Tema 8-Caiet de Exercitii2

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  • 8/10/2019 Tema 8-Caiet de Exercitii2


    Tema 8- Caiet de exercitii.

    1.Explain in English:

    -owner the one that owns something, a company, an enterprise (proprietar,


    -trademark something that is registered by a company or institution and you

    can not use that name, sign or anything else that belongs to them ( marca


    -grant finantare

    -profitable an action, business, product, that brings benefits, profits profitabil

    -raw material

    -moderate moderat

    -partially finished productsproduse terminate partial

    -non-profit organization organizatii non profit

    2.Give nouns derived(dati substantive derivate):

    a)from the following verbs:

    -to organize organization

    -to acquire acquirement

    -to convert conversion

    -to sell sailing-to promotepromotions

    -to apply

    -to expect expectations

    -to endow

    -to earn earning

    -to establish establishment

    -to require requirement

    b)from the following adjectives:

    -valuable value

    -useful usefullness


    -ecological ecology


    -marketable market

  • 8/10/2019 Tema 8-Caiet de Exercitii2



    -different diffeerency

    -autonomous autonomy

    3Fill in the blanks, expressing a purpose ( completati spatiile libere, astfel

    incat sa exprimati scopul):


    !he secretary put the mail on the tableso thatthe manager wouldread it

    !he secretary put the mail on the table in order to be readby the manager

    !hey take certain steps in order" to provide high quality goods

    !he employ skilled staff in orderto comply with the customer#s


    !hey have improved the performances of their equipment"in order to raiselabour productivity

    !hey organized post- sale services"in order to satisfy the customers

    4 Sa it in English:

    -unitate economica

    -extras bancar

    -!oate tranzactiile sunt gratuite

    -$uteti retrage pana la %&'' de euro pe saptamana

    -cont curent

    -datorie neplatita

    -e capabil sa piarda toti banii

    -a investit in actiuni

    -intreprindere mica individuala

    -retragere de bani

    -intreprindere pe baza de parteneriat

    -produse de serie mare de serie mica

    -intreprindere pe actiuni

    - intreprindere cu raspundere limitata

    5Make nouns from the verbs below using suffixes : !ness, !ing, !ment,


    -to meet meeting

    -to manage management

    -to pursuepursueness

  • 8/10/2019 Tema 8-Caiet de Exercitii2


    -to achieve achievment

    -to rate rating

    -to follow following

    -to effect effect

    -to guide guiding

    -to udgeudgement

    -to planplanning

    -to arrange arrangement

    -to understand understanding

    -to require requirement

    -to improve improvement

    -to exceed exceeding

    -to crave (for) craving

    -to resent resenting

    6."ranslate the following expressions used in negociations # traduceti

    urmatoarele expresii folosite in negocieri$:

    *greeing disagreeing +n romana:

    -hy not .es, of course"

    -+t#s out of the question"

    -.es, that#s fine, it does fit with our


    - /ertainly absolutely"-+#m afraid we cannot accept"

    -0e ce nu 1a, bineinteles

    -2u are legatura cu intrebarea

    -0a, e in ordine, se potriveste cu

    planurile noastre

    -/u sigurantaabsolut-+mi e teama ca nu putem accepta

    /hecking comprehension +n romana:

    -+f + follow you correctly

    -*re you saying that"

    -1orry, do you mean that"

    -+f +#m not mistaken"

    -/orrect me if +#m wrong, but +

    understood that "

    0aca te-am inteles bine

    3rei sa spui ca

    +mi pare rau, te referi la faptul ca

    0aca nu ma insel

    /orecteaza-ma daca gresesc, dar ai

    inteles ca

    !urn taking +nterrupting +n romana:

    -+#d like to suggest"

    -4ow about"

    *s vrea sa sugerez

    0ar daca

  • 8/10/2019 Tema 8-Caiet de Exercitii2


    -5ay + interrupt you"

    -+f + may add"

    -$erhaps, we could"

    -6et#s not forget that"

    $ot sa te intrerup

    0aca pot sa adaug

    $oate am putea

    1a nu uitam ca

    /ompromising +n romana:

    -+f you" then + could"

    -6et#s leave it this way for now

    -e might be able to make an


    -+#m willing to work with that

    -ell, considering the situation, +

    think we could accept"

    0aca tu"atunci as putea

    1a o lasam asa pentru moment

    $oate putem sa facem o exceptie

    *m de gand sa lucrez cu

    7i bine, tinand cont de situatie, cred

    ca am putea accepta

    /losing the deal: +n romana:-+ think we should get this in writing

    -+t sounds like we#ve found some

    common ground

    -+ think we both agree to these terms

    -ould you be willing to sign a

    contract right now

    /red ca ar trebui sa punem pe hartie asta

    1e pare ca am gasit un punct comun

    /red ca amandoi suntem de acord cu aceste


    3reti sa semnati un contract chiar acum

    7.%dentif the functions for the following sentences:

    1tatement: 8unction:

    -*bsolutelye can offer 910

    &',''' in our company shares and

    910 ',''' in local government

    bonds as part security for the loan"

    -1orry to interrupt you"

    -/orrect me if +#m wrong, but +

    understood from your written request

    you need only 910 ;',''' for this


  • 8/10/2019 Tema 8-Caiet de Exercitii2


    -e prefere to observe the initial

    conditions, but, considering the

    situation, we might be able to make

    an exception

    -2ow, please give us a couple of

    days to make sure that the business

    has been doing as well as you said

    and we will consider the matter of

    your loane#ll get back to you as

    soon as possible

    8.&re the following statements "rue or False'

    % 0uring negotiations, one should treat an opponent with respect and

    consideration at all times



    ; +n s own

  • 8/10/2019 Tema 8-Caiet de Exercitii2


    @ne key to effective conflict-resolution is to deal with issues rather than




    A +t may be possible to detect that a counterpart is lying by observing body




    B @ne should never admit to agreeing with an opponent during the course of




    9 rite a letter to a firm enquiring the price of a certain product in which

    your own firm is interested, and the conditions of sale and delivery (about

    B' words)