Test 2 Post Mortem Topics Topics Questions and points Grade Distribution Answers April, 2006 CSCE 531 Compiler Construction

Test 2 Post Mortem Topics Questions and points Grade Distribution Answers April, 2006 CSCE 531 Compiler Construction

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Test 2 Post MortemTest 2 Post Mortem

Topics Topics Questions and points Grade Distribution Answers

April, 2006

CSCE 531 Compiler Construction

– 2 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

Questions and Point EvaluationsQuestions and Point Evaluations

1. LR(1) sets of items (14)1. LR(1) sets of items (14)

2.2. LR(1) Parse Table (12)LR(1) Parse Table (12)

3.3. LALR(1) Parse Table (8)LALR(1) Parse Table (8)

4.4. Do alternatingly (16)Do alternatingly (16)

5.5. Boolean (20)Boolean (20) Markers Grammar extensions Attributes Quadruples

6.6. Annotated Parse Tree (14)Annotated Parse Tree (14)

7.7. Activation Records (14)Activation Records (14)

– 3 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

Grade DistributionGrade Distribution

– 4 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

LR(1) functions: Closure fig 4.38LR(1) functions: Closure fig 4.38

Closure (Closure (II))

Add Add II to Closure ( to Closure (II))


for each item [Afor each item [Aα α •• BBββ, a] in Closure (, a] in Closure (II) )

for each production Bfor each production B γγ and and

each token b in FIRST*(each token b in FIRST*(ββa)a)

add [Badd [B •• γγ , b] to closure( , b] to closure(II) if it is new) if it is new

until no new items can be added to closure(until no new items can be added to closure(II) )

Note error in textNote error in text

– 5 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

1. LR(1) Sets of Items1. LR(1) Sets of Items


T T y T yy T y

T T x T xx T x

T T εε

Augment with S’ Augment with S’ S S

JJ00 = closure({[S’ = closure({[S’ ● S, $]}) ● S, $]}) = {[S’ = {[S’ ● S, $], ● S, $],

[S[S ● T, $], ● T, $],[T[T ● y T y , $], ● y T y , $],[T[T ● x T x , $], ● x T x , $],[T[T ● , $], ● , $],


JJ11 = GOTO(J = GOTO(J00, S) , S)

= closure({[S’ = closure({[S’ S ●, $]}) S ●, $]})

= { [S’ = { [S’ S ●, $] } S ●, $] }

JJ22 = GOTO(J = GOTO(J00, T) , T)

= closure({[S = closure({[S T ●, $]}) T ●, $]})

= { [S = { [S T ●, $] } T ●, $] }

JJ33 = GOTO(J = GOTO(J00, y) , y)

= closure({[T = closure({[T y ● T y, $]}) y ● T y, $]})

(details on next page)(details on next page)

JJ44 = GOTO(J = GOTO(J00, x) , x)

= closure({[T = closure({[T x ● T x, $]}) x ● T x, $]})

(details on next page)(details on next page)

– 6 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

1. LR(1) Sets of Items continued1. LR(1) Sets of Items continued

JJ33 = GOTO(J = GOTO(J00, y) , y)

= closure({[T = closure({[T y ● T y, $]}) y ● T y, $]})

= { [T = { [T y ● T y , $], y ● T y , $], First*(y$) = {y}First*(y$) = {y}

[T [T ● y T y , y], ● y T y , y],

[T [T ● x T x , y], ● x T x , y],

[T [T ● , y], ● , y],


– 7 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

1. LR(1) Sets of Items continued1. LR(1) Sets of Items continued

JJ44 = GOTO(J = GOTO(J00, x) , x)

= closure({[T = closure({[T x ● T x, $]}) x ● T x, $]})

= { [T = { [T x ● T x , $], x ● T x , $], First*(x$) = {x}First*(x$) = {x}

[T [T ● y T y , x], ● y T y , x],

[T [T ● x T x , x], ● x T x , x],

[T [T ● , x], ● , x],


Now that handles all of the GOTOs from JNow that handles all of the GOTOs from J00 . .

The GOTOs from JThe GOTOs from J11 and J and J22 are empty so we are empty so we proceed to Jproceed to J33 and then J and then J44 . .

– 8 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

1. Continued – See Figure1. Continued – See Figure

– 9 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

Question 2. LR(1) Parse TableQuestion 2. LR(1) Parse Table

StateState yy xx $$ SS TT

00 33 44 11 22

11 acceptaccept

22 r1r1

33 s7 / r4s7 / r4 s8s8 55

44 s11s11 s12 / r4s12 / r4 99

55 s6s6

66 r2r2

77 s7 / r4s7 / r4 s8s8 1313

88 s11s11 s12 / r4s12 / r4 1717

99 s10s10

1010 r3r3

action goto

– 10 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

Question 2. LR(1) Parse TableQuestion 2. LR(1) Parse Table

StateState yy xx $$ SS TT

1111 s7 / r4s7 / r4 s8s8 1515

1212 1919

1313 s14s14

1414 r2r2

1515 s16s16

1616 r2r2

1717 s18s18

1818 r3r3

1919 s20s20

2020 r3r3

action goto

– 11 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

Question 3. LALR(1) Parse TableQuestion 3. LALR(1) Parse Table

StateState yy xx $$ SS TT

00 33 44 11 22

11 acceptaccept

22 r1r1

3_7_113_7_11 s7 / r4s7 / r4 s8s8 55

4_8_124_8_12 s11s11 s12 / r4s12 / r4 99

5_13_155_13_15 s6s6

6_14_166_14_16 r2r2

9_17_199_17_19 s10s10

10_18_2010_18_20 r3r3

action goto

– 12 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

4. Do alternatingly4. Do alternatingly

S S do T M do T M11 L L11 N alternatingly M N alternatingly M22 L L22 until M until M33 B B {{


TT εε { tmp = newtemp(); emit(tmp := 0;) ${ tmp = newtemp(); emit(tmp := 0;) $$=tmp; }$=tmp; }

– 13 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

Do Alternatingly PictureDo Alternatingly Picture




S S do T M do T M11 L L11 N alternatingly M N alternatingly M22 L L22 until M until M33 B B


T57 := 0

T57 := 1- T57If t57 == 0 goto M1.quadgoto M2.quad



L1 L1.next





Common errors-5 backpatch(B.false, M2.quad);-2 backpatch(B.true, xxx);-7 backpatch(B.false, …); twice -5 wrong markers-10 static/dynamic problem (slide after the next slide)

– 14 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

4. Do alternatingly4. Do alternatingly

S S do T M do T M11 L L11 N alternatingly M N alternatingly M22 L L22 until M until M33 B B {{

backpatch(Lbackpatch(L11.next, M.next, M33.quad);.quad);

backpatch(Lbackpatch(L22.next, M.next, M33.quad);.quad);

backpatch(N.next, Mbackpatch(N.next, M33.quad);.quad);

backpatch(B.false, nextquad);backpatch(B.false, nextquad);

emit( T57 := 1 - T57);

emit( if t57 == 0 goto M1.quad);

emit( goto M2.quad);

S.next = B.true;


Attribute Checklist1.1. L1.nextL1.next2.2. L2.nextL2.next3.3. M1.quadM1.quad4.4. M2.quadM2.quad5.5. M3.quadM3.quad6.6. N.nextN.next7.7. B.falseB.false8.8. B.trueB.true9.9. S.nextS.next

– 15 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

4. Most Illustrative Error Award4. Most Illustrative Error Award

S S do T M do T M11 L L11 N alternatingly M N alternatingly M22 L L22 until M until M33 B B {{


if ( t != 0) {if ( t != 0) {

backpatch ( B.false, Mbackpatch ( B.false, M22.quad );.quad );

} else {} else {

backpatch ( B.false, Mbackpatch ( B.false, M55.quad );.quad );


t = 1 – t ;t = 1 – t ;



What’s dynamic?What’s static?

– 16 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

Question 5 BooleansQuestion 5 Booleans

a.a. Add MarkersAdd Markers easy

b.b. Extend the grammar sufficiently Extend the grammar sufficiently Bid GT id // to handle r > s Bid LT intconst // to handle r < 0 B E relop E with Eid | intconst and relopLT | GT | EQ

is better

c.c. Attributes neededAttributes needed Usual suspects T needs T.place

– 17 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

Parse TreeParse Tree




while M1B do M2 L



B1or M1 B2

B1and M1 B2

id GT idid GT id

id LT id

Parse Tree for:Parse Tree for:

while t < s orwhile t < s or r > s and s > t do r > s and s > t do

x = x + 1 ;x = x + 1 ;

r = r/3 ;r = r/3 ;

endloop ;endloop ;

y = r + s ;y = r + s ;

id = E

id + id


To allow it to fit:To allow it to fit:

1.1. I left out the I left out the semicolonssemicolons

2.2. I left out the I left out the body of the body of the loop.loop.

Also I assume Also I assume that the that the reduction of reduction of the while will the while will emit(goto, M1)emit(goto, M1)

– 18 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

QuadNoQuadNo OpcodeOpcode LeftLeft RightRight ResultResult TargetTarget

4141 IF-LTIF-LT tt ss


4343 IF-GTIF-GT rr ss


4545 IF-GTIF-GT ss tt


4747 ADDADD xx 11 T0T0


4949 DIVDIV rr 33 T1T1


5151 GOTOGOTO 4141

5252 ADDADD rr ss T2T2



– 19 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

Pre-Annotation Comments Pre-Annotation Comments




while M1B do M2 L



B1or M1 B2

B1and M1 B2

id GT idid GT id

id LT id

id = E

id + id

AttributesAttributes B.tB.t B.fB.f id.placeid.place M.quadM.quad S.nextS.next L.nextL.next E.placeE.place

Now we will Now we will annotate annotate each node each node with the with the value of its value of its attributesattributes

– 20 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

Semi-Annotated Parse TreeSemi-Annotated Parse Tree


B1or M1 B2

B1and M1 B2

id GT idid GT id

id LT id


I left off the I left off the M1.quads.M1.quads.

It is just too It is just too crowded.crowded.

id.place =“t”

id.place =“s”

id.place =“t”

id.place =“r” id.place =“s” id.place =“s”

B.T ={41}B.F ={42}

B.T ={43}B.F ={44}

B.T ={45}B.F ={46}

B.T ={45}B.F ={44, 46}

B.T ={41, 45}B.F ={44, 46}

– 21 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006


pushl %ebp pushl %ebp ___save old frame pointer___save old frame pointer

movl %esp, %ebpmovl %esp, %ebp ___set ebp to point to “old ebp”___set ebp to point to “old ebp”

subl $8, %esp subl $8, %esp __allocate space for 8 bytes of local __allocate space for 8 bytes of local variablesvariables

movl $0, -4(%ebp) movl $0, -4(%ebp) __set local1 = 0__set local1 = 0

movl 12(%ebp), %eax movl 12(%ebp), %eax __move arg2 into eax__move arg2 into eax

movl 8(%ebp), %edx movl 8(%ebp), %edx __move arg1 into edx__move arg1 into edx

subl %eax, %edx subl %eax, %edx __arg1-arg2 now in edx__arg1-arg2 now in edx

movl %edx, %eax movl %edx, %eax __also in eax__also in eax

movl %eax, -8(%ebp) movl %eax, -8(%ebp) __also stored in local2__also stored in local2

cmpl $0, 16(%ebp) cmpl $0, 16(%ebp) __compare arg3 with 0__compare arg3 with 0

jne .L3 jne .L3 __if not equal goto L3__if not equal goto L3

movl 12(%ebp), %eax movl 12(%ebp), %eax __move arg2 to eax__move arg2 to eax

addl 8(%ebp), %eax addl 8(%ebp), %eax __ add arg1 to eax __ add arg1 to eax

– 22 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

movl %eax, -4(%ebp) ___local1 = eaxmovl %eax, -4(%ebp) ___local1 = eax


movl -8(%ebp), %eax ___move local2 to eaxmovl -8(%ebp), %eax ___move local2 to eax

addl -4(%ebp), %eax ____ add local1 to eaxaddl -4(%ebp), %eax ____ add local1 to eax

movl %ebp, %esp ___delete everything on the stack below the movl %ebp, %esp ___delete everything on the stack below the frame pointerframe pointer

pop %ebp ___ restore previous frame pointerpop %ebp ___ restore previous frame pointer


– 23 – CSCE 531 Spring 2006

What I should have also asked !What I should have also asked !