Helmut Morsi, Deputy Head of Unit European Commission, DG MOVE Unit B1 TEN TEN-T Innovation & New Technologies Annual & Multi-annual calls Dec’2013 TEN-T Calls Info Day 2013 13 December 2013

TEN-T Innovation & New Technologies · » MoS is a logistics expression, i.e. Hinterland-Port-SeaLeg-Port-Hinterland is essential » MoS therefore requires at least 2 different ports

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Page 1: TEN-T Innovation & New Technologies · » MoS is a logistics expression, i.e. Hinterland-Port-SeaLeg-Port-Hinterland is essential » MoS therefore requires at least 2 different ports

Helmut Morsi, Deputy Head of Unit European Commission, DG MOVE Unit B1 – TEN

TEN-T Innovation & New Technologies Annual & Multi-annual calls Dec’2013 TEN-T Calls Info Day 2013 13 December 2013

Page 2: TEN-T Innovation & New Technologies · » MoS is a logistics expression, i.e. Hinterland-Port-SeaLeg-Port-Hinterland is essential » MoS therefore requires at least 2 different ports

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Overview : Innovative Proposals

. Common Features of Annual and Multi-annual Calls . Differentiation between the Calls – Where to apply? . Relation to MoS and ITS Calls . Lessons Learnt from previous Calls

An innovative view of the TEN-T core network corridors.

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Common Features : General . Scope and objective: promote innovation and new technologies for transport infrastructure and facilities contributing to a general objective and several specific objectives.

» General objective: Europe 2020 Strategy / Clean Power for Transport

» All modes of transport incl. any combination

» Priortiy: decarbonisation & reduction of noise (specific objectives 1&2)

» Additional: ITS (Road) – smart & connected transport (specific objective 3)

• including improved road safety

» Studies with integrated pilot deployment; up to 50% of eligible costs

» Freight and/or passenger travel

» Transport infrastructure and facilities

» On TEN-T network, ie including a solution for the long distance

» NT with highest potential for rapid deployment across TEN-T network

» Market-sided innovation versus research-sided innovation . No research!

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Common Features : Transport Infrastructure & Facilities . Infrastructure for alternative fuels and propulsion replacing fossil fuels, including:

» Electric propulsion of any type

» Hydrogen

» CNG, LNG, including LNG bunkering vessels

» Electric supply to vessels in ports

» Biofuels . Facilities may include

» Emission reduction & energy storage equipment installed in vehicles

» Upgrading/adaptation of existing alternative fuels infrastructure

» Demand management & traveller information systems

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Common Features : Market-sided Innovation . Focus: Only new technologies ready for deployment,

» completed by the end of 2015. . Priority Elements:

» Real-life trials (not just a demo)

» (1) Innovation on new technologies (testing on sufficiently large scale!)

» (2) Innovation of processes: Testing/optimisation of business-client relations, i.e. integration of a clearly elaborated consumer-oriented business model

» Aiming for viability (replaced by cost-efficiency for noise reduction)

» Study at the end of trial: lessons learnt & analysis on how to scale-up to mass application

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Common Features : Advised Project Sizes

. Type A: Studies without deployment (not a priority)

» Up to € 0.5 million . Type B: Studies with regional or local pilot deployment (single MS is ok in order not to create obstacles for innovative people in entire EU)

» Up to € 5 million . Type C: Studies with pilot deployment on a large scale (X-border, i.e. at least 2 MS)

» Deployment on a scale of a trajectory/corridor of at least 500 km serving at least 2 Member States (MS)

» Roaming functionality clearly addressed

» More than € 5 million (max. € 25 million)

• All Moneys indicative and in terms of EC financial support.

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Common Features : Award Criteria special considerations for innovation (in addition to/clarifying standard criteria)

. Relevance: the effect of market-sided innovation, as well as the efforts planned to reach viability (for reduction of noise "viability" is replaced by "cost effectiveness") . Maturity: the readiness of the technology for deployment . Impact: the innovative process to improve the business-client relation

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Differentiation: Annual Call

. Indicative Innovation Budget: € 50 million . Costs incurred as from proposal dispatch date

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Differentiation: Multi-annual Call

. Indicative Innovation Budget: € 50 million (shared with 1 other PP objective "Studies on CEF Project Portfolios") . Nodes and/or trajectories part of Priority Project (PP)) . PP's inherent mode of transport well integrated into proposal . Proposal may in addition contain other modes . Costs incurred as from 1 January 2013 (!)

TENtec Mobile Platform: Innovation layer (indicative pre-release)

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Relation to MoS and ITS Calls

. MoS call:…"innovation…"

» MoS is a logistics expression, i.e. Hinterland-Port-SeaLeg-Port-Hinterland is essential

» MoS therefore requires at least 2 different ports in the proposal

» Innovation Call: single port is ok

. ITS (incl road safety) call:

» ITS call requires involvement of several Member States

» Innovation call: single Member State is ok

Proposals on innovation are normally more difficult to write and to get supported then standard ones. – However, Europe absolutely needs innovation for a sustainable future of transport. Consequently applications under the Innovation Calls have an inbuilt simplification.

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Lessons Learnt from last innovation calls . TEN-T Annual calls (Ann) in 2010, 2011 and 2012,

plus one Multi-annual call (MAP) in 2012 . 2010 Ann: 1 of 6 selected . 2011 Ann: 8 of about 14 selected . 2012 Ann: 6 of 21 selected

2012 MAP: 3 of 3 selected . Plus a further 5 innovative projects selected via

parallel TEN-T calls on MoS, etc. . Main reasons for rejection:

» Lack of maturity

» Not focussed on transport (relevance)

» Too many pages/not focussed on core idea

» Process Innovation / Business-client relation


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Helmut Morsi


Deputy Head of Unit B1 “TEN-T”

& Head of Sector B1.001 “TENtec & Innovation”