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Table of Contents


Chapter 1:

Slaying Your Negativity

Chapter 2:

Shift in Perspective

Chapter 3:

Amplify Your Positivity

Chapter 4:

Benefits of An Abundance Mindset

Chapter 5:

How Negativity Manifests Chapter 6:

Replacing Negativity with Positivity Chapter 7:

Slowly But Surely Wrapping Up



"I ought to change, but I've attempted and failed." Does this seem

familiar? Frequently, altering habits does seem insurmountable. A lot

of us merely don't have enough motivation to alter our habits - all of

our foul habits - in a way that would really affect our life. We hold

them tight as we view them as rewards

But your habits determine your life.

Discarding Negative Habits

Methods That Will Help You Deconstruct The Bad

Habits Holding You Back


But Before We Continue..

You need to ask yourself this:

Are your fears holding you back from living life to the fullest?

Are your disempowering rituals stopping you from achieving even

more success?

Or are you unhappy with where your life is at now...

And you desperately need something that would finally give you your

big breakthrough in life.

If you answered YES to any of the above, then you need to apply

these hacks that I will share with you in the next few chapters...

Because “Slaying Your Negativity” could be the ultimate key you need

to achieve massive success and unleash the greatness within you.

You're About To Find Out The Empowering Success Mindset Tips

Applied By Highly Successful People

Many highly successful individuals and well known entrepreneurs

like Jack Ma, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and

many more; shared that they create their own positive rituals to set

themselves up for greatness.

And here's your golden opportunity to learn their secrets to abundant

wealth, prosperity and a lifetime of happiness.

By sending you this book, I'm granting you the permission to model

their positive habits and empower your state of mind.


You will start seeing positive results and notice amazing changes

when you implement what you're about to learn in “Slaying Your


Discover your own talents and how you can expand them

Build your own success mindset routine to implement them


Have a happier and positive outlook towards your life

Achieve breakthrough and great success by applying

empowering success habits

Set goals for yourself and do whatever it takes to achieve them

Find out the common negative mindsets you need to avoid

Build your own success mindset to your destined journey of


Put empowering tips into practice in your everyday life to attain

great abundance

Explore and apply the shift of perspective; for a better quality

of life

Master the steps to great fulfilment and happiness...

And SO much more !


Chapter 1

Slaying Your Negativity

Chapter 1

Slaying Your Negativity


Did you know that you think an average of 60,000 thoughts per day?

And 95% out of those thoughts you think on repeat, over and over

and over again out of habit?

And that 80% of them are typically negative?!

When it comes to making changes, we’re so quick to blame outside

forces for why we can’t make things happen. We tell ourselves it’s the

economy, genetics, because we have kids, or we don’t have the time

or the money…




I’m pretty sure I say this in every book I write, but it’s so important

that it’s worth repeating an infinite number of times.


Thoughts Create Things

When we allow our mind to unconsciously focus on the things we

don’t want to happen, the experiences we don’t want to have or the

circumstances we don’t want to create, guess what happens!?

Those things come true. And all of a sudden we find ourselves living

in a self-fulfilling nightmare.

This is especially true when it comes to prosperity and


If you’re constantly fixated on the money you don’t have, how tough

the economy is or how much you hate your job, what kind of life are

you creating for yourself?

Learning how to consciously program your mind with thoughts that

align with abundance and prosperity is a skill. It takes practice and

commitment. It means showing up for yourself day after day after


But is it worth it!? Oh yes.

Gaining mastery over your mind will pay infinite dividends for you in

this lifetime. And it's something you can begin right now!

Below you'll find

Ways to Shift Into An Abundant Mindset

when you feel yourself worrying and in doubt.

Amplify your positivity and start practicing these tips right now!


Chapter 2

Shift In Perspective


Unmask The Secrets To Abundant Health, Wealth, Prosperity & A

Lifetime Of Happiness

Discover Empowering Success Habits

Apply Them In Your Life To Achieve Destined Greatness

Have you ever wondered how highly successful people

are able to achieve the success that they have today?

That's because successful people have their own success rituals that they

practice daily.

These rituals are positive habits that bring positive results.

Their empowering habits gave them a positive outlook and unlocked their

full potential granting them the ultimate breakthrough they need to

achieve greatness in life.

So What's The Secret Behind Their Success And Greatness?

It's simple.

Everything starts with your MINDSET.

YOUR MIND is the single most powerful asset you have but if used

against you; it can also be your biggest liability.

It is a powerful tool used to influence actions....

Because your actions are a result of every thought you had initiated.

Here's the thing.

To create empowering rituals, you need to REPROGRAM YOUR MIND.

You need to build your own empowering ritual that will replace the

disempowering one.


Shift in Perspective

An abundance mindset is based on the belief that there is more than

enough of everything to go around – for everyone.

Having an abundance mindset as opposed to a poverty mindset can

be a crucial aspect not only in how you live your life but also in how

you lead your life. Leading it to fulfilling objectives and goals that

create the success in life you desire and deserve.

This may seem contrary at first – because we have been taught that

this is not so and have experienced first hand that there is never

enough to go around – but it is not a concrete fact, only a product of

an economic system that feeds off itself – capatalism based on greed.

Imagine a world based on giving rather than taking – and a whole

new world of different possibilities emerges.

But besides the fact that in reality scarcity is a product manufactured

by man’s decision to base his civilization on taking rather than giving

it is also an excellent positive empowering mentality to adopt because

it can liberate you from negative thinking and allow you to see the

world from a very different point of view. A point of view that allows

you to become excited by all the possibilities rather than the


In fact obtaining a new belief in the abundance of things rather than

their scarcity could completely change your life. Because changing

what you believe to be true often makes it actually come true – in

reality. Your internal map of the world, built up from past

experiences and teachings is not always the real world – merely a

personal representation of it.


It can allow you to unlock your limiting beliefs and values

surrounding many things that we sometimes falsely think are scarce

– examples:

Health Success Abundance Prosperity Potential Partners Job Opportunities Life Prospects A Happy Life and more..

The problem is that even when we instinctively know this, whenever

we are frustrated, blocked or simply unlucky with something in our

lives, it is often not easy for us to put things into perspective.

It is easier for us to admit defeat and lurch back into a poverty


Although this unproductive behavior may be expected and somewhat

normal, it is not a beneficial behavior or good way of thinking. It can

lead us to make false assumptions about scarcity and also reinforce

our already false beliefs about poverty.

Unless, that is, we have cultivated the correct positive mindset and

empowering focus that allows us to zoom out and see the overall

bigger picture and our place in it. To see things from a new

perspective and from a different point of view.

What we need is a way to zoom out and to see the larger overall

scheme of things and to be able to place our negative experiences into

their proper perspective.


Chapter 3

Amplify Your Positivity


Amplify Your Positivity A scarcity mindset leads to self-defeating behaviour. It sabotages

your chances for future financial success. Even when a Depression-

type scarcity mentality helps you accumulate piles of cash, you’re

unable to enjoy it. You’re afraid to.

Fear is always at the heart of scarcity: fear of failure, fear of the

future, fear of missing out. Those with a scarcity mindset cling to the

notion that there’s a limited amount of everything, and they’re afraid

they won’t get their share. We’ll talk more about fear (and

overcoming it) next week. For now, you should recognize that in

order to achieve financial freedom, you must adopt an abundance


If you’re worried about lack, you aren’t free.

I’ve already suggested several ways to fight specific flavors of scarcity.

To finish, let’s look at a technique anyone can use to move from

scarcity to abundance: To get what you want, give what you want.

What do I mean?

Researchers suggest that “giving time gives you time”. Spending time

on others (instead of yourself) boosts how much time you think you

have — in both the present and the future.

Many of us feel pressured by the modern world. We feel rushed, as if

there’s never have enough time to do what we want. We feel a lack, a

scarcity, of minutes and hours and days. To cope with this, we tend to

turn inward. We watch TV. We splurge on anything we feel like

buying. We get a massage. But studies show that “wasting time” like

this truly is a waste. When we spend time on ourselves, we feel like

the time is lost.


On the other hand, when we give our time to others — helping friends

or volunteering in the community, for instance — we experience

feelings of “time affluence”. Plus our time seems “fuller”. We feel

better about ourselves and what we’ve done. And as a bonus:

“Giving time to others not only increases the giver’s sense of

subjective time but can also increase the recipient’s objective amount

of time, such that giving time contributes to the well-being of both

the self and others.”

That, my friends, is abundance in action.

The bottom line? “When individuals feel time constrained, they

should become more generous with their time — despite their

inclination to be less so.”


The same idea applies to other areas of your life in which you

experience feelings of lack. When I started giving away and selling

my Stuff several years ago, for example, I came to realize just how

much I had. Before, when I was constantly in acquisition mode, I felt

like I had very little. I was wrong. I had mountains of things!

If you feel a lack of respect from others, give respect to others. If you

feel a lack of compassion from others, be compassionate to others. If

you feel like people don’t love you, love other people. If you feel

broke, donate time and money to the poor. If you feel like you’ll never

have enough wealth, systematically give away some of what you have.

The abundance mentality…is the paradigm that there is plenty out

there and enough to spare for everybody. It results in sharing of

prestige, of recognition, of profits, of decision making. It opens

possibilities, options, alternatives, and creativity.

The abundance mindset comes from understanding there’s plenty in

the world: plenty of money, plenty of love, plenty of time. There’s

plenty for everyone — both for you and for others. There’s plenty now

and there’ll be plenty tomorrow. Enjoy it!


Chapter 4

Benefits of An Abundance Mindset


Benefits of An Abundance Mindset

First of all it is important to point out that having an abundance

mentality is not something that is necessarily unrealistic.

In most cases there are many many other options and many many

other opportunities or ways of achieving our goals in life. We just

need to stick at it and adopt a supportive behaviour pattern that

enables us to carry on in the face of adversity.

To meet new partners, to prosper abundantly, to find new good job

opportunities, to find new rewarding prospects in life and to find new

innovative ways to create and secure true wealth for ourselves.

All that is required is an ability to see things in perspective by having

the ability to view things from new angles. To see things as they truly

are and not colored by any sense of lack.

But the ability TO DO THAT comes from the actual mindset that says

that this IS a valuable and useful way to think about the world. One

which can bring real benefits to our lives, through a process of boot-

strapping if nothing else.

Your reality mirror your beliefs

It is not that zooming out or viewing things from a different angle is

such a difficult thing. Far from it. It is actually very easy to do. But

most people just don’t believe it is worth it. They have adopted a

negative mindset already and therefore there is no point in trying.

They are set in their ways. They will just conform to their internal

mind map and let their reality mirror their beliefs.


Failure is not the end

An abundance mindset says it is a numbers game and that being

rejected by an attractive potential partner is not the end of the world.

There are plenty of fish in the sea.


Not getting that job offer is ok because something better will come

along. That failing to earn more money is a lesson to be learned on

the creation road of certainty to true wealth.

An abundance mentality together with our willingness to fail allows

us to push for more things in life without the fear of loss and failure

Reaching full potential

An abundance mindset not only keeps us focused on our goals but

actually allows us to attain them. Because YOU KNOW it is possible

and YOU KNOW it can be done.

It is the core motivation for us to keep trying and to eventually

succeed. The lens of abundance created through an abundance

mindset allows us to realize and to tap our true FULL POTENTIAL.

Less Negative Emotions

An abundance mindset leads to less attachment and therefore to less

negative emotions when we are thwarted in our endeavors.

Depression, anger or disappointment can only fester in our minds

when we have a scarcity mindset.


See Things In Perspective

To see that WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU BELIEVE. Not what is


See your reality for real – using the power of your mindset and your

innate imagination that flows through it.

There are millions of people on this planet, there are billions of

opportunities and there are trillions of dollars.

More than enough food and shelter for all and then some. More

riches than you could ever imagine. Waiting for you!

Its time to zoom out and zero in. To adopt the most beneficial angle.

To see things in a new light. To install the correct abundance



Start seeing life through a more abundant lens. You simply have to

zoom out, see the bigger picture and then zero in on the best angles

or positive points of view.

This is a valuable skill that can help motivate you to success –



Chapter 5

How Negativity Manifests


How Negativity Manifests

As all these sounds good or maybe even too good to be true, I was

there was once. I was in a very negative state. Lack of drive. Not

seeing the light in my darkness. Hopeless. Depress. Fighting my own

thoughts. Recurring old habits that die hard. Mental blueprints

(including our money blueprints) are deeply ingrained and tough to


I’ve used to think a lot about certain parts of my past, sometimes in

huge and annoying ways. I had my trouble with impulse control. In

the past, I’ve had problems with overspending, depression, low self

esteem and even alcohol consumption.

All of this — the collecting, the addictive tendencies, the lack of self-

control — stems from a scarcity mentality. I fought an ongoing battle

against a scarcity mindset. But I didn’t realize it until a few years ago

when I met my perspective mindset coach who dug out the root of my


With a scarcity mindset, you believe that everything is limited. Time

is limited. Money is limited. Love is limited. This causes you to worry

about the future. You’re consciously or unconsciously more

concerned with what might go wrong than with what could go right.

You make fear-based decisions. You’re afraid of missing out. You’re

afraid of not having enough. You have trouble with moderation and

often exhibit “all or nothing” behavior.


With an abundance mindset, you believe there’s plenty for everyone.

There’s plenty of wealth, prestige, and happiness to go around.

You’re optimistic about the future. You think things will work out

even if there are bumps along the way. You make decisions based on

the Big Picture rather than a single snapshot in time. It’s easy for you

to balance tomorrow and today.

Because my family didn’t have much when I was young, I find it

difficult to defer gratification. My default mindset — even when life is

grand — is that if I want something and it’s available, I should get it

now. Somewhere deep inside, I feel as if there won’t ever be another

chance. My father had this mindset. My mother had it. My brothers

have it too.

But here’s the thing: In so many ways, financial freedom depends on

casting aside this scarcity mentality and embracing an abundance

mindset instead. Financial well-being is fundamentally tied to

positive expectations of the future.

Let’s look at some ways the negative mindset can manifest itself —

and how to embrace positivity and abundance instead.

Jealousy and Spite

For some, the scarcity mindset manifests as jealousy and spite. These

folks resent the success of others, financial and otherwise. They find

it tough to be happy when something good happens to a friend or

family member. They’re territorial, reluctant to co-operate toward a

greater common good.


People with a scarcity mentality tend to see everything in terms of

win-lose. There is only so much; and if someone else has it, that

means there will be less for me.

This type of scarcity mindset is the source of the average American’s

love-hate relationship with wealth. Most people want to be wealthy —

but are suspicious of those who already are. The typical person

believes that when she makes money, it’s a result of hard work and

skill. But others who get rich? They’re lucky jerks who don’t deserve


People with this form of the scarcity mindset don’t just hold back

themselves but they keep down the people around them. This usually

manifests as gossip and griping. Sometimes these people “keep

score”. In extreme cases, they actively work to sabotage the success of


People with this type of scarcity mindset are a drag on life, a net

negative to the world at large.

What if you suffer from this sort of scarcity mentality? Train yourself

to be happy for others. Recognize that my success does not diminish

you. Life is not a zero-sum game.

Don’t compare yourself to other people. Focus on yourself, on your

own goals and accomplishments. If you must compete, compete

with yourself. Strive for constant self-improvement.


Practice a win-win approach to life. Look for ways to improve your

own situation while also helping those around you. When faced with

a conflict, don’t try to be the “victor”; instead, work toward a solution

beneficial to both parties.

Teach yourself to share. Force yourself to give things — time, money,

resources — to other people. When you have a surplus of something,

spread the love.

Jealousy and spite can be overcome, but it takes work. Making the

effort is a great way to change your outlook, creating a better life for

yourself and the people around you.

Never Enough

For others, the scarcity mindset manifests as fear of the future. These

people think and act like children of the Great Depression. They’re so

worried about how bad things could get that they’re unable to

recognize and enjoy what they already have — even when they have a


Let me give you an example.

I once met with a woman who had over $6 million in the bank. She

was my age — mid forties — and lived a modest lifestyle. She wasn’t

overly frugal, but she didn’t spend a lot either. Plus she had just

landed a job that paid half a million per year. Nice position to be in,

right? Not to her. She was scared to stop working because she didn’t

want to run out of money.


Based on standard assumptions about inflation and stock market

returns, this woman could probably spend $240,000 per year for the

rest of her life and still die rich. (That’s without taking into account

her new $500k per year position!) Her spending was closer to

$50,000 per year, yet she fretted about not having enough.

Other folks are more extreme. I’ve known retirees who have millions

in the bank but who are so frightened of the future — inflation! peak

oil! stock market collapse! — that they won’t spend on needed home

repairs and health concerns. What good is all of that money if you’re

dead or your house falls down around you?

These folks aren’t harming anyone else (at least not directly), but

they’re doing severe damage to their own well-being. They sacrifice

happiness today in order to have more tomorrow — but they never

enjoy tomorrow.

People with this type of scarcity mentality never have enough. No

amount of money will allow them to sleep soundly at night.

What if you feel like you’ll never have enough? Unlike those who

suffer from jealousy and spite, you should keep score. Do this in two


First, keep a journal — a standard daily diary.

It doesn’t have to be detailed. Write down the most important events

from your life. And every day note at least one thing for which you

are grateful. At the end of each year, go back and re-read what you’ve

written. (This exercise will increase in value the longer you keep at



Second, track your net worth and spending.

Know how much you have and how much you need. Remember this

rule of thumb: For every $25 you’ve saved, you can probably spend

$1 each year without worry. (If you’re really nervous, you might

change that to $1 for every $30 or $40 saved.)

If you have more than enough stashed away and still fret about the

future, force yourself to spend. I’m serious. Pick something you’ve

always wanted to do or have, and go get it. Money is a tool to build a

better life. If the tool sits unused, what’s the point?

Instant Gratification

Finally, there are the folks like me, people who find it tough to wait

for what they want. We’re “shopaholics” and compulsive spenders.

With our flavor of the scarcity mindset, we’re so skeptical about

tomorrow that we enjoy today too much. We want it all and we want

it now.

A decade ago, when I still struggled with money, I had nothing saved.

No retirement, no nothing. What I ought to have been doing was

paying down my debt and building a foundation for the future.

Instead, I was spending everything I earned on beauty products,

alcohol and fashion clothes. It never occurred to me to wait. I wanted

things now, so I bought them.


As I mentioned at the start of this article, my perspective mindset

coach helped me to understand that growing up poor had given me a

loathing of uncertainty and an inability to delay gratification. My

money blueprint was largely constructed around a fear of missing

out. During my transition from spendthrift to money boss, I learned

to put off potential spending. I learned to wait for the things I


Like the last group, people with this sort of scarcity mentality never

have enough. But the lack manifests in a different way. Instead of

needing more money, we need more stuff. We buy and buy and buy

and are never satisfied. There’s no amount of possessions that will

make us happy.

What if a feeling of scarcity drives you to always want more? Practice

the art of deferred gratification. Buy only what you need and things

that can improve your quality of life. I learned this skill by using the

urge-passing rule. Here’s how it works:

When you see something you want, make a note of what it is, where

you saw it, and how much it costs.


Over the next few days, be on the lookout for free or cheap

alternatives. Does the library have that book? Can you borrow that

tool from a friend? Could the local thrift store have a similar shirt?

At the end of the few days, if you still want the item then consider

buying it. In most cases, however, you’ll find the urge to purchase has


Also practice moderation. Recognize that most things in life don’t

require an “all or nothing” approach. You can have some, and that’s


Finally, keep a gratitude journal. The fundamental problem with this

type of scarcity mindset is not appreciating what you already have.

Force yourself to catalog the good things in your life into success!


Chapter 6

Replacing Negativity with Positivity



To replace the bad habits with great habits is a really good

idea. Here you will find some really great habits to start

that will benefit your personal development.


Embrace Abundance, Not Scarcity

“There is enough pie to go around,” so discourage an attitude of

scarcity because it can negatively affect your success. Find out how to

spread a positive, plentiful mentality through your team.

Imagine that you and I are walking down the street.

You breathe in. You breathe out. I breathe in. I breathe out. We both

need oxygen to survive. Would you worry that there would not be

enough oxygen for both of us? Of course not—air is abundant.

Now imagine we are scuba diving and my scuba tank starts to

malfunction. I signal that I need to share the oxygen in your tank.

Suddenly the air becomes a precious commodity. Its scarcity that

makes us worry. What if there isn’t enough for both of us?

Our attitudes toward scarcity and abundance in other aspects of our

lives greatly influence our success.


Most people are deeply scripted in what I call the Scarcity Mentality.

They see life as having only so much, as though there were only one

pie out there. And if someone were to get a big piece of the pie, it

would mean less for everybody else.

The Scarcity Mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life. People with a

Scarcity Mentality have a very difficult time sharing recognition and

credit, power or profit—even with those who help in the production.

They also have a hard time being genuinely happy for the success of

other people.

The Abundance Mentality, on the other hand, flows out of a deep

inner sense of personal worth or security. It is the paradigm that

there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody. It results

in the sharing of prestige, recognition, profits and decision-making.

It opens possibilities, options, alternatives and creativity.

When you live in a world of scarcity, you compete for available

resources, even when there is an abundance of them.

When I speak to audiences across the country, I often hear about the

challenges people face in the workplace. More often than not, these

difficulties stem from a scarcity mindset.

Leaders who allow a scarcity mindset to work its way into their

culture pay a high price. When resources (money, opportunity,

recognition) are perceived to be limited, paranoia, fear and politics

thrive. In this environment, people become nervous and afraid to

make a mistake. As a result, teamwork and innovation suffer.


On the other hand, the habits of highly effective leaders develop and

model an abundance mindset. By doing so, they create an

environment where they can positively influence their team—and

where their employees can thrive. Here’s how to spread this positive

mentality through your team.

Tap Into Gratitude

What you appreciate, appreciates. When you’re feeling scarce take 5

min and write down 10 things you’re grateful for. If you’re on-the-go

open a note in your phone or send an email to yourself! Every time

you do this you are training your brain to think abundantly when

feelings of lack arise. In time, this will become your habitual

programming and the feelings of fear will subside.

Offer words of appreciation. Let people know how much you value

their contributions. People want to know that their work matters.

Your influence and happiness will increase in direct proportion to the

appreciation that you show your team. I have found this to be one of

the fastest and simplest ways to build a more abundant life.

Choose to see the opportunity

The next time your team is faced with an obstacle, flip it around and

consider it an opportunity. Face the challenge with optimism and

make sure your team sees you modeling that attitude. You’ll be

surprised at how quickly problems dissolve and how soon optimism

becomes your default mechanism.

Stop comparing. There’s more than enough.

Remind yourself that there is more than enough. There is enough pie

to go around, so break that nasty habit of comparing yourself to

others. Repeat after me: There is plenty for everyone. Say the

sentence often enough, and it’ll become second nature.


Choose your circle

Carefully select the company you keep. Mindsets are contagious.

Limit your time with “the-glass-is-half- empty” people.


As I said up top, you think 60,000 thoughts per day. That’s one

thought per second. 95% of those thoughts are repeated daily -- and

80% are usually negative. Taking the time to program your mind

through the repetition of positive affirmations is incredibly powerful.

Instead of allowing your habitual negative thoughts to take over,

you’re choosing what to think, and aligning your thoughts with the

vibration of what you desire. When you catch yourself thinking

negatively -- stop and choose to program your mind with a more

empowering thought. The more you do this, the quicker it will

become a habit!

Reflect ALWAYS

Spend time in reflection. Learn to acknowledge and appreciate all the

positives in your life and work. Gratitude is a powerful aspect of an

abundant mindset. A grateful heart is at the center of an abundant

life. In his book, Life, the Truth, and Being Free, coach and speaker

Steve Maraboli says, “Those with a grateful mindset tend to see the

message in the mess. And even though life may knock them down,

the grateful find reasons, if even small ones, to get up.”

Cancel The Negative Thought + Choose Again

When you catch yourself complaining or thinking negatively about

your finances, stop. Low-vibe thinking is only going to create low-

vibe situations, like a self-fulfilling prophecy.


In your mind (or even out loud) say to yourself, “I cancel that thought

and choose to believe ________________.” Replacing it with a

positive affirmation. Again this is re-wiring your brain. Every time

you do this exercise you create a neurological pathway in your mind

towards positive thinking. In time abundant thinking will become

your default habit and your life will reflect that.

More outflow. More inflow.

Give more of what you want. Although it may sound counterintuitive,

one of the best ways to increase your abundance is to give. Don’t feel

like you have enough time? Slip away from your obligations, even if

just for an hour, to help someone in need. Don’t feel like you have

enough money? Give to someone less fortunate. In other words, be a

river, not a reservoir. Giving is sure to put you in a more abundant

and appreciative frame of mind.

Give yourself the permission to feel

So many of us live our lives trying to avoid feeling the difficult

feelings. We numb out or resist accepting simply what is. When you

feel scared or anxious, be brave enough to sit with that feeling. Focus

on it. Notice where it hits you in your body and what it feels like.

Notice the thoughts that trigger this fear-based response. Be present

with your feelings. Often sitting with an unwanted feeling for 2

minutes is enough to dissipate it and clear it naturally.

Listen To Empowering Music

Like exercise, music is a powerful way to shift your vibration. Make a

playlist of your favourite upbeat, inspiring music and download it

onto your phone, so that you can pop a pair of earbuds in when

fearful thinking strikes. I'm a huge fan of Florence and the Machine.

She is my go-to goddess when fear strikes!


You set the tone

Have you heard of the Law of the Mirror. It states that people do

what people see. Reflect on the influence you have on your team.

Which mindset do you model? Do you see a positive, abundant

mentality reflected in your team leaders? Or are they pessimistic,

stingy and competing among themselves for your attention?

Remember, you set the tone for your organization.

Move Your Body

Exercise is one the most effective ways to change your

vibration. Movement creates endorphins, which help us to think

more positively and operate from a happier state. Through sweat we

also release toxins and emotional baggage. Your mind, body and

spirit are all connected. By getting physical, you are doing an epic

amount of good for your mental clarity and emotional well being. So

go for a walk, head to a yoga class or put in your headphones and

dance around your house, the next time you feel yourself in a money



Prayer is the medium for miracles. Calling on a power greater than

ourselves when the going gets tough is one of the most powerful and

transformational tools we can use. The next time you find yourself

struggling, call on God, the Universe, Mother Earth or the Higher

Power you connect with the most, and ask for guidance. You are

always being guided. It’s just that sometimes the answer comes in

unexpected ways or is the very thing we’re most afraid to do. Be

brave enough to listen and to trust what you're receiving.


Release The Fear By Free Writing Or Speaking Your Truth

To Someone You Love + Trust

Our fears do the most damage when we keep them between our ears.

Releasing them onto a piece of paper or through our vocal chords

keeps us from other thinking or worrying incessantly, by disarming

the fear. If you've ever told someone a secret or opened up to a friend

about something tough you were dealing with, you likely experienced

a sensation of relief or a weight being lifted off your shoulders. When

we keep our fears to ourselves, they can eat us alive from the inside.

So open up to someone you trust.


I challenge you to foster an abundance-minded culture this month.

Encourage people to see options and opportunity when they face

obstacles or challenges. Express appreciation regularly, and

recognize others who do the same. Communicate and share your

hopes for yourself and your team.

Find A Radical Success Story

There is nothing more inspiring than a great success story. And our

world really is full of them. Find examples of successful women or

men who’ve done what you’re looking to do and soak up their stories.

This is so powerful in aligning our subconscious mind with what

we’re looking to create. When we experience stories of people who’ve

made the impossible, possible, we’re telling our subconscious that it’s

possible for us too.



All top performers know the power of visualizing yourself succeeding

before you actually do so in reality. The mind-body connection is

real. By using the power of your mind conjure sensations of success,

your body becomes more and more familiar with what to do, making

it easier, when the time comes, to actually succeed. When practicing

visualization engage as many senses as you can… What does it look

like? What does it sound like? What are people saying about you?

What does it feel like? Taste like? The more detailed your

visualizations, the stronger they are.

You Lead. You Influence

Remember, we are all leaders. Leadership is influence—nothing

more, nothing less. We influence the people around us wherever we

are, whether it’s at home, at work, on the highway or in the checkout

line. As you build an authentic and sincere abundance mindset, you

will find that your positive outlook can spill over and influence the

people around you.

William James said, “The greatest discovery of my generation is

that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of

mind.” Let your mindset be your biggest asset!


Chapter 7

Slowly But Surely



Taking it in steps is an easy technique for gradually

altering habits.


Slowly But Surely

Rather than making a huge change all at once, you aim to take one

little step in the proper direction. When you have gotten comfy with

that change, take a different little step. Go forward taking little

steps one at a time till you sooner or later reach your goal.

For instance, if you wish to stop consuming caffeine, first take note of

how much caffeine you presently consume. Then set up an initial goal

to cut back your daily consumption by twenty-five percent.

So if you consume 4 cupfuls of caffeine a day, you will either drop it to

3 cupfuls a day or you'll consume 4 cupfuls that are only three-

quarters full. Sustain that new level for a week prior to taking the

following step. At that point, reduce your consumption to fifty percent

of your original level, and accomplish that for a different week.

Then drop it to merely twenty-five percent of the original level,

again sustaining it for a week. And finally you are ready to do away

with caffeine completely.

If a twenty-five percent change is too much for you to manage, begin

with a ten percent change. You are able to use stair-stepping for a

wide range of habits. I know a lot of individuals who've used this

technique to stop smoking, dropping their cigarette consumption by a

little amount each week till they were down to one smoke per day

(and occasionally down to one cigarette every 2 or 3 days) before

finally quitting for good. A different individual utilized this method to

become an early riser, setting his alarm simply 5 minutes earlier every

day till he reached his goal.


Wrapping Up

Expect to invest a lot of time and energy working at your habits. A lot

of your personal development efforts will likely be aimed at breaking

previous patterns or forging fresh ones. Your habits put your

outcomes on automatic pilot, so you have to ensure that those

outcomes are lined up with what you wish. What sense does it make

to quest after your greatest aspirations if your day-to-day habits will

only undermine you? If you wish to live more consciously, you have

to consciously cultivate great habits.

In spite of the hard challenges you will face in this area, working on it

provides you tremendous leverage. One fresh habit may permanently

alter the course of your life story for the better. In the last analysis,

the rewards warrant the required effort. Great habits will support you

well in all fields of your life, including your wellness, your


I hope these tools inspire and empower you to align your thoughts

with abundance. If you're feeling called to take this work deeper, you

can grab these other teachings that changed my life!


TAKE ACTION ! ‘80% of success in life is just showing up’.

The universe always presents you with a lot of opportunities that will

lead you directly towards accomplishing your aspirations.

Once opportunities are presented, you have a choice – most people

ignore them. That is why they are still stuck at where they are. The

truth is that some people who see this book and the products I

recommend, assume it’s too good to be true and they walk on by.

This assumption is the default position of all people living in the

scarcity mindset.

If you are serious about attracting wealth don’t be like them, take


Don’t wait for luck to do miracles for you, rather do your thing and

let the universe apply an equal or even greater push in the same


To Your Success,

Kayden Fox

Your Abundance Specialist
