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  • Living Awakening

    Arjuna Ardagh

    Arjuna Ardagh is an awakening coach, writer and public speaker. He has trained more than 1100 people

    to become facilitators of awakening. He is the author of seven books, including the 2005 #1 national

    bestseller The Translucent Revolution, featured in O magazine. His new book, Better than Sex, is the complete introduction to Awakening Coaching. He has been a speaker at conferences all over the

    world, and has appeared on TV, radio and in print media in twelve countries. He is a member of the

    Transformational Leadership Council. He lives with his wife, Chameli Ardagh, and their two teenage

    sons in California. Find out more about Arjuna Ardagh at


    Good afternoon Dan. I just went to the iphone store about half an hour ago and bought my new phone

    and so this is the first call I'm making with it.


    Great. How are you today Arjuna?


    Doing very well how are you Dan?


    Good. Just lots of reverberation of this energy that we all set up for ourselves yesterday on 12-12-12.

    we had a lot of people did clearings yesterday so it's really been strong and bewildering at times, yet

    exciting, fun and awesome at the same time. One of the things that I really love about you and the

    work that you do that really drew me to you was first of all your energy and the other thing is that you

    have been a very strong student and teacher around this living in awakening. That says a lot to me that

    you really at least equally a student as a teacher and you are constantly living in that place and on that

    path and the fact that you put so much into it. You have put so many years and investment and you

    have done all these interviews with spiritual leaders. That is really awesome and amazing and that you

    have put things together for people, and we will talk about that later, that people can enjoy all those

    things. I just want to recognize all the work you have been doing.


    Thank you.


    With this I would like to have you share in your own words a little bit more about what this is all about.

    We hear this words a lot, be awakened, and these types of things. What does that really mean though?


    Okay. Awakening in the way that I use this work, is a very very simple think. You can make it

    complicated if you want to say to be more esoteric or be more complex, but the essence of awakening

    is incredibly simple. It means simply this. That all day long your and I and everybody on this call is

    experiencing phenomenon, which means we are feeling sounds, we are seeing object which have

    texture, color, shape, size and movement. We are feeling sensations in the body. All day long we are

    experiencing and the experience itself is actually, where we are aware of it or not, is always happening

    outside of time. In order to have time you need to stop thinking. Outside of time there is just now. In

    addition human beings have something else going on. And as far as we know its peculiar to human

  • beings. We don't' really know if animals have this same thing going on as well and that is called

    thinking where in addition to hearing sounds and feeling sensations in the body, in addition to that we

    are also having thoughts. Evaluations, judgments, fears, comparisons, desires, ambitions, you name it.

    There is an endless barrage of thinking going on. And consequently because of this barrage of endless

    smoke of mental activity we get completely hypnotized. We get cut off from the immediateness of this

    moment, the sounds, the colors, what is actually happening in this moment, but also we get cut off from

    ourselves. We don't know exactly who we are, so we use the world I or me and we don't know exactly

    what it means. Awakening is a very very simple thing. Awakening can happen any moment.

    Awakening can happened in any just split second moment. Awakening mean so recognize that which is

    actually experiencing its moment. So recognize that which we call me or I. We look for me or I and

    we look for what we thought it was, and it can't really be found. There really isn't an entity that can

    answer to the word me, instead what we find when we explore what is experiencing it's one, we

    discover limitless peer consciousness. Limitless boundary-less consciousness which is not separate,

    which has no problem, which has not history, which has nothing that needs to be repaired. Now most

    people have this kind of recognize of being consciousness in just a split second. Most people it comes

    in just a split second and then it's gone again. Living awakening is that we actually being to make that

    the center of our lives, so that everything, our relationships, our work, our money, our health,

    everything begins to reorient itself around recognizing who you really are. Recognizing your true



    That is great. What came up for me when I was listening in was there is that part of the mind that part

    of me was dropping in a deeper presence, because you are talking about getting that thing going on like

    connecting deeper. And then there is also the mind is jumping in and asking questions about what you

    are saying and all these questions going on as you are describing. So my mind is thinking, well

    someone could easily feel that they are living in an awakened state. A lot of people say, I'm awakened,

    but there a lot of things going on in their life that if it were brought to their attention they are not in that

    presence state that you are talking about. This is something that hit me. I was wondering if you had

    anything to say about that?


    Yes. First of all the word I and the word awakening don't really belong together in the same sentence.

    If somebody is saying I am in an awakened state, first of all what is a state? An awakened state is a

    state of something, it's a state of I. What is I? You have to go look for this thing called I. What

    happens in this moment if you go and actually seek out this entity this thing called I, which is separate

    from other I's, what is actually found. What reveals itself when you go look for the I?


    I can't even find it when you put it that way.


    Exactly. There really isn't an I. In awakening there is a recognition of no I. Awakening means the

    recognition that there really isn't a separate entity called I. There is consciousness which is free and it

    is experiencing through a body. There is a body and there is this limitless consciousness but there

    really isn't a separate entity involved in the whole thing. There is an appearance of that for sure, so we

    can enjoy that appearance and you and I can enjoy a conversation while we are playing Monopoly, we

    can enjoy it and have fun and that's the way we enjoy life. But when we really examine it for real we

    discover there really isn't a thing called I. So saying I am in an awakened state is really a confusing

    statement. Because the moment of awakening means the recognition but there really isn't a separate

  • entity binding the whole things together, there is just freedom.


    Great. I feel like people are just getting the drift of what you are saying. I know for myself in my life

    there is all this stuff going on and the mind is engaged into things so how can we live more in that place

    of just allowing ourselves to be in that awakened state?


    Okay. First of all if you don't mind just so I can answer our question accurately I think we want to just

    question what we mean by awakened state. Because I wouldn't really use that language. Because

    awakened state suggests a modification of I. So I can be happy, I can be sad, I can be in a state of great

    excitement, I can be in a state of sexual desire, I can be in a state of depression, now I can be in an

    awakened state. It's not really quite accurate to speak about awakened state. There is awakening but

    it's not really happening to and I. It's only the appearance of an I. So talking about it as a state if not

    very useful. So the question is how can life be lived more from awakening? Well that is really the

    whole game and awakening can really happen in any moment. In fact it does happen frequently, we

    just don't necessarily realize it, but a good example would be sex. When you are having sex and you

    really get lost in the sex and you have an orgasm there is a moment when you are not there anymore.

    There is no individual left, there is just the energy, there is just the intimacy, there is just the whole

    thing happening. You actually disappear for a moment that's why people love to have sex, it's not just

    to have babies, most sex that people have is not to make babies, it's just that it puts them in a

    heightened state that you disappear as a separate contraction and there is just this spacious left. So

    there are lots and lots of things you do all day long that get you out of yourself. Why do people have

    extreme thoughts, why do people go skiing really fast, or bunging jumping, or jumping out of airplanes,

    or lots of things we do they provide you with enough immediate sensory overload that you disappear as

    a thinking machine and there is just the moment and you are out of time, you are out of the thinking.

    That also happens, and maybe we don't notice it, every day when you wake up in the morning as well

    as when you go to sleep at night. There is a little gap between thinking and dreamless sleep. For most

    human beings we are so much distracted by the just barrage of thought that we haven't noticed the gap.

    But the gap is there. If the gap was not there you would go crazy. You have to somehow come back to

    spacious consciousness to avoid going completely nuts. They have done tests. There are several sleep

    cycles that happen during the night. One is dreaming, it appears to be but you don't know for sure, but

    dreaming is associated with clearing the psychic overload. But there is also the period of deep sleep

    where there is no activity, there is nothing happening at all, it's just blank. And if you don't have that, is

    people are deprived of that dreamless sleep they go crazy. Your brain needs to have periods of a break

    from all of this. But most human beings only get that in deep sleep. Once you recognize your true

    nature, who you truly are, it's more like and ocean than a wave. Who you are is limitless. And by the

    way, this used to be a big deal 20 years ago for people to have this kind of awakening. Today

    everybody is having it. Im sure most of the people on the call have had moment of what we are talking about. When I travel to teach awakening coaching, pretty much everybody in the room now knows

    what we mean by moments of spaciousness. The question everybody has these days is not how can I

    pace the wakening? The question is how can this awakening be lived in every aspect of life? How is it

    possible to remain engaged in life to be a parent, or to be completely involved, and at the same time to

    not lose connection with my true nature as limitless consciousness? This today is the challenge. This

    is a playful challenge, but this is where we are engaged for us. It's how can these moments of

    awakening be lived in the same way.


    Yes. I'm glad you shared all that. That helps set up the question I had asked. I think all that was

  • needed to answer the question. It can be so easy. There is meditation. How do we center ourselves?

    Well meditation can be another place where we get that sense of spaciousness. But then we come out

    of meditation and you've got your kids running in and they are screaming and crying and let's say and

    instantly something inside of you is triggered. And you say, oh my gosh, am I going to get to work.

    And it's instantly something like that just happens, and it's not feeling spaciousness. How can we learn

    how to allow ourselves to be in that spaciousness?


    Right. Okay. Well again just to be linguistically completely accurate. It's not that we are learning to be

    in the spaciousness; it's that we disappear and the spaciousness is recognized to be who we are. There

    isn't an entity that is going to get used to the spaciousness, there is just the spaciousness. But the

    question is how can that be live? I understand. In awakening coaching we developed a whole kind of

    methodology to live life form this expansive consciousness. Before we go right to the details of it, I

    would just like to briefly reference the nature of the methodology and why we have a methodology in

    the way we do. Because historically, I'm sure you are aware we are passing through a space and time

    transition, as a human race. There are big changes happening in collective energy. There are lots of

    ways to describe these changes. One way is to do with how we go about this kind of inquiry, this kind

    of evolution. It used to be, until about 20 years ago, we pretty much everybody who was interested

    about what we were talking about, would go to a teacher. This would be pretty much always a

    hierarchical relationship. There was an assumption that this teacher is enlightened, which is by the way

    a word we can really question what it even means, but this teach is enlightened and I am not. There is

    something wrong with me and this sets up a gestalt, and they get caught up in this gestalt their whole

    life. It establishes the identity of the seeker and then it projects the entity of enlightenment. Often

    people get stuck in that. It can be more difficult to have real awakenings from that gestalt than it would

    be like walking around the street being an ordinary you in life. Historically we have been caught in

    projecting a state of enlightenment, which is a projected state, which we think is different from our own

    state and then working towards that. And very often the teacher was a man, not so much today, but

    historically teacher in the hierarchical relationship were predominantly men and very often were

    oriental even in our own recent experience we have projected this on to oriental older men. What's

    happening today is the possibility to explore this in a completely different way. Which means without

    hierarchy, without the predominance of masculine energy, and in a way that dozens refer to cultures

    which emphasize annunciation. So the oriental culture have emphasized renounced to the world giving

    up sexuality, giving up money, giving up your relationship with your parents, etc., etc. So what we are

    doing with awakening coaches is exploring the possibility that this kind of integration or evolution can

    happen outside of hierarchy, that can happen within the normal conditions of our culture without

    renunciation and without the domination of masculinity. It's a coaching method and coaching is a very

    respectful kind of relationship. A coach is not telling you that you have to do it my way; a coach is by

    your side respecting your own evolutionary process. It's a coaching method that we do, it's a style of

    coaching, but instead of being a style of coaching which focused on goals, it's a style of coaching

    which focuses on getting out of your own way so that limitless consciousness can come forward instead

    of the appearance of who we thought we were.

    As far as how the method works. What I'm going to describe to you is not just relevant to our method,

    but relevant to the basic principles of how awakening can be lived. So the first thing is to have a

    genuine taste of your true nature as limitless consciousness. And a taste is very powerful, we don't

    want to under estimate taste and that's where the taste we refer to could perhaps have some meaning,

    because it is a temporary state of brain wave activity which allows the possibility of recognizing who

    you are, having no boundaries, no history, to not be an encapsulated story at all but to be limitless. To

    be limitless in time, and in space. Most people have these tastes anyway but they are not conscious, so

  • the point of coaching is to bring this taste to conscious awareness which can happen in a few minutes.

    You can bring someone into direct recognition of their true nature.

    The second step that we use we call radical releasing. It really works around the recognition. We

    investigated very deeply over the last 21 years. What is it actually that causes the appearance of using

    spaciousness. Once you recognize who you are in spaciousness it becomes kind of ridiculous that you

    could lose it. Because it means you are losing yourself. It's like the sky is losing the sky. It's not really

    possible because in the recognition and awakening moment, the recognition is a being of spaciousness,

    how could you lose what you recognized yourself to be. It's not possible. We looked into that and

    realized that nothing really gets lost, it's only an appearance. What is actually happening we

    discovered, and it's not thoughts. Thoughts are not a barrier to spaciousness. It's not emotion. As we

    looked into it, what is it that actually causes the appearance of losing yourself. And then what we came

    to discover that is one very simple principle which causes the appearance of losing yourself, it is

    actually resistance. It's the meeting of an experience which is real with the notion of an idea or belief

    that it should not be like that. For example, a feeling comes which is more like a vibration, that I'm not

    good enough. And it is immediately met with a reflex of I don't want to feel that. I don't like to feel

    that I'm good enough. So I'm not good enough is a fleeting feeling that is meant with resistance. So

    the two lock together into a ridge that becomes solid. The meeting of the two becomes a solid entity

    and that's the beginning of an individual becoming a thing instead of a way. So all day long there are

    these vibrations coming, arising and being met with no. Anger comes; no I don't want to feel that.

    Sexuality comes; no I don't want to feel that. I don't have enough money; no I don't want to feel that.

    All day long there is resistance, resistance, resistance. So we have developed a method called radical

    releasing which does not change the content of your experience and probably we have to repeat that, I

    don't know, thousands and thousands of time in order to get clear. But we are not going to change the

    content of experience. That is what so much self help, new age work is done, is trying to change

    negative thoughts into positive thoughts. To change so called negative belief into positive beliefs. That

    will only deepen the transforming of a separate person, trying to improve yourself. What we are doing

    with this work is not trying to change the content of a specific experience in any way, just to relax the

    resistance. So that when I'm not good enough arise, instead of flinching again, it is able to pass through

    another way. And in any moment when nothing is being resisted, in that moment there is freedom. In

    that moment there is an absolute relaxed returning to being presence. But the habit of resistance goes

    very deep and you can see that all the time. There are all kinds of experiences people have that they

    would rather die than experience that frequency. It is really true. There are lots of frequencies you

    would physical prefer to die than face that frequency. For example, in 1987 there was a big crash on

    the stock market and there were stories afterward of stock brokers working on Wall Street whose net

    worth, because of the heavy leverage, went from 12 million to $300,000 over night because they were

    so leveraged. They go to negative they just 12 million to $300,000. I actually read one story where

    this one particular guy whose worth had gone down so much he at one point had been broke, as a

    student he had no money at all. He still had $300,000 but he didn't have 12 million. He jumped out a

    12 story window at his brokerage firm because he had gone from 12 million to $300,000. You see

    literally he would rather die, he would rather commit suicide than experience a frequency of I don't

    have enough. And for him $300,000 was not enough. I can give you endless stories about people who

    have contracted terminal diseases, or committed suicide or just shut down because they did not want to

    experience a particular frequency. Abandonment. Many people would rather dies than experience

    abandonment. They would rather die than experience something else. So the flinching against

    frequencies is an incredibly deep instinctive habit and that instinctive habit needs to be slowly reversed.

    We learn to relax in to allowing frequencies to move through and the more that happens, the more we

    live in this open expansive consciousness where everything works. When you meet relationship from

    expansive consciousness, relationships is always sweet. When your parenting relaxed expansive

  • consciousness, the parents just flows. My son is actually in the next room right now and I just had a

    sweet morning with him. It's sweet when there is not father and no soon when there is a meeting of

    who knows what. Money comes easily. But it's not the kind of get rich quick abundance manifestation

    new age consciousness, that is not what we are talking about. Money ceases to be a problem. Money

    just evaporates as an issues and when needed it's there. It doesn't mean you are massively into millions

    of dollars in affiliate market, blah blah thing. It means simply money just becomes meaningless in this

    relaxed expansive consciousness. And the gift that you were born to give into this world, the gift that

    this body was meant to give naturally flows. There are just a couple of more steps I will mention.

    Relax and resistance is really an important part of the awakening coaching process. But that actually

    brings you back to spaciousness. The next step is to recognize that as human beings we are heavily

    conditioned creatures of habit, so we operate in deeply habitual ways. Also in awakening coaching we

    work with empowerment practice. Empowerment practice means once you have relaxed resistance,

    that now it's possible for this human body to do things it could not do before, to say things it could not

    say before. A good example would be, let's imagine that someone walks in off the street and is

    interested in exploring this and they have a deep resistance to nobody loves me. So if somebody has a

    deep grade resistance that nobody loves them, what are things they are not going to do? They are

    probably going to stay home, watch TV, they are not going to phone people because they don't want to

    get rejected. The first thing we would do with a coaching client like that, and remember we are talking

    about coaching clients instead of disciples or students, is skillfully guide that person back to

    recognizing them selves to be limitless consciousness. And of course in the recognition of being

    limitless consciousness there is no me to be loved or not loved. That just disappears as reference. It

    doesn't matter anymore. The statement, nobody loves me, just loses meaning because there is no me

    there is no them. There is just this oneness. But it is very very very unstable. It's like a chemical

    compound that just can't exist in normal conditions. The recognition is very unstable because of the

    resistance. But now that we have that opening we can work with radical releasing. We can take the

    resistance of nobody loves me and that can be done in a few minutes. I would say that 100% of the

    times it's permanent, but 80% of the time when you do this process the resistance doesn't come back in

    the same way. So now this person who came for coaching has a taste for becoming limitless and the

    resistance of nobody loves me is gone and now the feeling of nobody loves me and the feeling of

    everybody loves me are pretty much the same. There is not a whole lot of difference energetically

    between nobody loves me and everybody loves me. They are like different flavors of ice cream. So

    now the question comes, okay, if that freedom is really if we have done that for real, if that frequency

    has really opened up for real, what can you do now that you couldn't do before. What are the things

    you can say now, what are the actions you do now that you couldn't take before? Well the obvious

    answer is, you can call people up on the phone and say, let's go for coffee or the movies, and you are no

    longer terrified of being rejected. So let's try it out. This is an empowerment practice where the coach

    would not give to the client, a practice to do 5 minutes a day and in the case it might be make a phone

    call everyday and see what happens. We usually give practices for not very long, just a couple of

    weeks. And slowly through this combination of radical releasing and radical empowerment and

    practices, the whole life begins to reorganize itself around living and spaciousness. This is not like a

    quick fix, it's no California new age gratification, but it does bring very very powerful shifts in your

    experience of yourself and your life within weeks. So the effect is immediate and powerful, but you

    also get a feeling for just how deep the basic separation is so you might spend the rest of your life

    exploring all of the way that the resistance can be relaxed but you just get started on a few resistances

    and start living into areas of your life that have been locked down, and you become a different person

    within weeks.


    I know one of the things I've seen on you web site is honest marketing. I love the way you are just

  • sharing the truth. This sharing of what it really is that you are experiencing your life completely

    changing and yet it still goes so much deeper and that this is a slow ongoing commitment. I was

    talking about that with my wife today and I talk about there is a commitment or decision that is made to

    make any kind of a shift in our life and once we make that we have to keep making that commitment to

    ourselves because we could at any moment, even people who are in this place of being in the moment

    of vastness we can decide back into the old stuff. We have to have this ongoing commitment and it's so

    great that you really bring that to people. It's not the sexy thought, but the thing is we need to

    understand that is what you really want. You are an eternal being and the way you want to experience

    your life is from that place rather than a microwave second, how fast can this happen, how amazing can

    it be right in this second, it's got to happen faster, there is not enough time, there is not enough money,

    there is not enough this, and all the stuff we are talking about would butt up against that. I just love

    everything are saying. This is very helpful for me personally too. To just soak in this truth. Thank



    I would like to pick up on something that you said that was very interesting about commitment. One

    distinction that we make in awakening coaching that we find pretty interesting is that the distinction

    between desire and longing. Desire would be for things that you mind knows. Things are experiences,

    I want car, I want more money, I want more sex, better sex, I want, I want, I want. Desire is the

    mechanism that the mind the thinking process has to try to get what it thinks is going to give it peace.

    But pretty much, I would say that is more or less, 100% a contract. So for example you think if I just

    get more money I will be at peace. But look at people who have a lot of money, do they look very

    peaceful to you. I know lots of people who are multi millionaires and if they have peace it's not the

    money that gave them peace it was something else that gave them peace. Or if I just start that

    relationship, but does it really look like to you that people who are married are generally more blissful

    more a sense of themselves? Most of these desires that the mind comes up with are a kind of contract.

    It's fine to have things, I just got my I phone 5 this morning, but if we suffer from the illusion of having

    more things or more experiences is somehow going to put an end to the tormented desire it's not true.

    There is some else you see. There is something else that you and I share and probably most of the

    people on this call as well. And it's not exactly desire. It's something else, it's the something now that

    the mind cannot define. It's is something like longing, it's rather that you get homesick and you can't

    remember where home is. You love your lover but you have amnesia as to who your lover is. You

    could really feel missing home or missing a beloved and not remember who it is or where it is. This is

    more like longing. This is the longing for home. This is what we work with in the awakening

    coaching. It's this longing for integrity, longing for peace, longing for the gift to be given, longing for

    the love. And it's important to recognize that very often the desire and the longing maybe be opposed

    to each other. So the desire is often like an addiction. I want more, I want more, I want more. The

    longing may often be going in the other direction. So it's important to recognize these two and to

    recognize that the gifts you were born to give in the world the gifts that will bring you fulfillment is

    much more connected with you longing than your desire. You actually get a little sober around your

    desire in order to take over and in order for the gift to be given. To share a little experience I had last

    night is that I'm a member of a mens group in Merin County California. Most of the people in this particular mens group are crazy successful. They are very wealthy. We take turns in leading the mens group, we don't have a leader we take turns leading each month. One time it was my turn to lead. I

    was sitting there surrounded by New York Times bestselling authors, surrounded by extremely

    successful people. We went down the circle and I said I would like to hear from you what is the thing

    that you are most proud of in your life, your greatest accomplishment? We went around the room and

    here was Alex Mendoza, who is one of the most prominent authorities in infinite marketing, very very

    successful. He talked about his relationship with his father. People were talking about their

  • relationships with their children, their wife. And there is John Gray who is the Genis Book of World

    Records for selling the most books sold in self help, such as Men are from Mars Women are from

    Venus. When I asked John what are you most proud of in your life, he doesn't talk about his books or

    his best sellers. He talks about his relationship with his wife and the way that he has been there for his

    daughters. You realize then there is often a big gap between what we think we should be wanting

    which is desire and which actually brings us fulfillment. Truly happy people are usually people who

    have seen through the duplicity of desire. Who have seen that desire is something of a contract. And

    you realize there is something much deeper than that, there is longing. One of the people also in my

    mens group is Dave Ellis, many people know him, because Dave was responsible for that book, The

    Master Student, which I think just about every college student got when the first day they went to

    college. He published that book, self publishing, not through a publisher, and the thing about

    publishing the book through self publishing is means every cent goes to the author. There is no royalty

    involved. So you can't imagine how many tens of millions of dollars Dave made by writing and

    publishing that book himself. Dave decided many years ago that I'm going to work doing what I love

    and doing what I love to help people without charging any money. What Dave has been doing for 20

    years now, he has been coaching the C.O.s of the biggest organizations in the world, Feed the Children,

    and non profit, without taking any money for it. He coached Mohammed Unix who won the Noble

    Peace Prize. So that's the example of people living their longing. His longing is make a difference to

    really be an inspiration. His longing is to alleviate suffering to make the greatest impact he can on the

    the people the 10% o the people who are poorest in the world. He is living his longing and he isn't

    taking any money for it at all, he doesn't have to. There is an example of somebody who is packed into

    longing deeper than desire. He is giving his gift in the most magnificent way so that one day when he

    dies he can bring his can bring his love back and say yes, I lived the life I wanted to live, I gave love, I

    gave my contribution, I did everything I could and there is not a drop left, and all my gifts have been

    given. That is what I wish for everybody on this call. That we can get beyond thinking how can I get

    more for me and relax and live a life in meaning. Purpose, contribution, generosity and awakening.


    Absolutely. One of the things along those lines I want to address we are talking with healers. Like

    there is collective energy that this idea of being selfless and giving of self and not receiving. So I want

    to make sure to make that we make this very clear for everyone. I wouldn't say it's about living in

    poverty, it's about no money, and its meaningless. I would just love if you would clarify that for everyone.


    Poverty and Greed are the same things. There is not enough money and limitless abundance. These

    are the same frequency. They just are two expressions of the same frequency. Freedom means that your

    life is not longer about that, it's about giving your gift. And then money flows easily. All of the people

    who I interview for the Living Awakening study course, they make plenty of money but their life is not

    about money. They don't think much about money. John Gray is a good example, is coming out with a

    new book in April. It's about gender difference in the work place. John is really committed to people

    understanding the difference between men and women, that's obviously going to be a big part of his life

    mission. I know that he will offer that gift whenever he is given that chance, whenever he is invited to

    help people understand that men and women are different because he cares. He is making millions of

    dollars on the new book and the promotion for the new book. It is clear he is not doing it for the money

    he is not pushing the money away, money is useful, money is currency that allows you to navigate

    through the world and make a difference. So when it's the difference between I need more money for

    me, that is greed and greed is simply the byproduct of living in fear of not having enough. When we

    fear there is not going to be enough for me that turns into greed, I want more for me. But when the fear

  • dissolves and you live in flow the fear and the greed will dissolve together. When there's greed there

    must be fear when there's fear there must be greed. The same way if you live in fear of being

    dominated, someone is going to dominate me, what happens you are going to go to the gym and build

    up your muscles big and become a big aggressive guy, because you are so afraid of being dominated

    that your life becomes about dominating other people. When the fear of being dominated dissolves the

    need to dominate also dissolves. Now we could fess up that polarity I just described, for almost

    everything in life. When the fear of being ugly dissolves then we need to make yourself beautiful and

    seductive dissolve. We could go on and on and on and on. When the fear of being lonely dissolves the

    need to make yourself the most popular person also dissolves. When all of these polarities dissolve we

    live in freedom. And when you live in freedom it doesn't mean that nothing happens anymore it means

    the gifts are given. It means that life shifts from me and my obsessive gender of getting more for me

    and alleviating my fears, and instead of that whole story going on, it means that life flows. And

    generally speaking when someone gifts their gift money flows back to them just naturally, how could it

    not. If you are giving the gift you were born to give, of course money is going to come back to you.

    Why would it not. If it's not coming back to you, it means there is some unconscious resistance within

    the psyche not having enough. If you resolve the resistance you recognize that life is a game of flow,

    life is a constant incredibly abundant and generous, you just have to relax all the tension and everything

    happens very beautifully and you can live a life of magnificence. You don't have to live a life of

    personal contraction. You can live a life that's great. You are doing what you love and giving what you

    give and having humor and loving people and you can have a lovely life. It doesn't have to be about

    me orchestrating more for me. It's just not necessary. Life will give you so much more than you can

    possibly orchestrate through trying to manifest it on your own.


    Absolutely. Thank you. That was awesome. I wanted to make sure we made that clear for the

    audience and even for myself in what you were saying, and making sure I'm clear on what you are

    saying. Is there any chance for you to give us an experience of that radical release?


    I think we are at the top of the hour. I don't want to rush it. But if people are interested in radical

    releasing or radical awakening, it will be on the website, and I believe

    there are examples of those things and you can sign up for the free mini course and it guides you

    through those things and that would be a great way to experience that.


    I feel very nourished and this has been perfect. Thank you.


    One thing I did want people to know is that we have this living awakening as you can see. There is a

    big distinction between have a state of awakening and living the awakening, Your entire life is a free

    limitless dance of this awakening consciousness. We do have a course called Living Awakening, you

    can go to at I have interviewed a lot of people who are not famous as spiritual

    teachers, they are well known as people who have given their gifts so I think this course is not about

    their teaching or their accomplishments but how living awakening was the foundation for their give to

    be given and this course Living Awakening it actually guides you through all the steps of how to live

    this in your day to day life and it includes the kind of practices that bring awakening into parenting,

    into work, money, sexuality and relationships. It is a very comprehensive course. You can take it over

    30, 60 or 90 days and it's a comprehensive course in learning from people who are living this way. You

    are living this way in a kind of 200% life, 100% of awakening and 100% of giving the gift. This is

  • whole new kind of evolution that allows you to skip around the word enlightenment because it smacks

    so much of this kind of annuncitory life, so we talk a lot about being translucent. Translucent means

    completely in the world but now light is emitting from you. So living awakening is the place for

    people to go and learn more. I guide the course myself and teach all of the practices but it is backed up

    by a faculty of people who are living this way in their day to day life.


    Is there anything else you would like to share?


    Well people talk about the time, and we are getting close to December 21 and this is a significant date.

    People often wonder what is going to happen and I would suggest that what we are talking about here

    in this call is really what this time is all about. I personally don't think a whole lot is going to happen

    that is visible from the outside. I don't know, but I'm no anticipating that California is going to fall into

    the sea or that aliens are going to land. What I can tell you from personal experience, I just got back

    from a tour from Europe where I did 10 cities in 3 weeks, and this access to this kind of expansion

    awakening consciousness is just becoming epidemic. It is so wide spread now that people can easily

    access this dimension of themselves which is free which is limitless, which is unbounded. This is

    actually occurring on 2012, it's not just an outward dramatic space ships landing. What is actually

    happening is the portals are opening and humanity has this invitation to wake up. Check it out. It's so

    easy now to access the dimension of yourself with no problem, with no suffering, with no history, there

    is nothing to be healed, nothing to be cleared, and nothing to be solved where you are already called,

    you are one with God, and you are God. That portal is wide open. All that is required is a little bit of

    curiosity and you can discover yourself to be freedom yourself and how to live day to day life there. In

    my opinion that is what 2012 is all about, it's not an external change but an internal shift in freedom.


    That's a great sharing because there is this idea of what's the world going to look like, what's going to

    happen, what's the outer stuff that's going to change. I think there is an energy around that definitely

    going on and I think it's really important that we all remind ourselves that this is about whats happening within you and there is this inner shift going on and look inside with what's going on. The

    invisible outside world is probably going to look pretty much exactly the same in terms of the overall

    complexion of how the world is operating. There are all these shifts going on within the energy and

    consciousness but if we look out in the world is probably going to look pretty much exactly the same.

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