TEE ORANGEBURG NEWS THAD. C. ANDREWS, Editor. fiEOKOE HOIjIVF/H, FlKAKClAL 4nd BUSIMBSS MAHAOKB. Official Paper of the Stute and of OrnnKeburg County. . TUE ORANGEBURG NEWS HAS A LARGER CIRCULATION THAN ANT OTHER PAPER IN TEE CO UN- Tt. -©S RAltltBAl' FEU. 6, 1875. Senator ^Andrews. The Special Ccinmittic appointed to investigate the charges made byjluiu- b«rt against Senator Andrews made tbcir'k report yesterday morning. There .re two reports, both of which wore inade the special trdcr lor Wednesday ¦txt, when, we suppose, the matter will be disposed t of, either in favor of or sgainst Senator AndrcwJ . The report which recommends his expulsion,-, is based upon his admission that he bought county claims and had them cashed. Hence it will bo seen that^tbc testimony which Humbert and others gave agaiust him was but lightly con¬ sidered, if at all. Wc arc not surprised that Senator Sn alls should be against Andrews. His whole beariug here (.bowed unmistakable signs of his b&tred for him. In our opinion the Senate of South Carolina will be lower ing its dignity should it expel one of its members, upon eo small a pretext as this. Thcre'are few meu in South C srolira ^bo' Lavc not_ speculated in County and State paper. And have not tho largest transactions of this nature 'been carried en to an alarming ex tent right under tho nose of the '.{Senate ? Why pick out a man who was honest enough to own that be did buy up a few Couuty claims? lias the Republican party come to tho the sad pass that a victim v*^UBt be offered up? And must that view.. always ^bc fr/vii ^q.rangeburj Wo bad t^,.i.A..i^batm^t»'^^' XJUJies of R!Eatiefied with rum ,,_u was made of Ran mator Andrews fans doue 'clout work for tho J| party, aud but for his energy, ^thc fight which the Unici- Herald nindG in the last campaign for tho regular ticket, might never have been mado. Ingratitude forms the larger part of the natures of many men, but wc have yet to believe that it is to char acterizca ktho .conduct of the leading Ro publicans of this State ^Tue News _and Courier k mdiet* ed for Uuel. In the Court of General Sessions, Wednesday morning last, Solicitor 'Buttargavo outweight bills of indictment for libel ugniust F W Dawson and 11 It Riordan, of the News and Courier. Judge Rccd, in charging the grand jury with reference to these bills of indictment, said, that it was the duty of .^ho ^ury to weigh well the charges jbefore jthcy brought in ' true" or "no iibilhv" If, said he, you find that th eso icharges are merely the political quib bling of opposing parties, in a cam. aign, in which each was endeavoring to show up the misconduct of the other, it is your duty to discard them and bring in "no hill; but if you find that the Ian guago^ used ou these several occasions was published with an unmistakable malicious intent to defame the private characters of the meu against whom i w»b delivered, then you mutt find true bills. ' -Later in tho day the grand jury returned t/uc bills upon tho several indictments against F W Dawson and B R Riordan, as follows : 1. For defaming the character of C C Bowon,B II Hoytand P C Gregorio in tho News and Courier of October G, 1874. 2. For defaming tho character of C 0 Bowen in tbc News and Courier of October 8,1874. 3. For defaming tho. character of C C. Bowi n in the News and Cuurü r of December 9; 1874. 4. For delamiiig the character of C C Bowon in tho News aud Courier of November 5/1874. 5. For defaming the chr acler of G C Bowcn, B II lluyt und 1* C Grcgorieiu tho News and Courier of October 2, 1874. 0. For defaming the oh .tractor of 0 C Bpwen in tho Neuis and Courier ol October 23, 1874. 7. For defaming tho character of B II rioyt, P 0 Grcgorio and II G Worth ingto'i in the News and Courier of Sop tcmber 21, 1874. 8. For defaming the character of B H IToyt, P C Gregorieand II G Worth ington. Capt. Dawson gave bond on the same day for his appeara ce for trial. Mr- Riordan was not iu Charleston. Thus it will be scon that G rand ./urics iu Charleston do not like the idcr. of men being defamed for no other reason than to gratify a personal spite; and that Judge 1! ccd thought, in cbarg iug the Grand Jury, "that if tho hin¬ ginge used on these several oce casions was published with an nnmi.stal.able malicious intent to defame tho pri vate characters of the parties against who in it was delivered, then you must find trite bills." It docs very well for a man to publish about another what he knoics to be true and what bo can sub slantiatc by proofs in the Court House, but it is not healthy, under the law, for one to do so in any other manner. We shall watch these cases with a groat deal of interest, lor, by their results we shall know whether a man's charac ter can be, day alter day, paraded before the public by newspaper men with impunity, Govun Heed, for tho inurdbr of Charles Simmons, and William Auld. for the murder of Butler Goldson, con¬ victed in Orangeburg county nlJrrW recent term of court, are rjr1 fljjrtn rjjjy awaiting iUlxTety the rcsult^ggj ¦ [ho solving of a mixed qucs- mm iu this^co^^y. Tho sheriff is cl.ai !/eiLj«jj^Miaiigitig these meu, if there is a sheriff. Edward I Cain was elected iu 1872, and disqualified by an act of the legislature, aud when the new election was ordered, Edward 1. Cain was re-elected, lie failed toqual ify within the required time. Where there is no sheriff, the law provides that :iie corouor shall act, but J. Ilammond Fordham, the coroner, also failed to qualify within the required time. The law provides for the designation of a trial justice, to act as coroner iu case of a vacancy in that office Query. Can the trial justice hung''the men ? Can [a trial justice, designated to act as coroner, exercise any powers of the sheriff 11 The News and Courier in wblcomiug the Patrons of Husbandry to Charles¬ ton, uses the following patriotic words: "Well may we be rejoiced that dele gates from the East and the West, from tho North and the South, are gathered together iu Charleston. When the people of this imperial Republic know each other thoroughly, when they are ready to excuse their brother's short¬ comings auel east ti c mantle of charity over his faults, when it is .seen tin 1 known that there is honor and worth in every quarter of the IJiiioii then, and not until then, will the county have true and lasting unity und pcuoo. And tho one way iu which the blessed goal can be reached is by meeting each other; by mingling together; by encouraging tho lecling that the one tie which the children of the Republic havo in cou). IHOti.the. name of American.sh.tll mako them all alike, and swallow up every thought of distinction or differ- cuco between those who come from tho icy North and tho fervid South,'the golden West and the silvery coast of the Pacific." '1 hink of our contemporary excusing a> "brother's shortcomings Surely wonders will never cease, and we'may yet live to sen Dawson praising the come of tho "little man," Phil Slier idan. $5 to <$ 2o I*4»r Diiy at Homo. Terms free. Address <<. jl'INSON & (':>., Ionian.1, Maine. juU 2U lMTo iy Tho NatisaW Courier wants tho set tlcment of tho miblic debt, which was fixed by tho legislature preceding the present one, discussed again, aud if possible, reopnued. The people are satisfied with things, tho Arncs anil Courier, and its! brother speculators, to the contrary notwithstanding. [FOR yilK'pRANOKÖuuq Nkws.] A Kuturriay Xight. On a Saturday iwght while luna was in the si; ics, Ä I had a loving dntbraco from the girl with light hluc eyes, When 1 was gouig to the Station I chanced her to meet ( As she was coming through the main Villingn street. 1 A nd she turned uVl nnid to nie nlono, Will you please he hind enough to sec me ho me I hesitated a inqjir.ont but. still I could not nutated a nicnr resist For I knew if \ refused the pleasure 1 WOlllil diiss. ' j And of course I consented aud offered my arm Which she ncceptcd without making any alarm And on we went chatting until we reaohod the place When first thing I knew my hat was otT and she in ui} embrace. STAFFORD. Taken up iii Oi angoburg. * One rmall "sorrel HORSE, "with a Maze face and one white.hind foot. Owner can get same hy applying to the Mayor and paying costs. Z. M.'WOLFE, Marshal. feb C 187Ö It Notice of Dismissal. One moth from dite I fill a 11 file with the Probate Judge of Orangeburg County, my final account as guardian of Freeman \V. Itiley and ask for dismissnl from sue2f< guardianship. ON AN :;. Ill LEV. Ornngeburg, February 6, I $75 It All MARSH \L<! n>w rn llllt^' horcby "tifiod thai on ihÄ.,r,tI: ,of l]u' l'rcscnt, month thi v »ill be rölcvetl ' y; Rn that, on tho nhbroin|?ltio,ied l,ay" Co,,,,.cn hold n mot-ling ror purpose ol uleotiug two fit) MARSH w.s. ; Applicants fur the positions! will hapd iu iheir names hdfor« ,,,(> loth and for further imformalion r«*> cam apply to thi Mayor. liv or r of ounc finuTlWB ¦.>:¦"". Clerk. fob 3 1875 -t The Stalo oi' Sout'i Cnroliun, OllANfJtjlJUiUi COUNTY, By AUGUSTUS It. K:iO\VI/t*üN, Ksqtiire, l*i oi tite JiidVc \VHlil»RAS, « luirlraJL Jones hath made suit lo me, to graul tu him Leiters of Administration oi tho Kslhtc and ciioctsof Joseph McNutnain, Into of said County deceit! ed. These sire therefore to cite ami admonish all in <i ilngiihii the kititlrciFiiml Creditors pi the said Joseph McNamara deceased, that they be mid app -. before me, in the Court ..>f Prol ate, to bo hel I at Oraugoburg C. Ii., (-it February 17th day next, after publication Inicot, at 11 o'clock in the fore¬ noon, lu f-how cause, if any they have why the .-uiil Administration should not he granted. Uivcu under my liand, this !50th day of January Anno Domini i'-,"> [l. >;.J AI <i. It. KNOWLTON, Judge Probate, (). 0. feb G 1875 l'l TonsoriaL J. II. MATHR13WS (Bakiier) would respectfully inform ids Customers and tho Public generally, that in oonsequcuco of the laic fire, his business is being how couduo- ted over the store of Mr. Moscloy, where *hc will bo glad -lo see his MANY FRIF.NDS. jnn IU 1875 8t DENTISTRY In its MOST IMPROVF.Ü STYLE, and at n rcasonablo price, is executed at DR. FEliSNKlfS OLD STA 1> over Wilcock's .'c Wolfe's Store, w ith ü:it isfacti on to nil, by A. M. SNIDER, 1). S. I-. S. WOLFE, As social. NOTICE. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICE January -J'Jnd 1S7I. Scaled proposals will ' bo received at this ofiico one " month from date for l'oor House and Jail I'hysicinn for the year to the low est bidder. Medicines to bo fuuished, &c., by the Physician. By order of the Hoard. GEO. DOLI V Bit. Clerk. jan 23 l!>7i> 1 in A CARD. DK.T. ISEll WICK LEG ARK dentist respectfully informs his patrons and friends that he has REMOVED his oflioc to j HIS HOMF. where he can be consulted by those who desire his professional eorvice. j If notified through tho Post Ollioo or other- wise, ho will cheerfully VISIT those who rcido ut a distance in vii^ Couuty. jan it 187Ö It Nino Years' Exprience IN DRUGS niid MEDICTENS. paints, oils, brushes, ani> patent medic i ens, toilet articles, CANDIES, cutlery;, sega us, topacco.s &0. I have on hand also a suply of seeds and union setts. Percriptions cnrefuly compounded, orders frotn the country atriokly attended to at tho Poplar Drug Store of DIL. A. C. DUlOiS. jan '23 187-1 ly UP AGAIN! My house went down with the fire ; my STOCK went up with the flames; hut i am UP again. MY NEW STOIJE Is filled with GOODS of a quality to suit the varied wants of my customers. I WILL SELL CHEAV To those who patronize me. CKOCHIIIKS, DRY GOODS, KTO., I have in abundance. (Jive mo a call cue and all. W. T. LIGHT FOOT, jan ">0 1876 Jim Dissolution «5* CopnrtoicrKbfp. Notice is horeby givon, that tho "partner- ship lately subsisting between JOAlt W, MOSELEY and HOBT. COPES of Orange- burg S. C. under the firm of MOSELEY & COPES, has dissolved this day by mutual consent. JOAB W. MOSELEY is authorized to pot¬ tle all debts <lne to and by the firm . Orangsburg S C. Jan. 13th, 187"». J. W. MOSELEY. RODT. COPES. The BUSINESS will ba CON riMUBD by the undersigned, at the old stand on the cor- r.xr of i.'ir*Jell and Market streets opposite the Post Office! J. Wk MOSELEY; 18th 1875. TJ1SSOLTJ TI ON- The Copartnership existing under the firm name ofJEFFOKDSS ALBERGOT'ff was dissolved ls»., tJanuary, 1^7"', by mutual consent. Mr. T. A. JEFFORDS, Agent, will sclÜu up the affairs of the late eon corn T. A. JEFFORDS J. S. ALBERGOTTI; nW iii-i* Notice of Dismio3aI. One month from date 1 sliall ill-, with the I'rohato Ju-Ige of Orango'nirg County. Iii y ri:;;:l account as Kxeciiior of Will of 0. J. Avinger and u.-ic for Discharge from sueii Kiocitto ship. DANIEL AVINUEH. Orangcburg, January :10, 187"». It Notice t Stockholders. The Stockholders of the rangoburg Agricultural and Meidianic.il Association are hereby notified to attend the Annual Meeting of tin- Association on Saturday Ulli, at 11 o'clock A. M. Place of meeting Fair Building. KIRK ROBINSON, jan 80.St Secretary anil Treasurer. DT^T ISTRY B. f. aH'e'Ki-.XFrss, Dentist op CHARLESTON, can be found at his OFFICE above Captain hamil¬ ton'S STORE, on Mar¬ ket Street References. Dai. J. P. Patrick, 11. a. Mucar.siuss, a. P. 1'r.i.zr.u. M. D., and alKS8KS.Pei.zKn, RoDUBns & Co. The Siato of South Carolina, O IANGKHURG COUNTY, Uy AUGUSTUS P. KNOW ETON, K squire, Probate Judge. WHEREAS, AdaraJ. Moore, hath made Hllil to my. to grant to him lottors of Ad¬ ministration of the Estate and effects of James Stark, late of said County, dooeasod. fliese arc thorofore to cite an I adin inisti all and singular the kindred and creditors of tho -aid deceased, thnt they lie anil appear, before me, in tin' Court of Probato, to bo held ai Orangcburg <\ 11., on the lllth Hay of February next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock ia the forenoon, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said All* ministration should not be granted. Oiveu uinler my band, this 2'Jth day of January Anno Domini 1876. [L. B.j AUG. II. KNOW ETON. Judge Probate, O. C. jan 30 187.'> 2t The Statt* of South Carol inn, ORANGEBURG COUNTY By AUGUSTUS B. KNOW ETON, Esq., Judge of Probato lu said County. WHEREAm, Doroas E. Scott hath made suit to me to grant to hör Letturs of Admin ist rat ion of the Estate anduflcots of Linsey M. Burk et t, late of said COunty, deceased. 'fliese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear be¬ fore mo at a Court of Probate for the said County, to bu hohlen at my Otlice iu Orange- burg, S. c, OU tlie 10th day of February 187«», at 11 o'clock A. m:, to show cause if any, why the said Administration should not he granted. Given under mj hand and seal this 29th day i>t Jauiury Anno Domini 1876. I^L.S.j ALU. B. KNOWLTON, jan tfu.12t Judge of Probato. Mew Gr CS AT THE OLD 'BILLIARD RQQM. I have FITTED UP Hie above FLAGE aud now HAVE on HAND a well ASSORTED STOCK of " ' Ü Mi !r : - FRESH GROCERIES Both HEAVY and LIGHT, which in QUANTITY, QUALITY and PRICE, cannot bo SUR¬ PASSED in town. MY SAMPLE BOOM ¦ -. In tho Rear, l«is been REFITTED und contains EVERYTHING in that lino, usually1 'kepk in a FIRST CLASS SALOON. Call aud look around before purchasing olio whero. F. DEMAB8, jau 2:i (/>2-c-25 1875 t. GEOEGE H. CORNELSON. ... ..{'/, I AM HAPPY TO RE ARLE TO ANNOUNCE TO MY FRIENDS and the putdlo I* general, that i have :rt3su:m:eio bxjshstess, again, however, on a smaller scale, and can be found at the FURNITURE STORE, baek of the Engine Hoime, until I am able to move into the new and commodious store now in course of erection. AT MY OLD STAND which I hope to have completed in a months time. Having butjsmnll accommodations at present I am unable to keep a large stoak, but what is lacking in stock I will make up ia low prices, and therefore invite all to give me :i call and got clisip goods. Ab soon ns I can get my store nnd store-house up agnin I will bo read/ for buemois' as heretofore, only on a MUCH LARGER SCALE. THANKING my FRIENDS and the PUBLIC for PAST FAVORS and for tho EN- CO U R A O E M ENT received during the late disastor. I remain, respectfully yours, george h. cornelson. THE ATTENTION Of tin- l'RADE to oar XsSORTEE STOCK of C EN Eli A L MERCHANDISE consisting cT DRY GOOES, FOOTS. siioF.s, II A PS, &C, &C. (vanned fruits; oysters; K vrdjnrs, S'FACH bs; TO M A l'oes. GROCERIES CHOICE BACON, Dry Salt. STRIPS, Smoakcd. IIAMS. bnggeg. PICKLED BEEP, PEARL tiRISr, MEAL. BOLTED GRIST, COFFEE. SUGARS, TEAS, TIN WARE, SMOKlS'a TOBACCO. ALE and SEG ARS, WINES, CHEW I NO TOBACCO*,. LIQUORS, Of all Kindi. AGENT FOR HAZLITT <fc CO/S bitters. C. D. K.. ' Has on hand a FULL nnd COMPLETE STOCK of FAMILY GROCERIES r.IQUOIt&, SEGARS. TOBACCOS, and a full etook of canned goods, fruit, nuts, &c. And have also added to tho aoovo stock uOtliing, Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats. All of which is offered at VERY LOW PRI ES W. K. CROOK. IS OFFERING to his CUSTOMERS and tho PUBLIC generally EAEE INDUCEMENTS! My STOCK of GOODS is COMPLETE in all tho Different Departments, and PRICES so LOW that all will purohns and go away FULLY SATISFIED that they RECEIVED BARGAINS. at same old stand jan 10 1875 «

TEE ORANGEBURG NEWS Nino Exprience Mew Gr · 2017. 12. 17. · ¦txt,when, we suppose, the matter will be disposed t of, either in favor ofor sgainst Senator AndrcwJ. The report which

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    Official Paper of the Stute andof OrnnKeburg County.


    RAltltBAl' FEU. 6, 1875.Senator ^Andrews.

    The Special Ccinmittic appointed toinvestigate the charges made byjluiu-b«rt against Senator Andrews madetbcir'k report yesterday morning. There.re two reports, both of which woreinade the special trdcr lor Wednesday¦txt, when, we suppose, the matter willbe disposed t of, either in favor of orsgainst Senator AndrcwJ . The reportwhich recommends his expulsion,-, isbased upon his admission that he

    bought county claims and had themcashed. Hence it will bo seen that^tbctestimony which Humbert and othersgave agaiust him was but lightly con¬sidered, if at all. Wc arc not surprisedthat Senator Sn alls should be againstAndrews. His whole beariug here(.bowed unmistakable signs of hisb&tred for him. In our opinion theSenate of South Carolina will be lowering its dignity should it expel one of itsmembers, upon eo small a pretext as

    this. Thcre'are few meu in SouthC srolira ^bo' Lavc not_ speculated inCounty and State paper. And have nottho largest transactions of this nature

    'been carried en to an alarming extent right under tho nose of the

    '.{Senate ? Why pick out a manwho was honest enough to ownthat be did buy up a few Couutyclaims? lias the Republican partycome to tho the sad pass that a victimv*^UBt be offered up? And must thatview.. always ^bc fr/vii ^q.rangeburjWo bad t^,.i.A..i^batm^t»'^^'

    XJUJies ofR!Eatiefied with

    rum,,_u was made of Ran

    mator Andrews fans doue'clout work for tho J| party, aud but forhis energy, ^thc fight which the Unici-Herald nindG in the last campaign fortho regular ticket, might never havebeen mado. Ingratitude forms the largerpart of the natures of many men, butwc have yet to believe that it is to characterizca ktho .conduct of the leading Ropublicans of this State^Tue News _and Courier k mdiet*

    ed for Uuel.

    In the Court of General Sessions,Wednesday morning last, Solicitor'Buttargavo outweight bills of indictmentfor libel ugniust F W Dawson and 11It Riordan, of the News and Courier.Judge Rccd, in charging the grandjury with reference to these bills ofindictment, said, that it was the duty of.^ho ^ury to weigh well the chargesjbefore jthcy brought in ' true" or "noiibilhv" If, said he, you find that th esoicharges are merely the political quibbling of opposing parties, in a cam. aign,in which each was endeavoring to showup the misconduct of the other, it isyour duty to discard them and bring in"no hill; but if you find that the Ianguago^ used ou these several occasionswas published with an unmistakablemalicious intent to defame the privatecharacters of the meu against whom iw»b delivered, then you mutt find truebills.' -Later in tho day the grand juryreturned t/uc bills upon tho severalindictments against F W Dawson andB R Riordan, as follows :

    1. For defaming the character of C CBowon,B II Hoytand P C Gregorio intho News and Courier of October G,1874.

    2. For defaming tho character of C 0Bowen in tbc News and Courier ofOctober 8,1874.

    3. For defaming tho. character of CC. Bowi n in the News and Cuurü r ofDecember 9; 1874.

    4. For delamiiig the character of C C

    Bowon in tho News aud Courier ofNovember 5/1874.

    5. For defaming the chr acler of G CBowcn, B II lluyt und 1* C Grcgorieiutho News and Courier of October 2,1874.

    0. For defaming the oh .tractor of 0 CBpwen in tho Neuis and Courier olOctober 23, 1874.

    7. For defaming tho character of BII rioyt, P 0 Grcgorio and II G Worthingto'i in the News and Courier of Soptcmber 21, 1874.

    8. For defaming the character of BH IToyt, P C Gregorieand II G Worthington.

    Capt. Dawson gave bond on the sameday for his appeara ce for trial. Mr-Riordan was not iu Charleston.Thus it will be scon that G rand

    ./urics iu Charleston do not like theidcr. of men being defamed for no otherreason than to gratify a personal spite;and that Judge 1! ccd thought, in cbargiug the Grand Jury, "that if tho hin¬ginge used on these several oce casionswas published with an nnmi.stal.ablemalicious intent to defame tho pri vatecharacters of the parties against who init was delivered, then you must findtrite bills." It docs very well for aman to publish about another what heknoics to be true and what bo can subslantiatc by proofs in the Court House,but it is not healthy, under the law, forone to do so in any other manner. Weshall watch these cases with a groatdeal of interest, lor, by their results weshall know whether a man's charac tercan be, day alter day, paraded beforethe public by newspaper men withimpunity,Govun Heed, for tho inurdbr of

    Charles Simmons, and William Auld.for the murder of Butler Goldson, con¬victed in Orangeburg county nlJrrWrecent term of court, are rjr1 fljjrtn rjjjyawaiting iUlxTety thercsult^ggj ¦ [ho solving of a mixed qucs-mm iu this^co^^y. Tho sheriff iscl.ai !/eiLj«jj^Miaiigitig these meu, ifthere is a sheriff. Edward I Cain waselected iu 1872, and disqualified by anact of the legislature, aud when thenew election was ordered, Edward 1.Cain was re-elected, lie failed toqual ifywithin the required time. Where thereis no sheriff, the law provides that :iiecorouor shall act, but J. IlammondFordham, the coroner, also failed toqualify within the required time. Thelaw provides for the designation ofa trial justice, to act as coroner iu caseof a vacancy in that office Query.Can the trial justice hung''the men ?Can [a trial justice, designated to act ascoroner, exercise any powers of thesheriff 11

    The News and Courier in wblcomiugthe Patrons of Husbandry to Charles¬ton, uses the following patriotic words:

    "Well may we be rejoiced that delegates from the East and the West, fromtho North and the South, are gatheredtogether iu Charleston. When thepeople of this imperial Republic knoweach other thoroughly, when they areready to excuse their brother's short¬comings auel east ti c mantle of charityover his faults, when it is .seen tin 1known that there is honor and worth inevery quarter of the IJiiioii then, andnot until then, will the county havetrue and lasting unity und pcuoo. Andtho one way iu which the blessed goalcan be reached is by meeting each other;by mingling together; by encouragingtho lecling that the one tie which thechildren of the Republic havo in cou).IHOti.the. name of American.sh.tllmako them all alike, and swallow upevery thought of distinction or differ-cuco between those who come from thoicy North and tho fervid South,'thegolden West and the silvery coast ofthe Pacific."

    '1 hink of our contemporary excusinga> "brother's shortcomings Surelywonders will never cease, and we'mayyet live to sen Dawson praising thecome of tho "little man," Phil Slieridan.

    $5 to

    Applicants fur the positions! will hapdiu iheir names hdfor« ,,,(> loth and forfurther imformalion r«*> cam apply to thiMayor.

    liv or r of ouncfinuTlWB ¦.>:¦"".

    Clerk.fob 3 1875-t

    The Stalo oi' Sout'i Cnroliun,OllANfJtjlJUiUi COUNTY,

    By AUGUSTUS It. K:iO\VI/t*üN, Ksqtiire,l*i oi tite JiidVc

    \VHlil»RAS, « luirlraJL Jones hath madesuit lo me, to graul tu him Leiters ofAdministration oi tho Kslhtc and ciioctsofJoseph McNutnain, Into of said Countydeceit! ed.

    These sire therefore to cite ami admonishall in f Prol ate, to bo hel I at OraugoburgC. Ii., (-it February 17th day next, afterpublication Inicot, at 11 o'clock in the fore¬noon, lu f-how cause, if any they have whythe .-uiil Administration should not hegranted.Uivcu under my liand, this !50th day ofJanuary Anno Domini i'-,">

    [l. >;.J AI 0 1876Jim

    Dissolution «5* CopnrtoicrKbfp.Notice is horeby givon, that tho "partner-

    ship lately subsisting between JOAlt W,MOSELEY and HOBT. COPES of Orange-burg S. C. under the firm of MOSELEY &COPES, has dissolved this day by mutualconsent.JOAB W. MOSELEY is authorized to pot¬

    tle all debts 2t

    The Statt* of South Carolinn,ORANGEBURG COUNTY

    By AUGUSTUS B. KNOW ETON, Esq.,Judge of Probato lu said County.

    WHEREAm, Doroas E. Scott hath madesuit to me to grant to hör Letturs of Administ rat ion of the Estate anduflcots of LinseyM. Burk et t, late of said COunty, deceased.'fliese are therefore to cite and admonishall and singular the kindred and Creditorsof the said deceased, to be and appear be¬fore mo at a Court of Probate for the saidCounty, to bu hohlen at my Otlice iu Orange-burg, S. c, OU tlie 10th day of February187«», at 11 o'clock A. m:, to show cause ifany, why the said Administration shouldnot he granted.Given under mj hand and seal this 29th day

    i>t Jauiury Anno Domini 1876.I^L.S.j ALU. B. KNOWLTON,jan tfu.12t Judge of Probato.

    Mew Gr CSAT THE

    OLD 'BILLIARD RQQM.I have FITTED UP Hie above FLAGE aud now HAVE on HAND a well ASSORTEDSTOCK of " ' Ü Mi !r : -

    FRESH GROCERIESBoth HEAVY and LIGHT, which in QUANTITY, QUALITY and PRICE, cannot bo SUR¬PASSED in town.

    MY SAMPLE BOOM¦ -.In tho Rear, l«is been REFITTED und contains EVERYTHING in that lino, usually1 'kepkin a FIRST CLASS SALOON. Call aud look around before purchasing olio whero.

    F. DEMAB8,jau 2:i (/>2-c-25 1875


    GEOEGE H. CORNELSON.... ..{'/,I AM HAPPY TO RE ARLE TO ANNOUNCE TO MY FRIENDS and the putdlo I*general, that

    i have :rt3su:m:eio bxjshstess,again, however, on a smaller scale, and can be found at the FURNITURE STORE, baekof the Engine Hoime, until I am able to move into the new and commodious store now incourse of erection.

    AT MY OLD STANDwhich I hope to have completed in a months time. Having butjsmnll accommodations atpresent I am unable to keep a large stoak, but what is lacking in stock I will make up ialow prices, and therefore invite all to give me :i call and got clisip goods.Ab soon ns I can get my store nnd store-house up agnin I will bo read/ for SÄ buemois'as heretofore, only on a

    MUCH LARGER SCALE.THANKING my FRIENDS and the PUBLIC for PAST FAVORS and for tho EN-COURAO EMENT received during the late disastor.

    I remain, respectfully yours,george h. cornelson.


    DRY GOOES,FOOTS.siioF.s,II A PS,&C, &C.

    (vanned fruits;oysters;K vrdjnrs,S'FACH bs;TO M A l'oes.


    STRIPS, Smoakcd.IIAMS. bnggeg.