design fundamentals project PDF Gabriella Smoczynski FdA

term 1 pdf

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graphic design fdA project

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design fundamentals

project PDF


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starting pointThe three numbers I got when I rolled the dice were three ,one and four ,and from these I got the task to make a supermarket chain greener and aim it at style concious 20 to 30 year olds.

The activity we did to illustrate our target audience was a good starting point to get the ball rolling and gave me a good idea of what I needed to research about my audi-ence.

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chosen audienceI decided to break my audience down to make it more specific ,as I found that fashion concious 20 to 30 year olds was a very broad. I chose to concentrate on art aware students and professionals. I found that this audience was interested in the latest catwalk trends and that this reflected the fashion of the 1930’s ,very retro and vintage in its style. Therefore I decided to design my work in this style.

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idea generation

concider all factors

dominant idea

concept challenge

stepping stone

What would my audience be prepared to do in reference to becoming greener?

What can make the supermarket appeal to my audience?

How can the supermarket be-come greener?

Re-branding a supermarket to appeal to my audience.

recycled packaging ,old fashioned style ,weighed food packaging.

imagery related to becoming greener ,logos ,nature,scenery ,weather,seasons.

Informing the audience through illustration.

Editing photos to create imagery to convey the message.

Having no packaging and weighing food instead.

Packaging with imagery eg: weather ,nature ,scenery.

Recycled paper ,brown paper ,off -white ,rough textured.

Wrapping up weighed foods therefore being greener as well as old fashioned.

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sketchbook spreadsThese are some pags in my sketchbook which show the main parts of my design process. I like to work in a very orderly way but I use my sketchbook as a very rough messy idea book ,not paying too much attention to the presentation.

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inspirationI looked at different advertisments and campaigns about becoming greener and these were some that inspired me. I liked the way the stella artois advertisment used a photomontage effect mixing graphic shapes with the image of a tree ,it gives a recycled look having this combination. The ‘go green’ logo was similar to the first idea that came to mind for me as a logo ,and the ‘leap into green’ logo used the recycling symbol and manipulated it to look more interesting to younger audiences.

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museum of branding and advertisingThe museum of branding and advertising wasan interesting and useful place as it gave me insight to how packaging has changed over time ,and what old fashioned packaging actually looks like ,compared to what would be appropriate in my design for my audience.

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imagery techniquesUsing relief by rubbing leaves with oil pastels created a nice rus-tic look ,whilst using photoshop was a lot more graphic ,I prefer the relief effect as it meets my purpose better ,it looks more or-ganic and recycled. It reminds me of the stella artois advertisment.

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ideas generation

I started of aiming to re-brand an existing supermarket chain ,but after realising that this was unsuitable and unrealistic for my idea I decided to create my own supermarket. A small scale store called “The food boutique”. These are my first few ideas ,I was unhappy with these outcomes and researched other small scale food stores for inspiration.

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ideas generation


Looking at other small scale food stores for inspiration was very useful in my idea generation. It made it apparent that there was a great difference in style for small scale stores compared to larger stores such as Sainsbury’s. I like the style of this store as it looks quite old fashioned.

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ideas generationI changed my mind about designing a logo as I felt it detracted from my idea ,I decided to use the releaf technique as a backround and simply add the information of the product ,and a head-ing “The food boutique”. This first attempt didn’t work well in print as the green type was difficult to read.

After trying various colours and sizes for the type I settled with white ,this was the best colour for readability in the background. It was not to domi-nating and I could leave the type its original size.I am pleased with this outcome and think it looks a lot more proffessional than my first ideas.

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final outcome - paper bagI photographed my packaging in a real supermarket , I think I need to look into what the practical guidelines are for this type of packaging ,but for the project I gave myself artistic licence to make it look how I wanted it to.

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final outcome - card boxI feel that the box doesn’t work too well , it doesn’t really fit in with the style of my paper bag ,and loses the mes-sage of going green. using the same paper to make the box would have been a better solution.

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conclusionI would like to develop my work to be more realistic ,for example change the label for comercial use in a supermarket chain by applying the required standards ;and get rid of the typed information of the contents and price and the barcode for use in a small scale private store. Exploring both these clients would improve the effectiveness of my design. For the packaging I would like to explore ways of mass producing it, for example screenprinting or making a template to be used in a printing company.

project PDF
