Teds Favorite Quotes

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  • 7/28/2019 Teds Favorite Quotes


  • 7/28/2019 Teds Favorite Quotes


    ave e r g o e en myse an e en w a s m ne se e ense .By extension, I have the right to possess and carry the means to defendmyself and my property. The right to bear arms is a natural human rightbelonging to everyone, no matter where they live. No other has the rightto take my life, liberty or property. I owe others only non-aggression. Ted Wallerstedt------------

    What part of 'shall not be infringed' is unclear? No restrictions areacceptable. No registration. No 'permits'. No infringements. Period.

    We spend our time arguing over the definitions of assault rifle andmagazine vs. clip, when instead we need to be clear. No infringements.Period.

    There should be no restrictions, ever. I have the natural right to armmyself with whatever I need to defend me and mine against any and allaggressors, including the state. And so do you. This includes allconventional munitions, vehicles, aircraft, watercraft, and more. The 2nd

    Amendment only enumerates a right that exists naturally. Shall not beinfringed includes any weapon that the state has access to. This includesgrenades, rocket launchers, and (whether we like it or not) nuclear,biological, and chemical weapons. I do not want to argue over stupidrestrictions like who can own an automatic weapon and who can't, orhow many rounds a magazine should hold. No infringements. Period.

    We need to repeal the 1934 National Firearms Act and the Gun Control Act of 1968. No infringements. Period. Ted Wallerstedt

    (1) Ted Wallerstedt https://www.facebook.com/ted.wallerstedt?ref=tn_tnmn

    of 2 6/26/2013 1:47 PM