TEST 1-15

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  • 8/22/2019 TEST 1-15



    I.- Write the meaning of the next words into English:

    El, la, los, las: _________________________

    II.- How do you say in English?: Padre:____________ -Pap:________________ Madre:____________ - Es esto?:_______________ Hijo:______________ - Buenos das:____________________ Hija:______________ - Como ests?:____________________ Beb:_____________ - Hola:_________________

    III.- Translate the next sentences:

    Esta es la madre:_______________ -Si esta es la madre:________________ Esta es la seora Gryn:__________ -Si esta es la seora Gryn:____________ Es esta la madre?:_____________ - Esta es la familia:__________________

    IV.- Answer the next questions:

    Is this the ball? (Radio):__________________________________ Is this the window? (Door):_______________________________ Is this the pen? (Pencil):__________________________________ Is this the TV? (Computer):_______________________________ Is this the lamp? (Shower):________________________________ Is this the wall? (Ceiling):_________________________________ Is this the clock? (Watch):_________________________________

    V.- Write questions and answers looking at the next pictures:













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    VI.- Translate the next sentences:

    Esta es la pelota.:_______________________________________ Este es el lpiz.:________________________________________ Este es el libro.:________________________________________ Este es el cielo raso.:____________________________________ Este es el gato.:________________________________________ Esta es la ventana.:_____________________________________ Esta es la lmpara.:_____________________________________ Esta es la habitacin.:___________________________________

    VI.I.- Translate the last sentences into negative form:



    VIII.- Translate the last sentences into interrogative form:



    IX.- Answer the next questions:

    What is this? (cat):________________________________ Who is this? (baby):_______________________________ What is this? (TV):________________________________ Who is this? (Mr. Gryn):____________________________ What is this? (ceiling):_____________________________ Who is this? (Mrs. Gryn):___________________________ What is this? (wall):_______________________________ Who is this? (Jane):_______________________________

    X.- Write the meaning of the next words into English:

    Pelota, ventana, puerta, si esto es, no esto no es, gramtica, est, esto.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • 8/22/2019 TEST 1-15



    I.- Write the meaning of the next words into English:

    Un, uno, una_________________ Armario:____________________ Mesa:______________________ Manzana:___________________

    II.- Write the correct article (A-AN) in the spaces:

    _________ skirt ____________ apron_________ dress ____________ apple_________ shirt ____________ eraser_________ orange ____________ tie

    III.- Write the correct demonstrative pronouns in the next :


    ______________table ______________ sweaters.______________ books ______________ hat.______________skirt ______________ tie.______________ dresses ______________ socks.

    IV.- Write this, these, that, those, is, are, a, an in the spaces:


    _________________ hat ______________ jacket_________________ dresses ______________ apron_________________ eraser ______________ shirts_________________ shoes ______________ purses

    V.- Complete the questions and then answer them.

    ______________ hat? ________________ jacket?______________ dressses? ________________ apron?______________ eraser? ________________ shirts?______________ shoes? ________________ purses?

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    VI.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    Que es esto?-Esto es un abrigo:_________________________________ Qu es eso?- Eso es una blusa:__________________________________ Que son estos?- Estos son calcetines:_____________________________ Que son aquellos?- Aquellos son zapatos:_________________________ Quien es este?- Este es Tom:___________________________________ Quien es aquella?- Aquella es Jane:______________________________ Quienes son estos?-Estos son el Sr. Y la Sra. Gryn:__________________ Quienes son aquellos?-Aquellos son Bill y Tom:____________________

    VII.- Write the questions from the pictures then answer them:


    VIII.- Complete the sentences using there is and there are:________________ umbrella __________________apron________________ shoes __________________ socks________________ box __________________ clothes________________ windows __________________ doors

    IX.- Write the last sentences into negative form:



    X.- Write the last sentences into interrogative form:



  • 8/22/2019 TEST 1-15



    I.- Translate the next text into English:El Picnic: Esto es una foto de un paseo. El paseo es en las afueras, en la foto estn el Sr.y la Sra. Gryn, Tom, Jane y el bebe Bill. En la foto hay una mesa, en la mesa hay una

    manzana, un pltano, una botella, platos, vasos y una canasta. En la foto hay una sillatambin, en la silla hay un perro. Este perro es Spot.

    II.- Answer the next questions about exercise I:

    Who are in the picture?:__________________________________________ Where is the picture?:____________________________________________ Is there a cat in the picture?:_______________________________________ Who is Bill?:___________________________________________________ Is there a table in the picture?:_____________________________________ Where is the dog?:______________________________________________

    Is there a chair in the picture?:_____________________________________ Are there plates in the picture?:____________________________________III.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    Esto es una foto:______________________________________________ Eso es una mesa:______________________________________________ Este es Spot el perro:__________________________________________ Ellos son padres:______________________________________________ Estos son platos:______________________________________________ Esos son vasos:_______________________________________________ Esta es la familia Gryn:_________________________________________

    IV.- Translate the last sentences into negative form:


    V.- Translate the last sentences into interrogative form:


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    VI.- Write the correct preposition of place in the next pictures:

    VII.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    Los rboles son verdes y marrones:_________________________________ El sol es amarillo:_______________________________________________ Las flores son rosadas:___________________________________________ El cielo es azul:_________________________________________________ El perro es blanco y negro:________________________________________ El vestido es rojo:_______________________________________________ La blusa es naranja:______________________________________________ Los zapatos son marrones:_________________________________________

    VIII.- Write the last sentences into negative:


    IX.- Write the last sentences into interrogative:


    X.- Answer the next questions with short answers in affirmative and negative form: Are there many flowers in the garden?:______________________________ Is there a dog?:_________________________________________________ Are there many books?:__________________________________________ Is there a hat?:__________________________________________________ Are there tables?:________________________________________________ Is there a student?:_______________________________________________ Are there computers?:_____________________________________________ Is there a cat?:__________________________________________________

  • 8/22/2019 TEST 1-15



    I.- Translate the next text:

    El aula est dentro de la escuela. Es una aula grande. Hay muchas cosas en elaula, hay escritorios, un pizarrn, tiza, un borrador, un mapa y perchas. Hay

    muchas personas en el aula, tambin est la profesora la Sra. Smith. Ella es unaBuena profesora, hay muchos estudiantes, Jane es una de estos estudiantes, elnio cerca a la profesora es un mal estudiante. Tom no est en esta aula.


    II.- Answer the next questions about exercise I:Where is the classroom?:________________________________________Is it a small classroom?:_________________________________________Are there many things in the classroom?:____________________________What things are there in the classroom?:____________________________Is there an eraser in the classroom?:_______________________________Are there many persons in the classroom?:__________________________Who is the teacher?:___________________________________________Where is the bad boy?:_________________________________________

    III.- Translate the next sentences:

    Quien es est? La profesora, la Sra. Smith:____________________________Que es esto? Es la escuela:_________________________________________Quienes son estos? Son los estudiantes:_______________________________Hay muchos estudiantes en el aula? No hay:___________________________Hay muchas perchas? No hay:______________________________________Es una aula grande? Si es:__________________________________________

    IV.- Write the next sentences with the third person singular:

    This is a large classroom:_________________________________________This is a small classroom:_________________________________________

    Mrs. Smith is the teacher:_________________________________________Tom is a bad boy:_______________________________________________Jane is in the classroom:__________________________________________The eraser is small:______________________________________________

    V.- Write sentences with the next words:

    Near, far from, inside, large, small________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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    VI.- Write the next sentences into negative form:

    Mrs. Smith is a good teacher:_______________________________________That boy is a bad boy:_____________________________________________Jane is a good student:____________________________________________The classroom is large:____________________________________________

    In the classroom there are many things:_______________________________This is Tom:_____________________________________________________That man is Mr. Gryn:_____________________________________________The school is large:________________________________________________

    VII.- Translate the last sentences into interrogative form:



    VIII.- Write the correct word into the spaces:

    I______Jane It______ SpotYou _____ Mr. Gryn Kath____ in LondonSteven______ in Mexico They ____ teachersShe______ the mother Jane and Tom _____ at home

    IX.- Write the conjugation of the verb Be in affirmative and contracted form:


    X.- Write the conjugation of the verb Be in Interrogative and negative form:


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    I.- Write the meaning of the next words into English:

    La Tierra:__________________ Espacio:_____________________Nave especial:_______________ Astronauta:___________________Pero:______________________ Cielo:________________________De-desde:__________________ Pequeo:_____________________

    II.- Translate the next text into English:

    Esta es una nave espacial. Est en el espacio, dentro de la nave espacial hay unhombre, el es un astronauta. Debajo de la nave espacial, est la tierra, en estafoto la tierra es muy pequea, pero la tierra es muy grande. Hay muchos pases

    en la tierra. El hombre en la nave espacial es de Rusia, el es un Ruso.

    III.- Answer the next questions:

    Where is the spaceship?:________________________________________Whats inside the spaceship?:____________________________________Whats the man?:______________________________________________Whats below the spaceship?:_____________________________________Is the earth in the picture very large?:______________________________Is the earth small?:_____________________________________________What are there on the earth?:_____________________________________Wheres the man from?:_________________________________________

    IV.- How do you say in English:

    Mujer:_____________________ Mejicano:_____________________Enfermera:__________________ Alemania:_____________________Americano:__________________ Alemn:______________________Medico:_____________________ Secretaria:_____________________

    V.- Answer the next questions in affirmative and negative form (long answers):

    Is Mr. Rossi a lawyer?:_________________________________________Is he from Italy?:______________________________________________Is he an Italian?:______________________________________________Is Mr. Fuyinato a pilot?:________________________________________Is he from Japan?:_____________________________________________Is he a Japanese?:______________________________________________

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    VI.- Write sentences with the next words in singular and plural (8 sentences)

    These, this, that, those, a, an, aeroplane, car, street, train, track, shoes, boy, good.



    VII.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    El perro est debajo de la mesa:____________________________________Los zapatos estn en la caja:_______________________________________El avin est por encima del rbol:__________________________________

    El carro est cerca del nio:________________________________________La nave espacial est lejos de la tierra:________________________________El aula est dentro de la escuela:_____________________________________El abrigo est afuera de la caja:______________________________________

    VIII.- Translate the last sentences into negative form:



    IX.- Translate the last sentences into interrogative form:


    X.- Dictation:



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    I.- Write the present progressive with the next verbs:

    Sing:________________ Run:______________________Sleep:________________ Dance:____________________

    Drive:________________ Study:_____________________Eat:__________________ Write:_____________________

    II.- Write the next sentences into present progressive:

    I eat an apple:_________________________________________You sing a song:________________________________________He sleeps on the sofa:____________________________________She drives to work:______________________________________It runs home:___________________________________________We dance salsa:_________________________________________You study English:_______________________________________

    They write a letter:______________________________________

    III.- Write the last sentences into interrogative form, in present progressive:


    IV.- Write the last sentences into negative form in present progressive:


    V.- Translate the next text:

    El fin de semana: Es el fin de semana, y el Sr. Y la Sra. Gryn, Jane, Tom y Billestn yendo a las montaas. El Sr. Gryn est conduciendo el carro, el est enfrente de Jane, la Sra. Gryn est al costado de el, y Bill est entre ellos. El estdurmiendo. Tom est leyendo un libro y Jane est hablando con la Sra. Gryn. ElSr. Gryn est cantando, el est muy feliz.



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    VI.- Translate the next sentences into affirmative, negative and interrogative


    Estoy yendo al cine:_______________________________________________Ests yendo al mar:_______________________________________________El est yendo a las montaas:________________________________________

    Ella est conduciendo:____________________________________________Spot est comiendo:_______________________________________________Estamos hablando:________________________________________________Ustedes estn leyendo:_____________________________________________Ellos estn durmiendo:____________________________________________

    VII.- What are these people doing? Look at the pictures and write:


    VIII.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    El est en frente de Jane:________________________________________Estoy entre Impetu y CADES:____________________________________Ests detrs del colegio:_________________________________________

    Estamos al lado del cine:_________________________________________Ustedes estn detrs del carro:_____________________________________Ellos estn en frente de mi:________________________________________

    IX.- Join the pronouns with the objects pronouns:

    He Us They Me I You She Him You Them It Her We It

    X.- Translate the next sentences:

    T ests en frente de el:____________________________________________El est en medio de ellos:__________________________________________Ella est detrs de eso:____________________________________________Est delante de nosotros:___________________________________________Estamos al lado de ellos:___________________________________________Ellos estn dentro del aula:__________________________________________

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    I.- Translate the next text into English:El partido de football.- Hoy el Sr. Gryn y Tom estn en un partido de football.Ellos estn sentados en el estadio y observando a los jugadores. Los jugadores

    estn pateando la pelota y luego corren tras ella. Tom est muy sediento y el esttomando una coca cola, el Sr. Gryn est hambriento, el est comiendo unsndwich. El hombre al lado de Tom est parado. El est vendiendo coca cola ysndwiches a los jvenes. La mujer detras Tom est saliendo del estadio.


    II.- Look at the pictures and write the verbs:


    III.- Put in order the next sentences:


    IV.- Write the opposites of the next words:

    Old.________________ In front of:_______________________Hungry:______________ Mother:_________________________Man:________________ Son:___________________________

    White:_______________ Large:__________________________V.- Answer the next questions in negative and the verb contracted in longanswers:

    Are you going to a soccer game today?:_________________________________Are you going to the cinema tomorrow?:________________________________Are you going to the restaurant this Friday?:_____________________________Are you going to the mountains tonight?:_______________________________Are you going to play soccer tomorrow?:_______________________________Are you going to dance tonight?:______________________________________Are you doing your homework tonight?:________________________________

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    VI.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    Voy al cine esta noche:_________________________________________Vas a estudiar ingles maana:____________________________________El va a las montaas hoy:_______________________________________Ella va a comer una manzana:___________________________________

    Ustedes van a la escuela:________________________________________Vamos a bailar esta noche:_______________________________________Ellos van a nadar en el mar:______________________________________

    VII.- Translate the last sentences into negative form:



    VIII.- Translate the last sentences into interrogative form:


    I X.- Write sentences with the next words using ING ( 8 sentences):

    Hungry, happy, above, near, kick, drink, thirsty, eat, leave.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    X.- Dictation:


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    I.- Translate the next text:El concierto: El hombre del traje negro es un msico, el est tocando en unaorquesta. La orquesta est tocando msica de Bach. Este hombre est tocando el

    violn, el est tomando el arco y deslizndolo a travs de las cuerdas.

    II.- Write the meaning of the next words into English:

    Msico:_______________ Violn:__________________Orquesta:______________ Arco:__________________Banda:________________ Cuerdas:________________Msica: _______________ Ejecutando:_____________Deslizando:_____________ Jalando:________________

    III.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    El msico est tomando el violn:__________________________________

    El msico est poniendo el violn:___________________________________El violn est sobre el piano:_______________________________________El msico est deslizando el arco por las cuerdas:______________________La puerta est en el otro lado del cuarto:_____________________________El carro grande est remolcando al carro chico:_______________________

    IV.- Translate the next text:

    Hay muchos instrumentos en una orquesta, en esta foto hay, flautas, trompetas,tambores, chelos, un piano, una guitarra, y violines. En frente de la orquesta estla audiencia, la gente en la audiencia estn escuchando a la orquesta mirando alos msicos, ellos estn disfrutando la msica, la mujer del abrigo blanco, estentrando al saln de concierto ahora. Despus del concierto el msico va a ponerel violn en el estuche, luego el va a cerrar el estuche, luego el va de camino alrestaurante, el va a comer.



    V.- Put in order the next sentences:

    Coat-the-black-man-musician-in-the-a-is:_______________________________Violin-this.is.the.playing-man:_______________________________________Pulling-bow-across-the-strings-musician-the is-the:_______________________Across-is-door-room-the-the:________________________________________Are-the-instruments-there-many-the-in-orchestra:________________________The-enjoying-are-they-music:________________________________________Of-the-in-the-front-orchestra-is-audience-there:__________________________

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    VI.- Dictation:



    VII.- Answer the next questions from exercises I, IV:

    Who is the man in the black coat?:____________________________________Where is he playing?:_______________________________________________Whats he playing?:_______________________________________________What instruments are there in an orchestra?:____________________________Whats in front of the orchestra?:____________________________________

    What are the people looking at?:_____________________________________Whats the musician going to do?:___________________________________Where is the musician going?:______________________________________

    VIII.- Write the names of the next instruments:


    IX.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    T ests tocando una guitarra:________________________________________El est tocando los tambores:_________________________________________Ella est tocando el piano:___________________________________________Ustedes estn tocando las trompetas:__________________________________Ellos estn tocando las flautas:_______________________________________

    X.- Translate the last sentences into negative and interrogative form:


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    I.- Translate the next reading:El restaurant: El msico el Sr. Sohn, est en el restaurante con una amiga, la Sra.Hoch. El mesero le est dando el men, y el va a ordenar la comida por que est muy

    hambriento, el va a ordenar bistec, papas, una ensalada, y vino, la Sra. Hoch le estdiciendo al mesero que traiga una hamburguesa, papas fritas y una cerveza, a la Sra.Hoch le gusta mucho la cerveza. Detrs de la Sra. Hoch y el Sr. Sohn, un grupo esttocando, la gente est bailando. La Sra. Hoch est usando un abrigo largo y Nuevo, peroahora ella est poniendo el abrigo sobre la silla, porque hace mucho calor en elrestaurante.

    II.- Answer the next questions:

    Where is Mr. Sohn?:_______________________________________________Who is Mr. Sohn with?:_____________________________________________Who is Mrs. Hoch with?:____________________________________________

    Whats the waiter going to do?:_______________________________________Whats Mr. Sohn going to order?:_____________________________________Whats Mrs. Hoch going to order?:____________________________________Why is she going to order a beer?:_____________________________________Who is behind Mr. Sohn and Mrs. Hoch?:_______________________________

    III.- Translate the next questions into English:

    Donde estn ellos?:_____________________________________________Cuando van a comer en el restaurante?:______________________________Que estn haciendo?:____________________________________________Porque van a aquel restaurante?:____________________________________Porque estn estudiando ingles?:___________________________________Donde estn ellos bailando?:_______________________________________Porque ella va a pedir una cerveza?:_________________________________Donde est el mesero?:____________________________________________

    IV.- What are these things?:


    V.- Write sentences with the next verbs using the third singular person:

    Drive, eat, like, dance, listen, study, go, write.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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    VI.- Translate the next sentences into English.

    Yo conduzco el carro:___________________________________________Tu vas a bailar:_________________________________________________El va a comer:__________________________________________________Ella le gusta el vino:_____________________________________________

    Le gusta el bistec:_______________________________________________Nos gusta la hamburguesa:________________________________________A ustedes les gusta las papas fritas:__________________________________A ellos les gusta la cerveza:________________________________________

    VII.- Translate the last sentences into negative form:



    VIII.- Translate the last sentences into interrogative form:


    IX.- Put in order the next sentences:

    Restaurant- they-do-to eat-this-in-like?:_________________________________To-eat-does-like- American-he-food?:__________________________________Coca cola-she-not-very much-like-does:________________________________Reading-lesson-why-you-this-are?:____________________________________Like-very much-I-because-English:____________________________________To dance- like-do-they?:_____________________________________________

    Mr. Sohn-does-wine-like-?:__________________________________________Not-I-like-do-beer-much-very:________________________________________

    X.- Translate the next sentences:

    Un abrigo largo:_______________________________________________Un abrigo corto:________________________________________________Un abrigo Viejo:_______________________________________________Un abrigo Nuevo:______________________________________________Un vestido rosado:_____________________________________________Una falda blanca:________________________________________________Una camisa azul:________________________________________________

    Unos zapatos negros:_____________________________________________

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    I.- Translate the next text into English:La cocina: Aqu en la cocina hay mucha gente trabajando. El mesero estllevando platos al chico de mandil, el chico est lavando los platos. El es el

    lavaplatos. El hombre del sombrero largo, est cocinando la comida. El es elcocinero.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    II.- Answer the next questions:

    What are there in the kitchen?:_______________________________________

    What are these people doing?:________________________________________Whats the waiter doing?:___________________________________________Whos the man in the hat?:__________________________________________

    Whats the boy in the apron doing?:__________________________________What is the man in the hat doing?:___________________________________

    III.- Write the meaning of the next words in English:

    Trabajando:________________ Aqu:_______________________Acarreando:________________ All:________________________Lavando:__________________ La cuenta:___________________Cocinando:_________________ El final:______________________

    IV.- Translate the next text:

    Ahora el Sr. Sohn y la Sra. Hoch, estn terminando la comida. El Sr. Sohn estrecibiendo la cuenta de manos del mesero. El va a levantarse y pagar la cuenta.Luego el Sr. Sohn y la Sra. Hoch van a salir del restaurante. El mesero se va aquedar en el restaurante.


    ________________________________________________________________V.- Translate and answer the next questions:

    Est el Sr., Sohn recibiendo la cuenta de manos del mesero?:_______________De quien est el recibiendo la cuenta?:_________________________________Est el Sr., Sohn levantndose?:______________________________________Va el a sentarse?:_________________________________________________Va la Sra. Hoch a pararse?:_________________________________________Van ellos a salir?:_________________________________________________Quien va a quedarse?:_____________________________________________

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    VI.- Look at the pictures and write the verbs in infinitive form:


    VII.- Write the meaning of the next words into English:

    Practicar:_______________ Responder:___________________Entender:_______________ Aprender:____________________

    Ensear:________________ Repetir:______________________Preguntar:_______________ Observar:_____________________

    VIII.- Put in order the next sentences:

    Waiter-with-is-the-dancing-Miss Hoch:_______________________________You-up-the-are-from-getting-sofa:___________________________________To-english-are-speak-learning-you:___________________________________Understand-does-Japanese-Mr. Sohn-not:_____________________________



    IX.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    Que vas a hacer hoy?:___________________________________________Vas a pagar la cuenta?:__________________________________________A dnde vas a ir esta noche?:_____________________________________El mesero est en el restaurante:__________________________________Hay mucha gente bailando:______________________________________

    No hay instrumentos en la orquesta:_______________________________No voy a comer ensalada:_______________________________________

    Ella no va a tomar cerveza:_____________________________________X.- Dictation:


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    I.- Translate the next text into English:El Safari: El Sr. y la Sra. Gryn, van de vacaciones. Van a ir a un Safari a laSelva en frica, ahora se estn preparando para ir. Estn comprando muchas

    cosas que necesitan para vivir afuera. El Sr. Gryn tiene una mochila, una bolsade dormir, un cuchillo, una carpa y un sombrero para la Selva. La Sra. Gryntiene una nueva chaqueta, botas, un reloj y comida enlatada. Van a viajar enavin a frica y luego van a ir a la Selva en un bote y jeep. Jane, Tom y Bill novan a ir a frica. Ellos se van a quedar en casa.

    II.- Answer the next questions:

    Who are going on holiday?:________________________________________Where are they going?:____________________________________________What are they doing now?:_________________________________________What are they buying?:____________________________________________

    What does Mr. Gryn have?:__________________________________________What are they going to eat in the jungle?:_____________________________Who are going to stay at home?:____________________________________

    III.- What are these things?, look at the pictures and write the names:

    IV.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    Donde viven ellos?:___________________________________________Donde vives?:_______________________________________________Vives en una carpa?:__________________________________________A donde te ests preparando para ir de vacaciones?:_________________Vas a usar una carpa?:________________________________________

    Vas a comer comida enlatada?:_________________________________Dnde vas a dormir?:_________________________________________Con quien vas a ir?:__________________________________________

    V.- Answer the next questions in affirmative and negative form:

    Do you study English?:______________________________________Does he dance?:____________________________________________Does she eat an apple?:_______________________________________Does it sleep?:_____________________________________________Do you watch TV.?:________________________________________Do we go on holidays?:_____________________________________

    Do they go to swim?:_______________________________________

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    VI.- Put in order the next sentences:

    Watch-has-Mr. Gryn-a:____________________________________Basket-she-does-have-a?:___________________________________She-basket-not-have-a-no-does:______________________________Dress-new-have-do-a-you?:__________________________________


    VII.- Write sentences with the next verbs:

    Prepare, live, buy, need, have, travel, stay, sleep.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    VIII.- Write the last sentences into negative form:


    IX.- Write the last sentences into interrogative form:



    X.- Dictation:



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    I.- Look at the pictures and write their names:

    II.- Translate the next words into English:

    Cabeza:_______________ Lengua:__________________

    Espalda:______________ Dientes:__________________Rodilla:_______________ Labios:__________________Brazo:________________ Cabello:_______________

    III.- Write the plural of the next nouns:

    Bus:__________________ Day:_____________________Glass:_________________ Video:____________________Brush:_________________ Tomato:___________________Church:________________ Wife:_____________________Box:___________________ Wolf:_____________________Country:________________ Man:______________________City:___________________ Child:_____________________Boy:___________________ Foot:______________________

    IV.- Translate the next sentences:

    El libro de Mike:_______________________________________La corbata de Karl:_____________________________________El padre de Tom y Jane:_________________________________Esto es el aula de Kath:__________________________________Esta es la familia de Ann:_________________________________Eso es el carro de Juan:__________________________________

    Estos son los zapatos de Kurt:_____________________________Aquellas son las medias de Jen:____________________________

    V.- Write the last sentences into negative form:



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    VI.- Write the last sentences into interrogative form:



    VII.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    Estos son los ojos del Canbal:_______________________________________El vee con sus ojos:_______________________________________________Esta es la cabeza de Jane:__________________________________________Ella piensa con su cabeza:__________________________________________Esto es la nariz de Tom:____________________________________________

    El huele con su nariz:______________________________________________Estos son los dientes de Bill:________________________________________El mastica con sus dientes:__________________________________________

    VIII.- Join the next words:

    He Her You Its I Their We His They My

    She Your It Our

    IX.- Join the next words:

    They Me He Us I Them You Her It Him We It She You

    X.- Dictation:



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    I.- Translate the next text English:El ro: Los Gryns estn en la Selva, cerca a un ro junto con las dems personasdel safari. Hay muchos animales alrededor de ellos. A la izquierda de ellos hay

    un len, y cerca del len hay un mono, a lo lejos podemos ver un elefante, a laderecha hay una cebra una jirafa. Cerca al pie de la Sra. Gryn hay un ratn. Escasi de noche y ellos van a cruzar el ro, ellos pueden nadar o tomar un bote.Ellos van a tomar un bote porque hay un cocodrilo en el ro y porque el ro esmuy ancho. El Sr. Y la Sra. Gryn piensan que van a regresar a casa pronto. Ellosse sienten muy cansados.

    II.- Answer the next questions:

    Where are the Gryns?:________________________________________Who are the Gryns with?:_____________________________________What are there in the jungle?:__________________________________

    What can we see?:___________________________________________What is there near Mrs. Gryn?:_________________________________Where are they going?:_______________________________________What are they going to take?:__________________________________Why?:____________________________________________________

    III.- Look at the pictures and write the names of the animals:

    IV.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    Yo puedo ver un mono:_________________________________________Tu puedes oler una hamburguesa:_______________________________El puede pensar en el viaje:______________________________________Ella puede masticar:____________________________________________Ustedes pueden nadar:__________________________________________

    Nosotros podemos caminar:______________________________________

    Ellos pueden correr:____________________________________________V.- Translate the last sentences into negative form:


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    VI.- Translate the last sentences into interrogative:



    VII.- Write the meaning of the next words into English:

    Ro:__________________ Derecha:___________________Alrededor:_____________ Con:______________________Junto a:________________ Sin:_______________________Izquierda:______________ Escuchar:__________________

    VIII.- Write sentences with the next verbs using either (8 sentences):Swim, walk, take a boat-bus, cross, read, write


    IX.- Dictation:


    ________________________________________________________________X.- Translate the dictation into Spanish:



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    I.- Translate the next text into English:De compras.- Los Gryns estn de regreso a casa de frica. Pero antes de ir acasa van a hacer una parada en Paris para comprar. Ellos se van a quedar en el

    hotel Sheraton. El Sr. Gyn conoce Paris muy bien. El a menudo viene cuandoest trabajando y el siempre se queda en el Sheraton. La Sra. Gryn viene a Parisuna vez al ao. A ella le gusta comprar en Paris por que hay muchas boutiquesdonde la ropa no cuesta mucho. Ahora los Gryns van a entrar a una boutique.

    II.- Answer the next questions:

    Where are the Gryns going?:__________________________________Why?:____________________________________________________Where are they going to stay?:_________________________________Who knows Paris well?:______________________________________Why?:____________________________________________________

    Where does he always stay?:__________________________________How often does Mrs. Gryn go to Paris?:_________________________Why?:____________________________________________________

    III.- Translate the next words into English:

    Preparar:________________ A menudo:______________Comprar:________________ Ahora:_________________Abrir:___________________ Conocer:________________Siempre:_________________ Detenerse:_______________

    IV.- Write ever or never in the spaces:

    I dont________ go to dance.You _________ drink beer.He doesnt ________ eat fruits.She_________ gets up early.It doesnt _________ stay at home.We___________ leave the class.You dont __________ watch TV. at night.They__________ come to visit me.

    V.- Write sentences with the same meaning using ever and never:

    I______________ get up late. I_____________ get up late.You___________ eat fish. You___________ eat fish.He____________ dances with me. He____________ dance with me.She___________ studies English. She __________ study English.It ____________ swims. It____________ swim.We __________ read the book. We___________ read the book.You _________ go on holiday. You __________ go on holiday.They _________ teach English. They _________ teach English.

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    VI.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    Jane va a la escuela una vez al dia_____________________________________Tom va al cine una vez a la semana____________________________________Jen nunca va a las montaas__________________________________________Mrs. Gryn va a Paris una vez al ao____________________________________

    Mr. Gryn va al cine todos los dias_____________________________________Ann siempre va al mar______________________________________________Tom va al colegio a menudo_________________________________________

    VII.- Translate the next sentences into English:

    Cuesta mucho esta falda?_______________________________________No, esta falda no cuesta mucho___________________________________Cuesta mucho este vestido?_____________________________________Si, este vestido cuesta demasiado__________________________________A cuanto cuesta el vino?________________________________________Son aquellos sombreros costosos?:__________________________________

    VIII.- Write sentences with the next things and prices:

    Blouse-S/20.00 / Shirt-S/ 35.00 / Shoes- S/ 78.00 / Socks- S/ 5.00Hat- S/ 23.00 / Stockings- S/ 18.00 / Umbrella- S/ 16.00








    IX.- Answer the next questions with adverbs of frequency:

    How often do you go to the church?_________________________________How often do you go to the restaurant?:_____________________________How often do you go to the internet?:_______________________________How often do you go to study English?:_____________________________How often do you go to the stadium?:_______________________________How often do you go on a picnic?:__________________________________

    X.- Dictation:


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    I.- Translate the next text into English:La Nieve: Hoy es martes 29 de Noviembre, los nios Gryn estn muyemocionados por que sus padres estn de regreso a casa. Los nios estn

    esperando la llegada de sus padres, ellos estn afuera, as que ellos pueden ver elcarro de sus padres, ellos tienen abrigos, botas y paraguas por que es invierno enLondres y hace mucho fro. Hoy el cielo est muy gris y est lloviendo. Ayer elcielo estaba azul y el sol estaba brillante. Tom le est diciendo a Jane quemaana llover.

    II.- Answer the next questions:

    What date is in the text?:________________________________________Why are the Gryn children excited?:_______________________________What are they doing?:__________________________________________Where are they?_______________________________________________

    Why?:______________________________________________________Whats the sky like today?:______________________________________Whats Tom telling to Jane?:_____________________________________

    III.- Write the words the teacher spells:


    IV.- Write the next numbers:

    13-30:________________________ 100:______________________14-40:________________________ 50 :______________________15-50:________________________ 30:______________________16-60:________________________ 20:______________________17-70:________________________ 40:______________________18:80:________________________ 80:______________________

    19:90:________________________ 10:______________________V.- Write the next numbers:

    2000:________________________ 5821:___________________4000000:_____________________ 903:____________________1000:________________________ 3014:___________________5000000:_____________________ 76349:__________________

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    VI.- Write the days of the week:



    VII.- Write the months of the year:



    VIII.- Write the seasons and the weather:


    IX.- Write the next dates:

    15 de marzo del 2003:__________________________________________01 de enero de 1998:___________________________________________20 de Mayo de 1994:___________________________________________10 de julio del 2008:___________________________________________23 de junio de 1984:___________________________________________03 de abril de 1968:___________________________________________

    31 de agosto del 2007:_________________________________________02 de febrero de 1980:_________________________________________

    X.- Dictation:

