INSIGHTS MOCK TEST SERIES 2015: TEST – 30 SOLUTIONS http://www.insightsonindia.com INSIGHTS Page 1 1. Solution: c) Jaya Prakash once stated that Total Revolution is a combination of seven revolutions, viz., political, social, economic, cultural, ideological or intellectual, educational and spiritual; and the main motive being to bring in a change in the existing society that is in tune with the ideals of the Sarvodaya. JP had a very idealistic notion of society and it is in this endeavor, he shifted from Marxism to Socialism and later towards Sarvodaya. By the early 1970s, JP completely withdrew from party and power politics, and concentrated more on social regeneration through peaceful means. JP Narayanan has been in news for some time. 2. Solution: a) http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/varanasi/Jaitleys-Buddha-Circuit-plan-is-a- masterstroke/articleshow/38184422.cms The complete map of the Buddhist Circuit comprises Lumbini in Nepal, Bodh Gaya, Vaishali and Rajgir in Bihar and Sarnath in Varanasi, Shravasti and Kushinagar. The Buddh International Circuit is also a motor racing circuit in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. The circuit is best known as the venue for the annual Formula One Indian Grand Prix, which was first hosted in October 2011 but has been suspended since the 27th of October 2013 due to an ongoing tax dispute with the Uttar Pradesh government. 3. Solution: c) This is a centenary (100 years) for Tagore’s Gitanjali Noble prize award. These lines are the very first lines of Gitanjali. Hence, such unexpected questions may be expected by UPSC. http://www.thehindu.com/features/friday-review/music/1000-voices-bengali-choir-celebrate- 100-years-of-tagores-gitanjali/article7382975.ece You can read interesting stuff about Gitanjali here (not very useful for the exam though) - http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/tagore/gitnjali.htm 4. Solution: b)

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1. Solution: c)

Jaya Prakash once stated that Total Revolution is a combination of seven revolutions, viz., political, social, economic, cultural, ideological or intellectual, educational and spiritual; and the main motive being to bring in a change in the existing society that is in tune with the ideals of the Sarvodaya.

JP had a very idealistic notion of society and it is in this endeavor, he shifted from Marxism to Socialism and later towards Sarvodaya.

By the early 1970s, JP completely withdrew from party and power politics, and concentrated more on social regeneration through peaceful means.

JP Narayanan has been in news for some time.

2. Solution: a)


The complete map of the Buddhist Circuit comprises Lumbini in Nepal, Bodh Gaya, Vaishali and Rajgir in Bihar and Sarnath in Varanasi, Shravasti and Kushinagar.

The Buddh International Circuit is also a motor racing circuit in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. The circuit is best known as the venue for the annual Formula One Indian Grand Prix, which was first hosted in October 2011 but has been suspended since the 27th of October 2013 due to an ongoing tax dispute with the Uttar Pradesh government.

3. Solution: c)

This is a centenary (100 years) for Tagore’s Gitanjali Noble prize award. These lines are the very first lines of Gitanjali. Hence, such unexpected questions may be expected by UPSC.


You can read interesting stuff about Gitanjali here (not very useful for the exam though) - http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/tagore/gitnjali.htm

4. Solution: b)

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As per the census there are 24.39 crore total number of households in the country, of which 17.91 crore live in villages. Of these, 10.69 crore households are considered as deprived. 50 percent or 5.37 crore deprived households in rural areas are landless and depend on manual labour for livelihood.

House hold size: Average size of a rural Indian household is 4.93. Highest in Uttar Pradesh at 6.26. Lowest in Andhra Pradesh at 3.86.

Male dominance: majority of 87 per cent households is male-headed. Nearly 13 per cent do have a female head. In rural areas of Rajasthan, around 91 per cent households are headed by men. In Kerala 26 per cent are women-headed households (highest among the states).

Literacy: Over one-third of population living in rural areas is illiterate. Higher literacy in terms of percentage is in Kerala (88.62), Delhi (86.42), Goa (84.58), Sikkim (79.88) and Himachal Pradesh (77.95). Lowest literacy is in Rajasthan (58), Madhya Pradesh (44.19), Bihar (43.85), Telangana (40.42) and Chattisgarh (39.59). SC and ST Population:Large proportion of the households across the country belong to the SC and ST category i.e. about 30 per cent of rural households.

Employment: Rural India is largely self-employed or employed in the unorganised sector. Around 10 per cent households are on salaried jobs of which the majority are in government jobs.

5. Solution: c)

Forex reserves do not serve any useful purpose apart from acting as a hedge against BoP crisis; to maintain the value of rupee in international market in case of excessive volatility; and to undertake sterilization in the economy.

Therefore, there was a proposal to use them for infrastructure projects.

While the proposal look simple and straight enough, there are a number of strategic considerations like nature of financing; risk in projects; BoP status; effect on money supply and inflation etc.

A decision should be made considering all the above factors.


6. Solution: a)

Eligibility to get rights under the Act is confined to those who "primarily reside in forests" and who depend on forests and forest land for a livelihood. Further, either the claimant must be a member of the Scheduled Tribes scheduled in that area or must have been residing in the forest for 75 years

• Title rights - i.e. ownership - to land that is being farmed by tribals or forest dwellers as on 13 December 2005, subject to a maximum of 4 hectares; ownership is only for land that is actually being cultivated by the concerned family as on that date, meaning that no new lands are granted

• Use rights - to minor forest produce (also including ownership), to grazing areas, to pastoralist routes, etc.

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• Relief and development rights - to rehabilitation in case of illegal eviction or forced displacement; and to basic amenities, subject to restrictions for forest protection

• Forest management rights - to protect forests and wildlife

7. Solution: d)

Almost all States have performed poorly in reducing the number of underweight adolescent girls.

Uttar Pradesh still has the highest levels of child stunting, with over 50 per cent of the children under the age of five underdeveloped, meaning that their height is more than two standard deviations less than the expected height for their age for that population.

Jharkhand, meanwhile, has the highest number of underweight children under the age of five, meaning their weight for age is more than two standard deviations less than what would be expected.

Kerala remains the best performing State in the number of child stunting cases, while Manipur and Mizoram have the lowest numbers of underweight children.

8. Solution: d)

The stabilizing tendency of the market is often know as the “invisible hand”.

When there is excess supply or lower demand for a commodity, price of a commodity lowers. This is turn revives the demand in the market and increases production of the commodity. The reverse is also true.

Optimizing behaviour of the individuals means that every individual acts rationally in their maximum self-interest. This is at the core of the principle of market forces.

Perfect competition ensures that all such transactions take place in an unrestricted and non-monopoly markets.

9. Solution: c)

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Rakhigarhi, or Rakhi Garhi is a village in Hisar District in the state of Haryana in India, situated in the north-west about 150 kilometers from Delhi. In 1963, archaeologists discovered that this place was the site of the largest known city of the Indus-Sarasvati civilization, much larger and ancient than Harappa and Mohenjodaro sites.

It is situated on the dry bed of the Sarasvati river, which is believed to have once flown through this place and dried up by 2000 BC.

According to the archaeologists, Rakhigarhi is an ideal nucleus from where the Harappan civilisation began in the Ghaggar basin in Haryana and gradually grew from here and slowly expanded to the Indus valley.

10. Solution: a)


Here is the text from the article which discusses radicalism in Central Asia:

“Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s eight-day visit to the five Central Asian States — Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan — is taking place at the most opportune juncture, for Mr. Modi has indicated that he proposes to focus on the radical Islamist threat to the region. Given the kind of extremist winds sweeping across the region, the Muslim populations of these states face uncertain times. States such as Tajikistan are especially vulnerable, as many from the ranks of their security agencies are beginning to join the Islamic State (IS).

The threats that these states face from radical Islamist elements are, indeed, real. At the same time, it is also significant that the leadership of these Central Asian States should look to India to provide them with answers on how to insulate their Muslim populations from these kinds of threats. India’s success, to date, in insulating its own Muslim population from such radicalism has gained wide acceptance, even as the so-called ‘counter radicalisation’ programmes followed in the West are proving to be a failure.”

11. Solution: d)


The CSO is responsible for coordination of statistical activities in the country, including National Income Accounting; conduct of Annual Survey of Industries, Economic Censuses, compilation of Index of Industrial Production, Consumer Price Indices etc. The most important indices used for compilation of GDP are Index of Industrial Production (IIP), Wholesale Price Index (WPI), and Consumer Price Indices – for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW), Agricultural Labourers (CPI-AL) and Rural Labourers (CPI-RL).

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This data is compiled by central and state ministries, independent departments, and other governmental organisations. For example, the Industrial Statistics Unit at the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, provides production data to the CSO for compiling IIP. Similarly, commodity-wise data on import-export, production, crop, area, WPI, CPI etc. is collected and analysed by the Price Monitoring Cell, Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution.

12. Solution: a)

Article 29 provides that any section of the citizens residing in any part of India having a distinct language, script or culture of its own, shall have the right to conserve the same.

Further, no citizen shall be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the State or receiving aid out of State funds on grounds only of religion, race, caste, or language.

Their rights are to be protected because their future in a democracy is vulnerable to the will of the majority.

13. Solution: d)

The exact cause of the stock market crash is not clear. It is still being probed. However, speculative trading is likely to be blamed.

Read here to understand what is the impact of the crash and what can be the possible causes http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/news/chinese-police-find-clues-of-3-2-trillion-stock-market-crash/articleshow/48042250.cms

Stocks finally surged few days ago due to several aggressive countermeasures taken by Chinese authorities.

These countermeasures include an interest rate cut, curbing IPOs, loosening margin requirements, allowing the use of property as collateral for margin loans, and encouraging brokerage firms to buy stocks with cash from the People’s Bank of China. Short sellers have even been threatened with arrest, which has raised eyebrows around the world.

14. Solution: b)

The powerful Typhoon Linfa has hit the southern China after it made landfall on southern province of Guangdong.

Typhoon Linfa has hit the southern province by bringing high speed winds along with heavy rain. However after it had made landfall, the typhoon has lost strength rapidly after it passed near Hong Kong due to weakened low pressure area.

Typhoon Linfa is the first of two large storms Chan-Hom and Nangka which are going to hit China. The third storm, Nangka is the most powerful among them and has reached supertyphoon strength with winds of 250 km/hr. But it has strong presence far out in the Pacific Ocean and not expected to hit any land with high strength.

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15. Solution: d)

It was indigenously developed by the DRDO and Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) as part of Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) of the 1980s.

• Manufactured using 92 per cent of indigenous machinery and can be transported anywhere via road, water or air transport.

• It is a potent supersonic mobile multi-target point, multi-directional missile, capable to engage multiple air targets simultaneously using sophisticated multi-function phased array radars.

• Capable to neutralise aerial targets like cruise missiles, fighter jets and air-to-surface missiles with strike range of 25km.

• It can destroy aerial target upto 30 km away at altitudes upto 18,000 m. • It has supersonic speed i.e. it is three times faster than that of sound and capable to carry

conventional warhead of 60 kg.

16. Solution: a)

The first system has been installed in its capital Dehradun which will issue warnings 1-40 seconds before earthquakes of magnitude 5 or more occur.

The system is designed and manufactured by Italian firm, Space Dynamics which already has installed it in Japan, Italy and US.

The system is incorporated with sensors which are capable to detect P (Primary) and S (Secondary) waves generated during an earthquake. It is capable to detect the harmless P wave, which travels faster than the S wave for advance warning. The system has the earliest detection among those currently in use worldwide.

17. Solution: a)

Under the provisions of FATCA, it is mandatory for all financial institutions outside of the US to periodically transmit information on financial accounts held by US citizens to its US Internal Revenue Service.

The agreement will promote transparency on tax matters and curb offshore tax evasion by exchange of information between the two countries. It is obligatory on signatories to exchange a wide range of financial information among themselves automatically and periodically.

Henceforth, Indian financial institutions will have to reveal information about US tax payers to the revenue department. This information will be further passed on to the US tax authorities. In turn, the US will also share similar kind of financial information with India.

18. Solution: d)

India and Kazakhstan have recently signed five agreements in various sectors focusing on strategic, economic and trade cooperation between both nations.

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Kazakhstan the world’s largest producer of uranium will supply a total of 5,000 tonnes of the natural uranium to India during the 2015-19. Thus it will play important role in India’s energy requirement and energy security.

Apart from signing these agreements, India has also shown interest in fertilizer sector in Kazakhstan due to abundance availability of Natural Gas; and hydro carbon sectors of Kazakhstan for drilling and production of crude oil.

19. Solution: d)

These villages will be developed under the Border Area Development Programme (BADP) with special emphasis on promotion of sports activities and rural tourism.

The funds under BADP for this initiative will be provided to the states as a 100 per cent non-lapsable special central assistance.

It will be supplemented from the budgetary allocation of Rs. 990 crore for the financial year 2015-16. The development of villages under BADP will include schemes such as Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Promotion of sports activities in border areas.

Skill Development Programmes along with promotion of rural tourism (i.e. border tourism) and protection of heritage sites.

It will also cover construction of helipads in remote and inaccessible hilly areas, which do not have road connectivity, skill development training to farmers for use of modern or scientific technique in farming, organic farming etc.

20. Solution: a)

Japan’s Meiji-era (1868-1912) industrial revolution sites have received World Cultural Heritage status from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Located southwest of Japan, it includes series of eleven properties that comprises Iron and Steel, coalmines and shipyards industries. It contributed in Japan’s evolution from feudalism to a successful industrialised modern economy.

It traces the development phase of Japan’s heavy industries and its integration to Western technology along with fundamental changes in its traditional culture.

21. Solution: c)

In economics, the Phillips curve is a historical inverse relationship between rates of unemployment and corresponding rates of inflation that result in an economy. Stated simply, decreased unemployment, (i.e., increased levels of employment) in an economy will correlate with higher rates of inflation.

The topic has been asked by UPSC a few times in Prelims as well as Mains, hence its important to know the concept.

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22. Solution: b)

One of the policy objectives of RBI is to ensure high-quality corporate governance in banks. RBI has issued guidelines for ‘fit and proper’ criteria for director of banks. One of these guidelines is that the directors of the banks should have special knowledge / experience in the various banking related areas. RBI can also appoint additional directors to the board of a banking company, and supersede the decisions of the boards.

The interest rates on most of the categories of deposits and lending transactions have been deregulated and are largely determined by banks. Reserve Bank regulates the interest rates on savings bank accounts and deposits of non-resident Indians (NRI), small loans up to rupees two lakh, export credits and a few other categories of advances.

23. Solution: b)

The system of gold pegging was abolished long time ago.

There is some confusion regarding the interchange of the currency with gold, but the system that India follows is that money cannot be exchanged for gold under any circumstances due to gold's lack of liquidity; therefore, money cannot be changed into gold by the RBI. India follows the same principle as Great Britain and the US.

Reserve Bank of India clarifies its position regarding the promissory clause printed on each banknote:

"As per Section 26 of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, the Bank is liable to pay the value of banknote. This is payable on demand by RBI, being the issuer. The Bank's obligation to pay the value of banknote does not arise out of a contract but out of statutory provisions.The promissory clause printed on the banknotes i.e., "I promise to pay the bearer an amount of X" is a statement which means that the banknote is a legal tender for X amount. The obligation on the part of the Bank is to exchange a banknote for coins of an equivalent amount.”

24. Solution: d)

Apart from the product method, there are two other ways of GDP calculation.

Income Method:

Under this method, national income is measured as a flow of factor incomes. There are generally four factors of production labour, capital, land and entrepreneurship. Labour gets wages and salaries, capital gets interest, land gets rent and entrepreneurship gets profit as their remuneration.

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Besides, there are some self-employed persons who employ their own labour and capital such as doctors, advocates, CAs, etc. Their income is called mixed income. The sum-total of all these factor incomes is called NDP at factor costs.

Expenditure Method:

In this method, national income is measured as a flow of expenditure. GDP is sum-total of private consumption expenditure. Government consumption expenditure, gross capital formation (Government and private) and net exports (Export-Import).

25. Solution: d)

This article explains the impact of subsidy very well. Go through the entire article.


26. Solution: d)

Greater FDI, FII and other capital flows inside the country become more profitable if the interest rates are low.

For e.g. a foreign investor will be able to earn greater returns if the investment money is available at a lower interest rate.

Moreover, NRIs are less likely to keep their deposits in India if the interest rate offered is not competitive as compared to their present residence country.

27. Solution: d)

In economics, a transfer payment (or government transfer or simply transfer) is a redistribution of income in the market system. These payments are considered to be non-exhaustive because they do not directly absorb resources or create output.

Transfer payments are made to individuals through programs such as Social Security, Welfare and Veteran's benefits. Pensions and other such schemes that benefit the public are also covered under transfer payments.

28. Solution: d)

Refer to this article for understanding the major issues associated with the scheme.


Under the GMS, an individual or entity can walk into a test centre and gets the gold melted, purity assessed and converted into bars, against which the bank will issue a certificate to the holder. On this deposit, the customer earns an interest decided by the bank, which will be exempted from

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income, wealth or capital gains taxes. On maturity, the customer can get the gold or cash back plus interest amount.

High inflation will erode the interest rate offered on the gold and people will again flock back to Gold.

Also public emotional attachment to gold may not allow them to melt the metal and convert it into gold bars.

Statement 3 is already taken care in the scheme.

29. Solution: d)

All the members of a municipality shall be elected directly by the people of the municipal area. For this purpose, each municipal area shall be divided into territorial constituencies to be known as wards.

The State government does not directly appoint the members. The state legislature may only provide for the manner of reservation of offices of chairpersons in the municipalities for SCs, STs and women.

The state legislature may (a) authorise a municipality to levy, collect and appropriate taxes, duties, tolls and fees; (b) assign to a municipality taxes, duties, tolls and fees levied and collected by state government; (c) provide for making grants-in-aid to the municipalities from the consolidated fund of the state; and (d) provide for constitution of funds for crediting all moneys of the municipalities.

30. Solution: c)

The Assembly was made a fully sovereign body, which could frame any Constitution it pleased. The act empowered the Assembly to abrogate or alter any law made by the British Parliament in relation to India.

The Assembly also became a legislative body. In other words, two separate functions were assigned to the Assembly, i.e. making of a constitution for free India and enacting of ordinary laws for the country.

In the CA, the representatives of each community were to be elected by members of that community in the provincial legislative assembly and voting was to be by the method of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote.

The representatives of princely states were to be nominated by the heads of the princely states. It is thus clear that the Constituent Assembly was to be a partly elected and partly nominated body.

The PM was appointed by the party in majority.

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31. Solution: d)

The government may resign only if it fails to pass the budget in the Parliament. Failure in passing regular public bills is not considered a defeat of the government. Passing of a no-confidence motion does.

PM can be the member of any house. It is not a convention that he must be from the lower house, neither has it been codified.

Statement 3 is more of a political tool rather than a codified convention.

32. Solution: b)

The very existence of the council depends on the will of the assembly. The council can be abolished by the Parliament on the recommendation of the assembly.

The position of the council vis-a-vis the assembly is much weaker than the position of the Rajya Sabha vis-a-vis the Lok Sabha.

The council is subordinate to the assembly in all respects.

33. Solution: d)

This issue was in news because of government planning to introduce Yoga in school curriculums; and some Indian cricket fans being booked for sedition for supporting Pakistani cricket team.

We enjoy Right to freedom of Speech, Expression, Movement, belief and so on.

All of the activities, if forced, in some way or the other violate these fundamental rights.

A law that makes these compulsory can be challenged in Supreme Court or High courts.

34. Solution: d)

The Preamble in its present form reads:

“We, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens.......”

This clearly tells that the source of authority of the constitution is the people of India.

A democratic polity, as stipulated in the Preamble, is based on the doctrine of popular sovereignty, that is, possession of supreme power by the people.

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Universal adult franchise, periodic elections, rule of law, independence of judiciary, and absence of discrimination on certain grounds are the manifestations of the democratic character of the Indian polity.

35. Solution: c)

Public-Interest Litigation is litigation for the protection of the public interest. In Indian law, Article 32 of the Indian constitution contains a tool which directly joins the public with judiciary.

A PIL may be introduced in a court of law by the court itself (suo motu), rather than the aggrieved party or another third party. For the exercise of the court's jurisdiction, it is not necessary for the victim of the violation of his or her rights to personally approach the court. In a PIL, the right to file suit is given to a member of the public by the courts through judicial activism. The member of the public may be a non-governmental organization (NGO), an institution or an individual.

The Supreme Court of India, rejecting the criticism of judicial activism, has stated that the judiciary has stepped in to give direction because due to executive inaction, the laws enacted by Parliament and the state legislatures for the poor since independence have not been properly implemented.

Subodh Markandeya well known Senior Advocate of Supreme court of India and Judicial activist believes that public interest litigation is the principal legal remedy For a common man and it is main weapon of judicial activist .

36. Solution: c)

Any provision that changes the composition of the legislative bodies will require a constitutional amendment. It is a major change and hence will require a higher majority in Parliament.

A political party is a self-governing voluntary body and is not a legislative or executive body in that sense. A change in Societies Act will do for the political parties.

Hence, this is another solution advocated by parties to break the deadlock in Parliament over women reservation.

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37. Solution: c)

Third Schedule Forms of Oaths or Affirmations for MPs, Ministers, Constitutional functionaries etc.

Fourth Schedule - Allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha to the states and the union territories.

Fifth Schedule - Provisions relating to the administration and control of scheduled areas and scheduled tribes.

Sixth Schedule - Provisions relating to the administration of tribal areas in the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.

Seventh Schedule - Division of powers between the Union and the States in terms of List I (Union List), List II (State List) and List III (Concurrent List). Presently, the Union List contains 100 subjects (originally 97), the state list contains 61 subjects (originally 66) and the concurrent list contains 52 subjects (originally 47).

Eighth Schedule - Languages recognized by the Constitution.

38. Solution: a)

None of the options is direct. You can work out by elimination.

Option B is false because the representatives are not supposed to command administration.

Option C is wrong because no branch of the government is subordinate to any other branch.

Option D is wrong because administration is directly controlled by Ministers as head of Ministries and departments.

Administration is a part of the executive branch. Hence, Option A.

39. Solution: d)

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Unlike the Rajya Sabha, the Lok Sabha is not a continuing chamber. Its normal term is five years from the date of its first meeting after the general elections, after which it automatically dissolves.

However, the President is authorised to dissolve the Lok Sabha at any time even before the completion of five years and this cannot be challenged in a court of law.

Further, the term of the Lok Sabha can be extended during the period of national emergency be a law of Parliament for one year at a time for any length of time. However, this extension cannot continue beyond a period of six months after the emergency has ceased to operate.

40. Solution: b)

The Table of Precedence is related to the rank and order of the officials of the Union and State Governments. The present notification on this subject was issued on 26 July, 1979. This notification superseded all the previous notifications and was also amended many times. The updated version of the Table, containing all the amendments made therein so far (2013), is given below:

1. President

2. Vice-President

3. Prime Minister

4. Governors of states within their respective states

5. Former presidents

5A. Deputy Prime Minister

6. Chief Justice of India

Speaker of Lok Sabha

7. Cabinet Ministers of the Union

Chief Ministers of States within their respective States

Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission

Former Prime Ministers

Leaders of Opposition in Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha

41. Solution: b)

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Article 355 imposes two duties on the Centre: (a) to protect every state against external aggression and internal disturbance; and (b) to ensure that the government of every state is carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.

This shows that the Union government has been given prominence over the state government. This shows the federal character with a Union bias i.e. quasi-federal nature of the Indian polity. The Union government has a responsibility to ensure the territorial integrity and security of the nation.

42. Solution: d)

This is a very comprehensive article that discussed every aspect of Lok Adalats. Go through the article selectively.


43. Solution: d)

Service tax is a tax levied by the government on service providers on certain service transactions, but is actually borne by the customers. It is categorized under Indirect Tax and came into existence under the Finance Act, 1994.

It is charged to the individual service providers on cash basis, and to companies on accrual basis. This tax is payable only when the value of services provided in a financial year is more than Rs 10 lakh. This tax is not applicable in the state of Jammu & Kashmir.

44. Solution: a)

The 2nd schedule of the constitution fixes the allowances, privileges, emoluments of President, Governor, CJI and other functionaries. It can be revised only after amending this part of the constitution. These are not subject to the annual vote of the Parliament.

91st amendment fixed the maximum strength of the Council of Ministers at 15% of the strength of the LS.

While the manner of election of the Panchs is fixed by constitution in form of adult franchise, the state legislature decides on the manner of election of the Sarpanch.

45. Solution: d)

Annual budget is a money bill.

A Money Bill can be introduced only in the Lok Sabha and not in the Rajya Sabha.

Rajya Sabha cannot amend or reject a Money Bill. It should return the bill to the Lok Sabha within 14 days, either with recommendations or without recommendations.

The Lok Sabha can either accept or reject all or any of the recommendations of the Rajya Sabha. In both the cases, the money bill is deemed to have been passed by the two Houses.

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46. Solution: b)

US is hoping to strengthen democracy in Tunisia especially after Beji Caid Essebsi became the first democratically elected President in 60-year history of Tunisia.

By granting the MNNA status, both countries will enhance military cooperation between them. The strong relations between both democracies will help to maintain peace and security in Tunisia as it was the birthplace of Arab Spring (Jasmine revolution) revolts across the Middle East in 2011.

It will also help Tunisia to counter the rising threat of jihadist groups especially ISIS in the region.

47. Solution: a)

Indian-origin Sunita Williams is among four veteran astronauts chosen by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to fly the first commercial space vehicles.

NASA had chosen Williams for the astronaut programme in 1998. Prior to this she was a US Navy captain and was a helicopter pilot with more than 3,000 flight hours experience in more than 30 different aircraft. Presently, she ranks 6th on the all-time US endurance list and 2nd all-time for a female astronaut. She holds the world records for most spacewalk time by a woman astronaut (50 hours, 40 minutes) and most spacewalks by a woman astronaut (seven times).

Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian-American astronaut and first Asian woman in space. She first flew on Space Shuttle Columbia in 1997 as a mission specialist and primary robotic arm operator.

48. Solution: a)

As Iran has observer status in the SCO, it will serve as a platform for India to boost trade through the Iranian ports of Bandar Abbas and Chabahar. These ports are considered as India’s gateway to Central Asia through International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC).

Thus, it will open up trade, energy sector and strategic transit routes for India between Russia, Central Asia and China.

SCO will provide platform for the security grouping for India and Pakistan especially on issue to counter terrorism.

It will also provide a valuable interface to engage with security concern of Afghanistan especially its members including India due to pullout international troops.

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SCO may also serve as guarantor for projects such as the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) and Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) pipelines, which are held by India due to security concerns.

Balance in International Politics: In this politically polarised world, SCO will play an important role in counter-balancing India’s perceived tilt on security issues towards US and its allies. Thus, it can help to maintain full balance of India’s relations with the great powers globally.

49. Solution: c)

RATS SCO, headquartered in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), is a permanent organ of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization which serves to promote cooperation of Member States against terrorism, separatism, and extremism, which it refers to as "the three evil forces."

RATS SCO includes 8 Member States (the Republic of Kazakhstan, the People's Republic of China, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan), three observers, and three dialogue partners.

To ensure the safety of border areas, the border defence cooperation mechanism under the framework of RATS SCO was established. RATS SCO has also collected and distributed to its Member States intelligence information regarding the use of the Internet by terrorist groups active in the region to promote their ideas.

Understand the operations of SCO here http://www.un.org/en/sc/ctc/news/2014-10-24_cted_shanghaicoop.html


50. Solution: a)

For Rice, alluvial rich soil is needed. With that warm and moist climate is also required.

For Millets, dry and less fertile soil also will do. That is why it is grown in semi-arid areas.

For Barley too warm and moist climate is needed. It can do without rich soil.

Tea requires cool climate even with a poor soil.

51. Solution: d)

This is the description of the Sarnath Pillar.

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The pillars have four component parts in two pieces: the three sections of the capitals are made in a single piece, often of a different stone to that of the monolithic shaft to which they are attached by a large metal dowel.

52. Solution: b)

Antarctica has the highest mean elevation among all continents.

All open oceans have same mean level because they are all connected with each other.

The deepest part of the ocean is more than 12,000 Km deep (Mariana trench); whereas Mount Everest is about 8.3 km high.

53. Solution: a)

Turkey and Lebanon are comparatively older democracies than Egypt, Libya or Tunisia which became democracies right after the Arab Spring.

In 2011, a revolution resulted in the overthrow of the autocratic President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali followed by Tunisia’s first free elections. Since then, Tunisia has been consolidating democracy.

On 7 July 2012, Libyans voted in parliamentary elections, the first free elections in almost 40 years.

The Turkish War of Independence (1919–22), initiated by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his colleagues in Anatolia, resulted in the establishment of the modern Republic of Turkey in 1923, with Atatürk as its first president.

54. Solution: a)


The WTO’s main functions are to do with trade negotiations and the enforcement of negotiated multilateral trade rules

Much attention is paid to the special needs and problems of developing and transition economies. The WTO Secretariat’s Training and Technical Cooperation Institute organizes a number of programmes to explain how the system works and to help train government officials and negotiators.

A declaration also recognizes the contribution that trade liberalization makes to the growth and development of national economies.

55. Solution: b)

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The Sushruta Samhita is commonly dated to the 6th century B.C., and is attributed to the physician Sushruta (meaning ‘very famous’ in Sanskrit). The Sushruta Samhita’s most well-known contribution to plastic surgery is the reconstruction of the nose, known also as rhinoplasty.

It may also be pointed out that the Sushruta Samhita is also one of the foundational texts of the Ayurveda, the traditional medical system of India. Therefore, the Sushruta Samhita contains more than just the description of plastic surgery procedures. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/28/indian-prime-minister-genetic-science-existed-ancient-times

56. Solution: a)

The subtropical humid climate is characterized by hot summers and mild winters, though some of the regions in this climatic type have rather cold winters. This type of climate is, however, marked by variations within it.

For example, precipitation regime (seasonal distribution) is not the same everywhere. In some areas, the summer has the maximum precipitation, while in others there is a distinct winter precipitation maximum due to cyclonic storms and frontal activity. However, in humid subtropical climate more or less rain falls throughout the year.

You can read more details at http://www.preservearticles.com/2011111717355/useful-notes-on-subtropical-humid-climate-cf-or-china-type-of-climate.html

57. Solution: d)

Coke is a fuel with few impurities and high carbon content, usually made from coal. It is the solid carbonaceous material derived from destructive distillation of low-ash, low-sulfur bituminous coal. Cokes made from coal are grey, hard, and porous. While coke can be formed naturally, the commonly used form is man-made. The form known as petroleum coke, or pet coke, is derived from oil refinery coker units or other cracking processes.

Coke is used in preparation of producer gas which is a mixture of carbon monoxide and nitrogen. Producer gas is produced by passing air over red hot coke. Coke is also used to manufacture water gas.

58. Solution: a)

The Roaring Forties are strong westerly winds found in the Southern Hemisphere, generally between the latitudes of 40 and 50 degrees. The strong west-to-east air currents are caused by the combination of air being displaced from the Equator towards the South Pole and the Earth's rotation, and there are few landmasses to serve as windbreaks.

The Roaring Forties were a major aid to ships sailing from Europe to the East Indies or Australia during the Age of Sail, and in modern usage are favoured by yachtsmen on round-the-world voyages and competitions. The boundaries of the Roaring Forties are not consistent, and shift

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north or south depending on the season. Similar but stronger conditions occur in more southerly latitudes and are referred to as the Furious Fifties and Shrieking or Screaming Sixties.

59. Solution: d)

Bengal revolutionaries during the freedom struggle took shelter in Tripura.

Moreover, communism in the state had its beginnings in the pre-independence era, inspired by freedom struggle activities in Bengal, and culminating in regional parties with communist leanings.

It capitalised on the tribal dissatisfaction with the mainstream rulers, and has been noted for connection with the "sub-national or ethnic searches for identity

60. Solution: c)


Methane has no smell. It is the main ingredient of natural gas, but the smell that consumers associate with natural gas is actually a chemical added by the gas company to make leaks obvious. Humans cannot sense methane itself, although at times it is present with another gas, hydrogen sulfide, that has an evident stink. But because the methane is often pure, miners long ago began carrying canaries to work with them, knowing that when the birds showed signs of distress it was time to get out.

The main method for getting methane out of mines is to pump fresh air in, so much that visitors can often feel a breeze.

61. Solution: a)

Hard water contains considerable amount of dissolved carbonates of magnesium & Calcium in room temperature.

When they are boiled inside boilers the decomposed calcium & magnesium carbonates (solids) blocks the pipe lines inside them which leads the pressure inside the boiler to increase rapidly without control. This may cause the boilers to rupture. This blocking inside the pipes does not suddenly happen in a day or two. It happens very slowly. It is expensive task to clean boilers regularly. Therefore, hard water is not used inside boilers.

62. Solution: b)

A keystone species is a species that has a disproportionately large effect on its environment relative to its abundance.

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Such species are described as playing a critical role in maintaining the structure of an ecological community, affecting many other organisms in an ecosystem and helping to determine the types and numbers of various other species in the community.

The role that a keystone species plays in its ecosystem is analogous to the role of a keystone in an arch. While the keystone is under the least pressure of any of the stones in an arch, the arch still collapses without it.

63. Solution: a)

An anti-cyclone -- also known as a high pressure area -- is a large atmospheric circulation system with the wind flowing clockwise around it in the Northern Hemisphere, and counter-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

Anticyclones form from air masses cooling more than their surroundings, which causes the air to contract slightly making the air denser. Since dense air weighs more, the weight of the atmosphere overlying a location increases, causing increased surface air pressure.

The air mass cooling that results in an anticyclone forming can be caused by either conduction as the air flows over a relatively cool ocean surface, or through the loss of infrared radiation over land during the fall, winter, or spring when little sunlight is available to warm the air mass.

The strongest anticyclones occur over snow-covered portions of Asia and North America in the winter when clear, dry air masses cool from a loss of infrared radiation, while little sunlight is absorbed to offset that infrared cooling.

64. Solution: c)

The principal components of volcanic gases are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur either as sulfur dioxide (SO2) (high-temperature volcanic gases) or hydrogen sulfide (H2S) (low-temperature volcanic gases), nitrogen, argon, helium, neon, methane, carbon monoxide and hydrogen.

Understanding gases dissolved in magma is critical in understanding why volcanoes erupt. Bodies of magma rise in the crust until they reach a point of neutral buoyancy. The expansion of gases brings the magma closer to the surface and drives eruptions. The interaction between the viscosity

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and temperature of the magma and the gas content determines if an eruption will be effusive or explosive.

65. Solution: a)

The streams within a drainage basin form certain patterns, depending on the slope of land, underlying rock structure as well as the climatic conditions of the area.

These are dendritic, trellis, rectangular, and radial patterns. The dendritic pattern develops where the river channel follows the slope of the terrain. The stream with its tributaries resembles the branches of a tree, thus the name dendritic. A river joined by its tributaries, at approximately right angles, develops a trellis pattern.

A trellis drainage pattern develops where hard and soft rocks exist parallel to each other. A rectangular drainage pattern develops on a strongly jointed rocky terrain. The radial pattern develops when streams flow in different directions from a central peak or dome like structure.

A combination of several patterns may be found in the same drainage basin.

66. Solution: c)

The Brahmaputra rises in Tibet east of Mansarowar lake very close to the sources of the Indus and the Satluj. It is slightly longer than the Indus, and most of its course lies outside India. It flows eastwards parallel to the Himalayas. On reaching the Namcha Barwa (7757 m), it takes a ‘U’ turn and enters India in Arunachal Pradesh through a gorge.

Here, it is called the Dihang and it is joined by the Dibang, the Lohit, the Kenula and many other tributaries to form the Brahmaputra in Assam. In Tibet the river carries a smaller volume of water and less silt as it is a cold and a dry area. In India it passes through a region of high rainfall.

Here the river carries a large volume of water and considerable amount of silt. The Brahmaputra has a braided channel in its entire length in Assam and forms many riverine islands.

67. Solution: d)

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Western Ghats runs from north to south close to the western coast.

Most of the major rivers of the Peninsula such as the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna and the Kaveri flow eastwards and drain into the Bay of Bengal. These rivers make deltas at their mouths. There are numerous small streams flowing west of the Western Ghats.

The Narmada and the Tapi are the only long rivers, which flow west and make estuaries. The drainage basins of the peninsular rivers are comparatively small in size.

68. Solution: d)

Due to the curvature of the earth, the amount of solar energy received varies according to latitude. As a result, air temperature decreases from the equator towards the poles. As one goes from the surface of the earth to higher altitudes, the atmosphere becomes less dense and temperature decreases. The hills are therefore cooler during summers.

The pressure and wind system of any area depend on the latitude and altitude of the place. Thus it influences the temperature and rainfall pattern. The sea exerts a moderating influence on climate: As the distance from the sea increases, its moderating influence decreases and the people experience extreme weather conditions. This condition is known as continentality (i.e. very hot during summers and very cold during winters).

Ocean currents along with onshore winds affect the climate of the coastal areas, For example, any coastal area with warm or cold currents flowing past it, will be warmed or cooled if the winds are onshore.

69. Solution: d)

These low-pressure systems, originate over the Mediterranean Sea and western Asia and move into India, along with the westerly flow. They cause the much-needed winter rains over the plains and snowfall in the mountains. Although the total amount of winter rainfall locally known as ‘mahawat’ is small, they are of immense importance for the cultivation of ‘rabi’ crops.

The peninsular region does not have a well-defined cold season. There is hardly any noticeable seasonal change in temperature pattern during winters due to the moderating influence of the sea.

70. Solution: d)

The reason is orographic rainfall on the western side of the Western Ghats. Clouds condense and precipitate because of their collision with the western slopes of the mountains.

Moreover, the western slopes are highly continuous. So, few clouds can escape to the other side of the mountain.

Hence, lesser rainfall and lesser vegetation.

71. Solution: d)

India is known for its herbs and spices from ancient times. Some 2,000 plants have been described in Ayurveda and at least 500 are in regular use. The World Conservation Union’s Red list has

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named 352 medicinal plants of which 52 are critically threatened and 49 endangered. The commonly used plants in India are:

Sarpagandha : Used to treat blood pressure; it is found only in India.

Jamun : The juice from ripe fruit is used to prepare vinegar which is carminative and diuretic, and has digestive properties. The powder of the seed is used for controlling diabetes.

Arjun : The fresh juice of leaves is a cure for earache. It is also used to regulate blood pressure.

Babool : Leaves are used as a cure for eye sores. Its gum is used as a tonic.

Neem : Has high antibiotic and antibacterial properties.

Tulsi Plant : Is used to cure cough and cold.

Kachnar : Is used to cure asthma and ulcers. The buds and roots are good for digestive problems.

72. Solution: a)

Fault is a linear break in rocks of the earth’s crust along which there has been displacement in a horizontal, vertical or oblique direction.

Fold is a bend in the rock strata resulting from compression of an area of the earth’s crust.

Geosyncline is a narrow, shallow, elongated basin with a sinking bottom in which a considerable thickness of sediments was deposited by the rivers coming from Angara and Gondwanaland.

73. Solution: b)

Technically, all the resources within the territorial extent belong to the nation. The country has legal powers to acquire even private property for public good.

There are international institutions which regulate some other resources outside territorial extent of the nation. The oceanic resources beyond 200 km of the Exclusive Economic Zone belong to open ocean and no individual country can utilise these without the concurrence of international institutions.

74. Solution: b)

The Sundarban Delta derives its name from its name from the Sundari tree which grows well in marshland.

Alternatively, it has been proposed that the name is a corruption of Samudraban, Shomudrobôn ("Sea Forest"), or Chandra-bandhe (name of a primitive tribe). However, the generally accepted view is the one associated with Sundari trees.

It is the world’s largest and fastest growing delta. It is also the home of Royal Bengal tiger.

75. Solution: d)

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Materials in the environment which have the potential to satisfy human needs but human beings do not have the appropriate technology to access these, are included among stock.

For example, water is a compound of two inflammable gases; hydrogen and oxygen, which can be used as a rich source of energy.

But we do not have the required technical ‘know how’ to use them for this purpose. Hence, it can be considered as stock.

76. Solution: a)

Soils in the drier areas are more alkaline and can be productive after proper treatment and irrigation.

In some areas the salt content is very high and common salt is obtained by evaporating the water. Due to the dry climate, high temperature, evaporation is faster and the soil lacks humus and moisture.

Ploughing the soil in a wrong way i.e. up and down the slope form channels for the quick flow of water that lead to soil erosion. So soil must be loosened and turned properly.

77. Solution: d)

Habitat destruction, hunting, poaching, over-exploitation, environmental pollution, poisoning and forest fires are factors, which have led to the decline in India’s biodiversity.

Other important causes of environmental destruction are unequal access, inequitable consumption of resources and differential sharing of responsibility for environmental well-being.

Over-population in third world countries is often cited as the cause of environmental degradation. However, an average American consumes 40 times more resources than an average Somalian.

Similarly, the richest five per cent of Indian society probably cause more ecological damage because of the amount they consume than the poorest 25 per cent. The former shares minimum responsibilities for environmental well-being.

78. Solution: d)

Reserved forests are forest lands are protected from any further depletion.

Protected forests are regarded as most valuable as far as the conservation of forest and wildlife resources.

Unclassed forests are other forests and wastelands belonging to both government and private individuals and communities.

79. Solution: d)

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After Gandhiji’s martyrdom, Vinobha Bhave undertook padyatra to spread Gandhiji’s message covered almost the entire country.

Once, when he was delivering a lecture at Pochampalli in Andhra Pradesh, some poor landless villagers demanded some land for their economic well-being. Vinoba Bhave could not promise it to them immediately but assured them to talk to the Government of India regarding provision of land for them if they undertook cooperative farming.

Suddenly, Shri Ram Chandra Reddy stood up and offered 80 acres of land to be distributed among 80 land-less villagers. This act was known as ‘Bhoodan’. Later he travelled and introduced his ideas widely all over India. Some zamindars, owners of many villages offered to distribute some villages among the landless. It was known as Gramdan. However, many land-owners chose to provide some part of their land to the poor farmers due to the fear of land ceiling act. This Bhoodan-Gramdan movement initiated by Vinobha Bhave is also known as the Blood-less Revolution.

80. Solution: d)

His principles of Dhamma were clearly stated in his Edicts. The main features of Asoka’s Dhamma as mentioned in his various Edicts may be summed as follows:

• Service to father and mother, practice of ahimsa, love of truth, reverence to teachers and good treatment of relatives.

• Prohibition of animal sacrifices and festive gatherings and avoiding expensive and meaningless ceremonies and rituals.

• Efficient organization of administration in the direction of social welfare and maintenance of constant contact with people through the system of Dhammayatras.

• Humane treatment of servants by masters and prisoners by government officials. • Consideration and non-violence to animals and courtesy to relations and liberality to

Brahmins. • Tolerance among all the religious sects. • Conquest through Dhamma instead of through war.

81. Solution: d)

Mathura School of Art developed at Mathura in modern Uttar Pradesh is called the Mathura art. It flourished in the first century A.D. In its early phase, the Mathura school of art developed on indigenous lines.

The Buddha images exhibit the spiritual feeling in his face which was largely absent in the Gandhara school. The Mathura school also carved out the images of Siva and Vishnu along with their consorts Parvathi and Lakshmi.

The female figures of yakshinis and apsaras of the Mathura school were beautifully carved.

82. Solution: d)

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The king had also taken the advice of his minister, court-poet and the imperial court or avai.

The king was assisted by a large body of officials who were divided into five councils. They were ministers (amaichar), priests (anthanar), military commanders (senapathi), envoys (thuthar) and spies (orrar).

The military administration was also efficiently organized during the Sangam Age. Each ruler had a regular army and their respective Kodimaram (tutelary tree). Land revenue was the chief source of state’s income while custom duty was also imposed on foreign trade.

83. Solution: c)

Out of his nine years stay in India, he spent six years in the Gupta empire. He came to India by the land route through Khotan, Kashgar, Gandhara and Punjab.

He visited Peshawar, Mathura, Kanauj, Sravasti, Kapilavastu, Kusinagara, Pataliputra, Kasi and Bodh Gaya among other places. He returned by the sea route, visiting on the way Ceylon and Java. The main purpose of his visit was to see the land of the Buddha and to collect Buddhist manuscripts from India. He stayed in Pataliputra for three years studying Sanskrit and copying Buddhist texts.

Fahien provides valuable information on the religious, social and economic condition of the Gupta empire.

According to him, Buddhism was in a flourishing condition in the northwestern India but in the Gangetic valley it was in a state of neglect. He refers to the Gangetic valley as the ‘land of Brahmanism’

84. Solution: c)

During the British period cotton belts of India attracted the British and ultimately cotton was exported to Britain as a raw material for their textile industries.

Champaran movement was started in 1917 in Bihar. This was started because farmers of that region were forced to grow indigo on their land because it was necessary for the textile industries which were located in Britain.

They were unable to grow foodgrains to sustain their families.

85. Solution: a)

The basic form of the Hindu temple comprises the following:

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(i) a cave-like sanctum (garbhagriha literally ‘womb-house’), which, in the early temples, was a small cubicle with a single entrance and grew into a larger chamber in time. The garbhagriha is made to house the main icon which is itself the focus of much ritual attention;

(ii) the entrance to the temple which may be a portico or colonnaded hall that incorporates space for a large number of worshippers and is known as a mandapa;

(iii) from the fifth century CE onwards, freestanding temples tend to have a mountain-like spire, which can take the shape of a curving shikhar in North India and a pyramidal tower, called a vimana, in South India;

(iv) the vahan, i.e., the mount or vehicle of the temple’s main deity along with a standard pillar or dhvaj is placed axially before the sanctum. Two broad orders of temples in the country are known— Nagara in the north and Dravida in the south.

86. Solution: a)

Cyrus the Great was the greatest conqueror of the Achaemenian Empire. He was the first conqueror who led an expedition and entered into India.

The Persian invasion provided an impetus to the growth of Indo-Iranian commerce. Also, it prepared the ground for Alexander’s invasion. The use of the Kharoshti script, a form of Iranian writing became popular in northwestern India and some of Asoka’s edicts were written in that script.

We are able to see the influence of Persian art on the art of the Mauryas, particularly the monolithic pillars of Asoka and the sculptures found on them. The very idea of issuing edicts by Asoka and the wording used in the edicts are traced to Iranian influence. In short, the Iranian connection with India proved more fruitful than the short-lived Indo-Macedonian contact.

87. Solution: d)

Samudragupta was the greatest of the rulers of the Gupta dynasty. The Allahabad Pillar inscription provides a detailed account of his reign. It refers to three stages in his military campaign

• Against some rulers of North India • His famous Dakshinapatha expedition against South Indian rulers • A second campaign against some other rulers of North India.

He did not destroy and annex South Indian kingdoms. Instead, he defeated the rulers but gave them back their kingdoms. He only insisted on them to acknowledge his suzerainty.

88. Solution: d)

According to the Permanent Land revenue settlement the Zamindars were recognised as the permanent owners of the land. They were given instruction to pay 89% of the annual revenue to the state and were permitted to enjoy 11% of the revenue as their share. They were left independent in the internal affairs of their respective districts.

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The Zamindars were required to issue Patta and Quabuliyats to the cultivators mentioning the area of their land, and the amount of revenue to be paid by them to the state. The historians have expressed divergent opinions about its merits and demerits.

By making the Zamindars the owners of the land, the settlement created a class of loyal land lords who formed a stable element in the state. The permanent settlement secured the political support of the Zamindars of Bengal who stood loyal during the great mutiny of 1857.

89. Solution: d)

The Chalukya administration was highly centralized unlike that of the Pallavas and the Cholas. Village autonomy was absent under the Chalukyas.

The Chalukyas had a great maritime power. Pulakesin II had 100 ships in his navy. They also had a small standing army.

The village administration was carried on by the village headmen in the Rashtrakuta administration. However, the village assemblies played a significant role in the village administration.

90. Solution: b)

The English East India Company was established in 1600 and the Charter was issued by Queen Elizabeth of England.

Captain Hawkins arrived at the royal court of Jahangir in 1609 to seek permission to establish English trading centre at Surat. But it was refused by the Mughal Emperor due to Portuguese pressure.

Later in 1612, Jahangir issued a farman (permission letter) to the English and they established a trading factory at Surat in 1613.

91. Solution: a)

The Third Carnatic War ended with the French defeat. The French agreed to confine its activities in Pondicherry, Karaikkal, Mahe and Yenam. Thus the Anglo-French rivalry came to a close with British success and French failure.

The causes for the French failure can be summed up as follows:

• Britishers were superior in commerce and naval power. • Lack of support from the French government. • French had support only in the Deccan but the English had a strong base in Bengal. • English had three important ports – Calcutta, Bombay and Madras but French had only

Pondicherry. • Difference of opinion between the French Generals. • England’s victory in the European wars decided the destiny of the French in India.

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92. Solution: d)

Mahatma Gandhi protested against the Communal Award and went on a fast unto death in the Yeravada jail on 20 September 1932.

Finally, an agreement was reached between Dr Ambedkar and Gandhi. This agreement came to be called as the Poona Pact.

The British Government also approved of it. Accordingly, 148 seats in different Provincial Legislatures were reserved for the Depressed Classes in place of 71 as provided in the Communal Award. The third Round Table Conference came to an end in 1932.

93. Solution: d)

The Woods dispatch - The establishment of departments of public instructions in five provinces and introduction of the pattern of grants in aid to encourage private participation in the field of education were recommended.

Besides, the dispatch also laid emphasis on the establishment of schools for technical education, teacher and women education. Over and above all these, the dispatch recommended the establishment of one University each in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras, on the model of the London University.

Consequently, within the next few years, the Indian education became rapidly westernized.

94. Solution: a)

In 1878, the Vernacular Press Act was passed. This Act empowered a Magistrate to secure an undertaking from the editor, publisher and printer of a vernacular newspaper that nothing would be published against the English Government. The equipment of the press could be seized if the offence was committed. This Act crushed the freedom of the Indian press. This created adverse public opinion against the British Government.

In the same year, the Arms Act was passed. This Act prevented the Indians to keep arms without appropriate license. Its violation would be a criminal offence. The Europeans and the Anglo- Indians were exempted from the operation of these legislations.

95. Solution: d)

Ripon believed that self-government is the highest and noblest principles of politics. Therefore, Ripon helped the growth of local bodies like the Municipal Committees in towns and the local boards in taluks and villages. The powers of municipalities were increased. Their chairmen were to be non-officials. They were entrusted the care of local amenities, sanitation, drainage and water-supply and also primary education.

District and taluk boards were created. It was insisted that the majority of the members of these boards should be elected non-officials. The local bodies were given executive powers with financial resources of their own. It was perhaps the desire of Ripon that power in India should be gradually transferred to the educated Indians.

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96. Solution: a)

Swami Vivekananda participated at the Parliament of Religions held in Chicago (USA) in September 1893 and raised the prestige of India and Hinduism very high.

He said that all religions teach the same thing and gave the philosophy of ‘vasudhaiv kutumbakam’. It meant that we all belong to the earth and that entire humanity is our family. He then argued on the essential unity of all religions. He also mentioned that Hinduism captures the essence of all major religions and is more all-encompassing than other religions.

He asked the people to improve the lives of the poor and depressed classes. He believed that service to mankind is service to God. Vivekananda preached the message of strength and self-reliance.

97. Solution: d)

• The Moderates were able to create a wide national awakening among the people. • They popularized the ideas of democracy, civil liberties and representative institutions. • They explained how the British were exploiting Indians. Particularly, Dadabhai Naoroji in

his famous book Poverty and UnBritish Rule in India wrote his Drain Theory. He showed how India’s wealth was going away to England in the form of: (a) salaries,(b)savings, (c) pensions, (d) payments to British troops in India and (e) profits of the British companies. In fact, the British Government was forced to appoint the Welby Commission, with Dadabhai as the first Indian as its member, to enquire into the matter.

• Some Moderates like Ranade and Gokhale favoured social reforms. They protested against child marriage and widowhood.

• The Moderates had succeeded in getting the expansion of the legislative councils by the Indian Councils Act of 1892.

98. Solution: d)

Two Home Rule Leagues were established, one by B.G. Tilak at Poona in April 1916 and the other by Mrs. Annie Besant at Madras in September 1916. The aim of the Movement was to get self-government for India within the British Empire. It believed freedom was the natural right of all nations. Moreover, the leaders of the Home Movement thought that India’s resources were not being used for her needs.

The two Leagues cooperated with each other as well with the Congress and the Muslim League in putting their demand for home rule. While Tilak’s Movement concentrated on Maharashtra, Annie Besant’s Movement covered the rest of the country. The Home Rule Movement had brought a new life in the national movement. There was a revival of Swadeshi. Women joined in larger numbers.

99. Solution: a)

Warren Hastings realized the immediate need for introducing reforms by abolishing the dual system.

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The East India Company decided to act as Diwan and to undertake the collection of revenue by its own agents. Hence, the Dual System introduced by Robert Clive was abolished. As a measure After the abolition of the Dual System, the responsibility of collecting the revenue fell on the shoulders of the Company.

For that purpose, a Board of Revenue was established at Calcutta to supervise the collection of revenue. English Collectors were appointed in each district.

100. Solution: d)


The controversial move by the Maharashtra government to derecognise madrassas has created furore.

The government argued that madrassas only gave religious instruction and did not impart formal education in subjects such as science, maths, social science and English. Justifying it, state Minority Affairs Minister Eknath Khadse said if madrassas started teaching these four subjects, they would be considered as schools.

Khadse said, "Our Constitution says every child has the right to take formal education that madrasas do not give. They are just educating children on religion and not giving them any formal education."