VERB TENSES A. PHAÀN LYÙ THUYEÁT a. The simple present tense (Thì hieän taïi ñôn) Form ( Caáu truùc) Use (Caùch duøng) Dieãn taû moät chaân lyù, moät söï thaät hieån nhieân. The sun rises in the East Dieãn taû moät thoùi quen, moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra thöôøng xuyeân ôû hieän taïi. Mary often goes to school by bicycle. Dieãn taû moät söï vieäc seõ xaûy ra theo thôøi gian bieåu hoaëc chöông trình, keá hoaïch ñaõ ñònh theo thôøi gian bieåu. The train leaves at seven twenty-three tomorrow morning. * Löu yù: Ta theâm es sau caùc ñoäng töø taän cuøng laø: o,s,x,xh,sh Time expressions ( Cuïm töø thôøi gian) Always, usually, sometimes, often, normally, generally, occasionally, as a rule, never, rarely, seldom, … Every: everyday, every morning, every Saturday… Three times a week, twice a month, from time to time… b. The present continuous tense ( Thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn) Form ( Caáu truùc) I Am V ing We, you, they Ar e He, she, it is Use (Caùch duøng) Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng hay moät söï vieäc ñang dieån ra ngay luùc noùi. The children are playing football now. Dieàn taû moät haønh ñoäng coù tính taïm thôøi, dieãn ra xung quanh thôøi ñieåm noùi. I am quite busy these days. I am building a new house. Dieån taû moät keá hoaïch, moät döï ñònh trong töông lai gaàn,moät söï saép xeáp tröôùc luùc noùi. He is coming next week. Time expressions ( Cuïm töø thôøi gian) Now, right now, at present, at the moment, still Today, this week, these days, this term, this year, this summer, nowadays… Look! Be quite! Don’t make noise! Listen! Watch out! Keep silent... * Löu yù: Khoâng duøng thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn vôùi caùc töø chæ nhaän thöùc, tri giaùc nhö: to be, see, hear, understand, know, like, want, glance, feel, think, smell, love, hate, realize, seem, remember, forget… I am tired now She wants to go for a walk at the moment. c. The past simple tense ( Thì quaù khöù ñôn) Form ( Caáu truùc) I, we, you, they, he, she, it V ed V 2 Use (Caùch duøng) Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra vaø chaám döùt trong quaù khöù, thôøi gian ñöôïc xaùc ñònh roõ. 1 I, we, you, they Vinf He, she, it, V

Tenses and Exercises for Practising

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Grammar exercise tenses

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Page 1: Tenses and Exercises for Practising


a. The simple present tense (Thì hieän taïi ñôn)Form ( Caáu truùc)

Use (Caùch duøng) Dieãn taû moät chaân lyù, moät söï thaät hieån nhieân. The sun rises in the East Dieãn taû moät thoùi quen, moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra thöôøng xuyeân ôû hieän

taïi. Mary often goes to school by bicycle. Dieãn taû moät söï vieäc seõ xaûy ra theo thôøi gian bieåu hoaëc chöông trình,

keá hoaïch ñaõ ñònh theo thôøi gian bieåu.The train leaves at seven twenty-three tomorrow morning.

* Löu yù: Ta theâm es sau caùc ñoäng töø taän cuøng laø: o,s,x,xh,shTime expressions ( Cuïm töø thôøi gian)

Always, usually, sometimes, often, normally, generally, occasionally, as a rule, never, rarely, seldom, …

Every: everyday, every morning, every Saturday… Three times a week, twice a month, from time to time…

b. The present continuous tense ( Thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn)Form ( Caáu truùc)

I Am Vin

gWe, you, they


He, she, it isUse (Caùch duøng)

Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng hay moät söï vieäc ñang dieån ra ngay luùc noùi. The children are playing football now.

Dieàn taû moät haønh ñoäng coù tính taïm thôøi, dieãn ra xung quanh thôøi ñieåm noùi.

I am quite busy these days. I am building a new house. Dieån taû moät keá hoaïch, moät döï ñònh trong töông lai gaàn,moät söï saép

xeáp tröôùc luùc noùi.He is coming next week.

Time expressions ( Cuïm töø thôøi gian) Now, right now, at present, at the moment, still Today, this week, these days, this term, this year, this summer, nowadays… Look! Be quite! Don’t make noise! Listen! Watch out! Keep silent...* Löu yù: Khoâng duøng thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn vôùi caùc töø chæ nhaän thöùc, tri giaùc nhö: to be, see, hear, understand, know, like, want, glance, feel, think, smell, love, hate, realize, seem, remember, forget…

I am tired nowShe wants to go for a walk at the moment.

c. The past simple tense ( Thì quaù khöù ñôn)Form ( Caáu truùc)

I, we, you, they, he, she, it


Use (Caùch duøng) Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra vaø chaám döùt trong quaù khöù, thôøi gian

ñöôïc xaùc ñònh roõ.Tom went to Paris last week.

Dieãàn taû moät haønh ñoäng dieãn ra suoát moät khoaûng thôøi gian trong quaù khöù, nhöng nay ñaõ hoaøn toaøn chaám döùt.

She worked as a secretary for five years and now she is a teacher.Time expressions ( Cuïm töø thôøi gian)

Yesterday, yesterday morning, in the past, in 1985, when I was young, when I was a child…

Last: last night, last year, last month, last summer Ago: two days ago, three weeks ago, a month agod. The past continuous tense ( Thì quaù khöù tieáp dieãn)

Form ( Caáu truùc)1

I, we, you, they VinfHe, she, it, Vs/es

Page 2: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

We, you, they

were Vin

gI, he, she, it


Use (Caùch duøng) Haønh ñoäng ñaõ dieãn ra vaø keùo daøi moät thôøi gian ôû quaù khöù.

Yesterday, Mr. John was working in the laboratory all the afternoon. Haønh ñoäng ñang xaûy ra vaøo moät thôøi ñieåm trong quaù khöù.

I was doing my homework at 6:00 last Sunday. Haønh ñoäng ñang dieãn ra trong quaù khöù thì coù moät haønh ñoäng khaùc

xen vaøo (haønh ñoäng naøo keùo daøi hôn ta duøng Past continuous, haønh ñoäng ngaén hôn duøng Past simple)

When I came yesterday, he was sleeping.Löu yù: Khoâng duøng caùc ñoäng töø chæ nhaän thöùc, tri giaùc. Thay vaøo ñoù ta duøng thì

Past simple.I felt tired at that time.

Time expressions ( Cuïm töø thôøi gian) At 6:00 yesterday, at this time yesterday, at the time last week, at that time…

e. The present perfect tense ( Thì hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh)Form ( Caáu truùc)

I, we, you, they

have V3/

VedHe, she, it has(Theå phuû ñònh S have/ has not PP; Theå nghi vaán Have/Has S PP?)

Use (Caùch duøng) Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng, moät söï vieäc vöøa môùi xaûy ra.

I have just seen my sister in the park. Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng laäp ñi laäp laïi nhieàu laàn trong quaù khöù maø

khoâng bieát roû thôøi gian cuï theå trong quaù khöù. Haønh ñoäng coù theå tieáp tuïc xaûy ra ôû hieän taïi vaø töông lai.

I have seen that film several times. Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra trong quaù khöù keùo daøi ñeán hieän taïi

vaø coù theå xaûy ra trong töông lai.Mary has lived in this house for ten years.

Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra trong quaù khöù maø khoâng roû thôøi gian. I have lost my keys.

Dieån taû haønh ñoäng xaûy ra trong quaù khöù maø keát quaû vaãn coøn ôû hieän taïi. He has had lunch. (He is full now.)

Time expressions ( Cuïm töø thôøi gian) Since, for Just, recently, lately, already, never, ever, yet, so far, until now, up to now, for

ages, for a long time, up to the present, how long,in the last few years…Löu yù: Caùc traïng töø treân chæ ñöôïc duøng keøm vôùi thì hieän taï hoaøn thaønh trong caùc caâu ñôn. Neáu caâu töø hai meänh ñeàø trôû leân thì ta phaûi döïa vaøo ngöõ caûnh chöù khoâng chæ döïa vaøo caùc traïng töø ñoù.)

f. The past perfect tenseForm ( Caáu truùc)

I we you they he she it



(Phuû ñònh: had not = hadn’t; Nghi vaán: Had S PP?)Use (Caùch duøng)

Thì quaù khöù hoaøn thaønh duøng ñeå dieãõn taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra, hoaøn thaønh tröôùc moät haønh ñoäng, moät thôøi ñieåm khaùc trong quaù khöù.

Time expressions ( Cuïm töø thôøi gian) By + (the past time): by 2003, by last year By the time + clause: by the time we got there, by the time you went to bad… Before, after, when, already

g. The future simple tense (Thì töông lai ñôn)Form ( Caáu truùc)

(Phuû ñònh: will not = won’t; Nghi vaán Will S Vo?)

I, we, you, they, he, she, it




Page 3: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

Use ( Caùch duøng) Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng seõ xaûy ra ôû töông lai. He will come back next

week. Dieãàn taå moät lôøi höùa, moät döï ñoaùn, moät yù kieán, moät quyeát ñònh

töùc thôøi, moät ngoû yù. I will give you a phone to night.Time expressions ( Cuïm töø thôøi gian)

Next: next week, next month, next summer… Someday, soon, in 2050, in two weeks, in three days, tomorrow… I think, I am sure…

B. PHAÀN THÖÏC HAØNHI. The simple present tenseExercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative , or question :

Example: He (visit) ______visits _______his parents very often.He doesn’t visit his parents very oftenDoes he visit his parents very often?

1. He (go) _________________to School everyday.2. She (come) ___________________ from Germany.3. Daisy usually (go) _____________________ to work by car.4. We (watch) __________________TV every night.5. He (walk) __________________to work every day.6. He (be) ______________________in Ca Mau.7. They (be) ____________________students.8. She (wash) ___________________her clothes every Sunday.9. She (study) _______________________English every day.10.He (want) _________ to become a teacher.Exercise 2: Put the verb in the present simple tense:1. She usually (walk) _______________ to school.2. What time ________Mary usually (get) ____________ up every morning?3. She (not wash) ____________her clothes every weekend.4. ___________they (be) teachers?5. It (not be) often ______________cold in summer.6. Tom usually (walk) _____________ to school.7. He (be) _______________ a student.8. I (be) _________________ sixteen years old.9. They (be) __________________ very friendly.10.He often (wash) __________________ the car at weekends.11.What time ____________you often (get) ____________ up every morning?12.________she (like) ________________ English?13.Every week she (go) ______________________ to visit her parents.14.What time __________your father usually (get) ___________ up?15.We (not go) ____________________to school on Sundays.16.We (not be) ___________________very lazy.17.The Earth (go) _________________around the Sun.18.I (visit) ___________________my parents very often.19.___________he (go) ___________________to school every day?20._____________she (come) _____________________from Japanese?II. The present continuous tenseExercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative , or question : Example: She (read) ____is reading _____at the moment.

She isn’t reading at the momentIs she reading at the moment?

1. He (watch) ____________________________________TV right now.2. At present they (sit) ___________________________ in the class.3. This year we (learn) _________________________ English.4. Look! Peter (play) ______________________ football in the schoolyard.5. Be quiet! The baby (sleep) _______________________________.6. Look! The man (smoke) ____________________________ there.7. She (write) _______________________ to her parents now.


Page 4: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

8. My father (work) ___________________________in the garden at the moment.9. John (listen) _____________________________ to the radio now.10.He (play) _______________________chess at the moment.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the present continuous tense:1. The workers (work) ______________________ in the firm at the moment.2. Please be quite! You (make) ___ _________________so much noise so I can’t concentrate.3. Tony (have) _______________ ___a bath at the moment.4. Listen! He (read) _____________________a story by Shakespeare.5. At present Richard (study) _______________in London.6. This term I (study) _______________philosophy and economics.7. Janet (have) _______________a shower at the moment.8. They (not/study) _______________at present.9. Yukiko (have) _______________a bath now.10. We (make) _______________a cake at the moment.11. Jane (watch) _______________television at the moment.12. Look! The boy (cry) ____________________.13. Alice and Mary (put) ___________ the dishes away right now.14. The farmer (work) _________________ in the field now.15. Look! It (snow) _______________.16. Phong (sleep) _______________ right now.17. Mother (cook) ________________ some food in the kitchen at present.18. Just a minute! I (look up) ______________ that word in the dictionary.19. _______________you (write) ______________ a letter now?20. They (not read) ____________________ books in the sitting room right now.21. Look! They (play) _________________ football.22. She (sweep) _______________ the floor now.23. What________ she (do) ____________ now?24. She (wash) ______________ the clothes at the moment.25. Listen! Peter and Daisy (sing) ________________ now.26. My brother (not watch) ___________TV now. He (wash) __________ his car.27. He (study) _____________ English this month.28. ________you (work) __________ in the garden now?29. Peter (talk) ________________ to Susan now.30. She (listen) _______________to the radio in her bedroom at the moment.III. The past simple tenseExercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative , or question :

Example: He (watch) __watched________ a good programme on TV last night.He didn’t watch a good programme on TV last night.

Did he watch a good programme last night?1. Mary (go) ___________ shopping for me yesterday.2. The policeman (drive) __________ away ten minutes ago.3. The biscuit factory (close) __________________ last year.4. The headmaster (come) _______________ to the school in 1985.5. You (spend) ________________________ a lot of money last month.6. I last (go) ________________________ to Spain in 1990.7. The boy (finish) _________________________their homework yesterday.8. Rolf (buy) _____________ the leather jacket last week.9. I (have) ____________ a little trouble with my car last week.10.She (wash) ______________her clothes last night.Exercise 2: Put the verb in the past simple tense:1. They (begin) __________ to study at this school 7 years ago.2. She (lose) __________ her handbag on the train yesterday morning.3. We (visit) ___________ that city last year.4. Peter and Daisy (be) __________ born in 1978.5. __________you (spend) _________ your holiday in Dalat last summer?6. She (clean) _______________the bicycle yesterday.7. They (start) __________school in 1998.8. My friend and I (go) __________________ to the seaside last week.


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9. We (spend) ___________________________ hours on the beach last Sunday.10. He (be) ______________________________ in Ha Noi last year.11. His father (die) _____________________ in 1930.12. Lincoln (work) __________________in this factory three years ago.13. I (do) _____________________my homework last night.14. Miss White (write) ______________________to her father last Monday.15. My parents (buy) _________________________the car last year.16. Hoa (read) _____________________________the book yesterday.17. He (listen) _______________________________to the radio last night.18. We (watch) _____________ a good programme on TV last night.19. Mary (go) _______________shopping for me yesterday.20. I (be) _______________ in Ha Noi last month.21. My parents (go) _______________to HCM city last week.22. Yesterday we (have) _______________a meeting at our school.23. Mary (meet) _______________her parents two week ago.24. She (be) _______________born in 1992.25. What you (do) _______________last night.26. Last summer I (study) _______________English in Can Tho City.27. She (not visit) _______________her son last week.28. In 1997 there (be) _______________a terrible storm.29. They (build) _______________the house twenty years ago.30. John (do not) _______________come to my birthday party last Sunday.IV. The past continuous:

Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative , or question : Example: At this time yesterday they (play) __were playing___ football.

At this time yesterday they were not playing football.At this time yesterday were they playing football?

1. At this time yesterday we (play) __________________ tennis in the schoolyard.2. At 7:00 pm yesterday (watch) ________________________ TV.3. Yesterday while my father (watch) _____________________ TV, my mother (read) the newspaper,

my sister (do) _______________________her homework and I (play) ____________ chess with my friend.

4. What were you doing when I phoned you? I (have) ____________________a bath.5. She (do) __________________________her homework at the time yesterday.6. Marry (water) ______________________the flowers at 3:00 p.m yesterday.7. They (visit) __________________________the zoo at ten o’clock yesterday.8. Peter and I (do) _____________________the exercise at this time last night.9. Last night my father (feed) ________________________the pigeons at 7:00.10.At this time last year we (learn) _______________________English in London.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the past simple tense or the past continuous: 1. When I (arrive) ____________ at this house, he still (sleep)

______________.2. The light (go) _________ out while we (have)

_________________dinner.3. Bill (have) ________________ breakfast when I (stop)

_____________ at this house this morning.4. When I (arrive) ___________________at this house, he still

(sleep) ________________________.5. As we (cross) ______________________the Street, we (see)

_____________________an accident.6. Tom (see) ______________a serious accident while he (stand)

__________________at the bus stop.7. The children (play) _________________ football when their

mother (come) ___________back home.8. The bell (ring) ______________________while Tom (take)

___________________ a bath.9. He (sit) ______________________in a car when I (see)



Page 6: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

10. We (clean) _____________________the house when she (come) _______________yesterday.

V. The present perfect tense:Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative , or question :

Example: She (be) has been here for several days. She has not been here for several days.Has she been here for several days?

1. Tom (see) ______________this film before.2. I (finish) ______________ my exercise already.3. They (live) ______________ here since 1990.4. My father (just wash) ______________ his car.5. The students (discuss) ______________ the question recently.6. Mary (never, be) ______________ to Ha Noi.7. We (know) ______________ each other for 5 years.8. So far we (learn) ______________ five lessons.9. We (be) ______________ pen pals for a long time.10.They (stay) ______________ here since last week.Exercise 2:1. Bob (see) ______________ this movie before.2. Sandra (lend) ____________ her brother $ 200 so far.3. Rashid (just pass) ____________ his driving test.4. Karen (study) ____________ __________ Italian for three years now and is still studying.5. The teacher (already, tell) ____________ to be quite.6. Tim (not, take) ____________ many photos yet.7. Jorge (read) ____________ the newspaper already.8. We (not begin) _____________ to study for the test yet.9. John and I (be) ______________ pen pals for nearly 3 years.10.He (wear) ___________ the same coat since he (move) ___________ here.11.. I (not see) _____________ your brother recently.12.. They (not contact) _______________ to each other for a long time.13.How long _______________you (study) ______________ English?14.How many times _________ you (see) _______________him since he went to Edinburgh?15.Who is that woman? I (never/ see) _______________ her before.16.We (be) ____________ from French. We (be) ______________ there for 20 years.17.I (see) __________ that film several times because I like it.18.Mary (lose) _________________ her hat for 2 days.19.He (not finish) _______________ doing it yet.20.He (not see) ____________ him since Christmas.21.(live)_______________in Ho Chi Minh City since 1975.22.He (just see) ______________ her.23.They (already show) _______________ the film.24.I’m sorry the car is not here. I (just sell) ______________ it.25.The Bakers (be) ______________ in New York for 3 months.26.My brother (use) ______________ this computer for 2 years.27.They (live) ________________ in this street for a long time.28.Mr. Green (teach) ______________ French since he left London in 1997.29.She (not speak) _________________ to me since last week.30.Up to now, Hoa (work) _______________ very hard.VI. The past perfect tense:1. Yesterday they (go) _________________ home after they (finish) ______________ their work.2. When we came to the stadium, the match (already start) _________________________.3. Many people (move) _________________ to the new place before the storm occurred.4. I sat down ant rested after they (go) _________________.5. Before he died, he (be) _________________ ill for several days.6. Last night before he (watch) _______________ TV, he (do) _________________ the exercise.7. She went to the department after her (clean) _________________ the floor.8. When I got to the party, they (go) _________________ home.9. By the time the police arrived, the house (be) _________________ burned down.10. By last year, twenty schools in this province (be) _________________ built.


Page 7: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

VII. The future simple tense. Put the verb in the future simple tense.1. __________you (take) _________ at trip to London next week.2. She (water) _________________ the flowers next month.3. They (build) ________________ a new bridge in this province next year.4. Tomorrow she (send) _________________ the letter to Ha Hoi.5. In 2010 she (move) _________________ to live in Ho Chi Minh City.6. I (meet) _________________ my parents in an hour.7. I think it (be) _________________ sunny tomorrow.8. I am sure he (pass) _________________ the exam.9. I (stay) _________________ at home if it rains.10. He (send) ________________ the letter when he goes to the post office.VIII/ The present simple or the present continuous tense: 1. My father (have) __________ coffee for breakfast every day.2. His sister (study) __________ in a shoe store this summer.3. The students (look) ___________ up that new word now.4. Mary (go) __________ to school every day.5. They (do) __________ this exercise at the moment.6. Ms Eden (read) ___________ a newspaper now.7. It (rain) __________ very much in the summer. It (rain) _________ now.8. Bad students never (study) __________ hard.9. He generally (sing) ________ in English, but today he (sing) ________ in Spanish.10. We seldom (eat) __________ before 6.30.11. She sometimes (buy) ___________vegetables at his market.12. We always (do) ___________ our exercises carefully.13. Look! A man (run) ________ after the train. He (want) _______ to catch it.14. It (be) __________ very cold now.15. John (travel) __________ to England tomorrow.16. I (need) ____________ some money for my textbooks.17. Tom (like) __________ to go to the museums.18. Mary (love) __________ ice-cream.19. My mother (cook) __________ some food in the kitchen at present. She always (cook) __________ in the

mornings.20. I often (leave) __________ the city at weekends.21. The guests (watch) __________ the TV programes now.22. The sun (set) __________ in the west.23. My friend (study) __________ English for an hour every night.24. Listen! I (hear) ___________ someone knocking at the front door.25. I (do) ____ an exercise on the present tense at the moment and I (think) ______ that I (know) _____how to

use it now.VIII. The present perfect or the simple past tense: Put the verbs in brackets in the

present perfect or the simple past tense.1. We (never watch) __________ that TV programme.2. We (watch) __________ a good programme on TV last night.3. He (read) __________ that novel many times before.4. He (read) __________ that novel again last vacation.5. I (have) __________ a little trouble with my car last week.6. However, I (have) __________ no trouble with my car since then.7. I (not see) __________ John for a long time. I (see) __________ him 3 weeks ago.8. He is very thirsty. He (not drink) __________ since this morning.9. They (study) __________ at this school for 7 years now.10. They (begin) __________ to study at this school 7 years ago.11. How long ago he (start) __________ to learn French?12. She (lose) __________ her handbag on the train yesterday morning.13. His dog (just run) __________ out of the garden.14. Mr. Brown (travel) __________ by air several times in the past.15. He (travel) ___________ to Mexico by air last summer.IX. The Past Simple Or The Past Continuous Tense. Put the verbs in brackets in the

past simple or the past continuous tense.1. He (sit) __________ in a bar when I (see) __________ him.2. When I (go) __________ out, the sun (shine) __________.3. The light (go) __________ out while I (have) __________ tea.4. While he (learn) __________ to drive, he (have) __________ an accident.5. We (walk) __________ to the station when it (begin) __________ to rain.6. He (have) __________ a bad fall when he (repair) __________ his roof.


Page 8: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

7. It (start) __________to rain when we (play) football in the schoolyard yesterday.8. He (eat) __________ three sandwiches while you (talk) __________ to him.9. The servant (drop) _______ two cups while she (wash up) ______ last night.10. While he (write) __________ a letter, the telephone (ring) .11. Last night we (watch) TV when the power (fail).12. When I (stand) __________ at the bus stop, I (see) __________ an accident.13. Yesterday I (walk) __________to school when I (find) a wallet on the street.14. When I (have) dinner yesterday, Peter (come) to our house.15. The thief (steal) the bike when Mai (look) for some books in the shop.X. The past simple or the past perfect tense. Put the verbs in brackets in the past

simple or the past perfect tense.1. They (go) __________ home after they (finish) __________ their study.2. Yesterday when I (arrive) __________to the party, the (already go) __________home.3. After the guests (leave) __________, she (go) __________back into the living-room and (switch) __________off

the light.4. On arrival at home I (find) __________that she (just leave) __________just a few minutes before.5. Before he (go) __________ to bad, he (do) __________his homework.6. When they (get) __________to the place, the man (die) __________.7. He (do) _________ nothing before he (see) ___________ me.8. He (thank) __________ me for what I (do) __________ for him.9. I (be) __________ sorry that I (hurt) __________ him.10. After they (go) __________, I (sit) __________ down and (rest) __________.11. When I (arrive) ___________, the dinner (already, begin) ______________.12. My friend (not see) _______ me for many years when I (meet) _____ last week.13. He (learn) __________ English before he (leave) __________ for England.14. In England, he soon (remember) __________ all he (learn) __________ before.15. They (tell) __________ him they (not meet) __________ him before.16. He (ask) __________ why we (come) __________ so early.17. She (say) __________ that she (already, see) ___________ Dr. Rice.18. By the time Bill (get) __________ there, the meeting (start) __________.19. When we (arrive) __________ at our place, we (find) __________ that a burglar (break) ____________ in.20. Almost everybody (leave) _______ for home by the time we (arrive) _______.XI. The simple present or the simple future tense. Put the verbs in brackets in the

simple present or the simple future tense.1. We (go) __________ out when the rain (stop) __________.2. I (stay) _________ here until he (answer) __________ me.3. Wait until I (catch) __________ you.4. I (be) _________ ready before you (count) _________ ten.5. John must eat his breakfast before he (go) __________ out.6. Miss Helen (help) __________ you as soon as she (finish) ________ that letter.7. He (tell) _________ you when you (get) __________ there.8. She (not come) __________ until you (be) _________ ready.9. He (tell) __________ you when you (ask) __________ him.10. I (come) _______ and (see) ________ you before I (leave) _____ for England.XII. Mixed tenses: Exercise 1: Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense.1. We seldom (eat) ______________ before 7 am.2. I (not see) ________________ him since I (meet) ____________ him 2 months ago.3. Listen! I (think) _____________ someone (knock) _______________ the door.4. I (get) _________________ up early the day before yesterday.5. The earth (circle) ____________ the sun once every 365 days.6. __________you (watch) _________ TV last night?7. The workers (work) _______________ in the firm at the moment.8. How many times _________ you (see) ________him since he went to Edinburgh?9. Rivers usually (flow) __________ to the sea.10. Look! The boy (cry) _______________.11. Do you know that man, who (smoke) _______________________ there.12. Mrs. Green always (go) _____________to work by bus.13. We (be) ____________ from French. We (be) ______________ there for 20 years.14. I (move) ______________ to another town next week.15. I (see) __________ that film several times because I like it.16. She always (go) _______________ go to bed before her mother does.17. Mary (lose) _________________ her hat for 2 days.18. __________you (take) _________ a trip to London next week?19. She rarely (take) ____________a bath before dinner.


Page 9: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

20. He (not finish) _______________ doing it yet.21. He (not see) ____________ him since Christmas.22. In what year _______ World War II (break) __________ out?23. The sun (set) ______________ in the West.24. They (live) _______________ in Ho Chi Minh City since 1975.25. He (come) _________ here once 2 years ago.26. We will go out when it (stop) _________________raining.27. She (read) ______all the books written by Dickens. How many books _______ you (read) _______?28. Alice and Mary (put) ___________ the dishes away right now.29. What ________you (do) _________ at 10 am yesterday?30. She (finish) ____________ her homework recently.31. He (just see) ______________ her.32. They (already show) _______________ the film.33. I’m sorry the car is not here. I (just sell) ______________ it.34. When _________you (buy) ________ your bicycle?35. I (know) ______Jack since we (be) ________ students but I (not meet) ______ him since we (leave) _______

school in 1998.36. The Bakers (be) ______________ in New York for 3 months.37. __________you (spend) _________ your holiday in Da lat last summer?38. We (visit) ___________ that city last year.39. The farmer (work) _________________ in the field now.40. John (see) ______________ that film sometimes.41. My brother (use) ______________ this computer for 2 years.42. Mr. Green (buy) ______________ a new tractor last month.43. They (live) ________________ in this street for a long time.44. My brother (play) _______________ football at the moment.45. Mr. Green (teach) ______________ French since he left London in 1997.46. She often (go) _____________ to school by bicycle but yesterday she (go) __________by bus.47. Look! It (snow) _______________.48. She (not speak) _________________ to me since last week.49. Up to now, Hoa (work) _______________ very hard.50. HCM city (be) ______________ the largest city in Vietnam.51. They (hold) ________________ the meeting recently.52. Phong (sleep) _______________ right now53. He (live) ________________ in Hanoi since 2002.54. Long ago, my young brother often (cry) _______________ at night.55. ________you (see) _________ him recently?56. He (finish) ______________ his work since yesterday.57. Peter and Daisy (be) __________ born in 1978.58. Please be quite! You (make) ______________ so much noise so I can’t concentrate.59. Look. A man (run) ________ after the train. He (want) _______ to catch it.60. It (be) __________ very cold now.61. We (go) ___________ to the theatre last night.62. He usually (write) __________ in green ink.63. She (play) _________ the piano when our guests (arrive) _________ last night.64. We (do) __________ English exercise at the moment.65. She (just come) __________ in and (see) __________ you in 5 minutes.66. I (come) _________ as soon as my study is finished. (You be) ________ ready?67. Where (you go) __________ for your holiday last year?68. I (not leave) ________ Paris since we (go) _______ to Dieppe three years ago.69. My mother (come) __________ to stay with us next weekend.70. We (meet) __________ only yesterday and (already decide) __________ to get married.71. I (never see) __________ snow.72. Violets (bloom) __________ in spring.73. We (not live) ___________ in England for the last two months.74. I (lose) ________ my keys; I cannot remember where I last (see) ______ them.75. He (not arrive) __________ when I (write) __________ my last letter to you.76. Whenever you (go) _________ to town nowadays, you (spend) _________ a lot of money.77. I (never forget) __________ what you (just tell) __________ me.78. They (prepare) __________ the Christmas dinner today.79. I (not see) __________ John for a long time. I (see) __________ him 3 weeks ago.80. He is very thirsty. He (not drink) __________ since this morning.81. Look at those black clouds. It (rain) _________82. We (not see) _________ her since we (be) _________ on holiday in Ha Long bay.83. Phuong (not finish) _________ her homework yet.


Page 10: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

84. Would you like some coffee? I just (make) _________ some.85. No one (use) _________ this car for several years.86. Last night when we (visit) _________ him, he (do) _________ an experiment on the upstairs.87. The sewing machine which you (use) _________ at present (invent) _________ in 1830 by French.88. I (not see) ______ your uncle recently. - No .He (not go) _________ out since he (buy)_______ a new color

television.89. My uncle just (open) _________ a new internet house on Trang Thi street90. Her grandfather (die) _________ 20 years ago. She (never meet) _________ him.91. Linh's brother (lose) _________ his job last month and since then he (be) _________ out of work.92. You (see) _________ Mrs. Chi lately? - Yes. I (see) _________ her at the school gate three days ago.93. The door won't open unless you (push) _________ it hard.94. As soon as I (have) _________ enough money, I'll buy a new car.95. I (not use) _________ the car this evening, so you can have it.96. I (walk) _______ along the street when I suddenly (feel) _______ something hit me in the back. I (not know)

_______ what it was.97. It (be) cold when we (leave) _________ the house that day, and a light snow (fall) _________.98. I (not see) _________ Daisy for ages. When I last (see) _________ him, he (try) _________ to find a job in

London.99. I (walk) ... along the street when suddenly I (hear) otsteps behind me. Somebody (follow) me. I was

frightened and I (start) to run.100. When I was young, I (want) _______________to be a bus diver.101. I wish I (not be) ________________here now.102. They (practice) _________________ their music lesson at 7 o'clock last night.103. Thu (look) _______________after her little brother next Sunday.104. This book (just publish) _______________by Kim Dong publisher.105. The kids (sleep) ________________when the bell rang.106. Who you (talk) _______________to on the phone now, Minh?107. Where your new friend (live) ____________, Nga? - She (live) ________________on Hang Bac Street.108. You (be) ____________ free next Sunday morning, Tan? - No, I and my brother___________(visit) our

grandparents.109. Trang (not be) __________in her room at the moment. She (cook) ________________in the kitchen.110. Lien (not go) __________________to the movie theater tomorrow. She (stay) _____________at home and

watch TV.111. Take these pills and you (feel) ________________better then, Ba!112. Minh (not visit) ______________the museum with his class last Sunday because he (catch)

______________a cold.113. The Pikes (move) ______________to London since 2002.114. The students (play) _________________badminton at the moment.115. Ba and Phong (know) __________________each other quite well for years116. The phone (ring) _________________at midnight last night.117. The Brown (travel) __________________to Asia many times.118. What you (do) ______________ last weekend? - I (go) ________________to the theater with my family.119. John and I (be) ___________pen pals for nearly three years.120. We used (write) ________________ to each other every month when we (be) ______________at secondary

school.121. Minh (know) ________________a little English, so she (wish) __________she (can) _____________speak it

fluently.122. Maria (stay) _____________with us at the moment. She (be) _______________my sister's friend.123. My mother (wash) ________________the dishes while we (clean) __________________the floor.124. Listen! The teacher (explain) ____________________the lesson.125. Viet Nam (have) _____________a lot of mountains and there (be) _______________many tall and big trees

there.126. Lan (borrow) _______________some books from the library since Monday.127. Uyen (take) _____________a bus to school every day.128. Farmers often (harvest) _______________their crops in August.129. They (leave) ______________Hanoi for HCM City yesterday.130. You look tired. You (work) _________________hard?

Exercise 2: Choose the best answer.1. Water at 100 degree Centigrade.

A. boil B. boils C. boiling D. is boiling 2. George ____________ to the movies very often.

A. not go B. don’t go C. doesn’t go D. not to 3. How many languages ____________?

A. do you speak B. are you speak C. are you speaking D. will you speak4. The swimming pool ...................... at 9.00 am and ____________ at 6.30 pm

A. open/ close B. opens / closes C. opens/ close D. open / closes5. Excuse me! I ____________ for a phone book. Is there one here?


Page 11: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

A. is looking B. are looking C. am looking D. looking 6. Would you like a cigarette? No, thanks, I ____________.

A. not smoke B. doesn’t smoke C. don’t smoke D. am not smoke7. Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They ____________

A. is yelling B. are yelling C. yells D. yell8. Why ____________ your coat today? It’s very warm today.

A. are you wear B. do you wear C. you are wearing D. are you wearing 9. Where is Peter? He ____________ a bath.

A. is talking B. taking C. is taking D. is takeing 10. I____________ your telephone number.

A. not know B. don’t know C. don’t knew D. am not knowing 11. Bad students never ____________ hard

A. works B. work C. are working D. is working 12. The farmers ____________in the field now.

A. is working B. are working C. work D. working 13. Do you know the man who ____________ there?

A. is smoking B. are smoking C. smoke D. smokes14. Those children ____________for 2 hours every afternoon.

A. sleep B. sleeps C. is sleeping D. are sleeping 15. Light ____________ faster than sound.

A. travels B. travels C. travel D. is travelling 16. Look! The policeman ____________after a pick pocket.

A. are running B. is running C. runs D. is runing 17. He usually____________ his work before 5 o’clock

A. finish B. finishes C. is finishing D. finishing 19. They ____________to Ha Long for their last summer vacation.

A. go B. are going C. was going D. went 20. She ____________ to brush her teeth yesterday.

A. forget B. forgot C. forgetting D. was forgetting 21. Ba ____________his room yesterday afternoon.

A. clean and tidy B. cleaned and tidied C. cleaned and tidy22. What ____________ yesterday at 10.20 pm?

A. are you doing B. was you doing C. were you doing D. did you do 23. You looked very busy when I (see) ____________you last night. What you (do) ___?

A. see/ did you do B. saw/ are you doing C. saw/ were you doing 24. He ____________us to go out in the boat yesterday as a strong wind ____________

A. not allow/ blow B. didn’t allow/ was blowing C. don’t allow/ were blowing 25. The boys broke a window when they____________ football.

A. played B. were playing C. had played D. are playing 26. Mr. John____________ to Los Angeles in 1992.

A. had gone B. has gone C. went D. was going 27. Why____________ you come yesterday?

A. can not B. can’t C. don’t D. couldn’t 28. While I was going to school yesterday, I____________ him.

A. meet B. met C. will meet D. am meeting29. It began to rain when they ________________basket ball at 4.00

A. play B. are playing C. were playing D. is playing


I. Conditional sentence type 1Form

If-clause , Main clauseThe present

simple S will V0

Main clause If-clauseS will V0

The present simple

*will = can, may, shallUse:

Ñieàu kieän loaïi 1 duøng ñeå dieãn taû moät ñieàu kieän coù theå xaûy ra ôû hieän taïi hoaëc töông lai.


Page 12: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

If I have time, I will help you.I will help you if I have time.If I meet her, I will give her the letter.

II. Conditional sentence type 2Form


Main clause

The past simple

S would V0

Main clause If-clause

S would V0

The past simple

*would = could, would, should; to be : wereUse

Ñieàu kieän loaïi 2 duøng ñeå dieãn taû moät ñieàu kieän khoâng coù thaät ôû hieän taïi vaø khoù coù theå xaûy ra trong töông lai.

If I were you, I would come there.I would come there if I were you.I don’t know the answer. If I knew the answer, I would tell you.

III.Conditional sentence type 3Form

If-clause , Main clauseThe past perfect

S Would have PP

Main clause If-clauseS Would have

PPThe past perfect

* would = could, should, mightUse

Ñieàu kieän loaïi 3 duøng ñeå dieãn taû moät ñieàu kieän khoâng coù thaät ôû quaù khöù.He would have passed the exam if he had studied hard.If he had studied hard, he would have passed the exam.I didn’t go to school. If I had gone to school, I would have met my classmates.

IV. Unless = If … not ( Tröø khi= Neáu … khoâng)If-clause Unless

Theå phuû ñònh

Khaúng ñònh( Meänh ñeà chính khoâng thay

ñoåi)Theå khaúng

ñònh Khaúng ñònh

(Meänh ñeà chính ñoåi sang theå ngöôïc laïi)

If you don’t study hard, you will fail the exam. Unless you study hard, you will fail the exam.If she doesn’t water these trees, they will die. Unless she waters these trees, they will die.If I have time, I will help you. Unless I have more time, I won’t help you.

B. PHAÀN THÖÏC HAØNHI. Conditional sentence type 1

Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form:Example: If it (rain) ____rains____, we (not go) ___will not go _____to the cinema.


Page 13: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

2. If the weather (be) ___________nice tomorrow, we (drive) ____________to our farm.

3. If we (send) ________________this message now, they (receive) ____________ it in time.

4. He (be) __________________ angry if you (come) __________________late again.

5. If I (have) __________________enough time, I (do) __________________this homework.

6. I (take) ________________a photo of this beach if I (have) ______________a camera.

7. You (be) __________________punished if you (fail) __________________the exam.

8. If it (rain) __________________this weekend, we (stay) __________________at home.

9. She (do) __________________it if she (promise) __________________you.10. What______ you (do) ____________if you (not have)

__________________money?11. The kitchen (look) __________________ better if we (have)

__________________red curtains.II. Conditional sentence type 2

Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form:Example: If he (know) _______knew_____ the truth, he (not behave) __would not behave__ like

that.2. If today (be) ________________ Sunday, I (not have) ________________to go

to school.3. I (be) ________________able to watch the football match if I (have)

______________a TV.4. If they (be) ________________rich, they (help) ________________poor

people.5. What _______you (do) ________________ if you (be) ________________him?6. If we (not lend) ________________him some money, he (die)

________________early.7. He (not understand) ________________the question if he (not ask)

________________the teacher.8. If I (win) ________________a big prize in a lottery, I (give)

________________ up my job.9. If I (be) ________________ you, I (tell) ________________the truth.10. If I (have) ________________enough time now, I (write) ________________to

my parents.11. If I (know) ________________his address, I (go) ________________round and

see him.III.Conditional sentence type 3

Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form:Example: If you (not be) _____had not been__ so busy, I (show) __would have shown__ you

how to play.1. I (understand) ________________ him if he (speak)

________________more slowly.2. T (be) ________________glad if he (visit) ________________me in

hospital.3. He (pass) ________________the exam if he (have)

________________got one more mark.4. I (tell) ________________you if you (ask) ________________me.5. If I (know) ________________ that you were in hospital, I (visit)

________________you.6. What ________you (tell) _______ her if you (meet) ________________

her yesterday.7. You (not miss) ________________ the buss if you (arrive)

________________on time.


Page 14: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

8. If I (visit) ________________ my parents, they (be) ________________happy.

9. If she (have) ________________enough money, she (buy) ________________a new car.

10. You (not watch) ________________the film if you (not have) ________________a ticket.

IV.Mixed types Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form:Example: If I (have) ______have __time, I will write to him.

1. If it’s cold, I (need) ________________a heavier coat.2. What are you going to do if you (have) ________________a

holiday?3. If I can go tomorrow, I (let) ________________you know.4. If flowers don’t get any water, they (die)

________________5. I will go to the party unless it (rain) ________________.6. If I got up earlier, I (not be) ________________late for

work.7. If I didn’t feel so tired, I (go) ________________.out with

you.8. If you (not pass) ________________the exam, would you

take it again?9. If I (be) ________________you, I would apply for the job.10. I could repair the car if I (have) ________________the right

tools.11. If I (study) ________________hard, I would have passed

the exam.12. If I (not be) ________________busy yesterday, I would

have visited you.13. What would happen if you (not go) ________________to

work tomorrow.14. If I had gone to your party last night, I (be)

________________very tired.15. You __________________________ (not be) angry if you had

known the reason.16. We’ll send for the doctor if he __________________________

(feel) worse.17. Unless they turn the radio off, I

__________________________ (go) somewhere else.18. Unless it __________________________ (be) a nice day, we

won’t go out.19. The grass would look better if you

__________________________ (take care) of it.20. If you leave the gate open, people

__________________________ (get in).21. If you had asked her permission, she

__________________________ (not let) you go.22. If we leave before the breakfast, we

__________________________ (catch) the train.23. If Tom _______________________ (ring), tell him I will phone

him.24. If I ______________________ (know) that you didn’t like

fish, I wouldn’t have bought it.25. I didn’t feel good yesterday. If I (feel)

_____________better, I (come) ___________to class yesterday.26. I (get) ______________you a present if I (know)

_____________________it was your birthday yesterday.


Page 15: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

27. If the weather (be) ______________________nice tomorrow, I (go) ______________________for a walk.

28. I don’t have enough time. If I (have) ______________enough time, I (go) ________________to the park.

29. I don’t understand that sentence. If I (understand) _________that sentence, I (explain) ________it to you.

30. If I (have) ____________________enough money last night, I (go) ______________________to see you.

31. What you (do) __________ if you (be) __________in my situation?

32. Their marriage only lasted three months. If he (be) __________less mean, she (not leave) _________him.

33. Good, everybody is ready. If we (leave) __________now, we (miss) __________the rush hour traffic.

34. If you (smoke) __________less you (have) __________much money. But I don’t think you ever will.

35. We have lost the camera. If we (lock) ________the car window, we (not give) ____them the opportunity to break in.

36. He threatens (resign) __________if we (not agree) __________to his proposal.

37. If you (press) __________this button, a receptionist (come) __________to help you.

38. If I (be) __________the Prime Minister, I (bring) __________back the capital punishment.

39. The only thing I haven’t got is a garden. If I (have) __________ one, I (grow) __________a lot of flowers.

40. If he (not start) __________at once, he (be) __________late for the train.

41. Will you give me the book if I (need) __________?42. We (ask) them to stay with us if they (come) again next

meeting.43. I wish I (see) __________more of him before the Second

World War.44. If you (go) __________ away, you (write) __________to me,

won’t you?45. There are mice in your kitchen. If you (have) __________

a cat, the mice (disappear) __________.Exercise 2:

Example: If I were you, I ______ that job.a. would apply for b. will ask for c. will have changed d. can take

1. If I _______ a wish, I’d wish for happiness for my family.a. have b. am having c. had d. was having

2. If I ____ an astronaut traveling in a cabin, I’d not be annoyed by the weightlessness.a. am b. be c. will be d. were

3. What ____ happen if you come late for the meeting tomorrow?a. will be b. would be c. will d. would

4. If there were no gravity, water____ never run downhill.a. would b. will c. won’t d. wouldn’t

5. If you _____ Henry, ask him to come and see me.a. met b. will meet c. met d. would meet

6. Unless you _____ quiet, I’ll scream.a. don’t keep b. kept c. keep d. didn’t keep

7. I’ll be able to speak English well if I _____ hard.a. studied b. have studied c. had studied d. study

8. If I could speak Spanish, I _____ next year studying in Mexico.a. would spend b. had spent c. would have spent d. will spend

9. If I ____ you, I _____ his invitation.


Page 16: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

a. am/ will refuse b. were/ would refuse c. was/ will refuse d. had been/ would have refused

10. If my father ______ here now, he would help me.a. were b. was c. is d. would be

11. She can’t get home _____ she has no money.a. unless b. until c. if d. without

12. If he _____ yesterday, he would be here with us tomorrow night.a. finished it b. had finished it c. finishes it d. has finished it

13. If an object is let off in the cabin of a spaceship, it ______.a. floated b. is floating c. will float d. would float

14. ___we find new sources, we will soon run out of energy.a. if b. unless c. when d. only

15. Unless we ____ throwing garbage into the river, it will be polluted.a. stop b. don’t stop c. will stop d. won’t stop

16. If the questions______ not too difficult, we ____ them.a. were/ could answer b. are/ could answer c. were/ can answer d. are/ can answer

17. If you were not sick, ______ with us?a. will you come b. would you come c. do you come d. are you coming

18. If they didn’t live so far away, I _____ them every week.a. visit b. visited c. will visit d. would visit

19. If Allie had come sooner, he ____ dinner with us.a. could have eaten b. would being eaten c. was eating d. could eat

20. If it _____ convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight.a. be b. is c. was d. were

21.If you ____time, please write to me.a. have b. had c. have had d. has

22.I shouldn’t go there at night if I __________you.a. am b. was c. be d. were

23.If I __________a pole, I’ll go fishing.a. can b. could c. may d. might

24.If they had enough time, they __________head south.a. will b. can c. must d. might

25.If you had the chance, __________you go fishing?a. did b. may c. would d. do

26.if you had a choice, which country would you visit?a. have b. had c. have had d. will have

27.If I found a wallet in the street, I __________take it to police.a. will b. should c. would d. shall

28.I don’t really want to go to their party, but I probably will go. They would be offended if ___go.a. didn’t b. don’t c. will d. will not

29.I’m not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn’t sleep if I __________to bed now.a. go b. went c. had gone d. would go

30.I __________that coat if I were you.a. wouldn’t buy b. didn’t buy c. don’t buy d. won’t buy

31.If you __________here yesterday, you __________me.a. were/would meet b. had been/would meet c. were/would have met d. had been/would have met

32.If I was offered the job, I think I __________it.a. take b. will take c. would take d. would have taken

33.I would be very surprised if he __________.a. refuses b. refused c. had refused d. would refuse

34.Many people would be out of work if that factory __________down.a. closes b. closed c. had closed d. would close

35.If she sold her car, she __________much money.a. gets b. will get c. would get d. would have got

36.They would be disappointed if we__________a. hadn’t come b. wouldn’t come c. don’t come d. didn’t come

37.Would George be angry if I __________his bicycle without asking?a. take b. took c. had taken d. would take

38.She __________terribly upset if I lost this ring.16

Page 17: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

a. will be b. would be c. were d. had beenExercise 3: Rewrite the following sentence

1. I am poor; I can’t travel around the world.If I were not poor, I could travel around the world.................................................................

2. I feel so ill, I don’t go to work. ....................................................................................................3. I don’t have much time; I can’t learn all my favorite subjects. ...................................................4. I am not a millionaire, I can’t help all people. .............................................................................5. The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly. .................................6. I didn’t wake up because I didn’t know you wanted to get up early. ..........................................7. I had a cold because I walked in the rain. ...................................................................................8. She didn’t buy the watch because she didn’t bring enough money with her. ............................9. They didn’t sell the house because their children wanted to keep it. .........................................10.Mrs. White fell down because she was too weak. ......................................................................11.He failed because he didn’t do the exams well. ........................................................................12.She couldn’t come because she had to work overtime. ............................................................13.He couldn’t hear you well because you spoke so softly. ...........................................................14.I couldn’t answer the phone because I was having a bath. .......................................................15.He doesn’t have the money and he cannot afford a new car. ...................................................16.Susan felt sick because she ate 4 cream cakes. ........................................................................17.We didn’t know your phone number, so we could not contact you. ..........................................18.The price of petrol was raised last month, so car sales have dropped again. ...........................19.I cannot go to the beach with you this weekend because I have a date with my own classmates. 20.She didn’t hurry, so she missed the train. .................................................................................21.I never get very lonely because I have lots of good friends. .....................................................22.We didn’t go on holiday because we didn’t have enough time. ................................................23.We got lost because we didn’t have enough time. ....................................................................24.The match can be cancelled because it rains heavily. ..............................................................25.He lost all his money because he wasn’t careful. ......................................................................26.Because Simon doesn’t live near his mother, he can’t visit her often. ......................................27.His parents were very disappointed because he failed his final examination. ...........................28.If you hadn’t told me about Sue’s hair, I wouldn’t have noticed. Unless....................................29.If you don’t take morning exercise, you will be weak. Unless....................................................30.If you don’t see that film, you will be sorry. Unless....................................................................31.You will get lost if you don’t take a map with you. Unless..........................................................32.They will kill him if he doesn’t tell them the truth. Unless..........................................................33.If we don’t protect the forest, the environment will be soon destroyed. Unless.........................34.I will wait her if she calls me. Unless..........................................................................................35.I will choose that blue jacket if isn’t too expensive. Unless........................................................36.If it doesn’t rain, we will go for a walk. Unless............................................................................37.I will buy a bike if I don’t go on holiday. Unless.........................................................................38.I will visit them if I have enough time.Unless.............................................................................39.I don’t have free time, so I can’t go to see him. ........................................................................40.She didn’t explain him the situation, so he didn’t understand it. ..............................................41.I don’t know enough about the machine, so I can’t mend it myself. .........................................42.I don’t ride the work every morning because it’s always crowded. ...........................................43.Not enough money is spent on cancer research, so prevention has not been found. ...............44.The wind is blowing so hard, so I won’t take the boat for a ride. ...............................................45.Nick can’t find the way because he hasn’t got a map. ..............................................................


Page 18: Tenses and Exercises for Practising


S + V + O

S + Be +V3/ED by O

Tenses Active PassiveThe simple present S V/VS/ES O S is/ am/ are Ved/3 by

OThe simple past S VED/2 O S was/ were Ved/3 by

OThe future simple S Will V0 O S will be Ved/3 by OThe present continuous

S is/ am/ are VING O

S is /am /are being Ved/3 by O

The past continuous

S was/were VING O

S was/were being Ved/3 by O

The present perfect

S have/ has VED/3 O

S have/ has been Ved/3 by O

The past perfect S had VED/3 O S had been Ved/3 by OModal verb S Mv V 0 O S Mv be Ved/3 by O

B. PHAÀN THÖÏC HAØNHI. Passive voice: The simple present tense Example: The secretary opens the mail every morning. The mail is opened every morning by the secretary.1. People don’t use this road very often. This road.............................................................2. I wash the dishes in the evening. The dishes..................................................................3. He often does exercises every night. Exercises...............................................................4. She usually decorates the room at weekends. The room.................................................5. Daisy always sings country songs. Country songs...........................................................6. She often give her sister sweets. Her sister....................................................................7. Nam and Peter often water these trees.These trees........................................................8. They produce cars in this country. Cars..........................................................................9. We don’t allow smoking in this restaurant. Smoking.......................................................10.Do pupils clean the room every day? Is...........................................................................II. Passive voice: The Past simple tense Example: To Hoai wrote the story. The story was written by To Hoai1. The waiters cleaned the rooms last night. The rooms.....................................................2. They caught the elephant again. The elephant...............................................................3. She bought the watch at the shop. The watch................................................................4. They built the house in 1950. The house.........................................................................5. We did the exercises last week. Exercises.......................................................................6. The pupils sent the letters the day before yesterday. The letters...................................7. He learned the lesson two week ago. The lesson............................................................8. Nguyen Du wrote Kieu story. Kieu story..........................................................................9. She made the cake last night. The cake..........................................................................10.Daisy washed the dishes last night. The dishes...............................................................

III. Passive voice: The future simple tense Example: The army will complete that project next year. That project will be completed by the army next year.

1. They won’t punish him. He................................................................................................2. They will ask you a lot of question at the interview. You...................................................3. They will give her a new one. She.....................................................................................4. Tom will visit his parents next month. His parents............................................................5. Some people will interview the new president on TV. The new presidents.......................6. They will finish the work next week. The work..................................................................


Page 19: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

7. Somebody will call Mr. David tonight. Mr. David...............................................................8. The State will assign our students to different jobs. Our students....................................9. When will you do the work? When.....................................................................................10.He won’t tell me the truth about the situation. The truth about the situation...................

IV. Passive voice: The present continuous tense Example: She is cleaning the house. The house is being cleaned by her.1. My friends are eating an orange. An orange.....................................................................2. They are watching the film. The film.................................................................................3. We are doing the exercises. The exercise.........................................................................4. She is cutting the paper right now. The paper..................................................................5. They are singing the songs in the room. The songs..........................................................6. We are reading the book now. The book...........................................................................7. The students are discussing the questions. The questions................................................8. My father is repairing my bike. My bike.............................................................................9. She is cooking the meal in the kitchen now. The meal.....................................................10. About thirty thousand people are watching this program. This program.........................V. Passive voice: The past continuous tense Example: She was picking the flowers at 3:00 pm yesterday. The flowers were being picked by her at 3:00.pm yesterday 1. He was painting the house when I came. The house.........................................................2. The teacher was reading the book when we came. The book...........................................3. Mary’s mother was washing the clothes. The clothes.......................................................4. Her friends were drinking coffee at the cafe. Coffee.........................................................5. He was boiling the eggs when I saw him. The eggs..........................................................6. His brother was painting the door. The door.....................................................................7. Thu was waiting for him at the school. He.........................................................................8. We were doing the exercises. The exercises.....................................................................9. They were painting the gate of the school. The gate of the school...................................10.They were doing the bedroom on Friday. The bedroom....................................................

VI. Passive voice: The present perfect tense Example: His boss has transferred him to another department. He has been transferred to another department by his boss.1. They have taken her to the hospital. She........................................................................2. They have cancelled the meeting. The meeting..............................................................3. Someone has moved my chair. My chair.........................................................................4. Someone has given him a lot of money. He....................................................................5. We have invited all the students in the school. All the students.....................................6. We have told him not to be late again. He......................................................................7. Our teachers have explained the English grammar. The English grammar....................8. Have you finished the above sentences? Have above sentences....................................9. The police have arrested the mugger. The mugger.........................................................10.The police have arrested five suspects Five suspects......................................................

VII. Passive voice: The past perfect tense Example: They had printed the book before 1950. The book had been printed by them before 1950.........................................................................................................................................1. She had mended the bicycle. The bicycle.........................................................................2. They had exported the rice before May. The rice..............................................................3. I had waited her before I came here. She..........................................................................4. No one had met me before I left. I ....................................................................................


Page 20: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

5. He hadn’t eaten the cakes. The cakes..............................................................................6. They had cleaned the car by 3 p.m. The car.....................................................................7. My friend had bought the house before 1990. The house.................................................8. Had he asked some questions? Had some question.........................................................9. I had studied the tenses before May. The tenses..............................................................10.The school boys had wasted a lot of time. A lot of time....................................................

VIII. Passive voice: Modal verb Example: You should brush our teeth twice a day. Our teeth should be brushed twice a day1. He might have caught the fish. The fish.............................................................................2. She could have washed the dress. The dress.....................................................................3. She is not going to pick many flowers. Many flowers.........................................................4. Parents should give children a lot of love. children............................................................5. You must wash your hands. Your hands.............................................................................6. He can speak four languages. Four languages...................................................................7. You must keep dogs outside shops. Dogs..........................................................................8. Children should treat old men with respect. Old men........................................................9. My classmates used to call me John. I ...............................................................................10.He can’t repair my bike. My bike........................................................................................

IX. Passive voice: Mixed types Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentence using passive voice.

1. My father waters this flower every morning. .....................................................................2. A stone broke the window. ................................................................................................3. The servants didn’t do the work. .......................................................................................4. She often takes her dog for a walk. ...................................................................................5. The army will complete that project next year. .................................................................6. They won’t punish him. .....................................................................................................7. People don’t use this road very often. ...............................................................................8. The manager always welcomes new employees. ..............................................................9. We are following them. .....................................................................................................10.The airplanes are dropping booms. ...................................................................................11.The keepers were feeding the lions. ..................................................................................12.They have taken her to the hospital. .................................................................................13.They had fastened his whole body to the ground. .............................................................14.The school boys had wasted a lot of time. ........................................................................15.We write letter to our friend once a week. ........................................................................16.We clean the garages everyday. .......................................................................................17.Someone has given him a lot of money.............................................................................18.The police arrested two hundred people. ..........................................................................19.We export this computer to seventy different countries. ..................................................20.They have cancelled the meeting. ....................................................................................21.We have invited all the students in the school. .................................................................22.They posted all the letters yesterday. ...............................................................................23.The police found two children in the forest. ......................................................................24.They will hold a meeting before May Day. ........................................................................25.Mary is cutting the cake with a sharp knife. ......................................................................26.The teacher is going to tell a story. ...................................................................................27.An earthquake destroyed the town. ..................................................................................28.He didn’t type the letter last night. ...................................................................................29.They will pick me up at my house. ....................................................................................30.When did you see him in that bank? .................................................................................31.My father will take me to Ho Chi Minh City next week. .....................................................32.A man returned the keys to me. ........................................................................................33.Mary will see her friends off at the station. .......................................................................34.Workers were digging a large hole in the ground. .............................................................35.Countries are finding a way to solve the problem. ............................................................36.They can't make tea with cold water...................................................................................37.The chief engineer was instructing all the workers of the plant..........................................


Page 21: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

38.Somebody has taken away some of my books....................................................................39.They will hold the meeting before May Day........................................................................40.They have to repair the engineer of the car........................................................................41.The boy broke the window and took away some pictures.................................................. 42.A man I know told me about it.............................................................................................43.No one believes his story.....................................................................................................44.Do they teach English here?................................................................................................45.Will you invite her to your wedding party?..........................................................................46.Did the teacher give some exercises?.................................................................................47.Have they changed the window of the laboratory?.............................................................48.Is she making big cakes for the party?................................................................................49.Why didn't they help him?...................................................................................................50.You mustn’t use this machine after 5.30 pm.......................................................................51.You must clean this machine very time you use it..............................................................52.Someone will drive your car to London on Tuesday............................................................53.They will send you your examination results when they are ready.....................................54.In this August, They will build a new house.........................................................................55.The teacher can give him good marks because he is an excellent......................................56.Someone will serve soft drinks............................................................................................57.Tolstoy wrote “War and Peace”...........................................................................................58.Shakespeare wrote “Hamlet”..............................................................................................59.Hemingway didn’t write “Hamlet”.......................................................................................60.Someone built that house in 1930.......................................................................................61.They opened the factory at 9 o’clock..................................................................................62.They posted all letter yesterday..........................................................................................63.We invited fifty people to the party.....................................................................................64.Last night someone broke into our house...........................................................................65.Ba invited Liz to the rice-cooking festival............................................................................66.They held the festival in the communal house yard............................................................67.The council leader awarded the first prize to Mekong team................................................68.Someone will translate this letter into Vietnamese.............................................................69.Alexander Bain invented the facsimile in 1843...................................................................70.They dry the beans in the sun.Exercise 2: Choose the best answer:1. “I heard you decided to take up tennis.” – “Yes I have _______since last week.

a. been played b. been playing c. playing d. play2. “Are we about to have dinner?”- “Yes it __________in the dinning room.”

a. is serving b. serves c. is being served d. served3. “We are still looking for Thomas.” “Hasn’t he __________yet?

a. been found b. to find c. found d. being found4. You ___________by my secretary next week.

a. will notify b. would notify c. will be notified d. is going to notified5. The wheel __________thousands of years ago.

a. invented b. has invented c. is invented d. was invented6. I still can’t believe it. My bike _________last night.

a. was stolen b. was stealing c. stolen d. stole7. Today, many serious childhood diseases _________by early immunization.

a. are preventing b. can prevent c. prevent d. can be prevented8. Kieu story ______________by Nguyen Du hundreds years ago.

a. is written b. has been writtenc. wrote d. was written9. The questions ______________by the students at the moment.

a. are discussed b. will be discussedc. have been discussed d. are being discussed10.Many people ___________killed in the accident last night.

a. had been killed b. were killed c. killed d. being killed

RELATIVE CLAUSEA. PHAÀN LYÙ THUYEÁTI. Defining relative clause (Meänh ñeà quan heä xaùc ñònh)


Page 22: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

Ñaây laø meänh ñeà caàn thieát vì danh töø maø noù boå nghóa laø khoâng xaùc ñònh. Meänh ñeà quan heä boå nghóa cho danh töø tröôùc noù, laøm cho ngöôøi ñoïc vaø ngöôøi nghe hieåu ñöôïc danh töø ñöôïc ñeà caäp laø ai, laø gì. Khoâng coù noù caâu seõ khoâng ñuû nghóa.

The man who lives next door to me is very friendly.The book which I bought yesterday is very interesting.

II. Non-defining relative clause (Meänh ñeà quan heä khoâng xaùc ñònh)Ñaây laø loaïi meänh ñeà khoâng caàn thieát vì danh töø maø noù boå nghóa ñaõ ñöôïc xaùc ñònh cuï theå, khoâng coù noù caâu vaãn ñuû nghóa.Mr. Thanh, Who is from Ha Tinh province, is a friendly English teacher.Ha Noi, which is the capital of Vietnam, is in the north of Vietnam.Meänh ñeà quan heä khoâng xaùc ñònh ñöôïc ngaên vôùi meänh ñeà chính baèng daáu phaåy.Tröôùc danh töø thöôøng coù : this, that, these, those, my, his, her… vaø danh töø rieâng.III. The use of relative pronouns and relative adverbs

Relative pronouns Who: who laø ñaïi töø quan heä chæ ngöôøi ñöùng sau danh töø chæ ngöôøi ñeå laøm chuû

töø cho ñoäng töø ñöùng sau noù.The man who is standing over there is Mr. Pike

Whom: whom laø ñaïi töø quan heä chæ ngöôøi, ñöùng sau danh töø chæ ngöôøi ñeå laøm taân ngöõ cho ñoäng töø ñöùng sau noù.Whom laøm taân nguõ coù theå ñöôïc boû ñi trong meänh ñeà quan heä xaùc ñònh.

That is the girl whom I told you about. Which: which laø ñaïi töø quan heä chæ vaät, ñöùng sau danh töø chæ vaät ñeå laøm chuû

töø hay taân ngöõ cho ñoäng töø ñöùng sau noù. Which laøm taân ngöõ coù theå ñöôïc boû ñi trong meänh ñeà quan heä xaùc ñònh.

The dress which I bought yesterday is very beautiful.This is the book which I like best.

That: That laø ñaïi töø quan heä chæ caû ngöôøi laãn vaät. That coù theå ñöôïc duøng thay cho who, whom, which trong meänh ñeà quan heä xaùc ñònh.

This is the book that I like best.That luoân ñöôïc duøng sau caùc danh töø hoån hôïp (goàm caû ngöôøi laãn vaät), sau caùc ñaïi töø everything, something, anything, all little, much, none vaø sau daïng so saùnh nhaát.

Whose: Whose laø ñaïi töø quan heä chæ sôû höõu. Whose ñöùng sau danh töø chæ ngöôøi hoaëc vaät vaø thay cho tính töø sôû höõu hoaëc sôû höõu caùch tröôùc danh töø. Whose luoân ñi keøm vôùi moät danh töø.

John found a cat whose leg was broken.Relative adverbs

When: When laø traïng töø quan heä chæ thôøi gian, ñöùng sau danh töø chæ thôøi gian. When ñöôïc thaycho at/on/in + danh töø thôøi gian hoaëc then.

May Day is a day when people hold a meeting. Where: Where laø traïng töø quan heä chæ nôi choán, ñöùng sau danh töø chæ nôi choán.

Where ñöôïc thay theá cho at/on/in + danh töø nôi choán hoaëc there.Do you know the country where I was born?

Why: Why laø traïng töø quan heä chæ lí do. Why thay cho for which.Relative pronoun

(Ñaïi töø quan heä)

Noun replaced (Danh töø ñöôïc thay theá)

Functions (Chöùc naêng)

Who Danh töø chæ ngöôøi Laøm chuû töø

Whom Danh töø chæ ngöôøi Laøm taân ngöõ

Which Danh töø chæ vaät Laøm chuû töø hoaëc taân ngöõ

that Danh töø chæ ngöôøi,vaät, thay theá cho Laøm chuû töø hoaëc


Page 23: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

which,whom,who trong meänh ñeà haïn ñònh

taân ngöõ

whose Tính töø sôû höõu hoaëc sôû höõu caùch Laøm chuû töø hoaëc taân ngöõ

B. PHAÀN THÖÏC HAØNHI. Defining relative clause: ( Meänh ñeà haïn ñònh)Exercise 1: Use who, whom or which to combine the two sentences1. The girl is hospital now. She was injured in the accident.....................................................2. I know a shop. It sells really good meat................................................................................3. The boy is very nice. I know him from school.......................................................................4. The shoes are too big. My mother bought them for me.......................................................5. I still have the book. You gave me that book......................................................................6. A river is not safe for swimming. It is polluted......................................................................7. The doctor was very gentle. He examined the sick child.....................................................8. The man standing over there. I was telling you about him...................................................9. The meeting was interesting. I went to it.............................................................................10.I like the dress. She was wearing it......................................................................................11.We don’t like the stories. They don’t have happy endings..................................................12.The milk was very good. We had it this morning..................................................................13.Thank you very much for the gift. You gave it to me last time.............................................14.The book was too expensive. I wanted to buy it...................................................................15.The girl is really intelligent. We admire her..........................................................................Exercise 2: Use whose, where, when to combine the two sentences:1. The city was famous for its food. We spent our vacation in that city......................................2. This is the story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory...............................................3. They have just rebuilt the building. I work in that building....................................................4. The building is very modern. She lives in that building.........................................................5. Yesterday I met a woman. Her son is a doctor..........................................................................6. The woman is a teacher. Her daughter is my classmate........................................................7. 1983 is the year. She was born in that year............................................................................8. I feel sorry for the boy. His parents were dead........................................................................9. The man is very friendly. His wife is very beautiful..................................................................10.I will show you the second-hand bookshop. You can find valuable books in this shop.........II. Non-defining relative clause: ( Meänh ñeà haïn ñònh)

Combine the two sentences using relative pronouns or relative adverbs:1. Ba likes playing the guitar. He lives on Trang Tien Street..........................................................2. Neil Armstrong lived in USA. He first walked on the moon......................................................3. Miss Lien is my English teacher. She sings very well................................................................4. The Nile is the home of a great variety of fish. The Nile is in Egypt.........................................5. The movie Harry Potter is coming soon. I’m longing to see it................................................6. Peter is studying French and German. He has been abroad......................................................7. We are moving to Manchester. Manchester is the North West...............................................8. I’ll stay with Adrian. His brother is one of my closet friends......................................................9. Cuc phuong is a famous nation park. I came there along time ago.........................................10.Thu wants to drink some medicine. She had a headache..........................................................


Page 24: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

III. Mixed typed (Baøi taäp toång hôïp)Exercise 1: Combine the two sentences using relative pronouns or relative adverbs1. The building seems new now. It was very old......................................................................2. I went to see a doctor. He told me to rest for a few days.....................................................3. A friend helped me to get a job. His father is the manager of the company........................4. He protested to a woman. Her dog bit him..........................................................................5. I was waiting in a chair. It suddenly collapsed. ...................................................................6. Please post the letters. I wrote them this morning...............................................................7. I will introduce you to a man. His support is necessary for your project..............................8. A man brought in a small girl. Her hand had been cut.........................................................9. A man said Tom was out. He answered the phone...............................................................10.The problem has been discussed in class. We are very interested in it.....................................11.A lot of fish died everyday. They live in the polluted sea..........................................................12.We have a new teacher. I really like her...................................................................................13.She‘ll tell you the story. That story will surprise you.................................................................14.The girl is now in hospital. She was injured in the accident. ....................................................15.A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient......................................................16.A building has now been rebuilt. It was destroyed in the fire....................................................17.A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half an hour................................................................18.The book is about the girl. She runs away from home..............................................................19.The man was very kind. I talk to him yesterday........................................................................20.She is the woman. I told you about her.....................................................................................21.The man works in the hospital. I told you about him.................................................................22.The picture was very beautiful. She was looking at it...............................................................23.I’ll give you the address. You should write to it.........................................................................24.The movie is very fantastic. They are talking about it...............................................................25.The woman teaches me English. You are listening to her.........................................................26.The people are getting wet. They are waiting for the bus in the rain........................................27.The fence is made from wood. It surrounds our house..............................................................28.Her book is widely read. It is well- written.................................................................................29.Alice is my friends. Alice’s mother died in an accident last year...............................................30.The secretary gives you information. She sits at the first desk on the right..............................31.The young man is talking to our teacher. He is Ba’s brother.....................................................32.We visited the monument. The famous engineer built it more than 50 years ago....................33.Mr. Phong is our geography teacher. He has been teaching in our school for ten years...........34.Lan took some change. She wanted to buy some drink............................................................35.The doctor has moved to a new house. He looked after my family...........................................36.The man is my English teacher. You spoke to him in the street last night...................................


Page 25: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

37.The books are for reference. They are on the stacks near the librarian.......................................38.Is that the car? You want to buy it...............................................................................................39.Students will be punished. Their homework is late......................................................................40.Henry was in a very bad mood. His car had been broken down..................................................41.Teacher’s Day is the day. Pupils show their gratitude to their teacher on that day.....................42.The last summer holidays were the time. We had a lot of fun at that time.................................43.New Year’s Day is the day. All family members gather and enjoy a family dinner on that day.. .44.One day last week I visited that village. The people there grew many beautiful flowers.............45.We visited the monument. The famous engineer built it more than 50 years ago......................46.Mr. Phong is our geography teacher. He has been teaching in our school for ten years.............47.The boys are very interesting in football. It is a popular game all over the world........................48.Quynh Dao is a famous writer. Quynh Dao’s works are widely read all over the world...............49.Mona was painted by Leonardo De Vinci. It has been popular for long........................................50.The professor is excellent. I am taking his course.......................................................................

Exercise 2: Choose the best answer:1. The paintings _________are marked with small red dot have already been sold.

a. which b. who c. whose d. whom2. The secretary _________is sitting at the first desk on the right can give you the information.

a. who b. whom c. where d. which3. The shoes _________I bought were made in Italy.

a. where b. which c. who d. it4. I wrote to the girl _________I met at the meeting.

a. whom b. whose c. which d. her5. The speech _________we listened last night was informative.

a. which b. that c. to which d. to that6. Dr. Jones is the professor _________ I told you.

a. whom b. who c. that d. all are correct7. The student _________parents you just met is one of my classmates.

a. who b. which c. whose d. whom8. The pianist _______played at the corner last night is internationally famous.

a. whose b. he c. whom d. who9. The woman _________lives next door to us is a doctor.

a. that b. whom c. who d. a and c10. Mr. Green is the man _________ I was talking about.

a. whom b. who c. which d. whose11. That is the place _________the accident occurred.

a. which b. where c. when d. who12. The restaurant _________Bob recommended was too expensive.

a. where b. which c. whose d. when13. There was time ____________movies cost a dime.

a. which b. that c. whose d. when14. Paul O’Grady, ____________died a few years ago, was a kind and loving man.

a. whom b. that c. who d. which15. Bogota, ____________is the capital city of Columbia, is a cosmopolitan city.

a. who b. that c. which d. where16. I enjoy talking to the people ____________ I had dinner with last night.

a. who b. whom c. whose d. when17. Sally lost her job, ____________wasn’t surprise.

a. which b. who c. whom d. that18. I have three brothers, ____________are professional athletes.

a. two of whom b. who of two c. two of that d. whom of two19. The boy to ____________ I lend my money is poor.

a. who b. that c. whom d. whose20. The land and the people ____________ I have met are nice.

a. that b. who c. which d. whose


Page 26: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

WH-QUESTIONA. PHAÀN LYÙ THUYEÁTI. Question words used as subject. ( Töø ñeå hoûi duøng laøm chuû töø)

Wh-question V O ?Who teaches you English every day?

# Who do you teach English every day?II. Question words use as objects or modifiers. ( Töø ñeå hoûi duøng laøm taân ngöõ

hoaëc boå ngöõ)Wh-question aux.V S Vm O ?

Aux. V: auxiliary verb trôï ñoäng töøVm: main verb ñoäng töø chính

Löu yù: Ñoái vôùi thì naøo thì möôïn trôï ñoäng töø töông öùng. Ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø khieám khuyeát (can, could, may, shall, should) thì ta möôïn ñoäng töø khieám khuyeát laøm trôï ñoäng töø.

Question words To ask about Example

Who Hoûi veà ngöôøi Who is your English teacher?

What Hoûi ngöôøi, vaät, söï vieäc, söï kieän..

What happened last night?

Where Hoûi nôi choán Where do you live?When Hoûi thôøi gian When did you buy this

book?Which Hoûi söï choïn löïa Which class do you

like?Why Hoûi lyù do Why were you late?Whose Hoûi sôû höõu Whose pen is this?How Hoûi caùch thöùc, chaát löôïng How old is she?

What: What…be (look) like? Hoûi veà söï mieâu taû:

What is the weather like in Ha Noi? What + noun (color, subject, kind of, size…) Hoûi veà chi tieát: What

color is it? What time Hoûi thôøi gian cuï theå What time

do you often get up?How + Adj/Adv Hoûi veà möùc ñoä tính chaát:

How deep is this river? How far Hoûi veà khoaûng caùch How long Hoûi ñoä daøi thôøi gian: How long have you been

staying here? How many/much Hoûi veà soá löôïng: How many students are

there in the class? How often Hoûi veà ñoä thöôøng xuyeân: How often do you go to


Exercise 1: Make the questions for the following sentences.1. My aunt and uncle live in Chicago.Where...................................................................................2. We often have dinner at 7:00 pm. What time...........................................................................3. I am reading an English book at the moment. What.................................................................4. It takes me 30 minutes to go to school. How long.....................................................................5. She speaks English very fluently. How.......................................................................................6. I have written over twenty novels. How many............................................................................7. This street is twenty kilometers long. How long.........................................................................8. I spent 10 dollars on this shirt. How much................................................................................9. I have been learning English for 5 years. How long....................................................................


Page 27: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

10.She will be married to a rich man. Who.....................................................................................11.Tom goes to the library twice a week. How often.....................................................................12. I went to school late because I missed the bus. Why................................................................13. She is a doctor. What...............................................................................................................14. They were watching a game show. What..................................................................................15.He like studying Math. What subject..........................................................................................16. The weather is very nice in this country. What..........................................................................17.She was born in Dam Doi In 1985. Where and when.................................................................18. She wanted to become an English teacher. What.....................................................................19. They are cutting trees in the forest for wood. For what.............................................................20.There are forty-five students in my class. How many................................................................21.They do their homework at night. When...................................................................................22.Mr. Robertson came to the party alone. Who.............................................................................23.The car is across the street from the house. Where....................................................................24.She felt better after she took a nap. How...................................................................................25.My sister called her boyfriend yesterday When..........................................................................26.That is an English book. What....................................................................................................27.She talked to him for an hour. How long...................................................................................28.She was eating a sandwich. What..............................................................................................29.Their favorite kind of music is Latin Jazz. What .........................................................................30.He is going to work right now. Where.........................................................................................31.They do their homework at night. When  ..................................................................................32.Mr. Robertson came to the party alone. Who  ...........................................................................33.The car is across the street from the house. Where ..................................................................34.I like the red blouse, not the blue one. Which............................................................................35.She felt better after she took a nap. How...................................................................................36.That is an English book. What....................................................................................................37.My sister called her boyfriend yesterday When..........................................................................38.She talked to him for an hour. How long....................................................................................39.He studies piano at the university. What....................................................................................40.The party lasted all night. How long ..........................................................................................41.The check was for $5.50. How much..........................................................................................42.She was eating a sandwich. What..............................................................................................43.She is working hard. What .........................................................................................................44.My parents have two cars. How many........................................................................................45.They are coming to visit tomorrow. When..................................................................................46.He is going to work right now. Where.........................................................................................47.The man with the white hat is my brother. Who.........................................................................48.I don’t get up early because I like to sleep late. Why.................................................................49.We have an English class every day. How often.........................................................................50.They like to dance on weekends. What .....................................................................................

Exercise 2: Make question for the underlined part of the sentence:

1. She is cleaning the floor ...........................................................................................................


Page 28: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

2. Their favorite kind of music is Latin Jazz. ..................................................................................3. I didn’t bring my dictionary today. ............................................................................................4. They are singing popular songs. ................................................................................................5. They do their homework in the morning. ..................................................................................6. My best friend is Nam. ...............................................................................................................7. We have known each other for 5 years. ....................................................................................8. They are making a big cake. ....................................................................................................9. She can sing very well. ..............................................................................................................10.My father has been to more than twenty countries in the world. ..............................................11. She usually goes to school by bike. ..........................................................................................12. It takes me an hour to do the homework. .................................................................................13.Mary will meet her husband tomorrow. .....................................................................................14.A car will be driven here. ...........................................................................................................15. Twenties books has been sold this month. ...............................................................................16.About 8 people were injured in the accident. ............................................................................17. She is talking to the president. .................................................................................................18. They will have finished the project by next summer. ...............................................................19. He should lend her some money. .............................................................................................20.He bought this book in Ha Noi. ..................................................................................................21. They are going to visit Ha Long Bay this summer. ...................................................................22. Teachers usually give students a lot of exercises. ...................................................................23.He is punished because his laziness. .........................................................................................24.He usually goes to the field at 6:00 every morning. ..................................................................25.A famous singer will come to the concert. .................................................................................26.I met Peter at the airport yesterday. .........................................................................................27.The weather in the South of Vietnam is very hot. .....................................................................28.The first World Cup was held in Uruguay in 1930. .....................................................................29.Uruguay became the champion in the first World cup. .............................................................30.New York City is located in the Southeastern part of New York State. ......................................31.The population of New York is seven million. ............................................................................32.The area of New York is 946 square kilometer. .........................................................................33.They have got three children. ...................................................................................................34.They were on holiday for three days. ........................................................................................35.The game last 90 minutes. ........................................................................................................36.This car costs one thousand dollars. ..........................................................................................37.This book is twenty VND. ...........................................................................................................38.This house belongs to me. .........................................................................................................39.My car is blue. ...........................................................................................................................40.She is very friendly. ...................................................................................................................41.My favorite singer is Dan Truong. ..............................................................................................42.Her name is Daisy. ....................................................................................................................43.She is from London. ...................................................................................................................44.She usually has milk for breakfast. ............................................................................................45.She didn’t come to the party because she was sick. .................................................................46. She was punished because she was lazy. ................................................................................


Page 29: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

47. We don’t understand the lesson because it was difficult. .........................................................48. They will send me a postcard. ..................................................................................................49. They were having dinner when he came. .................................................................................50. She goes to the library three times a week. .............................................................................


I. Gerund (Danh ñoäng töø)a. Form (Caáu truùc)


b. Functions (Chöùc naêng)Subject (Chuû töø)

Smoking is bad for our health.Learning English is very useful.

Object of a preposition ( Taân ngöõ cuûa giôùi töø)Sau giôùi töø ñoäng töø phaûi luoân luoân ñöôïc söû duïng döôùi daïng Gerund.

He is very interested in learning English.My father gave up smoking many years ago.He is looking forward to seeing you.

Sau ñaây laø moät soá tính töø + giôùi töø:Accustomed to :(quen vôùi) - Afraid of - successful in ( thaønh coâng veà ) - hopeful of ( hy voïng veà ) - bored with ( chaùn ) -capable of ( coù khaû naêng ) - (be) used to ( quen vôùi) - proud of ( haõnh dieän veà ) - responsible for ( coù traùch nhieäm veà ) - excited about (kích ñoäng veà ) - interested in - famous for - fond of - ashamed of ( xaáu hoå veà ) -surprised at ( ngaïc nhieân veà ) - tired of ( chaùn ), tired from ( meät ) opposed to ( phaûn ñoái ) essential to ( caàn thieát ) - worried about ( lo laéng veà )

Complement (Boå ngöõ)His hobby is collecting stamps.

Object of a verb (Taân ngöõ cuûa ñoäng töø)Danh ñoäng töø thöôøng ñi sau moät soá ñoäng töø döôùi ñaây:

Stop Enjoy Fancy Admit Consider Miss

Finish Mind Imagine Deny Involv




st Avoid Practice risk regret

keep prefer appreciate

mention like hate

I don’t mind helping you.He denied stealing the car.I hate doing my homework.

Danh ñoäng töø coøn ñöôïc duøng sau moät soá cuïm töø sau:It’s no use, to look forward to, can’t help, can’t bear, to have difficulty, there is no

point in, it is worth, spend (time),it is no good …II. Infinitive To infinitive (Nguyeân maåu coù To)b. Form (Caáu truùc)

To V0

c. Functions (Chöùc naêng)Subject (Chuû ngöõ)To learn English is very necessary. To speak English fluently is very difficult.


Page 30: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

Complement (boå ngöõ)His hobby is to collect stamps.What is like is to swim in the sea.Object of an adjective (Taân ngöõ cuûa tính töø)It is necessary to learn English . I am happy to live here.Adverb of purposes (Traïng töø chæ muïc ñích)He saved money to buy a bike.He bought this book to read.

Object of a verb (Taân ngöõ cuûa ñoäng töø)a. Ñoäng töø ñi sau caùc ñoäng töø döôùi ñaây thöôøng ôû daïng to V0

Agree Offer Decide



Refuse Attempt

Plan Seem Learn







Fail Hope Afford tend

b. Coù hai caáu truùc sau nhöõng ñoäng töø naøy:Want




Would like

Would prefer


V + to + V0 V + object + to + V0I want to go there I want you to go thereHe would like to come. He would like me to come

c Nhöõng ñoäng töø döôùi ñaây thöôøng ñöôïc söû duïng vôùi caáu truùc:V + object + to + Vo

Tell Remind




Order Warn Invit


h getd. Nhöõng ñoäng töø sau ñöôïc söû duïng vôùi hai caáu truùc:

V + Ving V + object + to V0He doesn’t allow smoking in his house. He doesn’t allow anyone to smoke in his







Bare infinitive (Nguyeân maãu khoâng To)Sau caùc ñoäng töø sau caùc ñoäng töø khaùc thöôøng ôû daïng V0: make, let, help, notice,

watch, hear, see, used to had better…B. PHAÀN THÖÏC HAØNH

I. Gerund: Put the verb in the form Ving and study the verb that it follows.1. Could you please stop (make) __________ so much noise?2. He stopped (smoke) __________while he was working in the garden.3. I don’t enjoy (write) __________letter.4. I am considering (take) __________a trip to Europe next year.5. Do you mind (wait) __________ a few minutes in the reception room?6. We should avoid (give) __________ an answer immediately.7. They have finished (paint) __________ our apartment at last.8. You shouldn’t risk (go) __________out if you have a cold.9. Why did he deny (take) __________the key?10. I dislike (ride) __________on the subway.11. I suggest (telephone) __________the hospitals before (ask) the police

(look) for him.12. Does your job involve (meet) __________a lot of people?13. He admitted (steal) __________the car but deny (drive) it dangerous.


Page 31: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

14. I don’t fancy (go) __________ out this evening.15. They had to postpone (go) __________out because their son was ill.16. He gave up (smoke) __________3 years ago.17. Tony mentioned (drive) __________my car to school instead of walking.18. I kept (work) __________although it was too late.19. He practices (read) __________English every day.20. I can’t imagine Tom (drive) __________a motorbike.21. I am used to (live) _____________________in the hot region.22. I am looking forward (see) _____________________you.23. I prefer (go) for a walk to (stay) _____________________at home.24. It’s no use (worry) _____________________about it.25. There is no point in (buy) _____________________a car if you don’t want to

drive it.26. Do you think this book is worth (read) _____________________?27. The room needs (clean) _____________________. It is very dirty.28. It is a waste of time (read) _____________________that book.29. We spend two hours a day (learn) _____________________English.30. People often have difficulty (read) _____________________my writing.II. Infinitive: I. To infinitive Put the verb in the form to Vo and study the verb that it follows.1. They agreed (lend) __________me some money.2. He refused (answer) __________my questions.3. He promised (come) __________back here.4. The thief threatened (kill) __________us if we phoned the police.5. She offered (help) __________me to clean the house.6. They attempted (win) __________the prize.7. There was a lot of traffic but we managed (go) __________to the airport in time.8. She failed (return) __________the book to the library on time.9. She can afford (buy) __________the car.10. We have decided (leave) __________on Monday.11. I am planning (have) __________a party.12. I will arrange (meet) __________you at the airport.13. Jack hopes (arrive) __________next week.14. She appears (be) __________tired.15. That man seems (be) __________friendly.16. She pretended not (see) __________me as he passed me in the street.17. She forgot (mail) __________the letter.18. I want (tell) __________you something.19. She wishes (come) __________here.20. He is learning (play) __________piano.21. She asked me (give) __________her my book.22. He demanded (know) __________who is responsible.23. I expect (enter) __________graduate school.24. I didn’t mean (hurt) __________your feelings. 25. I need (have) __________your opinion.26. We are preparing (have) __________a party.27. Please remember (lock) __________the door when you go away.28. He volunteered (help) __________the poor children.29. He will wait (hear) __________from you.30. I am trying (learn) __________English.II. Bare infinitive Put the verb in the form Vo and study the verb that it follows.1. He made them (work) _____________________very hard.2. She lets her children (sleep) _____________________on the floor.3. You will see him (play) _____________________the piano on TV tonight.4. Nobody noticed John (enter) _____________________the room.5. You had better (go) _____________________to bed early.6. People should (stop) _____________________letter rubbish into rivers.7. You needn’t (spend) _____________________money on these things.


Page 32: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

8. He made me (do) _____________________it over again.9. She can (sing) _____________________very well.10. Can somebody help (move) _____________________ this table?III. Mixed exercise: Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form.1. He wanted (see) _____________________the house where the president was born.2. He is expected (arrive) _____________________in a few days.3. I would like him (go) _____________________ to a university but I can’t (make)

him go.4. I am looking forward (see) _____________________ you.5. I arranged (meet) _____________________them there.6. He urged us (work) _____________________faster.7. I wish (see) _____________________the manager.8. It is no use (wait) _____________________him.9. He warned her (not touch) _____________________the wire.10. Don’t forget (clock) _____________________the door before (go)

_____________________to bed.11. My mother told me (not speak) _____________________too anyone about it.12. He tried (explain) _____________________but she refused (listen)

_____________________.13. At dinner she annoyed me by (smoke) _____________________between the

courses.14. He decided (disguise) __________________ himself by (dress) _______________as a

women.15. I am prepared (wait) _____________________here all night if necessary.16. Would you mind (show) _____________________me how (work)

_____________________the lift.17. After (walk) _____________________three hours we stopped (rest)

_____________________and let the others (catch) _____________________up with us.18. I am beginning (understand) _____________________what you mean.19. The boy likes (play) _____________________games but hates (do)

________________exercises.20. I regret (inform) _____________________you that your application has been

refused.21. I don’t allow (smoke) _____________________in my drawing-room.22. I don’t allow my family (smoke) _____________________at all.23. He surprised us all by (go) _________________away without (say)

________________‘Good-bye’.24. Please go on (write) _____________________; I don’t mind _____________________

(wait).25. He wore glasses (avoid) (be) _____________________recognized.26. Before (give) _______________evidence you must swear (speak)

___________________the truth.27. I tried (persuade) ____________________him (agree) _____________________with

your proposal.28. Your windows need (clean) ______________.Would you like me (do)

___________them for you.29. Would you mind (shut) _______________the window? I hate (sit) _______________in

a draught.30. I can’t help (sneeze) ____________; I caught a cold yesterday form (sit)

_________in a draught.31. Stop (talk) _____________________; I am trying (finish) _____________________a

letter.32. His doctor advised him (give) _____________________up (jog)

_____________________.33. My watch keeps (stop) _____________________.34. People used (make) _____________________fire by (rub) _________________two

sticks together.35. He hates (answer) the phone, and very often just lets it (ring).36. If you go on (let) _____________________your dog (chase)

_____________________cars he will end by (be) _____________________run over.32

Page 33: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

37. I prefer (drive) _____________________to (be) _____________________driven.38. I advise you (start) _____________________ (look) _____________________for a flat at

once.39. Would you mind (lend) _____________me some money? I forgot (cash) __________

a cheque.40. (Lie) _____________on the beach is much more pleasant than (sit)

_____________in the office.41. She like her children (go) _____________to the dentist every six months.42. An instructor is coming (show) _____________us how (use) _____________the

machine.43. I have no intention of (go) _____________to that film; I couldn’t bear (see)

_____________my favorite actress in such dreadful part.44. I suggest (telephone) _____________the hospitals before (ask) _____________the

police (look) _____________for him.45. After (hear) _____________the conditions I decided (not enter) _____________for

the competition.46. Some people seem (have) _____________the passion for (write) _____________to

the newspapers.47. He expects me (answer) _____________by return but I have no intention of

(reply) _____________at all.48. He postponed (make) _____________a decision until it was too late (do)

_____________anything.49. Try (forget) _____________it; It isn’t worth (worry) _____________about it.50. There is no point in (remain) _____________in a dangerous place if you can’t do

anything (help) _____________the people who have (stay) _____________ there.51. The horse won’t be well enough (run) _____________in tomorrow’s race. He

doesn’t seem (have) _____________recovered from his long journey.52. At first I enjoyed (listen) _____________to him but after a while I got tired of

(hear) _____________the same story again and again.53. It is usually easier (learn) _____________a subject by (read) _____________books

than by (listen) _____________ to lectures.54. It wouldn’t be safe (start) _____________down now; we will have (wait)

_____________till the mist clears.55. After (discuss) _____________the matter for an hour the committee adjourned

without (have) _____________ reached any decision.56. It’s not much use (have) _____________a bike if you don’t know how (use)

_____________it.57. I distinctly remember (pay) _____________him. I gave him 2$.58. Did you remember (give) _____________him the key of the safe? - No, I didn’t. I

will go and do it now.59. Please forgive me for (interrupt) _____________you but would you mind (repeat)

_____________that last sentence.60. He made a lot of money by (buy) _____________tickets in advance and (sell)

_____________them twice the price on the day of the match.REPORTED SPEECH STATEMENT

A. PHAÀN LYÙ THUYEÁTKhi chuyeån töø caâu tröïc tieáp sang giaùn tieáp caâu keå ta chuù yù nhöõng ñieåm sau: Thay ñoåi ñaïi töø nhaân xöng, tính töø sôû höõu

Khi chuyeån töø caâu tröïc tieáp sang giaùn tieáp ta phaûi thay ñoåi ñai töø nhaân xöng, tính töø sôû höõu theo baûng sau:

Personal pronouns

Direct speech (Caâu tröïc tieáp)

Indirect speech (Caâu giaùn tieáp)

I He, sheYou He, she, theyWe TheyThey They


Page 34: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

He, she He, she, I

Possessive pronouns

My His, her, myYour His, her, myHis, her His, herTheir TheirOur Their

“I am a student”, Tom says Tom says that he is a student.“I am tired now” she said she said that she was tired then.“ This is my book” he said he said that that was his book.

Luøi thì hoaëc khoâng luøi thìNeáu ñoäng töø cuûa meänh ñeà chính ôû thì simple present (say), present

perfect (have/has said), hoaëc simple future (will say) thì chuyeån sang caâu giaùn tieáp chuùng ta khoâng luøi thì.The farmer says, “ We hope it will rain tomorrow.” The farmer says that he hopes it will rain tomorrow.She has said, “ I am going to school” she has said that she is going to school.

Neáu ñoäng töø ôû meänh ñeà chính ôû thì simple past (said) thì khi chuyeån sang caâu gaùin tieáp ta phaûi luøi thì. Nguyeân taéc luøi thì ñöôïc toùm taéc theo baûng döôùi ñaây:

Direct speech (Caâu tröïc tieáp)

Indirect speech (Caâu giaùn tieáp)

Simple present Simple pastPresent continuous Past continuous

Simple pastPresent perfect

Past perfect

Simple future Would V0

She said “ we are students” she said that they were students.

He said’ “we has been to London.” he said that they had been to London.Beân caïnh vieäc luøi thì caùc thay ñoåi khaùc cuøng ñöôïc thöïc hieän theo baûng toùm taéc döôùi ñaây:

Direct speech

Indirect speech

Modal verb

Shall ShouldWill WouldCan CouldMay Might

placesHere ThereThis ThatThese Those

Time Now Then; at that timeYesterday The day before; the


Page 35: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

previous dayToday That dayTomorrow The next day; the

following dayThis (week/month/year)

That (week/month/year)

Next (week/year/month)

The following(week/year/month)

Last (week/month/year)

The (week/year/month) beforeThe previous (week/year/month)


Daïng 1: Khoâng luøi thìExercise 1 Write the following sentences into indirect speech. (Vieát caùc caâu sau sang caâu töôøng thuaät giaùn tieáp)Example: “I haven’t done my homework”, she says She says (that) she hasn’t done her home

work.“I haven’t got any money”, he tells me He tells me (that) he hasn’t got any money.

1 “I have seen the film before.”, she says...............................................................................2 “I want to go home.”, he has told you.................................................................................3 “ I haven’t meet my parents for years.”, he says..................................................................4 “ I don’t know how much it cost.”, he tells her......................................................................5 “I will come next year.”, he tell me.......................................................................................6 “I’m reading a book.” Simon says..........................................................................................7 I need some money to buy a book.” , Mary tell Peter............................................................8 “I can’t come on Tuesday.” they have told me. ....................................................................9 “Mary will come soon”, john tells me.....................................................................................10 “We haven’t eaten anything” the children say.....................................................................Daïng 2: Luøi thì

Exercise 2 Write the following sentences into indirect speech. (Vieát caùc caâu sau sang caâu töôøng thuaät giaùn tieáp)

Example: “My name is Lan”, she said.............................................................................“I am writing a letter”, he told me.................................................................

1 “I am waiting for john.” She said........................................................................................2 “I don’t like the idea.”, he said...........................................................................................3 “The car isn’t at my house.”, she told me..........................................................................4 “We have cleaned the room.”, they said............................................................................5 “We are worried about Peter.”, they told me.....................................................................6 “I am going to the cinema.’, she said.................................................................................7 “I saw her today”, he said..................................................................................................8 “I will see you tomorrow”, he told me................................................................................9 “They were here three months ago.” he said.....................................................................10 “We visited her this morning.”, they said...........................................................................11 “My parents are arriving tomorrow.” she said....................................................................12 “I don’t like this film.” She said..........................................................................................13 “Peter and Mary are getting married tomorrow.” she said.................................................14 “Daisy is doing her homework.” Mai said...........................................................................


Page 36: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

15 “I met her three hours ago.” Tam told me.........................................................................16 She said, “I can’t find my umbrella” 17 They said, “We are learning English now” ...............................................................................18 “My friend is coming next week”, Tom said. ...........................................................................19 “ I’ll help my mum with housework this weekend” He said .....................................................20 “We shall overcome this difficulty”, they said .........................................................................21 “ My father is a doctor here”, my friend said ...........................................................................22 “I am going on holiday tomorrow”, the boy said to his neighbor..............................................23 “ You will have to finish all these exercises before next week”, the teacher said to his students24 “I came back here early yesterday,” she said..........................................................................25 “ I’ve broken the vase,” she said .............................................................................................26 “I will never see you again,” the boy said to the girl................................................................27 He said to her, “You are my friend.”.........................................................................................28 Johnny said to his mother, “I don’t know how to do this exercise.”..........................................29 “We are waiting for the school bus”, said the children. ...........................................................30 Marry said, “My father died a year ago”...................................................................................31 John said, “I have finished studying my lesson”.......................................................................32 Mary said, “I can not go to the movies with you, John”............................................................33 “I shall expect to see you next Wednesday.” Mary said to her friend. ....................................34 She said, “I went to the doctor yesterday.” .............................................................................35 He said, “I have a toothache.” .................................................................................................36 She said, “I’ll write him a prescription.” ..................................................................................37 They said, “We’re going to the drugstore.” .............................................................................38 He said, “The doctor gave me some pills.” ..............................................................................39 She said, “I go to the supermarket every day.” .......................................................................40 He said, “I have received the envelope.” ................................................................................41 They said, “We visited Cannery Row.” ....................................................................................42 She said, “I feel very sick.” ......................................................................................................43 He said, “I bought some popcorn.” ..........................................................................................44 They said, “We’re flying to California.” ....................................................................................45 He said, “I’m cutting off the main valve.” ................................................................................46 “My uncle will not plant the vegetables tomorrow afternoon”, she said. ...............................47 “Mr. and Mrs. Pike have just read these newspapers”, Nga said. ............................................48 She said, “I often listen to music at night.” .............................................................................49 Lan’s mother said, “My daughter usually brushes her teeth before meals.” ...........................50 They said, “We have to do the assignments now.” .................................................................51 Lan says, “My sister seldom rides a bike to school.” ...............................................................52 They said, “Our teacher sometimes explains the difficult lesson.” ..........................................53 Nam said, “I am doing my homework now.” ...........................................................................54 "Our teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow." Emily said. ............................................................55 "I was writing a letter yesterday." Helen told me. ...................................................................56 "My father flew to Dallas last year." Robert told me. ...............................................................57 "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago." Lisa said. ..................................................................58 "My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend." Patricia said. ....................................59 "I am going to read a book this week." Michael said to me. ....................................................60 "We will do our best in the exams tomorrow." Jason and Victoria told me. .............................61 "We didn't eat fish two days ago." Andrew remarked. ............................................................62 "I spent all my pocket money on Monday." Alice said. ............................................................63 "John had already gone at six." David said. .............................................................................64 "Mandy is at home." John said. ................................................................................................65 "Frank often reads a book." Max told me. ...............................................................................66 "I'm watching TV." Susan said to me. ......................................................................................67 "I am going to ride a skateboard." Richard said to me. ...........................................................68 "We have cleaned the windows." Stephen and Claire said. .....................................................69 "I didn't have time to do my homework." Richard told me. .....................................................70 "My mother will be 50 years old." Mrs. Jones told me. .............................................................71 Nam said “I am told to be at school before 7 o’clock” .............................................................72 Thu said “All the students will have a meeting next week” .....................................................


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73 Phong said “My parents are very proud of my good marks” ...................................................74 Her father said to her “You can go to the movie with your friend” ..........................................75 The boys said “We have to try our best to win the match” .....................................................


A. PHAÀN LYÙ THUYEÁTCaùch bieán ñoåi Although/though in spite of/despite; because because of

Nguyeân taéc chung Although/ though: because + meänh ñeàDespite / in spite of; because of + cuïm danh töø / ñoäng töø daïng Ving

Caùch bieán ñoåi 1. Neáu chuû töø hai meänh ñeà gioáng nhau

Boû chuû töø trong meänh ñeà phuï vaø chuyeån ñoäng töø chính veà daïng VingAlthough Tom got up late, he got to school on time.=> Despite / in spite of getting up late, Tom got to school on time.

2. Neáu meänh ñeà although/though; because la:ø Danh töø + to be + tính töøÑem tính töø ñaët tröôùc danh töø, boû to beAlthough the rain was heavy, we went to school.=> Despite / in spite of the heavy rain, we went to school.

3. Neáu meänh ñeà although/though; because coù daïng : Ñaïi töø +to be + tính töøÑoåi ñaïi töø sang tính töø sôû höõu, ñoåi tính töø thaønh danh töø, boû to beAlthough He was sick, he went to school.=> Despite / in spite of his sickness, he went to school.

4. Neáu meänh ñeà although/though; because coù daïng: Ñaïi töø +ñoäng töø + traïng töøÑoåi ñaïi töø thaønh tính töø sôû höõu, ñoäng töø thaønh danh töø,traïng töø thaønh tính töø, sau ñoù ñem tính töø boå nghóa cho danh töø.Although He behaved impolitely,.....=> Despite / in spite of his impolite behavior ,.........

5. Neáu meänh ñeà although/though; because coù daïng: There be + danh töøKhí ñoù ta boû there be giöõ laïi danh töø.Although there was an accident ,.....=> Despite / in spite of an accident,......

6. Neáu meänh ñeà although/though; because coù daïng: It (be) + tính từ về thời tiếtÑoåi tính töø thaønh danh töø vaø theem maïo töø phía tröôùc.Although it was rainy, .....=> Despite / in spite of the rain, ……….foggyfog (söông muø) rainy rain (möa)Snowysnow (tuyeát) stormystorm (baûo)

7. Neáu meänh ñeà although/though; because coù daïng: Danh từ + (be) + p.p ( câu bị động)Ñoåi PP thaønh danh töø theâm maïo töø the phía tröôùc vaø of phía sau, danh töø ñaàu caâu ñem xuoáng ñeå sau of.

Although television was invented, .....=> Despite / in spite of the invention of television, ……

B. PHAÀN THÖÏC HAØNHExercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences using the given phrase. 1. We took many pictures although the sky was cloudy. >>In spite of..................................2. We understand him in spite of his strong accent. >> Although..........................................3. Although he is wealthy, he is not spoiled.>> Despite........................................................4. Despite a good salary, he was unhappy in his job.>> Though............................................5. In spite of the high prices, my roommates go to the movies every Saturday. >>Although6. Even though she had a poor memory, she told interesting stories to the children. >>Despite7. In spite of their poverty, they are very generous. >> Although.........................................8. Though she has been absent frequently, he has managed to pass the test.>> Despite. . .9. In spite of Lee’s Sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile.>> Although.........10.My friend ate the chocolate cake even though she was on a diet. >>Despite....................


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11.In spite of a headache, he enjoyed the film.>> Although...................................................12.My sister will take a plane even though she dislikes flying.>>In spite of............................13.He isn’t happy although he is very rich. >>Despite............................................................14.Even though he got a good job, he was not satisfied.>> Despite.......................................15.Although he often tells lies, many people believe him.>> Despite.....................................16.Mary didn’t go to school yesterday because she was sick.>> Because of..........................17.She went to bed early because she felt tired. >>Because of..............................................18.Margaret stayed at home because her mother was sick.>> Because of.............................19.I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult.>> Because of..............................................20. I couldn’t read the letter because it was dark.>> Because of............................................21. I can’t study because it is noisy.>> Because of.................................................................22.The train come late because it was foggy.>> Because of...................................................23. The train was late because the fog was thick.>> Because of............................................24.I can’t sleep because the weather is hot.>> Because of.....................................................25.All the teacher love him because his conduct is good.>> Because of................................26.Because there was a traffic accident, I went to school late.>> Because of........................27.Because there is a shortage of meet, we had to live on beans.>> Because of..................28.Because there was a lack of water, many trees died rapidly.>> Because of......................29.She walked slowly because her leg was injured.>> Because of..........................................30.Because it was sunny, we decided to go camping.>> Because of......................................31. Although he worked very hard, he didn’t receive nay praise. > Despite............................32. Although he ha a physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman.> In spite of33. Although it was cold, we went out. > Despite....................................................................34. Despite of our careful plans, a lot of thing went wrong.> Although...................................35. She went home early because she didn’t feel well. > Because of ......36. I managed to go to sleep although there was a lot of noise. > In spite of..........................37. The accident happened because of the driver’s careless. > Because................................38. Jane was worried because it had started to rain. > Because of..........................................39. The students arrived late because there was traffic jam. >Because of..............................40. We have to cut down on driving because there was an oil shortage. >Because of............41. Nancy told me the secret, despite having promised not to do so. >Although....................42. In spite of her dislike for coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm. >Although................43. Although he is an accountant, he never seems to have any money. >In spite of.............44.Although Henry is a millionaire, he hates spending money. >Despite................................45.He went on working although he felt unwell. >In spite of...................................................46.These students arrived late because they had an accident. >Because of ..........................47. All the students love the principal because of his kindness.>Because...............................48.English is learned by millions of students because it is important. >Because of................49. He was able to do such things although he lacked medical qualifications. >Despite.........50. They sleep soundly although the night air was hot. >In spite of........................................



Page 39: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

A. PHAÀN LYÙ THUYEÁTI. Comparative and superlative of adjectivea. Comparative

N1 (To be) short Adj + ER than N2

N1 (To be) MORE + long Adj than N2

He is more intelligent than his brother.Spain is bigger than England.

b. SuperlativeS (to be) THE short Adj


S (to be) THE MOST long Adj

Helen was the most beautiful woman in Greece.Tom is the tallest in our class.

c. Equality N1 (to be) AS Adj


I am as intelligent as he.She is as beautiful as her mother.

II. Comparative and superlative of adverba. Comparative

N1 V short Adv + ER than N2

N1 V MORE + long Adv than N2

He runs faster than I.Peter speaks English more fluently than his brother.

b. SuperlativeS V THE short Adv + EST

S V THE MOST long Adv

He speaks English the most fluently in our class.He works the hardest in his family.

c. EqualityN1 V AS Adv

AS N2Tom runs as fast as his brother.She dances as beautifully as I.

Irregular adjectives/adverbs



Good/well better The bestBad/ badly worse The

worstMany/much more The most

little less The least39

Page 40: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

far Fartherfurther

The farthest

The furthest

B. PHAÀN THÖÏC HAØNHA. Comparative of adjective (So saùnh cuûa tính töø)I. So saùnh hôn: Exercise 1: Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives.

Adjective Comparative Superlative1. cheap2. expensive3. young4. happy5. big6. busy7. intelligent8. beautiful9. bad10. far11. new12. dangerous13. thin14. good15. old16. fat17. hot18. cold19. clever20. narrow21. little22. few23. more24. much25. narrow

CheaperMore expensive


The cheapestThe most expensive


Exercise 2: Supply the correct comparative form of adjective in brackets0. He is (intelligent) _____more intelligent ____than his brother1. I have never had a (delicious) ____________________________ meal than that.2. This jacket is too small. I need a (large) ____________________________ size.3. Its (cheap) ____________________________to go by car than to go by train.4. A new house is (expensive) ____________________________than an old one.5. His job is (important) ____________________________ than mine.6. Nobody is (happy) ____________________________than Miss. Snow.7. John is much (strong) ____________________________than I thought.8. Benches are (comfortable) ____________________________than arm-chairs.9. Bill is (good) ____________________________than you thought.10.Sam’s conduct is (bad) ____________________________than Paul’s.Exercise 3:0. These boys are (intelligent) those boys. These boys are more intelligent than those

boys.1. Charles is (hard-working) Tom. .....................................................................................2. He is (good) at English I. ...............................................................................................3. Lan is (pretty) her mother. ............................................................................................4. This pen is (expensive) that pen. ..................................................................................


Page 41: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

5. Those apples are (delicious) these apples. ...................................................................6. Ms. Hoa is (attractive) Mrs. Lan. ....................................................................................7. This pen is (good) that pen. ..........................................................................................8. You look much (good) yesterday. ..................................................................................9. Living in Paris is (expensive) living in Valencia. ............................................................10.A car is (expensive) a bicycle. .......................................................................................11.Tokyo is (large) Nha Trang. ...........................................................................................12.An elephant is (heavy) a horse. ....................................................................................13.Spain is (big) England. ..................................................................................................14.My car is (bad) your car..................................................................................................15.Helen is (beautiful) Daisy. .............................................................................................16.An aero plane is (fast) a plane. .....................................................................................17.This exam is (difficult) the last exam. ...........................................................................18.Old people are (intelligent) young people. ....................................................................19.Winter is (cold) autumn. ................................................................................................20.My health is (good) 5 years ago. ...................................................................................21.I've got (little) money you but I don't mind. ..................................................................22.Learning French is (difficult) learning English. .............................................................23.Dogs are (intelligent) cats. ............................................................................................24.This river is (long) that river. .........................................................................................25.He is (handsome) Peter. ................................................................................................II. So saùnh baèng

Exrcise 1:0. He is (intelligent) his brother He is as intelligent as his brother.1. A new house is (expensive) an old one. ...........................................................................2. His job is (important) mine. .............................................................................................3. Benches are (comfortable) arm-chairs. ...........................................................................4. Bill is (good) Tom. ............................................................................................................5. Sam’s conduct is (bad) Paul’s............................................................................................6. Charles is (hard-working) Tom. ........................................................................................7. He is (good) at English I. ..................................................................................................8. Lan is (pretty) her mother. ..............................................................................................9. This pen is (expensive) that pen. .....................................................................................10.Those apples are (delicious) these apples. ......................................................................11.Ms. Hoa is (attractive) Mrs. Lan. .....................................................................................12.This pen is (good) that pen. .............................................................................................13.Living in Valencia is not (expensive) living in Paris is. .....................................................14.A bicycle is not (expensive) a car. ...................................................................................15.A horse is not (heavy) an elephant. .................................................................................16.England is (big) Spain. .....................................................................................................17.My car is (bad) your car. ..................................................................................................18.Helen is (beautiful) Daisy. ................................................................................................19.An aero plane is (fast) a plane. ........................................................................................20.This exam is (difficult) the last exam. ..............................................................................21.Old people are not (intelligent) young people. ................................................................22.Winter is not (hot) autumn. .............................................................................................23.Learning English is (difficult) learning French. ................................................................24.Cats are not (intelligent) dogs. ........................................................................................25.I am not (intelligent) he. ..................................................................................................

III. So saùnh nhaát 0. He is (intelligent) student I have ever met. He is the most intelligent student I have ever met1. Its (difficult) decision I’ve ever made in years. ................................................................2. Mr. Bush is (delightful) person I have ever known. ..........................................................3. Dick is (careful) of the three workers. ..............................................................................4. Peter is (tall) student in my class. ...................................................................................5. What’s (good) film you have ever seen? .........................................................................6. She is (old) child in the family. ........................................................................................


Page 42: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

7. He is (intelligent) student in my class. .............................................................................8. Of the two sisters, Linda is (beautiful). ............................................................................9. It is (interesting) book I have ever read. ..........................................................................10.This is (big) house I have ever seen. ...............................................................................

B. Comparative of adverb (So saùnh cuûa traïng töø)I. Comparative of adverbs (So saùnh hôn cuûa traïng töø)Exercise 1: Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adverbs.

Adverb Comparative Superlative1. fast2. beautifully3. hard4. late5. well6. badly7. early8. quickly9. carefully10. accurately11. fluently12. dangerously13. clearly14. near15. often

fasterMore beautifully


The fastestThe most beautifully


Exercise 2: Supply the correct comparative form of the adverb in brackets0. Now I speak English (fluently) than last year. Now I speak English more fluently than last year.1. She smiled (happy) than before. .......................................................................................2. Could you write (clearly)? ..................................................................................................3. Planes can fly (high) than some kinds of birds. .................................................................4. He had an accident last year. Now, he drives (careful) than before. .................................5. Jim can run (fast) than John. ..............................................................................................6. Our team played (badly) of all. ..........................................................................................7. He worked (hard) than ever before. ..................................................................................8. I don’t know (many) people in our neighborhood as you do. .............................................9. The teacher speaks English (fluently) than we do. ............................................................10.She learns English (well) than me. ....................................................................................II. So saùnh baèng cuûa traïng töø: Write the following sentences using comparative:1. He can swim (well) she. He can swim as well as she2. He speaks English (fluently) his teacher. .........................................................................3. Tom runs (quickly) John. ..................................................................................................4. She speaks English (clearly) you. ....................................................................................5. She drives (carefully) you. ...............................................................................................6. Mary can type (accurately) as her teacher. .....................................................................7. We began studying English (early) you. ..........................................................................8. He finished the test (rapidly) other students. ..................................................................9. She dances (beautiful) Jane. ............................................................................................10. They don’t know (many) people we. ...............................................................................11.They write (badly) than me. ............................................................................................

III. So saùnh nhaát cuûa traïng töø: Supply the correct superlative form of the adverb in brackets

0. This girl dances (gracefully) of all. This girl dances the most gracefully of all.1. Our team played (badly) of all. ........................................................................................2. Of the four shirts, I like the red one (well). ......................................................................3. He speaks English (fluently) in my class. .........................................................................4. He can write (beautifully). ...............................................................................................5. She sings (well). ..............................................................................................................


Page 43: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

6. Peter runs (quickly) in his class. ......................................................................................7. He does test (carefully) in his class. ................................................................................8. They work (hard) in our village. .......................................................................................9. She decorated the house (beautifully) in our family. .......................................................10.David can swim (far) in the world. ...................................................................................



It was not until + phrase (cuïm töø)/ clause (meänh ñeà) That S + V

Notes: phrase/ clause chæ thôøi gian.II. MeaningIt was not until… that (Maõi ñeán khi… thì…) ñöôïc duøng ñeå nhaán maïnh thôøi ñieåm baét ñaàu cuûa moät haønh ñoäng, söï vieäc, söï kieän naøo ñoù(thuôøng laø trong quaù khö)ù.

He didn’t study English until he was eleven. It was not until he was eleven that he studied English.

She didn’t know the answer until last night. It was not until last night that she knew the answer.B. PHAÀN THÖÏC HAØNH

1. She didn’t recover her confidence until that morningI was not until …………………………………………………

2. He didn’t arrive at the office until half past nine.It was not until ……………………………………………………

3. Mary didn’t work for the UN until 2004It was not until………………………………………………………..

4. I didn’t know how to ride a bicycle until I was 15.It was not until ……………………………………………………….

5. John didn’t finish reading my book until last Saturday.It was not until ……………………………………………………

6. I didn’t like chocolate until I went to university.It was not until………………………………………………….

7. No one could leave the stadium until 2.30It was not until………………………………………………………

8. She wasn’t allowed to open her presents until her birthday.It was not until………………………………………………………

9. We didn’t have any holidays until last summer.It was not until………………………………………………………

10.She didn’t stop learning German until the age of 24.It was not until………………………………………………………

11.I couldn’t finish my project until Mark helped me.It was not until………………………………………………………

12.They didn’t pay the bill until the electricity was cut off.It was not until………………………………………………………

13.I didn’t sleep until midnight.It was not until………………………………………………………

14.I couldn’t comment further until I had all the information.43

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It was not until………………………………………………………15.He didn’t return to his native village until the war ended.

It was not until………………………………………………………


A. PHAÀN LYÙ THUYEÁTTính töø chæ thaùi ñoä hay tính töø taän cuøng –ing hay –ed ñöôïc duøng nhö sau:

Chuû töø laø töø chæ ñoà vaät/söï vieäc Chuùng ta duøng tính töø taän cuøng _ingChuû töø laø töø chæ veà ngöôøi Chuùng ta duøng tính töø taän cuøng –ed

Notes: He is a boring teacher. (We feel bored with his lessons.)He is bored with the class. (He feels bored and the class is boring)

B. PHAÀN THÖÏC HAØNHExercise 1:1. It’s been raining all day. I hate this weather. (depress)

A. The weather is ___________________________.B. This weather makes me ___________________________.

2. Astronomy is one of Tom’s main interests. (interest)A. Tom is __________________in astronomy.B. He finds astronomy very ______________________.

3. I turned off the television in the middle of the programme. (bore)A. The programme was ______________________.B. I was ______________________.

4. Ann is going to American next month. She has never been there before. (excite)A. She is really ______________________about going.B. It will be an ______________________experience for her.

5. Diana teaches young children. It’s a hard job. (exhaust)A. She often finds her job ______________________.B. At the end of the day’s work she is often ______________________.

Exercise 2:1. We were all horrifying/horrified when we heard about the disaster.2. It’s sometimes embarrassing/embarrassed when you have to ask people for money.3. Are you interesting/interested in football?4. I enjoyed the football match. It was quite exciting/excited.5. It was a really terrifying/terrified experience. Afterwards everybody was very shocking/shocked.6. I had never expected to be offered the job. I was really amazing/amazed when I was offered it.7. The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages. It was really disgusting/disgusted.8. Do you easily get embarrassing/embarrassed?9. At first I thought Jake was an interesting/interested guy, but tonight I felt somewhat boring/bored

with his company.10.She was really learnt very fast. She has made astonishing/astonished progress.11.I was very disappointing/disappointed not to get the job.12.Philip was exceptionally annoying/annoyed at Joanne’s behavior.13.I thought the program on wildlife was fascinating/fascinated. I was absolutely

fascinating/fascinated.14.The journey took all day and night. They found it very tiring/tired.15.Did Tim feel frightening/frightened when he saw the snake at his feet?16.Why do you always look so boring/bored? Is your life really so boring/bored?


Page 45: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

17.The news is very surprising/surprised. I am surprising/surprised at the news.18.Liz is a very interesting/interested person. She knows a lot, and she has done lots of different

things.19.He is a boring/bored teacher. His lessons are boring/bored.20.I seldom visit art galleries. I’m not particularly interesting/interested in art.

Exercise 3: Choose the best answers.1. The audience was __________by the delay of the performance.

a. irritate b. irritating c. irritated d. irritates2. The children were __________by all the toys in the shop windows.

a. fascinated b. fascinating c. fascinates d. fascinate3. She is very beautiful with __________smile.

a. fascinated b. fascinating c. fascinates d. fascinate4. Ha Noi is a very __________city.

a. excite b. excitement c. excited d. exciting5. There was a football match on TV yesterday. We were very __________when Vietnam scored a

goal.a. excite b. to excite c. exciting d. excited

6. His parents are excited __________his returning home after a long time’s living abroad.a. with b. of c. about d. on

7. Horry films __________me.a. terrify b. are terrifying c. terrifies d. are terrified

8. I am __________horror films.a. terrifying of b. terrified about c. terrified ofd. to terrify

9. Natural disasters have been __________recently.a. terrifying b. terrified c. terrify d. to terrify

10.Are you __________of dogs?a. frighten b. frightening c. frightened d. to frighten

11.I don’t like him. He is a __________man.a. bore b. boring c. bored d. bores

12.I am __________doing the same every day.a. bored about b. boring of c. bore in d. bored with

13.He is a bad student so his passing the exam __________us.a. surprised b. was surprising c. were surprised d. surprise

14.We were all surprised __________his passing the exam.a. with b. at c. on d. to

15.The results of my son’s study are really __________.a. surprising b. surprised c. surprise d. surprises

16.Mr. Bill’s comedies are __________.a. amuse b. amused c. amusing d. amuses

17.We are all __________by his funny stories.a. amuse b. is amused c. amusing d. amused

18.His compliment on her new dress __________her.a. amuse b. amused c. amusing d. amuses

19.I always feel __________when telling a lie.a. embarrassed b. embarrass c. embarrassing d. to embarrass

20.He is interested__________.a. to fish b. at fish c. in fishing d. fished

21.I am fond of talking to him. He is a very __________man.a. interesting b. interested c. interest d. interests

22.His answer __________me.a. was disappointing b. was disappointed c. disappointed d. disappoint

23.The mother was __________with her son’s study results.45

Page 46: Tenses and Exercises for Practising

a. was disappointing b. was disappointed c. disappointed d. disappoint24.He finds it __________to tease his young sister.

a. interest b. interested c. interesting d. to interest25.After walking a long way he felt __________ so he sat down for a rest.

a. exhaust b. exhaustedc. exhausting d. to exhaust


Phaàn lí thuyeátTraïng töø chæ möùc ñoä thöôøng xuyeân bao goàm: always, usually, often sometimes, normally, occasionally, as a rule, hardly ever,never… Vò trí cuûa traïng töø trong caâu:

a. Luoân ñöùng sau ñoäng töø to beHe is always early for work.

b. Tröôùc ñoäng töø thöôøngHe sometimes plays sports with friends.

c. Sau trôï ñoäng töø, neáu coù nhieàu trôï ñoàng töø, traïng töø ñöùng sau traïng töø thuù nhaátHe will often go to the library.Phaàn thöïc haønhAre the adverbs in the right position or not? If they are correct, put a tick. If they are not, write the correct answer.

1. He sings always when he has a shower. _________________2. I just bought a new car. _________________3. He speaks fluently English. _________________4. He has been to London never before. _________________5. They are at home these days hardly ever. _________________6. I have always to phone Jim. _________________7. He goes often to the cinema at weekends. _________________8. It occasionally rains in this region. _________________9. He is often late for school. _________________10.Lan practices often speaking English. _________________II. The + adjective

Phaàn lí thuyeátThe + adjective ñöôïc duøng nhö moät danh töø ñeå chæ moät nhoùm vaø coù nghóa soá nhieàu.They are going to build a new school for the blind.The rich are not always happy.Phaàn thöïc haønh

The rich the sick the injured the unemployed the young

1. __________________ have a lot of money.2. Ambulances arrived at the scene of the accident and took ____________ to hospital.3. _______________ are often more energetic than the old.4. The number of ___________________ has increased recently.5. He is a kind doctor. He is always willing to take care of ____________.III. Used to

Phaàn lí thuyeátForm: used to VoUse: Duøng ñeå dieãn taû moät thoùi quen, moät tình huoáng trong quaù khöù maø nay khoâng coøn.Phaàn thöïc haønh

Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form:1. My father used to (smoke) __________ 30 cigarrettes a day.2. He is used to (write) ________ with his right hand.3. When I was young, I (not use) to go out for a walk.4. __________you (use to) live here?5. There used to (be) ___________trees in this area.


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IV. Will Vs be going toPhaàn lí thuyeát

Be going to Söï kieän ñaõ ñöôïc quyeát ñònh tröôùc khi noùi Söï tieân ñoaùn moät söï kieän chaéc chaén xaûy ra vì coù daáu hieäu hay chöùng cöù hieän taïi Söï kieän xaûy ra töông lai gaàn

Phaàn thöïc haønh

1. A: I have go a terrible headache.B: Have you? Wait there and I (get) ________an asparin for you.

2. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?B: I (wash) the car.

3. A: I have decided to re-paint this room.B. oh, Have you? What color you (paint) __________________ it?

4. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?B: Yes, I (buy) _______________something for dinner.

5. A: I can’t work out how to use this camera.B. It’s quite easy. I (show) __________you.

V. ArticlesPhaàn lí thuyeát

Indefinite Articles: A/ AN 1. A/An ñöôïc duøng tröôùc:- Danh töø ñeám ñöôïc, soá ít.*An: ñöùng tröôùc nguyeân aâm hoaëc “h” caâm.

Ex: a doctor, a bag, an animal, an hour………Ex: an aminal, an hour………

- Trong caùc caáu truùc:so + adj + a/an + nounsuch + a/an + nounas + adj + a/an + noun + asHow + adj + a/an + noun + verb!

Ex: She is so pretty a girl.- It’s such a beautiful picture.- She is as pretty a girl as her sister.- How beautiful a girl you are!

- Chæ moät ngöôøi ñöôïc ñeà caäp qua teân.

Ex: A Mrs. Blue sent you this letter.

- Tröôùc caùc danh töø trong ngöõ ñoàng vò.

Ex: Nguyen Du, a great poet, wrote that novel.

- Trong caùc cuïm töø chæ soá löôïng. Ex: a pair, a couple, a lot of, a little, a few, a large/great number of……..

2. A/An khoâng ñöôïc duøng:- ONE ñöôïc söû duïng thay A/An ñeå nhaán maïnh.

Ex: There is a book on the table, but one is not enough.

- Tröôùc caùc danh töø khoâng ñeám ñöôïc.

Ex: Coffee is also a kind of drink.

- Tröôùc caùc danh töø ñeám ñöôïc soá nhieàu

Ex: Dogs are faithful amimals.

Definite Article: THE 1. THE ñöôïc duøng tröôùc:

- Nhöõng vaät duy nhaát. Ex: the sun, the moon, the world….- Caùc danh töø ñöôïc xaùc ñònh bôûi cuïm tính töø hoaëc meänh ñeà tính töø.

-The house with green fence is hers.-The man that we met has just come.

- Caùc danh töø ñöôïc xaùc ñònh qua ngöõ caûnh hoaëc ñöôïc ñeà caäp tröôùc ñoù.

Ex: Finally, the writer killed himself.- I have a book and an eraser. The book is now on the table.

- Caùc danh töø chæ söï giaûi trí. Ex:the theater,the concert,the church- Tröôùc teân caùc taøu thuyeàn, maùy bay.

Ex: The Titanic was a great ship.

- Caùc soâng, bieån, ñaïi döông, daõy nuùi…

Ex: the Mekong River, the China Sea,the Pacific Ocean,the Himalayas


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- Moät nhoùm caùc ñaûo hoaëc quoác gia. Ex: the Philippines, the united States.- Tính töø duøng nhö danh töø taäp hôïp. Ex: You should help the poor.- Trong so saùnh nhaát. Ex: Nam is the cleverest in his class.- Teân ngöôøi ôû soá nhieàu (chæ gia ñình).

Ex:The Blacks, The Blues, the Nams

- Caùc danh töø ñaïi dieän cho moät loaøi. Ex: The cat is a lovely home pet.- Caùc traïng töø chæ thôøi gian, nôi choán.

Ex: in the morning, in the street, in the water…..

-Soá thöù töï. Ex: the first, the second, the third….- Chuoãi thôøi gian hoaëc khoâng gian. Ex: the next, the following, the last...

2. THE khoâng ñöôïc duøng:- Tröôùc caùc danh töø soá nhieàu noùi chung

Ex: They build houses near the hall.

- Danh töø tröøu töôïng, khoâng ñeám ñöôïc.

Ex: Independence is a happy thing.

- Caùc danh töø chæ maøu saéc. Ex: Red and white make pink.- Caùc moân hoïc. Ex: Math is her worst subject.- Caùc vaät lieäu, kim loaïi. Ex: Steel is made from iron.- Caùc teân nöôùc, chaâu luïc, thaønh phoá.

Ex:Ha Noi is the capital of VietNam.

- Caùc chöùc danh, teân ngöôøi. Ex: President Bill Clinton, Ba, Nga- Caùc böõa aên, moùn aên, thöùc aên. Ex: We have rice and fish for dinner- Caùc troø chôi, theå thao. Ex: Football is a popular sport in VN.- Caùc loaïi beänh taät. Ex: Cold is a common disease.- Ngoân ngöõ, tieáng noùi. Ex:English is being used everywhere- Caùc kì nghæ, leã hoäi. Ex: Tet, Christmas, Valentine…- Caùc muõi ñaát (nhoâ ra bieån), hoà, nuùi.

Ex: Cape Horn, Lake Than Tho, Mount Caám, Mount Rushmore…..*But: the Cape of Good Hope, the Great Lake, the Mount of Olive……

Phaàn thöïc haønhExercise 1: Choose the best answer:1. Salem doesn’t like .................. talkative people.

A. × B. the C. many D. a 2. It’s true that................ rich lead a different life from the poor.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×3. Mary lives in .................Canada near Lake Ontario.

A. the B. × C. a D. an 4. The explorer crossed ...............Pacific Ocean in a canoe.

A. an B. a C. the D. no article5. She has been playing ..............flute for ten years.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×6. For breakfast we usually have ................... coffee and toast.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×7. What time do you start ................ work in the morning?

A. an B. a C. the D. ×8 Barbara hopes to go to ................ university next year.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×9. They went on a cruise down .................Nile and saw the Pyramids.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×10. Sarah thinks .................. life is more difficult in a foreign country.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×11. The judge sentenced the thief to six months in ................... prison.

A. an B. a C. the D. × 12. I’ve noticed that ..................Spanish eat a lot of vegetables.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×13. A volcano has erupted in .............Philippines recently.


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A. an B. a C. the D. many14. ................ examinations always make him nervous.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×15. We went to ............... cinema twice a month.

A. an B. a C. the D. someExercise 2: Supply a suitable article1. This is …easy question2. Please speak …little louder3. May I have your…phone number?4. May I ask you …question?5. A man decided to rob __________bank in the town where he lived. He walked into ___________bank

and handed ___note to one of ________cashiers._______cashier read_________note which told her to give _________man some money. Afraid that he might have_________gun, she did as she was told__________man then walked out of ________building, leaving__ note behind. However, he had no time to spend ………money because he was arrested …..same day. He had made ……..mistake. He had written ……… note on back of …… envelope. And on … other side of ….envelope was his name and address. This clue was quite enough for …… detective on the case.


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