TEN CENTS EVERY WEEK PROGRAMS FOR JUNE 22 -28 DI 1 A E A 8 7 B Problems of a Child Star's Mother Complete Information About the New 1941 Portable Radio Sets www.americanradiohistory.com

TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

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Page 1: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that



DI 1

A E A 8 7 B

Problems of a Child Star's Mother Complete Information About the New 1941 Portable Radio Sets


Page 2: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

Movie and Radio Guide


W HEN lovely Nancy Kelly yelled. "Move over, Fido, I'm coming in!"

it just went to show that neither fame nor fortune -to say nothing of beauty -avails in Hollywood when it comes to getting into both hot water and the proverbial doghouse. It also went to show that even doghouses in Hollywood have glamour, because Hollywood dog-

houses have shel- tered not only Nancy but Bette Davis, Pat O'Brien. David Niven, Don Ameche, Humphrey Bogart and a host of others. When some of Holly wood's highest peo- ple get into trouble and in bad with their families and

friends, we felt there was an amusing story there, and when you read That Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that fame and fortune and glamour conquer all - it just goes to show that when it comes to getting into trouble, not even the brightest stars are immune.

Nancy Kelly

Musician at Work A year ago Leith Stevens was waving

his baton in a devastating fashion over Columbia's "Saturday Night Swing Ses- sion. He also had ambitions to crash the classical field, and held to them in the face of wise opinions that it couldn't be done. This summer Mr. Stevens has taken over Mr. Ford's Sunday program and is

proving that brilliant experimental musi- cal direction can be as effective with serious and light classics as with swing. Because Leith Stevens is in the vanguard of pro- gressive musical di- rection, we have asked him, through Kate Holliday, to tell you about a mu- sical director's work

in our sixth "Men Behind the Dial" ar- ticle. Don't miss his story. Not to be missed either in next week's Movie and Radio Guide is "Confessions of a Gag- man's Wife," by Jeanette Connor, wife of one of radio's best gag- writers, in

which it will appear that marriage to the man who concocts funny gags for your radio comics can be a very unfunny -though stimulating- business. There'll also be exclusive pictures of Edgar Ber- gen, Ken Murray, Rudy Vallee and Jim- mie Fidler at the opening of their new "Pirates' Den" night -club in Hollywood.

Leith Stevens

M. L. ANNENBERG, Publisher


Problems of a Child Star's Mother By Sonia Lee 1

How Gloria Jean's Fame Affects the Lives of Her Three Sisters

Errol Flynn Fights for His Lady Love 2 Brenda Marshall is His Beauteous Prize

The Ghost Breakers 4 Bobe Hope and Paulette Goddard star in Movie and Radio Guide's Picture of the Week

The Duke and the Duchess (Part III) By James Street 6

Tyrone Power and Annabel/a. An Adventure in Marital Happiness

Glamour Girl Grows Up 8

Lana Turner Becomes an Actress This Week in Hollywood 9

Latest News from the Film Capital This Week on the Screen 12

Reviewing the New Pictures Brief Reviews 35

A Guide to Good Movie Entertainment

Radio Coming Radio Events 13

Defying Space.... By Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr. 14

A Famous Globetrotter's Story of His Travels with a Portable Radio

The March of Music By Leonard Liebling 16

Programs of the Week 18 -34

On Short Waves By Charles A. Morrison 36

This Week Along the Airialtos By Wilson Brown, Evans Plummer and Don Moore 37

Portables for Pleasure 40 -45 A Special Section Devoted to the New 1941 Portable Radios. Pictures and Specifications

Words Within Words Contest; 25 Brain - Busters 46

Mr. Fairfax Replies; Voice of the Listener 47

Crossword Puzzle; Bulls and Boners; Birthdays 48

On the Bandwagon By Mel Adams Facing Page 48

Band of the Week: Jimmy Dorsey

Programs Saturday, June 22 18

Sunday, June 23 20

Monday, June 24 22 Tuesday, June 25 25

Wednesday, June 26 27

Thursday, June 27 30 Friday, June 28 32

Curtis Mitchell, Editor Vol. 9. No. 37, June 22-28, 1940

731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Ill.


Ruth Bizzell; DEPARTMENTAL EDITORS: Gordon Swarthout, Movies; Wilson Brown, New York: Evans Plummer, Hollywood; Don Moore, Midwest: Leonard Liebling, Music; Richard Kunstman, Pro- grams; James Hanlon, Education; Charles A. Mor- rison, Short Waves; Mel Adams, Bands and Or- chestras; EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: JO Brooks, John Carlson, Francis Chase, Jr., Raymond Hanlon, Viva Liebling, Charles Locigno, Arthur Miller, Clarence Reuter, Melvin Spiegel.

The loll /mina 11.1 glvea so of picture. published In this Issue: euo' Scotty U'elbourne: l'aga a

source Julian, Ebner Fryer: Page 4-e. Kenn t'

[Adieu: Pare 11--Jack Albin; Page a-- t\'lllblgel; Page 10 -Jack Albin :!,

-lark Albin. iIiamaIlau .le riagel Page

'inguPage I. Gustave W. Gale.

M.G.; ASn Real Grips 1Trnde Stark Registered l'. S. Pals utllrel. Volt., IX. Number 37. tCrek of June 11.1X. 1940. Published u r kly by ilia ,'walla C mnpany. 731 Pm outh Corot. Chicago. Illinois. Entered s second I lams mauler at the Post Office. /'Idrago, 1uln,ds. February 11. 1940. unie, lue act of Marro 3. 1870. Authorized by rod Mire Department, Ottawa 1 anada, vomit -,'lass matter. (,,Itrigllt. 1911. by Ille ('rrrlla l'ompan, All rights reserved. M. L. Annenberg President : Arnold Kruse. Secretor, George d'l'lasay, General Manager; Ed' /,oly. Circulation Slimmer. l'nsolititeI manuscripts ,should be a ,mpanied by :tamped. self -addressed envelope tu, ,cturn. Ten cents ver enpy In the United States. Subscription rate. it the I'. S. and possessions and multi les of the l'an- Auterltan Postal Union .ix months. í2.50; one year, $1.00. Subs,'rllttion rates In foreign countries: six mu,nths, f:í.50; one year. 50.00. Remit by Postal m ey irriter. exprv..

order or check drawn to order of Moils Asp RAplonliring. tlorrenry 'nlrat' .W.1-flier's risk. 's 1SAP IN U. A. A.


THE days of dynamite are upon us. Not war dynamite, but political- convention

dynamite, with which you'll undoubtedly hear plenty of ominous war echoes, and with which there will be plenty of minor blasts of typical American ammunition. This week the phenomenal fledgling, Thomas E. Dewey, will meet his ultimate test against Republican adversaries when the Republican na- tional convention gets under way in

Philadelphia. Con sult our program pages and man your dial to keep up with the resolute Repub- licans in their fight to find the man to fight the New Deal. As a matter of fact, many of you will want to follow not only convention do- ings but also news and your favorite programs of entertainment while you're on the go seeking summer enjoyment. Which means a portable radio set is

just the thing. This week we devote a

complete section -pages 40 to 45 -to a showcase on portables, with a colorful story introduction to be found on page 14 -by Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr.

Thomas E. Dewey

The Girl on the Cover Bette Davis, whose role in Warner

Bros.' "All This, and Heaven Too'' prom- ises the blond- haired, blue -eyed star her third Academy Award, owes her suc-

cess largely to an innate intellectual honesty and a determination to succeed that would not be thwarted. Born Ruth Elizabeth Davis in Boston in 1908, she was educated at a public high school and later attended Cushing Academy, where she studied dramatics. At Cush- ing she earned her tuition by waiting on tables. From Cushing she moved into bit parts in Provincetown plays, later into more im- portant stage roles with Blanche Yurka and Richard Bennett. Her first important screen role was with George Arliss in

"The Man Who Played God," and it came at a time when she was discour- aged by Hollywood bit parts. Her suc-

cess here led to starring parts in such films as "Dangerous" and, later, "Jeze- bel," both Academy Award winning per- formances. Bette is a past president of the Tailwagger Foundation, set up to sponsor humane legislation for animals, a leader in the movement to train dogs as guides for blind persons. Natural color photograph by Scotty Welbourne.

Bette Davis


Page 3: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

of a

Why Gloria Jean's three sisters are not

jealous of her success!




IT WAS a preview night no different from a hundred others. The light arcs waved their slim, teasing fin-

gers through the sky. Behind police lines a thousand fans strained for van- tage points from which to view ar- rivals. Street traffic was impeded. The invited stars, decorated with orchids, paused for news photographers before entering the theater.

But to a mother and father and their four daughters, this was a milestone, and it held infinite implications.

For the picture was "The Underpup," in which an unknown eleven -year- old child was being featured. Gloria Jean Schoonover, billed only by her given name, Gloria Jean, was the sing- ing star. The niche vacated by matur- ing Deanna Durbin was waiting for her at Universal Studios, if she passed the critical judgment of this first audience.

Less than two hours later, this small girl was a star by Hollywood standards. True, she was yet to be introduced to the world. It would be months before her name was glib and easy on the tongues of theater -goers. The story of a child who, at three, had sung in vaudeville, at five had been offered a contract by Paul Whiteman, at seven had been signed by the Colonial Opera Company, was still to become familiar.

But in the first few weeks after the release of the picture, Gloria Jean was made a star in truth by the public.

BOX- OFFICE figures mounted to pro- portions reminiscent of "Three

Smart Girls," Deanna Durbin's first sensational film. Fan mail for Gloria began arriving by the sackful. Pro- ducers of Coast -to -Coast radio pro- grams began bidding for her services. No longer could she walk down Holly- wood Boulevard unrecognized.

Stardom at eleven! Stardom because the child had a brilliant coloratura voice, an engaging personality.

When fame touches a child on the shoulder, there are necessarily endless reverberations. A child is more inti- mately a part of a family than any adult can possibly be. And so, when Gloria became a star, all those whose lives were intimately intertwined with hers were markedly influenced.

One day she belonged solely to her mother and daddy and her three sis- ters. The next day they were sharing her with countless strangers. One day she was one of them. The next, they were psychologically isolated from her.

There is a very real danger to every (Please turn to next page)

STARDOM AT ELEVEN for Gloria Jean Schoonover presented grave problems of family adminis- tration to her mother. How Mrs. Schoonover is meeting them wisely and bravely is revealed in this stirring human document of a juvenile star's relations with her sisters and parents



Page 4: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

member of a family when one of them becomes anointed by the gods of fame and fortune. There are personality ad- justments to be made. Lurking envy to be exorcised. Stirrings of some- thing akin to hate to be quieted. When children are concerned, the danger is far graver!

Consider, if you please, Gloria Jean! How could Eleanor Schoonover, the

mother, keep her family evenly bal- anced? How could she safeguard her other daughters from developing a sense of insufficiency within them- selves? How could she guard them against the delusion of neglect in favor of the famous one? These are ingredi- ents to make a child feel deprived of love -and feeling so, grow into un- happy, maladjusted adulthood.

Eleanor Schoonover knew the in- stant Gloria was signed to a motion - picture contract that singular psycho- logical problems faced her. They had to be solved, if fame for one child was not to be bought at the cost of the normalcy of her sisters.

No other mother of a famous child had ever had so involved a task. With Gertrude Temple the primary problem was Shirley herself. Shirley's two brothers are many years her senior. They have the paternal attitude which big brothers always have toward small, toddling sisters. They could take pride in Shirley's accomplishments without losing one whit of their own self -re- spect or their individuality. Jane Withers is an only child. Freddie Bartholomew has the concentrated at- tention of his Aunt Cissy. Mickey Rooney, Deanna Durbin and Edith Fellows in no way involved the lives of brothers or sisters. On these chil- dren their mothers or guardians could focus their entire attention without en- dangering the physical comfort, the mental serenity, or the spirit of an- other child.

But Gloria Jean's mother has four growing daughters! Sally was fourteen when the Schoonovers first came to Hollywood; then came Gloria Jean; then Lois, only ten months her junior. Bonnie, the baby, was four.

First and foremost Eleanor Schoon- over had to solve the time problem - how to divide her hours so that each child had equal attention, and there- fore no basis for feeling neglected.

SO MOTHER budgeted her time. Dur-

ing production, Gloria and Lois, who is her sister's stand -in, are taken to the studio by their father and turned over to the schoolteacher until their mother arrives.

Until eleven, Mrs. Schoonover re- mains at home. She bathes Bonnie, shares her breakfast with her, plays games and plans the rest of the day for her youngest. At eleven, promptly, she says: "Now, Bonnie, Mother has given you your share of time, so she must go and be with Lois and Gloria."

During the early afternoon, Mrs. Schoonover telephones Bonnie. Later, when Sally returns from school, she talks to her eldest, inquires how her day has gone -gives her every re- assurance of her love and thought.

More than Bonnie, more than Sally, Lois was Mrs. Schoonover's first con- cern.

Lois and Gloria had shared their lives. They were a unity-each had what the other had. They shared a room. They shared their toys from the time they were toddlers. Because less than a year separated them in age, they had developed a twin attachment for each other. Now, suddenly, Gloria was set apart.

How to bring Lois into Gloria's orbit -how to make Lois feel that she did not lose importance in the family circle because of Gloria's sudden


prominence in the world outside, was a puzzle acutely demanding solution.

One night, shortly before Gloria be- gan her first picture, Mrs. Schoonover and Lois went for a walk.

Mother said to Lois: "Honey, how would you like to be Gloria's stand -in? The world outside will never see you and never hear about you. You won't make as much money as Gloria, but you will be very important to her. Gloria can't be a star without you. She won't be able to work as well, nor sing as well, nor act as well without your help.

"Maybe they'll fuss over Gloria at the studio more than they will over you. But you will always mean just

Fortunately, the two children have un- til now received almost identical gifts. In the isolated instances when they have not, Lois has exhibited not a vestige of jealousy.

When Bing Crosby learned of Gloria Jean's ardor for Basil Rathbone, he gave her a charm with Basil's picture stamped on it. Lois took that as a matter of course. On every occasion she urges Gloria to show her charm. She exhibits complacent pride in her sister's very special possession.

But Mrs. Schoonover did not tax the child's magnanimity. She bought a charm bracelet for Lois. When Charles Previn, Universal's musical director, sent Gloria Jean a radio and recorder

TYPICAL AMERICAN FAMILY is Gloria Jean's, and her parents strive to keep it so. The family, I. to r., includes her mother, sisters

Lois, IO, Bonnie, 4, Gloria Jean, her father. Sally, 15, is not shown

as much to Mother and Daddy as Gloria will. You'll have to understand that.

"Now, Honey, that will mean that you can't have your piano lessons when you're at the studio with Gloria. You won't have time. But the minute the picture is finished, you can go back to your lessons. Daddy and I

will put your money into a separate savings account just as we do Gloria's."

Lois instantly liked the idea, but her mother said to her: "Don't answer me now; I want you to think about it, and I want you to remember that Mother will do everything in her pow- er to give you just as much as Gloria gets.

"Gloria will get presents that you won't and clothes that you won't have, but Daddy and I will try to make it up to you. We'll do the best we can. Now, after you've thought about it, you come to Mother and tell her what you want to do."

Lois became her sister's stand -in. They go to school together on the studio lot.

Fortunately, the cast and crew on Gloria's pictures have understood the delicate problem Mrs. Schoonover faced with her two middle daughters. Lois, like Gloria, has a special chair marked with her name. The company is careful to divide their attention be- tween the two children. As much fuss is made over Lois as is made over Gloria. Coming on the set, a stranger would not be able to tell by attitude which of the girls is the star and which the stand -in.

It is customary in Hollywood for producers, directors and cast to shower a child player with gifts when a pic- ture ends and on special occasions.

for Christmas, it was placed in the living -room where the whole family could enjoy it.

Gloria understood that while tech- nically it was her gift, it really be- longed to the entire family. On Lois' birthday, to even things up, her par- ents gave her a small radio. She placed it on the night table between hers and Gloria's bed. "This belongs to both of you, just as your radio belongs to all of us," she explained.

Mrs. Schoonover calls her two other daughters into conference when impor- tant decisions involving them are to be made.

There was the matter of the diamond ring which Eleanor Schoonover has had from childhood. It had been ear- marked for Gloria when she became twelve. But Gloria didn't receive it until Lois was consulted.

"It's Gloria's birthstone, Lois. You remember Mother always said, long before we came to Hollywood, that Gloria was to have this. Now are you satisfied for Gloria to have it ?"

LOIS agreed enthusiastically, but Mrs. Schoonover was too wise to put

too much of a strain on a child's un- selfishness. She promptly bought a small amethyst for Lois, her birth- stone, and had a duplicate setting of Gloria's ring made for it.

Gloria, equally with Sally and Lois, has household tasks. On Sundays Sally washes dishes and Gloria and Lois dry them. Both Lois and Gloria are charged with the dusting, with keeping their own room in order, and with looking after Bonnie.

When the baby wakes up, she comes into their room. Gloria puts on her bathrobe and slippers, and Lois washes

her small sister's face and hands. Neither is permitted to be impatient with Bonnie's requests for informa- tion, service or amusement. If Bonnie wants a shoe tied, a dress buttoned, or a question answered, Lois and Gloria between them fulfill their needs.

The individual interests of each of the four girls receive equal attention. The pride and self -importance of each are carefully cultivated by all the others.

When Sally, who is a swimmer and diver of champion caliber, comes home with a new trophy, the whole family makes a fuss over her. When Lois, who hopes to become a concert pianist, plays, the entire family listens care- fully and wildly applauds.

Even Baby Bonnie's attempts to sing "like Gloria" are encouraged.

TO SALLY'S problems her parents lend a careful ear. Mrs. Schoonover

has a close relationship with her old- est daughter. Like all adolescent girls, she has quick enthusiasms and new interests which fade as suddenly. When she recently acquired a passion for roller- skating, her father took her to a local rollerdrome once or twice a week until her new interest subsided. When Sally wants to have guests, her mother cheerfully assents. There is always the "makings" for sandwiches and lemonade in the ice -box. Her mother bakes cookies or makes candy for the party if Sally requests it.

Only recently has Sally indicated that Gloria's career affected her own life. At school she never volunteers the information that Gloria Jean is her sister. In explaining to her mother, she said: "I don't want anyone to like me because my sister is, a motion -picture star. I want them to like me because of me. I don't want to be built up on what I'm not." If asked, however, she admits the relationship, but is ex- tremely cautious about becoming inti- mate with those who are movie -struck.

Mrs. Schoonover declares: "I want Sally to be free. I don't want her to feel that her freedom is limited or her life and actions influenced because of Gloria. It's easy for a girl of her im- pressionable years to feel limited and enslaved. It's the old story of the son of a famous father who always feels that he has something to live up to and resents it. I don't want Sally to live up to her sister's fame. I want her to live up to herself!"

When Sally makes an extravagant request, her mother cautions her. "We've got to live as we've always lived," she points out. "We don't know how long this will last. We can't count on it. This thing of Gloria being a star is just something that's happened. It's not really us."

Perhaps Mrs. Schoonover's insight into the emotional needs of her chil- dren is the result of her interest in the development of young minds. She constantly reads books on child psy- chology. She knows that a mother's attitude toward her children is the basis for their mental health.

In some phases Eleanor Schoonover's problem is not at all different from that of thousands of mothers.

In each family there is the singular child, blessed with some special gift or personality, which focuses atten- tion upon it. Wise mothers seek to fit such a child into the family pattern for its own welfare, as well as for the well -being of the other children in the family. It can be done successfully if the effort is made intelligently.

Eleanor Schoonover has four daugh- ters. One is famous. But because she is an amazing woman, with a great tal- ent for motherhood, she budgets her time and herself -so that each of her children equally has a real mother!


Page 5: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

ERROL FLYNN Battles For His

SWASHBUCKLING successor to Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., is Errol Flynn, who burst upon the American

consciousness in "Captain Blood," gallantly fighting his way to fame and making feminine hearts beat faster. Now, as the pirate Thorpe in "The Sea Hawk," he steps back into the world of Queen Elizabeth to fight once again for his lady fair (this time the lovely Brenda Mar- shall). "The Sea Hawk," now practically finished, will be released by Warner Bros. in late summer or early fall.

THORPE (Errol Flynn), left, fights his way through the guard to the treacherous chancellor (Henry Daniell)

CORNERED, the chancellor fights back furiously, no trick or ruse too foul for him to employ for victory

FIGHTING, at first cautious, reaches a crescendo of fury and violent assault, with death the loser's share

VICTORIOUS, Thorpe tastes the sweet fruits of victory as he takes Brenda Marshall in his arms, know- ing that treachery can no longer stand between them


Page 6: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

Bob Hope and Paulette

Goddard meet a Zombie

in another combination

spine -tingling, laugh -pro-

voking mystery movie

Noble Johnson

WHEN MISS GODDARD learns that she has inherited the castle where her an- cestors have met horrible deaths, Senor Parada (Paul Lukas) tries to buy it, warn- ing her that it is a place where unhappy spirits walk

MOTHER DIVINE, who is really Mrs. Zombie (Virginia Brissac) and an evil soul in her own right, warns Bob Hope and his manservant, Alex (Willie Best), of evil things to come. Alex is more than convinced and Bob is not wholly unshaken

"THERE AIN'T NO GHOSTS," Bob tells Alex, but he doesn't fool either Alex or himself. All the while, the Zombie, hidden in the armor, listens to their plans and makes a few plans for his own conduct



Page 7: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

HICKORY, DICKORY -DUCK! Bob and Paulette try to learn why time has stood still in the castle of her ancestors for all these years, and here they are-on the quaking verge of finding the answer which they seek

WHODUNNIT? We could spoil your fun and tell you, but we won't. Skipping the denouement, we find Bob and Paul- ette on homeward -bound boat, healthy, happy and engaged

A"GHOST- BREAKER" is a person who contracts to rid houses of ghosts and other haunts which infest

them, and in Paramount's "The Ghost Breakers" audi- ences will be treated to the excruciatingly amusing

spectacle of Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard doing just that little thing in a haunted castle somewhere on the

coast of Cuba. That alone warrants the film's selection as Picture of the Week, but there are many more in-

novations in this sometimes blood- curdling, sometimes hilarious and always gripping comedy- melodrama. There

is, for example, The Zombie (upper left), played by Noble Johnson, noted colored actor, who is neither the

sort of person you'd like to meet in broad daylight (and much less at night) nor the sort of person you'd like to

try to rid an old castle of. When he corners Paulette Goddard at the bottom of a staircase that leads no-

where, her screams aren't faked at all, but the real thing (lower right). The set of the film was built from

photographs of a real Cuban castle, reputedly haunted. It took studio carpenters five weeks to construct it, an-

other two weeks to build in the spooky sliding panels, trap -doors and coffins that are filled with bodies one

minute, empty the next. When Hope saw the castle set he said, "I won't stay in this place one minute alone!"




Page 8: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

LEFT: The Duke's mother, Mrs. Tyrone Power, Sr. (right), saw Annabella in films, met her, and was pleased at the marriage

RIGHT: The Duke and the Duchess kept their romance out of the news and only close friends attended the wedding

This is the last of a series of three articles by James Street, each com- plete in itself, about Tyrone Power and Annabella. Here is the revealing story of their courtship and marriage, and the reasons why their union is succeeding.- Editor.

MOST Hollywood romances are made in print or in the heads of those American phenomena

-the movie press -agents. We, the public, get a royal kidding about many of the love -affairs that are incubated in a propagandist's mind but that never hatch for the simple reason that they are bogus. A sure -fire way to get the names of any stars in print is to say they are in love.

When Mr. Tyrone Power became American heart -throb number one, the boys who earn their bread and butter by keeping his name before the public reckoned it was time for a little ro- mance. But Mr. Power wouldn't play ball. Mr. Power and Annabella then were working in "Suez," and few per- sons knew that a romance had started of its own accord. The couple had met casually before they worked together in that picture, but it was their ap- pearance in "Suez" that really brought them together.

They were never seen together in public places. One of the reasons was that Annabella still was Mrs. Jean Murat. Another was the erroneous Hollywood theory that the public likes their movie heroes better single than married.

But the studio and many other wise men overlooked one little thing, which is that we, the people, actually have a strange little habit of allowing a man and a woman to work out their own destiny. If Tyrone Power and Anna - bella loved each other we were ready to wish them well and were willing


still to march up to the movie houses and plunk down our money to see them act, as long as they acted well in good shows. Hollywood is always squawking that the public is far too interested in the private lives of stars. Hollywood made us interested in their lives, but even so, we, the people, do not push our curious noses into the personal lives of stars as much as the studios do. It is the only business in the world where the paymaster can tell his hired hands what they must do with their private lives, and what's more, get away with it.

Mr. Power and Annabella did not give anyone an opportunity to meddle in their business.

Annabella's father, Pierre Charpen- tier, and her mother and fifteen -year- old brother visited her while she was making "Suez." Mr. Power's mother, Mrs. Patia Power, entertained them. Ty began playing the big -brother role to Annabel la's brother. Everything went along swimmingly.

Soon a divorce was arranged for An- nabelle. The wise men of Hollywood knew what was up and kept their fin- gers on the pulse of the public, testing the reaction of America to the romance of its young idol and a divorced mother. The public's reaction was, "So what ?"

CO ONE day Annabella came to the set where Power was making "The

Rains Came," and that afternoon they filed their intention to wed. After the ceremony, Mrs. Power said: "I was never so happy. I never thought all of this would happen to me. Why, I've been here only a little more than a year. Ty and I have agreed that mar- riage shall not interfere with my act- ing. I want to make a name for my- self in this country as an actress, just as I did in Europe, and Ty's going to

help me in perfecting my English and in other ways."

There is no cause for any real pro- fessional jealousy within the Duchy of Power, for, to be unpardonably frank about it, Mrs. Power has not yet reached the heights that her husband has. Perhaps she will. Mr. Power is a big enough man to help her do it. And if she ever does, the acid test of their marriage will come. Few marriages of stars have survived unless one is will- ing to step down. The Gable- Lombard marriage is working, but they are older and have had more experiences in life than the Powers. The Taylor - Stanwyck union is working well also, but we'll get to them later in this series of articles on Hollywood and its royalty.

Ty and Annabella took their honey- moon a month after they were mar- ried and were away in Arizona only three days when the studio called the bridegroom back to work. The couple really didn't have a honeymoon until they got a chance to go abroad some time later.

They bought their home in Brent- wood and tried to settle down to the serious business of living. Their home is not pretentious but is austere. It is not as cozy as the Gable farmhouse. It has two stories, and the living -room is to the right from the main entrance. Mr. Power's prized Shakespeare li- brary is in the living -room. There are many other bookcases in the room and each is filled with good volumes - mostly classics and biographies. The furniture is simple and in the most excellent taste, and the walls are dec- orated with fine old prints. The bar, one of the smallest I saw in Hollywood, is just off the living -room, and across a hallway is the dining -room, which is comfortably and tastefully furnished.

The pride of the duke sticks out all

over him. He is not aloof, but neither does he stoop to impress. He is proud, and proud of it. There's a certain lady in Hollywood whose face is still burn- ing. Years ago, Power tried to date her and got snooted. Later, when he hit the top of the heap, she called him, but the duke was not at home to her deliberately.

The man never forgets a grudge or a favor. Those who were good to him when he was a nobody have been repaid twice over. There's a little New York restaurant that was kind to Power back when a dollar was a lot of money to him. And when the duke became a star, he allowed the restau- rant to advertise widely that it was one of Ty Power's favorite eating - joints.

HE IS the most polite man I met in Hollywood and is very attentive to

his wife in little matters. He always rises when she enters the room and never fails to tell her how well she looks. He laughs at her witty sayings. If he is not completely in love with her, then he is the greatest actor in the world. And the same goes for Anna - bella.

Ty is a man of many hobbies. He owns a small island off Mazatlan, Mex- ico. Ile plans some day to build a hunt- ing lodge there. He can reach the is- land in six hours in his own plane. He owns an aiuphibion and has his own license.

Perhaps his favorite hobby is pho- tography, which he has played around with since he was a boy. On a tour of South America, he shot about 4,000 feet of film. He has a collection of ghastly Indian ceremonial masks, which he bought in Mexico. His most treasured memento is a two -page fan letter he received in 1936 from Rita Frescke of Gary, Indiana. He has


Page 9: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

..!M:M .

LEFT: The Powers went to Italy on their belated honeymoon. Studio calls interrupted their first honeymoon attempt

RIGHT: The Powers' house is

comfortable but not preten- tious. Ty and Annabella are home bodies, go out seldom

never met the lady and has never heard from her since. It was the first fan letter he ever received, and he keeps it in his drawer in a dressing - room. His fan mail now is delivered in a truck and averages about 8,000 letters a month.

He always wears a good -luck ring. It is a quarter of an inch wide and fashioned out of woven gold strips.

The duke is always willing, even anxious, to talk about the Power fam- ily. But he is never boring. He's very proud of his father and of all the other Powers who did things. He always is on the lookout for pictures of his fa- ther and particularly of his great - grandfather, Tyrone I.

His father was quite a writing man, and his great- grandfather wrote a best -seller, his "Impressions of Amer- ica."

The duke is trying to write, too. When his father died suddenly, he was half -way through with his autobiog- raphy, and Tyrone III hopes some day to finish it. He writes in longhand, and his publicity agents insist he does a daily stint. Mr. Power made no such claims. Mr. Power is truthful about everything.

His sister, Anne, is a writer. The duke is not among the richest

stars, but he soon will be at the rate he is going. His business affairs are handled by Frank Adams, who was business manager for the elder Power. Bill Gallagher is Power's secretary and allows his boss thirty dollars a week for spending- money. Of course the duke can have more when he wants it, which is often.

The household expenses are not heavy, because Mrs. Power is as thrifty as the average French lady. She watches the bills closely, but does not attempt to run her house on a budget. Neither does she-bother-with too many

of the details. The housekeeper is in daily contact with Mrs. Power, and all the duchess does is to supervise the running of the place.

Although everything has run rather smoothly at the Duchy of Power to date, upon one occasion Annabella practically saved Ty's life.

They were skiing at Big Bear, a va- cation resort near Hollywood, when Tyrone slipped on some ice and cut his ankle to the bone. Using the tradi- tional portion of an undergarment, Annabella applied a tourniquet to her husband's ankle to stop the bleeding while other members of the party raced for help.

Following a wild six -mile ride on a sled to the nearest habitation, where it was discovered no doctor was avail- able, Ty was transported by car to Hol- lywood, where physicians, summoned by long -distance telephone, awaited his arrival. X -rays indicated his ankle was not broken, as had been feared at first, so the medicos took six stitches in the injured member, gave Ty orders to stay in bed a few days, and con- gratulated Annabella on a fine job of tourniquetting. Had the duke lost blood all during the sled ride and automobile dash from Big Bear he'd have been a much sicker man than he was.

NOW to bring this family chit -chat about the duke and duchess up to

date, we must mention the recent stork rumor which hovered over them. Ty- rone was on location with the "Brig- ham Young" troupe and Annabella was visiting him when the rumor started, growing in authenticity as only a Hollywood rumor can. Most easily reached was the Powers' secretary, who issued a flat denial. But the im- pending birth of royalty in Graustark- Hollywood is first -water news, so the

How Tyrone Power and

Annabella, one of the hap-

piest couples in Hollywood,

keep their marriage romantic

By James Street

duke himself was called on location by the press.

"Nothing to it," Ty retorted. As good a guess as any is that Anna -

bella hasn't given up hope of making a really big mark in American films and that she plans more work along that line before a royal heir can be expected to grace the Duchy of Power. But, about unpredictable Hollywood, only a sucker will make a definite statement concerning such events as marriages, divorces and births, espe- cially in type. Other tidbits of infor- mation can be dispensed, however. For the record:

Both the stars are under contract to 20th Century-Fox. Mr. Power was given a new three -year contract last December.

One of Mr. Power's favorite mottoes is "Never take yourself too seriously."

Although most people do not realize it, Mrs. Power is supersensitive and even timid. That is one reason why her husband protects her from the stares and questions of the public. She weighs about one hundred pounds and is as trim as a pine sapling. She is not the outdoor woman that Carole Lom- bard is, but she enjoys swimming, ten- nis, golf and winter sports. She plays the piano, often alone for her husband. And he sings. The duke is not so hot at singing, but he is improving all the time.

Annabella likes to write notes in English. She reasons that that's the best way to learn a language, and at the studio she often scribbles notes. On the Venetian blind in her dressing - room is this note, "Please keep the heating turned off in this room and the windows open. Thank you!" Now, there's perfect English for you.

Mrs. Power likes small cities. "I could never stand to live right in a big city," she said. "Too many people

jammed so close together depress me. If I had the power I would see that everyone had a home, no matter how small, and each would have a little garden."

And that reminds me that Ty hates people who sign letters to him, "More Power to you."

MR. POWER has violent likes and dislikes and his tongue can be

forked and his temper biting. It is hard for him at times to keep his tongue under control, for he has lightning Irish temperament. His wife often senses his rising temper and, knowing that he may have a bitter, biting re- mark at the tip of his tongue, eyes him with a "don't say it" glance, and Mr. Power usually obeys her.

Mr. Power is not as democratic as some of the stars. He is not smug or snooty, but he has an innate dignity. There's none of the rowdy backslap- ping stuff about the duke. 'He is se- dately proud of his achievements, his heritage and his wife. And you can't blame him!

The duke's two ambitions are to be a good husband and as good an actor as his father. And his greatest desire is to go back to the stage as one of the top actors. He'll go back to the stage one of these days. It's in the cards.

The duchess has three ambitions -to be a good wife and mother, to be a great actress and to sleep in a hay- stack.

"That sounds strange, I know," she said. "But when I was a little girl my father was a scoutmaster and I used to go on hikes with him and the boys. He would let them sleep in the hay, but he wouldn't let me. Some day I'm going to."

Mr. Power assured her that she could.



Page 10: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

GROWS UP LANA TURNER, vivid, vibrant, sirenesque and youthful, has made

greater strides toward real screen greatness in the past year than any other youngster in Hollywood. Her screen roles have changed from those in which she merely displayed pulchritude (early pub- licity picture, left) to meaty parts in which she is being given a real chance to act. With a new type of hair -do (below), her ordinar- ily red -tinted blond hair now a darker shade, Lana next will be seen in Metro -Goldwyn - Mayer's "I Do," which was formerly titled "To Own the World," as a completely mature, dramatic actress.

IN "I DO" (scene above) Lana has just learned she is going to have a baby, only to have her husband come home and tell her he has lost his job! Lately wedded to maestro Artie Shaw, in

real life Lana allegedly has been having marital problems also


Page 11: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

This is



BARBARA STANWYCK, chosen by Frank Capra to play the part of Jane Doe opposite Gary Cooper in "The Life of John Doe," for landing what in- siders predict is the acting -plum of the year. The search for a Jane Doe has been almost as ex- tensive as that for Scarlett O'Hara, with practically every top -flight feminine star in Holly- wood rumored for the part at one time or another. Last two stars to be tested before Miss Stanwyck was signed were Olivia de Havilland and Ann Sheridan. Simply to be chosen for the part puts Barbara into the running for the Academy Award, as this picture will be one of the out- standing entertainment achieve- ments of the year from all advance information. Congrat- ulations again, Miss Stanwyck!

This Week in Hollywood Eleanor Powell's illness, Pat O'Brien's peeve, Joan

Crawford's baby - here's the news of Hollywood!

ELEANOR POWELL, of the twin- kling feet, wasn't so twinkling recently when she entered Cedars of Lebanon Hospital for observation. Suffering from Hollywood's favorite illness, nervous indigestion, for over a year, latest attack was brought on by nu- merous rumors of a break in her en- gagement to Merrill Pye, Metro art director. Fiance Pye, asked by a MOVIE AND RADIO GUIDE reporter how Miss Powell was, said: "She's high -strung, as all girls of her type are. She's un- der observation for a week and being. given all kinds of tests, but what she

needed most is the rest she's having. I just talked to her on the phone and she's fine."

WHEN PAT O'BRIEN visited the University of Notre Dame a few weeks ago to make certain scenes for the film "The Life of Knute Rockne," a Chicago sports writer took exception to the things Pat did while on the campus. The sports writer belittled the floral wreath Pat placed on Rockne's grave, the tears he shed while so do- ing, and other manifestations of horn- age to Rockne. The writer claimed

everything Pat did was for publicity's sake, and that Rockne's name was "disgraced." Result: A wild Irishman. But Pat won't do anything about it. He feels that should he take action the resulting newspaper comment could be construed as publicity.

DEANNA DURBIN is now kiddingly called "Strip -Tease Durbin" by every- one on the Universal lot. The reason: Deanna, dressed in a Viennese peas- ant costume, enters a scene and re- moves her boots (she doesn't wear stockings for the scene) and seven

petticoats. P. S.: After the seven petti- coats are taken off -five still remain!

The private life of JOAN CRAW - FORD soon is going to become just that -a private life. Since the adop- tion of a baby girl named Christina, Joan has vowed to keep her private affairs out of the public eye more than ever before. Both the institution from which Joan secured the baby girl and Joan feel that any publicity of a pri- vate nature would be unwise. Joan always has been aware of the value of publicity, and her willingness to co-



Page 12: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

. -Ç Z P' ,

.o i `

1888 - 1940 WALTER CONNOLLY, 52, one of the best -loved actors in films, who passed away on May 28 in his Beverly Hills home, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He made his first professional stage appear- ance in "Classmates" in 1909, was brought to Hollywood in 1932. His last appearance was in "The Great Victor Herbert"

This Week in Hollywood (Continued)

operate with the publicity department of her studio and Hollywood scribes is well known. But now that little Chris- tina has become a part of the family, Joan's career and her obligations as a mother will become two separate and distinct things.

JACK CARSON is the newest fea- ture player to get a break in Holly- wood. You'll remember him in the Jane Withers picture "Shooting High." And that is just what young Carson is doing these days. Lewis Milestone, director of RKO's "Lucky Partners," saw Jack play a small role in another Ginger Rogers picture, "Carefree." He remembered him, and when he drew another Rogers assignment he decided to test Carson for the sort of role Ralph Bellamy has made famous. There was plenty of opposition when Carson's name was mentioned. You see, he started at RKO playing bit parts, worked up to $100 a day, and finally won a few featured roles. Then he was let out of his contract and free- lanced for a year. The studio was re- luctant to give Carson the important role of Ginger's boy friend. But the young actor beat all the others who tried out for the test. Said Carson:


"When I was making a hundred bucks a day I thought this acting game was a racket. But the more I léarn about it, the tougher it gets."

JUDY GARLAND will have her first real solo starring -role in "Little Nelly Kelly," the George M. Cohan play about an Irish immigrant girl. Said director Norman Taurog, who will di- rect this picture: "Judy has fine quali- ties of heart and mind, and they are what count. No one has ever made a lasting success in this business who did not have these qualities."

GUY KIBBEE, who told reporters he was "too old for a stage show," made a fine success of his role as Captain Andy in "Show Boat," the first contribution of the Los Angeles Light Opera Festival. Not only did Guy appear adequate in the role, he outdid himself by displaying unexpected viril- ity. He bounced a water -jug so hard that it leaped right into the audience! Guy, who has just finished in the film "Our Town," has been saying for years that he wanted to buy a ranch and re- tire. Says Mrs. Kibbee: "He just thinks he wants a ranch. I've actually lived on one. And I know just what Guy would do. He'd hire people to pick the oranges and gather the eggs, and soon be looking around for another part in pictures!"

IDA LUPINO and LOUIS HAY - WARD see so little of each other since they are both working in pictures at different studios that they haven't dis- cussed each other's vacation plans. Ida goes to the desert when she completes Warners' "They Drive by Night." Louis will not join her, since he must start immediately in "The Son of Monte Cristo." When he finishes that film, he will go to San Francisco for a couple of months' rest. By that time Ida will undoubtedly be working in another film. Suggestion: Instead of a vacation away from each other, what this couple should plan is a vacation together.

PRISCILLA LANE, dancing with Perc Westmore (above), can keep a secret. Her marriage of a day to Orin Haglund in Yuma on January 23, 1939, her divorce the following day were reported only recently by Jimmie Fidler

BOB STACK has hit upon a unique way of helping the Red Cross. He is going to present the play "Journey's End" in the little theater of his own home and give the proceeds to that patriotic organization. Bob will take the part of Raleigh. Praiseworthy: That the other players will be his chums from dramatic school, who, ac- cording to Bob, ought to get a break.

CAROLE LANDIS set the town on its ears with an advertisement in the local papers: "An apology to the work- ing press of Los Angeles: I have just learned, and with great dismay, that invitations have been extended you to attend a reception tomorrow, Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of confer- ring upon me the title of 'The Ping Girl- because she makes you purr.' The plan is an obvious attempt to pub- licize my role in 'Turnabout.' While I know that many things are endured in the name of publicity, this 'mental blitzkrieg,' in my opinion, carries things a little too far. I was never consulted about the scheme, nor do I approve, merit or deserve the appella- tion they would like to inflict upon me. For these reasons I feel an explanation is due you because I will not be pres- ent at my own reception to 'ping, purr or even coo.' Signed, Carole Landis." Hal Roach studios, party hosts, can- celed "tentative" reservations on Ciro's books, called all newspapermen -guests and canceled their invitations, accepted condolences from all but two of the press, who thought the apology might be a clever "Turnabout" gag. Result: The Roach publicity department is de- servedly taking bows for the stunt, one of the most amusing Hollywood has seen in weeks.

JOHN WAYNE, reported to have broken three ribs in a scene for Walter Wanger's "The Long Voyage Home," actually spent one night in Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, underwent an X -ray examination and was sent home badly bruised, but unbroken. What hap - pened: Wayne was making the last shot in the picture. He was supposed to be washed across the deck of a ship by a huge wave. The wave unexpect- edly smacked him against a winch and the actor collapsed. Note to fans: The scene will be retained in the picture as a tribute to Hollywood realism.


coming a part of the Hollywood scene, are not beyond telling a joke on them- selves. In 1923, Wilcox was directing and Pommer producing a silent pic- ture for UFA studios in Berlin. They decided to make a raid on Hollywood talent, and learned from their agents that they could get THE Barrymore, then vacationing in Europe. The price asked was staggering, but Barrymore wasn't available at current European rates. So he was signed for the ro- mantic lead ... SIGHT UNSEEN. It turned out that THE Barrymore was Lionel. Result: They made the picture anyway, but did not release it in America.

Although the HAL ROACH, JR.- DOLLY HUNT wedding took Holly- wood by surprise a Movie AND RADIO GUIDE reporter was let in on the secret. Invitations were sent out and an an- nouncement was placed in the papers on May 24 that an engagement -an- nouncement party would be held for the two at the home of Dolly's parents in Pasadena. On the Saturday evening before, Hal, Jr., and Dolly were danc- ing at Ciro's, accompanied by Mrs. Hal Roach, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Boet- ticher, Jr. (Oscar attended Culver Military Academy with Hal and is in the Roach casting office), Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collins and John Clark. In the middle of the evening, the party left and went to Yuma, where the wedding ceremony was performed. In addition to the presence of the mother of the groom, best indication that the event was planned in advance is the nine- room early - California style home which the couple had finished furnish- ing not a week before their marriage. Best joke on know -it -alls: The "en- gagement" party was turned into a wedding reception -which was what it was meant to be all the time!

OSCAR LEVANT has completed his screen role in Paramount's "Rhythm on the River" and retired gratefully to New York. Levant, whom Hollywood dubbed "the poor man's Lionel Stand - er," had a painful time understanding studio ways. He was talking with an extra girl on the set one day when a cameraman snapped an "informal" picture. Levant gave him a smattering of healthy language, demanded the plate of the picture, screamed that he was a married man, a prospective father, and wanted no "informais" published in the country's papers! Re-


Page 13: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

ARTHUR TREACHER, famous for his butler roles, and Virginia Taylor, non- professional, whom Hollywood said were secretly wed, recently proved they weren't -by eloping to Las Vegas, Nevada -and getting married!

suit: Paramount publicity gave Levant a smattering of studio methods. Care- fully they explained that he had the right to okay all pictures snapped of him!

THE RACES OPEN: Hollywood turned out en masse for the opening day of Hollywood Park racing. Fashion entries were: Sonja Henie in a white - linen suit, white rough- ribbon turban, three -quarter sable coat (she was closer than a photo finish to Dan Top- ping all afternoon) . . . Constance Bennett's mustard - and - black print dress, plain black -wool coat, and smooth black -straw brimmed, off -the- face hat trimmed only with matching grosgrain ribbon bows (Richard Ain - ley, escort) . Mrs. Jack Warner's double entry: A chartreuse straw hat and black crepe shoes with built -up soles and wide bands around the ankle

. . Deanna Durbin's baby -blue pet- aled ribbon hat, matching a blue -and- tan tweed coat (Vaughan Paul was with her as usual) .. Virginia Bruce's old- fashioned white -leghorn straw hat with pastel flowers, and a pale -blue print gown. Paddock Patter: Mickey Rooney didn't bring a girl, or pick a winner ... Liz Whitney spent most of her time talking with Bob Ritchie . .

Don Ameche, thinned down since his Washington experience, with Chet Lauck, and shouting like mad when their horse, Bulwark, was one of four horses in the photo finish of the big Premiere Handicap, then failed to show up on film as well as its owners usually do ... Marlene Dietrich (with Andy Lawlor) betting at the $6 corn - bination window . . . Bing Crosby's mother crowning the winner of the Premiere, Captain Cal . Leo Mc- Carey, producer of "My Favorite Wife," chartered a private plane, took Irene Dunne, Randy Scott and several others to the Kentucky Derby a while back. He bet on Gallahadion and more than paid for the trip. McCarey placed his bets on Captain Cal at the $50 window. The odds were nine to one. Said McCarey: "I'm usually lucky on long shots."

JOHN SCOTT TROTTER, who doesn't know what "mike fright" means when he gives out the music for Bing Crosby on the Kraft airshow, had klieg jitters on his first appearance before the cameras in "Rhythm on the River." Rehearsing repeatedly his one line, "Tonight we have a special

treat," by the time the actual scene was shot John mouthed: "Tonight we have a treasle speat." So apologetic was he, and so nervous, that a rest was called while John went over to a corner and mumbled over and over his line.

VIRGINIA FIELD was bitten on the ankle by a black -widow spider in the garden of her home. She called a doc- tor immediately but he refused to touch the wound for fear of sending the poison through her body. Virginia had a call the next day to work on RKO's "Dance, Girl, Dance," and since nothing could be done until the poison was centered in her ankle, she decided to carry on. She limped about the set in great pain, and when the day's job was finished, returned home to have the wound lanced. Sidelight: This is about the fourth accident on this pic- ture. There have been minor hurts to the crew and Louis Hayward cut his thumb on a broken glass decanter just as director Dorothy Arzner called "cut."

MICKEY ROONEY and Sidney Miller, those song- writers who do a little acting on the side, with one hundred teen -age youngsters, were re- hearsing a version of La Conga for "Strike Up the Band." Dance director Eddie Larkin's pet phrase to start them off was "Two for nothing." Hearing the words a few times, Mickey and Sid decided they were a swell title for a song and rounded up Judy Garland, Bill Tracy, Leonard Seus and Larkin himself to write some silly verses. The song, titled "Two for Nothing," is a cutie and probably will be grabbed by a publisher, unless the kids decide to save it for their own musical, upon which they are working. Moral: Watch your wordage around Hollywood, or you'll be inspiration for a song.

MELVYN DOUGLAS, strangely enough after the newspaper furor about him being one in real life, is playing the role of a Communist in "He Stayed for Breakfast "! And, in one very amusing scene Douglas is caught in Loretta Young's Paris apart- ment attired in a negligee, supposedly Loretta's, with his suit sent to slow - moving French cleaners. Double -gig- gle: The charming concoction of satin, chiffon and marabou feathers in a baby blue gave so much trouble to both the

NIL DICKIE LYON, aged 4, son of Ben Lyon and Bebe Daniels, will appear as the son of Cary Grant and Martha Scott in

"The Howards of Virg nia." It will be his acting debut

star and director Al Hall, that they finally had to send for a wardrobe girl to show how to wear the garment.

ORSON WELLES is being beaten to the punch again. When Welles left his Stony Creek Theater, young Bill Castle took it over and proceeded to do the job so well that five months later -last November -he was brought out to Hollywood by Columbia Pictures. As soon as Bill finishes his assi gnment in "Griboulle," he goes to Universal to direct "Northern Lights," which he not only wrote but turned into a screen play. Currently combining the job of dialog -director with a small part, Bill vowed: "Never again will I yell at an actor. They are the most pushed - around people in the world!" Conclu- sion: Nothing shows how the "other half" lives so well as being a part of them.

BOB HOPE was seen one night on Ivar Street in Hollywood in his big car. His wife was driving and trying to park in a much too small space on the street. A passer -by noted a ten - cent parking -lot in the same block and pointed it out to the comedian. Said Bob: "I saw the parking -lot when we passed it. But a smart husband never interferes with his wife's driving!"

STYLE OF THE WEEK: Worn by Gladys Parker, clothes de- signer for the stars (she owns a gown shop in partnership with Mrs. Jimmie Adler), the creation above startled diners at Ciro's recently. The hat is

of white rough straw of monk - like severity, with a white grosgrain ribbon chin -tie as its only trimming. With the hat Miss Parker wore a gown of white and black organdy over a cotton slip with starched ba- tiste ruffles. The skirt measured ten yards around the hem



Page 14: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

This Week on the Screen

"BROTHER ORCHID" is the humorous tale of a gangster who found sanctuary in a mon- astery. Edward G. Robinson is the gangster and Donald Crisp plays the Father Superior

"Brother Orchid" Cast: Edward G. Robinson, Ann Sothern, Humphrey Bogart, Donald Crisp, Ralph Bellamy, Allen Jenkins, Charles D. Brown, Cecil Kellaway, et al. A Warner Bros. picture, produced by Hal B. Wallis; directed by Lloyd Bacon. who also directed "Wings of the Navy "; from the story by Richard Connell.

EDWARD G. ROBINSON, of "A Slight Case of Murder" and not of "Dr. Ehrlich," is perhaps

the only actor in Hollywood who could convincing- ly bring to the screen gangster Little John Sarto, hero of the grand yarn, "Brother Orchid," by Rich- ard Connell, which was recently reprinted in Movzz AND RADIO GUIDE.

Little John's chief handicap is an innate desire for what he calls "class." His day- dream, coupled with a desire to do something about it, finds our hero at picture's opening en route to Europe on his quest. He leaves gang affairs in the capable hands of his lieutenant, Jack Buck (Humphrey Bogart), who not only takes care of Sarto's affairs but also takes them over. When Sarto returns from abroad, a disillusioned and financially embarrassed soul, he has no place to turn except to Flo (Ann Sothern), a former flame. Even here, despite Flo's insistence there is nothing wrong, he finds room for suspicion, for Flo is now operating a night -club which an alfalfa rancher (Ralph Bellamy) has given her.

Flo, unwittingly, is the means of delivering Sarto into the hands of his enemies, who take him for a ride, leave him for dead on a deserted road. When Sarto wakes up, he is in a monastery.

Recognizing its worth as a hideout, he soon comes to feel deeply for the place and the brothers, setting the stage for one of the strangest twists in one of the strangest tales Hollywood has ever told. Not without comedy and laughs aplenty, "Brother Or- chid" has a deep, underlying theme which is at once deeply moving and, sometimes, strangely dis- turbing.

Twenty -nine vital statistics, each important to the production and each adding up to the figure eleven, were counted by Robinson and Bogart. The script has 128 pages and 218 scenes. There was a total of 461 principals and extras, thirty -eight mem- bers of the technical crew.

Robinson, taking instruction for a fight sequence in the film, was struck accidentally and knocked out. It was the first time he had ever been struck by another man despite his boyhood in the tough New York sector known as Hell's Kitchen, his ser- vice as a gob during the war and his reputation for being the toughest character on the screen.

WHAT THEY THOUGHT OF IT: Los Angeles Times: ". Comedy in a cloister is something new under the movie sun . .

Variety: " . As appealing a piece of entertainment as will reach the silver sheet in the next couple of months . . ." Hollywood Reporter: "... A wisecracking satire on the gangster theme ..."


"Brother Orchid" is

gently humorous, ef-

fective; "Four Sons" is

a grim story of war

rr144ame.1 I

Cast: Ray Milland, Patricia Morison, Akim Tamiroff, William Frawley, Jane Darwell, J. Farrell MacDonald, et al. A Paramount picture, produced by Paul Jones; di- rected by G. Archainbaud, who also directed "Thanks for the Memory "; from the story "Mantrap," by Sinclair Lewis.

WHEN a society doctor takes up his practise in the Canadian Rockies and, on top of that, falls

in love with the wife of his guide, there are bound to be complications. In "Untamed," these complica- tions have been woven into a gripping tale and come to the screen in Technicolor with Ray Milland as the doctor, Patricia Morison as the guide's wife, and Akim Tamiroff as the guide.

But the complications of the actors in "Untamed" are mere child's play compared with the complica- tions faced by the technical staff. Earlier back- ground scenes had been made at a real Hudson Bay village, but bitter cold frosted the camera lens and made further shooting there impossible. First task, then, was to re- create the village in Cali- fornia's Big Bear Mountains, where snow -machines, using white, uncooked -cornflakes, turnip flakes and gypsum for snow, reproduced the Canadian blizzard.

Second task was to again re- create the village on studio sound -stages for close -ups, matching the natural forests with artificial studio forests. The phony forest was peopled with four bears, two wolves, one herd of deer, a squirrel, a woodpecker, a flock of swallows, twenty migratory ducks, six lizards and a dog -sledge team.

As if this were not enough to keep a single crew occupied, the film covers the transition from win- ter to summer, and all of the effects gathered and created for the winter scenes had to be reversed for the summer sequences.

Because "Untamed" was reviewed by Movie and Radio Guide before the regular press preview, the "What They Thought of It" feature is necessarily omitted.

"Gangs of Chicago" Cast: Lloyd Nolan, Barton MacLane, Lola Lane, Ray Middleton, Astrid Allwyn, Horace MacMahon, Howard Hickman, et al. A Republic picture, directed by Arthur Lubin, with Robert North as associate producer; original screen play by Earl Brown.

STRANGELY reminiscent of the Dutch Schultz

and Dixie Davis case of recent newspaper his- tory is this tale of a criminal lawyer working in the wrong direction to his final downfall. Lloyd Nolan plays the lawyer who leads a double life as a respected attorney and a gang -leader. He is sup- ported by Lola Lane, Barton MacLane and Ray Middleton.

Middleton, a college pal of Nolan's, agrees to aid G -men investigate Nolan with the idea of proving his innocence. That the evidence shows Nolan guilty was an unforeseen and tragic consequence of his actions, which lead to Nolan's eventual down- fall. An interesting, fast -paced picture.

No opinions of other reviewers were available when "Gangs of Chicago" was reviewed by Movie and Radio Guide.

"FOUR SONS" -Mary Beth Hughes, as Anna (above with Don Ameche), gives a memorable performance as the girl torn between love of her country and love for a Nazi husband

F..0'Nur nn`

Cast: Don Ameche, Eugenie Leontovich, Mary Beth Hughes, Alan Curtis, George Ernest, Robert Lowry, Lionel Royce, Sig Rumann, Christian Rub, et al. A 20th Cen- tury-Fox picture, produced by Darryl Zanuck; directed by Archie Mayo, who also directed "The Adventures of Marco Polo "; from a story by I. A. R. Wylie.

DESPERATE and unpromising is the European situation as screen -painted in "Four Sons," one

of the most authoritative and documentary films yet to be made about Hitlerism's inroads abroad. Set in Czechoslovakia in pre- Munich days, it is a re- vealing narrative of how the fifth column operated to turn brother against brother and undermine the fiercely burning Czech patriotism.

Central character is Frau Berle (Eugenie Leonto- vich), a poor Czech farm woman, widowed in the war of 1914. Miss Leontovich's characterization of the mother who struggles desperately in the face of the whole German underground machine to hold her family of four sons together is a thing audi- ences will not soon forget -particularly American mothers who are herein forewarned. How the fam- ily -once a snugly knit unit -is turned one against the other, reaching at last a crescendo of disaster, is the horrible and gripping theme of a film in which Frau Berle epitomizes the gloom and bitter- ness which settled over Prague after Munich.

The four sons are played by Don Ameche, Alan Curtis, George Ernest and Robert Lowry, but out- standing in the cast is newcomer Mary Beth Hughes who, as Anna, a neighboring girl, is loved by one brother, wooed and won by another. It is only on her wedding night that she learns her husband is involved in a German plot to surrender the country.

A year ago, the story of "Four Sons" would not have been undertaken by Hollywood. Its theme would have been considered far too controversial. But films like "Grapes of Wrath," dealing with cur- rent social upheavals have paved the way for seri- ous films and demonstrated movie audiences' inter- est in other than light love themes.

The film was planned before Munich, and studio representatives had spent more than $50,000 in gathering furniture, bric -a -brac and props in Czechoslovakia when the Germans moved in. To fill in certain details in the film, the studio called upon Czech societies in America. It was through them that actual mobilization posters and other documents seen in the film were obtained.

Don Ameche goes to a cinematic death in this for the third successive time. Lionel Royce, the Storm Troop leader, is actually a fugitive from the Nazis, fleeing here two years ago after the Austrian coup.

WHAT THEY THOUGHT OF IT: Variety: " . The picture is

grim and gloomy . . ." Hollywood Reporter: ". . Evades no issues in relating a powerful and enormously moving story . .

Los Angeles Times: "... A story of brother against brother and mother love .. .

Complete Guide to Good Motion -Picture Entertainment - Page 35


Page 15: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that


Saturday, June 22

CONRAD NAGEL, veteran of movies, radio, and public speaking, will be the guest star of the "Lincoln Highway" program, which presents stories based on fictitious events tran- spiring along the great transconti nental highway. NBC.

E n Dayght Central DaYlipht as errn a.mli. 9:00 a.m.

Eastern standard Central Standard 9:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m.

Mounta 10:00 a.n,

Pacific 900 a.m

CORNELIA OTIS SKINNER, world - famous monologist, will be guest of Ilka Chase on the "Luncheon at the Waldorf" program. NBC.

Eastern Daylight Central Daylight Mounta 1:30 pm 12:30 p.m. 10.30 a m

Eastern Standard Central Standard Pacific 12:30 p n, 1130 a.m. 9:30 men

ALBERT EINSTEIN, Jewish by ex- traction, Swiss by birth, and Ameri- can by choice, will be the special guest of "I'm an American" this Sat- urday. The super- brilliant but modest scientist, whose theory of relativity re- mains one of the most profound revela- tions in scientific history, left Germany several years ago and took up perma- nent residence in the United States, where freedom of thought and absence of race persecution would allow his creative genius full scope. He is now professor at Harvard University. NBC

Eastern Daylight 2:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard 1:00 P.m.

Central Daylight 1:00 P.m.

Central St 12:00 noon

Mouna,n 11:00 a.m

Pacific 10:00 a m

CONVENTION WEEK for the Re- publicans will have a sideshow on "People's Platform." Lyman Bryson will be host in Philadelphia to all the campaign managers of the various Re- publican candidates, discussing the subject, "Who Should Be the Repub- lican Nominee." There will be more than the usual four guests, for even dark horses will be given a chance to speak their pieces. CBS

Eastern Daylight Central Daylight Mountain 7:00 p.m. 6:00 P.m. 600 p.m

Eastern Standard Central standard Pacific 6:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 3:00 P m

CONVENTION PREVIEWS as the Republicans gather in Philadelphia to choose their presidential candidate will be broadcast Saturday, with expert announcers and commentators setting the stage. Covering the event for NBC will be H. V. Kaltenborn, Earl God- win, Raymond Clapper, George Hicks, Charles Lyon, Carleton Smith, Mela Underwood and Baukhage; for MBS the following: Gabriel Heatter, Arthur Sears Henning, Fulton Lewis, Jr., Quin Ryan. Wythe Williams and Dave Dris- coll. (For CBS staff see story, "The Conventions Are Coming." on this page.) NBC, MBS.

NEC -astern Daylight Central Daylight

7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 10:15 p.m. 9:15 p.m.

Eaetrrn stendere Central Standard 9:05 p.m. 5:05 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 8'15 p.m.

mes Eastern Daylight Central Daylight

10:35 p.m. 9:35 p.m. Eastern standard Central Standard

9:35 p.m. 8:35 p.m.

Mounta,,, :00 p m. 7:15 n m

Pacific 3.00 p m 6:15 p.m

Mountain 7:35 p.m

Pacific :35 p.m (See program section for more complete details atro

convention programs.(

Sunday, June 23

"WINGS OVER AMERICA" go into action this week, figuratively in the air and literally on the air, with the pre- miere of a new program series. The series is devoted to the stirring story of aviation and will feature guest au- thorities. The program is especially significant now that America has pointed toward air supremacy. NBC.

Eastern Daylight Central Daylight Mountain 13:30 p.m. 11:30.m. 9:30 .rn

Eastern Standard Central Standard Pacific 11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. :30 a.m

Na D/37

For the Week of June 22 -28

The Conventions Are Coming By Albert Warner

CBS Washington Commentator

I!TAKE a look at the big show, ladies 1 and gentlemen -the show that comes

only once every four years, the Republican National Convention. Brass bands, state standards, organized cheering sections, pretty boys for candidates, and some wise

and tough ones. Step right up to the Re publican convention show which opens on

Monday, June 24, in Philadelphia, home of the Liberty Bell (cracked) and particular ly the site where victory put its exultant and job. endearing wings around the Demo-

crats in 1936." The Big Show is coming to town. the

candidates are on parade. The barkers are at work. But something is wrong with the crowd. It will be the same way with the Democratic convention later. For there's another show on -a show that seems to

come once every twenty -five years. A show

across the ocean that involves millions of lives and the political and philosophical fate of the word for some time to come. The bombs dropping in Europe have taken ears away from convention kazoos and gallery raspberries.

This political season is unique. Here are the big shows coming on, and yet two or

three weeks before the conventions you were not able to find politics on the front pages of the newspapers or in the coma

ments of the radio broadcasters. Some- where back in the classified ads you would find a discussion. if you looked hard, of who is who and what is what in the po-

litical arena. Otherwise you read about tanks and airplanes.

By the time the conventions actually begin. there will be more interest in them. There will be recognition that the political gatherings have not only their old do-

mestic significance but may have an im

mediate effect upon world events. All through the day and right through

the peak hours of commercial broadcasts in the evening. times have been set aside

to carry the convention to the radio audi ence. But proceedings will be dealt with in condensed news summaries more than ever before. The regular news periods. which have been devoted so much of re-

cent days and nights to the war. will be

largely used for convention news. Paul Sullivan and Edwin C. Hill for Co

lumbia as well as news analysts of the other networks will be in their regular seats in the press gallery. assigned to them this year for the first time. They will make use of their regular commercial periods to bring listeners their analyses of convention proceedings, and they will be

called in at other times. On the convention floor where the dele

gates sit arranged by states, the three net works have placed fifty -two microphones - one for each of the delegations as well as

for the speakers. The public- address sys- tem of the convention is coordinated with the network set -up so that listeners in the most remote parts of the land can follow proceedings as intimately and instantane- ously as the nearest delegate on the floor.

Let's take a quick look at just how the

whole set -up of one network will function: In a glass -enclosed booth suspended in

the glaring white lights high over the speakers' platform with a pair of head- phones clamped to his ears will sit Paul White, generalissimo of the enterprise. By means of the "P. L." (private line) White will keep in touch with his far -flung forces scattered at strategic points where the drama of the convention may de-

velop. Thus with curt orders spoken into a telephone mouthpiece. White can bring in his reporters or arrange an interview.

At his elbow in this rectangular gold fish -bowl sits lean. laconic Bob Trout of the great descriptive powers. With him will be John Charles Daly. commentator from the Washington staff. It will be

Trout's duty to describe for the listener the events taking place on the floor.

On the speakers' platform, Elmer Davis and 1 will be seated at a small table with a microphone. It will be our job to ana lyze and Interpret the significance of the events which Bob Trout describes; to give the background of the candidates as they emerge and to try to chart the beat of the convention's pulse.

Down on the floor among the dele gates will be circulating announcers James Fleming and Jackson Wheeler. At least one of them will be equipped with a

short -wave pack transmitter, which will be used for spot interviews on the floor

Augmenting this whole staff, in an im provised newsroom, will be a battery of six trained newsmen from Columbia's New York and Washington headquarters. whose job it will be to compress the passing events into terse and informative summaries to be presented whenever brief news periods are available between the speeches and other main events.

From the time the convention gets under way when thirty- three -year -old Gov ernor Stassen of Minnesota makes his keynote speech at 10 p.m. EDT. Monday June 24, until the first balloting, which will probably take place Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. the conven- tion procedure will be plotted in advance It will include such regulation convention routine as the reports of committees. the speech of the permanent chairman. Rep resentative Joe Martin of Massachusetts, on Tuesday night. and the approval of the platform on Wednesday.

Then will come the third and greatest act in this colorful pageant which has greater significance this year than per haps ever before. One of the last free peoples on earth will set about selecting its candidates through the noisy. some times haphazard. sometimes mystifying but somehow pleasantly free and easy methods of the democratic process. And who the candidates will be. not even a

Washington commentator knows. (Editor's Note -These are the plans of

one network. Other networks -NBC and MBS -have made as elaborate prepara- tions to cover the convention, using their outstanding commentator talent.)

CHARLIE BARNET, tall, slender and blue -eyed bandleader who, inci- dentally doubled in brass with bit parts as a gigolo and a barber in Maurice Chevalier's "Playboy of Paris" picture several years ago, brings his bright band to "Show of the Week." Dave Driscoll will as usual present up-

to- the -minute headline news on the program. MBS.

Eastern Daylight 6:30 p.m.

Eutern Standard 5:30 p.m.

Central Daylight 5:30 p.m.

Central Standard :30 p.m.

Mountain 3:30 p.m

Pacific 2:30 p.m

GOV. HAROLD STASSEN of Min- nesota, keynoter of the Republican convention, and John Hamilton, chair-

man of the Republican National Corn - mittee, will be interviewed by Albert Warner in a preconvention program. CBS.

Eastern Daylight Central Daylight Mountain 7:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m. :15 p.m

Eastern Standard Central Standard Pacific e:15 p.m 5:15 p.m. 3:13 p.m

BOB CHESTER is the stepson of Al- bert Fisher, wealthy founder of the firm whose stamp, Fisher Bodies, ap- pears on millions of autos. But Bob goes on his own and he's pretty well known himself with one of the snaz- ziest swing bands in contemporary music. You'll hear Bob and his band on "Fitch Bandwagon." NBC.

Daylight Central Daylight Mountain 7:30 p.m 6:30 p.m. 4:30 P.m. Eastern Standard Central standard Pacific 6:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 3:30 m

Monday, June 24

BLONDIE hires a cook -and of course Dagwood has to butt in to help. And of course too many cooks spoil the broth, especially when Dagwood is one of the cooks. But such spoiled broth makes for tasty listening in the "Blondie" sketch. CBS.

Eastern Daylight Central Daylight Mountain 7:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m

astern Standard Central Standard Pacific 0:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m

IRENE DUNNE, Allan Jones and Charles Winninger will appear in a "Lux Radio Theater" presentation of the perennially popular musical melo- drama, "Show Boat." Miss Dunne and Jones were co -stars of the movie pro- duction of the story several years ago, and Charles Winninger is still remem- bered as Cap'n Henry of radio's origi- nal "Show Boat" program. CBS.

Eastern Daylight 9:00 p.m.

Eastern standard 6:00 p.m.

Central Daylight :00 p.m. Central Standard

7:00 p.m.

Mountain :00 p.m Pacific

5:00 p.m.

THE KEYNOTE ADDRESS, deliv- ered by Gov. Harold Stassen of Minne- sota, opening the tensely awaited Re- publican National Convention, will be broadcast by all major networks Mon- day night. NBC, CBS, MBS.

Eastern Daylight Central Daylight MOunta,n 10:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m

Eastern Standard Central Standard Pacific 9:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m

Friday, June 28

KATE SMITH, in her final Friday night broadcast for the current season, will appear as narrator in a repeat performance of "Johnny Appleseed." Kate's dramatic bit will be the high- light of an "Americana" program. CBS

Eastern Daylight Central Daylight Mountair 6:00 p.m 7:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m

Central Standard Pacific 7:00 p.m. 6:00 P.m. 4:00 P.m

"QUIZ KIDS" is the tentative title of a new show which begins this week as a summer successor to "Alec Tem- pleton Time" but which will be heard on Friday instead of Monday. It's a junior "Information, Please," with boys and girls under fourteen as guests, and with winners being held over from one program to another. NBC.

Eastern Daylight 10:30 p.m.

eastern St 5:30 p.m.

Central Daylight 9:30 p.m.

Central standard 6:30 p.m

Mountain 7:30 p.m

Pacific 5:30 o n


"Gang Busters" was last heard Satur- day, June 15 CBS.

'Wayne King's Orchestra' was last heard Saturday, June 15. CBS.

"Jell -O Program" was last heard Sun- day, June 16. NBC.

"Alec Templeton Time" was last heard Monday, June 17. NBC.

Stations on which you may hear these programs are listed on our program pages on the day and at the hour indicated



Page 16: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

e y in g Space world traveler tells the ad-

A to him ventures that have

come radio

through his compani on

By Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr.


Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., member of the socially prominent New York family, renounced a life of social luxury to become a globe- trotting, adventuring reporter. His penchant for radio has brought him many scoops -and a brush with Himmler's sinister Gestapo!

IAM the original radio nut -at least, I think I am. For I have been on the receiving end of broadcasting since

long before it became a popular Ameri- can pastime.

Today I travel with three or four re- ceiving sets, and I am forever experi- menting on new ones. Manufacturers seem to know this. They are continually heaping gifts upon me, and asking me at the same time to let them know what kind of reception I receive.

Yearly I travel in excess of 100,000 miles. Some years this figure is doubled. I have crossed the Atlantic 132 times; the Pacific forty -four; and have been twelve times around the globe. I have made fifty -two trips across these United States by air; sixty-seven by car; and I don't know how many by rail. I am forever coming or going somewhere.

If I weren't in journalism, I think I'd be in radio. In fact, I'd like to be a lot more "in" radio than I am at present.

Eighteen years ago, up on the west coast of Canada, I was experimenting in amateur radio reception. On the roof of a two-story house I then owned on an island in a lake on Vancouver Island, off the coast of British Columbia, I had built by hand a very rough platform. Here at night, out under the northern lights, I was wont to work on a minutely sensitive De Forest. Each time a person stirred in the house it upset my calcu-


lations, so touchy was this machine. Lord Northcliffe, the great British pub- lisher, was on his way around the world. I learned some hours before he landed in Victoria, the capital of British Columbia, that his ship was delayed by fog. So, hopping into my car, I stepped on the gas, and a few hours later rowed out to the vessel and took him ashore. We golfed together that afternoon and he gave me an exclusive story, which I was able to break at least twelve hours ahead of any othét newspaperman.

A couple of years later another re- ceiving set I owned gave me a great scoop. A British fleet visiting the Pacific Ocean on a good -will tour had decided to eliminate Seattle and visit San Fran- cisco instead. This was because of "labor disturbances" in the Northwest. After I broke the story, the British fleet changed its mind and turned up in Seattle, as if it had never had another thought in mind! The mayor of Seattle, the governor of the state of Washington and the harbor commissioners of Seattle sent me engraved thanks. The then mayor of San Francisco, who later be- came Governor James Rolph of Cali- fornia, made me a special ambassador of good -will for his state, where I was then publishing newspapers, because of this event. And actually all I had done was to pick up a message "between ships" and hurriedly shape it into news- paper phraseology.

Some years after this a friend of mine told of finding a unique device which fitted onto the steering -wheel of a car and played music! It cost in the neigh- borhood of seventy -five dollars and turned out to be a Kramer radio. It was bulky, unattractive and temperamental, but it was one of the originators of the present autoradio. It served me well for quite a while, and gave me a couple of newspaper breaks I shan't forget.

One of them was advance news on the extent of the disastrous Mississippi flood of 1927, which I later covered for the New York Times. At least ten days before any other paper thought this flood a menace, the Times had me on the job! I was the only correspondent for a while aboard the Federal Govern- ment's special train. This train carried General Jadwin, chief of the Army Engi- neers; Herbert Hoover, then Secretary of Commerce, and Dwight Davis, Secre- tary of War.

CAUGHT in a tough spot on a levee during the break of another some-

where near Natchitoches, La., one night, we none of us thought the train would get through. Peeping through the dark- ness I could see nothing but water. The whole floor of the Pullman was covered with some inches of it. Rolling up my pajamas, I entered the next car (Dwight W. Davis' salon) as if wading in a river. The Secretary of War and his staff must

have been sound asleep, for nothing in his car indicated alarm or even an in- terest in what was happening outside. Standing on the observation platform of the following car I recognized the stock- ily built figure of the Secretary of Com- merce. I joined him and stood waiting to be spoken to.

"See that ?" he finally said, motioning with his eyes toward the black expanse of water below.

"Something floating, Mr. Secretary." "That something happens to be a

telegraph pole. These tracks are built on a considerable elevation. That's why we are still alive. Won't take long, though. The nearest station is twenty miles away. If they are not asleep and have some boats at their disposal, we stand a chance, a very slim chance. If not . .

"Must be stunned by the shock," I

thought, and turned to go. "Stay where you are," he ordered.

"The engineer and his help are doing all they can, but there's not much to do except wait."

"Shouldn't I wake up Secretary Davis and the Red Cross people ?" I asked.

"What for? If it's the end, it's better for them to perish in their sleep. If we are to be saved, there will be plenty of time to wake them up."

Although he was talking supposedly with me, he never looked at me. Pos- sibly he did not even recognize me. His

f/i7 N


Page 17: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

eyes were riveted upon the slowly ris ing water. In his shapeless soft pa jamas, standing in the center of the observation platform with the light from behind beaming on his massive shoul ders, he appeared to be enormous, at least forty pounds more than in his usual tightly buttoned, double- breasted suit.

I left him and went back to my berth, where I had left my very amateurish battery radio set. Brought it back and connected it with a light- socket near the observation platform for an aerial. Then, while moving the bristle over the mica, I asked him: "Swim, Mr. Secretary ?"

"Not much." He made a throaty sound. "Very, very funny. You work and strive and dream great dreams and imagine yourself quite an important fellow and then ... a silly dam breaks and it's all over ..." MY RADIO began picking up sounds.

It was Alexandria, La., or Shreve- port, I forget which. They were telling about our train. Boats were being sent to our rescue, but it was believed cer- tain the hogback on which we were halted would hold. Had I known then that this train would be rescued before dawn, and that the gloomy orator would be elected President of the United States sixteen months later, I would probably have memorized his speech. As it was, I was more interested in the ever -rising water. At five a.m., however, we were drinking steaming coffee and eating freshly baked corn bread brought by the rescuing party.

Nine years later Liberty Magazine and a group of newspapers gave me the difficult job of covering the corona- tion of their Britannic Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. I was one of five American correspondents accorded a seat inside Westminster Abbey. For this event an American inventor built me a very powerful radio telephone, which I installed under beds, kitchenette and other paraphernalia in a large house -trailer which I took with me to Europe. Technicians went along to handle it. A small set was built for my person. The lapels of my suit were desensitized, and a number of wires ran from them to my waist, on which I car- ried more batteries. With this device and by holding up my lapels I was able to be heard at a radius of five miles from wherever I was talking, by the technicians in the trailer, who jotted down what I said, then picked up ear- phones and called the United States and transmitted my m'ssage thus. In this way we were able to beat other com- petitors by two hours and fifty minutes and to scoop the world on the corona- tion story.

Another time I was t-aveling in an upper berth my way to Florida, when, with a small, modern receiving set, I picked up news of the death of Pope Pius. We were near Wilmington, Del. Clambaring out of my upper, i rot permission from the conductor to use my typewriter in the observation car, for most of the train was asleep. Before we had reached Washington, I had com- pletely rewritten my daily newspaper column and was able to file a story on personal reminiscen:es of the late Pope less than twelve hours after his death. Incidentally, it was he who was the first Holy Father to equip the Vatican with radio.

In Danzig Free State last summer I

had an interesting time with a Philco

N 9/9T

Usually when a Vanderbilt attends a notable function, he goes in a yacht or a limousine. But Cor- nelius Vanderbilt, Jr., as an ace reporter, has other methods. When he covered the coronation of Britain's King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1937, he used a radio -equipped trailer to relay his story. Above, Vanderbilt, left, fixes registration plates as British race -driver Kaye Don looks on

battery set. I was staying in the Casino Hotel in Zoppot, on the edge of the Baltic. The hotel was nearly empty and all of the employes were blaming Hitler for bad times. One morning my waiter, who was a mysterious fellow, came into my bedroom with his finger to his lips. He whispered "Gestapo" as he pointed to the two rooms on each side of mine.

"What have I done ?" I asked him. "Nothing, sir," he assured me. "But

sixty of them arrived this morning. We are evidently in for something."

IN THIS business of mine it is neces- sary to know all kinds of people.

So I immediately figured on a plan of getting to know the Gestapo. I first took my radio out on the balcony of my hotel room and tuned in on the Eiffel Tower in Paris. A few moments later the gentleman in the room on the right of mine came out on his veranda. He had never seen a portable before and he was as tickled with it as a child would be with a new toy. He asked me what news I had been receiving on it.

"The British North Sea fleet is bound for Zoppot," I lied.

"I do not believe it. I do not believe it," he repeated with finality. "The British are afraid to fight."

That evening when I returned to the hotel I was amazed to find this gentle. man in my bedroom, twisting the dials of my portable. He didn't even rise when I went over to him. Simply

opened his coat and showed a huge swastika with the Gestapo initials upon it. Then he asked me coldly:

"Where is your license for this set ?" "Why, I don't have to have a license

for a receiving set," I answered. "In Germany you do," said he with-

out emotion. "But this isn't Germany. This is the

Danzig Free State." "So in America they told you that,"

he jeered. "I'll have to take you to Koenigsberg (East Prussia) and see that you get a license," and as he rose he pulled a pair of manacles out of his pocket.

I was out of that room in a flash, down two flights of stairs to the hotel concierge, who called the American consul in Danzig for me. Said Mr. Kuy- kendall: "Now don't get hot under the collar. Go up there and tell that fellow I'd like to speak to him. I'll explain everything."

But "that fellow" was standing right behind me, as he'd followed me downstairs, so he merely lifted the re- ceiver from my hand. And when I

heard him say to the American consul: "This is Herr Himmler speaking," my veins ran ice -water.

A moment later, though, he turned around, hung up the phone, bowed, and said in an apologetic voice: "Why didn't you tell me, sir, your consul had already provided you with a license ?"

I'm very glad I held my peace and

Portables are the special feature in radio showcases now. Keeping in

step. Movie and Radio Guide presents "Portables for Pleasure" as a

special attraction in this issue. You have read above what carrying a

radio has meant in terms of news stories and adventure fo a professional

reporter. Now turn to pages 40.45, inclusive. for a section displaying

and cataloging the new portables for your convenience in selection

didn't say that I didn't know it myself! All last summer, wherever I hap-

pened to be, I carried two portable battery sets with me. Through the Balkans, the Soviet, Turkey and the Near East they'd never previously been seen. Crowds used to gather around me; and this gave me a marvelous opening for talking about local condi- tions as they twisted the dials and asked about America.

Last winter Frank Luther, a handsome man -about -town in Chicago, prevailed upon a friend of his to give me one of the new baby portables. The Soviet marched into Finland the night of the formal fall opening of the Metropolitan Opera Company in New York. I am not what might be called an opera - lover, but my dear mother is; so I lis- tened on my tiny three -pound portable right through the opera, and somehow the society columnists covering the opera got hold of the story. Much was made of it elsewhere.

WITH this same little set I have also picked up any number of news

flashes this winter which have enabled me to rewrite my daily work hours in advance, and to keep abreast of the news as it breaks throughout the world.

Recently an RCA, a Zenith and a Detrola have been sent me by their makers or prominent agents who handle them, in the hope that from among them I can keep up with the news as it hap- pens. Last Christmas Sherman Billings - ley's Stork Club in New York gave Crosleys to its guests!

Portable radios are now used every- where, as gifts, as means of keeping up with the world, as a medium of entertainment. They are one more evi- dence of America's energy and drive. And a swell way to keep from being bored any time and anywhere.



Page 18: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

The March of Music Edited by LEONARD LIEBLING An ampler Ether, a diviner Air ... "- Wordsworth

Stations on which you may hear these programs are listed on our program pages on the day and at the hour Indicated


FRANK BLACK Presents, NBC, Saturday. NBC Orchestra, Frank Black, conductor, Sunday. Tele-

phone Hour, NBC, Monday. Montreal Symphony Orchestra, NBC, Thursday.

Saturday, June 22

THE DORIAN STRING QUARTET, CBS. Quartet No. 3 (Wagenaar), Oracion del Torero (Turina).

Eastern Daylight 11:00 a.m.

Eastern Standard 10:00 a.m.

Central Daylight 10:00 a.m.

Central Standard 9:00 a.m.

Mountain Not Available

Pacific Not available

Prague in 1791. This was Mozart's twenty -third and last opera, written a few months before his death.

Although Mozart had nearly alto- gether abandoned the regular Italian opera style with "Figaro" and "Don Giovanni," he returned to it markedly in "Titus" out of deference for courtly convention.

His coronation opera has not re- mained in the world's repertoire even though the score holds some highly attractive moments.

The story is a classic fable based on a French drama by Corneille, adapted as an opera libretto by Metastasio and

-Mascite srymou, -I

Vivian della Chiesa (left), popular radio toprano, will sing the lead- ing role in M BS' Mozart Opera this Saturday. Also on Saturday. Harvey Shapiro will be heard as cello soloist on "Frank Black Presents" (NBC)

VERA BRODSKY PIANO RECITAL, CBS. Brahms Cycle, Rhapsody in B Minor, Opus 79, No. 1; 16 Waltzes, Opus 39.

Eastern Daylight Central Daylight Mountain 10:30 A 11:30 a.m.

Central St m. 91 .0 a.

10:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 1:30 Am

THE UNITED STATES MARINE BAND, CBS. Captain William A. Santelmann, di- rector. Overture "Horizon" (Buys), Morceau, "Indiana" (Sambucetti); Trombone Solo, "Starlight" (Pryor), Dale Harphan, trombonist; Revolu- tionary Fantasy, Rip Van Winkle (Er- nest Williams), Comic' Strip from Tab- loid Suite (Ferde Grofe). astern Daylight Central Daylight

3:00 p.m. 2:00 P.m. Central Standard

2:00 p.m. 1:00 p.p,.

Mountain 12:00 neon

Pacific 51:00 Am

FRANK BLACK PRESENTS, NBC. Harvey Shapiro, cellist. Concerto in A Minor (Saint -Saens), Adagio from Concerto in D (Haydn).

Eastern Daylight Central Daylight Meunta,n 9:30 p.m 5:30 p.m. NPR Eastern St Central S Pacifie 8:30 P.m. 7:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m

MOZART OPERA SERIES, MBS. Alfred Wallenstein, conductor. "Titus." The cast: Sextus, Vivian della Chiesa (so- prano); Vitellia, Genevieve Rowe (so- prano); Servilla, Florence Vickland (soprano); Annius, Lodema Legg (so- prano); Titus, Hardesty Johnson (ten- or); Publius, John Gurney (bass).

"La Clemenza di Tito" (The Clem- ency of Titus), composed for the cor- onation festivities of Leopold II (as King of Bohemia), had its premiere at


reworked for Mozart's purposes by Mazzola.

Vitellia, disappointed in her hope to be the bride of Titus, conspires against him with Sextus (sung by so- prano). A false report of Titus' death brings accusation of murder against Sextus, who is arrested. Titus, dis- guised, visits Sextus and offers him pardon for a confession, but the pris- oner, remaining silent in order to shield Vitellia, is condemned to be executed. However, that lady de- nounces herself, as the instigator of the plot, and is generously forgiven by Titus, whose clemency is acclaimed by all.

An amusing comment on the char- acter of the amiable Titus was in a letter by the Berlin conductor Zelter (1758 -1852) to Goethe, wherein he wrote, "Such a prince, in love with every woman who wishes to kill him. is yet to be born."

Eastern Daylight I Daylight Mountain :30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 pp

Eastern Standard Central Standard gash's 5:30 p.m 1:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m

Sunday, June 23

RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL OF THE AIR, NBC. String Symphony, Maurice Ba- ron, conductor; Jan Peerce, tenor; Henrietta Schumann, pianist. Concerto Grosso in D (Vivaldi), Notturno (Dvo- rak), the Orchestra; May Night (Brahms), Jan Peerce; Piano Concerto with Trumpet and Strings, Opus 35 (Shostakovitch ), Henrietta Schumann; Song in the Night (Menotti Salta),

Jan Peerce; Adoration (Parmentier). Mock Morris (Grainger), Orchestra.

Miss Schumann's pulsing pianism is here exhibited in one of the most breezy and lively of all keyboard con- certos. Composed in 1933, when Shos- takovitch was 27 years old, the work shows all the rhythmic vigor and har- monic daring so characteristic of most of his writing.

One novelty of the orchestration is that it employs only strings, with the addition of a single trumpet, in fre- quent colorful and sometimes witty use. The first movement has a faint burlesquing of the earliest classical composers, An appealing slow section and a short one of improvisational character precede the finale, full of sprightliness and fun. At one moment the trumpet quotes a complete phrase from a well -known sonata by Haydn. Again that instrument executes a de- cidedly rowdy solo passage and down to the end insistently repeats its two - note proclamation of defiance. Alto- gether the concerto is the sauciest, most swaggering piano music written since Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue.'

E astern Daylight Central Daylight Mountain 12:00 noon 11:00 a.m. :00 a.n.

_ artern S anon Central Standard Pacific 11:00 a ,. 10:00 a.m. 4:00 a n.

So You THINK YOU KNOW Music, CBS. Music quiz. Ted Cott, master of cere- monies; Leonard Liebling, judge. Guest contestants.

Eastern Daylight 2:30 p.m.

-astern standard 1:30

C I Daylight 1:30 p.m.

Central Standard 12:30 p.m.

Mountain Not Available

Pacific Not Available

THE COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYM- PHONY ORCHESTRA, CBS. Howard Bar- low, conductor. Comedy Overture on Negro Themes (Gilbert), En Saga (Sibelius), Orpheus (Liszt). Scotch Symphony ( Mendelssohn).

Eastern Daylight Central Daylight Mountain 3:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 12:00 noon

Eastern Standard Central S Pacific 2:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. í1:oß Am

SUNDAY NIGHT CONCERT, NBC. Sym- phony Orchestra, Frank Black, con- ductor. Famous Movements of Famous Symphonies. Largo from Symphony No. 5 "From the New World" (Dvo- rak), Allegro from Symphony No. 5

(Beethoven), Allegretto from Sym- phony in D Minor (Franck), Finale from Symphony No. 4 (Tschaikow- sky), Menuetto from Symphony in G Minor (Mozart), Andante from "Sur- prise" Symphony (Haydn), Andante Cantdbile from Symphony No. 5 (Tschaikowsky) .

There has long been entirely too much bunkum and mummery about this matter of performing single move- ments from symphonies. Self -ap- pointed purists raised their excessively high brows whenever it was suggested or -done in recent years, and affected to believe that the very fundamentals of musical art were being shattered. Of course that is what our English friends would frankly call tommyrot.

It seems to have been forgotten that the one -movement performances were featured for years by the late Theodore Thomas, whom no one could accuse of irreverence toward music, and who was the first conductor to make Amer- ica really symphony -conscious. He wisely saw that it is no more sacrile- gious to play parts of suites or of operas (both being unified and coordinated works of art) than to play parts of symphonies. As well object to a pub- lic recitation of Hamlet's "Soliloquy" or Mark Antony's "Oration" unless Shakespeare's whole dramas go with them.

E aston Daylight Central Daylight Mountain 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:00 yy

Easy S Central Standard Pacifie t.ÓÓ a.m. 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m

THE FORD SUNDAY EVENING HOUR, CBS Symphony Orchestra, Leith Stevens. conductor; James Newill, baritone; Jessica Dragonette, soprano. L'Amour. Toujours, L'Amour (Friml), Jessica Dragonette; Midnight in Paris, the Orchestra; None But the Lonely Heart (Tschaikowsky), James Newill; I Walk with Music, the Orchestra; Bicycle Party, the Ensemble; Liebestraum (Liszt), Jessica Dragonette; Darling

Clementine, the Orchestra; From An- other World (Rodgers), the Orchestra; Rogue Song, James Newill; All Through the Night (Porter), the En- semble.

Eastern Daylight Central Daylight Mountain 9:00 p.m. 0:00 p.m. 6:00 P.m [astern Standard Central Standard Pacific :00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. S:DO p m

AMERICAN ALBUM OF FAMILIAR MUSIC. NBC. Concert Orchestra, Gus Haen- schen, conductor; Frank Munn, tenor; Jean Dickenson, soprano; Elizabeth Lennox, contralto.

Eastern Daylight 9:30 p.m.

Eastern Standard 5:30 p.m.

Central Daylight 5:30 p.m.

Central Standard 7:30 p.m.

Mountain 5:30 p.m

Pacific 5:30 o in

Monday, June 24 THE TELEPHONE HOUR, NBC. Symphony Orchestra, Don Voorhees, conductor; James Melton, tenor; Francia White, soprano. Overture to "Mignon" (Thomas), the Orchestra; Gypsy Love Song (Herbert), Summertime (Gersh- win), James Melton; Golliwog's Cake- walk (Debussy), the Orchestra; Mi- caela's Aria from "Carmen' (Bizet), Francia White; The Old Refrain (Kreisler), Chorus; Duet from "Na- toma" (Herbert), James Melton and Francia White.

E astern Daylight Central Daylight Mountain :00 p.m. 7:00 p.m S:0O p.m Eastern Standard Central Standare Pacific

7:00 P.T. 6:00 p.m. 4:00 p.os

THE VOICE OF FIRESTONE, NBC. Sym- phony Orchestra, Alfred Wallenstein, conductor; Margaret Speaks. soprano.

E astern Daylight Central Daylight Mountai :30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Not Anita t astern Stands.. Central Standard Pacific 7:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m Not Avail...

Thursday, June 27 MUSICAL AMERICANA, NBC. Symphony Orchestra, Raymond Paige, conductor; Deems Taylor, master of ceremonies. American music. Guests.

E astern Daylight :00 p.m. E astern Standard

7:00 p.m.

Central Daylight 7:00 p.m.

Central S 5:00 P.m.


s:iaeilie 1:30 p.m

WOR SYMPHONY, MBS. Cesare Sodero, conductor.

Eastern Daylight 5:15 p.m.

Eastern Standard 7:15 p.m.

Central Daylight 7:15 p.m.

Central Standard s:15 p.m.

Mountain 5:13 p.m

Pacifie :15 p.m

MONTREAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. NBC. Wilfred Pelletier, conductor.

Eastern Daylight I Daylight Mountain 9:00 p.m. too p.m. 6:00 p.m Eastern Standard Central Standard Pacifie 6.00 p.m 7:00 p.m 4:00 p.m

Friday, June 28

CONCERT ORCHESTRA, NBC. Joseph Hon - ti, conductor; Conrad Thibault, bari- tone.

E astern Daylight Central Daylight Mountain Eastern

p.m. tandard Central

p.m. tandard 11 Pacific 1:30 p.m. 12:30 P.M. 10:30 a.m.

SINFONIETTA, MBS. Alfred Wallen- stein, conductor. Abu Hassan Over- ture (Weber), Polonaise, Ariette Pás- sacaglia (Handel), Pavane (Ravel), Kamarinskaia (Glinka).

Eastern Daylight 8:30 P.m.

E astern Standard 7:30 p.m.

Central Daylight 7:30 p.m.

Central Standard 5:30 p.m.

Mount.,.. 5:30 p.m

Pacific 4:30 p.m.

Menotti Salta will hear his "Song in the Night" sung by Jan Peerce on "Radio City Music Hall" Sun.

1; 37 \t


Page 19: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

War and Peace Doings in Music

By Leonard Liebling

AT THE moment of this writing the military peril to Paris brings to mind what Arthur Hartman,

American violinist, told me about his departure from France in 1914 when the opening World War attack of the Germans brought them so near the capital.

Arthur, his wife and children, living there, were frightened by the cannon- ading and bombing of the invaders, so he engaged passage for home and went to bid good -by to his close friend, Debussy.

Finding him in his garden, having tea with Paul Dukas (composer of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice "), the violinist started sadly to speak his farewells. Debussy was astounded. "Why leave ?" he sputtered. "There is absolutely no danger." Arthur tried to be delicate: "Well -I mean -after all -they are just twenty -five miles from the city -and what I have in mind -I hope of course that -." Debussy interrupted angrily: "Pouf! Nonsense! Not at all! You don't really think that the Germans will get here? Friend Dukas and I and a million other Parisians, even women, will personally see to that. We shall each take a fork" -here Debussy picked up one from the table- "and if the Germans try to get in we will give them the forks in the eyes -so -like this -and this -and that!"

"Bravo!" exclaimed Dukas, also grab- bing a fork; and "Bravo," echoed tact- ful Arthur, but without the fork.

Debussy, breathless from the out- burst, rose, drew himself up stiffly and made his final pronouncement: "Arthur -- -I give you -my word of honor -as an artist --that the Germans will never, never enter Paris."

Debussy lived to see his prophecy fulfilled but died of cancer in 1918, before the armistice.

The Lewisohn Stadium is exactly twenty -five years old, for on the last day of May, 1915, the public-spirited donor after whom the great arena is named presented it to the College of the City of New York. Two years later began the concert and opera produc- tions that have since become so signifi- cant a part of the musical life of the metropolis. Radio listeners, too, formed

--Cha,le P Seawoee

Elizabeth Lennox is the popular contralto of "American Album of Familiar Music," heard Sun., NBC

\ V 37

part of the huge audiences (sometimes as many as 22,000 persons were in the stadium at one time), and the broad- casts of outstanding works were done by a number of the best -known con ductors and soloists. The prospectur for this summer promises the same higl. quality of performers, and as always the New York Philharmonic is the or- chestra in command. The programs o' the first week, starting June 20, with the first broadcast July 2, under Artui Rodzinski, are uncommonly compre hensive and interesting. Here's a rous ing huzzah for the stadium endeavors, appeasements for these war -torn days.

Goldman and his band also corn mence next week, July 1, and they too are warmly welcome. Incidentally, I

came across an amusing item in a

new encyclopedia of music. It says: "In 1918, Goldman organized the Gold- man Band, which has given concerts continuously for thirty years in New York." Subtract eighteen from forty and give the encyclopedist a demerit for his faulty musical mathematics.

New Books and Records Reviewed

BOOGIE WOOGIE. The History, Development and Art of Playing the Boogie Woogie Style. By

Sharon Pease. (Forster Music Publisher, Inc., Chicago.)

This is twenty -four pages of explana- tion and musical examples, with some- thing about where Boogie Woogie came from and where it might be going. In an introduction, no less an authority than Alec Templeton says that this up- to-the- minute form of music is creative" and also that "it will leave its mark on serious music." Because of Alec's opinion, Mr. Pease's publica- tion engaged the attention of the pres- ent reviewer.

The latter finds that for those players seeking contrast from the rhythms of classical, romantic and modern com- posers, Boogie Woogie offers some spicy diversion. Mr. Pease advises that its melody is secondary to its rhythm and that the secret of the whole thing lies in the bass accompaniments. He gives twenty -five styles of such accompaniments, and reproduces sev- eral compositions in which they are demonstrated practically.

Boogie Woogie, dating from about 1900, is Negro in origin, like ragtime, jazz and swing. None of them seems to have brought about any abiding piece of creation in art -music except Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue." Maybe Alec Templeton, a gifted and skillful composer, could oblige with a concerto or sonata in Boogie Woogie.

For those who would like to hear some Boogie Woogie, Victor has just put out an album played by Jimmy Yancey, a Boogie Woogie expert.


By Serge Rachmaninoff. Played by Benno Moiseivitch and the London Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Albert Coates. Victor Album M- 666. $8.00.

This is the newest recording of one of the most romantically splendid of all piano concertos. For many who have heard Rachmaninoff's own record- ing of his composition, this will not measure up. But this reviewer found Benno Moiseivitch's interpretation emi- nently satisfying, with the advantage of up -to -date recording facilities.

Musician of the Week Edwin Franko Goldman

BACK in the 1860's, all of America that called itself cultured flocked to the concerts given by a family

of remarkable infant prodigies from New Orleans. The Menuhins of their day, three boys and two girls, violinists and pianists, they toured Europe and the United States and charmed and fas- cinated audiences wherever they went. But perhaps the deepest impression they created was on a young American boy, son of a Portuguese bandmaster. He told about it many years later.

"I've always wanted to tell you that I am greatly indebted to your mother's family for much of my success, ". he

phony orchestra in fine quality of play- ing and elasticity of repertoire.

"Band music was badly on the de- cline when I started," he recalls. "The great vogue in the late nineties and early nineteen hundreds for bands was dying. People thought I was foolish to want to revive anything as dead as that. But they were thinking in terms of small -town bands with third -rate players and no grasp of serious music. What I

had in mind was something different. "

What Dr. Goldman had in mind is now in its twenty- second season, and is acclaimed as the finest symphonic band in the world. Composers have written

Creation of the finest symphonic band in the world was the dream of Edwin Franko Goldman when he organized his Goldman Band. Now so acclaimed, the famed group opens a series of summer broadcasts next Monday (July 1)

said. "The first time that I heard really fine music was when the Franko family of five wonderfully gifted children carne to Washington for a concert. It was the first time I had heard real music and it inspired me with a zeal to do better."

The speaker was John Philip Sousa. The man to whom he spoke was Edwin Franko Goldman, son and nephew of

those five prodigies. Dr. Goldman, a short, slim, dapper

man, with a startling shock of pure - white hair, likes to talk about his family. His uncles, Nahan and Sam Franko, were outstanding musical figures in New York after they left their prodigy days behind them. Nahan was a violinist and conductor, and was for years con- cert- master of the Metropolitan Opera. Uncle Sam Franko was a famous vio- linist and editor of violin music. He also taught, and for a time was Menu - hin's teacher. Most of the Frankos were violinists, and probably due to an over- dose of string music, Edwin Goldman turned for relief to the wind and brass sections of the orchestra and took up the cornet. He was cornet soloist for ten years at the Metropolitan Opera.

Goldman's cherished dream even at that time was to form a symphonic band which would rank with a sym-

special music for it, among them Ravel, whose untimely death prevented him from completing his work. Goldman himself has written over eighty com- positions for band and cornet.

Dr. Goldman has lived for many years in the same old- fashioned, ram- bling apartment on New York's River- side Drive, but four years ago he bought a 200 -acre estate in the Catskills, where he now spends most of his time. The most interesting feature of the place, which constitutes Dr. Goldman's dearest hobby, is a small building, f or- merly an ice -house, now called Music House. It has been remodeled into a small concert -room and contains what is probably one of the most comprehen- sive collections of musical autographs in the world.

Besides attending to his collection, Dr. Goldman also writes, composes and helps along promising young musi- cians. The pride of his life, however, is his son, Richard, who is following the Franko tradition by becoming a brilliant composer- conductor and assis- tant to his father. As in most musical families, to which this reporter can testify from experience, it is harder for a Franko to get out of the musical pro- fession than into it! -Viva Liebling.



Page 20: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that



MORNING *Sfar in program listings

indicates news broadcast. 7:30 CST 6:30 MST

CBS -Nat'l Hillbilly Champions: (sw17.83) NBC -Breakfast C I u b: KTHS KWK WREN KGBX KANS *News: KFEQ KFH KOIL KOWH KWTO KMOX KOAM Musical Clock: WDAF WHB KOA WOW

7:45 CST 6:45 MST NBC -Breakfast Club: KOWH *News: KV00 KWK

8:00 CST 7:00 MST NBC -Lincoln Highway, drama: KSD WDAF KARK WHO KVOO WOW

For detail see Good Listening Guide.

CBS -String Time: KLRA KVOR KL7. KMBC (sw- 17.83) NBC -Traveling Cook: KVOD (sw- 21.5) *News: KFOR KGHF KOA WREN KFBI KCKN-Movie News KFABTexas Mary & Her Pals KFEL -Morning Varieties KFEQ -A Word to the Wives KFH -Musical Clock KGBX -Merry -Go -Round KGNF-Morning Devotions KMOX -Jolly Jamboree KOAM -Organ Rhapsody KOIL -Buck Rogers, sketch KOWH-Musical Clock KSCJ- Landscape Service *KTHS-Hand) Hour News 8:15 CST 7:15 MST

NBC -Four Belles: KWK WREN KOWH KVOD (sw-21.5) Morning Melodies' KFEQ KGHF KFAB -Sunny Jim KFBI -To be announced KFH -Children's Story Hour KGBX-Legion of Safety *KGNF -News KLZPinto Pete !Sr Ranch Boys KOA-Good Morning Melodies KOAM Time 'n' Tunes KVOR- Sacred Hour KWTO- Singing Baker Boy *WJAG-News; Weather ; Base- ball; Musical Clock WNAX Bohemian Orch.

8:30 CST 7:30 MST MBS -The First Offender: KFOR KFBI CBS -Rhythm Serenade: KOIL KLRA WNAX KFII KFAB (sw- 17.83)

NBC -Bright Idea Club' KARK KO:\ \I WDAF WOW KGBX NBC -Rakov's Orch.: K6I1F KlitVll WREN KVOO KANS I .w -21.5) *News: KVOD KVOR I(CKNPolicc Court KEEL- Western Voice *KFEQ-Markets: News KGNF-Round the Town KLZ -Morning Melodies KMBC-Food Scout KOA-Studio Party *KSD-News: Robert Hood Bow is Band

KUOA -Dr. Martin KINK-Hits & Encores *KWTO -Mike Dosch: News WHB- Today's Top Tunes WHO-The Sunbeam WIBW'- Morning Inspirations

8:45 CST 7:45 MST CBS -Rhythm Serenade: K \OI: K y1 BC

NBC -Bright Idea Club: WDAF KSD *News: KWK KLZ. KOA KCKN- Things I Never Knew Till Now KEEL -Tonic Tones *KFH- Markets: News KVODSong Hits KWTOOzarks Singer WHB -Home of the Week WIBW-Gospel Singers WOW-Little Doghouse WREN- Hawaiian Strings

9:00 CST 8:00 MST NBC -Charioteers: KANS KVOO KTHS KO1V'H WREN

Log of Stations Listed in Edition B- Central Southwest

Call Kilo- Power Letters cycles Watts Location

Net- work

Call Letters

Kilo Power cycles Watts Location

Net- work

KANS* 1210 KARK 890 KCKN 1310 KFAB 77C KFBI 1050 KFEL 920 KFEQ$ 680 KFH 1300 KFKA 880 KFOR° 1210 KGBX 1230 KGHF 1320 KGNF 1430 KLRA 1390 KLZ 560 KMBC 950 KMOX 1090 KOA 830 KOAM 790 KOIL 1260 KOWH 660 KRN7i-5 1320 KSAL° 1120 KSCJ 1330 KSD 550

100 Wichita, Kansas NBC -B 5,000 Little Rock. Arkansas NBC

250 Kansas City, Kansas Local 10,000 Lincoln. Nebraska CBS

5000 Abilene, Kansas MBS 1,000 Denver, Colorado MBS 2,500 St. Joseph, Missouri Local 5,000 Wichita, Kansas CBS 1,000 Greeley. Colorado MBS

250 Lincoln, Nebr. s CBS -MBS 500 Springfield, Missouri NBC 500 Pueblo, Colorado NBC

1,000 North Platte, Nebraska Local 5,000 Little Rock, Arkansas CBS 5,000 Denver, Colorado CBS 5,000 Kansas City, Missouri CBS

50,000 St. Louis. Missouri CBS 50,000 Denver, Colorado NBC -R 1000 Pittsburg, Kansas NBC 5,000 Omaha, Nebraska CBS & MBS

500 Omaha, Nebraska NBC 5.000 Des Moines, Iowa CBS 1.000 Salina, Kansas MBS 5,000 Sioux City, Iowa NBC 5,000 St. Louis, Missouri NBC -R

Des Moines, Iowa NBC -B & MBSKSOt° 1430 5,000 KTHS 1060 10,000 Htt Springs, Arkansas NBC

1260 5.00f, 630 1,000

1140 25.000 1270 1.000 1350 5,000

560 5.000 770 50,000 610 5,000 870 50,000 720 50.000 860 1,000

1000 50,000 580 5,000

1060 1,000 870 50,000 100 50.000 670 50,000 600 5,000



Siloam Springs. Arkansas Loca, Denver, Colorado NBC -B Tulsa, Oklahoma NBC Colorado Springs. Colorado CBS St. Louis. Mo. NBC -B & MBS Springfield. Missouri Local Chicago. Illinois CBS Kansas City. Missouri NBC -R Chicago, Illinois NBC -B Chicago, Illinois MBS Kansas City, Missouri MBS Des Moines, Iowa NBC -R Topeka, Kansas CBS Norfolk, Nebraska Local Chicago, Illinois NBC -B Cincinnati, Ohio NBC & MSS Chicago. Illinois NBC -R Cedar Rapids & Waterloo, la.

CBS & MBS 570 5,000 Yankton, South Dakota CBS 590 5,000 Omaha, Nebraska NBC -R

1220 5.000 Lawrence. Kansas NBC -B 650 50,000 Nashville. Tennessee NBC

NBC -National Broadcasting Company CBS- Columbia Broadcasting System MBS -Mutual Broadcasting System NBC -B- National Broadcasting Company NBC -R- National Broadcasting Company TQN -Texas Quality Network Local -Not Affiliated With Any National f- Night -time Programs Only t6- Night -time Network Programs Only *-Network Programs Only *-Daytime Programs Only

Basic Blue Basic Red


Network Network

*Star in program listings indicates news highlights. NOTICE: The information contained in the program schedules

presented in these pages is supplied by the stations broadcasting those programs. MOVIE AND RADIO GUIDE should not be con- sidered responsible for errors in announcements due to failure of stations to advise of weekly program changes.

If your favorite station is not listed at quarter- or half -hour periods, consult the time listings immediately preceding. The chances are that a network program of 30 or 60 minutes' duration is on the air at a quarter -hour when you do not find your station listed

PLEASE NOTE: Symbols In parentheses, such Cs less-9.53) at ter a program lusting indicates that this program may be heard by tuning in 9.68 megacycles on your short -wave dial. For foreign short -wave programs, please see page 38.

*CBS -News: Dorian String Quar- tet: KFH KLRA WNAX

Music detail on page l6. *MBS -News: John Agnew, or- genist: KFBI NBC -Song Folk: WDAF WHO KSD KOAM KOA KGBX *KARK-News *KCKN-News: Morning Jam- boree KFAB -Jane Tucker *KFEL -News: Alec Randolph's Trio KFEQ -Old Timers & Minor KGHF -Musical Moments KGNFRadio Column of the Air KLZ-Goud Morning Melodies KMBC-Fashion Flashes *KMOX-News: Rhapsody in Rhythm KOIL -Salutes *KSCJ-News: Timetable KUOA -God's Half Hour KVOR-Cood Morning KWK -Top of the Mondry KWTO- Sunday School Lesson *W'HB News: Shades of Black & White WIBW-Roy Faulkner WJAG Piano Records WOW- Police Bulletins

9:15 CST 8:15 MST CBS- Dorian String Quartet: KVOR KLZ NBC -Rosa Lee, sop.: KANS K TITS KOWII WREN KGHF K.- M: KGBX (>w15.33) MBS -Benny Krueger's Orch.: KEl':l. W11 Li

NBC -Sports School- WDAF WHO WOW KGBX KV00 KSD KFAB-Honicsteaders KEBI-Old Timers KFEQBill's Ilawaiian Players KMBC Classic Hour KOA -Let's Go KVODSaturday Session KVOR -Sat. Rhythm Serenade KtVT0 Suns of the Pioneers WIBW-Arizona Rance Riders st'.I AG Musical Gems *t\'NAX News: Novachord Nov- elties

9:30 CST 8:30 MST NBC -Joe Gallicchto's Orchestra: KARK KVOO KOAM NBC -Our Barn: KWK WREN KVOD KSCJ KTHS (sw-15.33) CBS -V e r a Brodsky. pianist: KVOR KFH KI.IM.A

Mos., detan on page 16.

MBS -Benny Krueger's Orch.: KSAL KFBI *News: 10311. KGBX KCKN -Tune Time KFAB-Roy & Lonnie KFEQ-Markets: Organ Melodies

K C I IF- Devotional KGNF-Music from A to Z KI.Z-Captain Ozie KMBC -P. Hans Flath Entertains KOAMusical Magazine KOWHTouring the Town KUOA- Common Sense Viewpoint *KWTO -Markets: News WDAF -Can You Do It. Too WHB -Smile Birgade WHO -Drama of Foods WIBW -Housewives' Prgm. WNAX-Homemaker's Prgm. WOW Gov't Reports' Musicale

9 :45 CST 8:45 MST MBS -T h i s Wonderful World: KFEI. KSAL KFBI NBC -Gen'I Fed. of Women's ('hubs: KSI) 1 %110 KARK KCKNMusical Newsy KFAB Gus & Andy KFEQ-Hawaiian Melodiee KGBX -Gems of Melody: Weather KGHFPop. Orch. KLZ-Lady, Lend an Ear KOAM -The Lost Empire KOIL -Jerry Sears Strings KOWH-Morning Melodic. KUOAManhatlan Singers KVOO- Junior Playhouse WDAF -Harry Kogen" Orch. WHB-Story Behind the Song WNAX- Devotional Service WOW Markets: Musical Prgm. 10:00 CST 9:00 MST NBC -Strings That Sing: KGBX KOA KSD

NBC -Spud Murphy's Orch.: KSCJ KGIIF !WWII WREN (so- 15.33) CBS -Country Journal: WNAX KFII KVOR KFAB KLRA (sw 17.83 )

Professor W. A. Albrecht of the C. of al iss,mri's College of Agriculture will speak on -- 'nn l's New in Agricult e...

MBS -Jimmy Walsh's Orch.: tVMT KIEL WWI KFOR KWK *News: KGNF KUOA KVOD WHO KOAM KARK-Kiddies Club -

*KCKN -News: Tune Topics KFBI-Rhythm Trio: Weather KFEQ Ben Henderson KFKA-Denver Tabernacle *KMBC -News: Prgm Notes: Camp Fire Girls KMOX Magic Kitchen KOIL- Junior 1. Q. KTII S- Devotional KV00 Herald Goodman KW'TO- Poultry Topics: Salon Echoes WDAF -With the Poets WJAG Curtain Raiser WOW Junior Varieties 10:15 CST 9:15 MST MBS -Charlie Agnew's Orch.: KSAL KFBI

NBC -Nature Sketches: KSD T))day's program foal t ores a

visit to Meadow !low,r -beds. nests of Brewer blackbirds. ,Ind the home Or myriad lusect lit..

NBC -Spud Mprphy's Orch.: KOAM KFEQ Minor Clites, organist *KFKA-News KGNE -Fred Olson, violinist KMBC-Happy Kitchen KOAFor Women Only KTHS-Skyliners KUOA -Saturday Review KVOD-Captain Ozie KVOO-Dorothy McCune KWKHealth Department Talk KWTO-Jungle Jim, sketch WDAF -A New Day tVHB- Kiddies Revue WHO-Crescent Hour of Music WJAG-Voice of the Street

10:30 CST 9:30 MST NBC -Farmers' Union Prgm.: WREN KSC.I KGBX KVOD KWK KTHS KANS KOW11

CBS -Let's Pretend: KMB( KFryR KLZ KFII KOIL KLRA WNAX NBC -Call to Youth: ESL) KOA (sw 15.33)

Harry A. Hillirer. U. S. Dis- trict Attorney of Ins Angeles. will talk on Religion and Just Ice."

KCKN -Melody Musings *KFAB News KFBI -This Rhythmic Age KEEL Three H:urcheros KFEQOId Timers KFKAMorning Variety KGIIF ood Morning, Neighbor KGNF-Fairy Tale KOAM 'row. Talk Playboys KVOO-Kiddies Revue KVOR -Your Personal Shopper KWTO -Farm Chats WDAF -Light of the World Wilt) Home Talent Folks WIBW Drama of Food tV.IAG-West Point Prgm t1'OWIlomemakers Club

10:45 CST 9 :45 MST MBS -Zeke Manners' Gang: W1113

KFK.\ KFEI. NBC -Pfaender & Miles. piano duo: KOA (sw- 15.33) KCKN- Morning Melodies KEAB Bohemian Orch. KFBI -Pioneer Quartet KFEQ Weather KGNF-Songs for Today KMOX -Talk: Musical Prgm. KSD-Metropolitan Church Fed. KUOAGeorge Moody KVORGood Morning Neighbor KWTO-Hayloft Frolic WDAFArnold Grimm's Daughter WIBW Henry & Jeanne

11:00 CST 10:00 MST NBC -Lincoln Highway, drama: KOA NBC -Frankie Masters' Orch.: WHO KSD (so 15.33) NBC -Nat'l Grange Prgm: KOAM CBS- Keyboard Capers: KFH KLZ KOI1. (sw -- 11.83)

MBS -Don Arres, tor.: KFEL KFKA *News: KWK KFOR KFBI KARK-Nazarene Church KCKN -Food News KFEQ- Markets KGIIF Songs That Never Grow Old KGNF-Top Tunes of Today KLRA Booster Club K \IBC -instrumentalists KMOX-Talent Court KV00-Musical Prgm. WDAF-Valiant Lady WIIB -Unity Viewpoint WIBW-Dinner Hour WJAG-Book Review WNAX.Tips by Taylor WOW -To be announced tVUOAMarkets Music in a Mod- ern Mode 11:15 CST 10:15 MST MBS -Don Arres, tnr.: KWK KEEL CBS- Highways to Health: KVOR WNAX KLRA KFOR (sw-11.83)

Dr. Clarence P. Oberuoff. as- sociate psych la trlat at Mount shod Hospital. New York City, will apeak on "Swinge in yl,wd."

NBC -Calling All Stamn Collectors: KVOO KSD (sw- 15.33) KFAB -Home Folks Harmony KFBI-Little Concert KFI.Q- Bunkhouse Bill K FII -Markets: Musicale KGHF -Bradford Orch. KNIBC-Popsicle Pete KOIL- Community Editor KUOA-Way Down South t \OAF Betty Crocker WHB-Farm Special (\ l It i B"uk Reviews WJAG- Musical Masterpieces WOW .To he announced 11:30 CST 10:30 MST MBS -Joe Rines' Orch.: KEEL KFKA KFOR KSAL CBS -To be announced: KMOX K FII W'ßß\1 K \'OR ( sw- 17.83)

*NBC -H v. Kaltenborn. news: KGBX ROAM KANS WHO

NBC- Luncheon at the Waldorf: WREN KWK KVOD KTHS KGHF tsw 15.33)

For detail see Good Listening aurae. Markets: KGNF KWTO KARK -Melody Boys KCKN -News of the Blues

K FAB-First Call for Dinner KFBI Bohemian Dance Orch. KFEQ silver Strings KGHF-Morning Matinee *KI.RABible Lover's Revival Interlude. News KOA- Six - Pick -A- Nickel Club KOIL Waltz Time hOWH -The Farm Hand KSCJ -Farm Reporter: Iowa Mas ter Breeders *KSD New.: Dick Leibert Kl!OAWilliam Carter. bar. KVOO- Musical Pram. tVGAF Matutee in Rhythm 1VIIli Radio Airplane Trip W'1B1V- Weather: Dinner Hour tV NAXIW ay. to Win Livesine4 Bulletin Board WOW -Magic Story Circle 11 :45 CST 10:45 MS1 NBC -Matinee in Rhythm: KARK KOA KOALA KGBX KCKN-Sportsmen KFEQ-Ranch Boys KGNF -King Sisters KI,Z-To be announced KSIBCDinner Bell Roundup Markets KOIL-Community Editor KSCJ -To be announced KSD Buck Rogers, sketch KUOA- Lawrence Quintet Bill board KV00-Art Oavis' Rhythm Rider. KWTO- Week-End Jamboree VDAF -Young Thespians

WHO Rainbow Rhythms WJAG-Melodies; Hospital Repor %VOW Junior Round Table


12:00 CST 11:00 MS1 CBS -Baron Elliott's Melodies KFH KLZ KVOR KLRA KFOF (sw- 11.83)

NBC -I'm An American: KGB) KOA

Guest: Albert Einstein, noten phy -slci st.

*MBS -BBC News: KEEL NBC -Ray Kinney's Orch.: Knit. WREN KSCJ KWK KGHF KOWH (sw- 15.33) *News: KFAB KGNF KVO( KOIL WIBW *KARK Livestocks: News KCKN.-Noon Hour Clock KFB1Dinncr Bell Time KFEQ- Markets KFKA- Markets: Suggestions *KMBC -News. Dinner Bel Roundup. Livestock K\IOX-Country Journal KOAM -Salon Orch. KUOA -Three Quarter Time KVOD -Pan Americana WDAF- Better Business Burnt Spe.,kcr W1113 Bob Caldwell, Jr. WHO-Corn Belt Farm Hour WJAG-Agricultural Agents: Mar kets & Cradle Roll WNAX-Farm & Home

1V Ott' -Thesaurus 12:15 CST 11 :15 MS1 NBC-Gardner Benedict's Orch. KOA

NBC -Ray Kinney's Orch.: KARN KVOO MBS -John Duffy's Music: KFEI KFKA KSAL *News: WJAG KUOA KOWI- KO.AM Markets: KFH WIBW KFAB-Farm Notes: Livestoci Markets: Last Call for Dinner KFEQ Lullaby Lester & Oh Timers KGBX-Luncheon Dance Music KGNF -Music at Midday *KUA\I. Nowu, KOIL-Buck Rogers, sketch KVOD.Captain Ozie KWTO.Orch.: McDonald Boys WIitF \':high Prgm WIIRLivestock Reports: Lazy N Ihnu hers t Ii NAX News. Markets \VOSV.T'' be announced 12:30 CST 11:30 MS1 NBC -Howard Ropa, bar.: KVOC KOW'MI (sw- 15.33) CBS -Brush Creek Follies: KLRA K\II31' KLZ KVOR (sw- 11.831

NBC -World's Fair Band: KOA

MBS- Leighton Noble's Orch. KWK *News: KFEQ KFH WHO KGNI KFKA KWTO WREN KGB) KARK -Light Crust Doughboys KFEI The Dime Man KGHF -Morning Matinee


Page 21: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

KMOX- Safety Brigade KOAM -Salon Orch. *KSCJ -News KTHSArlington Orch. KUOA -Man on the Street KVOOHoh Wills' Playboys *WDAF News: Weather Market WIBW Noonday Prgm. WJAG Weather: Police: Funeral Notices: Visitors: Mail Bag WNAX Farm & Home *WOW News Musicale 12:45 CST 11:45 MST NBC- Rollickers Trio: KOWH KAXS WREN KSCJ (sw- 15.33) CBS -Brushcreek Follies: KFH NBC -World's Fair Band: KARK KGBX *News: KGHF KTHS KVOD KFAR-Federal Farm Prgm KFEL- Rhythmic Strings KFEQ- Street Reporter KFKA- Window Shoppers KGNF- Swappers KMOX -The Music Box KOAM -Ozark Melodies KOIL- Community Editor *KSD -News: Bernard Levitow's Orch. KUOA -Jerry Sears KW'TO-Console Capers: Man on the Street WDAF- Roundup WHO-County Pioneers WNAX-Noonday Visit WOW Men on the Street

1:00 CST 12:00 MST NBC -Irving Miller's Orch.: KANS KGIIF KTHS WREN KSCJ KWK (sw.15.33) CBS- Marine Band: KLZ KLRA (sw 11.83)

Music detail on page le. MBS -Manhatters: KFBI KFOR NBC -Campus Capers: KGBX KOAM KOA KARK KV00 WHO *News: KFEL KMOX KVOR KSD KWTO *KCKN -News: Swing Session KFAB -Last Call for Dinner KFEQ Dannen Melodies KFH-Ark Valley Boys KFKA- County Agents Prgm. KGNF -Farm Facts & Fun KMBC -Your Country Neighbors KOWH -Let's Pick Em KUOA- Afternoon Melodies KVOD -Blue Plate Special WDAF -Dance Orch. WHB-Radio Airplane Trip WJAG -Farm Facts & Fun WNAX -Farm Highlights WOW- Market Facts & Fun

1:15 CST 12:15 MST NBC -Campus Capers: KSD NBC -Irving Miller's Orch.: KVOD KOWH CBS- Marine Band: KOIL MBS -Manhatters: KSAL KFEL KFAB Gus & Andy KFEQ- Baseball Scores KMOX -Travelogue KWTO -The Laugh Clinic 1:30 CST 12:30 MST

NBC -Bob Strong's Orch.: KVOD KSCJ KGHF KANS WREN KVOO (sw- 1533) MBS -Bob Sylvester's Orch.: KFEL KFOR KFBI *CBS -News: Old Vienna: KLRA KLZ KVOR KOIL KFH (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Dance Orchestra: WOW KARK KOA KGBX WDAF KSD WHO KOAM KTHS KCKN- Bulletin Board KFAB -Jane Tucker KFEQ. Master Singers *KFKA -News & Interviews: Markets *KGNF -Nebraska in the News KMBC.Country Journal KMOX -Open Forum KOWH -Lew Fiddler's Orch KUOA- Concert Classics *KWK -News WHB Voice of Kansas City 1:45 CST 12:45 MST

NBC -Bob Strong's Orch.: KWK KTHS CBS- Keyboard & Console: KFH KLRA KOIL KVOR (sw- 11.83) MBS -Bob Sylvester's Orch.: WIIB KCKN -W. P. A. Prgm. KFAB -Cornhusker Jamboree KFEQ -Waltz Time KFKA -Rhythm Orch. KGNF -Hilo Trio *KLZ -News KMOX -Piano Recital KSD-Fed: of Music Clubs KWTO-On the Mall tV.IAG -Organ Records




8:00 CST (7:00 MST) Lincoln Highway. NBC. Conrad Nagel, stage. screen and radio star, will be heard in today's drama.

1130 CST (10:30 MST) Lunch- eon at the Waldorf, NBC. Ilke Chase. M. C.; Frank Luther, tenor ; Paul Baron's orchestra. Guest: Cornelia Otis Skinner, famous monol- ogist.


5:00 CST (4:00 MST) People's Platform, CBS. Campaign managers of vari- ous Republican candidates

Check the programs you want fo hear today

for the presidency will dis- cuss Who Should Be the Republican Nominee ?"


6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Colum- bia Gay Nineties Revue. C BS.

Joe Howard, M. C.; Beatrice Kay comedienne; Genevieve Rnsve, soprano; Four Club- men: Ray Bloch's orchestra: others.

6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Dra- matic Program. NBC. The life of Dr. Andrew Tay- lor Still, the founder of oste opathy, will be dramatized tud:n.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) Radio Guild; Drama. NBC.

7:00 CST 16:00 MST) Hit Parade, CBS. Barry Wood, baritone; Bea Wain, vocalist; Mark War. now's orchestra, Orrin Tuck- er, his orchestra, and Bonnie Baker, vocalist.

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) Alka- Seltzer National Barn Dance. NBC. Eddie Peabody, Uncle Ezra, Hoosier Hot Shots, Joe Kelly, Henry Burr, others.

7:30 CST (630 MST) Frank Black Presents, NBC. Symphony orchestra. Soloist: Harvey Shapiro, cellist.

Music detail may be found on page le. column 1.

7:30 CST (6:30 MST) Mozart Opera Series, MBS. Alfred Wallenstein. conduc- tor.

Music deuil may be found on oage le. column 1.

7:45 CST (6:45 MST) Satur- day Night Serenade. CBS. Mary Eastman, soprano; Bill Perry, tenor; Gus Haen- schen's orchestra.

8:00 CST (7:00 MST) Bob Crosby's Orchestra, NBC.

9:00 CST (8:00 MST) Sky Blazers, CBS. Dramatization of the exploits of Jerry Mason and Ken Gregory, stunt flyers.

Refer to adjacent columns for stations broadcasting these programs

CBS -Bull Session: KLRA KVOR ('-w 11.83) *KCKN-News: Peacock Prgm. KFAB-Cornhusker Jamboree KFEQ- Concert Hall KFHBr'er Fox Prgm. KGNF Markets KLZ- Baseball Game KMOX Hedda Hopper's Holly- wood *KUOA-News: Mischa Standleys Orch. KWTO-Juvenile All Star Review WHO-Baseball Time WNAXRoden Recess 2:15 CST 1:15 MST

KFH -To be announced KGNF -Harriet Wilson & Her Singing KMOX -Dope From the Dugout KUOA Hawaiian Melodies KWK-Baseball; St. Louis Browns vs. Washington WJAGAfternoon Concert

2:30 CST 1:30 MST NBC -Dwyer Stakes: KGHF KSCJ KTHS KVOD WREN KANS KVOO KOWH (sw- 9.53 -15.33)


MBS -Dwyer Stakes: KFEL KFBI KFKA CBS -Buffalo Presents: KMBC KLRA WIBW KOIL KFOR KFH KVOR (sw- 11.83) NBC -A Boy, A Girl & A Band: KGBX KOA WDAF KSD (sw- 9.53 )

Baseball Game: KFAB WNAX KARK -Happy Jack KCKN -Hit Revue KFEQ Ben Henderson KGNF-World Bookman KMOX-B a s e b a II; St. Browns vs. Washington *KOAM -News KUOA- Business Revue: Salon Orch. WOW Call to Youth

2:45 CST 1:45 MST MBS -Tommy Reynold's Orch.: KFBI KFEL KFKA NBC -A Boy. a Girl & a Band: WOW KOAM KFEQ -Minor CBtes, accordionist KGNF -Joe Reichman's Orch. *KMBC -News: Musical Interlude KTHS -Baseball Scores KUOA- London Singers KVOD- Saturday Siesta KWTO -Slim & Junior WHB -Juanita's Rhumba Band

3:00 CST 2:00 MST MBS -Tommy Reynold's Orch.: KSAL WHB NBC -Tommy Dorsey's O r c h.: KVOO KARK WDAF WOW (sw -9.53) CBS -Van Alexander's Orchestra: KVOR WBBM WIBW KLRA


CBS -Van Alexander's Orchestra: KFOR KFBI -Little Show KGNF -True Detective Story *K011.- News *KOWH -News KUOA-Fred Feibel, organist KWTO- Mountain Boys WJAG-Pupils College of Music 3:30 CST 2:30 MST

MBS -Newcastle Handicap: KSAL KFBI WHB KFEL NBC -Tommy Dorsey's 0 r c h.: KOA KVOD KGBX WDAF WOW KOAM CBS -To be announced: KFOR KVOR KMBC WBBM WIBW KLRA KOIL (sw- 11.83) NBC -Rhythms by Ricardo: KANS KGHF KSCJ KTHS KOWH (sw- 9.53 -15.33) *KFEQBaseball Scoes: News KGNF -Specially Group KUOA -Arthur O'Neal WENR -How Do You Know? WJAG -Tango Time

3:45 CST 2:45 MST NBC -Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: KSD

KFEQ -Piano Moods KGNF-Piano Moods KLZ-Hits & Bits KOAM-Conimunity Edtor KUOA- Popular Tunes KVOD- Saturday Siesta KWTOAlpen Brau Boys WJAG- Hawaiian 4:00 CST 3:00 MST

*NBC -Cecil Golly's Orch.: News: KSCJ KTHS KANS KOWH KGHF *MBS -News: Hugo Monaco's Orch.: KFEL KSAL KFBI *NBC -El Chico: News: KGBX WDA4' WHO KSD WOW KOA KV00 (sw -9.53) *CBS -News: Albert Warner, com- mentator: KVOR KLRA KMBC KLZ KOIL KFOR KFEQ -Ben Henderson KGHF- Former Favorites KGNF -Peluso Presents KOAM -The Crimson Trail *KUOA -News: Lewis Erwin *KWTO-News WHB -Bob Caldwell, Jr. WIBW -Farm Bureau; Musical In- terlude; Navy Prgm. WJAG Band Music

4:15 CST 3:15 MST CBS -Track & Field Meet: Kl.ltA KLZ KMBC KVOR KI'OR

Bill Henry will report the highlights nod results of the annual Notional Collegiate Ath- letic Association Track and Field Championships.

KOIL KMBC (sw- 11.83) *NBC -El Chico, Spanish Revue: News: KOAM NBC -Gus Steck's Orch.: KGHF

KSCJ KTHS KANS KOWH KVOD (sw- 15.33) KCKN -Baseball; Kansas City vs. Louisville *KFBI -News KFEQ-Pony Express RoundUp KFH -Baseball; Cincinnati vs. New York *KFOR -News KGBX -N. Y. A. Prgm. *KGNF -Monitor News KOA-WPA Symphony Orch. KOAM -Kiddies Revue KSD -Basehall Scores *KUOA -News: Jules Lande KVOD -Saturday Siesta KWTO- Markets: Daily Record WJAG -Waltz With Me WREN -Baseball; Kansas City vs. Louisville 3:15 CST 2:15 MST

MBS- Jimmie Lunceford's Orch.: KFEL KFKA WHB

MBS -Hugo Monaco's Orch.: KOIL WHB KFEQ :Matinee KGHF-Afternoon Varieties KGNF -All Request Prgm. KUOA Male Chorus *KVOD -To be announced: News KWTO-Faye Sisters WIBW.Pleasantdale Folks WJAG For Children Only

4:30 CST 3:30 MST NBC -Renfrew of the Mounted: KGHF KSCJ KVOD KANS KTHS KOWH NBC -Religion in the News: KSD KVOO KOA KGBX KOAM WOW WDAF (sw -9.53) CBS -Republican Convention: KLZ KLRA KVOR KOIL KMBC KFOR WNAX (sw- 11.83) *News: KGNF WJAG KFBI -Let's Waltz

KFEL -John Goss, songs KFEQ.The Rhythm Console KMOXFrance Laux Hi -Lites KUOA-Cowboy Jamboree KVOD-Musical Moments KWKMuslcal Pram KWTO- Diana's Book Review 1VHBWalkathon Matinee WHO -News & Views About Re- ligion WIBW Pentecostal Tabernacle 4:45 CST 3:45 MST

*CBS -The World Today: KVOR KLRA KOIL KLZ KFOR WIBW WNAX KMBC (sw- 11.83) NBC -Paul Douglas, sports: KOA WDAF KGBX KOAM (sw -9.53) *MBS -Sagmaster Commens KWK WHB KFEL KSAL KFBI KFEQ -Dance Time KGNF -AII Request Prgm. KMOX -Organ Melodies KSD -Junior Bar Ass'n KVOO -Prgm. Prevues KWTO- Treasure Chest WHO -Baseball Scores WJAG- Devotional *WOW- Headlines Ahead 5:00 CST 4:00 MST


For detail see Good Listening Guide.

MBS -For the Children: KFOR KFBI KSAL NBC- Preview of Republican Con- vention: WOW WDAF KVOO KGBX KOA WHO KOAM NBC -Message of Israel: WENR KVOD KSCJ

Rabbi Brickner'u subject will he "Row Not to Bring Up Children."

KCKN -Baseball Scores: Make Believe Ballroom *KFEL -News: Peggy Anderson KFEQ- Master Singers KGHF Former Favorites KGNF -Sport Parade KLRA -Tea Dance Tunes KMOX -Variety Prgm. KOWH -South Omaha Bandwagon *KSD -News: Dick Leibert KTHS- Baseball Scores: Revue KUOA -This & That KWK-Musical Prgm. KWTO -Your World of Visioe WHB -Olivia & Joaquin WJAG- Musical Roulette 1VRENRange Riders 5:15 CST 4:15 MST

*NBC -John B. Kennedy. news: WOW WDAF KV00 KSD WHO KARK KOA KOAM KGBX MBS -For the Children: WHB KFEL -Vic Arden's Orch. KFEQ -Rosario Bourdon Directs KGNF -Dramas of Life KLRA -Sports; Interlude; News *KMOXHeadline Highlights KUOA-World Light Opera KWTOAmerican Legion Band 5:30 CST 4:30 MST

CBS -Sky Blazers. drama: KFAB For detail see Good Listening Guide.

NBC -Enric Madriguera's Orch.: KANS KTHS KSCJ KWK (sw- 9.53 )

NBC -Joe Reichman's Orchestra: KGBX KARK WOW KSD *News: KVOR KGHF KOWH KCKN -Story Hour KFBI -Your American Music KFEL -Richard Sinclair's Dreh. *KFEQ.News: Baseball Scores KFH -American Legion Parade KFKA -Three Generations KGNF -Organ Moods KLRA- Serenade KLZ- Symphony Hall KMBC-Swing Time KMOX- Gertrude Niesen & Alpine Varieties KOA- Inquiring Reporter

KOAM -Bands at the Top KOIL -Dance Melodies KVOO-World of Sports KWTO- Musical Variety WDAF -Safety Council Talk Willi-Bob Caldwell. Jr WHOOrgan Moods WIBW- Popular Varieties [VJAGHighlights in Melody WNAX Sunset Edition *ICItEN News 5:45 CST 4:45 MST

*NBC -H. V. Kaltenborn, news: KOAM KGBX KOA NBC -Enric Madriguera's Orch.: WREN KGHF KOWH KVOD *News: -KVOO KFH WHO WOW KSCJ WIBW KARK-Passing Parade of ports KCKN- Jockey Club KFEL The Mandolettes KFEQOn With the Dance KFKA -Impressions in Wax KGNF -King Cole Trio *KMBC -News: Sports KSD- Stockton So Esches KTHS -Today's Winners KUOA -Gems of Melody KVOR -Musical Roundup *KWK -Sports: News KWTO- Musical Workshop WDAF -Linwood Cavaliers WHB -Music by WJAG -Graham W. Howe, songs WNAX.4 -H Club Roundup

NIGHT Where there is no listing

for a station its preceding program is on the air,

6:00 CST 5:00 MST *MBS -Wythe Williams, comm.: KFEL KFKA WMT KFBI NBC -Dramatic Prgm.: WMAQ KSD WHO KV00 KARK WOW WDAF

For detail see Reed Listening Amide.

CBS -Gay Nineties Revue: KLRA KMBC KMOX WNAX WBBM KFAB KRNT WIBW KFH KOIL (sw- 11.83) NBC -Gene Krupa's Orch.: KSO WREN KTHS KGNF KANS *News: KWTO KFOR KGBX KUOA KOAM *KCKN -News: Dance Melodies KGNF -Dinner Hour

B-9/37 Page 19


KOA- Council of Churches KOWH -Dance Time KSCJ- Sports KVOD -Sweet Serenade KWK -Lone Ranger, drama WGN- Charlie Baum's Orcb. WHB -Dance Review WJAG- Evening Concert WLS -Home Talent Barn Dance WLW Boone County Jamboree WSM-Lullaby Time 6:15 CST 5:15 MST

MBS -George Stearney's Orch.: WMT KFEL KFKA NBC -Gene Krupa's Orch.: KSCJ Sports: KOWH KWTO KOAM KFOR -Dinner Time Music KGBX -Supper Melodies KGNF -Eb & Zeb KOA- Nature Sketches KUOA- Dinner Music KVOR -Eventide Echoes WHB -The Sportsman WJAG Lest We Forget WSM -To be announced 6:30 CST 5:30 MST


Today's episode deals with the research work done by Professor Louis Wirth of the U. of Chicago on "The Ghetto."

NBC -Bobby Byrne's Orchestra: WMAQ KARK KOAM WDAF KGBX WHO MBS- Nobody's Children: KFBI WHK KFEL KFKA KFOR NBC -Radio Guild. drama: KsO WREN KGHF KSCJ KANS KWK KVOD KOWH KTHS *News: KGNF KLZ KOA -Once Upon a Time KSD -Cheri McKay & Cw KVORSports KV00- Legion of Safety KWTO -The Drama of Food WGN -Lone Ranger, drama WLS -Barn Dance Party WLW- Renfro Valley *WMT -To be announced: News WOW -Down the Fairway WSM -It's a Crime

6:45 CST 5:45 MST NBC -Bobby Byrne's Orch.: KV00 KGNF- Eventide Reverie: Weather K LZ- Sports KOA-Dance Orch. KOAM -Gay Parita Presents KSD -Smoke Elim. Interviews KUOA -On Parade KVOR -Rhythm Revue KWTO- Sundown Serenade WOW- Salute to Industry

7:00 CST 6:00 MST NBC -Alka- Seltzer National Barn Dance: WLS WLW KSO WREN KVOO KARK KVOD KTBS KGHF KWK (sw -9.53)

Per farther detail see .penser'e an- nouncement on this page.

MBS- Hawair Calls: KFOR KSAL WHB CBS -Your Hit Parade, Vocalists & Mark Warnow's Orch.: WBBM KRNT KFAB KMBC KFOR WMT KMOX KOIL WIBW KLRA KFH WNAX (sw- 11.83) *MBS -Gabriel Heatter, news: WGN

(Continued on Next Page)





Spies did Feature Section


Brilliant. Fascinating



Sparkling Coioroto Section


Interesting Main




Page 22: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

Page 20 9/37 -B


(7:00 p.m. Continued) NBC -Talk by Rep. Hamilton Fish: WDAF KSD WHO

Representative Fish will talk on "The Republican Party and Our Foreign Policy."

*KCKN -News: Dance Time *KFBI -News KFEL -Salute to Motorists KGBX -Junior Chamber of Com merce KLZ -When Day Is Done KOA -On with the Dance KOWH-Sweet & Hot KSCJ -Sioux Cityans KTHS -Decca Review KUOA -Gaslight Harmonies KVOR -When Day is Done KWTO -Homes on the Land WMAQ -Clyde Lucas' Orch. WOW-To be announced 1VSM- Francis Craig's Oreh.

7:15 CST 6:15 MST NBC -Concert Orch.: WDAF WHO KFBI KGBX -Supper Melodies KLZ-Drama of Food KOAM- Sundown Melodies *KSD -News: Rosario Bourdon's Oreh. KTHS -Arlington Orch. KUOA- Organist KVOR -Dance Hour KWTO -Home Folks Frolic WON -Griff Williams' Oreh. WHBJuanita's Rhumba Band WSM -Mue- from the Shows

7:30 CST 6:30 MST NBC -Frank Black Presents: WHO WDAF WMAQ WOW KOA KANS

Music detail on page la. MBS -Mozart Opera Series: KEEL KFBI KFOR

Music detail on page ta. KCKN -Rainbow Rhythm K1.7 Puke of Business KOWH -Lew Fidler's Orch. KSCJ -Jan Garber KSD -Ted Weems' Orch. KVOR -Pulse of Business *WGN -News WHB- Johnny Burkhardt's Orch. WSM Big Town

7:45 CST 6:45 MST CBS -Truth or Consequences: (sw- 11.83) CBS- Saturday Night Serenade: KMOX KFH KLRA KLZ KFAB WBBM KMBC *KGBX-News KO1L- Musical Varieties KSCJ -Hilo Serenaders KVOR- Studio Parts WGN -Grant Park Concert WIBW -Melody Magic WMT Harmoneers Quartet WNAX -Legion of Safety

8:00 CST 7:00 MST NBC -Bob Crosby's Orch.: WMAQ HARK WLW KOA KGBX KANS WOW KV00 KSD WDAF *NBC -N e w s : KSCJ KTHS WREN KGHF (sw -9.53) MBS- Mozart Opera Series: KWK KFEL KSAL KFBI *KCKN -News: Tempo Topics *KFOR -News *KVOD -Dave Cook, news KWK -Hal Havird's Oreh. WGN -Griff Williams' Orth. WHO -Iowa Barn Dance Grolle WLS- Barnyard Jamboree V1'VIT- G,.ver innent Reports

Saturday Night


EDDIE PEABODY Wizard of the Banjo

Hoosier Hot Shots - Joe Kelly - Henry Burr The West - Pot Buttram


KVOD KGHF-6:00 P.M., MST Sponsored by ALKA- SELTZER

WNAX -W. P. A. Prgm. WSM -Grand Ole Opry

8:15 CST 7:15 MST MBS- Mozart Opera Series: KFOR CBS -Public Affairs: KMBC WMT WBBM KVOR KFAB KRNT KLRA WNAX WIBW

Albert Warner. CBS Wash- ington correspondent. will in- terview Joseph W. Martin, minority leader of the House.

NBC -Preview of Nat'l Republi- can Convention: KVOD WREN KSCJ KGHF (sw -9.53)

KARK -Baseball Game KLZ -Slants from the Shower KMOX -The World Today KFH Alpen Bran ...nesters *KOIL -Dance Melodies: News KTHS- Melody in the Night KWK -Inside of Sports

8:30 CST 7:30 MST NBC -Will Osborne's Orch.: WOW WMAQ NBC -Grand 01' Opry: KVOO WDAF WSM KARK NBC -Melody in the Night: KSCJ WREN KANS KVOD KGHF *CBS -News of the War: KOIL KLZ KVOR WBBM WNAX KLRA KMBC KFAB KRNT WIBW (sw -9.59) *MBS -News: Republican Con- vention: KFBI WMT KFOR KSAL WGN KCKN -Accent on Rhythm *KFEL -News: Swing Time *KFH -News: Barn Dance Frolic KGBX -Studio Party *KMOX -News: Mellow Time KOA -Grand 01' Opry KSD -Little Symphony Preview KTHS -Rev. Kelly KWK- Feature Parade WLS -Front Porch Party WLW- Renfro Valley 8:45 CST 7:45 MST

*CBS -Michael Loring. songs: News: KOIL KLZ KVOR KLRA WBBM KMBC KFAB KRNT WNAX (sw -9.59) NBC -Melody in the Night: KSO NBC -Will Osborne's Orch.: KSD KFEL -Sports: Richard Nimbers Orch. WIBW- Musical Roundup

9:00 CST 8:00 MST NBC -Reggie Childs' Orch.: KSD 11'110 WDAF WMAQ WOW KV00 NBC -Johnny McGee's Orchestra: KWK KVOD KANS KGHF KSCJ KTHS KGBX CBS -Sky Blazers. drama: KFH WNAX KOIL WMT KLRA KRNT I.MBC KMOX

MBS -Old Dominion Barn Dance: KFOR KSAL CBS -Bob Chester's Orch.: KFAB (sw -9.65) NBC -AIka- Seltzer National Barn Dance: KOA *KARK -News *KCKN -News: Dancing Moods KFEL- Salute to Better Homes KLZ -Music of the Maestros KVOR- Concert Master WBBM-The People's Platform WGN -Leonard Keller's Orch. WLS -Barn Dance WLW Boone County Jamboree

9:15 CST 8:15 MST NBC-Johnny McGee's Orch.: KSO W REN NBC- Reggie Childs' Orch.: KSD KGBX WDAF NBC -Don Bestor's Orch.: KARK Sports: WHO WOW *K VOO -News WGN -Bill McCune's Oreh. WMAQ -Carl Ravazza's Oreh.

9:30 CST 8:30 MST MBS -Larry Clinton's Orch.: KSO KFK:1 KFEL KSAL CBS -Benny Goodman's Orch.: KLRA KRNT WNAX KFAB KOIL KFOR KLZ KMOX WMT NBC -Sleepy Hall's Orch.: KGHF KTHS KSCJ KWK (sw -9.53) NBC -Ben Cutler's Orch.: WHO WDAF KARK KGBX KANS KV00 *News: KFH WBBM KCKN -Jockey Club *KMBI New'- sports *KSD -News: Allen Roth's Orth. KVOD -Popular Classics KVOR- Howard McCreery's Orch. WGN- Freddy Martin's Oreh. WLW -Dance Orch. WMAQ -Lou Breese's Orch. '

WOW -Race Resume WREN-Styled Music

9:45 CST 8:45 MST NBC -Sleepy Hall's Orch.: KANS NBC -Ben Cutler's Orch.: KSD WOW CBS -Benny Goodman's Orch.: WBBM MBS -Tommy Reynold's Orch.: KFKA KFEL KSO KSAL *News: KFOR KVOR KFH -Dance Orch. KMBC -Legion of Safety Prism. KMOX -Public Affairs Discussion WLW-Sports 10:00 CST '9:00 MST *NBC News: Jan Savitt's Orch.: KSD KVOD KGHF WMAQ

CBS- Jimmie Lunceford's Orch.: KLRA KFAB KMBC WBBM (sw -6.12)

*NBC -News: Jimmy Dorsey's Orch.: KOA KV00 KGBX CBS -Your Hit Parade: KLZ KVOR

KFOR MBS -Raymond Scott's Orchestra:

*News: KFKA KOIL KSCJ WLW WOW WIBW KTHS WMT WDAF WGN WHO KARK -Dixie Jamboree *KCKN -News KFF L Footlight Echoes *KFH -News: Sports: Kaliko Kat Orch. KMOX- France Laux, sports KSD -Community Forum KWK -One Man's Opinion WLS -Nat'l Barn Dance *WNAX -The Final Edition 10:15 CST 9:15 MST NBC -Jan Savitt's Orch.: KSCJ KWK KTHS KANS NBC -Jimmy Dorsey's Orch.: WDAF WHO

MBS- Raymond Scott's Orchestra: KFKA KSAL CBS -Jimmie Lunceford's Orch.: KRNT WMT WNAX WIBW *KMOX- Flannery Views the News KOIL- Sports Specials WGN -Griff Williams' Oreh. WLW -Dance Orch. WOW -Musical Prgm.

10:30 CST 9:30 MST *CBS -News: Leighton Nobli s Orch.: KLRA WIBW WBBM WNAX KFAB KRNT KMBC KOIL KMOX WMT (sw -6.12) MBS -Blue Barron's Orch.: KSO KFKA KFOR WGN KFEL KWK KSAL NBC -Republican Convention In- terviews: KOA KGBX WHO WOW WDAF WMAQ KV00 NBC -Dance Orch.: WREN KSCJ KTHS KVOD KGHF -Dancetime KSD -Ted Weems' Orch. WLW -George Olsoñ s Oreh.

10:45 CST 9:45 MST *CBS -News: Leighton Noble's Orch.: KFH KVOR (sw -6.12)

KLZ -Jimmy Grier's Orth. KMOX -Old Fashioned Barn Dance *KTHS -News: Baseball Summary *KVOD -News 11:00 CST 10:00 MST CBS -Dance Orch.: (sw -6.12)

NBC -Will Osborne's Orch.: KSCJ WENR WREN


MBS -Charlie Baum's Orchestra: KFKA KFEL WGN KSO KFOR KSAL *News' KGHF KV00 KSD KWK KOA Sports KVOD- Rhythm Spree WDAF- Nighthawks 11'LWDance Urch 11:15 CST 10:15 MST CBS -Chuck Foster's Orch.: KLZ NBC-Bernie Cummins Orchestra. KVOO KGHF KVOD KOA MBS -Charlie Baum's Orchestra: KFEL KWK KSD Music You Want WLW-George Wald's Orch.

11:30 CST 10:30 MST MBS -Joe Rines' Orch.: KFEI. KFKA KOIL KSO WMT KWK KFOR KSAL WGN *CBS -Henry Busse's Orchestra: News: WIBW WNAX KFAB KVOR KFH KRNT KMBC KOIL WBBM NBC -Carl Ravazza's Orchestra: WDAF WOW KV00 KGBX WENR NBC -Carl Ravana's Orch.: KOA KGHF KVOD KARK WREN WMAQ KSCJ *News: KLZ WHO KLRA -Dance Hour WLW Moon River Poems 11:45 CST 10:45 MST *CBS -Henry Busse's Orchestra: News: KLZ NBC -Carl Ravazza's Orch.: KANS WHO 12:00 CST 11:00 MST MBC. Leonard Keller's Orchestra: WGN KWK KFEL KFKA KOIL KVOD NBC -Ten Disciples of Rhythm: WMAQ KLZ -Kay Kyser's Orch. *KOA -News KVOO -Bob Wills' Playboys KVOR -Kay Kyser's Orch. WBBM -Three Romeos & Jtjiet *WLW -Tom Devine's Oreh. News WOW -Dance Rhythms

End of Saturday Programs

MORNING *Star In program listings

indicates news broadcast. 7:30 CST 6:30 MST

NBC -Sunday Drivers: WOW KGBX KOAM KV00 WDAF NBC -Coast to Coast on a Bus: KTHS KSCJ KWK KOWH CBS -Wings Over Jordan: KMOX (sus- 17.83) 8:00 CST 7:00 MST

NBC -Melodic Moods: KSCJ KVOD KOWH WREN (sw -21.5)

CBS -Church of the Air: KMBC KLZ KFH WIBW KFOR KMOX (sw- 17.83)

Speaker: Reverend John S. Brinkman of the First Baptist Church, Hamilton. Ohio.

NBC -Highlights of the Bible: KOA WDAF KV00 KGBX WOW

Dr. Stamm's address is titled "The Power of Primary and Simple Emotion." The Radio Choristers will slug What a Friend We Have In Jesus. and Near the Cross.

8:30 CST 7:30 MST NBC -Southernaires: WREN KWK KTHS KSCJ KOWH KVOD KANS KVOO (sw -21.5)

NBC -Robert Stewart. bar.: KOA KGBX CBS -March of Games: KMBC KOIL W'IBM (sw-l7.83)

8:45 CST 7:45 MST NBC -Ross Trio: KGBX KOAM KOA MBS -The Waltz: KEEL

9:00 CST 8:00 MST *NBC -News: Strings That Sing: HARK KGBX *CBS -News: Chansonette: WIBW KLZ (sw- 17.83) *NBC -News: Alice Remsen: KCSJ KVOD KOWH KTHS *CBS -News and Rhythm: KOIL KMOX *News: Variety Prem.: WDAF WREN KCKN. Sunday School *KFAB -News: Morning Roundup

KFBI -Norse Gospel Trio KEEL -The Western Voice KFEQ -Ben Henderson *KFH -News: St. Bartkolomew's Choir *KLRA -News; Sunday Serenade KMBC -P. Hans Flath Entertains KOA.Agricultural Problems KOAM -Wendell Zimmerman *KUOA -News KV00- Ministerial Alliance KVOR -Funny Paper Hour KWK -Reading the Funnies KWTO -Sunday Bouquet *WHB -News: Songs of the Na. lions

9:15 CST 8:15 MST MBS- Reviewing Stand: KFEL CBS -Yells Pessl, harpsichordist: KMOX KOIL NBC- Luther - Layman Singers: KTHS KANS KSCJ KOWH KVOD KWK (sw- 15.33) NBC -Strings That Sing: WDAF KO' *News: KUOA KWTO KFAB -Voice of Cooperation KFEQ -Bill's Hawaiian Players KFH -Your Religious Reporter WVHB- Today's Top Tunes WHO-Seventh Day Adventists

9:30 CST 8:30 MST NBC- Ambitions in Rhythm: (sw- 21.5) CBS -Major Bowes Family: KFH WIBW KLZ KLRA KFAB KVOR WNAX KMBC KOMA KMOX hOIL (sw- 17.83)

For detail on Good Listening Guido.

NBC -Words & Music: KOA WOW KGBX KOAM WHO KV00 MBS -Talk on Art: KFEL *News: KVOD KWK KARK -Lonnie Glosson & Sugar Creek Gang KCKN -Elmer A. Josephson KFBI-Concert Orch. KFEQ-Old Timers KOWH -Morning Musicale KSCJ- Timetable: Mahlon Merrick KTHS -Legion Safety Prgm. KUOA -J. B. U. Chapel KWTO -Sunday School WDAF -Sunday Players WHB -Concert Orch. WREN -Highway Patrol

SUNDAY, June 23, 1940

9:45 CST 8:45 MST MBS -Azure Music: KFEL NBC- Escorts & Betty: KCKN KSCJ KOWH KTHS WREN (sw. 15.33)

KFEQ- Bunkhouse Bill KVOD -Songs of the Islands KWK- United Charities Reporter WHO -Stamps Quartet 10:00 CST 9:00 MST NBC -Story of All of Us, chil- dren's prgm.: KOA KGBX WHO KARK WDAF KOAM NBC -Radio City Music Hall of the Air; String Orch.: WREN KSCJ KVOD KGHF KANS KV00 KOWH KWK (sw- 1533)

Male detail on page IS MBS -St. Mark's Choir: KSAL *KCKN -News: Morning Jam- boree *KFBI -News *KFEL -News: AI Golden's Or- chestra KFEQ -Symphony of Melody KFKA -Gospel Half -Hour KTHS -Bible Class KWTO -Ave Maria Hour WHB -Weather: Melodies *WJAG -Hits of the Week; News *WOW -News

10:15 CST 9:15 MST NBC -Oyanguran, guitarist: WHO KGBX KARK KOA WDAF KOAM MBS -St. Mark's Choir: KFEL KFBI -Ave Maria Hour KSD -Singin' Sam WOW -Eddie Butler. organist 10:30 CST 9:30 MST NBC -Wings Over America: KOA KGBX WDAF WHO KARK KOAM WOW

Beginning a new series at programs devoted to the story of aviation. Today's program features a survey of the devel- opnlent of aviation from the earliest experiment to the pres- ent-day advances. Important civil and military persons will he heard on this program.

CBS -Salt Lake City Tabernacle Choir & Organ: KFOR KVOR KFH WIBW KLRA KOIL WNAX

The choir will sing How Beautiful Upon the Mountains. I Shall Not Pass Again This Way. and Challenge of Thor. The organist will play Canta- bile. Prelude in B Minor, and Prelude in C Minor.

NBC -Radio City Music Hall: KTHS MBS -Safety Club: KFEL *News: KLZ KMOX KFAB -Morning Reveries KCKN -On the Mall KFEQ -Music Graphs KFKA- Christian Science Prem. KMBC -Sunday Morning Musicale KUOA -Harold Johnstone's Orch. KWTO- Symphons of Melods WHB -Morton Gould Entertains WIBW -Homes on the Land

10:45 CST 9:45 MST MBS -To be announced: KFEL KFBI KSAL CBS -Salt Lake City Tabernacle: KLZ KMOX *News: KFEQ KFKA KCKN -Musical Newsy KUOA -Walter Preston. bar. KWTO- Morning Worship 11:00 CST 10:00 MST CBS- Church of the Air: KFH KVOR KLZ KLRA KMOX KOIL KFOR (sw- 15.27- 11.83)

Reverend Thomas B. Cannon. director of the Jesuit Seminary Fund, New York City.

NBC Music for Moderns: WOW WDAF KGBX WHO KOA NBC -American Red Cross Prgm.: WREN KVOD KSCJ K(1WH KANS KGHF KWK (sw. 15.33)

Today's episode deals with motoring safety and highway Prat aid. Guest: Dr. Robert H. Kennedy of New York. au thority ou fratture..

MBS -March of Health: KFEL KFKA KARK -Nazarene Church *KCKN -News: Tempo Topics

KFAB -First Plymouth Church KFBI -Hit Revue KFEQ -First Baptist Church KMBC -Stone Church Choir KOAM- Presbyterian Church KTHS -Church Services KUOA -Morning Worship KV00- Gospel Singer WHB -Unity Sunday Services WIBW -First Methodist Church WJAG -Methodist Church WNAX-Devotional Service

11:15 CST 10:15 MST NBC -Vass Family. KSCJ KWK KANS KVOD KOWH WREN (sw- 15.33)

MBS -Songalogue: KFKA KFEL NBC -Music For Moderns: KVOO KCKN- Symphony of Melody KGHF -Old Songs of the Church WDAF -Hart, Canaries 11:30 CST 10:30 MST NBC -Al & Lee Reiser's Orch.: KGHF KVOO KWK WREN KOWH KVOD KSCJ KANS (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Ts be announced: KOIL KFH KMBC WNAX KLZ KVOR KFOR KLRA KMOX (sw- 11.83) NBC -epublican Convention Inter- views: KGBX KOA WDAF WOW MBS -American Wildlife: KFKA KFBI KFEL -I Am 11:45 CST 10:45 MST NBC -Silver Strings: KGBX KOA WDAF WOW

MBS -Benny Krueger's Orchestra: KFBI KFEL KFKA KCKN -Sportsmen

CBS -Salute of the Americas: KMBC KFH KLRA KLZ KMOX KFOR (sw- 15.27- 11.83)

NBC -Treasure Trails of Song: KSCJ KWK KV00 KTHS KVOD WREN KGHF KOWH (sw. 15.831

12:00 CST 11:00 MST MBS -Salute of the Americas: KFBI KFEL

For detail see Gate Listening Guide.

NBC -Salute of the Americas: WHO KGBX KOAM KOA

For detail see Geed Listening Guide. *News. KOIL WIBW KARK -Modern Home KCKN -Noon Hour Clock KFEQ -Sidenfaden Varieties KUOA -Jo Knitzer KVOR -Church Services KWTO -Luncheon Lyrics WDAF -Dance Oreh. WHB -Midday Dance Melodies WJAG- Dinner Music WNAX- Charles Worcester WOW -Thesaurus

12:15 CST 11:15 MST CBS -Salute of the Americas: WNAX *News: KFAB WOW KUOA KOIL -Noonday Melodies *KUOA -Week's News Review KWTO- Travelogues W'HB- Walkathon: Dance Melodies WIBW -Popular Varieties 12:30 CST 11:30 MST *CBS -News: So You Think You Know Music: WNAX WIBW KMOX KOIL (sw- 11.83) NBC- University of Chicago Round Table Discussion: WDAF WOW KSD KWTO KARK KANS WHO KOAM KGBX KV00 MBS- Concert Orchestra: KSAL KFBI KFEL KFOR

FREQDENCIEB KA NS-1210 K1'OD-0,30 KARK-nlNl KVOO-1110 K FAB-770 KVOR-1270 KFEI.-0'211 KWK-13.50 KFF.Q-1W0 KWTO-¡00 KFH-1300 \VBAI'-800 KFK.1.830 W1111M-770 KFIIIb1210 WCC9)-8111 K I:IIX-12:f0 IV DA F-OlO KOIIF-13:0 WENR-870 K(;NF-1L30 W F'.1A-81a1 KLItA-1:190 WON-720 K1.7. -MO W'11R-8100 K)t1i('-9:A \I-IBO.11ao KIM/X-1090 \l'IIl\P .31111

KIIA-531) \VJ.1C-11nx) KO.\M-790 WLS-870 KOIL-12600 W'L\C-7(al KOW71-600 W\IAQ-070 KRNT-1320 WM'r-o00 KS(7-1330 WNAX .570 KSD-330 WO W-.100 KS0-1a30 WREN-12:q KTHS-1000 WSM-1130 KI'OA-12011


Page 23: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

*CBS -News & Rhythm: KLZ NBC -Salon Silhouettes: KSCJ WREN KV00 KGHF KOWH KWK (sw15.33) *News: KFH KWTO WHB KFAB -Home Town Bana *KLRA -News : Interlude *KMBC -News: As Kansas City Dines KOA- Garden Gossip KTHS -Arlington Orch. KUOA -Paul Robinson KVOD -Dance Time WJAG- Harold Kline, Floma Tay- lor 12:45 CST 11:45 MST CBS -Troubadors: KLZ KMBC KOIL KFH -Town Tattler KLRA -Christian Science Prgm. *KOANews KTHSHurnbard Family KUOA -Instrumental Trio KVOD-Salon Silhouettes K WTO- Novatime *'.VJ AG-Weather ; News ; Mail Bag 1:00 CST 12:00 MST

MBS -Annual Singing Convention: KFBI KSAL KWK WHB NBC -World's Fair Band: WDAF KARK KGBX KSD WOW (sw- 9.53) NBC -Vicente Gomez, guitarist: KANS KOWH WREN KSCJ KTHS (sw- 15.33) CBS -Symphony Orch.: KMBC KOIL KLRA KFH KVOR KMOX WIBW (sw- 11.83)

Music detail on page U. *News: KV00 KFOR KOAM KCKN -Radio News Reel KFAB -To be announced *KFEL -News: Singing Canaries KFEQ- Ferdinand Strack's Orch. KGHF Salon Trio KLZ -Waltz Melodies KOA- Concert Hall KUOA -Bob Jones KVOD- Noon-Concert Corner KWTO -The Concert Master WHO -Piano Concert WNAX -Miracles of Health 1:15 CST 12:15 MST

NBC -Foreign Policy Assn Prgm.: KTHS KSCJ KVOD WREN (sw- 15.33)

MBS -Annual Singing Convention: KFOR *News: KOWH WNAX KLZ KCKN -Band of the Week KFEL -Male Chorus KFEQ -Dance Tame KOAMCountry Church of Holly wood KUOA- Russian Cathedral Choir KV00 -Your Singing Neighbor

1:30 CST 12:30 MST NBC- Tapestry Musicale: WREN KTHS KSCJ KWK (sw- l5.33) CBS -Symphony Orch.: KMBC KFOR KOIL KLRA KVOR KMOX MBS -To be announced: KFEL KFBI KFKA KSAL *NBC -News from Europe: KGBX WDAF WOW KOA KSD KANS KOAM KV00 (sw -9.53) KARK- Nazarene Church KFAB -Baseball Game KFEQ- Rosario Bourdon's Orch. KGHF -Let's Waltz KLZ -Stars Over Manhattan KOWH -House That Jack Built KUOA- Sunday Serenade KWTO-Old Refrains 1VHB -Power Parade *WHO -News WNAX -Sunday Get -Together WREN- Baseball Game

1:45 CST 12:45 MST *NBC -H. V. Kaltenborn, Comm.: WDAF KOA KSD KGBX WHO KV00 KANS WOW KOAM (sw- 9.53)

NBC- Tapestry Musicale: KOWH KCKN -It's Dance Time KFBI -Cooperative Int'l Club KFEQ -Stvle Notes KWTO Christian Science Prgm. WHB To be announced

2:00 CST 1:00 MST MBS -El Paseo Troubadors: KFOR KFEL KSAL KFBI WHB NBC -Gene Krupa's Orch.: WHO WOW (sw -9.53)


Dr. Scherer's subject will be "Somehow Good." The male quartet will sing O Worship the King. and Dear Lord and Fa- ther of Mankind.

KARK -Baseball Game *KCKN -News: Variety Prgm. *KFEQ - Baseball Scores; News KFKA -Fort Collins Prgm. KLZ -Nat'l League Baseball Game KOA- Intermezzo KOWH -Christian Science Prgm KSD -Municipal Opera Prevue


MORNING 9:30 CST (8:30 MST) Major

Bowes' Family, CBS. Guest: Leo Reisman, orches- tra-leader.

10:00 CST (9:00 MST) Radio City Music Hall, NBC. Jan Peerce, tenor; Henrietta Schumann, pianist; string or- chestra, with Maurice Baron. conductor.

Music detail may be round ea page 10, column 3.


12:00 CST (11:00 MST) Salute of the Americas, NBC, CBS, MBS. Today's salute originates in Venezuela. Talk by General E. Lopez Contreras; national music.

1230 CST (11:30 MST) So You Think You Know Music, CBS. Musical quiz program, with Ted Cott, M. C.; Leonard Liebling, judge. Guests.

12:30 CST (11:30 MST) Uni- versity of Chicago Round Table, NBC. Discussion of current ques- tions. Guest speakers.

1:00 CST (12:00 MST) Sym- phony Orchestra, CBS. Howard Barlow, conductor; William Fineshriber, com- mentator.

Music detail may be found on neue le. column 3.

Check the programs you want to hear today

2:30 CST (130 MST) Basin Street Chamber Music So- ciety, NBC. Swing ensembles, with Henry Levine and Paul Laval con- ducting; Dinah Shore, vocal- ist; guests.

3:00 CST (2:00 MST) Choose Up Sides. CBS. Sports quiz, with Arthur Mann, Caswell Adams and John Lardner. Guest: Larry MacPhail, president of the Brooklyn Dodgers Baseball Club.

3:00 CST (2:00 MST) Musical Steelmakers, MBS. Dorothy Ann Crowe, Steele Sisters, Old Timer, Singing Millmen, orchestra, others.

4:00 CST (3:00 MST) Fun in Print, CBS. Literary quiz. with Sigmund Spaeth. M. C. Guests: Ray- mond Gram Swing, radio commentator, and John R. Tunis. writer of children's books and tennis authority.

430 CST (3:30 MST) Show of the Week, MBS. Guests: Charlie Barnet and his orchestra. Happy Jim Parsons, M. C.

4:30 CST (3:30 MST) Beat the Band, NBC. Garry Moore. M. C.; Ted Weems' orchestra.

4:30 CST (3:30 MST) Gene Autry's Melody Ranch, CBS.

Wen Niles, announcer; Texas Rangers.

5:00 CST (4:00 MST) The Aldrich Family, NBC. Comedy sketch. with Ezra Stone.

5:30 CST (4:30 MST) Fitch Bandwagon, NBC. Guests: Bob Chester and his orchestra. Henry M. Neely. M. C.

5:30 CST (4:30 MST) The Adventures of Ellery Queen, CBS. A John Powers' model will be one of the guests.


6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Colum- bia Workshop, CBS. Dramatic program.

6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Sunday Night Concert, NBC. Symphony orchestra, with Frank Black, conductor.

Music detail may be found on page le column lumn a.

6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Chase and Sanborn Program, NBC. Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, comedians; Don- ald Dickson, baritone; Rob -

ere Armbruster's orchestra. Guests.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) Musical Game, CBS.

Swing Fourteen; Beverly, soloist ; Johnny Green's or- chestra.

630 CST (5:30 MST) One Man's Family, NBC.

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) Walter Winchell, Columnist. NBC.

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) Ford Summer Hour, CBS. Jessica Dragonette, soprano; James Newill, baritone; Lin. ton Wells, commentator; Budd Hulick, M. C.; Leith Stevens, conductor.

Music detain maybe fund M Wage 1G, seluma 3.

730 CST (6:30 MST) Amer- ican Album of Familiar Mu- sic, NBC. Frank Munn, tenor Eliza- beth Lennox, contralto; Jean Dickenson, soprano; chorus; Gus Haenschen's concert or- chestra.

8:00 CST (7:00 MST) Good Will Hour. NBC. John J. Anthony. conductor.

8:00 CST (7:00 MST) Take It or Leave It, CBS. Quiz program, with Bob Hawk, M. C.; David Ross, announcer. and Ray Bloch's orchestra.

8:00 CST (7:00 MST) Hour of Charm, NBC. Phil Spitalny's All-Girl or- chestra; Rush Hughes. M. C.

Refer to adjacent columns for stations broadcasting these programs

KUOA- Looking Over Europe KWTOlrving Mixed Quartet WRAF- Church of Hollywood WNAX -Sunday Get-Together

2:15 CST 1:15 MST KFEQ -Organ Reveries KUOA -Hawaiian Melodies KWTO-Church of Christ WDAF -Famous Americans' Home, WJAGState Patrol Round Table

2:30 CST 1:30 MST CBS- Invitation to Learning: WIBW KLRA KMBC KOIL KFOR KVOR KMOX (sw- 11.83)

Today's program deals with the effect Homer's -"Odyssey" had upon the ideas of the men who founded the United States.

MBS -Haven of Rest: KFEL KFBI KFKA KFOR KSAL NBC -Basin St. Chamber Music Society: KGHF KTHS KWK KOWH KANS KSCJ WREN KVOD (sw -1533) NBC -The World Is Yours: KOA KV00 WOW KGBX WDAF WHO (sw -9.53)

Facts on the natives of Ra wall. gathered by M. V. Stir- ling. chief of the Bureau of American Ethnology, will be presented.

KCKN-Matinee Melodies KFEQCuties KFII Baseball Game KOAM -Gay Parita Presents KSD Rosario Bourdon's Orch KUOA-Peter Cavallo KWTO Variety Prgm. WHB- Silver Sails W.IAG -Bert Hirsch Presents WNAX -Baseball Game

2:45 CST 1:45 MST *KSD News 1v'DAF 1RI -teal Prgm.

3:00 CST 2:00 MST NBC -Yvette, songs: KGBX WHO WOW KOAM KVOO WDAF (sw- CBS- Choose Up Sides: KOIL KMBC KVOR KLRA WIBW (sw11.83) MBS -The Musical Steelmakers: KFEL WHB

Ardenne White and Dorothy Ann Crowe will sing Sympathy. Regina Colbert slogs More Titan Von Knnn-. The chorus offers The Sleigh. The orchestra playa Great Day. Artiste' Life. That's My Weakness. Reatterhraln, Beer Barrel Polka. And Pomp and Circumstance.

For further detail are sponsor's an- rrinrnl on this page.

NBC -Bobby Byrne's Orch.: KSCJ KWK KANS KOWH WREN KGHF KVOD KTHS (sw- 15.33) *KCKN -News: Design for Danc- ing KFBI -'Lion Male Chorus KFEQ- Sunday Serenade KFKA Christian Crusaders KMOX -Greenfield Vifage Chapel Choir KOA- School of Music K UOA -Hymn Singer

KWTO -Community Sing WJAG -Bert Hirsch Presents

3:15 CST 2:15 MST NBC -Three Cheers: WDAF KV00 WHO KOAM (sw -9.53) KGBX -Scarlet & Gray KGHF- Restful Songs & Music KMOX -Municipal Opera Inter- views KOA Ranch Boys KTHS -Christian Science Prgm. KUOA -Fred Feibei WJAG -Homespun Harmonies *WOW News

3:30 CST 2:30 MST CBS -John Kirby's Orch.: KLRA WNAX KMBC KOIL KVOR KLZ WIBW (sw- 11.83) NBC -From Hollywood Today: KV00 KGBX WHO KOAM WOW (sw -9.53) MBS -Rendezvous KFEI KFOR 1VHB KFKA KFBI KSAL NBC - Preview Nat'l Republican Convention: KTHS WREN KWK KVOD KSCJ KOWH KGHF (sw- 15.33) KCKN-Melody Lane KFEQ -Church in the Wildwood KOA -Univ. of Chicago Round Table KUOA-Music for Sunda% WDAF Variety Prgm. WJAG -Mario Chandler's Orch.

3:45 CST 2:45 MST CBS -John Kirby's Orch.: KMOX KFEQ-Draina Workshop WDAF -John Tompkins. tar 4:00 CST 3:00 MST

NBC -Catholic Hour: WOW KOA KGBX WDAF KV00 KANS KOAM WHO (sw -9.53)

Reverend Sawkina of the Im- maeulate Conception Church of Toledo. Ohio. will talk on "The Creation of Sian."

CBS -Fun in Print, literary quiz: KMBC KFAB K1MOX KOHL

rag detail see Good Listening Guide.

*MBS -News: Blue Barron's- Or- chestra: KFOR WHB KFEL NBC -Gray Gordon's Orch.: KTHS KOWH WREN CBS -Music in the Air: KLRA KVOR *KCKN-News: Jimmy Lunce- ford Entertains KFBI- Swedish Hour *KFEQ-News , Baseball Scores KGHF -Curtain Time KLZ-Accent on Music KSCJ -Legion Band KUOA Under the Capitol Domt KVOD -Little Church of Hollywood KWK -Piano Recital *KWTO -News WCCO- Musicale WIBWJunior Jollities WJAG -American Legion Prgm.

4:15 CST 3:15 MST NBC -Gray Gordon's Oreh.: KVOD KWK (s-

KCKN -Amer. Legion Prgm. KFEQ -Musical Workshop KUOA- Treadwell Trio KWTO-Assembli, Vespers WJAG -For Children Only WNAXPoet's Corner

4:30 CST 3:30 MST MBS -The Show of the Week: KFEL KWK KFOR KOIL KSAL KFBI

For detail gee Good Limning Guide.

CBS -Gene Autry's Melody Ranch: KFH KLZ KMBC KLRA KFAB KMOX WNAX NBC -Beat the Band, musical quiz show: KANS KOA WHO KSD WOW (sw -9.53) NBC -Cavalcade of Hits: KGHF WREN KSC.I KGBX KV00 KVOD KTHS KCKN KOAM (sw -9.55) *News: KOWH WIBW KFEQ -Aloha Land KUOA -Mario Morelli KVOR- Concert Orch. WDAF -To be announced WHB -Walkathon Matinee WJAG-Gospel Singers

4:45 CST 3:45 MST MBS -Show of the Week: WHB NBC- Cavalcade of Hits: KOWH KFEQ -St. Joseph Bar Assn. KUOA -Allison Mixed Quartet KVOO-Postage Stamp Adventure, KWTO -Southern Songs WIBW -Christian Science Prgm.

5:00 CST 4:00 MST *CBS -News of the World: KSL KFAB KLRA MOB WNAX KMOX KMBC KOIL WIBW (sw- 11.83) *NBC -News from Europe: KWK KSCJ KOWH KGHF KVOD WREN KTHS KANS NBC -To be announced: KSD (sw -9.53) MBS -Tropical Serenade: KFOR WHB KSAL *News. KFEQ KV00 KCKN Baseball Scores: Make Believe Ballroom *KFBI -News *KFEL-News: Frankie Carl & Four Belles KFH Let's Listen KGBX -For Mother & Dad KLZ My Prayer Wes, Answered KOAThe Three B's KOAM -Salon Silhouettes KUOA-Gordon String Quartet KWTO -This Rhythmic Age WDAF- Variety Prgm. WHO-To be announced WOW -To be announced

5:15 CST 4:15 MST CBS -Talk by John Hamilton: KSL KFAB KLRA KVOR KOIL KNOX KMBC WNAX WIBW (sw- 11.83)

MBS -Tropical Serenade: KFBI

KCKN Just Relax KFEQ Just the Other Day KLZ- Symphony of Songs KUOA -Southern Singers KVOO- Professor Faxon Fingers KWTO- Musical Newsy WDAF -If It Had Been You *WHO -News

5:30 CST 4:30 MST CBS -Weekend Potpourri: KFAB WNAX CBS -Adventures of Ellery Queen. drama: KLRA KLZ (sw- 11.83) NBC -Magnolia Blossoms: KGHF KVOD KOWH KSCJ EMS WREN KWK *MBSSigrid Schultz, news anal- yst: KFOR KFEL KSAL NBC -Fitch Bandwagon; Guest Orch.: KSD WDAF KANS WHO KOA KV00 WOW KARK

nor detail see Good Listening Guide. KCKN -Senator Capper KFBI.Old Fashioned Revival Hr. KFEQ - Zerbst Capsule Hour KFH-Violin Encores KFKA -County Church KMBC -As You Like It KMOX- People's Platform KOAM -Sunday Supper Serenade KOIL- Friendship Time KUS)A . Popular Concert KVOR -Song of the Day: Ranch Boys KWTO- Soliloquy WHB-Sportsman WIBW- Revival Hour

5:45 CST 4:45 MST MBS- Freddy Martin's Orch.: With KSAL KFOR KFEL CBS -Weekend Potpourri: KOIL KCKN -VFW Prgm. *KFH News KGBX -Mama Bloom's Brood *KMBC -News: Baseball Scores KVOR- Miraeles and Melodies K WIn Bolivar College Pr en

NIGHT Where there Is no listing

for a station Its preceding program is on the air. 6:00 CST 5:00 MST

MBS -American Forum of the Air: KFEL KFOR KFKA WHB KSAL

B -9 3' Page 21

SUNDAY June 23

CBS- Columbia Workshop, Drama: KFH KRNT KMOX WMT WNAX WBBM KFAB KOIL KLZ KVOR (sw- 11.83) *NBC -Sunday Night Concert: KGHF KSCJ KWK KSO KANS WREN KOWH KTHS KCKN (sw -9.53)

Music detail on page tag.

NBC -Chase and Sanborn Prgm: WHO WDAF KO* WSM WMAQ WOW WLW' KSD KVOO KARK (sw -9.53)

KGBX -Sunday Song Service KLRA -Blue Beetle KMBC -Vesper Services KOAM- Baseball Scores: Dance Music KUOA- George Yanovitch KVOD-Pleasantdale Folks WGN- Capitol Comments WLS -Old- Fashioned Revival Hour

6:15 CST 5:15 MST KUOA-Family Parlor KVOD-Let's Dance KWTO-Sports WGN -Charlie Baum's Orch. WNAX-Poet's Corner

6:30 CST 5:30 MST NBC -One Man's Family, drama: KSD WHO WOW WDAF WLW WMAQ KV00 KOA WSM KARK *CBS -Song Styles: News: KFH KLRA KVOR *CBS -Musical Game: News: KFAB WBBM (sw- 11.83)

NBC- Sunday Night Concert: KSO WREN KSCJ KVOD KGHF KOWH (sw.9.55) KCKN -Old Refrains KFBI :Music You Want When You Want It KGBX- Dinner Music *KLZ -News KMBC -Broadway Rhythm *KMOX. Scores: Organ Melodies: News KOAM -Ave Maria Hour *KOIL -Dance Melodies: News KUOA -James Landry KWK -Musical Prgm.: Sports KWTO -Front Page Drama WGN-Musical Steelmakers WIBW -Senator Capper WNAX-Evening Varieties

6:45 CST 5:45 MST *CBS -Song Styles: News:

KCKNChristian Science KGBX -Blue Baron's Ora *KLZ -Sports: News KWTOSundown Serenade *WNAX -Sunset Edition; New,

7:00 CST 6:00 MS I

NBC -Manhattan Merry -Go -Rouno Don Donnié s Orch.: KOA WMA- WDAF KSD WOW WHO Ow 9.53) NBC -Walter Winchell: WRL WLW WENR KSO KWK KV"' WSM KARK CBS -Ford Summer Hour: KMB KLRA KLZ KFAB WNAX KFIt WBBM WIBW KMOX KRN1 K011. (1MT (sw- 11.83)

Music detail on page II. MBS -Old Fashionea Reviva' KFEL KFOR WHB *KCKN -News: Community Play ers *KFBI -News KGBX -Music You Want KGHF -Revival Hour KOAM -Lest We Forget KOWH -Hit Revue KSCJ -Toller's House of Dreams KTHS-Arlington Orch. KUOA -Organ Reveries KVOD- Sunday Concert KVOR -Old Fashioned Revisal Hr KWTO -Master Singers *WGN -Sigrid Schultz. news an alyst Griff Williams' Orch.

7:15 CST 6:15 MST NBC -Parker Family: WREN KSO WLtV WENR KWK KV00 WSM. 'SARK KFBI-Dancing Party KOAM- Sundown Melodies KSCJ-Sioux Cit vans

(Continued on Next Page)

Remiss Colbert


Radio's Original Employee Family Broadcast




Page 24: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

lapa n 9/37 -B

SUNDAY June 23

(7:15 p.m. Continued) KWTO-Church in the Wildwood WHB- Juanita & Her Rhumba Band

7:30 CST 6:30 MST NBC -Irene Rich, drama: 1VENR KWK KSO WLW WREN NBC -American Album of Familiar Music; Gus Haenschen's Orch.: WMAQ KOA KSD WHO WOW WSM WDAF KV00 (sw -9.53)

Frank Munn will sing When I Grow Too Old to Dream; Lonesome. That's All and, with Mies Lennox. Sweet Song of Long Ago, and The Song Is You. Mies Dickenson will sing Tarantelle and. with Mr. Munn and accompanied by the violin- ist, Villa. The piano duo will play Laveeda. The choir wilt sing Alice Blue Gown. The ensemble presents Joyful Spirit.

KARK Richard Himber's Oreb. KCKN -Half & Half KOWH -Sweet & Hot KVOD-Musical Comedy *WGN -News WHB- Johnny Burkhardt's Orch.

7:45 CST 6:45 MST NBC -Sports Newsreel: KSO WLW WENR

Guest: Maxie Baer. former heavyweight boxing champion.

*News: KGBX KWK KARK -Twilight Trails KSCJ- Sports KVOD- Concert *WGN -Gabriel Heater. comma. WREN -Allen Roth's Orch.

8:00 CST 7:00 MST NBC -Good Will Hour: KTHS KGIIF KVOD KSO KWK WENR WREN NBC -Hour of Charm; Phil Spt- talny's Orch.: WDAF KOA WLW WMAQ WHO WSM KV00 KARK WOW KSD (sw -9.53)

*MBS -News: Symphonic Hour: KFBI KFEL WGN

CBS -Take It or Leave It: KMOX WBBM KFAB KMBC WNAX *News: KGHF KFOR Old Fashioned Revival: 1(011. WMT *KCKN -News: For Mother & Dad KFH -Evening Reveries KGBX -Ave Maria Hou. KLRA -Xavier Cugat's Orch. KLZ -Vocal Help Wanted KSCJ -King Sisters K VOR- Sports WIBWWanted A Job

8:15 CST 7:15 MST CBS -Vocal Help Wanted: KVOR KLRA-WPA Prgm. KSCJDrama of Food 8:30 CST 7:30 MST

NBC -Bobby Byrne's Orch.: KV00 KANS WHO WMAQ KGBX WSM WDAF (sw -9.53)

CBS -Albert Warner, interviews: KFH WIBW KLRA KLZ KMBC WBBM KRNT KFAB KVOR WNAX (sw -9.65) NBC -Signal Carnival: KFI MBS -Symphonic Hour: KFOR *KARK -News: Sports KCKN -Italian Catholic Hour *KFEL -News: Robert Royce. tnr. KMOX. Twilight Trail KOALeaders of the West Kr( J Radio This Week KSD-Happy Feltoñ s Orch. WLW-Big Town, drama VOW -To be announced

8:45 CST 7:45 MST CBS -Music Without Words: KFH WIBW KLRA WBBM KRNT KFAB KVOR KMBC WNAX KLZ (sw -9.65) NBC -Bobby Byrne's Orchestra: KARK WOW

KFEL-Lear Aridon's Orch. *KMOX-News KSCJSalon Musicale

9:00 CST 8:00 MST *CBS-Headlines & Bylines: KFAB KLRA WIBW


NBC -Bill Stern, Sports: KGHF KWK *NBC -News: Republican Con- vention Interviews: WSM

*News: KSD WBBM Old Fashioned Revival Hour KTHS WNAX KARK-Homeh Philosopher *KCKN -News: Dancing Moods KVOO -Big Town, sketch KVORFor Mother At Dad WDAF- Twilight Trails *WENR -News: Carl Ravana's Orch. WLW -This Land of Ours WOW-20th Century Radio News- reel WREN- Sports Newsreel of the Air

9:15 CST 8:15 MST NBC -Johnny Messner's Orch.: KSCJ WREN KGHF KANS KVOD WSM CBS -Bob Chester's Orch.: KLRA KFAB KEH WIBW (sw -9.65)

NBC -Irene Rich, drama: KOA

MBS -Freddy Martin's Orchestra: KFEL KFOR KARK -Time Out KCKN- Eventide Echoes KSL-My Prayer Was Answered KWK- Carlos Moliná s Orch. WBBM -Rhythm Off the Record WDAF -Betty Black & the Diplo- mats *WGN -News: Freddy Martin's Orch. WHO- Sports WLW -To be announced WOW -Irene Rich

9:30 CST 8:30 MST NBC -Lou Breese's Orch.: KVOD KSC.I W'ENR WMAQ NBC -To be announced: KGBX

NBC -Aldrich Family, sketch: KOA KGHF KFI KUOA KWK WHO KVOO KANS KARK WSM WOW WDAF CBS -Benny Goodman's Orchestra: KLRA Kull KRNT KI. /. KVOR K FA lV BM 11 'MT KMOX W I BW

MBS -Bill McCune's Orch.: WGN

KCKN Highland Baptist Church *KFH -News *K\l H' ew. sports WLWDance Oreh.

9:45 CST 8:45 MST CBS -Benny Goodman's Orchestra: KMBC MBS Bill McCune's Orch.: KFEL KFH -Bell's Sports Salute *KH)It Now. WIBW' Emahizer Melodies

10:00 CST 9:00 MST *NBC -Walter Winchell. column- ist: WOW KOA

*NBC -News: Jan Savitt's Orch.: KGBX KARK KVOD KVOO WREN WSM

CBS -Henry Busse's Orch.: KLZ WBBM KFAB KMOX KLRA KVOR (sw -6.12)

MBS -Gene Krupa's Orch.: KFEL KFOR *News: WGN WHO WLW WNAX WDAF WIBW KOII WMT KWK KTHS KSCJ WMAQ *KCKN -News KFII-Kaliko Kat Orch. KFKA -Old Fashioned Revival KGBX-Sunday Evening Altar KGHF -Songs That Never Grow Old KMBC- Sunday Evening Service WENR -Clyde Lucas' Orch. WREN -The Sandman

10:15 CST 9:15 MST NBC -Parker Family: KOA NBC -Jan Savitt's Orch.: WDAF KGBX WHO 1VVMAQ

CBS -Henry Busse's Orch.: KLRA KRNT WNAX MBS -Gene Krupa's Orch.: WGN

NBC -Harry Owens' Orch.: KWK KANS KTHS KSCJ *H.ARK -New. KOIL- Sports Specials KSD The Catholic Hour WIBW American Legion Precis WLW-Deke Moffitt's Orch. WMT Electric Park Band WOW- Arthur Godfrey 10:30 CST 9 :30 MST NBC -Dance Orch.: WHO WMAQ

NBC -Dance Orch.: KVOD KTHS KSCJ HANS WREN KGHF MBS-Leonard Keller's Orchestra: 11'GN KFEL KFOR KWK CBS -Take It or Leave It: KLZ CBS Bob Millar's Orch.: KRNT KAIBC WBBM KLRA WNAX KFAB KMOX WMT (sw -6.12) KARK -Back Home Hour KFH -Trocadero Club Orch. KOA- Inquiring Reporter KOIL Labor Union Speaker KVOR -The Treasure Chest WDAF -Dance Orch. WENR -Music You Want WIBW Homes on the Land *WOW -News Recordings 10:45 CST 9:45 MST CBS -Bob Millar's Orch.: KFH KOII. WIBW NBC -Dance Orch.: KOA KSD -Nathaniel Shilkret's Orch. *KTHS -News: Baseball Summary *KVOD-News WLW-Barney Rapp's Orch. 11:00 CST 10:00 MST CBS -Del Courtney's Orchestra: KMOX KVOR KLZ (see-6.12)


*News: KGHF KV00 *KFEL-News Bert Castle's Or-

*KSD-News: Music You Walt KVOD-Pop Concert WDAF- Moonbeams WLW-Tom Devinés Orch. 11:15 CST 10:15 MST NBC-Ten Disciples of Rhythm Oreh: KGHF KVOO KVOD CBS -Chuck Foster's Orch.: KFH WNAX 11/88ì1 WIBW KMOX KRNT KMBC KFOR KFAB WMT KFEL -AI Golden 's Orch. KFI General Fact KOIL .Music You Want 11:30 CST 10:30 MST NBC -Carl Ravazza's Orch.: KWK KSCJ WREN KVOD WENR KANS KGHF NBC -Carl Ravazza's Orch.: WHO KGBX WMAQ WOW WSM N' DAF MBS -Tommy Reynolds' Orch.: WMT KFKA KSO *CBS -Eddie Bush's Orch.: News: WIBW KRNT WBBM KVOR KFH KMOX KMBC KFAB WNAX (sw.6.12) KFEL-8aptist Pastors Quartet *KLZ -News KOA -By Candlelight KV00 -Music Befor Midnight WGN -Blue Barron's Orch. WLW-Moon River: Poems: Organ 11:45 CST 10:45 MST *CBS -Eddie Bush's Orch.: News: KLZ NBC -Carl Ravazza's Orch.: KOA 12:00 CST 11:00 MST MBS- Charlie Baum's Orch.: KFEL KFKA KWK WGN NBC- Chansonette: KVOD CBS -Benny Goodman's Orchestra: KLZ KVOR *New. KOA KMO *W'LW- Barney RapX p's Oreh.; News W'OW Midnight Melodies

End of Sunday Programs

MORNING *Sfar in program listing

indicates news broadcast 7:30 CST 6:30 MST

CBS -Adelaide Hawley: (sw- I7.83) NBC- Breakfast Club: KTHS KWK KGBX KANS Musical Clock KOA WHB WOW WDAF *News: KFEQ KFH KOWH KOIL KOAM KARK -Lonnie Glosson & Sugar Creek Gang KCKN -Alarm Klock Klub KFAB -Gospel Four KFBI- Morning Revielle KFEL- Health Messaee KLRA -Humbard Family KMBC- Across the Breakfast Table *KMOX-Headline Highlights KUOA -Fred McClesky, tnr. WHO-Buckaroos WIBW -Henry & Jerome WJAG -Breakfast Music WNAX Hymns of All Churches

7:45 CST 6:45 MST CBS Chansonette: (sw- 17.83)

CBS- Bachelor's Children, sketch: KMOX KMBC KFH NBC -Breakfast Club: KOWH *News: KWK KV00 Coffee Pot Inn: WHO WNAX WIBW WOW KFAB Early Risers' Club: KLZ KVOR KARK -Time to Shine KCKN- Shopper Stoppers KFEL- Metro. Bible Chruch KFEQ -Morning Melodies KGNF -MacGregor Fairy -Tale *KLRA -Keeen Kopy; Musical Grabag; News KOAM-Sunrise Salute KOIL -Yawn Patrol KUOABreakfast Varieties KWTO Slim Pickens Wilson *WJAG News; Weather

8:00 CST 7:00 MST CBS- Pretty Kitty Kelly: KMOX KFII KLRA ROIL WNAX NBC -The Man I married, sketch: WOW WHO KSD WDAF KV00 NBCJosh Higgins of Finchville: KVOD (sw.21.5) *News- WREN KGHF KFOR KOA KFBI Morning Devotions : KGNF WJAG KARK -Curley Fox & Texas Ruby KCKN -Movie News KFAB -Texas Mary & Her Pals KFEL- Morning Varieties KFEQ -A Word to the Wives KGBX- Merry -Go -Round KLZBreakfast Time Table

KMBC- Midland Minstrels KOAM -Organ Rhapsody KOWH -Musical Clock KSCJ -Honeymoon Melody Lane *KTHS-News: Handy Hour KVOR -Home Folks Frolic KWK-Music, Maestro, Please KWTO-Family Almanac; Melodies *WIBW -News: Musical Sweet- hearts

8:15 CST 7:15 MST CBS-Myrt & Marge, sketch: KFH WNAX KOIL KLRA KFAB KMOX NBC- Midstream, sketch: KSD NBC- Houseboat Hannah, sketch: KOWII 11'110 WOW KV00 WDAF (sw -21.5) NBC -Vagabonds: WREN KWK KVOD KOWH (sw -21.5) Morning Melodies KFEQ KGHF KARK -Morning Melodies KFBI -To be announced KGBX- Adventure Bound *KGNF News KMBCDixieland Strings KOA- Singing Milkmen KOAM -Time 'n' Tunes KUOA -Story Book Castle KVOR -Morning Devotionals KWTO -Singing Baker Boy WIBW -Hymns of all Churches *WJAG -News & Musical Clock

8:30 CST 7:30 MST NBC -Ellen Randolph, sketch: WOW WDAF KVOO WHO NBC -Viennese Ensemble: WREN KGBX KOWH KGHF (sw -21.5) CBS -Hilltop House, sketch: KFH KFAB KMOX KLRA WNAX KOIL *News: KVOD KVOR KARK -Memory Melodies KCKN -Polics Court KFBI -Hits & Encores KFEL- Western Voice *KFEQ-Markets; News KGBX- Variety Show KGNF -Round the Town KLZ -Pinto Pete & Ranch Boys KMBC -Food Scout KOA-Melody Time *KSD -News: Robert Hood Bow- er's Band KUOA- Accordiana KWK- Songfest *KWTO -Mike Dosch: News WHB -Top Flight Tunes WIBW -Morning Inspirations

8:45 CST 7:45 MST MBS -John Metcalf's Choir Loft: KFEL KFOR KSAL KFBI CBS- Stepmother, sketch: KMBC KMOX KFAB KOIL WNAX NBC -By Kathleen Norris, sketch: KSD WHO WOW WDAF KARK *News: KWK KLZ KOA KCKN- Morning Jamboree

MONDAY, June 24, 1940

*KFH -Markets: News KLRA -Woman's Magazine KUOA- Curtis Ensemble KVOD -Tip -Top Tunes KVOO -Bill & Mary KVOR -On the Mall KWTO-Ozark Singer WIBW- Arnold Grimm'. Daughter. sketch

9:00 CST 8:00 MST *MBS -News: To be announced: KFBI KSAL NBC -I Love Linda Dale, sketch: WREN KVOD KSCJ KTHS CBS -Short, Short Story: KFAB ROIL KMOX KFH

-You're n Long Time Mar- ried.- starring Donald Cook and Diana lturbon.

NBC -David Marum, sketch: KSD WHO WDAF WOW KV00 KANS KOA *KARK -News *KCKN -News: Home Maker *KFEL -News: Footnotes KFEQ -Old Timers & Minor KGBX -Radio Exchange KGHF -Musical Moments KGNF-String Ensemble KLZ-Good Morning Melodies KMBC- Fashion Flashes KOAM- Harmony Isle KOWH- Musical Newsy KUOA -God's Half Hour KVOR -Just About Time KWK- Gospel Singer KWTO-What's New? *WHB-News WIBWIGA Prgm. WNAX -Gospel Singer

9:15 CST 8:15 MST CBS -Life Begins, sketch: KFH KOIL KMOX KFAB NBC -Lone Journey, sketch: WHO 1VDAF WOW KVOO MBS -Bill Lewis. songs: KFEL NBC -The Road of Life, sketch: KSD NBC -Clark Dennis, tnr.: KTHS KOWH KVOD WREN (sw- 15.33) KARK -Town Talk KCKN -Kitchen Kapere KFBI.Old Timers KFEQ-Bill's Hawaiian Players KGBX-Just About Time KGHF Little Show KGNFWoman's Radio Journal KLRA-Hymns of All Churches KLZ Road of Life, sketch KMBC-Meet Miss Julia, sketch KOA -Let's Go KOAMMorning Melodies KSCJ -Love Tales KVOR -Symphony of Melody KWKSunbonnet Social

KWTO The Rhythm Rangers WHB- Shades of Black & White WIBW Adopted Daughter sketch *WNAX- News: Novachordist

9:30 CST 8:30 MST NBC -Against the Storm, sketch: W'HO WDAF KV00 HARK WOW KOA NBC -The Wife Saver: KOWH KSCJ KTHS (sw- 15.33) CBS -Big Sister, sketch: KFH KLRA KMOX WNAX KMBC KFAB *News: KOIL KGBX KCKN -Morning Serenade KFBI -Hit Revue KFEL-Rainbow Trio KFEQ -Markets: Organ Melodies KGHF -Devotional KGNF-Variety Revue KLZ -Captain Ozie KOAM -KSTC Presents KUOA- Common Sense Viewpoint KVOD-Morning Melodies KVOR- Church in the Wildwood KWK- Painted Dreams, sketch KWTO-Markets; Rockaway Beach; Weather WHB -Smile Brigade WIBW- Housewives Peens. WRENTime Out

9 :45 CST 8:45 MST CBS -Aunt Jenny's Stories: KFH KFAB WNAX KMOX KMBC NBC -The Guiding Light, sketch: KSD KARK WOW WDAF WHO KVOO KOA NBC -Thunder Over Paradise, sketch: KGHF KSCJ KANS KTHS WREN (sw- 15.33)

MBS -The Johnson Family, sketch: KEEL KFOR KSAL KCKN -Musical Workshop KFEQ- Slkts.: Hawaiian Melodies KGBX -Gems of Melody: Weather KLRA- Singing Sam KLZ -Lady, Lend An Ear KOAM -The Lost Empire KOIL-Polly the Shopper KOWH-Morning Novelties KUOA -Jan Hubati KVOR-Morning Varieties KWK L,te of Mary sothern WHB -Story Behind the Song

10:00 CST 9:00 MST NBC -Gwen W i l l i a m s . songs: KOUF KOWH (sw- l5.33) NBC -To be announced: KGBX KSD *CBS -Kate Smith Speaks, and News: KLRA KFAB KMOX KLZ KOIL WNAX (sw- 17.83)

NBC -Woman in White, sketch: KOA MBS -Abram Ruvinsky Trio: KFEL KFOR *News. KGNF KUOA WHO KVOD KOAM WREN KARK- Radiographies: Sugar Creek Gang *KCKN -News: Tunes at Ten KFBI- Rhythm Trio: Weather KFEQ -Ben Henderson Kill Ma Pèrkins, sketch K FK.A-Denver Tabernacle *KMBC-News: Livestock: Prgm. Notes *KSCJ -News: Timetable KSD -Against the Storm. sketch KTHS- Devotional KVOD -Light Concert KVOO- Herald Goodman *KVOR- Monitor Views the News KWK -Meet Miss Julia, sketch KWTO -Poultry Topics. Salon Echoes WDAF -Judy & Jane, sketch *WHB -News: Vocal Varieties WJAG- Curtain Raiser WOW -Woman in White

10:15 CST 9:15 MST CBS -When a Girl Marries, sketch: KLZ KMOX KFH KOIL CBS -Over the Hills & Far Away: (sw- 17.83) NBC -Kidoodlers: KVOD WREN KSCJ KTHS KOWH (sw- 15.33) NBC -Words & Music: KOAM KSD KCKN -This Rhythmic Age KFAB -Kitty Keene KFBI-This Rhythmic Age KFEL -Cats 'n' Jammers KFEQ -Minor Clites *KFKA -News KGHF- Richard limber's Orch. KGNF -Shoppers Pram. KLRA -Editor's Daughter, sketch KMBC -Happy Kitchen KOA -Heart of Julia Blake KSD -Singin' Time KUOA -Hal Brewster. xylophonist KV00- Dorothy McCune KVOR- Serenade KWK This Woman's World KWTO -Al Stone's Hymn Sing WDAF- Variety Prgm. WHB -Tele -Test WHO -Angel of Mercy, sketch WJAG -Voice of the Street WNAX -Vic & Sade WOW -Friendly Neighbors

10:30 CST 9:30 MST CBS -Romance of Helen Trent, sketch: KMBC KMOX KOIL KFAB KLZ MBS -Keep Fit to Music: KFEL WHB KFOR KFBI NBC -Pfaender & Miles: (sw- 15.33)


Dr. E. C. Adchter of the Bureau of Plant Industry will talk on 'Soll and Its Relation to Human Nutri Hon."

Portia Blake, sketch: KSD WHO KCKN -Melody Musings KFEQ -Old Timers KFH -Woman of Courage KFKA Morning Variety KGIIF-Good Morning Neighbor KGNF -Hollywood Quartet KLRA- Linda's First Love, sketch KOAM -Town Talk Playboys KUOA -Home Makers Prgm. KVOD- Captain Ozie KVOR -Aloha Land KWTO -Ranch Boys WDAF -Right to Happiness WIBW -Big Sister, sketch WJAG -Want Ad Page WNAX Life Can Be Beautiful VOW -Right to Happiness

10:45 CST 9:45 MST CBS -Our Gal Sunday, sketch: KMBC KMOX KLZ KOIL KFAB MBS -The Carters of Elm Street, sketch: KFKA WHB KFEL KCKN -On with the Dance KFBI- Pioneer Quartet K FEQ. Weather' KFH -Zoric Memory Teasers KGNF -Bert Hirsch Presents KLRA Secret Diary *KSD- Corntussel News KUOA- George Moody KVOD -Light Opera Echoes KVOR -Good Morning Neighbor KWTOHayloft Frolic WDAF -Woman of Courage WIBW -Aunt Jenny's Stories WHO -Life Can Be Beautiful WJAG -Musical Scrapbook WNAX-Arnold Grimm's Daughter WOW -Life Can Be Beautiful

FREQUENCIES KANS-1210 KVI11t-U:i0 KAItK-S00 Kl'1111-1}IQ KFalt-770 KV(iR-L"70 KFEL-920 KWK-1350 KFEQ-IISO KW'TO.7,Ia1

W'ISAI'-500 ìVIt11M 770 W'l'13I-510 %I DA F-Gll) W'EN lt-670 W'PAA-SISI WI; N-7211 W' H B-500 W110-1000 W'IRW'-550 WJAG-1(160 W Ik61-570 WLW-7011 WMAQ-070 W MT-000 WNAS -570 WOW-690 WREN-1220 WSM-G-O

KFII-1300 KFKA-880 KFOK-1210 KG11X-1230 K(:11F-1320 KGNF-1430 K LRA-1390 KI.Z-560 K]IBC-9.50 KMOX-11190 KOA-830 KOAM-790 KOIf. 1200 KOWH-6110 ICnNT-1320 KSCJ-1330 KSD-560 KSO-1480 KTHS-1060 K I'OA -1210)


Page 25: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

11:00 CST 10:00 MST CBS-The Goldberg'. sketch KMOX NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: KOAM NBC -Deno Bartal's Orth.: KGHF (sw- 15.33) Judy & Jane, sketch: KFH WHO KSD WIBW Meet Miss Julia: KLZ WOW *News: KWK KFOR KFBI KARK- Nazarene Church KCKN -Food News KFAB -Right to Happiness KFEL -Louis Bethaneourt's Orch. K FFQ- Markets KFH -Woman in White KFKA -At Home KGNF -Relax with Rhythm K LRA- Novachordia KMBC -Hit Tunes KOIL -Heart of Julia Blake KUOA- Markets; Music in a Mod- ern Mode KV00 -Your Singing Neighbor WDAF -Linda's First Love WHB -Unity Viewpoint WJAG- Musical Masterpieces WNAX -Tips by Taylor 11:15 CST 10:15 MST CBS -Life Can Be Beautiful, sketch: KMOX KLZ NBC -Frankie Masters' Orch.: KOAM NBC -Between the Bookends: KSCJ KGHF KGBX KTHS KWK WREN (sw- 15.33) MBS -John Agnew, organist: KFKA KFEL KFOR KFAB -Gospel Singer KFBI -Farm Special KFEQ- Bunkhouse Bill KFH-Kitty Keene, sketch KLRA -Arnold Grimm's Daughter KOA- Inquiring Reporter ROIL -Your Treat KOWH -The Farm Hand KSD -Heart of Julia Blake, sketch KUOA -Art Gilmore KVOD -Light Concert Music KVOO- Korner Kwiz KWTO- Little Crossroads Store WDAF-Editor's Daughter WHB -Farm Special WHO-Woman in White WIBW -Dinner Hour WNAX -Ma Perkins WOW.Adopted Daughter 11:30 CST 10:30 MST *NBC -H. V. Kaltenborn, news: KARK KO.1M KGBX KVOD KANS KGHF NBC -The Riddle of Life: KOWH KV00 WREN (sw- 15.33)

CBS -The Right to Happiness. sketch: KMOX KLZ KFH NBC -By Kathleen Norris, sketch: KOA MBS -Jimmy Walsh's Orch.: KFEL KFKA KFOR KSAL Markets: KGNF KWTO KCKN -News of the Blues KFAB -Road of Life KFBI-Bohemian Dance Music KFEQ.Singin' Sam *KLRA -Bible Lover's Revival; Interlude; News KMBC -Kate Smith's Chats KOIL -Waltz Time KSCJ -Farm Reporter: Markets: Iowa Master Breeders *KSD -News: Teletunes: Orch. KTHS- Markets; R. F. D. 1060 KUOAManhattan Singers KVOR -Duane Osborn, pianist KWK- Orphans of Divorce WDAF -Heart of Julia Blake WHB -Radio Airplane Trip WHO-Adopted Daughter. -.ketch WIBW- Weather; Dinner Hour WNAX -Kitty Keene WOW -Portia Blake Faces Life 11:45 CST 10:45 MST CBS -Road of Life. sketch: KFH K LZ NBC -To be announced: KGBX KANS KARK KOAM NBC -Maurice Spitalny's Orch.: KSCJ WREN KGIIF KOWH tsw- 15.33) KCKN -Sportsmen KFAB -First Call for Dinner KFEQ -Ranch Boys KGNF -Military Band KMBC- Dinner Bell Roundup: Markets KMOX -Lone Journey, sketch KOA -Toby & Susié s Corn Tussel News KOIL- Noonday Melodies KTHSSkyliners KUOA- Lawrence Quintet: Bill- board KVOR -Shopping wtih Carolyn: Tempos of Today KVOO -Art Davis' Rhythm Riders KWK- Amanda of Honeymoon Hill KWTO -Man from the Stockyards WDAF-Carson Robison & His Buckaroos ' HO Markets: Weather WJAG -Lucky Chick Prgm.: Hos. pital Report *WNAX -Farm & Home: Live. -lock: News WOW -Woman of Courage, sketch


12:00 CST 11:00 MST MBS -Is Anybody Home?: KFOR KFEL KFKA CBS -Young Dr. Malone, sketch: KLRA KFH KMOX N BC- Adventures in Reading: KGHF KTHS KSCJ (sw- 15.33) NBC -Light of the World, sketch: KSD KOA WHO *News: KGNF KV00 WIBW KOIL KFAB KARK KCKN -Noon Hour Clock KFBI-Dinner Bell Time KFEQ-Markets KFKA- Markets: Suggestions KGBX -Luncheon Dance Musk KLZ -Big Sister, sketch *KMBC -News: The Dinner Bell KOAM -Salon Orch. KOWH- Pennfield- Paraland Prgm. KUOA- Vincent Ross KVOD -Morning Musicale KVOR- Garden KWK-John's Other Wife, sketch KWTO- Singing Sam WDAF-Road of Life WIIB -Bob Caldwell, Jr, WJAG -Markets ais Cradle Roll: Scotch Story WNAX -Variety Prgm. WOW- Markets: Musicale WREN -Range Riders 12:15 CST 11:15 MST NBC -Arnold Grimm's Daughter, sketch: KOA CBS-Joyce Jordan, Girl Interne, sketch: KMOX KOIL (ew- 1527) MBS -Don Dewhirst, songs: KFEL KFKA Markets: KFH WIBW *News: KUOA WJAG KOAM KARK -Hal Burns & Garrett Snuff Varieties KFAB -Farm Notes; Livestock Markets KFEQ -Lullaby Lester it Old Tim- ers KGNF -Music at Midday KLRA -Jewel Cowboys KL-Z -Aunt Jenny's Stories KMBC -Feed Lot Chat: Markets KOWH - Hollywood Amer. Legion Band KVOD -Captain Ozie KV00 -Farm Profit Bureau KVOR -Tin Pan Alleys Goa to Town KWK -Just Plain Bill, sketch KWTO -Ozark Serenade W'DAF- Gospel Singer WHB-Livestock Reports: Lazy K Ranchers WHO -Your Treat nett %X-News Markets WOW-To be announced 12:30 CST 11:30 MST CBS -Fletcher Wiley, talk: KMOX KMBC KLZ N(sBw- C -N15.3avy

3) Band: KANS KVOD

NBC -Valiant Lady, sketch: KOA *News: KFEQ KFH KFKA WHO KGNF KSCJ KWTO WREN KGBX KOWH KARK -Light Crust Doughboys KFAB -Last Call for Dinner KFEL -The Dime Man KGHF- Morning Matinee *KGNF -News KOAM -Salon Orch. KOIL- Noonday Melodies KTHS -Arlington Orch. KUOA -Blair & Heath KVOO -Bob Wills' Playboys KVOIt -Stars Over Hollywood KWK-Musical Prgm. *WDAF-News; Weather: Market 1VJAG Weather & Mail Bag WNAX- Markets *WOW -News: Musicale 12:45 CST 11:45 MST NBC -Hymns of All Churches: KOA WHO CBS -My Son & I, sketch: KMBC KFAB KOIL KMOX KLRA KL7. NBC -Navy Band: KSCJ KARK KGBX MBS -Edna O'Dell, songs: KFEL KFOIt KWK *News: KGHF KVOD KTHS KFEQStreet Reporter KFH -Jamboree KFKA-Window Shoppers KGNF -Gauchos KO.AM -Ozark Melodies KOWH-Harmony Hall *hsD -News Koaarto Bourdon's Orch. KUOA-Jerry Sears KVOR -Organ Reveries KWK -Fashions in Review KWTO-Console Capers: Man MI the Street WDAF Remember the Song? WNAX- Billie & Tommy N'UN si,, nn 'he suet WREN- Society for the Friendless

1:00 CST 12:00 MST NBC -The Story of Mary Marlin, sketch: WDAF KOA KSD WOW WHO KV00 KARK

NBC -Orphans of Divorce, sketch: KVOD KTHS WREN KGHF MBS- Marriage License Romances: KFKA KFOR KWK KFBI CBS - Poetic Strings: (sw - I 1.83)

CBS -Society Girl, sketch: KMBC KFAB KMOX KOIL WNAX KLZ KLRA (sw- l5.27) *News: KVOR KWTO *KCKN -News: Sunbeam Songs *KFEL -News: Old Time Melodies KFEQ -Dannen Melodies KGBX -Melodic Moods KGNF-Swappers KOAM- Siesta Melodies KOWH- Pacific Paradise KSCJ -Want Ad Rambles; Sterling Young KUOA- Afternoon Melodies WHB -Radio Airplane Trip

1:15 CST 12:15 MST NBC -Ma Perkins, sketch: KSD WHO KVOO WDAF WOW KOA KARK NBC- Amanda of Honeymoon Hill, sketch: KTHS KVOD KGHF WREN CBS -It Happened In Hollywood: KLZ KMBC KMOX KOIL MBS -March of Childhood: KFEL KFKA KSAL KFBI KCKN -His Majesty the Baby KFAB -Joyce Jordan KFEQ -Baseball Scores KFH -Ark Valley Boys KFOR -Let's Waltz KGNF- Briefs KLRA - Remember This One KOWH- Touring the Town KVOR - Noonday Party: Luncheon Lyrics KWK -Let's Help You Keep House KWTO -The Laugh Clinic WNAX -Young Dr. Malone

1:30 CST 12:30 MST NBC -Pepper Young's Family, sketch: KSD KVOO KOA WHO WDAF WOW KARK *CBS -News: The Soloists: KFOR KLItA KOIL (sw- 11.83) MBS -Travel America: KFEL KSAL KFBI NBC -John's Other Wife, sketch: KGHF KTHS KVOD WREN KCKN -Bulletin Board KFAB -Jane Tucker KFEQ -Tripe A Agricultural Proj- ect KFH -Markets KFKA -News: Interviews: Markets KGBX -This Rhythmic Age *KGNF-Nebraska in the News KLZ -Life Begins, sketch KMBC -Kate Hopkins, sketch KMOX-Linda's First Love KOAM -Songs of Terry KOWH -Lew Fidler's Orth. KSCJ- Johnny Marvin's Orch, KUOA- Concert Classics KVOR- Melody Trail *KWK-News WHB-Voice of Kansas City WNAX -Judy & Jane 1:45 CST 12:45 MST

NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch: WREN KTIIS KVOD KGHF KCKN NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch: WOW WDAF KVOO KOA WHO KSD KARK CBS -Console Reflections: KLRA K011, KFOR KMBC (sw- 11.83) *MBS -To be announced: WHB KEEL My Son & I: KFAB WNAX KFBI -To be announced KFEQ -Waltz Time KFFH- Portia Blake, sketch KFKA -Markets KGBX -Ica Time Melodies KGNF -Let's Dance *KLZ -News KMOX- Editor's Daughter KOAM- Melody Moments KOWH- Tropical Tunes *KSCJ -News; Swing Time KVOR -Farm Service Prgm. KWK- Sports Twister KWTO-Ma Perkins, sketch WJAG-Organ Records

2:00 CST 1:00 MST CBS- Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch: KMBC NBC -Backstage Wife, sketch: IVDAF WOW %VFFO KOA *NBC -C I u b Matinee: News: WREN KVOD KGHF KANS KTHS KGBX KSCJ KOWH KWK (sw- 9.5315.33) CBS- Lecture Halt: tsLRA KFOR

fhteet: Sydney Greeuble, well - known lecturer and author.

Markets ht. h.Q KGNF KARK -Your Treat *KCKN -News: Variety Prgm. KFAB -Young Dr. Malone KFBI -Old Timers KFEL- Mischa Stanley's Orel KFH-Linda's First Love, sketch KFKA -Fort Collins Prgm. KGNF -Market Review KLZ -Variations on Syncopation KMOX -Ma Perkins

KOAM -Staff Jamboree KOIL -Young Dr. Malone, sketch KSD- Arnold Grimm's Daughter *KUOA -News: Rudolph Boehm KV00 -Judy & Jane KVOR -Drama of Food KWTO Kitty Keene, sketch *WHB -News: Dance Matinee WIBW -When a Girl Marries sketch WNAX -Road of We 2:15 CST 1:15 MST

CBS -Afternoon Serenade: KFOR KLRA KOIL (sw- 11.83) CBS -Myrt & Marge, sketch: KLZ KMBC WIBW NBC -Stella Dallas, sketch: KOA WDAF WOW KVOO WHO MBS -To be announced: KFEL WHB *KARK -News: Rendezvous with Romance KFAB-Scattergood Baines KFBI -Frank Chiddix, pianist KFEQ- Matinee Melodies KFH.Editor's Daughter sketch KGBX -Hollywood Hi -Jinks KGNF -Singing Strings *KMOX -Let's Discuss the News KSD-Valiant Lady, sketch KUOA -Edna Ruth Minick KVOR- Master Singers KWTO-Rotund Romeos WJAG -Afternoon Concert WNAX -Portia Blake

2:30 CST 1:30 MST NBCLorenzo Jones, sketch: WHO KVOO WDAF WOW CBS -Swing Unlimited: KOIL KFOR KLRA CBS -Hilltop House, drama: KLZ KMBC 1VIBW MBS -EI Paseo Troubadors: KFEL KFKA KSAL WHK KARK -Happy Jack & Ozark Ramblers KCKN -Matinee Melodies KFAB -Livestocks: Jamboree KFBI -Judy & Jane KFEQ -Ben Henderson KFH -Violin Encores KGNF World Bookman KMOX -Vic & Sade KOA- Adopted Daughter. sketch *KOAM -News & Markets KSD -Hymns of All Churches KUOA -Peggy Anderson. pianist KVOR -Matinee Melodies KWK -Rich Hayes Plays KWTO -The In -Laws WHB -Silver Sails WNAX -Meet Ma Brown

2:45 CST 1:45 MST NBC -Young Widder Brown, sketch: WOW WHO WDAF KSD KV00 CBS -Swing Unlimited: KOIL KFOR KLRA (sw- 11.83)

MBS -Muse & Music: KFEL KFKA KFBI KFEQ -Minor Clites, accordionist KFH -Angel of Mercy. sketch KGBX -Music You Want KGNF -The Hawk KLZ -Stepmother, sketch *KMBC -News: Prgm. Highlights: Musical Interlude KMOX -Dope From the Dugout *KOA -News; Markets ROAM -Organ Melodies KTHS -Baseball Scores KUOA -Three Merry Men KWK- Sports Twisters KWTO -Slim & Junior WIBW -Life Can Be Beautiful WNAX -Joyce Jordan

3:00 CST 2:00 MST NBC -Girl Alone, sketch: KARK KVOD WDAF WHO KOA WOW CBS -Golden Gate Quartet: KLRA NBC -To be announced: KSCJ KANS KOWH KTHS WREN MBS -Citizens' Committee: KFEL KFKA KSAL WIIB CBS -By Kathleen Norris, sketch: KMBC KOIL KLZ *News: KGNF KFOR *KCKN-News: Design for Danc- ing *KFBI -News KFEQ -Pony Express Roundup KFH -Baseball; St. Louis vs. New York KGHF-Afternoon Tune KMOX- Baseball Game KOAM -Ron Mangrum, Postmaster *KUOA -News: Jules Lindi s

Orch. KVOD -Two O'Clock Tunes KVOR- Afternoon Interlude KWKBaseball; Browns vs. A's

KWTO-Markets ; Health Hints WIBW -Kaneas Roundup WJAG Waltz With Me WNAX -Happy Jack's Old -Timers WREN- Baseball Game

3:15 CST 2:15 MST NBC -Kitty Keene, sketch: WDAF KVOO KOA WHO WOW CBS -Vella Pessl, harpsichordist: KLRA *News: KOIL KOWH NARK Accordiana KFBI -La Cantina KGNF Aristocrats of Rhythm KL7 Judy & Jane. sketch KMBC- Musical Moods KOAM -Eb & Zeb K110A-Ruth Treadwell KWTO -Jim West Jamboree w.IAI; Vocal Varieties WNAX-Dancetime

3:30 CST 2:30 MST NBC -To be announced: KGHF KSCJ KTHS KOWH KVOD NBC -Midstream, sketch: WDAF KOA WOW KVOO WHO MBS -To be announced: KFEL KFBI KSAL WHB CBS -To be announced: KFOR KLRA WNAX KARK -Colleen Cart, songs KCKN- Melody Lane *KFEQ -Baseball Scores: News KGBX Sine Sone Time KGNF -Mahlon Merrick Group KLZ-Your Treat KMBC -When a Girl Marries KOAM-Hillbilly Hilarities KOIL -Top Tunes KOWH- Bunker Hill Day: Treas- ure Chest KUOA- Hawaiian Melodies KVOR -To be announced WJAG -Tango Time *WREN -News

3:45 CST 2:45 MST CBS -Scattergood Baines, sketch: KLZ KLRA KMBC NBC -The O'Neills, sketch: WHO KOA WOW WDAF KSD NBC -To be announced: KSCJ KGBX KOWH KGHF KANS KTHS WREN NBC -Bud Barton: (sw- l5.33) Piano Moods: KFEQ KGNF KCKN- Tropical Moods KFAB-Gus & Andy KFBI-To be announced KFEL -Eddie Bush's Orel KOAM -WPA Prgm. KOIL -Music of the Masten K UOA . Popular Tunes KVOD- Serenade KVOO- Portia Blake KVOR -Music Graphs KWTO Alisen Brau Boys WHB.Staff Frolic WIBWVoung Dr. Malone, sketch Wt AG flaw aiian WNAX -Hillbilly Rhythm

4:00 CST 3:00 MST NBC -Lï I Abner. sketch: KGBX KARK CBS -Young Dr. Malone. sketch: KLZ KMBC NBC -To be announced: WREN NBC -Rocky Gordon, sketch: ESC.I KV00 KTHS KOWH KCKN KANS KVOD *MBS -News: Hugo Monaco's Orch.: KFEL KSAL KFBI CBS -Chicagoans: KFOR KOIL 1V NA X

KFAB -Roy & Lonnie Kt Et,( -Ben Henderson KGHF- Afternoon Varieties KGNF -Travelogue KLRA -Things to Come KOA- Musical Magazine KSD -Girl Alone. sketch *KUOA -News: Lewis Erwin KOAM -The Crimson Trail KVOR- Dramas of Lite *K1VTO -News WDAF -Dance Tunes WHB -Bob Caldwell, Jr.: Ave Minutes of Fact WHO- Arnold Grimm's Daughter WIBW -Ma Perkins. sketch WJAG -Band Music WOW -Light of the World

4:15 CST 3:15 MST CBS -Hedda Hopper's Hollywood: KMBC KLZ KFAB KMOX KOIL NBC -Uncle Mal: KSCJ KV00 KTHS KOWH MBS -Hugo Monaco's Orch -: WHB KSAL *NBC -Glenn Garr's Orch.: News: KOAM KARK KGBX WDAF (sw -9.53 )

B -9/37 Page 23

MONDAY June 24

KFAB -Bub Bellamy KFEQ- Matinee KGNI- -All Request Prgm. KLRA -Amer. Family Robinson KSD -Your Treat KUOA- Siesta Serenade *KVOD -To be announced: News KVOR -Musical Workshop KWTO -Zeke & the Saddle Pals WHO -Valiant Lady, sketch WIBW -Kitty Keene, sketch WJAG-For Children Only WNAX -WPA Prgm. WOW- Arnold Grimm's Daughter 4:30 CST 3:30 MST


The fairy -tale 'lt Is Per- fectly True" will be told.

*CBS -Paul Sullivan Reviews the News: (sw- 11.83) NBC -Gordon Gifford, bar.: KGBX KARK WSM WDAF KOAM (sw 9.53) CBS -Dave Baca!: KOIL WNAX KFAB KFOR MBS -Five Men of Fate. KFEL KSAL WHB KFBI KFOR NBC -To be announced: KVOD WREN CBS -Joyce Jordan. sketch: KLZ KMBC *News: KGNF WJAG KCKN -Tempo Topics KFEQ -The Rhythm Console KLRA -Zoo Antics KOA- Market News; Organ Rev- eries KSD -Kitty Keene, sketch KUOA -Ridge Runners KV00 -Prgm. Prevaa KVOR -Home Folks KWTO-Jim West, Boots & Bobby WHB- Walkathon Matinee WHO -Meet Miss Julia. 'keels WIBW-Matinee WOW- Valiant Lady, sketch

4:45 CST 3:45 MST NBC -Bud Barton, children's pro- gram: KANS KOWH KSCJ KTHS KGHF KVOD *CBS -The Worlo Today: K011 KLRA KMBC KLZ KVOR KFAB NBC -Paul Douglas. sports: KARK KGBX KOAM KFBI -Teddy Combs KEEL -Clark Dennis KFEQ -Music Graphs ht; \I- All Request Pram KOA- Theater Reporter: Loahna & Her Dolls KSD.University Educ't Series KUOA -Covered Wagon Jubilee KV00- Novachord Trio KWTO- Treasure Chest WDAF -Tea Time Tunes WHB -Moods & Fancies WHO-Baseball Time WJAG- Devotional Prgm. WNAX-Varieties WOW-Hymns of All Churches WREN-Drama of Food

5:00 CST 4:00 MST NBC -Air Youth of America: KSCJ WREN KGHF KOWH CBS -Amos n Andy sketch (sw11.83) CBS -Reflections: KFAB KMOX NBC -Three Romeos: KGBX KVOO KOAM *MBS- Fulton Lewis 1 sews analyst: KWK KSAL KFBI KARK -Street & Highway Safety; Modern Home *KCKN -News: M a k e Believe Ballroom *KFEL -News: Herb Brown's Or- chestra KFEQ -Dance Time *KFH -The World Today KGNF -Today's Sport Parade KLRA -Five at Five KLZ- Dixieland Band KMBC- Portia Blake Faces Lite KOA-Loahna Si Her Dolls KOIL-Tommy Dorseÿ s Orch.: Song Hits KOWII -South Omaha Bandwagon *KSD -News: Feature Spotlight KTHS -Baseball Scores: Cheer Club KUOA- Madison Singers KVOD -Tropical Tempos

(Continued on Next Page)

L N For MOVIE AHD RADIO GUIDE READERS Just to get acquainted, we will beautifully enlarge

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Page 26: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

Page 24 9/37 -B

MONDAY June 24

(5:00 p.m. Continued)

KVOR -Tea Time Musicale KWTO- Schaffer Sisters WDAF -Your Treat WHB- Olivia & Joaquin WJAG- Musical Roulette WNAX -Billie & Tommy WOW- Musical Prgm.

5:15 CST 4:15 MST *CBS -Paul Sullivan Reviews the News: KFAB KMOX KOIL

MBS- Leighton Noble's Orchestra: KFEL KFOR KSAL KWK KFBI *NBC -H. V. Kaltenborn, news: KARK KV00 WDAF WHO KOA KANS KGBX WOW KOAM (sw 9.53 )

NBC -Youth Tells Its Story: WREN KGHF KSCJ KTHS

Today's episode, Help Want. ed," deals with Job placement.

Novachord Novelties: KLZ KVOR KCKN -Band of the Day KFEQ -Margit Hegedus Directs KFHHedda Hopper's Hollywood KGNF -Gane Devoe Entertains *KLRA -Sports; Interlude, News KMBC -P. Hans Flath, organist KSD -The In -Laws KUOA -Harry Horlick Presents KWTO -Tin Pan Alley *WHB -News t\ N.AX- Scattergood Baines 5:30 CST 4:30 MST

CBS -Aeolian Ensemble: KFAB KOIL WIBW NBC -Rex Maupin's Orth.: KOA KGBX NBC -Johnny McGee's Orchestra: KANS KTHS KVOD KSCJ KWK *News: KARK KVOR KOWH \VREN WHB KGHF KCKN- Sundown Serenade KFBI -To be announced KFEL -Charles Baum, pianist *KFEQ -News; Baseball Scores KFH -Ann of the Air -Lanes KFKA -impressions in Was KGNF-Majestics KLRA -Jack Armstrong, sketch KLZ -Book Brochures KMBC- Bonnie & the Boys KMOX-Bob Dunham Comments KOAM-Bands at the Top KSD Pals of the Prairie KUOA- Arcadians KV00 -World of Sports KWTO -Radio Spotlight WDAF-Ann of the Airlane. WHB -Barry County Choristers WHO -Organ Moods WJAG -Highlights in Melody WNAX -Sunset Edition VOW -Kate Hopkins 5:45 CST 4:45 MST

NBC -Johnny McGee's Orchestra: K(.,WH WREN NBC -Rex Maupin's Orch.: KOAM CBS- Designed for Dancing: KOIL KFAB WIBW *News KFH KVOO WHO KSCJ WOW KARK -Passing Parade of Sports KCKNGoing Places KFEL Garwood Van Orch. KFEQ -Orgatron Prgm. KGBX -Droner Music KGHF-Hits & Encores KGNF-Sunset Trio KLRA -Musical Varieties KLZ-Fed. of Women's Clubs *KMBC.News: Sports KMOX- Gertrude Neisen & Alpine Varieties KSD -Stockton & Eschen KTHS- Today's Winners KUOA -Gems of Melody KVOD -Song Session KVOR -Fed. of Women's Clubs *KWK- Sports: News KWTO- Melody Time; Q. T. Time WDAF -Linwood Cavaliers WHB -Orphan Annie, sketch *WNAX -The World Today

NIGHT Where then is no listing

for a station its pmeeding program is on tie air.

6:00 CST 5:00 MST MBS -Lew Diamond's Orch.: KFEL KFKA KFBI NBC -The Telephone Hour: KSD KARK WDAF WHO KOA WLW WMAQ KV00 WSM WOW

Mus,c detail on page le. MBS -Play Broadcast, glut show: WGN NBC -Little OI' Hollywood: KSO KGHF WREN KVOD ESC,/ KANS KTHS


NIGHT 6:00 CST (5:00 MST) The

Telephone Hour, NBC. James Melton, tenor; Francia White, soprano; Ken Chris- tie Mixed Chorus; Don Voor- hees and his symphonic or- chestra.

Music detail my be found do page 18, column 4.

6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Play Broadcast, MBS. Dennis Wood, M. C.; Bill Anson, impersonator; Harold Stokes' orchestra.

6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Tune Up Time, CBS. Tony Martin, tenor; Andre Kostelanetz' orchestra.

Check the programs you want to hear today

6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Little 01' Hollywood, NBC. Dramatizations and inter- views. Ben Alexander, M. C.; vocalist; Gordon Jen- kins' orchestra. Guests.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) The Voice of Firestone, NBC. Margaret Speaks, soprano; symphony orchestra, Alfred Wallenstein, conductor.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) True or False, NBC. Quiz program. with Dr. Har- ry Hagen.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) Pipe Smoking Time. CBS.

Featuring Howard and Shel- ton, with Jud Hawkins, chorus and orchestra,

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) Lux Radio Theater, CBS. Irene Dunne, Allan Jones and Charles Winninger in "Show Boat."

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) Doctor I. Q., NBC. Quiz program, with Lew Val- entine.

8:00 CST (7:00 MST) Repub- lican National Convention, NBC, CBS, MBS.

The opening ceremonies of the Republican National

Convention will be heard. Governor Harold Stassen of Minnesota will deliver the keynote speech. Highlights of the convention will be re- ported throughout the week by NBC, CBS and MBS com- mentators.

8:30 CST (7:30 MST) Blondie, CBS. Corned% sketch. with Arthur Lake and Penny Singleton.

9:00 CST (8:00 MST) Fred Waring in Pleasure Time, NBC.

9:15 CST (8:15 MST) Lanny Ross, Tenor, CBS.

Refer to adjacent columns for stations broadcasting these programs

CBS -Tune -Up Time; Tony Mar- tin. tnr.: KFAB KFH KRNT WBBM KMBC KOIL KLRA KMOX WNAX (sw- 11.83) *News. KUOA KWTO WIBW KFOR KGBX KOAM KCKN -Dance with America KGNF- Dinner Hour KLZ-Restyled Rhythm KOWH -Dance Time KVOR- Eventide Echoes KWK -Lone Ranger. drama *WHB -Fulton Lewis, Jr., comm. WJAG -Evening Concert WLS -To be announced WMT- Sports with Puckett

6:15 CST 5:15 MST MBS -Lew Diamond's Orch.: KFOR KSAL Sports: KOWH KWTO KOAM KFBI-Sports KGBX -Jack Dawe KGNF-Eb & Zeb KLZ- Dealer in Dreams KVOR -Lost Empire WHB -The Sportsman %VIB\V- Musical Hodgepodge WJAG -Drama of Food WLS -Homes on the Land WMT-Fur Melodies WSB -The Sportsman

6:30 CST 5:30 MST NBC -True or False: KWK WLS KVOD KSO WREN KGHF

Six girl graduates from the C. of Pittsburgh will compete with members of the Pitts- burgh Fire Department.

NBC -Voice of Firestone: KSI) WDAF WHO WOW WMAQ WLW KV00 KARK KANS WSM (sw 9.53 ) MBS -Mystery Hall: KSO WHB WMT NBC -Fair, Facts & Fancy: KOA *CBS -Pipe Smoking Time; Tom Howard & George Shelton; News KMBC WBBM KFAB (sw- 11.831 KFBI,Music You Want When You Want It *KFEL.Movie News & Views KFH-First Federal Quartet KFKA- Sundown Serenade KGBX -Supper Melodies KGNF -Today's Headlines KLRA-It's Your Move; Dinner Music *KLZ-News *KMOX. Mellow Time; News KOAM -Salon Silhouettes *KOIL-Something to Talk About: Answer Please: News KOWH -As Omaha Dines KSCJ- Sports KTHS Memory Lane KVOR-Sports KWTO -Jim Simmons WGN-Lone Ranger. drama WHB -The Fortune Finder WIBW Heading Homeward *WMT -Fulton Lewis, Jr., comm. WNAXHappy Jack's Old Timers

6:45 CST 5:45 MST *CBS -Bob Garred Reporting War Bulletin: KLZ. KFH MBS -Little Orphan Annie, sketch: KFEL KFKA KGNF -Eventide Reverie: Weather *KLRA -Talk: Interlude: News *KLZ -Sports: News KOAM -The Drama of Food KOWH -Golf Talk KSCJ -Anson Weeks' Orch. KTHS -Decca Review *KVOR- Rhythm Revue: News KWTO -The Plainsmen *WIBW-Range Riders: News *\VMT- Dinner Dance News *WNAX- Dancetime: News 7:00 CST 6:00 MST


Republican National Convention The opening ceremonies of the convention

will be broadcast this evening over NBC, CBS and MBS networks. (See program columns and Good Listening Guide for time and sta- tions.) The happenings of the convention will be broadcast at intermittent times throughout the duration of the meeting. No regular sched- ule has been set and the radio commentators at the convention hall will break into regularly scheduled programs when they have anything of importance to report. The convention will probably carry through the entire week. More information may be found on page 13.

CBS -Lux. Radio Theater: Cecil B. DeMille, producer : KFAB KMOX KMBC KRNT WNAX KLRA KOIL WBBM KFH KLZ (sw- 11.83) NBC -Green Hornet, drama: KSCJ KVOD KANS KWK WREN KGHF KOWH KTHS *KCKN -Elliott Roosevelt. comm. *KFBINews KGBX -Round Table KOAM -Vocal Variations KVOR -Adult Education KWTO-Whispering Jack Don WENR- Concert Miniature *WGN -Bills Repaid news WHB -The Barrel Roll N IBWCroseroads Sociable WRIT -Les Hartman', Band

7:15 CST 6:15 MST MBS -To be announced: KSAL KCKN -Organ Reveries KFBI -Norse Gospel Trio KOAM -Sundown Melodies KWTO -Aloha Land WENR -Bob Strong's Orch. WGN -Dance Orch. WHB-Juanita's Rhumba Band

7:30 CST 6:30 MST NBC -To be announced: KOA WDAF WLW WHO WOW KSD KVOO KARK WSM WMAQ MBS -To be announced: KFBI KEEL KFKA KFOR KSAL WMT NBC -Paul Martin's Music: ESC) WENR KOWH WREN KVOD KWK (sw -9.53) KCKN -Melody Time KGBX- Romance of Dan & Sylvia KGHF- Popular Melodies KOAM-Sundown Melodies KVOR-Ott with the Dance *WGN -News WIIB_ Johnny Burkhardt's Orch.

7:45 CST 6:45 MST *KGBX-News KVOR -Lest We Forget WGN-Your Music I. Q.

8:00 CST 7:00 MST NBC -Republican Nat'l Conven- tion: WENR ESO EWE KSCJ KTHS

For detail see Good Listening Guide.

CBS -Republican Nat'l Conven- tion: KFH KLRA WMT KFAB EHNT W13131%1 KMBC WNAX KMOX WIBW KLZ KOIL

For detail see Good Listening Guide.

MBS- Republican Nat'l Conven- tion: WGN KFEI. KSAL

For detail see Good Listening Guide.

NBC -Republican Nat'l Conven- tion: KOA WMAQ WDAF WHO K V00 Ksl) \V > \1 WOW KARK \VL\\' (sw-9.S3)

For detail see Good Listening Guide.

*News KVOD KFOR *KCKN-News: Hit Revue KFBI-Memories KGBX- Featured Orch. KGHF -Lone Rangier. sketch KVOR- Petite Musicale WREN-Things You Should Know

8:15 CST 7:15 MST MBS -Who Knows? WGN


*MBS -Blue Barron's Orch.: News: KFEL KSAL K('KN- Baseball: Kansas City vs. Columbus KGBX-Musie Graphs KWK- Inside of Sports WREN -Baseball; Kansas City vs. Col a nt bus

8:30 CST 7:30 MST MBS -Harold Stokes' Orch.: \VGN KFOR KFBI NBC -Gallant American Women: WENR KSCJ KV00 KANS KARK KGHF KSO KVOD

\Vounn as librarians and cu rotors will he the theme of today's episode.

CBS- Blondie. sketch: KLZ KOIL KRNT KMOX KFII WBBM WIBW WNAX KLRA KFAB KMHC \VMT *CBS -News of the War: (sw- 9.65 ) NBC -Sensations & Swing; Sam- my Kaye's Orch.: KSD KGBX WOW KOA WDAF WMAQ WLW WHO *KFEL -News: Jimmy Dorsey's Orch. KTHS- Arlington Orch. KVOR -Lone Ranger KWK -Carlos Molina's Orch. WSM- Magnolia Blossoms 8:45 CST 7:45 MST

CBS -Genevieve Rowe, sop.: (sw 9.65) KFEL- Sports Review: Richard Himber's Orch. *KWK News

9:00 CST 8:00 MST NBC -Fred Waring in Pleasure Tiute: KOA KANS WHO KV00 WLW WSM WOW KSD WMAQ K :A R 1t:

CBS -Dick Gasparre's Orch.: (sw 9.65 ) NBC -Ben Cutler's Orch.: KGHF KVOD KTHS MBS -Lew Diamond's Orch.: WGN KFEL CBS -Amos 'n' Andy, sketch: WBBM KRNT KMBC KFAB KLZ WNAX KMOX KOIL *News: KFH WMT WENR KGBX-Musical Memories KLRA -Tommy Scott KSCJ -Sioux Cityans KVOR- Concert Hall KWK - Barrel Roll WDAF.Sports Chat WIBW Vic & Sade, sketch

9:15 CST 8:15 MST NBC-Ben Cutler's Orch.: KANS KVOO KARK

CBS -Lanny Ross, tnr.: KMBC KLZ KFAB 1(011. KRNT WBBM KMOX NBC -Reggie Childs' Orch.: KGBX WDAF

MBS -Adrian Rollini's Trio: KFOR KFEL KSO WMT *News: KOA WNAX WMAQ WSM Spotts: WHO WOW KFH -Scattergood Baines, sketch KLRA- Arkansas Baptist College Kph ( hem McKay & Co *WGN -News: Blue Barron's Or- chestra WIBW -K P & L Prgm. WLW -Fun at the Fair

9:30 CST 8:30 MST MBS -Larry Clinton's Orch.: KOIL WGN

CBS -Louts Prima's Orch.: KFAB NBC -Lou Breese's Orch.: KANS KSCJ KTHS KGHF KSO NBC -Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra: KGBX WHO WMAQ KARK WOW

*CBS -Pipe Smoking Time; Tom Howard & Geo. Shelton: News: ROIL WNAX WIBW KMOX KLZ KRNT WMT MBS -Lone Ranger. drama: KFEL KFH-Bell's Sports Salute KFKA- Legion of Safety KFOR -Jerry Sears' Strings *KLRA-Studio Party: News *IN NIB( News Sports KOA-Men of the West *KSD News Rosano Bourdon's Orch. K VOD- Serenade KV00- Arthur Godfrey KVOR -Tropical Moods KWK-Musical Prgm. *WBBM -News Todd Hunter WDAF- Arthur Godfrey WLW-Dance Orch. WSM -To be announced

9:45 CST 8:45 MST NBC -Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra: KVOD KV00 WDAF *News: KFH KFOR KFKA-Melody Mill KMBC Irene Rich, drama h>D Beyond Reasonable Doubt *W'BBMDave Baca!, organist: News WHO-Kay Neal & Cavaliers %Vl.w -Sports 10:00 CST 9:00 MST NBC -George Olsen's Orch.: KGBX NBC -Jimmy Dorsey s Otto.. WREN KV00 KGIIF KARK MBS -Harry James' Orch.: KFEL CBS -Van Alexander's Orch.: KFAB WBBM KMBC KLRA taw-6.12) CBS- Tune -Up Time: KLZ *News: KFKA KVOR WOW WGN WHO WLW WNAX WDAF WOW WIBW KOIL KCKN KOIL KSCJ KTHS WIBW RFH- Kaliko Kat Orch. KMOX- France Laux. sports KOA -Songs & Patter KVOD.Concert Corner KWK One Man's Opinion WENR -Clyde Lucas' Orch. *WMAQ -News; Carl Ravazza's Orch. WMT -Dance Orch. WSM- Sports: To be announced 10:15 CST 9:15 MST NBC -Jimmy Dorsey's Orch.: KASS KSCJ KTHS KVOD CBS -Van Alexander's Orch.: WMT WNAX NBC- George Olsen's Orch.: KOA \ \'110 WOW MBS -Harry James' Orch.: WLW KFKA WGN *KMOX- Flannery Views the News KOIL- Sports Specials KVOR- Electricitv Speaks KWK -Carlos Molina's Oreh. WDAF -Fred Waring's Orch.

WIBW- Oklahoma Outlaws *WLW -Wm. H. Hessler, comm.


NBC -Ella Fitzgerald's Orch.: WREN K \'OD *KARK -News *KFEL -Fulton Lewis, Jr., comm KGHF -Dancetime KLZPennies from Heaven KMOX- Moonlight Serenade KSCJ -Bill & Mike KTHS -Jimmy Capra's Orth. KV00- Michael Gallaso, violinist WDAF -Dance Orch.; Sports WENR Music You Want \VLW -Etzi Covato's Orch. WMAQ -Jose Manzanares' Orch. 10:45 CST 9:45 MST CBS -Ozzie Nelson's Orch.: KLZ MBS-Blue Barron's Orch .

NBC -Ella Fitzgerald's Orch.: KSO KSCJ KFEL -Bert Castle's Orch. KMOX- Victor's Velvet Music KV00 -Your Kindly Philosopher *KTHS -News: Baseball Summary *KVOD -News WLW- Schnickelfritz' Band 11:00 CST 10:00 MST NBC -Deke Moffitt's Orch.: KARK KSCJ WENR WREN KSO CBS -Jack Coffey's Orch.: WBBM KFH KRNT WNAX WIBW WMT KFAB KLRA (sw -6.12) MBS -Jack McLean's Orch.: WGN KSAL KFOR KFKA KOIL *CBS -Paul Sullivan Reviews the News: KLZ KMBC NBC -Deke Moffitt's Orch.: WOW WHO WMAQ WSM KGBX *News: KGHF KVOO KSD K WK *KFEL -News: Joe Gilbert's Or- chestra KMOX- Pleasantdale Folks KOA- Sports News KVOD-Rhythm Spree KVOR -Dance Hour WDAF- Moonbeams WLW -Deke Moffitt's Orth. 11:15 CST 10:15 MST MBS -Jack McLean's Orch.: KFEL CBS -Jack Cotter's Orch.: KLZ KMBC KMOX KVOR NBC -Deke Moffitt's Orch.: KWK KGHF KVOD

NBC -Deke Moffitt's Orch.: KVOO Music You Want: KSD KOIL KOA -Tommy Tucker's Orch. 11:30 CST 10:30 MST NBC -Carl Ravazza's Orch.: KSO KSCJ WREN KVOD WENR KGHF NBC -Carl Ravazza's Orth.: WSM KGBX WMAQ KARK WOW KV00 WDAF *CBS -Dance Orch.: News: KFH WNAX WBBNI WIBW KFOR KMOX KRNT KMBC KFAB KVOR (sw -6.12) MBS -Zeke Manners' Gang: WMT KFEL KFKA KWK IVGN KSAL KLRA -Dance Hour *KLZ -News \VLW -Ninon River: Poems: Organ 11:45 CST 10:45 MST *CBS -Dance Orch.: News: KLZ NBC -Carl Ravazza's Orch.: KANS NBC -Carl Ravazza's Orch.: WHO KOA -On with the Dance 12:00 CST 11:00 MST MBS -Lew Diamond's Orch.: WGN KFEL KFKA KWK NBC -Ray Harrington's Orchestra. K VOD *News: KOA KMOX WHO KLZ-Jimmy Grier's Orch. KVOR-Benny Goodman's Orch. *WLW Dance Time; News WOW- Midnight Melodies

End of Monday Programs

FItEQDENCIEB KANS-191,1 KVnD-ICtO K.11tK-NW K\'00-11In K F.L B-77n K \Y 11: -12711 KFEt.-n2n Kw'K.1:trsl K FE/4-430 K WWI, 1-: a a t

KF11-131x1 W-I:.tl'-s1 KFKA-NNp \V1411N771) KF'c1I:-121n \\'l'I'n.p10 K,:1tN-12:p1 5511.1 F'.r,lu K,:11F-1:321 W'ENIt-N7n KItNF'tA:NI \CF.ta-SINI KLItA-13:N) \\'I:N-7LN1 K I.Z-ío11 1\' 1111,411 KNI Ili 4n:A W110-llx,t KMIIN-11M \V114W.iF,I KI IA-N:31) \VJ AI: -11,a1 KO.tM-700 \VI.SS70 K011,1200 W'1.\C-7011 K(/\\'H-600 \\'M.tQ.r,70 KR N T-1320 W M'1'-u(N) KSt'J-1330 WN.\N-570 KSD.S:xI WOW-590 KSO-1e80 WREN-1220 KTIIS-I000 WSM-6,50 K COA-1:3iN)


Page 27: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that


*Star in program listings Indicates news broadcast.

7:30 CST 6:30 MST CBS- Adelaide Hawley: (ew17.831 NBC -Breakfast C I u b: KTHS KGBX KWK KANS *News: KFH KFEQ KOAM KOWH KOIL KMOX Musical Clock: KOA WDAF WHB WOW

7:45 CST 6:45 MST CBS -Bachelor's Children. sketch: KMOX KMBC KFH CBS -Dancing Through the Years:

w. 17.83) NBC -Breakfast Club: KOWH *News: KVOO KWK Coffee Pot Inn: WHO WNAX WIBW WOW KFAB Early Risers' Club: KLZ KVOR

8:00 CST 7:00 MST CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly. sketch. KFH KLRA KMOX KOIL WNAX NBC -Josh Higgins of Finchville, philosophy & songs: KVUD (sw 21.5) NBC -The Man I Married. sketch: WHO WO \V KSD WDAF KVOO *News KGHF KOA KFOR WREN KFBI Mars. i, Cr.onons KGNF WJAG KARK-Curley Fox & Texas Ruby KCKN-Movic News KFAB -Texas Mary & Her Pale KFEL -Morning Varieties KFEQ -A Word to the Wives KGBX-Merry- Go-Round KLZ -Breakfast Time Table KMBC -Midland Minstrels KOAMOrgan Rhapsody KOWH-Musical Clock *KTHS-News: Handy Hour *KUOA -News: Varieties KVORHotne Folks Frolic KWK-Music, Maestro, Please KWTO-Family Almanac; Melodies

8:15 CST 7:15 MST NBC -Vagabonds: KWK WREN KOWH KVOD KOA (sw -21.5) NBC -Houseboat Hannah, sketch: KV00 WOW WHO WDAF NBC- Midstream. sketch: KSD CBS -Myrt & Marge, sketch: KLRA KMOX KFAB KOIL KFH WNAX Morning Melodies KFEQ KGHF KARK-Morning Melodies KERI-To be announced KGBX- Adventure Bound *KGNF -News KLZPinto Pete & Ranch Boys KMBC -Dixieland Strings KO.A11 -Time 'n' Tunes KI'O.A.Story Book Castle KVOR-Morning Devotionals KWTO- Singing Baker Boy WIBW -Hymns of all Churches *WJAG-News & Musical Clock

8:30 CST 7:30 MST NBC-Viennese Ensemble: WREN KOWII KGHF (sw215) NBC -Ellen Randolph, s k e t c h: WHO WDAF WOW KVOO CBS -Hilltop House. drama:' KFH KFAB KLRA KMOX WNAX KOIL *News: KVOD KVOR KWTO KARK -Musical Moments KCKN - Police Court KFBI -Hits & Encores KFEL Western Voice *KFEQ :Markets: News KGBX - Variety Show KGNF- Breakfast Ballads KMBC -Food Scout KOA Old Refrains *KSD -News: Helpful Harry KUOA- Fireside Quartet KWK -Hits & Encores WIIB -Top Flight Tunes WIBW -Morning Inspirations 8:45 CST 7:45 MST

NBC -By Kathleen Norris. sketch: WOW WHO 1VDAF KSD KARK CBS- Stepmother, sketch: KMBC KFAB KOIL KMOX WNAX MBS -Choir Loft: KFEL KFOR KSAL KFBI *News: KOA KLZ KWK KCKN-Morning Jamboree *KFH -Markets. News KGNF-Three Ts KLRA -Woman's Magazine KUOA -Dr. Martin KVOD -Song Hits KV00 -Bill & Mary KVOR-American Legion Band KWTO -Ozarks Singer WHB -Home of the Week WIBW Arnold Grimm', Daughter

9:00 CST 8:00 MST CBS -Hollywood Dreams: (sw- 17.83)


*MBS -News: To be announced: KSAL KFBI NBC -I Love Linda Dale, sketch: WREN KVOD KSCJ KTHS NBC -David Harum, sketch: KSD 1V110 WOW WDAF KV00 KANS KOA *KARK -News *KCKN -News: Musical Greetings KFAB -Jane Tucker *KFEL -News: Alee Randolph KFEQ -Old Timers & Minor KGBX- Merry -Go -Round KGHFMusical Moments KGNF little Red Schoolhouse KLZ-Good Morning Melodies: Helpful Harry KMBC -Fashion Flashes KOAM Harmony Isle KOWHTin Pan Alley KUOAGods Halt How KVOR -Good 1lornìns KWK Gospel Singer KWTO What's New? *WIIB News 111tstt I:os Faulkner W.IAG-Musical Gems st AX Gospel Singer

9:15 CST 8:15 MST NBC -Lone Journey. sketch: WHO tvuw tVIJAF KVOO CBS -Lice Begins. sketch: KFH KFAB K011. KMOX NBCClark Dennis, tnr.: WREN KTHS KVOD KSCJ KOWH 1,-w- 15.33)

NBC -The Road of Life, sketch: KSD MBS -Harold Turner. pianist: KFEL K.ARKTown Talk KCKNKitchen Kapers KFBI -Old Timers KFEQ-Bills Hawaiian Players KGHF- Accordiana KGNF Woman's Radio Journal KLR.AHvmns of All Churches KLZ-Road of Life, sketch KMBC -Meet Miss Julia, sketch 1(0% -Let's Go KO.tM.Phil Neely KVOR-Symphony of Melody KWK- Sunbonnet Social KWTO The Rhythm Rangers WHB-Shades of Black & White WIH11 Adopted Daughter sk-teh *11 N:\N -News: Novachordist

9:30 CST 8:30 MST CBS -Big Sister, sketch: KLRA KFAB KMOX KMBC WNAX KFH NBC-The Wife Saver, sketch: KSCJ KOWII KTHS WREN last- 15.33)

NBC -Against the Storm, sketch: WHO WOW WDAF KV00 KARK KOA MBS -To be announced: KWK KFEL *News: KOIL KGBX KCKN -Morning Serenade KFBLittle Concert KFEQ-Markets; Organ Melodies KGHF- Devotional KGNF-Music from A to Z KLZ Captain Ozie KOALA- Morning Melodies KUOA-Common Sense View- point KVOD- Morning Melodies KVOR- Chinch in the Wildwond KWK -Painted Dreams, sketch *KWTO- Markets; News: Wes. they 11IIB-Smile Brigade W'1BWHousewives Prgm.

9:45 CST 8:45 MST NBC -Thunder Over Paradise, sketch: KGHF KSCJ KWK KANS KTHS WREN (sw-15.33) CBS -Aunt Jenny's Stories: KFH KFAB KMBC WNAX KMOX NBC-The Guiding Light, sketch: KSD KARK WOW WDAF WHO KVOO KOA MBS- Johnson Family, sketch: KSAL KFEL KWK KFOR KFBI KCKN-Ranch Boys KFEQ-Markets. Hawaiian Mel- odies KGBX -Gems of Melody- Weather KLRA -Singing Sam KLZ -Lady, Lend An Ear KOAM -The Lost Empire KOIL -Polly the Shopper KOWHMorninc Musicale KUOA Little Concert KVORMorning Varieties KWK Lice of Mary Snthern WHB-Story Behind the Song 10:00 CST 9:00 MST NBCKidoodlers: KOtVH KTHS KGHF (sw_15.33) NBC -To be announced: KGBX NBC -Woman in White, sketch: KOA *CBS -Kate Smith Speaks: News: KLZ KOIL KMOX KLRA KFAB 1VN.1X (sw- 17.83)

*News: KVOD KGNF KUOA WHO WREN KARK -Sugar Creek Gang *KCKN -News: Tunes at Ten KFBI- Rhythm Trio: Weather

KFEL -Richard Himber's Orch. KFEQ -Ben Henderson KFH -Ma Perkins, sketch KFKA -Denver Tabernacle *KMBC -News: Livestock: Prgm. Notes *KOAM -News & Markets *KSCJ -News: Timetable KSD -Against the Storm. sketch KTHS -Devotional KVOD -Dance Orch. K \'00- Herald Goodman *KVOR -Monitor Views the News KWK -Meet Miss Julia, sketch KWTO- Poultry Topics: Salon Echoes WDAF-Judy & Jane *WIIB -News: Vocal Varieties WAG Curtain Raiser WOW Woman in White 10:15 CST 9:15 MST CBS -When a Girl Marries, sketch: KMOX KLZ KOIL KFH NBC -Glenn Darwin, bar.: KSCJ KVOD WREN KOWH KTHS taw 15.33)

CBS- Keyboard Capers: (sw-17.83) MBS- Luncheon Music: KFBI KIEL KFOR NBC -Words & Music: WOW KCKN-Tin Pan Alley KFAB -Kitty Keene. sketch KFEQ -Minor Clites *KFKA News KFNFConsole Echoes KGIIF-Glen Gray's Orch. KLRA-Editor's Daughter, sketch KMBC-Happy Kitchen KOA -For Women Only KOAM -Mary Lee Taylor KSD- Singin' Sam KCO.A-Ralph Small KVOO- Dorothy McCune K VOR- Serenade KWK -This Woman's World KWTO -Al Stone's Hymn Sing WDAFA New Day WHB-Teletest WHUAngei of Mercy, sketch WJAG -Voice of the Street WNAX Vic & Sade WOW -Road of Life. sketch 10:30 CST 9:30 MST CBS -Romance of Helen Trent. sketch: KMBC KMOX KFAB KLZ KOIL NBC -Strings That Sing: (sw- 15.33)


Marvin Beers of the Farm Security Administration will talk on "Farm Cooperatives."

MBS -Keep Fr' Music: KFUR KFBI KFEL WHB Portia Blake: KSD WHO KCKN-Melody Musings KFEQ -Old Timers KFH-Woman of Courage KFKA -Morning Varieties KGHF-Good Morning Neighbor KGNF-Fairy Tale KLRA- Linda's First Love, sketch KOAM -Town Talk Playboys KUOA-Rendezvous with Romance KVUD-Captain Ozie KVOR Your Personal Shopper KWTO -Mary Lee Taylor WDAF -Right to Happiness WIBW Big Sister. sketch WJAG-West Point Prgm. W'N A X Arnold Grimm's Daughter WOW -Right to Happiness 10:45 CST 9:45 MST CBS -Our Gal Sunday. sketch: KLZ KbIBC KMOX KOIL KFAB MBSCarters of Elm Street. sketch: KFKA KFEL WHB KCKN-On wit hthe Dance KFBI Pioneer Quartet KFEQ Weather KFH Time Out KGNF-P.T.A. Prgm. KLRA-Kleen C o p y; Stringing Along *KSD-Corntussel News KUOA- George Moody KVOD -Light Opera Echoes KVOR -Good Morning Neighbor KWTO-Hayloft Frolic WDAF -Woman of Courage WHO-Life Can Be Beautiful. sketch WIBW -Aunt Jenny's Stories WN.AX:Arnold Grimm's Duaghter WOW-Life Can Be Beautiful 11:00 CST 10:00 MST MBS -The Happy Gang: KIEL CBS -The Goldbergs, s k e t c h: K \IOX NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: K(IAM NBC -Frankie Masters' Orch.: (sw-15.33) Judy & Jane. sketch: WHO KSD WIBW *News: KFOR KVOA KFBI KWK KARK -Nazarine Church KCKN-Food News KFAB -Right to Happiness KFEQ -Markets KFH -Woman in White

KFKAAt Home KGHF -Songs That Never Grow Old KGNF -Relax with Rhythm KLZ -Meet Miss Julia, sketch KMBC-Mary Lee Taylor KOIL- Homemakers' Club *KDOAMarkets: News KVOO- Rehearsal at Eleven WDAF -Linda s First Love WHBllnity Viewpoint WJAG Musical Masterpieces WNAX-Tips by Taylor WOW -Meet Miss Julia, sketch 11:15 CST 10:15 MST MBS -The Happy Gang: KFKA KFOR KOIL NBC - Between the Bookends: KSCJ WREN KGHF KTHS KGBX KOAM KWK (sw15.33) NBCEleanor Roosevelt. talk: KSD KOA Kitty Keene. sketch: KFH KFAB Gospel Singer KFHIFarnl Special KFEQ - Bunkhouse Hill KI -RA Arnold Grimm's Daughter KI.ZLrfe Can Be Beautiful KMBC Hit Tunes K01111 The Farm Hand KUOA Way Down South KVOD Concert Music KV(XLKorner Kwiz 1.11 10 Little Crossroads Store WDAF- Editor's Daueher WHB Farm Special WHO -Woman in White WIBW Dinner Hour WN. \X.Ma Perkins WOW Adopted Daughter 11:30 CST 10:30 MST NBC -W omen in a Changing World: KOWH WREN KVOO (sw- 15.33)

CBS -The Right to Happiness, sketch: K\IOX KLZ KFH *NBC -H. V Kaltenhorn Comm KILNS KGIIF KGBX KOAM KVOD NBC -By Kathleen Norris, sketch: KOA KARK -Melody Boys KCKN -News of the Blues KFAB -Road of Life KFBI - Bohemian Dance Music KFEL -Al Golden's Ortiz KFEQ -Sinein' Sam KFKA -Melody Trio KFOR -Hits & Encores KGNF- Livestock & Produce *KLRA Bible Lover's Revival; Interlude; News KMBCKate Smith's Chats KOIL-Waltz Time KSCJ-Farm Reporter: Markets: Iowa Master Breeders *KSD -News: Musical Prgm. KTHS- Markets: Skyliners KUOA Richard Scott KVOR-Duane Osborn, pianist KWK -Orphans of Divorce KWTOMarkets WDAF -Studio Prgm WHB.Radio Airplane Trip WHO -Adopted Dauehtet sketch WIBW- Weather; Dinner Hour WNAX -Kitty Keene WOW- Portia Blake 11:45 CST 10:45 MST CBS-Road of Lite, sketch: KFH MBS-John Agnew. organist: KFEL KFOR KFKA NBC-To be announced: KARK KANS KGBX KOAM NBC- Maurice Spitalny's Orch.: KSCJ KO1VH KGHF WREN I sw- 15.33) K C KNSport smen KFAB-First Call for Dinner KFEQ -Ranch Boys KGNFLew White Entertains KLZ-Mary Lee Taylor KMBC Dinner Bell Roundup: Markets KMOX -Lone Journey, sketch KOA-Toby & Susii s Corn Tussel News KOIL- Noonday Melodies KTHS -Skyliners KUOALawrence Quintet: Bill - hoard KVOD-The Twittles KVOR-Pacific Paradise KV00 -Art Davis' Rhythm Riders KWK- Amanda of Honeymoon Hill KWTO -Man at the Stockyards WDAF-4 -Bells Round -Up L1'HBHome of the Week WHO- Markets: Weather W.IAG- Hospital Report WNAX-Helpful Harry: Livestock Bulletin Board: Farm & Home WOW-Woman of Courage, sketch


NBC -Streamline Journal: KTHS KGHF KSCJ KVOD (sw- 1533) CBS -Young Doctor Malone. sketch: KMOX KLRA KFH NBCLight of the World. sketch: WHO KOA KSD

MBS- Concert Orchestra: KFOR KFEL *News: KFAB KGNF KOIL WIBW KV00 KARK KCKN -Noon Hour Clock KFBI -Dinner Bell Time KFEQ -Markets KFKA -Markets: Suggestions KGBX -Luncheon Dance Music KLZ-Big Sister. sketch *KMBC-News: The Dinner Bell KOALA Salon Orch. KOWFI-Pennfield- Paraland Prgm. KUOA -Three Quarter Time KVOR Musical Newsy KWK-John's Other Wife, sketch KWTO Singing Sam WDAF-Road of Life WHB Bob Caldwell, Jr. WJAG - Iarkets & Cradle Roll; Scotch Story WNAXVariety Prgm. WOW-Markets: Musicale WREN The Range Riders 12:15 CST 11:15 MST NBC -Arnold Grimm's Daughter. sketch KOA CBS -Joyce Jordan, Girl Interne. sketch KMOX KOIL MBS- Johnny Duffy's Music: KFEL *News. KUOA W.1.AG Markets: KFH WIBW KARK -Hal Burns & Carew Snuff Varieties KFABFarm Notes; Livestock Markets KFEQ-Lullaby Leeter & Old Tim- ers KFKA-Second Show KGNF -Music at Midday KLRA -Jewel Cowboys KLZ-Aunt Jenny's Stories KMBC-Feed Lot Chat: Markets *KOA -News KOWH -This Rhythmic Age KVOO -Farm Profit Bureau KVORHarutouy Hall KW K ,lust Plain Bill. sketch KWTO -Ozark Serenaders WDAF-Gospel Singer WHB- Livestock Reports: Lazy K Ranchers WHO -Larson Robison's Buckaroos *WNAX -News: Markets WOW -To be announced 12:30 CST 11:30 MST NBC -World's Fair Band: KANS NBC -Valiant Lady. sketch: KOA WDAF MBS- Francis Craig's Orch.: KWK CBS- Fletcher Wiley, talk: KMBC KMOX KLZ *News: KFEQ KFKA KGNF KFH KSCJ KWTO WHO KGBX WREN KOWH KARK -Light Crust Doughboys KFAB -Last Call for Dinner KFEL -The Dime Man KGHF-Morning Matinee KOAM -Salon Orch. KOILNoonday Melodies KTHS -Jack Berch KUOA -Man on the Street KVOD -Captain Ozie KV00 -Bob Wills' Playboys KVOR -Stars Over Hollywood *WDAF -News; Weather; Markets WIBW- Noonday Prgm. WJAG -Weather dr Mail Bag WNAX -Central Public Market *WOW-News: Musicale 12:45 CST 11:45 MST NBC -Hymns of Ali Churches: WHO KOA NBC -World's Fair Band: KARK KGBX KSCJ WREN KOWH CBS -My Son & 1, sketch: KMBC KOIL KMOX KLRA KLZ MBS -H a r o I d Turner, pianist: KFEL. KFOR *News: KGHF KVOD KTHS KFEQ- Street Reporter KFKA -Window Shopper KFH -Jamboree KGNF-Instrumental Trio KOAM-Ozark Melodies *KSD -News: Rosario Bourdon's Orch. KUOA -Jerry Sears K VOR -Organ Treasures KWK -Fashions in Review KWTO -Console Capers; The Man on the S rest

B-9/37 Page 15


June 25

WDAF-Remember the Song? WNAX- Billie & Tommy WOW-Mat on the Street

1:00 CST 12:00 MST NBC -Orphans of Divorce, sketch: KTHS KVOD WREN KGHF (sw- CBS -Invitation to the Waltz: (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Story of Mary Marlin, sketch: WDAF KVOO KARK WOW WHO KSD KOA MBS- Johnny Long's Orch.: KFBI KWK KFKA KFOR CBS -Society Gin, sketch: KLRA KMBC KFAB KMOX KOIL WNAX KLZ (sw- 15.27) *News: KVOR KWTO *KCKN -News: Sunbeam Songs *KFEL -News: nUison & Stan KFEQ -Dannen Melodies KGBX-Concert Master KGNF- Swappers KOWH -Let's Pick Em KSCJ -Want Ad Rambles: Sterling Young KUOA- Afternoon Melodies WHB-Radio Airplane Trip

1:15 CST 12:15 MST NBC -Ma Perkins, sketch: KSD WDAF KV00 KOA WHO WOW KARK MBS- Johnny Long's Orch.: KFEL KSAL NBC -Amanda of Honeymoon HIII. sketch: WREN KTHS KVOD KGHF (sw.9.53- 15.33)

CBS -It Happened in Hollywood KOIL KMBC KLZ KMOX KCKN -His Majesty the Baby KFAB-Joyce Jordan KFEQ -Baseball Scores KFH -Ark Valley Boys KGNF-Musie Briefs KLRA -Jack Berch's Gang KOWHTouring the Town KVOR -Luncheon Lyrics KWK Let's Help You Keep House KWTO-The Laugh Clinic WNAX -Young Dr Malone

1:30 CST 12:30 MST MBS -Walter Knick's Orch.: KFEL KS.AI. KFBI *CBS -News: String Interlude: KFOR KOIL KLRA (sw- 11.83) NBC -John's Othe, Wile, sketcn. WREN KGHF KTHS KVOD ( sw- 9.53 -15 33) NBC- Pepper Young's Family. sketch: WDAF KSD KOA KV00 WHO WOW KARK KCKN-Bulletin Board KFAB -Jane Tucker K FEQMimstenai Alliance KFH Helpful Harry Markets *KFKA-News: Interviews: Mar kets KGBX-Matinee Melodies KGNFAgricultural Prem KLZ -Life Begins, sketch KMB('Kate Hopkins. sketch KMOX I inda First Love KOAM-American Legion Speaker KOWII-Less Fidler's Orch ESO -Henry King KUOARodney Cole KVOR- Melody Trail kK W K -News WHB Voice nl Kansas City W'N AN Jody & lane 1:45 CST 12:4tá MST

NBC -Vic & Sade. sketch: WDAF VmOW KV00 KOA KARK WHO KSD MBS -Walter Knick's Orch.: WHB NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch: KGHF KTHS WREN KVOD (sw 9.53 15.33)

CBS -Interlude for Strings: KMBC (Continued on Next Page)

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Ps,, 9 37 -B


(1:45 p.m. Continued)

My Son and I: KFAB WNAX KCKN -Dance Hour KFEQ -Waltz Time KFH-Portia Blake, sketch KFKA -Marketcast *KGNF -Nebraska in the News *KLZ -News KMOXEditor's Daughter. sketch KOAM -Zoe Wilma Baade KOWH- Afternoon Melodies *KSCJ -News: Swing Time KUOA -Cosmopolitan Singers KVOR -Farm Service Prgm. KWK-Songfest KWTO -Ma Perkins, sketch WJAG -Organ Records 2:00 CST 1:00 MST

NBC -Backstage Wife. sketch: WOW WDAF WHO KOA

*NBC -C I u b Matinee: News: KTHS KGHF KVOD KANS WREN KSCJ KOWH KGBX KWK (sw- 9.53.1533) CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch: KMBC CBS -Of Men & Books: KLRA KFOR (sw- 11.83)

'1f You Don't Weaken." by °sear A wringer. "Artist In Manhattan" and "Forty Years n Country- Preacher," by George Gilbert. will be the hooks re- viewed today.

Markets: KFEQ KGNF *KARK -Dental Clinic: News *KCKN -News: Peacock Prgm. KFAB -Young Dr. Malone KFBI -Old Timers KFEL -Leo Erdody's Orch. KFH-Linda's First Love, sketch KFKA -Fort Collins Prgm KLZ -20th Century Serenade KMOX -Ma Perkins KOAM -Staff Jamboree KOIL -Young Dr. Malone, sketch KSD -Arnold Grimm's Daughter *KUOA -News; Birth of News KVOO -Judy & Jane KVOR -Hit Revue KWTO -Kitty Keene, sketch *WHB -News: Dance Matinee WIBW -When a Girl Marries sketch WNAX -Road of Life 2:15 CST 1:15 MST

CBS -Baron Elliott's Melodies: KLRA KFOR KOIL (aw- 11.83)

CBSMyrt & Marge. sketch: KLZ KMBC W1BW MBS -Benny Krueger's Orchestra: WHB KFEL NBC-Stella Dallas. sketch: WDAF KV00 WOW KOA WHO *KARK -News KFAB-Scattergood Baines KFBI -Frank Chiddix, pianist KFEQ -Matinee Melodies KFH -Editor's Daughter. sketch KGBX Melody Mart KGNF -Male Quartet KMOX -Hedda Hopper's Holly- wood KSD- Valiant Lady. sketch KUOA- Hawaiian Melodies KWTO -Rotund Romeos W.IAG- Afternoon Concert WNAX- Portia Blake 2:30 CST 1:30 MST

NBC -Lorenzo Jones, sketch: t'OW WDAF WHO KV00 CBS -Dale Evans & Orch.: KOIL KFOR KLRA CBS -Hilltop House. sketch: KLZ KMBC WIBW MBS -Bob Sylvester's Orch.: WHB KSAL KFKA KFEL KARK-Bert Castle's Orch. KCKN -The Hit Revue KFAB- Livestock: Jamboree KFBI -Judy & Jane KFEQ-Ben Henderson KFH-Qusiquiz KGNF -Wand Bookman KMOX -Vic & Sade KOA Adopted Daughter, sketch *KOAM News KSD -Hymns of All Churches KUOA -Blair & Heath KVOR-Hall & Half KWK -Rich Hayes' Swing Clinic KWTO-The In -Laws WNAX -Meet Ma Brown

2:45 CST 1:45 MST NBC -Young W i d d e r Brown. sketch: WDAF WOW WHO KSD KVOO MBS -Bob Sylvester's Orch.: KFBI KFEQ -Minor Clites, accordionist KFH -Angel of Mercy, sketch KGBX -Music You Want KGNF-Novelty Time KLZ-Stepmother, sketch *KMBC -News: Prgm. Highlights: Musical Interlude



6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Uncle Jim's Question Bee, CBS.

6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Johnny Presents, NBC. Max Marcin's stories, Gene- vieve Rowe, Swing Fourteen. Johnny Green's orchestra.

630 CST (5:30 MST) Musical Treasure Chest. NBC. Horace Heidt and his Mu- sical Knights.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) Info', motion. Please; Quiz Pro- gram. NBC.

Check the programs you want to hear today

Clifton Fadiman, John Kie- ran, F. P. Adams.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) The Court of Missing Heirs, CBS. Dramatizations of interesting facts behind many of Amer. icá s unclaimed estates.

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) We, the People, CBS. Gabriel Heatter. M. C.; Mark Warnow's orchestra. Guests.

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) Caval- cade of America, NBC. "Walter Reed" is the title of tonight's drama. Franchot Tone, stage and screen star, is tentatively scheduled to

be heard in this dramatizes tion.

7:30 CST (6:30 MST) Pro- fessor Quiz, CBS. With Bob Trout

7:30 CST (6:30 MST) Fibber McGee and Molly. NBC. Marian and Jim Jordan. Harold Peary, King's Men. Bill Thompson. Billy Mills' orchestra.

8:00 CST (7:00 MST) Bob Hope Show. NBC. Jerry Colonna. comedian; Brenda and Cobina ; vocal- ists; Skinnay Ennis' orches- tra.

8:00 CST (7:00 MST) Glenn Miller's Orchestra, CBS.

Ray Eberle and Marion Hut- ton, vocalists.

8:30 CST (7:30 MST) Uncle Walter's Dog House, NBC.

Tom Wallace (Uncle Wal- ter); Dog House Chorus; Virginia Verrill, vocalist; Charlie Lyon, announcer; Bob Strong's orchestra.

9:00 CST (8:00 MST) Fred Waring in Pleasure Time. NBC.

9:15 CST (8:15 MST) Lanny Ross. Tenor. CBS.

Refer to adjacent columns for stations broadcasting these programs

KMOX -Dope From the Dugout *KOA- News; Thought for the Day KOAM -Organ Melodies KTHS- Baseball Scores *KUOA -News KWK -Sports Twisters KWTO Slim & Junior WIBW -Life Can Be Beautiful WNAX -Joyce Jordan

3:00 CST 2:00 MST MBSHarry James' Orch.: WHB KFEL KFKA KSAL NBCTo be announced: KSCJ KANS KOWH KTHS WREN

N BC -Girl Alone, sketch: WHO WOW WDAF KV00 KOA KARK CBS -By Kathleen Norris. sketch: KMBC KOIL KLZ CBS -When We Were Young: KLRA Baseball Game: KFAB WNAX *News: KFBI KFOR *KCKN -News: Design for Danc- ing KFEQ-Pony Express Roundup KFH -Baseball; St. Louis vs. New York KGHF- Afternoon Tunes *KGNF -Monitor News KMOX- Baseball Game KOAM- Salor. Silhouettes *KUOA -News: Jules Lande KVOD -Two O'Clock Tunes KVOR -Afternoon Interlude KWK -Baseball; Browns vs. As KWTO -Markets; Daily Record *WIBW -News: Roundup WJAG -waltz With Me WBEN -Baseball; Kansas City vs. Louisville 3:15 CST 2:15 MST

N BC -To be announced: (sw -9.53- 1533) NBC -Kitty Keene. sketch: WDAF KVOO KOA WOW WHO CBS -Yella Past. harpsichordist: KLRA *News: KOIL KOWH KARK -Bob Nelson, bar. KFBI.Old Chisholm Trail KGNF .Melodious Melodies KLZ -Judy & Jane, sketch KMBC -Musical Moods KOAM -Ebb Zeb KI'O -Wilson Ames KWTO -Jim West Jamboree WJAG -Vocal Varieties

3:30 CST 2:30 MST NBC -Midstream, sketch: WHO WOW WDAF KV00 KOA

NBC -To be announced: KGHF ESCI KTHS KVOD MBS -To be announced: KFEL WHB KSAL CBS - Golden Gate Quartet: KFOR KLRA KVOR KARK -Boy Scouts Prgm. KCKN -Melody Lane KFBI -To be announced *KFEQ - Baseball scores: News KGBX -American Family Robinson KGNF -Estelle Fields, songstress KLZ -Gas hospitality House KMBC. When a Girl Marries KOAM- Hillbilly Hilarities KOIL -Top Tunes KOWH-Treasure Chest KUOA -L. W. Hawaiian WJAG -Tango Tim.

3:45 CST 2:45 MST N BC -The O'Neills. sketch: KSD KOA WDAF WHO WOW

N BC -Betty Barrett. songs: KSCJ KGHF KGBX KOWH WREN KANS KOAM KTHS (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Scattergood Baines sketch: KL7 KLRA KMBC KARK -Your Garden, Jane Cooper KCKN -Maxine Sullivan KFEL -Standard Mixed Chorus KFEQ -Piano Moods KGNF -Round the Town KOIL -Sentimental Music

KUOA- Popular Tunes KVOD -To be announced K 00-Port la Blake KVOR -WPA Orch KW'TO- .Alper Brau Boys WHB -Staff Frolic WIBW -Young Dr. Malone WJAG Hawaiian

4:00 CST 3:00 MST CBS -Young Doctor Malone. sketch: KLZ KMBC NBC-Li'l Abner. sketch: KGBX I sw -9.53 ) NBC -Rocky Gordon, sketch: KS('J KVOO KANS KGBX KTHS KARK *MBS -News: Leighton Noble's Ora.: KFEL KSAL KFBI NBC -To be announced: WREN CBS -Music of the Strings: KOIL KFOR *KCKN-News: Dance Matinee KFEQ -Ben Henderson KGHF- Afternoon Varieties KLRA -Harding College Prgm. KOA- Musical Magazine KOAM -The Crimson Trail KOWH -Aksarben Races KSD -Girl Alone, sketch *KUOA -News: Lewis Erwin KVOD -Call of Three Generations KVOR -American Family Robinson *KWTO -News WDAF -Light of the World WHB -Bob Caldwell, Jr. WHO -Arnold Grimm's Daughter WIBW -Ma Perkins, sketch WJAG -Band Music WOW -Light of the World

4:15 CST 3:15 MST CBS -Michael Loring. songs: KFOR KMBC KVOR KLRA *NBC -Gus Steck's Orch.: News: KGBX KOAM KARK (sw -9.53)

MBS- Leighton Noble's Orch.: ROIL WHB N BC -Uncle Mal: KSCJ KV00 KANS KGBX KTHS KFBI -Aristocrats KFEQ -Matinee KGNF -All Request Prgm. KLZ -Time Out, Allen Prescott KSD -Fashion Commentator KUOA- Imperial Male Chorus *KVOD -To be announced: News KWTO -The Legion of bafety WDAF -Arnold Grimm's Daughter WHO -Valiant Lady. sketch WIBW -Kitty Keene, sketch WJAG -For Children Only WOW-Arnold Grimm's Daughter

4:30 CST 3:30 MST NBC -Yvette. songs: KGBX KARK KOAM KOA (sw- -*CBS -Paul Sullivan Reviews the News: (sw- 11.83)


The story of Peter Rubins. an old Italian our. ster. will he told

NBC -To be announced: WREN CBS -Music of Americas: KOIL KFOR KLRA CBS -Joyce Jordan .sketch: KLZ KMBC *News: KGNF WJAG KCKN -Half & Half KFBI -Nova Lyrics KFEL -The Lawrence Quintet KFEQ -The Rhythm Console KSD Kitty Keene, sketch KTHS -Pleasantdale KUOA- Edward Leonard KVOO -Prgm. Prevues KVOR -Home Folks KWTO -Jim West, Boots & Bobby WDAF -Valiant Lady WHB -Rhythm & Romance u HU Meer Miss loud -Lelch WIBW -Matinee WOW- Valiant Lady, sketch 4:45 CST 3:45 MST

*NBC - Lowell Thomas, comm.: (sw -9.53)

*CBS -The World Today: KLRA KVOR KOIL KMBC KFOR KLZ NBC -Bud Barton: KOWH KSCJ KANS KTHS KGHF KVOD NBC -Paul Douglas, sports: KGBX KARK KOAM Hymns of All Churches: WDAF WOW KFBI -Betty Weakland i.FF.I. Peter Carallu's then. KFEQ-'Aloha Land hs ,fit I He,e,esi Prgm. KOA- Theater Reporter *KSD -News KUOA- Covered Waton Jubilee KV00 -The Tune Never Ends KWTO -Treasure Chest WHB -Moods & Fancies WHO-Baseball Time WJAG -Christian Science WREN-Hawaiians

5:00 CST 4:00 MST CBS -Amos 'n' Andy. sketch: (sw- 11.83) NBC -Easy Aces. sketch: KFI KVOD KGHF CBS -Lynn Cole, songs: KFH KFOR KOIL NBC -Three Romeos:KV00 KARK KGBX KOAM *MBS -Fulton Lewis Jr., news: analyst: KWK KSAL KFBI *KCKN -News: Make Believe Ballroom *KFEL -News: Peggy Anderson, pianist KFEQ -Dance Time KGNF- Today's Sport Parade KLRA -Five at Five KLZ -Walt: Melodies: Community Chest KMBC -Portia Blake Faces Life KMOX- France Laux Hi -Lites KOAMusic by Shrednik KOWH South Omaha Bandwagon ICSCJ -Music Box Revue *KSD -News. Feature Spotlight KTHS -Baseball Scores: Resume KUOA -South American Way KVOR -Musicale KWTO-Elmer', Axle Benders WDAF- Eleanor Roosevelt WHB -Olivia 8 Joaquin WJAG- Musical Roulette WNAX-Billie & Tommy WOW -Aksarben Races WREN-Kaleidoscope

5:15 CST 4:15 MST *CBS -Paul Sullivan Reviews the News: KFAB KOIL KMOX NBC -Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons. drama: KVOD KGHF KFI *NBC -News of Europe: WDAF KARK KANS KV00 WHO KOA KGBX KOAM (sw -9.53) *MBS- Victor Lusinchs news: KFEL KFOR KWK WHB KSAL KFBI -Teddy Combs KFEQ -Rosario Bourdon Directs KFH -Organ Melodies KGNF- Dramas of Life *KLRA -Sports; Interlude; News KLZ -Music of the Americas KMBC -P. Hans Flath. organist KSD -The In -Laws, sketch KTHS - Royale Revue KVOR -Music of the Americas KWTO -Chosen Three

'*WHB-News WNAX siduerzood Baines

5:30 CST 4:30 MST NBC -Time & Tempo: KANS KTHS KSCJ KWK CBS -Helen Menken in "Second Husband," drama: KFAB WNAX \VIBW KOIL KLZ NBC-Cameos of Melody: WDAF KGBX KSD *News: KARK KVOR WLS WREN KGHF KOWH KCKN- Sundown Serenade

KFBI -To be announced KFEL-Dixieland strings *KFEQ News; Baseball swore. KFH -Dreamin' in the Twilight KFKA- Impressions in Wax KGNF -Concert Melodies KLRA Jack Armstrong. sketch KMBC -Bonnie & the Boys KMOX Bob Dunham Comments KOA- Inquiring Reporter KOAM -Bands at the Top KUOA- Gregory Stone KVOD -Tea Time Tempos KVOO -World of Sports KWTO -Radio Spotlight WHB -Teddy Powell's Orch. WHO -Organ Moods WJAG -Highlights in Melody WOW -Kate Hopkins

5:45 CST 4:45 MST MBS -Inside of Sports: KFOR *NBC -H. V. Kaltenborn, comm.: KOA KOAM KGBX NBC -Time & Tempo: WREN KOWH *News: KFH KV00 WHO WOW KSCJ KARK- Passing Parade of Sports KCKN -Going Places KFEL -The Mandolettes KFEQ -Orgatron Prgm. KGHF -Hits & Encores KLRA- Musical Varieties *KMBC -News: Sports KMOX- Gertrude Niesen & Alpine Varieties KSD -Stockton & Eschen KTHS -Today's Winners KUOA -Gems of Melody KVOR -Melody Time *KWK- Sports: News KWTO -Carl, Willie & Cliff WDAF -Linwood Cavaliers WHB -Orphan Annie. sketch WLS -John Brown. pianist

NIGHT Where there is no listing

for a station its preceding program is on the air.

6:00 CST 5:00 MST MBS -Ned Jordan. Secret Agent: KFEL KFKA KFBI NBC -Johnny Presents Johnny Green's Orch.: WOW WLW KSD WHO WMAQ KANS CBS -Uncle Jim's Question Bee: KFH KMOX KFAB KLRA WIBW WBBM KMBC WNAX KRNT KOIL NBC -Roy Shield's Revue: WLS KVOD WREN KSCJ KGHF KVOO KWK *News: KUOA KWTO KFOR KOAM KARK -All in Fun KCKN -Dance with America KGNF - Dinner Hour KLZ -Restyled Rhyehms KOA- Master Singers KOWH -Dance Time KTHS -Decca Review WDAF -Dance Oren WGN -The Northerners *WHB -Fulton Lewis, Jr.. cement. WJAG- Evening Concert WMT -Sports with Puckett WSM -Lullaby Time 6:15 CST 5:15 MST

MBS -Symphonic String: KSAL Sports: KOAM KOWH KWTO KFBI KFOR- Dinner Time Music KGNF -Eb & Zeb. sketch KLZ - Dealer in Dreams KTHS -Memory Lane KUOA- Dinner Music KVOR -Lost Empire WHB -The Sportsman WJAG -Pleasantdale Folks, sketch *WMT -Fulton Lewis, Jr., comm.

WSM -Mr. Smith Goes to Town 6:30 CST 5:30 MST

NBC -Information, Please: WREN? KANS KGHF WLS KWK KSO KVOD MBS -Meet the Stars: KFOR WHB KFEL KFKA NBC -Musical Treasure Chest: Horace Heidt's Orch.: KV00 KARK KSI) WSM WOW WHO KGBX WMAQ KOA WLW *CBS -Court of Missing Heirs. drama: News: WBBM KLZ KOIL KRNT KMBC KFAB KMOX WIBW KLRA WNAX WMT Sports: KSCJ KVOR KFBI Music You Want When You Want It *KFH fo be announced: News KGBX -Featured Orch. *KGNF-loday s Headlines *KLZ -News KOAM -Vocal Variations KOWH Spotlite &Reel KTHS-Drama of Food K WTO - Lonely Troubadour WDAF Musical Prgm. WGN Charlie Baum's Orch.

6:45 CST 5:45 MST MBS - Little Orphan Annie: KFEI KFKA KGNF -Eventide Reverie: Weather *K17-Sp1rts- News KOAM -Salon Silhouettes K OW li As Omaha Dines KSCJ -Jan Garber's Orch. KTHS -Arlington Orch. KUOA -On Parade *KVOR -Rhythm Revue; News KWTO -Rhythm Console

7:00 CST 6:00 MST NBC -Cavalcade of America: ESCI KWK WREN KVOI) KSO KAN. WENR KGBX KGHF

roe detail see Bead Listening (Wide.

NBC - Battle of Sexes: Frank Crumit & Julia Sanderson: KSD WLW WSM KV00 WHO WDAF WMAQ WOW KARK CBS -We, the People, with Gabriel Fleeter. KRNT KMOX KFAB KMBC WBBM WIBW KFH KOIL KLRA WMT WNAX (sw- 11.83) *MBS -Wythe Williams, comm.: KFEL KFKA KFOR *KCKN- Behind the Headlines *KFBI -News KLZ- Boners Court KOA-Dinner Concert KOAM -Dance Music KOWH -Concert Master KUOA- Variety Prgm.: Gaslight Harmonie KVOR -Supper Melodies KWTO- Whispering Jack Don WGN- Leonard Keller's Orek. WHB -The Barrel Roll

7:15 CST 6:15 MST MBS -To be announced: KFEL KFKA KFOR KSAL KCKN -Organ Reveries KFBI -Norse Gospel Trio KTHS -Homes on the Land KUOA -Organ Music KWTO- Church in the Wildwood *WGN- Foreign Affairs WHB- Juanita's Rhumba Band

7:30 CST 6:30 MST NBC -Fun with the Revuers: KSCJ WENR KVOD KSO KOWH WREN KCKN NBC- Fibber McGee and Molly: KSD KOA WSM WHO KARK WLW WDAF KV00 WOW KANS WMAQ (sw -9.53)

MBS -Laugh 'n' Swing Club KFEL KFOR KWK KSAL KFBI CBS -Prof. Quiz with Bob Trout: KRNT WNAX KOIL KMOX KMBC WBBM KFAB WMT KFH -Concert Echoes KGBX-Featured Orch, KGHF -Pop. Melodies KLRA -Lest We Forget KLZ -In the Gloaming KOAM- Sundown Melodies KVOR -On With the Dana *WGN -News WHB- Johnny Burkhardt's Orch. WIBW -Mosby Mack Prgm.

7:45 CST 6:45 MST KCKN -Hollywood Band

FREQUENCIES WRNS-1210 KV(ID-030 KAItK-601 KVOO-1110 KF.tlt--770 KVOFLL70 K F'F.L-tr_61 K W K-13S0 KF'F.Q-1170 KW'Ttl-fí011 KIM-MO WBAP-60x1 KFKA-880 W8R31-770 KFOR-1210 WCCO-6111 RGRX-1230 WDAF -17111

KI:IIF'-13L0 WENS-870 KO NF-14311 WF'AA-600 KLRA-1390 W'(:N-7L0 KT.L-501 WHIt-6101 KMB('-9:ü W'flO-1Ut0 KM 0X-1090 WIBW'-:410 KOA-x3t) tVJA(:-1001 KO.tM-7t0 WIR-070 K01L-1200 WLW-7O0 KOWA-001 WM AQ-670 RUNT-1320 WMT-001 RN('.1-13:1n WNAX"i70 K6D .530 WOW-590 Kst1-11311 WREN-1220 KTns3-1060 WSM-050 KT'OA-12t10


Page 29: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

*KGBX -News KLRA -Frank Ashcraft KVOR- Adventures in Vision KWK- Inside of Sports WGN- Baseball: White Sox vs. Washington

8:00 CST 7:00 MST *NBC -News: KSCJ KTHS KGHF KWK WENR CBS -Glenn Miller's Orch.: WMT KMOX KFAB KLRA KRNT WBBM WIBW KVOR WNAX KOIL KLZ KFH KMBC NBC -Bob Hope Variety Program: KSD WSM KV00 KOA WMAQ WHO WOW WDAF KANS WLW KARK (sw -9.53) MBS -Dance Orch.: KFEL KFBI KSAL *KCKN -News: Tempo Topics *KFOR -News KGBX -Little Theater *KVOD.Dave Cook. news WREN- Things You Should Know

8:15 CST 7:15 MST CBS -Public Affairs: KLRA KRNT KFAB KMBC WBBM WMT KLZ KVOR NBC -Dance Orch.: KVOD KTHS KSCJ WENR KGHF *MBS -News: Griff Williams' 0,- chestra: KFEL KSAL KOIL KFBI KFOR KCKN -Baseball; Kansas City vs. Indianapolis KMOX -The World Today KWK -Inside of Sports WIBW -Marling Silver Dollar WNAX. Bohemian Orch. WREN -Baseball; Kansas City vs. Toledo

8:30 CST 7:30 MST NBC -Monsieure le Capitaine, dra- ma: KSCJ KTHS KGHF KVOD KANS NBC -Uncle Walter's Dog House: WMAQ KSD WHO WOW WDAF KV00 KARK KOA WLW WSM (sw -9.53) *CBS -News of the War: KLRA KRNT KFAB KMBC WBBM WMT- WNAX KVOR WIBW

MBSComposer's Series: KFBI KFOR *KFEL-News Swingtime KFH -Men for Work KGBX -Wrestling Matches *KLZ -Court of Missing Heirs: News KMBC -Second Husband. drams *KMOX -Sports: News *KOIL- Parade of the News KTHS -Ouachita Round -Up KWK -Dance Orth. WENR Concert Miniature 8:45 CST 7:45 MST

*CBS -Four Clubmen: News: KFH KRNT WMT WBBM KFAB WNAX KVOR KLRA WIBW MBS -Composers Series: KSO KFEL Sports. Richard Himber', Orch.

*KWK -News WENR -Carl Ravanas Orch. *WNAX-Bohemian Orch.: News

9:00 CST 8:00 MST MBS -Bill McCune's Orch.: KFEL CBS -Bob Chester's Orch.: (sw- 9.65) NBC -Fred Waring in Pleasure Time: KOA WHO KANS WMAQ KV00 WSM KSD WLW WOW CBS -Amos 'n' Andy: KLZ KOIL KRNT KMBC KFAB WBBM WNAX KMOX *News: WENR WMT KFH Knights of the Highway: KGHF KVOD KARK -Baseball Game KLRA -Jitterbug Jamboree KSCJ- Monahan Post Band KTHS -Concert Orch. KVOR -Howard McCreery's Oreh. KWK -Barrel Roll WDAF -Dance Oreh. WIBW -Vie & Sade. sketch

9:15 CST 8:15 MST CBS -Lanny Ross, tnr.: WBBM KRNT KMBC KFAB KLZ KOIL KMOX NBC -Dance Orch.: KGHF KSCJ KANS KSO KVOD KARK *News: KOA KV00 WNAX KFH -Scattergood Baines, sketch KMOX -To be announced

KSD -Cheri McKay & Co KVOR- Concert Master WDAF -Easy Aces WHO-Sports of the Day WIBW -Popular Varieties WLW -Fun at the Fair WM'sQ.Pre.tnn Bradlee talk WMT- Baseball; Cedar Rapids vs. Clinton WOW -sports WSM -World in Review

9:30 CST 8:30 MST NBC -Lou Breese's Orch.: KSCJ KGHF KTHS WMAQ KARK KANS CBS -Uncle Jim's Question Bee: KLZ MBS- rddy Martin's Orch.: WGN KFKA KFEL KSO KWK CBS -Larry Clinton's Orchestra: KFAB KLRA KFOR WNAX KOIL NBC-Johnny Presents: Johnny Green's Orch.: KOA KV00 WSM WDAF KFH -Bell's Sports Salute *KMBC -News: Sports KMOX- Second Husband. sketch *KSD -News: Harry Horliek's Oreh. KVOD- Eventide Echoes *WBBM -News WHO -Twilight Trails WIBW -Sports WLW- General Brice P. Disque WOW- Arthur Godfrey

9:45 CST 8:45 MST CBS -Larry Clinton's Orch.: WBBM KFAB KRNT KMBC NBC -Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: WMAQ NBC -Lou Breese's Orch.: KVOD *News: KVOR WHO KSD KFOR KFH -Trocadero Club Orch. WBAP- Variety in Rhythm WHO -Kay Neal & Cavaliers WIBWEmahizer Melodies WLW -Sports WNAX -Drama of Food 10:00 CST 9:00 MST MBS -Dance Orch.: KFEL

NBC -Bobby Byrne's Orch.: KGBX WSM KV00 KARK CBS -We, the People: KLZ KVOR NBC -Enric Madriguera's Orch.: KGHF KVOD CBS -Van Alexander's Orchestra: WBBM KMBC KFH KLRA KFAB KMOX (sw -.12) *News: KFKA KSCJ WGN WLW WNAX KOIL WIBW WOW WDAF KTHS WHO *KCKN -Baseball Stores: News *KFH -News: Kaliko Kat Orch. KOA -On with the Dance KWK -One Man's Opinion WENR -Clyde Lucas' Oreh. *WMAQ -News: Jan Savitt's Or- chestra 10:15 CST 9:15 MST NBC -Bobby Byrne's Orch.: WOW WHO NBC -Enric Madriguera's Orch.: KANS KSCJ KTHS KARK WREN MBS -Dance Orch.: KFKA WGN CBS -Van Alexander's Orch.: WNAX KCKN -Dancing Under the Stars *KMOX-Flannery View, clay

News KOA- Serenade in the Night KOIL- Sports Special KWK -Dance Orch. WDAF -Fred Waring's Orch. WIBW -Oklahoma Outlaws WLW -Schnickelfritz Band 10:30 CST 9:30 MST NBC -Battle of the Sexes: KOA MBS- Leonard Keller's Orch.: KFOR WGN KFKA KSAL NBC -Gene Krupa's Orch.: WHO KV00 WOW KGBX WSM NBC -Charlie Barnet's Orchestra: WREN KSCJ CBS -Ray Herbeck's Orch.: WMT KRNT WNAX KFAB KLRA WBBM KMBC KFH (sw -6.12) CBS -Professor Quiz: KLZ *KARK -News *KYh.L rot n Lewis, Jr., Comm. KGHF -Dancetime

KMOX Moonlight serenade KOIL- Personality Plus KTHs.Jimmy Capra's Orch KVOD Winds Moments KVOR -Melody Time N DAY -spurts. Dance Oreh WENR -Music You Want tV1.W- Gardner Benedict's then. 1VMAQ -Will Osborne's Orch. 10:45 CST 9:45 MST MBS- Leonard Keller's Orch.: KFEL KWK NBC -Gene Krupa's Orch.: KSD NBC -Charlie Barnet's Orchestra: KWK KANS KSO *News: KWK KVOD KCKN -Jockey Club KMOX- Public Affairs Discussion *KTHS -News: Baseball Summary 11:00 CST 10:00 MST *CBS -Paul Sullivan Reviews the News: KLZ KMBC MBS -Jan Garber's Orch.: KFOR KFKA KSO KSAL WGN CBS -Eddie Bush's Orch.: WIBW (sw -6.12 )

NBC -Ray Kinney's Orchestra: WHO KARK WMAQ KGBX WSM NBC -Ray Kinney's Orch.: KSCJ WREN WENR CBS -Pliner & Earl's Orch.: KFH KFAB WNAX KRNT WBBM WMT KLRA KOIL *News: KGHF KV00 KSD KWK KCKN *KFEI N,.ws. The Majesties *KMOX -News of the War KUA - sports KVOD Rhythm Spree KVOR -Dance Hour WDAF-Moonbeams WLW -Deke Moffitt's Oreh. WOW -Window Pictures, Sally Dee 11:15 CST 10:15 MST N BC -Ray Kinney's Orch.: KVOD KGHF KWK CBS -Nickie Sisco's Orch.: KLZ KFH KFAB WLBW WMT KMBC WBBM WNAX KRNT KMOX KLRA KVOR N BC -Ray Kinney's Orch.: KV00 WOW

B-9/37 T. a 2'


MBS -Jan Garber's Orch.: KFEL Music You Want: KOIL KSD KOA -Bill Carlsen's Orch. 11:30 CST 10:30 MST *CBS -Teddy Powell's Orch.: News: KFH WNAX KRNT KFOR KVOR WIBW WBBM KMBC KFAB KMOX (sw -6.12) NBC -Jan Savitt's Orch.: KGHF KSCJ KVOD KARK WENR KSO MBS -Bob Nichol's Orch.: WMT KFEL WGN KWK KFKA KSAL NBC -Jan Savitt's Orch.: WOW WDAF WSM KGBX *News KLZ WHO KLRA -Dance Hour KVOO -Music Before Midnight WLW -Moon River; Poems; Organ WMAQ -Carl Ravazza's Orch. 11:45 CST 10:45 MST *CBS -Teddy Powell's Orch.: News: KLZ MBS -Henry King's Orch.: WGN KFEL KFKA KFOR KWK WMT NBC -Jan Savitt's Orch.: KOA WHO NBC -Jan Savitt's Orch.: KANS *WMAQ -News; Carl Ravazza's Orch.

12:00 CST 11:00 MST MBS -Gus Arnheim's Orch.: WGN KWK KFEL KFKA NBC-Jerry Jones Orch.: KVOD *News: KOA KMOX KLZ -Jimmy Grier's Orch. KSL- Starlight Serenade KV00 -Art Davis' Rhythm Riders KVOR -Benny Goodman's Orth. *WLW Barney Rapp's Urth.: News WOW -Midnight Melodies

End of Tuesday Programs


*Star in program listings indicates news broadcast.

7:30 CST 6:30 MST

NBC -Breakfast C 1 u b: KTHS KWK KGBX KANS

CBS -Adelaide Hawley: (sw- 17.83)

*News: KFEQ KFH KOWH Musical Clock: KUA KOIL WHB WDAF WOW KARK -Lonnie Gleason & Sugar Creek Gang KCKN -Alarm Klock Klub KFAB -Gospel Four KFBI -Revielle KFEL- Health Messages KLRA- Humbard Family KLZ -Morning Meditations KMBC- Across the Breakfast Table *KMOX -Headline Highlights *KOAM -News KUOA -Fred McClesky. tor. WHO- Buckaroos WIBW.Henry & Jerome WJAG -Breakfast Music WNAX -Hymns of All Churches

7:45 CST 6:45 MST

CBS- Bachelor's Children, sketch: KMOX KMBC KFH

NBC -Breakfast Club: KOWH

CBS -Tune Time: (sw- 17.83)

*News: KVOO KWK Early Risers Club: KLZ KVOR Coffee Pot Inn: WHO WNAX KFAB WIBW WOW KARK -Time to Shine KCKN -Shopper Stoppers KFEL -Metro. Bible Church KFEQ -Mornine Melodies KGNF -Fairy Tale *KLRA -Health Talk; Musical Grabag; News KOAM- Sunrise Salute KOIL -Yawn Patrol *KUOA- Varieties: News KWTO -Slim Wilson *WJAG -News; Weather

8:00 CST 7:00 MST

CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch: KLRA KFH KMOX KOIL WNAX NBC -The Man I Married, sketch: WOW WHO KSD WDAF KV00 NBC -Josh Higgins of Flnchvllle, sketch: KVOD (sw -21.5)

*News: KGHF KFOR WREN KFBI KOA KUOA KARK -Curley Fox & Texas Ruby

KCKN -Movie News KFAB -Texas Mary & Her Pala KFEL -Morning Varieties KFEQ -A Word to the Wives KGBX - Merry -Go -Round KGNF -Morning Devotions KLZ -Breakfast Time Table KMBC -Midland Minstrels KOAM -Organ Rhaposdy KOWH- Musical Clock KSCJ- Honeymoon Meiodv Lane *KTHS -News: Handy Hour KVOR -Home Folks Frolic KWK- Music. Maestro, Please KWTO- Family Almanac; Melodies *WIBW -News: Musical Sweet- hearts WJAG -Devotional Prgm.

8:15 CST 7:15 MST

NBC- Vagabonds: WREN KOWH KVOD KWK (sw -21.5) CBS -Myrt and Marge, sketch: KMOX KFAB KLRA WNAX KFH KOIL NBC -Houseboat Hannah, sketch: KV00 WOW WHO WDAF NBC -Midstream. sketch: KSD Morning Melodies: KFEQ KGHF KCKN KARK KFBI -To be announced KGBX -Adventure Bound *KGNF News KMBC -Dixieland Strings KOA- Singing Milkmen KOAM -Time 'n' Tunes KUOA -Story Book Castle KVOR- Morning Devotionals KWTO -The Singing Baker Boy WIBW -Hymns of all Churches *WJAG -News: Musical Clock

8:30 CST 7:30 MST

NBC -Ellen Randolph, sketch: WHO WOW WDAF KV00 CBS -Hilltop House: KFAB KMOX WNAX KFH KLRA KOIL

NBC -Viennese Ensemble: WREN KOWH KGHF (sw -21.5)

*News: KVOD KVOR KARK- Memory Melodies KCKN -Police Court KFBI -Hits & Encores KFEL -Western Voice *KFEQ- Markets News Head- lines KGBX -Variety Show KGNF -Breakfast Ballads KLZ -Pinto Pete & Ranch Boys KMBC -Food Scout KOA- Concert Hall *KSD -News: Rosario Bourdon's Orch. KUOA -Accordiana KWK-Hits & Encores

WEDNESDAY, June 26, 1940 KOWH -Homemakers Club KUOA -Jan Hubati KVOR- Morning Varieties KWK -The Life of Mary Sothera WHB -Story Behind the Song

*KWTO -Mike Dosch; News WHB -Top Flight Tunes WIBW -Morning Inspirations

8:45 CST 7:45 MST NBC -By Kathleen Norris, sketch: KSD WOW WHO WDAF KARK CBS- Stepmother, sketch: KMBC KFAB KOIL KMOX WNAX MBS -John Metcalf's Choir Loft: KFBI KFEL KFOR KSAL *News: KOA KLZ KWK KCKN- Morning Jamboree *KFH -Markets: News KGNF -Three Ts KLRA-Woman's Magazine KVOD Tio.Top Tunes KV00 -Bill & Mary KVOR -On the Mall KWTO -The Ozarks Singer W1BW- Arnold Grimm's Daughter

9:00 CST 8:00 MST

NBC -David Harum, sketch: KSD WOW WDAF KV00 KANS WHO KOA CBS -Short, Short Story: KFAB KOIL KMOX KFH NBC -I Love Linda Dale. sketch: WREN KVOD KSCJ KTHS *MBS -News: To be announced: KFBI KSAL *News: KARK WHB *KCKN -Home Maker *KFEL -News: Footnotes KFEQ -Old Timers & Minor KGBX -Radio Exchange KGHF -Musical Moments KGNF- String Ensemble KLZ -Good Morning Melodies KMBC -Fashion Flashes KOAM- Harmony Isle KOWH -Musical Newsy KUOA -God's Half Hour KVOR-Good Morning KWK -Gospel Singer KWTO- What's New WIBW -IGA Prgm. WJAG -Musical Gems WNAX- Gospel Singer

9:15 CST 8:15 MST

NBC -Lone Journey, sketch: WHO WOW WDAF KV00 NBC -Clark Dennis, tnr.: KTHS KVOD WREN KOWH (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Life Begins, sketch: KFAB KFH KOIL KMOX MBS -Bill Lewis, songs: KFEL NBC -Road of Life, sketch: KSD KARK -Town Talk KCKN- Kitchen Kapers

KFBI.Old Timers KFEQ -Bill's Hawaiian Players KGBX -Just About Time KGHF- Little Show KGNF-Woman's Radio Journal KLRA -Hymns of All Churches KLZ -Road of Life, sketch KMBC -Meet Miss Julia. sketch KOA -Let's Go KOAM- Morning Melodies KSCJ- Love Tales KVOR -Symphony of Melody KWK -Sunbonnet Social KWTO -The Rhythm Ranger. WHB -Shades of Black & White WIBWAdopted Daughter sketch *WNAX News: Novachordist

9:30 CST 8:30 MST NBC -Against the Storm, sketch: WHO WOW WDAF KV00 KARK KOA CBS -Big Sister, sketch: KMBC WNAX KMOX KFAB KLRA KFH NBC -The Wife Saver: KSCJ KTHS KOWH WREN (sw- 15.33) MBS -To be announced: KFEL *News. KOIL KGBX KCKN- Morning Serenade KFBI-Rhythm & Romance KFEQ -Markets; Organ Melodies KGHF -Devotional KGNF- Johnny Mavin Group KLZ- Captain Ozie KOAM -KSTC Presents KUOA- Common Sense Viewpoint KVOD -Merry Morning Melodies KVOR -Church in the Wildwood KWK-Painted Dreams KWTO- Markets; Rockaway Beach; Weather WHB -Smile Brigade, WIBW -Housewives Prgm.

9:45 CST 8:45 MST NBC -The Guiding Light, sketch: WDAF WOW WHO KVOO KARK KSD KOA MBS -Johnson Family. sketch: KFBI KFEL KFOR KSAL CBS -Aunt Jenny's Stories: KFH WNAX KFAB KMOX KMBC NBC -Thunder Over Paradise: WREN KSCJ KTHS KGHF KANS (sw- 15.33) KCKN -Musical Workshop KFEQ- Markets: Hawaiian Melo- dies KGBX -Gems of Melody: Weather KGNF -Drama of Food KLRA -Singing Sam KLZ-La , Lend An Ear KOAM-The Lost Empire KOIL -Poly the Shopper

10:00 CST 9:00 MST NBC -Woman in White, sketch: KOA *CBS -Kate Smith Speaks, and News: KFAB KMOX KLRA WNAX KLZ KOIL (sw- 17.83) NBC -Meet the Artist: KOWH KGBX KGHF (sw.15.33) MBS -Dorothy Stevens Humph- reys, sop.: KFEL KOIL KFOR *News: KGNF KUOA WREN WHO KVOD KOAM KARK -Radiographies: S u g a r Creek Gang *KCKN -News: Tunes at Ten KFBI- Rhythm Trio: Weather KFEQ -Ben Henderson KFH -Ma Perkins, sketch KFKA -Denver Tabernacle *KMBC -News: Livestock: Prgm. Notes *KSCJ -News: Timetable KSD- Against the Storm, sketch KTHS- Devotional KVOD -Tempos for Today KVOO- Herald Goodman *KVOR- Monitor Views the News KWK -Meet Miss Julia, sketch KWTO- Poultry Topics: Salon Echoes WDAF -Judy & Jane *WHB -News: Vocal Varieties WJAG -Curtain Raiser WOW -Woman in White

10:15 CST 9:15 MST

CBS -When a Girl Marries, sketch: KMOX KLZ KOIL KFH KMBC NBC -Words & Music: KOAM NBC- Southernaires: WHEN KSCJ KVOD KTHS (sw.15.33) CBS -Classics in Tempo: (sw- 17.83) MBS -Dick O'Heren. tor.: KFOR KFEL KCKN -This Rhythmic Age KFAB-Kitty Keene KFBI -This Rhythmic Age KFEQ -Minor Clite, *KFKA -News KGHF -Jimmy Dorsey's Orch. KGNF-Shoppers Prgm. KLRA -Editor's Daughter, sketch KMBC -Happy Kitchen KOA -Heart of Julia Blake KOWH- Morning Novelties KSD -Singin' Sam KUOA- Gregory Stone's Oreh. KVOO- Dorothy McCune KVOR- Serenade KWK -This Woman's World

KWTO -AI Stone's Hymn Sine WDAF- Variety Prgm. W HB-'fele -Test WHO -Angel of Mercy. sketch WJAG -Voice of the Street WNAX -Vic & Sade WOW- Friendly Neighbors


Elisabeth Pitt of the Forestry Service will conduct a radio visit to the George Washington National Forest In Virginia.

MBS -Keep Fit to Music: KFEL KFBI KFOR WHB CBS- Romance of Helen Trent: KMBC KMOX KOIL KLZ KFAB NBC -Strings That Sing: (sw- 15.33) Portia Blake Faces Life: KSD WHO KCKN -Melody Musings KFEQ -Old Timers KFH -Woman of Courage KFKA Morning Varieties KGHF -Good Morning. Neighbor KGNF-Federal Works Agency KLRA- Linda's First Love, sketch KOAM -Town Talk Playboys KUOA Homemakers Prgm. KVOD- Captain Ozie KVOR-Aloha Land KWTO -Ranch Boys WDAF.Righi to Happiness WIBW Big Sister, sketch WJAG -Want Ad Page of the Air WNAX -Life Can Be Beautiful WOW-Right to Happiness

10:45 CST 9:45 MST CBS-Our Gal Sunday, sketch: KMBC KMOX KOIL KLZ KFAB MBS -Carters of Elm Street. sketch: KFEL KFKA WHB Life Can Be Beautiful: WOW WHO KCKN -On with the Dance KFBI- Pioneer Quartet hY LG. Weather KFH -Zoric Memory Teasers KGNFAmer. remit, Robinson KLRA -Secret Diary KSD -Corntussel News KUOA- George Moody KVOD-Light Opera Echoes KVOR -Good Morning Neighbor KWTO -Hayloft Frolic WDAF -Woman of Courage WIBW -Aunt Jenny's Stories WJAG- Musical Scrapbook WNAXArnol4 Grimm's Daughter

11:00 CST 10:00 MST CBS -The Goldbergs, sketch: KMOX

(Continued on Next Page)


Page 30: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

9/37 -B


(11:00 a.m. Continued)

NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: KOAM NBC -Piano Recital: KGHF (sw- 15.33)

-MBS -Jimmy Walsh's Orth.: KFEL Meet Miss Julia, sketch: KLZ WOW *News: KFBI KFOR KWK Judy & Jane, sketch: KFH WHO WIBW KSD KARK -Nazarene Church KCKN -Food News KFAB -Right to Happiness KFEQ- Markets KFH -Woman in White KFKA -At Home KGNF -Round the Town KLRA -Novachordia KMBC -Hit Tunes KOIL -Heart of Julia Blake KUOA- Markets: J. B. U. Chapel: Billboard KVOD -Capt. Ozie KVOO -Your Singing Neighbor WDAF -Linda's First Love, sketch WHBUnity Viewpoint WJAG- Musical Masterpieces tVNAX -Tips by Taylor

11:15 CST 10:15 MST MBS -Jimmy Walsh's Orchestra: KFOR NBC -Between the Bookends: KSCJ KARK KGHF KTHS KWK (sw- 15.33) NBC -Frankie Masters' Orchestra: KGBX KOAM CBS -Life Can Be Beautiful. sketch KLZ KMOX KFAB -Gospel Singer KFBI -Farm Special KFEL -Gordon String Ensemble KFEQ -Bunkhouse Bill KFH -Kitty Keene. sketch KFKA -To be announced KLRA- Arnnid Grimm's Daughter KOA- Inquiring Reporter KOIL -Your Treat KOWH -The Farm Hand KSD -Heart of Julia Blake KVOD- Tempos of Today KVOO- Korner Kwiz KWTO -Little Crossroads Store WDAF -Editor's Daughter WHB -Farm Special WHO -Woman in White WIBW- Dinner Hour WNAX -Ma Perkins WOW- Adopted Daughter 11:30 CST 10:30 MST CBS -The Right to Happiness,

,sketch: KMOX KLZ KFH NBC -Christian Education: KOWH KVOO WREN (sw- 15.33) *NBC -H. V. Kaltenborn: KGBX KANS KGHF KARK KOAM KVOD NBC -By Kathleen Norris, sketch: KOA MBS -To be announced: KFKA KFEL KFOR KSAL WHB KARK -Melody Boys KCKN -News of the Blues KFAB -Road of Life KFBI- Bohemian Dance Music KFEQ -Singin' Sain KGNFLivestock & Produce *KLRA -Bible Lovers' Revival; Interlude; News KMBC -Kate Smith's Chats KOIL -Waltz Time KSCJ -Farm Reporter: Markets: Iowa Master Breeders *KSD -News: Teletutes: Orch. KTHS -Markets; R. F. D. 1060 KVOR -Duane Osborne, pianist KWK -Orphans of Divorce, sketch KWTO-Markets WDAF -Heart of Julia Blake WHO Adopted Daughter. sketch WIBW- Weather; Dinner Hour WNAX -Kitty Keene WOW- Portia Blake Faces Life

11:45 CST 10:45 MST MBS- Winger & Alexander: KFEL KFOR KFKA CBS -Road of Life, sketch: KFH NBC -To be announced: KGBX KANS KARK KOAM NBC -Maurice Spitalny's Orch.: KSCJ KGHF KOWH WREN (sw. 15.33)

KCKN -Sportsmen KFAB-First Call for Dinner KFEQ -Ranch Boys KGNF- Rhythm Girls KLZ -Short Short Stories KMBC- Dinner Bell Roundup: Markets KMOX -Lone Journey, sketch KOA-Toby & Susié s Corn Tussel News KOIL -Helpful Harry: Melodies

KTHS- Skyliners KVOD -The Twittles KVOR- Shopping with Carolyn: Tempos of Today KVOO -Art Davis' Rhythm Riders KWK- Amanda of Honeymoon Hill KWTO -Man from the Stockyards WDAF -Carson Robison & His Buckaroos WHB -Radio Airplane Trip WJAG -Melodies; Hospital Report *WNAX -Farm & Home: Live- stock: News WON- 1Vnman of Courage. sketch

AFTERNOON 12:00 CST 11:00 MST MBS -ls Anybody Home?: KFEL KFOR NBC- Concert Orchestra: KGBX KSCJ KGHF KTHS (sw- 15.33) NBC -Light of the World, sketch: WHO KOA KSD CBS -Young Dr. Malone, sketch: KLRA KFH KMOX *News: KGNF KV00 WIBW KOIL KFAB KARK KCKN -Noon Hour Clock KFBI -Dinner Bell Time KFEQ Markets KFKA- Markets: Suggestions KLZ -Big Sister, sketch *KMBC -News: The Dinner Bell Roundup KOAM -Salon Orch. KOWH -Pennfield -Paraland Prgm. KUOA- Hawaiians KVOR -Gleb Yellen KWKJohn', Other Wife, sketch KWTO. Singing Sam WDAF -Road of Life WHB -Bob Caldwell, Jr. WJAG -Markets & Cradle Roll: Scotch Story WNAX -Variety Prgm. WOW- Markets: Musicale WREN -The Range Riders

12:15 CST 11:15 MST NBC -Arnold Grimm's Daughter, sketch: KOA CBS -To be announced: (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Echoes of History: KSCJ KVOD KGHF KTHS (sw- 15.33)

MBS -Johnny Duffy's Music: KFEL CBS -Joyce Jordan, Girl Interne. sketch: KOIL KMOX Markets: KFH WIBW *News: KOAM WJAG KARK -Hal Burns & Varieties KFAB -Farm Notes; Livestock Markets KFEQ -Lullaby Lester do Old Tim- ers KFKA- Second Show KGBX -Luncheon Dance Music KGNF -Music at Midday KLRA-Jewel Cowboys KLZ -Aunt Jenny's Stories KMBC -Feed Lot Chat: Markets KOWH -Luncheon Melodies KV00 -Farm Profit Bureau KVOR -Tan Pan Alley KWK -Just Plain Bill, sketch KWTO -Ozark Serenaders w9AF- Gospel Singei WHB- Livestock Reports: Lazy K Ranchers WHO -Your Treat *WNAX -News; Markets WOW -To be announced 12:30 CST 11:30 MST CBS -Fletcher Wiley. talk: KMBC KMOX KLZ NBC -Valiant Lady, sketch: KOA NBC -Favorite Waltzes: KTHS KASS KVOD *News: KFEQ KFH KFKA WHO KSC,1 KWTO WREN KOWH KGNF WDAF KGBX KARK -Light Crust Doughboys KFAB -Last Call for Dinner KFEL -The Dime Man KGHF -Morning Matinee KOAMSaIon Orch. KOIL- Noonday Melodies KTHS -Arlington Orch. KUOA -Ozark Dairy Improvement KVOO -Bab Wills' Playboys KVI)R -Stars Over Hollywood KWK- Musical Prgm. WIBW Noonday Prgm. WJAG- Weather & Mail Bag WNAX -Markets *WOWNews Musicale 12:45 CST 11:45 MST NBC -Betty Crocker WHO KOA

MBS -Lawrence Salerno, bar.: KFEL KFOR NBC -Favorite Waltzes: WREN KARK KGBX KOWH KSCJ CBS -My Son & I, sketch: KMBC KOIL KMOX KLRA KLZ *News: KGHF KVOD KTHS KFEQStreet Reporter KFH-Butternut Coffee Jamborea KFKA -Window Shopper KGNF -Mario Chandler Orch. KOAM -Ozark Melodies *KSD -News Rosario Bourdon's Orch.

KUOA -Jerry Sears KVOR -Organ Reveries KWK- Fashions in Review KWTO-Console Capers; Man as the Street WDAF -Remember the Song? WNAX -Billie & Tommy WOW -Man on the Street

1:00 CST 12:00 MST NBC -Story of Mary Marlin. sketch: WDAF WOW KOA WHO KSD KARK KV00 MBS -Marriage License Romances: KFBI KFOR KFKA KWK CBS -Console Echoes: (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Orphans of Divorce, sketch: KTHS WREN KVOD KGHF (sw -15.33 -9.53) CBS -Society Girl, sketch: KLRA KMBC KFAB KMOX KOIL KLZ WNAX (sw- 15.27) *KCKN -News: Sunbeam Songs *KFEL -News: Allison di Starr KFEQ -Dannen Melodies KGBX -Melodic Moods KGNF- Swappers KOW13-Let's Pick Em KSCJ -Want Ad Rambles: Sterling Young's Orch. KUOA- Afternoon Melodies *KVOR-News *KWTO -Mike Dosch, news WHB -Radio Airplane Trip

1:15 CST 12:15 MST NBC -Ma Perkins, sketch: KV00 WDAF WLW KSD WHO KOA KARK WOW

MBS -Johnny Long's Orth.: KFBI KFEL KSAL KFKA NBC -Amanda of Honeymoon Hill, sketch: KTHS WREN KVOD KGHF (sw- 9.53 -15.33)

CBS -It Happened in Hollywood: KOIL KLZ KMBC KMOX KCKN -His Majesty the Baby KFAB -Joyce Jordan KFEQ- Baseball Scores KFH -Ark Valley Boys KFOR -Let's Waltz KGNF -Music Briefs KLRA -Remember This One KOAM- Siesta Melodies KOWH- Touring the Town KSC,I -Hob Allen KVOR- Noonday Party: Luncheon Lyrics KWK -Let's Help You Keep House KWTO -Laugh Clinic WNAX -Young Dr. Malone

1:30 CST 12:30 MST *CBS -News: The Soloists: KFOR KOIL KLRA (ssv- 11.83)

NBC -John's Other Wife, sketch: KTHS KGHF WREN KVOD (sw- N BC- Pepper Young's Family, sketch: KSD KOA KARK WHO KVOO WDAF WOW KCKN -Bulletin Board KFAB -Jane Tucker KFEQ. Highway to Heaves KFH- Markets KFKA -To be announced KGBX -This Rhythmic Age KGNF -Nebraska in the News KLZ -Life Begins, sketch KMBC -Kate Hopkins, sketch KMOX- Linda's First Love KOAM -Sones of Terry KOWH -Lew Fidler's Orch. KSCJ -Jan Garber's Orch. KIIOA Your American Music KVOR- Melody Trail *KWK -News WHB -Voice of Kansas City WNAX -Judy & Jane

1:45 CST 12:45 MST NBC -Vic & Sede, sketch: WDAF WHO KOA WOW KV00 KARK KSD NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch: WREN KGHF KTHS KVOD (sw- 9.53 -15.33)

CBS -Al Bernard's Minstrels: KOIL KFOR KLRA KMBC Isw-11.83) MBS -Indian River Steeplechase: KFEL KSAL. My Son & 1: KFAB WNAX KCKNDance Hour KFBI -Little Concert KFEQ -Waltz Time KFH -Portia Blake. sketch KFKA -Marketcast KGBX -Tea Time Melodie, KGNF -Let's Dance *KLZ. -News KMOX -Editor's Daughter KOAM- Melody Moments KOWH- Tropical Tunes *KSCJ -News; Swing Time KVOR -Farm Service Prgm. KWK -Sports Twister KWTO Ma Perkins sketch WHB -John Gart's Music WJAG -Organ Records

2:00 CST 1:00 MST CBS- Lecture Hall: KLRA Kh'UB (sw- 11.83)

Guest: Laura Bolton. author- ity on A fricnn life.

NBC -Backstage Wife. sketch: WOW WDAF KOA WHO CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly. sketch: KMBC *NBC -Club Matinee: News: KTHS KGBX KSCJ WREN KANS KGHF KOWH KWK (sw 953. 15.33) Markets: KFEQ KGNF KARK -Your Treat *KCKN -News: Peacock Prgm. KFAB -Young Dr. Malone KFBI -Old Timers KFH- Linda's First Love KFKA -Fort Collins Prgm. KLZ -Dixieland Band KMOX -Ma Perkins KOAM -Staff Jamboree KO1L -Young Dr. Malone, sketch KSD -Arnold Grimm's Daughter *KUOA -News: Bertrand Hirsch Quartet KVOD -Club Matinee KV00-Judy & Jane, sketch KVOR -Dance Hour KWTO -Kitty Keene, sketch *WHB -News: Dance Matinee WIBW -When a Girl Marries WNAX -Road of Life

2:15 CST 1:15 MST CBS -Myrt & Marge. sketch: KLZ KMBC WIBW NBC -Stella Dallas, sketch: KOA WDAF KV00 WHO WOW CBS-Melody Matinee: KFOR KLRA KOIL (sw- 11.83) MBS -Gazelle Stakes: KFEL *KARKNews KFAB-acauereood Baines KFBI -Frank Chiddix, pianist KFEQ- Matinee Melodies KFH -Editor's Daughter, sketch KGBX -Hit Parade of Tomorrow KGNF -Paul Lamkoff *KMOX -Let's Discuss the News KSD -Valiant Lady. sketch KUOA -George Moody KVOR -Master Singers KWTO- Rotund Romeos WJAG -Afternoon Concert WNAX -Portia Blake

2:30 CST 1:30 MST N BC- Lorenzo Jones, sketch: WDAF WHO WOW KV00 CBS -Hilltop House, sketch: KLZ WIBW KMBC NBC -Club Matinee: KVOD MBS -To be announced: KFEL KSAL KARK =Bert Castle's Orch. KCKN -Matinee Melodies KFAB- Livestock Markets: Coro husker Jamboree KFBI -Judy & Jane KFEQ -Ben Henderson KFH -Leisure House KGNF -World Bookman KMOX -Vic & Sade KOA- Adopted Dauehter. sketch *KOAM -News & Markets KSD -Betty Crocker KUOA. Travel Tips KVOR- Matinee Melodies KWK -Rich Hays Plays KW T(1 The In -Laws WHB -Silver Sails WNAX -Meet Ma Brown

2:45 CST 1:45 MST CBS -Novelteers: KOIL KFOR KLRA (sw- 11.83) MBS -Word Dramas: KIEL KFKA KFBI KSAL NBC -Young W i d d e r Brown, sketch: WDAF WHO WOW KSD KV00 KFEQ -Minor Clites. accordionist KFH -Angel of Mercy. sketch KGBX -Music You Want KGNF -The Hawk KLZ -Stepmother, sketch *KMBC -News: Prgm. Highlights: Musical Interlude KMOX -Dope From the Dugout *KOA -News; Markets KOAM -Organ Melodies KTHS -Baseball Scores KWTO -slim & Junior WHB- D'Artegás Music WIBW -Life Can Be Beautiful WNAX -Joyce Jordan

3:00 CST 2:00 MST NBC -Girl Alone, sketch: WDAF WHO KVOO WOW KARK CBS -By Kathleen Norris, sketch: KMBC KOIL KLZ MBS -George Fisher. Hollywood reporter: KFEL KFKA KSAL WHB NBC -To be announced: KSCJ KANS KOWH WREN KTHS *News: KFBI KFOR KGNF KOA Baseball Game: KFAB WNAX *KCKN -News: Design for Danc- ing KFEQ -Ponv Express Roundue KFH -Baseball; Boston vs. Detroit KGHF -Afternoon Tunes KMOX- Baseball Game KOAM -Front Page Drama

*KUOA -News: Jules Lande KVOD -Poetry Society of Colo. KVOR- Afternoon Interlude KWK -Baseball; Bronws vs. A's KWTO- Markets; Health Hints *WIBW -News: Roundup WJAG-Waltz With Me

3:15 CST 2:15 MST NBC -Kitty Keene. sketch: WDAF KV00 KOA WOW WHO NBC -To be announced: (sw -953- 15.33)

MBS -Bob Nichols' Hawaiians: KFEL KFKA KSAL WHB CBS -Pop Concert: KLRA *News: KOIL WREN KOWH KWK KARK -Jane Morgan, songs KFBI -La Cantina KGNF -Aristocrats of Rhythm KLZ-Judy & Jane. sketch KMBC -Musical Moods KOAM -Eb & Zeb KUOA -Ruth Treadwell KWTO -Jim West Jamboree WJAG -Vocal Varieties

3:30 CST 2:30 MST CBS -Pop Concert: KFOR KVOR NBC -Midstream, sketch: WDAr WHO KV00 WOW KOA NBC -To be announced: KGHF KTHS KSCJ KVOD MBS -To be announced: KFEL KSAL WHB KARK -Colleen Cart, songs KCKN- Melody Lane KFBI -To be announced *KFEQ.Baseball scores News KGBX Featured Orch. KGNF -Mark Levant, violinist KLZ -Your Treat KMBC -When s Girl Marries KOAM- Hillbilly Hilarities KOIL -Top Tunes KOWH -Treasure Chest KUOA- Little Show WJAG-Taneo time *WREN -News

3:45 CST 2:45 MST NBC -The O'Neills, sketch: KSD KOA WDAF WOW WHO

CBS -Scattergood Baines, sketch: KLZ KLRA KMBC NBC -Charles Sears, tnr.: KSCJ KGBX KOWH KANS KTHS KARK WREN NBC -Bud Barton: (sw- 15.33) Piano Moods: KFEQ KGNF KCKN -Tropical Moods KFEL -Gordon String Ensemble KGHF -Army Prgm. KOAM -Mary Lou KOIL -Music of the Masters KUOA -Popular Tunes KVOD -Gov. Citizenship Commit- tee: Community Chest Chats KV00- Portia Blake KVOR -Music Graphs KWTO Alper Brau Boys WHB -Staff Frolic WIBW -Young Dr. Malone WJAG Hawaiian

4:00 CST 3:00 MST NBC -Rocky Gordon, sketch: KVOO KSCJ KTHS KANS WREN *MBS -News: Hugo Monaco's Orch.: KFBI KFEL KSAL NBC-Li'l Abner, sketch: KGBX WFAA KARK (sw -9.53) CBS -Tower Town Tempos: KFOR KOIL CBS -Young Dr. Malone, sketch: KLZ KMBC *KCKN -News: Dance Matinee KFEQ -Ben Henderson KGHF- Afternoon Varieties KGNF- Seeing the Americas KLRA -Things to Come KOA. Musical Magazine KOAM-The Crimson Trail KOWH -Aksarben Races KSD-Girl *Alone, sketch *KUOA -News: Lewis Erwin KVOD- Denver Woman's Club KVOR- Dramas of Life *KWTO-News WDAF -Light of the World WHB -Bob Caldwell, Jr.: Five Minutes of Fact WHO -Arnold Grimm', Daughter WIBW -Ma Perkins, sketch WJAG -Band Music WOW -Light of the World

4:15 CST 3:15 MST *NBC -Gus Steck's Orch.: News: KGBX KARK KOAM (sw -9.53)

NBC -Uncle Mal: KANS KGHF KV00 KSCJ KTHS WREN MBS -Hugo Monaco's Orch.: WHB CBS -Hedda- Hopper's Hollywood: KMBC KLZ ROIL Arnold Grimm's Oughter: WDAF WOW KFEQ- Matinee KGNF-AO Request Prgm. KLRA -Save America KSD -Your Treat KUOA -Siesta Serenade *KVOD -To be announced: News

KVOR- Musical Workshop KWTO -Zeke and the Saddle Pas WHO- Valiant Lady, sketch WIBW -Kitty Keene, sketch WJAG -For Children Only

4:30 CST 3:30 MST MBS -Five Men of Fate: KFEL KSAL KFBI WHB CBS -Swing Serenade: ROIL KFOR *CBS -News: (sw- 11.83) CBS -Red Nichols' Orch.: (sw 6.17) CBS -Joyce Jordan. sketch: KLZ KMBC NBC -Song Busters: KGBX KARK KOAM (sw -9.53) NBC -Ireene Wicker: KSCJ KANS KOWH KGHF KTHS WREN

' Washoo. Legend of the Greedy One," on old American Indian tale, will be told.

*News: KGNF WJAG Valiant Lady: WDAF WOW KCKN- Novatime KFEQ -The Rhythm Console KLRA -Zoo Antics KOA- Market News; Organ Rev- eries KSD -Kitty Keene. sketch KUOA -Mario Morelli KVOD -Dance Orch. KV00 -Prgm. Prevues KVOR -Home Folks KWTO -Jim West, Boots & Bobby WHO -Meet Miss Julia. sketch WIBW -Matinee

4:45 CST 3:45 MST NBC -Bud Barton, sketch: KANS KOWH KSCJ KTHS KGHF KVOD *CBS -The World Today: KLRA KVOR KOIL KMBC KLZ NBC -Paul Douglas, sports: KARK KGBX KOAM KCKN -Music Graphs KFBI -Teddy Combs KFEQ -Organ Reveries KGNh-Ali Request erem. KOA- Theater Reporter *KSD -News KUOA -Covered Wagon Jubilee KVOD -Paul Laval's Oreh. KVOO. Novachord Trio KWTO- Treasure Chest WDAF -Hymns of All Churches WHB -Moods & Fancies WHO -Baseball Time WJAG -Devotional Prgm .

WOW Betty Crocker WREN -R hythmusic

5:00 CST 4:00 MST NBC -Fred Waring, Pleasure Time: KARK CBS -Blue Grass Brevities: KFOR CBS -Amos 'n' Andy, sketch: (sw- 11.83) NBC -Easy Ates. sketch: KFI KVOD KGHF *MBS -Fulton Lewis. Jr. news analyst: KFBI KSAL KWK *KCKN -News: Make Believe Ballroom *KFEL-News: Old Time Melodies KFEQ -Dance Time *K1,1.1-The World Today KGBX -Featured Orch. KGNF-Today's Sports Parade KLRA -Five at Five KLZ -Baseball Game KMBC Portia Blake Faces Life KMOX- France Laux Hi -Lites KOAM -Salon Silhouettes KOIL -Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: Song Hits KOWH South Omaha Bandwagon KSCJ -Music Box Revue *KSD -News: Feature Spotlight KTHS -Baseball Scores: Calendar KUOA- Imperial Singers KV00 -To be announced KVOR -Song of the Day: Tea Time Musicale KWTO- Schaffer Sisters WDAF -Your Treat WHB -Olivia & Joaquin W.IAG. Musical Roulette WNAX- Billie & Tommy WOW- Aksarben Races WREN- Kaleidoscope

5:15 CST 4:15 MST MBS -To be announced: KFOR KFEL KSAL

FREQIfENCIEB KANS-1.210 KVOD-030 K,IItK-HtNi KI'O0-1140 KFAIt-7711 KVOIt-1t.70 KFEI.-11211 KW'K-1350 KFF:(J-H.WI KW'TO.51i0 I(FII-1310 WNAP-8O0 KFKA-880 WBBM-770 KFlllt-1210 W('lYr.810 KI;HX-12110 W'11AF-1110 K(:II1'-1320 WEXR-870 KGNF-14.401 \YI'.tA-800 KLRA-1310 11'I:X-720 KLZ-560 W-HB-880 KMBI'-950 W'HO-loW KM0X-1100 W'IHW-500 KOA-830 WJ.IC-1000 KOAM-700 WL8-870 K0I1.lCN0 W'LW-700 KOWH-m0 WM:tQ-870 KRXT-1320 WMT-BOO K84'.1-1330 WNAX-570 KSII.550 W'I1W-590 KS0-1430 WREN-1220 KTIIS-l000 W'SM-050 Kt'O.t12a1


Page 31: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

*CBS -Paul Sullivan Reviews the News: KFAB KOIL KMOX NBC -Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons. drama: KVOD KGHF KFI *NBC- European News: KOA KGBX WDAF KANS KARK KOAM WHO (sw -9.53) KCKN -Band of the Day KFBI -To be announced KFEQ -Margit Hegedus Directs KFH-Hedda Hopper's Hollywood KGNF- Design for Dancing *KLRA- Sports; Interlude; News KMBC -P. Hans Flath. organist KSD -The In -Laws, sketch KTHSRoyale Revue KUOA-Harry Horlick Presents KVOO- Professor Faxon Figgers KVOR -Swing Serenade KWK- Musical Prem. KWTO Tin Pan Alley *WHB -News W NAX-scattergood Baines

5:30 CST 4:30 MST NBC -Dance Orch.: KGBX KOA CBS -Burns and Allen: KFAB KOIL KMOX WIBW (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Easy Does It: KANS KWK KTHS *News: KARK KVOR KOWH WREN WLS KGHF KCKN -Sundown Serenade KFEL -Frank Westerfield's Band *KFEQ -News; Baseball Scores KFH -Ann of the Air -Lanes KFKA -Impressions in Wax KGNFLet There be Light KLRA -Jack Armstrong, sketch KMBC- Bonnie & the Boys KOAM -Bands at the Top KSD -Pals of the Prairie KUOA -L. W. Gouchos KVOO -World of Sports KWTO -Radio Spotlight 1VDAFAnn of the Airlanes WHB -Rhythm & Romance 1\ HOOrgan Moods WJAG- Highlights in Melody WNAXSunset Edition WOW -Kate Hopkins. Angel of Mercy

5:45 CST 4:45 MST NBC -Easy Does It: WREN *NBC -H. V. Kaltenborn: KOAM *New. KFH KVOO WHO WOW KSCJ KGBX KARKPassing Parade of Sports KCKN Going Places KFEL -Eddie Bush's Orch. KFEQ -Orgatron Prgm. KGIIF Hits Si Encores KGNF-Victor Vincent's Orch. KLRA- Musical Varieties *KMBC -News: Sports KMOX-Ben Feld's Orch. & Solo- ists KOA- Pinocchio KOWH -To be announced KSD Stockton b Esche. KTHS -Today's Winners KUOA -Gems of Melody KVOR -Tropical Moods KWK-Sports; News KWTO- Melody Time; Q. T. Time WDAF -Linwood Cavaliers tVHB- Orphan Annie. sketch WLS -Grace Wilson, contralto *WNAX -The World Today

NIGHT Where (here is no listing

for a station Its precedlag program is on the air. 6:00 CST 5:00 MST

NBC -Prairie Folks, drama: KWK WREN KSCJ WLS KTHS KANS EGHE NBC -Hollywood Playhouse: WLW WSM KV00 KSD WOW WHO WDAF WMAQ KARK CBS -Ben Bernie & All the Lads: KRNT KMOX KFAB WBBM KMBC KOIL WMT MBS -Sheen & Goats Club: KFKA KFBI KFEL *News. KUOA KWTO WIBW KGBX KFOR KOAM KCKNDance with America KFH -Uni. of Wichita Prgm. KGNF Dinner Hour KLRA-Blue Beetle KOA-Goodwill Industries KOW H -Dance Time ICVODSinging Strings KVOR- Eventide Echoes WGN Uharlie Baum's Orch. *WHB Fulton Lewis. Jr., comm WIBW -Henry & Jerome WJAG.Evening Concert WNAXSunset Trail

6:15 CST 5:15 MST MBS -Sheeps & Goats Club: KFOR Sports: KFBI KOAM KWTO KFH -To be announced KFI- Virginia Flohri. sop. KGBX -Supper Melodies KGNF -Eb & Zeb. sketch KLZ- Dealer in Dreams KOA -Old Refrains KIJOI Dinner Music


5:00 CST (4:00 MST) Fred Waring in Pleasure Time, NBC.

5:30 CST (4:30 MST) Burns and Allen, CBS. George Burns and Gracie Allen; Frank Parker, tenor; Ray Noble's orchestra.


6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Ben Bernie's Orchestra, CBS. Lew Lehr, comedian; Bailey Sisters.

Refer to

Check the programs you want to hear today

640 CST (5:00 MST) Holly- wood Playhouse, NBC. Drama, with Charles Boyer and guests.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) Plan. tation Party, NBC. Louise Massey and the West- erners; Tom, Dick and Har- ry; Whitey Ford, M. C.; Michael Stewart, baritone; Doring Sisters.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) What Would You Have Done? NBC. Quiz program, with Ben Grauer, M. C.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) Dr. Christian, CBS. Tonight's drama is ,titled The Martyr."

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) The Fred Allen Show, NBC.

Portland Hoffa, comedienne; Betty Jane Rhodes, vocal- ist; Merry Macs; Peter Van Steeden's orchestra. Guests.

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) Texaco Star Theater, CBS. Ken Murray, M. C.; Kenny Baker, tenor; Frances Lang- ford, vocalist ; Irene. Noblet to

Ryan, comedienne; Jimmy Wallington, announcer; Da- vid Broekman's orchestra. Guests.

8:00 CST (7:00 MST) Kay Kyser's Program, NBC. Musical quiz. Virginia Simms, Sully Mason, Harry Babbitt.

8:00 CST (7:00 MST) Glenn Miller's Orchestra, CBS. Ray Eberle and Marion Hut- ton, vocalists.

9:15 CST (8:15 MST) Lanny Ross, Tenor, CBS.

adjacent columns for stations broadcasting these programs

KVOR -Lost Empire WHB -The Sportsman WIBW-Musical Hodge Podge WJAG-International Scene

6:30 CST 5:30 MST NBC -What Would You Have Done ?: WREN KWK KSO WLS KVOD KGHF KTHS NBC -Plantation Party: WMAQ WLW WSM WOW WHO KARK WDAF KVOO KGBX KSD *CBS -Dr. Christie n, sketch: News: KFAB WBBM KMBC (sw11.83)

For detail see Good Listening Guide.

NBC -Paul Carson, organist: KGBX KFBI-Music You Want When You Want It *KFELMovie News & Views KFH -Federal Quartet KFKA -Your Health *KGNF- Today's Headlines KLRA -It's Your Move: Dinner Music *KLZ. -News KMOXOrgan Melodies KOA- Serenade in the Afternoon KOAMVocal Variations *KOIL.Sornething to Talk About: Listen to This: News KOWH -As Omaha Dines KSCJ-Sports KVOR- Sports Review KWTO -Jim Simmons WGN Lone Ranger, drama \VllBBaseball Game of the Air *W'IBWPopular Varieties; News *WMT Fulton Lewis. Jr., comm. WNAX.W. P. A. Prgm.

6:45 CST 5:45 MST MBS -Little Orphan Annie: KFEL KFKA *KFH -To be announced: News KGNF- Eventide Reverie: Weather *KLRA -Navy Prem.: News *KLZ- Sports: News *KMOX -Bob Dunham Comments: News KOAM -Alpen Brau Quiz KSCJ -Anson Weeks' Orch. KUOAOn Parade *KVOR- Rhythm Revue: News KWTO -The Plainsmen *WMT -Miracle of Fram: Sports: News *WNAX -Dance Time: News

7:00 CST 6:00 MST CBS- Texaco Star Theater: Kenny Baker, drama: KFAB WBBM KOIL KFH KLRA t \'IBW KLZ WNAX KRNT KMBC KMOX (sw- 11.83) NBC -Fred Allen Show: WMAQ KSD WOW 11'110 WDAF WLW 1VS>I KARK K1'00 (sw -9.53)

MBS -Dance Orch.: WHB WMT KFEL KFOR KFKA NBC -The Green Hornet, drama: KWK KVOD KS('.1 KTHS ESO KANS KGHF KOWH WREN *KCKN -Elliott Roosevelt, comm. *KFBI -News KGBX- Rhythm Band Box KOA.Dinnner Concert KUOA.Gaslight Harmonies: Va- riety Prgm. KVOR-Supper Melodies KWTO. Whispering Jack Don WENR Concert Miniature WGN-To be announced \VHBThe Barrel Roll

7:15 CST 6:15 MST MBS -Dance Orch.: KFOR KSAL KCKN -Organ Reveries KFBI Norse Gospel Trio KOAM- Sundown Melodies Kt(lA Organ Music KVOR- American Legion Prgm. KW [OAlolia Land WENR.Bernie Cummins' Orch. WGNBlue Barron's Orch. WHB.luanita's Rhumba Band

7:30 CST 6:30 MST MBS- Serenade for Strings: KFEL KFBI KFOR KFK.\ KSAI. W'MT

NBC -Grant Park Concert: KVOD WENR KWK KSCJ WREN KCKN -Library Book Review KGBX -Romance of Dan & Sylvia KGHF -Pop. Melodies KOA Who's in Denver Tonight? KVOR -Dance Time *WGN News WHB -Johnny Burkhardt's Orch.

7:45 CST 6:45 MST NBC -Roy Shield's Revue: KO1VH KCKN -Federal Band *KGBX -News *KOA -News WGN Leonard Keller's Orch.

8:00 CST 7:00 MST *NBC -News: WENR ESO KTHS KINK KSCJ *MBS- Raymond Gram Swine. comm.: KFBI KFEL KSAL WGN NBC -Kay Kyser's Prgm.; W Lis %VOW KSD WDAF WSM KVOO KOA KARK KGBX WHO WMAQ Isw -9.53)

CBS -Glenn Miller's Orch.: WMT KFAB WNAX KFH KLZ KVOR KOIL WBBM KMOX WIBW KLRA ERNT KMBC *News: KVOD KFOR *KCKN -News: Vocal Varieties KGHFLone Ranger, drama 1VREN- Things You Should Know

8:15 CST 7:15 NISI *MBS -News: John Steele. news analy,t: KFOR KEEL KFBI KSAL CBS -Republican Nat'l Conven- tion: ERNT KFAB KOIL KLRA WBBM KMOX KVOR KMBC WMT NBC-Ink Spots: KSCJ WENR KSO KTHS KCKN Baseball; Kansas City vs. Indianapolis KFH.Aipen Brau Swingsters KLZ- Slants from the Shower KVOD -W. P. A. Concert KWKInside of Sports WGNPageant of Melody WIBW- Marling Silver Dollar WNAX-Bohemian Orch. WRENHaseball; Kansas City va. Toledo

8:30 CST 7:30 MST NBC -Radio Magic, drama: KSCJ KGHF KTHS WENR EVOD KSO *CBS -News of the War: KOIL KFAB KLRA KMBC WIBW WNAX (,is 9.65) CBS -Burns & Allen: KLZ MBS -Pageant of Melody: KFOR KFH( *KFEL -Mews: Glen Gray's Orch. KFH-Scrapbook of Familiar Remo KMOX-Double Mellow Time KVOR Lone Ranger KWK-Dance Orch. WBBM-To be announced WMT -Bohemian Frolic 8:45 CST 7:45 MST

NBC- Vaughn Monroá s Orch.: ESCJ KSO KVOD KGHF CBS- Concert Orch.: WNAX KOIL KMOX KFAB KLRA WIBW EMBC KFH KRNT (sw -9.65) KFEL -Sports Review: Richard Himber's Orch. *KWK.News WBBM Rhythm Off the Record WENR-Carl Ravazza's Orch. WNAX Bohemian Orch.

9:00 CST 8:00 MST CBS -Amos 'n' Andy, sketch: 1VBBM KRNT KMBC KFAB KLZ. 1VNAX KMOX KOIL NBC -Charlie Barnet's Orch.: KANS ESC.1 KVOD CBS -Dick Gasparre's Orch.: (sw. 9.65) NBC -Will Osborne's Orch.: KGBX (sw 9.53) NBC -Hollywood Playhouse: KOA MBS -The Answer Man: KFEL WGN

*News: KFH WMT KSD KARK-Baseball Game KGHF-Job Clinic KLRA -Burns & Al KTHS -Concert Orch. KV00- Jaycee Safety Kwiz KVOR- Howard McCreery's Orch. KWK -Barrel Roll WDAF- Sports Chat *WENR -Ten O'Clock Final 1\' HO -Songf ellows 11113W Vic & Sade, sketch W'LW -Dance Orch. WMAQ- Preston Bradley, talk WOW -Thesaurus WSM-Something Old, Something New

9:15 CST 8:15 MST CBS -Lanny Ross, tnr.: KFAB KOIL KRNT WBBM KLZ KMBC KMOX NBC -Charlie Barnet's Orch.: KGHF MBS- Delaware Stakes Preview: KFEL KFKA ESO *News: WNAX WSM WMAQ Sports: WHO WOW KFH -Scattergood Baines, sketch KSD-Cheri McKay Bo Co. KVOR -Golf Interview WDAF-Easy Aces *1VGN -News: Griff Williams' Orch. WIB \V- Melody Magic WLW' Fun at the Fair VMT.Baseball; 1Vaterloo vs.


9:30 CST 8:30 MST CBS -Bob Chester's Orch.: KFAB KFOR

NBC -Tommy Dorsey's Orcn.: KGHF KSCJ KSO Kills KWK NBC -Sleepy Hall's Orch.: KGBX WOW (sw -9.53)

*CBS -Dr. Christian, sketch: News: KLZ KOIL WNAX KRNT 1\'(611' KLRA KMOX NBC- Plantation Party: KOA MBS- Freddy Martin's Orch.: WGN MBS -Lone Ranger, drama: KFEL KFII -Bell's Sports Salute KFKA Melody Mill *KMBC -News: Sports *KSD-News: Nathaniel Shilkret's Orch. KVOD Eventide Echoes KVOO-Fred Waring's Orch. KVOR- Concert Hall *WBBM -Todd Hunter. news 11'DAF.Prayer Meeting 1VHO -Gov. George A. Wilson 1VLW -Paul Arnold, vocalist WMAQ -Lou Bresse's Orch. WOW-To be announced WSM -Fred Waring

9:45 CST 8:45 MST NBC -Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra: KANS KVOO NBC -Sleepy Hall's Orch.: WDAF *KFH-Trocadero Club Orch.: News *ICFOR.News KMBC -Dance Time ESD -Fred Waring's Orch. KVOD- Stories in Litigation *WBBM -Dave Baca'. organist: News WHO- Pleasure Time WLW- Sports WSM To be announced 10:00 CST 9:00 MST CBS -Ben Bernie & All the Lads: KLZ NBC -Fred Allen Show: KOA NBC- Johnny McGee's Orchestra: KGBX KV00 CBS -Glen Gray's Orch.: WBBM KFAB KMOX KLRA (sw.6.17) NBC -Dance Orch.: KGHF KVOD WREN WSM


KOIL WIBW WOW KTHS *KCKN -Baseball Scores: News KEEL- Shopping Column KFI-I- Kaliko Kat Orch. KMBC -Burns & Allen KMOX France Laux, sports KWE -One Man's Opinion WENR -Clyde Lucas' Orch. *WMAQ -News: Jan Savitt's Or- chestra

10:15 CST 9:15 MST NBC -Dance Orch.: KARK KSCJ CBS -Glen Gray's Orch.: WNAX MBS- Xavier Cugat's Orch.: WGN KFEA NBC -Johnny McGee's Orch.: WHO Fred Waring: WOW WDAF KCKN- Dancing Under the Stars *KMOX -Flannery Views can News KOIL -Sports Specials KTHS -Jimmy Capra's Orch. K VOR Electricity Speaks KWK -Dance Orch. WIBW-Oklahoma Outlaws WLW -Gardner Benedict's Oreh. WREN Government Reports 10:30 CST 9:30 MST NBC -Earl Hines' Orch.: WOW KGBX KV00 WHO NBC -Gene Krupa's Orch.: KSCJ KVOD WSM MBS -Henry King's Orch.: KFOR KFKA KSAL CBS -Tommy Tucker's Orch.: WMT WBBM KMBC KVOR KRNT KFAB WNAX KLRA KEH KOIL (sw -6.17) *KARK-News *KFEL -Fulton Lewis. Jr., comm. KGHF -Dance Time KLZ -Jimmy Crier's Orch. KMOX -Moonlight Serenade WDAF -Sports: Dance Orch WENR-Music You Want W'GX- Charlie Baum'. Oreh WLW-Etzi Covatti s Orch. WMAQWiII Osborne's Oreh. WREN -Gov't Reports 10:45 CST 9:45 MST NBC -Gene Krupa's Orch.: ESO EWE WREN MBS -Henry King's Orch.: KFEL KCKN -Jockey Club KMOX- Victor's Velvet Music *KTHS -News: Baseball summary *K VOD -News WLW- Barney Rapp's Orch.

B -9,37 Page 29


11:00 CST 10:00 MST *CBS -Paul Sullivan Reviews the News: KLZ KMBC NBC -Woody Herman's Orchestra: KVOD KSCJ WREN WMAQ KSO MBS -Gus Arnheim's Orch.: WGN KFKA KFOR KSAL CBS -Chuck Foster's Orch.: KRNT WIBW WNAX WBBM KFAB


*News: KGHF KV00 KWK KSD *KCKN -News *KFEL News- Four Tonnes *KMOX-News of the War KOA -Sport News KVOR -This Rhythmic Age WDAF- Moonbeams WHO- Veterans' Forum WLWDeke Moffitt's Orch. 11:15 CST 10:15 MST NBC -Woody Herman's Orchestra: KVOD KGIIF KVOO WHO CBS -Chuck Foster's Orch.: WMT WIBW WNAX WBBM KRNT KFAB KMBC KMOX WIBW KLRA KVOR MBS -Gus Arnheim's Orch.: KWK Music You Want: KOIL KSD KEEL -Phil Harris' Orch. KLZ -Off the Sound Track KOA -Bill Carlsen's Oreh.

11:30 CST 10:30 MST NBC -Jan Savitt's 0rch.: KGHF KSCJ WREN KARK KVOD KWK WSM

*CBS -Joe Rines' Orch.: News: KMOX WIBW KMBC KVOR KFH WNAX KRNT WBBM KFAB (sw- 17.83)

MBS -Jan Garber's Orch.: KFKA


NBC -Jan Savitt's Orch.: WOW WENR KV00 KGBX WDAF *News: KLZ WHO KLRA-Dance Hour WBAP -Sun Dodgers WLWMoon River- Poems: Organ WMAQ-Carl Ravazza's Orch.

11:45 CST 10:45 MST NBC -Jan Savitt's Orch.: WHO Kí\:1 *CBS -Van Alexander's Orch.: News: KLZ NBC -Jan Savitt's Orch.: KANS *1VMAQ.News; Carl Ravazzás Oreh.

12:00 CST 11:00 MST MBS -Blue Barron's Orch.: KEEL KWK 1VGN KFKA CBS -Benny Goodman's Orchestra: EL/. KVOR NBC -Shep Fields' Orch.: KVOD *News: KOA KMOX WHO *WLW- Barney Rapp's Oreb.: News WOW Midnight Melodies

End of Wednesday Programs

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MORNING *Star in program listing

indicates news broadcast 7:30 CST 6:30 MST

NBC-Breakfast C I u b: KTHS KWK KGBX KANS CBS- Adelaide Hawley: (sw- 11.83) N BC- Israel Mannino Hewson: K SD


7:45 CST 6:45 MST CBS -Tunes from the Tropics: (sw. 17.83) NBC -Breakfast Club: KOWH CBS -Bachelor's Children. sketch: KMOX KMBC KFH *News: KV00 KWK Coffee Pot Inn. WHO WNAX WOW WIBW KFAB

8:00 CST 7:00 MST CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch: KLRA KMOX KO1L WNAX KFH NBC -The Man 1 Married. sketch: WOW WHO KSD WDAF KV00 NBC -Josh Higgins of Finchville: KVOD *News WREN KGHF KFOR KOA KFBI Norntits uevotions KGNF WJAG KARK-Curley Fox & Texas Ruby KCKN -Movie News KFAB -Texas Mary & Her Pals KFEL- Morning Varieties KFEQ -A Word to the Wives KGBX -Merry -Go -Round 8:15 CST 7:15 MST

NBC -Houseboat Hannah, sketch: WOW WHO WDAF KV00 NBC -Vagabonds: KWK WREN KVOD KOWH KOA (sw -21.5) CBS -Myrt & Marge, sketch: KFAB KMOX KLRA WNAX KFH KOIL NBC -Midstream, sketch: KSD Morning Melodies KFEQ KGHF KARK -Morning Melodies KFBI -To be announced KGBX- Adventure Bound *KGNF News KMBC. Dixieland Strings KOAM -Time 'n' Tunes KUOA -Story Book Lady KVOR- Morning Devotionals KWTO -The Singing Baker Boy WIBW -Hymns of all Churches *WJAG -News & Musical Clock

8:30 CST 7:30 MST CBS -Hilltop House. sketch: KFH KFAB KMOX WNAX KLRA KOIL NBC -Ellen Randolph. sketch: WOW WHO WDAF KVOO NBC- Viennese Ensemble: WREN KOWH KGHF (sw -21.5) *News: KVOD KVOR KWTO KARK -Musical Memories KCKN -Police Court KFBI -Hits & Encores KFEL -Western Voice *KFEQ- Markets: News KGBX - Variety Show KGNF- Breakfast Ballads KLZ -Pinto Pete & Ranch Boys KMBC -Food Scout KOA -Old Refrains *KSD -News: Robert Hood Bow- er's Band KUOA-Fireside Quartet KWK -Hits & Encores WHB -Top Flight Tunes WIBW-Morning Inspirations 8:45 CST 7:45 MST

CBS -Stepmother, sketch KMBC KFAB KMOX KOIL WNAX NBC -By Kathleen Norris, sketch: WDAF WOW WHO KSD KARK MBS -John Metcalf. Choi Loft KFEL KFOR KSAL KFBI *News: KOA KLZ KWK KCKN- Morning Jamboree *KFH-Marketa. hew KGNF -Three T's KLRA-Woman's Magazine KUOA -Dr. Martine KVOD -Song Hits KV00 -Bill & Mary KVOR- American Legion Band KWTO-The Ozarks Singes WHB -Home of the Week WIBW -Arnold Grimm's Daughter, sketch

9:00 CST 8:00 MST NBC -I Love Linda Dale. sketch: WREN KVOD KSCJ KTHS CBS -Mary Lee Taylor: KOIL KLRA KFH KMOX

*MBS -News: To be announced: KSAL KFBI N BC -David Harum, sketch: KSD WHO WOW WDAF KV00 KANS KOA *KARK News KCKN -News: Musical Greetings KFAB -Jane Tucker *KFEL -News: Alec Randolph KFEQ -Old Timers & Minor KGBX- Musical Roundup KGHF- Musical Moments KGNF- Musical Moods KLZ -Good Morning Melodies: Helpful Harry KMBC- Fashion Flashes KOAM- Harmony Isle KOWH -Tin Pan Alley KUOA -Betty Haile, organist KVOR -Good Morning KWK -Gospel Singer KWTO- What's New? *WHB -News A IBA -Roy Faulkner WNAX -Gospel Singer

9:15 CST 8:15 MST N BC -Lone Journey, sketch: WHO WOW WDAF KV00 NBC -Clark Dennis, tnr.: KTHS WREN KSCJ KVOD KOWH (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Life Begins, sketch: KFAB KFH KOIL KMOX NBC -The Road of Lite. sketch: KSD MBS -H a r o I d Turner. pianist: KFEL KARK -Town Talk KCKN -Kitchen Kapers KFBI -Old Timers KFEQ -Bill's Hawaiian Players KGHF -Accordiana KGNF Woman s Radio Journal KLRA-Hymns of All Churches KLZ -Road of Life, sketch KMBC Meet Miss Julia. sketch KOA -Let's Go KOAM -Phil Neely KVOR -Just About Time KWK -Sunbonnet Social KWTO The Rhythm Ranger. WHB- Shades of Black & White W IBW- Adopted Daughter sketes *WNAX -News: Novachordist

9:30 CST 8:30 MST NBC -Against the Storm, sketch: WHO WOW WDAF KV00 KARK KO* CBS -Big Sister, sketch: KLRA KMOX KFAB KMBC WNAX KFH NBC -The Wife Saver: KSCJ KTHS WREN KOWH (sw- 15.33) MBS -Charlie Freshwater's Orch.: KFEL *News: KGBX KOIL KCKN -Morning Serenade KFBI -Rhythm &Romance KFEQ- Markets; Organ Melodies KGHF -Devotional KGNF -Music from A to Z KLZ -Captain Ozie KOAM -Good Will Prgm. KUOA- Common Sense Viewpoint KVOD -Morning Melodies KVOR -Church in the Wildwood KWK -Painted Dreams *KWTO- Markets; News: Wea- ther WHB -Smile Brigade WIBW- Housewives Prgm.

9:45 CST 8:45 MST NBC -The Guiding Light. sketch: WOW WDAF KV00 WHO KSD KARK KOA CBS -Aunt Jenny's Stories: KFH KMOX KFAB WNAX KMBC NBC- Thunder Over Paradise, sketch: KANS KSCJ KTHS WREN KGHF (sw- 1533) MBS -Johnson Family. sketch: KFEL KSAL KFOR KFBI KCKN -Ranch Boys KFEQ -Markets. Hawaiian Mel- odies KGBX -Gems of Melody: Weather KLRA -Singin' Sam KLZ -Lady, Lend An Ear KOAM-The Lost Empire KOIL -Polly the Shopper KOWH- Morning Novelties KUOA -Little Concert KVOR- Morning Varieties KWK Lite of Mary Sothern WHB -Story Behind the Sous 10:00 CST 9:00 MST *CBS -Kate Smith Speaks and News: KOIL KFAB KMOX KLZ KLRA WNAX (sw- 17.83) NBC -Woman in White, sketch: KOA NBC- Eugene Conley. tnr.: KTHS KGHF KOWH KGBX (sw- 15.33) NBCTo be announced: KGBX *News: KGNF KUOA WREN WHO KVOD KARK -Sugar Creek Gang *KCKN -News: Tunes at Ten KFBI -Rhythm Trio: Weather KFEL -Garwood Van's Orch. KFEQ Ben Henderson KFH -Ma Perkins, sketch KFKA -Denver Tabernacle

Next Week's Cover A picture honoring Independence Day, spe-

cially posed by Universal Star Sandra Lee (Baby Sandy) Henville, will be carried on the cover of next week's Movie AND RADIO Gums_ On sale at all newsstands today.

*KMBC-News: Livestock: New Notes *KOAM -News & Markets *KSCJ News: Timetable KSD -Against the Storm. sketch KTHS- Devotional KVOD -Pan Americana KVOO- Gospel singe, *KVOR -Monitor Views the News KWK Meet Miss Julia, sketch KWTO-Poultry Topics- Salon Echoes WDAF -Judy & Jane *WHB -News: Vocal Varieties WJAG Curtain Raiser WOW -Woman in White 10:15 CST 9:15 MST NBC -Words & Music: WOW NBC- Southernalres KVOD KSCJ WREN KOWH KTHS (sw15.33) CBS -When a Girl Marries. sketch; KMOX KLZ KFH KOIL KMBC MBS -Nay Band: KFOR KFBI KFEL CBS -Initation to Waltz: (sw- 17.83) KCKN -Tin Pan Alley KFAB-Kitty Keene KFEQ -Minor Clites *KFKA -News KGHF -Frankie Masters' Orch. KGNF -Nicholas Matthey, violinist KLRA -Editor's Daughter. sketch KMBC -Happy Kitchen KOA -For Women Only KOAM-Mary Lee Taylor KSD -Singin' Sam KUOA -Biology Talk KVOO- Dorothy McCune KVOR- Serenade KWK This Woman's World KWTO -Al Stone's Hymn Sing WDAF -A New Day WHB -Tele -Test WHO -Angel of Mercy, sketch WJAG -Voice of the Street WNAX-Vic & Sade WOW -Road of Life, sketch 10:30 CST 9:30 MST NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: KOA KV00 KGBX KTHS KWK WREN KANS KARK KOWH KSCJ

Milton Eisenhower. Morse Salisbury and Josephine Hemp- hill of the Department of Agri- culture will discuss 'Land Prob- lems In Rapides Parish Louisi- ana.

CBS -Romance of Helen Trent, sketch: KLZ KMBC KMOX KOIL KFAB NBC -Hinett Trio: (sw- 15.33) MBS -Keep Fit to Music: KFEL WHB KFOR KFBI Portia Blake Faces Life: WHO KSD KCKN -Melody Musings KFEQ -Old Timers KFH -Woman of Courage KFKA -Morning Varieties KGHF -Good Morning Neighbor KGNF -MacGregor Fairy Tale KLRA- Linda's First Love, sketch KOAM -Town Talk Playboys KUOA -Rendezvous with Romance KVOD -Captain Ozie KVOR -Your Personal Shopper KWTO -Mary Lee Taylor WDAF -Right to Happiness WIBW -Big Sister, sketch WJAG -West Point Prgm. WNAX -Life Can be Beautiful WOW -Right to Happiness 10:45 CST 9:45 MST MBS -Carters of Elm Street. sketch: KFEL KFKA WHB CBS -Our Gal Sunday, sketch: KMBC KMOX KLZ KOIL KFAB KCKN -On with the Dance KFBI- Pioneer Quartet KFEQ -Weather KFH -Time Out KGNF -Amer. Family Robinson KLRA -Kleen Kopy: String Along *KSD -Corntussel News KUOA -George Moody KVOD -Light Opera Echoes KVOR -Good Morning, Neighbor n14 TO-Hayloft Frolic WDAF -Woman of Courage WHO -Life Can Be Beautiful, sketch WIBW -Aunt Jenny's Stories WNAX -Arnold Grimm's Daughter WOW -Life Can Be Beautiful 11:00 CST 10:00 MST NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: KOAM NBC -Frankie Masters' Orch,: (sw- 15,33) CBS -The Goldbergs, s k e t c h KMOX

MBS -On Reival Day: KFEL Judy and Jane. sketch: WIBW WHO KSD *News: KFOR KFBI KARK Nazaren, Church KCKN -Food News KFAB Rieht to Happiness KFEQ- Markets KFH -Woman in White KFKA -At Home KGHF-Songs That Never Grow Old KGNF -Round the Town KLZ-Meet Mks Julia. sketch KMBC-Mary Lee Taylor KOIL- Homemakers' Club KUOA -Markets: Music in a Mod- ern Mode KVOO- Herald Goodman *KWK News WDAF- Linda's First Love W111:1 Units Viewpoint WJAG -Musical Masterpieces WNAX -Tins by Taylor WOW -Meet Miss Julia, sketch 11:15 CST 10:15 MST CBS -Life Can Be Beautiful. -ketch KMOX KLZ NBC -Between the Bookends: KGHF KSCJ WREN KTHS KGBX KOAM KWK (sw- 1533) NBC -Eleanor Roosevelt. talk: KOA KSD MBS -To be announced: KFEL KFKA KOIL KFOR KFAB -Gospel Singer KFBI -Farm Special KFEQ -Bunkhouse Bill KFH -Kitty Keene, sketch KLRA -Arnold Grimm's Daughter KMBC -Hit Tunes KUOA -Way Down South KVOD -Pan Americana KVOO- Korner Kwia KWTO -Little Crossroads Stare WDAF -Editor's Daughter WHB -Farm Special WHO -Woman in White WIBW- Dinner Hour WNAX -Ma Perkins WOW- Adopted Daughter 11:30 CST 10:30 MST MBS -To be announced: KFEL KFKA KFOR KSAL CBS -The Right to Happiness, sketch: KMOX KLZ KFH *NBC -H. V. Kaltenborn. news: KARK KOAM KGBX KVOD KANS KGHF NBC -Common Sense & Sentiment: KV00 WREN KOWH (sw- 1533) N BC -By Kathleen Norris. sketch: KOA Markets: KGNF KWTO KCKN -News of the Blues KFAB -Road of Life KFBI- Bohemian Dance Music KFEQ- Singin' Sam *KLRA -Bible Lover's Revival; Interlude; News KMBC -Kate Smith's Chats KOIL -Waltz Time KSCJ-Farm Reporter: Markets: Iowa Master Breeders *KSD -News: Teletunes: Orch. KTHS -Markets: Skyliners KUOA -Marcy & Smythe KVOR -Duane Osborn, pianist KWK -Orphans of Divorce. sketch WDAF -Musical Prgm. WHB -Radio Airplane Trip WHO- Adopted Dau'htet ,ketch WIBW- Weather; Dinner Hour WNAX -Kitty Keene WOW -Portia Blake Faces Life 11 :45 CST 10:45 MST CBS -Road of Lite. sketch: KFH NBC -To be announced: KGBX KANS KARK KOAM NBC -Hoosier Hop: KSCJ KGHF WREN KOWH (sw- 1533) MBS- Thursday Serenaders: KFEL KFKA KSAL KFOR KCKN -Sportsmen KFAB -First Call for Dinner KFEQ -Ranch Boys KGNF- Accordion Minstrel KLZ -Mary Lee Taylor KMBC -Dinner Bell Roundup: Markets KMOX -Lone Journey, sketch K OA Toby & Susie's Corn Tussel News KOIL -Noonday Melodies KUOA- Lawrence Quintet: Bill- board KVOD -The Twittles KVOR -Green Light at the Cross- roads KV00 -Art Davis' Rhythm Riders KVOR -Pacific Paradise

KWK- Amanda of Honeymoon Hill KWTO -Man at the Stockyards WDAF -Four -Bells Roundup WHO -Aloha Land WJAG -Modern Melodies; Hospital Report WNAX -Helpful Harry: Livestock: Farm & Home W'011'.lVnin ;t i of Cool re. sketch

AFTERNOON 12:00 CST 11:00 MST NBC -Light of the World. sketch: WHO KOA KSD CBS -Young Dr. Malone. sketch: KMOX KLRA KFH NBC -Dance Orch.: KSCJ KTHS KGHF WREN (sw- 15.33) MBS -Concert Orch.: KFOR KFEL *News: KGNF KV00 KFAB KOIL WIBW *KARK Livesiocks New. KCKN -Noon Hour Clock KFBI- Dinner Bell Time KFEQ -Markets KFKA- Markets: suggestions KGBX- Luncheon Dance Music KLZ -Big Sister. sketch *KMBC -News: The Dinner Bell Roundup KOAM -Salon Orch. KOWHPennfield-Paraland Prem. KVOA- Three- Quarter Time KVOO -Novel Notes KVOR -Musical Round -Up KWK -John's Other Wile. sketch KWTO -Singin' Sam WDAF -Road of Life WHB -Bob Caldwell's Jr. WJAG -Markets & Cradle Roll: Scotch Story WNAX- Variety Prgm. WOW- Markets: Musicale

12:15 CST 11:15 MST NBC -Arnold Grimm's Daughter. sketch: KO* NBC -The Travelling Cook: KSCJ KGHF WREN KTHS (sw- 15.33) CBS -To be announced: tsw- 15.211 MBS -John Duffy's Music: KFEL KWK CBS -Joyce Jordan, Girl Interne. sketch: KOIL KMOX *News: KUOA WJAG Markets: KFH WIBW KARK -Hal Burns & Varieties KFAB -Farm Notes: Markets: Last Call for Dinner KFEQ -Lullaby Lester & Old Tun- ers KFKA -To be announced KGNF -Musty at Middas KLRA -Noonday Serenade KLZ -Aunt Jenny's Stories KMBC -Feed Lot Chat: Markets *KOAM -News KOWH -This Rhythmic Age KVOD- Captain Ozie KV00 -Farm Profit Bureau KWK -Just Plain Bill, sketch KWTO -Ozark Serenaders WDAF -Gospel Singer WHB- Livestock Reports: Lazy K Ranchers WHO Carson Robison's Buckaroos *WNAX -News: Markets WOW -To be announced 12:30 CST 11:30 MST CBS -Fletcher Wiley. talk: KMBC KMOX KLZ NBC -Valiant Lady, sketch: KOA NBC -Marine Band: KANS KVOD (sw- 15.33)

MBS -To be announced: KWK *News: KFEQ KFH WHO KFKA KGNF KSCJ KWTO KOWH KGBX WREN KARK -Lightcrust Doughboys KFEL -The Dime Man KGHF- Morning Matinee KLRA- Government Reports KOAM -Salon Orch. KOIL- Noonday Melodies KTHS- Arlington Orch. KUOA -Man ou the Street KVOO -Bob Wills' Playboys KVOR -Stars Over Hollywood *WDAF -News: Weather: Market WIBW -Noonday Prgm. WJAG -Weather & Mail Bag WNAX-Markets *WOW-News: Musicale 12:45 CST 11:45 MST NBC -Hymns of All Churches: WHO KOA CBS -My Son & I. sketch: KMBC KOIL KMOX KLRA KLZ MBS -Hitmakers: KFOR KFEL NBC -Marine Band: KARK KSCJ KGBX *News: KGHF KVOD KTHS KFEQ- Street Reporter KFH- Jamboree KFKA -Window Shopper KGNF -Vocal Ensemble KOAM -Ozark Melodies KOWH- Pacific Paradise *KSD -News: Rosario Bourdon's Orch. KUOA -Jerry Sears

KVOR -Organ Reveries KWK -Fashions in Review KWTO -Console Capers. Mm SO the Street WDAF -Remember the Songs WHB -Jack Grogan & Co WNAX -Billie & Tommy WOW Man on the Street

1:00 CST 12:00 MST MBS- Ginsburgh's Concer' Orch. KFOR KFKA KWK KFBI NBC -The Story of Mary Marlin, ketch: WOW KVOO WHO KSD WDAF KO* KARK CBS -Chasing the Blues: (sw- 11.83) NBC -Orphans of Divorce, sketch: WREN KTHS KVOD KGHF (sw- CBS -Society Girl. sketch: KLRA KMBC KFAB KMOX KOIL WNAX KLZ (sw- 15.27) *KCKN -News: Sunbeam Songs *KFEL -News: Peggy Anderson KFEQ -Dannen Melodies KFKA- Rhythm Orch. KGBX -Concert Master KG VF ewanpers KOAM -Kiwanis Club KOWH -Let's Pick Em KSCJ Want Ad Rambles: Sterling Young KUOA- Afternoon Melodies *KVORNews *KWTO -Mike Dosch, news WHB Radio Airplane Trip

1:15 CST 12:15 MST NBC -Ma Perkins. sketch: WOW KV00 WDAF KSD KOA WHO KARK NBC -Amanda of Honeymoon Hill. sketch: KTHS WREN KVOD KGHF (sw-9.53-15.33) CBS -It Happened in Hollywood: KOIL KLZ KMBC KMOX MBS -We. the Women: KFEL KFBI KFAB -Joyce Jordan KFEQ - Baseball Scores KFH -Ark Valley Boys KFOR -Let's Waltz KGNF -Music Briefs KLRA -Jack Berth's Gang KMBC-Kate Hopkins. sketch KOAM -Melody Moments KOWH-Touring the Town KSCJ-Singing Strings KVOR -Luncheon Lyrics KWK -Let's Help You Keep House KWTO -The Laugh Clinic WNAX -Young Dr. Malone

1:30 CST 12:30 MST MBS -We, the Women: KSAL *CBS -News: Yells Pessi. harpsi- chordist: KFOR KLRA (sw- 11.83) NBC -P e p p e r Young's Family. sketch: KV00 WHO KSD KOA KARK WOW WDAF

NBC -John's Other Wife, sketch: KTHS WREN KGHF KVOD (sw- 9.53- 1533) KCKN -Bulletin Board KFAB -Jane Tucker KFEQ -Ministerial Alliance KFH-Markets *KFKA -News; Interviews: Mar- kets KGBX -Matinee Melodies KGNF -Nebraska in the News KLZ -Life Begins, sketch KMBC -Kate Hopkins, sketch KMOX- Linda's First Love KOAM Melody Momentts KOIL-Musical Interlude KOWH -Lew Fidler's Orch. KSCJ -Anson Weeks' Orch KUOA- Concert Classics KVOR- Melody Trail *KWK -News WHB -Voice of Kansas City WNAX -Judy & Jane

1:45 CST 12:45 MST NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch: KVOO WDAF WHO WOW KOA KSD KARK NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch: KGHF KTHS WREN KVOD (sw- 953- 15.33) CBS -Interlude For Strings: KOIL KMBC KFOR KLRA (sw- 11.83)

FREQUENCIES KANS-1210 KVOD-030 KAIIK-Rlkl KVO0-l}4(1 KFAB-770 KVOIt-1:e711 KFEL-tV1 KWK-1350 KFEQ-ORO KWTI1.i101 KFH-13110 WRAP-ROTI KFKA-8811 WRBM-770 KFOR-1210 W(C0-810 KGBX-1230 11' l)A F-61U KGHF-1321 WEN R-870 KG NF-1430 WFAA-BOO KLRA-1311 tl'GN-720 KI.y.-560 \t'HB-:030 KMBC-05(1 WHO-1000 KM(/X-llsl WIBLY .700 Kl1A-830 WJAG-1060 K(I A 5I-700 1t LS-51 70 KOIf.-1201 WI-W-700 KOWH-101 WM AQ-070 KRNT-1320 WMT-600 KSCJ-1330 WNAX-570 KSD-550 WOW-590 K801130 WREN-1220 KTHS-1011 WSyf-650 KUOA-1260


Page 33: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

MBS-Jimmy Walsh's Orch.: KFBI KSAL KOIL WIIB KFEL My Son and 1: KFAB WNAX KCKN -Ministerial Alliance KFEQ -Waltz lime KFH-Portia Blake. sketch KFKA - Marketcast KGNF -Afternoon Musicale *KLZ -News KMOX- Editor's Daugher KOAM -Zoe Wilma Baade KOWH- Afternoon Melodies *KSCJ -News; Swing Time KVOR Farm Service Prgm. KWK-Songfest KWTO -Ma Perkins, sketch WJAG-Organ Records

2:00 CST 1:00 MST *NBC -C I u b Matinee: News: WREN KSCJ KVOD KGBX KGHF KANS KWK KOWH KTHS CBS -Adventures in Science: KFOR KLRA (sw- 11.83) NBC- Backstage Wife, sketch: WOW WHO WDAF KOA CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly. sketch: KMBC KARK- Rotary Club *KCKN -News: Peacock Prgm. KFAB -Young Dr. Malone KFBI -Old Timers KFEL -Leo Erdody's Orch. KFEQ- Markets KFH -Linda's First Love. sketch KFKA -Luncheon Dansant KGNF -Markets KLZ -20th Century Serenade KMOX -Ma Perkins KOAM -Staff Jamboree KOIL -Young Dr. Malone, sketch KSD -Arnold Grimm's Daughter *KUOA News: Mischa Stanley's Orch. KV00 -Judy & Jane KVOR Hit Revue KWTO-Kitty Keene, sketch *WHB-News: Dance Music WIBW When a Girl Marries, sketch IVNAX -Road of Life 2:15 CST 1:15 MST

MBS -Benny Krueger's Orch.: KFEL WHB NBC -Stella Dallas, sketch: WHO WDAF KOA WOW KV00 CBS -Music Without Words: KFOR KLRA (sw- 11.83) CBS -Myrt & Marge, sketch: KLZ KMBC WIBW KFAB-Scattergood Baines KFBI -Frank Chiddix, pianist KFEQ -Matinee Melodies KFH -Editor's Daughter, sketch KFKA- Livestock Auction KGBX -Half & Half KGNF -Male Quartet KMOX -Hedda Hopper's Holly- wood KOIL -Roy Bloch Presents KSD -Valiant Lady, sketch KUOA- Hawaiian Melodies KWTO- Rotund Romeos WJAG -Afternoon Concert WNAX-Portia Blake

2:30 CST 1:30 MST *NBC -Club Matinee; N e w s:


CBS -Melody Matinee: KOIL KFOR KLRA NBC-Lorenzo Jones, s k e t c h: WOW WHO WDAF KV00 CBSHilltop House. sketch: KLZ KMBC WIBW MBS -Dance Orch.: KSAL KFEL *KARK -News KCKN -Hit Revue KFAB- Livestock Markets: Corn - husker Jamboree KFBI -Judy & Jane KFEQ.Ben Henderson KFH- Musiquiz KGNF -World Bookman KMOX -Vic & Sade KOA- Adopted Daughter. sketch *KOAM -News & Markets KSD-Hymns of All Churches KUOAMilitary Prgm. KVOR Half & Halt KWK -Rich Hayes' Swing Club KWTO -The In -Laws WHB-Silver Sails WNAX-Meet Ma Brown 2:45 CST 1:45 MST

NBC -Young W i d d e r Brown, sketch: WHO WDAF WOW KSD KV00 CBS -Four Clubmen: KOIL KFOR KLRA (sw- 11.83) MBS -Melody Bouquet: KFEL %I1B KSAL KFBI KARK -Hits & Encores KFEQ -Minor Clites. accordionist KFH -Angel of Mercy. sketch KGBX -Music You Want KGNF -Anson Weeks' Oreb. KLZ -Stepmother, sketch *KMBC -News: Prgm. Highlights: Musical Interlude KMOX -Dope From the Dugout *KOA -News; Thought for the Day KOAM -Organ Melodies KTHS- Baseball Scores KUOA -Clyda Barrie


5:30 CST (4:30 MST) Vox Pop, CBS. With Parks Johnson and Wally Butterworth.


6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Musical Americana, NBC. Deems Taylor. commentator; symphony orchestra, Ray- mond Paige, conductor. Guest.

6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Ask -It- Basket, CBS. Quiz program, with Jim Mc- Williams.

Check the programs you want to hear today

6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Mr. District Attorney, NBC.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) Pot o' Gold, NBC. Horace Heidt and his Musi- cal Knights.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) I Love a Mystery. NBC.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) Strange as It Seems, CBS. Interesting facts collected by John Hix. Alois Havrilla, M. C.

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) Mon- treal Symphony Orchestra, NBC. Wilfred Pelletier. conductor.

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) Good News of 1940, NBC. Dick Powell. M. C.; Mary Martin, vocalist ; Fanny Brice ( Baby Snooks) ; Hanley Staf- ford; Meredith Willson's or- chestra.

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) Major Bowes' Amateur Hour, CBS. Honor city: Elizabeth, New Jersey.

7:30 CST (6:30 MST) Sealtest Rudy Vallee Program. NBC. Burlesqued versions of his - torical events. "Slapsie" Maxie Rosenbloom and Guests.

8:00 CST (7:00 MST) Glenn Miller's Orchestra, CBS. Ray Eberle and Marion Hut- ton, vocalists.

8:00 CST (7:00 MST) Kraft Music Hall, NBC. Bine Crosby, M. C.; Bob Burns, comedian; Music Maids: Ken Carpenter, an- nouncer; Johnny Trotter's orchestra. Guests.

9:00 CST (8:00 MST) Fred Waring in Pleasure Time, NBC.

9:15 CST (8:15 MST) Lanny Ross. Tenor. CBS.

Refer to adjacent columns for stations broadcasting these programs

KWK -Sports Twister KWTO.Slim & Junior WIBW -Life Can Be Beautiful WNAXJovice Jordan

3:00 CST 2:00 MST NBC -Girl Alone, sketch: WHO WOW WDAF KOA KVOO KARK NBC -To be announced: KSCJ WREN KANS KOW'II KTHS CBS -Music Without Words: KFOR KLRA (sw- 11.83) CBS -By Kathleen Norris, sketch: KMBC KOIL KLZ MBS -To be announced: KSAL KFEL WIIB Baseball Game: KFAB WNAX *News: KFOR KFBI *KCKN -News: Design for Danc- ing KFEQ-Ponv Express Roundup KFII-Baseball; Detroit vs. St. Louis KGIIFAfternoon Tunes *KGNF -Monitor News KMOX- Baseball Game KOAM -Jungle Jim *KLIOA News: Jules Lande KVOD-Two o'Clock Tunes KVOR -Afternoon Interlude KWK- Baseball; Bronws vs. Tigers KWTO-Markets; Daily Record *WIBW-News: Roundup WJAG-Waltz. With Me

3:15 CST 2:15 MST NBC -Kitty Keene, sketch: WDAF KVOO WHO WOW KOA

NBC -To be announced: (sw- 9.53 15.33)

MBS -Diamond State Stakes: KSAL KFEL *News: K011. KOWII KARK -Bob Nelson, bar. KFBI -Old Chisholm Trail KGNF -Melodious Melodies KLZ -Judy & Jane. sketch KMBC -Musical Moods KOAM -Fb & Zeb KUOA -Wilson Ames KWTO -Jim West Jamboree WJAG -Vocal Varieties

3:30 CST 2:30 MST NBC -Midstream, sketch: t1'DAF KVOO WOW WHO KOA

MBS- Diamond State Stakes: KFEL NBC -To be announced: KVOD KGIIF KSCJ KTHS CBS -To be announced: KFOR KLRA KVOR KARK -Jane Morgan, songs KCKN -Melody Lane KFBI -To be announced *KFEQ- Baseball Scores; News KGBX -Sing Song Time KGNF -Ben Pollock Entertains KLZ -Gas Hospitality House KMBC -When a Girl Marries KOAM -Hillbilly Hilarities KOIL -Top Tunes KOWH-Treasure Chest KVOD -Univ. of Wyoming WHB -Weather: Dance Music WJAG-1 ango rime *WREN -News

3:45 CST 2:45 MST NBC -Joe Gallichio's Orch.: KANS KGBX KGNF KOWH KSCJ KTHS KARK WREN (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Scattergood Baines. sketch: KLZ KLRA KMBC NBC -The O'Neills, sketch: KOA KSD WHO WOW WDAF KCKN -Ring Crosby KFEL -Albert Wallace's Orch. KFEQ-Piano Moods KGNF -Piano Moods KOAM -IVPA Speaker KOIL -Music of the Masten KUOA- Popular Tunes KVOD-Colorado Safety Council KVOO -Portia Blake KVOR-WPA Orchestra KWTO -Alpen Brau Boys

WIIB staff Frolic í\-I1311 -Sou,_ Dr. Malone W'J AG-Hawaiian

4:00 CST 3:00 MST *MBS -News: Old Fashioned Girl: KFEL KSAL K011. KFBI CBS -young Dr. Malone. sketch: KLZ KMBC NBC-Li'l Abner, sketch: KGBX KARK (sw-9.53) NBC -Rocky Gordon, sketch: K S('.I KTIIS KVOI) KANS NBC -To be announced: WREN CBS -Rhythm Rascals. KFOR *KCKN News: Dance Matinee KFEQBen Henderson KGNF- afternoon Varieties KGNF -Light Concert Aires KLRA- Things to Come KOA- Musical Magazine KOAM -The Crimson Trail KOWH- Aksarben Races KSD -Girl Alone, sketch *KUOA -News: Lewis Erwin KVOO -It's a Woman's World KVOR-American Family Robinson *KWTO-News WDAF -Light of the World WHB -Bob Caldwell, Jr. WHO-Arnold Grimm's Daughter WIBWMa Perkins, sketch WJAG Band Music WOW -Light of the World

4:15 CST 3:15 MST *NBC -Gus Steck's Orch.: News: KARK KGBX KOANI (sw -9.53)

CBS -Outdoors With Bob Edge: KLRA KMBC KVOR KFOR NBC -Uncle Mal: KSCJ KTHS KANS MBS -Old Fashioned Girl: KSAL K FBI -A ristac rats KFEQ- Matinee KGNF -All Request Prem. KLZ -Time Out, Allen Prescott KSD -Joe Sudy's Orch. KUOA-Imperial Male Chorus *KVOD-To be announced: News KWTO-Man from Mars WDAF- Arnold Grimm's Daughter WHB-Baseball Scores WHO -Valiant Lady. sketch WIBW-Kitty Keene, sketch WJAG -For Children Only WOW -Arnold Grimm's Daughter 4:30 CST 3:30 MST


,1 dramatisation of the child- hood of Nelson Eddy. ramous baritone. will he presented.

NBC -To be announced: WREN *CBS -Paul Sullivan Reviews the News: (sw- 11.83)

NBC -The Guest Book KGBX KARK KOAM (sw-9.53-9.55) CBS -The Chicagoans: KLRA KFOR MBS- Lawrence Salerno, baritone. KFEL KSAL CBS -Joyce Jordan, sketch: KLZ KMBC *News: KGNF WJAG KCKN-Tempo Topics KFBI-Tin Pan Alley Gose to Town KFEQ -The Rhythm Console KOA- Market News; Ranch Boys KOIL -Jam for Supper KSD-Kitty Keene, sketch KTHSPleasantdale KUOA- Concert Orch. KVOD- Popular Concert KVOO -Prgm. Prevues KVOR-Home Folks KWTO -Jim West, Boots & Bobby WDAF Valiant Lady WHB -Rhythm & Romance WHO -Mee, Mss Jnll., sketch WIBW- Matinee WOW -Valiant Lady, sketch

4:45 CST 3:45 MST *CBS -The World Today: KMBC ROIL KLRA KVOR KFOR


*N BC-Lowell rhomas, comm.: KSD (sw -9.53) NBC -Paul Douglas, sports: WHO KARK KGBX KOAM KFBI-Betty Weakland KFFL.lerry Allen oar

.KFEQ-Music Graphs KGNF All Request Prgm. KLZ -Baseball Game KOA- Theater Reporter KOIL -To be announced *KSD News KUOA -Covered Wagon Jubilee KV00 The Tune Never Ends KWTO- Treasure Chest WDAF-Betty Crocker WHB Moods & Fancies WJAG- Devotional Prgm. WOW -Hymns of All Churches

5:00 CST 4:00 MST CBS -Amos 'n' Andy, sketch: (sw- 11.83) NBC -Easy Aces, comedy: KFI KGNF KVOD NBC -Three Romeos: KARK KGBX KOAM K1'00 CBS -Lynn Cole songs: KFOR KFII KOIL KMOX *MBS -Futton Lewis tr. news analyst: KWK KSAL KFBI *KCKN-News: Make Believe Ballroom *KFEL -News: Art Chapman. or- ganist KFEQ -Dance Time KGNF- I oday s ,port Parade KLRA-Five at Five KMBC-Portia Blake Faces Life KOA- Teatime Tunes KOWH Soul h Omaha Bandwagon KSCJ -Music Box Revue *KSD -News: Feature Spotlight KTHS-Baseball Scores: Resume KUOA-Ridge Runners KVOR -Tea Time Musicale KWTO-Elmer's Axle Benders WDAF-Eleanor Roosevelt WHB-Olivia & Joaquin WJAG- Musical Roulette WNAX- Billie & Tommy W'OW- Aksarben Races WREN- Kaleidoscope

5 :15 CST 4:15 MST *NBC -John B. Kennedy, news: KARK KVOO KANS KOA WHO KGBX WDAF KOAM (sw -9.53) NBC -Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons: KFI KVOD KGHF *CBS -Paul Sullivan Reviews the News. KFAB KOIL KMOX MBS- George Stearney's Orch.: KFEL KFOR KWK KSAL K FB1Te,dv Combs KFEQ-Rosario Bourdon Directs

KFH -Organ Melodies KGNF -Uranias of Life *KLRA -Sports; Interlude; News KMBC -P. Hans Flath, organist KOA Goodwill Industries KOAM-Voice of America KOWH -South Omaha Bandwagon KSD-The In -Laws, sketch KTHS-Rovale Revue KUOA-James Kerwin K VON -Chicagoans KWTO Chosen Three *WHB News 11 \AA seattereood Baines

5:30 CST 4:30 MST N BC- Southwestern S e r e n a d e: WDAF KGBX KSD NBC -Harry Kogen's Orch.: HANS KTHS KWK (sw -9.55) CBS -Vox Pop; Parks & Wally: KFAB WNAX KOIL WIBW *News: KARK KGHF KVOR WREN KO1VH KCKN- Sundown Serenade KFBI -To be announced KFEL -The Bronzemen *KFEQ -News; Baseball Score. KFH- Dreamin' in the Twilight KFKA- Impressions in Wax KGNF- Concert Melodies KLRA -Jack Armtsrong, sketch KMBC- Bonnie & the Boys *KMOX -Bob Dunham Comments KOA- Inquiring Reporter KOAM -Bands at the Top KSCJ- Sports KUOA- Gregory Stone KVOD-Tea -Time Tempos KVOO-World of Sports KWTO -Radio Spotlight WHB-Dance Orch. WHO -Organ Moods WJAG-Hiehlights in Melody WOW-Kate Hopkins

5:45 CST 4:45 MST *NBC -H. V. Kaltenborn, news: KGBX KOA NBC -Harry Kogen's Orchestra: KOWH KVOD WREN KOAM CBS -Accent on Music: KLRA KVOR *News: KFH KV00 KSCJ WHO WOW KARK -Passing Parade of Sports KCKN -Going Places K F F.L- High lande r KFEQ- Orgatron Prgm. KGIIF -Hits & Encores *KMBC -News: Sports K11OX- Gertrude Niesen & Alpine Varieties KSD-Stockton & Eschen KTHS-Today's Winners KUOA Gems of Melody *KWK -Sports; News KWTO -Carl, Willie & Cliff WDAF -Linwood Cavaliers WHB-Orphan Annie. sketch

B-9r37 F. _.t J1


June 27

NIGHT Where there is no listing

for a station its preceding program Is on the air. 6:00 CST 5:00 MST

NBC -Mr. District Attorney, dra ma: KOA WDAF WOW WMAQ KSD KV00 WHO WLW KARK NBC -Musical Americana; Deems Taylor. m.c.: KWK WSM t1'REN KGBX WLS

Tonight's program Includes Meet the gun Half Way: La Paloma : Shine On Harvest Moon: Pava fir: Piette Ton - kinois: Auweles the Beautiful, and by the guest. Molly Norte. ioliiist from the Conservatory

of Moyle of Kansas City. Liebes- leid.

*MBS -Wythe Williams, comm.: KFEL KFKA KSO KFBI CBS- Ask -It- Basket with Jim Mc- Williams. WIBW KFH KOHL IVNAX KRNT KFAB KMOX WBBM KMBC (sw- 11.83) *News: KUOA KWTO KFOR KCKN -Dance with America KGHF Story of Wool KGNF-Dinner Hour KLRA -Sweet & Low *KOAM.News KOWH-Dance Time KSCJ-Sioux Cityans KTHS-Decca Review KVOD-Singing Strings KVOR- Eventide Echoes WGN- Charlie Baum s Orch. *WHB- Fulton Lewis. Jr. comm. WJAG -Evening Concert WMT- Sports: Hit of the Day

6:15 CST 5:15 MST MBS -Symphony Orchestra' KFOR WMT KFEL KFKA KSO Sports: ROW)] KWTO KFBI KGHF -Pop. Melodies KGNF -Eb & Leb. sketch KLZ -Dealer in Dreams KOAM- Sports KTHS-Book Review KUOA- Dinner Music KVOR Lost Empire WHB-The Sportsman WJAG -Front Page Drama

6:30 CST 5:30 MST NBC -Pot o' Gold: WREN KSCJ k 'flls WLS KANS KOAM KSO KGNF KVOD KOWH KGBX KWK *CBS -Strange As It Seems: News KFII KMBC KOIL KRNT KFAB KMOX WBBM WNAX (sw-l1.83) MBS- California Melodies: KFOR KSAL KFEL KFKA NBC -I Love a Mystery, drama: KSD WMAQ WHO WOW WDAF WLW WSM KV00 KOA K 411 KFBI Music You Want When You Want It *KGNF -Today's Headlines KLRA-Dinner Music *KLZ -News K VOR- Sports K WTO-Lonely Troubadour tvG\ I ariune 0 W'lIB -K. C. Concert Orch. *WIBII' -S tars of tomorrow; News *W'MT- Fulton Lewis. Jr.. Comm

6:45 CST 5:45 MST MBS - Little Orphan Annie, sketch: KFEL KFKA KGNF- Eventide Reverie: Weather *KLRA-Health Talk: Interlude; News *KLZ-Sports: News

(Continued on lest Paget

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Page 34: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

y,...:...r.,iialiee..,..-,e.._ tees ...are tee.

Pace 32 9/37 -B


(6:45 p.m. Continued) KUOA -On Parade *KVOR- Rhythm Revue: News KWTO- Rhythm Console *WMT- Dinner Dance: News


sac detail see Good Listening Guide.

NBC -Good News of 1940: WHO KOA KSD WDAF KARK WMAQ WSM WLW WOW KV00 (sw- 9.53) MBS- Leonard Keller's Orch.: KFKA KSO KFOR KFEL *MBS -Gabriel Heatter, comm.: WGN KCKN- Behind the Headlines *KFBI -News KGBX -Spice of Life KOAM -Vocal Variations KOWH -Art Randall's Orth. KTHS -Arlington Orch. KUOA- Gaslight Harmonies KVOR- Supper Melodies KWTOWhispering Jack Don WHB -The Barrel Roll

7:15 CST 6:15 MST MBS -Talk by Arthur Mann: KSO KFEL WFOR WHK WGN KCKN -Radio News Reel KFBI -Norse Gospel Trio KOAM -Hour of Prayer KUOA -Organist KWTO- Church in the Wildwood WIIB- Juanita's Rhumba Band

7:30 CST 6:30 MST MBS- Morton Gould's Orchestra: KFEL KFOR KSO KSAL KWK KFBI NBC -Sealtest Rudy Vallee Prgm.: WMAQ KSD WHO WOW WDAF WSM WLW KARK-Irene Rich. sketch KCKN -Rainbow Rhythm KGBX- Featured Orch. KGHF -Pop. Melodies KOARecord Review KVOO- Through the Years

KVOR -W. P. A. Orch WGN -Cartun -O WHB Johnny Burkhardt's Orch.

7:45 CST 6:45 MST KARK -Twilight Trails KCKN -Hollywood Band *KGBX News WGN -Bill McCune's Orch.

8:00 CST 7:00 MST MBS -Grant Park Concert: KFEL KSAL WGN KFBI NBC -Kraft Music Hall; Bing Crosby; Bob Burns; Ken Car- penter: Johnny Trotter's Orch.:

WSM WOW KOA KSD WDAF KARK KV00 WHO WLW KFI WMAQ (sw -9.53) CBS -Glenn Miller's Orch.: KOIL WIBW KMOX WBBM KFH KLZ KFAB KVOR KLRA WNAX KRNT KMBC WMT *NBCNews: KSO WENR KSCJ KANS WREN *KCKN -News: Tune Topics *KFOR -News KGBX -Organocturne KGHF Lone Ranger KTHS -Good News of 1940 *KVOD -Dave Cook. news KWK- Automotive Reporter 8:15 CST 7:15 MST

CBS -Republican Nat'l Conven- tion: KLZ WBBM WMT KMBC KRNT KVOR KFAB KLRA NBC -Dance Orch.: KVOD KSO WENR KSCJ KANS WREN *MBS -News: Grant Park Con- cert: KFOR KFH -Alpen Brau Swingsters KGBX -Concert Orch. KOIL -Dance Melodies *KMOX -The World Today KWK -Inside of Sports WIBW -Marline Silver Dollar WNAX -Bohemian Oreh. 8:30 CST 7:30 MST

*CBS -News of the War: KOIL KLZ KVOR KFAB KLRA WIBW WNAX WBBM NBC -Singin' & Swingin': KGHF KSCJ KVOD WENR KANS MBS -Thursday Serenade: WGN KFOR KFBI Vox Pop KFH KMBC KCKN -Vocal Varieties *KFEL-News Swingttme KMOX -Double Mellow Time KWK -Carlos Molina's Orch. *WMT- Treasure Aisle: News

8:45 CST 7:45 MST MBS -Thursday Serenade: KSO

NBC -Old Refrains: KCKN

*CBS -Michael Loring, songs: News: KVOR WBBM KMOX KRNT KFAB KLRA KOIL KLZ (sw 9.65) KFEL -Sports Review: Richard Himber's Oreh. KGBX- Harmony Hall *KWK -News WIBW -When Kansas Was Young *WNAX -Bohemian Orch.: News

9:00 CST 8:00 MST CBS -Amos 'n' Andy, sketch: WBBM KRNT KMBC KFAB KLZ WNAX KMOX KOIL NBC -Fred Waring in Pleasure Time: KOA WHO KANS WMAQ KSD KV00 WLW WSM WOW MBS -Blue Barron's Orch.: WGN KFOR KSO NBC -Rae Kmnev's Orch.: KGHF KSCJ KTHS WREN CBS -Dick Gasparre'ss Orch.: (sw 9.65) *New. KFH WMT KARK-Baseball Game *KCKN -News; Dancing Moods KFEL- Yesterday's Melodies KGBX -Fetaured Orch. KLRA -Let's Cut a Rug KVOD -Pan Americana KVOR- Howard McCreery's Orch. KWK -Barrel Roll WDAF -Twilight Trails *WENR -Ten O'Clock Final WIBW -Vic & Sade. sketch

9:15 CST 8:15 MST NBC -Glenn Garr's Orth.: KGBX CBS -Lanny Ross, tor.: KFAB. KMBC KLZ KOIL KRNT KMOX WBBM .

NBC -Ray Kinney's Orch.: KVOD KANS MBS -Freddy Martin's Orch.: KFOR KSO WGN -

*News: KOA WNAX KV00 Sports: WHO WOW KFH -Scattergood Baines, sketch KSD Cheri McKay & Co. KVOR- Concert Hall WDAF -Easy Aces WIBW -Popular Varieties WLW -Fun at the Fair WMAQ.Preston Bradley. talk WMT -Baseball; Decatur vs. Cedar Rapids WSMThe World in Review 9:30 CST 8:30 MST

CBS -Xavier Cugat's Orth.: KOIL KLRA KFAB KFOR NBC -Lou Breese's Orch.: WMAQ NBC -Musical Americana: KVUD WOW KGHF KSCJ KTHS /CANS KSO

MBS -Leo Reisman's Orch.: KFKA KFEL CBS -Ask -lt- Basket: KLZ NBC -Jimmy Dorsey's Orch.: KGBX (sw -9.53) KCKN- Jockey Club KFH -Quizzer Baseball KGBX -To be announced KLZ-- Ask -ItBasket KMOX -Vox Pop *KMBC -News: Sports KOA- Golden Melodies *KSD -News: Bernard Levitow's Orch. KV00- Arthur Godfrey KWK -Easy Aces *WBBM News WDAF- Arthur Godfrey WGN -Bill McCuni s Orth. WHO -Twilight Trails WIBW- Sports WLW -Dance Orch. WNAX- Midweek Meditations WREN -To be announced WSM -Cavalcade of America

9:45 CST 8:45 MST CBS- Xavier Cugat's Orch.: KFAB WBBM KRNT WNAX *News: KFOR KSD KCKN -Melody Jamboree

'KMBC- 'iranee Ii,cnauuuent KVOO- Musical Prgm. KVOR- Masters & Their Music KWK -Mr. Keene WDAF -Mixed Quartet WHO -Kay Neal & Cavaliers WIBW -Emahizer Melodies WLW-Sports 10:00 CST 9:00 MST MBS -Gene Krupa's Orch.: KFOR KFEL CBS -Strange As It Seems: KLZ NBC -Jan Savitt's Orch.: WREN KGHF KVOD NBC -Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra: KV00 KGBX WSM CBS -Louis Prima's Orch.: KFAB WBBM KMBC KLRA (sw -6.17) *News: KFKA KVOR WGN WHO WLW WNAX WOW KTHS WIBW KOIL WDAF WMAQ KSCJ *KCKN -News: Clark Gardner *KFH -News: Kaliko Kat Orch. KMOX- France Laux, sports KOA -Songs & Patter KWK -One Man's Opinion WENR Clyde Lucas' Orch. 10:15 CST 9:15 MST CBS -Louis Prima's Orch.: WNAX MBS -Gene Krupa's Orch.: WGN KFKA

NBC -Jan Savitt's Orch.: KSCJ KANS KTHS WMAQ NBC romm. Dnsey s Orchestra: WOW WHO KOA *KARK -News KCKN- Dancing Under the Stars *KMOX- Flannery Views the News KOIL-Soorts Special KVOR -To be announced KWK-Carlos Molina's Orch. WDAF-Fred Waring's Oreh. WIBW- Oklahoma Outlaws *WLW -Wm. H. Hessler, comm. 10:30 CST 9 :30 MST NBC -Sammy Kaye's Orch.: KARK KGBX WHO WSM KV00 WMAQ NBC -Joe Reichman's Orch.: KSCJ WREN CBS -Ray Herbeck's Orch.: KLRA KFAB WBBM KRNT KMBC KVOR WNAX (sw -6.17) MBS-Gritt Williams Orch.: WGN KFOR KFKA KSAL *KFEL -Fulton Lewis, Jr., eomm. KGHF -Dancetime KLZ -Favorites Old & New KMOX -Moonlight Serenade KOA- Serenade in the Night KOIL- Personality Plus KTHS -Jimmy Capras Orch. KVOD- Musicale Comedy WDAF -Sports: Dance Oreh. WENR -Music You Want WLW -Gardner Benedict's Oreh. WMT -Electric Park Band WOW Aksarben Race Resume 10:45 CST 9:45 MST CBS -Ray Herbeck's Orch.: WMT MBS -Griff Williams' Orch.: KFEL KWK KSO KFH -Club Orch. KMUXPublic Affairs Discussion *KTHS -News: Baseball Summary *KVOD -News WLW -Etzi Covato's Orch. 11:00 CST 10:00 MST CBS -Del Courtney's Orch.: (sw- 6.17) NBC -Ted Weems' Orth.: KSCJ WREN WSM NBC -Ted Weems' Orch.: WHO KARK WOW KGBX WENR CBS -Pliner & Earl's Orch.: KFAB KFII WNAX WBBM KOIL KRNT WIBW KLRA WMT *CBS -Paul Sullivan Reviews the News. KLZ KMBC MBS -Jimmie Lunceford's Orch.: KFKA KFOR KSO KSAL *News KGHF KVOO KWK KSD

*KFEL -News: Eddie Bush's Or- hesfra

*KMOX -News of the War KOA-Sports KVOD- Rhythm Spree KVOR -On With the Dance WDAF -Moonbeams WGN- Leonard Keller'. Orch WLW -Deke Moffitt's Oreh. WMAQ -Ten Disciples of Rhythm 11:15 CST - 10.15 MST NBC -Ted Weems' Orch.: KSD KVOO KVOD NBC -Ted Weems' Orch.: KGHF MBS- Jimmie Lunceford's Orch.: KFEL KWK CBS -Nick Sisco's Orch.: KFAB KFH KOIL KMBC KRNT WNAX WBBM WIBW KMOX KLRA WMT KVOR KLZ -Isaak Walton League KOA -Bill Carleen's Oreh. 11:30 CST 10:30 MST NBC -Reggie Childs' Orch.: KVOD KGHF KSCJ WREN NBC -Reggie Childs' Orch.: WSM KARK WOW KV00 WDAF KGBX WENR KSD *CBS -Joe Rines' Orth.: News: KFH WNAX KRNT KOIL WIBW WBBM KMBC KFAB KVOR KMOX (sw -6.17) MBS.Tommy Reynolds' Orch.: KFEL WGN KSO KFOR KFKA KWK WMT KSAL *News: KLZ WHO KSD -Dance Orch. WFAA -Sun Dodgers WLW -Moon River Poems. 01c -.. WMAQ -Carl Ravazza's Orch. 11:45 CST 10:45 MST NBC -Reggie Childs' Orch.: WHO *NBC -Reggie Childs' Orch.: KANS *CBS -Van Alexander's Orth.: News: KLZ KOA -On with the Dance *WMAQ -News; Carl Ravazza's Orch.

12:00 CST 11:00 MST MBS -Blue Barron's Orth.: WGN KFEL KFKA KWK NBC -Larry Kent's Orch.: KVOD *News: KOA KMOX KLZ -Jimmy Grier's Orch. KVOO -Bob Wills' Playboys KVOR -Benny Goodman's Oreh. *WLW -Barney Rapp's Oreh. News WOW -Dance Rhythms

End of Thursday Programs

MORNING J *Star in program listings

indicates news broadcast. 7:30 CST 6:30 MST

NBC -Breakfast C I u b: KTHS KGBX KWK KANS CBS- Adelaide Hawley: (sw- 17.83) *News: KFEQ KFH KOAM KOWH KOIL KMOX Musical Clock: WHB KOA WOW WDAF 7:45 CST 6:45 MST

CBS -Bachelor's Children, sketch: KMOX KMBC KFH CBS -Tune Time: (sw- 17.83)

NBC -Breakfast Club: KOWH *News: KVOO KWK Coffee Pot inn: WHO WNAX WIBW WOW KFAB 8:00 CST 7:00 MST

NBC -Josh Higgins of Finchv,lle: KVOD (sw -21.5) NBC -The Man I Married, sketch: WOW WDAF WHO KSD KV00 CBS- Pretty Kitty Kelly. sketch: KLRA KMOX KOIL WNAX KFH *News WREN KGHF KOA KFOR KFBI Morning Devotions: KGNF WJAG

8:15 CST 7:15 MST NBC -Midstream, sketch: KSD CBS -Myrt and Marge, sketch: KLRA KFH KFAB KMOX WNAX KOIL NBC -Vagabonds: WREN KWK KVOD KOWH (sw -21.5)

NBC -Houseboat Hannah. sketch: WOW WHO WDAF KVOO Morning Melodies: KFEQ KGHF KCKN KARK

8:30 CST 7:30 MST NBC -Ellen Randolph. sketch WOW WHO WDAF KV00 NBC -Viennese Ensemble: WREN KOWH KGHF (sw -21.5) CBS -Hilltop House, sketch: KMOX KFAB KLRA WNAX KFH KOIL *News: KVOD KVOR Hits & Encores: KFBI KWK KARK- Memory Melodies KCKN -Police Court

KFEL -Western Voice *KFEQ- Markets: News Head- lines KGBX Variety Show KGNF- Breakfast Ballads KLZ -Pinto Pete & Ranch Boys KMBC -Food Scout KOA- Concert Hall *KSD News: Helpful Harry KUOA -Accordiana *KWTO Mike Dosch; News WHB -Top Flight Tunes WIBWMorning Inspirations 8:45 CST 7:45 MST

NBC -By Kathleen Norris, sketch: KSD WOW WHO WDAF KARK CBS -Stepmother. sketch: KMBC KMOX KOIL KFAB WNAX MBSJohn Metcalf'. Choir Loft: KFOR KFEL KSAL KFBI *News: KWK KLZ KOA KCKNMorning Jamboree *KFH-Markets. New, KGNF-Three T's KLRA- Woman's Magazine KUOA -Dr. Martin KVOD-Sona Hits KVOO Bill & Mary KVOR On the Mall KWTO The Ozarks Singe, WIBW- Arnold Grimm's Daughter

9:00 CST 8:00 MST CBS -Short Short Story: KFAB KOIL KMOX KFH NBC -David Harum, sketch: KSD WDAF WOW WHO KV00 KANS KOA *MBS -News: To be announced: KSAL KFBI NBC -I Love Linda Dale, sketch: WREN KVOD KSCJ KTHS *News: KARK WJAG *KCKN-News: True Life Drama *KFEL -News Footnotes KFEQ -Old Timers & Minor KGBXRadio Exchange KGHF -Musical Moments KGNF String Ensemble KLZ Good Morning Melodies KMBC- Fashion Flashes KOAM -Harmony Isle KOWH -Musical Newsy KUOA -God's Half Hour KVOR -Good Morning KWK -Gospel Singer KWTO -What's Newt WIBW -IGA Prim. WNAX -Gospel Sinner

FRIDAY, June 28, 1940

9:15 CST 8:15 MST CBS -Life Begins, sketch: KFH KFAB KOIL KMOX NBC -Lone Journey, sketch: WHO WOW WDAF KV00 NBC -Clark Dennis, tnr.: KVOD KTHS WREN KOWH (sw- 15.33) NBC -Road of Life, sketch KSO

MBS -Bill Lewis, songs: KFEL KARK -Town Talk KCKN- Kitchen Kapers KFBI.Old Timers KFEQ -Bill's Hawaiian Players KGBX -Just About Time KGHF -Little Show KGNF -Streamliners KLRA -Betty Crocker KLZ -Road of Life. sketch KMBC -Meet Miss Julia. sketch KOA -Let's Go KOAM -Morning Melodies KSCJ -Love Tales KVOR -Just About Time KWK -Sunbonnet Social e ' ' Th. Rheth'. Rancor. WHBShades of Black & White nibtt :\m.pted Dauehte, se"'n *WNAX -News: Novachordist

9:30 CST 8:30 MST CBS -Big Sister, sketch: KFAB KFH KLRA KMOX WNAX KMBC NBC -Against the Storm, sketch: WHO WOW WDAF KARK KOA KVOO NBC -The Wife Saver: KTHS KSCJ KOWH WREN (sw- 15.33) *News. KGBX KOIL KCKN -Morning Serenade KFBI-Rhythm & Romance KFEL -Pals of the Golden West KFEQ -Markets: Organ Melodies KGHF-Devotional KGNF- Variety Revue KLZ- Captain Ozie KUOA -Common Sense Viewpoint KVOD - Morning Melodies KVOR -church in the Wildwood KWK -Painted Dreams, sketch KWTO- Markets; Poultry Topics; Rockaway Beach; Weather WHB -Smile Brigade

WIBW Housewives Prgm. 9:45 CST 8:45 MST

CBS -Aunt Jenny's Stories. KFH WNAX KFAB KMOX KMBC NBC -Thunder Over Paradise, sketch: KGHF WREN KSCJ KWK. KTHS KANS (sw- 15.33) MBS -Johnson Family. sketch: KFEL KSAL KFOR KFBI NBC -The Guiding Light, sketch: WDAF WOW WHO KV00 KSD KARK KOA KCKN -Musical Workshop KFFV-Markets Hawaiian Mel- odies KGBX-Gems of Melody: Weather KLRA -Singing Sam KLZ -Lady, Lend An Ear KOAM -The Lost Empire KOIL-Polly the Shopper KOWH -Homemakers Club xi'r '., Hnbati KVOR- Morning Varieties KW h' Life 0l .Mary Somers WHB-Story Behind the Sons 10:00 CST 9:00 MST *CBS -Kate Smith Speaks & News: KFAB KOIL KLRA KLZ KMOX WNAX (sw- 17.83) NBC -Mary McHugh, sop.: KOWH KGHF (sw- 15.33)

NBC -Woman in . White, sketch: KOA NBC -To be announced: KGBX MBS -Musical Portraits: KFEL KFOR *News KGNF KUOA KVOD WHO KOAM WREN Judy & Jane: WDAF WOW KARK -Radiographies: Sugar Creek Gang *KCKN -News: Tunes at Ten KFBI -Rhythm Trio: Weather KFEQ-Ben Henderson KFH-Ma Perkins. sketch KFKA- Denver Tabernacle *KMBC -News: Livestock: Prgm. Notes *KOAM -News & Markets *KSCJ -News. Timetable KSD -Against the Storm. sketch KTHS -Devotional KVOD- Tempos for Today

KVOO- Herald Goodman *KVOR-Monitur Views the News KWK-Meet Miss Julia, sketch KWTO Big Town, drams *WHB -News: Vocal Varieties WJAG- Curtain Raiser

10:15 CST 9:15 MST CBS -When Girl Marries. sketch: KMOX KLZ KFH KOIL WIBW NBC -Vass Family: WREN KVOD KSCJ KTHS (sw- 15.33)

CBS -When We Were Young: (sw- 17.83)

MBS -Dick O'Heren, tnr.: KFEL KFOR KCKN -This Rhythmic Age KFAB-Kitt) Keene KFBI -This Rhythmic Age KFEQ -Minor Clites *KFKA -News KGHF- Victor Arden 's Orth. KGNF Shoppers' Prem KLRA -Editor's Daughter. sketch KMBC -Happy Kitchen KOA -Heart of Julia Blake KOAM- County Farm Agent KOWH- Morning Melodies KSD-Sinein' Sam KUOA -Ralph Small KVOO- Dorothy McCune K VOR- Serenade KWK -This Woman's World WDAF -Morrell Prgm. WHB -Tole -Test WHO -Angel of Mercy. sketch WJAG -Voice of the Street WNAXVic & Sade WOW -Road of Life, sketch 10:30 CST 9:30 MST NBC -Strings That Sing: (sw- 15.33) CBS- Romance of Helen Trent, sketch: KLZ KMBC KMOX KFAB KOIL MBS -Keep Fit sn Music: KFOR KFEL WHB KFBI NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: KWK WREN KGBX KANS KOA KARK KTHS KV00 KSCJ KOWH

Marvin M. Sandstrom of the Agricultural Marketing Service will talk on "The Spring Pig Crop Report."

Portia Blake Faces Life: KSD WHO KCKN -Melody Musings KFEQ -Old Timers KFH -Woman of Courage

KFKA- Morning Varieties KGHF -Good Morning Neighbor KGNF -Songs of the Islands KLkA -Linda's First Love, sketch KOAM -Town Talk Playboys KUOA- Homemakers KVOD- Captain Ozie KVOR -Aloha Land KWTO -Janice & Jim WDAF -Right to Happiness WIBW -Big Sister, sketch WJAG -Want Ad Page WNAX -Life Can Be Beautiful WOW Right to Happiness

10:45 CST 9:45 MST CBS -Our Gal Sunday, sketch: KFAB KMBC KMOX KOIL KLZ MBS -The Carters of Elm Street sketch: KFEL KFKA WHB KCKN -On with the Dance KFBI -Pioneer Quartet KFEQ-Weather KFH- Memory Teasers KGNF -Parade of Business KLRA -Secret Diary KSD -Corntussel News KUOA- George Moody KVOD-Light Opera Echoes KVOR -Good Morning, Neighbor hit Ill Hayloft Frolic WDAF-Woman of Courage WHO -Life Can Be Beautiful WIBW -Aunt Jenny's Stories. sketch WJAG -Musical Scrapbook WNAX- Arnold Grimm's Dauehte. WOW -Life Can Be Beautiful

FREQIIENCIEB KANS-12111 KVlllt-630 K.tRK-Rí0 I: V00-1140

FA R-770 KVOR-1270 KFEL-020 KW'K-13:,0 KFEQ-nA0 KWTIe-560

WRAP-ROO W RR )1-770 {VCCO-810 W'DAF-610 WEN R-1470 W FAA-rg0 WON-720 WAR-R60 W'AO-1OIRe W'1R\C-581/ W-JAG-11100 W S-870 WLW-T00 WM AQ-670 WAIT-600 WNAX-570 WOW-590 WREN-1?.20 WSM-630

KFR-13011 KFKA-8RO KFOR-1210 KG /IX -1230 KGRF-132(1 Kt:NF-1430 KM( A-1300 KLZ.-510 KyIBC-9.'A K 310X-1090 KOA-S30 KOAM-740 KOIL-1L'í0 KOWH-I111f1 KRNT-1320 HSCJ-1330 KSD.R.ílt KSO-1430 KTHS-1060 KI'OA-1210


Page 35: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

11:00 CST 10:00 MST NCIiFireside Singers: KGHF (sw- 15.33) NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: KOAM CBS -Goldbergs, sketch: KMOX MBS -To be announced: KFEL *News: KFOR KWK KFBI Judy & Jane, sketch: KSD WHO WIBW Meet Miss Julia, sketch: KLZ WOW KARK -Nazarene Church KCKN -Food News KFAB -Right to Happiness KFEQ- Markets KFHWoman in White KFKA -At Home with Maude Sheridan KGNF - Silver Shower Prgm. KLRA- Novachordia KMBC -Hit Tunes KOIL -Heart of Julia Blake KUOAMarkets: Music in a Mod. ern Mode KVOO- Musical Prgm. WDAFLindás First Love WHB -Unity Viewpoint WJAG-Musical Masterpieces WNAXTips by Taylor 11:15 CST 10:15 MST NBC -Between the Bookends: KSC.I WREN KGHF KTHS KWK (sw- 15.33) NBC- Frankie Masters' Orch.: KGBX KOAM MBS -John Agnew. organist: KFEL KFOR KFKA CBSLife Can Be Beautiful, sketch: KMOX KLZ KFAB - Gospel Singer KFBI -Farin Special KFEQ Bunkhouse Bil' KFH-Kitty Keene, sketch KGNF -Talk KLRA- Arnold Grimm's Daughter KOA- Inquiring Reporter KOIL-Your Treat KOWH -The Farm Hand KSD Heart of Julia Blake KUOA Lane Prescott KVOD- Tempos for Today KV00- Korner Kwiz KWTO -Little Crossroads Store WDAF Editor's Daughter WHB-Farm Special WHO -Woman in White WIBW-Dinner Hour WNAX -Ma Perkins WOW-Adopted Daughter

11:30 CST 10:30 MST NBC -At Home in the World: WREN KOWH (sw- l5.33) *NBC -H. V. Kaltenborn. news: KANS KGHF KOAM KARK KGBX KVOD CBS -The Right to Happiness, sketch: KFH KMOX KLZ NBC -By Kathleen Norris, sketch: KOA MBS -To be announced: KFEL KFOR KFKA KSAL KCKN -News of the Blues KFAB-Road of Life KFBI- Bohemian Dance Music KFEQ- Sinein' Sam KGNF Livestock & Produce *KLRA -Bible Lover's Revival; Interlude; News KMBKate Smith's Chats KOIL -Waltz Time KSCJ-Farm Reporter: Markets: Iowa Master Breeders *KSD -News: Teletunes: Orch. KTHS-Markets: Skyliners K IIOA Diana March KVOR -Duane Osborn, pianist KVOO-Bob Parsons. tnr. KWK- Orphans of Divorce, sketch KWTO-Markets WDAF -Heart of Julia Blake WHB -Radio Airplane Trip WHO - Adopted Daugntei .ketch IVIBW- Weather; Dinner Hour WNAX -Kitty Keene WOW- Portia Blake 11:45 CST 10:45 MST CBS -Road of Life, sketch: KFH NBC -To be announced: KGBX KANS KARK KOAM NBC- Concert Orch.: KGHF KSCJ WREN KOWH (sw- 15.33)

KCKN -Sportsmen KFAB -First Call for Dinner KM() Ranch Boys KGNF- Sketches in Melody KLZ-Short Short Stories KMBC -Dinner Bell Roundup: Markets KMOX -Lone Journey, sketch KOA -Toby & Susie's Corn Tussel News KOIL - Helpful Harry: Noonday Melodies KUOA- Lawrence Quintet: Bill- board KVOR-Shopping with Carolyn: Tempos of Today KVOO -Art Davis' Rhythm Riders KWK- Amanda of Honeymoon Hill KWTO-Man at the Stockyards WDAF -Carson Robison & His Buckaroos

WHO Markets: 1Veather WJAG- Melodies; Hospital Report *WNAX -Farm & Home: LJat- etork: News %VOW -Woman of Cnuraee, sketch

AFTERNOON 12:00 CST 11:00 MST MBS -Is Anybody Home?: KFOR KFEL NBC -Your Voice & You: KSCJ KTHS KG)IF (sw15.33) NBC -Light of the World, sketch: WHO KOA KSD CBS -Young Dr. Malone, sketch: KLRA KFH KMOX *News: KGNF KVOO KOIL WIBW WFAB MARK KCKN -Noon Hour Clock KFBI -Dinner Bell Time KFEQ-Markets KFKA-Markets: Suggestions KGBX -Luncheon Dance Music KLZ -Big Sister, sketch *KMBC -News: The Dinner Bell Roundup KOAM -Salon Orch. KOWH -Pennfield -Paraland Prgm. KUOA-Hawaiians KVOD -Musicale KVOR-Landscaping KWK-John's Other Wife, sketch KWTOSingine Sam WDAF -Road of Life WHB -Bob Caldwell, Jr. WJAG- Markets & Cradle Roll: Scotch Story WNAXVariety Prgm. WOW- Markets: Musicale WREN -The Range Riders

12:15 CST 11:15 MST CBS -Joyce Jordan, Girl Interne. sketch: KOIL KMOX NBC -Arnold Grimm's Daughter, sketch: KOA WDAF CBS -To be announced: (sw- 15.27)

MBS -John Dufty's Music: KFEL KWK *News: KOAM KUOA WJAG Markets: KFH WIBW KARK -Hal Burns & Varieties KFAB -Farm Ntes: Markets: Last Call for Dinner KFEQ -Lullaby Lester & Old Tim- ers KFKA-Second Show KGNF-Music at Midday KLRA -Noonday Service KLZ-Aunt Jenny's Stories KMRGFeed Lot Chat: Markets KOWHHollywood Amer. Legion Band KVODCaptain Ozie KVOO -Farm Profit Bureau KVOR -Tin Pan Alley Goes to Town KWK -Just Plain Bill. sketch KWTO.Ozark Serenaders WDAF -Gospel Singer WHB- Livestock Reports: Lazy K Ranchers WHO Your Treat *WNAX -News; Markets WOW-To he announced

12:30 CST 11:30 MST NBC -Valiant Lady, sketch: KOA NBC- Concert Orch.: KTHS KANS KWK CBS -Fletcher Wiley. talk: KMBC KMOX KLZ CBS -Organ Moods: KLRA *News: KFEQ KFH KFKA KGNF KSCJ KWTO KGBX WHO WREN KOWH KARK -Light Crust Doughboys KFEL- The Dime Man KGHF -Morning Matinee KOAM -Salon Orch. KOIL- Noonday Melodies *KSCJ -News: Used Car Reporter KTHS- Concert Orch. KUOA-Ozark Dairy Improvement KVOD- Concert KVOO.Bob Wills' Playboys KVOR-Stars Over Hollywood *WDAF -News; Weather; Markets WIBW -Noonday Prgm. WJAG-Weather & Mail Ba WNAX-Markets *WOW News: Musicale 12:45 CST 11:45 MST NBC -Betty Crocker: WHO KOA CBS -My Son & I, sketch: KMBC KFAB KMOX KOIL KLZ KLRA NBC -Concert Orch.: KOWH KGBX KSCJ

MBS -Don Dewhirst. songs: KFOR KFEL *News: KGHF KVOD KTHS KARK - Melody Boys KFEQ -Street Reporter KFH- Butternut Coffee Jamboree KFKA Window Shopper KGNF-E. C. Stirkelman. talk KO.AM-Ozark Melodies *KSD -News: Rosario Bourdon's Orch. Kl1OA -Jerry Sears KVOROrean Reveries KWK Fashions in Review

KWTO -Console Capers; Man on the Street WDAF -Remember the Song? WNAXBillie & Tommy WOW -Man on the Street WREN-Time Out

1:00 CST 12:00 MST NBC -The Story of Mary Marlin, sketch: WDAF WOW KOA KSD WHO KV00 KARK NBC -Orphans of Divorce, sketch: WREN KTHS KVOD KGHF KOWH (sw- 953 -15.33) CBS -Society Girl, sketch: KLRA KMBC KFAB KMOX KOIL KLZ WNAX (sw- 15.27) CBS -Simple Melodies: (sw- 11.83)

MBS -Marriage License Romances: KFOR KFKA KWK KFBI *KCKN -News: Sunbeam Songs *KFEL -News: Old Time Melodies KFEQ- Dannen Melodies KGBXMelodic Moods KOAM-Siesta Melodies KSCJ -Want Ad Rambles: Ster- ling Young's Orch. KUOA -Afternoon Melodies *KVOR-News *KWTO -Mike Dosch, news WHB -Radm Airplane Trip

1:15 CST 12:15 MST NBC- Amanda of Honeymoon Hill, sketch: WREN KTHS KVOD KGHF (sw- 15.339.53) CBS -It Happened in Hollywood: KOIL KLZ KMBC KMOX

Guest: Gracie Allen, screen and radio comedienne.

MBS -Concert in Contrast: KFEL KFKA KSAL KFBI NBC -Ma Perkins, sketch: WDAF KV00 WOW KSD WHO KARK KOA KCKN -His Majesty the Baby KFAB -Jane Tucker KFEQ -Baseball scorn KFH-Ark Valley Boys KFOR -Let's Waltz KGNF- Briefs KLRARemember This (lest KOAM- Siesta Serenade KOWH-Touring the Town KSC.1 -Joe Reichman KVOR -Noonday Party: Luncheon Lyrics KWK -Let's Help You Keep House KWTO -The Laugh Clime WNAX -Young Dr. Malone

1:30 CST 12:30 MST NBC -Pepper Young's Family. sketch: KSD WDAF KOA WOW WHO MARK KVOO *CBS -News: Metloaires: KOIL KLRA KFOR (sw- 11.83) NBC -John's Other Wife, sketch: KGHF KVOD KTHS WREN (sw- 9.53. 15.33)

KCKN -Bulletin Board KFAB -Homegrown Hawaiians KFEQ-Ministerial Alliance KFH -Helpful Harry on the Air: Livestock Markets *KFKA-News: Interviews; Mar. kets KGBXWomens Club Prgm. KGNF-Nebraska in the News KLZ-Life Begins, sketch KMBCKate Hopkins. sketch KMOX-Linda's First Love KOAM -Songs of Terry KOWH -Lew Fidler's Orch. KSCJ -Blind Shop; Gaylord Carter KUOA -Three Merry Men KVOR -Melody Trail *KWK -News WHB-Voice of Kansas City WNAX.Judy & Jane

1:45 CST 12:45 MST NBC -Vic & Sade. sketch: WOW WHO KV00 KOA KARK WDAF KSD CBS -Al Bernard's Minstrels: KVOR KOIL KLRA KFOR KMBC (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch: WREN KGHF KTHS KVOD (sw_9.53-15.33) MBS -To be announced: WHB KFEL KSAL My Son & 1: KFAB WNAX KCKN -Dance Hour KFEQ -Waltz Time KFH-Portia Blake. sketch KFKA -M arketcast KGBX -Tea Time Melodies KGNF -Let's Dance *KLZ. -News KMOX- Editor's Daughter KOAM- Crawford County Medical Ass'n Speaker KOWH -To be announced *KSCJ -News: Swing Time KUOA- Cosmopolitan Singers KVOR -Farm Service Prgm. KWKSongfest KWTO Ma Perkins. sketch WJAG -Organ Records

2:00 CST 1:00 MST NBC -Backstage Wife, s k e t c h: WO11' WDAF WHO KOA *NBC -Club Matinee; News: KTHS WREN KANS KVOD KGHF KGBX KSCJ KOWH KWK (sw -9.53)

CBS -Exploring Space: KLRA KFOR (sw- 11.83) CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch: KMBC Markets: KFEQ KGNF KARK -Your Treat *KCKN -News: Peacock Prgm. KFAB -Young Dr. Malone KFBI Old Timers KIEL- Robert Hillard's Orel. KFH- Linda's First Love, sketch KFKA -Fort Collins Prem. KLZ -Hits & Bits KMOX -Ma Perkins KOAMStaff Jamboree KOIL -Young Dr. Malone, sketch KSD -Arnold Grimm's Daughter *KUOA -News: Bert Hirsch K\'00 -Judy & Jane. sketch KVOR -This Rhythmic Age KWTO-Kitty Keene. sketch

*WHBNews: Dance Matinee WIBWWhen a Girl Marris. sketch WNAX.Road of Life

2:15 CST 1:15 MST CBS -Myrt & Marge. sketch: KLZ KMBC WIBW NBC -Stella Dallas, sketch: WHO WOW WDAF KV00 KOA MBS -To be announced: KFEL CBS- Jack Leonard. songs: KFOR KLRA KOIL (sw- 11.83) *KARK -News: Rendezvous with Romance F :FAB- Scattergood Baines KFBI -Frank Chiddix, pianist KFEQ- Matinee Melodies KFH -Editor's Daughter. sketch KGBX -Hollywood Spotlight KGNF -George Sokolsky. talk *KMOX -Let's Discuss the News KSD -Valiant Lady. sketch KUOA- Hawaiian Melodies KVOR-Master Singers KWTO- Rotund Romeos WHB -Dance Music tt.1 AG-Afternoon Concert WNAXPortia Blake 2:30 CST 1:30 MST

NBC- Lorenzo Jones, s k e t c h: WOW WHO WDAF KV00 CBS -Hilltop House. sketch: KLZ KMBC WIBW CBS -Edith Hendrick and Orch.: KFOR KOIL KLRA MBS -Buddy Malenille's Orch.: KFEL KFKA KARK -Bert Castle's Orch. KCKN -Matinee Melodies KFAB -Livestock Markets Core - husker Jamboree KFBI-Judy & Jane KFEQ-Ben Henderson KFH-Violin Encores KGNF -World Bookman KMOX -Vic & Sade KOA- Adopted Daughter. sketch *KOAM -News & Markets KSD -Betty Crocker K1'OA- Allison & Starr. pianists KVOR- Matinee Melodies KWK -Rich Hayes Plays KWTO -The In -Laws WHB- Silver Sails WNAX Meet Ma Brown 2:45 CST 1:45 MST

CBS -Time Out for Dancing: KOIL KFOR KLRA (sw- 11.83) MBS -Scrapbook Stories: KFEL KFKA KFBI NBC -Young W i d d e r Brown, sketch: WHO WDAF WOW KSD KVOO KFEQ-Minor Clites KFH -Angel of Mercy. sketch KGBX -Music You Want KGNF -The Hawk KLZ -Stepmother. sketch *KMBC -News: Prgm. Highlights: Musical Interlude KMOX-Dope From the Dugout *KOA-News: Market News KOAM -Organ Melodies KTIIS- Baseball Scores KUOA -Walter Hughes KWK- Sports KWTO -Slim & Junior WIBW-Life Can Be Beautiful WNAX-Joyce Jordan

3:00 CST 2:00 MST NBC -To be announced: KSCJ KANS KTHS KVOD WREN KOW H

CBS -By Kathleen Norris, sketch: KMBC KOIL KLZ MBS -George Fisher. Hollywood Reporter: KFEL KFKA WHB NBC -Girl Alone, sketch: KOA KVOO WDAF WHO WOW KARK Baseball Game WNAX KFAB *News: KGNF KFOR KFBI *KCKN -News: Design for Danc- ing KFEQ -Pony Express Roundup KFH -Baseball; Detroit vs. St. Louis KGHF -Afternoon Tunes KMOX- Baseball Game KOAM- Christian Science Spkr. KOWH -Walt Scott, pianist *KUOA-News: Jules Lande KVOR -Afternoon Interlude KWK -Baseball; Browns vs. Tigers

KWTO -Markets; Health Hints *WIBW-News: Roundup WJAG -Waltz With Me

3:15 CST 2:15 MST MBS -Bob Nichols' Hawaiians: KFEL KFKA KSAL WHB CBS- Concert Orch.: KLRA NBC -Kitty Keene, sketch: WDAF KOA WOW WHO KV00 *News: KOWH KOIL KARK -Hits & Encores KFBI -La Cantina KGNF -Castles in the Air KLZ -Judy & Jane, sketch KMBC .My Children. sketch KUOA-Ruth Treadwell KWTO -Jim West Jamboree WJAG -Vocal Varieties 3:30 CST 2:30 MST

NBC -Midstream, sketch: WDAF WOW KV00 KOA WHO NBC -To be announced: KSCJ KTIIS KGHF CBS- Concert Orch.: KFOR KVOR MBS -To be announced: KFEL KFBI KSAI. KARK- Colleen Cart, songs KCKN-Melody Lane *KFEQ -News; Baseball Scores KGBX- American Family Robinson KLZ -Your Treat KMBC -When a Girl Marries KOAM- Hillbilly Hilarities -

KOIL -Top Tunes KOWH- Treasure Chest KUOA -R. E. A. Pram. KVOD Afternoon Musica' WHB -Weather: Dance Orch. W.1 AG -lento rime *WREN-News 3:45 CST 2:4S MST

CBS -Scattergood Baines, sketch: KLZ KLRA KMBC NBC -The O'Neills, sketch: WHO KOA KSD WOW WDAF

NBC -Edward Davies, bar.: KSCJ KVOD KOWH KGBX KTHS WREN KANS KARK KGHF (sw- 15.33)

KCKN- Tropical Moods KFBI-To be announced KFEL -Ford Perry Chorus -

KFEQ-Piano Moods KGNF -Round the Town KOAM- Community Editotr KOIL -Music of the Masters: Federal Housing Talk K \'OO- Portia Blake KVOR -Music Graphs KWTO-Alpen Brau Boys WHB -Staff Frolic %VIBW'Yonne Dr. Malone \VJAGHawaiian Prgm.

4:00 CST 3:00 MST CBS -Young Dr Malone. sketch: KLZ KMBC NBC -R o c k y Gordon, sketch: KV00 KSCJ KTHS NBC -To be announced: WREN NBC-Li'l Abner. sketch: KGBX KARK (sw -9.53) *MBS -News: Hugo Monaco's Or chestra: KFEL KSAL KFBI CBS -Chicagoans: KFOR KOIL *KCKN -News: Dance Matinee KFEQ -Ben Henderson KGHF -Afternoon Varieties KLRA -Things to Come KOA Musical Magazine KOAM -The Crimson Trail KOWH -Aksarben Races KSD-Girl Alone, sketch *KUOA News: Lewis Erwin KVOD-Light Opera Selections KVOR- Dramas of Life *KWTO-News WDAF-Light of the World WHB -Bob Caldwell, Jr.: Five Minutes of Fact WHO -Arnold Grimm's Daughter WIBW-Ma Perkins, sketch WJAG-Band Music WOW-Light of the World 4:15 CST 3:15 MST

NBC -Uncle Mal: KSCJ KV00 KTIIS KANS CBS -Hedda Hopper's Hollywood: KMBC KLZ KOIL *NBC -To be announced: News: KGBX KARK KOAM (sw -9.53) KFBI -Tin Pan Alley Goes to Town

B -y 37 Paye 33


June 28

KFEL- Richard Sinclair's Oreh. KFEQ -Matinee KGNF -All Request Prem. KLRA -Amer. Family Robinson KSD -Your Treat KUOA -Siesta Serenade *KVOD -To be announced: News KVOR-Musical Workshop KWTO -Zeke and the Saddle Pals WDAF -Arnold Grimm's Daughter WHB -Baseball Scores: Rhythm if Romance WHO- Valiant Lady, sketch WIBW -Kitty Keene. sketch WJAG-For Children Only WOW -Arnold Grimm's Daughter 4:30 CST 3:30 MST


Part VIII of "Nancy sad l'hnrlia Seeing America."

NBC -To be announced: WREN NBC -Three Cheers: KGBX KIRK KOAM (sw -9.53) CBS -Swing Serenade: KOIL KFOR CBS -Joyce Jordan, sketch: KLZ KMBC *News: KGNF WJAG KCKN Half & Half KFBI -Hammond Lyrics KFEL- Walter Knight's Orch. KFEQ-The Rhythm Console KLRA -Zoo Antics KOA- Market News; Organ Rev- eries KSD -Kitty Keene, sketch KUOA- Magyar Serenaders KV00 -Prgm. Prevues KVOR-Home Folks KWTO -Jim West, Boots & Bobby WDAF \'aliant Lady WHB -To be announced 11 H(LMeer Miss .tuba. sketch WIBW- Matinee WOW- Valiant Lady

4:45 CST 3:45 MST NBC -Bud Barton: KANS KOWH KSCJ KTIIS KGHF KVOD *CBS -The World Todar KIRA KOIL KMBC KLZ KVOR NBC -Paul Douglas, sports: KVOR KGBX KARK KFBI -Betty Weakland KFEL -Mixed Chnru KFEQ -Tropical Moods KGNF-All Request Prgm. KOA- Theater Reporter KSCJ -Music KSD -Washington U. Educational Series KUOA -Covered Wagon Jubilee KVOO- Novachord Trio KWTO Treasure Chest WD4FHymn ni 411 Churches WHB -Moods & Fancies WIIO Baseball Time WJAG-Devotional Prem. WOW -Betty Crocker WREN -Rhythmusic

5:00 CST 4:00 MST N BC-Joseph Marais s o n g s

KGIIF KVOD WREN KSCJ KV00 NBC -Fred Waring in Pleasu, Time WDAF NBC -Three Romeos: KARK KGBX KOAM CBS- Louise Bave, songs: KFUK KMOX CBS -Amos 'n' Andy: (sw- 11.83, *MBS -Fulton Lewis l nn, WMT KWK KSAL KFBI *KCKN -News: Make Believe Ballroom *KFEL -News- Black & Whit. Ensemble KFEQ -Dance Time *KFH -The World Today KGNF- Sports Parade KLRA -Five at Five KLZ-Baseball Game KMBC- Portia Blake Faces Life

(Continued on Next Page)

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Page 36: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

Pace 34 9/37 -B

FRIDAY June 28

(5:00 p.m. Continued)

KOIL -Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: Song Hits KOWH -South Omaha Bandwagon *KSD -News: Feature Spotlight KTHS - Baseball Scores: Cheer Club KUOA -Imperial Singers KVOR Song of the Day: Tea Time Musicale KWTO -Schaffer Sisters WDAF -Your Treat WHB- Olivia & Joaquin WJAG -Musical Roulette WNAX- Billie & Tommy WOW -Aksarben Races 5:15 CST 4:15 MST

*NBC -John B. Kennedy, news: KOA WDAF KARK KV00 KANS WHO KGBX KOAM (sw. 9.53) *CBS -Paul Sullivan Reviews the News: KFAB KMOX KOIL NBC-Joseph Marais. songs: KVOD KWK KANS MBS -To be announced: KFEL KFOR KSAL KCKN -Band of the Day KFBI -Teddy Combs KFEQ- Margit Hegedus Directs KFHHedda Hopper's Hollywood KGNF- Spanish Serenade *KLRA -Sports; Interlude; News KMBC -P. Hans Flath, organist KSD -The In -Laws, sketch KTHS- Royale Revue KUOA -Dell Leonard KVOR -Swing Serenade KWTO -Tin Pan Alley *WHB -News WNAX- Scattergood Baines 5:30 CST 4:30 MST

NBC -Jimmy Dorsey's Orchestra: KTHS KSCJ KWK NBC -Carmen Cavallero's Orch.: KGBX KANS CBSAeolian Ensemble: KOIL WGN *News: KARK WREN KGHF KVOR KOWH KCKN -Sundown Serenade KFBI -To be announced KFEL -The Jolly Rogers KFEQ- Baseball Scores KFH -Ann of the Air -Lanes KFKA -Impressions in Wan KFOR -Cocktail Time: Today in Lincoln KGNF- Hi- Hilarities KLRA -Jack Armstrong, sketch KMBC- Bonnie & the Boys *KMOX -Bob Dunham Comments KOA -Aloha Land KOAM -Bands at the Top KSD -Pals of the Prairie KUOA- Arcadians KVOD- Maurice & his Music KV00-World of Sports KWTO -Radio Spotlight WDAF -Ann of the Airlanes WHB -Dance Orch. WHO -Organ Moods W.IAG- Highlights in Melody WNAX -To be announced WOW Kate Hopkins

5:45 CST 4:45 MST CBS -Designed for Dancing: KOIL WIBW NBC -Jimmy Dorsey's Orchestra: KOWH KVOD NBC- Carmen Cavallero's Orch.: KOAM KOA *News: KFH KV00 WHO WOW KSCJ KARK -Passing Parade of Sports KCKN -Going Places KFEL -Fifth Row Center, drama KFEQ -Orgatron Prgm. KGBX- Dinner Music KGHF-Hits & Encores KGNF- Singing Stars KLRA- Musical Varieties *KMBC -News: Sports KMOX- Gertrude Niesen & Alpine Varieties KSD Stockton & Eschen KTHS -Today's Winners KUOA Gems of Melody KVOR -Melody Time *KWK -Sports: News KWTO- Melody Time: Q. T. Time WDAF -Linwood Cavaliers WHB -Orphan Annie, sketch WLS -Discussion Club *WNAX -The World Today WRFS Fmpinvn,rl ervire

NIGHT Where there is no listing

for a station its preceding program is on the air. 6:00 CST 5:00 MST

MBS -Fifth Row Center: lVGN Isi \



6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Fifth Row Center, MBS. Drama, featuring well -known stars of stage, screen and radio.

6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Kate Smith's Variety Hour, CBS. Abbott and Costello, Ted Straeter Chorus, Ted Collins, Jack Miller's orchestra. "Johnny Appleseed," with Kate Smith in the cast, will be the drama presented. This is a repeat performance by popular request.

6:00 CST (5:00 MST) Cities Service Concert, NBC.

Check the programs you want to hear today

Lucille Manners, soprano; Ross Graham, baritone; Frank Black, conductor.

6:30 CST (5:30 MST) Death Valley Days, NBC, Tonight's drama concerns the first Fourth of July cele. brated in California.

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) Show Boat, NBC. Beulah (Marlin Hurt), Vir- ginia Verrill, Dick Todd, Captain Barney, Bob Tren. dler's Show Boat orchestra, Bob Strong's dance band.

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) Waltz Time, NBC. Frank Munn, tenor; Amster- dam chorus; orchestra.

7:00 CST (6:00 MST) Johnny Presents, CBS. Perfect crime dramas; vo- calists; Johnny Green's or chestra.

730 CST (6:30 MST) This Amazing America, NBC. Bob Brown, Ranch Boys and Roy Shield's orchestra.

7:30 CST (6:30 MST) What's My Name? NBC. Quiz program, with Budd Hulick and Arlene Francis.

8:00 CST (7:00 MST) Don Ameche Variety Show, NBC. Claire Trevor, actress; Pat Friday, vocalist; vocal group; Victor Young's orchestra.

8:30 CST (7:30 MST) Al Pearce's Gang, CBS.

Artie Auerbach (Mr. Kitzel); Arthur Q. Bryan; Blanche Stewart, comedienne; Carl Hoff's orchestra.

8:30 CST (730 MST) Quiz Kids, NBC. Beginning a new quiz pro- gram, with Clifton Utley, M. C.

9:00 CST (8:00 MST) Fred Waring in Pleasure Time, NBC.

9:15 CST (8:15 MST) Lanny Ross, Tenor, CBS.

Refer to adjacent columns for stations broadcasting these programs

NBC -To be announced: KFI NBC-Cities Service Concert: KSD WHO WOW WMAQ WDAF KOA KV00 KARK WSM (sw -9.53)

Miss Manners will sing Ken- tucky Babe, Er! To, Love Is All and. with Mr. Graham, When You and I Were Young Maggie. Ross Graham will sing My Ideal. A violin number, Liebesleid, will be presented. The chorus will sing Viking Song. The ensemble offers I.lntehouxe Blues, Rocking Chair, and a medley of Stephen Foster songs. The orchestra plays Pan- Americana, It n s s 1 a n Sailor Dance, and Emperor Walls.

NBC -Strictly Business, sketch: WREN WI.S KWK KTHS KSCJ KGHF KANS *CBSKate Smith's Variety Hour: News: KRNT KFAB WNAX KMOX WBBM KLRA KOIL KFH KMBC WMT WIBW (sw- 11.83)

For detail see Geed Listening Guide. *News KUOA KWTO KGBX KFOR KOAM KCKN -Dance with America KGNF- Dinner Hour KOWH -Dance Time KVOD-Tropical Tempts KWK -Lone Ranger *WHB -Fulton Lewis, Jr.. comet. WJAG- Evening Concert WLW -Cavalcade of America

6:15 CST S:15 MST

Sports: KFBI KOAM KWTO KFEL -Richard Sinclair's Orch. KFKA -Sunday School KGBX-Supper Melodies KGNF -Eb & Zeb KLZ -Dealer in Dreams KNX -Jack Owens, songs KUOA- Dinner Music KVOR -Lost Empire WHB -The Sportsman WJAG -Homes on the Land

6:30 CST 5:30 MST


rev detail an Geed Listening Guide

MBS -Sinfonietta: KFOR KFKA Music detail en page la.

Sports: KSCJ KVOR KFBI -Music You Want When You Want It *KFEL -Movie News & Views KGBX -Down to Uncle Henry's KGHF -Maurice & His Music *KGNF-Today's Headlines *KLZ -News KOAM- Sundown Melodies KOWH -Spotlite & Reel KTHS- Memory Lane KVOD -To be announced KWTO -Jim Simmons WDAF -Ann of the Airlanes WGN -I Want a Job WHB -Radio Baseball WJAG -Agricultural Agent

6:45 CST 5:45 MST

MBS-Little Orphan Annie: KFEL KFKA KGNF- Eventide Reverie: Weather *KLZ -Sports: News KOAM- Shadow Lake KOWH -As Omaha Dines KSCJ -Henry King's Orch. KTHSDecca Review KUOA -On Parade *KVOR- Rhythm Revue: News KWTO -The Plainsmen

7:00 CST 6:00 MST

NBCWaltz Time; Abe Lyman's Orch.: WDAF WMAQ KSD WSM KV00 WOW KOA WHO (sw- 9.53)

Frank Muon will sing Or- chids for Remembrance, and It Wouldn't Be Love. The chorus will offer June Night, and The Message of the Violets.

The orchestra plays Together, Mmes for Sale. Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight, and Summer Eve- ning.

NBC -Show Boat: KSO WREN WENR KWK KGBX WLW (also see 9:30 p.m.) CBS -Johnny Presents: KMBC KFAB WBBM KRNT KMOX KOIL KFH KLRA WIBW WMT WNAX (sw- 11.83) MBS -Sports Guide: KFOR KFEL KFKA *KCKN -Elliott Roosevelt, Comm. *KFBI -News KGHF -Pop. Melodies KLZ -Stars Over Manhattan KOWH- Concert Master KSCJ -Sioux Cityana KTHS -Arlington Orch. KUOA -Gaslight Harmonies KVOD -To be announced KVOR- Supper Melodies KWTO -Whispering Jack Doe *WGN -Billy Regain. news WHB -The Barrel Roll

7:15 CST 6:15 MST MBS -To be announced: KFOR KSAL KARK-Rhythm & Romance KCKN -Dance Time KFBI -Norse Gospel Trio KOAM -Society for the Friendless KUOAOrgan Moods KWTO -Aloha Land WGN -Eddy Howard, songs WHB-Juanita's Rhumba Band

7:30 CST 6:30 MST MBS -C o m m a n d Performance: KFOR KFEL KFKA KSAL KFBI NBC -This Amazing America: KSO KVOD KWK KGHF WREN WLS NBC -What's My Name ?: WDAF WOW WHO KARK KSD WMAQ WLW KV00 KOA WSM CBS -Grand Central Station, dra- ma: KMOX KRNT KMBC KLZ KFAB WIBW WNAX WMT KOIL WBBM KLRA (sw- 11.83)

KARK Ark. State Empi. Service KCKN -Story of the Week KFH -To be announced KGBX Romance "1 Dan & Sylvia KOAM -Vocal Variations KOWH -To be announced KSCJ -Dance Time KVOREentide Echoes WGN Baseball; White Sox vs. Boston WHB -Johnny Burkhardt's Orch.

7:45 CST 6:45 MST KCKN- Accent on Rhythm KFH -To be announced *KGBX -News

8:00 CST 7:00 MST NBC Don Ameche Variety Show: KSD WHO WDAF KARK WOW KV00 WLW WMAQ WSM KOA (sw -9.53) CBS-Republican Nat'l Conven- tion: KRNT KLZ KFAB KVOR WNAX KMOX (sw- 11.83)

*NBC -News: KSCJ KSO WENR KGHF KANS KWK KTHS *MBSRaymond Gram Swing, Comm.: KFEL KSAL WGN KCKN -Swing Serenade KFH -Yours for Better Golf *KFOR -News KGBX -Welcome to Springfield KLRA -It's Your Move KMBC -Religious Discussions KOIL- Something to Talk About: Music by Gary *KVOD -Dave Cook: News WBBM- Rhythm Off the Record WIBW -Tent Show WMT -Fur Melodies WREN -Things You Should Know

8:15 CST 7:15 MST *MBS -News: This War: WMT KFEL KFOR KSAL

NBC -Dinah Shore, songs: KSO KSCJ WENR KGHF KANS KVOD KFH -Alpen Brau Swingsters KGBX- Pacific Paradise KLRA -State Highway Dept. KTHS -Pleasure Party KWK- Inside of Sports WBBM -Carl Hohengarten's Orch. *WGN -News: Blue Barron's Or- chestra WREN -Baseball; Kansas City vs. Minneapolis

8:30 CST 7:30 MST MBS -Grant Park Concert: KFBI KSAL KFOR WGN NBC -Dance Orch.: KSCJ KSO WENR KGHF KVOD KARK NBC -Quiz Kids: KOA KSD WMAQ WDAF (sw -9.53) *CBS -News of the War: (aw-

9.53) CBS -Al Pearce's Gang: WNAX WMT KOIL KLZ WBBM KFAB WIBW KFH KLRA KMBC KMOX KRNT (also at 5:30 p.m. CST) KANS -To be announced KARK -Baseball Game KCKN -Baseball: Kansas City vs. Minneapolis *KFEL -News: Bill Robert's Or- chestra KGBX -Half & Half KV00- Musical Prgm. KVOR -Lone Ranger KWK -Hal Havird's Orch. *WGN -News WHO -Big Town, drama WLW -This Amazing America WOW -Aldrich Family WSM -Irene Rich

8:45 CST 7:45 MST MBS -Grant Pork Concert: WGN KFEL -Sports Review: Richard Nimber's Orch. *KWK -News WGN - Freddy Martin's Oreh. WSM -To be announced

9:00 CST 8:00 MST NBC -Fred Waring in Pleasure Time: WHO KOA KANS WLW KVOO WMAQ KSD WSM WOW KARK NBC -Johnny Messner's Orch.: KTHS KSCJ KGHF KVOD CBS -Jimmie Lunceford's Orch.: (sw -9.65)

CBS -Amos 'n' Andy: WBBM KRNT KMBC KFAB WNAX KLZ KMOX KOIL MBS -Dance Orch.: KFEL *News: KFH WMT KGBX -Dance Hour KLRA- Studio Party KTHS- Concert Orch. KVOR- Howard McCreery's Oreh. KWK -Barrel Roll WDAF- Sports Chat *WENR -Ten O'Clock Final WIBW -Vic & Sade. sketch 9:15 CST 8:15 MST

CBS -Lanny Ross, tor.: KFAB KOIL KRNT WBBM KLZ KMBC KMOX NBC -Will Osborne's Orch.: KV00 KGBX WDAF KANS KARK NBC -Johnny Messner's Orch.: KSO MBS -Dance Orch.: KFOR *News: KOA WNAX WMAQ KFHScattergood Baines, sketch KSD -Cheri McKay & Co. KVOR -Hit of the Week *WGN -News: Bill McCune's Orch. WHO -Sports of the Day WIBW- Popular Varieties WLW-Fun at the Fair WMT -Baseball; Springfield vs. Waterloo

WOW -Sports WSM -World in Review 9:30 CST 8:30 MST

CBS -Larry Clinton's Orch.: KOIL KFAB KLRA KMOX WNAX NBC -Dance Orch.: KANS KGHF KTHS KSO KWK KSCJ KARK CBS -Johnny Presents: It YOB KLZ NBC -Dance Orch.: WDAF WHO KGBX WFNA KANS N BC -Show Boat: KOA (also at 7:00 p.m.) MBS -Lone Ranger, drama: KFEL KFH -Bell's Sports Salute KFKA- Legion of Safety *KMBC -News: Sports. *KSD -News: Rosario Bourdon's Orch. KVOD- Popular Concert KV00 -Wood Sisters: Lou Kemper *WBBM -Todd Hunter, news WGN- Freddy Martin's Orch. WIBW-Sports WLW -General Brice P. Disque WMAQ -Lou Breese's Orch. WOW -Cavalcade of America WSM -To be announced

9:4S CST 8:45 MST NBC -Dance Orch.: KVOD CBS -Larry Clinton's Orch.: WBBM KMBC KRNT *News: KFOR KV00 KFH -Trocadero Club Orch. KSD- Beyond Reasonable Doubt WHO -Kay Neal & Cavaliers WIBW -Emahizer Melodies WLW -Sports Final WNAX -WPA Prgm. 10:00 CST 9:00 MST CBS -Kate Smith's Hour: KLZ NBC -Charlie Barnet's Orchestra: KGBX WSM KARK MBS -To be announced: KFOR CBS -Andy Kirk's Orch.. KFAB WBBM KLRA KMBC (sw -6.17) N BC -Clyde Lucas' Orch.: KVOD KGHF *News: KFKA WLW WOW WIBW KOIL KTHS WGN WHO KSCJ WDAF KVOR WNAX *KCKN -Baseball Scores: News KFEL -Merchants' Hour KFH -Kaliko Kat Orch. KFI -Quiz Court KMOX- France Laux, sports KOA- Tropical Moods KV00- Favorites of 1950 KWK -One Man's Opinion WENR -Clyde Lucas' Orch. WGN -Leonard Keller's Orch. *WMAQ -News; Jan Savitt's Or. chestra 10:15` CST 9:15 MST NBC -Clyde Lucas' Orch.: KSCJ KOA KANS KTHS WREN CBS -Andy Kirk's Orch.: KFOR WNAX NBC -Charlie Barnet's Orchestra: KV00 WHO MBS -To be announced: WGN KFKA KCKN- Dancing Under the Stars *KMOX- Flannery Views the News KOIL- Sports Specials KVOR- Electricity Speaks KWK -Hal Havird's Orch. WDAF -Fred Waring's Orch. WIBW Oklahoma Outlaws WLW -Dance Orch. 10:30 CST 9:30 MST NBC -Cecil Golly's Orch.: KSCJ WREN MBS -Charles Baum's Orch.: WGN KFOR KFKA KSAL CBS -Glen Gray's Orch.: KFAB KLRA WBBM KMBC KRNT WNAX KOIL KFH (sw -6.17) NBC -Earl Hines' Orch.: KGBX WHO WOW KV00 WSM

N BC -Death Valley Days. drama: KOA *KARK -News *KCKN -Baseball Scores: News *KFEL -Fulton Lewis. Jr.. Comm KGHF- Dancetime KMOX- Moonlight Serenade KTHS -Jimmy Capra's Oreh KVODEventide Echoes KVOR -Concert Hall WDAF -Dance Orch.; Sports WENR -Music You Want WLWDance Orch. WMAQ -Will Osborné s Oreh. WMT -Dance Dreh.

10:45 CST 9:45 MST MBS -Charles Baum's Orchestra KFEL KSO KWK CBS -Glen Gray's Orch.: WMT KCKN- Jockey Club KMOX -Victor's Velvet Music *KTHS -News: Baseball Summary *KVOD -News 11:00 CST 10:00 MST CBS -Teddy Powell's 0rch.: (sw- 6.17) NBC -Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: KSCJ WREN WMAQ *CBS -Paul Sullivan Reviews the News: KLZ KMBC MBS -Jack McLean's Orch.: KSO KFOR KFKA KSAL CBS -Pliner & Earl's Orch.: KOIL WBBM WNAX KFAB KRNT KLRA KMOX WIBW WMT KFH N BC-Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: WOW WENR WHO WSM KARK KGBX *News: KFEL KGHF KV00 KSD KCKN KWK KOA- Sporis News KVODRhvthm Spree KVOR - Request Hour WDAF -Moonbeams WGNLeonard Keller's Orch. WLW -Deke Moffitt's Orch. 11:15 CST 10:15 MST NBC -Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: KGHF KVOD CBS -Nick Sisco's Orch.: WBBM WNAX KMBC KFAB KRNT KLRA WMT KFH KOIL KMOX WIBW NBC -Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: KV00 MBS -Jack McLean's Orch.: KFEL KWK KFI -Talk by Canchester Boddy KLZ -Rambling thru the Rockies KOA -Bill Carlsen's Orch. KSD -Music You Want KSLBrigham Young 11:30 CST 10:30 MST NBC -Carl Ravazza's Orch,: KSCJ KGHF WREN WENR KVOD MBS -George Stearney's Orch.: WMT KFEL KSO KFKA KFOR KSAL KWK *CBS -Dance Orch.: News: KFH WNAX KRNT KMOX WIBW KOIL KMBC KFAB WBBM KVOR (sw- 6.1`7)

NBC -Carl Ravazza's Orchestra: WMAQ WDAF WOW WSM KOA KGBX *News: KLZ WHO KLRA -Dance Hour KV00 -Music Before Midnight WGN -Griff Williams' Orch. WLW -Moon River: Poems: Organ 11:45 CST 10:45 MST *CBS -Dance Orch,: News: KLZ NBC -Carl Ravazza's Orch.: WHO NBC -Carl Ravazza's Orch.: KANS KOA -On With the Dance

12:00 CST 11:00 MST MBS -Blue Barron's Orch.: KFEL WGN KFKA KWK N BC -Billy McDonald's Dreh.: KVOD *News: WHO KMOX KOA KLZ -Jimmy Grier's Oreh. KVOR -Benny Goodman's Orch. *WLW Barney Rapp's Oreh.: News WOW -Midnight Melodies

End of Friday Programs

FBEQIfENCIEB KANS-12111 KVOD-1130 KARK-800 KV(10.1140 KFAB-770 KVORa270 KFELdy_'li KWK-1330 KFEQ-0R0 KWTO-300 KF'H-1300 R'BAI'-800 KFKA-880 WBB31-770 KFGlt-1210 WC(Y)-810 KI;BX-1230 WDAF-610 KI;HF-1320 WENR-870 KGNF-1430 WFAA-7e10 KLRA-1300 WGN-720 KI'.511) \l'IIIS-BIIII KMBC-ILA WHO-1000 Kyll)S-llzq WIl1W-380 KOA-830 WJ.1G-1000 KOAM-7110 WI.S-R70 KO1L-1210 N'Ll1-700 KOWR-000 WMAQ-4170 KRNT-1320 WMT-600 KSCJ-1330 WNAX-370 ESD-SISO WOW 590 KSO-1480 WREN-1820 KTRS-1060 WSM-850 KCOA-128O


Page 37: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

ALIAS THE DEACON (Universal). Bob Burns plays this straight, and the result is a good re make of an all -time favorite theme of crook turned good.

'dr ° " 's a" (Columbia) Sprightly murder mystery with Melvyn Douglas and Joan Blondell doing some hilarious sleuthine For everyone.

AND ONE WAS BEAUTIFUL (M-G -M). Laraine Day's first starring vehicle is an adequate, meats niece without affectation. Almost a "must."

ANOTHER THIN MAN (M -G -M). William Powell and Myrna Loy in a not -up -to -par sequel to the "Thin Man." Only occasionally amusing.

BEYOND TOMORROW (RKO). A story of life after death which doesn't quite come off de spite fine performances by Harry Carey, Charles Winninger, C. Aubrey Smith and Maria Ouspen skaya.

(Paramount). The simple, beautifully told James Street story of a boy and his dog in hunting country. Good pro duction, good cast and good scripting throughout.

(M G -M ). Lavi shly produced musical that rings the bell. with Fred Astaire, Eleanor Powell and a George Murphy, who nearly steals the show with his dancing.

BROTHER ORCHID (Warner Bros.). A strange, haunting film about a gangster (Edward G. Robinson) who found sanctuary and regen- eration in a monastery. Grand entertainment from the story by Richard Connell.

CASTLE ON THE HUDSON (Warner Bros.) Prison melodrama from Warden Lawes' "20,000 Years in Sing Sing," with John Garfield, Pat O'Brien. Ann Sheridan. Ann is at her acting hest in this.

E'reP15`11f*PiE (M -G -M). Sometimes amus- ing, always melodramatic story of a showgirl stranded in African jungle. Ann Sothern. John Carroll are in it.

(RKO) Jean Hersholt in a film version of the kindly and benevolent country doctor he popularized on radio

6131,0141/TeAEt (Warner Bros.). Light back stage drama of Broadway, with Barbara Read Alan Mowbray, Helen Vinson.

(Republic). A stirring drama of guerrilla days in "Bleeding Kansas" of the '60s, with Claire Trevor, John Wayne and Walter Pidgeon. A spine -tingling historic western of near -epic proportions.

M., CYCLUt3 (Paramount). Technically per- fect version of the mad scientist who learns secret of reducing humans to miniatures. Brit liantly produced in Technicolor.

DR. EHRLICH'S MAGIC BULLET (Warner Bros.). Absorbing story of the life of this famous medical researcher after the style of Muni . . and of the same high quality. Ed- ward G. Robinson excels in title role in this picture.

o cLS cro_>.'g - (M -G -M) This popular series falls down a notch as emphasis is placed on technical side of medicine to detri ment of the human side.

(Columbia). What happens when a man -hating writer of popu lar novels (Loretta Young) meets a handsome young doctor (Ray Milland) is good comedy and sparkling entertainment.

O°w-" s"° " "-61 (Paramount). A better political satire in which a bum becomes governor, neatly contrived, well acted with Brian Donlevy, Akim Tamiroff and Muriel Angelus in key roles.

pDIU -tU . Im !.LUZ (M -G -M). Inspiring sequel to "Young Tom Edison" with Spencer Tracy as the adult Thomas Edison in a screen biography ,very American should see.

K,Irs fr (Warner Bros.). Somewhat fictionalized and considerably dramatized version of a famous regiment's part in ward Effective. melodramatic and absorbing. Stars James Cagney Pat O'Brien, George Brent and others.

FLIGHT ANGELS (Warner Bros.) A better aviation film which treats air stewardesses as hu. man beings, not angels. Virginia Bruce. Dennis Morgan, Wayne Morris are in it.

Brief Reviews A terse guide to the better films

now showing in your neighborhood

(M -G -M). Eddie Cantor plays a simple, straightforward role effec- tively, with a cute baby and forty little Hollywood ruties of seventeen or so supporting him.

PBtMFweein (20th Century -Fox). Gloomy, foreboding story of Fifth Column penetrations in Czechoslovakia in pre -Munich days and what it did to one family. Don Ameche, Eugenie Leonto- vich, Mary Beth Hughes are in it.

GANGS OF CHICAGO (Republic). Gangster film of the double -lifed criminal attorney who is respectable by day, a gang leader by night. Lloyd Nolan is the attorney.

EIUROft'IMO (Paramount). Indian fighting in the '80's which will please youngsters, bore adults.

(20th Century -Fox). Profoundly moving, accurately translated to the screen is this Steinbeck best- seller of migratory workers and dust -bowl emigres. Has Henry Fonda, Jane Darnell, John Carradine.

OR41ß#w.11.10ht (Universal). A not -too -good melodrama set in the Central American jungles, with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Joan Bennett, John Howard, Alan Hale.

tM/j.s as.nwt. (20th Century-Fox). Good juvenile comedy, with Jane Withers, Joe Brown. Jr.. Lloyd Corrigan and Cliff Edwards.

IlIC OIflLPRf9MY (Columbia). A feminized version of the famous play, "The Front Page," with Rosalind Russell as the reporter, Cary Grant as the managing editor, Ralph Bellamy as the weak -kneed fiance. Fast and furious comedy.

HOUSE ACROSS THE BAY (United Artists). Heavy triangle melodrama with an Alcatraz back- ground gives Joan Bennett her best film role to date. stars George Raft as the usual sneering racketeer. The story is not up to talent.

i T'rr '" '.. ° - -. - (M-G -M). A weak story of eternal triangles played against a Park Avenue medical background. Spencer Tracy, as the physician, and lovely -to- look-at Hedy Lamarr save it by good performances.

wac t r.,rwr's -.,a. (20th Century- Fox). Intrigue and adventure with a continental flavor and the incomparable dancing of Zorina make this a worth -looking -at film.

iiitwlwilWeBwhOliwohtiI6P(Universal). Bing Crosby and Gloria Jean co -star in a light musical which isn't a "Road to Singapore" by any means.

INVISIBLE STRIPES (Warner Bros.). A crackling and crisp melodrama above the average for its type -the ex- convict trying to go straight. George Raft, Jane Bryan, Humphrey Bogart. Paul Kelly are in it.

(Warner Bros.). A good comedy -drama which gives Ann Sheridan a chance to act. Humphrey Bogart and Jeffrey Lynn round out the story of an old rooming -house converted into a cafe to lift a mortgage.

i A D), (Universal). Deanna Durbin is grown up and lovelier in face, figure and voice in this than any yet. A sparkling story with excellent supporting cast including Kay Francis. Walter Pidgeon, Lewis Howard make it top -notch film.

JnitN#FY'irP 1,10) (20th Century -Fox). Excit- mg, far -above- the -average film of cultured col- legian in underworld, with Tyrone Power, Dorothy Lamour. Edward Arnold.

L.A C-WIG.'. EIeX73 (Universal). A full measure of Hugh (Woo -Woo) Herbert for his tans in this screwy piece in which he plays his mother, his four eccentric sisters and himself in a "Woo Woo" marathon

LILLI.1.tI RIJuiLUh1 (20th Century -Fox). Alice Faye, Edward Arnold. Don Ameche revive the Gay Nineties in a screen biography of glamorous Lillian Russell. Elaborately produced, beautifully mounted

(20th Century Fox). A romanticized version of how Fulton built his steamboat, which nicely mingles history with fiction and stars Alice Faye, Fred Mac Murray, Richard Greene and Brenda Joyce.

+aarrvr r ---(Universal). Light comedy with songs, starring Tom Brown and Constance Moore.

(M -G -M). A melo- dramatic story of prison break during the Civil War, intrigue and war adventure, with Wally Beery. Dolores del Rio.

( RKO). Another in the cycle of two husbands- and -a- wife- orvice -versa films, with- Cary Grant and Irene Dunne as amus ing principals.

(M -G -M). Spencer Tracy gives vivid portrayal of Major Robert Rogers and trail-blazing in this thrilling adven- ture drama of the Indian wars. Filmed in Tech- nicolor, its excellent cast includes also Robert Young and Walter Brennan.

OF MICE AND MEN (United Artists). Mag- nificent study in tragedy in this faithful transfer from Steinbeck's novel to the screen story of an odd friendship between two itinerant workers. Burgess Meredith, Lon Chaney, Jr., are excel- lently cast, give admirable performances.

OUR FOWit (United Artists). One of the year's most magnificent films, telling the simple story of simple folks who live in everybody's town. A perfect cast, perfect production from the Pulitzer prize play by Thornton Wilder.

rai(uC' HlO (RKO- Disney). The classic tale of the little wooden boy who grew up to be a

real boy is imaginatively brought to the screen in Technicolor by Walt Disney. Better, perhaps, than "Snow White."

(Paramount). A hila- riously funny farce of the South Seas brings together Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour in a laugh -riot musical, with radio's alumni giving good accounts of themselves.

tis'i9Y IS A LADY (Universal). Melodrama of the Harold Lloyd type, light, amusing and thrilling, with smiling Baby Sandy, Eugene Pal lette. Mischa Auer, Nan Grey and Tom Brown.

(Warner Bros.). Touching, down -to -earth filming of the Pulitzer prize play (same title) of youngsters in love and in debt, with John Garfield. Ann Shirley, Claude Rains.

TEcN (Paramount). An excellent mod ernized version of the Booth Tarkington classic about a boy in adolescence, his loves, his life. Jackie Cooper, Betty Field, Otto Kruger are featured.

(M -G -M). A light and pleasant picture about a personable little department store in Budapest and its per- sonnel, portrayed by Jimmy Stewart, Frank Mor- gan, Margaret Sullavan and a good supporting cast.

SON OF THE NAVY (Monogram). A navy - hating Jean Parker meets Gunner's Mate James Dunn and a homeless waif who needs some parents; a sparkling version of an old theme.

9VARDOSeia (20th CenturyFox). Starlet Linda Darnell re- enacts her own life in a lighter- hearted sequel to "A Star Is Born."

i3i,A^i "iBroD (M -G -M). Joan Crawford and Clark Gable become involved in a seldom dull melodrama of prison and escape. with relig- ious overtones.

(RKO). Some ex- citing moments and interesting shots plus good acting make the screen version of the shipwrecked Robinson family pleasant entertainment. Thomas Mitchell, Edna Best, and Freddie Bartholomew are in it.

THOSE WERE THE DAYS (Paramount). College days of the early 1900's are faithfully - and humorously -portrayed here in a grand pic- ture based on the Siwash tales, with William Holden, Bonita Granville, radio's Ezra Stone (Henry Aldrich).

PI Rfilr rurz'. - - (Warner Bros.). Simple, unpretentious comedy which is nicely handled by cast. Tells story of policeman forced to retire, his enmity for son -in -law who takes his place. Featured are Thomas Mitchell, Priscilla Lane, Dennis Morgan.

(Warner Bros.). Merle Oberon, George Brent, Pat O'Brien in a remake of "One Way Passage," a love drama of two lost souls and a love that lives after death. Thrilling and touching.

(Columbia). A screw - ball ish modernization of the Enoch Arden theme finds Jean Arthur the wife of two husbands, Melvyn Douglas and Fred MacMurray, in a riot- ous, laugh- provoking comedy -drama.

ïeRRID"LbIIE (Warner Bros.). Adventure in a banana republic which is lusty and hard -hitting, with Ann Sheridan, James Cagney, Pat O'Brien.

TURNABOUT (Hal Roach). Imaginative -and entertaining -piece in the "Topper" style about wives and husbands who exchange places. Very well done, with Carole Landis, John Hubbard, William Gargan, Adolphe Menjou.

20 MULE TEAM (M -G -M). Wallace Beery is tough- skinned, tender -hearted mule -skinner in tale of good women and bad men who live off borax deposits in early Death Valley.

(M -G -M). Joan Blondell and Lana Turner are two dancing sisters in love with George Murphy, a triangle which

,breaks up the vaudeville act, to say nothing of hearts.

J4)4wHeOtt(Paramount). Dorothy Lamour and Robert Preston in a "Hurricane' style film which has breath -taking Technicolor photography of tropics.

aiWkilf11'tD (Paramount). Virile outdoor film of society doctor in the North Woods and an eternal triangle with Ray Milland, Patricia Mori- son and Akim Tamiroff.

(M -G -M). A timely re- make of one of the best films to come out of the last war -soul- stirring love -story of an officer and a maid parted by cannon. Robert Taylor's best. Vivien Leigh's continuing proof of her artistry.

THE WAY OF ALL FLESH (Paramount). Akim Tamiroff, as the tragic father in a heavy, sordid film, proves his ability as a character actor in the part which Emil Jannings played in the silent films.

W91MBhI -rit -WLMs. (Republic). Elsie Janis, "Sweetheart of the A. E. F.," lived her part in this war story in 1918, acts it now in a story of women and World War II. Melodrama of nurses behind the Allied lines.

WOMEN WITHOUT NAMES (Paramount). A capably produced and acted melodrama of a wo- men's prison, which is grim and unrelieved but deeply absorbing. Ellen Drew, Robert Paige and Judith Barrett are in it.

(RKO- Radio). Light comedy of young married couple's efforts to get out of the rut, with Lucille Ball, James Elli- son.

(M -G -M). An excellent dram atization of Edison's boyhood days which is real and homey under the deft handling Mickey Rooney gives it. It is a splendid production, dramatic and gripping.



Page 38: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

European News in English Daily



5:30 a.m. 4:30 a.m. London GSG 17.79 5:45 a.m. 4:45 a.m. Berlin DJL 15.11 7:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m. Paris TPC5 15.24 7:15 a.m. 6:15 a.m. London GSV 17.81 7:15 a.m. 6:15 a.m. Berlin DJ L 15.11 9:40 a.m. 8:40 a.m. Rome 2R08 17.82

10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. London GSV 17.81 10:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. Berlin DJ B 15.20 10:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Paris TPC5 15.24

TPB8 11.845

Daily Afternoon 12:00 noon 11:00 a.m. London GSI 15.26

1:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. Rome 2R06 15.30 1:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Paris TPC5 15.24 2:50 p.m. 1:50 p.m. London GSP 15.31

3:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Rome 2R08 17.82 2R04 11.81

3:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. London GSP 15.31

5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m Berlin DJB 15.20 DJD 11.77

5:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. London GSP 15.31

Daily Evening 6:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. London GSD 11.75 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Moscow RV96 15.18 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Stock'm SBT 15.155 7:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Berlin DJD 11.77

DJB 15.20 7:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Paris TPC8 11.845

TPC13 9.52 8:45 p.m 7:45 p.T. London GSC 9.58

GSD 11.75 9:00 p.m 8:00 p.m. Rome 2R04 11.81

2R08 17.82 9:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Berlin DXB 9.61

DJD 11.77 10:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. London G5C 9.58

GSD 11.75 10:45 p.m. 9:45 p.m. Paris TPC13 9.52 11:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Berlin DJD 11.77

DXB 9.61

12:15 a.m. 11:15 p.m. London GSD 11.75 12:30 a.m. 11:30 p.m. Rome 2R03 9.63

2R06 15.30

Daily Programs, Sat., June 22, through Fri., June 28

Tile progagam r.tm £ ca

re ,n.e r e

mccaee ddly

a 5"

CST City Program Station 5:30 a.m.- Berlin -Variety program for North

American listeners: DJB (15.11) 6 a.m. -Sydney, Australia- Broadcast for East

Coast North American listeners; (6:30 a.m.) News (English): VLQ5 (9.68)

8 a.m. (ex. Sat., Sun.) -New York City- Interna- tional variety program, The World Listens ": WCBX (17.83)

8:15 & 9:30 a.m. (ex. Sat., Sun.) -CBS interna- tional news (English): WCBX (17.83)

10 & 11 a.m. -NBC international news (English): WNBI (17.78)

10:10 a.m. -B e r l i n- Variety and propaganda talks in English for North America: DJB (15.20)

10:30 a.m.- Paris -North American broadcast, In-

cluding talk, "Life in Paris ": TPB8 (11.845) TPC5 (15.24)

1 :15 p.m.- Berlin- English talk on war situation: DJL (15.11)

2 p.m. -R o m e- Evening concert, with English announcements: 2R08 (17.82) 2)104 (11.81)

2J5 p.m.- Berlin -Lord Haw Haw's propaganda talk in English: DJB (15.20) DJL (15.11)

3:15 p.m.- Berlin -Lord Haw Haw's propaganda talk is English: DJB (15.20) DJL (15.11)

3:30 p.m. (ex. Sun.) -War news. from anti- British mystery station: (11.96)

3:50 p.m.-Berlin- Evening program for North America: DJB (15.20) DJZ (11.797)

4:45 p.m. (ex. Sat., Sun.) -Lowell Thomas, news: WI.WO (21.65)

5:05 p.m.- Lisbon- Variety program front Portugal for North American listeners: CSW7 (9.74)

6 p.m.- Moscow -News, talks and music front Soviet Russia for listeners in North America: RV96 (15.18) RKI (15.04)

6:55 p.m.-New York City -Elmer Davis, news: W'('BX (11.83) WCAB (6.06 or 9.59)

7 p.m.- Paris -Talks, music, play's and news m

English for North America: TPC13 (9.52) TPB8 (11.845)

8 p.m.- Berlin -English talk, "Matters of Mo- ment": DJB (15.20) DJD (11.77) DZD (10.5431

8 p.m.- Quito, Ecuador -"Friendship Hour" (En- glish): HCJB (12.46)

Saturday, June 22 program broadcast daily .ee Dady Programs (Col. 11

9 a.m. -London- "London Log ": GSV (17.81 ) 3 p.m. -Lima, Peru -Program of Peru Automobile

Club for North American listeners: OAX4R 115.15)

5:50 p.m.- Budapest -Opera selections: HATS (9.625) or HAT4 (9.125)

7 p.m.- Honolulu -"Hawaii Calls." Native music and sones front the isles: KIO (11.68) or KHE (17.97)

7:15 p.m.- London- "Dispatch from the Front ": GSD (11.75)

7:40 p.m.- Rome -Opera, "Un Ballo in Masche ra ": 2R04 (11.81) 2R08 (17.82)

8:30 p.m.- Berlin- Political cabaret with Charlie: DJB (15.20) DJD (11.77)

9:15 p.m.- London -"In Town Tonight" : GSD (11.75)


On Short Waves Edited by Charles A. Morrison

President, International DX'ers Alliance

Programs from foreign countries subject to change without notice


GERMANY has not only power- ful mechanized units, deadly dive- bombers and notorious

fifth- columnists but also the most potent propaganda machine that has ever been utilized in the history of man. This propaganda is diffused in many different ways, but by far the most effective means of distri- bution is via its powerful short- wave transmitters which are going full blast twenty -four hours daily.

Germany has a great numerical superiority over the Allies in short- wave transmitters. Germany has first of all the several 40,000 -watt transmitters at Zeesen, near Berlin. which were Tnstalled ostensibly for broadcasting the Olympic games in 1936 but which were in reality in- stituted as part of a long -range and carefully worked out plan to give Germany ethereal supremacy when the moment came to strike. The powerful transmitter at Vienna was the next to be added to the network; then came the two 20,000 -watt transmitters at Prague; the two 2,000 -watt and two 10,000 -watt sta- tions at Warsaw; the Norwegian stations at Jeloy; the powerful sta- tions at Copenhagen, the transmit- ters at Ruysselede, Belgium, includ- ing the new 40,000 -watt station ORY, which had not even been placed in operation yet, and the two world- famous Dutch stations PCJ and PHI, to say nothing of numer- ous commercial short -wave stations which could be pressed into broad- cast service if needed. These facts are interesting in that they show it would be difficult if not wholly im- possible to silence Hitler's short- wave voice, while he on the other hand could without great difficulty, should his military drives prove successful, seize Britain's single short -wave center at Daventry or the French transmitters all grouped in the vicinity of Paris.

It is impossible to give a com- plete or exact schedule of all of Germany's short -wave transmis-

sions, since they are so comprehen- sive and complicated. Furthermore, no official printed schedule of trans- missions has come out of Berlin since the war started. Even the broadcasts to North America are subject to numerous changes and alterations. The approximate sched- ule of transmissions expressly di- .

rected to listeners in this country follows (time given is Central stand- ard):

5:30 to 8:00 a.m. 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. 1 :15 to 1 :30 p.m. 2:15 to 2:30 p.m.

3 :1 5 to 3:30 p.m.

3:50 to 6:00 p.m.

OIL 15.11 DJB 15.20 DJL 15.11 DJB 15.20 DJL 15.11 DJB 15.20 DJL 15.11 DJB 15.20 DJZ 11.797 DXB 9.610

6:00 p.m. to DJB 15.20 12:00 mid. DJD 11.77

DZD 10.543 News bulletins in English may be

heard at 5:45, 7:15 and 10:15 a.m.; 1:15, 2:15, 3:15, 5:00, 7:15, 9:30 and 11:00 p.m. CST.

The German broadcasts consist almost wholly of war communiques (those issued by the German High Command can be considered reli- able); propaganda talks of a cynical and bitter nature but put over in a palatable fashion by Berlin's fa- mous English commentators, Lord Hee Haw, Lord Haw Haw, H, V. Wald and others, and variety music. The above -mentioned commentators speak perfect and cultured English, Lord Hee Haw with an American accent, Lord Haw Haw with a Brit- ish Oxonian accent. Lord Haw Haw is a brilliant satirist, whose radio personality is so dominant that you may feel yourself hypnotized by his persuasive oratory even though you realize many of his arguments are built on false premises. Some of his facts, on the other hand, are un- deniably true and startling in their implications. At least you will want to hear Lord Haw Haw and judge for yourself. Tune for him daily at 1:15, 2:15, 3:15 and 8:00 p.m. CST. He may also be heard at various other hours irregularly.

GENERAL NOTES: United States amateurs have been ordered to cease all communica- tions with foreign countries except territorial possessions of this country. This places the amateur fraternity on a strictly domestic basis

. The transmission to North America for- merly broadcast daily from 6:00 to 7:00 a.m.

CST over CR7BG (15.285), Lourenco Marques, Mozambique, has been dropped, as the hour and frequency have proved unsuitable for re-

ception in this country . . . KGEI, owned by

the General Electric Company in San Fran- cisco, Calif., has been granted permission to

add the frequency of 9.67 megs to the present licensed frequencies of 6.19. 9.53 and 15.33

megs. KGEI will share time with WRCA of

New York City. which also operates on 9.67 megs . . The Department of Press and Prop- aganda of Brazil broadcasts news and infor mation concerning Brazil and typical native music, according to the following schedule (subject to frequent changes without notice): Daily, except Sundays, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. over PSH (10.22) in Portuguese; Mon- days from 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. over PSH (10.22) in English; Wednesdays from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. over PSE (14.935) in German; Thurs- days from 2:00 to 2:30 p.m. over PSE

(14.935); Fridays from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. over PSH (10.22) in Spanish, and on Satur- days from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. CST over PSE (14.935) in French.

9:50 p.m.- Berlin -"Hot off the Wire" DJD (11.77)

Sunday, June 23 For program broadcast daily see Daily Program. (Col. n 7:30 a.m.- Loudon -- "Dispatch from the Front ":

GSV (17.81) 9:45 a.m. -News (English): HPSG (11.78) 12 noon -New York City- Boston -"Salute of the

Americas to the New York World's Fair- Caracas, Venezuela': WCBX (17.83) WRUL (11.79) WCAB (15.27)

1:45 p.m. -New York City -News, Kaltenborn:

WPIT (11.87) WLWO (21.65) 3:30 p.m.-Honolulu- "Voice of Hawaii ": KHE

(17.97) 5:50 p.m.- Budapest -Series of old Hungarian

dances: HATS (9.625) or HAT4 (9.125) 7 p.m.- Guatemala- Orchestra of Maestro Pinil-

los, with noted soloists: TGWA (9.685) 7:40 p.m.- Rome -Opera, "La Traviata ": 2R08

(17.82) 2R04 (11.81)' 8:30 p.m. -New York City- Republican Conven-

tion Broadcast: WCBX (9.65) 1 1 p.m. -L o n d o n- Arabian Nightmares: GSD


Important Stations (Megacycles or thousands of kilocycles shown)

CJRX. Canada 11.72 TG2, Guatemala 6.195 CSW7, Portugal 9.735 TPA4, Paris 11.718 DJB, Germany 15.20 TPB8, France 11.845 DJD, 11.77 TPC5. 15.24 DJL, 16.11 TPC13, " 9.52 DXB, " 9.61 VLQ5, Australia 9.68 EAQ, Spain 9.86 VLR. " 9.58 GRX. England 9.69 VLW3, " 9.845 GBB, 9.51 WCAB, Philadelphia, GSC, 9.68 Pa. 8.06. 9,59. 15.27 GSD, 11.76 WCBX. New York City. GSF, 15.14 21.57. 15.27. 11.83 GSG. 17.79 9.85. 6.17, 6.12 GSH, 21.47 WDJM, Miami. Fla. 6.04 GSI. " 15.28 WGEA, Schenectady, GSJ, 21.58 N.Y. 21.50, 15.33. 9.55 GSP. 16.31 WGEO, Schenectady. GSV, " 17.81 N. Y. 9.53 HATS, Hungary 9.626 WLWO, Cincinnati. HAT4. Budapest 9.125 Ohio HBJ. Switzerland 14.535 21.65, 11.87. 9.69. 8.06 HCJB, Ecuador 12.46 WNBI. New York City HJCT, Colombia 9.63 6.100. 17.78 HPSA, Panama 11.70 WPIT, Pittsburgh. Pa. HP5G, 11.78 21.54, 15.21. 11.87. 6.14 HVJ, Vatican City 11.74 WRCA, N. Y. City 9.87 JLS2, Japan 17.845 WRULWRUW. DZD, Berlin 10.543 Boston. Mass. JZJ. " 11.80 16.25, 15.13, 11.79. JZE, " 16.18 11.73. 6.04 EGEI. San Francisco. XEWW, Mexico 9.50

Calif. 9.63. 15.33 XGOX. China 16.19 EHE. Hawaii 17.97 XGOY. " 9.64 RIO, " 11.88 YUG. Jugoslavia 16.24 MTCY. Manchukuo 11.78 2R03. Italy 9.63 RV98. " 8.03. 15.18 2H04. " 11.81 SBT. Sweden 15.155 2R06, " 15.30 TAP. Turkey 9.485 2R08. " 17.82 TAQ. " 16.196 2809, " 9.67 TGWA, Guatemala 2R015. " 11.76

9.885. 15.17

Monday, June 24 For programs broadcast daily see Daily Program. (Col. 1)

9 a.m.-London-"The Empire at War ": GSV (17.81)

6 p.m.- London- Feature broadcast, "Canadian Magazine," in collaboration with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: GSD (11.75)

6:30 p.m.- Schenectady -Travelog of U. S.: WGEO (9.53)

7 p.m. (Mon., Wed., Sat.)- Panama City -Band Concert, with guest stars: HP5G (11.78)

7 p.m. -Rio de Janeiro -Brazilian program for North America, including typical music, travel talks and news: PSH (10.22)

7:30 p.m.- Berlin -"A Mirror of German Life": DJB (15.20) DJD (11.77)

7 :40 p.m.- Rome -Sardinian songs and popular dances: 2H04 (11.81) 2R08 (17.82)

7 :45 p.m.- Berlin- Letter to Harry by Lord Hee Haw: DJB (15.20) DJD (11.77)

7:45 p.m.- Switzerland- Program of folk and popular music; latest war news and political talks: HBJ (14.535)

11:20 p.m. -Tokyo -The Chuo Symphony Orches- tra: JZK (15.16)

Tuesday, June 25 For programs broadcast daily sat Daily Program. (Cdl. It

9 a.m. -L o n d o n -Talk, "Background to the News ": GSV (17.81)

1 :15 p.m. (Tues., Thurs., Sat.) -Lisbon -Program for English listeners, including music, variety and topical talks, in English: CSW7 (9.741

5 p.m. (Tues., Thurs., Sat.) -Quito, Ecuador -Eat. glish travel talks about interesting spots in Ecuador: HCJB (12.46)

7:30 p.m. -Tokyo -The Chuo Symphony Orches- tra: JLS2 (17.845)

7:40 p.m. -R o m e-EIAR Symphony Orchestra 2H04 (11.81) 2R08 (17.82)

9:50 p.m.- Berlin -Topical talk by Lord Hass Haw: [LID (11.77)

Wednesday, June 26 For program, breadc..t daily see Daily Program. (Cot. It

2:15 p.m. -New York City -Dr. Felix Witzinger, pianist: WNBI (17.78)

4:45 p.m.- London -Talk. "Matters of Moment" :

GSD (11.75) 5 p.m. -Quito, Ecuador -Native flute and drum

music: HCJB (12.46) 7:40 p.m.-Rome-"Around Italy with Music ":

2H04 (11.81) 2R08 (17.82) 7:45 p.m.- Switzerland -Program of folk- music,

symphonic music, political talks and news, with announcements in English, for North American listeners: HBJ (14.535)

Thursday, June 27 For programs broadcast daily see Daily Programs (Col. 1)

7:30 a.m.- London -"Life in France Today": GSV (17.81)

7 p.m. -L on do n -Talk, "Background to the News ": GSD (11.75)

7:30 p.m.- Rome -English talk about Italian cooking: 2R04 (11.81) 2R08 (17.82)

7:40 p.m.- Rome -Choruses of Grand Opera: 2R04 (11.81) 2R08 (17.82)

10:30 p.m.-Paris--"We Chat with Our Listen. ers": TPC13 (9.52)

Friday, June 28 For program, broadcast daily see Daily Programs (Col. a)

7:30 a.m. -London -"World Affairs ": GSV (17.81) 4 p.m.- Buenos Aires -News and Brazilian mu-

sic: LRAS (18.03) LRAI (9.69) 4:30 p.m. -B e r I i n- Advance program notices:

DJB (15.20) DJD (11.77) 5:10 p.m.- Lisbon- Variety show: CSW7 (9.74) 6:15 p.m.- Budapest- Hungarian folk- songs: HATS

(9.625) or HAT4 (9.125) 7:15 p.m.- London -"At the Black Dog": GSD

(11.75) 9 o.m.- Guatemala -Opera : TGWA (9.685)

g/gT T


Page 39: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

FAVORITE summer play- ground of Hollywood's radio glamour girls is Santa Bar- bara's swank Biltmore Hotel, and its beach (right). Week- ending there recently were (I. to r.): Florence Baker (Susan in Irene Rich dramas), Kay St. Germain, singing star of "Meredith Willson's Mu- sical Revue" (premiere July 2, NBC), Helen Wood, "Ra- dio Glamour Girl of 1940"


HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. -Burns and Al- len sacrifice a summer vacation to go to work for a new sponsor. The com- edy team is scheduled to begin Mon- day, July 1, a new series for Hormel meat products, switching to an NBC network from CBS, where they have been broadcasting on Wednesdays for Hinds.

NEW YORK, N. Y. -Lenox R. Lohr resigned as president of the National

Broadcasting Company to accept an offer of the presidency of the Rosen- wald Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. Forty -eight- year -old Maj. Lohr takes the place vacated by Rufus Dawes, who died in January. The two men were closely associated in han- dling Chicago's Century of Progress exposition and both were much inter- ested in the museum.

TUCSON, ARIZ.- Countess Olga Al- bani, one of the bright -light names of radio a few years ago, died June 3 in Tucson, Ariz., where she had been liv- ing because of arthritis for over a year.

The Spanish soprano, a real countess by marriage, had been heard on many big radio shows, including those of Cities Service, Fleischmann and Gen- eral Motors.

RCA May Drop Television WASHINGTON, D. C.- Television has

been, in effect, branded as still a bub- ble by the recent action of the Federal Communications Commission continu- ing its ban on commercialization of television and restricting it to the ex- perimental field for the present. The Commission announced, however, that it would approve full commercializa- tion as soon as the industry was in agreement on one of the present com- peting television systems. It is re- ported that RCA, leader in the tele- vision field, may decide to drop its activities after having spent $10,000,- 000 on it.

CHICAGO, ILL. -With frequency -mod- ulation broadcasting gathering more momentum with the current setbacks to television, Zenith Radio Corpora- tion is soon to begin production of FM receiving sets, with delivery to start in the fall. It has also been an- nounced that Zenith's experimental FM station in Chicago will begin oper- ating commercially as soon as a license is granted. This company has consis- tently held back in the television field.

New YORK, N. y. -A long forward step has been taken by NBC in satis-

fying the public with the kind and quality of children's programs. The network has grouped four of its best children's features into one consecu- tive hour called, "Children's Supper - time Hour," scheduled on the NBC - Blue net early in the evening, Monday through Friday. These four popular features are, in order: "Uncle Mal" (story- teller); "Rocky Gordon" (a se- rial about railroading); Ireene Wicker (the famous Singing Lady); "Story of Bud Barton" (a serial about genuine American boys).

IN NEW YORK with Wilson Brown

CBS Revolts Against Communists Radio has finally gotten up on its

hind feet and asserted itself -for which we are proud. We were beginning to think that it was entirely too satisfied with the easy life of telling us what drugs to take, what soap to use, how to dress and the sundry other tidbits of successful living as viewed by the "The Rise of the Goldbergs," "Hilltop House," "Valiant Lady," etc.

As we rode down a busy Brooklyn street, irritated by a cop who bawled us out for not seeing a red light, our car radio, tuned to CBS, blurted out the first real frank, he -man announce- ment we've ever heard. An announcer apologized for a program about to be presented.



Page 40: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

The Communist party had just nominated Earl Browder as its candi- date for President of the United States. Mr. Browder, out of prison on bail, wanted to enjoy his freedom- includ- ing the freedom of speech he loves guaranteed him by a democracy which he doesn't love. He asked CBS for radio time. CBS gave it to him, as did NBC and Mutual; but CBS, according to the announcer, was doing so be- cause it had no other choice. "If any licensee shall permit any person who is a legally qualified candidate for any public office to use a broadcasting sta- tion, he shall afford equal opportu- nities to all other such candidates for that office in the use of such broad- casting station ..." said the announcer. He pointed out that this was the law of the land. He pointed out that CBS didn't like it a bit. Then he said, in effect, "But we can't do anything about it, so here is Earl Browder."

Yes, shocking as it may seem, radio is compelled to give equal time to all candidates -Communist or not. Forty - seven stations abided by the law. WCAU in Philadelphia and WCKY in Cincinnati said phooey to the law; re- fused to have any part in the matter.

Perhaps, though, this particular in- cident was for the best. It may be the cause of some of us studying, thinking and acting to retain freedom of speech, but retaining it for those who speak for America and not for a Red dic- tator. But then we must ask ourselves, who is to decide who talks for whom?

Paris Studio Bombed A bomb fell on NBC's Paris head-

quarters when the Nazis made their first air raid on that city. None of the employes was injured but the build- ing was considerably damaged. Ed- ward Murrow, in anticipation of what may come, has rented a house outside London to use as CBS headquarters in case the Nazis aim for Britain's Broad- casting House.

We reported exclusively a few weeks ago that Drew Pearson and Bob Allen, the Washington correspondents, would replace "True or False" for the


PLATTERBUGS -L. to r., actor Hugh Studebaker, ac- tresses Lesley Woods, Betty Lou Gerson, latter's husband, "First Nighter" director Joe Ainley play disks at Ainleys'

summer. That's still the right story, regardless of NBC's views. Last year Pearson and Allen broadcast on the "University of Chicago Round Table" as guests. Speaking of politics, as is their specialty, they stated former President Hoover had representatives soliciting presidential votes for him in the South. Broadcasters, notoriously namby -pamby on politics, found NBC carrying on the tradition by retracting the statement under pressure from Hoover and without the consent of Pearson and Allen, who muttered something about suing NBC. Because of this incident, NBC has stated that the boys will not replace "True or False" -that NBC doesn't want 'em on its network. But our statement is still correct because, if NBC doesn't come around to more liberal thinking, Mu- tual, a network the boys found to their liking many months ago, may get the show.

"Truth or Consequences," Ralph Edwards' quiz, will be aired over the NBC -Red beginning August 17, after a few weeks' respite . .. The Andrews Sisters have been signed by Universal Pictures to costar with the Ritz Broth- ers in "Argentine Nights," to be re- leased in the fall . . . Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt's first studio guests were a group of boys and girls from the New York Institute for the Education of the Blind. Ordinarily, she observes a no- audience rule ... Paul Laval, the orkleader who has so many NBC pro- grams, is no overnight sensation. He used to be known as Joe Usifer -a familiar name of a few years ago . . .

It's an eight- pound- seven -ounce boy for Meri Belle and announcer Del Sharbutt.

Tony Martin Threatened Tony Martin received a phone call

from either a crank or killer the other night. The mysterious caller said, "I'm going to get you at 11:30 tomorrow night." Nothing happened the next night or the next. It's not uncommon that handsome male singers get phone calls and letters from love -sick wo- men. When the letters go unanswered, the writers often follow up with

threatening phone calls. Lanny Ross used to get scores of these letters and probably still gets a few. Sometimes attempts are made to blackmail money from stars. One woman claimed that a certain well -known tenor was the father of her child, which was, of course, untrue. Stars quite properly minimize these communications.

Karl Swenson, who plays Lorenzo Jones, reveals his wife has an October date with the stork ... CBS blue -pen- cilers wouldn't permit the word "blitz- krieg" on one of the recent Ellery Queen mystery dramas. That word can be used only on broadcasts with political or news significance.

IN HOLLYWOOD with Evans Plummer

Movie Companies Weak.. Metro and 20th Century -Fox movie -

studio fights against radio have suc- cumbed to the loss of foreign mar- kets; Alice Faye has a big radio show pending for fall premiere and M -G -M has realigned itself with Maxwell House to supply the "Good News" talent from its roster. Which means that Bobe Hope will lose Metro -owned Judy Garland come September . . .

Listeners planning vacations during July and August won't be missing Charlie McCarthy and Edgar Bergen if they don't tune in -for that coffee show will vacation for the eight hot- test weeks . .. Betty Jane Rhodes won the spot as Fred Allen's featured vo- calist for his three Hollywood- origi- nated shows (June 12, 19 and 26) by being heard by Fred in New York as she sang on Mutual's Tuesday night "Meet the Stars" airing .. . The Bob

DEN MOTHER -That's the title given Lucille Manners, "Cities Ser- vice Concert" soloist, by Boy Scouts of America, represented by Brooklyn's Tom Kennedy (r.)


SAM WANAMAKER (Ellis Smith in

"Guiding Light ") and new bride, ac- tress Charlotte Holland (Kathy of "Against the Storm "), are greeted by stewardess (r.) for honeymoon flight

Burnses (of the Bazooka empire) are infanticipating again in September; their nursery now holds Barbara Ann, two, and Robin, one year old ... Mark Hellinger's withdrawal from the Ameche show was by mutual consent; Hellinger's stories didn't fit Ameche. The Ameche Old Gold show has been renewed to continue through the sum- mer . Beginning October 2, "Arch Oboler Presents" will go on the NBC - Red net for Procter and Gamble, with Oboler awarded final say in story, casting and production ... CBS has a hot nibble for the services of "Lum and Abner" ... Nice advance birthday present for Mutual's "Nobody's Chil- dren" Sunday airing, which marks its first anniversary July 2, is the dicker of three movie lots, with Columbia Pictures winning, for the right to make a film based on the broadcast, with Edith Fellows as star. Walter White, Jr., the show's originator, will act in the picture and assist in its writing ... Which reminds that Mary Living- stone Benny, with her new profile, is

to be tested by director Mark Sand - rich again for the screen . . Kay Kyser and band, back from Catalina June 26, are working on details for their next RKO -Radio picture.

War Brings Ifs Worries Pat O'Malley, who has been corn -

muting between Alec Templeton's Chi- cago- originated airings and Hollywood, where Pat has a part in Hal Roach's "Captain Caution," has been trying to get his parents to leave England and come to America, but they refuse; and

;1 ì:i-Ar www.americanradiohistory.com

Page 41: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that


HEDDA HOPPER, Hollywood column - ;st (on air Mon., Wed., Fri., CBS), and young screen actor John Carroll, ex- husband of Steffi Duna, stepped out together at Hal Roach dinner -dance

they live next to a military airdrome! Pat, by the way, was told he couldn't sing a "war song" on a recent Temple- ton broadcast, though the song's lyric was an amusing one about the battle of Hastings in 1066 A. D. when the Normans invaded England. Lyric went: "There was King 'arold on 'is 'orse with 'is 'awk in 'is 'and."

Egg Eggs on Unexplained Laugh When Fibber McGee and Molly's

June 4 broadcast provided a spaghetti - cooking sequence, an accompanying sound -effect required soundman Jack Wormser to break an egg beside the microphone. He did, with a resultant satisfactory sound, but then the egg slipped out of his hand, hit the studio wall right over the cast and sprayed them with mixed yolk and white!

Linda Were in Real Melodrama When Linda Ware, fifteen -year -old

singing star currently featured on CBS' "It Happened in Hollywood," landed recently at the Detroit airport as the guest of Michigan, she was greeted by a process- server with an injunction restraining her from leaving the county. Document had been issued on request of her father, who has been seeking to regain custody of Linda, legal ward of her uncle by ruling of California courts. But because Miss Ware is a minor, the process -serving meant nothing, and as her uncle could not be found, she was able to continue making her scheduled appearances in behalf of "Dairy Week," and return on time to Hollywood.

BURNIE, BURNIE! -Walter Winchell made good use of a recent week -end in Miami to give pseudo -enemy Ben Ber- nie "hot beard," placard him with "Rest in Peace" sign

Speaking of Meeting Planes - Plane- meeting proved unsatisfactory

twice last week, once when Paul Whiteman was scheduled to arrive and again when Al Pearce met Betty King, the Kansas City songstress heard on his June 7 show. To greet Whiteman, a fifteen -piece band comprising musi- cians who have played under his baton waited June 2 for the "Dean of Modern Music" to glide down from the skies. When the transport plane landed, out came Paul's sister -in -law and Mike Pingatore, assorted passengers -and no Paul. Threatening weather made him change his mind, come instead by train! Blasting away at Kansas State tunes when Miss King landed were the Texas Rangers of Gene Autry's airings but previously for eight years on KMBC, Kansas City. Two film nota- bles were first off the ship and won- dered if they should take bows. They were Samuel Goldwyn and Melvyn Douglas!

IN CHICAGO with Don Moore

Exit, Smiling -The Fifields Mercedes (to you) McCambridge

and her husband, Bill Fifield, CBS an- nouncer and free -lance writer, are very soon to take leave of Crossroads radio. On a languorous sight- seeing swing they'll take in Mexico (where Bill will pick up local color for a novel he is doing), Haiti, Grand Canyon and other spots in the West, landing about September in Hollywood. There Bill will write, and both will pursue their radio careers. And, of course, none of Mercy's acquaintances would be sur- prised to see those smilin' Irish eyes sparking from the silver screen one of these days in comedienne parts. They are really a charming and loving couple, and their many friends here regret their going, but wish them well.

Another radio ingenue who is leav- ing us, after only a few months in radio here (love's like that) is Cheer Brentson, who has had parts in "Caro- line's Golden Store," "Ma Perkins" and

other sketches. The Kansas City girl married Robert E. Redington, hotel executive of Duluth, and they'll make their home there . CBS announcer Dick Post and his bride of a few months have been taking a second honeymoon vacation in New England and New York . Patricia Dunlap (Janet in "Bachelor's Children ") and her husband vacation latter half of June in Florida and Havana ... John Larkin (Bert Weston of "Stepmother ") married May 31 to Genelle Gibbs, for- mer air actress . Peg Wall (Lois Colton in "Helen Trent ") back from Florida with a lot of bright summer clothes and a diving -lesson bump on her head . Dorothy Denvir (Mar- garet Gardner of "Bachelor's Chil- dren") did an important sequence on the air May 27, then beat it to Passa- vant Hospital for a more important episode -it's a boy.

More Bacon for "Baines" In a $100,000 deal the "Scattergood

Baines" serial has been purchased to scatter good from the screen for Pyra- mid Pictures, to be distributed through RKO. The price calls for six pictures. Jess Pugh, who plays the title role in the radio sketch, is being strongly con- sidered, along with well -known actors of the films, for the starring movie role. The series is scheduled to start early in the fall . . . Andrew Karzac. owner of the far -famed Aragon and Trianon ballrooms, died June 1 at the age of fifty- eight, after a two -week illness, leaving a widow and two chil- dren. The ballroom impresario came here from Athens, Greece, in 1904.

Tip of the Week: If Carlton Brickert hasn't already left his six -year role as David Post in "Mary Marlin," he will do so very shortly. He's concentrating at present on Cap'n Barney on the Friday night "Show Boat" . . . Glenn Miller is scheduled to do twenty -one of his thrice- weekly Chesterfield broad- casts from Chicago this summer.

Letter of the Week: A fan inquires of us if Don McNeill and Jack Baker work in some other field too or is their

performance on "Breakfast Club" their regular job. There are those who claim to have seen the pair standing on the beach with a sunburn design on their backs reading, "Wear Knit -Wit Bath- ing Suits." Personally, I think being funny and melodious before breakfast is a man -size job by itself. Seriously, radio stars do have a lot to do behind the scenes -answering mail (these two boys are conscientious about that), planning programs, rehearsing, writ- ing, thinking (even that), business ap- pointments, personal appearances out of town, and many other activities.

A correspondent tells me that Eve- lyn Lynne's visit as queen of the National Air Carnival in Birmingham, Ala., was a tremendous trioomph -a tribute to sincerity as well as charm

Spot pick -ups: When Whitey (Duke of Paducah) Ford did a pre - show warm -up on "Plantation Party" the other night by telling the studio audience how to handle babies, re- sounding boos came from three dozen nurses visiting from a maternity hos- pital . . . I crossed my fingers for announcer Del King when he dropped a pack of cigarettes (really by acci- dent) as he dashed to the mike to open a "Show Boat" program. But he was safe -they were the sponsor's Avalons!

She Knew What Hoosier Meant! Dr. John Coulter, author, was taking

a motor trip through Canada and stopped at a wayside inn for lunch. Being a loyal Hoosier, the author thought he'd see what the waitress - who spoke an amusing combination of French and American -knew of his native state. "I'm from Indiana," he said. "Ever hear of Indiana ?" At her blank look, he added, "Do you know what a Hoosier is ?" Then she bright- ened: "Hoosier? Oh, but yes! The Hoosier Housetops!" (meaning, obvi- ously, the Hoosier Hot Shots of the "Barn Dance "). "They are corny - mai bon!" (but good). It's a. true story. Maybe you're thinking it would have been good, too, if the waitress had said, "Oh, yes -Hoosier -hudi!"



Page 42: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

Portables for Pleasure A special section devoted

to 1941 portable radios- choose yours today!

CABIN COMFORT- Whether or not it was a good day of fishing in lake or stream, its a good evening in the cabin with this 5- G -500M Zenith ($29.95), with its Wave- Magnet

ACCESSORY TO ROMANCE -When sweet- hearts play in the summer out of doors, there's nothing like a portable as a third party to make companionship complete. This couple welcomes the company of the tan RCA I5BP -2 Pick -Me -Up

CORNELIUS VANDERBILT, JR., the famous socialite - journalist,

told you on pages 14 and 15 what ra- dios- especially portable radios -have meant to his profession. You may not be a professional news -gatherer, but you are certainly more interested in news, wherever you go, than ever be- fore. And not only news. Radio has brought music, drama, comedy to your home. Now you take entertainment with you everywhere. The last word in radio development to date is the port- able set - the compact, efficient, all - purpose instrument now making its advance 1941 appearance in many handsome designs. The 1941 line in general is not revolutionary in com- parison with last year's models. Sim- ply improved all along the line for more selective and longer -range reception. The biggest single difference is noticed in that last year's sets were for the most part powered only by battery. The new sets are, with few exceptions, made to operate with AC or DC elec- tric plug -ins as well as by their own enclosed batteries. You'll be seeing the sleek, luggage -like carryabouts everywhere from now on. Believing that you recognize the need for one of these low- priced Aladdin -like mar- vels, we present on these pages a di- rectory to help you make your selection.


TRAVEL COMPANION -Those train and bus trips get pretty tiresome, even when you have someone to talk to. Next time take a portable like, for instance, the stylish G -E JB -513 this girl chose. Most battery sets will now operate efficiently in conveyances

BICYCLE BUDDY -Portable sets become more and more compact, allowing for novelty and unique use. There are several little camera -style models. In the specialization field one of the latest innovations is this Motorola B-150 bicycle radio

Complete information about portables on following pages


Page 43: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

1 .561MCM. l 1 1 -

Low cost RCA Victor 3 -Way Pick -Me -Up plays outdoors and in!


OUTDOORS Take an RCA Victor Pick -

Me-Up canoeing... to the beach ...on hikes. You'll have double fun.

INDOORS Use an RCA Victor Pick - Me-Up as a srcosd set. Just plug it into electric outlet

-and play:

GLENN MILLER... network favorite andBluebird Record-

ing Artist.

TOMMY DORSEY... a lead- ing star of network and Victor

Record fame.

Splendid new easy -to -carry sets in six fascinating finishes play outdoors and in...operate on : 1. Self- Contained Battery-2. AC Current -3. DC Current

A trip is always fun. But whether you are going on a vacation, a week -end jaunt, or just a one - day picnic ... you'll have more fun if you take one of these new RCA Victor Pick -Me -Up Portable Radios along. They are wonderful anywhere. Out in the open your favorite pro- grams are yours through the magic of light but powerful long -life batteries contained right in the radio. Indoors, just plug the set into either an AC or a DC outlet -and it's ready to play!

Light in weight, these new RCA Victors are easy to carry. True to tradition, they provide excellent RCA Victor tone and performance. All are superheterodynes -and that means su- perb reception. They have five RCA Victor Preferred Type Tubes, with two double pur-


BEA WAIN ... popular net- work songstress and Victor

Recording Artist.

XAVIER CUGAT... rhumba, conga. tango star-on the air,

and on Victor Records.

pose types giving the equivalent of seven tube performance, Permanent Magnet Dynamic Speaker, Built -in Magic Loop Antenna and Easy -Reading, Clock -Type Dial in four colors, Automatic Volume Control and several other sparkling features. They are available in six fascinating finishes.

Visit your RCA Victor dealer and get one of these grand new radios today!

A Illustrated is Model 15BP2, in brown air plane luggage finish. Also available in L gray airplane luggage ... brown leather- ette ... blue Lizagator grain leatherette. (with wanes) Also in bakelite ($19.95'), solid mahogany and mahog- any veneers ($29.95'). Convenient carrying case, $2.50.

See exhibit of all RCA services ... including Tele- vision ... at RCA Building, New York World's Fair -and Golden Gate Exposition, San Francisco, Calif.

.Price Co. b. Camden. N. J., subject to change without no- tice. For Mier radio performance -RCA Victor Radio Tubes. Trademark "RCA Victor" Reg. U. S. Pat. O6. by RCA Man- ufacturing Company, Inc. You can buy RCA Radios on C.1. T. Easy Payment Plan.



4 l


Page 44: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

... It's a Genuine

,.4lolotolaRadio that FITS and MATCHES

Our Instrument Panel EXACTLY!

No matter what make or model car you're driving, it can be fitted perfectly with a MOTOROLA- - America's Finest Auto Radio. And the control head with accurate, automatic push button tuning, will exactly fit and match your instru- ment panel. Get the kind of fun and entertainment you've always wanted -don't take no for an answer! Insist on a genuine MOTOROLA!

Motorola 3 -Power PORTABLE For Fun and Music Wherever You Go You'll be delighted with its rich, radiant tone. and its power to bring in far distant stations. lis a smartly de- signed 6 tube set that works equally well on your 110 volt house current or the powerful E dy Minima: B batteries ...the "HOTTEST" number in radio today. See and hear it at your Motorola dealer.


BOOKLET Know "How to Measure and Judge Good Car Radio Performance." Write to:


4547 Augusta Blvd., Chicago



PORTABLE SET SPECIFICATIONS No. of List No. of Power Model Price Dimensions Tubes Supply

AIR KING Air King Products Co., 1523 63rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

4012 4016 X3950

13%:7t/x7% 13%x11x6% 13%11116'/a

S AC -DC, battery .. AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery

ANDREA -Andrea Radio Corp., 48-20 48th Ave., Woodside, N. Y.

6G61 13%x10%x6% 6 AC-DC, battery

CROSLEY- Crosiay Corp., 1329 Arlington St., Cincinnati, Ohio. 27BD $19.95 12113 %x6% 5 AC -DC, battery 27BE 24.95 131/4:15%x6% 5 AC -DC, battery

DE WALD -De Wald Radio Mfg. Corp., 440 Lafayette 3t., _New York,. N. Y.

544P 544L 545 545SW R4/5P R415L

29.95 29.95 24.95 34.95 19.95 22.45

13x9'/x6% 13x91/4:6% 13x5x10 13x5x10 12 %x7 %x5 % 12%:7%x5%

5 AC -DC, battery S AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery 4 battery 4 battery

DYNAPHONE -Ansley Radio Corp., 4377 Bronx Blvd.. New York, N. Y.

D -9 -A 94.50 15120x8 8 AC -DC

EMERSON -E 357 338 339 340 363

19.95 24.95 29.95 34.95 34.95

Case Covering

airpL cloth luggage cloth imit. leather

airpl. fabric

airpL fabric airpl. fabric

aim. cowhide aim. alligator sim. cowhide sim. cowhide sim. cowhide aim. alligator

airpl. fabric

Radio and Phonograph Corp., III Eighth Ave., New York, N. Y. 14%x10 %x4% 12 %x10 %x4% 12 %x 11 j%4 x63 12 %x11 %x57% 12 %x11 %x6%

6 AC -DC, battery 6 AC -DC, battery 6 AC -DC, battery 6 AC -DC, battery 6 AC -DC, battery

ESPEY -Espey Mfg. Co., Inc., 305 E. 63rd St., New York, N. Y. 942 942P 942C 942F 040 050 943 052 958

34.50 47.75 42.50 34.50 27.15 32.80 27.15 32.80 32.80

11x8x9 11x8x9 I1x8x9 11x8x9 12x8x6 12x8x6 12x8x6 12x8x6 12x8x9

4 battery 4 battery 4 battery 4 battery 4 battery 5 AC -DC, battery 4 battery 5 AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery

FADA -Fada Radio and Electric Co., 30-20 Thompson P22 19.95 PD22 24.95 PL22 29.95 PL24 39.95

13y`x9yçx5 1354x9y5x5 1350084:6 14x10x6%

sim. leather Old. Eng. grain O. E. grain; airpl. sim. pigskin sim. leather

airpl. cloth pigskin cowhide fabricoid airpl. cloth airpl. cloth airpl. cloth airpl. cloth airpl. cloth

Ave., Long Island City, N. Y.

5 AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery 7 AC -DC, battery

aim. leather aim. leather aim. leather sim. leather

GENERAL ELECTRIC -General Electric Co., 1285 Boston Ave., Bridgeport, Conn.

HB -410 9113x43/4 4 battery BB-411 9%x131514 4 battery JB -513 .... 10 %:14x5 5 AC -DC, battery JB -SOS 13%0E13 %00 5 AC -DC, battery

GREBE -Grebe Mfg. Co., Inc., 70 Washington St., Brooklyn, N. Y. BP-11 BP-12A BP-36A

24.50 29.95 39.95

12yx10x6% 5

12%:10%x6'/. 5

113/4x111/4x7ry` 6

AC -DC, battery AC -DC, battery AC -DC, battery

HOWARD -Howard Radio Co., 1735 Belmont Ave., Chicago, ill. 14ACB 29.95 13:10x4% 6 AC -DC, battery

aim. pigskin sim. pigskin sim. pigskin aim. pigskin

veneer- Pigtex leatherette veneer- Pigte:

walrus skin

MAJESTIC -Majestic Radio and Television Corp., 2600 W. 50th St., Chicago, III. 130 . . . 3 %sS %x7 3

MOTOROLA -Galvin Mfg. 40- 65BP -1 40- 65ßP -2 40- 65ßP -3 40- 65BP -4 57ßP -1

57ßP -2

29.95 29.95 32.95 32.95 24.95 24.95

PHILCO -Philo Radio 81T 83T 84T 85T

19.95 22.50 29.95 39.95


PILOT -Pilot Radio Corp_ X-1451 X-1452 X-1453

49.50 52.50 52.50

battery leatherette

Corp., 4545 Augusta Blvd., Chicago, Ill. 12%:10%x7% 12%:101/4x7% 12:10:7% 12x10x7 % 11 %x10:7% 113/4:10:7%

6 AC -DC, battery 6 AC -DC, battery 6 AC -DC, battery 6 AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery

leather airpl. fabric leather airpl. fabric leather airpL fabric

Television Corp., Tioga and C Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.

9'/4 :10 13/16x43 4 battery airpl. fabric 9%x10 13/16x4% 5 battery 10 %x13 1 /16:5yß 5 AC -DC, battery 10 3/4x13 1 /16x534 5 AC -DC, battery

3706 36th St., Long Island City, N. Y.

11:13 %x8 7 AC -DC, battery 11:13'/x8 7 AC -DC, battery 11x13 %x8 7 AC -DC, battery

For key to special features above turn to Page 44.

(Continued on Page 44)

rawhide airpl. fabric grain cowhide


airpL cloth

Lim. or

aim. rawhide)

. Special wt. Features

12 lbs. 17






13% 13% 11



15 15 17

16 16%

15 15 15 IS IS 12 IS 12 12

16 16 16 19


14 13% 19%

15% 16







Page 45: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that







Seriously, the sensationally small and lightweight "Eveready" "Mini -Max" "B" Battery makes portable radio really portable.

If you now own a portable, be sure that your next set of batteries are "Eveready" "Mini- Max." They not only lighten your set, but give twice the life of any other battery of equal size.

And if you are in the market for a new portable, look for the style especially designed around the "Mini -Max" battery made by over 30 leading manufacturers. These new sets are more compact, .lighter and more efficient -the most portable radios ever built.

NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, INC. Unit of Union Carbide UCC and Carbon Corporation

The words "hveready" and "Mini -Max" are registered trade -marks identifying products of National Carbon Company, Inc.






MAOf IN U. S. A.


Page 46: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

Zenith 5- G -500M, $29.95

Crosley 27BE, $24.95 a RCA Victor SBPI (with case)

Motorola 40- 65BP -3, 40- 65BP -4








BE THE FIRST TO OWN ONE Enjoy a new thrill with this superheterodyne

Motorola Bike Radio. Automatic Volume Control, 4" dynamic speaker, long -life Ray - 0- Vac "A "and "B" batteries. Brightly finished in vermillionwith blue trim. Mounts on handle bars with rubber shock - proof mounting. L'atily iucra/ rd. .

1995 At All Motorola Dealers or your Bicycle Shop

GALVIN MFG. CORP'N 4545 AlJ gut, lvd. Chic, B



No. of List Model Price Dimensions

PORT- O -MATIC -The Port -O -Matie Corp., 50

BE -27SC 59.95 14111x7% BE -27R 69.95 14x11:7+/4

RCA -RCA Mfg. Co Inc., Front and Cooper

15BP1 15ßP2 1SBP3 15BP4 15BP5 15BP6

SENTINEL -Sentinel Radio

205BL 213P 217P

8x12x7 11% x llj x6% 11%xll/x6% 11/x11jx6 14 z 14 x6 8.x11/6a

(Continued from Page 42)

No. of Power Case Tubes Supply Covering

E. 77th St., New York, N. Y.

7 AC -DC, battery cowhide 7 AC -DC, battery rawhide

Sts., Camden, N. J. 5 AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery

Corp., 2020 Ridge 123ifix9x5% 12%x9% x5 r/ 12 %x11 %z7 %4

Ave., Evanston, Ill. 4 battery 5 AC -DC, battery 6 AC -DC, battery

SETCHELL -CARLSON- Setchell- Carlson, Inc., 2233

66 29.95 13x615 %4 5

plastic airpl. fabric airpl. fabric leatherette leatherette mahogany

airpl. fabric leather grain leather grain

University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. AC -DC, battery leatherette

SONORA -Sonora Radio and Television Corp., 2626 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill.

KB-73 KD-75 KG-80

24.95 29.95 17.95

14:9 %x6 14x9 %x6 8 %:5x4 %4

4 AC -DC, battery 3 AC -DC, battery 4 battery

STEWART -WARNER -Stewart - Warner Corp., 1726 Diveraey Pkwy., Chicago, Ill.

5X1 24.95

luggage cloth luggage cloth Durez; nic. plate

11 %x11 1/4x634 5 AC -DC, battery leatherette

STROMBERG -CARLSON- Stromberg -Carlson Telephone Mfg. Co., 100 Carlson Rd., Roch N. Y.

402 -H 32.50 12%417x9 4 battery airpl. cloth

TRAVLER- Trav -ler Radio and Television Corp., 1028 -36 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, Ill.

B71 FB73 B81 B70 B712

21.95 24.95 25.50 26.95 24.95

13x6 %x9 % 13x6 1/4x9% 133E10,0 12x5 %4x8 % 13x6 %x9%

TROY -Troy Radio and Television Co., 1142 -44

4AUP .... 1389 * * /87 GAUP .... 11 %19z6

4 AC -DC, battery 4 AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery 4 AC -DC, battery 4 AC -DC, battery

S. Olive St., Los Angeles. Calif.

5 AC -DC, battery 6 AC -DC, battery

leatherette leatherette leatherette leatherette leatherette

airpl. fabric airpl. fabric

WESTINGHOUSE- Westinghouse Electric Supply Co.. 150 Varick St., New York, N. Y. WR -678 24.95 135/0:1054:5 WR -679 24.95 13ysx10t /z5 r/a WR -680 29.95 123411054x7

WILCOX- GAY -Wilcox -Gay Corp., Charlotte, Mich. A -73 25.95 1454153x934 A -87 89.95 11 1/4x13 %x22

ZENITH -Zenith Radio Corp., 6001 Dickens Ave., Chicago, III.

4 AC -DC, battery 4 AC -DC, battery S AC -DC, battery

airpl. cloth leatherette pigskin leather

5 AC -DC, battery airpl. cloth 7 AC airpl. cloth

5-G-500M 29.95 7x15x9ty' 5-G-500L 39.95 7x15x9:y. 5-G-403 33.45 8%z11ry¡:934

5 AC -DC, battery S AC -DC, battery 5 AC -DC, battery

airpl. fabric cowhide walnut wood


10 15% 18


13 13 4%



7 8

14% 14?: 14%

17 40

17 17

Special Features

(a) (o) (a) (o)






(m) Im) (m)

Key to Special Features: (a) Has short -wave band. (b) Super -powered for long -distance reception. (c) Radio -phonograph combination. (d) Uses six tubes when on electric current. (e) Camera -type portable, can be carried slung over shoulder. (f) Plastic grille and dial mounting. (g) This line built especially for selectivity and distance. (h) Marine type, for boats or shore. (i) Zipper carrying -bag available for this model. All modela include two double -purpose tubes for seven -tube performance. (j) Detachable cover; inclined panel. (k) Has extra 6 -8 -volt power for car installation; also uses flashlight batteries for convenient replacement. (I) Price f.o.b. Rochester. (m) Prices and weights are without batteries. This line is designed to use most of the different -size batteries on the market. (n) Prices are suggested eastern list prices. (o) Price does not include batteries. (p) This model is combination radio, recorder and phonograph. (q) Patented detachable Wave- Magnet for efficiency under all conditions.

Stewart- Warner 5X1, $24.95 Majestic 130 (leatherette) Emerson 357, $19.95


Page 47: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that





(U. S. PATENTS 2164251 & 2200674)

$2995 SlightlPrices y Higher

West of the Rockies

The shape and s. ze of an overnight bag styled like

expensive luggage.

THE ONLY PORTABLE RADIO Guaranteed to Play Where Other Portables Fail ... or Your Money Back Engineers of the Zenith Radio Corporation again give you a most remarkable invention . . . the Patented Detachable Wave- magnet in a portable radio which you can carry in one hand, self - powered with a light, one -piece battery pack. Under all ordinary circumstances it works without outside aerial ... with- out outside wires or ground.

LISTEN WHILE YOU TRAVEL ... PLAY ... OR WORK Take this wonder portable where ordinary portables will not work efficiently; in a train, airplane, bus, ship, auto or any windowed building where metal construction keeps out reception. The secret of why it works while others fail is in the Patented Detachable Wavemagnet, which is exclusive with Zenith.

Check up on your next train trip. See how many Zeniths are playing well... and how many other makes fail to do so. Your money back if Zenith fails.


And that's not all! At home, in the office, in hotels, if you want to save your battery, plug into any light socket . 110 volt AC or DC. That will automatically disconnect your battery and save it for outdoors or travel.

Has storage space for earphones (extra equipment) for use at ball games, fights or enroute where you want privacy in reception without loudspeaker. Headphones are excellent, too, for the hard of hearing.

UNDER NO OTHER NAME BUT ZENITH ... . . can you obtain this radio or a portable that is, has, and does so

many things! Patented Wavemagnet- built -in yet detachable- combi- nation battery and lighting current operation -loud- speaker and earphone reproduction - adjustable to varying conditions- recep- tion at home or travelling. Don't buy until you see and hear the Zenith Universal Portable at authorized Zenith dealers everywhere.

D. Luxe Edition in genuine cowhide ... priced slightly higher than regular airplane cloth cover.



Page 48: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

3. True. 4. False. 5. True. 6. False.

1. "Robinson Crusoe" and "Swiss Family Rob- inson."

2. Kentucky. 3. Corsica. 4. Carbon.

"Information, Please"

1. (a) "Robin Hood," (b) " Wuthering Heights," (c) "Earl of Chicago."

2. (a) Kate and Petruchio in "The Taming of the Shrew," (b) Priscilla and John Alden in "The Courtship of Miles Standish," (c) Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII.

"Battle of the Sexes"

1. (a) Great Britain, (b) Belgium, (c) Nether. lands.

2. (a) Horse, (b) gorilla, (c) dog. 3. The four are: Lefty Grove, Ted Lyons, Red

Rutting, Carl Hubbell. 4. (a) "The Prisoner's Song," (b) "Trail of

the Lonesome Pine."

You can still enter MOVIE AND RADIO GUIDE'S

$2,000.00 Within Words


EASY TO PLAY -the highest score wins! All you have to do is form new words from the letters of the Keyword according to the rules. Plurals are acceptable! Par score is merely a fair average -you should be able to make a much higher total. Don't forget, the highest score wins. If you are a subscriber whose subscription extends beyond June 30, 1940, any prize you win in this contest will be doubled!





Par Score570' Your Score

Watch for the last Puzzle -No. 10-in next week's issue

THE RULES 1. In order to enter this contest, you must send in the

official registration-coupon which appeared in the April 27-May 3 issue of Moran AND RADIO Gtltne. or a fac- simile. You need not be a subscriber to enter this con- test. When you send in the coupon. you are not only registered as entrant in this contest. but you will receive. ABSOLUTELY FREE. i6 -page booklet telling how to win and giving many helpful Instructions. plus a list of approximately 6.000 eight- letter money-winning word. which will he of help to you.

2. The contest will run for ten weeks, ending in the issue of Morti, any RADIO OUID. dated June 29 -July 5.

3. Each week diagram will be printed providing a

Keyword and seven horizontal blank suures on each

line for the purpose of inserting letters to form words as here- inafter provided.

4. To compete. Insert on each horizontal line a single word of not more than eight nor less than two letters, the letter of the Keyword In any line to be the first letter of the word you fill in. Each word must consist entirely of letters appearing In the Keyword. 1940 Merriam- Webster New International Dictionary Is the omeii reference au- thority for this contest. Any English word, Including proper nouns. appearing in the dictionary under the letters A to Z inclusive may be used, provided no letter appears therein m often than it appears In the Keyword; 1. e If T appears In the Keyword three times. it may be used

of more than three times In any horizontal word. Com- bining bining and other variable forms not specifically appearing as complete words in the aMwe- mentioned section will not be considered Tables of whatever nature in the appendix are not authority for this contest. No word may be used more than once In the same diagram.

gra. Method eo! scoring: Each letter in the finished dia-

m. hicluding the letters of the Keyword. counts one

LATE -ENTRY OFFER Puzzle No. 1 and the Official Registration Coupon appeared in the May 3 issue. Puzzle No. 2 appeared in the May 10 issue, Puzzle No. 3 in the May 17 issue, Puzzle No. 4 in the May 24 issue, Puzzle No. 5

in the May 31 issue, Puzzle No. 6 in the June 7

issue, Puzzle No. 7 in the June 14 issue and Puzzle No. 8 in the June 21 issue. Send 10c for each back copy you desire. Address WORDS -WITHIN -WORDS EDITOR, Movie and Radio Guide, Dept. 8, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois.

helot the fiat time it is used and increases in value by une point each successive use. In filling In spaces, place letters below and their values above the curved lines. Thus. above the first letter of the Keyword put the figure I. ¡'late 2 above the letter the next lime it appears and 3 above it the next time it appears. et, Your completed diagram will show a acore umber above each letter of each word. Then add up the total of all numbers in the diagram and enter it on line provided below.

6. Clip and save all coupons until your set of ten is complete at the end f the contest. Upon the final diagram ospace will be provided for you to enter the grand total

f all the diagrams in your entry. Write your name and ad- dress on the last diagram and place it at the top when you mail your complete set In. Then send them to WORDS -

WITHIN -WORDS EDITOR. Morns AND RADIO Gulps. P. '0. Box 5370A, Chicago. Ill. Mail fist by first-class postage.

7. The entry with the largest correct grand total will he considered the best and will be awarded the $500.00 First Prise. In the order of their excellence other entries will r eive: Second Prize, 6600; Third Prize, $100; Ten Prizes, each $10; Twenty Priam, math $5. Neatness will count. In the vent of ties, duplicate awards will be paid. Furthermore, winners who a subscribers of record as of June 90. 1940. will be paid prises DOUBLE in value to (hose listed above.

ii. The closing date of this contest is July 15, 1940. and entries received after that date will not be considered.

9. No entries will be returned, nor can we enter into any correspondence with y competitor. The judges will be the Contest Board of Mona AND RADIO GOIDE. and by entering you agree to accept their decisions as final. Any- one may compete except employee of Movsg NO RADIO MIDI. and members of their (ample,.


First Prize $500.00 Second Prize $200.00 Third Prize $100.00 Ten Prizes Each $ 10.00 Twenty Prizes Each $ 5.00

Each Prize DOUBLED If You Are a Subscriber!

(Join skill at busters. low.)

BRA2B5TERS radio's quiz game! Try your answering these radio brain - For correct answers see be-

From "Fun in Print" (CBS, Sun., 6 p.m. EDT)

1. Name the presidential candidates for whom the following were the cam- paign songs: (a) "Oh, Susanna," (b) "Sidewalks of New York," (c) "Happy Days Are Here Again," (d) "There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town To- night."

2. Who authored the following chil- dren's stories: (a) "Little Black Sam - bo," (b) "Black Beauty," (c) "Five Little Peppers "?

3. To what state would you go to see the following events: (a) Sugar Bowl Game, (b) Preakness, (c) Apple Blossom Festival, (d) The Daisy Chain?

From "Take It or Leave It" (CBS, Sun., 10 p.m. EDT)

1. The University of Notre Dame is in what state?

2. Annapolis is to the navy as what is to the army?

3. In the vernacular of the theater, what kind of a play is a "whodunit "?

4. From their nicknames can you give the last name of each of the fol- lowing athletes: (a) Two Ton Tony, (b) Slapsie Maxie, (c) Gentleman Jim?

5. Is worsted a woolen or cotton ma- terial?

6. What is the difference between a top hat and an opera hat?

From "True or False" (NBC, Mon., 8:30 p.m. EDT)

1. Wires are needed to send cable- grams.

2. Boss Tweed is a woolen fabric made at Boss, Scotland.

3. The lives of Louis Pasteur, Flor- enz Ziegfeld and Lillian Russell have all been portrayed on the screen.

4. Washington, Lincoln and Madison are all state capitals.

5. Bermuda is farther north than Miami, Florida.

6. The highest mountain in the U. S. is east of the Mississippi River.

From "Dr. I. Q." (NBC, Mon., 9 p.m. EDT)

1. What two famous books of a sim- ilar nature have the name Robinson in their titles?

2. What was the first state west of the Allegheny Mountains to be ad- mitted to the Union?

3. On what island was Napoleon born?

4. What one common element may be found in coal, graphite and dia- monds?

From "Information, Please" (NBC, Tues., 8:30 p.m. EDT)

1. Name the American motion pic- tures which had all or part of their action in (a) an English forest, (b) an English moor, (c) the House of Lords.

2. What famous pairs of lovers are suggested by the following sets of songs: (a) "K -K- Katy" and "Lady Be Good," (b) "Friendship" and "Oh, Johnny," (c) "I Used to Love You But It's All Over" and "Annie Doesn't Live Here Any More "?

From "Battle of the Sexes" (NBC, Tues., 9 p.m. EDT)

1. What country owns or controls the following: (a) Bermuda, (b) Congo Basin, (c) Java and Borneo?

2. What animal is suggested by each of the following set of names: (a) Horace and Gallahadion, (b) Gar- gantua and King Kong, (c) Asta and Mr. Smith?

3. Name two of the four pitchers still in the major leagues who have won more than two hundred games.

4. Give the correct title of the songs from which each of the following are excerpts: (a) If I had the wings of an angel, (b) In the Blue Ridge Moun- tains of Virginia.


(See questions above)

(Here are the correct answers in our weekly quiz. Of the twenty -five questions in this group, eleven were answered correctly. How do you rate?)

"Fun in Print"

1. (a) Alf M. Landon, (b) Alfred E. Smith, (c) Franklin D. Roosevelt, (d) Theodore Roose- velt.

2. (a) Helen Bannerman, (b) Anna M. Sewell, (c) Margaret Sidney.

3. (a) Louisiana, (b) Maryland, (c) Virginia, (d) New York.

"Take It or Leave It" 1. Indiana. 2. West Point. 3. A mystery thriller. 4. (a) Galento, (b) Rosenbloom, (c) Corbett. 5. Woolen. 6. An opera hat is collapsible.

"True or False"

1. True. 2. False.



Page 49: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that



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Prompt Service 6 guaranteed neverfade prints and 2 beautiful doubleweight bromide

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CONTESTANTS! Don't Let This Contest Opportunity Slip by You

You can still compete in the current "Words- Within - Words" Contest on an equal footing with those who have had full-time ceexe to the context -authority Webster. and you can save hours and even days of future searching for 6, 7, sad S- letter words. This is male possible for you. at extremely low cost, through our elasailled Word Lints, which are complete, con- tain every usable word for each Pussle (as governed by the rules) that can be found in the big- 3350-page context dictionary, and represent greatest care in se- lection and grouping. These Word Lists are worth their weight in gold to you If you value your time. Word Lists Noe. I to 5, or any five Word Lisle to date, will be mailed you Immediately upon receipt of 20 In Loin: oeparate Lists, one dime: l.lstx 6 to 9 inclusive. mailed on June 24, 20e coin. or lists 6 to IO. Inclusive. mailed on July 1, 20, eoin Angle- America. Research, lloa44, Los Angeles, Calif.


$1.00 will be paid to the writer of every letter used in this department. Express your opinions. Write V. O. L., 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, ILL.

Tip to Actors Dear V. O. L.:

Why is it when radio characters im- personate old people they talk with a squeak and all policemen have an Irish accent? Also, rural characters have voices like other people, and they don't all say "ain't."

Ethel L. Helander, Tacoma, Wash.

Good Old Days

Dear V. O. L.: Whoever told you that the costume

worn by Beatrice Kay in the photo labeled "Oomph in the Mauve Decade" is a bathing suit is all wet. The bathing costume of the "Golly NM ies" con- sisted of a loose blouse, bloomers, a long skirt, cotton stockings and cloth slippers. The girls didn't swim, but grabbed a rope, waded out to waist - deep water, jumped up and down and squealed. The costume pictured be- longs to a burlesque queen, a variety actress or an opera singer.

"Gay Nineties Revue" is doing a mighty good job of bringing the past back for us oldsters. We who were young during the fin- de- sieche period were as human as the young folks today. We didn't get spifiicated on sarsaparilla and didn't talk as though we had our mouths full of hot mush. Here's hoping the "Gay Nineties Re- vue" lives a long time and gets a sponsor soon.

J. H. Emerson, Kearny, N. J.

Thanks to Mr. Emerson for the cor- rection and for turning a colorful spot- light on another day. And to his corn - mendation for "Gay Nineties Revue" we say, as on several previous occa- sions, "Ditto."-V. O. L.

Radio vs. Reno

Dear V. O. L.: Listening to that grand program, "I

Want a Divorce," Sunday afternoons, then tuning in to John J. Anthony's "Good Will Hour" Sunday night, and listening to similar local programs, I have learned td appreciate the bless- ings of keeping one's mental equi- librium during the most hectic trials of married life. Listening to how others solved their problems helps me solve mine. Now I know that the best way to greet the wolf of adversity when he howls at my door is tos pull him in, make wolf soup out of him and then use his fur to maké a coat! The only danger i marriage is vin not having sufficient understanding _to be able to get over the many bumps. The best wedding gift to any new bride would be a radio and a lift of the programs designed to help her solve marriage problems!

/Art FErangeline E. Templeton, Hebronville, Mass.

Sympathetic uf?ering

Dear V. O. L.: If "Take It or Leave It" remains on

the air much longer I'm afraid I'll be committed to an institution as a nervous wreck. I suffer the pangs of indecision with each contestant as he wonders whether to take double or nothing. It's a quiz program with a novel twist, for it appeals to the gam- bling instinct which is so common to most Americans.

Maxine Baxter, Norwood, Ohio

Romeos Tops

Dear V. O. L.: This morning while listening to my

favorite program, "Breakfast Club," I got a big kick out of the Three Romeos and think they are tops. I'd surely like to hear them on the air more often.

Mrs. Etta Schoonover, Chicago, Ill.

The Romeos are a rare combination of air -tight harmony and screwloose comedy. They're from Louisville - Kentucky Kernels, you might say. - V. O. L.


Mr. Fairfax will give personal an- swers to all readers who send self -ad- dessed stamped envelopes. Remember that he must confine himself exclu- sively to network personalities and programs. Address Arthur Fairfax, MOVIE AND RADIO GUIDE, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Ill.

Mrs. Louis N. Fish, New York, N. Y. -JOAN BLAINE, dramatic actress, was born in Fort Dodge, Iowa, April 22. Her great -great -grandfather was the famous American statesman, James G. Blaine. She was educated at the Fort Dodge schools, Northwestern Univer- sity, where she studied law, music, speech and art, and Columbia Univer- sity, New York City, mainly on schol- arships she won. Her childhood ambi- tion to be an actress was encouraged by her parents. She made her profes- sional debut at the age of twelve in a home town play, reciting a poem for the salary of $3.00. Her first extensive professional experience was as a con- cert singer and harpist. Joan made appearances from coast to coast during a three -year period. Then followed

some work in stock in Philadelphia and at the Berkshire Playhouse, playing a number of Broadway leads. She made a movie with Violet Heming and Lionel Atwill. Then came Miss Blaine's radio debut at Medford Hillside, Boston, in 1930. Although ten years ago Joan states that she still has mike fright. This young actress writes extensively and has had a novelette, six short stories and several poems published. When she retires she would like to live in the country and devote her entire time to writing. Joan's favorite sports are swimming, hiking and mountain climbing. Joan is five feet six inches tall, weighs 115 lbs., has dark brown hair and blue eyes.

Miss Alice Adair, Rapids City. S. Dak. -In "Kitty Keene" Bob Jones is portrayed by DICK WELLS ... Randy in "Myrt and Marge" is played by ROGER Ds Kowa ... DAvm GOTHA1w has the role of Capt. John Barry in "Hilltop House" . BILL BOUCHEY is Charles in Kitty Keene" ... In "Ma Perkins" John is portrayed by GILBERT FAUST and Willie Fitz by MURRAY FORBES.

The sixth article in the "Men Behind the Dial" series, which was to appear in this issue, will be published next week instead

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See a copy of "EAT AND REDUCE" at your bookstore. Or. mail the coupon on this no -risk offer: that. unless the Lindlabr Plan shows you how to lose a pound a day on 3 square meals a day; unless your scale proves you can "eat and reduce" in safety and comfort by following Lindlahr' sugges- tiona. you may return the book for immediate re- fund. You can lose nothing on this offer but pounds of fat: Why not take advantage of it . . . NOW


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(Pleaxe write plainly.) AGE



Page 50: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that


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A booklet containing the opinions of famous doctors on this interesting sub- ject will be sent FREE, while they last, to any reader writing to the Educational Division, 535 Fifth Avenue, Dept. RG -64, New York, N. Y.

Remember to Buy Movie and Radio Guide at Your Nearest Newsstand

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1. Hitz, radio actress ( "Ellen Randolph ")

4, 13. Star in the portrait, radio comedian

6. Bob -, announcer 9. Arthur -, 'Dagwood"

11. Divan 15. Lick up 16. Classify 18. Poetical foot of three sylla-

bles 19. Impel 20. Parches by exposure to

heat 21. Annoyer 22. - Ronson, radio actress 23. - Broekman, orchestra -

leader ( "Texaco Theater") 27. Victor -, pianist 31. - Granville, screen star 32. Baseball - 33. Lloyd -, screen star 34. Flynn, screen star 35. Without motion 36. Roman magistrate 38. Hamilton, screen star 40. Transfer 41. To take food 42. Endeavors 44. Mouth tube of musical in-

strument 45. Fibrous part of hemp 46. - Sheridan, screen star

47. Small serpent 49. Nelson -, baritone 52. Benny -, orchestra -

leader 57. Background 60. Comes closer 61. Musical instrument 62. Compact 63. Auction 64. Slips or lapses 65. - Damon, radio actor

( "Girl Alone ") 66. Dispatches quickly


1. Supreme dominion or power 2. Love, radio actress


Solution to Puzzle Given Last Week

f3 DoE© f] MOO CG1 COOC ©°O Da ág©gáÓ°ó©°°óóógó N° O13DIf3ßû E00 000213 ono Ori°fTû

Ó ©C©O polio



©pp°©©©° OO 0ß00° DOOM BMW on f30°r]i3f3 °f9 00000 f]ßOßE f3o©°t7 ß©OO ©° °°°O

COO fjOLl ° ono ario © FJt9°o13rJ o0t,©IDfJ ©

3. To choose 4. Converted into a gelatinous

state 5. Act of spying 6. Count -, bandleader 7. Musical instruments 8. Natural order of things

10. Skills 12. Truth 14. Capital of Tennessee 17. Established rules 23. Do not (contr.) 24. Oil 25. Foreign language 26. - Seymour, announcer 27. Strong beer 28. Reads over again 29. One given to thought of self

alone 30. Of no legal force 35. Kenny , tenor 37. Joan -, singer 39. Single division of a chain 40. A fruit 43. Having an astringent taste 44. Capital of Latvia 46. Lew -, screen star 48. Lying face downwards 50. Distribute playing -cards. 51. Vale or glen 53. Sound of the wind 54. Urges on 56. Masculine name 58. Electrical force 59. Helps



Charlie Agnew, MBS, Ohio.


Phil Duey, NBC, RCA Bldg., New York, N. Y.


Pick Malone (January of "Molasses and January "), NBC, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill.


Phil Harris, NBC, Sunset and Vine, Hollywood, Calif.

Juanita Quigley, Universal, Univer- sal City, Calif.


Cliff Soubier, NBC, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill.


William Wirges, NBC, RCA Bldg., New York, N. Y.

Peter Lorre, 20th Century -Fox, Bev- erly Hills, Calif.


John (Speed) Harrington, Station WBBM, Wrigley Bldg., Chicago, Ill.

Kelvin Keech, NBC, RCA Bldg., New York, N. Y.

Dan Seymour, NBC, RCA Bldg., New York, N. Y.

Ann Leaf, NBC, RCA Bldg., New York, N. Y.

Ruth Russell, NBC, RCA Bldg., New York, N. Y.

Alan Bunce, NBC, RCA Bldg., New York, N. Y.


One dollar will be paid for every broadcasting boner printed in this col- umn. Your boner -a ludicrous error or a statement with twisted meaning made by some radio performer -should be accompanied by name of station and broadcaster, date of program. Address Bulls and Boners, MOVIE AND RADIO GUIDE, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Ill. In case more than one reader sub- mits the same boner, prize goes to con- tributor whose letter bears earliest postmark. In case of tying postmarks, all tying contestants will receive prizes.

Dorothy McCune on "Facts for Fem- inine Ears ": "British women enter- tainers who go to the war zone are told they must not wear pants." -Mrs. G. C. Carkee, 530 North 12th St., Muskogee, Okla. (May 24 over Station KVOO.)

Arthur Gilmore, announcer on "Dr. Christian ": "When your hands are sore from gardening, turn to Vaseline Jelly." -Mrs. Cora M. Fowler, Glen - ham, N. Y. (May 22 over CBS).

Bill Dyer, baseball announcer: "That's the first time we've seen Syl Johnson since his illness down in the bullpen. " -Warren Anderson, 145 S. Manoa Road, Manoa, Pa. (May 17 over Station WCAU.)

On "Marriage Club" program (an- swer of a woman upon being asked how she would cure her husband of singing in the bathtub): "I would ap- proach him frankly by saying, 'Please, dear, sing a wee bit lower in the bath- tub.' " -R. C. Bird, 622 East Park Ave., Fairmount, W. Va. (May 22 over NBC.)

Ken Sargent, announcer: "I passed my plate three times and Aunt Harriet twice." -Ruth M. Eddy, 383 Friend- ship St., Providence, R. I. (May 22 over Station WPRO.)

Stan Walker, sports commentator: "Jimmy Brown was in there playing with his broken nose. " -Gladys Bar- rett, 710 Mills St., Kalamazoo, Mich. (May 20 over Station WGN.)

Announcer: "Why don't you drop your regular announcer a card and tell him you hope he is enjoying his vacation as we all do." -Kay Gordon, 218 North Main St., Charlotte, Mich. (May 27 over Station WCFL.)

Josephine Hemphill on "National Farm and Home Hour ": "I'm tired of hearing about that beautiful Mr. Salis- bury's lawn. " -L. Ellison, 48 Bull St., Charleston, S. C. (May 23 over NBC.)

Bob Hawk on "Take It or Leave It ": "I'm very sorry, but Charles G. Dawes is still in good health." -Milo Hunt, 421 North Friends Ave., Whittier, Calif. (May 26 over CBS.)


16 PRINTS 25c 5 :7 Enlargements 10e

Three for 25c NORDSKOG, Dept. 62,

1030 Greenwood Ave., Maywood.

20 Reprints


100 Reprints



Page 51: TEN CENTS PROGRAMS EVERY WEEK DI · Doggone Doghouse" next week, we think you'll agree. But more important - and very consoling to us common folk who had a far -fetched idea that

WHEN the brothers Dorsey split five years ago, it was Jimmy who retained the Dorsey

Brothers band. Of that original crew. eight still remain in the Jimmy Dorsey band as heard on NBC from New York's Hotel Pennsylvania Roof and on Decca records. Jimmy's music takes its cue from his theme song, "Con- trast," the saxophoning Dorsey achiev- ing a wide range extending from au- thentic swing to melodic "pretty" music. And Jimmy has distinguished himself in both fields. For full, beau- tiful melodic arrangements, his ver- sions of "My Prayer" and "The Breeze and I" stand alone. For jazz there are such well -known J. Dorsey specialties as "A Man and His Drum," featuring trap- artist Buddy Schutz. "Dusk in Upper Sandusky" and "Long John Silver," all of which emanated from the pen of maestro Dorsey himself. That his composition instinct is as versatile as his band is verified in "It's the Dreamer in Me" and "So Many Times," two ballads written by Jimmy. The Jimmy Dorsey band currently lines up: Jimmy Dorsey, Lansford. Pa., Herb Haymer, Rutherford, N. J., Sam Rubinwitch, Springfield, Mass., Milt Yaner, Kenosha, Wis., Charles Fra- zier, Newark, N. J., saxophones; Nate Kazebier, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Johnny Napton, New York City, Shorty Solo- mon, Hartford, Conn., trumpets; Sonny Lee, Huntsville, Tex., Jerry Rosa, Brooklyn, N. Y., Don Matteson, Den- ver, Colo., trombones; Joe Lippman, Boston, Mass., piano; Jack Ryan, Syra- cuse, N. Y., bass; Buddy Schutz, Union City, N. J., drums; Guy Smith, Mer- rick, N. Y., guitar; Helen O'Connell, Toledo, Ohio, Bob Eberly, Hoosick Falls, N. Y., vocalists. For his great saxophoning and fine, versatile orches- tral achievements in both jazz and

Na 9/ST

BAND OF THE WEEK is Jimmy Dorsey's (heard on NBC). L. to r., first row: Helen O'Connell, Jimmy Dorsey, Bob Eberly. Second row: Herb Hay - mer, Sam Rubinwitch, Milt Yaner, Charles Frazier, Sonny Lee, Jerry Rosa,

Don Matteson. Third row: Joe Lippman, Jack Ryan, Guy Smith (behind Dorsey), Buddy Schutz, Nate Kazebier, Johnny Napton, Shorty Solomon

sweet music. your correspondent names Jimmy Dorsey and his band -the Mo- VIE AND RADIO GUIDE Band of the Week.

Behind the Podium

Larry Clinton picks up NBC and Mutual wires from the Meadowbrook, Cedar Grove, N. J., beginning July 9

Romance row has CBS songstress Nan Wynn and tunesmith Jimmy Van Heusen ceasing affections to become good chums . Charlie Barnet in a dither over Helen O'Connell, lovely Jimmy Dorsey vocalist ... That was a cute stunt, incidentally. J. Dorsey pulled at brother Tommy's Astor Roof opening ... Had a quartet of telegraph boys sing "Happy Opening" to Tommy at the beginning of the floor show . . .

Gus Arnheim's crew follows Phil Har- ris into Los Angeles' Wilshire Bowl June 26 ... Yvette, NBC's continental chanteuse, signed to wax for Bluebird ... Gloria Dale replaces Judy Abbott as vocalist with Saxie "Playmates" Dowell's band . . . Blue Drake is Sleepy Hall's new vocalist . . . Henry Busse will air via CBS when he fol- lows Ray Noble into San Francisco's Palace Hotel June 18 . .. Will Osborne will air via NBC from Chicago's Edge-

water Beach Hotel beginning July 15, while Lang Thompson's crew goes CBS from Jenkinson's Pavilion. Point Pleasant, N. J., June 21.

Song of the Week

"Make Believe Island" -Music by the late Dr. Will Grosz, lyrics by Nick and Charles Kenny -Beautiful ballad is believed to be last composition turned out by Grosz before his death

Previously had achieved fame for "Isle of Capri" and "Red Sails in the Sunset" . The freres Kenny pre- viously mentioned for "Leaning on the Ole Top Rail" song -of- the -week . .

Vocal records available on "Make Be- lieve Island" include Dick Todd (Bluebird) and Kate Smith (Colum- bia) . In a dance vein, Jan Savitt (Decca), Sammy Kaye (Victor), Dick Jurgens (Vocation), Mitchell Ayres (Bluebird), Gene Krupa (Columbia), Johnny McGee (Varsity).

Off the Beat Rumored shake -up in the Bob

Crosby band ... Muggsy Spanier, fa- mous Chicago jazz c rretist, believed to be discarding his fwn crew to join the Crosby gang ... Clyde Hurley, fea-

Romance rumors, record reviews and

gossip of your favorite melody men


tured hot trumpeter with Glenn Miller since way back when, exits in favor of Charlie Frankhauser . Frankie Masters takes over Ben Bernie's air- time at Gotham's Taft Hotel when the 01' Maestro goes out on tour June 22 ... Claude Thornhill's crew, currently at Rendezvous, Balboa Beach, Calif., signed to wax for Columbia ... Harry Owens' Royal Hawaiians signed for a Universal short . Basil Fomeen off to Hollywood, where he will organize a new band.

Diskussions TOMMY DORSEY -"Yours Is My

Heart Alone" (Victor 26616, $0.75) - Pretty modernization of the semi - classic with up -to- the -standard Dorsey muted tromboning and a heartfelt vocal by Frank Sinatra . . Sinatra stands out again on "Hear My Song. Violetta," the platter -mate revival.

MARY MARTIN - "Cole Porter Songs" (Decca Album 123, three rec- ords, $2.75) -The "Heart Belongs to Daddy" girl does the tune that made her famous plus "Let's Do It," "Why Shouldn't I ?," "I Get a Kick Out of You," "Katie Went to Haiti" and "What Is This Thing Called Love," all from Cole Porter's piano -fine en- tertainment.

EDDY DUCHIN -"You Can't Brush Me Off" (Columbia 35469, $0.50) - Medium slow dance arrangement of the "Louisiana Purchase" rhythm dit- ty, highlighting uniso:i sax chorus at end and June Robbins vocal . . not enough Duchin piano for Eddy's aver- age follower . . "Fools Rush In," ourty ballad, backs up.

RECORDMENDED -Eddie "Roches- ter" Anderson, "Let's Scuffle" (Colum- bia 35442); Mitchell Ayres, `I'm on the Verge of a Merge" (Bluebird 10732); Bing Crosby and Johnny Mer- cer duo, "Mister Meadowlark" (Decca 3182).


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