TEEG Annual Report 2009-2010: Planting a Seed

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  • 8/3/2019 TEEG Annual Report 2009-2010: Planting a Seed


  • 8/3/2019 TEEG Annual Report 2009-2010: Planting a Seed


    Aseed is planted. Roots take hold.A sapling grows. Leaves spro t.Branches spread. B ds form.

    Blossoms flower into fr it.

    A harvest is gathIn 2009, as TEEG concludes our 22nd year o service tothe Northeast Community, we want to acknowledge thebounti ul harvest that we have gathered over the past

    year. The last 12 months have been the most demanding we have ever experienced. Our agency has grown tomeet the increasing needs o our own community whilebranching out to meet the needs o our neighbors. As

    we extend ourselves arther to serve more o our greatercommunity, we are ortunate to add the yield o eachnew branch to our harvest, a harvest that is abundantenough to meet the need.

    Acknowledgements The TEEG 2009 Annual Report is yet another example o just how much juice we can squeeze rom one apple!

    Working once again with the creative team o MADCommunications, Angell House Designs and ExpressPhoto, TEEG is able to produce a report that we takegreat pride in sharing with the community. Thesepro essionals donated their time and talents as their gi tsto our community. Their collective contribution is their

    way o giving back and sharing the harvest. Because o their generosity, TEEG is able to stretch limited resources

    arther by printing and distributing this report to moreresidents o the Quiet Corner.

    There are two businesses to whom we are especially grate ul or providing us with the backdrops to tellour story in this years report. To Andrew and JackieSilverstein o Lord Thompson Manor, we appreciate theuse o your kitchen acilities to photograph the TEEGBoard o Directors. We are also grate ul to John and Patty Wolchesky o Lapsleys Orchard in Pom ret or letting ususe the setting o their ruit-laden orchard.

    L au r a M o o r e h e a d , A n g ell H ou

    s e D e s i g n s

    M a r y A n n D o s t al e r , M AD

    C o m mu n i c a t i o n s

  • 8/3/2019 TEEG Annual Report 2009-2010: Planting a Seed


    P L A N T I N G A S E E D

    Tending to the YieldAt TEEG we plant seeds every day. Seeds o prevention.Seeds o promotion. Seedso independence and sel -su ciency. Our tools are nothoes and shovels. Instead weplant our seeds with kindnessand compassion, educationand in ormation.

    TEEGs mission is to empowerindividuals, strengthen amiliesand engage the community.In 2009 we have touched

    the lives o 2,313 residentso Northeast Connecticut in33,603 ways as we worked tohelp our neighbors and riendsnd their way to living livesthat bear ruit.

    lives touched by PlAnting A seed

    2008-2009 Programs Times Lives Were Touched ea cParent/Child Playgroup ........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ............ .. 1,537Parents as Teachers ........... ........... ............ ........... ............ ........... .......... 119Parent Outreach .................................................................................... 1,031

    y sIAM Adolescent Therapeutic Support Services ........... ............ .... 2,086All Star Adventure Program (A.S.A.P.) ........... ............ ........... .......... 162Back to School ....................................................................................... 186Summer Enrichment and Campership Program ........... ............ 105c s pp a e aAnger Aside ............................................................................................. 116Gamblers Anonymous .......... ............ ........... ............ ........... ............ .... 312

    c sEmergent Food Distribution .......... ............ ........... ........... ............ ...... 582Holiday Giving ........... ............ ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........ 2,155In ormation and Re erral Consultation .......... ............ ........... ........ 6,347Case Management ............................................................................... 3,596Monthly Commodity Distribution (Food) ............ ........... ............ .. 5,825Operation Fuel ....................................................................................... 568Salvation Army ....................................................................................... 103Summer Lunch ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........... ............ ...... 4,016Volunteer Opportunities ........... ............ ........... ............ ........... ............ 436s o aMonthly On-site Distribution (Food) .............................................. 1,401Senior Case Management ........... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........ 705Senior Recreation and Events ............ ........... ............ ........... ........... . 501

    Senior Assistance and Outreach ............ ........... ............ ........... ........ 1,714 Total times lives were touched scal year 08-09 .......... ............ 33,603*

    *Total represents service delivered to 2,313 unduplicated individuals and 942 amilies.

    With support rom thecommunity, TEEG provided com ort, outreach, support and in ormation morethan 33,000 timesalmost a third more services

    delivered over last year!

  • 8/3/2019 TEEG Annual Report 2009-2010: Planting a Seed


  • 8/3/2019 TEEG Annual Report 2009-2010: Planting a Seed



    All the Right IngredientsThe 2008-09 year has been an exciting time at TEEG. The economic downturn demanded ar more than hasever been expected o us be ore. I am pleased to say that

    with the generosity o our community, we have been ableto meet the challenge. TEEG was able to respond to 70%more calls to the agency, provide 75% more mentoringhours to teenagers, and distribute 40% more bags o ood. Volunteers contributed 80% more hours.

    These are just some o the highlights o thetremendous growth experienced during the lastscal year. Our accomplishments are a testamentto the commitment o our community volunteers,community donors, the municipal leadership in thetowns o Thompson, Woodstock and Pom ret, our Statelegislators, and the dedicated TEEG sta .

    Our Board is mind ul o continuing to meet thegrowing needs o the times while remaining true to our

    roots remaining a small community

    agency dedicatedto empoweringindividuals toreach their highest

    potential.We have

    Message rom Dushy Mahendran, TEEG President

    worked to develop a strategic plan to be better positionedorganizationally to handle yet another year in growth whileensuring that we stay true to our mission.

    All o us at TEEG are greatly appreciative o the e ortsunderway to create a better space or our agency to operate.We are grate ul to the dedication o the volunteer members

    o the building committee, and their determination tobuild this new structure the TEEG way using only grantdollars, volunteer time, donated materials and community commitment. While we recognize this project is a Townproject, we appreciate the voice that we have been given inthe planning. We are striving to construct a building that isgreen rom the outside in using the most e cient buildingtechniques and materials to save on operational costs downthe road and humble rom the inside out by taking the timenecessary to create a structure that refects the communityscommitment to the process. We are eager to relocate our

    work into a new acility that will accommodate not only TEEGs

    needs but also provide room or the Recreation Departmentand common space or many town programs.

    During this time o nancial recession, we are dependingon your continued support to give a hand up to those whoare hit the hardest. Your continued contributions will ensurethat children and parents are empowered to reach towardtheir own independence and that seniors, the most vulnerableindividuals in this community, will receive the assistance they need to maintain their independence and dignity.

  • 8/3/2019 TEEG Annual Report 2009-2010: Planting a Seed


    P L A N T I N G A S E E D

    Macs, Granny Smiths, Crispens

    and Golden Delicio sOur resources come in many shapes and sizes. Time, e ort, goodsand services, all given so generously.u The time invested by the board o directorsu The e ort made by so many resident volunteersu The donations o ered as Christmas gi ts, canned goods, or school suppliesu The services given by an amazing number o talented pro essionals and

    generous businesses

    When TEEG combines these resources together with the limitedunding that were able to procure and the commitment o our dedicated

    sta , the recipe yields a pie nourishing enough to make a lasting di erence.

    s F 2008 2009FederAl

    U.S. Department o AgricultureSenior Resources Area Agency on Aging

    FoundAtionsEnd Hunger Connecticut

    The Bishops Fund or ChildrenWilliam Caspar Graustein Memorial Foundation

    municiPAl Thompson Department o Education Town o Pom ret Town o Woodstock Town o Thompson


    Operation FuelstAteDepartment o Children and FamiliesDepartment o EducationDepartment o Social ServicesO ce o Policy and Management

    communityIndividuals, Businesses and Services Clubs


    b$37,511 F a


    F a$63,339m pa


    i a$52,962

    s , s ,s c



    s a$236,997

    Income for 2008-2009t a i $711,476



    s s$67,580Expenses for 2008-2009

    t a exp $646,081

    F s$236,979

    ea e$118,682


  • 8/3/2019 TEEG Annual Report 2009-2010: Planting a Seed


    Branching O tWhat it means to meet the

    needs o community di ers romneighborhood to neighborhood, townto town. As TEEG continues its third

    decade o providing service or localneeds, local has grown. Surroundingcommunities have recognized thebene t o collaborating with TEEG toserve more neighbors with need. Thereare economies that can be achieved

    when we work to collaborate, ratherthen duplicate.

    For these reasons TEEG has becomethe provider or the social serviceneeds o Pom ret and Woodstock, inaddition to continuing to take care o theresidents o Thompson. By serving moreo our neighbors, TEEG has garneredthe regional standing to bring moreresources to the Quiet Corner.

    As we have branched out andmet many new amilies who havecalled upon us or help, we have beenblessed with many more supporters.

    This year, TEEG would like to thank three very special couples and honorthem as our 2009 Angel CampaignChair People. Your longstandingsupport and belie in us havestrengthened our roots and allowedour branches to fower into ull bloom.

    Jim And AnnA nAum

    Chairing the campaign e orts or the town o Thompson, Jim and Annahave been long time supporters o TEEG. Both Jim and Anna have servedas members o the TEEG Board o Directors, with Jim serving or many yearsas our Vice President. Thompson could never a ord to do what TEEGdoesand the people need the help. Our community is so ortunate to

    have an organization like TEEG. They really make a di erence. The wholecommunity is better o because o the help that TEEG provides.

    george And sAndy groomGeorge and Sandy Groom have long supported the work o TEEG andhelped to promote our service to Pom ret residents with needs. As a 30-year

    veteran o the Mary R. Fisher Elementary School, Sandy has seen rst hand

    the di erence TEEG has made in the lives o local children. Its wonder ul to know that the good work TEEG does is available to people in Pom ret now.TEEG o ers opportunities to children who need them. They o er hope toamilies. They give people the means to reach or more. Its amazing.

    Joe And dAwn AdilettA:Promoting TEEGs work to their riends and neighbors in Woodstock, Joeand Dawn Adiletta are TEEG supporters because they believe TEEG uses itsresources wisely. We are glad that TEEG services are available to Woodstock

    residents. It is di fcult in our rural part o the state to fnd e ective ways to meet the social needs in our community. We have personally supported TEEG or many years because we believe in the work that they do. We know that a dollar donated to TEEG will be put to good use.


  • 8/3/2019 TEEG Annual Report 2009-2010: Planting a Seed


    P L A N T I N G A S E E D

    AWhile TEEG works with many di erent residents in theQuiet Corner, all o whom have di erent needs, our missionremains the same. For every child, adult, senior or amily we

    serve, our goal is to promote greater independence, sel -su ciency and personal health.

    i A m (iAm)Advocating or adolescents who need support and guidanceto have a better uture

    TEEG has given me a real chance at li e. My mentor stuck by me through oster homes and shelters. He really believed in me. The wholeteam at TEEG ought or me, and it made me

    want to fght or mysel . Now, Im going tocollege! I dont know where Id be without them.

    c sProviding opportunities to be o service as well as a way to be served

    Over the years, TEEG has always been thereor me and my wi e. We do the best we can,

    but we still need a little help. I dont believe

    in charity. I think i youre able, you should work or what you get, and TEEG helps mewith that. I can volunteer in the Food Pantry and help them. In exchange, I can take ood

    home and that helps me. I like knowing that I have earned my way.

    T r eav o r P h i l l ip s

    Jo h n D u v a l

  • 8/3/2019 TEEG Annual Report 2009-2010: Planting a Seed



    s o aSupporting our elderly residents to help them understandthe myriad orms and con using paperwork required orsimply growing older

    TEEG helps me keep it all together. At my age, its hard to remember all the detailswith things like Medicare orms and my

    prescriptions. Id be lost without them.

    ea cProviding programs and opportunities to promote positiveparenting and supportive relationships or everyone in ourcommunity who is responsible or raising our next generation

    I started coming to the TEEG Playgroup because it was something to do while I was babysitting my granddaughter. I thought it would be a good thing or her. Six years later I

    realize its a good thing or me .

    y A s Teaching local people the essential li e skills necessary tolive more independently

    I am really glad that my school let me goto the TEEG program to fnish my last year o high school and get my real diploma. My TEEG team taught me things I need to know

    in the places that I needed to learn them,like the grocery store and the laundromat.

    Luc ille McK a y

    M a t t h e w F e n t o n

    E l a i n e , Ol i v i a & E v a n A n t o n s o n

  • 8/3/2019 TEEG Annual Report 2009-2010: Planting a Seed


    teeg a a a a a

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    ,p pa aa , f a -- a pa ,a , p

    a a a . t a a p, a ,p , p p t a !

    individuAlst A aw a Ac AJ Ab a ba ar a bak ba J b an a b ac b a al z b a ak bd bda A. b Pa b b a b a aJa be br b

    y bPa b , J .ra b aZa a bma A c a pb c ae a c a a z zr a cs ck d ae a dr d rJa dA a d a

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    r hah

    Field Hands

  • 8/3/2019 TEEG Annual Report 2009-2010: Planting a Seed


    teegP.O. Box 664

    65 Main StreetNorth Grosvenordale, CT 06255

    Phone: 860-923-3458ax: 860-923-5770Online: www.teegonline.org

    2009 teeg. A r r .


    Planting tiny seeds in the small space given you

    Can change the whole world or,

    At the very least, your view o it.

    Linus Mundy

    The creation o a thousand orests is in one acorn. Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Flowers and ruit are only the beginning.

    In the seed lies the li e and the uture.

    Marion Zimmer Bradley

    Dreams are the seeds o change. Nothing ever grows without a seed,

    and nothing ever changes without a dream. Debby Boone