Tender Specification QPS 50Hz and 60Hz

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  • 7/25/2019 Tender Specification QPS 50Hz and 60Hz


    Hitec QPS

    Tender Specifcation

    September 2012, rev. 01

  • 7/25/2019 Tender Specification QPS 50Hz and 60Hz


    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................31.1 Genera.............................................................................................................31.2 Scope o! "or#$ and $%pp&................................................................................3

    1.3 Re'%ation$ and $tandard$................................................................................(1.( )%ait& a$$%rance.............................................................................................(1.* S%bmitta$.........................................................................................................(1.+ an%a$.............................................................................................................(1.- Te$t and in$pection...........................................................................................(1. aintenance and $pare part$............................................................................*1./ Sippin' and pac#in'........................................................................................*1.10 Trainin'.............................................................................................................*1.11 arrant&...........................................................................................................*1.12 In!ormation.......................................................................................................*

    2. GNR4 S5CI6ICTIONS.........................................................................................-2.1 Genera re7%irement$.......................................................................................-2.2 S&$tem de$i'n...................................................................................................-

    2.3 Operation principa$..........................................................................................-2.3.1 ain$ $%pp& avaiabe.........................................................................-2.3.2 ain$ !ai%re or o%t o! norma imit$.....................................................2.3.3 ain$ re$tored or bac# into norma imit$............................................2.3.( %tomatic 8&pa$$ !aciit&.....................................................................

    3. IN U5S CO5ONNTS............................................................................................/3.1 5o"er mod%e.................................................................................................../

    3.1.1 Die$e en'ine......................................................................................./3.1.2 Generator..........................................................................................103.1.3 ner'& tran$!er mod%e 9T:...........................................................113.1.( 6&"ee.............................................................................................123.1.* C%tc................................................................................................123.1.+ 8a$e !rame........................................................................................ 123.1.- 6ini$e$..............................................................................................133.1. 8atterie$ and $tartin'........................................................................133.1./ 8ac# $tartin'.....................................................................................13

    3.2 ectrica 5ane$..............................................................................................1(3.2.1 Contro 5ane......................................................................................1(3.2.2 8&pa$$ Contro 5ane.........................................................................1*3.2.3 Co#e 5ane.......................................................................................1+3.2.( S"itc board pane$...........................................................................1-3.2.* edi%m ;ota'e tran$!ormer pane 9on& !or ; $&$tem$:.................1-3.2.+ irin'................................................................................................13.2.- 5rotection..........................................................................................1

    3.3 %

  • 7/25/2019 Tender Specification QPS 50Hz and 60Hz


    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation


    1.1 General

    Te einteractive U5S $&$tem i$ de$cribed in ti$ Tender Specifcation.

    e7%ipment $%ppied %nder ti$ contract $a be $%itabe !or "or#in' at te$pecifed criteria. dditiona&, te S%ppier $a en$%re tat de$i'n, con$tr%ctionor 'radin' o! a circ%it brea#er$, contro$, cabe$ or oter item$ o! e7%ipment inte in$taation i$ $%c tat it "i operate "it te de$i'n criteria $et do"nere%nder.

    Te S%ppier i$ re7%ired to provide a materia, e7%ipment, abor and $ervice$ and

    to per!orm a operation$ re7%ired !or te in$taation to be compete andoperative.

    1.2 Scope of works and supply

    Te S%ppier $a de$i'n, man%!act%re, deiver to $ite, te$t and commi$$ion amateria$ and e7%ipment to provide a compete die$e U5S in$taation.

    Te die$e U5S in$taation $a inc%de, b%t not imited to te !oo"in'?

    5o"er od%e "it ba$e !rame compri$in' o!?

    o Die$e n'ine,

    o 6ree"ee C%tc,

    o S&ncrono%$ 'enerator,o ner'& Tran$!er od%e 9T:,

    o 6&"ee,

    Contro pane9$: and Co#e pane,

    4o" and@or medi%m vota'e $"itc'ear pane9$:,

    ac U5S %nit $a be a$$embed at an%!act%rerA$ !actor& and te$ted at teirte$tin' !aciitie$ prior to deiver& on $ite !or in$taation. 6actor& te$tin' "i bee

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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    Compreen$ive maintenance propo$a !or $&$tem on'>term maintenance.

    1.3 Regula!ons and sandards

    Te !oo"in' $tandard$, 7%ait& o! materia$ and $tandard$ o! "or#man$ip $aapp&, "ere appicabe, !or te vario%$ $ection$ o! te "or#$. It $a be teS%ppier$ re$pon$ibiit& to comp& "it a reevant $tandard$ and "it aappicabe e'a $tandard and re'%ation$. In a re$pect$ te "or# $a be carriedo%t in accordance "it IC, N and ISO $tandard.ere no appropriate $tandard i$ avaiabe, te$t$ $a be carried o%t inaccordance "it te man%!act%rer$ $tandard practice, "ic $a be $%bBect toapprova b& te 5%rca$er.

    1." #ual!y assurance

    Te or#$ $a on& be contracted to companie$ "it an eective )%ait&$$%rance S&$tem. Te an%!act%rer $a be certifed accordin' to ISO/001?200.

    1.$ Su%&!als

    Te 5%rca$er$ dra"in'$ !or te Contract $a be to$e i$$%ed at te time$ o! teappication to'eter "it an& oter$ i$$%ed to cover te variation$ to te Contract.$ part o! te Contract te an%!act%rer $a provide te !oo"in' dra"in'$ a!tera Contract i$ i$$%ed?

    an%!act%rin' and In$taation dra"in'$

    irin' Dia'ram$

    In addition to te dra"in'$ i$ted above, te an%!act%rer $a provide a

    dra"in'$ nece$$ar& !or te e

  • 7/25/2019 Tender Specification QPS 50Hz and 60Hz


    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    part$ o! te die$e U5S $&$tem $a be in$pected and te$ted be!ore bein'deivered to $ite. Te an%!act%rer $a cond%ct a te$t$ nece$$ar& in te !actor&and in te pre$ence o! te 5%rca$er to prove tat te die$e U5S $&$tem compie$in a re$pect$ to te $pecifcation. Te an%!act%rer $a cond%ct a te$t$

    nece$$ar& on $ite and in te pre$ence o! te 5%rca$er to prove tat te die$eU5S $&$tem !%nction$ proper&.

    1.* (a!nenance and spare pars

    an%!act%rer $a inc%de in i$ oer $pare part$ and $pecia too$ !ormaintenance $%Fcient to cover proper maintenance o! te entire "or#$ !or aperiod o! one &ear $tartin' !rom te acceptance date. Te man%!act%rer $a'%arantee te avaiabiit& o! $pare part$ !or a minim%m period o! ten &ear$

    Te an%!act%rer $a provide a detaied de$cription o! te re7%ired maintenance"or# d%rin' te fr$t * &ear$ o! operation. an%!act%rer $a inc%de in i$7%otation a detaied propo$a !or a maintenance contract, "ic inc%de$ !or a

    re7%ired maintenance "or# a$ de$cribed.

    Te propo$a $a inc%de, b%t not be imited to?

    detaied de$cription o! te maintenance "or#$ re7%ired,

    de$cription o! te oca $ervice or'aniEation.

    1.+ S,!pp!ng and pack!ng

    e7%ipment $a be $%itab& pac#ed !or te "a& o! $ippin' and !or te $tora'eperiod and environmenta condition$ a$ indicated in te contract. part$ $a be$%itab& treated to prevent corro$ion. Te $%ppier $a be re$pon$ibe !or an&dama'e ari$in' !rom inade7%ate or caree$$ pac#in'.

    Te con$tr%ction o! te die$e U5S po"er mod%e $a enabe partia $ipment.

    1.1- Tra!n!ng

    On competion o! te $tart>%p and commi$$ionin' te an%!act%rer $a provide aoca trainin' direct& a!ter commi$$ionin' and be!ore Site cceptance. In ti$ ocatrainin', in$tr%ction$ $a be 'iven to te 5%rca$er$ $ta o! te proper operationand maintenance o! te pant, te trainin' "i a$t a ma

  • 7/25/2019 Tender Specification QPS 50Hz and 60Hz


    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    a#e and T&pe Die$e en'ine, a$o?

    o O%tp%t po"er

    o Speed

    o 8ore

    o Stro#eo N%mber o! C&inder$

    o 5i$ton di$pacement

    o Compre$$ion Ratio

    o Governor

    o 6%e Con$%mption

    o Comb%$tion air


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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    2. G/N/R0 S/CIIC0TIONS

    2.1 General re4u!re&ens

    Te die$e U5S $&$tem $a be capabe o! $%pp&in' %nattended contin%o%$ cean.C.>po"er to critica oad$. Te die$e U5S $&$tem $a be o! an e$tabi$edproven de$i'n and ave a de$i'n i!etime in eterm bac#>%p !or main$ !ai%re$,

    capabiit& to $%$tain repeated main$ !ai%re$ in $ort period$ o! time,

    fterin' o! main$ di$tortion !rom main$ to oad,

    fterin' o! c%rrent di$tortion !rom non>inear oad to te main$,

    po"er !actor correction !rom oad 9eadin' or a''in': to main$.

    Te %$e o! $eparate inp%t and@or o%tp%t fter$ to obtain one or more o! above

    mentioned main !%nction$ $a not be accepted.

    2.3 Opera!on pr!nc!pals

    2.3.1 Main !pp"# avai"ab"e

    Under norma operatin' condition$ te $ite po"er $%pp& $&$tem !eed$ te U5S$&$tem and provide$ po"er !or te U5S $&$tem !% o%tp%t oad p%$ an& a%

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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    2.3.2 Main %ai"!re or o!t o% norma" "imit

    So%d te primar& po"er $%pp& to te U5S $&$tem !ai to be "itin teacceptabe imit$ !or vota'e and !re7%enc&, te U5S $&$tem $a contin%e to$%pp& !% o%tp%t oad "ito%t interr%ption. Sim%taneo%$& te incomin' main$$a be di$connected !rom te $&$tem. Te rotar& ener'& $tora'e device $aen$%re contin%it& o! po"er d%rin' te die$e r%n>%p period.

    2.3.3 Main retored or bac& into norma" "imit

    Upon re$toration o! te incomin' main$ to "itin te $et imit$, te 'enerator $abe $&ncroniEed to te main$, te main$ reconnected to te $&$tem and te die$een'ine $i'naed to be di$connected !rom te 'enerator and $%t do"n. nadB%$tabe period $a be provided %pon re$toration o! main$ $%pp& to r%n teen'ine on no>oad !or cooin' do"n p%rpo$e$ be!ore te en'ine i$ $%t do"n.

    Te tran$ition o! po"er !rom main$ to die$e or vi$a ver$a $a be $moot and te'enerator o%tp%t vota'e and !re7%enc& $a d%rin' ti$ $ta'e $ta& "itin teacceptabe toerance$ a$ $pecifed in te eectrica caracteri$tic$.

    2.3.4 '!tomatic (#pa %aci"it#

    ac $%pp& $&$tem $a be e7%ipped "it an a%tomatic b&pa$$ !aciit&. Te$"itcin' proced%re !rom and to b&pa$$ $a enabe an %ninterr%ptibe tran$!er.Ti$ b&pa$$ !aciit& $a ave provi$ion$ to inibit te initiation o! te U5S $&$tem$tartin' c&ce d%rin' intended po"er $%t do"n$ !or maintenance p%rpo$e$.

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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    3. (0IN US CO(ON/NTS

    3.1 ower &odule

    Te die$e U5S 5o"er mod%e $a be a $#id>mo%nt, $in'e $a!t, a$$emb& o!rotatin' macine$, ba$ica& compri$in' a die$e en'ine, a !ree>"ee c%tc, a'enerator, an ener'& tran$!er mod%e and a &"ee. On te ba$e !rame aa%cooed, compre$$ion i'nition, directinBection ind%$tria t&pe. Te die$e en'ine $a operate at a nomina $peed.

    Te en'ine $a be rated to matc te $tated eectrica o%tp%t, oadcaracteri$tic$ and po"er !actor a$ $pecifed in te $ced%e o! re7%irement$,$%bBect to te $pecifed $ite environmenta condition$. Te o%tp%t o! te en'ine%nder te $pecifed $ite condition$ $a be te Nett avaiabe o%tp%t a!terao"ance !or a a%

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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    te nomina en'ine $peed. pa$e, (>"ire $&$tem. ac pa$e $a bebro%'t o%t $eparate& into a termina boc#.

    Te 'enerator $a be $%itabe !or $%pp&in' non>inear oad$ i#e comp%ter$,rectifer$ and@or + p%$e, 12 p%$e controed t&ri$tor$.

    'ood $in%$oida "ave!orm !ree o! $ot rippe i$ e$$entia. t no>oad te

    "ave!orm di$tortion $a be e$$ tan 2 H T=D. t !% nomina oad, te tota"ave!orm di$tortion $a be e$$ tan 3.* H T=D "it no individ%a armonice

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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    Te de$i'n o! te 'enerator and re'%ator $&$tem $a be $%c tat it "imaintain macine ecirc%it condition. Te 'enerator $a be capabe o! "it$tandin' $ortcirc%it !a%t condition$ "ito%t dama'e and $a a$o be capabe o! "it$tandin'

    $ort time overoad$ $%c a$ te $tartin' o! motor$.

    Te 'enerator $a be capabe o! "it$tandin' an overoad o! 10H !or one o%r ina 12>o%r period %nder te $pecifed environmenta condition$.

    Te 'enerator $a be e7%ipped "it an eectronic vota'e re'%ator. Te'enerator and vota'e re'%ator component$ $a be protected a'ain$t vota'etran$ient$ ind%ced b& $"itcin' or i'tnin' $%r'e$. Te re7%irement$ aid do"n inIC p%bication +0.1 $a be adered to. Te 'enerator, vota'e re'%ator andcontro $&$tem $a be de$i'ned to en$%re a 7%ic# vota'e recover& a!ter te$%dden appication or reBection o! !% oad. Te tran$ient vota'e drop $a notepa$e $en$in' re'%ator $&$tem$

    "ic ta#e teir inp%t $%pp& !rom eiter an a%%p "ito%t e

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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    Te T $a be e7%ipped "it do%be $eaed ba or roer bearin'$ !or te o%terrotor, and do%be $eaed ba or roer bearin'$ !or te inner rotor, a capabe o!operatin' !or at ea$t 100.000 o%r$ contin%o%$&. 5reca%tion$ b& mean$ o! aab&rint $ea $a be ta#en to en$%re tat po%tion !rom o%t$ide te macine

    cannot enter te bearin'$.

    e"ee t&pe o! a r%''ed, ver$atie de$i'n. It$a %$e roer$ a$ contact eement$ and $a ave $%Fcient overoad capacit&. It$a be o! proven de$i'n, "i not need e

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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    Te po"er mod%e $a be arran'ed to r%n !ree !rom e%p capabiitie$.

    $%itabe rated eav& d%t& $tartin' batter& !or po"erin' te $tarter and controcirc%it$ $a be provided. Te batterie$ oered $a be $%itabe to operatebet"een * C and (0 C, and m%$t be $%itabe !or contin%o%$ oat car'eoperation. Te i!e e

  • 7/25/2019 Tender Specification QPS 50Hz and 60Hz


    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    n aarm $a be provided to indicate o" batter& vota'e.

    3.1.+ ("ac& tarting

    Te $&$tem $a ave a bac# $tartin' !%nction. Ti$ enabe$ it to be $tarted inab$ence o! te main$. Te contro $&$tem $a be po"ered !rom ti$ bac# $tartin'%nit.

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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    3.2 /lecr!cal anels

    3.2.1 ontro" Pane" contro pane containin' te contro e7%ipment, protection e7%ipment, aarm$,$"itc'ear !or a%oc#abe door$. cabe mo%ntin' !rame andremovabe 'and pate $a be provided to accept a incomin' and o%t'oin'contro cabe$. Termina$ $a be provided !or te termination o! te$e cabe$.5ane coor R4 -03*.

    copper eart bar, minim%m $iEe$ 2* mm < + mm, aon' te bottom o! te pane$a be provided. non>c%rrent metaic component$ $a be eective& bondedto te eart bar "it &eo"@'reen in$%ated $tranded copper cond%ctor$.

    Te contro circ%it$ $a be de$i'ned b& %$in' $oid>$tate device$ or 54C$ "it ainter!ace$ bein' done "it rea&$ and contactor$. 54C in> and o%tp%t$ $a beprovided "it 'avanic i$oation. Te 54C $a ave a $e!>dia'no$tic$ cec#in'!%nction "it operationa and $%pervi$or& condition$ indicated on te !ront b&4D$.

    4ocated on te contro pane door$ i$ a =I to%c pane. Te to%c pane $a$o" a $impifed $in'e>ine dia'ram o! te reevant die$e U5S %nit, and indicatete $tate o! te circ%it>brea#er$.

    Te to%c pane $a be abe to di$pa& !oo"in'?

    batter& vota'e

    en'ine $peed

    main$ vota'e

    main$ !re7%enc&

    'enerator vota'e

    'enerator !re7%enc&

    o%tp%t c%rrent

    o%tp%t active po"er

    o%tp%t reactive po"er

    Te to%c $creen $a contain !oo"in' $"itce$ to contro te operationa $tateo! te die$e U5S $&$tem?

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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    operationa mode$? on, o

    die$e en'ine? a%tomatic, die$e te$t, $&$tem te$t

    b&>pa$$ mode? norma, b&>pa$$ 9on& $in'e $&$tem:

    Te to%c pane $a contain !oo"in' indicator$?

    'reen indication? operationa

    &eo" indication? "arnin'@attention

    red indication? !ai%re

    Te to%c pane $a be abe to $o" !oo"in' $i'na$ and aarm$?

    Die$e en'ine over $peed

    Oi pre$$%re o"

    Cooin' "ater temperat%re too i'

    6%e eve too o"

    8atter& vota'e o"

    6%e eve too i'

    Cooin' "ater eve o"

    Generator !ai%re

    Ind%ction co%pin' !ai%re

    ain$ $%pp& !ai%re

    Not $tandb&

    4%brication oi p%mp !ai%re

    Cooin' "ater temperat%re too o"

    mer'enc& $top

    8&pa$$ co$ed

    aintenance re7%ired Net"or# error

    8earin' temperat%re Ind%ction co%pin' or Generator 9optiona:

    Die$e oi eve o"

    6%e ea#a'e

    Overoad 9$in'e $&$tem:

    Start !ai%re

    Te to%c pane $a be provided "it?

    %dibe aarm

    arm re$et b%tton

    $ a $tandard te $&$tem $a be provided "it a remote monitorin' !%nction.

    an%!act%rer $a oer a $o!t"are too !or remote monitorin', $%pervi$ion andmaintenance $%pport o! te U5S $&$tem a$ an option. Te $o!t"are pro'ram m%$tbe abe to r%n on a 5C %nder indo"$. readin'$ and data $%c a$ operatin'o%r$, n%mber o! die$e $tart$, die$e r%nnin' time m%$t be avaiabe. $o anovervie" o! can'e$ o! $tate and error$ o! te a$t tree mont$ m%$t be avaiabein a i$tor& o'.

    3.2.2 (#pa ontro" Pane"

    b&pa$$ contro pane de$i'ned to comp& "it te $pecifed eectrica

    caracteri$tic$ o! te die$e U5S $&$tem, $a be provided. Te b&pa$$ contropane $a be e7%ipped to provide te paraein' protection and contro circ%it$!or a %nit$ "itin te parae $&$tem.

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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    $ minim%m !oo"in' e7%ipment $a be provided?


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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    Te co#e $a be con$tr%cted a$ a tree>e' de$i'n "it a common iron core andde$i'ned "it a tap at approtran$ient reactance o! te 'enerator.

    Te co#e in combination "it te 'enerator $a be de$i'ned $%c tat te $ortcirc%it c%rrent to te main$ i$ imited to 2P In. bove tat an inp%t $ort circ%it$a not re$%t in ar'er %ct%ation$ o! te $econdar& vota'e ten $tated in tetecnica $pecifcation$.

    Te co#e $a be provided "it 3 c%rrent tran$!ormer$ 9one per pa$e:, aterma rea& in 4; and no CTA$. Te co#e pane $a be tota& enco$ed andman%!act%red o! a $%itabe an'e iron and 1.* mm tic# $eet meta con$tr%ction,"it minima in're$$ protection o! I530. Te pane $a ave a removabe coverpate and $%ppied "it !orced cooin' 9cabinet !an$:. 5ane coor R4-03*.

    copper eart bar, minim%m $iEe$ 2* mm < + mm, aon' te bottom o! te pane$a be provided. non>c%rrent metaic component$ $a be eective& bondedto te eart bar "it &eo"@'reen in$%ated $tranded copper cond%ctor$.

    3.2.4 Sitc board pane"

    $"itcboard pane containin' te U5S inp%t circ%it>brea#er$ and protectione7%ipment, and a $"itcboard pane containin' te U5S o%tp%t circ%it>brea#er$and protection e7%ipment $o%d be provided.

    $ minim%m !oo"in' e7%ipment $a be provided, dependin' o! teconf'%ration 9Sin'e or 5arae:?

    One inp%t circ%it brea#er per U5S mod%e,

    One o%tp%t circ%it brea#er per U5S mod%e,

    One common inp%t, one common o%tp%t and one common b&pa$$ circ%it


    One circ%it brea#er !or te $%pp& o! te a%poe $"itce$, rated to matc te ratin' o! te U5Spo"er mod%e$, and $a be rated !or te $ort>circ%it capacit& o! te main$$%pp& and te U5S 'enerator. Circ%it brea#er$ $a be e7%ipped "it eectrica>

    motoriEed $prin' car'in', a co$in' coi, a trip coi and %nder vota'e reea$e. Tecirc%it brea#er$ $a be e7%ipped "it $%tter$, p%$ b%tton cover$ and co%nter.Circ%it brea#er$ $a be "itdra"abe to !aciitate maintenance and $ervice.

    $tat%$>, aarm> and contro>contact$ o! eac circ%it brea#er i$ to be connectedto a termina I@O>%nit. Ti$ I@O>%nit i$ connected b& data cabe to te5ro'rammabe 4o'ic Contro>%nit in te %nit contro pane.

    Te $"itcboard pane $a be tota& enco$ed and man%!act%red o! a $%itabean'e iron and 1.* mm tic# $eet meta con$tr%ction. Te pane $a ave #e&>oc#abe door$.

    3.2.5 Medi!m o"tage tran%ormer pane" on"# %or M #tem/

    medi%m>vota'e tran$!ormer pane containin' dr& t&pe tran$!ormer !or teconnection o! te o" vota'e die$e U5S $&$tem to te medi%m vota'e b&>pa$$and di$trib%tion board $a be provided !or eac die$e U5S po"er mod%e.

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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    Te medi%m vota'e tran$!ormer pane $a be tota& enco$ed and man%!act%redo! a $%itabe an'e iron and 1.* mm tic# $eet meta con$tr%ction, "it minimain're$$ protection o! I521. Te pane $a ave #e&>oc#abe door$.

    Te tran$!ormer pane $a be e7%ipped "it i!tin' %'$.

    Te ma'netic circ%it $a ave a o" o$$ aminated core, te core amination $abe in$%ated "it an o

  • 7/25/2019 Tender Specification QPS 50Hz and 60Hz


    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    ere eat 'eneratin' e7%ipment i$ pre$ent and te interna temperat%re o! teboard i$ i#e& to er%bber in$%ated $tranded cond%ctor$ $abe %$ed.

    3.2.$ Protection

    de7%ate provi$ion $a be made to protect te circ%it$ a'ain$t vota'e tran$ient$ind%ced b& $"itcin' or i'tnin' $%r'e$. Te re7%irement$ aid do"n in IC 1000>2>/ and IC 1000>2>10 $a be adered to.

    meta "or#, inc%din' te cabinet $a be eectrica& bonded to te eartin'termina. art contin%it& cond%ctor$ $a not be e$$ tan a! te cro$$ $ectionaarea o! main$ cabe$ to te c%bice, "it a minim%m o! ( mmQ.

    circ%it$ $a be protected via $%itab& miniat%re circ%it brea#er$ or $%itab&rated !%$e$. Te $tar point o! te 'enerator $a be connected to te ne%tra

    b%$bar and te ne%tra b%$bar $a in t%rn be connected to te eart bar via aremovabe connection. Te eart bar $a be bonded to te main di$trib%tion$&$tem eart. TN>C, TN>S or TN>CS eartin' $&$tem$ $o%d be $%pported and teinp%t eartin' bar $o%d be bonded to te o%tp%t eartin' bar.

    3.3 0u5!l!ary /4u!p&en

    3.3.1 adiator coo"er

    radiator cooer $a be provided !or eac die$e U5S po"er mod%e. Te radiatorcooer $a be !ree>$tandin', vertica mo%nt t&pe, and $%itabe !or indoor %$e. Teradiator cooer $a be e7%ipped "it one or more eectrica !an9$:.

    Te !an $a be $%itab& rated to tran$port te eat reBection !rom te U5S po"ermod%e in norma operation and die$e operation. D%rin' die$e operation teradiator "i $%itab& rated to coo te cooin' "ater circ%it o! te die$e en'ine.Te radiator cooer !an $a be controed b& te 5G contro pane.

    Te radiator cooer $a be e7%ipped "it an etra&$iEed !or te compete !%e tan# content$ and e7%ipped "it a drain coc# and !%e$en$or $a be provided beo" te !%e tan#.

    6%e eve oat $"itce$ $a be provided on ( eve$ to contro te eectrica !%ep%mp and !or $i'nain' p%rpo$e. o" eve aarm operated b& a oat $"itc $abe provided to 'ive an a%dibe and vi$%a aarm on te contro pane "en te !%eeve drop$ beo" 30H o! te capacit&. i' eve aarm operated b& a oat$"itc $a be provided to 'ive an a%dibe and vi$%a aarm on te contro pane"en te !%e eve e

  • 7/25/2019 Tender Specification QPS 50Hz and 60Hz


    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    3.3.4 -7a!t i"encer

    n e ectrica and mecanica dra"in'$,> 4i$t o! cabe$ and termina$.

    September 2012, rev. 01 Page 21

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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    an%a$ o! te main $%b>a$$embie$ in te p%rca$ed e7%ipment, inc%din' b%t

    not imited to?

    > die$e en'ine,

    > 'enerator,> circ%it brea#er$.

    Te$t record$ o! 6actor& cceptance Te$t$,

    Certifcate$, doc%mentation o! te$t$, etc. o! p%rca$ed materia and 'ood$

    mentioned in te $pecifcation,

    Doc%ment$ veri!&in' tat in$pection contro and te$t$ per!ormed are in

    accordance "it te $pecifcation.

    September 2012, rev. 01 Page 22

  • 7/25/2019 Tender Specification QPS 50Hz and 60Hz


    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation


    ".1 /lecr!cal c,aracer!s!cs

    Te die$e U5S $&$tem $a meet te !oo"in' 'enera operatin' criteria?

    System specification:

    System Power 2500/3000/3600 kVA

    Allowable Power Factor between 0,9 ind and 0,8 ca

    !ated Power 2000/2"00/2880 k#

    !ated Power Factor $,0

    %ominal &olta'e( "00/"80V

    %ominal )re*+ency( 50/60 -

    Input specifications:

    .n+t mains&olta'e )l+ct+ations( $0 1

    .n+t )re*+ency tolerance( $ 1

    .n+t ower )actor +nder nominal conditions( 098

    armonic )ilterin' +nder nominal conditions( 99 1

    a4 re&erse c+rrent d+rin' +stream sort circ+it( + to 2 7 .n

    Output specifications:

    +t+t &olta'e steady state( $ 1

    +t+t &olta'e dynamic d+rin' mains interr+tion:( 5 1

    +t+t &olta'e dynamic d+rin' mains sort circ+it:( witin .;.A:

    +t+t )re*+ency mains oeration( as mains )re*+ency

    +t+t )re*+ency diesel oeration steady state( 0,5 1

    +t+t )re*+ency dynamic( 20 1

    System &olta'e symmetry( 2 1

    !adio inter)erence le&el >% 550$$:( n'ine ower standby ower: corresondin'( @.%/.S 30"6

    September 2012, rev. 01 Page 23

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    Hitec QPS Tender Specifcation

    ".2 /n7!ron&enal cond!!ons

    Te die$e U5S $&$tem $a be de$i'ned to operate %nder !oo"in' contin%o%$

    environmenta condition$?

    Ambient temerat+re( min 5 and ma4 "0 B