Terrible Things to Waste Prologue: Intrusion Concealed within the oppressive fog, a lone figure stood guard over a vast emptiness. Only the radiating red orb atop the figure's staff chased away the darkness, revealing the contours of her figure. The light displayed the elegance of the woman's face, an elegance offset by a stern expression hardened by a millennia of duty. Concepts like beauty, elegance, justice, and other fickle fashions of the linear realm mattered little here, where Time transcended all such things. Her attention was better directed to things of greater importance, like insuring History and Fate continued in their proper paths. At least, these thoughts distracted her from the linear things. Her lips frowned, ever so slightly, as her grip tightened around her staff. Her staff acted as the key to this dark corridor of Time that simultaneously connected the past, the future, and the present. Her duty was to protect this corridor from intruders who would try and disturb the balance that History had created. The last thing she needed was emotion to get in the way. In the beginning, she had envied the people who lived linear, uncomplicated lives; living and dying, caring and loving. However, after an eternity of isolation in the Time Tunnel, such emotions became dulled and useless to her. Eventually, she no longer yearned to be touched or loved. This duty bestowed upon her by those who created the corridor gave her greater satisfaction than any lover ever could. At least, that's what she kept telling herself.

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Terrible Things to WastePrologue: Intrusion

Concealed within the oppressive fog, a lone figure stood guard over a vast emptiness. Only the radiating red orb atop the figure's staff chased away the darkness, revealing the contours of her figure. The light displayed the elegance of the woman'sface, an elegance offset by a stern expression hardened by a millennia of duty.

Concepts like beauty, elegance, justice, and other fickle fashions of the linear realm mattered little here, where Time transcended all such things. Her attention was better directed to things of greater importance, like insuring History and Fate continued in their proper paths.

At least, these thoughts distracted her from the linear things.

Her lips frowned, ever so slightly, as her grip tightened around her staff. Her staff acted as the key to this dark corridor of Time that simultaneously connected the past, the future, and the present. Her duty was to protect this corridor from intruders who would try and disturb the balance that History had created. The last thing she needed was emotion to get in the way.

In the beginning, she had envied the people who lived linear, uncomplicated lives; living and dying, caring and loving. However, after an eternity of isolation in the Time Tunnel, such emotions became dulled and useless to her. Eventually, she no longer yearned to be touched or loved. This duty bestowed upon her by those who created the corridor gave her greater satisfaction than any lover ever could.

At least, that's what she kept telling herself.

Occasionally, Fate would deviate from its path, taking History with it, threatening to ruin the delicate existence of the timestream. Such occurrences gave her an opportunity to delve into the linear world. Not to say she would look forward to them, most times they were very mundane tasks. It was only a matter of stopping the deviation before it could start, and its source could be easily found after meticulous study. Nothing too exciting.

Yet, she found dealing with such trivialities in the timestream so much more interesting than guarding this lonely abyss. Living in the linear realm would always re-awaken her desires and longings she tried so hard to ignore over the span of her near eternal life in the Tunnel. Sadly though, at the end of every trip she would have to return to the Time Tunnel and she would again rely upon the satisfaction of her duty to fill that longing.

Fortunately, she was not destined to be completely alone in the Tunnel, the third generation of the royal line frequently pasted through the gates into the corridor. This little girl was one of the few she permitted to pass because Fate foretold it to happen.

Who was she to argue? The girl traveled the Gate so frequently, they eventually developed cute nicknames for each other. Soon, the little girl became known as Small Lady, and eventually she became known simply as Puu. The girl did help relief some of her longings, but still befriending the girl were destined. Just as she was destined to always be the Time Guardian and destined to guard alone.

Fate always had its way.

Suddenly, a chill went up her spine, making the Guardian aware of her closed eyes. You shouldn't be so careless she scolded herself, you above all others should not make mistakes. Shaking her head, she peered into the darkness. A presence approached, she could feel it. The fog shifted, indicating it sensed this presence as well. Her gut twisted and turned in apprehension in motion with the swirling mists.

She waited as the shift continued. Was Small Lady returning? She waited for a few more arduous moments. No, Small Lady would have made her presence known by now.

The shifting began to intensify, disturbing the darkness of the Tunnel. Only something big, unexpected, and foreign could realign time this way. She clutched her stomach as the realignment further unsettled the balance of Time. Her knees began to buckle. Fate must have deviated, but it had never deviated this far before.

"What's doing this?" The woman gasped.

The Guardian doubled-over as she felt two, no three things passed fluidly through the Tunnel.

Relief came momentarily before a fourth one finally passed through.

Still feeling uneasy, she readied her staff and got into her attack position. No intruder shall pass under my watch, she resolved. Her eyes darted around in the fog looking for the perpetrators. No intruders appeared. She lowered her staff, stunned. They had bypassed the Time Gate entirely … but how, she wondered.

"It can't be... they don't... unless..." The guardian became acutely aware that something was going to happen.

It was something that threatened the balance of History and Fate.

Something she had no control over.

In great haste, she straightened her staff and opened the Time Gate, departing the infinite darkness to the last location of the shift: Tokyo, Japan 1999.

Terrible Things to WastePart 1: Warm Receptions

"Once upon a time..."

Serena stared at these barren scribbles on her notepad as she thoughtfully chewed on the end of her pencil. After hours upon hours of thinking, and several ruined pencils, these words were the only thing she could put to paper. She glanced at the pile of autobiographies seated on the floor next to the desk, most of which were several centimeters thick. Amy gave them to her when she had asked for books by famous people. So far they only helped as a door jam.

After putting down her pencil on the cramped desk, the girl sighed and leaned back letting the tips of her two long blond tails pool on the floor. She turned her head towards the window overlooking her bed and admired the soft glow of the city.

A smile crept onto her face when she noticed her pink bunny pattern curtains framing the glass. She had been meaning to get them replaced, but she couldn't bear to part with a relic from her childhood. Perhaps Reenie might appreciate them better than she could.

So many distractions, she mused returning herself to her barren paper, and so much to say. What would she say about her life? What *should* she say? Should she talk about the people who shaped it?

She found herself gazing at the shelf above her desk where she'd put pictures of friends and family as well as little knick-knacks she'd collected over the years. Each one of these items brought to mind warm memories. Then her eyes roamed to the center of the shelf where something sparkled and glimmered beckoning for her attention.

Fondly, she picked up the gift, a star-shaped locket, and opened it to hear its sweet melody. Her fiancé had given it to her a very long time ago and the song always comforted her. She closed her eyes, imagining herself as a princess dancing a waltz to the melody with her dashing dark-haired prince in the middle of a grand royal ball.

'Someday, Serena,' she thought as she placed the now closed locket back on the shelf.

Above the momentos were various clippings from the newspaper.'New Heroine "Sailor Moon" In Action!' one headline said. 'Sailor Moon Defeats Mysterious Creature,' said another. Usually on every article graced the picture of a fair-haired heroine with two flowing pony-tails framed by a jewel-studded tiara dressed in an outfit very similar to any Japanese school uniform.

Sailor Moon had become a strange role model for her. Each article painted the heroine as graceful, level-headed, compassionate, and all around great leader. Things she

wished she had, many things in fact, like great grades for instance. At least she had the consolation she had accomplished so many things in her life without those stellar grades.

"But what to write?" She asked shooting her eyes to the ceiling as she balanced the pencil on her upper lip.

"It doesn't matter what you write, Serena." The blonde girl twisted her head over to the open doorway.

A black cat streaked through the door, hopped gracefully onto her bed, and sat with the regal of royalty. It stared at its master with its cool blue eyes and spoke evenly, "It's not like they'll understand you amidst all of your horrible grammar."

The blonde feigned a pout before a soft smile crept upon her face.

"Oh, Luna,” The girl nonchalantly reached out and scratched her pet on its head just left of its crescent shaped yellow birth mark, "Whatever am I going to do with you?"

The feline purred in appreciation of the attention before being picked it up by its master and leveled a look.

"Maybe I should just sell you off to some television station. What's the going price on talking cats?" Serena found the expression she received quite amusing.

"You wouldn't dare..."

"Wanna try me?"

The cat sighed as her master placed her back on the bed. "I can see where Reenie gets her wicked sense of humor from. It's certainly not Darien."

The girl's face sobered slightly. "So is she asleep?"

"Sound asleep." Luna decided to ignore her master's change of mood and spread herself across the comfortable bed sheets.

A small smile formed. "Good. Now help me with my memoirs."

"Really Serena, we've been through this already, I don't see why you need to write down your memoirs now." The cat groaned.

"I'd like to write the events in my life when they're still fresh in my mind." The blonde protested.

"I can understand the need to do so, but now is not the time. What if your mother finds them?" Going on the offensive, Luna now stood on all four paws readying for another crusade on the side of reason.

Leaning back in her chair, the girl shrugged. "Then I'll tell her I'm Sailor Moon, no big deal. What's no danger in her finding out. I was going to tell her eventually."

"What about Amy, Raye, Lita, and Mina? Do you tell them about this?"

"Well..." Serena's eyes wandered around the room.

"Well?" Luna narrowed her eyes.

With slumped shoulders, Serena surrendered. "You have a point."

The feline relaxed and sighed. "Please remember Serena, the other girls trust you. What would you do if they felt like they couldn't trust you anymore?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I understand Luna." Serena's slightly agitated voice radiated from the shelter of her closet before she emerged with her long pink bunny patterned pajamas. "I'll ask them about it before I do anything."

After laying out her bed clothes, the girl paused and gave her pet a thoughtful look. "Do you trust me?"

Luna's ears perked at this yet her eyes remained closed. Silence passed as she contemplated the question.

Unfortunately, the silence had been too much for the blonde's patience. "Don't tell me you-"

"Trust is a very particular thing, Serena." Luna interrupted and proceeded carefully. "I can't trust that you'll be to school on time, but I can always trust you're decisions."

"Why's that?"

The cat paused once again before meeting her master's eyes. "It’s because you have a good heart, Serena. You only wish to do the right thing. You've proven it time and again. That's why I trust you."

The blonde girl smiled and decided against bothering her advisor with any more questions and get ready for bed.

As Serena struggled with the top button of her blouse, a sudden rapid pounding broke the peace of the house. Both master and pet jumped to attention and glanced at each before rushing out the bedroom door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, jeez." Serena whispered to herself as the knocking continued.

'I wonder ... ' Serena racked her brain with questions as the pounding became louder and more urgent.

Who could it be? Could it be Raye? No, why would she be out at this time of night? In fact, why would any of her friends is pounding at her door this late without calling her first?

'Could it be him? Maybe he got out early from Osaka,’ The thought of her fiancé sent her racing down the stairs even faster, ‘knowing he'd be coming here to a virtually empty house.'

'Very convenient,’ unvirtuous fantasies danced through Serena's mind as she chimed. "I'm coming."

Luna gracefully leapt down the stairs after Serena, beating her to the bottom. Serena's eagerness worried her, especially when she noticed the wry grin pasted on her face.

"Listen, Serena,” Luna lectured as her master hopped over her, "I know you've missed Darien very much over the last few weeks, but you really has no idea know who's at the door."

"Calm down Luna," Serena rolled her eyes at the dark feline while the pounding continued. "Remember I am Sailor Moon. If I need to, I'll transform and zap em'.

"Now if you'll excuse me," the blonde girl grabbed the door handle, "I have to welcome Darien home."

With one clean jerk, Serena threw open the door and flung her arms wide. "Welcome-"

Serena's large smile wilted once she saw a complete stranger staring back at her, "... back."

Instead of Serena's tall, dark, and handsome prince, a woman in filthy, gray military-type clothing badly in need of tailoring leaned against the doorframe. Upon seeing Serena, the strange woman gasped and fell to her knees in homage.

Stunned, Serena could only cough and croak. "Um... please get up. Please? You don't have to kneel like that."

Slowly, the woman raised herself to her feet. The woman kept her red reamed eyes fixed on the floor and brushed aside some of her dirt streaked blonde hair. "I'm sorry your Majesty. I did not mean any disrespect."

Both cat and master glanced at each.

"Um, I don't think you got the right house." Serena stammered.

Curious, the woman raised her eyes and studied Serena's visage carefully. "Are you not Neo Queen Serenity?"

Serena reeled backward, and the woman reacted in turn. "Oh I'm sorry, I mean I thought I had the right time - Oh, nevermind. Um, perhaps I've made a mistake, you're still going by Sailor Moon, aren't you? Please ignore anything I was saying earlier."

"No!" Serena paused realizing that both her cat and the stranger looked at her dumbfounded. "No, uh, um, I'm not her at all. You must be mistaken. Try a couple of houses down. You might find her there."

"You are Usagi Tskuino, right?"

"No, I'm Serena Tskuino."

"Oh." The stranger blinked at the girl before noticing the black cat seated on the stairs behind her. "Luna's here, so I must be in a different time stream or something."

"Time stream?" Luna whispered to herself hoping the stranger didn't notice. "Who is this woman?"

"Hey Serena!" A shrill voice bellowed from atop of the stairs, "What's going on!? Who's at the door? Is it Darien?!"

Both Serena and Luna bristled, as they became keenly aware that Reenie had awakened. Even before Serena could utter any protest, Reenie appeared at the foot of the stairs in a flash.

"Darien!" Reenie squeaked as she blindly leapt at the stranger.

Her excitement quickly faded when she noticed that she clung to a chest much softer and rounder than the muscular, broad one she had expected. The shocked little pink haired girl let go and involuntarily wiped her hands on her blue nightgown.

"You must be the crown princess of Crystal Tokyo." A smile grew on the woman's face, as she patted the pink-haired child on the head, "You look so much like your mother."

Reenie jumped back and stammered, "Uhhh, heh, I don't know what you're talking about, heh."

Quickly, the child regained her composure and grinned while growling softly to Serena. "Who is this woman?"

Serena couldn't answer and she could hear none from Luna either. The blonde woman began to rub the side of her arm and studied the doorframe. Silence passed, as the Serena, her daughter, and the stranger fidgeted in place. Finally, the blonde stranger drove up her courage to speak.

"Well, um, I'm very sorry. You must think I'm rude. I haven't introduced myself." The stranger smiled meekly while toying with her ruby bracelet. "Uh, I'm-"

"A Traveller." A cold, calm voice finished. "And an unwelcome guest."

"The Time Guardian." The blonde woman froze and a vice grip held her throat as a tall woman emerged from the darkness. "Oh no."

"Puu?" The child chirped curiously.

"Sailor Pluto?" Serena heard Luna murmur.

The tall woman came closer, stabbing her staff into the concrete startling the blonde stranger. Even with the light of her house, Serena had a hard time discerning the tall woman from the darkness. Though Sailor Pluto wore a white bodice, her tanned skin and long, enveloping dark hair made her hard to distinguish from the night.

Pluto stared down the trembling stranger. The stranger in turn focused on the red orb perched on Pluto's staff that burned of crimson.

The glowing orb disturbed Serena since she only remembered it being that intense during some of their fiercest battles.

"Leave now. Traveller." The Time Guardian ordered as she pointed the glowing orb at the blonde stranger. "You have no business here."

Serena noticed the meek stranger seemed to wilt under Sailor Pluto's intense gaze, but to her astonishment the blonde woman said softly. "I'm sorry Time Guardian, but I have little time before my enemies find me."

"They're already here." The Time Guardian replied. "So I advise you leave."

"Then you know they'll tear apart this city before they're satisfied I'm not here." Serena could only admire the stranger's resolve under such intense hostility.

"We'll be able to handle them." The Time Guardian answered.

"But with my help, you won't be putting the Senshi's lives at risk." The stranger retorted.

'Senshi?' Serena wondered.

"We don't need your help, Traveller." With that the Time Guardian grew silent and crossed her arms.

"Please don't do this." Serena could see the stranger's fist dig harder into her palms and her red reamed eyes began to water. Her jaw clenched and went slack before she squeezed her eyes shut. Luna, Serena, and Reenie all held their breath. Finally, the dirt covered, weary blonde woman gave in and sighed in defeat.

A feeling of despair weighed heavily on Serena as she watched the poor stranger stew in her own desperation while the taller woman approached her.

"It has been decided then." The Time Guardian gingerly rested her hand on the stranger's shoulder.

"No." The blonde stranger's stark blue eyes shot open. "This is not your decision to make."

The Time Guardian stepped back surprised and the blonde stranger took advantage. Rushing up to Serena, the stranger knelt in front of the girl shedding her modesty.

"Your Highness, I implore you to listen to my pleas!" The intensity Serena watched building up in this woman had found release. "I'm a rebel with a group called the Society that is fighting the corruption of my world. Our enemies have sent their soldiers after me, who will ruthlessly and tenaciously pursue me. They've killed my friends and wiped out my entire family before my own eyes!"

Tears began to carve through the dark smudges on the stranger's flushed cheeks. "Please, my Queen, only you and your court of Senshi possess my last hope for survival!" Suddenly, the stranger hopped to her feet and held Serena's hands in her own and looked directly into her eyes. "I trust you, your Highness. I know that you fight for those who are in grave need and I know that you fight for justice and all that's right. I know you'll make the right decision."

Serena looked toward the Time Guardian whom she had expected to cut in, but instead she waited anxiously for her to answer. In the past, if Pluto had told them to do something, they did it. Serena and the other Scouts found it hard to argue against the vast wisdom of someone who has seen everything from the past, present, and future.

'But Pluto's never waited on me to make a decision.' Serena glanced at Luna hoping for some advice, but, like Pluto, waited for her decision. All of the sudden Serena could feel the burden that this decision was truly hers to make.

With no one else she could turn to, Serena reflected inward. This stranger must have come a long way, she reasoned, crossing many dimensions to find her. In fact, out of all those she could have chosen, the stranger entrusted her life to Serena. Serena couldn't deny her pain either, the pangs in her heart told her that much. So what should she do?

Serena now noticed Pluto wring her staff with her clenched fist and, with a sense of urgency, continued to think. Even though the blonde woman was obviously suffering, she was a stranger and Pluto had strong convictions against her staying here.

The pangs of her heart, though, troubled her and conflicted entirely with Pluto's wishes. She felt an obligation to stand up for this stranger, just as she had with many others when no one gave them any hope. What should she trust, her heart or the ageless wisdom of Sailor Pluto? Serena looked down at Reenie who was now clinging to her leg, anxiously waiting for her to answer. What Sailor Moon would do?

"She stays, Pluto." Serena stated softly.

Immediately, Pluto replied sternly. "Let me reiterate myself, Sailor Moon, it would not be wise to permit the Traveller to remain here. There's no telling what damage she could cause to your future."

With unusually strong composure akin to that of royalty, Serena remained firm against the intimidating presence of the Time Guardian. "I'm well aware of this Sailor Pluto, but I fight for love, justice, and helping those who are in need. My heart tells me to help this woman and I trust it, and I implore you to do the same. This woman is in need of our help, and you are telling me to ignore her pleas. I can't do that. I wouldn't be Sailor Moon, or your Queen, if I deny her or any others who are in need."

Serena could see Pluto's face contort every so slightly with confusion and she only could guess the conflicting emotions twisting up inside Pluto. It killed her to do that to a friend, but she knew deep down what she was doing was right.

With a resigning sigh, Pluto caved in. "As you wish, my Queen. But this Traveller will not be staying with you she is too dangerous to be near you especially if her enemies are looking for her. I will take her someplace where she will be protected and safely away from you."

Sensing a need to make Pluto feel better, Serena nodded her head in compliance, and then turned to the beaming blonde stranger.

"Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" The stranger gripped Serena in an embrace. "I don't know how I'll ever repay you!"

"Well,” Serena wheezed, "you can start by telling me you name."

"Ah,” The blonde stranger let go, composed herself, and curtseyed, "My name is Xendyte Animi, Your Highness, but you may also call me Cindy."

Nodding and bowing, Serena smiled back at Cindy. "Welcome Cindy. My name is Serena but I insist that you call me Serena. I will not have any of this 'Your Highness' nonsense among my friends."

A genuine grin spread across Cindy's face. "Yes ma'am!"


A brisk wind welcomed Greg as he crested the steps from the subway station. His wavy brown locks tossed about with the gusts. Looking down the darkened streets, he saw the lamps had kindly illuminated his path through the night. Thrusting his hands into the pockets of his jacket, he contemplated the new wrinkle in his relationship with Amy.

'I should have seen it coming.' He chaste himself.

Though they had been close friends for awhile, especially now that his family moved back to Tokyo, they knew of their attraction to one another. The studying sessions they had only agitated it further. Slowly the level of intimacy increased starting with incidental contact to its crescendo tonight.

A dark red glow highlighted Greg's cheeks making him glad that the street was nearly deserted. Though his relationship with Amy had developed into something more serious, Amy quickly reasoned with him that they needed to focus on school.

He agreed, but it made him wonder what this meant for them. He resisted the temptation to close his eyes and take a quick peek into the future. He didn't want to take the chance and see himself broken hearted. Some people would die for the special abilities he possessed, but to him they were mere annoyances. Though it came in handy on occasion, he always felt guilty when he used them for his own personal gain, usually

to get good test scores. He wondered if Amy and the other Sailor Scouts felt the same way.

Turning from the main road, Greg found himself passing through a narrow street towards his home, a shortcut he'd taken many times. He looked up at the sparse lights, which glowed with less intensity here. The buildings crowded the street, their titled surface making the pathway seem more like a hall of mirrors.

Suddenly a meow startled Greg. Jumping back, Greg saw the end of a cat's tail streak into one of the alleyways between buildings.

"How?" Greg murmured, amazed that the cat surprised him. His senses should have warned him but they didn't. "I must be getting rusty or something."

Greg's heart began to rush. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate. Visions of the future always seemed to calm him. Nothing. He squeezed his eyes tighter, reaching out for anything. Finally, he could sense something, not a vision, but more like a murmur he could barely make out.

Before Greg could grasp it, a gust of wind nearly knocked him off his feet. Cool blue flashes illuminated the narrow alley as a small torrent of air tossed the boy around.

Without warning, the wind calmed. Pausing a moment to catch his breath, Greg gingerly lifted himself up from the pavement. A few meters away, Greg could see a few lithe arms of energy wave from one of the alleyways ahead.

All of Greg's instincts told him to run, but his intuitive mind found the mystery hard to resist. Approaching with caution, Greg heart raced. Was this some kind of spirit? Perhaps it was something extraterrestrial. Whatever it was, Greg knew he had to confirm whether or not this was friend or foe for the sake of Amy and her friends.

With grim determination, the boy crept his head around the corner. As Greg eased his eyes closer to the edge, a title above his head exploded into concrete splinters sending him to the ground.

Reeling back to the street, the boy back-pedaled with both hands and turned to scramble away.

"Hold it!" Greg dared not disobey the command barked at him.

"Turn around." Carefully, Greg did what he was told and found himself staring down a barrel of a gun.

Quickly, Greg assessed his situation. Was he being robbed? He hardly had any money left after the subway. The man had to be foreign since his height towered over the

average Japanese man. A large vertical scar dominated the right side of his pale face indicating a rough character.

But none of this made any sense. What about the wind and the surge of mysterious energy? Why would a robber just seem to emerge from it?

"Hello, sir." Greg said evenly while keeping his attention focused on the foreigner instead of the gun pointed at him or the large glowing, broad sword hanging from his waist. "I have nothing for you to rob-"

"Oh, I'm sure you don't." The foreigner smirked and flipped a few of his dirty black locks from his dark brown eyes. "The gun's just my personal lie detector."

Greg tore his sights away from the eerie glow of the sword and slacked his jaw. "Lie detector?"

The man chuckled. "Exactly. I need you to tell me where your Queen is."

"Queen? I don't-"


Greg paused a moment to let his heart start beating again and he opened his eyes. A smoking barrel welcomed his sight and looking down he noticed a small crater at his feet.

"Well, kiddo, looks like you're not tellin' the truth." A slight scowl framed the man's face. "Where is your Queen?"

"You mean the Empress of Japan?" Greg blurted out in desperation.

The man gnashed his teeth and hissed while thrusting his weapon at the boy. "No, damn it, I mean Neo-Queen Serenity! You stupid bastard! Where the hell is she?!"

Beneath his confusion, Greg began to panic. Was this man an enemy from the future? How else would he known of Serenity? If so, by the looks of this man and his mystical sword he had truly gotten in over his head. "Serenity? Uh, I've neve-"

"Shhh!" The stranger cut off the boy's babbling and searched the sky letting his ear guide him.

Perplexed, Greg watched as the stranger prowled around the narrow street, keeping his weapon ready and pointed in Greg's general direction. The boy had no idea what to listen for among all the sounds of cars driving on elevated thorough fares and the occasional tolling of crossing guards in the distance.

One sound out the muddled mess, however, began to grow louder. At first, it sounded like a plane passing overhead, but soon it grew too close to be several hundred feet above them and its volume grew rapidly.

"Damn it!" The stranger screamed as a blast tore apart the wall behind him.

Greg jumped for one of the alleyways on the opposite side of the street as small debris showered upon him. A roar of an engine resonated down the alley. The dust swirled around his head, the smell of scorched concrete filled his nose. Torrents of gun fire followed, from the stranger he guessed, assaulting his eardrums.

Lifting his hands away from his head, he peered from his prone position through the floating debris and spied the stranger, his guns wailing a rain of bullets as he gnashed his teeth. The firestorm of bullets intensified with the engine's roar until a blue streak nearly toppled the stranger.

Then there was quiet. Greg raised his sore and concrete battered body and viewed the standoff before him. A blue metallic suit hovered at the entrance of the alley, it's mirrored helmet aimed in the viscidity of the stranger. The blue suit swayed calmly as its lithe clawed fingers clicked against each other like icicles. In contrast, the stranger's wild soot covered mane flayed about as his bloodshot brown eyes narrowed and his fingers danced on the trigger.

"You're still alive, Timelord?" The unnaturally deep voice resonated from underneath the metallic helmet. "No matter. I'll just eradicate you now and save the General the effort."

"Where is that bastard, you puny asshole!?" The stranger hissed.

The floating suit's taunting sway stopped abruptly and the synthetic voice now seemed to have an edge. "Heh, I should thank you, Rodent. The General will surely vindicate me once I serve him your head on a platter-"

A sudden barrage of bullets connected with the metallic suit sending it tearing around the alley erratically.

"Talkin' tough now, you Society bastard!" The stranger screamed, continuing his unrelenting attack. "How do you like that now, huh!? You freakin' fairy!"

Greg ducked behind the building's wall as flecks of concrete hit him in the face. From his vantage point, he could see the suit shot in every direction, convulsing with jolts of electricity with each bullet.

Among all the gunfire he could hear the stranger cackle. "Is this how you like it from your precious General?"

In desperation, the blue suit began to spin around until finally it punch its fist toward the stranger. For a split second Greg saw something pop up from the suit's forearm before another blast rocked the alley.

The blast flung Greg further down the alleyway and pummeled his body with more debris. Bolting to his feet, Greg rushed back to what was left of the wall and was taken back by the devastation. The entire side of the building had collapsed onto the alley leaving its internals exposed to the night. He didn't see anyone inside and he hoped no one had been trapped beneath the debris.

Meanwhile, the blue suit clawed at the pile of bricks on the ground, possibly looking for the stranger completely oblivious to the destruction it had just caused.

"Malance!" A muffled voice barked from inside the helmet, so loudly it made Greg jump backwards.

"Yes General!" The suit immediately jumped to attention.

A short pause passed as the suit stood anxiously.

"Malance! Why aren't you answering!?" The voice demanded amongst the static.

"I'm here General!" The suit banged its helmet in vain to get it to cooperate.

"Return here at once." The cold voice ordered. "I grow weary of your delay."

Greg could hear the engine on the back of the suit charge up and as it growled. "This isn't over Timelord."

As the metal suit disappeared into the darkness, Greg crept out from his hiding place. What was going on? First the gun wielding stranger and then the man in a robotic suit, and finally this 'General' person whose voice still was sending shivers down the Greg's spine.

There was time to think this through later, right now he had to search for the injured. With a purposeful pace, Greg began removing the bricks when the pile shifted. Quickening his pace, Greg tossed debris out of the way.

Suddenly, the stranger burst from the pile and jammed his gun right in the stunned boy's face. Greg's throat tightened as he looked into the stranger's grinning bloody facade. His wild pitch black pupils glowed through his dark mane.

"Where you goin' boy?" The stranger chuckled. "You're my tour guide."

Needing to know, Greg closed his eyes and searched for a vision of his fate.

And he saw nothing...


After exchanging good-byes and condolences, the Time Guardian whisked the Traveller, Cindy, safely away. Serena, Luna and Reenie stood at the front door a moment to finally let soak what had just transpired.

Finally, the black feline hopped on the blonde teenager's shoulder. "I think it's time to go to bed."

All parties quietly nodded their heads. In a shocked silence, Serena and Reenie ascended the stairs. Serena led Reenie into the child's bedroom as Luna raced toward Serena's bedroom. After tucking Reenie into her bed, Serena began to make her way back to her own room. Before she could reach the door, Reenie stopped her.


"Yes?" Serena turned back toward the pink-haired child, ready to provide any comfort to her.

Reenie chewed on her lip gingerly, searching for something to say before she noticed the growing concern on her guardian's face. "Goodnite."

Serena smiled. "Sleep well, Reenie. I know alot has happened just now, but let me worry about this. Okay?"

The child smiled back and nodded before pulling the covers over herself.

As she closed the door, Serena mood sobered. Deep in contemplation, Serena walked back to her room and quietly sat on her bed next to the black feline.

Looking to her advisor for approval, Serena asked, "Are you sure that I made the right decision, Luna?"

Luna paused a moment to think. "I'm not sure, Serena. I hate to say it, but only time will tell. However truth be told, none of this makes any sense to me. This Cindy woman, Pluto, and these 'Travellers.'"

The girl sighed. "I know. Pluto was so insistent that Cindy had to leave, but when I said she could stay, she obeyed me without protest. It's scary Luna, Pluto trusts me enough to follow my orders."

Serena stared out her window once more, hoping that maybe the stars might give her some condolence.

Luna didn't respond and thought about how their new predicament changed things. "How do you suppose the others will take this?"

Serena stayed silent for a long moment still looking out her window, focusing on the full moon, "Probably not too well. Either way, we'll definitely find out tomorrow."

Serena opened a drawer near her bed and found a thin device which looked similar to a credit card. She pressed a button at the bottom, and an image of her friend, Amy, flashed into view in the opposing corner. The girl's short blue hair was in disarray and she struggled to keep her head straight up. She rubbed her eyes, swollen with sleep, before yawning; “What is it Serena?"

Serena forced an apologetic smile to her drowsy friend, "Amy, we need to schedule an emergency Scout meeting."

End of part 1

Terrible Things to WastePart 2: Blame

Malance cursed to himself as he weaved his way through the tall vertical structures of Tokyo. A quick diagnostic of his mechanized suit had revealed that several of the sensors weren't responding and the hydraulic system had begun to leak fluid into the thruster’s fuel tank. Glancing at the reflection of himself in the mirrored surface of the skyscrapers, his dented metallic exoskeleton flared with a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors. He had been battered badly in battle and it showed. His stomach began to churn with anxiety.

The blue suit zipped along the maze of buildings with the grace of a wasp as Malance’s anxiety gave way to irritation. Damn that Timelord. Thanks to that rodent, his appearance looked dismal and he didn't have time to fix up the armor before his audience with the General. Not only that, but he was certain the Timelord's presence changed everything. Malance had sworn he saw him die in the trap they had set for the Timelord soldiers in the other dimension. The General was never pleased when he had to adjust his plans, however the General would have an answer. The General always had the answers when things got complicated.

At least now with the Timelord here he could improve his standing with the General and prevent that blonde bitch from digging her claws any further into him. The General always said that he had no tolerance for the weak and to Malance females definitely qualified. He didn't know what type of magic that blonde used on the General to reach second in command, but he was not so easily deceived.

‘Ha!’ Malance thought, ‘a woman equal to me? Who did she think she was fooling?’

Suddenly, the suit’s thrusters roared and Malance blazed faster uncaring that the hydraulic fluid would damage the molecular fuel injector. He wasn't about to let a woman beat him or the General. He would personally rescue General Halebit from the clutches of the tawdry female. And he would do anything to save him. It was his duty after all.

Greg had no idea how he could himself out of this mess, in fact he wasn’t even sure how he got into it in the first place. Either way, he now had a crazed black haired foreigner pointing a gun at his face.

“I’m waiting here, kid.” The foreigner snarled through his clenched teeth as a trickle of blood rolled off his brow. “My stomach’s growlin and it makes my trigger finger all itchy.”

Greg could feel the cool air against his skin as he began to perspire. “Um, well, I don’t have any money for a hotel, but-“

“No you stupid bastard!” Jumping from the pile of bricks surrounding him, the foreigner knocked the brown haired youth to the ground all the while keeping his gun pointed at him. “No hotels! Don’t you live somewhere?”

Greg swallowed hard as the foreigner stared at him and groaned.“Well?!” The man lean over letting his long black greasy locks dangle in the

boy’s face.

Looking through the curtain of black, Greg could feel the foreigner’s dark eyes burning a hole through him. Greg’s body stiffened and his heart raced. However, every fiber of his being fought his instinctual fear so his reason could prevail. He had to figure a way out of this so he could warn Amy and her friends about this new enemy. He had to think. He had to find a way out.

“WELL!?” Then Greg found a way. “Alright. I live a few blocks away; I can give you

something to eat. Just please put away your weapon.” Suddenly, the foreigner smirked, put his gun back into its holster just above the

hem of his black pants, and chuckled. “Heh, very good kid. However, if you’re even dumb enough to take me to a police station, I will kick your ass from this dimension to the next.”

“Oookay.” Greg drew out as he helped himself to his feet.Without even having a moment to shake the dust from his jeans and soreness from

his limbs, the foreigner gripped Greg’s arm and dragged him down the alley with him. “Let’s go, I don’t have much time.”

The man led the way out the alley, giving Greg a painful jerk on his arm when he didn’t keep pace. Upon exiting the alley, the man slowed slightly and they both continued on in silence.

The silence gave Greg a moment to collect his thoughts. More especially, he focused on what had just transpired. From the mysterious blue flashes in one of the alleyways, to the black haired and impatient foreigner, to that blue robot that the foreigner and nearly buried the foreigner and himself in debris, Greg found the whole sequence of events hard to swallow.

Fortunately, (or unfortunately), such strange events were not something entirely new to him. Because of his special ability to see into the future he had been aware for a long time that Amy and her friends were Sailor Scouts. He had witnessed in these premonitions many of the girls’ fights with demons, magicians, malevolent creatures from other dimensions, and a whole other variety of evil beings. On several occasions he even found himself in the middle of their battles, though he tried as much as possible to avoid them with his premonitions.

However, what disturbed him the most was his inability to view any premonitions. It didn’t make sense, unless he was foreseeing his own death, but if that were true he’d have seen himself dying rather than nothing.

For the first time in a long time, anxiety ebbed into his body. He wanted in the worst way to close his and see something, anything, just so he could find comfort of what his future held. Greg shook his head and smiled. For all of his life he viewed his abilities as a curse and now he felt naked without them.

The foreigner came to a sudden stop causing Greg to slam into the back of the lanky man. “Which way?”

“Uh, that way.” Greg rubbed his nose and pointed to the left toward his home among one of the narrow slots that crowded the street. ‘He is certainly solid for such a thin individual.’

The two approached Greg’s home and Greg saw that thankfully none of the lights were on meaning his parents hadn’t arrived.

The foreigner yanked on the door’s handle once and then twice before realizing it wouldn’t open. Impatiently, the dark haired man stepped aside and commanded. “Open it.”

Quickly complying, Greg unlocked the door and let the foreigner in. The foreigner stepped inside, looked about, and grabbed the boy as he tried to take off his shoes to leave them at the front door.

“Food. Where?” The man demanded as he held the boy by the collar. “To the right.” Greg found himself getting used to the foreigner’s tactlessness,

‘Maybe he’s American.’Thinking he would have a moment alone, Greg yelped as the foreigner dragged

him by the collar of his green long sleeved shirt over to the kitchen. Looking down Greg noticed the dark, greasy footprints his guest left on his mother’s soft white carpeting.

Upon entering the kitchen, the foreigner zeroed in on the refrigerator and proceeded to rummage.

“So what’s good in here?” He asked still holding Greg by the collar.“Um, we have some miso soup and maybe some ramen.” Greg stammered as the

foreigner swung him around during the man’s foraging.After some more rummaging, the foreigner came to a realization. “Where’s the

steaks? I need real food, ya bastard.”“Steaks!?” Greg exclaimed. “Do you have idea how expensive that is?”“Never mind.” The foreigner emerged from the refrigerator with a bowl filled

with a broth mixture of noodles, eggs, chicken meat, and various vegetables. “I’ll guess this will have to do.”

Greg’s eyes grew wide as the foreigner gulped down the ramen in one swallow. “Ah.” The foreigner belched and let go of Greg’s collar. “Ya know, kid, you’re

not half bad. I guess I won’t kill ya.”The boy raised an eyebrow before replying. “Um, thanks.”“I need some clothing.” With that, the foreigner once again grabbed Greg by the

collar and strolled out of the kitchen with the boy in toe. “Up the stairs.” Greg coughed.The pair proceeded up the stairwell until they reached the top.“Is your father taller than you?” The foreigner briefly sized up the boy.“I think so.” Greg answered before adding. “His room is behind me.”“Good.” The foreigner smirked. “You’re catching on.”The foreigner effortlessly threw the boy on the bed and opened a few doors before

finding the one with a rack of clothing behind it. Quickly, the foreigner flipped through all of the clothing.

“Damn it, kid, why is your dad such a big fan of light colors?” Greg just sighed. A moment later, the foreigner set down some dark colored

clothing on the bed along with a black trenchcoat. The foreigner changed in great haste, tearing off his belt and tossing it on the bed next to Greg. Greg turned his head away politely as the foreigner changed. As he looked away Greg noticed that all of the foreigner’s weapons hung off the belt, two pistols and the broad sword.

‘That means he’s unarmed.’ Greg thought. ‘Why would he do that? Is he testing me?’

Glancing over the weaponry, Greg felt his attention drawn to the sword. He had a glimpse of it during the foreigner’s battle with the blue robot, but now he had it dominating his view.

The sword had some very peculiar qualities. First he noted that the blade of the sword was crystalline and partially transparent, however its blade had a very metallic hue. The boy couldn’t resist tracing his fingertips over the smooth ornate wooden hilt and the three red jewels contained near the bottom of the blade. He watched in fascination of the sword’s most peculiar quality; its eerie glow. The sword did not just glow at a constant intensity, its glow faded in and out similar to that of a heart beat.

Greg snapped out of his reverie when the foreigner snatched up his belt, weapons and all, and latched it around his slim waist. The foreigner had changed into a dark velvet dress shirt and black slacks; both billowing on his frame.

“The pickings were slim but I found something.” The man said as he slung the trenchcoat over his shoulders. “You orientals sure are short, but at least this damn thing covers everything.”

Greg looked down and noticed that the coat, which covered his father’s heels, only came to the foreigner’s knees. It did however have enough length to conceal his sword. Greg wondered why the man chose that particular outfit since it didn’t look like he changed at all sans the coat. In fact, the man hadn’t even bothered to wipe the crimson and oddly silvery blood from his brow.

Curiosity finally got the best of the boy. “Why did you change?”The foreigner paused, as if surprised, before explaining, “Um, to blend in better,

why else?”Greg looked up at the towering foreign man and at his ill-fitting clothing and

wondered if the man could look any more conspicuous. “Uh, okay.”“What is it?” The foreigner asked anxiously. “Do I look ridiculous?”“Not at all.” Greg replied, seeing an opportunity. “It’s how you carry yourself.

If you’re going to blend in here, you need to know the correct way to handle yourself in public.”

The foreign man blinked. “Why in the hell would a Timelord like me need to worry about that?”

Greg thought fast. “To give you an advantage against that blue robot.”The man snickered. “Heh, yeah well you could call that Society bastard that.”“Society?” Greg raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “What’s the Society?” The man turned to a nearby mirror and looked himself over. “Eh, just some

bastards that have an appointment with me.”“Appointment?”The foreigner smirked. “Yeah an appointment for an ass kickin’.”“Why?”“What does it matter?” The foreigner retorted quickly as he turned around,

startling Greg. “We’ve got to get going.”“Um, where?” Greg uttered as the foreign man snatched his arm and plucked him

off his father’s bed. “Somewhere else.” The foreigner slung the boy down the stairs with him.

“Cause if I need to blend in here, then I suppose beatin’ the crap outta your parents isn’t going to help any.”

“Um, right.” Greg gulped as he felt this ‘Timelord’ ushered him out the door. “And my parents won’t be concerned that I’m gone?”

Greg could see the older man’s smirk beneath his curtain of greasy black curls. “Nah. You’re that quiet type, so I suppose no one’s gonna to miss you.”

Then the soldier slammed the door.

The old man meditated as he bathed in an unnatural red glow of neon signs streaming in through the large glass windows aged with grime. Halebit had his focus set straight in front of him into the surrounding darkness of the warehouse. His clothing, a durable gray uniform were military in fashion and absent of any dirt or grime. His still and concentrated face, lined with wrinkles that carved across it, marked him as a true general.

He focused on the coolness; he did not desire the heat of emotion, the bane of all weaknesses. Strength rested on the sturdy foundation of cool logic and from that foundation, it gave him control, the key to invincibility.

Emotions only served to stir up … urges that assaulted this very foundation and undermine his control. That was why he needed to focus on the darkness. He had to empty those emotions, those urges, into that infinite void. The cavernous space of the warehouse provided the perfect place to do so.

Not only could he empty his urges into the void, but any other sensation as well. All of the noises of vehicles, the stiff cold breeze creeping through rusted holes in the walls, or the prickly legs of the cockroach crawling across his back could distract him. Those distractions only went into the nothingness that surrounded him.

It was this control that allowed him to turn the floundering Society into a force that threatened the old guard of the Counsule. Those senile, insipid fools had grown complacent over the years ruling over the Community and let things spiral out of control and he would make them pay for that mistake. Letting the weak that lacked the discipline of control lead the strong was an intolerable situation. Much like that fair haired tart, she would learn to properly subjugate herself to him in good time. She would learn to never test his resolve over his… emotions.

Halebit concentrated further upon the surrounding darkness, trying to ignore the dull throb that crept down his spine and collected in his abdomen. Once that contemptuous girl fulfilled her responsibilities, the chain of events would fall into line as he had plan and his command over the Community, the Nexus of all dimensions, would be under his control rather than those weak fools on the Counsule.

Ready, Halebit extended his mind and lifted himself off the platform which he had been seated. The power that flowed through his veins was fading, but he would soon replenish them. Slowly lowering himself back down, Halebit decided it was best to conserve his power since his reserves were already low and he would need them in the near future.

The dull throb now begun to stab his lungs, but Halebit remained still despite the excruciating pain as a low rumble drew near. Keeping his unblinking eyes fixed ahead, he saw his first officer swoop through one of the large broken window panes near the roof and land gracefully in front of him.

Halebit allowed himself to frown at the dismal shape of Malance’s blue armor which only added to his irritation at his extreme tardiness. “Where were you, Malance? I asked you to drop off the girl at her destination and not to engage Serenity’s guards.”

Malance stood rigid and reported. “I had done as you had requested General, sir. But I had encountered an unexpected problem.”

Halebit turned his cold stare upwards surveying damaged mechanical suit. “An unexpected problem?”

“The Timelord is alive.”“I see.” Halebit pursed his lips, but otherwise his face remained stoic.The General mulled on this new bit of information. Though the boy’s appearance

here was statistically impossible, he had the sword and that alone would pull the odds in his favor, just as it did for his father. Nonetheless, Halebit did plan for such a contingency, in fact he had anticipated it among all of the contingencies he had assessed.

As he contemplated a plan of action, a low echo that resonated off the bare walls of the warehouse perked his ears. Despite the unbearable pain that gripped his head and neck, Halebit strained to listen to barely audible sound. Slowly, the sound became louder and his heart leapt into his throat when he recognized where it was coming from. It had returned and it was laughing.

Halebit closed his eyes and ignored the laughter. “He will not be a problem, see to it that he doesn’t become a distraction.”

“Yes, sir!” Malance jumped to attention and without further hesitation, he ignited his thrusters and launched himself into the night sky. Halebit watched the fiery blue flame disappear out of view and returned his concentration into the nothingness hoping to dispose of the pain and noises that was now intolerable.

The laughter didn’t subside and Halebit wondered why Malance didn’t even notice it. Probably because he didn’t want to let on that he did. Temporarily tuning out the laughing, the old man began to ponder. Malance was always so eager to follow orders. Perhaps his first officer was a little too eager.

“Halebit…” A voice taunted softly from the surrounding darkness.Searching the warehouse from his seated position, the old man noticed that it was

silent. Before Halebit could relax his posture, the voice spoke again.“Come on Hally, me’boy!” The voice breathed into his ear. “Did you honestly

think you could hold me back forever? Hehe.”Stumbling to his feet, Halebit scurried over to a corner of the platform. He could

hear the voice laughing with renewed intensity as he clawed at a thin metal panel. After tearing off the panel, Halebit snatched a small hard-shelled case from inside the old plumbing compartment hidden in the floor of the platform. Wiping the sludge off the case, Halebit opened the case and took out several large capsules and snapped them open. Greedily, Halebit poured the red powdery contents of the capsules down his throat.

The disembodied voice continued to laugh. “Don’t think your ‘medicine’ will stop me Halebit. You’re running low and soon you’ll run out.”

Then the voice began to fade away into the darkness. “And when you run out, I will return.”

With a jolt, his body absorbed the drug and his mind was set ablaze with every kind of sensation, from pleasure to pain. His heart raced and breath quickened. He felt so overwhelmed him that he fell to his knees and pounded his fist into the platform.

Concrete around him cracked and the lose pieces levitated off the ground. Unable to hold back any more, Halebit screamed incoherently at the top of his lungs.

One thought raced through his mind as he lost consciousness. He needed more of those red crystals and he needed them NOW.

A mechanized suit weaved its way through the tall structures ofTokyo that dwarfed the skyline. Malance's suit seemed humanoidin shape but massively leaden in composition. The powerful roarof his engines assured him of his supremacy over the weak. AsMalance let the sound comfort him, his eyes strayed toward thesuit. The reflections of city lights washed over the suit'sdented surface as he maneuvered through the night.

A sight quite majestic.

Yet, all he could see were the dents.

The dents marked a sign of weakness on his part, failure toanticipate the enemy. That Lord forsaken Timelord. He knewthat someone as himself, who possessed such power and control,could never be weak. The General only taught the best, andthose who did not prove worthy were useless, weak. Malance knewhe could prove his worthiness to the General by crushing theTimelord. He could prove he was the best. In the end, though,he could not deny his failure to the General.

Dread enveloped Malance as he reached a warehouse near the edgeof the city. Landing at the entrance of the structure, Malancecautiously entered.

Malance approached the elevated loading platform within wherean old man waited patiently. The old man's short, grey hairstood at attention atop his head, as his spartan type militaryuniform made him rigid in shape. The red neon light outside cutthrough the darkness, giving the hard worn wrinkles on the oldman's face an eerie silhouette.

"Explain your tardiness, Malance," the echoes bounced aroundthe bare platform.

"Upon my return, I detected a temporal disturbance," the largemetallic oddity moved closer, and finally stopping in the pathof red light.

The light reflected the damage of its armor, and the old manviewed the crimson indentations.

"I take it that you ran into an unexpected guest then? TheTimelord, I am assuming?" The old man paced around the platformwith red light reflecting off the rigid structure of his face.

Malance noted that the General's face remained so cold andcalculated, it seemed almost calm.

Perhaps, a calm before the storm.

"Yes, General Halebit." Malance tried to hide his nervousnesswith a decisive tone.

"No matter, I anticipated such an event of the Timelord'ssurvival." the old man calmly replied, pondering sharply in hismind;

'He knows how to use the sword.'

The General waved his hand at his loyal soldier, "Leave mypupil and begin the second phase of the plan. Report to me ifyou spot the Timelord."

Malance solemnly nodded and made his exit from the warehouse. Halebit slowly paced around the platform thinking over this newdevelopment.

Halebit had been careful to cover the expected and even someimpossible problems for this mission, because, apparently,survival ran in Tracer's family. Halebit, himself, had paidwitness to the father's amazing ability to escape fromimpossible situations.

Always with that wretched sword.

The general, though, failed to figure out who informed theTimelord as to their location in this dimension. Especially

since he had been so meticulous in keeping it anonymous.

Halebit pondered for a moment and looked out into the thickdarkness his soldier had just occupied, "He's loyal, maybe tooloyal."

Quite unexpectedly, the old man felt a sharp shot of coldnesshit his gut. He could feel the coldness spread to his chest asits overbearing weight pressed upon him. His shoulders began toshiver, and his hands began to shake uncontrollably. He foughtfor control of his body, but his addiction had taken over. Hecollapsed to his knees holding his quivering fists to his face.He began to panic and his thoughts began to bounce around in hismind, making them incomprehensible. Finally, one thoughtprevailed:

'I must have more crystals. I must have them NOW!'

Then, Halebit screamed in agony.


Erica adored the sight of her lover seated across from her. She studied everyone painful detail of her lover’s soft facial contours in the candlelight’s iridescence. Her lover's wavy green mane engulfed her shoulders in a crashing crest of hair that Erica couldn't help but run her hand through whenever the opportunity arose.

Erica sighed contently. After adopting Victoria, opportunities to have a romantic dinner like this were rare. Though raising the child proved difficult at times, taking care of the youngster had brought them all closer together.

"Damn it, Michelle. You're beautiful when you eat." The sandy haired woman sighed.

Her green haired partner let a smile gently curve the corners of her mouth. "Eric, according to you, everything I do is beautiful."

Erica sat up in attention and flashed a wry smile. "Do you doubt my taste?"

Michelle framed her elbows around her plate and slowly rested her head on her palms giving Erica her patented coy look. "Not at all."

Erica snatched Michelle's hand and gave it a sensual kiss, making the recipient blush slightly. The romantic mood had indeed escalated, by Erica’s estimation, and she fully intended to savor its climax.

A sudden flash of crimson light extinguished their romantic ambiance, which Erica noted with much irritation, as she and her partner snapped to attention. Through squinted eyes, Erica could barely make out two figures in the glaring light.

She immediately recognized the key shaped staff one of the silhouettes carried. It was the Time Guardian. Erica furrowed her brow. Whenever Time Guardian had business with them it always without fail was never a pleasant affair.

As the light dissipated, a blonde woman in a dirty uniform emerged along side the Time Guardian. The woman spied her new surroundings with timid curiosity and her eyes going wide when her sights ventured toward the couple standing at the table.

The Time Guardian skipped the formalities and addressed Erica and Michelle who had by now stepped away from their dinner table. "Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, by orders of the Queen, you are to guard this Traveller until her quest is complete."

"Huh?" Erica coughed into her handkerchief.

Upon hearing this, the blonde stranger turned to the couple, blinked in awe, and then fluttered across the room towards the dinner table.

"I can't believe this!" The blonde woman bubbled with excitement. "I'm actually getting to stay with Haruka and Michiru! You two are the most famous lovers ever known across the dimensions!"

"Who?" Michelle smiled politely.

The blonde Traveller paused, pondering for a moment, and spoke slowly, "I'm sorry, I must have the wrong people... You are Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus, right?"

Michelle glanced toward the stoic Time Guardian before answering, "Um, yes."

Erica blinked a few more times. "What's this about most famous love-"

"Pluto," Michelle quickly cut in, eliciting a look of contempt, "why does the Queen want us to protect this woman?"

"The Traveller had convinced the Queen that she needed protection from her enemies." Pluto stated flatly.

"Waitaminute." Erica put her hands up. "What are these 'Travellers' and why did Neo-Queen Serenity send her from the future to us in the present?"

The blonde woman smiled and bowed. "A Traveller according to Pluto is an inter-dimensional time traveler, and actually it wasn't the Neo-Queen from the future, it was Usa-I mean, Serena who made the decree."

"What!?" The couple exclaimed in unison startling the Traveller.

Suddenly their eyes turned to Pluto who averted their shocked gaze. "Since Serena is technically the Queen, I must obey her orders or risk punishment for insubordination. However, I will ensure that this Traveller will cause no folly. This I promise. Now, if you will excuse me, I must return to the Time Gate."

The Time Guardian brought her staff upright and in a flash of red, she disappeared. The two women blinked and then narrowed their eyes at the space Sailor Pluto once occupied. They never liked these 'last minute missions' that Time Guardian threw in their laps. However, no matter how much they disliked these missions, they did have an obligation as Sailor Neptune and Uranus to follow orders.

The Traveller tentatively smiled at the two women as she stood silently before them.

"Um, my name is Xendyte, or Cindy, whichever you prefer. Hehe." The blonde woman bowed.

"Yes, nice to meet you." Michelle bowed in kind. "I'm Michelle and this is Eric."

The sandy haired woman only nodded in response as she scrutinized their guest. The glimmer of the bracelet on the Traveller’s wrist immediately drew her eyes. The bracelet composed of diamond-shaped red rubies connected at the tips, which the Traveller toyed with as she waited. An interesting design, Erica thought, though very fancy looking jewelry for a woman in a dirt infested and weathered gray uniform.

Erica's face soured when a slight noxious odor reached her nose. Obviously the woman had been for several days without a bath. However, as Erica looked more closely, underneath the worn gray cloth, she could see the gentle curves of a feminine figure. A very feminine figure indeed, Erica mused.

Catching herself, Erica forced her eyes closed and then reopened them once again with renewed resolve and immediately studied the woman's long blond hair. Xendyte held back her blonde in a ponytail behind her head leaving a few wisp of hair dangled in front of her wide, dark blues eyes. In those eyes Erica could sense something genuine about the Traveller. As she continued to study Xendyte's eyes, Erica noted that they had the same pacifying effect on her as Serena's did. Gradually, Erica felt her subconscious being drawn and beginning to swim in the blue hue.

"Xendyte? An interesting name." Michelle turned to her dazed partner. "Don't you think so, Eric?"

Michelle's voice made Erica aware of the presence of a third person in the room.

"Um, yes, it is." Erica stammered.

An uncomfortable silence fell upon the three women. Finally, Erica's voice ended the interlude.

"So," she coughed, "can you tell us why are you need our help?"

Xendyte shifted her feet. "I'm a rebel fighting to free my people from the suppression of our corrupted rulers, the Counsule. For that reason, they have sent their Timelords to track me down and kill me."

"Timelords?" Michelle's eyes narrowed.

Closing her eyes briefly, Cindy remembered the sickening smirk framed by dark curls beneath a soldier’s visor. The barrel of a gun slowly came into view. She quickly reopened her eyes and exhaled. "They are enhanced soldiers that keep the order of the Counsule."

"Enhanced?" Erica leaned forward, intrigued.

"They say these Timelords have machines incorporated into their bodies," Xendyte recited coolly as screams of the dying echoed in her memories, "making them nearly indestructable."

Sensing Cindy's tension, Michelle smiled and changed the subject. "Anything interesting about yourself that you'd like to share with us."

“I, um… Where to begin?” A swell rose in Cindy’s chest and she took a deep breathe. “My parents were prominent members in the Community.”

The images of sand soaked in silvery-red blood emerged in Cindy’s mind. Her memories were becoming overwhelming. Cindy fought desperately for composure.

“My father was an engineer. My mother grew vegetables in our garden.” Cindy smiled, her voice sweet, but slightly bitter. “I had a brother too named Sam.”

Erica piqued her eyebrows. “Had?”

Cindy sighed while she involuntarily rubbed the much worn material around her elbow. “My family and a few other families were fleeing from the Counsule,” she paused trying to control her shaking lip, “that’s when they sent the Timelords after us.”

"Yeah, like did you ever meet one of these Timelords in real life?" Erica shot out casually.

****Stop Mods****The dam of emotions broke as Xendyte's lips began to quiver andtears welled in her eyes. Upon seeing this, Michelle gingerlyapproached the sobbing blonde, and gently placed her hand on ashoulder.

"I think we can question her more tomorrow. She looks likeshe's been through a lot tonight." Michelle spoke softly as sheshot an accusational glance at her partner.

The dumbfounded Erica shrugged innocently.

"You can sleep on the sofa in the living room," Michelle turnedto Erica and narrowed her eyes, "Eric, could you get some extrablankets from the hall closet."

Erica huffed and left, as Michelle directed the blond woman tothe living room. Erica strode over to the hall closet andgrabbed for the first sheets she saw. She didn't know what shedid to deserve this, the night had started out so well. Aromantic dinner and quite definitely a romantic ending. Then,the Time Guardian shows up and dumps this stupid blonde in theirlaps, saying, 'Here, take care of this for me,' and disappears. Now, Michelle was mad at her for something she didn't do.

As Erica entered the living room, she noticed Xendyte staringat her. Erica pondered a moment at this, before becoming awareof the deep scowl on her own face. Erica didn't have to lookto see the expression of disappointment on Michelle's face.

As of that moment, Erica knew this was going to be a long,lonely night.

Overcame by frustration, Erica dropped the blankets on the sofaand promptly left the room under the critical gaze of her lover.

"Don't be mad at her, Michelle, " Xendyte wiped the last tearfrom her eyes, "I mean I would be just as mad if I were in her


Michelle's glare soften a little, "It's okay, Eric and me haveour quarrels sometimes, but, in the end, she cools down andapologizes."

Michelle turned to the blonde, smiled, and winked, "Usually."

Xendyte smiled in return, and, for the first time that longnight, she honestly felt secure.

After a long moment, she found herself gazing into the emeraldeyes of Michelle.

"Um, thanks," Xendyte torn eyes away, embarrassed, "Thanks foreverything."

Michelle felt her anxieties about this woman die away, "You'revery welcome, Cindy."


Tracer & Greg go back to his home


After Michelle departed, Xendyte wearily laid down upon thecouch, spread the blankets over herself, and tried to relax. Unfortunately, relaxing only left her mind congested with theimages of her family's gruesome death. Images that haunted herevery waking moment.

All because of her love, her love for them.

She couldn't understand what all-powerful force of Fate decidedto take them away from her. She could never forget whathappened that day, never:

She remembered the arid wind of the desert licking her face, asshe strained forward. Her mother struggled along side her,carrying a young child in her arms. Cindy used the sheath onher head to prevent the sand from blurring her vision. She grew

curious why her father kept such a very diligent pace crossingthe sand.

"Dad, hold up!" She yelled.

The man stopped and waved them on, "Come on, hurry up! We'vegot to keep going."

The young woman ran towards her father, so she didn't have toyell, "Dad, what's going on?"

The man froze and nervously adjusted his glasses, "Uh, theCounsule just gave me some extra credits for developing the newAI system in their building. You know, the one you helped with,and I thought we'd go to one of those paradise dimensions. So,um, I just want to get there in a hurry."

"Are you sure?" She could sense the sound of guilt in hisvoice.

The man avoided his daughter's stare as his mate shouted,"Could someone take Seamus? He's getting heavy."

The young woman smiled and turned to her mother, "Sure Mom,I'll take the little rascal off your hands."

The young woman ran towards her exhausted mother to take thechild of her hands. As the child passed hands, the older womanthanked her daughter and ran toward to her mate. The youngwoman shifted a little to accommodate for her brother's weightcausing him to stir.

"Cindy, are we there yet?" The little brown haired boy rubbedhis sleepy eyes.

"I'm not sure, Sam." Her apprehension about this trip wasgetting to her.

Why were they so far away from the Community before travelingto this dimension? Why was her father so nervous?

Fate's reply brought her worst fears to light. Cindy could seea faint shimmer of light just ahead. The shimmers grew to adazzling brightness and dissipated to reveal four heavily armedsoldiers with visors concealing their identity. The leadsoldier took a step forward and intercepted Cindy's quivering


"Xavier, chief technician of shield technology, there isevidence of your association with the rebel group known as theSociety. Punishment is sentencible by death. How do youplead?" The soldier smirked at the cowering man.

"I beg you, Timelord, listen to me. I'm not apart of theSociety, no matter what they told you! Please believe me!" Xavier begged as his mate narrowed her eyes.

"What is the meaning of this!" The older woman exclaimed, "Iwill not tolerate such talk fro-"

The Timelord responded by punching the woman in the face. Thetwisted grin of the Timelord reminded Cindy of a wild animalthirsting for the slaughter.

"In the name of the Counsule, I hereby sentence you to death."

The massacre that proceeded tortured her soul so much that shecould only recollect brief gruesome images, a nightmare turnedreality.

She could remember little of the Society rebels rescuing herfrom the massacre. She did remember very vividly, though, herfirst meeting with the general of the Society. She rememberedthe rebels that rescued her did not hesitate presenting her tohim. She remembered his brown hair with white streaks runningthrough it. Most especially, she remembered his face, a face ofa man who hadn't aged well.

She remembered the general offering his hand to her with amanner of dry empathy, "I am your savior, General Halebit of theSociety. I am sorry about your family, the Timelords who killedthem will pay. That much, I am sure."

At the mention of her family, her mind broke down, and hermemory of her first conversation with the general was quitefuzzy. The uncomfortable feeling she got from the general'sforward and cold mannerisms, though, she could never shake fromher memory. In fact, the feeling never subsided, and she madeit a point to avoid him.

She quickly learned the general thought of the Society as amilitary operation, an operation run by the 'General,' (as he

insisted on being called). Because of this mentality, Halebitgave her no time to grieve. Halebit immediately startedtraining her to make her into a soldier, make her useful. Sheremembered how much she hated the grueling workout sessions thathe personally attended.

He would stare at her with scrutiny during those sessions, and,one day, she finally she lost it.

"Damn it, Halebit, I don't have to take this anymore!" She hadscreamed towards the General, "You are nothing more than atyrant! You're no better than the Counsule!"

The old man just stared at her while the entire group glared ather for speaking such blasphemy. She quickly sulked away andsilently continued on as the General's eyes followed her moreclosely.

After her public outburst, the other Society soldiers beganregarding her with more spite and started to make verbal andphysical threats. Cindy then resided to putting on a falsesmile and blamed her outburst on fatigue, but inside her rageand anger still burned. Fortunately, the soldiers' memory soonsubsided.

Halebit, though, never forgot.

He constantly reminded her of her family's death, reopening thewound. Her punishment for questioning his authority.

He even promoted her to second in command, to make her mentaltorture by his hands unescapable. As second in command, shecould see Halebit's power first hand, as well as his cruelty. One such occurrence she could never forget;

As the General walked crossed the platform, the assembly ofSociety soldiers became silent in awe of their leader. TheGeneral knew gathering the entire Society together in assemblywould offer the Timelords a golden opportunity to strike,presenting him with an interesting problem in giving hisspeeches. Instead, the General opted to tour the small factionsof the Society across the dimensions.

The General scanned the small group of soldiers, the last groupof this grueling tour, and methodically spoke the wordsrehearsed in his mind.

"My fellow soldiers," the General's voice boomed in thesilence of the attentive crowd, "I, your General, express mysatisfaction with your prowess in our battle against theCounsule. . ."

Cindy quickly became dulled to the General's recanted words,until. . . .

"Then there are those who offer us nothing in this battle, andI plan to make an example of . . ." the general motioned off toone of the soldiers to his right to bring in his 'example.'

Cindy sat upright in attention, this was not apart of theGeneral's normal speech. She noticed a soldier being draggedacross the platform, the 'example.' She knew him as one of thenew recruits who constantly fell victim to paralyzing anxietyfits during battle drills. Cindy felt utter disgust as sheanticipated the general's aim.

"Now I will show you I do not hesitate to eradicate weakness." Halebit proclaimed.

Upon hearing these words, the soldier's face became paralyzedby fear.

The hands of the General started to burn of red energy as thesoldier began to levitate off the platform. The crowd eagerlywaited as the soldier began to claw at his throat and strugglefor air. Halebit narrowed his eyes and clinched his fistsharder.


The soldier's limp body fell to the floor. Halebit gazed athis loyal servants as they cheered, leaving Cindy horrified atthe spectacle. She realized how Halebit exerted control. That's all he ever wanted.


From that moment on, she promised herself she would bring anend to Halebit's tyranny of the Society. . . . and of her.

The blonde woman blinked. Cindy found herself staring up atthe smooth white ceiling of the apartment once more.

She yawned. It seemed sleep finally decided to return to her.

She narrowed her eyes and scowled at the specs on the ceiling.

'And with the Scouts' help, I plan to keep that promise,' Cindythen drifted into slumber.

-End of part 2-

Terrible Things to WastePart 3: Inquiries

The low rumbling and rhythmic click-clacking shook Greg from his slumber. Unfolding himself from a cramped, dank concrete niche, he looked up at the shivering bridge. He thought with some amusement that the entire structure shook as if in fear of the passing train.

Greg spied the foreigner standing next to him, regarding the ripples in the river. A few crisp rays of sunlight had just started to creep over the banks and deflected off the uneven surface. More fully awake now, Greg felt the onset of cold morning air nipping at exposed skin and attempted to cover then with his hands.

“You’re up finally.” The foreigner said while the rumbling of the train faded into the distance.

“Uh, yeah.”

“Good, let’s go.” The Timelord grabbed the boy.

As Greg emerged from underneath the bridge, it struck him how the predawn light drained the street of its colors. Shades of gray muted the vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges from shops and street lamps. He enjoyed the relative peace and quiet of early mornings like these. It gave him an opportunity to close his eyes and receive premonitions. However, since the premonitions stopped Greg felt lost.

A person brushed by Greg oblivious or uncaring at their wrinkled and dirt smudged clothing. He’d just tightened his coat and stared on ahead minding his own business.

‘I wonder if Mom and Dad know I’m missing.’ Greg thought.

Without warning Greg slammed into the Timelord.

“Ow.” He rubbed his nose. “What is it?”

“Her.” The Timelord growled pointing to a metal box seated on a post.

Greg peered at a newspaper behind the square glass port of the box. The front page featured the picture of a blonde girl wearing a tiara between two long ponytails.

“Where Are They Now? The Story of the Mysterious Sailor Scouts.” Greg read aloud. “What about them?”

“No, you moron, I meant the girl.”

“You mean Sailor Moon?”

“So that’s Serenity?”

Greg gulped. “Who?”

“Nevermind.” The Timelord rolled his eyes. “Do you know anything about this Sailor Moon?”

“Uh, she saved my life once.”

“That doesn’t help me any kid.” The Timelord scowled. “Do you know where she lives?”

“Um, no.”

The man snorted and tugged on the box’s handle. After several tugs, the Timelord regarded the slot in the top corner.

“It’s locked.”

“I have some chang-“

“Shh!” The man waved off the boy. “I’m thinkin’ here.”

The man stared at the slot in what Greg assumed to be contemplation. Finally the man turned and smiled.

“I am a frickin’ genius.”

The Timelord flicked his wrist and flexed his hand. Greg watched in fascination as a silvery mercury-like liquid oozed from the middle of his forearm and crawled up his wrist. Once the silvery fluid engulfed his hand, it continued past his fingertips to form sharp points.

The Timelord wagged his sharpened index finger at Greg before jabbing it into the slot.

“I’ll have us one those paper things in no time.” He huffed as he prodded.

He prodded the slot some more. “No time at all.”

He kept prodding. “No freaking time at all.”

Finally, the Timelord stopped prodding and ripped open the metal box, letting the metal door slip from his clawed hand with a loud and rattling clang. The Timelord sniffed indignantly.

“Stupid bastard.”

The Timelord grabbed a newspaper while Greg looked about nervously.

“Um, we should probably go.”


After putting a safe distance between themselves and the metal container, the Timelord read the front page.

“You can read Japanese?” Greg asked.

“Is that what this is?” The Timelord pointed at the characters printed on the page.

“How can you read Japanese if you don’t know Japanese?”

The Timelord scratched his head. “It has to do with these Universal Translator things in our brains somewhere. And don’t bother buggin’ me with questions, I have no idea how they work. Now leave me alone.”

Greg sighed and continued to walk. He watched as people in suits bustled past and poured into buses and taxis. The sun now rose above the surrounding buildings bringing out all of the reds, yellows, and oranges. Though Greg liked to see the malaise of gray fade away, he now had to contend with his growling stomach.

“You know where Jewban is?” The Timelord asked.

“Huh? Juuban? I guess, why?”

The Timelord pointed to the newspaper. “It says here that’s where what’s her name been seen the most.”


“It also says something about a Cherry Hill Temple. Ever been to that place?”

Greg gulped.


The early morning light filtered through the blinds of Victoria's bedroom window. The young child rubbed her eyes and curled up further in her blanket. She really didn't want to leave the comfort of her bed, but, then again, she didn't want to miss the morning cartoons either.

Slowly, she lowered her frail body to the floor and stretched her limbs. The electrifying sensation of circulation forcibly squeezed her large violet eyes shut and hold her breath. She had always loved stretching, especially in the morning. It gave her an opportunity to feel good by just being alive. She stretched as long as she could stand the sensation before relaxing with a huff.

Upon opening her eyes, she noticed her dark hair dangling in her view. She moved to clear it when she noticed her small hand. She stared at it wondering just how much power that hand possessed. She knew this hand could breathe life into the dying, but could it bring about the final silence of death.

Sometimes she had nightmares that she had lost control and obliterated everyone and everything. For that reason, she vowed that she would never lose control to insure the safety of her friends.

‘Harmless nightmares.’ Victoria giggled. ‘Yes, Aunt Michelle’s right, they’re just harmless nightmares.’

Victoria could smell a strong scent of something sweet beckoning her down the hall. Letting her nose lead the way, Victoria wondered towards the kitchen.

‘Smells like pancakes.’ Victoria licked her lips.

The closer she got to the kitchen, the more her nose twitched at the aroma. She closed her eyes, relishing the fragrance. Once she felt the cool tile of the kitchen under her feet, she fluttered her eyes open.


"Who's there?"

Victoria jumped back as a blonde woman whisked around from the stove, spatula ready.

Spooked, Victoria rushed down the hall and ducked into the master bedroom. She leaped onto the bed and shook one of the covered bodies vigorously.

"Wake up, wake up! There's a strange lady in our house!"


"There's a strange lady in the kitchen!" Victoria whispered.

Erica threw the sheets aside and murmured. "A burglar?"

"I think so. She’s blonde."

Erica rolled out of the bed and rubbed her eyes, yawning.

"Alright, then, let me get my transformation wand and I’ll chase her out.” Erica paused. "Waitaminute."

Suddenly, the blonde stranger burst into the room. Victoria yelped and dove behind Erica. Erica looked back at Victoria and grinned.

"So you're the one scaring Vicky, huh?"

“I'm sorry, really, I didn't mean-" The blonde babbled.

"Don't." Erica raised her hand. “You don't have to apologize I understand, Cindy."

Victoria stayed close to Erica as she crept away from the bed. She could hear Erica’s soft chuckling before a foul smell filled the air.

Erica sniffed. "Is something burning?"

Cindy's eyes shot open. "Oh, by Serenity’s ghost! They're burning!"

Instantly, Cindy bound out of the bedroom.

Victoria followed Erica to the kitchen which by now had filled with a plume of black smoke. She could see Cindy desperately trying to extinguish the smoldering food on the stove. Victoria stayed at the edge of the title as Erica came to Cindy's aid and put out breakfast.

"What's going on?" A tired voice yawned.

Craning her neck, Victoria saw Michelle standing behind her, her wavy green hair protruding in several directions.

"Oh, Cindy and I were just putting the finishing touches on breakfast, that's all, Miche." Erica replied.

Turning back to the kitchen, Victoria noticed Cindy's bright red face. Stepping away from the smoking skillet, Cindy bowed deeply.

"I am truly sorry for all trouble I have caused. I'll clean this up immediately."

"It's okay. We'll help you clean this up." Michelle said as she ran her hand through her hair.

Cindy lifted her head peered at Victoria. Scared, she clutched Michelle's leg. Smiling, Cindy knelt down, offering her hand.

"I guess I owe you an apology as well for scaring you earlier. My name is Cindy and you are?"

Michelle looked down at the child, "She's Victoria. We adopted her a few years ago."

Cindy gazed at Victoria. "I see. So are you always this shy?"

Victoria nodded as Michelle smiled. "Not always, but give her some time and I’m sure she’ll warm up to you."

"I see," Cindy sprang to her feet, "we’ll have plenty of time to warm up to each other later, but first let’s clean up the mess I made."

As Erica and Michelle helped Cindy scrape the skillet, the kitchen erupted with red light. Once it faded Victoria recognized the tall figure that stood before her.

"Pluto." She whispered.

"You're presence is requested, Traveller." The Time Guardian clicked her staff on the title floor.

"Wh-” Cindy uttered before vanishing in a flash of crimson.


“Wow, she’s awfully late today.”

“I know, Mina, this is becoming a bad habit.”

“Oh knock it off you two, she’s probably got a good reason.”

“I guess, but she promised she wouldn’t be late this time. Anyway we better get back to the shrine soon. I don’t feel like dealing with Raye especially after making her wait this long.”

“Lita’s got a point.”

“Don’t either of you worry about Raye. I told her we’d be waiting for her here and it’d only be polite to wait.”

“Whatever you say, but I hope she gets back soon. This tray is getting heavy.”

“Ooo, which kind did you bake this time, Mina?”

“Sugar cookies.”

“I’m here!”

“There you are Amy. We’ve been waiting here for over 10 minutes.”

“I’m sorry Serena, but I overslept this morning.”

“Your study session with Greg kept you up last night? Hehe.”



“Um, actually, Serena called me after he left. I spent most of the night doing research on these ‘Travellers.’”


“Yes, the compact computer Luna gave me has a rather extensive archive dating back to the Moon Kingdom era.”


“Hold on a second, you have a complete archive dating back to the Silver Millennium?”

“Further than that actually, I believe it goes back 5,000 years. I haven’t been able to translate it all.”


“How come you never said anything before?”

“Because it looked like gibberish at first when I received the compact, so I didn’t think it was worth mentioning. It wasn’t until I asked Luna about it a year ago that I discovered what it was.”


“Pass that by me again?”

“Basically Serena, I have the library of the Moon Kingdom on my compact.”

“That’s so cool! It’s kinda like the time I saw that movie in French. Even though I had no idea what they were saying, and wasn’t sure what was going on I think I got the gist of it. Oh and those actors are so cute with their cute little accents, ooo, I’d just melt….. Er, so anyways, that thing’s got a complete history of the world and all that other stuff, right?”

“Um, yes it does, Mina. It also has schematics of ancient technology.”


“I’m still confused.”

“I hate to interrupt you three, but we probably should be making our way to the shrine.”

“Yes, Lita, I believe it would be wise to expedite ourselves.”

“Yeah, and we better hurry up too.”

“Mina, um...”


“Nevermind. Let’s get inside before Raye has a conniption fit.”


“So did you find anything on those ‘Travellers’ Amy?”

“Not too much. From what I’ve been able to read, it’s mostly just general warnings to never let one stay here for too long.”

“Did it say why?”

“Not really.”



“SHE WHAT?” Raye’s dark eyes burned.

Luna stepped back, paw by paw. “She convinced Sailor Pluto to let the Traveller stay here.”

“That little… Grrrr!”

Raye clinched her teeth, grinding them slowly back and forth as she wrung the loose red leggings draped over her crossed legs.

That ditz finally did it. She out stepped her bounds as the leader of the Scouts because some stranger had a sob story. Raye chastised herself for ever believing that naive nincompoop could be responsible enough to make the right decisions as their leader. She felt like such a fool.

"Hello Raye, how are you?"

Raye looked up from the table to see Amy, Serena, Mina, and Lita come in.

"Oh I’m fine, Amy, considering we're starting late again," She growled.

Amy lowered her head. "I am really sorry."

Raye shook her head. “Geez, Amy, I don’t know what’s going on with you. You’ve been late the last few times. And you used to be early to these meetings.”

“Raye, give her a break, I mean she was talking to her boyfriend." Serena piped in.

“Er, that’s not quite tru-“

“Listen Miss All-High-and-Mighty,” Raye arched her eyebrow. “I don’t think you have much room to talk after the stunt you pulled last night."

Serena narrowed her eyes. "Raye, just give her a break."

‘Don’t you dare give me that look.’ Raye thought angrily. ‘I’m not going to let you dupe me again.’

"Alright.” Lita stood between the two girls. “Enough with the fighting, we have some serious business we have to get down to."

Raye looked up at Lita’s stern gaze and grumbled as the others sat in a circle near her bed.

As Luna coughed trying to get the meeting started, a white blur

streaked from the rafters directing its course with the blackcat. Unfortunately, poor aiming caused the white blur tonarrowly miss Serena's head. Finally, the white mass tumbledupon the floor until it lost its momentum. The group whirledaround to see a white, male cat with a crescent shaped mark onhis forehead laying upside-down on the floor. As the cat triedto regain his sense of balance, the blonde girl shook her headand giggled;

"Nice try Artemis. However, you missed Luna by about threefeet."

The white cat managed to grin at his blonde owner, "Keeping inpractice, the enemy can strike when you least expect!"

The other talking cat groaned, "I believe you need practice oncutting down on catnip, Artemis."

Her partner's unbroken grin was his only response.

The blonde girl giggled once more as she gingerly set down hertray of cookies in the middle of the circle, "Okay who wantscookies! They're fresh from the oven!"

"Thanks Mina!" Reenie hopped to her feet and picked up acookie, "I hope these are as good as the last batch!"

Usually the girls would cautiously approach anything that Minawould make, but under with the proper instruction from someoneexperienced, Mina had proven she could cook. Everyone quicklydug into the pile of cookies and took one giant bite out theirsugar enriched treat. But once the taste settled onto theirtongues everyone spit it out.

"Man, Mina what happened?" Raye garble in-between coughs.

The blonde girl was lost for an explaination, "I followedLita's recipe exactly as it said, like she told me to."

The dumbfounded Mina produced the list out of her pocket, whichRaye quickly snatched.

Raye read over the ingredients carefully and remarked, "Mina,which sugar did you put in the mix?"

"Of course, I put in the white stuff in the can with the 'S' on

it. . ." Mina replied.

Amy interrupted her before she got any further, "You know,Mina, salt is also white like sugar."

"-And the sugar at home is marked 'Sugar,'" the white catadded.

Mina opened her mouth as she realized she had lost all her windin her retort.

She bowed her head in embarrassment, "Oh. Heh, heh, sorry."

Scene with girls, Raye’s perspective. Amy late due to fascination with Traveller. Mina’s salty cookies. Serena’s defense of Cindy. Mention Raye’s irritation with Grandpa and Chad talking to the newspaper.


“Ya know these eggs are a little runny.” The Timelord managed between mouthfuls of food. “And they taste weird with this rice.”

Greg watched in morbid fascination as he quietly nibbled on his toast. The Timelord continued to greedily slurp down cups of coffee and shovel spoonfuls of rice and egg into his face. He already given up on the idea of chopsticks their waitress had given them and instead commandeered the use of a rice ladle.

“Can I get you gentlemen anything else?” The waitress asked, her eyebrow twitching as she smiled.

Greg cringed when the Timelord let loose a loud belch. He slumped in the cushioned booth when he realized all the other restaurant patrons were staring at them.

“Ya know kid,” the Timelord wiped his mouth with his sleeve, “you’re not half bad. What did you say your name was?”

“Um, Greg.”

“Greg huh.” The Timelord blurted, spraying rice on the table.

“Yeah.” Greg looked down at the table. “Actually, Mister, um-“

“Zen. Tracer Zen.”

“Right.” Greg let his words come out carefully.

“Mister Zen, I was wondering why you want to find Sailor Moon so badly?”

Tracer stopped shoveling and turned away. “Why should I tell you? For all I know you could be one of her spies.”

“Spies?” Greg knitted his brow.

“Yeah, spies. You said you know her, so how do I know you won’t run off and tell Serenity I’m here.” Tracer sneered. “The last thing I need is to deal with one of her guards.”

Greg took in a breath. “I did meet Sailor Moon once, but I don’t know who she is. I’m sure if you just talked to her.”

Tracer crossed his arms. “Like hell I will.”

“Why not?”

“Cause the last time I ran into one of her guards, I got this.” Tracer slammed his hand on the table, cracking the glossy finish.

Greg remembered the strange silvery liquid that oozed from it earlier that morning. “What do you mean?”

“What I mean is one of your damn ‘Sailor Scouts’ tried to kill me.”

“W-which one?”

“The one who can control ice.” Tracer growled.

Greg gulped. ‘Amy?’

“Anyway, we’ve wasted enough time here.” The Timelord stood. “We have a temple to stake out.”

With that Tracer stabbed his clean chopsticks into the bowl of rice, satisfied.

-End of Part 2-

Terrible Things to Waste

Part 3: Inquiry

The sun slowly crept over the horizon, as Tracer passed byshops crammed together along the street. His long black bangsshielded his face from the incoming rays of the sun, as well asthe bustling crowd of people off to work.

He needed to concentrate on his main objective. He was thehunter and the Society was his prey, but the trail was cold. Topick it up, he needed to think like his quarry, anticipate theirmovements. Once he knew what they were after, he'd have a placeto start.

What would his prey want from this dimension?

Perhaps they wanted the power he could sense residing withinthis time stream.

The scent wasn't obvious when he first arrived, but slowly hissenses caught it. He compared the feeling to reaching into awell and any beings who could reach its depths

would have to be very powerful indeed. Tracer had a feelingthat if he could find these beings, his prey wouldn't be too farbehind.

It was strange, really, Tracer never had any sensitivity topower like this before, but now he could 'smell' its odor aroundhim. Tracer knew it had to be the sword. It already saved himfrom the grips of death itself, gave him visions when needed,and, now, his new found sensitivity. Tracer could see thepattern, the sword was slowly bestowing him new abilities. Given the power of the sword, the possiblities were endless.

Oh, he could taste the sweetness of his revenge against Halebit.

Unfortunately, Tracer's unfamiliarity with the dimension'shistory posed the biggest obstacle to his revenge.

"Damn my luck," he cursed quietly.

Before Tracer could sulk further, something caught the corner

of his eye. He whirled around to behold a newspaper beingdisplayed within the protective casing of steel. Tracerinspected a slot where one would have to deposit coins to gainaccess to the paper within. Tracer, unfortunately, lacked theproper coins to get a paper.

Tracer growled to himself at his predicament and pondered asolution. A moment later, the man smirked.

"I'm a genius," Tracer breathed to himself while flexing hisright hand.

The action caused the lower part of his right arm becameengulfed in a silver liquid. It spread to cover his hand andextended past his hand to come to a sharp point at each fingertip. The man took his index finger and inserted it into theslot. Getting no results after a minute or so of prodding,Tracer impatiently jabbed three of the sharp fingers into thecrevice of the door. He ripped open the box, snatched anewspaper, and casually walked away from the scene of the crime.

After getting safe distance away, Tracer read the headline thatfirst caught his eye:

"Where Are They Now? An Update on the Mysteriously HeroicSailor Scouts."

The picture underneath, though, not the headline, had drawn hisattention. The picture featured a girl wearing a tiara and askimpy dress with a particular hair style that stood out in hismind. The two pig tails of hair jutting out of her headresembled a style of the woman in his vision that led him tothis dimension. The picture resurrected Tracer's memory of thevision. He remembered her elegant beauty, especially her large,expressive, and lovely blue eyes that reminded him of. . . of. ..

Tracer shook his head and reminded himself he had to figure outwhat Halebit wanted with these Scouts. Suddenly, one historicalterm stood out in his mind.

"The Silver Crystal," he whispered to himself.

Tracer scanned the article:

". . .The Scouts have made numerous appearances around the city

stopping crimes and defeating monsters. The Juuban district ofTokyo that used to be a hotbed for Sailor sightings, nowadayshas been lucky to hear one dramatic speech . . . "

Tracer dropped the paper. The hunt had recommenced.


The early morning light filtered through the blinds ofVictoria's bedroom window. The young child rubbed her eyes andwelcomed the new day with ambivalence. She really didn't wantto leave the comfort of her bed, but, then again, she didn'twant to miss the morning cartoons.

Slowly, the frail child crawled out of bed and stretched lifeinto her limbs. The electrifying sensation of circulationforcibly squeezed her large violet eyes shut, while making herhold her breath. She had always loved stretching, especially inthe morning. It gave her an opportunity to feel alive, to feelgood. She enveloped herself in the sensation as long as shestand before relaxing limbs with a huff.

Upon opening her eyes, she noticed her dark hair hanging overher eyes. She moved to run her hand through her hair to clearher view, when she noticed her small hand. She stared at itwondering just how much power that hand possessed. She knewthis hand could breath life into the dying, but could it bringabout the final silence of death? She sometimes had nightmareswhere she lost control of her power and everyone she ever loved,everything she ever cared for would be obliterated. After thefirst such nightmare, she vowed that she would never losecontrol to insure the safety of her friends and that hernightmares ended with her waking up.

Harmless nightmares. Victoria giggled. Yes, that's all theywere, harmless nightmares.

The child giggled once more and threw her hands to her sides,she wondered if there was going to be pancakes for breakfast. Victoria could smell a strong scent of something sweet beingcooked down the hall. Letting her nose lead the way, Victoria

wondered out of her room towards the kitchen. The closer shegot to the kitchen, the more her nose twitched at the scent. Asshe crossed the living room toward the kitchen, the small childclosed her eyes relishing the fragrance. Once Victoria couldfeel the cool tile of the kitchen under her feet, her eyesfluttered open.

"Eeep!" she yelped as she nearly jumped out of her skin.

A tall stranger with long blond hair stood over the stove,eyeing the cuisine cooking on a skillet. The yelp caused thestranger to whisk around.

"Huh? Wha-?" The stranger caught a glimpse of a small figurerushing out of the kitchen, "Who's there?"

As Victoria rushed down the hall, she pondered the situation. She knew that they were not expecting company last night and shehad no idea what this stranger was doing here. Perhaps she wasa homeless person who had snuck in that morning to use theirkitchen. Whatever the case, the stranger had seen her. Victoria quickly ducked into the master bedroom where she couldsee the continuous contour of two bodies laying on the bed.

Victoria shook the closer of the two bodies, "Wake up, wake up! There's a strange lady in our house!"

"Whaa?" One of the bodies underneath the sheets groaned.

"There's a strange lady in the kitchen!" Victoria whispered asshe eyed the doorway.

The grouchy Erica casted the sheets aside as she drearily satup, "A burglar?"

"I think so," Victoria replied sheepishly.

"Alright, then, I'll throw out this strange lad-"

As Erica began to get up, her memory of last night's eventsreemerged. The dinner, the Time Guardian's arrival, and theirconversation with the blonde woman.


Suddenly, the blonde stranger entered the room, causing

Victoria to yelp once more and jump to Erica's side. Thestranger's apprehension manifested itself in her smile as Ericaeyed her suspiciously.

"So you're the one scaring Vicky, huh?"

Cindy smiled weakly in reply, "I'm sorry, really, I didn'tmean-"

"Don't." Erica raised her hand.

"You don't have to apologize," Erica's lips curled to a coysmile, "I understand, Cindy."

The blond sighed as Erica crept out of bed. Victoria shadowedErica, staring at this stranger, Cindy, who smiled back inreturn.

Erica's nose soured as a foul smell hit her senses, "Issomething burning?"

Cindy's eyes shot open, "Oh, my Lord! They're burning!"

Running out of the bedroom, Cindy rushed to the rescue theremnants of breakfast.

Erica followed the panicked blonde to the kitchen streaming asteady strings of black smoke. Within the kitchen, Erica foundCindy desperately trying to extinguish the smoldering food uponthe skillet. Erica stifled a laugh before coming to Cindy's aidand put out breakfast.

"What's going on?" A tired voice yawned from across thekitchen causing Cindy to freeze.

Erica turned slightly toward her partner with the disheveledgreen hair, snickering, "Oh, Cindy and I were just putting thefinishing touches on breakfast, that's all, Miche."

By now, Cindy's face burned with embarrassment, unable tobelieve her bad luck. First, she had scared the child and, now,she had ruined breakfast. The morning couldn't have gotten offto a worst start. She had to alleviate all of this somehow.

Cindy quickly whisked around and bowed apologetically, "I amtruly sorry for all trouble I have caused. I'll clean this up


The weary Michelle smiled, "Cindy, it's okay. We'll help cleanthis up."

Cindy felt her embarrassment drain from her face, and liftedher head. As she lifted her head, Cindy caught sight of thesmall child clutching Michelle's leg.

Cindy smiled gingerly at the child as she knelt down andoffered her hand, "Um, hello. I'm Cindy. And you are?"

Michelle looked down at the child, replying, "She's Victoria. We adopted her a few years ago."

Cindy gazed at Victoria, trying to seem as disarming aspossible, "I see. So are you always this shy?"

Victoria nodded as Michelle smiled, "Not always, but it takesher awhile to warm up to people sometimes."

"Alright," Cindy punctuated as she sprang to her feet, "Ithink I should start cleaning up the mess I made."

Abruptly, the kitchen became engulfed in crimson light, and asthe light faded Victoria whispered;


Cindy found herself staring into the stern visage of the TimeGuardian, "You're presence is requested, Traveller."

"Wh-" Cindy uttered, before vanishing in a flash of crimson.


The morning sun welcomed three girls as they entered thegrounds of the Cherry Hill Temple.

The tallest of the three looked down the street, "She's late."

"Yes, she's very late," her friend added as she checked thetray she held, "And the cookies are getting cold."

The third girl quietly nodded and joined the tall brunette inher gaze down the street. A stiff breeze blew as they all stoodthere, waiting for their friend.

After a few minutes, the third girl could see a figure in thedistance rushing towards them, "There she is."

The brunette folded her arms as their tardy friend joined thegroup, "Man, you're late again. I thought you promised to getbetter at this?"

"Geez, this is really bad habit you've gotten yourself into,"the other commented as she carefully steadied her tray as shestraighten the red ribbon in her hair.

"Yeah. What kept you, Amy?" Serena turned to their exhaustedblue haired friend.

Amy took a moment to recover her breath and huffed, "Sorry, I'mlate, you guys. I was talking with Greg this morning, and - "

Instantly, the three girls had huge grins pasted on theirfaces. Amy quickly went silent realizing her mistake, but itwas too late.

The brunette nudged Amy in the side and chimed, "It's gettingpretty hot between the two of you, huh?"

"Well, uh, not really, Lita - "

The blonde girl next to Serena moved to the other side of Amyand spoke with a tone of controversy, "So have you guys kissedyet?"

Amy's face turned to a dark shade of red as she squeaked,"Mina! Uh, um, let's not keep Raye waiting."

"She's right you guys," Serena urged much to Amy's comfort,"You know how Raye gets when you keep her waiting too long."

The girls standing on either side of Amy shrugged to each otherin agreement. The last thing they wanted to be welcomed withwas one of Raye's tirades.

As the girls approached the temple, Amy noticed something amiss.

"Serena, where's Darien?"

Serena's expression hardened subtly, "He's in Osaka."

"Since when?" Amy coughed.

"He called this morning." Serena's voice rung withdisappointment, "Apparently they needed his help with some labexperiment or something."

"Did you tell him about our situation?" Amy incredulouslyinquired.

"Yes, he said he would try to hurry back here," Serena kepther eyes fixed on the temple entrance.

The four girls entered the temple in silence.


"And she convinced Sailor Pluto to keep the Traveller here," Luna internally cringed as Raye's eyes grew larger, and herscowl grew deeper.

Luna felt the young priestess was taking the news better thanshe had expected, but couldn't help but notice the whiteness ofRaye's knuckles as she gripped her ceremonial white robestighter. The black feline looked for some support from theyoung girl seated next to her on the floor of Raye's bedroom.

"But Puu said she would take her somewhere safe," Reenie'sattempt at calming the raven haired priestess failed.

"So you're telling me," Raye's temples throbbed as she spokeeach word, "Serena had promised a total stranger to protect her,even against the advice of Pluto?"

The other two glanced at each before answering in unison,

"Well, yes."

Raye began to implement her deep breathing exercises toalleviate her urge to scream. She knew that Luna and Reenie didnot deserve her venting, they were only the messengers. No itwas Serena that deserved this venting.

That ditz had finally outstepped her bounds as the leader ofthe Scouts because some stranger had a sob story. Rayechastised herself for ever believing that naive nincompoop couldresponsibly make the right decisions as their leader. She feltlike such a fool. She felt so. . . so. . . betrayed.

"Hello Raye, how are you?" Amy's voice made Raye aware of thefour girls in her bedroom.

"Fine, considering we're starting late. . . *again*," theyoung priestess growled.

The tardy streak Amy ran lately irritated Raye almost as muchas Serena's dubiousness. Amy's tardiness especially irritatedRaye, considering Amy always used to be early to these meeting.

Amy lowered her head in shame and spoke softly, "I am reallysorry."

Serena piped in, "Raye, give her a break, I mean she wastalking to her boyfriend."

Amy's face reddened as did Raye's but for differing reasons.

The priestess got right in Serena's face, her brow arched down,"Listen, Meatball-head, I wasn't getting after her about hertalking to Greg, I'm getting after her about delaying ourmeetings."

Serena narrowed her eyes, but spoke in a calm and temperedtone, "Raye, just give her a break."

Serena's calmness fueled Raye's temper further, but before shecould explode the tall brunette interrupted Raye's impendingtantrum.

"Alright. Enough with the fighting, we have some seriousbusiness we have to get down to." Her stern tone was punctuatedby her imposing stance.

"Fine, Lita. Let's get going," Raye grumbled as the others satin a circle near Raye's bed.

As Luna coughed trying to get the meeting started, a white blurstreaked from the rafters directing its course with the blackcat. Unfortunately, poor aiming caused the white blur tonarrowly miss Serena's head. Finally, the white mass tumbledupon the floor until it lost its momentum. The group whirledaround to see a white, male cat with a crescent shaped mark onhis forehead laying upside-down on the floor. As the cat triedto regain his sense of balance, the blonde girl shook her headand giggled;

"Nice try Artemis. However, you missed Luna by about threefeet."

The white cat managed to grin at his blonde owner, "Keeping inpractice, the enemy can strike when you least expect!"

The other talking cat groaned, "I believe you need practice oncutting down on catnip, Artemis."

Her partner's unbroken grin was his only response.

The blonde girl giggled once more as she gingerly set down hertray of cookies in the middle of the circle, "Okay who wantscookies! They're fresh from the oven!"

"Thanks Mina!" Reenie hopped to her feet and picked up acookie, "I hope these are as good as the last batch!"

Usually the girls would cautiously approach anything that Minawould make, but under with the proper instruction from someoneexperienced, Mina had proven she could cook. Everyone quicklydug into the pile of cookies and took one giant bite out theirsugar enriched treat. But once the taste settled onto theirtongues everyone spit it out.

"Man, Mina what happened?" Raye garble in-between coughs.

The blonde girl was lost for an explaination, "I followedLita's recipe exactly as it said, like she told me to."

The dumbfounded Mina produced the list out of her pocket, whichRaye quickly snatched.

Raye read over the ingredients carefully and remarked, "Mina,which sugar did you put in the mix?"

"Of course, I put in the white stuff in the can with the 'S' onit. . ." Mina replied.

Amy interrupted her before she got any further, "You know,Mina, salt is also white like sugar."

"-And the sugar at home is marked 'Sugar,'" the white catadded.

Mina opened her mouth as she realized she had lost all her windin her retort.

She bowed her head in embarrassment, "Oh. Heh, heh, sorry."

"Can we start now?" Luna's impatient tone made the girls putdown their cookies, "Anyway, as I was telling Raye earlier, thistime traveler, Cindy, has asked us for our help, and Serenaconvinced Pluto to let her stay here, promising her ourservices."

"Yeah, without our consent." Raye shot in, causing Serena tofrown slightly.

Luna continued, "And Serena wanted to know what you thought ofall this before she proceeded further."

"I, for one, would like to talk to this 'Cindy' woman, before Ican trust her." Raye spouted insolently as she crossed her armsin front of her chest..

"I must agree with Raye on this one, Serena," Amy declared, "Itwould be wise to let us question her to come to any absolutedecision."

The other girls nodded in approval at this and Raye smiledsmugly at Serena. Serena had resisted bringing Cindy before theScouts since it would involve Pluto. Serena shivered at thememory of Pluto's penetrating stare.

Yet, Serena knew that her actions were futile, the others werestill too skeptical of her judgment. Serena sighed in defeatand turned to Reenie.

"Reenie, will you please call Pluto on your Luna-P, and ask herto bring Cindy here at our request." Serena calmly ordered thechild.

All the girls gapped in shock, Serena was actually going toorder Pluto, the oldest and wisest Scout of them all, to bringthe Traveller here. They all believed that the events of lastnight had to be a fluke because Pluto never conceded to anyone'sdemands.

Reenie hesitantly picked up a round black ball, closelyresembling a cat's head, and pressed a sequence of buttons onthe eyes, nose, and mouth. Taking a moment for the Luna-P tocompute, an image of Pluto's face appeared in its mouth.

"Yes, Small Lady?" The Time Guardian asked with restrainedirritation.

Reenie detected the irritation in Pluto's voice, making herslightly uncomfortable, "Uh, Serena, by the other Scoutsrequest, um, would like you to bring Cindy here. . . Please?"

Pluto felt a tinge of frustration cross her brow. She did nothave to comply, but she did not want to risk discrediting herreputation with Serena of the future, the Neo-Queen. Curse thatTraveller, she couldn't see pass the present with her here. Shewouldn't lose face, though, if the other girls' ridicule wouldchange Serena's decision.

A slight smile almost cracked Pluto's lips, "As the Queenwishes."

Instantly, the image in the mouth went blank, and Plutoappeared before the group with the blonde Traveller. The othergirls gasped in unison at her sudden appearance, and smilednervously. The blonde, just now figuring what happened, smiledback.

"Uh, hi. It's nice to finally meet you all," the Travellerstammered, "You must be the Sailor Scouts, right?"

"Yup, that's who we are. Uh, and hi to you too. I suppose." Mina's eyes darted around at the other girls, who were stilltrying to find words to say.

"Sooo," Mina leaned forward, "Do ya wanna a cookie? Freshlymade this morning by yours truly."

As the others were about to warn Cindy, someone approached thedoor of Raye's room.

"Hey, Raye, are you in there!" Came a young male voice, as thepanel door slid open.

"Oh, no it's Chad!" Raye exclaimed as she leaped at the doorslamming it shut.

"Raye!" Chad yelped in surprise, "What was that for?"

Raye held the door closed, desperately trying to think of anexcuse. She couldn't let him see Pluto or the woman or he'dsurely blabber it to the newspaper people who were here a fewdays ago.

"We're talking about private things, Chad. You know, girlstuff," she shouted sternly through the door, "So buzz off!"

Chad stepped back from the door, and frowned. Now he had tosweep the grounds by himself. He started to walk away as hemuttered under his breath, "Isn't it a little early to be thattime of the month again?"


The bristles of a broom responded by striking Chad on the backof his head. He spun around to be met with a glowering Rayeholding a broom posed to strike again.

"Be glad there aren't any mallets handy," she growled and sheslammed the door once more.


Back inside Raye's room, the girls pondered questions to askthe blonde Traveller.

"So how is it possible for you to travel through time?" Litaasked cautiously.

Cindy smiled as she answered the question, "I'm not sure,exactly. Legend goes that something my people called theGenesis Accident ripped a hole through time and space causingall the survivors to - "

Amy's loud gasp stopped Cindy in mid-sentence. Amy had takenher time to discreetly scan the Traveller with her ever trustycompact computer. It fascinated Amy what she could make thatsmall thing do, from scanning whole wide areas to detecting whendanger was near. What it was detecting from Cindy disturbed hergreatly.

"What is it Amy?" Serena responded.

Amy brought her eyes to the Traveller and pointed with aquivering finger, "She inorganic!"

"English, Amy, English!" Raye shouted.

"She's 55% metal!" Amy exclaimed.

Now everyone threw a suspicious gaze at the blonde Traveller. She stood firm against their stares, and fought off the feelingthat the Time Guardian cracked a smile at her predicament.

"Calm down, I was going to explain that. As a result of theGenesis Accident, we were blessed with dimensional traveling,but we were cursed with mercury. You see, all descendants ofthose survivors have the same condition, their blood slowlyturns to mercury. Many generations died of blood poisoning."

"So how did you guys survive?" Reenie slid closer in earnest.

The Traveller smiled softly at the young child and continued,"One man pioneered a science that used tiny machines that wouldrun off the mercury in our blood, and it helped our vital organsto function. Bio-technology."

"So little machines are running your heart?" Mina nibbled onone of her cookies.

Cindy nodded.

"Interesting." Amy tapped her chin thoughtfully.

Cindy smiled, as well as Serena. Raye frowned.

Lita broke the momentary silence, "Who is it that's trying tokill you?"

"The Counsule. A group of five elders that have beensupressing my people, " Cindy inwardly sneered as she pondered amoment, "They sent two of their Timelords, or soldiers, here tothis dimension, their names are Malance and his superiorHalebit."

"I see. How do we know you're not in league with them?" Rayeeyed the woman suspiciously, "I mean, how come you know so muchabout us?"

Cindy stiffened before forcing a smile, "I know so much aboutall of you because I was an historian before I joined theSociety."

Raye narrowed her eyes, "So that means the guys who followedyou here probably know about us too. You've put us all indanger by coming here."

"No I haven't! I came to this dimension because I studied it'shistory in great deal. On top of that, it's not even enough. Imean, I still don't know your real names, and the names I doknow are wrong anyway," Cindy fought back the tears, "The lastthing I wanted to do was put anyone in harms way."

Raye crossed her arms, unimpressed, "That's exactly what you'vedone."

Cindy was speechless, she never wanted that. She only wantedtheir support, not their lives. She had idolized them in heryouth when she studied history in school. She was aninconvenience to them, they hated her. She could feel the tearsroll down her cheeks.

'By the Lords, don't let them see me like this.' Cindy hid herface in her hands.

"Listen Raye," Serena stood before Raye, "You have gone too farthis time. This woman has genuinely gone through a lot. Shehas seen her everyone she ever loved die before her eyes, and

has been forced to fight a losing battle since. She hasexperienced a great deal of anguish and all you can do is digthe knife in deeper. Can't you feel her pain? Can't you feelsome sympathy in your heart?"

Serena peered into Raye's eyes. "I can."

Raye couldn't find the words to reply, and neither could any ofthe others.

Pluto sensed the power emanating from Serena's crystal. Shelooked closely at the crystal situated in Serena's brooch thathung from the collar of her shirt. The crystal Serena possessedwas one of the most powerful relics on Earth, and the source ofher abilities as Sailor Moon. She noticed Serena's SilverCrystal reacting to her emotional outpour. They had to be verystrong emotions to spawn such a reaction.

Pluto frowned, things were not going according to plan.


Chad rubbed the back of his head, and shuddered at the thoughtof Raye chasing after him with a huge mallet around the shrine. Chad found a broom and reluctantly started to sweep around theshrine without giving it much more thought.

Yet, it made him wonder why Raye treated him so rudely in frontof her friends. In fact, by her own private confessions, toldhim she really liked having him around. She acted so strangelyat times, but Chad just shrugged it off as one of those 'womenthings.'

Chad continued to sweep, unaware of a tall, dark strangerstanding at the temple's entrance-- that is, until he ran intohim. Chad, jolted back to reality, found himself looking at theback of the stranger.

"Uh, very sorry, sir," Chad mumbled in haste as heapologetically brushed the wrinkled material of the stranger'sdusty trenchcoat, "Would you like a charm or a fire reading?"

The stranger turned around, giving Chad a good look at thevertical scar along the right side of his face. He staredintently at Chad's face, making the young man incrediblynervous. The stranger's intense stare penetrated the thickbrown hair covering the upper half of Chad's face.

The stranger smirked at the young man's squirming;

"Nah. Just scouting around. Taking my time."

'The scent is strongest here, there's no denying it,' thestranger's lips curled to a slight smile, 'Soon, so very soonnow.'

Tracer patted his sword hidden underneath his trenchcoat that,unbeknownst to him, glowed with intensity.

-End of Part 3-

Terrible Things To Waste

Part 4: Allegiances


People ran for their lives as their place of shelter crumbledto ruins. Hysteria ruled the panicked masses.


Blast after blast pounded the building. Malance glided aroundthe crumbling structure, randomly firing his cannon at areasstill intact. The survivors looked for the source of theexplosions but could find none. Malance chuckled to himself,noticing the insects running for their lives from thismysterious intruder.

"So pathetic." He mumbled. "Run away if you can, insects."

Malance checked to see how much the cloaking device drained thepower supply to his suit. Satisfied with his results, Malancemade a few more rounds of the building before leaving. Elation now filled Malance, he had redeemed himself for hisearlier folly. The General would see his true usefulness. Hewould see he wasn't weak.

"Phase two complete," He announced to the General over the comsystem.

"Good," stated the voice on the other end.

Malance smiled underneath his visor as the glow of fires fromthe shelter reflected off its surface. The General was pleased.


White puffs rolled around playfully in the blue backdrop of thesky, fascinating the blonde woman below. She ran her hand idly

across the surface of the lake. The calming sounds of childrenplaying and the breeze blowing through the branches of treesfilled her ears.

Cindy smiled, and stared upward.

She loved seeing what shapes clouds could create. The lasttime she had enjoyed doing such a past time was as a child, inher parents' garden. With her memory stirred, she envisionedthat magnificent garden with its beautiful green plants, the oddred, blue, or violet color of flowers, and trees dotting thegrounds. The feeling of warmth from sun upon her face as shelooked into the sky.

The memory was very vivid in her mind:

She happily welcomed the shape that appeared to her. Theclouds could create the most fascinating things.

"What are you up to, Xendyte?" Came a deep curious voice.

She turned to see a lanky man with light brown hair, bendingdown to her level. She giggled as the man caught his glasses asthey slid off his nose. He stumbled to push them back as hetried to keep some dignity.

"So, what are you doing?" The man asked the small child oncemore.

"I'm looking at the man in the sky, Daddy." she excitedlypointed at a cloud in the sky, "See he's waving."

"Dear, I don't see it," the man stated as he looked upward invain.

"No Dad, it is the cloud." she explained.

The man paused, finally comprehending his daughter's statement,"Oh."

Another familiar voice cut across the courtyard, "Xavier! Xendyte! Where are you?"

The man quickly stood up, causing the girl to notice how tallher father was. She then turned to the blond woman walkingtoward them.

"There you are. I was wondering what kept you," the womansmiled warmly at her mate and daughter. "Now hurry, we're goingto be late for the Ball."

"Teleri, the Counsule is holding a celebration for thesuccessful completion of the Temporal Net," the man pointed hishands to the sky and came to his conclusion. "So it reallyisn't a ball- "

"I don't care what it really is, I'm going to a ball, and so isCindy." The woman bent down to the her daughter, "isn't thatright, my sweet little child?"

The girl beamed with excitement and nodded her head inagreement. The woman smiled warmly at her daughter as her mateshook his head residing back to the building. Cries could beheard from inside.

"It must be the baby again." The man adjusted his glasses oncemore.

As the two watched the man disappear into the building, thegirl turned to her mother, "Mommy, why doesn't Daddy see the manin the clouds?"

The woman smiled thoughtfully at the question and answered,"Well your father is just. . . different, but that's why I lovehim, as I also love you."

The girl leapt at her mother for a caring embrace.

Oh, how she enjoyed life then, but it was only a memory now.

"Cindy, are you listening?" The woman sat up and put her handto the small device in her ear.

"What is it?" The blonde whispered urgently, trying not bringany attention to herself.

"General Halebit wants to know your status."

"I'm close. Some of them still have their doubts, but peerpressure is correcting that."

"How long?"

"A few more days."

"The General won't wait any longer. I will make anotherattack."

"Haven't you attacked enough homeless shelters already? They're rare enough around here."

"The General wants conformation for the next phase by tonight. If not, I will attack again."

"But," Cindy nearly exceeded the proper volume, "There's no wayI can -"

"Inefficiency is weakness, and the General doesn't tolerateweakness."

The breeze broke the momentary silence.

"Oh, the Timelord, Tracer, is alive and has followed us here,Cindy."

Cindy glared at the rippling surface of the lake. She foughtthe urge to scream.

"Shut up."

"He's probably watching you right now."

"Shut up, Malance." Cindy felt her anger begin to preach theirconfines.

"He probably wants to finish the job -" Cindy threw the smalldevice across the lake. The action caused her anger to subsidefor the time being.

The sound of crackling grass caught Cindy's ears. Cindysettled down her emotions before turning toward the TimeGuardian. Cindy barely recognized the tanned woman dressed incivilian's clothing.

"What do you want Time Guardian?" Cindy sighed as she laidback on the grass near the shore.

The tanned woman smiled courteously, "Please don't call me that

in public. Call me Susan."

Cindy nodded, "Okay. What is it you want?"

Susan looked into the Traveller's eyes, and noticed, for thefirst time, that they matched the lake in hue.

She then turned her gaze further down the shore where a greenhaired girl and her sandy haired partner were looking after asmall black haired child, who looked quite anemic.

"I see Erica and Michelle have grown fond of you. As well asVictoria."

Cindy narrowed her brow in thought, "Now she is the Messiah ofSilence, right? Sailor Saturn?"

The tanned woman nodded as she sat down next to Cindy.

"You know, I keep wanting to call Michelle, Michiru and Erica,Haruka," Cindy looked over to the cheerful couple, "I'm sureyou understand."

The breeze took up the conversation for a moment before Susanspoke, "I think we have a situation."

"The attacks on the shelters, right," Cindy gazed out acrossthe lake, "They're looking for places I could hide, and Isuppose the shelters would be ideal. There are not many left,and there is no telling what they'll target next. Like I said,they're going to tear the city apart looking for me."

Susan joined Cindy in her gaze across the reflective surface ofthe lake, her eyes hinting apprehension. She resented theemotion.

"I make this promise to you, Traveller. If any of the Scouts,especially the Queen, comes to harm because of them, you will beheld responsible. I will personally ensure your reciprocationis swift." Susan had somehow kept a flatness to her threat.

The blonde felt a tinge of pain in her stomach that shestruggled not to show, "You have my word, I will do everythingin my power to prevent that."

Oh, how she loathed the position Halebit had forced her into.


Tracer maneuvered meticulously through the influx of peoplemoving one way or another. He had decided to follow the blondgirl with the pony tails. With the knowledge that she possessedthe Silver Crystal, he knew Halebit would concentrate hisefforts on her. Tracer had an easy time tracking her from thetemple to her home and even to her school with her distincthairstyle and all. He was beginning to grow impatient with thefailure of the Society members to make an appearance, but thewords of an old friend that fateful night rung in his mind:

"Observe before you act."

Tracer stood amongst the rumble where corpses of fellowTimelords and disgraceful Society soldiers littered the area. The Society's kamikaze attack had succeeded in liquidating theTimelord army. He eyed the grey-bearded Traveller who spoke tohim amindst this mass grave of soldiers.

The smoke from dying fires mixed with the pungent smell ofburnt flesh. Blood still poured out from the open cut down theright side of his face. Damn that Malance, he would getretribution for that, but not before he avenged the betrayal athis sensei's decrepit little hands.

The city's sirens screamed in the distance, coming to aid thoseinjured in the tremendous blast, as the old man continued. "It's the only way you'll defeat Halebit."

The Timelord narrowed his eyes. How was doing nothing going tohelp him? The only way to defeat an enemy is to keep attackingrelentlessly and never let go.

The Timelord's venerable friend sensed the dubiousness in theyoung man's face and a small smile twitched on the edge of hismouth. "Please trust me, Tracer."

A faint shadow of a smile formed in return. A very faint one. There was always this warmth he felt from this kooky old man

that always melted his resolve. "Alright Briar, for someLord-forsaken reason I trust you. Mind you, I'll stick to it,but if I don't see results, then I do it my way."

Most of his resolve, at least.

Still, in reflection, he couldn't believe he heeded Briar'swords. Sure, the prophet had given him the sword but hispatience was growing short, and he was thinking of new ways tocarve up Halebit with every passing second. Why should he standby when he held an object immersed in power in his hands. Ifthe sword had the strength to protect him at the epicenter of acity leveling explosion, then what could possibly stop him?

Tracer snapped out of his thoughts and scanned the crowd forthe girl. For a fleeting moment he caught a glimpse of thefamiliar blond tails slipping into an arcade. Tracer sneered atthe newly complicated situation. If he followed her inside,his ability to find her and track her through the dimly litarcade would be greatly affected. Yet, if he waited outside, heran the risk of losing her within the crowds.

Weighing his options, Tracer decided to reside at the cafeacross the street and wait.

After five minutes, Tracer doubted if he wasn't wasting histime by devoting it to following her when two particular girlsenter into the arcade. He immediately recognized them as theblonde girl's associates from the temple.

He waited anxiously for them to exit the arcade, wondering whatthey were up to.


The arcade buzzed with activity as sounds of synthesizedexplosions and excitement from the gaming machines trying toattract adolescents with short attention spans. The screensflashed an abundance of colors; reds, yellows, and oranges,making the arcade frenzied with activity. Yet, near the frontwindow of the arcade, three girls quietly chatted, enjoying

their sweet refreshments in the glow of the fading sunlight.

"How did you convince your teacher to let us do this?" Mina'seyes widened with curiosity.

"I just said those poor homeless people needed help after allthose attacks on the other shelters," Serena stated proudly,"And that's how I got us out of cleaning duties at school."

"So, instead of scrubbing the floor, you have managed to put usin one of the most dangerous places in Tokyo!" Raye glared atSerena from across the table.

"Exactly, the attacks are probably one of those demons leftbehind from our other fights." Mina whispered to the other two.

"We're scouts and it's our duty to prevent that monster fromharming any more people." Serena lower her volume to that ofher blond friend.

Raye snorted in compliance, but added, "I'd feel a lot betterif Lita and Amy could join us."

"Amy is out with Greg and Lita went on a date with some guy shemet named Ken." Mina giggled, "It seems Lita finally foundsomeone that can compare to that old boyfriend of hers."

"Hmm, interesting," Raye's voice dripped with sarcasm, "Itdoesn't make me feel any better."

"Then, Raye, you can go scrub the floor in the safety of theschool room." Serena gave Raye a cunning grin.

Raye's face grew red with frustration, "Oh fine! I'll comewith you two, just to make sure you don't get in over yourheads."


Tracer saw the girls emerge from the arcade, and tailed themfrom afar. He followed them for a few blocks to a small

building with a sign saying, "Juuban Homeless Shelter" above itsdoors. Heavy traffic of various people going in and out, letsome of the noise inside to escape. Pushing through the policeofficers standing by the door, he noticed their pensive facesstudying him. Tracer welcomed the guards with a sneer andentered the building. Within, chattering chaos drowned out anythoughts in Tracer's mind. Searching the lobby, he caught aglimpse of a blond ponytail. His sneer arched into a smallgrin, nothing could stand in the way of Tracer and his prey. Unfortunately, a young woman stepped in his way and greeted him.

"Ah, hello sir. I take you are looking for a room?" Tracerignored the woman as the three girls disappeared from sight.

"Sir? We're really busy and I'd appreciate your cooperation." Tracer noticed the large number of people in the lobby, all justabout as dirty and ragged as himself.

"We have a few rooms left, and since we are very busy," thewoman handed Tracer some papers, "Could you please fill outthese forms in your room? Remember you don't have to state youname."

The woman took a key from the large collection in her hand,"Your room is 34, and if you would like some direction -"

"I can find my own way," Tracer blurted, bolting in thedirection of the girls, fighting the urge to rip out the woman'slarynx.

Tracer roamed the halls searching for the girls, but thecramped hallways offered no help. Tracer then reluctantlydecided to search the building floor by floor, a time consumingbut thorough activity.

As Tracer climbed the stairs, he tried to locate the girl byusing his new found sensitivity to their power. He sensed hernearby, but the building overflowed with her power. He gruntedin frustration.

As Tracer opened the door to the second floor, a blast shookthe building causing some of the plaster above to cave in.

"Malance!" Screamed a voice from underneath the pile ofcrumbled ceiling.


The building shook and the three girls looked at each other. Trouble had found them.

"I told you so." Raye growled to Serena.

"It's time for the Sailor Scouts to pay a visit to our residentmonster." Mina pulled out a small orange pen and ducked into anearby room.

"VENUS CRYSTAL POWER!" Flashes of yellow and orange lightemitted from the room.

After the light dissipate, Mina emerged wearing a tiara uponher head, clothed in an orange collar with a blue bow attachedto a white bodice and an orange pleaded skirt covering the lowerhalf of her body.

"Let's go!" The girl smiled and flashed the other two herpatented 'V' sign with her hand.

"Mina wait!" Serena shouted after the blonde girl whiledisappearing behind a corner.

"She loves to be at the center of all the chaos, doesn't she?" Raye hung her head.

Another explosion rocked the building. Raye and Serena blinkedat each other and shrugged.

"MARS CRYSTAL POWER!" Raye shouted as she raised a red penover her head.

"MOON COSMIC POWER!" Serena shouted as she raised her broochabove her head.

Both girls underwent a magical transformation. Flashes of red,blue, and yellow lights surrounding the girls with theirclothing changed to ribbons and solidified into bodices andskirts. Once the light dissipate around them, both girls now

wore uniforms similar to Mina's.

Both girls raced after Mina. After running down the twistinghalls, they saw Mina peering out a hole created by an explosion. She carefully observed the police below firing at the sky,searching for their aggressor. Mina's eyes darted across thesky as another blast shook the building and a part of the wallnearby began to fall away.

Mina's uncanny ability to take control of a battle situationhad always impressed Serena. In fact, it scared Serena how muchunlike herself Mina could be when pressed to act quickly.

"Venus," Serena addressed the girl by her alias, one couldnever be too careful, "Do you see anything?"

"No, nothing," Mina narrowed her eyes, searching. "It must behidden or something."

"Let me take care of this," Raye took out a small strip ofpaper with kanji written along its length.

She closed her eyes, focusing her spiritual energy, searchingfor the presence hiding itself. Once the paper became rigid,Raye threw it at the empty space near the building. The paperthen collided with the invisible perpetrator and crackle againstits surface.

Malance became acutely aware that his cloaking device had shutdown. He scanned his exterior armor and found a charged pieceof paper attached to his back, judging from his readings.

'How is that possible!?' He pulled the paper off his armor.

"Hey creep!" the large metallic creature rotated in the airfacing the crater in the building and slowly drift toward thethree girls.

Serena gulped silently to herself as this mechanical monstermethodically approached, "How dare you attack the only realhomes of the poor and unfortunate citizens of this city! I amSailor Moon and-"

At the mention of Sailor Moon, the metallic oddity beganattacking. All three girls scattered from the open area of thebuilding being obliterated by Malance. Landing in the open

crater, Malance inspected the area for any sign of survivors.

From out of the rumble, Raye jumped out, hands extended.

'Let's see what this guy is made of.'


A streak of fire snaked itself toward the figure. Malancequickly charged his thrusters and narrowly dodged the attack. Then Mina appeared from her concealment, shouting:


A concentrated beam of light shot from her finger and came atits attacker. Malance swerved once more, avoiding the crossfire of the two magical girls' attacks. Malance activated histargeting system. As Malance dodged and bobbed, the targetingsystem locked onto one of the girls.

Raye, in a blind fury to bring down the monstrosity, did nothave a chance to react.

"Mars!" Serena grabbed her tiara, "MOON TIARA MAGIC!"

Serena tossed her tiara, now a glowing spinning disc, towardthe projectile. The resulting collision, caused a blindingflash. The flash died away and a charred rose fell to Raye'sfeet.

"How dare you prey upon young girls!" Everyone scanned the roomfor its source.

A man dressed in a black tuxedo, top hat, and cape gracefullylanded in the mist of the battle. Malance got a good look atthe man, and noticed three roses clutched in his fist.

In a swift motion, the man tossed the bundle, stem first, atthe humanoid machine. Each rose sliced through the air, hittingtheir mark. The machine to reel in humbled agony. Malancestruggled to keep his trajectory stable as he accessed thedamage. Apparently, these roses had a greater density than hehad anticipated, and, added to that fact, the costumed strangeralready had produced a few more. Malance grudgingly decided toretreat and fight another day.

The General would not be pleased.

The metallic monstrosity flew back out of range and made hisretreat. The girl's stood their guard until their aggressordisappeared into the night. Serena released the sigh she hadbeen holding and ran over to the mysteriously masked man.

"Dari-er-Tuxedo Mask! I thought were still in Osaka!" Sheeagerly embraced her fiancee.

The man slipped off his top hat, revealing his bristly darkhair. Serena's heart fluttered when he smiled.

"Luna called and convinced me otherwise. She felt that SailorMoon was in need of all our help."

Serena hugged him tighter. For once, her cat's caution hadproven fruitful.

Raye ignored the couple, choosing instead to peer over theedge. Down below, panicked crowds were calmed by the police asparamedics stormed inside.

"Hey guys. I think we better book it."

Mina observed the great disorder below. "Uh, maybe we shouldtake the stairs."

Everyone nodded in approval and cautiously reverted back totheir civilian clothing. They quickly made their way down thestairs as other panicked people joined them. Once reaching theground floor, the authorities had ushered them out. Outside,the group maneuvered through the crowd. Serena clung to herfiancee as he squeezed her gently.

"You know, Serena, I feel terrible about leaving town likethat," the young man's voice rung with sincerity, "so Ireserved us a spot at one of the best restaurants in towntomorrow night."

"What!?" Raye stopped dead in her tracks.

"Oh my! How romantic!" Mina gushed.

"Really Darien!?" Serena perked up and her eyes glazed overfrom the surprise announcement.

The announcement shocked her so, that she did not notice theblack-haired man staring at the sky. They both nearly knockedeach other over.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, uh sir." Serena stuttered.

Tracer had been too late for the battle and now tried to figureout the trajectory Malance had flown. Tracer nonchalantlybrought his head down, and lazily looked at the young girl'sface. He immediately gazed into her eyes, and, once lockingeyes, they both became transfixed.

The man's dark brown eyes drew Serena in. They drew her so farin, she thought she could see his very soul. She felt somethingodd from him. Pain. A pain similar to that of Cindy. Andlonging. A longing for something, something he wanteddesperately.

The man broke the gaze, tightened his coat around his body, andquickly went about his business.

"How rude." Raye put her hands on her hips disapprovingly atthe man walking away.

"Yeah." Serena said in a daze.

Darien faced her. "Are you alright?"

Serena shook her head and looked at her partner, "I guess, Imean. . ."

She looked down and noticed the crystal in her brooch glowingbrightly, "What!?"

She covered the crystal with both her hands, perplexed as toits strange behavior, "What is causing this?"


Tracer chastised himself for being so careless. Now he had tobe more careful when following her or risk being recognized.

Tracer ducked into a dark alley near the building, he needed torecover from his high.

He leaned back and closed his eyes. The girl's eyes still wereimprinted on his memory. The feeling of power they procuredelectrified his soul, while their blue hue, calmed him to hisvery core. Tracer took a deep breath and let his thoughts roam.






Ah, yes. He had loved the color blue, ever since he gazed uponthe blue eyes of . . . of. . .

Tracer's mind immediately clicked back into reality. He had tofulfill his mission of revenge against the Society. His eyesflashed open and noticed the dark alley was now lit. He trackeddown the source of the luminescence to the sword underneath histrench coat. Tracer stared in wonder at the sword's intensity,an intensity it never had before. The spectacle caused Tracerto mumble:

"What is causing this?"

-End of Part 4-

Terrible Things To Waste

Part 5: Conformity to Reality

Within a small bedroom of a young priestess, five girls and twowomen lounged comfortably. They all listened to Raye, Serena,and Mina recounting the attack at the homeless shelter the nightbefore. Each of them was intrigued by the story, but they alldisplayed it differently.

Erica lounged next to her partner, Michelle, on the bed. Bothseemed to be dividing their attention between the conversation,their foster child Victoria, and themselves.

Reenie and Victoria sat on the floor listening eyes wide withfascination, wishing they had been there.

Lita regretted not having joined the girls, and gritted herteeth. Yet, once she remembered the soft smile of Ken aftertheir date, her frustration drained away.

Amy listened intently, eager to learn what she could get ontheir enemy from this encounter.

The blonde Traveller, Cindy, kept her expression blank andfactual while listening to the predictable outcome.

Pluto wasn't pleased at all.

"And this big, um, " Serena paused, pondering her words,"robot appeared and attacked us."

Raye shook her head. "No, no, no. It wasn't a robot. It wasmore like a cyborg."

Mina waved her hands dismissfully. "Nah, it was more like oneof those strange boomer machine things in that one show, uhh,you know."

"Sure, Mina." Raye rolled her eyes, "But the point is, wefinally know what we're dealing with. Do you know which one wefought, Cindy?"

The blond Traveller rested her chin on her hand, "I believe you

are talking about Malance. He's nothing compared to Halebit,though."

Lita punched her fist into her palm. "I can't wait topersonally welcome them both."

"Please do not underestimate them." Cindy strained a calmwhisper.

Hardly anyone heard.

Serena glanced at her watch. "Oh darn. I hate to leave beforethe meeting's over, but I've got a dinner date tonight with alucky man."

"Serena!!" Raye fumed. "What is going through your pea-sizedbrain right now? Aren't you worried about the problem at hand?"

"Yes I am, Raye." Serena narrowed her eyes, "But Darieninsisted on taking me to dinner tonight."

Raye's face contorted with anger, and, Cindy thought, a tingeof jealousy.

Cindy jumped between the girls, "Raye's right, are you surethat's wise? I mean, what if Malance is following you? Maybeone of the scouts should tag along or something."

"I believe that would be wise," Amy stood up.

"No." Serena put her hand up, stopping the conversation, "Ihad promised Darien we would have some privacy."

Serena looked directly into Cindy's eyes and noticed for thefirst time how they matched her own in hue. Within Cindy's eyesshe could see the genuine concern for her safety, a concern thattouched her deeply.

Serena smiled at Cindy, hoping to comfort her, "Oh come on,Cindy. I was Sailor Moon at the time, and not even my ownfamily could make the connection."

"And besides, I'm Sailor Moon." Serena whispered under herbreath.

'That's exactly why I'm worried.' Cindy mustered a smile.

Serena turned to her friends, "I'll call on the communicator ifI run into that robo-Timelord creep."

Serena waved the small rectangular communicator, displaying shehad it in possession.

Before Serena could go out the door, Amy caught her by the arm,"Okay, since you don't want us to follow, we'll stay heretonight, just in case. Once you call us we'll transport to yourlocation as quickly as possible. Do you understand?"

Serena smiled again and giggled, "Yes I do, one questionthough."

Amy nodded.

"Do I have a curfew or do you want me to call if I'm going tobe late?"


Dusk approached. The sky glowed with beautiful mixes of orangesand reds as the darkening clouds rolled across the horizon.

Ignoring the waning hours of sunlight, an old man sat on thecold smooth floor of the elevated platform, eyes closed andbreathing evenly. His clothing, a durable gray uniform, seemedmilitary in fashion. His still and concentrated face, linedwith wrinkles that carved across his hard visage, marked him asa true general.

This general shifted slightly as the sensations welled upinside, his meditations were not working.

'You can't hold your emotions back forever, Halebit,' came avoice within the general's mind, 'You can't hold me back.'

This voice, at first, had occurred every so often during hismeditations as an afterthought. Yet, as time progressed thevoice gained volume and became a separate independent entity. It became so independent that Halebit finally gave the voice a

name, Nihil or 'Nothing.'

'Only the crystals can stop me and your addiction.' The voicecontinued, 'And you need the Silver Crystal to get them.'

A drop of sweat flowed down the side of Halebit's face.

'But first you must extract it from the princess, and you knowthat's suicide.' the voice taunted.

He tried to ignore the voice as he heard the metallic footstepsof his loyal servant, Malance.

The tall mechanized suit cautiously walked towards the old man. Malance felt uncomfortable as he anticipated the wrath of theGeneral at his bad news, but tried his best to disguise it.

Halebit kept his eyes closed and expression cold. "Report."

Malance spoke carefully, "The attack went as planned. Thedomestic authorities of the city did not spot me."

'Excellent.' Halebit felt pleasure wash over him.

"But, unfortunately, I was confronted with the Scouts and hadto withdraw earlier than desired."

His eye's flashed open, and noticed an angry face beingreflected off the uneven viscous surface of Malance's armorcausing the general to panic momentarily.

'It can't be,' the general reasoned. His addiction took holdin the form of paranoia.

Malance continued unaware, "I learned that they are morepowerful than I had anticipated. Fortunately, I gatheredvaluable information from them, enough to use later in mydefenses."

Halebit felt pleased with this news, and noticed his distortedreflection smiling.

'I must have control,' he became desperate.

He looked up to the mirrored visor of his soldier, seeing hisown cold, emotionless expression.

'I have control.' His paranoia deepened his disillusionment.

Now his mind raced with the possibilities and problems. Hadhis emotions been showing the whole time?

Malance finished his report and waited patiently for furtherorders from his general. Halebit noticed his soldier had becomesilent and out of the chaos of his thoughts, Nihil ruled:

'He knows you are weak.'

The General spoke, "Go follow the princess. . ."

'He knows all your weaknesses.'

"Look out for the timelord, he should be nearby. . ."

'His loyalty is only a ruse.'

"Dispose of him. . ."

'It won't be long before he destroys you.'

"And bring me back the Silver Crystal."

"Any particular way, General?" Malance inquired.

'So send him to his death.'

"By force." The unnatural red light from sign out frontaccentuated the cracks on the General's hard face.


Serena gazed at her dark haired love tenderly from across thetable. She hardly believe Darien could afford to take her tosuch a nice restaurant. She studied the interior decor, notingthe high vaulted ceiling with the large pieces of red clothflowering out from its center to each of the opposing walls. On top of that, the tables had a large amount of room betweenthem letting each couple have their moment of privacy. Serena

knew to use this much space so extravagantly, it must have costDarien an arm and leg just to reserve a table. She suddenlyfelt a mixture of gratification and guilt at what Darien musthave sacrificed.

"You look so beautiful in that dress, Serena." Darien's voicereturned Serena's eyes back to her love.

Serena blushed, "I got it especially for you."

"You know, you look quite angelic in white." Darien leanedclose to his blonde goddess.

Serena's blush deepened as she glanced out the window filledwith the darkness of night. She gasped at the sudden flashes oflight cutting through the night.

Darien tried to calm the startled Serena, "Don't worry it'sonly lightning. It's not going to hurt us. Remember this isour night."

Serena calmed down and smiled at Darien. As Darien looked downat his menu, she made a fleeting glance back at the window. Aflash of light filled the darkness, revealing a large floatingarmor suit spying upon her. She gasped once more, as sherecognized the metal monstrosity from the attack the day before.

"Darien. . " Serena spoke slowly as she reached for the youngman's hand keeping her eyes on the darkened window.

Darien chuckled to himself, "Serena, it's only lightning."

Serena kept her face stern, "No Darien, I just saw that robotsuit we fought yesterday. It was staring right at me."

Darien turned towards the window, "Are you sure?"

Another flash occurred, and this time no floating oddityappeared. Darien turned back around to face Serena, confounded.

"I swear. I know what I saw," Serena urged, as she pulled hercommunicator card out of her purse, "Cindy was right, it wasfollowing me. I'm going to call the others."

"Serena, wait. I mean you saw this thing in a split second." Darien protested.

Serena narrowed her eyes at Darien, making the young mancautiously lean back, "We can't afford to take any risks."


"Yesterday was really nice." Lita wrapped the phone cordaround her finger as she lounged on a couch in Raye's livingroom.

"How about doing something tonight?" The male voice on thephone asked.

Lita sat straight up on the couch. "Umm, I can't. I'm at asleep-over at Raye's house. I'm sorry, Ken."

The voice on the other end sighed. "You mean that priestess Imet a few days ago at the temple."

Lita sighed as well, "Yeah."

"You mind if I come over?" Ken asked cautiously.

Lita shifted nervously as Raye entered the room mouthing to hersilently, "You're still on the phone?"

"Uh, well, I guess you could, for a little while," Lita's eyesglanced at Raye, "But remember its a girl only party."

"Oh, that's fine. See you there." Ken excitedly hung up thephone.

Lita placed the phone on the receiver as Raye raised an eyebrow at her, "You mean you invited him here?"

Lita choked nervously, "Uh, yeah, I mean it's only for a littlewhile. He won't see Cindy or Pluto."

"Man, you are head over heels for that guy," Raye shrugged asshe mumbled to herself, "But at least I don't have to hear aboutthat old boyfriend."

Raye sighed inwardly, 'Lita looks so content though.'

She envied the open, romantic relationships Lita and Serenacarried on. Ever since Darien had broken his relationship tofollow his true destiny with Serena, she had great difficultyopenly showing any feelings toward anyone she liked. Anunfortunate development for Chad, she felt guilty for making himsuffer for her pride, her bitterness.

"Hey guys!!!" Amy's voice caused Raye and Lita to rush over tothe bedroom.

They found Amy putting away her communicator card in herpocket, as she made sure everyone was attentive, "Serena justcalled to tell that Malance had followed her."

'He's going after the crystal.' Cindy thought to herself.

Raye noticed that Cindy had an expression of dread cross herface.

Pluto frowned visibly at the news.

Amy continued, "I believe the fastest way to get there isthrough teleportation."

"I will transport you all there," Pluto stated flatly, "It'sthe fastest way."

The Time Guardian whisked around the round and pointed at Mina,"You will stay here with the Traveller and Small Lady."

Pluto noticed the pouting pink haired child, "I'm sorry SmallLady, but I can't guarantee your safety."

It frustrated the Time Guardian that she could not anticipatethe future as she normally did. As long as the Travellersstayed in this dimension, no one could foretell the future. Shehad to resort to challenge her opponents on their level. Inother words, she had the capability to make mistakes when shecouldn't afford to make any. She needed to eradicate theseTimelords now to usher the Traveller out of this time stream.

Pluto's face became stern as she turned to the blondeTraveller, extending her hand, "As for you, Traveller, pleasehand over any weapons you may have on your person."

Cindy toyed with her ruby bracelet as she looked down and tookout a small, black object from a holster on her hip. The gunshaped object had a smooth edge all around with no visiblechamber, just a thin, red strip running across the tip. Onlythe handle and trigger resembled any likeness to a gun.

Pluto studied the object, "An interesting design for a lasergun, hmpf. Okay Traveller, you will stay here with the twoguardian cats, Sailor Venus, and Small Lady.

Leaning close, the Time Guardian whispered, "And hope that noone gets harmed."

Pluto stood up and addressed all the girls, "Alright, I amgoing to drop you off in two groups a few seconds apart-"

"To fool the enemy about how many of us are showing up." Amyrealized.

"Yes, Sailor Mercury, that is the plan," Pluto motioned allthe girls to stand, "Now I suggest that you all transform and wewill depart."

All the girls nodded and flashes of light filled the room aseach girl transformed into the Sailor Scout of their respectiveplanets. Now, seven girls in white bodice with an array ofcolorful bows and skirts stood around the Time Guardian as sheconcentrated her energy to teleport the group.

As Lita readied herself to be transported, something keptnagging her. Was she forgetting something? She shook her head. Whatever it was, she didn't need in a fight. The feelingdidn't subside. Why did she need to worry? It wasn't like sheany appointmen. . . .

Oh, no.

"Ken!!" She shouted as she and the others disappeared.


Next door to the restaurant, high upon the end of a rooftop,stood a soldier. His long strands of hair and loose trench coatflapped freely in the strong gushes of wind. A flash oflightning revealed the detail facial features of the figure,from his long vertical scar to his narrowed brow.

He was a Timelord.

The very thought, hmpf.

He didn't feel much like one anymore. He had sacrificed hislife, his body, and his trust to become one of the Counsule'selite, only to be betrayed on all accounts.

He felt more like a fool.

Tracer gazed out across the city, the lights of small, plainfaced buildings lining the streets reflected the pools of wateron the smooth pavement below. A low, deep rumble from theheavens above followed the rain. Tracer calmly squatted down,letting the torrential down pour pummel him. Shifting a little,Tracer felt the handle of his sword poke his side, as if toremind him of its presence.

He removed the sword from its sheath on his hip, holding itbefore his eyes. He stared at his reflection in the translucentcrystal blade. The blade had a metallic quality from its color,almost silvery. Then Tracer ran his fingers along its woodenhandle, feeling its intricate design and rubbing his fingersacross the slippery surface of the three red gems imbeddedwithin the strange wood. Once more the words of Briar, the manwho gave him the sword, echoed in his mind;

"Tracer take care of that sword, it's your heritage."

"What do you know of my heritage?" Tracer asked his sword,"What do you know of my father?"

To Tracer, the sword represented his only link to his origins. Origins he never had before. A link to a father he never knew,who had left him alone in the world before he could tell him hisname. Tracer felt more drops roll down his back and drippingfrom his long locks of black hair.

It also represented his desire for revenge against the one manwho treated him like a son, Halebit. He remembered the times in

the wheat fields when the traitor trained him, teaching him,giving his life meaning. Only later to find out that he meantnothing to Halebit, control and the red crystals were all thatmattered.

He idly tossed his sword from one hand to another. What was hegoing to do after he got his revenge on Halebit? He knew hedidn't want to go back to face the Counsule, knowing they werefeeding lies to the people of the Community. He could find aNomadic group outside the Community and search aimlessly for ahome. Then again, he also wanted to find his father, he somehowfelt he was still alive out there. . . waiting for him.

The strong radiance of light caused Tracer to return hisattention to his glowing sword.

"You're making me feel this way, aren't you?"

The blade gained greater intensity.

Tracer sighed once more, feeling the anger that built up withinhim drain as the glowing intensified some more. He then reachedinto a pocket of his trenchcoat and pulled out a photo. Tracerstared at the face upon the worn photo, a face he couldn't helpbut cherish. Oh, how he loved the color blue because of her. He sometimes cursed her because the hue reminded him of how hetruly felt for her. Damn her. He stuffed the photo back intohis pocket and tried to concentrate on more important things.

Tracer's ears perked. In-between the noise of the raindropspelting him, Tracer could hear a distinct roar emanating frombehind.

Like a roar of an engine.

Tracer dove over the edge just as it was blown away. Instinctively, Tracer flexed his right hand activating thesilver liquid. Once the liquid solidified into a claw, hegrabbed onto the first approaching window ledge. Tracer snappedhis head upward to see the oncoming rubble descending towardshim. Using all his strength, Tracer propelled himself throughthe fragile glass of the window, narrowly missing the fallingdebris.

Malance frowned to himself, 'I need to get stealth engines.'

The large suit started to follow his adversary down the side ofthe building, but hesitated when Tracer dove through the window. He instead landed on in the center of the roof as heanticipated the Timelord waiting for him.

He aimed the large cannon on his arm at the center of the roofas he mumbled, "You can't get away that easy."


Jumping to his feet, Tracer made a quick study of the room. Henoticed the lack of human presence, and the abundance of whitesheets and dust in the room. The walls glowed of white in thenight, bared and broken in some areas. All around, anassortment of tools laid, probably without care fororganization. Tracer sheath his sword and took out his guns,waiting for Malance to appear at the window.

'That's what I like about him, he's consistent.' Tracersmirked.

His smirk disappeared once the blast shook the building. Theceiling and a few other ceilings above them crumbled causinglarge pieces of concrete, metal, and plaster to fall. Tracerstumbled out of the way through the blinding cloud of dust, hisfingers itching upon the trigger. From out of the cloud aclawed fist sent him flying through one of the breaks. Spittingthe taste of dust and blood from his mouth, he ignored the stingon his cheek from the blow and gripped his guns tighter. Hecould hear the low chuckling of Malance rumble with thethundering clouds outside. Grabbing his guns, Tracer flippedover and opened fire upon Malance. Unfortunately, the bulletsfrom Tracer's gun stopped short of their target, deflected by anenergy shield.

Malance stepped closer, "Heh, heh. It's no use, my shield iscalibrated to the wavelength of your bullets."

Instinctively, Tracer rolled to suitable cover. Tracer sat upand found himself looking at a large object. The object had aflat, dense metal head and long, thin wooden handle, a hammer. Tracer smirked once more as he realized how difficult it was to

re-calibrate those shields. Picking up the hammer, Tracer madehis way toward Malance.

Malance crept closer to the break Tracer had rolled through. Only the lightning lit the room, making Malance much moreprecautious. Timelords were most dangerous when cornered. Toelevate any danger, Malance decided to launch a few volleys fromhis cannon to flush him out. Nodding his head in approval ofthe idea, Malance jumped in front of the break. . .

Once Tracer saw Malance emerge in the break, he charged at hisadversary with his hammer held high. Tracer brought down thehammer, cracking Malance's visor and caused Malance to stumblebackwards. Re-establishing his balance, Tracer swung the hammerinto Malance's side. Finally, Tracer lowered his shoulder andrammed Malance through another wall while uppercutting him withthe hammer.

Malance shook his head trying to regain composure as hethought, 'He mustn't have the upper hand!'

Tracer dropped the broken hammer handle and ran for the hole inthe ceiling as Malance began to fire at him. Streams of waterwelcomed Tracer as he climbed through the hole and jumped forthe next blasted ceiling. He impatiently clawed for the roughand crumbled ledge of the top floor, barely beating anotherblast from Malance's cannon. Running across the roof, Tracerjumped down to the roof of the neighboring restaurant. . . .

To be welcomed by a rose, imbedding itself into the concrete athis feet. Tracer snapped his head towards two figures.

The rain had stopped, but his problems were just beginning.

He automatically recognized the pony tails of the blonde girlhe had been following, and he didn't doubt they recognized him,judging by their reaction. He noticed the girl wore a similaroutfit to the one he'd seen in the paper; tiara, white bodysuit, bow, and skirt. Yet, her male partner seemed unfamiliar,dressed up in a tuxedo and top hat.

"Okay, Timelord, your reign of terror over this city and thisdimension is at an end," Serena pointed a finger at Tracer,"For I am Sailor Moon, and I protect those who are innocent andpunish evil, and that means you!!"

Tracer growled and shouted at the girl, "Now, wait a minute! Idon't know what that lying, Society bastard has told you, but. ."

A great flash of light appeared, temporarily blinding everyone. In response, Tracer grabbed his guns, not knowing if Malancehad attacked. Unfortunately, the very act made the girlsemerging from the light to respond in return.

Lita immediately leaped at the black haired stranger with herleg extended. Tracer rolled under the flying girl and faced therest of the group.

"CELESTIAL FIRE SURROUND!!" Great disks of fire flew from theaura around Raye.

Getting to his feet quickly, Tracer dove out of the path of thedisks of fire, extinguished immediately by the standing water.

"ICE STORM BLAST!!" A blast of frost came from the palms ofAmy's extended hands.

Tracer ripped off his trench coat and threw it. The frozenpiece of clothing quickly landed upon the roof.

The exasperated Tracer stopped in front of the doors to thestairs, waiting for the next move. Another bright light blindedTracer, as he realized the rest of the cavalry had arrived. Tracer could see four female figures each wearing uniformssimilar to the rest of the girls. He quickly noticed thefigure holding a key shaped staff and the small figure holding aglaive. Once the light dissipated, Pluto collapsed upon thesmall child, exhausted after expending so much energy. Theother two didn't hesitate.

"DEEP SUBMERGE!!" A ball of compressed water formed atMichelle's command.

"WORLD SHAKING!!!" The sandy blond summoned a ball of energy,and directed it at the Timelord.

Tracer slid out of the way of the ball as it exploded uponimpact with the door to the stairs, flooding the roof. Unfortunately, Tracer slid into the path of the yellow ball ofilluminating energy that plowed its way towards him.

The impact tossed Tracer through the door and metal railing. He desperately grasped the severed rail to keep from fallingdown the middle of the cavernous hole of the stairs. Therailing creaked and moaned from the strain of Tracer's weight asit loosely clung to the severely cracked concrete.

"Damn my luck." Tracer whispered.


Pluto opened her eyes to see glowing hands of Victoria over herchest, replenishing her energy. Pluto patted the child's headand smiled.

"Thank you, Saturn," she whispered gently.

The two then turned to the sudden crash of the Traveller's bodythrough the door.

Pluto picked up her staff and returned Victoria's glaive asthey joined the Scouts convening toward the stairs. A loudmetallic thud caused everyone to whirl around to see the large,metal power suit of Malance standing upon the roof, ready toattack.

Without any provocation, Raye shouted, "CELESTIAL FIRESURROUND!!"

Malance stood firm as the disks of fire came at him. The girlswaited in anticipation and gasped as the attack harmlesslyflowed around an invisible shield that encircled Malance.

"I have calibrated my energy shield to your attacks. You arenow at my mercy." Malance strained a smile underneath hisvisor. Yes, they were at his mercy, as long as his energyreserves held.

Malance smiled quickly faded as the force of Saturn's glaivecut into the armor on his back. Malance knocked the glaive outof the young girls hands and raised his claw hand to strike.

"NO!!" Erica clasped both hands to her chest.

At her summoning, her mystical scimitar, the Space Sword,materialized

With her sharp weapon extended, Erica sliced into the metallicmonster's side. Malance wailed in pain as he nailed Erica withthe back of his clawed hand. He then turned to the fallen Scout.

Michelle's eyes widened in horror as the weapon upon the arm ofmechanical menace aimed itself at her beloved.

She wasn't about to let that happen.


The force of the condensed water ball sent Malance flying tothe ledge of the roof. His shield was deactivated, and now theyknew it.

"Time to watch the sparks fly," Lita flashed a wicked grin asshe readied herself for her electrical attack.

Alarms went off in Amy's mind, as she quickly noted theabundance of water they were standing in, "Lita don't. . ."

Lita was too ready to care, "THUNDER. . ."

"Stop. . ." Serena urged.

"CLAP. . ."

"WE'RE STANDING IN WATER!!!" Erica shouted.


Large bolts of electrical energy sprang forth from Lita andcame crashing upon Malance. The electrical charge traveledthrough the metallic armor and the water upon the roof. Electricity painfully coursed through their bodies, causing eachgirl to loose consciousness.

Malance, on the other hand, checked all the vital functionswithin the warped armor of the suit, to made sure the insulationheld.

Serena shook her head and noticed the other scouts laid still

on the roof, still feeling the effects of the electric shock. Serena snapped her head towards the metal oddity coming her way.

Serena now stood alone as Malance approached.


The rain had stopped, and the grounds of the Cherry Hill Templeglistened with the lights of the city. Small beads of waterdroplets formed on the frail cherry trees that dotted thegrounds. Ken ran towards the steps of the temple, each stepbecoming more urgent. His heart fluttered at the thought ofseeing Lita again, not noticing the heavy drops of water fromthe trees landing upon him. He carelessly hopped up theslippery steps and gingerly knocked upon the large wooden doors. He waited for what seemed like an eternity when a young manwith long tangled brown hair answered the door.

"Hello, " the young man wiped his sweaty forehead as he greetedhis blond peer, "You must be Lita's boyfriend. . . Ken, right?"

"Yeah," Ken breathed, ignoring the pungent odor of the youngman, "And you're, um, Raye's boyfriend. . . Chad, right?"

The young man blushed slightly, or at least by what Ken couldsee through the hair covering his face, "Uhh, well, I guess youcould say that. . . But don't tell her, okay?"

Slightly confused, Ken nodded in compliance anyway, impatientto meet his angel, "So where's Lita?"

"Oh, she's in Raye's room with the rest of her friends."

"Chad, who was at the door?" Came an older voice from a fewrooms away, "I still have a few more moves to teach you."

Chad shouted back, closing the door behind Ken, "Okay Grandpa,I'm just talking to Lita's boyfriend."

Instantly, a short, bald man appeared, intrigue showing uponhis face, "Ah, hello there. It's nice to meet a man who has

captured the heart of a young lady. She probably asked you tocome here, right?"

Ken resisted the urge to bolt towards the direction Lita wasresiding, "Uh, yeah."

"So tell me how you did it," the old man inquired.

Ken's face went blank from surprise. Yet, before he couldrespond, a loud pounding came from the door.

The old man began to approach it, pondering aloud, "I wonderwho else those girls invited over?"


Tension filled the air as the Traveller, Cindy, and theprincess of Crystal Tokyo, Reenie, squared off in the middle ofRaye's room. Mina and both cats sat upon Raye's bed watchinganxiously for Reenie to make her move.

Reenie stared over the top of her cards, pondering her move. Finally her eyes lit up and she shouted, "Do you have anythrees?"

Cindy searched her the cards in her hand, and, after a thoroughsearch, she smiled wickedly, "Go fish."

The pink haired youth grudgingly picked up another card fromthe pile, making her collection of cards significantly largerthan Cindy's.

"I wish Puu would have let me come with them," the young girlsighed.

Cindy smiled, covering the anxiety in her voice, "Don't worry. She is only looking after you. Anyway, I like the company."

Reenie smiled and they had just resumed their game when anexplosion rocked the temple.

"What was that!?" Luna exclaimed, as Mina jumped to her feet

and rushed to the door.

"Something bad." Mina retrieved her transformation pen.

"Something really bad usually." Artemis replied wearily.

A sudden expression of paralyzing panic crossed the Traveller'sface as she whispered, "It can't be."

"Everyone prepare themselves for an attack!" Luna prancedtoward the bedroom door.

Reenie jumped to her feet and readied herself to change intoher Scout alter ego when Mina stopped her.

"Let me handle this." Mina raised her transformation pen overher head.

"VENUS CRY-" From out of nowhere a body plunged through thefrail bedroom door and collided with Mina, sending both of theminto the opposing wall.

Luna recognized the body, "Chad!"

"Mina!" Artemis cried as he ran over to her limp body.

Luna raced over to the young man and placed a paw on the youngman's throat, "He's alive."

Artemis followed suit as he calmly tried to check Mina's pulse,"She's okay."

Luna breathed with relief as the young man came to fleetingconsciousness, "Hmm, talkin' kitties. . "

Then he lost consciousness.

"Your general grows impatient, Cindy," came an icy voice fromthe busted doorway.

Everyone beheld the white haired General. His fist glowed ofcrimson in front of the face of the levitating Ken, whodesperately clawed at his neck. Ken's face contorted withterror as he gulped for air.

"Halebit." Cindy uttered as she clutched the child.

Luna and Artemis tried to leap at the old man, but an invisibleforce held them firm.

Halebit smiled as he greedily eyed the one who would help himget his Silver Crystal, "It's time to fulfill your duty as aloyal member of my Society, Cindy."

-End of part 5-

Terrible Things To Waste

Part 6: Relevation

A sparkle of enjoyment flashed in the General's eyes as helevitated the young man off the floor. The young man claweddesperately at his throat, kicking his legs in a frenzy to findthe ground. The General withheld a chuckle.

"Are you going to fulfill your duty or not, Cindy?"

Cindy met the General's crazed stare bravely as she gripped theshoulders of the young child, Reenie. She tried to remain calmin face of it all, and the child's pleading gaze didn't make herdecision any easier.

Cindy couldn't hand over Reenie to Halebit; that was the lastthing she wanted to do. The blonde glanced at the ruby braceleton her wrist. She still had a slight chance of defeating him,if she could catch him off guard. But, would that do more harmthan good?

She made a quick survey of the room, noting the two cats, Lunaand Artemis, still struggling against Halebit's unseenconfinements. Then there were Chad and Mina, both sprawled onthe floor, unconscious, their bodies recovering from Halebit'sinitial attack. Finally, she beheld the levitated young manstruggling for his life.

Was this boy's life, or anyone else's for that matter, worthmore than Serena's trust?

The strained gasps from the young man forced her to decide.

She slowly raised her view toward the piercing eyes of theGeneral, "Okay, Halebit, you win. . . but please let him go."

Halebit's icy expression contorted into a mocking smile as hemused, "And why should I?"

As the phantom grip on Ken's throat tightened, he calculatedhow long it would take for his head to explode. BeforeHalebit's hand could squeeze shut, the voice of his subconscious

awoke in his mind.

'Yes, show her you're greater.' Nihil tempted.

Halebit closed his eyes, determine to defy its lure.

"Halebit?" Cindy anticipated the worst as everyone in the roomheld their breath.

'Show them all, you're greater.' Nihil continued.

"NO!" Luna screeched under the strain.

Halebit could feel fury engulf his being, melting away hiscontrol.

'Show them all they are weak!' Nihil screams echoed.

Halebit's eyes shot open and he wanted to explode in a burst ofangst. Yet, he found himself being stared at by all in theroom. Did they see him lose his control? Did they see hisweakness? No, they couldn't have. He wasn't weak. He didn'tneed to prove it to these simpletons.

Halebit relaxed his hand. "Fine, let's leave this place now."

Ken fell to the floor.

Cindy breathed a sigh of relief as she ushered the girl out theroom.

"Wait," Halebit stopped the two as he turned to the twofelines. "I need to deliver a message before we leave..."


At first, Serena found herself swimming in the blankness of hermind.

'What happened? I remember something with lightning and waterand......'

A warm, stinging sensation then invaded Serena's limbs. Thewetness surrounding her doing nothing to sooth the sharp jabs ofpain now electrifying her body.

'That robot. Yes, that's right.'

Serena could barely make out a sound. Random sounds with noimage; the prospect haunted her. She wanted out, and called toher friends.

Nothing happened, no sound.

She struggled more feverishly to speak.

Still nothing.

Fortunately, as she struggled, the distortions sluggishlybecame more structured.

"Guame te trystle."


Light crept into Serena's vision. Relief replaced fear, andSerena heard it once more.

"Gift may tee crastle."

She looked toward the source. Her mind could barelydistinguish the large steel figure approaching her.

"Malance. . . "

"Give me the crystal." He ordered flatly.

Serena could make out other fuzzy figures around her. Shakingher head, she cleared her vision. The figures solidified intobodies, that resembled the. . . the, "Scouts."

Her sights rested upon the limp body of her love.


No response.

The figure stood just a few feet away, aiming an arm with no

hand at her.

"You *will* give me the Crystal," Malance repeated in the sameflat tone.

Serena tried to get her wits about herself, struggling toremember one of her attack phrases. She wasn't the whiny childshe used to be. She was. . . .

"I am Sailor Moon!" Serena leapt to her feet, but the worldswirled around her. Her head throbbed from the spinning and herlimbs lost their desire to stand. The combination proved toomuch for Serena and her body crashed back to the ground.

Serena found herself staring into the deathly abyss ofMalance's cannon, "I am victorious! Now, give me the Crystal."

"Never," she mumbled incoherently.

The throbbing in her mind spread. Serena used all her strengthto lift her head.

"So weak," Malance chuckled as he readied his cannon, "So weakto deny me."


The tightly concentrated sonic boom ripped into Malance,sending him toward the stairs. The Time Guardian approached themetallic aggressor while grinning with satisfaction at herhandywork.

Malance's visor flash with activity, "Warning. Damage:Critical."

Malance stumbled to his feet, and saw, to his horror, all eightgirls converging upon him.

He had to reciprocate immediately. "Insects!"

"Visual systems failure in five seconds. Battery power low."

Malance aimed his cannon at the Time Guardian, and snarled.

"Shutdown imminent."

"ICE STORM BLAST!!" A blast of frost quickly condensed uponMalance's cannon.

The metal of the cannon creaked and groaned before explodinginto useless shards.

"CELESTIAL FIRE SURROUND!!" An inferno blazed a trail ontoMalance, engulfing him in a sea of fire.

"Excessive heat, main powe-" Blackness welcomed Malance.

"WORLD SHAKING!!!" The crunching of concrete warned Malance ofthe oncoming attack, but he still reeled from the earlierattacks.

Malance felt a ball of energy slam into his body, ripping openhis severely damaged frame. He breathed in sharply when thecool night air came in contact with his exposed flesh. Heshivered, and dread of death overcame him.

'Escape,' Malance's mind raced. 'I must escape.'

Malance blindly grope the nearby wall looking for any retreat,and felt a sudden sense of relief as he found the open doorwayto the stairs. He snapped open the visor to see Tracer waitingat the top of the stairs with his shotgun in hand.

"Goin' somewhere?" Tracer pulled the trigger and blastedMalance's knee. "It's payback time."

Malance groaned and fell to one knee. Clutching his knee withtrembling hands, he tried in vain to stop the silvery flow ofblood. Tracer felt a rush of excitement as he slammed the buttof his gun into Malance's exposed face. Bone cracked.

"I remember when I was in such a position. You remember, don'tyou?" Tracer displayed the scar along the right side of hisface. "I had blood running down my face, and you laughed."

"You like blood on your face, huh, Malance?" Tracer taunted.

His opponent garbled a groan.

"Yeah, I hated it too." Tracer smirked as he readied hisshotgun to give the finishing blow.

Across the way, the Scouts gathered together near Pluto, readyfor another attack. They reminded her of soldiers awaitingtheir leader's instruction, swept up in the moment of battle. Nature's forces in their hands to call upon at their whim. Allof them attentive to Pluto's direction.

"We must eliminate the enemy with one bold stroke!" Sheannounced, gesturing toward the Travellers near the stairs.








Each attack mingled with the other. Wind, water, fire, ice,lightning, and life all magically congealed into a destructivesphere of energy. Its tremendous glow awed Sailor Moon as itbarreled its way toward the two combatants.

"No," she whispered.

A tear rolled down her face.


Tracer had been fortunate to be facing the projectile as itcame toward them. Its roar sang the tune of death to anyone,anything in its path. The hair on his body stood, reactingtoward the genesis of nature's raw elements. He only had asplit second to react. The world around him seemed to go inslow motion as he rolled away. The pungency of burning fleshovertook Tracer's nose, a reminder of the poor soul unable toescape.

Craning his neck, he could see his opponent's deterioratingface, eyes hinting anger. But he could also sense somethingelse. Possibly regret?

'It's too late to regret now, you bastard.' Tracer watchedwith satisfaction as Malance fell into the chasm of stairs.

As the world returned to normal speed, Tracer faced eightdetermined magical girls on the offensive.

They destroyed his toughest enemy.

They barely broke a sweat.

And they were searching for their next victim.

He could only do one thing when faced with such impossible odds.

"I surrender," Tracer raised his hands over his head, anddiscreetly slipped his shotgun into the holster on his back.

Everyone blinked.

"What? No vows of destruction and death? No insults? Noway." Raye's lips curled in disbelief. "You'll have to dobetter than that."

Tracer stood in deathlike silence, his hands still raised. Thegirls tensed their muscles in anticipation for the Traveller'snext move.

Tracer's gut tightened, and silence gnawed at his sanity. Thedistant sounds of the city provided a small distraction from thechurning within. The groaning of the young man in theridiculous tuxedo costume finally snapped the silence.

"What happened, Serena?" He murmured.

Sailor Moon knelt next to her prince, and smiled despite hertears.

"Shhh," Sailor Moon placed a finger on the young man's lips,"Everything's okay."

Another tear streaked Sailor Moon's cheek as she gazed at her

love. There had been enough pain and death already.

"It's time this ended. Please leave us and this dimension,Traveller."

Pluto stepped forward to further punctuate Serena's request. "Now."

Keeping his hands held high, Tracer lowered his head andchuckled. "As much as I would love to get out of thisLord-forsaken dimension, I'm afraid I can't do that. I have avendetta to fulfill."

"You'll have to go through us to get Cindy," shouted Lita.

"Cindy?" Tracer chuckled once more as he rested his hands onhis head. "She told you I was after her? Why am I notsurprised?"

"What is it that you find so humorous, Traveller?" Plutonarrowed her eyes.

'Very powerful and very gullible,' Tracer smirked and held hisbreath, letting the throbs of his injuries subside. "Contraryto whatever she told you, I'm not after her."

Michelle winced as the Traveller's words stabbed her heartrelentlessly. The fact he seemed to be revelling in it justadded salt to the wound.

But her fury lacerated the wound and seethed through her,pushing her to erupt in a tantrum of rage.

'That son of a-'

"Just what is it," Michelle stepped forward, doing well incalming her outrage. "You are insinuating?"

"I'm only going to say this once," Tracer grinned as hearrogantly clicked his tongue. "She *lied* to you."

'This stupid jerk has some freakin' nerve,' Erica resisted theurge to carve the Traveller into pieces with her scimitar,deciding instead to jump out from the crowd. "Why in hellshould we trust you?"

Tracer's grin fell. "Because it's the truth."

A scowl eclipsed Erica's features. His arrogance strained herself control. She briefly contemplated giving in to her urgesbefore a small hand firmly gripped her shoulder. She only hadto glance at the slender fingers to know they belonged to herlover.

"Cooler heads prevail, Eric," Michelle breathed into Erica'sear.

Amy glanced the the others with concern, starting with theusually calm Sailor Pluto. Her tensed knuckles clutching herstaff spoke a quiet testament to the agitation Amy knew sheendured.

Amy's eyes shifted to the corners of Raye's trembling mouth,wanting to speak what her mind had to say. Then, her eyesdarted to Lita's twitching fingers driven by instinct,tantalized by the inevitable battle to come. Finally, her eyesdrifted to little Victoria standing aloof, holding her glaiveabsently, and waiting for some direction from Pluto.

When none came, she glanced toward her guardians. Michelle andErica, however, offered no comfort.

Serena still knelt next to Darien, stroking his cheek,oblivious to everything uttered by the Traveller.

Amy knew that the role rested on her, and her alone.

Mustering her courage, Amy cleared her throat. "If you are, bychance, telling the truth, who is it you are really pursuing?"

Tracer sneered. "Halebit. The bastard who betrayed me byleading the Society."

Pluto's lips pursed; her eyes became narrow slits. "Really."

"Really." Tracer's reply bit with venomous intent.

Tracer could tell he had overstayed his welcome, and there wasno telling how long it would take before they decided to blasthim to hell. He winced in memory of the earlier attack thatnearly sent him down the stairway;

'And that was just one of them.'

"As much as I'd like to continue this pleasant conversation," the Timelord took a step back onto the edge of the roof. "Ihave an appointment with an old friend."

"Now hold up one minute," Raye screamed, much to Amy'schagrin. "You're not going or doing anything! You're going toleave this. . . this dimension NOW!"

"Um, Mars, I think-"

"I don't think so." Tracer turned his back to them, eyeing acar just below.

Serena closed her eyes.

"Wait, we can-" A soft beeping sound distracted Amy.

"Over my dead body!" Raye shouted back.

Serena covered her ears with her hands.

Amy pulled out her compact computer, and answered the signal.

"Is that a promise?" Tracer flexed his right hand.

Tears streaked Serena's cheeks.

Amy's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Oh yeah, scum bag." Raye clasped her hands together.

"Stop this!" Serena jumped to her feet, "There will be no morefighting tonight. I'll tell you again, Traveller, please leaveCindy and us alone. She isn't lying to us and-"

"I'm sorry, Sailor Moon," Amy interrupted, swallowing hard, "Heis telling the truth. Cindy has. . . Cindy has kidnappedReenie."

Serena's mouth suddenly dried, "H-how?"

Amy's voice detached as Luna feed her the news, "An old manclaiming to be Cindy's superior, caught Sailor Venus bysurprise. And he's-"

"They want the Silver Crystal as ransom." Tracer regarded thestreet below with a spiteful stare. 'Damn you Halebit, damn youto hell. . '

"-yes, at the old Toke factory."

Michelle's hand tightened painfully on Erica's shoulder at thenews.

Fortunately, Erica nerves quickly went numb from shock. "Howdo you-"

"I know a little history, okay?" Tracer spat.

"No, not okay." Raye strode toward Serena. "All this time, Iwas right in my suspicions! I wasn't foolish in having mydoubts! I wasn't out of line when I questioned your authority!"

"Also, Chad and Ken were injured in the attack," Amy reported.

"What?!" Lita lost her composure. "Is he okay?"

"They're not sure."

"Great, just great." Raye sneered while her insides curdled,'Oh my God, Chad. You fool.'

"No, it can't be," Serena whimpered; she couldn't have failedthem all.

Pluto spoke with her eyes affixed to the black, greasy mop ofhair on the back of the Timelord's head, "Yes it is. I believethat it's time to start listening to me, your Highness."

"No, Cindy wouldn't do such a thing." Serena stood indefiance. "I know, I saw it in her eyes."

Serena saw everyone's pained expression, all of them hurt, allof them betrayed. All because of her.

She shook her head. 'No, my heart couldn't be wrong. Couldit?'

Her desperate glances finally fell upon the black-hairedTraveller, who locked eyes with her once again. Peering into

his brown gaze, it happened all over again. She swam throughthe strong currents of his soul, experiencing his longing, hispain, his desire, all because of. . .

Then she understood.

"You." Serena shook her head, clearing her mind as best shecould. "You understand what I'm talking about."

The words of realization hit her even as she said them. "You've understood all along, haven't you?"

Her snarl made the other Scouts cringe a little, but they stoodtheir ground.

Tracer's anger arose like a furnace within him; he knew heshould never have looked back. He should have never met hergaze. Now she was laying him bare, naked for the others to see.


"You've seen who she really is," Serena continued undaunted,her rage welling within her. "You know she cares."

"No." Tracer repeated with greater force, he would not be madeinto an oddity by her. "What do *you* know?! Huh, kiddo?!"

Serena matched Tracer's scream with her own. "Why else wouldyou want her?"


He froze. What had he just done? Now these girls surely wouldnot hesitate to destroy him. His ragged breath continued at thethought of the misery they would inflict.

"I suggest," Pluto spoke with reservation, "That you not insultour Queen again and leave."

"Just like you Time Guardians to call the shots." His fearfueled his boldness. "I don't fear you. I've fought plenty ofother Time Guardians before, and don't think for a second thatyou present me with a challenge."

Pluto remained silent, letting his words bounce off her stony

facade. "Leave, Traveller."

Tracer stepped back. "Gladly."

Before anyone could react, Tracer jumped off the roof. A loudcrunch a moment later sent the girls rushing to the ledge, onlyto find an indention the Timelord left on the car below.

The Time Guardian remained still. She let the Traveller'swords saturate her mind. Sobbing rung in the Time Guardian'sears and her heart sank at the sight before her.

Her Queen had collapsed to her knees, her face the image ofanguish, an innocence lost. The damage had been done, and shecould only watch it happen again.

A single tear dried on her arid cheek.

-End of Part 6-

Terrible Things To Waste

Part 7: Confrontation


A blood red glow everywhere.

A stench in the air. A puddle on the floor. A stain on herhands.

Cindy drowned in the crimson neon light flooding the warehouse. No matter where she stood, the eerie glow always touched her. Worst of all, as she paced around, the child followed her everymove, drenched in that bloody light.

An influx of emotion surged through her, consuming her from theinside out. The child's eyes glowed from out her redsilhouetted within the cage. Jerking her head away, Cindycontinued her erratic pacing.

Halebit broke from his meditation and observed, to hisamusement, his second-in-command pacing back and forth like acaged animal.

"I'm surprised a child has that much power over you, Cindy." His taunting tone echoed from the bare platform. "If you're notcareful, you may become weak."

Cindy's heart ached as the echoes of Halebit's voicereverberated upon her guilt-leadened soul. Despite all this,she continued her pacing in painful silence.

"Do you have a grievance with me Cindy?" Halebit stood,keeping her in his meticulous stare.

"Yes," Her voice slowly rose in defiance, "yes I do. Why theSilver Crystal?"

"I have my reasons, Cindy." The General's arctic expressionwarmed slightly, amused at her boldness. "Oh, I nearly forgot. Has Malance returned?"

"No he has not, Halebit." Cindy cringed at the mention of her

rival in command, a grim reminder of her earlier sins. Halebitalways had a talent for hurting others, and Cindy noticed henever missed an opportunity to utilize it. "Why did you sendhim after Serena?"

"The Princess?" Halebit's lips hinted at a smile, cracking hisstony facade. "I didn't send him after the Princess, I sent himafter the Timelord."

Her mask of confidence faltered as Cindy stammered, "W-who?"

The smug smile widened, eroding Halebit's face, "You know, theone who killed your family."

Her eyes widened, she could never forget the man at the heartof all her pain, the bloodthirsty beast who slaughtered herfamily. She imagined him, his long locks of black hair soakingwith blood and his face splattered with crimson. His eyesfilled with mirth and burned with an intensity greater than thetormenting pits of Hell. She could see him laughing whilelicking the blood from his lips, her family's blood. Herconfident mask fell, and her face filled with fury.

Continuing to smile his collected smile, Halebit enjoyed theeffect his words had upon Cindy. "I should never have told youTracer had killed them. Ever since then, you have let your needfor vengeance blind you, Cindy. I consider that a weakness."

Halebit eyes seared through Cindy. "And I do not tolerateweakness."

Cindy's fury extinguished under the General's frosty gaze. Sheturned away and sat on the edge of the platform, dangling herlegs. With her mind now clear of horrible visions, she couldhear the cage rattle gently, like a wind chime on a breezy day,indicating the discomfort of the child within the smallconfines.

Cindy remarked internally at Reenie's transformation into amute. Not a word came out of her mouth after Halebit's surpriseattack on the temple. Not a word as Cindy put her into thatcage. The eyes, though, communicated all she had to say. AndCindy didn't like what they said.

Why? They asked. Why did you lie? Why did you let them dothis? Why did you misuse our trust? Why did you waste it all?

Cindy moved her trembling hands to her ears, and tried tosqueeze the memories, the pain, the knowledge from her mind. Her chest heaved with her every breath, sending little tremorsthrough her body. She wanted to get away from it all. Shewanted to wake up and leave this surreal reality. Even with herhands on her ears she could hear the echoes of the gentletinging of metal from the cage ebbed at her senses. Then,through all the rattling, she heard something she never wouldhave expected.

Humming. Cindy's hands fell onto her lap as she raised herhead. Halebit was humming. She twisted her head to let hereyes prove to her unbelieving ears the truth. There wasHalebit, eyes closed, standing in place letting his body sway tothe imaginary tune he hummed happily.

Cindy's mouth slacked. Never in her years of knowing theGeneral had she witnessed such a radical display of emotion.

Halebit basked in the glow of his perfect plan. The SilverCrystal would soon be in hand and then he could finally vanquishthat demon voice, the voice of his deeply submerged emotions,Nihil, from his mind.

'Now, Nihil, I will show you I am not weak.'

Then, he heard it -- music echoing off the cold, bare walls ofthe warehouse. The sound haunted his mind as if more heavenlycreatures sang a song of victory. He had proven his worth toeveryone, to Cindy, to Malance, to Tracer, and more importantlyto the Moon Princess and her hapless flock of minions. Themusic soothed over his senses. He had mastered the art ofcontrol. A master of any other art would could not match him,for the fools didn't realize control is power.

'And I am power.'

"Wha-what are you doing?" She asked once the shock subsided.

Halebit continued to sway lost in the dream-like rhythm. "Can't you hear it, Cindy? It's the music. Sweet, gloriousmusic."

Cindy continued to stare, too disturbed to react.

The General chuckled to the absence of a reply. 'That girlmust eventually learn to respect me.'

'No.' Nihil's disembodied voice broke through the melody inHalebit's mind. 'She just knows you're weak.'

'I am not weak, and she shall learn to respect that.' Halebitretorted mentally.

Still humming, the General calmly opened his eyes, eager tomelt the stubbornness of his blonde soldier.

He stopped humming when his soldier welcomed him with a stareof disbelief.

'See, Halebit, you are near the end.' Nihil taunted. 'She hasseen your weakness.'

'Meditation will cure me of this disease, yes!' Halebit barkedhis orders in rapid succession, "Cindy, wait here-"

'Meditation will not stop me, Halebit.'

"-You know what to do when the Moon Princess shows-"


'You're so weak. Heh.'

Halebit strode toward his soldier until his face was mereinches away from hers, "And don't do anything that woulddisplease me."

Cindy did not move a muscle as Halebit stared intently at herface, pausing to let his voice resonate in her mind. "Malancedispleased me and he has yet to return."


Halebit's face solidified and he snapped his body around withauthority. Cindy watched, completely baffled while the Generalmarched back toward the privacy of the offices beyond theplatform.


The lights of the city danced and flashed by Serena's dreary,blank eyes. Once those reddened and puffy pearls of blue wouldnot relent anymore tears, she had to face the grim reality ofher situation. Her faith in Cindy would not falter, and sheknew the blonde Traveller had to have been forced into this.

'I *know* it. Everything in me knows it.' She looked down ather Silver Crystal, emitting its soft glow. 'And you know it.'

More lights of the city whizzed by and Serena leaned her headagainst the car's chilled window.

Darien could see Serena in the passenger seat from the cornerof his eye as he drove toward their destination. His memoryremained fragmented after Lita's attack nearly electrocuted themall, but he did remember the scowl of the black-haired Travellerwhen he screamed at Serena. Darien narrowed his eyes at thedisregard of that man. Hell, that Traveller was less than a manto treat his woman in such a disrespectful manner. The echo ofthe Traveller's voice bounced around in Darien's head, 'whore,whore, whore, whore ...'

He gripped the steering wheel, threatening to rip the plasticrim from the column. Thoughts of wiping the scowl off the faceof that Traveller drowned out the decrepit echo. No one treatedhis Serena that way.

The sudden soft bickering and flickering movement yanked thedriver's attention to his other passengers.

Darien peered into his rearview mirror to check on the sardinesin the back seat. "Uh, everything alright back there?"

From the reflection of the rearview, Darien saw the ripples ofmovement as Amy pulled out her compact. Amy gave a weak,apologetic smile to Darien while Lita and Raye glared.

"I'm going to try and contact Mina to see if she's okay." Amyreplied over the hum of the road.

Upon activating her compact, Amy wished beyond anything that

she would see Mina's cheery face pop up on the screen.

Unfortunately, Michelle's grim expression crushed Amy'soptimism.

"Yes, Mercury?"

"Is Mina okay?" Amy felt a nudge from Raye, "Oh, and Chad?"

Another nudge, "And Grampa?"

Yet another nudge, "And Ken?"

The image of Michelle's face warmed slightly. "Mina's a littleshaken up, but fine."

An awkward pause filled the space in the car while the othertwo girls waited for Michelle to continue. Finally, impatiencegot the better of Raye and she grabbed the computer.

"What about Chad and Grampa!?" In her haste, Raye's raven hairfell into her view, blinding her to Michelle's glance off to theside.

Raye's strained voice raked over Serena's conscience. 'I'm sosorry Raye. I didn't mean for this to happen.'

"Don't worry Raye. Everyone's okay." Michelle soothed.

Raye pushed aside her hair and stared at Michelle's assuringface on the screen. Her intuition screamed to her thatsomething was amiss but just knowing her grandfather and evenChad were okay relieved her somewhat of her anxieties. She feltso torn; she felt like she was unraveling from the seams. Betrayal, Chad's and Grampa's injuries, hurt, pain, and despair. All within just a few hours.

'I just wish this would all end. Now.' Raye took in a breathand nodded in compliance to Michelle, "Thanks, Neptune."

With great care, Raye handed the computer back to Amy, who eyedher unusually calm friend suspiciously, "Now, when are you goingto leave for the warehouse?"

Michelle's expression and her tone sombered upon seeing Amy. "Pluto wants to leave as soon as possible."

Amy sighed softly. Neutral tone and masked expressions, Amyhated when Erica and Michelle did that. Those two always foundways to distance themselves from the other Scouts, and onlycooperated when Pluto pulled their strings. Amy envisioned thegreen-haired Time Guardian with strings tied to her fingers andwiggling them eccentrically. Little marionettes resemblingErica and Michelle in mockups of their Scout uniforms dancedupon a stage below.

Such a prospect and image along with it bothered Amy a greatdeal. It made trusting Michelle that much harder. Amy glancedat Serena seated in front of her. Seeing Serena struggle withher conscience because of someone else's sins moved Amy to takeaction.

'It's time to cut those strings.' Amy brought her determinedeyes to Michelle's image. "If you do get there before us, tellPluto to wait before she decides anything, alright?"

Michelle's face hinted apprehension. "Alright."




The sound aroused Ken's to consciousness. His throat stillscreamed in agony, a reminder of the old man who nearly killedhim. He still could see the glowing red aura around the handconstricting the life from him. Those cold eyes. For the firsttime he actually saw the dark, abysmal color of madness.

The sudden tremors of footsteps shook Ken's senses.

"What did Mercury want?" The neutral tone came from the otherroom chilled his spine.

"She wants us to wait until they get there." Another unfamilarvoice returned. "How's Vicky holding up?"

'Vicky? I wonder who that is.'

"She's a little weakened but Raye's grandfather will survive." A third, huskier voice replied.

"That's good." Replied the second voice.

More silence and footsteps, "Are you ready, Mina?"

'Mina?' He remembered that name from somewhere.

"I-I'm okay." Strained a familar voice of . . . of . . .

Then the realization hit him. Hard.

'Mina! Lita's friend! Oh, my precious Lita!' His heartthrobbed at the thought of his brunette goddess.

His mind simultaneously became swamped with all sorts ofquestions, 'Where's Lita? Is she okay? Who are these women? Who was that old man? Why did he want that little girl? Andwhere is Lita?!'

Ken's eyes snapped open and he found himself staring at thevaulted ceiling ignited by a sliver of light.

Carefully, Ken turned his throbbing head toward the doorleaking streams of light from fissures along its edge. Kencould hear the voices beyond the door, and his cluttered mindscreamed for answers to his questions.

Ken's trembled as he willed himself to his feet and stumblingtoward the guiding brightness. After a few excruciating steps,he reached the door and rested his head against its smoothsurface. More voices vibrated against his ear through the doorand Ken halted his breathing.

"Are you ready to leave, Venus?"

Ken's brow narrowed. 'Venus?'

"I think so."

"Good. Now, if you will, transform."

"Transform?" Ken croaked silently, his mind now churning with

even more questions.

'I must-' Ken shaking steadied himself on frail limbs.

"VENUS-" Mina's voice pierced through the door.

'-get beyond-' A breath filled his tired lungs.


'-this door.' A shaky hand groped the door.


Ken opened the door to see a fleeting glimpse of Mina holdingon high a small decorative rod, beaming with warm, golden rays. Ken guarded his weary eyes from the stinging array of orangesand yellows bombarding his senses. Once Ken's eyes could standthe dissipating glow, he saw standing in place of Mina a womanwhose beauty matched even Lita's. Her face, her blonde hair,her mysticism, and her scandalously short orange skirt notifiedKen that he was dealing with the one and only. . . .

"Sailor V?" Ken's voice cracked with disbelief. "You'reSailor V, Mina?"

Mina looked up and waved nonchalantly, greeting her friend witha nervous giggle. "Oh. Hiya, Ken."

Immediately, every eye in the room zeroed in on the weary youngman. Ken's cheeks flushed with embarassment, realizing that hehad unwittingly become the center of attention. An assortmentof females ranging in various ages stood before him, wearing anassortment of colored short skirts and bows.

The Sailor Scouts. Ken had seen them on TV and read about themin the newspapers, but he'd never seen them in person before. It was quite overwhelming.

His avid eyes first caught sight of a lean blonde, who heguessed to be Sailor Uranus judging from her short hair anddomineering stance. Ken then noted her much more femininepartner, Sailor Neptune, whose somewhat demure posturecounteracted her partner's outward boldness.

'Maybe those tabloids do have an air of truth to them.' Ken

shook his head to discontinue the unpleasant thought.

Between the couple stood a small, frail child whose skin glowedin the light of the wrecked bedroom. In her delicate hands,though, she held a large glaive, clueing Ken this was SailorSaturn. Though Ken felt sorry for such a girl, he found itparticularly unnerving that the sharp point of the glaive wasaimed in his general direction. The child's gaze, though,offered him no hostility, but the same could not be said of thetall woman approaching him. The look on this mysterious woman'sface offered no welcome, but regarded him as a slowly dyinganimal, pondering whether she should let it suffer or end itnow. Every hair on Ken's body electrified with anticipation.

Slowly, she came closer to the young man with her long greenhair swaying gently while her golden staff hit the floor in timewith her every step. Ken could feel his body struggling to moveback, but his fear weighed heavy upon his feet.

Finally, the green-haired woman loomed over the young man andaddressed him presumptuously.

"I see," Pluto's voice chilled his ears, "that you haveawakened from the attack."

"Y-yeah." Ken's jaw slacked and locked, refusing to budge.

'This wasn't suppose to happen!' The woman did well in hidingthe helplessness she felt. 'What else has changed? Have Ifailed my duty? Why is everything wrong!?'

Nevertheless, with no alternative, she continued. "I'm sureyou have many questions in regards to what you have justwitnessed-"

Abruptly, to Ken's amazement, his stubborn mouth gave in. "Hey, you're those guys from before! Serena's friends, right?"

He regretted this action immediately as the woman went silentand her piercing stare became a burning glare.

"Yes, we are." A gentle voice rang.

Pluto turned slightly to face Sailor Neptune and Ken took theopportunity to exhale. Neptune calmly walked toward them, herwavy teal hair hardly moving, defying the stern gaze of the Time

Guardian. Neptune could sense the breakdown within Pluto. Aslong as Pluto kept denying to herself things weren't going herway, things were destined to get worse. Neptune had enoughthings go wrong already, and she didn't want anymore. Not afterletting that Traveller into her home, not after being lied to,not after being made into a fool. Not after Cindy.

Brushing aside Pluto, Neptune approached the agitated youngman. Her friendly demeanor relaxed his anxieties. He wasn'tquite sure what it was about her that made feel at ease. Hersmile seemed so, so ... motherly. He felt all tension drain,and questions flew out his mouth with child-like abandonment.

"Is Raye?"


"And Amy?"



"We all are." Chimed in Venus from across the bedroom. Neptune closed her eyes and smiled half-heartedly.

Ken took a moment to digest this radical revelation. "Thatmeans that Lita is. . "

'There's no turning back now.' Neptune solemnly nodded,quietly confirming his suspicions.

Ken's mouth opened and then shut. He didn't know what to say. In fact, he didn't know what to feel about having a girlfriendwho fights evil as a hobby.

"If you are now satisfied," the severity of Pluto's voiceshook Ken's consciousness, "I and my 'associates' have moreurgent matters to attend to."

Neptune glanced at Pluto with resentment at the frost putbehind the word, 'associates.' Silently, Neptune and Plutomarched back to where the others waited. Both women kept theireyes fixed forward, but Pluto murmured softly to Neptune.

"I will remember this."

Uranus watched the Time Guardian and Neptune walk back, andnoticed the oddest thing.

Her partner smirked.


"What!?" Raye squeaked, her voice almost exceeding the propervolume. She leaned closer and whispered hoarsely. "Are youcrazy, Serena?!"

Serena's deep blue eyes glowed in the darkness of the alley,her whisper barely an echo. "I want to bargain with Cindy. Iwant to convince her that what she's doing is wrong."

The Time Guardian stepped forward, her staff clicked upon thedamp concrete. "No. She has lied to us and betrayed us. Idoubt this Traveller will listen to reason."

Serena bent her head downward, letting her long flowing ponytails fall into view. "If I cannot convince her to give upReenie peacefully, I will permit you to. . ." Serena didn'twant to say the words, but she had to. "To take whatever meansnecessary to get Reenie back."

Pluto's shadowed features pondered this condition. "I see. Then, we must be prepared to attack if your plan doesn't work."

Turning to the red silhouetted figures of the group, Plutooutlined the plan. "The Queen, Neptune, Uranus, and I willproceed into the warehouse and confront the Traveller."

Pluto noticed the frowns from Neptune and Uranus in the redlight and asked pointedly. "Do you two disagree with my plan?"

Neptune gaze replied venomously, which bothered even Uranus. "Not at all."

"Good." Pluto didn't give it a second thought. She had herjob to do. "Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus will wait outhere. We will keep in touch by way of your communicators.

Tuxedo Mask and Mercury will monitor from the skylights above."

"What about the old man?" Mina broke in, her voice pained withremembrance. "What are you going to do about him, Pluto?"

Pluto hesitated, something in Mina's voice caused her to stop amoment. What had happened last time she took control of thesituation? She played right into the enemy's hands andpractically given them Small Lady. Would this be any different? She never had to struggle with unpredictability on this levelbefore. It was like walking blind, and she had already fallenflat on her face. How was this going to be any different?

"We'll. . . we must be prepared for anything then." Plutocould see Mina's eye twitch.

"What do you mean, 'prepared for anything?'" Raye piped in. "I thought you had a handle on things! You're the Time Guardianfor crying out loud."

Pluto calmly turned to the fuming Raye. "I must remind you,Mars, that I cannot predict the future with the Travellerspresent here."

"Yeah, yeah. You think you've been feeding us that line enoughtimes?" Raye hissed, but a hand stopped her before the pain andangst-ridden flood of words spilled forth from her mouth.

"That's enough Raye." Mina's soft, commanding voice resonatedfrom the darkness. "Just trust her okay? We need to bestrong."

Raye twisted her head, and could see both Mina and Litastanding firmly united. The neon cast an eerie red aura aroundthe two giving them the look of two stone sentinels staring straight through her. Raye remarked to herself the lack ofexcitement Lita displayed. Usually Lita would tremble withagitation just before going into a battle. But no, the Litathat stood before her remained calm and reserved next to Mina. Raye knew that it would be wise not to tread any further.

"Okay, fine. Let's do this." Raye murmured in defeat.


A slight salty wind caressed the weather-worn glass of thewindow, its collection of crystal showing its age and neglect. The window, at the sacrifice of itself, admitted nothing of thefurther dilapidation within. It succeeded in deceiving thecasual observer by distorting the faint light it ravenouslysoaked in. No one dared enter for fear of what lay beyond thewindow.

This night was different.

With one great pull, Tracer wrenched the seal of neglect awayfrom the window, exposing the empty office within to the coolnight air. The Timelord crawled into the office disturbing theyears of peace the dust had settled. His nose hardly flinchingfrom the onslaught of dust, Tracer scurried across the room,using great caution to aviod any weak points in the floor. Hehardly wanted the groaning floor to announce his presence toHalebit.

That he wanted to do personally.

With the stealth of a voracious animal in the hunt, theTimelord entered the main hallway, his eyes staying alert toeach and every shadow cast by the dominating crimson glow fromoutside.

"Where are you, bastard?" Tracer breathed hoarsely, his handsclenched on his shotgun. "Where are you, Halebit?"

Carefully, the dark-haired Timelord approached the end of thehallway where another aged door stood patiently, almosttauntingly so. Through its distorted glass, he saw a rippledfigure, sitting rigidly as if in meditation. Tracer felt atingle of eagerness in his limbs. It had to be him. He reveledin the rage enveloping his body. All those years he spent inthe wheat fields, the eager student wanting to please.

But, no, it meant nothing. Absolutely nothing. He didn'tjust want to kill Halebit, he wanted to see him squirm, to tastedefeat. And he wanted to be the one to serve it.

"You are so dead." Tracer growled under his breath, speedinghis approach toward the door, his finger rubbing against thetrigger.

Leaning gingerly against the door, he sucked in thesalt-saturated air and pushed the door open with his free hand. His excitement mounted upon seeing the mass of short whiteshoots of hair welcome him.

'The old bastard has his back to the door. Unbelievable.' Tracer crept closer, his weapon aimed at Halebit's head ready toexact his revenge.

'You are such a fool, Halebit.'

'I am in complete control.' Halebit retorted mentally toNihil.

Desperately, Halebit concentrated upon his meditation. He hadto concentrate on his surroundings, take in everything throughhis senses. He felt each individual crevice and crack on thecool title floor. He tasted the salty air from the nearby bay. The red light of the neon sign filled his vision. He heard . .. breathing. Uneven, agitated breathing. It was very close by,just a few feet behind him.

'Are you, now? Do you seriously believe that Cindy will notside with the Princess at the first opportunity?'

Tracer wet his lips in greedy anticipation.

Halebit sneered to himself, why didn't the voice go away? Hismeditations did nothing to quiet the voice, Nihil.

'She fears me. She wouldn't dare face the consequences. Sheknows that I have control.'

The red crystals. Yes, once he secured the Silver Crystal, hecould create the Rift and then he could vanquish Nihil.

Tracer steadied his shotgun, bringing it within inches ofHalebit's head.

'True, but what will you do when she has united the Princessand her friends against you? Then how will your control defeatthem? You can't possibly defeat the Moon Princess.'

Halebit gritted his teeth. He could not reply. Nihil spoke atruth he did not want to believe, but would be foolish to denyit.

Tracer smirked, his finger caressing the trigger. "Hello,Sensei."

'Heh. You will be nothing but dust when the Princess is donewith you.' Nihil's voice reverberated in his mind. Halebitcouldn't stand it anymore.

'I believe the contrary.' Halebit clenched his glowing fistclosed.

Without warning, the barrel of Tracer's shotgun collapsed uponitself, crushed by an invisible grip. Before Tracer could swearaloud, the same constricting grip seized his throat. Tracerswung his arms toward Halebit, in hopes that he could at leasthave the satisfaction of inflicting some pain, but the Generalheld him at arms length.

The old man, though, remained regal in posture with his feetrigidly affixed to the floor, his hand outstretched and slightlyclosed, his face scowling, and his eyes drowning in madness.

'Damn it!' Tracer panicked as the pressure increased on histhroat.

"It can't end like this!" Tracer gargled. "I won't let it endlike this!"

'So, you have a solution?' Nihil taunted.

'Yes, I have a solution!' Halebit roared back.

'The sword! I must use the sword!' Tracer gripped the hilt ofhis sword.

"I have control!" Halebit's roar accompanied a mighty swing ofhis glowing hand.


A new surge of guilt rose within Cindy's chest when the largemetal door slid reluctantly open, its loud creaks and groansbegging for oil. From her position on the edge of the platform,the blonde Traveller could see four feminine forms standing inthe crimson light. Her heart fluttered when she recognized thetwin ponytails flickering gently in the sea breeze.

Serena. The Moon Princess. The girl who invested all hertrust in her. Cindy's heart ached; how she yearned for a secondchance, to amend her sins. Cindy's spirits lifted, perhaps shecould. Surely, Serena would show her some mercy. She wouldunderstand. She hoped.

But then she heard it; the low thud of a staff -- The TimeGuardian. She glanced at the cage holding the child and then atthe procession walking toward her. No, apologies are too latein coming. What she had done was unforgivable. Not evenSerena could feel for someone as cold-hearted as herself.

"Sailor Moon?" The cage rattled softly in tune with Reenie'svoice. Yet, the voice lacked the usual ring of sweetness,something Cindy remarked to herself bitterly.

At the sound of the child's voice, Serena stopped abruptly andthe other three attentively followed in step. She stood stillin shock at the sight of Reenie, trembling in a cage. Why wouldCindy do such a thing? Serena sensed her faith in Cindy buckleunder doubts, but something reassured her. Glancing down,Serena saw her Silver Crystal glimmering softly. Then sheglanced at Pluto, standing rigidly beside her. Pluto's lipspursed, threatening to burst forth with outrage. She becamefurious at the sight of the girl she regarded as a daughterbeing treated in this vile fashion. It was ... unforgivable. She knew this was a mistake.

"Don't worry, Reenie." Serena swallowed the large lump in herthroat. "Everything's going to be okay. Right now, I have totalk to Cindy, alright?"

"Yea-yeah." Reenie stuttered in obedient confusion.

"Okay," Serena breathed quietly and raised her voice towardthe Traveller. "Cindy, listen to me. You don't have to dothis."

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen," Cindy crieddefensively before her head and shoulders gradually sink intoherself, murmuring. "I never wanted this to happen."

Serena sighed, she desperately wanted to reach to Cindy andcomfort her. "I understand, Cindy. Please, just let go ofReenie and we can fight this battle together."

"No," Cindy shouted, turning her head away to hide her tears. "I'm ... I'm unforgivable."

Serena carefully clasped her hands over her brooch and hervoice resonated with Cindy's wounded spirit. "I forgive you."

Cindy's shoulders slowly relaxed once Serena's words echoed inher ears.

"I forgive you."

'Perhaps ... Perhaps I still have a chance. Perhaps I canredeem myself. Perhaps I will be able to finally heal. Perhaps-' Cindy's guilt gave way to the flutter of excitementfrom all the possibilities.

"Yes." Her voice now punctuated with determination, Cindygingerly walked toward the cage. "It's the right thing to do."

Cindy fiddled with the lock feverishly, her confidence soared,'Now, Halebit, I will finally free myself from your works.'

Reenie smiled at Cindy and Cindy smiled back, the door to thecage no longer a barrier between the two. Cindy could seeclosure for herself; all the pieces were falling in herdirection.

Suddenly, a loud crash broke the silence as a figure smashedthrough the rear wall, slamming into the concrete floor as Cindyinstinctively wrapped herself around the child. All around,glass shattered as the other senshi charged in through everyavailable window and door. For a moment they all paused. Thenthe figure stirred.

Groggily, the figure sat up groaning with the sharp painstearing away at its body. The Sailor Scouts waited, expectinganything to happen. Serena held her breath once she saw the

long, dark locks of hair tremble with figure's movements.

'It's the Timelord.' Serena's senses went wild. Something waswrong, definitely wrong.

Cindy eyed the groaning figure cautiously; who could it be? Itcouldn't be Malance, he never would go into any situationwithout his armor. Halebit? No, Halebit would never make suchan entrance. Nervously, Cindy rubbed her bracelet.

Tracer cursed to himself. He needed to get up because Halebitnever let an opponent have the chance to recover. Shots of painstabbed his legs and arms as he moved. He took a quick glimpseof his surroundings and found himself in company. He carefullystudied the group just within his field of view and sneered oncehe confirmed their identity.

'Those Lord-bedamned Sailor Scouts.' Tracer tensed his righthand, causing the silvery liquid to condense around it.

'So, if they are here then,' Tracer's head methodically twistedtoward the platform and the razor sharp points of his clawedhand solidified. 'That must mean the child is with...'

Then Cindy saw the locks of greasy black hair-

Then Tracer saw the dirty blonde ponytail-

His dark, burning eyes.

Her deep, blue eyes.

The eyes of the one who slaughtered her family.

The eyes of the one who brought about his downfall.

Recognition was nearly immediate.

"YOU!!!!!!" They both shouted in unison.

Without hesitation, Cindy yanked her bracelet from her wrist,snapping it rigid. The individual diamond-shaped ringletsexpanded sliding together harmoniously to form the flat blade. Leaping from the platform, Cindy threw both her arms behind herhead and gripped the newly assembled sword in her hands. Sheenvisioned this moment everytime she trained with her sword, his

smirking face there for her to strike or slice. With thestrength of her entire body, Cindy hurled her sword down at theTimelord.


Tracer easily caught the blade with his claw. It had taken himyears of painful lessons to learn that technique, but pain wassomething that came with the territory. Tracer found Cindy'sreaction rather amusing, her face crumpled with shock, like asmall child finding she's been taken for the fool as he held herruby colored weapon in his hands. He nearly laughed to himself.

Tracer quickly composed himself and sneered, he'd show thatdamn Moon Princess a thing or two. Tightening his claw on theblade, he kicked Cindy full force into the protruding ledge ofthe platform.

Serena stood in shock at the savagery unfolding before her. She had to stop this.

"No!" Serena screamed and lunged forward, but the Time Staffblocked her path, the red of the Garnet Orb staring her in theface.

Serena twisted her head toward the Time Guardian, and whisperedhoarsely. "Why."

Sailor Pluto stood motionless, looking straight ahead at thefighting combatants and noticing the flicker of a cape dashingtoward the platform. "It's time to make good on our agreement. 'Take whatever means necessary.'"

Serena's face soured with dismay and watched helplessly as thebattle progressed to its conclusion.

Cindy's back screamed from the impact. Her body went numb,then limp as she concentrated on keeping a grip on the sword. There wasn't any time to linger on the pain, though; she lungedto the left, avoiding Tracer's razor-sharp claw. It screechedas it dug into the platform next to her. She threw herremaining energy into a sword swing, but Tracer was ready withhis claw outsketched.

Once again, the Timelord held Cindy's sword firm. Cindy caughta glimpse of the savage grin on his face before delivering an

open hand blow hard across her face. The blow jarred the swordfrom her hands and her body crashed to the unforgiving concretefloor. Tracer focused his fierce gaze, stalking toward hisretreating prey. A sneer formed on Tracer's face as he threwdown the ruby sword, embedding it into the floor beside his leg.

'I'll show you Princess,' Tracer brought his intense stare atSerena, 'I'll show you how much I desire this woman.'

Tracer flexed his claw, gliding his metallic thumb across thesharp tips of his fingers.

Chills ran up and down Cindy's aching spine, but she would letherself go out like this. Not laying down. She wasn't going todie in vain. Her family would be avenged.

"You Counsule lapdog!" Cindy jeered while spying her sword. "The Counsule has to send you to finish the job, huh? Then youcan wash your hands of them, won't you?!" If she could distracthim for a few more moments and she could reach-

Suddenly, Tracer pounced upon Cindy and lifted her by thethroat with his claw recoiled, ready to strike. His faceferocious, outraged by her words. "What the hell are youtalkin' about you Lord-forsaken Society bastard?"

"You," Cindy quivered with fear, but she had to be strong. Shehad to be strong for them. "You killed them," She couldn'tgive up, "Sam, Mom, and Dad," Cindy felt something brush herdesperately wandering hand. "You killed my family."

The ferocity drained away. The scent of the kill went sour atthe realization. Tracer lowered his claw and loosened his hold. His voice lost its grand determination. "What?"

"You will pay for them all." She hissed, taking hold of thesmooth wooden hilt with both hands. "You'll pay for killing myfamily."

Jerking the sword from Tracer's side, Cindy shoved the weaponinto the Timelord's stomach and proceeded upwards into hischest. Years of seething anger erupted with that stroke,leaving its bloody trademark evident all over her hands andface. Cindy kept her eyes fixed on the stunned expressionfrozen on the beast's face, prompting Cindy to muse if the

deathly blow of defeat surprised him.

Silver streaked blood soaked her hand and arm to the elbow asTracer's body collapsed. Cindy let go of the hilt, leaving thesword in the Timelord's unmoving body and regarded her bloodyhands. She looked at Serena, her face aghast at the gory scene. Reality began to set in; Cindy had shown Serena the truemonster that lurked below her surface. Her saturated handsshook uncontrollably, and her tears burrowed their way throughthe drying blood staining her cheeks.

It took her a little while to recognize the clapping of asingle set of hands echoing around in the warehouse.

"Congratulations, Xendyte." Cindy snapped her head toward theplatform where the General stood, clapping in adulation. "Younow have your revenge, so what are you going to do next?"

Cindy shifted her sights to the small child standing rigidlybeside the General as if something inhibited her movement andbelow him lay Tuxedo Mask recovering from a vicious blow. Halebit's smile had the cunning of a cat and glowed in theoppressive red light. "And I must thank you for all yourefforts to help me retrieve the Silver Crystal. I am indebtedto you, my faithful soldier."

The horrifying truth hit her right in the face. She was atool. He had used her to the fullest, her rebellions, heranger, her guilt, everything to fullest. And she walked blindlyinto his tangled weave, thinking she knew the way.

Cindy balled her fist and her face contorted with rage. 'No,no, no, no, no, NO!!!!'

Running at full speed, Cindy ripped her ruby sword from theconcrete as she passed and charged Halebit. Never again. Shewould never let him do this. It was going to end, and she wasto bring all of this to its conclusion.

Halebit's smile widened at her charge and nearly laughed whenthe blonde Traveller leapt at him. Immediately, Halebit threwout his hand, stopping the sharp blade mere inches from hisface.

Cindy glared at Halebit while her body remained still,suspended in midair. "You son of a bit-"

At that, Halebit swung his hand, causing Cindy to be flung outof the way like a piece of rubbish into a dustbin. Pausingmomentarily to recompose himself, Halebit returned his attentionto his main task; ransom.

"Now, Princess, I humbly request the possession of the SilverCrystal." Halebit announced, his cold, clammy hands tighteningupon the child's shoulder. "Or else I cannot guarantee hersafety."

The Time Guardian stepped forward. "I believe you are not inthe position to make such threats, Traveller. Killing SmallLady will only expedite your death."

A gnarled smile twisted Halebit's frozen face. "So which oneof you want to carry the guilt of this child's death on theirshoulders? Who wants to be the one who must witness the birthof the child they killed? For you see, Time Guardian, I will bedead and happy knowing that one of you will live miserably withthe guilt of killing this daughter of your future."

Serena stared blankly at the old man upon the platform,clasping onto her daughter like a leech. His words had silencedtheir excitement and drenched their fury; everything hadconsequence and they wanted no responsibility for it. Serenabrought down her gaze to the brooch clutching to her chest,holding within the Silver Crystal, the source of all her power,and all her troubles.

"What is it going to be Princess?" The old man's voicecrackled with eagerness, his sickening grin nearly splitting hisface in half.


The pool of silver-laced blood cooled on the floor aroundTracer. It was his blood that threatened to drown him, so muchblood he had to lift his head to breath. He blinked and focusedhis eyes upon the flurry of movement around the platform.

With his blood-blurred vision, Tracer could make out the

Princess reluctantly handing over the Silver Crystal. Such thefool he was. Her eyes. He had no idea that their calming bluedepths could hold so much sorrow. Tracer carefully tugged onthe hilt of his sword from his chest. Tracer clenched histeeth. That bastard Halebit had lied to Cindy in order to pinher against him. With one last excruciating tug, Tracer pulledthe sword from his body.

Halebit had used him and Cindy as two aces up his sleeve tocollect his bounty, the Silver Crystal. He could have preventedall of this if he hadn't been so intent on revenge. If hehadn't let his rage against the Society consume him, he probablywould have sought out Cindy first, talked to her about herfamily. But no, those were things Halebit had planned on Tracersecond guessing.

'Bastard.' Tracer winced as the burning sensation in hisfast-healing abdomen intensified. Or was it guilt? 'Why did Isacrifice everything for you?'

Her name first brought him down the road of lies and betrayalson which he discovered everyone he entrusted his life haddeceived him. She had unknowingly revealed to him that he hadnothing left to lose ... except her.

With the pain and nerves in his abdomen numbing, Tracercarefully brought his sword into view and studied it intently. A soft glow pulsated slowly as he gazed at the sword's cleancrystalline blade. It was responding to her, crying out for heron his behalf. The wondrous emotions he felt when he thought ofher coursed through him so strongly that he could not ignore it.

Tracer took one last fleeting look back at the platform. Therehe saw Halebit holding the Silver Crystal victoriously, his facetwisting with his madness. Below him, the despairing mother andher child. The Princess's flowing blonde pony tails gentlywrapping themselves around the two as the she held her child. It was then, looking at this violation of innocence, Tracer knewwhat he had to do.

It was time.


Cindy's body screamed from the burning pain after sliding to astop on the rough warehouse floor. Thoughts of failure ebbed ather mind, she surrendered to her urge for revenge of her family,dooming any possibilities for redemption. The rhythmicallycontracting rays of light streamed into her view.

"What's happening?" She murmured against the cold floor.

With a low groan, Cindy slowly shifted herself. The pain inher limbs jabbed her mercilessly at every twitch, but she wasdetermined to see what was happening. No matter how unpleasantthe sight.

Cindy struggled to peer the person causing this spectacle, butthe sheer brilliance of the light would not relent an identity. She saw two shadowed hands enclosing the Silver Crystal, theoverflowing radiance streaming from between the fingers. Cindy's eyes scanned the group, witnessing this incrediblespectacle, and her heart sank when she recognized theunmistakable twin pony tails of Serena. Halebit had won. Andshe had failed them.

Thud, thud, thud. Footsteps, coming closer. Cindy snapped herhead towards the sound, cringing after the fact. It was theTimelord.

'How did he-' Cindy gritted her teeth, remembering the beast'sferocious healing rate.

The light formed a strange halo around the Timelord's figure,her angel of death. Cindy forced her numb muscles to pull alongthe floor as the Timelord methodically stalked toward her. Sheincreased her pace once she noticed the sword in his hand. Thesword she ran him through with. Frantically, Cindy searched forher own.

'It has to be somewhere. It has to be!' Her eyes darting hereand there, with nothing to be found.

The Timelord approached, his sword extended to her throat asthe blonde Traveller furiously scraped herself backwards. Sheonly spared a glance at the Timelord's still face while hecalmly kept pace. Cindy wasn't going to die like this. Shedidn't want to die like this.

"You enhanced murdering menace!" She hissed with her back tothe metal wall. "You unfeeling machine!"

The Timelord paused at these words and closed his eyes. Hisface remained stoic, but his sword hovered a few inches from herthroat.

Cindy stared down the sharp edge of the translucent blade andsneered. "Sam, Dad, and Mom meant everything to me and you tookthem away. You caused me nothing but misery. You ruined mylife!"

The Timelord remained silent to her words.


Anger surged through her, anger at the frustration of it all. The failures, the broken promises, the pain, the misfortunes. Her life was a tragedy and she played the role of the poorplayer perfectly, and her hour of fretting and strutting werenearly up.

"How could a monster like you understand pain and misery whenall you know is how to spread it!" Tears, not her fist,conveyed the violence welling within her. "You'll neverunderstand!"

"I understand." The gravity of Tracer's voice smotheredCindy's defiant fury. They stared transfixed at each other asthe moment turned into an eternity. Regretfully, Tracer closedhis eyes and glanced back toward Halebit concealed within theSilver Crystal's glare. "I understand who our true enemy is."

All of the sudden, the sword erupted with light. The tendrilesof light wrapped themselves around the blade, rolling off it andgiving it the illusion of a flame. Cindy gazed in awe as thesharp illuminated edge retreated from her throat, and itsintensity increased with each step Tracer took. It keptincreasing until its glow matched that of the Silver Crystal.

Swiftly, as the sword reached its greatest intensity, theTimelord bolted towards the old man and his Fate.


'Ah, such harmony this precious crystal has.' The General'seyes twinkled in the light radiating from the Silver Crystal. 'What a calming melody.'

Halebit marveled at the great sensation of power that flowedthrough his body. What ingenuity he had for his ingenius use ofthe telekinetic power of his red crystal. The red crystals werea perfect catalyst to ignite the power of the Crystal. He couldinturn use that power to make the flame of the Silver Crystalburn brighter. He had produced an endless cycle of energy thatincreased with each period until he had enough power to createthe Rift.

Yet, the most pleasant surprise by far was the sweet melody theCrystal played when emitting power. The melody calmed hisnerves, letting him relax and let go. But most of all themelody quieted the inner voice, Nihil. Halebit smiled at thatthought.

Abruptly, the hum changed its tune, and Halebit's ears caughtthe sound. 'Are you trying to tell me something, my preciousstone?'

Halebit could tell that he had enough power. The pulse beatedstrongly through him. He could create the Rift and retrieve hisprize: the red crystals, the power. But why settle for thetelekinetic power of the red crystals when he had the infinitepower of the Silver Crystal?

No, he could not. Yes, he could, he definitely could. Halebit cringed. The Silver Crystal's power was much too raw. So what? He could learn over time. He had control. No, givinginto this temptation would be a sign of weakness and the Generalwas not weak. Perhaps he was. No he wasn't, Halebit could dothis and he will do it now. 'It's time.'

Clasping his hands around the Crystal, Halebit concentrated thepower and with calculated precision pricked the hole. The Riftcould begin.







Still nothing.


Nothing at all.


Pluto growled. Nothing was going well.

"It seems as though he has created a barrier of some sort." Mercury busily tapped on the holographic keyboard as her visorflashed the data streaming from her mini-computer. "And he'sharnessing an amazing amount of energy from the Crystal. Ipersonally don't see how he can survive with the Crystaldraining that much energy from him."

Pluto squinted her eyes to block out the glare from the SilverCrystal, but she still couldn't make out the General's form. Somuch power, she hardly could believe it. But why?

Suddenly, an immense pain stabbed Pluto's abdomen and spreaddeeper into her body. Immediately, she winced and collapsed toher knees.

"Puu!" Reenie jumped out of Serena's arms and ran over to herfriend in pain.

"Pluto!" Serena rushed to the Time Guardian's side.

The pain in Pluto's side increased, like someone was tearinginto her, cutting with meticulous care. Almost like a ... "He's

creating a Rift!" Pluto groaned.

"A what?" Mercury asked, ignoring the greater influx of energyconcentrated around the Crystal.

"He's using the Crystal to tear into space and time." Plutowinced once more, the pain making her words more difficult tospeak. "We must stop him!"

"With what?!" Mars screamed, the hopelessness of the situationshortening her temper significantly. "Serena here just gave upthe Crystal to that whacko and none of our attacks can touchhim!"

Pluto clenched her teeth. The pain increased further and thecut went deeper. Somehow, despair magnified the pain, and thenPluto realized she could sympathize with her peers around her. How many times have they gone into situations such as these andbelieve it to be their last? Not knowing whether they would seetomorrow, having no comfort in the knowledge when they weregoing to die. God, she hated the unpredictability of Fate.

Then she sensed the power move. No, it didn't move, maybe itsplit? Either way, Pluto sensed the Silver Crystal emanatingstrongly from two totally opposite points simultaneously.

She had no explanation for it, except-

"Oh my God." Jupiter whispered, stunned not by Halebit, but bysomething else.

Pluto raised herself with her staff and searched for whatcaught Jupiter's attention. Her shock almost neutralized theshearing pain cutting deeper. The Timelord came running atthem, his sword blazing with pure white light, his face coveredwith his blood and his eyes resolved, focused on his target.

'It can't be-'

Pluto nearly lost her grip on the staff.

'What you did was unforgivable, you bastard.'

Tracer fixed his eyes upon his teacher.

'I'm almost there, yes, a little more-'

Halebit clutched the Crystal with feverish joy.

'-where could he have gotten it?'

Pluto steadied herself and stumbled forward.

'I will defeat you for Cindy-'

The sword grew brighter in Tracer's hands.

'-and the red crystals will be mine-'

Halebit opened the incision further.

'It's impossible-'

Pluto positioned herself in Tracer's path.

'I will defeat you for the Princess-'

Tracer narrowed his eyes and let his legs fly.

'-and I will be in total control-'

The Rift neared completion.

'-he can't have the Silver Crystal.'

Pluto readied herself for a head on blow.

'-never again will I let you hurt any of them.'

Using the momentum in his legs, Tracer leapt over the TimeGuardian.

'-I will be unstoppable.'

Halebit greedily wet his lips. "Yes."

Pluto watched the Timelord fly towards his Destiny. Only asingle word escaped from her constricting throat. "No."

Tracer raised his blazing sword and prepared for the finalconfrontation, bellowing, "NEVER AGAIN!!"


Tracer's sword had cut through Halebit's invisible barrier. Now the translucent silver blade met the delicate SilverCrystal, only the tips of each object touched, gently caressingeach other. Halebit's eyes widened in terror. They were ... they were ... harmonizing. The blade and the Crystal werehumming the same tune and with that chorus they grewexponentially stronger. The power was absolutely maddening!

"Let go, you fool!" Halebit spat out from between his teethbefore another pulse of energy coarse through him. "You'll doomus all!"

Halebit's warning only fueled Tracer's determination, replyingonly with his chanting whispers. "Never again never again neveragain NEVER AGAIN!"

More energy surged through Halebit's body. He had to controlthis before- another wave hit, and another. It wouldn't be longnow, Halebit could tell. The power pushed him furhter andfurther away from the comfort of his control. Further andfurther, something thrust him toward the ledge and now he stareddown into the deep abyss. It was a place where he had nocontrol. The thought of venturing alone paralyzed him.

'But I don't wanna go alone.'

The last surging wave pounded through the General and anintense light exploded from the suspended pair. The shockwaveblew everyone off their feet.

Mercury jumped to her feet, joined by Mars almost immediately,followed groggily by the others.

Mars studied the barren platform. "What the heck happened tothem?"

Mercury's visor went silent. "I don't know. It's as if theycreated so much power that the whole system collapsed uponitself."

"Collapsed?" Jupiter rubbed her sore backside and staggered toher feet. "Ya mean like a mini-black hole, right?"

Mercury nodded. "Precisely."

"Waitaminit." Mars brought her hand to her forehead to followthat train of thought.

Serena wasn't far behind her. "That means-"

The Time Guardian wasted no time on rationale and trusted herinstincts. "Everyone grab onto to something and hang on!"

Without warning, Mercury's visor came alive with activity. Thereadings went off the scale. "Oh my-"

The newly formed vortex sucked away the rest of Mercury'ssentence as well as everything else in the vicinity into itsinfinitely black abyss. The roof of the warehouse buckledunder the strain and the flooring bent upwards. Mercury was thefirst to fall in. Then Neptune and Uranus fell victim to thevortex. Serena held on tightly to her daughter, but she felther own hold on a loose piece of flooring slipping. Threefingers. Two. One. Serena found herself running quickly outof fingers. From nowhere a hand snatched Serena's before thelast finger gave way to the strain. Snapping her head upwards,Serena came face to face with the smiling visage of Cindy.

Serena found herself overwhelmed at the sorely welcomed sight. Just beyond Cindy, she spied the unmistakable white glove ofTuxedo Mask. For the first time that night, Serena breathed asigh of relief, though it would only be momentary.

A sudden jerk shook the confidence away. Cindy glanced back atTuxedo Mask, and, when she turned back her comforting smilegradually transformed into an expression full of panic. Inevitably, their anchor gave way to the massive pulling forceof the vortex and all four disappeared into its black depths.

The rest quickly followed, feeling a sense of obligation totheir friends, in the slight chance that death did not meet themon the other side. Pluto closed her eyes. She didn't know whatto do. She had a decision to make, compromise the order of thetimestream and start things anew or fulfill her duty to theQueen and follow her blindly, possibly to her own demise. Thedecision filled her with so much conflict. Finally, the TimeGuardian came to one conclusion.

'Oh hell.' Loosening her staff from the floor, Pluto let goand fell into the bottomless black pit of the vortex.

And she fell. and she fell. and she fell.

-End of Part 7-

Terrible Things To Waste

Part 8: Out There Somewhere - I

The crashing waves shook Amy from her slumber. A breezerustled through her short blue hair, depositing more sand in thetangled strands. Sluggishly, she sat up, letting the coarsesand sticking to her palms rub painfully against her skin. Darkblue undulations of the lake's surface jumped and played beforeher view. She knew of no ocean with such a deep, almost blackhue.

Smacking her dried lips, a sour taste in the air immediatelyhit her tongue. "How surreal."

Her eyes followed the cliff face that crowded the shorethreatening to scratch the sky's unblemished glass ceiling. Shefollowed the cliff's edge all the way back down to the beach towhere Michelle sat, staring absently at the sun's ripplingreflection.

"You're finally awake, Mercury." Michelle's voice drifted awaywith the wind. "I had no idea you were such a sound sleeper."

"Er, yes, well." A rosy color enveloped Amy's cheeks. "Howlong have you been waiting there?"

"Long enough."

"I'm sorry abou-"

"Don't be." A smile gently crested on Michelle's mouth, buther emerald eyes remained distant. "We have a long day ahead ofus."

Nodding, Amy proceeded to activate the computer. "Right. I'llfigure out where exactly we are and then I'll see if I can trackdown everyone else. That's if that vortex in didn't warp mycomputer."

Michelle narrowed her eyes momentarily at Amy; the blue-hairedyouth anxiously anticipated for everything to check out okay.


Amy smiled nervously and waved. "See, no problems."

Michelle sighed and returned to her distant gaze across thelake. The roar of the waves provided an interlude while Amyworked. A stiff gust blew hard against Michelle's face and sheclosed her eyes. The wind reminded her so much of those nightson the beach with -

She wasn't going to think about what happened to her. She knewErica could take care of herself and would want her to bestrong. Still, she missed Erica sorely and hated to contemplatelife without her.

Michelle sighed once more and tried to distract herself fromher present thoughts. "You can track us with that littlething?"

"Yep." Amy replied as she tried to make sense of the datastreaming across her visor. "Each scout gives off a specificaura of power that acts like a beacon. I have all our aurasentered ... " She trailed off. "Except for Pluto's," Sheadded silently.

Amy pulled up her visor and turned toward her green-hairedcompanion. Michelle would know what it was like since sheinteracted with Pluto more often times than her. Yet, Michelleand the other Outer Scouts had built this impenetrable frontcemented with enigmatic answers and masked expressions toisolate themselves from the rest of the Scouts. It didn't makeany sense to her.

"Shouldn't you be figuring out where we are?"

"Oh." Amy blinked. "Er, let me see." She quickly pulled downher visor and read over her findings. "This is odd."


"According to this, we're still on Earth. But the geography ofour present location doesn't match."

Michelle's interest was finally piqued. "How so?"

"That," Amy pointed to the middle of the lake, "should bedowntown Tokyo."

"It figures." Michelle's nonchalant reply ambushed any ofAmy's expectations.

"You aren't the least bit disturbed?" Amy tilted her up towardher approaching ally. "On top of that there's some strange sourtaste to the air, and the water is the wrong color."

Michelle stood over Amy, leaving the younger scout drowning inher shadow. "Yes, Mercury, the scenery is unique for Earth, butshouldn't we be concerned about the others?"

A gust of wind flared Michelle's green pleated skirt of herscout uniform, making Amy immediately conscious of theconstricting bodice of her own uniform wrapped around herabdomen. Staring up into Michelle's narrowing emerald eyes, Amycouldn't comprehend what was causing her to be so callous all ofthe sudden.

'Maybe she misses Erica.' She mused. 'Which isunderstandable. Perhaps what she needs is some condolence inthe thought that she is near. Then she'll calm down.'

"Yes. Of course." The visor snapped down while her voicequietly carried her sympathies to her fellow scout.

The information flashed in immediately, and, to Amy's dismay,only one purple plip showed on her visor. Crawling down herface, small beads of sweat did little to hide her apprehension,and Michelle's towering stance did little to boost herconfidence.

With one easing breath, Amy detached herself of all tension andrelayed the news with medical precision. "My scanner can onlyfind Sailor Saturn's signature in this place."

Springing down to a kneeling position, Michelle eagerlyinquired further. "Where is she?"

"Twenty miles to the northeast."

Michelle stared at the tall rocky ledge standing between herand her child. Could Victoria be strong enough not to crackunder the strain of her fears alone, she wondered. Neptunecouldn't fathom the devastation a scared Sailor Saturn couldinflict upon this world.

"We shouldn't waste any more time." Springing back to herfeet, Michelle started down the beach and motioned to herstationary companion. "Let's go."

Amy sat, still staring at her visor. "Um, Neptune. I'mpicking up another signal."

"Is it one of ours?"

"It's similar to the signals I scanned from Cindy and thatTimelord person." Amy swallowed her twining ball ofnervousness. "But it doesn't match either of them."

The stiff wind held back Michelle's wavy green curls but herexposed face remained still. "Then we have to expect anythingwhen we get to it. Come on."


Never in her old age had she seen such an unusual attire suchas this child's. The outfit was very cute in its own uniquestyle, but it hardly ... protected her. She didn't recognizethe clothing from any of the surrounding kingdoms. She musthave come from a far away, so it was no wonder she discoveredthe child completely unconscious at the outskirts of thevillage.

Pulling off one of her gloves she reached down and removed afew strands of the girl's black hair and admired her unblemishedskin. She was a beautiful child, but it amazed her that thisfrail child could make it here without a single scratch forgoing so many miles through the Sea of Corruption thatsurrounded the valley. In fact, she didn't know how the childsurvived the miasma without a mask to guard her lungs againstthe fatal spores.

She then turned to the child's bladed staff relaxing againsther father's tarnished armor. Staring into its wide edge, herworn face and long grey hair reflected brightly in the settingsun. No blade made of an Ohmu's shell could match the qualityand sharpness of this weapon. She wondered what a small child

would be doing with a staff of this fashion in an abandonedvillage.

"Uncle Eric?" The child mumbled, waking from her slumber. "Ihad this weird dream," she rubbed her eyes sleepily, "thatReenie was captured by this crazy old man and he stole theSilver Crystal and created this black hole-"

And then she opened them and her limbs stiffened, paralyzed atthe sight of this old stranger seated above her. "Eeep!"

The stranger smiled, trying to calm the child. 'Please don'tbe scared.'

"Huh?" The child could distinctly hear it, but the old woman'slips didn't move. "How-"

'Please. I can't understand what you're saying.' The womannodded, encouraging the girl to cooperate.

Wrinkling her face in concentration, the child continued herquestions. 'How are you doing this?'

Laughing softly, the elder woman's reply reverberated inVictoria's head. 'I suppose it's a gift I have.'

'Where am I?' Glancing out the window, Victoria had anunobstructed view of the entire valley as the sun fell below thewater at the horizon.

The warmth of the woman's thoughts soothed down Victoria'schilled spine. 'I see this place still has some of it oldbeauty. Heh.' Victoria turned toward the leathery smile of hercompanion. 'Welcome to the Valley of the Wind.'


A bristly ball floated past the General's head as he stumbledthrough this spore-ridden forest. A large insect ocean squirmeddown worn trails around the thick trunks of parasitic trees.

Halebit wandered further through the forest while the pain in

his body tested his resolve with each step. His throatconstricted tightly for every breath he took, forcing the oldman to inhale more of the dust clogged air.

The violent fit of coughing overwhelmed the General, as if hislungs wanted to escape his rotting body. As he fell to hisknees, a thick substance forced its way out of his mouth. Itpooled beneath him, black as pitch and thick as tar. He neededthat Crystal now.

With sickening horror, the old man lurched to his feet, lettingthe black ooze hang from his lower lip. He didn't dare stop andrest a minute more; he needed to find the Crystal. He neededits healing light to counteract the effect this poisonous worldhad on him. Ah, the power he had held in his hands. What hewouldn't do just to get it back and hear its melody once more.

"It's the spores, you know." An all too familiar voicedeclared, its echoes emanating through the forest.

The General spun around, disorientation seizing him. Throughthe last remnants of his dry cough, he croaked, "Echoes?

"Nihil. What is your game this time?" Halebit didn't knowwhat to expect while he turned about face -- Nihil was nothingmore than a voice -- but he didn't expect this.

Before him stood a youthful soldier who Halebit had tried allhis life to forget. The soldier's wrinkle-free uniformprominently displayed his stripes across his upper arm,signifying his status of general, and many glittering war medalsshowcased his valor. His short black hair and stout posturematched his uniform in flawlessness. Halebit couldn't look intothe soldier's face with his usual calmness; anger seethed in himand he clenched his fist.

"How dare you, Nihil. To chose *his* image." Halebit hissed. "What do you think you're accomplishing by doing that?"

Nihil smiled the soldier's perfect smile and leaned toward theold man. "I thought you'd take me seriously if I took the formof someone from your past, your peer in the Great War. Trekker."

Halebit avoided Nihil's stare. "That disreputable pariah. Heh. I'd hardly call him a peer."

The soldier's face took a curious gaze. "You'd go so far as todeny yourself the truth? Hmph. Your jealousy astounds me,Halebit."

"I was not jealous of that intolerable heathen!" Halebitsnarled at his dementia's creation. "The only reason Ibefriended him was to find out his secret-"

Halebit's mouth hung on that last word as Nihil's perfect smilegrew wider. "You wanted to know his secret? You wanted to knowwhy he was better than you?"

Halebit once more diverted his eyes from Nihil and clenched hisfist. 'I can't let him defeat me. I'm the one who has control.'

"He was never better than me. He depended on that wretchedsword to get him out of the predicaments he would recklesslywander into." Halebit swallowed down some of the black mucusthat crept up his throat. "He had no control. Just like his-"

Nihil raised a conspicuous eyebrow and leaned forward oncemore, making eye contact unavoidable. "His son? The one youtrained when the hero of the Community disappeared?"

Instantly, in front of Halebit, materialized a small childholding one of the bamboo sticks he used in training Timelordsback before he had taken over the floundering Society. Halebitwas amused by the child's disheveled appearance; a tangled massof black hair, dirt smudged cheeks, and soiled clothing. Hardlybefitting a protege of Halebit's stature.

The child offered up the stick to the old man and spoke withgentle conviction. "I wanna be a great soljer like my daddy."

"And right then you took your vengeance on Trekker bydenouncing him to his son." Halebit could of sworn that he feltNihil breath down his neck. "Do you see how your petty jealousycontrols you Halebit?"

A grunt escaped Halebit's lips as he stared intently intoNihil's perfect black eyes. "I merely told the child the truth. His father left him behind. He left behind all responsibilityto follow some new spiritual scent he always was following likesome animal. His son was no different. As wild and untamed as-"

"You?" Nihil arched one of his eyebrows quizzically and

smirked. A new avenue had just opened. "If I remembercorrectly, you were just as wild and untamed at his age. Probably more so."

Fingernails bore into Halebit's palms, his voice approaching alow growl. "I was very different then. I've learned toadminister control over myself. Unlike that untamed child,Tracer, I learned to quell my urges."

"True, but you could never could vanquish them." Nihil walkedover to the child and knelt next to him. "You left it to boildeep within yourself, and now they are ready to explode. Eventually, they will be released."

Both the child and Nihil gazed at Halebit with their piercingblack pupils. "You can't hold me back forever."

* * *

Falling further and further into nothingness, she could feelthem slip away from her. It took all her strength but shedidn't have enough to hold them both. She wasn't going to letgo and lose one of them to the darkness. Something familiarcame close and offered its hand, wanting to save them. Reluctantly, she let go of one and held tightly to the other. She had her worries. Yet, she knew she left her daughter ingood hands, and with that knowledge comforting her, shecontinued to fall.

"Hey, wake up sleepyhead."

"Huh?" Slowly, Serena's eyes fluttered open. "Mina?"

Mina grinned down at her friend, some of her long blonde hairtickling Serena's nose as it swung in the arid breeze. "Geez,me and Darien thought you'd never wake up."

"Darien!" Without warning, Serena's upper body catapultedforward, and Mina sprang back, narrowly avoiding a stray ball ofhair. Looking one way and another, Serena's eyes shot aroundthe immediate vicinity. "Where's-?"

"Whoa, Serena." Mina rested her hand on her friend's shouldersand glanced at Serena's two balls of hair. "You could killsomeone with those things." That illicited a smile from Serena. "Darien's over there, keeping an eye on that creepy Timelordguy."

Following Mina's gaze, she saw Darien, still dressed in histuxedo, looking down at the gruff Traveller laid out on thesand, both situated in the shadow of large white wall.

The wall itself towered over all of them and it looked toextend to forever and back on either side. Serena couldn't seeany lines of concrete or any rough texture on its surface andshe had to crane her neck to see where it curved out of sight. In complete awe, Serena eased herself to her feet, oblivious ofMina dusting some unsightly sand that collected on the posteriorof her dress.

"This is so weird." The words escaped Serena's lips as shebrushed her fingertips on the wall's smooth face.

"Yeah, that's the same thing I said." Mina's voice joltedSerena's awareness that Darien was looking at her.

His placid facade blossomed into a smile when he saw Serena'sbright blue eyes. He noticed she still wore the white dressfrom their dinner together. He had nearly forgot about that inlight of things that happened afterward. Home seemed so faraway from where they were right now. Right now, there were outthere somewhere stranded in this wasteland. Damn that Tracer. "I see Mina finally woke you up."

Serena smiled at this before tearing her eyes away from herdark-haired lover and gazing out across the great expanse ofdesert the wall didn't enclose. Except for the occasionalbreeze, nothing seemed to disturb it's flat, barren geography.

Turning to the brilliant wall, Serena pondered aloud. "Isthere any way in?"

"I couldn't find any sort of entrance within a mile eitherway." Serena's head snapped toward the gruff voice. ThereErica stood at attention, her short blonde hair and blue skirtwavering in the breeze, confident of her assertion.

"I told you that." Mina loudly added earning herself an

indignant sniff from the Scout of Uranus.

With her eyes downcast, so she wouldn't have to see the MoonPrincess suppress a smile, Erica continued. "We need to move,or else you will die of dehydration in a few days."

Concern grew across Serena's face. "What about the rest ofyou?"

Erica crossed her arms and pursed her lips. "We'll probablylast longer since Venus, Tuxedo Mask, and I are all transformed. But, we must move or else none of us will have a chance ofsurviving."

The sleeping figure of the Timelord flashed to Serena's mind. "What about him?"

Darien spoke, sharing his animosity. "He can stay there forall I care."

Serena's body became rigid and then softened. Then, with thegrace of an angel, Serena spun around to face her lover. "Why?"

Darien kept his back turned, his black cape shielding him fromthe crumbled expression of shock on Serena's countenance. "Hecalled you a whore. That's why. He's shown he won't cooperate,so why help him? All he's going to do is hurt you, Serena. I... I don't want that."

Serena rested her head on Darien's shoulder, joining him in hisvigil over the unconscious soldier. "I know you care, butplease understand ..." Serena gazed at Tracer, his face stilland serene, "That there's something inside him that I feel is... I'm not sure, but I know it's there. Something pure andgood."

Pondering to herself, she noticed the gruff young man looked sochild-like with innocence as he slept. The things she sensedfrom him frustrated her, like riddles that come and go as theyplease, leaving her with vague impressions before she can findthe solution. If only she could just grasp ...

Erica's raspy voice sent Serena's fragile chandelier of thoughtcrashing down. "I hardly think that will work Venus."

Mina raised her voice to better propagate her idea. "Of course

it will work, I mean we all can jump great distances, and we canuse Darien's cane and your sword. Think of it as a funny day ofmountain climbing."

"I don't think so." Uranus' crossed arms wouldn't budge.

Mina crinkled her nose and tapped her upper lip thoughtfully. "We can always knock."

"Do you want me to say open-sesame or do you?"

Without warning, the stoic wall wailed and rattled. Fromunderneath the sand, two lines carved up the wall's face andconverged to an apex. The enclosed area then jolted from itsconfines and slid into obscurity behind the simplistic sheet ofwhite. Both Mina and Erica stepped away, preparing themselvesfor the possibility of a hostile welcome.

As the rattle died away, three cloaked figures emerged from thenewly created archway. The first emerged into view, hisdarkened mask darting one way to another. With militaryefficiency the masked individual studied each of the intruders,halting when its view passed the goddess in the white, then tothe familiar black mop of hair mingling in the sand.

"It can't be." The masked individual straightened with alarmand turned to the his two comrades clearing the archway'sthreshold. "The Temporal Net was correct. It's the Timelord."

One of the two paused, pondering why his commander was goingagainst procedure. "You think you can handle him alone?"

"He's unconscious. I can carry him in to the CounsuleBuilding."

His third partner's voice resonated strongly within her mask,peeking around her commander's shoulders. "He's a Level 4,Nahtan. You are required to have me and Guod *at least* toescort him in, in case he wakes up."

The leader of the trio stood in unyielding silence as his thirdofficer noticed the two blonde girls just beyond the archway.

"What about them?"

"Nothing, I will tend with them as well. Alone."

"There's something familiar about them." Mental strings werebeing tugged teasingly in Guod's mind.

"What are you hiding Nahtan?" The lower officer stood on hertip-toes, her voice taking a threatening edge.

"Short skirts-" The strings began to slack.

The commander grunted. "Are you questioning my authority, Nire?"


Nire ripped her mask off, revealing her loose strands of amberhair framing her glowering face. "Why are you so eager to usherus out?"

The knot finally unraveled. "By the Lord, it's the Senshi!"

In his excitement, Guod shoved his slightly-built commander outof his path, making his way to Mina. "I can't believe this."

Nire's eyes followed her fellow soldier as he scampered over tothe two girls and then they fixed on her commander. "So... "

Nahtan only grunted in frustration.

Meanwhile, Mina tried to gather her wits with her newlyacquired, and totally unanticipated fan. "Excuse me?"

The large soldier gently grasped the porcelain hand of Venus. "You must forgive, Goddess of Love, Sailor Venus, for beingimpolite. I did not mean to call you by your other name."

Mina's nose twitched and Erica smirk with amusement. "You meanSailor V?"

Guod held his head low in shame. "Please forgive me!"

"Um, don't get me wrong, but," The blonde rubbed the back ofher head to relieve herself of her pressing embarrassment, "Howdo you know-"

Suddenly, the wind that drove Guod's sails of attention changeddirection and lead him directly to Goddess in white.

Serena stepped back as the soldier knelt at her bare feet, muchlike, as Serena noted, Cindy did when she first met her. Thesoldier's actions caught the attention of his comrades.

Nire's eyes lit up with disbelief. "By the Lord and Serenity'sgood will, it is her."

"Uh, please get up." Serena pleaded unsuccessfully to thesoldier as the other approached. "I'm no one special, trust me,just please get up."

Guod held firm and refused to even lift his head. "I cannot,my Queen, for I have taken an oath in your honor."

"But, I-" Serena watched in utter amazement as the femalesoldier knelt down beside her comrade.

"Serenity. It is a pleasure to finally meet you my Goddess."

"But, uh," Serena's eyes pleaded for help from Darien, but hecould offer nothing at the surprising turn of events. Finally,Serena gave up looking for something to say. "Who are you?"

"I am your humble servant, Nire." The female soldier noddedover to her larger counterpart. "Guod is a practicing deacon inyour church."

"What!?" Each Sailor Scout announced in chorus.

"No they aren't." Finally, the third and commanding officerspoke as he escaped the darkness of the archway. "They areTimelords and we are here to collect the Timelord Tracer forquestioning and not to honor any fictitious gods."

Serena moved her gaze from the heads of the two people kneelingbefore her. "You're Timelords?"

Guod remained silent while Nire spoke with the reluctance of asquare wheel. "Yes."

Nahtan frowned under the protection of his mask as he went overto the unconscious Timelord and hefted the black-haired soldierup, draping him across his shoulder. "These people areforeigners, Nire, and they have no right to be in the Community. Counsule law."

Nire shot to her feet and glared at her commanding Timelord. "How dare you speak of the great and mighty Serenity that way! A foreigner indeed! You are fortunate she is kind andforgiving, or else she would have disintegrated you to dust."

"Now wait-" Serena tried to get in a word, but to no avail.

"We will escort the Queen, Endymion, and her royal court." Nire announced, brushing aside her auburn hair to keep her hardgaze fixed on Nahtan. "Right Guod?"

The large soldier paused and reverently stood, answering withconfidence. "Yes."

Nahtan didn't move, or even breathe. He knew he was lost theinstant they saw the Senshi, there was no use in arguing anyfurther when he was out-numbered. "Fine."

A small smile danced across Nire's dainty little cheeks as sheaddress her queen. "This way Serenity. We shall escort you in."

Serena glanced over at her friends and followed the twoTimelords through archway with Nahtan herding them along.

As Serena looked to either side, she noticed how smooth andflowing, like dark chocolate, the interior of the archway'swalls were. Hardly a fitting image for a gear grinding sound itemitted earlier. Just ahead, bright, unadulterated sunlightbeckoned Serena's gaze, its illumination entrancing her. Hercuriosity strained to keep her eyes open while the lightintensified.

Finally, the strain proved to be too much when reached the endof the archway's corridor. For an instant, her eyes flutteredclosed and upon opening them, pure, wholesome white welcomedher.

Lines upon lines of rigid, white buildings with smooth whitefaces similar to wall that protected them crowded the whitestreet. Further down the road a large white dome loomed overall with four cone pillars that rivaled the Tokyo Tower inheight and magnificence.

"This is so wicked cool." Serena murmured as her other friendstried in vain to find words to express their awe.

At first, people they passed would look and stare dumbfounded,while others ran off to locations unknown. As they progressedfurther, a crowd gathered around them, but the Timelords, Nireand Guod them at bay. One gentleman in black and green robestried to approach the blonde girl, but only met the stern faceof Guod.

"Make room for the Messiah Serenity." The Timelord boomed tothe smaller individual.

"I must meet with Serenity." The lanky gentleman insisted. "Iam Carlyle, the head priest of the Church of Pluto. There issomething very important I must ask her!"

Serena's eyes lit up. 'Church of Pluto?'

"Not now." With one good shove the lanky gentleman, Carlyle,found himself on the sandy street.

"I must know why the life forces surrounding Pluto areunbalanced!" His shouts were drowned out by the chattering ofthe ever growing crowd.

Serena glanced around. The bigger the crowd became the moreher awe turned to apprehension. The crowd consisted of peoplein ragged clothing or that of people in colorful robes insequence of blue, gold, red, yellow, orange, or black. Some hadtheir young children hoisted on their shoulders cheering andsmiling, and others cried, begging for a blessing of goodfortune.

'Am I a god to these people?' She reached over for Darien'sstrong hand and grasped it, insuring she wouldn't plummet anyfurther into this insanity.

Serena glanced over at Mina, who was smiling and waving at thecrowd, soaking in their praise and cheers. Beside her, Ericastood on guard, her gaze darting from side to side, making sureno one got past their escorts. In the back, Serena could barelymake out Nahtan in the crowd as he carried Tracer, his slumpedposture indicating his foul mood.

Finally, the procession reached the center of the city, at thebase of the white dome, where the crowd spilled forth from thenarrow streets and filled the surrounding square. Serena waited

anxiously, clutching Darien's hand.

"I'm worried, Darien."

He squeezed and held her close.

A silence rushed over the immense crowd. An outline of a doorappeared on the surface of the dome and disappeared without asound. Slowly and reverently, five elders walked out into thelight saturated city. The head elder led the way with theothers follow behind him, each donning white robes. A lumpformed in Serena's throat at the same agonizing speed which theelders approached. Once the head elder was a few feet away, theothers spread out to either side of him and stopped. The headelder peered at Serena in her white dress, pondered a moment,and, moved forward.

Beneath his thick grey beard, the head elder smiled. "I,Nairb, Head Elder of the Counsule, humbly welcome all of you toour home, the Community."

Serena took a step back, aghast. 'Is this the same Counsulethat killed Cindy's family?!'

* * *

Cindy watched as the sun slowly crept into view over the tall,cramped structures of the strange city that loomed over her.

Over those structures the palace towered. It's grandiosedesign reminded Cindy of the palaces from the shogun era inJapan, but she knew inherently that this couldn't be Japan. Forone thing, some of the buildings in the city were too tall to beadequately supported by wood alone. Then there were thosestrange mannequins in the shops...

As she continued to wrap the cloth strips around her chest intighter concentric loops, Cindy looked out towards the distantmountains once more. When they first arrived, Cindy could seelightning strikes beyond them, and feared that rain couldn't befar behind. In desperation, with the child in her arms, shefound shelter in this covered alleyway and waited. Yet, as the

hours passed, any moisture had yet to descend upon them.

Once she felt confident it wouldn't rain, she wondered aroundand found as many loose items she could grab from the shopsbefore the fleeting rays of sunrise colored the dark sky andexpose her crime.

More rays began to creep into the dark crevices of thealleyway. Reenie stirred when the beams of sunlight dancedacross her eyes.

"Cindy?" The child groaned, removing some of the loose strandsof bright pink hair from her jostled pig tails.

Stopping with her wrapping, Cindy smiled at the young girl. "Good morning, Reenie."

Removing the heavy cloth draped across her body, and eyeing itwith a tinge of curiosity, Reenie surveyed the alleyway and theoutlying streets of the city. "Where are we?"

Already in mid-wrap, Cindy winced. "I'm not sure. This lookslike feudal Japan, but I doubt that's the case."

Reenie watched, fascinated, as Cindy continued to wrap thecloth around her chest. "Where are Darien, Serena, Puu, and theothers?"

Cindy's wrapping came to an abrupt halt and unraveled to herwaist. "I don't know Reenie. I'm not sure where they went. Ifthat vortex spit us out here randomly, there's no telling wherethe others could be."

A flood of guilt swept over Cindy when Reenie titled her headdown and her eyes glazed over. "I'm sorry, Reenie. I know thatthey'll make it back. The Time Guardian won't allow them to bestranded in the middle of nowhere. They're out there,somewhere, waiting for you."

Those words of encouragement sprang Reenie from her prison ofdespair. "Yeah."

Cindy smiled and started anew on her painful venture, whileReenie watched until her curiosity pushed her to inquiry. "Hey,Cindy."

The blonde Traveller gritted her teeth. "Yes?"

"Why are you wrapping that cloth around your, uh, around you?"

The child's prudence brought a tinge of a smile with the painas she finished one more loop. "It's a general rule for mewhenever I end up in an unknown dimension to hide all evidenceof femininity before wandering in public."

Reenie's nose wrinkled. "Why?"

Another wince, another turn. "Because, more often times thannot, females are not the choice sex to be."


"Which means, I hate to say, the pigtails must go."

Reenie sighed and once again Cindy felt the weight of guiltresting on her shoulders.

"Hey Reenie." The child looked up to see the blonde Travellerfinishing her last wrap and wearing a grin that could have eatena canary. "How about some breakfast! What do ya say?"

Saliva welled in anticipation and stomachs growled inpreparation. "Can we have pancakes?"

Cindy giggled. "If they have them."

Tugging at her pigtails, Reenie looked down at her ownclothing. "What are we going to do about my outfit?"

Different variations of male clothing slid in and out ofCindy's mind as she eyed the child.

"Without ruining my favorite dress." Reenie amended quickly.

Tapping her chin, Cindy pondered for a moment. "Where did youput that burlap cloak?"

"You mean this thing?" Reenie picked up the heavy material,still radiating her warmth, from the dirt road of the alleyway.

"Yep." Taking the cloth, Cindy draped it over the shoulders ofthe pink-haired youth and tied the girl's hair in a less

feminine manner. "That should do it. Let's go."

With Reenie in tow, the Society soldier led them out into theearly morning bustle of the strange city. Vivacious colors ofclothing glowed in the morning sun, the elegance of the robesthese people wore seemed fitting of archaic Japan. Cindycouldn't help but feel slightly self-conscious in comparison. She hoped they didn't stick out too much.

Very cheerful people they were and seemed friendly enough tothem, at least from what Cindy could tell. They smiled asReenie skipped about the road, narrowly missing manually pulledfood carts and taxis. Cindy had lost count of the number ofapologies she had said on the child's behalf. She thanked theLord that she knew something about Japanese customs and theyseemed to understand. All smiles.

Yet, something didn't feel right. The more they walked, themore Cindy became acutely aware of a lack of a female presence. Moving her head this way and that, Cindy searched, with the hopethat they weren't the only women in this entire city.

'Because I would not want to be the lone women in a city fullof men.' The Traveller cringed at the stories she heard of theunfortunates that ended up in such dimensions.

Finally, a flash of a kimono fluttered into her view, and atonce, Cindy zeroed in it, to slow the tempo of the drumming inher heart. Unfortunately, the tempo accelerated when Cindyfound one of the placid female mannequins wearing the kimonowhile obediently following her male owner.

"No. This can't be." The blonde whispered hoarsely. "Thiscan't be Terra 2. Not a whole planet..."

A tug at her sleeve disentangled Cindy from her shock.

"Where did you get this from?" Reenie asked as she displayedthe thick cloth currently draping her form. "I didn't rememberseeing this before we, um, got here."

"While you were asleep I...” Cindy trailed off as she watched anotherpale-faced mannequin walked by and returned her attention to the child,"browsed around in the shops."

A dubious expression crossed the child's face. "Browse?"

"Well, the ones with the locks I could pick the quickest." Cindy's expression resembled that of a fox caught eating in acannery.

"YOU STOL-" The slender hand of the Traveller kept the pairfrom attracting anymore attention.

"Shhh, Reenie." Cindy growled between her teeth. "Last thingwe want is to become criminals in a foreign legal system."

The pink-haired youth struggled free and continued; her hushedvoice resonating with irritation. "You stole this?!"

The pair continued to move through the crowd in silence; theTraveller steeled herself and tried to steady her quiveringstomach. "Sometimes it's necessary to do such things in orderto survive."

Cindy's hunger was lost to nausea. "Even if it's wrong."

By the Lords, she hated herself. She wasn't willing to do suchhorrible, terrible things before her family died; the stealing,the lying, the bribing, the faking, the killing-

'Tracer...' The grotesque image of the bloody faced Timelordas he fell limp blazed up from her memories. She remembered herhands painted with his silver-laced blood and the look of horroron Serena's face. 'What have I become?'

Suddenly, Reenie's soft voice stopped Cindy from fallingfurther into her well of self-pity. "Hey Cindy."

Cindy found herself stopped in the middle of the street,staring intently at her clench fists. Regaining her composure,the blonde laughed to herself and craned her neck towards thechild.

Reenie smiled and pulled Cindy's hand. "Why don't we get somepancakes?"


From her perch in the steeple, she watched the residents ofthis strange world walk to and fro. She had never see such aseamless blend of the past, present, and future of Japan before;from the bamboo walls to the tall steel sky scrapers that overshadowed them. Occasionally cars zoomed past, leaving dirtclouds in its wave as they make their way toward the palace inthe distance.

It had been a long time since she had seen such a structurebefore. She tried to recall from her endless abyss ofknowledge. The shogun days of Japan? Yes. That brought backsome fond memories, it was one of the less stressful trips shehad to make.

Dutifully, she regripped her staff and continued herobservation. Another unusual thing she found, at least in thisplace, was that all the females. They didn't walk with thegrace that most women possess. Yet, Pluto couldn't help butnotice how the sunlight ignited the fairness of their smooth,pale skin.

This definitely wasn't Earth, a little astrology told her thatmuch, but familiar energies tingled her senses. They had to benearby.

"Do you know where we are, Pluto?" A hesitant voice rung outbehind the Time Guardian.

"We're not on Earth." Lifting herself from one knee, Plutostood in the open window of the steeple, the wind playingfullytugging at wisps of her dark green hair and the ends of herdeathly black skirt. "That much I am certain, Jupiter."

The tall brunette poked her head around the Time Guardian'stowering figure to get a better view of the happenings below. "What a weird place."

"My sentiments exactly." Raye added from the shadows of thesteeple, her midnight black hair framing the indignation on herporcelain face. "When are you going to call that Time Gate andzap us out of here?"

The Time Guardian hardly flinched from the numbness ebbing awayin her legs when she faced the annoyed Scout. "Not yet Mars."

"What!?" The soft wooden floor muffled the laden clicks ofRaye's high heels. "We have to get back home."

The stern red eyes of Pluto stopped Raye's march. "Home canwait."

Both girls began to shy away from the green-haired woman,seeking protection from the severity of Pluto's voice. OnlyLita found the courage to weather the storm. "W-why?"

Sensing their apprehension, the Time Guardian settled herself. It wouldn't do her any good to bully them. "Sorry, but SmallLady is here. I can feel her energy in this city."

"Oh." Realization promptly whacked Raye in the back of thehead. "I'm sorry Pluto. It's just that I want to know ifGrandpa is alright."

A small, gentle curve developed on the Time Guardian's lips. "I had called the authorities before we left, they all will beokay."

Raye took a quick glance at her taller friend and arched herbrow quizzically. Lita seemed awfully calm about their currentsituation when none of them knew if the man of her dreams, Ken,was still alive after that attack by that old, kooky general. Halibut, was it?

The continuing conversation hooked Raye out of the pond of herthoughts. "Finding Reenie seems easy enough, just follow you toher and then we're out of here, right?"

"Not necessarily true, Jupiter. I can only feel her presence. I can't find her. Her energy is too spread out to pinpoint." Gazing back out into the cityscape of the unusual world, Plutocontinued. "It's not only that; the Silver Crystal is outthere, and it's masking her position as well."

"So Serena's here as well?"

"I don't think so. The energy I feel from the Silver Crystalis cold, I suppose would be the appropriate description." Plutofaced the two Scouts, both pondering in proud silence what shemeant. She sighed. "But our most pressing concern is one ofthe Travellers that's here as well."

Instantly, both Scouts stood at attention as Pluto's expressiondarkened and her tone resolved. "And we must rescue Small Ladyand secure the Crystal before it falls in the wrong hands."


He had to hurry, the show beckoned, and his musical angelwasn't ready to spread her wings. Using his brush, he paintedhis masterpiece on the palette of his angel's circuitry. Forsome reason the circuit was acting up again, disturbing thebehavior algorithm. He didn't like it when his angel was sick.


Furiously, the artist worked.


Now where did he put his wielder?

"MATT!" The artist pointed his handheld wielder at the goldenhaired man fuming in the doorway.

Slightly flushed, the artist lowered his psuedo-weapon andsighed. "Oh hiya, Bro."

The golden-haired man ushered himself into the stuffedworkshop, avoiding the tools and clothing strewn around onhangers, and looked over the prone humanoid figure. "Is ourlittle marionette ready to put on another great show?"

Matt grinned sheepishly, ruffling his matching golden hair inattempt to block his brother's view of the open chest of themachine resting on his bench. "Uh, yeah. She'll be ready. She'll knock em dead in fact!"

His brother snickered and gave Matt a hearty slap on the back. "Come on Matt, I've been dying to know her secret. I mean, sheis making us a pretty penny. It was ingenues of you to suggestgoing to Japoness."

Standing tall, Matt expanded his lungs, and coughed out. "And,ahem, you thought that Marie wouldn't make it out of the saloonsof New Texas. Besides, I would have learned Japanese and goneout here without you."

Dusting off the comment off the cuff of his pale suit, theolder brother replied. "Sure, Matt, just in the same amount oftime it took you to learn Russian?"

With his slumped shoulders, the technical artist made no moveto dismiss the rain cloud that developed overhead. "Thanks,Davy."

"Don't call me that."

A smirk sufficed for an adequate reply.

"Are you going to tell me or what?" Arms crossed, the man inthe clean, neatly pressed suit regarded his oil smudged,worn-clothed brother. "Or will I have to bribe you?"

Matt raised an eyebrow, intriqued. "Oh, my brother, David. Doyou think I actually have a price?"

Looking at his brother, Matt wondered if David's expression wasever this incredulous before. "Okay, what is it?"

Digging into one of his coat pockets, David revealed a small,spherical crystal. "I thought you're marionette might like thisaddition to her accessories."

Matt snatched the crystal from his brother's well manicuredhands. After giving the translucent stone a sweep with his everincriminating eye, he smirked once more. "Let me guess, youfound it on the street."

"Yep. As far as I can tell it's just your run of the millstone." David glanced around randomly at the disorganization ofthe workshop. "So are you going to tell me or am I going to diein anticipation?"

Spinning the crystal in his hand and watched the mirad ofcolors refract from every little crevice in its surface. Satisfied, he nodded.

"Okay. Here is the secret to Marie, the magically dancing

marionette." With a grand wave of his hand, Matt displayed thecircuit to their success.

David studied the circuitry of the marionette, hoping he couldunderstand the complexity of wires and plugs snaking around alarge lens. Most unusual thing he ever saw in the marionetteshe observed his brother tinkering with. The lens resembled thatof an eye, complete with its own iris.

"Is this," David pointed at the lens that was at the heart ofthe mess of wires. "why Marie is so interactive with theaudience?"

The grin on Matt's face made his brother grimace. "Yep. Thismarvelous invention can make any marionette have a personalityof its own."

David took a step back. "She isn't alive. Is she?"

Letting a snicker escape his lips, Matt relieved his brother'sfears. "No, I figured out a way to dumb down her intelligenceso that it does everything I program her to do, even vaguecommands."

"Huh." David re-examined the circuit. "It must have cost youa pretty penny, Matt."

That grin painfully widened. "Nope. I won it in a poker gamewith some drunk guy from St. Petersburg."

David's face lost all muscular ability and fell. "You what?"

"Oh yeah. A real bragger he was. Hell, he even told me how itworked and what it was and where he got it from."

"Then what is it?"

Matt lower his voice as though he were revealing a plot to takeover the world. "You see, it's something called a maidencircuit. It lets marionettes act more like humans. Apparently,both the original Ieyasu and Faust had created a few back whenthey crashed here."

"Why would they do that?"

"I don't know. Lonely, I suppose. Anyway, this guy bragged

that he had stolen it from Faust's compound."

"You're telling me this is hot!?"

"No, I mean the guy was telling me the Mesopotamia was stillorbiting the planet, when we all know that it blew up with therest of the transport ships from Earth."

David crossed his arms, unamused. "Uh-huh. You act like itisn't refutable."

"That and he bragged he had the largest-"

David raised his hand in front of his brother's face, stoppingthe sentence before it could be completed. "All right, allright. So he probably was lying about that, but just in case,let's be careful. This is Gartland we're talking about. That'sthe last place we'd want to be, especially as criminals."

David draped his arm over his brother's shoulders and directedhim to the door. "So let's pretend I didn't hear this and getsome sake."

In haste, Matt dropped the crystal on the palm of hismechanical angel's hand as he walked out the door. "You'repaying."

"Fine. I'll pay."

Once their laughs died away into the streets, a faint glimmersprouted within the crystal and faded away. After a time, theglimmer returned, but slightly stronger. And again, and again,intensifying with each beat. Finally, the iris within the lensof the circuit exploded with green and contracted in rhythm withthe crystal. Components sparked and lights flashed on,furiously booting the system to life.

Gently, each slender finger wrapped around the crystal andsqueezed shut.

-End of Part 8-

Terrible Things to Waste

Part 9: Out There Somewhere II

"I mustn't give in." The old man coarsely mumbled to himself. "I mustn't lose control."

With each step, the proud General stumbled. He could feel hisbreathing becoming more labored. The volume of black mucousincreased with each passing second. He forced down the tar-likesubstance as he glared at the gallery of familar facessurrounding him, partially hidden in the shadows of the twiningbranches.

They all were laughing. The jeers of all of his antagonistscame at the old man from everywhere. Above them all, Nihil'scaustic laughter assaulted his ears.

"I still don't see why you fight me, Halebit." The demon voiceechoed.

Running his pale, wry hand through his stiff grey hair, the oldGeneral tried to regain his composure. "I will keep fightinguntil I win."

Struggling through the twining path of decrepit crystal roots,Halebit looked for the source of Nihil's voice.

"Heh, you'll die before you win, Hally, me boy." From thetwisted nightmare of trunks in this ungodly forest, Nihilemerged, dusting off some white spores from his shoulder.

Halebit's eyes widened as a young man with light brown hairstood in front of him. The two almost seemed like mirrors ofeach other, except for their great difference in age.

The surprise worn on the old man's face gave rise to the smirkon Nihil's face. "I thought that you'd take me more seriouslythis time around." The young man flexed his arm. "My, youfilled out quite nicely as a gent too." Nihil grinned at thesimmering old man. "How many women did you ravage with thisbody, Halebit?"

"ENOUGH!" Several startled insects flew overhead, their

shadows dwarfing the two below.

The young man tilted his head, curiously eyeing his older self. He pondered for a moment and asked. "Who are you, Halebit?"

The General snorted, jostling some of the black tar in histhroat. Once his fit of coughing stopped, the old man's facewrinkled incredulously. "What kind of question is that, Nihil? You know who I am."

Nihil tilted his head to the left. "Do I, Halebit? The longerI talk to you, the more I realize I know nothing about you."

The slight smirk went almost undetected by Nihil. "Heh, maybeI'd like to keep it that way. Perhaps you're not as perceptiveas you lead yourself to believe. Perhaps if you could fathomthe power of control-"

Immediately, the young man flicked back his light mane with thearrogance of an adolescent. "Oh please. Don't tell me thosepsychoactive drugs you took during the Great War were to enhanceyour 'power.' That 'substance,' as you like to call it, onlyfueled my ambitions to escape."

The smirk on the hardened visage of Halebit crept up further. "You speak like a caged animal, Nihil. The substance allowed methe ultimate control, I was able to conquer the inadequacies ofmy mind. I could control the shape of the environment around meand the problems that threatened me." With his blackenedfingers, the old man tap his temple. "It allowed to keep myurges from interfering. It helped me conquer you."

Shades of gold and brown undulaged with the shaking of theyoung man's head. "Conquer, conquer, conquer. Why must youconquer everything, Halebit? It's no wonder you forced yourselfupon so many wom-"

Without warning, Halebit lunged at his younger self, his teeththreatened to crack underneath the intense gnashing. Halebitreached the ledge of his control. "That..." He could sense theabyss of madness beckoning him. "Is..." It was becoming atemptation hard to resist. "Enough out of you."

Nihil stared calmly at the infuriated General, clamoring forcontrol. It always amused Nihil to create such irony within hiscounterpart. "I see, you don't like to linger on such things."

The old man grimaced, the black mucous began to pool in thesides of his lips. "I do not like to linger upon the times whenI was weak. The times when I let you get out of control."

The young man snorted. "Why must I be your scapegoat when yougive into your insatiable urges? Besides," Soft whimperingcould be heard just to the left of the pair where a young girllaid limp, her face hidden in the crux of her elbow. Nihilcontinued and whispered into Halebit's ear, makung him hang onevery word. "I think it's what drives you to conquer andcontrol."

The old man could feel the familar exhilaration stirring in hisveins once more as he towered over the weak feminine form. Yes,this is what he wanted. This was the ultimate control, theultimate power. This was the ends to his means. He wanted theCounsule at his mercy. He wanted the Community at his mercy. He wanted the dimensions.

Nihil promptly doused the General's fiery ambitions. "I hopeyou realize that I am truly the one in control of you. It isyour urges that drive you to control. Thus it is I that has thepower. I always have."

Sweat tainted with the dark tar bore down the old man's facewhile the black muscus dripped from his pursed lips. They wereall lies. Delusions. They couldn't be facts, yet what evidencedid he have on the contrary. No, that wasn't the point, he wasin control. He was all powerful. No one could defeat him. Why?

Because he had... he had...

The General's eyes flashed opened.

He had the urge to do so.

"It can't be." He croaked.

And then the General dove off the ledge into his maddeningabyss.

He luged with his hands out stretched at his illusion. Nihilstood still, smiling at the crazed old man flying towards him. "Hey old man, I've got something for you."

Halebit's hands grasped in vain at the ghostly image andcontinued forward, falling into the depths of the hellishforest.

The demon voice resonated in Halebit's mind as his body bouncedoff the twisted roots. "When will you learn?"


She didn't know why she did it. The two of them had hardlyexchanged a word since they began their trek. Observations andquestions nagged at Amy every time she looked toward the shore. That strange dark water. The sour smell coming from it. Shedidn't have much else in

the way of distractions except for Michelle's back and the wavyblue-green curls draped

over it.

< It must have been those nagging questions that kept buggingevery time she turned toward the shore. The sour air. It'sunusual dark hue. She didn't have much else in the way ofdistractions, except for Michelle's back and the wavy deepblue-green curls draped over it. The two had hardly exchanged aword since they began their trek towards Victoria.>

The purple blip on her mini-computer's scanner indicated thatVictoria wasn't too far away. Amy prayed to herself thateverything would be well when they reached her. The temporalvortex that brought them here seemed to have randomly spit themout in this.. place, whatever this place was. The tall, dark,twisted trees crowding the cliffs opposite the shore did notlook inviting. Amy rarely asked much of a higher power, but shehoped to God that the young, frail girl wasn't lost in thedecrepit forest.

The silence was maddening to the blue-haired prodigy. She had

so many hypothesis about how they got here and her observationsabout this strange world, but she couldn't share them. She knewMichelle was intelligent enough to hold a conversation with her. God, she wanted to speak and share. Have an intelligentconversation.

"The sea is black as death. The silence is overwhelming." Michelle murmured into the wind letting it carry back to Amy.

Finally, Michelle was talking to her again. Amy hesitated. She'd piled up so much to say and she wanted to say it all atonce. "From my scans, the water is composed mostly of some sortof complex metallic acid. It seems that the pH level is highenough to be inhospitable for life."

Closing her eyes, Sailor Neptune smiled to herself, her voiceslightly tainted with bitterness. "This is truly the RiverStyx."

Amy couldn't help herself. "Oh yes, the ancient Greek legendabout the river of death. I read the book in clas-"

Michelle stopped. The sudden action brought Amy's diatribe toan unexpected end. Sailor Neptune didn't move to turn around,she let her words chill on her shoulder. "No, Mercury, I *read*books, you *study* them."

'Huh?' The younger girl couldn't close her mouth completelybefore she could respond. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn-"

"Don't bother. There's a mission to focus upon. We have to bestrong, Mercury. "

"I know... I know you must miss her, but you don't need to beso cold to me."

"That isn't your concern, Mercury."

"No, it's not." Some indescribable sensation grew in Amy'sstomach and spread upward. "But your melancholy is not helpingour situation which is already dire. You can't do this alone. We need each other."

"You underestimate me, Mercury. Uranus and I had battled manymonsters on our own long before you had discovered your ownpowers. I survived then and I will survive now, with or without

you, if need be."

Amy could feel the back of her neck prickling with the hotatavistic urge to raise her hackles. She had to restrainherself from saying the first words that came to mind. She tooka deep breath and said, "Michelle, we need to be honest witheach other. We can't continue like this."

<"Wait, we need to administer some self-control over this. Noneed for bitter words." She murmured to herself while thesensation crawled up Amy's neck. "Michelle, we need to becandid with each other. We can't continue like this.">

She paused and let her back remain facing Amy. She let herreply float in the lake's wind. "You really want me to behonest?"

The tension spread into her temples, making her feellight-headed. "Please. How can we trust each other otherwise?"

The soldier of the sea laughed caustically to herself. Finally, she turned around. "Trust? We had no reservationsabout the Traveller after Serena's agreed to protect her. Nowwe're trapped here."

"Are you insinuating we should have listened to Pluto?" Herhead felt stuffy, and she found it increasingly difficult tohide her irritation.

Neptune crossed her arms and snapped, "She was right, wasn'tshe? Instead of trusting Pluto, we trusted someone who betrayedus. If Serena continues to play the fool why should we followher?"

<Neptune crossed her arms, and she needed to be strong. ForEric. "We had invested our trust in someone who ultimatelybetrayed us. If Serena continues to be fooled by such vagrants,then I don't see why we should listen to her until she hasproven to me she has truly matured.">

Fury rushed through Amy, liberating her voice. "Is that whatPluto tells you?"

<Finally, the sensation overwhelmed her. "Is that what Plutotold you?">

"Pardon me?"

"She never told us what she knew about Cindy so Serena couldmake an informed decision. Pluto always holds information backuntil the last moment, and you two do the same thing."

"We have our reasons, Mercury."

"Did she order you to tell me that?"

"Hardly, _Amy_." Now it was personal. "Eric and I may nothave liked the way Pluto seemed to randomly throw these missionsin our laps, but no matter how much we disliked it, we tookthem, because it's our duty as Sailor Scouts." Michelle's eyeswere filled with a blazing emerald light. "When we looked back,again and again we found that Pluto had known what she doingdoing after all. She earned our trust. Not only can I thinkwithout her, but your idea that I'm about to fall apart becauseEric is missing is furthest from the truth!"

<"Hardly, _Amy_." Now it was personal. "Neither me nor Ericliked how Pluto randomly threw these missions in our laps. Butno matter how much we disliked them, we took them, because it'sour duty as a Sailor Scout." Michelle's eyes burned with theintensity of a fiery blaze of emerald. "I also do notappreciate the implication that Eric's absence would make meunstable.">

A chess board materialised in Amy's imagination and shecalculated her attack. "All that sound and fury to conceal thetruth. After all your talk about trust, you can't be honest atall. Have you ever been really honest with anyone except Eric?"

<"Why are you feeding me lies, Michelle?" A chess boardmaterialized in Amy's head, and she analyzed her opponents movesand made her calculated attacks. "After your diatribe abouttrust, I find it strange you would try to intimidate me to veilthe truth.">

Michelle looked toward the shoreline and she wrapped her armsaround herself protecting her from an imaginary chill. Hervoice lost most of its bite. "Wouldn't you miss the one youloved? What about that Greg boy? Doesn't your heart ache tosee him? Don't you want to go back home where he's waiting tohold you once more, but knowing you'll never be able to go backhome again? Can you understand how I feel?"

In Amy's head, her opponent pulled out an incredible move. Shequickly realized in her fervor of studying this exotic worldaround them, Greg did not come up in her thoughts. She didn'tfeel anything for her love. Her heart didn't leap at thethought of his caring face or desire to be held in his embrace. Nothing.

She had immersed herself so much in her hypotheses anddiscoveries that thoughts of Greg were drowned in the flood ofit all. Had she been truly in love with him, she wondered. Wasshe incapable of ever feeling love? There was nothing she couldsay. Checkmate was inevitable.

After Amy's long pause, Michelle's expression turned sullen. "I see."

Amy stood and watched the wavy green hair go towards thedecrepit forest. "You are truly a cold woman, Amy."


The small child blew some of the steam off her cup of hot tea. At least, it reminded her of tea. She had forgotten what theold woman called it, but it suited her just fine. Victoriaoccupied herself with drinking her "tea" as she tried to growaccustomed to hearing the old woman's thoughts.

'The valley has favorable winds that keep the misma fromspreading into it.' The old woman noticed the child's confusionand continued. 'The misma are spores that come from the Sea ofCorruption, the forest lining the valley.'

The old woman pointed out the window towards the decrepit treesseated on the rock faces. 'Everything in the valley has thrivedbecause of the winds coming from the acid lakes. For the mismais poisonous and very few can survive in the Sea of Corruptionfor very long. Unfortunately, the forest gets ever closer everyyear.'

Trying very hard to concentrate, Victoria asked. 'Is that whythe valley is abandoned?'

'Yes and no. The people who used to live here have foundbetter places to live. Cleaner places. You see, long ago weused to be an advanced people, but due to wars and pollution,the land became poisoned. The Sea of Corruption is cleansingour world of ancestor's past sins.'

An unexpected silence followed. Victoria looked at the oldwoman studying her from across the aged wooden table. Sheimmediately became aware of how unusual she must of looked. Thedelicate material of her black skirt, constricting white bodice,and frilly black bows on her chest seemed antithetical to thesturdy cloth of her elder's homily and conservative blue sweaterand trousers.

The young girl scrunched her face in concentration. 'What isit?'

The old woman smiled at her efforts. 'I'm sorry, it must bedifficult for you to communicate like this.'

Victoria returned the smile. 'It's okay.'

Slowly, the old woman's expression turned solemn. 'You think

you can tell me how you got here?'

The young girl hesitated. 'I'm not sure if I can.'

'You don't have to, child, just remember what happened and Iwill remember along with you.' The old woman paused. 'Ifthat's okay.'

Victoria pondered over the woman's suggestion. She didn't havereason to distrust this woman, did she? 'Alright.'

The old woman could detect her apprehension. 'Very well. Tryto imagine the last few moments before you came here and onlythose moments.'

At this, Victoria closed her eyes and remembered. A momentlater, the memories of the past played out in the old woman'smind.

In a darkness, a man on an elevated platform held above him abright light in his hands.

'Who is that?'

'That's some old general. He held Reenie hostage to get theSilver Crystal from Sailor Moon.'

'Reenie? Silver Crystal?'

Quickly, the vision shifted to a group of women. They woreskirts and bows similar to the child, but only in a variety of colors. They stood on their guard like soldiers, but she'd never seensoldiers dressed like that.

'Wh-who are they?'

The dark-haired girl's pale face beamed with excitement. 'That's the Sailor Scouts.'

In the middle of the group was a blonde woman clutching apink-haired child. The woman glowed with purity andirreverence in her white dress, a striking contrast to theirdark surroundings. The scene reminded her of the portrayal ofgoddesses on the prophetic scrolls or of saviors depicted onroyal tapestries. She studied the woman's face closely, notingher pained expression as she peered at the light. The blonde

woman's expression made her heart ache with sympathy.

'Who is she?'

'That's Sailor Moon.'

'And the child?'

'That's Reenie.'

'And that's Sailor Moon's Silver Crystal he's holding?'


The old woman pondered about the significance of this crystalthat was the source of the blinding light. What power thesebeings must have? She had never encountered anything like itbefore, even the Ohmu never possessed such power.

'Do all of you sailor soldiers have such Silver Crystals?'

The girl then became silent, and answered with slightapprehension. Her dark violet eyes glanced toward the glaivepropped against the wall. 'Not really.'

The old woman followed the girls gaze. 'Do all of you havesuch weapons?'

Again, the girl fell silent for a moment. 'Not really.'

Sensing the girl's nervousness, the old woman continued withher vision. A sudden movement distracted her from the confidentsolidarity of the guardians. She could see a man running at thelight, holding something aglow in his hands. Concentratingharder, she noticed it was a sword. The glow of the weapon grewas the man approached the blinding light.

'Who is that?'

The response was sobering. 'That's some guy named Tracer.'

'I see.'

Everything about him exhumed darkness, she noted, his clothing,his hair, his aura. If not for his weapon, the man would have

vanished into the surrounding darkness. The black veil of hisgreasy locks though could not conceal the furnace in his eyes. It was a strange mixture of determination, confusion, anger, andpeace that kindled that hot cauldron in his pupils as well ashis weapon.

'What is that weapon?'

'I don't know. Pluto thought it was important.'


The old woman could hear the girl sigh deeply. 'Sailor Pluto. She is the guardian of the Time Gate.'

'Time Gate?'

Though the older woman was in a state of confusion and made itDifficult to concentrate, she let her vision continue. The group ofsoldiers surrounding the woman clad in white finally noticed thedark stranger, however it was too late. As they ran tointercede him, the leapt into the air with his weapon. The old woman held her breath in anticipation as theweapon struck the source of the light.

Suddenly the light exploded, filling the vision beforeeverything went black.

The old woman blinked. The child removed herself from thetable. Shaking off the effects of the vision, she went over tothe tapestry guarded by a rusted suit of armor. She ran her meekhand over the thick strands woven into the cloth. Despite itsage, the cloth still stubbornly held onto much of its richcolor.

In the top left corner, just over the shoulder of the armor, theyoung child spied a man dressed in blue. He stood regally withhis eyes set forward, staring ahead determined to some far offgoal. The writing above the figure was unrecognizable to thechild.

'What does that say? Above that man.' The girl pointed outthe figure on the tapestry to the woman.

The old woman smiled warmly, the reverie soon diffused herconfusion from the vision. 'It's an old myth about one who is

cloaked in blue would descend into the golden fields of theValley and lead the people into the green and peaceful kingdom. It was an old tale told to me when I was a girl.'

The girl's eyes widened in violet fascination. 'Did it evercome true?'

The warm smile turned to a knowing one. 'I suppose it did.'

Before the woman could indulge herself into further fondmemories, the child stood rigidly at attention, like someone hadcalled her name. Without further delay, the child walkedtowards her glaive, her face now was filled with grave resolve.

'What is it, my child?' The woman asked, but the childcontinued on until she retrieved her glaive.

Swinging around, the girl faced her elder with her weapon ready. The old woman feared to approached the armed child lest shewanted to be cleaved in half by the sharp blade.

'W-what's wrong?'

After a moment, the child responded like she were in a wholeother realm. 'There is a soul crying out for the Silence.'


The silence in darkness. It immersed his senses. The finalityof it all. Was this death? No, the tinges of pain attackinghim answered, electrifying every part of his old body. Hedidn't remember much, except the image of his young face, stolenby Nihil, laughing at him and then he remembered tumbling downand down. His limbs didn't want to move, and he didn't bothermoving them. He couldn't breathe, and he didn't bother. Whybother? He could give in and it would end. But giving up wasthe epitome of weakness, and he wasn't weak. He wasn't nevergoing to let Nihil win. Never.

Halebit groaned and coughed suddenly as he felt a thick,viscous liquid squirm down his throat. Jolting himself upward,the General opened his goo covered eyes and looked down at a

pool of some red substance. He could see it slowly dripping offhis head in long sticky strands down into the pool below. Thepains in his injured arms became more acute from supporting hisweight.

Carefully, the old man moved his broken body around. Heglanced upward to see a transparent shell shattered in theappropriate shape of his head. Following the upper curve of theshell, Halebit surmised it was a bulb full of this red substancecurrently drying on his forehead. It was attached to one of thedecrepit trees bowing from its weight.

Wiping off some of the syrup from his forehead, Halebit tasteda bit of it. He noted the familiarity of the bitter taste whena sensation on his leg distracted his thoughts. Gingerly, theGeneral tilted his neck.

One of the smaller insects had crawled onto his leg. TheGeneral stared into it's multi blue eyes dotted all over itsarmor clad head. Its many little feelers pricked and tickledthe General's leg, from his thigh to his ankle, bringing alongwith it unpleasant sensations.

Reflexively, the General threw out his hand at the insect. Tohis surprise, the insect flew off his leg and smashed into anearby tree. Pausing a moment, the General stared at his handand the red substance that stained his fingers. The taste. Thecolor. The power.

"It must be." He grappled in amazement and he began to wipeoff the substance from his forehead and greedily lick hisfingers.

"More." He gasped and turned around, shoving handfuls of thepotent elixir down his throat.

The strength spread through his limbs, revitalizing his body. Finally, he stopped his gorging and composed himself, wipingaway some of the substance off his lips. He reverently stoodand thrusted his right palm outwards. The crystalline trunk ofa nearby tree crumbled and the tree folded over. The General'sface hardened and a smile crept onto the cliff of hisvisage. He paused again, closing his eyes. He had to confirmthe silence had definitely returned, that he had successfullysealed away Nihil.

Once satisfied, the General walked over to the small insectwrithing on the forest ground. With a gesture of his open hand,he raised the small insect off the ground. He was once again intotal control.

'Now who has control, Nihil.' Halebit narrowed his eyes andclosed his fist.

* * *

He sat on a throne shrouded in darkness.

"Come forth, sinner." The foreign deep voice emanated more inhis head than in the room.

Reverently, the sinner came into the light. Her bright blondelocks discolored by years of neglected still reflected theangelic light creating the illusion of a hallow around her.

His eyes wandered around her form from her shadowed features tothe entrancing curves of her dark blue tunic where theylingered. Before he could continue further down, his subjectkneeled down before his throne.

"Oh, great Sovereign,” She spoke her prayer softly, "Forgiveme for my transgressions against you. I was wrong to cast mydoubts about you and bring falsehoods to your good name. I,like many others under your charge, need you and we could notlive without you... I know that now." The blonde sinner laidherself at his feet. "I beg you to hear my pleas, I was alwaysdevoted to you, whether I knew it or not. Oh please, Sovereign,forgive me."

He could see his focus shifting to the delicate curvesdisappearing underneath the tunic. He figured, eh... What thehell.

"Hey," He heard his shrill, pre-pubescent voice respond, "aslong as you're sorry for what you did wrong, I have no problemwith you." He noticed the small child's lustful grin as he jumpoff the throne. "I just wanna play!"

The sinner stood, responding despondently. "Yes, Sovereign."

He noted the two were equal in height despite the obviousdifference in their ages, but that was besides the point, theywere playing. As he approached, he kept his eyes on the roundcurves in her tunic. They calmed him, made him feel warm. Theshadows toyed with them and transformed them into two dark bluepools that stared back at him.

One of his stubby, underdeveloped hands reached out towardsher, hardly brushing the cloth of her tunic. Something warmfilled his insides and spread to envelope him further. Thecloser he got the more he felt it, but was it alright to touchher? She had forgiven him, so it was okay, she had accepted himas her Sovereign. She would understand.

Her breathing quickened. A positive sign, no less, he thought. Yet, he was not satisfied.

"Now that we have come to an understanding, let's stoppretending and be real." He whispered, swimming in the darkpools.

She closed her eyes and sighed. She pulled away eliciting adisapproving grunt. Just as he was to question her, the sinnerunsheathed a crystalline sword, pure and true. Its untaintededge ran him through. He fell to the ground and the innerwarmth became a thousand bee stings. A weight pressed on him,his insides ached; it confused him. He began to shake and sobuncontrollably.

She sneered at him, her apathy had crumbled away to reveal heranger. "Does that make you satisfied? You killed them all,it's your fault! I could care less for your forgiveness I wantyou to stay away! Leave me alone! Leave us all alone!" Shekicked the sword further in. "There you are. No morepretending! No more faking! Now *you* see. This is reality..."

He felt something... Guilt? Violation? He didn't know. Hedidn't want to think about it anymore.

He saw the righteous sinner walk away from his sobbing form.

"Enjoy, child."

Tracer awoke from his deep slumber, with his mouth dry. A

sudden assault of white alerted the Traveller's senses. Whitewalls, white floor, white ceiling, and white bed. A flat, hard,dazzling white cot, to be precise. It made him nauseous which,he supposed, was the idea for a holding cell.

The cells of the Counsule; he'd seen enough Society criminalsget thrown in them. At least, the ones that survived. Tracersnorted. He was screwed. Damn them, the nerve to treat himlike a Society criminal when he was by far their most relentlessTimelord. Which also, by default made him the best.

But there he was, stripped of his sword and weapons and facingthe possibility of being tried as a traitor by the treacherousCounsule. Abandoned once more. Well, he was used to it. Itwasn't something he couldn't handle. Yeah.

The scar on his chest began to ache. In his mind flashed theangry visage of Cindy just before she ran him through. The bluein her eyes intensifying as she stabbed in the chest. Tracersighed.

That woman. That stupid, stupid woman. What was he thinkingwhen he told her he understood? Why was he even thinking? Justwhen he finally had her not loathing his very being, he decidesto be heroic and winds up thrown into a cell.

What good are heroics when you can't reap the benefits? Hisfather certainly knew had to do it. His legacy in the Communityas the "Hero of the Great War" seemed endless, invincible, evenafter abandoning them all, himself included, for reasonsunknown.

People all around the Community would sing their praises of hisfather, and then wonder about him, the last surviving of afamily line that could be traced to Overlord himself. What gooddid he ever do? Stupid bastards. He worked himself as hard ashe could and hardly would get any recognition. Not even thatcrazy old coot, Halebit, wouldn't recognize his efforts evenafter personally training him.

'I bet if I had his sword in my hands, I'd have them allsinging a different tune.'

Without the sword, he would have all his abilities, all thatpower, back. But the withdrawal was getting to him, his sensesonce open were beginning to close off. Strange feelings that

filled him drained away to leave him empty. His unusualcalmness eroded gradually under his ill temperament.

Tracer shook his head, why the hell did he care? Why the hellwas he even thinking about all this crap? This was a call toaction or he was going to be dead soon. He was so enraged thathe shook with excitement. He wanted to flay his fists in theair at anyone nearby. But there wasn't and that just enragedhim further.

He didn't need anyone's help to get out of here. Nonewhat-so-ever. He fought for himself, and that wasn't somethingnew to him. In fact he preferred it that way. As long as hecould inflict a lot of pain at least that would give him somesatisfaction.

From down the hall outside of his cell, the dark haired soldierheard the distant rhythm of heavy footsteps. Suddenly, theTimelord became still and strained his ears to the clicking asit grew louder. With deliberate moment, Tracer slowly laid downin his cot, curled himself away from the doorway, flexed hisright hand, activating the silvery liquid. His ears remainedattentive to the marching entourage coming closer and he readiedhimself.

The door to the barren cell opened and Tracer laid still on hiscot as the liquid began to form around his hand.

"Hello, Timelord Tracer." The unmistakable voice of theCounsule Elder Naes resonated against the clean white walls ofthe Timelord's spacious room. "We have some questionsconcerning your activities as of late."

Tracer waited, his newly formed clawed-hand hidden from sight. If he was going down, someone was going to pay.

Naes calmly walked to the reclined Timelord, each of theaccompanying guards flanking him on both sides. "There is somedoubt of your loyalty."

Tracer's ears picked up three distinct set of footstepsapproaching. The odds weren't in his favor, but he would livewith it. Gradually, he steadied his relaxed body into strikingposition on his cot. 'Just a little closer.'

"We were wondering what you had to say in your defense."

Nonchalantly, Naes moved closer, all the while thumbing thesmall device in the palm of his small, wry hand.

'Now I've got you, bastard.' With the agility of a feline,Tracer bounded toward the small frail man.


Naes just smiled at the Timelord's face flattened against theforce field. "Not very wise, Timelord. We have made severalchanges while you were away." The Elder casually displayed thethin control device while Tracer collected his wits scatteredupon the floor. "It's an interesting system. I can control thearea the field covers, containing you to any area in this cell."

Reaching his feet, Tracer felt something press against hisarms, squeezing them to his sides. With a content sigh, Naesstepped back as the two stocky guards encroached upon the

confined Timelord. "Of course, the field doesn't affect anyonewith the appropriate hardware."

Tracer became acutely aware of the matching wristbands eachperson wore, with him as the unfortunate exception. "Youbastard."

The Elder shook his head and both guards crowded the Timelord. "I suppose this is the only way you're ever going to learnanything." His leathery skin peeled back into a crooked smile. "It's unfortunate."


It seemed like they were walking through a maze. Serena wasdumbfounded that one hallway could snake around so much, theyhad been walking for some time now and she felt like it wouldnever end.

The anixous blonde peeked around their stocky armed guards thatnow were escorting them to somewhere. The Timelords they hadmet had earlier carried off Tracer to parts unknown after theywere greeted by the Counsule.

Serena shuddered slightly. She could hardly believe those fiveold and frail people had ordered the slaughter of Cindy'sfamily, among other innocent people. There was no telling whatthey would do to Tracer or to them. Yet, they were so chipperand fairly benevolent when they introduced themselves. Perhapsthe most wicked beings were politicians, she thought.

Darien could feel Serena's grip on his arm tighten. "Is theresomething wrong?"

Leaning her head against the dark-haired man's shoulder, theblonde girl's face crumbled with anxiety. "I'm not sure. It'sthat something doesn't feel right about this."

"I don't blame you." Came the husky voice behind them. Uranushad her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed, keeping their twoescorts in her sites. "It seems like they're taking us incircles."

"Not really." Venus chimed in, her eyes still following thelow arch of the hall above them.

The sandy-blonde woman arched her eyebrow, in annoyance. "Whatever."

----Might keep

"We are allies after all, there is no need to keep suchdistance between us."

"Perhaps it's our destiny for us to be like this."

"Was that something Pluto told you?"

"What does Pluto have to do anything?"

"I don't know. It's just that she isn't forthcoming abouteverything and I can't help but think she's pulling our strings. Especially yours."

"Why does that matter now?"

---Might not keep

"It doesn't, it's just that you've been so cold to me."

"We've wasted enough time, we have to find Saturn."

"Wait, let me scan the forest first before we wander in there. If the lake is acidic as it is, then there's no telling what'sin the forest."


"The Counsule?" Behind Nihil a group of five elders in whiterobes emerged from the forest, shadows darkening their features. The golden haired boy stopped and tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"No." With a dismissive wave, they disappeared and Nihilcontinued pacing. "Hmmm, want about Trekker?"

Directly in front of Halebit, the old man's rival materializeddressed in military garb, his expression veiled by the shade ofthe forest. Halebit smirked and wiped away the black drool that resulted from that action.

Nihil paused behind Trekker, hiding himself from Halebit'sview. "Heh, no. It's something much more deeply rooted thanthat. Of course. Heh."

Without warning, the image of the perfect soldier disintegratedrevealing Nihil with his arms crossed and his mouth curved intopredatory grin.

"And the longer you go without this substance, the stronger Ibecome." Nihil hopped over to his older self starring at himwith his black pupils. "I *know* that scares you to no end."

[Amy and Michelle walking further along the beach, Amy makescomment about the sea, River Styx ref. and Mich gets on Amy'scase. "As opposed to studying them?" Then they get to thevalley's opening. Salvage and such on the beach.

Victoria talks further with the old woman. Victoria hears asoul call for the silence.

Halebit stumbles further into the forest getting away fromNihil and he falls down a slope and breaks open a bulb full ofsome syrupy liquid. It's the special element.]


Just another in a long line of injustices, first by his father,then by that Lord forsaken General, that stupid blonde societybitch, and now by the Counsule. 'They are gonna pay once I getout of here. All of them. I will punish them myself to rightmy injustices.'

His scar ached, reminding him of the one who inflicted it. That stupid blonde, why would she run him through like that? Even after working so hard for her. He traced the line ofknotted skin down his chest. Why would she be guillible enoughto listen to that old bastard in the first place? Kill herfamily. Bah. Then again, she did lose her entire family.

Like he did.

No, this wasn't about her, or him. Or was it about him? Oh,he didn't care. As long as someone paid for his pain at leastit would give him some satisfaction, some fulfillment.
