Telemedicina e e-Saúde 2010/2011 Telemedicine Building Systems 1 Telemedicine Building Telemedicina e e-Saúde 2010/11 Pedro Brandão References Sources are indicated by [RefSource] where the complete citation will be at the end Insite citations will be From: CitationSource Telemed 10/11 - Telemedicine Building - pbrandao 2

Telemedicine Building Systems

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Telemedicina e e-Saúde 2010/2011

Telemedicine Building Systems 1

Telemedicine Building

Telemedicina e e-Saúde


Pedro Brandão


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Telemedicina e e-Saúde 2010/2011

Telemedicine Building Systems 2


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Building a Telemedicine Program Based on Lorenzo Valeri, Daan Giesen, Patrick Jansen, Koen Klokgieters “Business Models for eHealth Final Report”, ICT for Health Unit DG Information Society and Media European Commission, Feb 2010

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Telemedicina e e-Saúde 2010/2011

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Business Models for eHealth EU Report

Report that discuss business models for eHealth within the EU context

o Analyses 5 successful case studies

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European eHealth market estimated at EUR14.269 million in 2008

Projected to EUR15.619 million by 2012,

o compounded annual growth rate of 2.9%.

Major European eHealth markets:

o France, Germany, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom

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From [EUREP]

Based on an analysis undertaken by Capgemini Consulting in the context of the report

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EHealth European Market

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From a study from CAPGEMINI in [EUREP]

2012 2008

Market composition in Europe

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Market Composition in 2008

Clinical Information System (CIS) 22.50%

Secondary Usage Non-clinical Systems (SUNCS)


Telemedicine 0.90%

Integrated Health Clinical Information Network (IHCIN)


From a study from CAPGEMINI in [EUREP]

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Expect Growth

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From a study from CAPGEMINI in [EUREP]

eHealth market Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) (2008-2012) per market sector

Social Insurance financing models Centred on public taxes (Beveridge Model)

o UK, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece

Compulsive Social Insurance (Bismarck Model)

o Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland

Voluntary private insurance + standard social insurance

o Ireland


o Not used in Europe

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See this article and other

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Clients Offer Resources

Building blocks of the business model

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Key Partners

What can partners do to leverage your

eHealth system/service

(better, at lower cost)?

Key Activities

What key activities do you need to perform

and how easily can you do this?

Key Resources

What key resources does your eHealth

system/service requires?

Value Proposition

Which of your clients (patient/doctor/

user) problems do you solve and which needs are satisfied


What kind of relations does your

patient/doctor/user expect and which do

you maintain?


Through which means do your clients want to be reached to leverage eHealthcare and which means do you utilise?

Patient/doctor/ user segments

What are your

patients’, doctors’, users’ needs,

problems desires and ambitions?

Cost structure

What is the cost structure of your eHealth system/service and is this in line with the core values of the business


Revenue streams

What value are your clients willing to pay for and what is the preferred payment mechanism?

From [EUREP]

Recommendations I [EUREP] Identifications of stakeholders is key

o Their role and value

Business model flexible and adaptable to new situations o phased step-by-step approach involved actors can


Stable financial support. o long time until return on operational and financial

results. o Senior management key to insure constant funding, o Allocate funding to cover staff time for their


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Recommendations II [EUREP]

Clear and precise understanding of the specific needs of patients. o Directly or indirectly involve them in designing

the functionalities.

o Operational process for capturing these evolving needs

Use of open standards and applications (not necessarily open source software). o Prepare for integration with current and future


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Recommendations III [EUREP]

Use of regular operational assessments while system is developed and/or delivered o Internal and external reviews;

o Intangible benefits

o Evaluate internal and external benefits;

o Evaluate financial and socio-economic gains

Security, privacy, data protection and safety o Use of appropriate regulations and protocols

o Incorporate them in the design process

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USING COTS SYSTEMS Building a Telemedicine Program

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Telemed Supplies

Using COTS System

Commercial Off The Shelf

When cost and requirements can be simultaneous met

o Assume some customization needed

Differences to a “customization approach”

oMinimal custom coding/programming;

o Flexible requirements to meet market’s offers;

o Flexible business process to adapt to COTS.

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From [COTS]

Telemed Supplies


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Integration Life-Cycle

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Image from [COTS]

COTS – Steps I

Determine the Organizational Fit

o Incorporate Multiple Views of Requirements;

oMake requirements definition and design interactive.

Consider Selecting a System Integrator

Don’t Rely on the Vendor for Everything

Identify gaps

Data schema changes

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From [COTS]

Telemed Supplies

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COTS – Steps II Have a Complete Set of Selection Criteria

o Functionality o Architecture o Life-cycle costs o Vendor/product stability o Vendor

• Licensing (model, approaches) • Vendor assumptions • Additional vendor services

o Infrastructure and training needed

Consider Test installation

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From [COTS]

Telemed Supplies


Building a Telemedicine Program Based on “Defining the needs of a Telemedicine Program”, Gray Doolittle and Ryan Spaulding; “Successffuly Developing a Telemedicine System”, Peter Yellowlees; “Evaluating Telemedicine Services and Systems” Paul Taylor from the book “Introduction to Telemedicine” 2nd Ed, Edited by Richard Wootton, John Craig, Victor Patterson

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The triple constraint

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Quality Time


From [PAPLE]


7 imperatives for success 1. Strong commitment from administration to

change. 2. Ownership by end-user of system design,

implementation and standardization 3. Establish and communicate realistic goals and

expectations 4. Clinician’s involvement 5. Internal marketing from physician champions 6. Process redesign is more effort than system

design 7. Learning as continuous process

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From [PAPLE]

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A. Define what is the need

Involve stakeholders/users

o Local support (willingness) of clinicians

Needs assessment:

o Clinical

o Economic

• Equate remote site economic responsibilities;

• Funding sources.

o Technology

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B . Plan the service

Responsible team involving all sectors (physicians, nurses, technicians, information technologists, administrators);

o Program champions

Involve local clinicians;

Business plan

User-friendly technology

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C. Develop healthcare team

o Remote team and Hub team

o Train and support

D. Market the program/service

o To clinicians in the planning phase

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E. Evaluation

Safety o Information is available/usable without any


o Patient care is same or better than conventional


User satisfaction

Clinical outcomes

Randomized controlled trials

Cost-effectiveness (compare to absence of) o Remember cost analysis

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Referências – Building [COTS] C. Todd Couts and Patrick F. Gerdes,

“Integrating COTS Software: Lessons from a Large Healthcare Organization”, IEEE IT Pro March/April 2010

[EUREP] Lorenzo Valeri, Daan Giesen, Patrick Jansen, Koen Klokgieters “Business Models for eHealth Final Report”, ICT for Health Unit DG Information Society and Media European Commission, Feb 2010

[PAPLE] Keith Shelman, “Changing from Paper to Paperless Hospitals in Busy Academic Centres”, Chapter from “Current Principles and Practices of telemedicine and e-Health”, ed Rifat Latifi, 2008 IOS Press

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Acronyms – Building

CAGR – Compounded Annual Growth Rate

COTS – Commercial Off The Shelf

CIS – Clinical Information System

IHCIN – Integrated Health Clinical Information Network

SUNCS – Secondary Usage Non-clinical Systems

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