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Technology of Denim Part 3

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Technology of Denim Production: Part – III

(Long Chain Beamer & SizingTechniques for Denim)


Supriya Pal

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Technology of Denim Production: Part – III 

(Long Chain Beamer & Sizing Techniques for Denim) 




Long Chain Beamer

 After the rope dyeing of warp yarn in denim production, the next operation is the Long ChainBeamer (LCB). When the rope has been dyed and dried in the rope dyeing range, it is taken inlarge cans in coiler section. In rope dyeing range, if the machine has a capacity 24 ropes, thenthere will be 24 separate coilers which delivers 24 ropes in separate cans. These cans aretransferred to the Long Chain Beaming area. The basic purpose of long chain beamer is to openthe rope into a sheet form of yarn and wind onto a warper beam which in turn transferred to the

sizing machine.

Fig. 1: Long Chain Beamer

In Long Chain Beamer, the yarn alignment in the dyed rope is change from a rope form to asheet form. In the Long Chain Beamer the rope pull from the can ( Fig. 2) by moving themupward to a guiding device. The guiding device is mounted above the can, probably in theceiling. The upward movement of the rope allows the ropes to untangle before nearing thebeamer head and allow the rope to shake loose form from the rest of the rope in the can.

Tension Stand

When the ropes come down from the guiding device, it passes through tensioning Stand rollers

(Fig. 3). The purpose of the Tension rollers is to established necessary warp tension to the ropeand help in further separation of the ropes before going through a comb. If no tension is appliedto the rope, then the rope have a tendency to resist opening up into the sheet form. Ultimatelyeach in the rope will start separating directly at the comb located at the Long Chain Beamer.This may leads to rope damage.

The Tension Stand is approximately 4-feet high and consists of two tension drums, eachapproximately 14-inches in diameter and 14 inches face length. These rolls are fitted one overthe other.

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Before passing through the Tension Stand, the rope passed through a simple pretension device,which is located at the base of the Tension Stand. The pretension device applied slightresistance to the rope before wrapped onto the tension rolls which is located on this TensionStand.

Fig. 2: Passage of dyed yarn rope in Long Chain Beamer

Two large rolls are mounted on the Tension Stand. These rolls are mechanically gearedtogether. One of the roll is connected to either an EDDY Current Brake or an Air over Oil DiskBrake. The rope is wrapped around these two rolls 4 to 5 times, which prevents the rope fromslipping on the surface of the rolls. Tension roll stand design is such that, it allows the yarn tonaturally wind around the tension rolls. This eliminates rolling in the rope due to screw effect ofrope guide rods on other tension stands.

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Fig. 3: Tension Stand

Some machinery manufacturer incorporates an AC Vector motor and drive is used to createtension in the rope instead of a pneumatic or EDDY current brake. This provides considerable

energy saving. As the motor is operated in a regeneration mode, it providing power that can beconsumed in the beamer head.

The rope from the tension stand passes through an Accumulator.

Fig. 4: Passage of dyed yarn rope in a Typical Long Chain Beamer


 An accumulator is a device which allows the rope to be accumulated in a controlled manner atthe time of unwind the section beam on the Long Chain Beamer in order to find out and to repaira broken end. The accumulator is an important component on a Long Chain Beamer, as thereis no stop motion device in the re-beamer and the operator observes the yarn sheet whetherthere is any broken end. Accumulator may be of different types, such as:

- Open Sheet Accumulator:  This type of accumulator accumulated the yarn in sheetform. It is normally mounted behind the comb of the LCB machine and accumulatesupwards. In normal condition, the yarn sheet passes between two overlapping rolls. Thetop rolls fixed, whereas the bottom roll is fitted on sprockets. At the time of an endbreakage, the beam drive is reversed and the bottom roll is raised. Hence the yarn sheetis raised along with the roll. After repairing the broken end, the beam drive is changed toits normal mode and the bottom roll on the accumulator is lowered back to its normalposition. This type of accumulator is inexpensive. However, there is a chance of chainslipping off of the sprocket during accumulation. 

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- Offset Roll Rope Accumulator:  This type of accumulator is fitted behind the LCBheadstock and in front of the Tension Stand. Two sets of cantilevered rollers are used,one set of which is mounted above the other. The rollers are arranged in such a manner,so that the top rollers are offset in position relative to the bottom rollers. Under normalworking condition, the rope passes through a gap between the top and bottom rollers.

The top set rollers are movable, whereas the bottom set are fixed. At the time of an endbreaks, the top rolls are brought down between the lower rolls. As the rope is placedbetween the top and the bottom rollers, it also pulled down and accumulated with therollers. When the end is repaired, the top rollers is brought back to its normal position. 

- Deep Groove Pulley Rope Accumulator:  This type of accumulator also fitted betweenthe LCB head stock and the Tension Stand. The accumulator consists of two sets ofhigh polished deep dish pulley. Four of these pulleys are fixed to the accumulator body.Three of them are attached to Tol-Of-Matic pneumatic cylinders which are fixed to a longrail. The location of the pulleys on the housing are offset from the ones the cylinders.Even in normal working condition, the rope is engaged to the pulleys. At the time of an

end breakage, the beam drive is reversed by the operator. The pulleys attached to thecylinders moves away from those mounted on the housing, which results inaccumulation of ropes in the accumulator. 

Beater Bar and Comb

 After the Accumulator the rope returns to the Tension Stand. There is a Beater Bar located atthe top of the Tension Stand which is round four or five sided in shape. It is at this point wherethe yarn rope begins to be opened into a yarn sheet. The function of the Beater Bar is to applysufficient tension, friction to the rope, assisting in the opening or spreading the yarn and to

separate the ends without any damage to the yarn. After the Beater Bar the rope passesthrough a comb located on the Long Chain Beamer, which separates individual yarn ends andkeeps them parallel to one another. From the comb, the warp yarns are guided onto a flangedsection beam.

In the Long Chain Beamer, the section beam is supported and driven by an electric motor. Theelectric motor may be of either DC motor or AC inverter type drives spindles spindles whichsupport the section beams. The section beam wind the yarn sheet onto it. Generally, theoperator run the machines by depressing a Foot Pedal. As long as the Foot Pedal is depressed,the machines continues to run and whenever the Foot Pedal is released, the machines stops.

Stop Motions

In most of the LCB machines not incorporated with any automatic stop machines. The eyes ofthe operator work to detect the end breakages. However it depends on the skills of theoperators.

This manual system of detection of end breakages is not a reliable system of detection of endbreakages in any Beaming operations. Some machinery manufacturer incorporated various stop

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motions in re-beaming process in order to detect the end breakages in LCB. Few systemsnormally available in the market is described below:

Drop Wire Stop Motions :

This type of stop motion system includes hanging of drop wires on each end of the dyed ropeyarns. This system is mounted just behind the comb where the yarn sheet is fully opened. Anelectric contact bar is fitted underneath the drop wires. As soon as there is any end breakage,the drop wires falls onto the bar which gives a stop signals. The advantage of this system is thatit is inexpensive. However, there is a drawback of fluff accumulations in the drop wires whichmay create any malfunctioning of the system. The system is fitted near to the section beam. Theresponse and reaction time may be insufficient to prevent any missing end in the beam.However this system not fully successful in detecting the broken ends.

Electronic End Break Detector

This system uses a photocell to generate a light beam which scans directly above and acrossthe full width of the yarn sheet. The system is mounted at the comb and delivery roll of thebeamer. Air is supplied from beneath the sheet of the yarn through a blower. At the time of anend breakage, the air lifts the broken end up through the light beam and stops the machines.

There is also a drawback of lint and fluff generations which can false stop as the lint can dirtthrough the light beam. The light beam intensity can be diffused which can also createproblems. However the system is mounted at close proximity to the section beam. Hence theremay be chances of missing end in the section beam even though the broken end detected bythe system.

Camera Scan System

In this system there is a specialized camera is fitted above and over the yarn sheet. Thecamera is fitted at the point where the yarn sheet just opened. The camera “memorizes” a stillframe of the yarn sheet in the normal working condition of the machine and constantlycompares the ongoing frame with the memorized frame. Whenever there is any end breakages,it initiate the machine to stop.

 As the system is mounted further away from the beamer than other system, there is sufficienttime to stop the machine at the time of any end breaks and it may be possible to detect all thebroken end before being pass into the section beam. Hence there is little usage of Accumulator,which also saves time and ultimately increases the productivity.

However the system having problem, as the system is sensitive to room temperature. Fluffaccumulation on the camera also cause malfunction of the system. If the tension in the yarnsheet changed due to increase in brake pressure in the Tension stand, the opening ropechanges shape slightly and the system creates “false stop”.

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Fig. 5: Typical camera based s top motion , WARPSCANNER

Typical camera based stop motion device, WARPSCANNER is shown in Fig. 5 . Generally theWARPSCANNER is mounted above the yarn sheet. A reed / comb is required for perfect yarnspacing. The cameras are focused on the yarn sheet at this point. Halogen lamps is fitted overthe yarn sheet at this point. The yarn sheet reflects lights back and the resultant image isfocused onto a linear CCD array in the camera.

The operator inputs the number of ends into the control. The processor scans the total numberof ends several times per second. If the count agree with the pre-set total number of ends, the

scan continues. If the count disagrees the warper receives stop signals and the end breaks isidentified on the LCD display.

In Long Chain Beamer, the WARPSCANNER is mounted at the beamer (Fig. 6). Fluorescentbacklighting is applied.

Fig. 6: Typical WARPSCANNER positioned in a Long Chain Beamer

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When the diameter of section beam is increased, it is possible to develop “peak and valleys”across the face of the section beam due to gaps between each yarn end. This problem can beeliminated by using a press roll as used in a conventional warper. However it can also beremoved by using a traversing comb to overlap the lay of the yarn. This prevent the peak andvalley condition to occur.

 All the Long Chain Beamer is equipped with automatic doffing and loading system. When thesection beam is full, the ends are gathered and cut away. It is then tucked onto the surface ofthe section beam which is then doffed from the machine and an empty beam is loaded forwinding of a new rope.

Morrison MDS-RB 550 Long Chain Beamer

Morrison MDS-RB 550 Long Chain Beamer ( Fig. 7 &8)provides superior rope yarn opening withhigher productivity.

Fig. 7: Morrison MDS-RB 550 Long Chain Beamer

The essential features are:

•  Flange diameter of 1 meter at the highest speeds can be achieved. Head is equipped with eitherbeams with journals or gear type heads.

•  The machines are equipped with Semi Automatic Beam Doffing system which facilitates for easyremoval of LCB beams.

•  Various functions like stop / jog / run, beam doffing, accumulator device, tension control systemare incorporated.

•  The machine is equipped with pneumatic / hydraulic double end Disc Brakes for immediate stopsto minimize any missing ends in the beam.

•  The Sheet strummer at comb helps in the web opening with variable speed AC motor. This alsoautomatically lifts and lowers during machine stop / start.

•  Optional features are Press Roll with kick back to prevent scuffing of yarn and Elevated Back Up Accumulator

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Fig. 8: Passage of Rope in Morr ison MDS-RB 550 Long Chain Beamer

KARL MAYER’s Long Chain Beamer, LCB Titan 1000

Karl Mayer offers the LCB Titan 1000 equipped with unique features ensuring superior yarn

opening and optimum beam quality. The essential features are:

•  Measuring device:  The rope measurement is carried out on the overrun roll by means ofrevolution count which ensures automatic stopping of the machine at the lease portion. Thisminimize the manual mistake of stopping the machine at the leas length and reduce endbreakages.

•  DNC control KAMCOS: The machine is equipped with Operator Interface IPC / Touch screen,Ethernet interface, connection for the necessary data acquisition and Tele-service. The machineis also incorporated with hardware and software package for easy link between machine andnetwork.

Fig. 9: Reversing Drive Accumulator  

•  Reversing Drive Accumulator ( Fig. 9): In this system the tension stand motor simply reversesand with the help of a separate stand-by feed roller dumps, the accumulated rope back into thecoiler tub. This ensures fast accumulation / de-accumulation time. This also removes unneededrolls which can cause twist in the rope. This system requires less floor space and requires lessmaintenance.

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•  Single-end winder:  The machine is fitted with a single end winder device to wind a single endpackage from one end in the rope. At the time of any missing end in the rope, this end can beused.

•  Knot sensor: The machine is equipped with a knot sensor, mounted just above the diversion rollof the accumulator. This sensor detects any knots or entanglement in the rope and stops the

machine instantly at the time of any entanglement. This prevents unwanted rope damage.

Fig. 10: Tension contro l dancer  

•  Tension control dancer: During re-beaming, the tension in the rope is maintained by means ofTension Control Dancer ( Fig. 10) which is equipped with a pressurized dancer and a feedbackloop. This sends a reference signals to the tension stand AC motor continuously and ensures a

consistent beam tension.•  Braking device: The machine is equipped with Hydro-pneumatically controlled disc brakes fitted

on both sides of the beam axle, ensures rapid and synchronized stopping of the machine.

•  Drive for Rope Can:  The machine is equipped with a rope can drive system through which therope Can may be rotated tub in any directions to reduce or eliminate twist in the rope.

•  Yarn Strummer: This feature ensures easy opening of the rope just before the warper head. Theautomatic raising and lowering of the unit avoids yarn entanglement.

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Fig. 11: Tension stand

•  Tension stand: The Tension Stand motor is operated in a regeneration mode which provides

power that is consumed by the beamer head ( Fig. 11).

•  Blowing device: In order to clean the reed, the machine is equipped with a blowing device whichclean the reed with compressed air.


The purpose of sizing is to increase the strength of yarn through chemically binding the fiberswith each other. The main object of sizing warp yarns is also to encapsulate the yarn with aprotective coating which reduces yarn abrasion that takes place during the weaving operationand reduces yarn hairiness preventing adjacent yarns from entangling with one another at theweaving machine. Also, this size protective coating also prevents the indigo dye from rubbing offduring the weaving. Sizing operations also involves multiplication of warp sheet from long chainbeamer sheets by collecting the yarns together and making one weaver’s beam. Normally, 8-12% size is applied in sizing.

The performance of weaving largely depends upon the quality of the sized beam. In order toachieve good performance in weaving, the sized warp beams should have certaincharacteristics, such as:

•  The sized beam should have minimum number of yarn breakages, no crossed yarns,low hairiness with no clinging.

  The size add-on should be uniform through the length of yarn sheet,•  Equal residual yarn moisture content,

•  No over-dried yarn.

•  No stickiness in the yarn

•  Equal yarn tension/elongation

•  high residual elongation in the yarn,

•  perfectly wound edges

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For a long time, sizing of denim yarn normally carried out with starches or slightly modifiedstarches and binders. However, with the advent of different garment washed techniques and thesoftness of the fabric required by the customer has led to new sizing recipes.

The components of a sizing machine are:

•  Creel,

•  Size Box,•  Drying Section, and

•  Headstock,


 At the back end of a sizing machine, the section beams from the Long Chain Beaming processare creeled. The yarn sheet from each section beam is pulled over and combined with the yarnsfrom the other beams.

There are various types of creels available today for denim sizing; each has its own advantagesand disadvantages. The common design of creels is as below:

Fig. 12: Typical Sizing Machine

Cluster Creels

In the cluster creel arrangement of a sizing range, the crosswalks are placed between each

cluster of 4 beams (Fig. 13). It allows passage for easy supervision and access to the operator.

In the long chain beamer beam, there is more chances of broken ends and lappers. Hence it is

more important to access the sizing back beam.

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Fig. 13: Cluster Creel

Magazine Creel

In the magazine creel, there are two creel sections; one creel in the storage position can beused for loading of re-beamer beam, while the other creel is in running condition. Theadvantages of the creeling are higher productivity due to saving time in the set change. There

are different types of magazine creel available. The most common types are the side-to-sideand front-to-back/side-to-side. However magazine creel takes more space.

 Another creel design is the rotating or carousel creel. In this creel design, two creel sections aretied together and turn on a central pivot point. Rubber wheels ate fitted at the four corners of thecreel which allow the creel to turn. The back of the creel becomes the front of the creel in therun position.In the carousel creel design, the creel is rise up on a cushion of air and is motorized to rotate.The creel can be loaded in remote locations, may be near long chain beaming and then pulledon a cushion of air into the position behind the back of a sizing machine.

Fig. 14: Beam creel with tension controller

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Creel Braking

Creel braking is very important in denim sizing. The main object of brakes in a creel is to imparta constant unwinding tension. The tension should be remain same from full to empty of the backbeam as well as during acceleration and deceleration. The primary guide roll going into the sizebox is fitted on load cells. The tension of a single sheet or a number of sheet is measured by

means of a load cell. The tension controllers then control the tension by sending pneumaticsignals to each brake, if there is any difference between the actual tension and the desiredtension.

Karl Mayer tension cont roller beam creel (Fig. 14)

The features are

•  Shaft less beam mounting with ball-bearing guide rollers. It is useful for beams having adiameter of up to 1,400 mm

•  Pneumatically operated band brake for beam braking

•  Controlled braking pressure for keeping the yarn tension constant.

Size Boxes

Size box is one of the most critical component of a denim sizing machine. The application ofsize on the yarn should be uniform to provide necessary protection during subsequent process,i.e. in weaving. The number of size boxes is also an important criteria of efficient sizing. Thenumber of size box depends on the space occupied by the yarn in a given sheet width.

The number of size boxes is also depends on the type of weaving machines used in the plant. Ifthe sized yarn is woven on a high speed air jet loom, then the uniformity and the qualityrequirement of the sized beam is higher than on a projectile looms. Hence for air jet looms, twosize boxes is recommended.

When the yarn sheet enters the size box, the yarns are guided downward and passed throughthe size paste in the size box. Then the yarn sheet passed through a set of squeeze rolls. Thesqueeze rolls control the wet pick-up, and influences the size add-on onto the yarn.

 After the size boxes the yarn sheets are dried by passing over steam- heated, Teflon coatedcylinders. Different capacity of cylinder in sizing is shown in Fig. 15.

 After the drying zone, the yarns pass through a set of stainless steel split rods. The function ofthe split rods is to separate the yarns into individual sheets, equivalent to the number of sectionbeams in the creel. The yarn sheets then collected into one single sheet and passed through aexpansion comb, which separates individual yarns. The yarn sheet then wound onto the loom


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Fig. 15: Typical Sizing design and Passage of yarn

KARL MAYER offers sizing machine for denim which meet all the requirement of sizing in orderto achieve high productivity in weaving.

KARL MAYER ‘SMR’ sizing technology for the DENIM sector

SMR sizing machine (Fig.16 ) with KARL MAYER’s KAMCOS®  control technology offers user-friendlyoperation and produce high quality, uniform, reproducible sized beams, which are needed in modernhigh-speed air-jet, rapier and shuttle looms.

The machine is equipped with CSB universal size application system which ensures compact yarn feedand short yarn paths. Cylinder driers available as “full warp” or “sectional warp” versions which ensuresfast drying. The Tension-controlled roller compensators ensures constant production speeds with aweaving beam changing times of < 3.5 minutes,

Fig. 16: Graphic und Layout of SMR sizing machine

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‘BC-A’ beam creel and ‘ABR’ controller

The KAMCOS® system, the associated data collecting system and an efficient braking system keep theyarn tension constant through out the warper beams. The KAMCOS® system continuously send thevalues of required pneumatic braking and stopping pressure for the current diameter of the beam. Then

the yarn tension measuring rollers (load cells) in the ABR control system operated. Flexible band brakes,which are controlled by low-friction roll diaphragm cylinders, equalize any fluctuations between the actualand target values.

CSB-Compact Size Box

The CSB-Compact Size Box ( Fig. 17) is operates with Double dip, double nip sizing technology, whichrequires minimal number of rollers due to tangential squeezing. It offers an integrated application systemfor the DENIM sector. Normally, two sizing machines are used when the yarn loading density was higherthan about 70/80%. Whereas in CSB system can be used up to 110% yarn loading volumes. TheCompact Size Box with a low liquor volume and constant-pressure rollers can be operates at up to 40kN .

Fig. 17: Compact-Size-Box (CSB)

The essential features are:

- The size box is easy to access, maintenance and cleaning- The size box having a low liquor volume which is up to 60 % lower than in conventional size

boxes.- The coordinated rubber-coated rollers avoids differences in circumferential speed,- The optimum squeezing and wetting technology ensures higher yarn loading volumes (of up to

110 %) in the single-bath process

CSB-PW - Compact Size Box with pre-wetting

The Compact-Size-Box with pre-wet (CSB-PW) consist of Double dip and double nip in both the sizingand the pre-wet section. With the ‘wet-on-wet’ size box (Fig.18 ) the additive can be applied onto the yarnwhich is pre-wetted with water. The warp yarns passed through a separate pre-wetting section in which the yarn sheet absorb up to 40 %warm or hot water. The pre-wetting section consist of high pressure squeezing arrangement. Theabsorbed water, mainly bound by capillary action, prevents the size paste from penetrating inside the

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yarn. The advantage of the pre- wetting system is that the sizing agents and dyes can be subsequentlywashed out more easily, and saves up to 20 % of the size.

Fig. 18: Compact-Size-Box pre w et (CSB-PW)

Size application regulation

The wet-on-wet sizing technology equipped with automatically control and regulate the size pick-upsystem. This system can also be equipped with a microwave measuring instrument and a squeezingpressure regulation system at the size box. (Fig. 19 & 20 ). The moisture of the warp is measured and, ifany deviation found from the nominal value, the squeezing pressure is automatically re-adjusted .

Fig. 19: Diagram of a CSB box with in tegrated Pleva measuring technology

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Fig. 20: System automation, 1 Microwave for yarn humidi ty measuring, 2 Refractometer, 3 Flow-meter

Size liquor concentration control

The size liquor concentration in the size box can be automatically determined of via on-line refractometerIncluding % display via computer ( Fig. 21). 

Fig. 21:On-line refractometer  

Cylinder dryer

The dryers having an important role in efficient sizing and to avoid yarn abrasion and fibre and yarnhairiness which occur as the warp yarns rub against each other and during opening of the warp yarns thatare clinging together. The Teflon-coated cylinders reduce yarn hairiness and clinging. The Karl Mayersizing machine dryer may be of multiple configurations, Teflon coated and equipped with temperaturecontrol devices. The automatic moisture control configured either as a floor layout or overhead version ofdrier.

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Suction Hood Above the drying cylinders there is a suction hood made of stainless steel with extraction fans,

Cylinder drier floor version Cylinder drier overhead version(flat)

Cylinder drier overhead version(double)

Fig. 22: Cylinder Driers

Warp yarn storage device and beam production 

Warp yarn storage compensators device stored the warp lengths of up to 144 m and enabled the sizing

machine to continue running even at the time of beam changing. This avoids over drying the sized yarn at

the time of beam changing and hence ensures better and constant sizing values.

Beaming Machine 

The beaming machine is equipped with an expansion comb and taping device, pneumatically controlledpress roller unit, hydraulic beam loading and doffing system, beam chuck in motor-driven movablesupports. The automatic measurement of the beam diameter through ultrasound sensors, steady andeven winding tension during the whole process makes it extremely user friendly. Working widths up to5400mm and flanges diameters up to 1600mm can be achieved in this sizing machine.

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Delivery roller set and main reed Hydraulic beam loading anddoffing system

1600mm flange capabili ty

KAMCOS® drive and control technology

The low yarn elongation loss in sizing is a major requirement in sizing in order to achieve optimumefficiency in weaving. The yarn distortion must be monitored and controlled precisely when the yarn sheetpasses through the sizing machine. The frequency controlled multi-motor or individual motor drivetechnology equipped in modern sizing machines can set the yarn elongation accurately zone by zone.

By using this yarn distortion control system, the yarn distortion forces can be monitored and keptconstant. With the KAMCOS

®s zone elongation control system, the variations in sizing, can be equalised

and eliminated.

The yarn tension measuring rollers supplied information to KAMCOS®  system accurately. It has been

possible to reduce the overall yarn distortion by as much as 0.6 % using the KAMCOS®  control


Toyota Spun Sizer, Pre-Wet Sizing System 

Toyota offers Pre-wet sizing system in which the yarn passes through hot water and squeezingout excess moisture before applying size (Fig. 23). The Pre-wet sizing system removes cottonwax and foreign matter and ensures a thinner, more uniform size application. This also reducethe size consumption. The reduce in size also cut the desizing cost in subsequent process.

Fig. 23: Toyota Spun Sizer, Pre-Wet Sizing System 

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1) www.karlmayer.com.cn/internet/en/textilmaschinen/27.jsp,2) www.karlmayer.com/internet/en/kmweltweit/4128.jsp

3) http://www.denimsandjeans.com/denim/manufacturing-process/dyes-used-for-denim-dyeing-a-


4) www.denimsandjeans.com/.../indigo-rope-dyeing-some-important-technical-considerations/ 

5) http://morrisontexmach.com/Rebeamer.cfm

6) http://www.karlmayer.com/internet/en/kmweltweit/4128.jsp

7) www.toyota-industries.com › Business Overview

8) Papers on National Seminar on Denim, 30th & 31th August 1996, The Textile Association (India),


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The  author   is Manager   (TQM) at   Shri   Lakshmi  Cotsyn  Limited, UPSIDC   Industrial   Area, Malwan, Dist. 

Fatehpur, UP