# 1 Drugs Forum > VARIOUS DRUGS > Cannabis > Cannabis growing TEK - Diy Dwc for cannabis growing User Name Remember Me? Password Register Tags FAQ n Rules Cannabis growing All about growing cannabis, making hash and ice-o-lator. Thread Tools Display Modes 03-01-2007, 18:16 jholmes800 Silver Member Join Date: 04-10-2006 Location: japan Age: 27 Posts: 156 Diy Dwc for cannabis growing SWIM found this browsing the internet Materials needed 1. Black Plastic tub. $8.99 at target. SWIM don't know how many gallons but it's measurements are 18" x 14" and 11" tall. You can use a 5 gallon bucket. SWIM have kind of a height restriction in my cabinet so SWIM needed to keep the rez as low as possible. Also, after you modify a 5 gallon bucket to DWC, it really only holds 3.5 - 4 gallons of your solution. This holds 6 gallons. It doesn't seem like that much of a diffrence now but when the plant gets big it will drink a ton. This just makes maintaining the rez easier.IMO. Groups Blog Forum Chat Video Audio Images Documents Wiki Home TEK - Diy Dwc for cannabis growing - Drugs Forum http://www.drugs-forum.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=26785 1 of 19 2008/08/24 05:51 nm

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TEK - Diy Dwc for cannabis growing

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Cannabis growing All about growing cannabis, making hash and ice-o-lator.

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03-01-2007, 18:16

jholmes800 Silver Member

Join Date: 04-10-2006Location: japanAge: 27Posts: 156

Diy Dwc for cannabis growing

SWIM found this browsing the internet

Materials needed

1. Black Plastic tub. $8.99 at target. SWIM don't know how many gallons but it's measurements are 18" x

14" and 11" tall. You can use a 5 gallon bucket. SWIM have kind of a height restriction in my cabinet so

SWIM needed to keep the rez as low as possible. Also, after you modify a 5 gallon bucket to DWC, it really

only holds 3.5 - 4 gallons of your solution. This holds 6 gallons. It doesn't seem like that much of a

diffrence now but when the plant gets big it will drink a ton. This just makes maintaining the rez




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Page 2: TEK - Diy Dwc for Cannabis

2. Aquarium air pump. double outlet. $10 at wal-mart.

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3. 4' Standard aquarium air line, 2 airstones, 2 .Plastic T-valves, 1 airline suction cup. $5 total also at


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4. Net cup. 10 for $5.

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5. Exacto knife & lighter

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6. Power drill & 17/64 drill bit.

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The first thing that you want to do is trace a circle, in the center of the lid, Using the bottom of the net

cup as a guide.

Next heat the tip of the exacto knife for a minute or two.

Very carefully cut the hole in the lid. You might have to heat the knife a few times. Remember you can

always come back make the hole bigger, but if you make it too big, your screwed. So take your time and

make sure you stay within the lines.

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Put the netcup in the hole . It should be a tight fit.

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Page 9: TEK - Diy Dwc for Cannabis

Drill 1 hole in the side of the tub about an inch from the top. This is for the airline. Do not drill the hole in

the lid because you will be taking the lid off to maintain the proper nutrient level & it will be a pain in the

ass each time.

Cut 2 pieces of the airline about 4" long each and connect them from the airpump outlets to the t-valve.

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Page 10: TEK - Diy Dwc for Cannabis

Cut another 2 pieces of airline, these about 2-3' long and connect the airstones to the t-valve. Then

connect a 2' long piece of airline to the t-valve.

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10 of 19 2008/08/24 05:51 nm

Page 11: TEK - Diy Dwc for Cannabis

Stick the airstones to the bottom of the tup with the suction cup.

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Run the line through the hole you drilled and connect it to the airpump.

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12 of 19 2008/08/24 05:51 nm

Page 13: TEK - Diy Dwc for Cannabis

The last thing to do is fill the net cup about a third of the way up with grow rocks, lava rocks or any

similar medium. Place a cutting of your favorite stain on the rocks, then fill the rest of the cup with your


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13 of 19 2008/08/24 05:51 nm

Page 14: TEK - Diy Dwc for Cannabis

The nutrient level in your tub should be at the bottom of the net cup. You might have to pour some of the

solution through the top for the first few days until the roots grow out. Once they do let, them grow into

the water. The airstones will provide enough oxygen. when the plant takes off she will drink a lot of

water, so make sure you top the rez daily if you have to. If the level goes down too low you will have ph

and overfert issues. Make sure you change the rez out every 2 weeks or when you have added the same

amount of water back that the rez holds. Airstones are cheap so replace them every rez change for better

results. SWIM made this for one plant. If you use a bigger rez, you can add more net pots. Just cut more

holes and add another or a bigger air pump. SWIM wouldn't put more than six plants per tub.

The growth rate is amazing! These pics are of a 5 week old mother plant. The last is of the stem after

SWIM took over 40 clones.

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15 of 19 2008/08/24 05:51 nm

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Last edited by jholmes800; 08-01-2007 at 03:15.

08-01-2007, 00:11

Cakes Silver Member

Join Date: 27-12-2006Location: in the cybergarden with YouPosts: 1,313

Re: Diy Dwc for cannabis growing

Very Cool, Dude

I have never heard of a complete submersion grow before.

Amazing results.

Thanks for sharing.

Last edited by Cakes; 19-07-2008 at 02:33.

21-01-2007, 00:05

Mega maniac Silver Member

Join Date: 13-11-2006Location: England, LeedsAge: 21Posts: 53

Re: Diy Dwc for cannabis growing

Brilliant reslts man, can you place any type of cutting in the rocks with this grow meathod, varients of

skunk and the like?

SWIM has been fishing for grow meathods for a while now and this one seems to yeild great results for

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16 of 19 2008/08/24 05:51 nm

Page 17: TEK - Diy Dwc for Cannabis






a cheap setup. Also you say add you cutting to the grow rocks then fill the cup with your favorite

"medium" sorry for any ignorance but what does SWIY mean by this.

11-03-2007, 21:51


Join Date: 11-03-2007Location: EnglandPosts: 9

Re: Diy Dwc for cannabis growing

SWIY might want to increase the size of airstone if SWIY wants to flip that plant into flower. Good

growing though, she's a healthy mother!

14-03-2007, 00:53

Cakes Silver Member

Join Date: 27-12-2006Location: in the cybergarden with YouPosts: 1,313

Re: Diy Dwc for cannabis growing

Why does SWIY suggest bigger airstones? Has SWIY used this method? It is possible that bigger

airstones may create so much agitation around the roots that it could disturb the plant and cause it to

not grow as well. More airflow may also cause the nutrients to become unbalanced because the

airbubbles may help the nitrogen to be dispersed into the air faster than it usually is.

A 'medium' is just something to grow the plant on. We even call dirt a 'medium'. Expanded clay or 'pop

rocks' acts kind of like lava rocks in the way it has big spaces for air. Sometimes people use rock wool

or coco fiber. There are probably an infinite number of things that can be used as a growing


16-03-2007, 02:03


Join Date: 14-07-2006Location: UKAge: 38Posts: 4

Re: Diy Dwc for cannabis growing

My monkey has been doing some research into this, and he would agree with increasing the amount of

bubbles when you change to bloom cycle. Root area is about the same as canopy area so get those

bubbles into the whole root ball not just the centre. Trust my monkey, he knows ya know

16-03-2007, 15:29

Cakes Silver Member

Join Date: 27-12-2006Location: in the cybergarden with YouPosts: 1,313

Re: Diy Dwc for cannabis growing

I see pix of success above. If monkeys want to be trusted, they gotta provide proof.

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17-03-2007, 19:50


Join Date: 11-03-2007Location: EnglandPosts: 9

Re: Diy Dwc for cannabis growing

There is no such thing as too much root zone aeration. Krusty, a pioneer of DWC recommended stupid

amounts of bubbles, to the point where the entire rootzone was submerged in froth.

Want proof of better aeration = better growth, look at aeroponics, fastest rate of growth of any

hydroponic method.

SWIM used to do a fair bit of this growing malarky, but SWIM has changed SWIM's lifestyle and is now

just a consumer. But likes to help out other SWIM's. And yes, SWIM had a lot of DWC back in the day.

26-09-2007, 21:00

Cakes Silver Member

Join Date: 27-12-2006Location: in the cybergarden with YouPosts: 1,313

Re: Diy Dwc for cannabis growing

Froth? well that's excellent and amazing.

we just noticed that the above tek pictures a situation where the air pump and air line are in a position

where there may be a danger of siphoning. The air hose might need to have no downward loops. The

downward direction of the hose as it leaves the reservoir means that if there is a power outage, there

can be a siphoning occuring from the reservoir and towards the pump. I have lost many gallons from a

fish tank by having the pump positioned lower than the edge of the tank. maybe there is a suction cup

to hold the hose up? or maybe make the hose shorter or such, just to be safe?

Last edited by Cakes; 19-07-2008 at 02:37. Reason: idk i forgot


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