Terra Nova Gryphons proudly present Army Lists

Terra Nova Gryphons - baddice.co.ukbaddice.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/meltdown2013.pdf · Da Little Waaagh, Ruby Ring of Ruin, 200pts Goblin Big Boss, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield,

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  • Terra Nova Gryphons

    proudly present

    Army Lists

  • Adam Daly

    Alex Read

    Andrew Jones

    Andy Catlow

    Andy Potter

    Andy Robinson

    Andy Russell

    Annie Norman

    Ben Curry

    Ben Johnson

    Carl Bagnall

    Chris Legg

    Craig Chesters

    ‘Fat’Craig Johnson

    Dan Comeau

    Dan Thomas

    Daniel Bailey

    Dave Pyle

    David Barker

    David Parker

    Ed Herzig

    Glenn Wilkinson-


    Graham Bursnell

    Greg Dann

    Hristo Nikolov

    Hugh Allen

    Jak Spedding

    James Bolsover

    James Darcy

    James Gradwell

    Jay Hopkinson

    Jodi Chapman

    Joe McGough

    John Harrison

    Kev Gillett

    Kevin Weaver

    Luke McHugh

    Marcus Lake

    Mark Borland

    Mark Morrow

    Mark Wildman

    Matt Ansell

    Matt Sewell

    Matt Tinsley

    Matt Watkinson

    Matthew Dodgon

    Mike Newman

    Mo Ashraf

    Pash Korniyenko

    Ralph van Calck

    Reuben Smith

    Rich Commons

    Rob Hallam

    Rob Sedgeman

    Rupert Read

    Sai Harris

    Sander Hodes

    Sandy Wilson

    Scott Laird

    Shahrul Az

    Shane Baxter

    Simon Adams

    Steve Davie

    Steve Wren

    Stuart Hawkins

    Terry Pike

    Tim Ross

    Tom Mawdsley

    Walt Simpson

    Will Stacey

    Yavor Bidzhof

  • Adam Daly – Chaos Dwarfs


    Level 4; Lore of Death, Charmed Shield,

    Talisman of Preservation, Flying Carpet, 400

    Infernal Castellan

    Battle Standard Bearer, Enchanted Shield,

    Opal Amulet, 150

    27 Infernal Guard

    Great Weapons, Musician, Standard, 425

    35 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard

    Standard, Musician, 440

    1 Magma Cannons, 145

    1 IronDaemon

    Hellbound, 310

    1 Hellcannon, 205

    1 K’Daii Destroyer, 325

    Alex Read – Chaos Dwarfs Sorcerer-Prophet (General); Level 4, Charmed Shield, Earthing Rod, The Lore of Hashut, 330 Daemonsmith Sorcerer; Dispel Scroll, The Lore of Fire, 120 Bull Centaur Taur’uk; Great Weapon, Blackshard Armour, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, The Other Trickster’s Shard, 235 Bull Centaur Taur’uk; Shield, Sword of Striking, Potion of Strength, 195 30 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard; Full Command, 392 20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats; Bows, Musician, 104 20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats; Bows, Musician, 104 4 Bull Centaur Renders; Great Weapons, Full Command, Gleaming Pennant, 230 Magma Cannon, 145 Deathshrieker Death Rocket, 100 K’daai Destroyer, 325 5 Hobgoblin Wolf Riders, 60 5 Hobgoblin Wolf Riders, 60

    Andrew Jones – Empire

    Arch Lector (General), Warhorse (barding),

    Warrior bane, enchanted shield, the white

    cloak of ulric, crown of command, heavy

    armour 223

    Wizard lord; level 4, dispel scroll, lore of

    light, 225

    Captain of the empire, Warhorse (barding),

    sword of might, dawnstone, full plate

    armour, shield, Battle standard, 154

    5 Empire knights, 110

    20 state troops (halberdiers), 120

    12 Inner circle knights, full command, banner

    of discipline, 345

    10 archers, 70

    5 demigriff knights, musician, 300

    5 demigriff knights, musician, 300

    Great cannon, 120

    Great cannon, 120

    10 Reiksguard knights, full command, banner

    of eternal flame, 310

    Andy Catlow - Skaven

    Grey Seer (General), L4 Wizard Lore of Ruin

    and Plague, Screaming Bell, Skalm, Fencer's

    Blades, Dragon Bane Gem, Dispel Scroll, 535

    Chieftain, Battle Standard, Standard of

    Discipline, 85

    Warlock Engineer, Level 1 Wizard Lore of

    Ruin, Doom Rocket, 95

    Warlock Engineer, Brass Orb, 65

    Assassin, Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength,


    Assassin, Sword of Anti Heroes, The Other

    Trickster's Shard, 165

    35 Storm Vermin, Full Command, Storm

    Banner, 320

    38 Skaven Slaves, Champ, Musician, 82

    38 Skaven Slaves, Champ, Musician, 82

    39 Skaven Slaves, Champ, Musician, 84

    10 Night Runners, 70,

    5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster, 23

    5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster, 23

    5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster, 23

    2 Rat Ogres, 1 Packmaster, 88

    Hell Pit Abomination, Warpstone Spikes, 250

    Warp Lightning Cannon, 90

    Doom Wheel, 150

  • Andy Potter – Dark Elves

    Dreadlord (General); Dragon, Seadragon

    Cloak, Heavy Armour, Shield, Whip of Agony,

    Dragonhelm, Talisman of Preservation, the

    Other Trickster's Shard, 570

    Master; Battle Standard, Manticore,

    Seadragon Cloak, Heavy Armour, Shield,

    Soulrender, Pendant of Kaeleth, 365

    Sorcerer; Level 2, Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring of

    Ruin, Dark Magic, 185

    5 Dark Riders; Repeater Crossbows,

    Musician, 117

    5 Dark Riders; Repeater Crossbows,

    Musician, 117

    10 Repeater Crossbow Warriors: Shields,

    Musician, Champion, 120

    10 Repeater Crossbow Warriors: Shields,

    Musician, Champion, 120

    12 Corsairs; Repeater Handbows, Standard,

    Musician, Gleaming Pendant, 140

    5 Harpies, 55

    5 Executioners; Musician, 66

    5 Shades; Additional Hand Weapons, 85

    5 Shades; Additional Hand Weapons, 85

    War Hydra; 175

    Reaper Bolt Thrower; 100

    Reaper Bolt Thrower; 100

    Andy Robinson – Orcs & Goblins

    Goblin Warboss (General), Light Armour,

    Enchanted Shield, 73pts

    Night Goblin Great Shaman, Level 4, Lore of

    Da Little Waaagh, Ruby Ring of Ruin, 200pts

    Goblin Big Boss, Battle Standard Bearer,

    Shield, Light Armour, Spider Banner, 149pts

    Goblin Big Boss, Giant Wolf, Shield, Light

    Armour, Warrior Bane, 56pts

    Goblin Big Boss, Giant Wolf, Shield, Light

    Armour, Relic Sword, 61pts

    Night Goblin Shaman, Lore of Da Little

    Waaagh, Dispel Scroll, 75pts

    40 Night Goblins, Standard, Musician, 3

    Fanatics, Nets, Spears, 260pts

    52 Night Goblins, Musician, 3 Fanatics, Bows,


    Goblins, Shields, Spears, 2 Nasty Skullkers,


    Squig herd, 11 Goblins, 17 Squigs, 169pts

    Boar Boys, Spears, Shields, 100pts

    2 Wolf Chariots, 100pts

    2 Wolf Chariots, 100pts

    2 Wolf Chariots, 100pts

    Troll, 35pts

    Troll, 35pts

    Doom Diver Catapult, 80pts

    Doom Diver Catapult, 80pts

    Goblin Rock Lobber, 85pts

    Goblin Rock Lobber, 85pts

    Mangler Squig, 65pts

    Mangler Squig, 65pts

    Snotling Pump Wagon, Spiky Roller, Out-

    rigga, Giant Explodin’ Spores, 85pts

    Andy Russell – Dwarfs

    Dwarf Lord (General; Shield; Shieldbearers;

    Rune of Might; Master Rune of Steel; Rune

    of Preservation; Rune of Resistance; Rune of

    the Furnace) 293 pts

    Daemon Slayer (Rune of Fire) 115 pts

    Runesmith (Shield; Master Rune of Balance;

    Rune of Spellbreaking) 147 pts

    Thane (Shield; Battle Standard Bearer; Rune

    of Preservation; Rune of Resistance; Rune of

    Stone; Master Rune of Challenge; Rune of

    the Furnace) 167 pts

    12 Quarrellers (Musician; Great Weapons)

    161 pts

    28 Warriors (Longbeards, Great weapons;

    full command; master rune of grungni) 439


    Cannon (Rune of Burning; Rune of

    Forging) 130 pts

    Cannon (Rune of Forging) 125 pts

    Grudge Thrower (Rune of Accuracy; Rune of

    Penetrating x2; engineer) 170 pts

    25 Hammerers (full command) 330 pts

    5 Troll Slayers (Musician) 61 pts

    Gyrocopter 140 pts

    Organ Gun 120 pts

    Annie Norman – Chaos Dwarfs

    Sorcerer Prophet (General) ; Lore of Hashut,

    Blood of Hashut, Earthing Rod, Charmed

    Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Wizard

    Level 4, 395

    Daemonsmith Sorcerer; Lore of

    Fire Enchanted Shield, Dispel Scroll, 125

    Dark Castellan; BSB, Ironcurse Icon, Shield,

    The Mask of the Furnace, 202

    Hobgoblin Khan; Dragonbane Gem, Giant

    Wolf, Light Armour, Shield, Warrior Bane,

    Potion of foolhardiness, 71

    Hobgoblin Khan; Giant Wolf, Light Armour,

    Shield, Dragonhelm, Tormentor Sword , 71

    30 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard; Full

    Command, Lichebone Pennant, 407

    20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats; Musician, Bows,


    20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats; Musician, Bows,


    Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher , 100

    Magma Cannon, 145

    Magma Cannon, 145

    Hellcannon, 205

    K'daai Destroyer, 325

  • Ben Curry - Dark Elves

    Dreadlord, General, Heavy Armour, Sea

    Dragon Cloak, Shield, Dark Pegasus, Giant

    Blade, Pendant of Khaeleth, Potion of

    Foolhardiness, 305

    Supreme Sorceress, Level 4, Dispel Scroll,

    The Lore of Death, 285

    Death Hag, Battle Standard, Cauldron of

    Blood, 225

    Master, Lance, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon

    Cloak, Dark Pegasus, Charmed Shield,

    Dragonbane Gem, Black Dragon Egg, 182

    Master, Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Dark

    Pegasus, Cloak of Hag Graef, Dawnstone,


    5 Dark Riders, 85 pts

    5 Dark Riders, 85 pts

    10 Repeater Crossbowmen, Musician, 105

    10 Repeater Crossbowmen, Musician, 105

    24 Corsairs, Musician, Standard, Reaver,

    Repeater Handbow, Sea Serpent Standard,


    5 Executioners, 60

    5 Witch Elves of Khaine, Hag, Musician, 65

    5 Witch Elves of Khaine, Hag, Musician, 65

    War Hydra, 175

    War Hydra, 175

    Ben Johnson - Skaven

    Grey Seer, Screaming Bell, General, Earthing

    Rod, Warpstone x 1, Skalm, 510

    Warlock Engineer, Level 2 Wizard, Dispel

    Scroll, 125

    Warlock Engineer, Level 2 Wizard, Doom

    Rocket; Warp Energy Condenser, 150

    Chieftain, Battle Standard; Standard of

    Discipline, 85

    37 Stormvermin, Fangleader; Musician;

    Standard Bearer; Storm Banner, Weapon

    Team: Doom Flayer, 389

    40 Skavenslaves, Pawleader; Musician, 86

    40 Skavenslaves, Pawleader; Musician, 86

    39 Skavenslaves, Pawleader; Musician, 84

    2 Rat Swarms, 50

    2 Rat Swarms, 50

    2 Rat Swarms, 50

    8 Gutter Runners, Slings; Poisoned Attacks,


    Hell Pit Abomination, warpstone spikes, 250

    Warp Lightning Cannon, 90

    Plagueclaw Catapult, 100

    Doom Wheel, 150

    Carl Bagnall – Skaven Vermin lord, 500 Warlord, General, enchanted shield 100 Plague priest level 2 pox rat Flail dispel scroll ruby ring ruin 219 Chieftain battle standard shield Standard of discipline 87 Warp lock engineer doom rocket 45 35 Clanrats, Full Command, shield 177.5 35 Clanrats, Full Command, shield 177.5 35 Clanrats, Full Command, shield 177.5 10 Night runners, slings, 80 5 Gutter runners, slings, poisoned, 90 5 Gutter runners, slings, poisoned, 90 6 Plague censer bearers, 96 5 Rat Ogres, 2 pack masters, master bred, 231 Hellpit abomination, 235 Warplightning cannon, 90

    Chris Legg – Warriors of Chaos

    Sorceror Lord, Mark of Tzeentch, Level 4

    (Metal), Disk, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of

    Preservation, Crown of Command, Warrior

    Bane, Familliar, Third Eye, 440

    Sorceror, Mark of Tzeentch, Level 2

    (Tzeentch), Disk, Charmed Shield, Opal

    Amulet, Tormentor Blade, Dispel scroll, 240

    Exalted Hero, Mark of Tzeentch, Barded

    Daemonic Steed, Battle Standard, Armour of

    Destiny, Scaled Skin, Halberd, 271

    Chariot, Mark of Khorne, 120

    Chariot, Mark of Khorne, 120

    Chariot, Mark of Khorne, 120

    Chariot, Mark of Khorne, 120

    5 Warhounds, 30

    5 Warhounds, 30

    5 Warhounds, 30

    5 Warhounds, 30

    Chimera, Regenerating Flesh, Flaming

    Breath, 275

    Chimera, Regenerating Flesh, 245

    4 Skull Crushers, Musician, Enscorcelled

    Blades, 322

  • Craig Chesters - Vampire Counts

    Vampire Lord (General); Level 1-Lore of

    Vampires, Heavy armour, Shield, Talisman of

    Preservation, Book of Arkhan, Dragonhelm,

    Ironcurse icon, Warrior Bane, 319

    Master Necromancer; Level 4-Lore of

    Vampires, Master of the Dead, Dispel Scroll,


    Vampire; Level 1- Lore of Vampires, Heavy

    armour, Shield, Barded nightmare, Sword of

    Might, Talisman of Protection, 162

    Wight King; Battle standard bearer, Talisman

    of Endurance, Gold Sigil Sword, Enchanted

    shield, 160

    Tomb Banshee, 95

    40 Skeletons; Full Command, Banner of

    eternal flame, Hand weapon shield, 240

    25 Skeletons; Standard, Musician, Hand

    weapon shield, 145

    30 Zombies; Musician, Standard, 100

    5 Dire wolves, 40

    5 Dire wolves, 40

    5 Dire wolves, 40

    28 Grave Guard; Full command, Banner of

    the barrows, 388

    1 Spirit host, 45

    1 Spirit host, 45

    5 Blood Knights; Standard, Flag of Blood

    Keep, 335

    ‘Fat’ Craig Johnson – Daemons of Chaos

    Herald of Khorne (General); Firestorm Blade,

    Armour of Khorne, 140

    Herald of Slaanesh; Siren Song, Torment


    Hearld of Tzeentch; Battle Standard, Great

    Banner of Sundering, Master of Sorcery,

    (Lore of Shadow), Spell Breaker, 240

    10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, 120

    10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, 120

    28 Bloodletters of Khorne; Full Command,

    Icon of Endless War, 391

    28 Daemonettes of Slaaensh; Full Command,

    Banner of Ecstasy, 391

    5 Furies, 60

    5 Furies, 60

    5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne,175

    3 Nugrlings,105

    5 Seekers of Slaanesh; Standard Bearer,

    Siren Standard, 157

    3 Bloodcrushers of Khorne, 210

    Fiend of Slaanesh, 55

    Fiend of Slaanesh, 55

    Dan Comeau - Vampire Counts

    Vampire Lord (General); shield, heavy

    armour, Ogre Blade, Talisman of

    Preservation, The Other Trickster’s Shard,

    Red Fury, Quickblood, Beguile, Level 4

    Wizard, Lore of Vampires, 529

    Necromancer; Level 1 Wizard, Lore of

    Vampires, Dispel Scroll, Obsidian Trinket,


    Cairn Wraith, 60

    Cairn Wraith, 60

    Cairn Wraith, 60

    5 Dire Wolves; Doom Wolf, 50

    5 Dire Wolves; Doom Wolf, 50

    5 Dire Wolves; Doom Wolf, 50

    5 Dire Wolves; Doom Wolf, 50

    5 Dire Wolves; Doom Wolf, 50

    32 Zombies; Musician, Standard Bearer, 106

    40 Skeleton Warriors; Full Command,

    Standard of Discipline, 245

    7 Crypt Horrors, 266

    7 Crypt Horrors, 266

    Terrorgheist, 225

    Terrorgheist, 225

    Dan Thomas - Empire

    Arch Lector (General); War Altar; Heavy

    Armour, Charmed Shield, White Cloak of

    Ulric, 309

    Battle Wizard Lord; Level 4, Lore of Light,

    Powerstone, 220

    Captain of the Empire; Battle Standard

    Bearer, 85

    Captain of the Empire; Barded Warhorse,

    Heavy Armour, Sword of Might, Potion of

    Foolhardiness, Dragonbane Gem, Enchanted

    Shield 113

    Warrior Priest; Barded Warhorse, Heavy

    armour, Shield, Dragonhelm, Luckstone,

    Crown of Command, 135

    Battle Wizard; Lore of Light, Dispel Scroll, 90

    Battle Wizard; Lore of Light, 65

    36 Halberdiers; Musician, 226

    10 Empire Knights; Inner Circle, Standard,

    Musician, Gleaming Pennant 275

    20 Spearmen, 100

    5 Demigryph Knights; Musician, 300

    4 Demigryph Knights; Musician, 242

    Great Cannon, 120

    Great Cannon, 120

  • Daniel Bailey – Wood Elves Highborn, Amaranthine Brooch, Dragonhelm, Great Eagle, Light armour, Shield, The Spirit Sword, 301 Highborn (general) Armour of Destiny, Dragonbane Gem, Great Eagle, Potion of Foolhardiness, Shield, The Spear of Twilight, 288 Noble, Charmed Shield, Great Eagle, Light armour, Spear, Stone of the Crystal Mere, Warrior Bane, 169 Noble Great Eagle, Hail of Doom Arrow, Light armour, Shield, Spear, 161 Noble A Pageant of Shrikes, Elven Steed, Light armour, The Hunter's Talon, 139 5 Glade Rider, Musician, 129 5 Glade Rider, Musician, 129 5 Glade Rider, Musician, 129 5 Glade Rider, Musician, 129 5 Glade Rider, Musician, 129 7 Wild Riders of Kurnous Banner of Eternal Flame, Musician, Standard Bearer, 210 10x Waywatchers, 240 10x Waywatchers, 240

    Dave Pyle – Dark Elves Dreadlord (General) Dark Pegasus, Pendent of Khaeleth, Dragonhelm, Whip of Agony, Other Tricksters Shard, Heavy Armour, Seadragon Cloak & Shield, 290 Death Hag, Cauldron of Blood, BSB, 225

    Sorceress Level 2 (Death) Tome of Furion,

    Lifetaker, 180

    Sorceress Level 2 (Metal) Dispel Scroll, Ruby

    Ring of Ruin, 185

    14 Corsairs Full Command LA/SDC/HBow

    Sea Serpent Standard, 190

    14 Warriors Musician LA/RXB/Shield, 159

    14 Warriors Musician LA/RXB/Shield, 159

    5 Dark Riders Musician LA/Spear, 92

    5 Harpies, 55

    20 Black Guard, Full Command, Banner of

    Murder, 320

    5 Executioners, 60

    5 Cold One Knights, 135

    War Hydra, 175

    War Hydra, 175

    David Barker – Vampire Counts

    Master Necromancer (General); Level 4,

    Talisman of Preservation, Earthing Rod, Lore

    of Vampires, 270

    Necromancer; Level 2, Dispell Scroll, Lore of

    Vampires, 125

    31 Zombies; Musician, 98

    40 Ghouls; Ghast, 410

    5 Dire Wolves; Doomwolf 50

    5 Dire Wolves; Doomwolf

    Corpse Cart; 90

    8 Crypt Horrors; Haunter, 314

    8 Crypt Horrors; Haunter, 314

    Spirit Host; 45

    Spirit Host; 45

    3 Vargheists; 148

    Terrorgheist; 225

    Terrorgheist; 225

    David Parker - Lizardmen

    Slann (general), Lore of LIGHT, Focus of

    Mystery, The Focussed Rumination, Higher

    State of Consciousness, Cupped Hands,

    divine plaque of protection, battle standard

    bearer, 475

    Skink Priest, HEAVENS, dispel scroll, 90

    Scar Veteran, cold one, light armour,

    charmed shield, sword of might, dawnstone,


    Cohort, 24 skinks, 3 kroxigor, musician, 291

    Cohort, 24 skinks, 3 kroxigor, musician, 291

    Cohort, 24 skinks, 3 kroxigor, musician, 291

    10 skinks, 50

    10 skinks, 50

    10 skink skirmishers, 70

    10 skink skirmishers, javelins/shields, 80

    3 terradons, 90

    3 terradons, 90

    6 chameleons, 72

    6 chameleons, 72

    Salamander, 75

    2 Salamanders, 150

  • Ed Herzig - Tomb Kings

    Liche High Priest, Hierophant, Level 4

    Wizard, Lore of Nehekhara, Earthing Rod,

    Talisman of Preservation, 280

    Liche High Priest, General, Level 4 Wizard,

    Lore of Light, Dispel Scroll, Obsidian Trinket,


    13 Skeleton Archers, musician, 88

    10 Skeleton Archers, musician, 70

    10 Skeleton Archers, musician, 70

    5 Skeleton Horsemen, 60

    5 Skeleton Horse Archers, 70

    4 Skeleton Chariots, musician, standard

    bearer, Banner of Eternal Flame. 250

    4 Necropolis Knights, musician, 270

    3 Ushabti, musician, great bows, 160

    3 Sepulchral Stalkers, 165

    Tomb Scorpion, 85

    Necrolith Colossus, great weapon, 180

    Hierotitan, 175

    Screaming Skull Catapult, 90

    Casket of Souls, 135

    Glenn Wilkinson-Tough - Ogre Kingdoms

    Slaughtermaster (General); Armour of

    Destiny; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Beasts; great

    weapon. 345

    Bruiser Talisman of Preservation; Charmed

    Shield; heavy armour; battle standard. 184

    Butcher Dispel Scroll; Level 2 Wizard; great

    weapon. 169

    9 Ironguts Gutlord; Bellower; standard

    bearer; Look-out Gnoblar; Standard Of

    Discipline. 437

    3 Ogres additional hand weapons. 93

    10 Gnoblars 25

    10 Gnoblars 25

    10 Gnoblars 25

    5 Mournfang Cavalry Bellower; heavy

    armour; ironfists. 360

    8 Leadbelchers Bellower. 354

    1 Sabretusk 21

    1 Sabretusk 21

    Ironblaster 170

    Ironblaster 170

    Warriors Of Chaos - Graham Bursnell

    Daemon Prince (General); chaos armour,

    scaly skin, Mark of Nurgle, daemonic flight,

    nurgles rot, level 4, soul feeder, skull of

    katam, charmed shield, dragonbane gem -


    Exalted hero; BSB, Mark of Tzeentch, Disc of

    Tzeentch, talisman of

    endurance,dragonhelm, potion of

    foolhardiness, warrior bane, Third Eye of

    Tzeentch, burning body - 245

    18 Warriors; shields, Mark of Nurgle,

    musician - 316

    18 Warriors; shields, Mark of Nurgle,

    musician, standard bearer, banner of

    swiftness - 341

    5 hounds - 30

    5 hounds - 30

    5 hounds - 30

    Chariot; Mark of Khorne - 120

    Gorebeast Chariot; Mark of Khorne - 140

    3 skullcrushers; musicians, lances - 241

    3 skullcrushers; musicians, lances - 241

    4 Trolls; Additional hand weapons - 152

    Greg Dann – Ogre Kingdoms

    Slaughtermaster (General); Lore of the Great

    Maw, Level 4, Talisman of Preservation,

    Fencer’s Blades, Rock Eye, 370

    Firebelly; Level 2, Hellheart, 205

    Bruiser; BSB, Lookout Gnoblar, Heavy

    Armour, Crown of Command, Enchanted

    Shield, Warrior Bane, Dragonbane Gem, 189

    9 Ironguts, Full Command, Banner of

    Swiftness, 432

    3 Ogres, Bellower, 100

    10 Gnoblars, 25

    10 Gnoblars, 25

    10 Gnoblars, 25

    1 Sabretusk, 21

    1 Sabretusk, 21

    5 Leadbelchers, Bellower, 225

    5 Mournfang Cavalry; Bellower, Standard

    Bearer, Heavy Armour, Ironfist, Dragonhide

    Banner, 420

    Ironblaster, 170

    Ironblaster, 170

  • Hristo Nikolov – Dark Elves

    Supreme Sorceress; Level 4, Lore of Death;

    Manticore; Dispell Scroll; Talisman of

    Preservation, 530

    Master (General); Dark Pegasus; Heavy

    Armour, Shield, Lance; Cloak of Hag Graef,

    Dawnstone, 190

    Death Hag; BSB; Cauldron of Blood, 225

    Master; Dark Pegasus; Heavy Armour, Shield,

    Lance, Cloak; Pendant of Khaleth, 179

    16 Repeater Crossbowmen, Guardmaster,

    Musician, 170

    10 Corsairs; Handbows, 100

    5 Dark Riders; Crossbows, 110

    5 Dark Riders; Crossbows, 110

    5 Dark Riders; Crossbows, 110

    27 Executioners, 324

    War Hydra, 175

    War Hydra, 175

    Hugh Allen – Warriors of Chaos

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (General); Level 4, Lore

    of Tzeentch, Mark of Tzeentch, Disc of

    Tzeentch, 3rd Eye of Tzeentch, Lots more

    stuff of Tzeentch, Flaming Breath, Talisman

    of Preservation, Enchanted Shield, Earthing

    Rod, 430

    Exalted Hero; Mark of Slaanesh, Steed of

    Slaanesh, Battle Standard, Scaled Skin,

    Dawnstone, The Other Trickster's Shard,

    Charmed Shield, Great Weapon, 236

    18 Warriors; Mark of Tzeentch, Additional

    Hand Weapons, Standard, Musician, Banner

    of Eternal Flame, 354

    Chariot; Mark of Slaanesh, 115

    6 Marauder Horsemen; Mark of Slaanesh,

    Spears, 96

    5 Hounds; Vanguard, 40

    8 Chosen; Mark of Tzeentch, Halberds,

    Champion, Standard, Gleaming Pennant, 209

    8 Chosen; Mark of Slaanesh, Halberds,

    Champion, 186

    6 Chaos Knights; Mark of Slaanesh,

    Ensorcelled Weapons, Standard, Banner of

    Swiftness, 289

    3 Skullcrushers; Ensorcelled Weapons, 234

    Hellcannon; 210

    Jak Spedding – Bretonnians

    Bretonnian Lord (General); Royal Pegasus,

    Virtue of Heroism, Sword of Swift Slaying,

    Dawnstone, Dragonhelm, Shield, Grail Vow,


    Prophethess; Warhorse, Level 4, Lore of Life,


    Damsel; Warhorse, Dispel Scroll, Lore of

    Beasts, 105

    Paladin; Warhorse, Battle Standard Bearer,

    Lance, Shield, Gromril Great Helm,

    Dragonbane Gem, 115

    Paladin; Royal Pegasus, Enchanted Shield,

    Birth-Sword of Carcassone, Luckstone, 160

    12 Knights of the Realm; Full Command,

    Standard of Discipline, 327

    10 Knights of the Realm; Full Command,

    Gleaming Pennant, 269

    5 Knights of the Realm; Full Command, 144

    5 Mounted Yeomen; Musician, 82

    5 Mounted Yeomen; Musician, 82

    3 Pegasus Knights; Gallant, Musician, 175

    Field Trebuchet, 90

    Field Trebuchet, 90

    5 Grail Knights; Musician, Standard Bearer,

    Banner of Eternal Flame, 230

    James Bolsover - Empire

    Wizard Lord (General); Level 4, Heaven,

    Sceptre of Stability, 215

    Wizard Lord; Level 4, Metal, Dispel Scroll,

    von horstmans speculum, 265

    Witch hunter pistol, 57

    Captain of the Empire; Battle

    Standard, Standard of Discipline, 100

    Captain of the Empire; Barding, Full Plate

    Armor, Warhorse, Charmed Shield,

    Dragonbane Gem, Sword of Might, Potion of

    Foolhardiness, 117

    Warrior Priest; Barding, Heavy Armour,

    Shield; Warhorse, Dragonhelm, Luckstone,


    11 Knights of the Inner Circle; Standard,

    Musician, Gleaming Pendant, 300

    36 Halberdier; Halberd, Light Armour,

    standard, Musician, 236

    15 Spearmen; Musician, 85

    5 Demigryph Knights; Musician, 300

    Great Cannon; 120

    Great Cannon; 120

    Celestial Hurricanum; 130

    Steam tank 250

  • James Darcy – Lizardmen

    Slann Mage Priest, General, Lore of Light,

    Battle Standard Bearer, Focus of Mystery,

    Becalming Cogitation , Cupped Hands of the

    Old Ones, Divine Plaque of Protection,


    Saurus Scar Veteran, Great Weapon, Light

    Armour, Cold One, Glittering Scales, Opal

    Amulet, Venom of the Firefly Frog, 161pts

    Saurus Scar Veteran, Light Armour, Cold

    One, Burning Blade of Chotec, Charmed

    Shield, Dawnstone, 160pts

    Skink Priest, Lore of Heavens, Level 1, Dispel

    Scroll, 90pts

    26 Saurus Warriors, Spears, Full Command,


    26 Saurus Warriors, Spears, Full Command,


    10 Skink Skirmishers, 70pts

    10 Skink Skirmishers, 70pts

    10 Skink Skirmishers, 70pts

    30 Skinks

    3 Kroxigor, Champion, Standard, 331pts

    10 Skinks, Musician, 56pts

    10 Skinks, Musician, 56pts

    6 Chameleon Skinks, 72pts

    1 Salamander, 75pts

    1 Salamander, 75pts

    James Gradwell – High Elves

    Archmage (General); Level 4, Dispell Scroll,

    Loremaster's Cloak, Ring of Fury, Lore of

    High Magic, 360

    Mage; Level 2, Amulet of Light, Seerstaff of

    Saphery, Lore of Shadow (The Withering,

    Okkam's Mindrazor), 180

    Noble; Battle Standard, Banner of Sorcery,


    39 Spearmen; Musician, 356

    17 Lothern Sea Guard; Full Command,

    Standard of Discipline, 244

    30 White Lions; Musician, 456

    5 Silver Helms; Musician, Shields, 123

    Lion Chariot of Chrace; 140

    5 Shadow Warriors; 80

    Repeater Bolt Thrower; 100

    Repeater Bolt Thrower; 100

    Great Eagle; 50

    Great Eagle; 50

    Jay Hopkinson – Wood Elves

    LvL 4 Spellweaver, Wand of wych Elm, 305 -

    pts (Lore of Life)

    lvl 1 Spellsinger, Dispel Scroll, Dragonbane

    Gem - 120pts

    Branchwraith, Cluster of radiants - 90pts

    Noble BSB, Hail of Doom Arrow Asyendi's

    Bane. - 130pts

    13 Glade Guard + Musician - 162pts

    13 Glade Guard + Musician - 162pts

    13 Glade Guard + Musician - 162pts

    13 Glade Guard + Musician - 162pts

    8 Dryads - 96pts

    8 Dryads - 96pts

    5 Glade Riders + musician - 129pts

    14 Etermal Guard + musician, Standard of

    Discipline - 201pts

    3 Tree kin - 196pts

    Great Eagle - 50pts

    Great Eagle - 50pts

    6 Waywatchers - 144pts

    6 Waywatchers - 144pts

    Jodi Chapman – Empire

    Arch Lector; General, Warhorse(barding),

    Crown Of Command; Enchanted Shield;

    Biting Blade; The White Cloak of Ulric; hand

    weapon; heavy armour – 228

    Battle Wizard Lord; Dispel Scroll; Seed Of

    Rebirth; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Life- 235

    Captain of the Empire, Warhorse(barding),

    Dragon Helm; Fencers Blade; hand weapon;

    full plate armour, Shield; Battle Standard

    Bearer – 154

    Master Engineer, light armour – 66

    8 Inner Circle Knights, Inner Circle Preceptor,

    standard bearer; Standard Of Discipline; 235

    35 Swordsmen, musician, standard bearer–


    5 Empire Knights, 110

    4 Demigryph Knights, Full command;

    Gleaming Pendant; hand weapon; lances; full

    plate armour; barding; shields – 267

    Great Cannon – 120

    29 Greatswords - musician; standard bearer;

    Banner Of Eternal Flame.- 349

    Helblaster Volley Gun – 120

    Steam Tank – 250

  • Joe McGough – Ogre Kingdoms

    Slaughtermaster, lvl 4, Great weapon,

    talisman of preservation, Lore of heavens.


    Bruiser, heavy armour, BSB, Enchanted

    shield, Biting blade. 149

    Butcher, lvl 1, Great weapon, Hellheart. 159

    Ironguts x 8, FC,Look Out Gnoblar, Standard

    of discipline. 394

    Ogres x 3, Ironfists, Musician. 106

    Gnoblars x 10. 25

    Gnoblars x 10. 25

    Gnoblars x 10. 25

    Gnoblars x 10. 25

    Maneaters x 6, Banner+musician, 6 x Brace

    of handguns, Gleaming pennant,

    Poison/sniper. 397

    Mournfang cavalry x 5, Ironfists + Heavy

    armour, Banner + musician. 370

    1 Sabretusk 21

    1 Sabretusk 21

    Ironblaster 170

    Ironblaster 170

    John Harrison - Dwarfs

    Dwarf Lord, General, Shield Bearers, Great

    Weapon Runic Weapon (Master Rune Kragg

    the Grim, Rune of Fury, Rune of Cleaving),

    Runic Armour (Rune of Stone), Runic

    Talisman (Master Rune of Spite), 291

    Dwarf Thane, Battle Standard, Runic

    Weapon (Rune of Cleaving, Rune of Fire),

    Runic Armour (Master Rune of Gromril, Rune

    of Resistance), 165

    Runesmith, Shield, Runic Talisman (Master

    Rune of Balance, Rune of Spellbreaking), 147

    30 Dwarf Warriors, Great Weapons,

    Standard, Musician = 315

    22 Quarrellers, Great Weapons, Veteran,

    Standard, Musician = 311

    27 Hammerers, Gate Keeper, Standard,

    Musician, Master Rune of Grungni = 404

    25 Troll Slayers = 275

    Cannon, Engineer, Rune of Forging, Rune of

    Burning = 145

    Grudge Thrower, Engineer = 95

    Organ Gun = 125

    Organ Gun = 125

    Kev Gillett - Bretonnians

    Bretonnian Lord, Horse, Lance, Shield

    (general), Gromril Great Helm, Virtue of

    Knightly Templar, Potion of Strength, 230

    Bretonnian Lord, Horse, Shield, Virtue oF

    Heroism, Sword of Bloodshed, 234

    BSB, Horse, Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone,

    Lance, 113

    Damsel, Horse, Lvl 2, Lore of Beasts, Ruby

    Ring of Ruin, 140

    Damsel, Horse, Lvl 1, Lore of Beasts, Dispel

    Scroll, 105

    Paladin, Pegasus, Charmed Shield,

    Dragonbane Gem, Potion of Foolhardiness,

    Wyrmlance, 145

    7 Knights of the Realm, FC, Banner of

    Swiftness, 207

    10 Knights Errant, FC, Errantry Banner, 241

    8 Knight Errant, FC, 181

    6 Knight Errant, musician, 127

    10 Men at Arms, Musician, 55

    5 Mounted Yeomen, shields, musician, 87

    10 Bowmen, 60

    12 Bowmen, 72

    10 Skirmishing Bowmen, 70

    4 Grail Knights, 152

    Trebuchet, 90

    Trebuchet, 90

    Kevin Weaver – Warriors of Chaos

    Daemon Prince (General) Mark of Nurgle,

    Chaos armour, Scaled skin, Soul feeder,

    Charmed Shield, Dragonbane gem, biting

    blade - 315pts

    Daemon prince - Mark of Nurgle, Daemonic

    flight - 285pts

    Exalted Hero - BSB, Mark Of Tzeentch, Disc

    of tzeentch, Flail, Talisman of preservation,

    enchanted shield, Third eye of Tzeentch -


    Chaos Sorcerer Level 1 (Fire) Dispel scroll -


    18 Chaos warriors, Mark of Nurgle, Shields,

    Additional hand weapons, Champion,

    Musician - 362 pts

    Chaos Chariot - Mark of Khorne - 120 pts

    Chaos Chariot - Mark of Khorne - 120pts

    Chimera - Regen, flaming breath - 275pts

    4 Skullcrushers - 312 pts

    3 Skullcrushers - 234 pts

  • Luke McHugh – Dark Elves

    Supreme Sorceress, Level 4, Death, Sacrificial

    Dagger, Lifetaker. 315

    Supreme Sorceress, Level 4, Dark, Focus

    Familiar, General. 285

    Sorceress, Level 2, Metal, Dispel Scroll, Ruby,

    Ring. 185

    Master, Dark Pegasus, Heavy Armour, Shield,

    Sea Dragon Cloak, Battle Standard Bearer,

    Dragon Helm, Pendant Of Khaeleth, Biting

    Blade. 215

    20 Dark Elf Warriors, Shields, Standard,

    Musician, Standard Of Discipline. 164

    18 corsairs, musician, 185

    5 Dark Riders, Repeater Crossbows. 110

    5 Dark Riders, Repeater Crossbows. 110

    5 Dark Riders, Repeater Crossbows. 110

    5 Harpies. 55

    5 Harpies. 55

    8 Shades. 128

    8 Shades. 128

    War Hydra. 175

    War Hydra. 175

    Marcus Lake - Ogre Kingdoms

    Ogre Tyrant (general); Heavy armour, Great

    weapon, Arabyan carpet, Charmed shield,

    Talisman of preservation. 327

    Bruiser; Battle standard bearer, Great

    weapon, Crown of command, Dragonbane

    Gem. 181

    Firebelly; Level 2; Great weapon, Dispel

    scroll, Ruby ring of ruin. 214

    9 Ironguts; Full command, Look out gnobler,

    Banner of swiftness. 437

    3 Ogres; Musician, Champ, Iron fists. 116

    10 Gnoblers. 25

    10 Gnoblers. 25

    Sabertusk. 21

    #Sabertusk. 21

    5 Mournfang; Standard Bearer, Musician,

    Iron fists, Heavy armour, Dragonhide banner.


    3 Yhettis. Greyback. 142

    Ironblaster. 170

    Ironblaster. 170

    Scrap launcher. 130

    Mark Borland - Beastmen

    Beastlord, general, armour of destiny, shield,

    crown of command, biting blade, dragon

    bane gem = 248

    Great Bray Shaman, lore of death, level 4

    upgrade, talisman of preservation, fencers

    blades, hagtree fetish = 335

    Wargore, battle standard bearer, beast

    banner, gnarled hide, heavy armour, shield =


    Bray Shaman, lore of shadow, shard of the

    herdstone, additional hand weapon = 127

    Bray Shaman, lore of beasts, dispel scroll,

    ruby ring of ruin, additional hand weapon =


    Bray Shaman, lore of beasts, staff of darkoth,

    additional hand weapon = 127

    65 Gor Herd with additional hand weapons,

    full command = 545

    5 Ungor Raiders, musician = 33

    5 Ungor Raiders, musician = 33

    5 Ungor Herd, musician = 58

    42 Bestigor, full command, standard of

    discipline = 549

    5 Harpies = 55

    5 Harpies = 55

    Mark Morrow – Ogre Kingdoms

    Slaughtermaster (general); level 4, fencers blades, glittering scales, potion of strength, powerstone, lore of heavens, 385 Butcher; level 2, dispel scroll, dragonbane gem, great weapon, lore of the great maw, 174 Firebelly; level 2, potion of toughness, lore of fire, 175 Bruiser; iron fist, heavy armour, runemaw, battle standard, 208 9 ironguts; full command, look out gnoblar, standard of discipline, 437 8 ogres; musician, standard bearer, iron fist, 276 1 Sabretusk; 21 1 Sabretusk; 21 1 Sabretusk; 21 4 mournfang Calvary; musician, standard bearer, iron fists, heavy armour, dragonhide banner, 350 Iron blaster; 170 Iron blaster; 170

  • Mark Wildman – Skaven

    General: Greyseer, Screaming Bell, Fencers

    blades, skalm, dragon bane gem, Warp

    energy condenser 530

    Chieftain, battle standard: banner of eternal

    flame 80

    Warlock engineer, level 1 upgrade . Dispell

    scroll 90

    Warlock engineer, level 1 upgrade, doom

    rocket 95

    Assassin: potion of strength, weeping blades


    Assassin: sword of anti heroes, other

    tricksters shard 165

    40 Skaven slaves, musician, paw leader 86

    40 Skaven slaves, musician, paw leader 86

    40 Skaven slaves, musician, 82

    5 Giant rats, 1 pack master 23

    5 Giant rats, 1 pack master 23

    2 rat swarms 50

    2 rat swarms 50

    35 storm vermin, full command. Storm

    banner, Weapon team: Doom flayer 375

    1 Doom Wheel 150

    1 War lighting cannon 90

    1 Hell Pit Abomination, warp stone spikes


    Matt Ansell – Ogre Kingdoms

    Slaughtermaster (General) Level 4, Law of

    Maw, Fencers Blades, Glittering Scales - 345

    Bruiser (BSB) Iron Fist, Heavy Armour, Battle

    Standard, Rune Maw Banner - 198

    Firebelly, Level 1, Fire, Dispell Scroll - 145

    9 Ironguts, Bellower, Standard Bearer, Look

    out Gnoblar, Standard of Discipline, Great

    Weapons, Heavy Armour - 437

    6 Ogres, Hand Weapons, light armour, iron

    fists - 192

    1 Sabertusk - 21

    1 Sabertusk - 21

    4 Mournfang, hand weapon, heavy armour,

    ironfists - 280

    8 Maneaters - Bellower, hand weapons, 4 x

    additional hand weapons, light armour,

    immune to Psychology, Stubborn - 418

    1 Ironblaster - 170

    1 Ironblaster - 170

    Matt Sewell – Empire

    Arch Lector, General, Heavy Armour,Shield,

    Dragonhelm,Talisman of Preservation, Sword

    of Anti-Heroes, 193

    Battle Wizard Lord Level 4 Talisman of

    Endurance, Magic Lore Shadow, 230

    Captain of Empire, Battle Standard, Full

    Plate, shield, Standard of Discipline, 108

    Witch Hunter, Brace of pistols, Armour of

    Fortune, 90

    Wizard, Level 2 Light, Van Horstmanns

    Speculum, 140

    Wizard, Level 2 Light, Dispel Scroll, 125

    5 Knightly Order, 110

    5 Knightly Order, 110

    20 Spearmen, Sergeant, 110

    40 Halberbiers, Full Command, 270

    10 Huntsmen, 80

    4 Demigryph Knights, 232

    4 Demigryph Knights, 232

    Great Cannon, 120

    Great Cannon, 120

    Celestial Hurricanum, 130

    Matt Tinsley – Warriors of Chaos

    Sorceror Lord (General): Level 4; Lore of

    Metal; Chaos Familiar, Talisman of

    Preservation, Ruby Ring of Ruin. 365

    Chaos Sorceror: Level 2 (Lore of Fire); Skull of

    Katam, Charmed Shield, Dawnstone; Barded

    Chaos Steed. 206

    5 Chaos Warhounds. 30

    5 Marauder Horsemen; Mark of Slaanesh;

    Javelins. 80

    5 Marauder Horsemen; Mark of Slaanesh;

    Throwing Axes. 85

    Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh. 115

    Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh. 115

    10 Chaos Warriors: Mark of Slaanesh;

    Shields; Musician, Standard Bearer,

    Champion. 190

    10 Chaos Warriors: Mark of Slaanesh:

    Shields, Halberds. 190

    10 Chaos Warriors: Mark of Slaanesh:

    Shields, Halberds. 190

    5 Knights: Mark of Slaanesh; Lances;

    Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of Eternal

    Flame. 245

    5 Knights: Mark of Slaanesh; Ensorcelled

    Weapons; Musician, Standard Bearer. 240

    Gorebeast Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh. 135

    Hellcannon. 210

  • Matt Watkinson – Ogre Kingdoms

    Slaughtermaster (General); Level 4 wizard,

    Fencers Blades, Glittering Scales, Talisman of

    Endurance, Rock Eye, Lore of Heavens = 380

    Bruiser; Battle Standard, Crown of

    Command, Look out Gnoblar = 170

    Butcher; Great Weapon, Armour of Silvered

    Steel, Ironcurse Icon, Lore of the Great Maw

    = 159

    Butcher; Great Weapon, Ruby Ring of Ruin,

    Dispell Scroll, Lore of Beasts = 159

    7 Ironguts; Full Command, Look out Gnoblar,

    Banner of Swiftness = 351

    3 Ogres; Muisician = 100

    3 Ogres; Muisician = 100

    10 Gnoblars = 25

    10 Gnoblars = 25

    8 Maneaters; 4x Additional Weapons,

    Stubborn, Poisoned Attacks = 408

    2 Mournfangs; Ironfists, Heavy Armour = 140

    Sabretusk = 21

    Sabretusk = 21

    Ironblaster Cannon = 170

    Ironblaster Cannon = 170

    Matthew Dodgon - Beastmen

    Great Bray-Shaman (Lore of Shadow)

    (General), Level 4, Additional Hand Weapon,

    Talisman of Preservation, Staff of Darkoth,


    Great Bray-Shaman (Lore of Death), Level 4,

    Powerstone, 255.

    Wargor, BSB, Heavy Armour, Shield, Gnarled

    Hide, Beast Banner, 206.

    Bray-Shaman (Lore of Death), Level 2, Dispel

    Scroll, Ruby Ring of Ruin, 160.

    Bray-Shaman (Lore of Shadow), Level 2,

    Shard of the Herdstone, 160.

    50 Gors, Additional Hand Weapon, Full

    Command, 425.

    30 Ungors, Full Command, 165.

    Tuskgor Chariot, 80.

    Tuskgor Chariot, 80.

    40 Bestigor, Full Command, Standard of

    Discipline, 525.

    Harpies, 55.

    Harpies, 55.

    Mike Newman - Chaos Dwarf

    Sorcerer-Prophet (general); level 4 death,


    Infernal castellan; bsb, Obsidian Amulet -


    Tau'ruk; blackshard armour, great weapon,

    dawnstone , Othertricksters Shard,

    Dragonhelm - 235

    Demonsmith; lvl 1 death, scroll - 120

    Khan; wolf - 52

    27 infernal guard; great weapons, FC - 437

    32 hobgoblins; ex-hand weapon, FC - 166

    3 bull centaurs; Shields, musician - 140

    Death shrieker rocket - 100

    Death shrieker rocket - 100

    Hellcannon - 205

    K'dai destroyer - 325

    5 hobgoblin wolf riders - 60

    Mo Ashraf – Empire

    Arch Lector (General); The Armour of

    Meteoric Iron, Obsidian Lodestone, Warrior

    Bane, 200

    Wizard Lord; Level 4, Lore of Shadow, Van

    Horstmann’s Speculum, 240

    Captain of the Empire; Full Plate Armour,

    Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Standard of

    Discipline, 108

    Battle Wizard; Dispel Scroll, Lore of Metal 90

    Master Engineer, 65

    Master Engineer, 65

    44 Halberdiers; Full Command, 294

    5 Archers Detachment for Halberds; 35

    5 Knights, 110

    5 Knights, 110

    10 Free Company, 60

    Great Cannon, 120

    Great Cannon, 120

    5 Demigryph Knights; Musician, 300

    4 Demigryph Knights; Musician, 242

    Hellblaster Volley Gun, 120

    Hellblaster Volley Gun, 120

  • Pash Korniyenko – High Elves High Elf Prince (General); Star Dragon, Dragon Armour, Enchanted Shield, Vambraces of Defence, Warrior Bane, 599pts High Elf Noble; Great Eagle, Dragon Armour, Shield, Great Weapon, Battle Standard Bearer, Helm of Fortune, Guardian Phoenix, 226pts High Elf Mage; Level 2, Silver Wand, Ring of Fury, High Lore, 185pts High Elf Mage; Level 2, Staff of Solidity, Lore of Metal, 155pts 10 Lothern Seaguard; 120pts 10 Archers; Musician, Hawkeye, 125pts 10 Archers; Musician, Hawkeye, 125pts 10 Archers; Musician, 115pts 10 Archers; Musician, 115pts 17 White Lions; Full Command, Banner of Sorcery, 335pts 7 Swordmasters; Musician, Bladelord, 123pts 7 Swordmasters; Musician, Bladelord, 123pts Great Eagle; 50pts

    Ralph van Calck – Warriors of Chaos

    Daemon Prince (general); mark of nurgle,

    daemonic flight, chaos armour, sword of

    striking, charmed shield, dragonbane gem,

    soul feeder, scaled skin, flaming breath, 530

    Exalted hero; BSB, daemonic mount,

    barding, shield, warrior bane, talisman of

    preservation, 238

    1 Chaos chariot; mark of slaanesh, 115

    1 Chaos chariot; mark of slaanesh, 115

    5 Forsaken; mark of slaanesh, 105

    5 Marauder horsemen; mark of slaanesh,

    flails, musician, 95

    5 Marauder horsemen; mark of slaanesh,

    flails, musician, 95

    5 Chaos warhounds; vanguard, 40

    5 Chaos warhounds; vanguard, 40

    9 Chaos Knights; full command, ensorcelled

    weapons, standard of discipline, 432

    4 Skullcrushers; champion, musician,

    ensorcelled weapons, 332

    1 Hellcannon; 210

    1 Chaos spawn; 50

    Reuben Smith

    Daemon Prince (General); Daemon of

    Slaanesh, Level 4 (Slaanesh), Fly, Chaos

    Armour, Scaled Skin, Soul Feeder, Chaos

    Familiar, Sword of Striking, Charmed Shield,

    Dragonbane Gem, 520

    Exalted Hero (BSB); Mark of Slaanesh,

    Hideous Visage, Dawnstone, Sword of Might,

    Enchanted Shield, 195

    17 Chaos Warriors; Mark of Slaanesh,

    Standard, Musician, Banner of Eternal Flame,

    Halberds, Shields, 353

    Chaos Chariot; Mark of Slaanesh, 115

    Chaos Chariot; Mark of Slaanesh, 115

    5 Chaos Warhounds; Vanguard, 40

    5 Chaos Knights; Musician, Mark of Slaanesh,

    Ensorcelled Weapons, 230

    5 Hellstriders of Slaanesh; Musician,

    Hellscourges, 110

    Chimera; Regenerating Flesh, 245

    3 Dragon Ogres; Great Weapons, 204

    Gorebeast Chariot; Mark of Slaanesh, 135

    Gorebeast Chariot; Mark of Slaanesh, 135

    Richard Commons – Skaven

  • -





    Rob Sedgeman – Bretonnians

    Bretonnian (GENERAL); Lord Virtue Of

    Heroism; Charmed Shield; Sword Of Swift

    Slaying ASF; Dawnstone Reroll Armour;

    Potion Of Speed; Royal Pegasus (260)

    Prophetess of the Lady; Potion Sacre; Level

    4 Wizard; Lore of Beasts; Bretonnian

    Warhorse (250)

    Paladin; Gromril Great Helm, lance; shield;

    Battle Standard (110)

    Paladin Virtue Of The Impetuous Knight;

    Enchanted; lance (123)

    Paladin; lance; shield (80)

    Paladin; Dragon Helm; Sword Of Antiheros;

    Luckstone; shield (121)

    Damsel of the Lady The Silver Mirror; Level 2

    Wizard; Lore of Life; Warhorse (155)

    6 Knights of the Realm Musician; Standard

    Bearer. (168)

    5 Knights of the Realm (120)

    12 Knights Errant; Musician; Standard

    Bearer; Standard Of Discipline (276)

    12 Knights of the Realm Musician; Standard

    Bearer; Gleaming Pennant (317)

    3 Pegasus Knights (165)

    5 Mounted Yeomen (75)

    Field Trebuchet (90)

    Field Trebuchet (90)

    Rupert Read – Daemons of Chaos

    Great Unclean One (General); Balesword,

    Noxious Vapours, 550

    Herald of Khorne; Armour of Khorne, Battle

    Standard Bearer, 140

    Herald of Tzeentch; Spellbreaker, Master of

    Sorcery, Lore of Fire, 165

    30 Bloodletters, Full Command, 390

    30 Bloodletters, Full Command, 390

    30 Pink Horrors, Full Command, 390

    5 Furies, 60

    5 Furies, 60

    1 Fiend, 55

    1 Fiend, 55

    1 Bloodcrusher, 70

    1 Bloodcrusher, 70

    Sai Harris – Orcs & Goblins

    Orc Warboss, General; Light Armour, Sword of Striking, Charmed Shield, Opal Amulet, Wyvern, 310 Orc Warboss, Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, Luckstone, Warrior Bane, Wyvern, 290 Savage Orc Shaman, Magic Level 2, Lucky Shrunken Head, 155 Orc Shaman, Magic Level 2; Dispel Scroll, 125 Goblin Big Boss, Light Armour; Shield; Battle Standard, Spider Banner, 149 Goblin Big Boss, Spear; Light Armour; Shield, Wolf, 53 Goblin Big Boss, Spear; Light Armour; Shield, Wolf, 53 30 Orc Arrer Boyz, Standard; Musician, 230 30 Savage Big 'Uns, 2

    nd Choppa, Full

    Command, 376 5 Goblin Wolf Riders, 55 Doom Diver, 80 Doom Diver, 80 Mangler Squig, 65 Mangler Squig, 65 Pump Wagon, 45 Pump Wagon, 45 Rock Lobber, 85 Rock Lobber, 85 Wolf Chariot, 50

  • Sander Hodes – Orcs & Goblins

    Black Orc Warboss (general), Heavy Armour,

    Charmed Shield, Sword of Might, Crown of

    Command, Talisman of Endurance, (250)

    Savage Orc Shaman, lvl 4, Lucky Shrunken

    Head, Obsidian Loadstone (300)

    Savage orc shaman, Dispell scroll, (95)

    Black Orc Bigboss, BSB, Shield, Standard of

    Discipline (132)

    30 savage orcs, FC, additional handweapon,

    Big uns (365)

    40 Night Goblins, Banner, Musician, 2

    Fanatics, Nets (235)

    Boar Chariot, Extra crew (90)

    Boar Chariot, Extra crew (90)

    Wolf Chariot (50)

    Wolf Chariot (50)

    8 Trolls (280)

    Rock Lobber (85)

    Rock Lobber (85)

    Doomdiver (80)

    Doomdiver (80)

    Mangler squig (65)

    Mangler squig (65)

    Sandy Wilson – Ogre Kingdoms

    Slaughtermaster: General, Level 4, Lore of

    the Great Maw, Ironfist, Armour of Destiny,

    Sword of Might, Rock Eye, Dispel Scroll = 388

    Bruiser: Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy

    Armour, Enchanted Shield, Sword of Striking,

    Dragonbane Gem = 159

    Hunter: Great Weapon, Charmed Shield,

    Talisman of Endurance, Other Tricksters

    Shard, Stonehorn = 441

    9 Ironguts: Full Command, Look Out Gnoblar,

    Standard of Discipline = 437

    40 Gnoblars: Musician, Trappers = 135

    10 Gnoblars = 25

    10 Gnoblars = 25

    1 Sabretusk = 21

    1 Sabretusk = 21

    3 Yhettees = 132

    3 Yhettees = 132

    3 Mournfang Cavalry: Heavy Armour,

    Ironfists, Musician = 220

    Scraplauncher = 130

    Scraplauncher = 130

    Scott Laird – Ogre Kingdoms

    Tyrant- Mountaineer, Sword of anti heroes,

    Dragon bane gem 270

    Bruiser; Battle standard, Great weapon,

    Heavy armour, Dragon helm, Talisman of

    endurance, 185

    Firebelly- Hellheart 170

    6 Ogres, standard, iron fist 202

    8 Ogres, standard, iron fist 266

    8 Ogres, standard, iron fist 266

    6 iron guts, standard 268

    4 Lead belchers 172

    12 Gnoblers 30

    3 Maneaters, Brace of ogre pistols, sniper,

    scouts 186

    3 Mourn fang Cavalry, heavy armour, iron

    fists 210

    1 Ironblaster Cannon 170

    Shahrul Az - Skaven

    Skaven Warlord (General); Warlitter;

    Dragonhelm, Talisman of Preservation,

    Skalm, great weapon, shield, 219

    Grey Seer; Dispell Scroll, 265

    Chieftain; BSB; Storm Banner, great weapon,


    Chieftain; Obsidian Lodestone, halberd, 92

    Assassin; Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength,


    Assassin; Sword of Anti-Heroes, The Other

    Trickster Shard, 165

    Warlock Engineer; Doomrocket, 45

    49 Stormvermins; Razor Standard; Full

    Command, 413

    36 Clan Rats; Shields; Full Command, 182

    20 Skavenslaves, Musician, 42

    20 Skavenslaves, Musician, 42

    20 Skavenslaves, Musician, 42

    2 Rat swarms, 50

    2 Rat swarms, 50

    5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster, 23

    Hell Pit Abomination, 235

    Doomwheel, 150

    Warp Lightning Cannon, 90

  • Shane Baxter – Warriors of Chaos

    Daemon Prince - (General) Mark of Nurgle,

    Chaos Armour, Dragon Helm - 275

    Daemon Prince - Mare of Khorne, chaos

    armour, enchanted shield, Dragonbane Gem,

    Other tricksters shard, Soul Feeder - 300

    Khorne Chariot - 120

    Khorne Chariot - 120

    Khorne Chariot - 120

    Khorne Chariot - 120

    6 Forsaken - Mark of Tzeentch - 120

    Chimera - Regenerating Flesh - 245

    Chimera - Regenerating Flesh - 245

    3 Dragon Ogres - Great Weapons - 204

    Spawn - 50

    Vortex Beast - 240

    Vortex Beast – 240

    Simon Adams – Warriors of Chaos

    Daemon Prince (General); Level 4, Daemonic

    Flight, Chaos Armour, Mark of Nurgle,

    Flaming Breath, Chaos Familiar, Scaled Skin,

    Soul Feeder, Sword of Striking, Charmed

    Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Lore of Nurgle, 555

    Chaos Sorceror; Level 1, Disc of Tzeentch,

    Talisman of Preservation, Enchanted Shield,

    Mark of Tzeentch, Third Eye of Tzeentch,

    Lore of Metal, 215

    Exalted Hero; Battle Standard, Shield, Mark

    of Nurgle, Crown of Command, Dragon

    Helm, Warrior Bane, 198

    17 Chaos Warriors; Full Command, Mark of

    Nurgle, Shields, Halberds, 370

    Chaos Chariot; Mark of Khorne, 120

    Chaos Chariot; Mark of Khorne, 120

    Chaos Chariot; Mark of Khorne, 120

    Chaos Chariot; Mark of Khorne, 120

    Chaos Spawn; 50

    Giant; 200

    4 Skullcrushers; Musician, Standard Bearer,

    Ensorcelled Weapons, 332

    Steve Davie – Tomb Kings

    Liche High Priest, Lvl4, Lore of Nekehara,

    scroll, 235 (Heirophant)

    Tomb King, Great Weapon, Glittering scales,

    Talisman of Preservation, Other Tricksters

    Shard, 261 (General)

    Necrotect, charmed shield, warrior bane, 70

    20 Archers, musician, 130

    50 warriors (HW&S), FC, 230

    20 Archers, musician, 130

    5 Horse Archers, champ, 80

    5 Horsemen, Light Armour, 70

    5 Horse Archers, champ, 80

    3 Sepulchral stalkers, 165

    9 Ushabti, GW, 450

    Screaming Skull Catapult, 90

    Casket, 135

    Screaming Skull Catapult, 90

    Colossus, Great Weapon, 180

    Steve Wren – Wood Elves Highborn (General); Forest Dragon, Shield, Sword of Might, Armour of Destiny, Stone of the Crystal Mere, 568 Noble; BSB, Great Eagle, Light Armour, Shield, Great Weapon, Asyendi’s Bane, Dragon Helm, Hail of Doom Arrow, 198 pts Spellsinger; Dispell Scroll, 115 pts 13 Glade Guard; Musician, 162 pts 13 Glade Guard; Musician, 162 pts 12 Glade Guard; Musician, 150 pts 13 Glade Guard; Musician, Banner of Eternal Flame, 184 pts 8 Dryads, 96 pts 8 Dryads, 96 pts 8 Dryads, 96 pts Treeman, 285 pts Treeman, 285 pts

  • Stuart Hawkins – Ogre Kingdoms

    Slaughtermaster (General) Talisman of

    preservation, Biting blade, earthing rod,

    Rock eye, Level 4 wizard - 370pts

    Firebelly, Lvl1 1 - Hellheart, additional hand

    weapon - 172pts

    Bruiser - Battle standard bearer - Talisman of

    endurance, Dragonhelm, Warrior bane,

    Heavy armour - 179pts

    9 ironguts, Gutlord, bellower, standard

    bearer, standard of discipline - 432pts

    10 gnoblars - 25pts

    10 gnoblars - 25pts

    6 ogres, bellower - 190pts

    4 mournfang cavalry, bellower, standard

    bearer, dragonhide banner, heavy armour,

    ironfists - 350pts

    8 maneaters, 4x additional hand weapon, 3x

    great weapons, immune to psycholgy,

    stubborn - 441pts

    1 sabretusk - 21pts

    1 sabretusk - 21pts

    Ironblaster - 170pts

    Terry Pike - High Elves

    Prince (General); Star Dragon; Vambraces of

    Defence, Enchanted Shield, Warrior Bane,

    Dragon Armour, 599

    Mage; Level 2, The Seerstaff of Saphery

    (Banishment/Timewarp), Lore of Light, 165

    Mage; Level 2, Silver Wand, Lore of Light,


    Mage; Level 2, Dispel Scroll, Lore of Light,


    Noble; Battle Standard, Dragon Armour,

    Great Weapon, Shield, 126

    16 Archers; Musician, Standard, Banner of

    Eternal Flame, 201

    12 Archers; Musician, 137

    12 Archers; Musician, 137

    12 Archer; 132

    27 White Lions; Full Command, Amulet of

    Light, Banner of Sorcery, 500

    Great Eagle; 50

    Great Eagle; 50

    Tim Ross – Empire

    Archlector (general), heavy armour,

    enchanted shield, white cloak of sigmar,

    shrieking blade, 169

    Level 4 light wizard, earthing rod, 225

    Level 1 fire wizard, dispel scroll, 90

    BSB captain, plate armour, shield, 93

    Warrior priest, warrior bane, 70

    Witch hunter, tormentor blade, brace

    pistols, 60

    Engineer, 65

    40 halberdiers, champ, musician, standard,


    5 archers (detachment to halberd), 35

    5 archers (detachment to halberd), 35

    5 inner circle knights, musician, 135

    20 Spearmen, 100

    5 spearmen (detachment to spears), 25

    28 greatswords, champ, musician, standard,

    banner of discipline, 353

    1 great cannon, 120

    3 Demigryphs, musician, 184

    1 steam tank, 250

    1 hellblaster, 120

    Tom Mawdsley – Chaos Dwarfs

    Sorcerer-Prophet (General); Level 4, Lore of

    Death, Talisman of Preservation, Earthing

    Rod – 370pts

    Infernal Castellan; Battle Standard Bearer,

    Charmed Shield, Talisman of Endurance,

    Tormentor Sword – 170pts

    Daemonsmith Sorcerer; Level 1, Lore of

    Death, Dispel Scroll, Obsidian Trinket –


    Bull Centaur Tau’ruk; Blackshard Armour,

    Great Weapon, Dawnstone, The Other

    Trickster’s Shard, Dragonhelm – 235pts

    24 Infernal Guard; Full Command, Great

    Weapons – 392pts

    20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats; Musician, Bows –


    20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats; Musician, Bows –


    Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher – 100pts

    Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher – 100pts

    3 Bull Centaur Renders; Musician, Great

    Weapons – 155pts

    K’Daai Destroyer – 325pts

    Hellcannon – 210pts

  • Walt Simpson – Vampire Counts

    Vampire Lord: Heavy Armour, Lore of the

    Vampires, Quickblood, Red Fury, Shield,

    Dragonhelm, Ogre Blade, Talisman of

    Preservation 404

    Necromancer Master: Lore of Death, Wizard

    Level 3 Obsidian Amulet 195

    Necromancer: Lore of Death, Dispel Scroll 90

    Tomb Banshee 95

    Tomb Banshee 95

    30 Crypt Ghouls: champion 310

    5 Dire wolves 40

    5 Dire wolves 40

    5 Dire wolves 40

    55 Zombies: Musician 170

    8 Crypt Horrors 304

    2 Fell Bats 32

    2 Fell Bats 32

    6 Vargheists 276

    6 Vargheists 276

    Will Stacey – Ogre Kingdoms

    Tyrant (General), Mawseeker, Armour of Fortune, Ironfist, Sword of Might, 310 Slaughtermaster (Lore of The Great Maw), Talisman of Endurance, Additional Hand Weapon, 282 Bruiser, Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour, Ironfist, Dragonhide Banner, 188 Butcher (Lore of Beasts), Level 2, 135 10 x Ogres, Ironfists, Standard and Musician, 340 10 x Ironguts, Standard and Musician, 450 6 x Maneaters (Poison and Sniper), 6 x Brace of Pistols, Heavy Armour, Standard and Musician, Banner of Eternal Flame, 426 3 x Leadbelchers, 129 2 x Mournfang Cavalry, Heavy Armour,

    Ironfists, 140

    Yavor Bidzhov – Warriors of Chaos

    Sorcerer Lord (General) - Mark Of Tzeentch;

    Lore Of Metal; Level 4 Wizard; Chaos

    Familiar; Armour of Destiny; Disc Of

    Tzeentch ‘390

    Exalted Hero - Mark Of Tzeentch; BSB;

    Talisman Of Preservation; Charmed Shield;

    Third Eye Of Tzeentch; Soul Feeder;

    Daemonic Mount(barding); Great Weapon,


    Chaos Sorcerer – Mark Of Slaneesh; Lore Of

    Shadow; Level 1; Dispell Scroll; Barded Chaos

    Steed, 161

    Chaos Chariot - Mark Of Slaneesh, 115

    Chaos Chariot - Mark Of Slaneesh, 115

    Chaos Chariot - Mark Of Slaneesh, 115

    5xMarauder Horsemen – Mark of Slaneesh,

    Flails, 85

    5xMarauder Horsemen – Mark of Slaneesh,

    Flails, 85

    5xMarauder Horsemen – Mark of Slaneesh,

    Flails, 85

    Chimera - Regenerating Flesh,245

    Chimera - Regenerating Flesh,245

    3 SkullCrushers – Ensorcelled Weapons;


    3 SkullCrushers – Ensorcelled Weapons;

