Tema Stan

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  • 7/28/2019 Tema Stan



    I. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that the meaning stays the

    same; use Present Tense Simple and/or Continuous.

    James has the irritating habit of borrowing money from people and neverreturning it back.James is always borrowing money from people and never returning it back.

    I have made arrangements to eat out with my office mates tonight.I am going to eat out with my office mates tonight.

    We are forced to use only cold water today as the hot water pipe in the basementis being fixed.We used only cold water today as the hot water pipe in the basement is beingfixed.

    My cousin is used to driving to school as she really hates public transportation.My cousin usually drives to school because she really hates public transportation.

    What about celebrating our deal?How is the idea of celebrating our deal?

    I really have no clue whose car this is.

    I really have no clue who owns that car.

    The eldest son starts mowing the lawn whenever I drop by my neighbour's.Whenever I drop by my neighbour's the eldest son stars moving the lawn.

    My family are planning to spend this summer vacation in Austria.My family is spending this summer vacation in Australia.

    She is at the doctor to have her tonsils removed.She is having her tonsils remove.

    Your entire house smells of fish.There is a fish smell on the entire house.

    II. Circle the underlined phrase which best completes each sentence.

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    Tills gibbets soup tastes/is tasting delicious but mother is tasting/tastes itagain

    just to make sure it is not too salty.

    I love/am loving spending my free time partying and as far as this party is

    concerned I love/am loving every minute of it.

    He is so weird; he hears/is hearing things day and night but when I send him on

    an errand he doesn't hear/is not hearing me.

    The judge hears/is hearing the key witness tomorrow morning and I don't see/am

    not seeing why, as to my mind, it's not the right time.

    I hear/am hearing from Tim a lot these days and he is keen on learning whether

    Mary sees/is seeing his father.

    Thalia thinks/is thinking it right not to sell her car yet but her father thinks/is

    thinking of doing it behind her back.

    My little son looks/is looking at that clown and is telling me that he looks/is

    looking very funny.

    Jane smells/is smelling the roses her boyfriend has just given her and she is

    happy as they smell/are smelling very nice.

    I don't mind/am not minding if your sister minds/is minding our little daughter

    while we are away as we've got nobody else to do it.

    Janice considers/is considering moving into a new flat this winter but her parentsdon't consider/are not considering it prudent to let her do as she wishes.

    III. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that the meaning staysthe same and paying attention to Past Tense Simple, Past PerfectSimple and Past Perfect Continuous. Do not alter the capitalized wordsin any way.

    Terry would ride to the lake every summer to meet her boyfriend!TO meet her boyfriend, Terry would ride to the like every summer.

    My cousin had the irritating habit of borrowing our car and returning it with nogas.My cousin was ALWAYS borrowing our car and returned it with no gas.

    When the team arrived at the hotel they learnt that their rooms had beencancelled.

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    BY the time the team arrived at the hotel they learnt that their rooms had beencancelled.

    I had been in front of the cinema for two hours when he finally arrived.When he finally arrived, I had been WAITING in front of the cinema for two hours.

    Food in Romania wasn't always as expensive as that.Food in Romania did not USE to be so expensive.

    Last year we intended to spend our New Year's Eve in Vienna but somethingunexpected came up and we had to cancel.We WERE to spend our New Year's Eve in Vienna but something unexpectedcame up and we had to cancel.

    We haven't seen our neighbours so happy for quite some time.It has been quit some time SINCE we last sow our neighbours so happy.

    Terry locked the front door and then left for school.BEFORE going to school, Terry had looked the front door.

    Mary said, "It isn't my fault that he has lost his money gambling.Is not Marry fault THAT he has lost his money gambling.

    He had planned to take his wife out on her birthday.It WAS his plan to take his wife out on her birthday.He WAS going to take his wife out on her birthday.

    They came to Israel in 1990, and five years later the bombing raids started.They had been in Israel FOR five years when the bombing raids started.

    They haven't visited Egypt since 1998.LAST time they visited Egypt was 1998.

    The little girl started feeling sick when she was two years old; ten years later shewas not cured.BY the time the little girl turned ten she had been sick for 10 years.

    In 1990 they were having a new house built.In 1990 their house was UNDER construction.Sheila was playing in the sandpit; a stranger came and threatened her.WHILE Sheila was playing in the sandpit a stranger came and threatened her.

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    IV. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable past tense form.

    And yet it (was) perfectly true that she (had) a dreadful night. Even after Mrs.

    Penniman (left) her she (had) no sleep; she (had been lying) staring at the

    uncomforting gloom, with eyes and ears filled with the movement with which herfather (turned) her out of his room, and of the words in which he (told) her that

    she was a heartless daughter. Her heart (was broken); she (had) heart enough for

    that. At moments it (seemed) to her that she (believed) him and that to do what

    she (did) a girl must indeed be bad.

    V. Rewrite each of the following sentences, so that the meaning staysthe same and using Present Perfect and Past Tense. Do not change thewords in capitals in any way.

    1. The last time I saw a good movie at the cinema was a few years ago.I did not see a good movie at the cinema FOR a few years.

    2. The door bell has just rung.

    The door bell rang just NOW.

    3. Yesterday he was in the swimming pool for two hours.

    He was in the swimming pool FOR two hours yesterday.

    4. She has got accustomed to being driven to school lately.She got USED to being driven to school.

    5. They have never left their children alone at home.

    It was the FIRST time they let their children alone at home.

    6. They arrived from the airport 30 minutes ago.

    It has BEEN 30 minutes since they arrived from the airport.

    7. It is six days since I last heard from my children who are in Brazil.

    I have not heard from my children FOR six days.

    8. This couple got married in the registry office not long ago.

    This couple has RECENTLY got married in the registry office.

    9. My teacher hasn't seen her daughter since her marriage.

    SINCE her daughter married my teacher has not seen her.

    10. They say they will never pay for a package tour again.

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    They said it was the LAST time they paid for a package tour.

    11. This is the first time I have visited Buckingham Palace.

    I have never visited Buckingham Palace BEFORE.

    12. The boy has eaten all the food in his plate.

    The food from the boy's plate HAS been eaten.

    13. They spoke only English from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. yesterday.

    FOR two hours they spoke only English.

    14.1 got beeped just now.

    I JUST got beeped.

    15. Yesterday she was hospitalized as she was ill.

    Yesterday she has BEEN hospitalized because she was ill.

    VI. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that the meaning staysthe same. Pay attention to all means of expressing future time. Do notalter the capitalized words in any way.

    1. They have arranged to meet their son's teachers tomorrow.

    They will be MEETING their son's teacher tomorrow.

    2. John intends to get a scholarship next year.

    John IS going to get a scholarship next year.

    3. When this academic year ends, our principal is already 50.


    4. The family living next door are on the point of leaving on a trip to the


    The family living next door is on the VERGE of leaving on a trip to the mountains.

    5. She is about to get married to the man of her dreams.

    She is TO marry the man of her dreams.

    6. They have made arrangements to sell this flat by the end of the month.

    They ARE selling this flat by the end of the month.

    7. Next week Tom is sure to be driving about Paris to clinch some deals for his


    Tom will BE driving about Paris to clinch some deals for his company.

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    8. The plane is scheduled to take off at noon.

    The plane takes OFF at noon.

    9. My cousin has arranged to leave by the 10:15 train tomorrow morning.

    My cousin IS leaving by the 10:15 train tomorrow morning.

    10. If you look at the clouds in the sky you can tell that rain is close.

    If you look at the clouds in the sky you can tell that it is GOING to rain.

    11. Will the writer finish his novel by Christmas?

    Will the WRITING be over by Christmas?

    12. The coach with Romanian tourists is bound to reach Budapest tomorrow


    The coach with Romanian tourists is DUE to reach Budapest tomorrow evening.

    13. Her intention is to become the manager of her department this year.

    She IS going to become the manager of her department this year.

    14. Next week I will be sent to the construction site to interview people.

    I will BE interviewing people at the construction site next week.

    15. She is having an appointment with her lawyer tonight.

    Tonight, she IS having an appointment with her lawyer.

    VII. Correct any mistakes you find in each of the following sentences.Tick the correct ones.

    1. When I will finish my homework, I will go out and play.

    2. Before she will takes pills she goes to the doctor.

    3. By the time they will have retired they have worked in this office for 25 years.

    4. Look at the dark clouds! It is going to rain!

    5. Next week I'll be looking for this book in all the bookshops in the town, I


    6. It isn't long before till the boy's parents will realize that he is a drug addict.

    7. By the time she has takes the entrance exam, she has studied everything she


    8. Some friends of my brother's spent this weekend with us.

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    9. You will be have to improve your drawing skills if you really want to become a


    10. The students will finish their projects by mid July.

    11. The new academic year is starting on September 15th.

    12. Unless she will not stop lying to people, she will soon feel rejected.

    13. If you will be in her shoes what do will you do?

    14. She will be driving her Mercedes while he will be walking to work this time

    next year.

    15. By the time the train will pull in at this platform all of us will have arrived.

    2 Translation exercises


    1. Plou.

    It is raining.

    2. In Anglia plou des.

    In England it rains often.

    3. Plou de dou ore.It has been/ it is raining for two hours.

    4. A plouat.

    It rained.

    5. A plouat de la 3 la 5.

    It (had) rained from 3 to 5.

    6. Ploua cind am ajuns la Ploiesti.

    It was raining when I arrived in Ploiesti.

    7. Plouase cind am ajuns.

    It (had) rained when I arrived.

    8. Ploua de trei zile cind ne-am intors de la munte.

    It has been raining for 3 days when we returned from the mountains.

    9. Credeam ca a plouat.

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    I thought it had rained.

    10. Credeam ca plou.

    I thought it raines.

    11. Eram sigura ca va ploua.

    I was sure it will rain.

    12. Sora mea mai mare e cu patru ani mai in varsta decit mine.

    My eldest sister is 4 years older than me.

    13. Ai citit ultima carte a lui Coelho?

    Did you read the last book of Coelho?

    14. Ultimul roman al lui Sadoveanu se numea "Cantecul Mioarei".

    Sadoveanu's last novel was called Sheep's song

    15. Nici nu apucasem sa ma dezbrac ca m-au si chemat inapoi la birou.

    16. Nici nu terminase bine de gatit ca a si intrat sotul ei pe usa.

    17. Nici nu apucase sa se culce ca si-a adus aminte ca nu si-a facut lectia la


    18. Mi-a spus ieri ca azi implineste 30 de ani.Yesterday he told me that today he is 30.

    19. Profesorul spunea ca vineri s-au implinit 100 de ani de la moartea scriitorului.

    The teacher said that Friday were 100 years from the death of the writer.

    20. Cand trebuie sa-ti inapoiez cartea?

    When do I have to give back your book.

    21. Cu cat mai curand, cu atat mai bine.

    The sooner the better.

    22. Cine mai vine la ziua ta?

    Who else is coming to your birthday?

    23. Ion si cu fratele lui cel mai mare, care e foarte nostim.

    Ion and with his eldest brother who is very funny.

    24. Cu cit vom fi mai multi, cu atat ne vom distra mai bine.

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    The more, the better fun will have.

    25. Pe masura ce inaintam in padure ni se facea tot mai frica.

    26. Mie imi place foarte mult James Joyce.

    I like very much James Joyce.

    27. Si mie la fel.

    Me too.

    28. La ce distanta de Bucuresti este Lacul Snagov?

    What distance is Lake Snagov from Bucharest?

    29. Sunt vreo 40 de km pana la Snagov.

    There are about 40 km to Snagov.

    30. A venit cumnata ta de la Cluj?

    Did your sister- in -low from Cluj, came?

    31. A venit ieri si a stat la mine intre 3 si 7.

    She came yesterday and stayed t me between 3 and 7.

    32. Petrica e la tine?

    Is Petrica at you?

    33. Da, e (aici) la mine de la ora doua.

    Yes, she is here since 2 o`clock.34. Nu, a venit la mine pe la doua, dar a plecat in citeva minute.

    No, she came to me around 2 but she left after a few minutes.

    35. A spus ca se va ntoarce cel mai tarziu pana la ora 7.

    36. Si-a scos palaria din cap si si-a pus-o pe masa.

    He took his hat and he put it on the table.

    37. Paltonul de pe pat e al tau?

    The coat on the bed is yours?

    38. Ia-l de aici si du-l dincolo.

    Take it from here and get it over.

    39. la florile de pe masa.

    Take the flowers from the table.

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    40. Si-a scos cheia din buzunar si a bagat-o in broasca.

    He drew the key from his pocket and put it in the lock.

    41. Stinge lumina in dormitor.

    42. Azi dimineaa erau 4 grade sub zero.

    43. Pe la zece erau 2 deasupra lui zero.

    44. Sunt zece km de la ferma lui pana la gara cea mai apropiata.

    45. Cate minute mai avem/au mai ramas pana la statia urmatoare?

    46. Sedinta a inceput la 12 noiembrie 1980, ora 11 fara un sfert dimineata.

    47. Eram foarte grabit in dimineata aceea.

    48. Universitatea din lasi e mai veche decat cea din Cluj.

    49. Sa fi stiut cine suna la usa, nu deschideam.

    50. Daca nu ma gaseste acasa, va reveni pe la 9.

    51. Mi-a spus ca daca va citi cartea pana luni mi-o va inapoia chiar in ziua aceea.

    52. Sa fi stiut/ Daca stiam ca nu vine cu trenul acela, nu-l asteptam ieri degeaba

    trei ore la gara.

    53. Nu e film in oras pe care sa nu-l fi vazut.

    54. Nu-mi aduc aminte daca ne-am cunoscut.

    55. Indiferent ce (va) spune el, eu tot plec la munte.

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    56. Daca n-as fi uitat cum il cheama, m-as fi adresat lui.

    57. M-a intrebat daca stiu cand s-a nascut Obama.

    58. Isi aduce cineva aminte cand a murit Jerome K. Jerome?

    59. Desi pare atat de tanar, trebuie sa stii ca a implinit ieri 90 de ani.

    60. Vorbea de parca ar fi fost englez.