north-acing studios commandunrivalled views o Edinburgh Castle. It isa great place to work and study, in a truly

    inspirational city.Find out more at www.eca.ac.uk/edinburgh

    Edinburgh is a abulous city. It

    has layers o history, a vibrant

    cultural scene and a walk

    through one o its many parks

    is a great start to every day.

    Kelsey Johnston

    Year 3 / Perormance Costume

  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012


    ECA Welcome www.eca.ac.uk

    Edinburgh College o Art is an internationally recognised art college

    in the heart o one o Europes most vibrant and creative capital cities.

    Founded in 1907, but with a history dating back to the 18th century,

    the College is home to more than 1700 ull-time students and is one

    o the most successul independent art colleges in Europe.

    Programmes range across art, design, architecture and landscapearchitecture at undergraduate, postgraduate and research degree level.Currently, we are an academic partner o the University o Edinburgh, aworld class institution, which awards our degrees. However, increasingcollaboration at postgraduate and research level and amongst sta haveled both institutions to explore the option o merger, currently (at the time ogoing to print) being considered by the Scottish Parliament.

    Edinburgh College o Art will inspire you to make work o the highest

    quality, and provide a cosmopolitan environment that is stimulating,supportive, fexible and challenging. As a specialist higher educationinstitution we strive to oster that quality and distinctiveness and, in doingso, we recognise the need to adapt, taking orward our own ideas andresponding to new opportunities. In mixing traditional skills with the use onew technologies, we deliver a fexible, imaginative education and provideaccess to impressive resources and studio space.

    Our students have won an array o awards, rom the BAFTA ScotlandNew Talent Awards and the New Designers Contemporary Glass Societyaward to the Jerwood Photography Prize. Subsequently, graduates havepursued an impressive and vast range o careers, rom setting up theirown workshops and exhibiting internationally, to working or agencies orcompanies such as Gucci, Theo Fennel and Fantastic Fox Productions.By studying at Edinburgh College o Art, you will become part o a notableand prestigious alumni community that includes Sir Nicholas Grimshaw,architect and President o the Royal Academy o Arts, and Richard Wright,winner o the 2009 Turner Prize.

    We want you to make the most o your talents and to realise your potential.I you wish to be challenged, are passionate about your work and want todevelop new skills and new ways o thinking, then this is the place or you.

    The best thing about Edinburgh College o Art is its

    character, its people, its history and its reverberating

    creativity its impossible not to be inspired here!

    Georgina Bolton

    Year 4 / MA (Hons) Fine Art




    04 05

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    ECA Campus and Facilities www.eca.ac.uk

    06 07

    Situated in the heart o Edinburghs Old Town, the College oers some

    o the largest working spaces o any UK art college. The acilities in

    the College are excellent and many studios have stunning views o the

    Castle and across the city.

    Within the campus, the Main Building, Hunter and Architecture buildingsare grouped around a large grassy quadrangle. The Main Buildingeatures large and spacious purpose-built studios and a magnicent neo-classical Sculpture Court which is the ocus o a year-round programmeo exhibitions and events. The award-winning Evolution House, situatedbehind the Main Building, houses our Learning Zone an innovativeenvironment or learning, teaching and research resources.

    CAmpUS AND

    FACILITIESWhilst at the College you will have accessto generous studio spaces and specialistacilities appropriate to your degree as wellas timetabled use o shared resources,such as the printmaking, woodworking andmetal workshops and project spaces.

    We have a number o computer suitesincluding a Mac-based computing acilityproviding scanners, printers and the latestsotware or design, digital imaging and

    video editing. The majority o the campusis wi--enabled so you may make use oyour own laptop or borrow one rom theLearning Zone to access the Collegenetwork and internet. Via the studentportal you will receive your subject notices,inormation rom the Library, AcademicRegistry, Student Support and Financedepartments as well as notices o news,events and exhibitions.

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    08 09



    FACILITIESThe College Library lies at the heart o

    the Learning Zone, with a collection osome 85,000 books and more than 350periodical subscriptions along with videos,DVDs, maps, and slides.

    All aspects o the Colleges teaching andresearch are covered, with an emphasis oncontemporary issues and practice.

    The College Shop will cater or all your art,design and stationery product needs, otenat discounted prices. A Reprographic Unitprovides an extensive copying, scanning,laminating and binding service.

    Catering outlets on campus hold HealthyLiving Awards and oer a choice o hotmeals, salads and snacks, with hot andcold drinks. They provide an ideal placeto take a break, catch up with riends or aplace to study more inormally.

    Find out more: www.eca.ac.uk/acilities

    ECA Campus and Facilities www.eca.ac.uk

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    ECA Student Lie www.eca.ac.uk



    Student Representative Council

    The Student Representative Council (SRC)is made up o student volunteers and asabbatical student president who governthe Students Union. The Students Unionexists to meet the needs o the studentcommunity by providing a range o servicesincluding welare, acilities, entertainment

    and College-wide representation ostudents at all levels.


    The Students Union operates its ownwelare advice service, complementing thatoered by the Colleges Student Services.The wide range o practical and inormalassistance includes nancial advice,accommodation advice and academicsupport. The service has an excellentawareness o student needs and a healthytrack record o resolving problems.

    Clubs and Societies

    The Students Union supports all sorts ostudent initiatives, including an allotmentin the College grounds, departmentalsocieties such as Archie (Architecture) andEscape (Landscape Architecture) and ourmuch-loved student newspaper, The WeeRed Herring.

    Links with the University o Edinburgh meanthat you are also eligible to join their clubsand societies, including their Centre orSport and Exercise (CSE) where you canuse the Pleasance sports acilities or thesame price as the Universitys students.

    Music Room and Darkroom

    Our ully-equipped Music Room hasbecome a home-rom-home or anincreasing number o College bands andindividual musicians. The music room onlycosts 5 per session to use, and all incomegoes straight back into the upkeep o theequipment. The Students Union also runs

    a black-and-white darkroom and oersintroductions to lm developing, all reeo charge.

    Wee Red Lounge

    The Wee Red Lounge is a student-run caand gallery in the College. The space is orall students to put on their own exhibitions,chill out, hold meetings and host artiststalks. The ca bar is open each lunchtimeand also during the evenings or those latenights in College.

    Wee Red Bar

    The Wee Red Bar is an intimate club andlive music venue and is one o Edinburghsbest-kept secrets. The music is brilliant, theatmosphere is super-riendly and prices arealways low. The Wee Red is or all studentsto use ree o charge, both day and night,and is available or undraisers, gigs, art

    events, cake and jumble sales, club nightsand parties whatever you want it or!Check out www.weeredbar.co.uk or theWee Red Bar on Facebook or the latest onwhats on.

    10 11

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    ECA International www.eca.ac.uk

    12 13

    Edinburgh is home to thousands o international

    students as well as having a local population made

    up o a wide variety o nationalities and cultures. Our

    community includes around 400 students rom over 70

    overseas countries. There are welcome and orientation

    events or our international students and you can join

    many dierent interest groups and societies through

    our Students Union or the University o Edinburghs

    Student Association.

    English language

    Undergraduate study requires evidence o Englishlanguage prociency demonstrated by the appropriateIELTS/TOEFL score as specied in the course entryrequirements. Our Language Support Service providesguidance on a range o subject-specic academic skills andlanguage, including preparation o essays, dissertationsand presentations. See www.eca.ac.uk/internationalor more inormation.

    We run a unique and very popular pre-sessional Englishlanguage course called ADEPT. The ADEPT programmeis or students planning to study art, design, architectureor landscape architecture in the UK at undergraduate orpostgraduate level, whose rst language is not Englishand who need, or wish, to improve their level o Englishlanguage prior to their studies. More inormation andapplication orms are available at www.eca.ac.uk/adept.Places are limited so early booking is advised.

    Funding and scholarships

    You should ensure that your nances are in place beoreyou apply or your visa as it is an immigration requirementthat you have sucient unds to cover your tuition ees andliving expenses. I you are seeking unding to study with us,

    you should begin your search in your home country.

    Ocial loans can also be used as proo o unds orimmigration and the College is able to certiy ederal loansor US students. I you are unable to secure an ocialnancial sponsor or a loan you will need to pay or your owntuition ees: details o our international ees can be ound onwww.eca.ac.uk/internationalINTERNATIONAL

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    ECA International www.eca.ac.uk


    The College oers scholarships or international ee-payingstudents or which selection is based on academic merit.Applicants are advised to check www.eca.ac.uk/international orthe latest inormation or you can email [email protected] local British Council oce can also provide useul inormationon scholarships that may be available in your home country.


    I you are an international student coming rom outside the

    EEA (EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and

    Switzerland you will probably need a visa to study in the UK. The

    procedure is quite straightorward, but it may take some time, so it is

    important that you start to organise your visa application in good time.

    The UK governments ofcial visas website (www.ukvisas.gov.uk)gives visa processing times or all Visa Application Centresaround the world. Further inormation on visas is available on our

    website at: www.eca.ac.uk/international and other inormation orinternational students can be ound at www.ukcisa.org.uk

    Working in the UK

    Tier 4 General Student visas permit part-time working during term-time up to a maximum o 20 hours per week and ull-time workingduring vacation periods. Ater you graduate you may be eligible toapply or urther permission to work in the UK. Further inormationis available at www.ukba.homeoce.gov.uk

    Travelling to Edinburgh

    Edinburgh International Airport has direct links with most majorEuropean and some North American cities. Edinburgh is accessiblevia regular short fights rom international hubs including Paris,Amsterdam and London, making it easy to get here rom anywherein the world. Edinburgh has a good rail service and is less than vehours by train rom London, with the citys rail stations just a shortwalk rom the College.


    International students should apply to the College in a similar wayto other students (see page 108). UCAS allows late application orinternational students but, given the highly competitive applicationprocess, and the need or visa applications, you are stronglyadvised to apply to the College as early as possible. Please seeour How to Apply pages at www.eca.ac.uk/undergraduate

    Finding out more

    www.eca.ac.uk/international or email [email protected]


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    ECA Exchanges ECA Student Support www.eca.ac.uk



    The College is committed to supportingstudents in as many ways as possible,not only academically but in terms oaccommodation, employability, languagesupport and international advice (see page13), as well as in the ways below andthrough other avenues.

    Academic Support

    I you need additional help with aspectso academic study or written work, youcan get advice rom an Academic SupportTutor. This may take the orm o groupsessions such as workshops, or one-to-onetuition where the Academic Support Tutorwill work with you to nd practical solutionsto suit your learning preerences.

    Counselling Service

    The College has two qualied counsellors,one male and one emale, both o whomare members o the British Associationor Counselling & Psychotherapy and whowork within their ethical ramework.

    A counsellor can help you to understandand ocus on the issues that concern you.By respecting your own values, choicesand liestyle, the counsellor will work withyou towards identiying the changes youwould like to make and the ways thesechanges can be made. Issues discussedremain condential except under veryexceptional circumstances.

    Disability Advice

    Learning diculties, visual or hearingimpairment, mobility diculties, mentalhealth or other medical conditionscan all have an impact on day-to-dayCollege activities. It is important that youdisclose these as early as possible onyour application or UCAS orm or when

    registering as a student, so that we caninvite you to meet our disability adviser.Adjustments can be considered or anyonewith evidence o a condition, impairmentor disability and access to appropriatesupport can be made available.

    The campus has automatic doors, litsand toilets all suitable or wheelchairusers, although access to some studiosand departments is limited. However,departments will ensure that classes andtutorials are undertaken in accessiblespaces. We have a Dea Alerter re alarmsystem and the lecture theatres are ttedwith induction loops. Students with certaindisabilities, as dened by the EqualitiesAct, are given priority in the allocation ocar parking and locker spaces, and may beeligible or Disabled Students Allowance.

    For urther inormation visitwww.eca.ac.uk/studentsupport

    Edinburgh College o Art has ormalarrangements with universities and artcolleges all over the world. These linksallow our students to study part o theirdegree in another country and, likewise,oer international students the opportunityto study at the College or part o theirprogramme.

    The network o links is developing all thetime and we have exchange places incountries throughout Europe through theERASMUS programme. We also havearrangements with a number o institutionsoutside the EU.

    Exchanges generally take place in thesecond semester o Year 3.

    Reasons to do a study exchange

    Adding an international dimension to your

    degree allows you to discover new cultures,

    make new riends, learn another language

    and develop sel-reliance which uture

    employers will regard as attractive. You can:

    immerse yoursel in a dierent cultureand explore new places

    build your sel condence and becomemore independent

    experience new approaches to learningand teaching whilst expanding yourknowledge o working practices

    exchange ideas and broadenyour horizons

    learn a new language

    increase your employability

    extend your social network and meetpeople rom all over the world.


    I went to Belgium on exchange where I spent our months at the Sint Lucas

    Beeldende Kunst in Ghent. A lot can be learned rom l iving with complete

    independence, especially in a country where English is not the native language.

    It was a real adventure, where I was able to lose mysel in Ghents cobbled

    streets and towering architecture and where I ound lots o things to do, rom

    visiting independent art galleries to interesting places to shop or ood.

    Being away rom riends and amily proved to be difcult at times but the

    college I attended was really supportive and it was a great opportunity to

    work alongside people with a dierent cultural upbringing to my own.

    Katie Hunter

    Year 4 / Painting

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    ECA Accommodation www.eca.ac.uk

    18 19

    There is a range o accommodation options or students at Edinburgh

    College o Art, rom living in halls o residence to sharing a privately-

    rented fat or house in the city.

    As we are a small institution we do not have our own dedicated halls oresidence. However, there are two private halls adjacent to the Collegewhich have been newly built with our students needs in mind. Many o ourstudents choose to live in these halls, especially in their rst year o livingin Edinburgh. Advantages include: 24hr security and a reception desk oradvice; internet; utility bills included in the rent, and some cleaning. Thereis also the benet o living with other students who are new to the Collegeand the city.


    I you are happy to share kitchen/livingacilities with others, you can be allocated abedroom with an ensuite bathroom in a fatwith other students rom the College, who

    generally make up the highest populationwithin the halls.

    Students o Architecture in the new jointEdinburgh School o Architecture andLandscape Architecture (ESALA) andstudents on the joint MA (Hons) Fine Artdegree may apply to live in the University oEdinburghs halls o residence. Please seewww.ed.ac.uk/studying/accommodation.Should the Colleges proposed merger withthe University be conrmed these halls willbe available to all Edinburgh College oArt students.

    Living in halls o residence is not the onlyoption. Edinburgh has a long history ohousing over 50,000 students annuallywithin the city centre perimeter in privately-

    rented residential accommodation.September and October are exceptionallybusy with enormous competition or fats.It is strongly advised that you begin lookingbeore then. It may even be possible oryou to set up some viewing appointmentsin advance o your arrival. Student Servicescan give advice to students wishing toshare a privately-rented fat, and help themnd others to share or fat hunt with.

    Please see www.eca.ac.uk/accommodationor advice and up-to-date inormation on allaccommodation options.

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    ECA Learning and Teaching www.eca.ac.uk



    AND TEACHINGand proessional contexts that shape

    creative practice are regarded as

    essential to your development.

    Developing an understanding o theproessional context o art or designspecialisms is essential and is built intoyour learning rom Year 1 onwards, oten

    involving participation in exhibitions,industry competitions and live projects.Seminar topics may include personalorganisation, sel-promotion, businessplanning, contract and copyrightlaw. You will learn to recognise yourachievements, skills and attributes in allaspects o your work and how to makeyour achievements relevant to employers.Sta will support your personal andproessional development by providingadvice on career planning, applyingor jobs and preparing or interview.

    The Colleges specialist, multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinaryresearch is promoted through internalcollaboration as well as through jointendeavours with a large number oexternal organisations and individuals ointernational reputation across the world.

    The international mix o our students addsa valuable cultural and global dimensionto our degrees, widening horizons andoering new perspectives to students andsta alike. As well as access to a livelyprogramme o international exhibitions andevents, many students have the opportunityto take part in our exchange programmeand spend part o their degree studyingabroad in partner institutions (see page 16).

    We are extremely proud o our

    international reputation as one o

    the most successul and popular art

    colleges in Europe and committed to

    maintaining high academic standards.

    You will graduate with a degree rom

    the University o Edinburgh, one o the

    worlds leading academic institutions.

    We constantly review the content andstructure o our degrees to ensure weare providing you with the very bestplatorm or achievement. Academicstandards in teaching and learningacross all our undergraduate andpostgraduate degrees are maintainedby quality assurance procedures bothwithin the College and the University.

    Most members o our teaching sta arepractising artists, designers, architectsand landscape architects, and many have

    international research reputations, whichprovides an intellectually challenging andstimulating environment. Teaching andlearning within the College is a distinctivehybrid o old and new methodologies andprocesses and we are proud o this diverseapproach. I the proposed merger with the

    University proceeds as planned (see page24), there will be increasing opportunity orstudy across a wider range o subjects.

    Working within a studio environment

    and with an enviable sta-to-student

    ratio, you will be able to equip yoursel

    with the skills and confdence that your

    specialist subject requires. You will

    develop subject-specifc and transerable

    skills, which will be introduced through

    seminars, lectures, studio/workshops,

    critiques (known as crits) and study

    trips. Research, critical thinking and

    study o the visual, intellectual, social

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    ECA Widening Participation www.eca.ac.uk




    The College is committed to widening

    participation in higher education and

    continuously seeks to ensure that the

    opportunity to study here is open to

    all who have the creative talent and

    potential to be successul, regardless

    o background.

    We actively encourage diversity in ourstudent population, which includes studentsrom many countries, rom dierent ageproles and social backgrounds, and thosewith a range o disabilities. Students areselected on the basis o their individualmerits, abilities and aptitudes.

    In line with our Equal Opportunitiespolicy, we work closely with a range obodies such as the Lothians Equal AccessProgramme or Schools (LEAPS atwww.leapsonline.org) and the University oEdinburghs Pathways to the Proessionsinitiative to oer support to schools whererelatively ew students progress to highereducation and to applicants whose parentsor guardians have not attended university.

    Through the ACES (Access to CreativeEducation in Scotland) initiative beingpioneered by Scottish art colleges, we areworking with schools and pupils to raiseaspiration and encourage applicationsor art and design degree programmes,particularly in geographical areas whereparticipation in higher education is less

    well established. We do this through acultural enrichment programme, portoliopreparation classes, mentoring, campusvisits, support with UCAS applications andpreparation or interviews. We continue tooer assistance to successul applicantsthrough induction and support during theirrst year.

    We welcome applications rom maturecandidates. I you are 21 years old or over

    in the year in which you wish to begin yourstudies, you may be admitted without thetraditional school examination qualications.A variety o credentials, including workexperience and training, which provideevidence o your capacity to benet roma degree and to complete it successully,may be acceptable and we support theRecognition o Prior Learning (RPL)ramework. We work in partnership with theScottish Wider Access Programme (SWAPat www.scottishwideraccess.org), whichoers Access courses. It is important thatyou contact us at an early stage to discuss

    whether your qualications and/or priorexperience are suitable, particularly i youare contemplating a major career change.In certain cases, we may require you tocomplete additional work or to attend aninterview beore a decision is taken.

    Learning through the visually creativedisciplines o art and design can developcritical thinking and problem solving,awareness o sel and others and,importantly, can build valuable sel-condence. With this in mind, we havedeveloped a range o art and designactivities or identied primary andsecondary schools, including on- and o-campus events, visits to our programmeo exhibitions, practical workshops, andportolio and application advice sessions.

    The College also oers a wide range oopportunities or young people and adultsto sample art and design subjects throughpart-time study (see page 106). Evening,weekend and summer school courses aretaught by encouraging and supportive staat the College.

    For urther inormation, please [email protected]

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    24 25

    All Edinburgh College o Art graduates are awarded a degree rom the University o

    Edinburgh, where sta, students and alumni have been infuencing the world since

    1583. The University is acknowledged as one o the worlds top 50 universities, and

    our students benet rom many o their resources. With 180 student societies to join,

    three student-run unions to visit, plus the UKs oldest student-led theatre to attend,

    the University oers plenty o entertainment and activities or students at the College.

    Their Centre or Sports and Exercise also boasts an array o top-o-the-range acilities

    suitable or serious sports competitors as well as recreational users.

    The University oers a broad range ocourses and is currently ranked in theUK top ve or research quality, whichenhances teaching and learning andensures that students have access to thelatest inormation and innovation.

    Both institutions have jointly run theprestigious MA (Hons) Fine Art course orthe past 60 years and, since 2009, have

    jointly established the Edinburgh School oArchitecture and Landscape Architecture.Increasing collaboration at postgraduateand research level and amongst sta hasled both institutions to explore the option

    o merger, and this is currently (at the timeo going to print) being considered bythe Scottish Parliament. I the merger isormally approved, it will take place on1 August 2011. Edinburgh College oArt will continue much as beore, with itsteaching methods, acilities and campusenhanced by the addition o History oArt and Music rom within the University.Students will be able to play a ullerpart in the lie o one o the worlds bestuniversities and have access to a greaterrange o acilities, including halls oresidence.

    ECA University o Edinburgh www.eca.ac.uk

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    School o Art www.eca.ac.uk

    27SchoolofArtThe School o Art was ormed in August 2010, incorporating the

    histories and perspectives o the School o Drawing & Painting, the

    School o Sculpture, the Photography Department and the Centre or

    Visual & Cultural Studies.

    The purpose-built studios, project spaces and workshops provide

    excellent acilities or making work, communicating ideas and

    generating dialogue. Engagement takes place across the School, the

    College and the city, establishing a supportive and critical ramework

    where a sophisticated understanding o the diversity o contemporary

    art practice and visual culture can be developed. Our sta are a mix

    o practising artists, art historians, critics and curators. The majority

    o the teaching and learning is through experiential projects o

    diering timerames and complexity, situated in a studio environment.

    Conceptual, material and technical issues are explored through

    seminars, workshops, lectures, tutorials and critiques. We expect our

    students to demonstrate imaginative responses to the world through

    curiosity and exploration and we prepare them to do this with depth,

    breadth and ambition beyond graduation. They are equipped with the

    talent, knowledge and expertise to lead, rather than simply respond to,

    uture innovation in art practice.

    The School is a stimulating community o students, artists and

    theorists. Recent internationally-acclaimed visitors include: Anna

    Barriball, Frances Stark, Joseph Kosuth, Marc Camille Chaimowicz,

    Dan Peterman, Manred Pernice, JJ Charlesworth, Spartacus

    Chetwynd, Torsten Lauschmann, Juan Cruz, David Musgrave, Alan

    Currall, Scott Myles, Terry Atkinson, and Turner Prize winners Martin

    Creed, Mark Wallinger and Mark Leckey.

    Mike Nelson is an Honorary Research Fellow and Katie Paterson holds

    the 2010-11 John Florent Stone Fellowship.


    OF ART

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    BA (Hons) Intermedia Art




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    INTERmEDIA ART BA(Hons)IntermediaArt

    Intermedia Art operates within a Fine Art

    context and is the area o artistic practice

    that lies between dierent media. During the

    late 20th century, developments within visual

    art introduced new processes and situations,

    which resulted in an expanded concept o

    artistic practice. For example, the legacies oinstallation, ambient/site-specic work, video,

    sound, perormance, immersive artworks and

    conceptual art resulted in a new context or

    artistic practice that is no longer based upon

    individual mediums and the primacy o vision

    but is rather the product o crossing boundaries

    between media. Students and sta oten create

    new methods o working through blurring these

    distinct practices.

    BA (Hons) Intermedia Art

    BA (Hons) Intermedia Art

    Institution Code E58

    Course Code W190

    Entry Requirements p108

    Course Duration

    4 years ull-time or 3 years

    rom entry at year 2

    Intermedia Art emphasises a sensorialapproach to art experience. An identiyingquality o our degree is its engagementwith visual production beyond the whitecube gallery context and its interrogationo the origins and site o artistic production.Artists in the 21st century operate in atransitory world and Intermedia Art isconcerned with nding a logic or thispractice.

    Each o our our-year BA (Hons)degrees in art or design shares commonelements o study during the earlypart o Year 1. Subsequently you willdevelop your creative, technical andintellectual ability through projects,installations and exhibitions. You will beintroduced to using multiple approachesto work, encompassing drawing, video,photography, sound recording, objectconstruction, psycho-geography andother possibilities. A range o projects willemphasise production whilst introducingIntermedia strategies.

    Your research will develop throughchoices o subject matter and a growingindividuality o approach. Youll work onsite-specic projects and larger-scale work,developing personal areas o interest bothtechnically and intellectually, organising

    and researching your work in a proessionalmanner. Discussion and debate isconducted though weekly studio critiquesand the exhibition programme culminates ina presentation o work.

    You will pursue your own researchinterests, supported by studio sta.Creative ability and technical expertiseis consolidated and extended, and thedissemination and site o artistic work gainsgreater importance.

    Individual and group tutorials, discussiono proessional practice issues and studioseminars provide critical ocus and areaccompanied by weekly seminars whichinterrogate the economy o the arts.


    Many graduates go on to postgraduatestudy or work as contemporary artists,holding a mixture o residencies,commissions and reelance work. There isan excellent community o artists based in

    Scotland who are exhibiting nationally andinternationally. Others will elect to pursuea career in the wider art and culture-relatedsectors.

    There is a strong emphasis on tutor

    contact and studio spaces at the

    College. The tutors are practising

    artists with strong research practice;

    our theory tutors are also oten

    infuential writers within their

    specialist eld. The course is a

    ull-time commitment and can be

    hard work, but studying in such

    an enchanting city is amazing.

    Sophie Fegan

    Year 4 / Intermedia Art

    Previous page:Francesca Miller

    Graduated 2010Intermedia Art

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    BA (Hons) Painting



  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012





    The programme is ocused on developingcondent, enquiring, resilient studentswho can research and articulate theirpractice, and question their position andthat o painting within the wider context ocontemporary visual culture.

    Each o our our-year BA (Hons) degrees inart or design shares common elements ostudy during the early part o Year 1.Subsequently you will develop yourspecialist study o painting in relation to thewider eld o contemporary art practice.You will be encouraged to engage withand explore your ideas through visualthinking, drawing and research. Throughparticipating in exhibitions and group critsyou will establish tactics or presenting,evaluating and discussing work with yourpeers and other audiences, building aoundation or your proessional practice.

    As your study progresses you will engagein experimentation and risk-taking to expandyour own personal visual language. Youwill be supported and challenged to growyour understanding o suitable approachesto articulating your ideas, throughpersonal and collaborative initiatives andexperimentation.

    You will also clearly identiy and deneconceptual areas o your work throughpersonal exploration, demonstrated byextensive research activity. The body owork you produce will be underpinnedby a highly sel-motivated attitude to theplanning and production o your researchand practice. This work will demonstratethe ability to analyse, resolve and implementthe means by which your ideas are bestcommunicated to an audience.


    Many o our graduates work as artists anddevelop their careers through residencies,commissions and artists organisationsand are engaged across a range o thecreative and cultural industries. There is agrowing community o independent artistsbased in Scotland who are working in aninternational context.

    Students are encouraged to engage in avariety o external opportunities through

    aspects o proessional practice, exhibiting,working with schools and communities, andlocal, national and international institutions.

    Studying Painting has been an exciting

    time o exploration and discovery

    or me. My greatest achievement has

    been nding my true direction and

    developing my own visual language.

    The tutors at the College make the

    course what it is they treat you

    like an artist and encourage and

    push you in the right direction.

    Liam Walker

    Year 3 / Painting


    Painting at Edinburgh College o Art provides

    a strong ramework or students to develop their

    individual practice. Building on an international

    reputation, the programme provides a

    platorm that supports the specialist study o

    painting and also encourages dialogue across


    Emphasis is placed on drawing, and research throughvisual thinking at all levels, and work is also realised througha wide range o practices such as printmaking, artistsbooks, installation, digital media, photography and more.Purpose-built studios, project spaces and workshops arecentral to the student experience. The studio environmentallows students to develop their ull potential and to shareand understand the activities o their contemporaries. Youwill be supported by a team o sta who will encourage youto redene the discipline and support the transition rom theindividual practitioner towards a wider creative engagementin an international context.


    BA (Hons) Painting

    BA (Hons) Painting

    Institution Code E58

    Course Code W120

    Entry Requirements p108

    Course Duration

    4 years ull-time or 3 years

    rom entry at year 2

    Above:Alex Gibbs

    Graduated 2010Painting

    Previous page:

    Painting studio (work by Scott

    McCracken, Graduated 2009,

    Painting. Now studying or an MFA)

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    BA (Hons) Photography



  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012






    Our degree prepares you or a career in

    photography by encouraging you to develop

    your personal vision o the world, and by

    developing your knowledge o equipment and

    technical acilities. Within this ramework,

    technique is regarded as a means to an end,

    rather than as an end in itsel.

    At the College you will develop a broad visual vocabularyand explore a range o ne art and commercial practices,using traditional photographic equipment and processesas well as the latest computer technology. Ideas and theircultural contextualisation are paramount and that, in tandemwith appropriately applied technical skills, can result in theproduction o a dynamic, visually literate output o lastingquality and value.

    Each o our our-year BA (Hons) degreesin art or design shares common elementso study during the early part o Year 1.Subsequently you will explore photographyin its broadest sense, acquiring skills inhandling small, medium and large-ormatcameras. You will gain knowledge o lmprocessing, studio practice, and printingblack & white and colour photographs,both chemically and digitally. Projectswill explore ideas such as the relationshipbetween image and text, documentary

    photography and landscape photography.As your technical prociency develops, youwill place your output within a denablecontext, and discuss and present itaccordingly. Elements o moving imageproduction and web publishing areintroduced. Research will continue to playan important role in your development.

    Towards the end o your study you willundertake major projects, in which youwill be given the opportunity to exploreand research your subject matter in depth,make personal observations, explore yourinterests and interpret themes. You willshare your work with sta and studentsthrough regular discussions. The climax othe nal year is the Degree Show whereprevious photography students have

    exhibited an impressive range o workranging rom mainstream ne printingto installation pieces, lm, video andmultimedia productions.


    Photography graduates fnd a wide

    range o opportunities, rom ollowing a fne

    art route as exhibiting photographers to

    specialising in media work, photojournalism,

    ashion, advertising or editorial.

    Regular visits by proessional practitioners

    ensure that students are ully involved

    with contemporary photographic issues.

    Students are encouraged to take part in

    national and international competitions, and

    recent graduates have won many prestigiousawards, including Richard Boll, winner o

    the National Portrait Gallerys Photographic

    Prize 2006 and Alice Myers, winner o the

    Jerwood Photography Prize 2008.

    The tutors are excellent and I

    particularly appreciate their experience

    and advice. To study photography

    in such a beautiul city and with

    such kind people is a real joy.

    Elizabete Rancane

    Year 2 / Photography


    BA (Hons) Photography

    BA (Hons) Photography

    Institution Code E58

    Course Code W640

    Entry Requirements p108

    Course Duration

    4 years ull-time or 3 years

    rom entry at year 2

    Previous page:Kirsty Reynolds

    Graduated 2010Photography

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    BA (Hons) Sculpture



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    BA (Hons) Sculpture


    Sculpture at the College has a longstanding

    reputation or providing high quality, specialist

    education and encouraging individuality. The

    degree is designed to encourage, interrogate

    and challenge traditional and experimental

    methods o making and thinking.Sculpture is a subject that is steeped in history butconstantly evolving. The ethos is based on developinga broad spatial, material and critical awareness througha range o approaches pertinent to the expanded eldo sculpture. Our purpose-built studios are adaptable,serving both as working studios and project and exhibitionspaces. The workshops and oundry provide excellentaccommodation or working in wood, metal, mould-making,casting and carving and there are acilities or working withsound, digital imaging and video editing.

    The programmes philosophy is developedaround these resources and expertiseand establishes key practical skills whileencouraging students to explore thepossibilities opened up by new orms osculptural practice.

    Each o our our-year BA (Hons) degreesin art or design shares common elementso study during the early part o Year 1.Subsequently you will develop visual ideasthrough appropriate materials and technicalprocesses. Projects in casting, metal andwood will be conducted in the workshopsand collaborative, research and site-specic methods introduced. Supportingstudies in drawing, research and visualthinking, and proessional practice will linkto the projects. You will establish strategiesor presenting, evaluating and discussingyour work with condence. One-dayevents, visits, workshops, exhibitions andtutorials will punctuate periods o personalinvestigation and making. Experimentationis encouraged and weekly group critsanalyse the context or siting work. Youwill compile thorough documentation oyour work and ideas to evidence yourproessional practice skills.

    Towards the end o your study you willdevelop a sel-initiated, highly motivated

    attitude to your practice and research.You will proessionally install work with theadded opportunity to participate in externalexhibitions, which will be supported bytutorials, seminars, gallery visits anddiscussions. Your work in the Degree Showexhibition will be a distillation o what youhave learned and developed during yourtime at the College.


    Many graduates establish themselvesin workshops and studios, particularlyin Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop,adding to the excellent community oartists based in Scotland. They achieveconsiderable success through exhibitions,residencies and commissions nationallyand internationally. Others use their skillsto make an impact in the wider culturalcontext.

    Students are encouraged to engage inexternal opportunities through aspects oproessional practice, exhibiting, workingwith schools and communities, local,national and international institutions.Graduates are involved in a wide range othe creative industries rom galleries andmuseums to theatre and education.

    The Sculpture acilities at the College

    are great, especially the studios and

    the casting oundry. Both the tutors

    and the technicians are helpul and

    a great source o support but I have

    also loved having lots o reedom in

    my later years o study which has

    enabled me to take my work in a

    personal and exciting direction.

    Stephanie Mann

    Year 4 / Sculpture


    BA (Hons) Sculpture

    Institution Code E58

    Course Code W130

    Entry Requirements p108

    Course Duration

    4 years ull-time or 3 years

    rom entry at year 2

    Previous page:Eric Schumacher

    Graduated 2010Sculpture

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    MA (Hons) Fine Art

    mA (HONS)



    The MA (Hons) FineArt is an exciting anddemanding ve-yearundergraduate degree,taught and assessed

    jointly by EdinburghCollege o Art and theUniversity o Edinburgh.This programme isunique in the UK in thatyou will explore ideasand study within twoworld-class institutions.

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    mA (HONS)


    On this undergraduate programme you will

    spend hal your time studying within the

    School o Art at the College, where you will

    work in purpose-built studios in a riendly and

    challenging environment, supported by a team

    o committed sta. The other hal will be spent

    studying the intensive Art History componento the programme, delivered by the University

    o Edinburgh. Both institutions oer excellent

    resources and also benet rom being located

    in Edinburgh, a city that holds rst class art

    collections in its museums and galleries. The

    programme will prepare you or a range o

    careers in the art world and beyond as well as

    or postgraduate study.

    Programme Content

    Years 1 and 2

    In Year 1 you will be working in studios

    alongside students studying the BA

    (Hons) subjects (Intermedia Art, Painting,

    Photography, Sculpture) in the School

    o Art. You will be introduced to dierent

    methods, materials and approaches to

    art practice and in Year 2 you will elect to

    ocus on a subject whilst accessing skills

    and resources rom across the School.

    In Years 1 and 2 at the University you willbe introduced to a range o issues in the

    history o art rom medieval times to the

    present day, taking History o Art 1 and 2

    respectively (running in both semesters) and

    one more semester-long course each year.

    Years 3 and 4

    In the University you will choose rom avariety o specialised courses, which couldinclude aspects o medieval, Renaissance,modern and contemporary art and visualculture. In Year 3 you will write an analyticalreport and in Year 4 you will produce acritical portolio. Throughout both years,you will advance your work in art practice inthe School o Art at the College.

    Year 5

    You will write a dissertation on a topico your choice and begin a personalprogramme o studio practice and research.During the rest o the year you will engagein advanced studio work in the School oArt, constituting 50% o the nal degreegrading. It is expected that each part o thisunique degree course inorms and developsthe other, resulting in ambitious, research-intensive, highly creative written and visualwork. You will exhibit the culmination o yourwork in Edinburgh College o Arts annualDegree Show.

    Methods o teaching and assessment

    University examinations are held at the

    end o the academic year. Assessments at

    the College are held at the end o Years

    1 to 4 or progression purposes. The degree

    is awarded on the basis o the students fnal-

    year work at the College, together with the

    Year 3 and Year 4 examinations and the Year

    5 dissertation. Equal weighting is given to

    University and College work in determining

    the grade or class o the fnal degree.


    As well as working as artists, graduates

    rom this programme are involved at all levels

    in a wide range o the creative industries,

    including curating, research, conservation

    and management in galleries, museums,

    publishing, arts organisations and art

    education. Students are encouraged to

    engage in a variety o external opportunities

    through aspects o proessional practice,

    exhibiting, working with schools and

    communities, and exploring connections

    with national and international institutions.

    My course is antastic. Few other

    courses present their students with the

    opportunity to mix the theory and

    academic rigour o a history o art degreewith artistic practice. Its wonderul to

    have your work discussed and critiqued

    by the many renowned contemporary

    artists who teach at the College and

    our tutors are always supportive,

    insightul and approachable. It is both a

    challenging and rewarding experience.

    Rachael Cloughton

    Year 4 / Fine Art


    MA (Hons) Fine Art

    MA (Hons) Fine Art

    Institution Code E56

    Course Code W150

    Entry Requirements p112

    Course Duration

    5 years ull-time

    Above:Work by Bee EmmottMA (Hons) Fine ArtDegree Show 2009

    Previous page:Jake Rusby

    Graduated 2009MA (Hons) Fine Art

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    School o Design www.eca.ac.uk




    Excellence in a School o Design i s more than just reliance on a strong

    tradition o creativity in crat and studio-based practice. Here, we wo rk

    across the varying disciplines within the School to develop methods

    and approaches to people and culture that equip our students to

    design excellence into our lives.

    We are not just designing arteacts. By understanding the world around

    us and understanding where design vision and ideas lie within a global

    context, we develop challenges to the way we live. Through a process

    o collaboration, we encourage students to build with us a collective

    philosophy o what design is and what it might become.

    Edinburgh is a world-leading centre o knowledge in science,

    engineering and innovation. The School o Design is developing

    a network o these key partners which will place the School atthe oreront o research development. The studio and workshop

    environment in the School o Design is breathtaking. Our sta are

    leading practitioners and theorists in their elds. To be awarded a

    place at Edinburgh College o Art is already an achievement, and the

    Schools mission is to ensure that our graduates are equipped to

    achieve at the highest level throughout their careers.

    Students are nurtured through comprehensive training, positive

    eedback and assessment by a core team o practising designers.

    We believe in promoting a positive and honest dialogue between

    students and sta. The majority o teaching and assessment is

    through practical projects o diering lengths and complexity, carried

    out within a studio environment. Conceptual, material and technical

    issues are explored through group and one-to-one teaching, including

    practical demonstrations o appropriate equipment and techniques,

    and there are opportunities to participate in our international exchange

    programme. Regular eedback on perormance is given both verbally

    and in writing.

    We encourage our designers to create visions and identities that areboth innovative and sustainable. We are educating not only prob lem-

    solvers but also oppo rtunity-seekers. Our students will become

    the designers/thinkers/makers who will positively shape the world

    we inhabit.

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    BA (Hons) Animation



  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012






    Animation appears in a multitude o orms

    as cartoons, advertisements, music videos,

    computer games, multimedia material, special

    eects and as experimental and sponsored

    art lms. There is no limit to the variety o

    materials and methods that can be used to

    make animated lms. The creative possibilitiesin producing animation make it the ideal vehicle

    or anyone who wants to see their ideas come

    vividly to lie. At the College you will realise

    your animated ambitions. The academic and

    technical sta will supply the encouragement,

    expertise and technical acilities; you just need

    to contribute the imagination, curiosity and


    We think the best animation students arethose who are excited by the world aroundthem, who see possibilities in the mostunpromising o starting points, the oneswho are bold and adaptable. Work by ourAnimation students has won internationalprizes and is regularly screened at lmestivals around the world.

    Each o our our-year BA (Hons) degreesin art or design shares common elementso study during the early part o Year 1.Subsequently you will be introduced tothe concepts that underlie all animation.Basic principles, working practices andtechnical instruction will be covered in setprojects and exercises involving 2D and3D work, both analogue and digital. Youwill take regular drawing classes as well asworkshop sessions dealing with specictopics, such as recording and manipulatingsound and creative computing.

    Throughout your study you will develop yourideas and explore a range o techniques,thereby establishing an individual approachto your work. This will ensure that youare condent in your ability to expressideas, opinions and concerns throughyour animation. We will encourage you totake part in appropriate competitions andto work on live projects. Towards the end

    o your course most o your time will bedevoted to the planning and production oa major piece o animation in the orm o asingle project or a series o shorter pieces.Your choice o subject matter and workingmethods will be based on the experienceyou have gained.

    All programmes integrate practical studiowork with theoretical and written studies,including proessional practice elements toprepare you or employment in the industry,and a lecture/seminar series to examine thewider context o your studies.


    The careers open to graduates includeworking in lm, television, advertising andcomputer games design. Work is oten ona reelance contract although some postswill be permanent. Animation at the Collegeis part o the Edinburgh Skillset Screenand Media Academy, and benets romregular visits by proessional practitionersand rom industry events. Students have theopportunity to participate in live projectsand competitions. Our Animation graduates

    have gone on to work in well-knowncompanies such as Aardman Animations,Django, Rockstar, and Fantastic FoxProductions. Others have set up their owncompanies, or example Joseph Feltus, whohas won several major awards or his work.

    The course oers plenty o space or

    students to be adaptable and create

    their own direction and programme.

    The tutors are riendly and helpul

    and the equipment is excellent.

    Dimisthenis Panagiotakis

    Year 2 / Animation


    BA (Hons) Animation

    BA (Hons) Animation

    Institution Code E58

    Course Code W615

    Entry Requirements p108

    Course Duration

    4 years ull-time or 3 years

    rom entry at year 2

    Above:Nuria Gonzalez Blanco

    Year 4 AnimationGraduated 2010

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    BA (Hons) Fashion


  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012






    Our ashion degree oers a comprehensive

    programme o study or individuals interested

    in pursuing a career within the ashion industry.

    It is unique in its approach to ashion research

    and design practice and oers invaluable

    creative design experience by developing your

    understanding o design, contexts, illustration,accessories, knitwear, creative cutting

    techniques and applied surace decoration.

    Through a systematic structure o dynamic projects, youwill be encouraged to undertake an experimental and highlypersonal approach to your creative practice. You will learnundamental skills and apply them to new ways o workingaccording to your interests and key strengths.

    A team o proessional lecturers with specialist expertisewill help you to realise innovative and directional designideas with a personal approach and technique.

    The College actively encouragesinterdisciplinary collaboration betweendepartments including Textiles,Perormance Costume, Interior Design andProduct Design. You must be committed,talented, hardworking, sel-motivated andshow a passionate interest in your subject.

    Each o our our-year BA (Hons) degreesin art or design shares common elementso study during the early part o Year 1.Subsequently you will be introduced toashion design through a wide range oprojects and develop an understanding othe importance to your work o research.

    You will undertake a range o garment-making exercises designed to help youunderstand design and construction.You will learn to solve problems bytaking garments rom pattern cutting andprototyping through to completed outts.Lie Drawing/Drawing is taught throughoutand inorms main subject illustration work.

    You will also work on a range o projectsincluding interdisciplinary and externalcollaborations whilst developing sel-awareness in order to rene a personalapproach toward design. Tailoringtechniques will be introduced to developyour construction skills, beore designingand realising a capsule collection thatexpresses your personal design vision.The continuing element o proessionalpractice includes participation in the Mid-Point exhibition. An overseas study tripwill enhance visual research and ashionawareness. Towards the end o your studyyou will design and develop a ashioncollection based on personal research andencouraged to collaborate with studentsrom other disciplines. You will also developa design portolio suitable or presentationto potential employers.

    All programmes integrate practical studiowork with theoretical and written studies,including proessional practice elements toprepare you or employment in the industry,and a lecture/seminar series to examine thewider context o your studies.

    Your fnal collection may be shown at the

    annual Edinburgh College o Art Fashion Show

    and at Graduate Fashion Week in London.

    Both events have an international profle and

    attract attention rom press and industry.


    Careers include designer or mens or

    womens wear, setting up your own label,

    in-house designer, reelance designer, stylist,

    illustrator, retail management and buying,

    journalism, colour and abric prediction work,

    teaching. Employability is addressed through

    projects and proessional practice exercises.

    We promote key links with the Scottish textiles

    industry to develop collaborative projects

    and have established links with National

    Museums Scotland and the National Galleries

    o Scotland. Students are also supported in

    fnding work placements during their studies.

    The course has always encouraged me

    to push the boundaries o design and

    develop my own personal style iyou put a lot into it, you can defnitely

    get a great deal out. Tutors are always

    supportive and having lecturers who

    have worked within the industry is

    also very benefcial and inspiring.

    Hannah Cumming

    Year 4 / Fashion

    (Winner o the Colleges Stewart Parvin Award

    or Best Year 3 Fashion Student)


    BA (Hons) Fashion

    BA (Hons) Fashion

    Institution Code E58

    Course Code W231

    Entry Requirements p108

    Course Duration

    4 years ull-time or 3 years

    rom entry at year 2

    Previous page:Work by Jett Sweeneyat Graduate Fashion Week 2010

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    BA (Hons) Film & Television

    FILm &



  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012





    BA (Hons) Film & Television


    Moving image media are amiliar to us all as

    sources o inormation, entertainment and

    inspiration. Film & Television represents a

    rich and complex eld o study that has both

    aesthetic and industrial dimensions. The

    magical git o the shot is the creative synergy

    between what is in ront o the camera and thesubjectivity o its maker.

    This captivating dualism is at the heart o the moving image.Within Film & Television we do not ocus narrowly onany single element. You may work in established ormatssuch as documentary and drama or make experimentallms that seek to dene their own creative agenda. Ourbelie is that lm, television and video-making is a orm ocommunication. You will be encouraged to dene whatyou are saying, to whom, and by what means it is mosteectively said. This degree will provide you with a broadspectrum o practical experience to help you to use lm andvideo as a means o creative expression.

    You may become very accomplishedtechnically, but this is valued only to theextent that it assists in the creative process.The emphasis is rmly on projects as themeans by which learning occurs. As well asmaking lms in the studio, you will have theopportunity to go on location.

    Each o our our-year BA (Hons) degreesin art or design shares common elementso study during the early part o Year 1.Subsequently, the technical resourcesand working practices involved in lm andvideo production will be introduced throughtaught units, short production exercises andgroup projects. You will produce personalwork using camcorders and assist senioryear students with their productions.Working in small groups, you will produceshort documentary projects.

    As your study progresses you will havethe reedom to discover your personalstrengths within the eld o lm and videoproduction, working as writer, director,producer, cinematographer or editor ona minor project o an experimental lmand a major project o a documentary ordrama. Through working on other studentsprojects you will have the opportunity todevelop specialist skills. You will identiythe aspects o production best suited to

    your interests and abilities and will producea graduation lm or video project as writer,director, producer, cinematographer, editor,sound designer or any combination othese roles.

    All programmes integrate practical studiowork with theoretical and written studies,including proessional practice elements toprepare you or employment in the industry,and a lecture/seminar series to examine thewider context o your studies.


    Careers include: producer, director, writer,production or location manager, researcher,editor, assistant director, cinematographer,ocus-puller, clapper/loader, grip, bestboy, continuity, sound-recordist, sounddesigner, boom operator, video mixer,

    journalist. Related elds include communityvideo, academia or lm developmentagencies. Students benet rom workshopsand masterclasses provided by twomain bodies: the S cottish Documentary

    Institute, based at the College, andEdinburgh Skillset Screen and MediaAcademy/Screen Academy Scotland,through which the College and EdinburghNapier University provide postgraduateprogrammes. Recent visitors have includedproducer Andrew MacDonald andlm-maker Nick Broomeld.

    Conronted with so many dierent

    challenges, the course has really

    been a practice ground to get to

    know mysel and to learn how to

    deal with others, which is good

    preparation or the industry. I also

    appreciated the small classes they

    created a amiliar and supportive

    atmosphere in which to study.

    Anna Ewert

    Graduated 2010 / Film & Television


    BA (Hons) Film & Television

    Institution Code E58

    Course Code W620

    Entry Requirements p108

    Course Duration

    4 years ull-time or 3 years

    rom entry at year 2

    Above:Anna Ewert

    Graduated 2010Film & Television

    Previous Page:Julian Krubasik Year 4,Film & Television and SabineHelliman MFA Film Directingon location in Malawi or theJANEEMO project, 2010

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    BA (Hons) Glass



  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012





    BA (Hons) Glass


    Glass remains a antastic, intoxicating, magical

    medium as exciting in the 21st century as it

    was in the ancient world. The exploration o

    the unique properties o glass and how we

    engage with its extraordinary potential has been

    sustained at the College or a century.

    Our Glass department embraces the ull range oopportunities aorded by the material, rom the illuminationo cathedrals, the skin o high-tech buildings andshimmering installations within them, to exquisite cratedobjects in the genres o glass art and design production.Through an inormed practical knowledge o materials andcreative processes you will challenge conventions andapply your skills in a way that will continue to present newopportunities or you as an artist and designer so that yourwork will enrich peoples lives.

    Comprehensive workshop and studio

    acilities will enable you to experience

    a programme in the conception and

    production o glass which is both practical

    and theoretical. The Glass programme is a

    learning-through-making experience and is

    grounded in practice.

    Each o our our-year BA (Hons) degrees

    in art or design shares common elements

    o study during the early part o Year 1.

    Subsequently, you will undertake a ull range

    o glass-making activities through projects

    designed to introduce a basic understanding

    o techniques and workshop practices. You

    will cover stained and architectural glass,

    glass-blowing and casting, kiln-orming and

    cold-orming, including wheel-cutting and

    engraving. The projects are designed to build

    your confdence in the use o materials and

    processes and to develop your creativity.

    You will urther develop areas o specialism

    through sel-directed projects. You will be

    allocated a personal tutor through whom you

    will negotiate projects on the basis o the

    teaching and learning requirements and your

    personal development needs. We encourage

    you to take part in competitions, live projects,

    student exchanges, and studio and industrial


    All programmes integrate practical studio

    work with theoretical and written studies,

    including proessional practice elements to

    prepare you or employment in the industry,

    and a lecture/seminar series to examine the

    wider context o your studies.

    Towards the end o your course you will

    undertake sel-determined projects with

    tutorial guidance, allowing you to take a

    highly personal approach to the discipline o

    Glass. Through these projects you will extend

    your research, analysis and communication

    skills and develop your entrepreneurial,

    interpersonal and proessional abilities.


    Graduates can work in a studio environmentand exhibit and sell work through galleriesand specialist retail outlets. Alternatively,you can undertake residencies in the UK(eg North Lands Creative Glass) or abroadand work on commissions or privateclients, industrial design or on public artsprojects. Architectural glass specialists maywork on traditional stained glass projects aswell as using contemporary glass methods.Other opportunities lie in education,

    conservation and arts management.The department benets rom visitingproessional practitioners and lecturers.Students have the opportunity to participatein live projects and competitions, and havean enviable track record o success.

    Glass at Edinburgh College o Art

    is challenging yet rewarding and

    exhaustingly satisying. The tutors

    are great, have so much knowledge

    and the acilities are amazing.

    Kirstin Binnie

    Year 3 / Glass


    BA (Hons) Glass

    Institution Code E58

    Course Code W271

    Entry Requirements p108

    Course Duration

    4 years ull-time or 3 years

    rom entry at year 2

    Above:Alan Horsley

    Graduated 2010Glass

  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012





    BA (Hons) Graphic Design




  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012






    Graphic Design is an ideas-based discipline

    concerned with the creation o visual material,

    oten uniting text and imagery. Work is designed

    to be printed, projected, read or seen in specic

    contexts, and to communicate to an oten wide

    and varied audience. Graphic designers must

    be fexible in their working practices and in theway they generate ideas and solve problems

    within set parameters.

    The technology involved is constantly evolving, allowinggreater reedom and control over individual designelements such as typography, image and sound. With suchpotential or creative output, the quality o the initial ideaand the thinking behind it assumes greater importance.Graphic Designers must challenge the status quo, crossboundaries, think backwards rom the uture and developpowerul and novel solutions. They should observe and beculturally and historically aware in order to demonstrateunderstanding, openness and receptivity.

    At the College, the emphasis is on providing

    opportunities to develop your ideas, and we

    encourage bold, lateral thinking coupled with

    a clear understanding o process, technique

    and business. Our aim is to produce

    innovative, emotive, enduring and aesthetic

    design rom students who learn through

    intense sustained involvement with the design


    Each o our our-year BA (Hons) degrees

    in art or design shares common elements

    o study during the early part o Year 1.

    Subsequently, you will be introduced to

    graphic design principles and practical

    specialist processes including screen-printing,

    letterpress, calligraphy, bookbinding, drawing

    and digital techniques. You will begin to

    develop approaches and a visual vocabulary

    that will be used throughout your career.

    Through varied projects you will explore the

    design process in greater depth, addressing

    the cycle o analysis, interpretation, trial

    solution, and resolution. You will have

    opportunities to work on commercially viable

    projects, produce litho work, take part in

    industry visits, obtain work experience within

    a design agency and continue with practical

    specialist processes.

    All programmes integrate practical studio work

    with theoretical and written studies, including

    proessional practice elements to prepare you

    or employment in the industry, and a lecture/

    seminar series to examine the wider context o

    your studies.

    Projects allow or greater exploration and you

    will identiy your own personal direction and

    style. Competitions and live projects let you

    compare your work with that o your peers,

    engage in dialogue with clients, respond to

    eedback and gain genuine experience o

    production. Emphasis remains frmly upon

    innovation and creativity through the process

    o problem solving.


    Career prospects or Graphic Designgraduates are wide and varied. Most willachieve work within a design agency;others will chose to work independentlyin a reelance capacity. The range o workcan include brand/corporate identity,exhibition design, computer/screen-basedwork, packaging, publishing, advertisingand promotion. Other destinations orGraphic Design graduates include thecomputer games industry and multimedia

    programming, lm, television and thepress, and education. All the projectwork in Graphic Design is based within aproessional context. Live projects ormpart o the curriculum, supported by anenthusiastic local design industry, whichoers mentoring and eedback. Studentstake part in national and internationalcompetitions, with requent successes.

    I really enjoy my course and am inspired

    by my tutors and the people in the

    department who always set me on the

    right path, encouraging me to look at

    research in new ways and break out

    o my comort zone. The acilities are

    excellent, particularly the print workshop

    which has given me the chance to tryletterpress, screen-printing and many

    other techniques. Every project has been

    interesting and challenging; I can actually

    see the improvements and the things I

    have learnt coming through in my work.

    Katelynne Kirk

    Year 3 / Graphic Design


    BA (Hons) Graphic Design

    BA (Hons) Graphic Design

    Institution Code E58

    Course Code W210

    Entry Requirements p108

    Course Duration

    4 years ull-time or 3 years

    rom entry at year 2

    Above:Tom McWilliam

    Graduated 2010Graphic Design

  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012






    BA (Hons) Illustration


  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012






    Illustrations are seen in many settings,

    giving an artist an extremely wide choice o

    subjects and methods to work within. Imagery

    illuminates all manner o printed material:

    advertising, graphic and web design, packaging,

    postage, periodicals, books and much more.

    Contemporary practice extends its scope intotheatre, music, television, museum-related work

    and exhibitions. At the College we teach the

    language o drawing and image-making rom a

    broad methodology that includes observation,

    perception and literary interpretation.

    Illustration involves elements o applieddesign, ne art, the graphic arts and webdesign, and the College encourages aninventive approach. In proessional lie artdirectors, editors and publishers will setbries that require images to be created ora deadline.

    These actors shape the learning andteaching o Illustration, giving it a particulardynamic and momentum. Through avariety o project bries, you will beguided towards imaginative solutions andto greater exploration o visual language.You will be tutored in printmakingprocesses and observational drawing.Throughout all teaching there is appropriatereerence to the historical development oillustration and its contemporary practice.

    Each o our our-year BA (Hons) degreesin art or design shares common elementso study during the early part o Year 1.Subsequently, projects will cover a range othemes o varying scales and complexities,each demanding imaginative solutions andtechnical acility. You will be introducedto printmaking and creative computingtechniques. You will also work on projectsincluding pictorial narrative, d ocumentarywork, web design and artists books. Acreative approach is strongly supported by

    an emphasis on the importance o drawingas a process o observation, analysis andimaginative visual expression.

    All programmes integrate practical studiowork with theoretical and written studies,including proessional practice elements toprepare you or employment in the industry,and a lecture/seminar series to examine thewider context o your studies.

    Throughout the course you will identiy anddevelop your own personal direction andstyle. You may work within book illustration,editorial design and pictorial narrative; or

    explore more experimental approachesto image-making. Regular seminars andtutorials will support your academicdevelopment. Projects are balanced witha highly considered level o conceptualthinking and appropriate research.


    Illustration graduates can ollow a widerange o careers rom reelance illustrationor the publishing and design industriesto editorial design, packaging and paper

    products, web design, computer gamesindustry, printmaking, agency work inprint, design and digital media, communityarts, education and art commissions,residencies and exhibitions. Collaborationwith writers and publishers stronglyunderpins the Illustration degree, and visitsrom practitioners enhance the proessionalapproach. In addition, there is a vibrantnetwork o galleries or more exhibition-oriented work. Students are encouragedto take part in national and internationalcompetitions.

    The Illustration course is very

    interesting and provides good

    opportunities to develop my own

    ideas. The Colleges excellentacilities also open up great

    opportunities to explore a range

    o techniques and interests.

    Dominic Kesterton

    Year 2 / Illustration

    BA (Hons) Illustration


    BA (Hons) Illustration

    Institution Code E58

    Course Code W220

    Entry Requirements p108

    Course Duration

    4 years ull-time or 3 years

    rom entry at year 2

    Above:Vangeli Moschopoulos

    Graduated 2010Illustration

  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012


  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012






    Interior Design covers the study and design

    o interior space in relation to a wide range

    o public and private environments. You will

    develop skills through innovative design

    projects that will enable you to explore the

    design potential o existing buildings and nd

    new uses or old or redundant spaces. Manyapproaches are possible, ranging rom the

    sculptural and conceptual to the specic

    and technical.

    You are encouraged to treat each projectas an opportunity to study the aspects ointerior design that appear interesting orpersonally relevant, as you will increasinglybecome responsible or the content anddirection o your own work. Your designwork will be ocused through tutorials,expert advice and critical appraisal. This isreinorced by strong links with commercialdesign consultancies and architecturalpractices, creating a design culture thatis engaged in all aspects o spatial design

    and interior architecture. You must possessa high level o motivation and be ready toestablish personal goals.

    Each o our our-year BA (Hons) degreesin art or design shares common elementso study during the early part o Year 1.Subsequently, you will be set projectsthat oer a wide-ranging introduction tothe areas that comprise interior design.You will be invited to enjoy the complexityand inter-relationships o these and otherrelated subjects. As the course progresseseach project will require a much greaterpractical resolution as your creative designskills develop. You may also undertake amajor study visit: previous destinations haveincluded New York, Barcelona, Milan, Parisand Cologne. The continuing element oproessional studies includes participationin the Mid- Point exhibition.

    All programmes integrate practical studiowork with theoretical and written studies,including proessional practice elements toprepare you or employment in the industry,and a lecture/seminar series to examine thewider context o your studies.

    Towards the end o your course you willstart designing your uture career. Ratherthan complete a series o distinct projects,you will orge direct links between thedesign practice o your own projects,

    as agreed individually with sta, andyour portolio work, competitions, andthe theoretical underpinning o yourdissertation.


    A wide range o career opportunities existsor graduates: interior design practicesand consultancies dealing with retail,commercial and domestic environments;architectural oces, display and exhibitiondesign; museum design and scenography;

    and design management and marketing.The department has extensive linkswith industry and benets rom visitingproessional practitioners and lecturers.Students have the opportunity to participatein live projects and competitions, and wehave an enviable track record o success.

    Ive completely enjoyed every minute

    o my course. Yes it has been intense

    but when I look back at the last three

    years, I just think wow! Throughout

    the course, weve had the opportunity

    to work on live projects, which have

    allowed us to present our ideas to real

    clients. We also have strict deadlines,

    group projects and regular crits which

    involve presenting our work to peers.Now Im in Year 4, I can see these

    actors have prepared us or the uture.

    Laura Whitehead

    Year 4 / Interior Design

    BA (Hons) Interior Design


    BA (Hons) Interior Design

    Institution Code E58

    Course Code W250

    Entry Requirements p108

    Course Duration

    4 years ull-time or 3 years

    rom entry at year 2

    Above:Alex Etchells

    Graduated 2010Interior Design

  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012






    BA (Hons) Jewellery & Silversmithing


  • 8/3/2019 Test Eca Ug Prospectus 2012






    Jewellery & Silversmithing balances practice

    with innovation to create arteacts that

    share a common sensitivity to the complex

    relationships that humans orm with objects.

    We have a considerable reputation or resh,

    exuberant work that demonstrates originality

    and a proound understanding o materials.We support a refective understanding o the

    subject within the contexts o contemporary

    industry and its wider society. Jewellery &

    Silversmithing is managed by a dedicated team

    o sta, both ull- and part-time, who are active

    in their own proessional practice and all o

    whom have a high prole both nationally and


    Our sta exhibit and lecture widely andare committed to imparting their experienceto assist their students to move rapidlyinto the proessional world. Studentsare allocated working space within thepurpose-built studios.

    Each o our our-year BA (Hons) degrees

    in art or design shares common elements

    o study during the early part o Year 1.

    Subsequently, your study approaches

    Jewellery & Silversmithing as a means o

    expression and invention, and as design

    or the jewellery industry. Your creativity

    will be developed through a broad

    introduction to materials and specialist

    techniques underpinned by visual resea