Form PACB-002 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTERY OF DEFENCE PAKISTAN AERONAUTICAL COMPLEX BOARD KAMRA INVITATION TO TENDER AND GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERER (FOB) Tender No. PACB/751/150514R52/0750/P-2 Directorate of Central Procurement Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Board Kamra Distt. Attock Tel: 051-9099-2543, 2244 Fax: 0092 (57) 9317491 October, 2014 PAC & PPRA Websites Dear Sir, 1. I invite you to tender for supply of store details in the attached Schedule to Tender (Form PACB -02A) 2. CONDITION GOVERNING CONTRACTS. The “Contract” made as a result of this Tender Inquiry shall mean the agreement entered in to between the parties i.e. the “Purchaser” and the “Seller” on PACB Contract Form (PACB – 03) in accordance with the law of contract Act, 1872 and those contained in PAC purchase procedures and other special conditions that may be added to given contract for the supply of PAC stores specified therein. 3. DELIVERY OF TENDER. (a) Technical Offer: It shall contain all relevant specifications alongwith essential literature / brochure in a separate envelope and clearly marked “Technical Offer without prices”, tender number and date of opening. (b) Commercial Offer: It shall indicate prices quoted in figures as well as in words and clearly marked on face of a separate envelope “Commercial Offer with prices”, tender number and date of opening. Page 1 of 29

Tender Inquiry Form (FOB Through agent) - Pakistan ... · Web view5.Supplier shall provide evidence that the product(s) provided in accordance with this purchase document are new

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Tender No. PACB/751/150514R52/0750/P-2Directorate of Central ProcurementPakistan Aeronautical Complex BoardKamra Distt. AttockTel: 051-9099-2543, 2244Fax: 0092 (57) 9317491

October, 2014

PAC & PPRA Websites

Dear Sir,

1. I invite you to tender for supply of store details in the attached Schedule to Tender (Form PACB -02A)

2. CONDITION GOVERNING CONTRACTS. The “Contract” made as a result of this Tender Inquiry shall mean the agreement entered in to between the parties i.e. the “Purchaser” and the “Seller” on PACB Contract Form (PACB – 03) in accordance with the law of contract Act, 1872 and those contained in PAC purchase procedures and other special conditions that may be added to given contract for the supply of PAC stores specified therein.


(a) Technical Offer: It shall contain all relevant specifications alongwith essential literature / brochure in a separate envelope and clearly marked “Technical Offer without prices”, tender number and date of opening.

(b) Commercial Offer: It shall indicate prices quoted in figures as well as in words and clearly marked on face of a separate envelope “Commercial Offer with prices”, tender number and date of opening.

(c) Both the “Envelops” of Technical offers and Commercial should be enclosed in one cover, properly sealed and bear the address of Directorate of Central Procurement (DCP) PACB Kamra with tender number and opening date.

(d) Technical offer i.e. without prices will be opened on the date and time mentioned at Annex “B” of tender. However time and date for opening of Commercial offers of all those firms whose technical offers are accepted will be intimated later. Offers which are not technically accepted will be returned to the firms un-opened.

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4. FORM PACB - 02A & PACB - 02B: Form PACB - 02A & PACB - 02B (Annexure D & E) duly filled-in are to be returned with the offer duly signed by the authorized signatory person.

5. SINGLE/MULTIPLE OFFERS: Only one offer can be made in relevant currency for same item. Multiple rates, if quoted, will be rejected. Multiple quotation against the tender will also be rejected.

6. DATE & TIME FOR RECEIPT OF TENDER: The tender must reach DCP PAC Kamra by the date and time specified in the Schedule To Tender (PACB – 02A attached). Tenders received after the appointed time will, NOT be entertained. The appointed time will, however fall on next working day in case of closed/forced holiday, telegraphed / Faxed / Telexed bids will be rejected unless specifically asked for.

7. DELIVERY PERIOD: Stores are required within minimum possible delivery period, in the shortest time frame. Offers with minimum delivery period are likely to be preferred. However delivery period is to be factual as no extension will be subsequently granted except under unavoidable circumstances beyond control of SELLER or under Force Majeure for which intimation with full justification / evidences is to be dispatched well in advance for consideration.

8. RIGHTS RESERVED: PAC Board Kamra reserves the right to accept or reject any offer. The reasons of rejection will be intimated to the unsuccessful bidders. Moreover, past performance of the firms may also be considered.

9. ADDITION AND DELETION OF STORE: The purchaser has the right to increase or decrease the quantity of any item and cancellation of the contract partially or fully without any financial repercussion on either side without assigning any reason within 30 days of signing the contract. Such information will be passed on to the SUPPLIER /SELLER through the fastest means e.g. telephone, telegram or fax etc. 10. VALIDITY OF QUOTATION: The quotation be valid till 30 June, 2015.


Offers are to be submitted in duplicate supported by brochures and technical literature in original. Offers must conform to tender specifications. A certificate of complete interchangeability must be endorsed on the quotation for all substitute or in-lieu items, otherwise the same are likely to be rejected. A copy of relevant page of publication must be attached to prove correctness of offered / interchangeable / in-lieu item. Prices of master, substitute and in-lieu items must be quoted separately.

12. DEVIATION FROM SPECIFICATIONS: Stores received at consignee, if found not conforming to the contract specifications will be rejected and replacement in accordance with contractual specifications against rejected stores would be provided to consignee as per delivery schedule laid down in the contract. The replacement will be provided without any additional cost. In case stores are rejected after delivery schedule of the contract, replacement is to be provided at the earliest or by the date advised by Directorate of Central Procurement PAC Board. Rejected store will be returned after receipt of its replacement.

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13. PACKING: Stores must be dispatched in standard trade packing unless otherwise specified to protect them against any damage. Any loss/damage caused due to poor packing will be recovered from the Supplier. In case items are shipped thro Sea, packing shall be sea worthy.

14. RESTRICTION OF EXPORT / IMPORT LICENSE: Offer subject to restriction of Import/Export License will not be entertained.

15. APPLICATION OF OFFICIAL SECRET ACT 1923: All matters connected with this inquiry and subsequent actions arising thereafter fall within the scope of the Pakistan Official Secret Act 1923 which forbid providing contractual information to un authorized / un-concerned person / organization. It is therefore, requested to ensure complete secrecy regarding documents and stores concerned with the inquiry to limit the number of employees having accesses to this information.

16. QUOTING OF PRICES: Prices are to be quoted as follows: -

(a) FOB price of the stores (Line Item Wise). (b) Percentage of agent commission (on Ex-Factory price). Agent commission

is to be exclusive of quoted price. Principal must indicate if agent commission is not applicable. If there is not indication of agent commission in principal’s Performa invoice, agent commission will neither be given by the principal nor by the Buyer.

(c) The prices must be stated for each item separately both in figures and words. Additional information if any must be linked with entries on the Schedule to Tender (Form PACB – 02A)

(d) Original quotation from the foreign manufacturer / supplier / principal must be attached in support of the quoted price. Principal is to endorse following certificate on the original quotation. “Certified that stores offered are factory new and from latest production and prices quoted are not more than the international market prices and also not more than those being charged from other buyers “.

(e) Shelf / installed life of each item is to be mentioned separately.(f) Certificate as per attached Annex “A” duly signed by the principal and

agent must be attached with quotation.


Certificate of OEM for certified vendors or Agency Agreement to be attached with quotation.

18. DISQUALIFICATION: Offers are liable to be rejected if: -

(a) There is deviation from any instruction described in this invitation to tender.

(b) Offers are found conditional or incomplete in any respect.

(c) Multiple quotations against the tender.

(d) Multiple rates are quoted against one item.

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(e) Manufacturer relevant brochure is not attached (in case of equipment or major assemblies of equipment).

(f) Form PACB-02A and PACB-02B duly filled – in and signed by the Tenderers are not received with the offer.

(g) Offer received later than appointed time and date.

(h) Tender specification if not confirming to the offer. In case of equipment/ major assemblies manufacturer’s brochures shows specifications different from those given in tender.

(j) Offer subject to restriction of Export License.

(k) Over writing /erasing in prices.

(l) Change in prices by the supplier after opening of commercial offers unless asked by Directorate of Central Procurement PAC Board.

(m) Performa invoice of principal and Annex”A” is not attached.

(n) Validity of offer is not quoted as required in IT or made subject to confirmation letter.

(p) Offers not accompanied with prescribed tender/ Challan fee of Rs. 100/-

(q) Earnest money not provided.

(r) Principal invoice, in duplicate clearly indicating whether prices quoted are inclusive of the agent commission, is not enclosed.

(s) The validity of agency agreement has expired.

(t) Offer with out certification of OEM.

(u) Offer with Prior sale condition.

19. PAYMENT: Payment of 50% may be allowed on dispatch of stores through Letter of Credit and remaining 50% (negotiable) on issuance of Certificate Receipt Voucher (CRVs) by Consignee. 5-10% Performance Bank Guarantee is to be submitted within 30 days of opening of LC.

20. SEQUENCE OF QUOTATION: Quotation must be prepared according to the serial no sequence of Schedule to Tender (Form PACB-02A).

21. WARRANTY / GUARANTEE OF STORE: Warranty / guarantee for a period of one year be applicable for stores commencing from acceptance of store at consignee (if applicable).

22. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MODE OF SHIPMENT: Following details must be provided in your offer / quotation and Performa invoice; -

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(a) Country of origin, place of manufacture of store and beneficiary should be mentioned.

(b) Name of port connecting PIAC aircraft / PNSC ship where from the store will be shipped. The firm may like to ensure the availability of PIA flight or PNSC operation from the port of shipment before signing the contract.

(c) Where PNSC or PIAC do not operate, the supplier would ship the stores through Pakistan / Foreign flag Vessel / Airline on freight pre-paid basis with prior approval of procuring agency and claim it subsequently. Insurance and freight charges should not exceed 10% of FOB value of the stores.

23. FAX QUOTATION: Fax / Email quotations will not be accepted except when specifically called for under emergency / urgency, however, Fax / Email quotation, if received will only be considered subject to condition that original Performa invoice for each quotation is received within 7 days of Tender Inquiry opening or as advised by procurement agency. In case original quotation is not received within specified time, the offer will be excluded from the competition without any notice to quotee.

24. L C CHARGES: Payment will be made through irrevocable and non-transferable Letter of Credit. LC opening / advising and confirmation and additional charges will be borne by the beneficiary / supplier as per prevailing Bank rates. LC charges with in Pakistan will be borne by the purchaser. Charges outside Pakistan are to borne by the seller. Any additional charges due to request of supplier will be borne by the supplier.

25. QUALITY INSPECTION: Items supplied are liable to be inspected by the quality inspectors of to the respective factory of PAC before acceptance.

26. SUBMISSION OF CERTIFICATE: The certificates as per attached Annexure “A” is to be submitted along with offer / quotation which will be subsequently attached to the Contract Document.

27. TENDER OPENING: Representative of Foreign Liaison Office will not be allowed to attend Tender Opening unless it is registered with Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra. No unauthorized person will be allowed to attend the tender opening.

28. EARNEST MONEY: The Earnest money @ 5% (not exceeding 0.150 M) will be deposited by all firms irrespective of registration status in favour of Director Central Procurement PAC Board in the form of Bank Draft / Pay Order at the time of opening tenders (with technical quotation), separate envelope. Earnest money will remain deposited till the finalization of commercial quotes. It will be returned to unsuccessful bidders immediately after finalization of commercial quotes and on receipt of Performance Bank Guarantee / Bond acceptance Certificate from CMA RWP / DBA PAC Board Kamra, to the contractor signing the contract. Quotations once submitted cannot be withdrawn (Partially / Fully) during validity of the quotation. Firms not complying to the said instructions would be liable for disciplinary action beside forfeiture of the earnest money.

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29. END USER CERTIFICATE (EUC): EUC if required at any stage may be mentioned in the quotation.

31. CHECKING OF STORE: Store will be checked at consignee in the presence of representative of Supplier if he arrives within 15 days after initiation of letter.

32. WITHDRAWAL OF OFFER: If the firm withdraws its offer within validity period the Competent Authority may place such firm under Embargo for a period of six months, which may extend upto one year / forfeit the earnest money.

33. TREASURY CHALLAN: Offer must be accompanied by Challan Form No. F-32A of Rs, 100/- obtained from State Bank of Pakistan/ Govt treasury under “Departmental Receipt Major Head 1221000” CMA (ISO’s) Rawalpindi on behalf of “Director Central Procurement PAC Board Kamra“. Only one offer can be made for same item on one Challan. Multiple offer / rates, if quoted will be rejected.

34. PHOTO COPIES OF DOCUMENTS: Following information’s / copies of document must be provided with offer: -

(a) Photo copies of valid registration and indexation of foreign principal with PACB/DGDP applicable to the store / equipment offered is to be provided with the quotation.

(b) A copy of letter showing firm’s financial capability.(c) Photo copies of General Index number (GID) and National Tax number

(N T N) Yours sincerely,

(NASIR SHAHZAD)Flight LieutenantDy Dir Central ProcurementPAC Board KamraTel: 051-9099-2543

Enclosure: -

(i) Certificate (Annex “A”) (ii) Questionnaire (Annex “B”)

(iii) Schedule of Tender (Annex “C”) (iv) Form (PACB – 02A) (Annex “D”)

(v) Form (PACB – 02B)(Annex “E”) (vi) Form (PACB – 02C) (Annex “F”)

(vii) Details of Bank Guarantee (Annex “G)

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TENDER/CONTRACT No. PACB/751/150514R52/0750/P-2

It is certified that no person, firm, cooperation, subsidiary or entity in Pakistan or elsewhere shall directly receive any rebate, bonus commission, gift or favour in cash or kind other than commission allowed to M/S ( FULL NAME TITLE OF THE COMPANY WITH ADDRESS) against contract No dated In case if it is discovered that contents of this certificate have been infringed / violated by the supplier the purchaser will have the right to cancel the contract and / or impose a penalty equal to 25% of the contract value.


Seal & Signature Seal & Signature


Director Procurement

Seal & Signature

Page 7 of 19

Annexure “B”


1. Whether stores offered confirmed to the specification to Yes / Nothis effect has been made in the quotation given in

Form PACB - 02 2. Whether deviation from the demanded specification Yes / No

is attached with Form PACB – 02A.3. Whether quotation has been submitted in duplicate Yes / No

and prices have been shown on original copy only.4. Whether the prices are exclusive of taxes/duties if so Yes / No

whether taxes/duties have been shown separately.5. Whether Form PACB – 02A and PACB – 02B duly Yes / No

filled in and signed by the Tenderer have been returned in herewith.

6. Whether original invoice Performa from principal has Yes / No been enclosed herewith.

7. Whether Treasury Challan amounting to Rs, 100/- has been Yes / No enclosed herewith.

8. Whether copy of valid registration and indexation of Yes / No principal have been enclosed herewith.

9. Whether financial capability and financial load of Yes / No contracts out standing against your firm and of your tender accepted by Organization under DGDP have been given.

10. Whether store is to be checked at consignee presence Yes / No of your representative.

11. Specimen of “End user certificate” attached with quotation (If applicable). 12. Earliest date by which delivery can be affected .13. In which appointment / capacity are you signing the tender documents .

(Signature of Tenderer)

(Name in Block Letters)

(Appointment in the Firm)

Dated: -

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Tender Inquiry No: - PACB/751/150514R52/0750/P-2

TENDER SUBMISSION TIME: - Before or by 1030 Hrs on opening date

TIME & DATE OF OPENING 1100 Hrs on 18-11-2014



S No Part No MFG Part No Noun UoI Qty

Req1 0201361-000 AS211501-6X16 RIVET R/H Ea 322 0204365-000 AS212105-4.1X16 SCREW Ea 8723 0205835-000 AS212501-M6X20 TRAVEL STOP SCREW EA 44 0205837-000 AS212501-M6X30 TRAVEL STOP SCREW EA 425 0205852-000 AS212601-M5 NUT Ea 36 0205853-000 N/A NUT EA 427 0206452-000 AS215402-M3 NUT Ea 1968 0206585-000 AS215423-15 RETAINER RING Ea 449 0206591-001 AS215423-30 RETAINING RING Ea 23

10 0212098-000 AS215103-4.3 WASHER Ea 611 0212259-000 AS215103-32 WASHER Ea 3612 0219499-000 AS211515-1.7X8 RIVET R/H Ea 1613 0222011-000 AS211501-2.5x14 RIVET R/H Ea 2014 0222095-000 AS211501-2.5x16 RIVET R/H Ea 8

15 0455007-000 PR1221-B2 I/L PR-1440B2 SEALING COMPOUND KG 1.9

16 5000037-084 AS215448-M5 NUT, LOCKING Ea 2017 5000059-003 AS212150-M5X17 BOLT Ea 2018 5000093-081 AS 212115-M7X6 SCREW Ea 18419 5000214-086 AS212601-M6 NUT Ea 1220 5000718-000 AS211101B 2X8 PIN, CYLINDRICAL Ea 8

21 5006283-000 AS 211515-2X16 RIVET ALUMINIUM CODE 3911-2 Ea 64

22 5008732-000 AS215447-M3 ANCHOR NUT Ea 4023 5008747-000 AS215452-M3 ANCHOR NUT Ea 824 6120325-002 LKCSM3X8KAD SCREW Ea 19625 6126588-010 AN426-AD-3/5 RIVET C/S Ea 112

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26 6126588-015 AN426-AD-5/8 RIVET C/S Ea 1227 6126821-025 AN315-3R NUT Ea 1628 6127094-007 MS20470AD4-5 RIVET R/H Ea 148229 6127102-048 MS35206-228 SCREW Ea 6430 6127126-099 AN4-7A BOLT Ea 8031 6127194-026 AN173-22A BOLT Ea 1232 6127194-027 AN174-6A BOLT Ea 38433 6127194-028 AN174-7A BOLT Ea 22034 6127194-029 AN174-10A BOLT Ea 2035 6127194-030 AN174-12A BOLT Ea 836 6127194-032 AN175-15A BOLT Ea 1637 6127194-033 AN363-832 NUT Ea 2038 6127194-034 AN365-428 NUT Ea 46939 6127194-035 AN365-524 NUT Ea 16

40 6127194-036 AN365-832 I/L MS21044N08 NUT Ea 116

41 6127194-037 AN365-1032 NUT Ea 12242 6127194-038 AN416-1 PIN Ea 843 6127194-039 AN525-8-R26 SCREW Ea 444 6127194-040 AN525-832-R9 SCREW Ea 2445 6127194-044 AN924-6D NUT Ea 446 6127194-051 AN3-5A BOLT Ea 2647 6127194-052 AN3-6A BOLT Ea 1248 6127194-053 AN3-10A BOLT Ea 4449 6127194-054 AN3-12A BOLT Ea 2250 6127194-055 AN4-11A BOLT Ea 2251 6127194-062 AN310-3 NUT Ea 3052 6127194-063 AN316-4 NUT Ea 5053 6127194-064 AN316-5R NUT Ea 8354 6127194-065 AN364-428 NUT Ea 15455 6127194-066 MS21083N08 NUT Ea 4556 6127194-067 AN364-1032 NUT Ea 104

57 6127194-068 AN380-2-2 I/L MS24665-132 COTTER PIN Ea 200

58 6127194-069 AN380-3-4 COTTER PIN Ea 4459 6127194-080 MS21260-54R SCREW ROD END Ea 560 6127194-081 MS21260-54L SCREW CABE Ea 2061 6127195-001 A6K-106 RIVNUT Ea 9662 6127195-002 A8K-106 RIVNUT Ea 5663 6127219-092 SD 429-BS RIVET POP Ea 15264 6127225-027 AN3-7A BOLT Ea 465 6127225-035 AN4-14A BOLT Ea 5966 6127225-040 AN4-27A BOLT Ea 467 6127225-052 AN174-14A BOLT Ea 1668 6127225-057 AN310-4 NUT Ea 1569 6127225-058 AN315-5 NUT Ea 2370 6127225-061 AN364-632 NUT Ea 109271 6127225-076 AN526-832-R6 SCREW Ea 472 6127225-079 MS21260S5H ROD END / TERMINAL Ea 4

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73 6127225-081 AN960-D6 WASHER Ea 111674 6127227-057 AN960-D8 WASHER EA 1556875 6127227-058 A6-K75 DIECER NUT Ea 10676 6127227-060 AN3-16A BOLT Ea 477 6127227-065 AN960-416 WASHER Ea 4878 6127227-071 NAS697-A3 ANCHOR NUT Ea 1679 6127320-002 AN174-13 BOLT Ea 1580 6127320-003 AN174-36 BOLT Ea 1581 6127320-004 AN23-11 BOLT Ea 1582 6127320-005 AN23-18 BOLT Ea 1583 6127320-008 AN3-4A BOLT Ea 32084 6127320-011 AN3-6 BOLT Ea 1085 6127320-012 AN3-21A BOLT Ea 108086 6127320-014 AN310-5 NUT Ea 1587 6127320-016 AN316-6R NUT Ea 1588 6127320-024 AN5-15 BOLT Ea 1589 6127320-026 AN5-30 BOLT Ea 1590 6127320-027 AN5-51 BOLT Ea 1591 6127320-053 AN818-6D NUT Ea 692 6127320-056 AN818-4D NUT Ea 5893 6127320-058 AN818-8 NUT Ea 6094 6127320-059 AN818-3D NUT Ea 3095 6127320-060 AN819-3D CONE Ea 30

96 6127321-001 NAS696-A3 I/L MS21071L3 ANCHOR NUT Ea 46

97 6127321-003 NAS697-A4 ANCHOR NUT Ea 7498 6127321-004 MS21069L08 ANCHOR NUT Ea 180499 6127321-008 MS35206-230 SCREW Ea 1171100 6127321-009 MS35206-231 SCREW Ea 48101 6127321-010 MS35206-243 SCREW Ea 6102 6127321-012 MS35206-245 SCREW Ea 82103 6127321-013 MS35206-246 SCREW Ea 92104 6127321-029 4002-6" STUD Ea 95105 6127321-032 8X7 TUBE RIVET Ea 242106 6127321-038 A8K-75 RIVNUT Ea 78107 6127321-062 2101-06-04 JO BOLT Ea 40108 6127321-063 2103-06-05 JO BOLT Ea 20109 6127321-064 2103-06-03 JO BOLT Ea 80110 6127321-066 0543036-1 VALVE NOSE GEAR Ea 15111 6127321-074 115051 WASHER Ea 32112 6127321-088 4RX1/4 SCREW Ea 8113 6127322-002 AN936A-10 WASHER Ea 60114 6127322-053 AN3-3A BOLT Ea 40115 6127322-065 AN507-832-R8 SCREW Ea 80116 6127322-068 AN525-832-R16 SCREW Ea 3117 6127322-089 AN4-17A BOLT Ea 32118 6127322-090 A8-K120 RIVNUT Ea 32119 6127322-093 A6-K120 DEICER NUT Ea 36120 6127322-095 A6-K160 RIVNUT Ea 8

Page 11 of 19

121 6127322-099 4X20MM ROLL PIN Ea 2122 6127330-005 10RX1/2DUELL SCREW Ea 40123 6127330-007 NR115021 WASHER Ea 8

124 6127330-021 9F 1,5X1,5 VIBREX FASTENER SET 32

125 6127330-091 NAS 697-A06 I/L BACN10JP096A ANCHOR NUT Ea 8

126 6127366-010 S8KB106 RIVNUT Ea 152127 6127366-027 AN525-10-R9 SCREW Ea 8128 6127366-028 2101-06-10 JO BOLT Ea 10129 6127366-033 AS10-M6 FLEX BALL Ea 24130 6127366-037 TBRB-6.4X12FXB WASHER Ea 48

131 6127366-060 UNF-10-32-MG2XD HELICOIL Ea 40

132 6127366-061 AN509-8-R9 I/L MS24694S6 SCREW Ea 40

133 6127366-062 4002-7W STUD Ea 20134 6127366-064 4R 3/8 SCREW Ea 60135 6127366-065 AN960-D10 WASHER EA 6744

136 6127366-069 MS20823-2 ELBOW FITTING 45 DEG Ea 18

137 6127366-071 AN833-6D NIPPLE Ea 8138 6127366-073 AN43B-5 EYE BOLT Ea 216139 6127366-089 NAS1738B-4-6 RIVET POP Ea 340140 6127366-090 NAS1738B-4-5 RIVET POP Ea 240141 6127366-091 NAS1738B-4-4 RIVET POP Ea 20142 6127377-022 AN365-440 NUT Ea 1220143 6127377-063 AN363-1032 NUT Ea 5144 6127377-093 AN525-832-7 SCREW Ea 42145 6127391-012 NAS1738B-4-1 RIVET POP Ea 120146 6127391-013 AN509-10-40 SCREW Ea 2147 6127391-015 AN525-10-R6 SCREW Ea 32

148 6127391-075 AN509-8-R8 I/L MS24694S5 SCREW Ea 152

149 6127391-087 AN509-10-R6 & MS24694S48 SCREW Ea 16

150 6127396-033 2103-06-04 JO BOLT Ea 32151 6127396-045 MS20392-1011 PIN Ea 40152 6127396-074 AN426-AD-3-3 RIVET C/S Ea 124

153 6127396-075 AN426-AD-3-4 I/L MS20426AD3-4 RIVET C/S Ea 4016

154 6127396-077 AN426-AD-3-7 RIVET C/S Ea 112155 6127396-080 AN426-AD-4-4 RIVET C/S Ea 20156 6127396-081 AN426AD-4-5 RIVET C/S Ea 188157 6127396-083 AN426-AD-4-7 RIVET C/S Ea 40158 6127396-086 AN426-AD-4-12 RIVET C/S Ea 80159 6127399-068 099001-585 SCREW Ea 70160 6127399-069 06052BZ-1 CLIP Ea 70161 6127400-051 AN365-1032C NUT Ea 320

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162 6127400-075 AN960-D416L WASHER EA 284163 6127426-001 AN426-AD-5-7 RIVET C/S Ea 36164 6127426-002 AN426-AD-5-9 RIVET C/S Ea 48165 6127426-004 AN426-AD-5-16 RIVET C/S Ea 12166 6127426-009 AN470-AD-3-3 RIVET C/S Ea 9732

167 6127426-010 AN470-AD-3-4 I/L MS20470AD3-4 RIVET R/H Ea 2240

168 6127426-011 AN470-AD-3-5 I/L MS20470AD3-5 RIVET R/H Ea 952

169 6127426-014 AN470-AD-4-3 RIVET R/H Ea 420170 6127426-015 AN470-AD-4-4 RIVET R/H Ea 2210171 6127426-016 AN470-AD-4-6 RIVET R/H Ea 120172 6127426-018 AN470-AD-4-8 RIVET R/H Ea 460173 6127426-020 AN470-AD-4-10 RIVET R/H Ea 108174 6127426-023 AN470-AD-5-5 RIVET R/H Ea 90175 6127426-024 AN470-AD-5-6 RIVET R/H Ea 268176 6127426-029 AN470-AD-5-11 RIVET R/H Ea 20177 6127426-034 AN470-AD-6-7 RIVET R/H Ea 816178 6127426-036 AN470-AD-6-10 RIVET R/H Ea 220179 6127426-037 AN470-AD-6-11 RIVET R/H Ea 40180 6127426-038 AN470-AD-6-12 RIVET R/H Ea 32181 6127426-043 NAS1738B-4-2 RIVET R/H Ea 8182 6127426-044 NAS17388-4-3 RIVET R/H EA 24183 6127426-055 MS35206-220 SCREW Ea 302

184 6127426-065 AN515-4-R10/MS35206-218 SCREW Ea 294

185 6127426-067 AN525-10-R11 SCREW Ea 64186 6127436-003 AD 42-H RIVET POP Ea 2860187 6127436-004 AD 44-H RIVET POP Ea 120188 6127436-005 AD 46-H RIVET POP Ea 1600189 6127436-006 AD 48-H RIVET POP Ea 80190 6127436-011 SD 424-BS RIVET POP Ea 34191 6127436-012 SD 435-BS RIVET POP Ea 76192 6127436-013 SD 537-BS RIVET POP Ea 8193 6127436-014 SD 545-BS RIVET POP Ea 8194 6127436-015 AD 420-BS RIVET POP Ea 5307195 6127436-016 AD 423-BS RIVET POP Ea 1628196 6127436-017 AD 429-BS RIVET POP Ea 264197 6127436-018 AD 435-BS RIVET POP Ea 92198 6127436-019 AD 440-BS RIVET POP Ea 112199 6127436-021 AD 523-BS RIVET POP Ea 88200 6127436-022 AD 529-BS RIVET POP Ea 456201 6127436-023 AD 537-BS RIVET POP Ea 72202 6127436-036 SD 530-BS RIVET POP Ea 140203 6127436-040 N/A WASHER Ea 12204 6127436-043 AN960-D8L WASHER Ea 882205 6127436-052 N/A WASHER EA 40

206 6127436-088 AN507-440-R8 R/B MS2469386 SCREW Ea 36

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207 6127533-068 5/8" x 6AB SCREW Ea 20208 AN426-AD-3-8 N/A RIVET C/S Ea 24209 AN426-AD-3-9 N/A RIVET C/S Ea 40210 MS27053-4C Alt Pt No F66000-4 NIPPLE Ea 62


1. Quotation must be submitted on ‘ FOB’ basis only.2. Payment will be made as per PAC Board procedure.3. Technical details and brochure be provided with quotation for technical evaluation.

4. The supplier is to be provide the te4chnical brochure and technical manual.5. Mode of shipment by Air / Sea.6. Best trade packing worthy of transportation by road / sea / air be carried out.7. Store will be accepted after inspection by Factory Quality Control Department.

8. Shipment against in-lieu parts be done after acceptance (qualification) of in-lieu parts by AMF.

9. Life items must have 75% shelf life at the time of delivery at AMF, showing date of manufacture and expiry and also procedure of life extension.10. Store should be factory new and from current production.11. In case of rubber hoses, items should not be older than 18 Months at the time of delivery.12. PAC/AMF, its customers and regulatory authorities reserve the right of access to all facilities of supplier firms coupled with sub-tier suppliers in applicable production of stores provided to PAC / AMF under contracts concluded by PAC Board.13. The supplier will provide following documents with supplied stores at a time of delivery: -

(a) Quality Certificate(b) OEM Certificate of conformance(c) Airworthiness Certificate (If applicable)(d) Log Book/G-Card (Life components)(e) Preservation certificate / record (if applicable)(f) MSDS (in case of chemicals /POL items)(g) Parts catalogue (In case of equipment)(h) Operational, Maintenance, Programming and Repair/Trouble shooting Manual (In case of equipment / instrument, LRUs (whenever applicable)(j) Electric Circuit Diagrams (incase of equipment)(k) Delivery time should not exceed 04 months from date of signing of contract.


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1. A “Mill Cert” shall be included with the shipment when the product is raw material such as bar and sheet stock etc.

2. Supplier shall ensure that Std. Parts / Hardware / Material is marked in accordance with specifications requirements. Original Mill Marking shall be affixed and legible on raw material and shall not show signs of tempering or altering.

3. Supplier shall maintain quality records traceable to the conformance of the article delivered to AMF.

4. A Certificate of Analysis (C of A) shall be included with the shipment for all the chemicals supplied under this purchase order.

5. Supplier shall provide evidence that the product(s) provided in accordance with this purchase document are new and were obtained from the original manufacturer. Supplier’s evidence shall include a legible copy of the original manufacturer’s certificate of conformity (C of C) and supplier’s packing sheet with reference to the provided manufacturer’s (C of C).

6. Packing and preservation must ensure that deliveries are free from damage, corrosion and other forms of deterioration. The supplier shall define and clearly indicate on the package and special storage or environmental requirements.

7. Supplier shall assure that devoices, components and materials delivered under this contract are free of foreign objects debris (FOD). The supplier shall imply general prevention practices to keep FOD, Large or Small, from the product and packing. FOD contamination will be cause for rejection of material.

8. Serialized parts shall be identified by a Serial No and Lot Controlled Items shall be identified by a Lot No. When multiple Lots are included in one shipment, supplier shall clearly separate the control identity of the respective Lots.

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Annexure “D”Form PACB-02A



1. TENDER INQUIRY NO: PACB/751/150514R52/0750/P-2

2. Time and Date of opening Tender at 1030 Hrs on 18-11-2014

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Item No Part No. Description of stores with specifications

Unit of issue

Qty Price per unit Total price

Grand Total

Signature of Tenderer(Capacity in which signing)

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Annexure “E”

Form PACB - 02B

UNDER TAKING (Fill in and Return)


Member CommercialPakistan Aeronautical Complex BoardKamra Distt Attock

Dear Sir,

I/We hereby offer to supply to PAC Board the stores detailed in the Schedule to Tender or such portion thereof as you may specify in the contract at the prices given in Form PACB – 02A and further agree that this offer will remain valid up to and will not be withdrawn or altered in terms of rates quoted and the condition stated therein on or before this date. I/We shall be bound by your communication of acceptance to be dispatched within the prescribed time.

I/We understood the instructions to Tenders and condition of contract as laid down in Form PACB-10 titled “General Conditions Governing Contract” and thoroughly examine specification / drawing and / or patterns quoted in the Schedule to Tender and am/are fully aware to the nature of the stores required and my/our offer is to supply stores strictly in accordance with the requirements.

Witness’s Signature: Signature of Tenderers:

Name: Name:

N.I.C No. N.I.C No.

Address: Capacity in which Signing:

Date: Address:


Tele: Telex/Fax

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Annexure “F”



Under mentioned information must be available from your quotation else your quotation will be rejected: -

(I) Currency of quoted price.(ii) Delivery period.(iii) Quotation Valid up to 30 June, 2015.(iv) Country of origin.(v) Port of shipment (for PNSC/PIAC only.)(vi) Terms of payment are as under:-.

50% on shipment (negotiable) and remaining 50% on CRV’s with 5-10% Performance bank guarantee through DBA PAC Board.

(vii) Name of beneficiary with complete address for Letter of Credit.(viii) Foreign Bank (if any) for Letter of Credit confirmation.(ix) Minimum acceptable contract value.

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(a) To ensure timely and correct supply of stores, the firm will furnish an unconditional Bank Guarantee with in 30 days of the signing of the contract from a schedule Bank for an amount of __________________ i.e. 10% of the total value of the contract (on a judicial Stamp paper of the value of Rs 100/-). The Bank Guarantee shall be endorsed in favour of DBA PAC Board who is the Account Officer specified in the contract. The DBA PAC Board shall have the like power of seeking encashment of the Bank Guarantee as if the same has been demanded by the purchase officer himself.

(b) The Bank Guarantees will be of following types with validity and amount has mentioned in each type

(1) Bank Guarantee against contract performance It will be between 5 to 10% of total value of contract excluding taxes/duties and freight/handling charges etc. It shall remain inforce till 60 days beyond the Delivery Period stipulated in the contract.

(2) Bank Guarantee against Advance/ Down Payment. It will be equal to amount paid in advance /down payment shall remain valid till 60-days beyond the Delivery Period stipulated in the contract.

(3) Bank Guarantee against Warranty Period. It will be for amount of 10% of contract value excluding taxes/duties and freight /handling charges, etc. Duration of BG against Warranty Clause is variable. Normally under DP-15, it is for one year for the general type of equipment/ spares. For consumable goods, the warrantee period should also expire after 6 months or when the goods are fully consumed whichever is earlier or as per terms of contract.

c. If the supply of store is on warranty, the supplier shall be bound to extend the validity of Bank guarantee for such further reasonable period if so required by the purchase officer to cover the warranty period.

d. If the supplier fails to provide the Bank guarantee within 30 days after signing a contract, such failure shall constitute a breach of contract and the Director purchase shall be entitled to make other arrangements at the risk and expense of the supplier if no other BG / earnest money of the same supplier for an equal amount is held up for final release, with the purchaser against any other completed contract(s). In the event of unsatisfactory performance or of any breach of terms of the contract, Bank guarantee shall be forfeited to the Govt. at the discretion of the purchaser. On satisfactory performance of the contract, the Bank Guarantee will be returned to the supplier by DBA PAC Board on receipt of instruction fro m the purchaser i.e. Directorates of Procurements etc.

e. In case of FOR tenders/contract it is imperative that BGs are obtained from firms/suppliers/agents through scheduled Banks of State Bank of Pakistan so as to safeguard the interest of the state.

f. In case of FOB tenders/contracts, Bank Guarantee is to be obtained preferably from LC opening Bank of Pakistan and through supplier, LC opening Bank abroad. In case firm does not agree to the aforesaid condition, then BG should at least, be obtained from supplier‘s country Bank located in Pakistan or any enlisted scheduled Bank of Pakistan in favour of LC opening Bank in Pakistan or any scheduled Bank of Pakistan, and the same will be a Bank to Bank Guarantee in favour of DBA PAC Board.

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