Case Study: Tea of a Kind After spending three years and $10 million, Don Park didn't like where his business was headed. Was it too late to shift gears? BY APRIL JOYNER Inc. Senior Reporter @aprjoy 508 SHARES WRITE A COMMENT IMAGE: Courtesy Company The Backstory Am I crazy? That's what Don Park kept asking himself during his flight back to Los Angeles from Germany. He had just turned down a multimillion-dollar deal to license his product to one of the largest beverage makers in the world. The deal promised to be his big break into the industry. But Park was beginning to think his venture would fare better by developing its own line of beverages--even though doing so would take months and require a complete overhaul of the business plan. Park's product was a bottle cap equipped with a nitrogen-pressurized chamber, able to store fresh ingredients and instantly mix them into the bottle once the cap is turned; he had discovered it while scouting business opportunities. Park envisioned the cap being used to make shelf-stable versions of cocktails and other drinks that would normally have to be freshly mixed. Plus, the cap's function produced a striking visual effect that he felt would attract customers. A robust business could be built, Park believed, by licensing the technology to beverage companies. For the next three years, Park worked on securing the global patents for the cap's technology and further developing the product, which he called the Gizmo. By 2010, he had secured the patents, found a


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  • Case Study: Tea of a Kind After spending three years and $10 million, Don Park didn't like where his business was headed. Was it too late to shift gears?


    Inc. Senior Reporter@aprjoy 508 SHARES


    IMAGE: Courtesy Company

    The Backstory

    Am I crazy? That's what Don Park kept asking himself during his

    flight back to Los Angeles from Germany. He had just turned down a

    multimillion-dollar deal to license his product to one of the largest

    beverage makers in the world. The deal promised to be his big break

    into the industry. But Park was beginning to think his venture would

    fare better by developing its own line of beverages--even though

    doing so would take months and require a complete overhaul of the

    business plan.

    Park's product was a bottle cap equipped with a nitrogen-pressurized

    chamber, able to store fresh ingredients and instantly mix them into

    the bottle once the cap is turned; he had discovered it while scouting

    business opportunities. Park envisioned the cap being used to make

    shelf-stable versions of cocktails and other drinks that would normally

    have to be freshly mixed. Plus, the cap's function produced a striking

    visual effect that he felt would attract customers. A robust business

    could be built, Park believed, by licensing the technology to beverage


    For the next three years, Park worked on securing the global patents

    for the cap's technology and further developing the product, which he

    called the Gizmo. By 2010, he had secured the patents, found a

  • manufacturer in Germany, and begun attracting interest from

    beverage companies. Park assembled a group of advisers from the

    food and beverage industries. He also brought on three consultants

    to head business development and finance; they agreed to work for

    free in exchange for the opportunity to earn equity.

    The Problem

    Several of Park's advisers questioned the licensing strategy.

    Licensing the Gizmo, argued Michael Lemkin, an executive director

    at the investment firm Oppenheimer, would mean losing control over

    how the product was used and marketed. "It destroys the value of the

    brand," he said.

    But Park had invested $10 million in the Gizmo and, like his

    consultants, was not taking a salary. He had several prospects lined

    up and was confident he could secure a licensing deal before the end

    of the year. In October 2010, he and two colleagues flew to London

    to meet with a large beverage company that wanted to license the

    technology. From there, they planned to travel to Bremen, Germany,

    to touch base with the Gizmo's manufacturer.

    It turned out that the London company wanted to use the Gizmo for a

    new beverage that would dispense an energy shot akin to Red Bull

    into a soda. And that bothered Park. A year earlier, he had been

    found to have a chronic illness. In response, he had improved his

    diet--and was uncomfortable licensing the Gizmo for such an

    unhealthful beverage. Park turned down the deal immediately.

    Once the group got to Germany, Park proposed changing gears and

    developing a new brand of beverages. But his colleagues disagreed.

    They understood Park's passion for health but remained hopeful that

    they could find a suitable licensing partner. Not only would

    developing a brand take years, they argued, it was also far riskier.

    Park ended up leaving Germany alone. He returned to Los Angeles

    despondent and unsure about his next move. "They believed it would

    be too expensive to create a brand," he says. "I believed it would be

    even more expensive to license without a brand around it."

    The Decision

    Back in Los Angeles, Park consulted his other advisers. Most agreed

    that in the long term, a successful beverage brand could be more

  • lucrative than licensing the Gizmo. But not everyone thought he

    should abandon licensing. "More than one strategy can be pursued in

    good faith," says Greg Cumberford, president of the Asheville, North

    Carolina-based incubator Bent Creek Institute and one of Park's


    Park considered partnering with a company whose health objectives

    aligned with his to develop beverages. But because the Gizmo was

    not yet on the market, he had little leverage in negotiations. He also

    fielded offers from companies interested in obtaining the patents to

    the Gizmo outright.

    Finally, Park made up his mind: First, the team would develop a line

    of beverages using the Gizmo. Once the brand had proved itself in

    the marketplace, he would pursue licensing for the cap technology.

    He and his team worked to hammer out a new business plan, but the

    relationship quickly grew frayed. His finance head reluctantly agreed

    to stay on, but the two business development executives decided

    they didn't want to wait and left the project. "It was clear we were not

    aligned," Park says. "It was only a matter of time before they would

    lose interest." (Both signed nondisclosure agreements with Park and

    declined to be interviewed for this article.)

    The Aftermath

    Park knew he needed a partner with industry expertise. In December

    2010, a neighbor introduced him to Walter Apodaca, a former

    executive at Coca-Cola and MillerCoors. A month later, Park and

    Apodaca launched Gizmo Beverages. They invested $2 million and

    raised $5 million more from friends and family.

    Over the next year and a half, the duo worked to develop a line of

    teas. Tea of a Kind debuted in August 2012 in 10 stores in Los

    Angeles. The first shipment sold out in just one day. In October, Tea

    of a Kind was named the best ready-to-drink tea or coffee at

    InterBev, a trade show sponsored by the American Beverage

    Association. Also that month, the company finalized two licensing

    deals, one in Austria and another in Japan.

    The company's change of direction hasn't come without some

    bumps. In March 2012, Gizmo's head of finance, unsatisfied with the

    company's progress, quit. But the company has since hired more

  • employees; it now has a staff of 20. Gizmo's results seem to have

    validated the company's decision to shift gears. "Although it's a

    slower dollar, I think Don's decision is working out for us," says



    The Experts Say...

    Keeping Faith Is Key

    I'm a big believer that business owners need to feel good about the

    concept they are leading. My business partner and I have tried to do

    that in our transition from traditional music retail to online reselling.

    Park seemed to do this by not taking the easier money but instead

    protecting his vision for the Gizmo by developing a beverage for it

    that met his philosophical standards. Not every employee will feel the

    same way about the direction the owner takes the company, but the

    ones who share the philosophy will be behind it, and they are the

    ones who are crucial in making it work.

    --Kent Wagner

    Co-founder, abundatrade.com

    I'm Not Convinced

    Few beverage companies can afford to pay lucrative licensing fees

    for these caps, and the terms Park can get may not be to his liking.

    Simply having a new technology doesn't necessarily mean that this

    company will have any advantage in creating a successful brand. As

    a brand, Gizmo Beverages seems generic to me. I'm not convinced

    that either path the company has taken will lead to success. They

    need to commit to one approach.

    --John Craven

    Founder and CEO, bevnet.com

    Get All Stakeholders Involved

    When a company makes a fundamental change, it is inevitable that

    some people will leave. Two people at my company left after we

    made some major changes. It helps if employees at least feel like

    you're including them in the decision-making process. It seems like

    Park came up with a new solution for the company on his own and

    then told everyone else. It's hard to get people to come on board that

  • way. The best way to minimize disagreement is to make sure that all

    the stakeholders are in the room.

    --Cheryl Yeoh

    Co-founder and CEO, reclip.it