team work The in-house journal of the Marshall Group of Companies Summer 2008 Stunning New Nissan GT-R arrives...

TEAMWORK re-design 07

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Page 1: TEAMWORK re-design 07

teamworkThe in-house journal of the Marshall Group of Companies

Summer 2008

Stunning NewNissan GT-R arrives...

Page 2: TEAMWORK re-design 07

2 Teamwork Summer 08

This is a challenging and belt-tighteningtime for everyone in view of the currentworld uncertainties and turmoil. However,providing we proceed prudently, our Groupis in a strong position and well placed tobuild on our successes.

The retail motor industry is going through aparticularly difficult period, but I am pleasedthat we are continuing to look after ourcustomers with steady and improving CSIperformances across the board. Itis important that we stick to ourwell established values in thesechallenging times.

It has been a proud year for MarshallAerospace through our continuing supportfor the C-130. This summer our outstandingtechnical leadership enabled the iconicVulcan Bomber to be established on theCivil Aircraft Register thereby permitting it tofly at a number of Air Shows, and our teamworking on the A400M engine flying testbed on a C-130 has made huge progress

and also considerably helped with thedevelopment of the engine which we expectto be flying on the C-130 in the verynear future.

MSV has now delivered over 1450 TruckBodies to the MoD and as I write we areshortly going to be delivering the lateststate-of-the-art Mobile Military Hospitalequipped with some of the very latest hightech medical equipment to the NorwegianArmed Services. It will play a vital roleproviding high quality medical back-up tothe Armed Forces in Afghanistan and otherareas of conflict.

The many other supplementary andgrowing activities in our Group have madegreat progress, particularly Leasing,Aeropeople and Testing, and our MTK/VTRteams are making huge efforts in adifficult market.

We have continued to support localcommunities and charities and it was

particularly pleasing that Diana Petchellreceived the Richard Hambro Award fromthe Macmillan Cancer Care charity for heroutstanding organisation of our specialMacmillan Coffee Morning which takesplace every September. This requires ahuge amount of prior organisation andenthusiasm. I hope that you will all begiving her your support once again on 26thSeptember this year.

We can look forward to our excitingCentenary Year – 2009, including especiallyour Families Open Day planned for Sunday20th September next year.

Thank you for all that you are doing tocontribute to our successes, andparticularly all that you are doing for ourcustomers, all of whose satisfaction ourbusiness is totally dependent on forour success.

Chairman’s comments

Annual GeneralMeeting 2008

The Company held its twenty second Annual General meeting on Wednesday, 4th June. Following lunch the Shareholders inspected a displayof vehicles from the Motor Group along with a Norwegian Hospital and the A400M Flying Test Bed.

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Six Company Employees took part in the London Marathon this yearraising over £7,000. The Company topped up money raised for theirvarious charities by providing an additional £250 for each runnerand in the photograph Mr Michael Marshall is shown presentingcheques to Daniel Edwards of Marshall SV, Gary Stacey and GeoffWalker of the Marshall Motor Group. Missing from the photographare Graham Moore of Marshall Aerospace and Len Scrase ofMarshall SV.

In recognition of hosting the biggest and most successful Macmillan Cancer Carefundraising Coffee Morning in Cambridgeshire, Diana Petchell was recentlypresented with the Richard Hambro Volunteer Award, given to people who arechampion fundraisers for the charity. Steve Richards, Regional Director forMacmillan Cancer Care who presented Diana with her award said: “Without peoplelike Diana, we wouldn’t be able to fund vital services and develop new ways tosupport people affected by cancer. Her hard work and dedication is verymuch appreciated.”

Since Diana hosted her first CoffeeMorning in 1996, when just under £50 was raised,her efforts have raised nearly £40,000 for Macmillan – the last Coffee Morning aloneraised £5,220. Mr Michael Marshall hosted a lunch for Diana following which TerryHolloway took her on a flight over the area to mark the occasion.

The next Macmillan Coffee Morning events across the country take place on Friday,26th September.Pictured is Diana with Michael Marshall (left) and Steve

Richards from Macmillan

The late Sir Arthur Marshall was a highly talented athlete whogained an Athletics Blue whilst at Cambridge University andwas also a member of the 1924 British Olympic Team. Hewas also a prominent member of the Hawks Club. Mr MichaelMarshall recently presented Sir Arthur’s athletics medals tothe Hawks Club where they are being held on display onloan. Sir Roger Tomkys is pictured receiving the medals.

Summer 08 Teamwork 3

NewHome for Sir ArthurMarshall’sAthleticMedals

Fundraiser honoured


STOP PRESS…….The Marshall Group of Companies was recently featured in theDaily Telegraph Business Review, listed in the top 10 biggestprivately-owned manufacturing businesses in Great Britain.

Centenary preparationsPlans are now well underway for the various events aspart of the Company’s Centenary in September 2009.The highlight of the events will be the Family & FriendsOpen Day on Sunday, 20th September. Already anumber of activities have been planned for the day, but

if you have any ideas or would like to get involved in anyway with the planning or on the day itself, please contactTerry Holloway on MA extension 3227. There will bemore detailed information on the various events in thenext edition of Teamwork, due out in December.

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4 Teamwork Summer 08


The Restoration Phase of the Vulcan Return to Flight Programme hasculminated with the award of the Permit to Fly by the Civil AviationAuthority. The Permit was handed over to the Vulcan Operating Companyat Bruntingthorpe on Thursday, 3rd July. Almost immediately, the aircraftleft Bruntingthorpe for RAF Waddington. En route the crew achieved aDisplay Authorisation from the CAA, allowing the aircraft to take part in itsfirst air display, since restoration, at the Waddington Airshow on the 5 -6July. This is appropriate, as from 1982 – 1993, XH558 was based at RAFWaddington when it flew with the Vulcan Display Flight.

The award of the Permit to Fly, marks the culmination of a 15 yearprogramme to return the Vulcan to flight. In an emotional message on theTVOC website, Dr Robert Pleming, the Chief Executive of the Vulcan to theSky Trust paid tribute to the Marshall Aerospace contribution to theprogramme: “I would also like to acknowledge the huge technical andfinancial support that has been provided by Marshall of CambridgeAerospace Ltd, without whose expertise, generosity and commitment wewould not be seeing the Vulcan flying.”

The aircraft also entertained crowds with a fantastic air display during theFarnborough Air show in July.

“I’mmost grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Marshall Aerospace team and the past threeyears here have been absolutely great. Whilst I spent 30 years in the aviation world as a pilot andleader in the US Air Force, I still have much to learn from everyone at Marshall Aerospace andcannot think of a better place to continue my appreciation of working with people in aviation.

My new duties as Director, Airport Operations and Development are particularly thrilling. Thepeople, the challenges and indeed the whole environment are exciting! It’s exactly where I wantto be. We face many tough challenges and now have wonderful opportunities to fine tune ourteam’s organisational structure andAirport brand so that we are best prepared to exploit a varietyof business ventures on the horizon. The opening of our newMarshall BusinessAviation facilitiesthis autumn and the 2012 LondonOlympics are but two examples. These opportunities and othersnow upon us are unique and will help shape our future. Together we face a new era as we buildupon our already strongMarshallAerospace reputation. I am thrilled to participate in these excitingtimes andwill do everything I can to contribute inmeaningful ways to successfully drive ourMarshallTeam agenda forward.”

John Watkins

Meet theNewAirport Director

In his daytime job Jon Land works in the Aircraft Design Office as anengineer supervising the development of the Company’s GraduateTraining Scheme. In his part-time life he is a Flight Sergeant in No. 7010Squadron of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force based at RAF Waddington. Jonrecently completed a role of active operations in Afghanistan as reportedin a previous edition of Teamwork, where he himself came under hostilefire and had to return fire. In recognition of this active service Jon recentlyreceived a Campaign Medal which was presented to him jointly by MrMichael Marshall, wearing his uniform as Honorary Air Commodore of No.2623 Squadron Royal Auxiliary Air Force, and by Air Commodore DelvaPatman, the Honorary Air Commodore of No. 7010 Squadron.

JonLandHonoured for Service

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Summer 08 Teamwork 5

25th Launch anniversary forMAconvertedOrbital Sciences aircraft

Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC) has successfully launched a USAFsatellite using its Pegasus rocket and L-1011 carrier aircraft launchsystem. The launch, on 16th April, of the C/NOFS (Communications/Navigation Outage Forecasting System) marked the 25th consecutivesuccessful mission for the Pegasus/ L-1011 system since 1997 and the39th overall flight of the company’s air-launched system since itsintroduction in 1990.

In 1992, MAwas selected by OSC to perform the design and conversionof an ex-Air Canada Lockheed L-1011 TriStar “Stargazer” to carryPegasus rockets to launch satellites. MA performed the modifications,removing unnecessary equipment such as passenger seats, reinforcingthe internal wing structure and adding Pegasus support equipment.

The first test flight took place in August 1993 and the aircraft was handedover to OSC in Washington on 30th November 1993. Pegasus is a wingedrocket developed as a three stage solid propellant launcher which is carriedto 38,000 ft by the L-1011 aircraft before being pre-programmed and freedropped. Weighing in at 18,000 kgs, the Pegasus rocket can deploy smallsatellites weighing up to 1,000 pounds into low-Earth orbit and typicallydelivers satellites into orbit in a little over 10 minutes.

Sunday, 10th June marked an important milestone in theAirbus Military A400M Flight Test Bed programme with the first ground runs of the EuropropInternational (EPI) TP400-D6 engine and Ratier-Figeac propeller installed upon the Marshall-owned C-130 test aircraft at Cambridge.

The ground runs will enable the engineers to test andmeasure the engine starts, nacelle ventilation, intakedistortion, engine noise behaviour and undertake thevibration stress survey to clear the new Ratier-Figeac/Hamilton Sundstrand propeller. In total over 30 hours ofground running is foreseen before the aircraft can be clearedfor flight, and during this phaseMarshallAerospace will startdelivering data recorded from its DataAcquisition System toprovideAirbusMilitary with key data on engine performance.During the initial ground runs, checks will be performed toconfirm the aircraft, engine and propeller interfaces, and flighttest instrumentation. In addition, the propulsion system willundergo low power and high power static runs, followed bylow speed and high speed taxi tests and the subsequentflight test programme.

Marshall Aerospace Test Services has been contracted by Messier-Dowty to undertakeextended Fatigue Tests on the Nose Landing Gear of theAirbusA340-500/600 aircraft.

Following the collection from Messier-Dowty site at Gloucester, Test Services hasre-built and re-commissioned the existing A340-500/600 Nose Landing Gear FatigueTest rig with minor modifications. Now successfully commissioned, Test Services willundertake the fatigue tests, which is expected to take approximately eighteen monthsand will demonstrate additional Nose Landing Gear life capability.

Winning this programme has demonstrated Marshall Aerospace Test Servicescredibility in the world of Aerospace Testing, which will significantly support their bidson future projects.

The image shows the Messier-Dowty Nose Landing Gear fatigue rig being built andundergoing commissioning in Hangar 21 prior to testing commencing.

Marshall Aerospace Test Services undertake Messier-Dowty A340-500/600Nose LandingGear FatigueTest

Ground runs commenceonAirbusA400MFlight Test BedatMarshall Aerospace

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6 Teamwork Summer 08

Marisa Parfitt, Human Resources Adviser, was recently announced as the Marshall Motor Group’sEmployee of the Year for 2007. Marisa was nominated in quarter 1, 2007, by the managers in theregion she looks after for her tremendous support during and immediately after last year’sreorganisation in Bury St Edmunds. The other finalists for 2007 were Barbara Proctor,Peterborough Honda; David Caddick, Grantham Volvo; Tracey Moss, Bury St EdmundsCitroen; Dick Bradbury, Melton Mowbray Land Rover; Chris Herriot, Cambridge Used Cars;and Kym Robertson, Bury St Edmunds Peugeot. All of the finalists were invited to attend acelebratory dinner hosted by Robert Marshall where the winner of the award was announced.

250 specially selected guests were recently invited to Cambridge Airport to viewthe eagerly awaited Nissan GT-R. Marshall of Cambridge Nissan was the onlydealer in Europe allowed a GT-R that far in advance for its event due to the numberof orders they had already taken at that time. A raffle was held to win one of 15passenger seats available for a series of high speed runs down the runway in theGT-R, driven by David Arrowsmith, Franchise Manager. Over £450 was raised forBreakthrough Breast Cancer. Guests were treated to a champagne reception anda barbecue, and also had the opportunity to sample two driving simulators.

Feedback from the event was overwhelming with many great comments from theguests, some of whom were Ferrari and Aston Martin drivers, with some evensaying that it was “the best car launch I have ever been to”. As a direct result ofthe event, a further 5 orders were placed and the dealership has now taken over160 orders (the second highest number of any dealer in Europe) with deliverydates now being quoted as far ahead as Quarter 3, 2010.

Congratulations to Kevin May at Marshall Bury St Edmunds Bodyshop for being the first BodyshopTechnician to attend an ATA assessment, a mandatory requirement for the new PAS125 BodyshopStandard, and the first to pass the Senior Paint Technician ATA test at Thatcham recently. ThePAS125 Standard is vitally important for the business in terms of repair process, repair integrity andsafety and will consolidate the Group’s relationship with its insurer partners. ATA is a part of thecriteria requirement of PAS125.

The one day test included a practical assessment and an on-line test. All the technicians whoattended from various Bodyshops around the UK passed the practical test, but only Kevin passed theon-line test making him the only one to come away with a certificate! Kevin will receive his ATAmembership card and badge shortly.

Open pits are a feature of many garages in the motorindustry, especially in older sites. Following a recentincident at Vauxhall in Ely, the team, in conjunction withMalcolm Fryer, HSE Adviser, has been working withOxford Safety Components to safeguard these pits andhave come up with a practical solution. They havedeveloped a systemwhichwill act as a safety cover over

the top of the pits and will be marketed acrossthe industry as the “Covers All Voids Easily” (CAVE)Safety Cover.

An ongoing programme is in place to install further CAVESafety Cover systems at Marshall of Melton Mowbray,Marshall of Cambridge and the VTRAldridge depot.

MarshallMotorGroupEmployee of theYear 2007

NewSafety Systemat Ely Vauxhall

News fromCambridgeshire...

Marshall Nissan Launches the newGT-R in Style

News fromSuffolk...

First to pass the test... and the only one on the day...

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Summer 08 Teamwork 7

The Teamwork culture being promoted in the Peterborough Region resulted in the Boongatedealerships joining force to promote Motability to visitors at the East of England show in June.Marshall of Peterborough Vauxhall, Honda, Toyota, Peugeot, Volvo, Chrysler Jeep and Dodgeall took along models from their range that could be purchased without any deposit contributionfrom customers. A first for the region and possibly a first nationally; that a mixture of cars wereshown to promote the benefits of the Motability scheme in this way. The event was to promotethe benefits of the scheme rather than to sell cars and was overall a great success. Plans arealready underway to attend in this capacity at next year’s East of England Show.

The team at Honda in Peterborough treated35 specially invited customers to a splendidthree course lunch at Orton Hall Hotel over atwo day period as they launched the newHonda Accord. Despite torrential rainrestricting activities, feedback from the eventwas terrific and seven customers have givenserious intent to purchase. The team atHonda in Peterborough is confident that thelaunch has positioned the car firmly as apremium product.

The Jaguar team from Peterboroughwas recently announced as one of thetop 20 dealers in the UK during 2007.A team of four from the dealership(pictured left), plus their partners,attended a Jaguar gala event inPortugal. Unfortunately they missedout on an award this time round butare well placed for the 2008competition. Good luck.

Marshall Nissan in Bury St Edmunds has beencrowned as one of the top performing Nissandealerships in the country.

The dealership team was recognised byNissan as one of the best in the UK at aspecial gala dinner which was held in Londonon 5th July.

The Reaching4Excellence programmeassesses every Nissan dealership on keyareas including customer satisfaction andrecommendation, complaint handling, staffknowledge and competency. Dealerships alsoreceive visits from mystery shoppers whoassess the levels of service for customers.

Marshall Nissan recognised as one of theUK’sbest dealerships

Jaguar CSi is Tops

A first for the region...

Marshall Hondalaunches newAccord

News fromPeterborough...

News from theWesternRegion... Top result for Hitchin Alfa Romeo

For the first quarter of 2008 theAlfa Romeo dealership in Hitchin finished in thetop five dealers in the country for sales targets and customer standards. As aresult of this, the five Sales Managers of those dealerships, plus their wives,were taken for a long weekend in Rome.

Management Trainee Nadia Buttice, based at Bedford Land Rover, attained topof the class in her Accounting & Financial Management module recently atLoughborough University. The course was broken into 50% exam and 50%practical and on her 2,000 word assignment based on cash flow, Nadiaattained 71% on her course work and 77% during the exam which related intoan overall mark of 74%.

Management Trainee is top of the class

Congratulations go to PeterLeverton at Knebworth Vauxhallfor achieving 100% in a recentVauxhall mystery shopwhichwasachieved by following theMarshall sales process. This highscore is almost unknown withinVauxhall nationally with the

average being 80%! He is alsocurrently in 3rd position in the Company sales league, whichproves that doing things the right way does indeed bring results!


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8 Teamwork Summer 08

In June MSV exhibited at Defence Vehicle Dynamics (DVD) at Millbrooknear Bedford. This exhibition, the-centre-piece of the UK Military Vehicleyear, involved a huge amount of contact between MSV and itscustomers, clients and suppliers. Exhibits included the work being doneon armoured protection of shelters, a cross section of the Utility VehicleLoad Bed for the MOD, a new set of banners highlighting MSV's

capabilities in the areas of Integration, UORs, Customer Support VehicleEngineering and many other issues. As well as exhibiting on its ownstand, MSV also provided staff and exhibits on the MAN and the DS&TEIPT Stands. The Marshall team was able to have discussions withBaroness Taylor Minister DE and S, and several IPTs.

A recent programme on BBCSouth Today featuredMSV's entry to the UKMOD'sGrandChallenge.Marshall SystemDesign Group is spearheading theMSV entry to the competition which is all aboutusing autonomous sensors on an unmanned ground vehicle to allow it to navigate its way aroundan urban area spotting hazards and potential enemy activity and weapons. This will allow groundforces to carry out reconnaissance without exposing themselves to unnecessary danger and thenneutralise, avoid or destroy the threat.

The Land Rover team at Melton Mowbray were pleased to be positioned 19th in the country outof 130 dealers for quarter 2 in theAfter Sales Customer Satisfaction which is a great achievementfor a Land Rover dealership. This was achieved through a brilliant team effort and fully embracesthe Motor Group’s ‘Think Customer’ philosophy. The team is working hard to build on this resultfor the remainder of the year.

The Marshall Group recognises the importance its employees place notonly on their own health and welfare, but also on that of their families.The Group has teamed up with BUPAPrivate Health Cover to offer coverto employees across the whole Group and their families. BUPA currentlyoffers two plans for staff to choose from:

BUPA EmployeeChoice This provides cover for eligible diagnostictests, hospital in-patient and day-patient treatment, as well as cover forout-patient consultations and therapies, including up to £250 towardscomplementary treatments.

BUPA EmployeeChoice Essentials This is the same as BUPAEmployeeChoice except out-patient consultations and therapies are onlycovered if they are immediately related to and following eligible private in-patient or day-patient treatment. Complementarymedicine is also excluded.

Age in years Bupa EmployeeChoice BupaEmployeeChoice Essential20 £28.28* £20.39*30 £36.26* £27.05*40 £41.92* £30.21*

* per month

Rates shown are rates with £250 excess and an entry level discount, and are valid until 31/12/08.Correct as at 01/01/08. These costs include Insurance Premium Tax.

The no claims discount may not be combined with any other discounts for which you may be eligible.BUPAreserves the right to alter or withdraw the discount on or after your first renewal date and the rightto vary subscriptions during a contract year if the rate of insurance premium tax changes.

To find out more or to become a BUPA member, please call on 01223548800. Please quote 13130 in any communications. Lines are open9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Calls may be recorded and monitored. Orcontact Simon Lively at: [email protected]

NewsSnippets fromMSV

News fromLeicestershire...

MSV... preferred bidder for MOD’s DeployableMachine Shop contract

MSDGGrand Challengestar of stage and screen

BUPA Private Health Care

Melton Land RoverThinks Customer

Marshall 30 PlusClub

There has been a good response to the Works Visit planned for 12th September for members of the Marshall 30 Plus Club.Over 85 members, plus their guests, will be welcomed to the Works by 30 Plus Club Chairman, John Arnold and Mr MichaelMarshall and then taken on a tour of theAirport Works, followed by a reception with the Directors and a flypast by the Companyaircraft. It is hoped that this visit will form the basis of future events for the Club.

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Summer 08 Teamwork 9

Earlier this year, MTK converted part of its Training Centre at Aldridge into a 4000ft2warehousing operation for both Refrigeration and Tail Lift parts. Operations andcomputer systems have been streamlined to provide a more efficient andcost-effective service to both the national fleet of mobile engineers and direct tocustomers. Regional Service Centres still hold a small amount of the most popularitems in stock, and are supported by daily deliveries from Central Stores. In additionto new parts, MTK also sources second-hand parts and units from around the world,in order to offer customers refurbished or reconditioned equipment where required.

The National Parts Distribution Centre is managed by Mick Ward, who is alsoresponsible for another significant project aimed at increasing the turnover andprofitability of MTK’s Parts Division. www.marshall-parts.co.uk will be launched inQuarter 3, 2008 and will allow online purchase of any fridge or tail-lift part. With over1000 parts to be included on the site, this has been a major undertaking, so watchthis space!

Marshall Thermo King is one of the latest companies to join a leading edgescheme, designed to help industry improve its safety record. MTK recentlyreceived accreditation from SAFEcontractor, a programme which recognises veryhigh standards of health and safety practice amongst UK contractors.

SAFE contractor is operated by international safety, health and environmental riskmanagement specialists, the National Britannia Group. Under the scheme,businesses undergo a vetting process, which examines health and safetyprocedures and track record for safe practice. Accredited companies are includedon a database which is accessible to registered employer organisations, who canvet potential contractors before they set foot on site.

Approximately 90% of jobs are undertaken at customersites or roadside and MTK engineers are oftenrequired to work in difficult conditions. Rigorous H&Sprocedures, a comprehensive training programme forengineers and significant investment in safetyequipment were all factors which assisted MTK ingaining the SAFEcontractor accreditation.

During a recent visit to Turners, Thermo King’s Director for the UK and Ireland,made a presentation to MTK Engineer Martin Wilson (pictured left). GrahamEames, centre, took the time to personally thank Martin for his contribution tobuilding the Turners account into one of TK’s major accounts. Martin works outof the customer’s Soham depot and takes on many of the day-to-day tasks thatwould otherwise fall to their Workshop Manager, including prioritising jobs,ordering parts and co-ordinating off-site breakdowns. This excellent level ofcustomer service provided by Marshall Thermo King, has led to Turners addinga further 50 TK fridges to their fleet this year, including a recent order for ten ofthe newly-launched SLX units.

ConsolidatedPartsOperation forMarshall ThermoKing&Marshall Tail Lift

MTKengineer congratulated forextraordinary levels of customer service

TopSafetyAccreditation forMarshallThermoKing

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10 Teamwork Summer 08

User Training onNSUSystem2

Second customisedGroundControl StationShelter delivered toBAESystems forHerti UAVprogramme... and then diplayed at Farnborough

Following the successful delivery of NSU System 2 by MSV, training ofNorwegian and allied Operators and Maintenance teams was undertakenin Norway during February. The MSV training team met the system as itwas delivered on a cold Norwegian evening. The training team was drawnfrom across MSV and led by the Customer Support department.

Instruction was given to the user group responsible for deployment of thesystem utilising all of the required handling resources. Despite freezingtemperatures, sheet ice and the occasional snow flurry, the complete systemwas deployed and connected within 2 working days and the system wasavailable for usewithin the tight timeframe needed to commence the secondphase of instruction.

Following the deployment instruction, the Norwegian maintenance teamwere given operating and servicing instruction. This included electricitydistribution, medical gas generation and certification together with watersystem purity checks. The external heating units were used to maintain theinternal temperature at 23°C despite it being below minus 15°C outside.Finally the electronic patient monitoring and surgical operating equipmentwas installed bringing the hospital up to a fully operational state.

The ‘User’ community was delighted with their ‘state of the art’ Hospitalsystem and they were looking forward to getting ‘hands on’ during anOperational deployment. MSV knew they were fully trained and would beable to work in a warm and safe environment.

A second specialist ground control station (GCS) has been delivered toBAE Systems Integrated System Technologies (Insyte) for the HERTI(High Endurance Rapid Technology Insertion) Unmanned Air System(UAS) Programme by MSV.

MSV delivered the 14 foot shelter on time, to cost and specification inorder to meet the timetable for rapid fielding of the system. The selectionof the shelter was dictated by the transport modes, including C-130“short versions” which will be used to move the GCS and UAS fromlocation to location.

To achieve the programme delivery time and costs MSV dedicated ateam of specialist engineers to the programme who were, in partnershipwith BAE Systems, responsible for planning, design, development,procurement, manufacture and delivery. This enabled the final productto be based on the latest 14’ shelter whilst still meeting the performanceand operational capabilities required.

MSV was responsible for the manufacture of the shelter and assisted inthe build and assembly of the mechanical elements of the internal fit.The electronic and electrical elements of the shelter were designed byBAE Systems and fitted by BAE Systems at Marshall’s site inCambridge. In addition to operational use, the shelter was used by BAEto demonstrate HERTI at Farnborough.

Commenting on the programme Peter Callaghan, Chief Executive ofMSV said “We are really pleased to have helped BAE Systems with thisprogramme. It represented a really challenging programme with difficult

delivery targets which were achieved by good programme managementand team working in MSV and close work as partners with BAESystems.”

MSV has delivered the second Ground Control Station Shelter for theBAE Systems HERTI UAV on time, to cost and specification in order tomeet the timetable for rapid fielding of the system.

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Marshall Specialist Vehicles andCampSupplyInternational announce partnering agreement

Marshall SVhelps TeamLM to score 1st teamsuccesswith Fire ShadowWeaponSystem

Marshall SV (MSV) and Camp Supply International (CSI) the Skien,Norway-based camp infrastructure supplier announced a partneringagreement to work together on joint marketing, sales and capabilityprovision. The agreement was signed at EUROSATORY, the majordefence exhibition held every two years in Paris.

Both MSV and CSI produce and integrate items into shelters but theseactivities involve different segments of the market and different items ofequipment. The systems provided by CSI Norway are container-basedsolutions for kitchen, sanitary, laundry, ammunition storage, wastetreatment, accommodation and administration whilst MSV’s solutionsare primarily in the technological sector, for example operating theatres,command centres and UAV ground stations.

The alliance combines the strengths of both CSI and MSV to deliverinnovative deployable infrastructures to customers. The complimentaryfit between the two companies allows them to maximise their strengthsin the solutions they provide. MSV and CSI will co-operate to identifyfuture markets and sales prospects for their shelter solutions and worktogether to develop business and sales opportunities.

Peter Callaghan, Chief Executive of MSV, said “MSV is committed topartnering with best-in-class companies such as CSI to help solvecustomer problems. Partnering with a leading company in deployablekitchen and other camp infrastructure systems like CSI, will bring MSVstrength in delivering deployable systems such as hospitals.”

Harald Andersen, Managing Director of CSI, said “Teaming CSI’sdeployable infrastructure systems expertise, such as kitchen, sanitary,laundry and other specialised containerised facilities, with MSV’s qualityapproach to offer a one stop capability to the customer makes goodpractical and economic sense.”

Where beneficial MSV and CSI will jointly prepare sales and promotionaldocumentation, and responses to tenders for their products. These willstress the one stop capability approach of CSI and MSV.

MSV will assist CSI to identify business opportunities in the UK, includingmeeting requirements of the UK Ministry of Defence. CSI will assist MSVwith identifying business opportunities in the Nordic countries.

Initial contact between the two companies was made as a result ofintroductions made by the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisationas part of MSV’s work on the offset obligation resulting from the supplyof integrated surgery units to Norway. Informal co-operation was firstrevealed at the DSEI exhibition in London in September 2007. Sincethen further areas of potential co-operation in addition to the offsetissues have been identified. CSI attended DVD (Defence VehicleDynamics at Milbrook near Bedford and exhibited on MSV’s stand.

The Fire Shadow weapon system, a loitering munition, has successfullycompleted its first test flight, proving the capability of the system not onlyto fly but to loiter over a surveillance area before delivering a war headonto a target. As part of Team LM, led by MBDA, MSV has beenresponsible for the rapid prototyping and construction of the airframeand manufacturing and fitting out the ground control station.

“This is a great achievement for Team LM and for us,” said PeterCallaghan “This contract has yet again confirmed our ability to rapidlymeet the urgent operational requirements of our government customers.We delivered the first prototype in only 12 days and the fully testedairframe used on this test flight only a couple of months later togetherwith the complete ground control consoles.”

During the prototyping phase MSV utilised its extensive design andmanufacturing capabilities to record the prototype details for futuremanufacture. The company also used its experience in designingcomplex consoles for defence forces around the globe.

Fire Shadow, which meets the UK’s requirement for Indirect FirePrecision Attack (IFPA), is an air vehicle that loiters over the battlefieldfor around 10 hours then rapidly strikes a suitable target when itappears, whilst still conforming to the rules of engagement. It alsofeatures ‘man in the loop’, which ensures the weapon remains underthe control of an operator who can divert the weapon at the last minuteif, for example, a non combatant appears near the intended target.

Summer 08 Teamwork 11

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12 Teamwork Summer 08

Air Cadet Flying

The Company looks after No. 104 (City of Cambridge) Squadron of theAir Training Corps which provides leadership training and air mindedness as wellas citizenship skills to young people. The Company was able to arrange for a group of cadets to receive air experience flights in Cessna 172 TrainingAircraft with the CambridgeAero Club in July when they were able tomeet Cambridge-educatedAstronautMichael Foale, whose parents live in Cambridge.

NewmarketMotor Show

For the 11th consecutive year Marshall Motor Group appeared at theNewmarket TwoCountiesMotor Show at Newmarket Racecourse. TheGroup had a huge representation from 14 dealerships with Cambridge,Bury St Edmunds and Ely coming together at the Show. The HR teamwas key in organising the event, in particular Thomas Harriott,Management Trainee.

The pitch was busier than that of last year with around 6000 peoplevisiting the Marshall stand. The investment in additional attractions(Rodeo, face painting and fairground rides) and the opportunity to win aNintendo Wii certainly encouraged people to see the Marshall stand.

The Greenwood family (pictured with Dominic Meacham, principalorganiser of the Marshall stand) won the Wii having been the closest toguessing the total number of balloons (251) in the cars. Dominiccommented “The family were ecstatic taking just 20 minutes to arrive atthe Ford dealership to collect their prize!”

Chris Lavender, Operations Director for Marshall Leasing, was recently invited to No. 10Downing Street, along with 33 other ‘Everyday Heroes’, for a reception with the Prime Minister,the Rt Hon. Gordon Brown, to celebrate their outstanding commitment to a cause ora community.

Chris has been supporting the RAF Benevolent Fund since 1996, annually committing to raiseover £10,000 for the charity. Passionate about aviation and the work of the Royal Air ForceBenevolent Fund, Chris calls upon his own business and personal contacts to raise money forthe RAFBF and in 2007 organised a hugely successful quiz night at Cambridge Airport hostedby the late Jeremy Beadle, raising well over £15,000. No task too small, Chris helps out at airshows and acts as an ambassador for the Fund at many different functions.

PrimeMinisterrecognises ‘Everyday Hero’

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The annual London to Cambridge Bike Ridetook place on Sunday, 27th July in aid ofBreakthrough Breast Cancer. Over 7,000cyclists took part in the 60 mile Ride fromPicketts Lock, Lea Valley to the finish at

Midsummer Common in the heart ofCambridge. It was an extremely hot day andmany riders took longer than usual but onerider from the Marshall team only took 3 hours,28 minutes to complete the route!

So far the Marshall team has raised anincredible £4,896.40, well over the £3,000target organiser, Athena Wu, had set, withmoney still to be collected.

London toCambridgeBikeRide


David Pittham, OBE, sadly passed away in March of thisyear. David had been with the Motor Group for over 50years in a number of roles, and before his retirement workedas Fleet Sales Manager for the Motor Group, basedin Peterborough.

Outside of the Marshall Group David was heavily involvedwith theAir Training Corps, were he rose to the rank ofWingCommander, responsible for an ATC District; for this workhe received his OBE. In addition to his extensiveinvolvement with Freemasonry, where he rose to beWorshipful Master, he found time to support a number ofcharities, chief amongst which wasMacmillan Cancer Care.

This support ranged fromadministrative responsibilities rightthrough to ‘hands on’ fund raising with quizzes, raffles,coffee mornings and sales.

As if this was not enough he joined Peterborough Rotary inMay 1970. David was always an active Rotarian and formany years was the Chairman of the Foundationcommittee.

More recently David was a regular host for group visits tothe Marshall Group and also acted as the first Chairman ofthe Marshall 30 Club, a post from which he retired inDecember 2007.

David Pittham,OBE

As reported in the last edition of Teamwork, Squadron Leader Leslie Worsdell OBE DFC recently passed away at theage of 91. In recognition of the 53 years Leslie spent with the Company, his family asked if a Reception could be heldat Cambridge Airport following the Thanksgiving Service in Teversham Church and this was marked by a moving flyingdisplay which included a Spitfire and four aircraft from the Cambridge Aero Club that flew a “missing man” formation.

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14 Teamwork Summer 08

GroupCaptainRussell La FortevisitsMarshall of Cambridge

Group Captain Russell La Forte, Station Commander of Royal Air Force Honington, near Bury StEdmunds, recently visited Marshall of Cambridge to learn a little bit more about the Group ofCompanies. RAF Honington is home to No. 2623 Squadron of the Royal Air Force Regiment, andAuxiliary Squadron of which Mr Michael Marshall is the Honorary Air Commodore. Group Captain LaForte, who was the Parade Commander at the 90th Anniversary Parade at the Royal International AirTattoo where her Majesty The Queen presented two new Colours to the Royal Air Force, is pictured inNo. 17 Hangar with his wife Gillian.

NewVehicleFleetforHaveburyTeamResidents in St Edmundsbury will notice a change in vans onthe roads over the coming weeks as the new fleet recentlypurchased by West Suffolk Landlord Havebury HousingPartnership, is unveiled.

The 49 Ford Transit Vans, supplied by the team at theCambridge Van Centre, will be used by both the Maintenanceand Neighbourhood Ranger teams and will be highly visible outon the local estates and neighbourhoods.

The Company has maintained strong linkswith Jesus College, Cambridge since 1912when the Company began renting its CityCentre premises from the College. Also,both Sir Arthur Marshall and Mr MichaelMarshall completed their education at JesusCollege. A silver model of a de HavillandGipsy Moth – Sir Arthur Marshall’s firstaeroplane – was recently presented to the

Master of Jesus College, Professor Robert Mair,by Mr Michael Marshall, on behalf of the Estate of the late Sir Arthur Marshallin his memory. Professor Mair’s father Austyn Mair worked closely with MarshallAerospace in the 1950s on the Boundary layer MA4 aircraft project.


Andrew Catley, Sales Executive at Land Rover in Cambridge, recently took part in the LondonTriathlon to raise funds for Leukaemia Research.

The Triathlon is made up of 1.5km open water swim (Andrew completed this in 32mins41secs); a 40km cycle race (which Andrew completed in 1hr 25mins 48secs); and a 10kmrun (Andrew completed this in 1hr 1min 54 secs). Andrew only spent 7 minutes in transitionsgetting ready for the next event. He’s already entered for next year’s triathlon and hasalready started training for it.


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Retirement of Michael ReadHeadTeacher at TevershamSchool

Michael Read, Head Teacher at Teversham Church of England Primary Schoolretired at the end of term after a period of thirty three years. Throughout his timeas a teacher, Mr Read has maintained close links with Marshall of Cambridge andhas been very supportive to the business. A number of former pupils fromTeversham School work for Marshall of Cambridge, which is a direct sponsor ofthe School helping with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematicsprojects. A number of company employees have helped with this over the yearsand this today includes Liz Ruse, Manufacturing Quality Engineer in MarshallAerospace, and Frank Butterfill, HIOS Manager, who is a Company nominatedGovernor to the School. Mr Michael Marshall, accompanied by Frank Butterfillwere present at Teversham School for the retirement ceremony on Monday, 21stJuly when Mr Read was literally ‘whisked away’ by helicopter from school.

Property firm Bidwells has looked afterthe Company’s property interests for 60years and a team from Bidwells recentlyvisited the Airport to see for themselveswhat the Company is doing. They wereescorted around the Works by TerryHolloway and are pictured in front of aHercules in No. 16 Hangar.

The Company has maintained stronglinks with the United States Air Forcesince the 1940s and recently a group oflogistics specialists from RAF Mildenhallvisited the Company to learn moreabout the work the Companyundertakes on C130 Hercules Aircraft.During their visit they were able to see aUSAFE C130 Hercules based atRamstein. The visit was arranged byformer United States Air Force ColonelJohn Watkins, who now works as theAirport Director, who was accompaniedon the tour of the Works by TerryHolloway, both of whom are picturedwith the visitors.

Bidwells visitMarshall of Cambridge

Visit of Group ofLogistics SpecialistsfromRAFMildenhall

STOP PRESS...Green Light for DAF expansionPermission has been granted for the expansion and improvement of the DAFfacilities in Cambridge. More information will follow in the next edition of Teamwork.

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Local schoolmakes...FlyingVisit

Sponsored swim...for Air Ambulance

As sponsors of Teversham (Church of England)Primary School, Marshall of Cambridge onceagain invited the departing Year 6 class to theCompany on Thursday, 10th July for a visit tothe Fire Station and aircraft hangars, hosted byFrank Butterfill, Judi Burbidge, Liz Ruse, EllenGriffiths and Maureen Maloney. A fun andinformative morning was enjoyed by all and thechildren are photographed leaving the TerminalBuilding with their mementoes of the Company.

Stuart George, Peterborough Regional Director (far right), andTommy Robson (far left) from the Posh Legends, presenting acheque for £3,000 to the Children’s Ward at Peterborough DistrictHospital. This was the money raised from the very successfulannual Charity Football Match played at the end of April at thePeterborough United Football ground.

Marshall of Peterborough Chrysler Jeep and Dodge is supporting JamesGornall, a local racing driver with aspirations to conquer the world of sportscar racing, including the Le Mans 24 hour race. James’ rapid progressionthrough the ranks has propelled him to his current seat in the TeamTrimiteBrookspeed Dodge Viper competition Coupe SRT-10 in the 2008 BritishGT Championship. James is currently competing for GT3 class honoursin this year’s Championship. After the first two rounds the team isconfident it has all the elements in place for a successful season amongthe front-runners. The dealership has provided race suit sponsorship toJames and is also supplying parts at cost price to Team TrimiteBrookspeed for their 2008 campaign.

A team from Marshall Land Rover in Melton Mowbray took part in asponsored swim on 19th April to raise money for the Air Ambulance. Theteam consisted of Derek Kerr, Tina Addesso, Joan Young, Claire Cobley(pictured left to right) and also Claire Taylor, Anna Newbery and JonathanTittensor (not pictured). The team raised just over £1,300 and this is the thirdyear running that the team from Marshall has been awarded the shield forraising the most money.








