Mr. L.. X. ii i v ...-- TutiUav for St. LOCAL I TtzThs THE POTOSI JOURNAL. Vubhshed Every Wednesday. re t rut post office tr potosi. ma.;s secono class mrren. WOOL WANTED. Mineral Point, wh-r.- U t ovr .in in- - j corporated town, recently elected the following board of trustees: O. F. Baal, John Evens, !. F. Walton, Tbo. Marler and G. 1. Howell. On organiz-- ; in, the I eard electe I Mr. Deal chair- - j man, and Mr. Evens treasurer. j a j A joung woman, named Ellen Chen-- j I will pay the highest market price in cash for all wool brought to my store. T. F. BLOUNT. POTOSI, MO. W. T. HT7XTT2&R, real estate agent AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Lands Bought and Sold, Titles Examined, Abstracts bur- nished, Lands Surveyed and Value Ascertained, Taxes Paid, Conveyancer, Etc. Special attention given to preparing Bounty and Pension Papers. POTOSI, MO. Office in Heinrich Building. J. I. Robinson, Pres. J. Wishon, BANK OF IRONDALE, IRONDALE, MISSOURI. Capital Stock, $10,000. Does a general banking business. Interest paid on time depotlU. Solicits accounts, promising that all business intrusted to it will be treat- ed with courtesy, promptness, accuracy and liberality. Mr. Jolvt Towl or Farmirglsra" ani sfs-i- -- Mi n-!- i Kwm ; fif Ri n.ft Tptw. ar i 1.1. visiting at the bem of Mrs. E- - . R. Kea- - nan, tr.eir tra n7 o' pt. Vve rrpret to !e:irn of the death of Mrs, John Wai'en. uho was formerly Miss ttose AbliBiiser ff Calrdonij, which occurred Mendav at h-- r hue home in Indian Terri-'ot- Her brought to Cale-doi'- ii fnr Imrinl. the funeral to take place tb.re tcchiv. Mif. Walton was well-know- n n Potosi ard h d ma-i- y trends here who wil; rrgrnt to learn of her death. ATTENTION, G. A. R.! Corr.rides of IT. C. Beckett Post, G. A. R.. are requested to meet at Mineral Point cm Saturday, May 6" to arrange for he proper 0Lse1var.ce of Memorial Day. Turn out boys. By o der. . Wm. H. Evens, Post Commander, s Joxaihas VVisHON, Adjutant, t2 Court Docket. "mm Probate Cotm, settlement docket of cases in wiiich settlements are due from executois, administrators, guar- dians and curator-- , at the ensuing May tern; of the Probate Couit of Washington cmiiity, Missouri, com- mencing' on the 81 h day of May, W05. Fir.-- t Day Monday, May 8th, 1905. Approving the vacation orders aud letters issued in vacation. Second Daj Tuesday, May 9th. Hearing and determining motions, petitions and reports for sale of real estate. Third Day Wednesday, May 10th. M. M. Flynn, guardian of Louis A. h lyiui, a minor. Mary F. Bugg, executrix of John P. Bngg, deceased. Theodore T. House, executor of Thomas A. House, deceased. T. II. B. Paul, guardian of Fred a minor. Fourth Day Thursday May 11th. Wrn. B. Ramsey, guardian of Adolph and Edith Byrd, minors. Cynthi Hardie, executrix of Robert Hafdie deceased. Chas. A. Stocking, executor of Jen- nie A. Stocking, deceased. M. E. Rhodes, adruinistratorof Gar ner Parmely, deceased. Fifth Day Friday, May 12th. Daniel and Frank Boyer, adminis- trators of Jacob B. Boyer, deceased. M. M, Flynn and Johu Dougherty, executors of Pat licit Wood, deceased. John Viilmert guardian of Joseph Boyer, a minor. John O. Long, administrator of William White, deceased. Sixth Day Saturday, May 13th. Henry C. Lore, administrator of Cel- esta McCabe, deceased. Rudolph Jaeichke, guardian of Han- nah Iv. L. Kxston, et al., minors. Witness my hand and seal of said court. Done at office in Potosi, Mo., this 14th day of April. 1905. Seal James A. Henron, Judge of Probate and Ex-ortic- clerk. , . Charles Mailer, a railroad section hand from Bonne Terre, Mo., who "don't know how to count paper mon- ey," according to his cwn statement, was before Judge Rogers iu the United States district court in St. Louis last Thursday, under an indictnientcharg- - ing him with makiug a false affidavit in a pension claim. The prisoner de- clares that ht does not know how old lie is, does not remember when he was married, but knows he has five children. The indictment alleges that Marler put in a claim for a pension as the minor child of Joseph Mailer, a private in the 31st Missouri volunteer infantry, who died from a wound in St. Louis in 1803. Marler signed the afildavil with his mark, uotbeing able to read or write. This was on January 7, 19U3. Marler says a pension agent came to him and got him to sign the naner without him knowing what it was. It Pays to Raise the Best My Silver Laced Wyan-dott- s combine utility and beauty. They took three first and one second prize at the Southeast Missouri Poul- try Show. It is never too hot or too cold for them to lay I will sell setting of 15 Eggs for $1. They will cost you $3 if you send east. Here you see what vou are buvinff. I euar- - antee to satisfy you. R. H. LATHAM, Potosi, Mo. Capital, 510-000- - Surplus and Profits Over $t?,000 ESTABLISHED 1893. THE Washington (ountvanH OF POTOSI, MO., Extends thanks to its patrons for their liberal treatment during the eleven years of its business lifa. Each year has shown a marked increase in its business, and it ex- pects to grow for it expects to deserve growth. THE TWO BOOK ycu need most will be supplied by The Washington County Bank. Potosi. Wo You will lind it an ad- vantage to pay all your bills by checks instead of the cash. The checks will act as a receipt and will be evidence of the payment. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT of county appears on pages 2 and ? of this issue. Hunter & Rhodes' revised sec-tiom- ii maj) of Washington County, Mo., can be hnl at 50o each. . Ad- - T fT 1 1. I T uress. iitiflter cc iiuoues. loiosi. Mo. Our citizens wil! soon have an op- portunity of visjtingone of the good shows of the country. The Great Van A mburg Show will pitch its tents in Potosi on May 2d. The show promises to come tii is year larger and better than ever before. Tiie many te features presented by this show are novel and startling. The horse and trained ponies aie the best. Elephants, camels, lions and a large collection of trained auimals are to be seen in tiie grand free street parade In the forenooo on he day of exhibi- tion. It seems that there are some who still seem to think that the last, legis- lature passed a general stock law pro- hibiting free range privileges. As we have already shown n these columns, no such law was enacted. The meas- ure passed by t he legislature was a provisional stock law, discretionary with the peoole in any township or combined townships. There is 110 likelihood that an application of this law will, even remotely, be asked for in this county where so much of our land is untillable and suitable only for range. So there is no need of any- one get tingexercised over the enfoice-ment- of a "stock law." Cadets Named. As the result of a competitive ex- amination held here last week, Congressman M. E. Rhodes, of this district, has named F. G. Delano of Ironton for the cadetshipat the West Point military school, with J. F. Schmidt of De Koto and FT. C. Davis of Fredericktown as alternates; and Alexander Wilson of Farmington to the cadetship at the Annapolis Naval Academy, with II. Hamilton or Ste. Genevieve aod L. R. Crow of Freder- icktown, as alternates. Congressman Rhodes, in tnakiog these appoint- ments, was guided entirely by the merit displayed by the respective can- didates, and named t hem in the order of their grading in the examination. MARRIAGE LICENSES. W. J. Pelty Eivins. Mo. Etta Queen Belgrade, il George Bourasaw Racola, " Josephine Bequette Fertile, ' Walter Simmons Latty, " Elizabeth Declue " Take your wool to li. M. ltigg Merc. Co. Highest cash price paid. F. M. DEGGENDORF, EniTOJl AND PUBLISHER. ?OTOSl, MO., A PHIL 1905. Official Directory of Washington County. pircutt Judge, Jos. J. William, Ilills-bor- o. Mo. State Senator, F. H. Farris, Steelville,. Mo. Representative. E, M. Pc;i: lnr, Pi presiding Judt,'c County Court, L. A. Pane, Cudum. Judge Countv Court, 1st district, T. II. H. Haul. P.lackweli. Jndtre County Court, 2nd O. S. Martin. Sunlight. Clerk circuit court, Isaac A. Letcher. Clerk county court, John O. Long. Judge probate court, Jas. A. Henson. Potosi. Collector, Jas. U. Whitehead, Sheriff, J. W. Collins fAii-uurr- - T. V. 1 '. ii ri f Prosecuting Attorney, C. H KicIiumiii. Coroner, C. O. Sevfarth.., Clouuty Assessor, .1 . F. Williams, Cale- donia. .County ScIkkiI Commissioner, J. W. Houston, lrondaie. Surveyor, II. flawkins, Summit. Justice or ttie Peace, W. T. Hunter, Potosi. " O. F. Ileal, Mineral Point. TIME FOR IIOLOINO COURTS. Circuit court 1st Monday in March and 4th Monday in August. Ccunty court 1st Monday in Feb- ruary, May, August and November Probate court 2nd Mond;iv in Feb. ruary, May, August and Novemljer. ue notice of special terms will be given whenever ar;tiounee1- - St. L. I. h. & S. Time Card. Trains stop at Mineral Point,, as (follows: GOINO SOUTH". No. 23, Belmont Passenger. . 1 1. 10 a m " 1. Texas Express l.:!.i p m GOING NORTH. No. 10, Memphis Express... 5.."i am " 8, Local Express 10.:!.". a r: " 24, Pel moiit Passenger. . 4.:) t in " 20, El Paso Express. 7.17 pm Polos Branch. OOING SOUTH. STATIONS. 3." r,v i,v I.V LV ' a rn ;) m P m p m Mineral Poiot.. 5. nf) '11.20 4.45; 7.2" Pjwwi 0.(15: 7. i am pm pm p 111 AV All ai: At: OOlNO NORTH. STATION ft. :!2 :m 30 - lv !.V LV tv a m a m P til i) lit Potosi "4S 4.00 U .70 Mineral Point,. l! .')" 1.20 7.10 l (It a 111 (i m p in All A R Aft ai: Pofsi tiniiis (,t roo no Smelav. J. M. SLOAN, im. AT POTOSI trirtu the -t. to the 2'M of ":if, mo .li, AT BIS'lAHl'Jv from Hi,; 22l to the 2'ii o. Ail. . RHODES. Attorney at Law. POTOSI, MO. Will practice in all the omrtM of tu State. (Jollections "icited WILLIAM a. COOPER, Attorney At La w , I'OTOSl, MC). WH1 praotnee in all the courts of : he state. Collections solicited. (Office in Potosi Hink building ) F. W. iticFADDEN, S IS IE! SRi POTOSI, MO. Strictly Hrst-cla- ss service. Clean towels, etc. SHAVE HAlll-CU- r SHAMPOO liraipgiinsl 2325 Keeley St., 1 - CUICAOO, ILL., Oct, 2, 1902. IsulTcred witU falling and con- gestion of the womb, with severe pains through the groins. I sisf-fer- ed terribly at the time of men- struation, had blinding headaches and rushing of blood to the brain. What to try I knew not, for it seemed that I had tried all and failed, but 1 had never tried Wine of Cardui, that blessed remedy for sick women. I found it pleasant to take and soon knew that I had the riffht medicine. New blood soeniea to courso through my veins and after using eleven bottles I was a well woman. Mrs. Bush is new in perfect hearth because she toob Wine of Cardui for menstrual diffrders, hearing down pains arid blinding headaches when all other remedies failed to briDg her relief. Any sufferer rr.ay secure health By tak ing Wine of Cardui in her homo. The first bottla convinces the pa- - tiest she i3 cn the road to health. For advice in coses rcquirir rrwetiti diraeueTvau lznM, rrrrvj ryinptoEs, Advisory Deprj-tmcst,- " The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tetn. II. 1'. Irwin of De vH wa in Poto- - si n M nnday 1 t. U'f would like t- - hear it;ore regular- ly fern our corrc-pri'ident- s. 4 I'oif J ilin C m.pton f Lattv was on niir -- i n eis sa'urday last. ir-- . M. L. lon-- e d visile: re a- - 'ves in St. Louis last week. For job pi iriMntf that looks like city work come to the .lournal o:iice. Th" seven! ii ai loc ists are n' t due tin- - e ir, as Ii i i een reported. Mr. Eugene Connol'v has been quite ill the past week, but is no.v improv- ing. The new creamery and ice factory at Aicadia is about ready for bus- ing. C. C. R se, one of Sullivan's leading citizens, was in Potosi the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Woolford are spending several days in St. Louis this week. Mrs. .1. M. Wood of O' Fallon, Mo is the tuest of Mr. and Mrs. I. p, Headlee. Lar;e congregations attended the Easter services at the Potosi churches last Sunday. Miss Ruth West of Valley Park. Mo., is the guest of Miss Ilattie Simp- son of this place. Mr. and Mrs. E. F, Davidson of De Soto spent Easter Sunday with rela- tives at this place. Dr. G. P. Smiley of Silex, Mo , a former Potosian, is vi- and iting relatives old friends here. Percy Cole of St. Louis was in town last Saturday on his way to visit his parents at Belgrade. The County Hoard of Equalization met Monday aed Tuesday of this week as a board of appeals. -i- - A rock road is being made from tha north side of town, to be extended to the new county farm on Breton Ceeek. -- v- Tiie late, frosts have donesome dam-ag- but all fruit is not killed. The most damage has occurred in low-lyin- g places. The Commercial Hotel at Ironton was destroyed by tire on Monday morning of week. Loss between $4,(J:M and 5,0;)0. & For Bicycles and Bicycle parts, such as Tires. Spokes, Foot-Pum- and tveryihing to put a wheel in good .or- der, go to Woolford's. We now have a tirst-cla- ss tinner with us aufl tire now in position to do vM kinds of tin work, rooting, gutter-rog- , e,c. Potosi Hardware Store. Mr. John McCormick of Farming wo. acconiDaniec ov 11s niece, aiiss Itvue Nixon, visited relatives in Po-- toi-- t ihu latter part of last week. ,SI If you are in need of any roofing, guttering or tin work give us a call. Wei.ayea !iist-ei&- s I inner. Prices fur- nished 00 ;tppliu:'.tuu. Potosi Hard- ware Store. An Osage man triod to move a stove Sat urday and his swearing attracted a preacher, who advised him to de- - tit. Thereupon the man whipped the preacher. A cabin on Rev. II. W. Cook farm two miles east of town, occupied by a family named Skiles, was destroyed by fire last Wednesday night. Loss not very great. Mr. S. P. Xorthcutt, of near Hulsey was in town Monday and called at this olUee to leave a subscription dol- lar for bis neighbor, Jas. K. Tice, and one for himself. Dr. Duckworth of Fourche a Re- nault is at present located in Potosi as the assistant of Dr. J. P. Town-sen- d. Dr. and Mrs. Duckworth are making their home with Dr. Town-?enc- i. Bonne Torre is to have a 815,000 li- brary, the fund for which was be- queathed to it by the late J. Wyman Jones, pre-ide- nt of the St. Jo.seph Lead Co. Work on the building ha-- , been begun. City Marshal Dallen sold twenty head of hogs from the city pound last Monday. They brought only $21 and were bought by A. P.. Sparks. The amount received for the hogs was not enough to pay the fees and costs. One of the best investments the people of Potosi can make is in im- proving t he main roads leadi ng out of town. Hood roads will not only bring the oountry t rade to town, but will go far to induce summer visitors to come here. Mr. Jas. A. Shields, Jr., who lias been sojourning at Caruthersville for the past three or four months return- ed bom hist Wednesday. He was temporarily engaged by a Caruthers- ville title abstract firm in writing up abstract books. Mr. S. Eye of Shirley was a caller at this ofiiee Monday to settle with the printer. Hestated that Messrs. Hart - zell iS: Robinson would put up a saw- - mill on his land this week, where- - he has quite a large quantity of good pine timber to work up. Judge II C. Compton of Owl Creek was in Potosi the latter part of last week and lert us a couple of dollars on his subscription. The Judge says he feels more reconciled to living in St. Francois county since it has join- ed t he Republican column. oLiiiLii, living i ii waoison county, went intoaoo1 i atuie on her fathers: farm to see about a tockK"p,Kot lost and after wmi ie lint.' about all night and w .liking -- nine fifteen miles man- aged to rind her way back home. a, Two rleathsfrom spinal meningitis have been reported from Frederick-- ' town lately, one of which being the child of Willard Postlewait, who formerly lived in this locality. In all three cases of this disease have recently occurred at Fredericktown. s The consolidation or the Ilooneville and I ronton land districts, in Missouri with tue Springfield district has been recommended by the commissioner of the general land office to the secre- tary of t he interior, and the two last named offices will soon be abolished. Bill Dooley, who is to undergo his trial at Farmington during the May term of court for the murder of Bill Harris, is said to be insane. He is al leged to be afflicted with chronic mel ancholia, a form of brain disease which rarely yields to treatment, it is said. The Bismarck correspondent to the Farmington Times says: Giimor has it that the Sligo & Eastern railroad the latest terminus of which is Dil-lar- d, .'SO miles west of here, will be completed to this point as a part of one of the two great railway systems in this section. Messrs. A. J. and W. C. Norwine were in Washington county last week visiting their father, Mr. Conrad Nor- - wine at Fourche a Renault. They weru occompanied home by their father who will remain here some time. Mr. Norwine is eighty-fiv- e years old. Lead Belt News. We are in receipt of a communica- tion from a subscriber at Richwoods, relating to a certain school contro- versy, which seems to involve the question of veracity between Individ uals and would serve no public Inter- est by discussion in a newspaper. which is our reason for omitting it. The children of the Junior Epworth League enjoyed their annual egg hunt at Mr. W. S. Townsend's on Friday afternoon. On Saturday afternoon the pupils of the Presbyterian Sunday- -school had a similar affair at Rev. R. II. Latham's. The Piiscillas serv- ed cake and lemonade to the children. J9 Do not miss the Great Van Amburg Show, which wili arrive here in its own special trains and give two per- formances in Potosi on May 2d, one at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and one at S o'clock in the evening. Tiie doors of the big tents opening oue hour earlier. Grand free street parade in Hie forenoon on day of exhibit ion. . M iss Ilattie Lewis very pleasantly entertained the Priscilla Society last Thursday afterno jn, it being the date for their annual election. The fol lowing named ladies were elected: President, Mrs. E. T. Eversole; 1st Vice-Pres- ., Mrs. II. C. Bell; 2d Vice- - Pres., Mrs. Lizzie P.Richeson ;3d Vice Pres., Mrs. John Maclay; Treasurer, Miss Ilattie Lewis; Secretary, Mrs. F M. Deggendorf. An Easter dining was given last Sunday at the home of Wrn. J. Dent near He'grade, not only in celebration of the Easter season, but in honor of the birthdays of Mrs. Dent and Mr. Cyrus Dent, which fall on April 23d. Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Dent, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dent, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Fite of Bismarck; Mr. and Mrs. Willi9 Dent of San Francisco, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Maxwell of Belgrade: Rev. Mr. SafTold of Caledonia, and N A. Maxwell of Potosi. James. T. Talbot, an old and re spected citizen of this countv, living on Furnace Creek, some seven oreight miles south of Potosi, was fatally burned on Tuesday afternoon of last week while engaged in burning corn stalks in his field, anrldled t hat night. He was alone at the time and acci- dentally set tire to his clothing, and, being enfeebled with age. could not extinguish them alone. Some of his neighbors beaid his cries for aid, but arrived too late to save him. Mr. Talbot was one of the oldest resideuts of the south part of the county and his unfortunate end is much regret- ted by all who knew him. He leaves a widow and two children, a son and a daughter. Easter Sunday was appropriately celebrated at the various churches. At the Catholic church the choir ren dered some special Easter music and the church was beautifully decorated with plants and cut Bowers. Tiie Methodist choir and Sunday-scho- ol pupils gave a specially prepared pro-- j gram of pretty songs and responsive reading on Sundayevening. The deco-- ! rations of plants and flowers were very i pretty. At the Presbyterian church1 j the regular Sabbath morning service j was held, the pastor preaching a fine: i Easter sermon. The choir had no j specially prepared Easter program, j though, by, request, a Te Deum and two anthems were sung instead of the regular hymns. Especially pleading feat u res were a beautiful vocal solo, "The Temples of Eternity," by Mrs.! j j0,, j. Tatum, of St. Louis, and the offertory, "In Heavenly Love Abid-- i j j(isr with cornet, melonhone, flute. j piano 'and organ. No devorations wetv used except 11. e usitu vases n cut tlowet Tlce-Pre- s. J. T. Lee, CMhltr. Strong Points An efficient board of directert. A surplus of more than its capital. No furniture and fixtures in its assets. No overdrafts on its books. officers: JAMES LONG, President. EDMOND CASEY, Vice-Pres- 't. JOHN F. EVANS, Cashiar. F. J. FLYNN, Asa't Caah. aaaaaaaaBBaaBBBBBcaBaaxBaaaaaaaaBaaaalBBi FRIGHTFUL SUFFERING RE- LIEVED. Suffering frightfully from the Tlrav lent poisona of undigested food, O. O. Grayson, of Lula, Miss., took Or. King's New Life Pills, "with the ! suit," he writes, "that 1 was eared." All stomach and bowel disorder fire way to their tonic, laxative proper- ties. 25c at all druggists , guaranteed. 6E0. W. BEELER, BARBER. Shampooing a Specialty COMPLETE LINE OF CIGARS, TOBACCO AND PIPES. o-o- -o BRANCH OFFICE Uleem Dundry o Your patronage respectfully solicited. Satisfaction gasr anteed. Give us a call. Pbone 61. 7tAILy THAIMS? -- TO- St. Louis, For all points NORTH, EAST AND WEST, 3 Trains Daily 3 For all Points In ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA AND TEXAS. And the Great Southwest. The Most Direct Route - TO MEMPHIS And all points East & SouthWSi BEST LINE TO HOT SPP.1NGS, ARK. Elegant day coaches, reclining ehatf ears, seais iree, jtmman ounet sleeping cars On all Through Trains. n.C, TOW'S SEND S. P. T. AtrestJBt. Louts, Ms . F. KUSSA1AN, Ladies' and Gent's TAILOR. Washington County Bank Building, Second Floor. TOTOSI, - MO. Suits from $13 up, fit and finish guaranteed. An exchange tells of a negro exhort-e- r who shouted: "Come up en jine de army ob de Lohd." "lse done jlned," replied one of the congregation. "Whar'd yoh jine?" asked the ekhort-e- r. "In de Baptis' church." "Why chile," said the exhorter, "You ain't in de army: vob in de navy," EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration, with will annexed, upon the estate of Alexis Gloriod, de- ceased, have been granted to usby the Probate Court, bearing date the 5tb dayof April, 1905. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit tbm to us for allowance within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if said claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of said letters, they will be forever barred. Albert Gloriod, Arthtjb Gloriod, Executors of estate of Alexis Cloriod, deceased. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE uvmm Tram Marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anwce senrtlng sketch and description jbhj BitKly asrcrt.iin our opinion free wbther an iijvi!tl"m is probnliljr pawsitahleConinicnlcji-t'.n:sstr:cMrc,itiilentia- l. HANDBOOK on Pateuta ent f o. tM.iwt Bxencjr lor McurincpaMtiU. I'.itins tafcen tbruosb Mann A Co. recerre ferial wit hnut charge, in the Scientific American. A ImndBomelT Riwitrated weeWy. Ttvevt cir- culation of ahr wrtentlflo Journal. Term. S Twr ; four rconltis, tL Sold brail newsdealers. MUNN&Co.38'8-Ne- York Branch OfBot. GSk V 8t WaabUunoo. IX C Are You Looking groceries" dry-goo- ds footwear caps & gloves Best 6odds, Lowest Prices eoiM CO American Lead & Baryta Company. Jas. M. Richeson. Manager.

Terri-'ot- Cale-doi'- will pay the market in€¦ · J. I. Robinson, Pres. J. Wishon, BANK OF IRONDALE, IRONDALE, MISSOURI. Capital Stock, $10,000. Does a general banking business

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  • Mr. L.. X. ii i v ...-- TutiUav for St.LOCAL I TtzThsTHE POTOSI JOURNAL.Vubhshed Every Wednesday.

    re t rut post office tr potosi. ma.;s seconoclass mrren. WOOL WANTED.

    Mineral Point, wh-r.- U t ovr .in in- - jcorporated town, recently elected thefollowing board of trustees: O. F.Baal, John Evens, !. F. Walton, Tbo.Marler and G. 1. Howell. On organiz-- ;in, the I eard electe I Mr. Deal chair-- jman, and Mr. Evens treasurer. j

    a jA joung woman, named Ellen Chen-- j

    I will pay the highestmarket price in cashfor all wool broughtto my store.


    W. T. HT7XTT2&R,

    real estate agentAND NOTARY PUBLIC.

    Lands Bought and Sold, Titles Examined, Abstracts bur-nished, Lands Surveyed and Value Ascertained,

    Taxes Paid, Conveyancer, Etc.Special attention given to preparing Bounty and Pension Papers.

    POTOSI, MO.Office in Heinrich Building.

    J. I. Robinson, Pres. J. Wishon,


    Capital Stock, $10,000.Does a general banking business. Interest paid on time depotlU.

    Solicits accounts, promising that all business intrusted to it will be treat-ed with courtesy, promptness, accuracy and liberality.

    Mr. Jolvt Towl or Farmirglsra" ani sfs-i- --Mi n-!- i Kwm ; fif Ri n.ft Tptw. ar

    i1.1.visiting at the bem of Mrs. E- -

    .R. Kea- -

    nan, tr.eir tra n7 o' pt.Vve rrpret to !e:irn of the death of Mrs,

    John Wai'en. uho was formerly Miss ttoseAbliBiiser ff Calrdonij, which occurredMendav at h-- r hue home in Indian Terri-'ot-

    Her brought to Cale-doi'- iifnr Imrinl. the funeral to take place

    tb.re tcchiv. Mif. Walton was well-know- nn Potosi ard h d ma-i- y trends here who

    wil; rrgrnt to learn of her death.

    ATTENTION, G. A. R.!Corr.rides of IT. C. Beckett Post, G. A.

    R.. are requested to meet at MineralPoint cm Saturday, May 6" to arrange forhe proper 0Lse1var.ce of Memorial Day.

    Turn out boys.By o der. .

    Wm. H. Evens, Post Commander,s Joxaihas VVisHON, Adjutant,

    t2 Court Docket."mmProbate Cotm, settlement docket of

    cases in wiiich settlements are duefrom executois, administrators, guar-dians and curator-- , at the ensuingMay tern; of the Probate Couit ofWashington cmiiity, Missouri, com-mencing' on the 81 h day of May, W05.

    Fir.--t Day Monday, May 8th, 1905.Approving the vacation orders aud

    letters issued in vacation.Second Daj Tuesday, May 9th.

    Hearing and determining motions,petitions and reports for sale of realestate.

    Third Day Wednesday, May 10th.M. M. Flynn, guardian of Louis A.

    h lyiui, a minor.Mary F. Bugg, executrix of John P.

    Bngg, deceased.Theodore T. House, executor of

    Thomas A. House, deceased.T. II. B. Paul, guardian of Fred

    a minor.Fourth Day Thursday May 11th.Wrn. B. Ramsey, guardian of Adolph

    and Edith Byrd, minors.Cynthi Hardie, executrix of Robert

    Hafdie deceased.Chas. A. Stocking, executor of Jen-

    nie A. Stocking, deceased.M. E. Rhodes, adruinistratorof Gar

    ner Parmely, deceased.Fifth Day Friday, May 12th.

    Daniel and Frank Boyer, adminis-trators of Jacob B. Boyer, deceased.

    M. M, Flynn and Johu Dougherty,executors of Pat licit Wood, deceased.

    John Viilmert guardian of JosephBoyer, a minor.

    John O. Long, administrator ofWilliam White, deceased.

    Sixth Day Saturday, May 13th.Henry C. Lore, administrator of Cel-

    esta McCabe, deceased.Rudolph Jaeichke, guardian of Han-

    nah Iv. L. Kxston, et al., minors.Witness my hand and seal of said

    court. Done at office in Potosi, Mo.,this 14th day of April. 1905.

    Seal James A. Henron,Judge of Probate and Ex-ortic- clerk.

    , .

    Charles Mailer, a railroad sectionhand from Bonne Terre, Mo., who"don't know how to count paper mon-ey," according to his cwn statement,was before Judge Rogers iu the UnitedStates district court in St. Louis lastThursday, under an indictnientcharg- -ing him with makiug a false affidavitin a pension claim. The prisoner de-clares that ht does not know how oldlie is, does not remember when hewas married, but knows he has fivechildren. The indictment alleges thatMarler put in a claim for a pension asthe minor child of Joseph Mailer, aprivate in the 31st Missouri volunteerinfantry, who died from a wound inSt. Louis in 1803. Marler signed theafildavil with his mark, uotbeing ableto read or write. This was on January7, 19U3. Marler says a pension agentcame to him and got him to sign thenaner without him knowing what itwas.

    It Pays to Raise the BestMy Silver Laced Wyan-dott- s

    combine utility andbeauty. They took threefirst and one second prize atthe Southeast Missouri Poul-try Show. It is never too hotor too cold for them to lay

    I will sell setting of

    15 Eggs for $1.They will cost you $3 if yousend east. Here you seewhat vou are buvinff. I euar- -antee to satisfy you.

    R. H. LATHAM,Potosi, Mo.

    Capital, 510-000- - Surplus and Profits Over $t?,000ESTABLISHED 1893.


    Washington (ountvanHOF POTOSI, MO.,

    Extends thanks to its patrons for their liberal treatmentduring the eleven years of its business lifa. Each yearhas shown a marked increase in its business, and it ex-pects to grow for it expects to deserve growth.


    ycu need most will besupplied by

    The Washington

    County Bank.

    Potosi. Wo

    You will lind it an ad-

    vantage to pay all yourbills by checks instead ofthe cash. The checkswill act as a receipt andwill be evidence of thepayment.


    of county appears on pages2 and ? of this issue.

    Hunter & Rhodes' revised sec-tiom- iimaj) of Washington County,

    Mo., can be hnl at 50o each..Ad- -

    T fT 1 1. I Turess. iitiflter cc iiuoues. loiosi.Mo.

    Our citizens wil! soon have an op-portunity of visjtingone of the goodshows of the country. The Great VanA mburg Show will pitch its tents inPotosi on May 2d. The show promisesto come tii is year larger and betterthan ever before. Tiie many te

    features presented by this showare novel and startling. The horseand trained ponies aie the best.Elephants, camels, lions and a largecollection of trained auimals are to beseen in tiie grand free street paradeIn the forenooo on he day of exhibi-tion.

    It seems that there are some whostill seem to think that the last, legis-lature passed a general stock law pro-hibiting free range privileges. As wehave already shown n these columns,no such law was enacted. The meas-ure passed by t he legislature was aprovisional stock law, discretionarywith the peoole in any township orcombined townships. There is 110likelihood that an application of thislaw will, even remotely, be asked forin this county where so much of ourland is untillable and suitable onlyfor range. So there is no need of any-one get tingexercised over the enfoice-ment- of

    a "stock law."

    Cadets Named.

    As the result of a competitive ex-amination held here last week,Congressman M. E. Rhodes, of thisdistrict, has named F. G. Delano ofIronton for the cadetshipat the WestPoint military school, with J. F.Schmidt of De Koto and FT. C. Davisof Fredericktown as alternates; andAlexander Wilson of Farmington tothe cadetship at the Annapolis NavalAcademy, with II. Hamilton or Ste.Genevieve aod L. R. Crow of Freder-icktown, as alternates. CongressmanRhodes, in tnakiog these appoint-ments, was guided entirely by themerit displayed by the respective can-didates, and named t hem in the orderof their grading in the examination.


    W. J. Pelty Eivins. Mo.Etta Queen Belgrade, ilGeorge Bourasaw Racola, "Josephine Bequette Fertile, 'Walter Simmons Latty, "Elizabeth Declue "

    Take your wool to li. M. ltiggMerc. Co. Highest cash pricepaid.


    ?OTOSl, MO., A PHIL 1905.

    Official Directory of WashingtonCounty.

    pircutt Judge, Jos. J. William, Ilills-bor- o.Mo.

    State Senator, F. H. Farris, Steelville,.Mo.

    Representative. E, M. Pc;i: lnr, Pipresiding Judt,'c County Court, L. A.

    Pane, Cudum.Judge Countv Court, 1st district,

    T. II. H. Haul. P.lackweli.Jndtre County Court, 2nd

    O. S. Martin. Sunlight.Clerk circuit court, Isaac A.

    Letcher.Clerk county court, John O.

    Long.Judge probate court, Jas.

    A. Henson. Potosi.Collector, Jas. U. Whitehead,Sheriff, J. W. CollinsfAii-uurr- - T. V. 1 '. ii r i fProsecuting Attorney, C. H

    KicIiumiii.Coroner, C. O. Sevfarth..,Clouuty Assessor, .1 . F. Williams, Cale-

    donia..County ScIkkiI Commissioner, J. W.

    Houston, lrondaie.Surveyor, II. flawkins, Summit.Justice or ttie Peace, W. T. Hunter,

    Potosi." O. F. Ileal, Mineral Point.

    TIME FOR IIOLOINO COURTS.Circuit court 1st Monday in March

    and 4th Monday in August.Ccunty court 1st Monday in Feb-

    ruary, May, August and NovemberProbate court 2nd Mond;iv in Feb.

    ruary, May, August and Novemljer.ue notice of special terms will begiven whenever ar;tiounee1- -

    St. L. I. h. & S. Time Card.Trains stop at Mineral Point,, as

    (follows:GOINO SOUTH".

    No. 23, Belmont Passenger. . 1 1. 10 a m" 1. Texas Express l.:!.i p m

    GOING NORTH.No. 10, Memphis Express... 5.."i am" 8, Local Express 10.:!.". a r:" 24, Pel moiit Passenger. . 4.:) t in" 20, El Paso Express. 7.17 p m

    Polos Branch.OOING SOUTH.

    STATIONS. 3."

    r,v i,v I.V LV'a rn ;) m P m p m

    Mineral Poiot.. 5. nf) '11.20 4.45; 7.2"Pjwwi 0.(15: 7. i

    a m p m pm p 111AV All ai: At:


    STATION ft. :!2 :m 30-

    lv !.V LV tva m a m P til i) lit

    Potosi "4S 4.00 U .70Mineral Point,. l! .')" 1.20 7.10

    l (It a 111 (i m p inAll A R Aft ai:

    Pofsi tiniiis (,t roo no Smelav.

    J. M. SLOAN,im.

    AT POTOSI trirtu the -t. to the2'M of ":if, mo .li,

    AT BIS'lAHl'Jv from Hi,; 22lto the 2'ii o.

    Ail. . RHODES.

    Attorney at Law.POTOSI, MO.

    Will practice in all the omrtM of tuState. (Jollections "icited

    WILLIAM a. COOPER,Attorney At L a w ,

    I'OTOSl, MC).

    WH1 praotnee in all the courts of : he state.Collections solicited.

    (Office in Potosi Hink building )

    F. W. iticFADDEN,


    Strictly Hrst-cla- ss service.Clean towels, etc.


    liraipgiinsl2325 Keeley St., 1

    - CUICAOO, ILL., Oct, 2, 1902.IsulTcred witU falling and con-

    gestion of the womb, with severepains through the groins. I sisf-fer- ed

    terribly at the time of men-struation, had blinding headachesand rushing of blood to the brain.What to try I knew not, for itseemed that I had tried all andfailed, but 1 had never tried Wineof Cardui, that blessed remedy forsick women. I found it pleasantto take and soon knew that I hadthe riffht medicine. New bloodsoeniea to courso through my veinsand after using eleven bottles Iwas a well woman.

    Mrs. Bush is new in perfecthearth because she toob Wine ofCardui for menstrual diffrders,hearing down pains arid blindingheadaches when all other remediesfailed to briDg her relief. Anysufferer rr.ay secure health By taking Wine of Cardui in her homo.The first bottla convinces the pa--

    tiest she i3 cn the road to health.For advice in coses rcquirir

    rrwetiti diraeueTvau lznM, rrrrvjryinptoEs, AdvisoryDeprj-tmcst,-" The ChattanoogaMedicine Co., Chattanooga, Tetn.

    II. 1'. Irwin of De vH wa in Poto- -si n M nnday 1 t.

    U'f would like t- - hear it;ore regular-ly fern our corrc-pri'ident- s.

    4I'oif J ilin C m.pton f Lattv was

    on niir -- i n eis sa'urday last.

    ir-- . M. L. lon-- e d visile: re a- -'ves in St. Louis last week.

    For job pi iriMntf that looks like citywork come to the .lournal o:iice.

    Th" seven! ii ai loc ists are n' tdue tin- - e ir, as Ii i i een reported.

    Mr. Eugene Connol'v has been quiteill the past week, but is no.v improv-ing.

    The new creamery and ice factoryat Aicadia is about ready for bus-ing.

    C. C. R se, one of Sullivan's leadingcitizens, was in Potosi the first of theweek.

    Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Woolford arespending several days in St. Louis thisweek.

    Mrs. .1. M. Wood of O' Fallon, Mois the tuest of Mr. and Mrs. I. p,Headlee.

    Lar;e congregations attended theEaster services at the Potosi churcheslast Sunday.

    Miss Ruth West of Valley Park.Mo., is the guest of Miss Ilattie Simp-son of this place.

    Mr. and Mrs. E. F, Davidson of DeSoto spent Easter Sunday with rela-tives at this place.

    Dr. G. P. Smiley of Silex, Mo , aformer Potosian, is vi-and

    iting relativesold friends here.

    Percy Cole of St. Louis was in townlast Saturday on his way to visit hisparents at Belgrade.

    The County Hoard of Equalizationmet Monday aed Tuesday of this weekas a board of appeals.

    -i- -A rock road is being made from tha

    north side of town, to be extended tothe new county farm on Breton Ceeek.

    -- v-

    Tiie late, frosts have donesome dam-ag-but all fruit is not killed. The

    most damage has occurred in low-lyin- gplaces.

    The Commercial Hotel at Irontonwas destroyed by tire on Mondaymorning of week. Loss between$4,(J:M and 5,0;)0.


    For Bicycles and Bicycle parts, suchas Tires. Spokes, Foot-Pum- andtveryihing to put a wheel in good .or-der, go to Woolford's.

    We now have a tirst-cla- ss tinnerwith us aufl tire now in position to dovM kinds of tin work, rooting, gutter-rog- ,

    e,c. Potosi Hardware Store.

    Mr. John McCormick of Farmingwo. acconiDaniec ov 11s niece, aiissItvue Nixon, visited relatives in Po--toi-- t ihu latter part of last week.


    If you are in need of any roofing,guttering or tin work give us a call.Wei.ayea !iist-ei&- s I inner. Prices fur-nished 00 ;tppliu:'.tuu. Potosi Hard-ware Store.

    An Osage man triod to move a stoveSat urday and his swearing attracteda preacher, who advised him to de- -

    tit. Thereupon the man whippedthe preacher.

    A cabin on Rev. II. W. Cook farmtwo miles east of town, occupied by afamily named Skiles, was destroyedby fire last Wednesday night. Lossnot very great.

    Mr. S. P. Xorthcutt, of near Hulseywas in town Monday and called atthis olUee to leave a subscription dol-lar for bis neighbor, Jas. K. Tice, andone for himself.

    Dr. Duckworth of Fourche a Re-nault is at present located in Potosias the assistant of Dr. J. P. Town-sen- d.

    Dr. and Mrs. Duckworth aremaking their home with Dr. Town-?enc- i.

    Bonne Torre is to have a 815,000 li-brary, the fund for which was be-queathed to it by the late J. WymanJones, pre-ide- nt of the St. Jo.sephLead Co. Work on the building ha-- ,been begun.

    City Marshal Dallen sold twentyhead of hogs from the city pound lastMonday. They brought only $21 andwere bought by A. P.. Sparks. Theamount received for the hogs was notenough to pay the fees and costs.

    One of the best investments thepeople of Potosi can make is in im-proving t he main roads leadi ng out oftown. Hood roads will not only bringthe oountry t rade to town, but will gofar to induce summer visitors to comehere.

    Mr. Jas. A. Shields, Jr., who liasbeen sojourning at Caruthersville forthe past three or four months return-ed bom hist Wednesday. He wastemporarily engaged by a Caruthers-ville title abstract firm in writing upabstract books.

    Mr. S. Eye of Shirley was a caller atthis ofiiee Monday to settle with theprinter. Hestated that Messrs. Hart -zell iS: Robinson would put up a saw- -mill on his land this week, where- - hehas quite a large quantity of good pinetimber to work up.

    Judge II C. Compton of Owl Creekwas in Potosi the latter part of lastweek and lert us a couple of dollarson his subscription. The Judge sayshe feels more reconciled to living inSt. Francois county since it has join-ed t he Republican column.

    oLiiiLii, living i ii waoison county, wentintoaoo1 i atuie on her fathers:farm to see about a tockK"p,Kot lostand after wmi ie lint.' about all nightand w .liking -- nine fifteen miles man-aged to rind her way back home.

    a,Two rleathsfrom spinal meningitis

    have been reported from Frederick-- 'town lately, one of which being the

    child of Willard Postlewait,who formerly lived in this locality.In all three cases of this disease haverecently occurred at Fredericktown.

    sThe consolidation or the Ilooneville

    and I ronton land districts, in Missouriwith tue Springfield district has beenrecommended by the commissioner ofthe general land office to the secre-tary of t he interior, and the two lastnamed offices will soon be abolished.

    Bill Dooley, who is to undergo histrial at Farmington during the Mayterm of court for the murder of BillHarris, is said to be insane. He is alleged to be afflicted with chronic melancholia, a form of brain diseasewhich rarely yields to treatment, it issaid.

    The Bismarck correspondent to theFarmington Times says: Giimor hasit that the Sligo & Eastern railroadthe latest terminus of which is Dil-lar- d,

    .'SO miles west of here, will becompleted to this point as a part ofone of the two great railway systemsin this section.

    Messrs. A. J. and W. C. Norwinewere in Washington county last weekvisiting their father, Mr. Conrad Nor- -wine at Fourche a Renault. They weruoccompanied home by their fatherwho will remain here some time. Mr.Norwine is eighty-fiv- e years old.Lead Belt News.

    We are in receipt of a communica-tion from a subscriber at Richwoods,relating to a certain school contro-versy, which seems to involve thequestion of veracity between Individuals and would serve no public Inter-est by discussion in a newspaper.which is our reason for omitting it.

    The children of the Junior EpworthLeague enjoyed their annual egg huntat Mr. W. S. Townsend's on Fridayafternoon. On Saturday afternoonthe pupils of the Presbyterian Sunday--school had a similar affair at Rev.R. II. Latham's. The Piiscillas serv-ed cake and lemonade to the children.


    Do not miss the Great Van AmburgShow, which wili arrive here in itsown special trains and give two per-formances in Potosi on May 2d, one at2 o'clock in the afternoon and one atS o'clock in the evening. Tiie doorsof the big tents opening oue hourearlier. Grand free street parade inHie forenoon on day of exhibit ion.


    M iss Ilattie Lewis very pleasantlyentertained the Priscilla Society lastThursday afterno jn, it being the datefor their annual election. The following named ladies were elected:President, Mrs. E. T. Eversole; 1stVice-Pres- ., Mrs. II. C. Bell; 2d Vice- -Pres., Mrs. Lizzie P.Richeson ;3d VicePres., Mrs. John Maclay; Treasurer,Miss Ilattie Lewis; Secretary, Mrs. FM. Deggendorf.

    An Easter dining was given lastSunday at the home of Wrn. J. Dentnear He'grade, not only in celebrationof the Easter season, but in honor ofthe birthdays of Mrs. Dent and Mr.Cyrus Dent, which fall on April 23d.Among the guests present were Mr.and Mrs. Cyrus Dent, Mr. and Mrs.Chas. Dent, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Fiteof Bismarck; Mr. and Mrs. Willi9Dent of San Francisco, Cal., Mr. andMrs. Arthur Maxwell of Belgrade:Rev. Mr. SafTold of Caledonia, and NA. Maxwell of Potosi.

    James. T. Talbot, an old and respected citizen of this countv, livingon Furnace Creek, some seven oreightmiles south of Potosi, was fatallyburned on Tuesday afternoon of lastweek while engaged in burning cornstalks in his field, anrldled t hat night.He was alone at the time and acci-dentally set tire to his clothing, and,being enfeebled with age. could notextinguish them alone. Some of hisneighbors beaid his cries for aid, butarrived too late to save him. Mr.Talbot was one of the oldest resideutsof the south part of the county andhis unfortunate end is much regret-ted by all who knew him. He leavesa widow and two children, a son and adaughter.

    Easter Sunday was appropriatelycelebrated at the various churches.At the Catholic church the choir rendered some special Easter music andthe church was beautifully decoratedwith plants and cut Bowers. TiieMethodist choir and Sunday-scho- olpupils gave a specially prepared pro-- jgram of pretty songs and responsivereading on Sundayevening. The deco-- !rations of plants and flowers were very

    i pretty. At the Presbyterian church1j the regular Sabbath morning servicej was held, the pastor preaching a fine:i Easter sermon. The choir had noj specially prepared Easter program,j though, by, request, a Te Deum andtwo anthems were sung instead of theregular hymns. Especially pleadingfeat u res were a beautiful vocal solo,"The Temples of Eternity," by Mrs.!

    j j0,, j. Tatum, of St. Louis, and theoffertory, "In Heavenly Love Abid-- i

    j j(isr with cornet, melonhone, flute.j piano 'and organ. No devorationswetv used except 11. e usitu vases ncut tlowet

    Tlce-Pre- s. J. T. Lee, CMhltr.

    Strong PointsAn efficient board of directert.A surplus of more than its capital.No furniture and fixtures in its assets.No overdrafts on its books.

    officers:JAMES LONG, President.

    EDMOND CASEY, Vice-Pres- 't.JOHN F. EVANS, Cashiar.

    F. J. FLYNN, Asa't Caah.aaaaaaaaBBaaBBBBBcaBaaxBaaaaaaaaBaaaalBBi


    Suffering frightfully from the Tlravlent poisona of undigested food, O. O.Grayson, of Lula, Miss., took Or.King's New Life Pills, "with the !suit," he writes, "that 1 was eared."All stomach and bowel disorder fireway to their tonic, laxative proper-ties. 25c at all druggists , guaranteed.



    AND PIPES.o-o- -o


    Uleem Dundry oYour patronage respectfullysolicited. Satisfaction gasranteed. Give us a call.

    Pbone 61.

    7tAILy THAIMS?-- TO-

    St. Louis,For all points

    NORTH, EAST AND WEST,3 Trains Daily 3

    For all Points InARKANSAS,


    And the Great Southwest.The Most Direct Route


    And all points East & SouthWSiBEST LINE TO

    HOT SPP.1NGS, ARK.Elegant day coaches, reclining ehatf

    ears, seais iree, jtmman ounetsleeping cars

    On all Through Trains.n.C, TOW'S SEND

    S. P. T. AtrestJBt. Louts, Ms

    . F. KUSSA1AN,Ladies' and Gent's

    TAILOR.Washington County Bank Building,

    Second Floor.

    TOTOSI, - MO.

    Suits from $13 up, fit andfinish guaranteed.

    An exchange tells of a negro exhort-e- rwho shouted: "Come up en jine de

    army ob de Lohd." "lse done jlned,"replied one of the congregation."Whar'd yoh jine?" asked the ekhort-e- r.

    "In de Baptis' church." "Whychile," said the exhorter, "You ain'tin de army: vob in de navy,"

    EXECUTORS' NOTICE.Notice is hereby given that letters

    of administration, with will annexed,upon the estate of Alexis Gloriod, de-ceased, have been granted to usby theProbate Court, bearing date the 5tbdayof April, 1905. All persons havingclaims against said estate are requiredto exhibit tbm to us for allowancewithin one year from the date of saidletters, or they may be precluded fromany benefit of such estate; and if saidclaims be not exhibited within twoyears from the date of said letters,they will be forever barred.

    Albert Gloriod,Arthtjb Gloriod,

    Executors of estate of AlexisCloriod, deceased.


    uvmmTram Marks

    DesignsCopyrights Ac

    Anwce senrtlng sketch and description jbhjBitKly asrcrt.iin our opinion free wbther an

    iijvi!tl"m is probnliljr pawsitahleConinicnlcji-t'.n:sstr:cMrc,itiilentia- l.HANDBOOK on Pateuta

    ent fo. tM.iwt Bxencjr lor McurincpaMtiU.I'.itins tafcen tbruosb Mann A Co. recerreferial wit hnut charge, in the

    Scientific American.A ImndBomelT Riwitrated weeWy. Ttvevt cir-culation of ahr wrtentlflo Journal. Term. STwr ; four rconltis, tL Sold brail newsdealers.MUNN&Co.38'8-Ne- York

    Branch OfBot. GSk V 8t WaabUunoo. IX C

    Are You Looking

    groceries"dry-goo- ds

    footwearcaps & gloves

    Best 6odds, Lowest PriceseoiM CO

    American Lead & Baryta Company.Jas. M. Richeson. Manager.