Technical Evaluation UG-F(1)

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  • 7/30/2019 Technical Evaluation UG-F(1)


    Bid Evaluation Procedure and Criteria

    1. Evaluation Procedure

    Bids will be evaluated through the following four steps:

    Step-1: General Evaluation

    Step-2: Technical Evaluation

    Step-3: Financial and Commercial Evaluation

    Step-4: Ranking of Bids

    The Step-1: General Evaluation will consist in checking the bids to confirm their

    compliance with the requirements of the Bid Documents in the following aspects:

    a) Eligibility of Bidders;

    b) Eligibility of proposed equipment, goods and services;

    c) Completeness and responsiveness of bids; andThe above-mentioned factors will be evaluated on a Pass or Fail basis. Any bids that fail

    to meet any of the requirements detailed in Sub-sections 3.1 to 3.4 will be eliminated from

    further evaluation.

    In Step-2, the technical appropriateness and viability of the bids will be evaluated based on

    the following 5 major criteria, using a scoring system as detailed in Sub-sections 4.1 to 4.4:

    1. Survey and Design Requirements

    2. Equipment and Materials Supply Requirements

    3. Construction and Installation Requirements

    4. Organization and Staffing Requirements

    5. Maintenance RequirementsIn Step-3, the financial and commercial aspects of bids will be examined as detailed in

    Sub-sections 5.1 to 5.3 to ascertain the reasonability, balance and correct calculation of bid


    Finally in Step-4, all the bids that pass the above evaluation steps will be ranked in order of

    the evaluated bid amount, and recommended for contract award.


    In the course of bid evaluation, the Employer or the Employers Representative may request

    the Bidders to clarify the contents of their bid including unbalance in currencies in pricing.

    The clarification of bid shall only be made between the Employer and the Bidder with bid to

    be clarified, either directly (the Employer will invite the Bidder to a face-to-face meeting, in

    which the questions and answers shall be in writing) or indirectly (the Employer will send awritten request for clarification and the Bidder shall answer in writing). The deadline for the

    Bidders clarification will be stated in the written request for clarification. The contents of

    bid clarification in writing will be kept by the Employer as a part of the bid. After the

    deadline for clarification, if the Bidder fails to reply or the Employer does not receive the

    written clarification, or if the Bidder has submitted the clarification in writing but it fails to

    meet the request of the Employer, the Employer will consider and handle in accordance with

    the current provisions of law.

    The clarification of bid shall not change the essential contents of the submitted bid and the

    bid price.


    3.1 Eligibility of BiddersAll bids will be checked first to make sure that:

  • 7/30/2019 Technical Evaluation UG-F(1)


    i) all the partners of the Bidders are those who have been prequalified or satisfied the

    conditions described in Article 4 of Section I Instructions to Bidders;

    ii) all the partners and subcontractors of the Bidders have not been directly engaged in, or

    associated/affiliated with firms who have been engaged in the consulting services for

    the Project, and do not provide personnel to firms who are engaged in the said services.

    Any bids that fail to satisfy any of the above-mentioned conditions will be rejected.3.2 Eligibility of Equipment, Goods and Services

    Bids will be checked to ensure that the cost of the equipment, goods and services proposed

    to be procured from Japan for the Project is not less than 36% of the total cost of such

    equipment, goods and services.

    Any bids in which the total cost of the equipment, goods and services proposed to be

    procured from countries other than Japan exceeds 64% shall be rejected.

    3.3 Completeness and Responsiveness of Bids

    Completeness and responsiveness of bids will be assessed according to the following major

    criteria, and any bids that do not conform to any of the said criteria may be considered as

    non responsive, and eliminated from further evaluation.

    No. Evaluation Criteria

    1. The bid is valid and submitted in the required number of originals and copies

    2. All the Bid Forms and Documents are completely filled and valid

    3. All pages of the Bid Forms are signed by the Bidders authorized representative

    4. Bid validity period is 180 days

    5. Joint Venture Agreement with valid powers of attorney from the respective partners is


    6. Bid Guarantee conforming to the requirements on validity period, value and

    appropriateness is provided

    7. Completely priced Cost Centres for the whole of the Works are provided

    8. Updated information since prequalification as required by the Bid Documents is provided.

    The information shall show the way the Bidder complies with the condition on personnel

    replacement as instructed in the GCs letter of notification of prequalification results

    9. The Bidders name is included in the list of purchasers of Bid Documents or meet the

    requirements specified in Clause 2, Article 28 of Decree 85/2009/N-CP

    10. The Bidder meets the eligibility requirement as an organization or an individual as

    stipulated in Articles 7 and 8 of the Law on Biding (No.61/2005/QH11)

    11. The total bid price is fixed and without conditions

    12. The Bidder does not participate in 2 or more bids as prime contractor

    13. The Bidder satisfies the capability requirement as stipulated in Article 7 of the Law on

    Construction (No.16-2003-QH11)

    14. The Bidder does not violate one of the prohibited acts on biding as defined in Article 12 of

    the Law on Biding

  • 7/30/2019 Technical Evaluation UG-F(1)



    4.1 Procedure for Technical Evaluation

    The technical evaluation will be made based on 5 major evaluation criteria with their

    corresponding score on a scale of 1,000 points as summarized below:

    Evaluation Criteria Full Mark

    1 Survey and Design Requirements 250

    2 Equipment and Materials Supply Requirements 150

    3 Construction and Installation Requirements 250

    4 Organization and Staffing Requirements 200

    5 Training 100

    6 Maintenance Support Requirements 50

    Total 1,000

    Points will be given in accordance with the scoring system detailed in Sub-section 4.2. The

    bids which get a total score of at least 800 points and a minimum of 70% of the full mark

    assigned for each of the above 6 major evaluation criteria will be accepted from the

    technical viewpoint and brought to the next step of evaluation.

    4.2 Detailed Scoring System

    Each of the 6 major evaluation criteria will be divided into several items and each item will

    be further divided into several sub-items to ensure in-depth and accurate assessment of the

    conditions pertaining to each criteria.

    Points will be given to each sub-item according to a predetermined score as shown in the

    table below and based on the level of its responsiveness in percentage to the corresponding


    No. Evaluation ItemsMin/Max


    Maximum Score

    Stations TunnelsM&E


    1Survey and Design Requirements and Design


    1.1 Design Work Programme /125.0 70.0 37.0 18.0

    -Contents of Design WorkProgramme: covering all survey and

    design works

    /20.0 11.0 6.0 3.0


    Adequacy of Design Programme

    components including technical

    issues on survey, design, analysis,

    evaluation of options, measures of

    coordination and risk prevention,

    interfacing with adjacent contractors

    /30.0 17.0 9.0 4.0

    - Quality Assurance Plan for Design /30.0 17.0 9.0 4.0

    - Design period of each majorcomponent

    /20.0 11.0 6.0 3.0

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    No. Evaluation ItemsMin/Max


    Maximum Score

    Stations TunnelsM&E


    - Design sequence and correlationamong design work items including

    design interface

    /25.0 14.0 7.0 4.0

    1.2 Technical solutions proposed in the design /125.0 58.0 32.0 35.0


    Proposed technological solution:

    state-of-the-art, Conformity with

    technical requirements of the


    /62.5 /30.0 /16.0 /16.5


    Conformity with technical design

    requirements of the Employer's


    /12.5 7.0 4.0 1.5

    -Conformity with design Standards

    and design Specifications/12.5 7.0 4.0 1.5


    The design is proven to be adequate

    in countries with weather and

    climatic conditions similar to


    /10.0 6.0 3.0 1.0

    - Backup capacity of the system, if any /10.0 10.0

    - Uniqueness of the design solutions /10.0 6.0 3.0 1.0

    - Having a plan to transfer technicalstandards to be applied to the Project

    /7.5 4.0 2.0 1.5

    1.2.2 Design Quality and Safety /62.5 /28.0 /16.0 /18.5


    Appropriateness of studies, analyses

    and data to support the selected


    /12.5 7.0 4.0 1.5

    - Reliability and Durability /12.5 7.0 4.0 1.5

    - Safety Standards and Regulations /12.5 7.0 4.0 1.5

    -Proper arrangement of equipment in

    subsystems and the entire system,/12.5 12.5

    -Design Conditions for Fire detection

    system and Evacuation Plan/12.5 7.0 4.0 1.5

    2 Equipment and Materials Supply Requirements 105/150

    2.1 Scope of supply: /15.0 15.0


    Meeting the quality and capacity as

    per requirements in the Bid


    /3.0 3.0

    -Meeting the backup materials and

    equipment as per Bid Documents

    /6.0 6.0

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    No. Evaluation ItemsMin/Max


    Maximum Score

    Stations TunnelsM&E


    - Meeting the requirements formaintenance facilities, equipment and


    /6.0 6.0


    Meeting technical requirements (nature,

    specification parameters, standards of

    production) by the Bid Documents

    /15.0 15.0

    - Reliability and safety of product /3.0 3.0

    -Meeting standards of power supply

    and electrical insulation/6.0 6.0


    Complying with compulsory

    requirements for environment,mechanic, material components,

    yard, safety of office etc. as stated in

    the Specifications of Bid Documents

    /6.0 6.0

    2.3 Local Conditions /15.0 15.0


    The proposed equipment is proven to

    be adequate in countries with weather

    and climatic conditions similar to


    /15.0 15.0

    2.4. Product Quality /30.0 30.0

    -Clear origin to meet theRequirements in Bid Documents

    /6.0 6.0

    -Approvals/certificates of equipment

    of the system/12.0 12.0

    - Recognized technical standards /6.0 6.0

    -Not violating intellectual property,

    industrial property/6.0 6.0

    2.5.Organization method of supplying

    products/30.0 30.0

    - Detailed options and logical supplyplan

    /12.0 12.0


    Organization method of supplying

    (including yard preparation,

    checking, inspection and custom

    clearance plan, etc.): evaluation based

    on the following criteria: logic,

    convenience, sufficiency and

    progress assurance.

    /12.0 12.0


    Logic and possibility of shipping

    method, storage arrangement and


    /6.0 6.0

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    No. Evaluation ItemsMin/Max


    Maximum Score

    Stations TunnelsM&E


    2.6.Requirements for technical documentsand manuals of use with plan of

    transferring materials as requested by Bid


    /30.0 30.0

    -Technical specifications of materials,

    equipment and system/12.0 12.0

    -Drawings, layout, manuals for

    operation and maintenance process/12.0 12.0

    - Hardware and software development /6.0 6.0

    2.7Requirements for standby equipment and

    materials/7.5 7.5

    -List of standby materials and

    equipment as per Bid Documents/4.5 4.5


    Available supply of standby material

    and equipment after maintenance


    /3.0 3.0


    Requirements for Inspection and Testing

    with inspection and testing plan for

    material, equipment and system

    /7.5 7.5

    - At manufacture location /4.5 4.5

    - On site /3.0 3.0

    3 Construction and Installation Requirements 175/250

    3.1. Construction Programme /25.0 13.0 8.0 4.0

    -Presentation of Construction

    Programme/6.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

    -Construction period of each Work

    item: appropriateness/7.0 4.0 2.0 1.0

    -Construction Sequence and

    correlation among work items

    /6.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

    -Identification of Critical Path

    Activities/4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0

    -Conformity with Contractual Key

    Dates/2.0 1.0 1.0 0.0


    Appropriateness of construction

    techniques and construction methods for

    each component

    /50.0 30.0 14.0 6.0

    -Detailed construction techniques for

    each component/20.0 12.0 6.0 2.0

    - Feasibility and flexibility of

    construction methods & installation

    /19.0 12.0 5.0 2.0

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    No. Evaluation ItemsMin/Max


    Maximum Score

    Stations TunnelsM&E



    -Compliance with the requirements

    for the Construction Specifications/11.0 6.0 3.0 2.0

    3.3.Adequacy of Environmental and Safety


    - Adequacy of Environmental Plan /15.0

    - Adequacy of Safety Plan /10.0

    3.4. Construction Equipment and Plants /50.0 29.0 14.0 7.0

    - Type of Equipment /15.0 9.0 4.0 2.0

    - Number of Equipment /10.0 6.0 2.0 2.0

    - Capacity of Equipment /5.0 2.0 2.0 1.0

    - Age of Equipment /20.0 12.0 6.0 2.0


    Traffic Management and Temporary

    Facilities including Land Utilization

    during Construction

    /50.0 30.0 14.0 6.0

    - Traffic Management Plan /30.0 18.0 8.0 4.0

    -Temporary Facilities including Land


    /20.0 12.0 6.0 2.0

    3.6.Quality Assurance Plan during

    Construction/50.0 29.0 14.0 7.0

    4. Organization and Staffing 140/200

    4.1 Organization during Design Stage /30.0 17.0 9.0 4.0

    4.2 Organization during Construction Stage /30.0 17.0 9.0 4.0

    4.3Evaluation of manpower and manpower

    mobilization plan/20.0 11.0 6.0 3.0


    Personnel and labour for construction

    and installation works /20.0 11.0 6.0 3.0

    4.4Compliance with key personnel


    - Project Manager /42.0

    - Tunnel Manager /13.0

    - Senior E&M Manager /13.0

    - Tunnel Foreman

    - Tunnel Shaft Manager

    - Design Manager

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    No. Evaluation ItemsMin/Max


    Maximum Score

    Stations TunnelsM&E


    - Superintendent /13.05 Training 70/100

    5.1Plan, organisation and methodology for

    training50 5.0 5.0 40.0

    5.2Number of technical staff available for the

    services20 2.0 2.0 16.0


    Plan to supply equipments, spare parts

    and consumable parts to be necessary for

    training work

    30 3.0 3.0 24.0

    6 Maintenance Support Requirements 35/ 50

    Proposed Maintenance Plan 50 6.5 6.5 37.0


    Proposed approach to 2-year

    maintenance for TVF and ECS in

    stations and provision of Supervisory

    team for 5 years

    /23.5 2.5 2.5 18.5

    -Number of technical staff available

    for the services/10.5 1.5 1.5 7.5


    Major facilities available for the

    services /5.5 1.0 1.0 3.5

    -Spare parts arrangement (available

    stock, delivery time, etc.)/10.5 1.5 1.5 7.5

    1) Training and Transfer of Knowledge/Skills for the Environmental Control System for

    Underground Stations and Tunnel categorizes as Type-A

    The Contractor shall perform all necessary training and transfer knowledge/skills to the personnel

    OMC maintenance team prior to the date for completion of the Works. Please refer to

    Section 2.4 above.

    2) Training and Transfer of Knowledge/Skills for Other Structures, Equipment and Plant

    categorized as Type-B

    The Contractor shall perform all necessary training and transfer knowledge/skills to the OMC

    personnel and/or maintenance team prior to the date for completion of the Works

    4.3 Levels of Responsiveness Applied for Point Allocation

    Points will be allocated to each evaluation sub-item in accordance with the level of

    responsiveness in percentage as mentioned below:

    Evaluation Items Point


    1. Survey and Design Requirements and Design Programme

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    Evaluation Items Point


    1.1 Design Work Programme

    - Good 100%

    - Fairly Good 80%

    - Acceptable 70%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    1.2. Technical solutions proposed in the design

    1.2.1 Proposed technological solution: state-of-the-art, Conformity with

    technical requirements of the system

    - Excellent 100%

    - Acceptable 80%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    1.2.2 Design Quality and Safety

    - Excellent 100%

    - Acceptable 80%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    2. Equipment and Materials Supply Requirements

    2.1 Scope of supply

    - Excellent 100%

    - Acceptable 80%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    2.2 Meeting technical requirements (nature, specification parameters,

    standards of production) by the Bid Documents

    - Excellent 100%

    - Acceptable 80%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    2.3 Local Conditions

    - Excellent 100%

    - Acceptable 80%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    2.4 Product Quality

    - Good 100%

    - Fairly Good 80%

    - Acceptable 70%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    2.5 Organization method of supplying products

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    Evaluation Items Point


    - Good 100%

    - Fairly Good 80%

    - Acceptable 70%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    2.6 Requirements for technical documents and manuals of use with

    plan of transferring materials as requested by Bid Document

    - Excellent 100%

    - Acceptable 80%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    2.7 Requirements for standby equipment and materials

    - Excellent 100%

    - Acceptable 80%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    2.8 Requirements for Inspection and Testing with inspection and

    testing plan for material, equipment and system

    - Excellent 100%

    - Acceptable 80%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    3. Construction and Installation Requirements

    3.1 Construction Programme

    - Good 100%

    - Fairly Good 80%

    - Acceptable 70%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    3.2 Appropriateness of construction techniques and construction

    methods for each component

    - Excellent 100%

    - Acceptable 80%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    3.3 Adequacy of Environmental and Safety Plans

    - Excellent 100%

    - Acceptable 80%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    3.4 Construction Equipment and Plants

    - Type, number and capacity of equipment

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    Evaluation Items Point


    - Good 100%

    - Fairly Good 80%

    - Acceptable 70%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    - Age of equipment

    - Less than 3 years 100%

    - 3 - < 6 years 80%

    - 6 -

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    Evaluation Items Point


    Tunnel Foreman, Tunnel Shaft Manager

    - Qualification which designates the specialty of each position,

    and- Qualification of Civil Engineer with University Degree


    - Qualification of Civil Engineer with University Degree 70%

    - No indication 0%

    b) Design Manager and Superintendent:

    - Qualification which designates the specialty of each position,


    - Qualification of Architect or Civil Engineer with University



    - Qualification of Architect or Civil Engineer withUniversity Degree


    - No indication 0%

    - Experience (70% of Score)

    a) Project Manager

    - Total years of experience: 15 years or more, and 100%

    - Experience in similar works: 10 years or more, and

    - Insufficiency in any of above 2 items 0%

    a) Tunnel Manager, Senior E&M Manager, Tunnel Foreman,

    Tunnel Shaft Manager

    - Total years of experience: 12 years or more, and 100%

    - Experience in similar works: 7 years or more, and

    - Insufficiency in any of above 2 items 0%

    b) Deputy Project Manager, Tunnel Manager, M&E Manager

    - Total years of experience: 10 years or more, and 100%- Experience in similar works: 7 years or more, and

    - Insufficiency in any of above 2 items 0%

    5. Training

    5.1 Plan, organisation and methodology for training

    - Good 100%

    - Fairly Good 80%

    - Acceptable 70%

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    Evaluation Items Point


    - Not acceptable 0%

    5.2 Number of technical staff available for the service

    - Good 100%

    - Fairly Good 80%

    - Acceptable 70%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    5.3 Plan to supply equipments, spare parts and consumable parts to be

    necessary for training work

    - Good 100%

    - Fairly Good 80%

    - Acceptable 70%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    6. Maintenance Support Requirements

    Proposed Maintenance Plan

    - Good 100%

    - Fairly Good 80%

    - Acceptable 70%

    - Not acceptable 0%

    4.4 Evaluation Process

    The bid evaluation process will be conducted by the General Consultants Bid Evaluation

    Committee. Although the scoring system and levels of responsiveness have been

    established, there may be discrepancies in the individually scored results. Thus, in order to

    ensure best evaluation accuracy and fairness, the scores given by each evaluator will be

    cross-checked by another evaluators under the guidance of the Bid Evaluation Committee.


    Financial and commercial evaluation will be made for the bids which have been retained

    through the evaluation of completeness and validity, and technical evaluation in Steps 1and 2 above. The evaluation will be based on the following elements:

    5.1 Correction of Errors and Adjustment of Differences

    The priced Cost Centres will be checked to find any arithmetical errors in computation and

    summation or differences in pricing.

    The international unit system, where , (comma) is put before hundreds and thousands

    and . (period) before decimals, will be used in checking the amounts in figures, and the

    errors shall be corrected appropriately.

    If no price is entered for any Milestone Item of a Cost Centre proposed by the Bidders, the

    price of that Milestone Item will be deemed as included in the total amount of the

    corresponding Cost Centre. Likewise, if any Milestone Item is omitted, it will be deemed

    as included in other Milestone Items.

    If there is discrepancy between the contents of the Technical Proposal and the Financial

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    Proposal, the contents of the Technical Proposal will prevail.

    The errors and/or differences will be corrected and adjusted in the following manner:

    a) Where there is a discrepancy between the amounts in figures and in words, the amount

    in words will govern; and

    b) Where there is a discrepancy between the total amount of a Cost Centre and the actual

    sum of all the milestone items in that Cost Centre, the amounts of the milestone itemswill prevail and the total amount of that Cost Centre will be corrected accordingly.

    Where there is a discrepancy between the fixed lump sum price entered in the Bid

    Total of the Letter of Bid and the actual sum of amounts of all the Cost Centres, the

    amounts of the Cost Centres will prevail and the fixed lump sum price will be

    corrected accordingly.

    The Employer will inform in writing the Bidder of the correction of errors in his Bid in

    accordance with the above-mentioned method, and the Bidder shall inform in writing the

    Employer of his acceptance of such correction. If the Bidder doest not accept the

    correction, his bid will be rejected and his Bid Security will be forfeited in accordance with

    Item C20.5 of the Instructions to Bidders.

    5.2 Conversion to Single Currency for Comparison of BidsBids will be compared in Japanese Yen only. This will be achieved by converting the Local

    Currency portion into Japanese Yen at the Selling Rate of Exchange prevailing on the date

    28 days prior to the date of bid submission (Base Date), as published by Gazette of

    Ministry of Finance, and then adding the same to the Japanese Yen portion of the Bid.

    5.3 Evaluated Bid Price

    The evaluated bid price will be determined after correction of errors, adjustment of

    differences, conversion of the bid price to a common currency to create an equal basis for


    The procedure and factors to be considered in determining the evaluated bid price are as

    summarized in the following table:

    No. Content Determination Basis

    1. Proposed Bid Price Letter of Bid

    2. Correction of errors and adjustment of


    According to Item 5.1 above

    3. Bid Price after Correction & Adjustment Value after Item 5.1

    4. Conversion to a single currency According to Item 5.2

    5. Evaluation bid price Value of bid price determined

    after the above steps

    In the case where exceptional situations occur in the biding process, such situations shall be

    settled in accordance with the provisions of Article 70 of Decree No.85/2009/ND-CP of

    October 15, 2009 or any amendment thereto.


    Based on the results of evaluation and analysis through the successive Step 1: General

    Evaluation; Step 2: Technical Evaluation; and Step 3: Financial and Commercial

    Evaluation described above, the bids will be ranked in order of evaluated bid amount with

    the following details:

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    Ranking Bidders Name Evaluated Bid Amount

    1st (1st Lowest)

    2nd (2nd Lowest)

    3rd (3rd Lowest)

    The bid which has the lowest evaluated bid price (1st Ranking) will be recommended to be

    the successful bid.