Team Hardcore Call Transcription September 28 th - Team Call “Platinum Edge Takeaways” [Beginning of Recorded Material] 00:00:00 00:00:01 Jenelle: Hey everyone! Welcome to the Team Hard Core training call. Today is Wednesday, September 28 th , so we are at the end of the month, that hair always bothers me there, and we are going to give you today the top takeaways that we had from this past weekend at the Platinum Edge Conference. Now let me just say that there's no way that we could…the three of us who are co-hosting this call have gone over our notes over and over and over again and we've been talking about our top takeaways and there's just absolutely no way we can really give you the experience and the knowledge that we gain from being at that event. All of us agree we were just mind-blown so many times, but what we're going to try and do is give you just some top takeaways, but going through my notes I’m like, “Oh, but this, but this, but this, but this.” So all I can say is that next time if at all possible be there, because I think, you know, we all know, the three of us, I mean so many sacrifices have to be made to get to events and it's not easy, but it's one of those things in your business where you’re like after you do it, you're like, “Thank goodness I did that because I really took away some things that are going to change my business.” I think I say that every time whether it be a Super Saturday or, you know, Summit or leadership or whatever it may be, so get their next time, by all means try and get there. So the other thing I want to say is that this is the end of the month. So this is Wednesday, September 28 th , and so I don't know if you realize this, but this is the last day of the month to rank advance. So if you're one of those people that's been trying to hit Success Club and one of the things that you want to be able to earn those leads for October, those customer assignments that you get, then you need to at least be Emerald this month. And so if you haven't been Emerald yet this month, you would have to be set up for Emerald by tonight. That means having at least two coaches, one each leg, all three of you active by tonight in order to be Emerald, because

Team Hardcore Call Transcription September 28 Team Call ... · Team Hardcore Call Transcription September 28th - Team Call “Platinum Edge Takeaways” [Beginning of Recorded Material]

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Team Hardcore Call Transcription September 28th - Team Call “Platinum Edge Takeaways” [Beginning of Recorded Material] 00:00:00 00:00:01 Jenelle: Hey everyone! Welcome to the Team Hard Core training call. Today is Wednesday, September 28th, so we are at the end of the month, that hair always bothers me there, and we are going to give you today the top takeaways that we had from this past weekend at the Platinum Edge Conference. Now let me just say that there's no way that we could…the three of us who are co-hosting this call have gone over our notes over and over and over again and we've been talking about our top takeaways and there's just absolutely no way we can really give you the experience and the knowledge that we gain from being at that event. All of us agree we were just mind-blown so many times, but what we're going to try and do is give you just some top takeaways, but going through my notes I’m like, “Oh, but this, but this, but this, but this.” So all I can say is that next time if at all possible be there, because I think, you know, we all know, the three of us, I mean so many sacrifices have to be made to get to events and it's not easy, but it's one of those things in your business where you’re like after you do it, you're like, “Thank goodness I did that because I really took away some things that are going to change my business.” I think I say that every time whether it be a Super Saturday or, you know, Summit or leadership or whatever it may be, so get their next time, by all means try and get there. So the other thing I want to say is that this is the end of the month. So this is Wednesday, September 28th, and so I don't know if you realize this, but this is the last day of the month to rank advance. So if you're one of those people that's been trying to hit Success Club and one of the things that you want to be able to earn those leads for October, those customer assignments that you get, then you need to at least be Emerald this month. And so if you haven't been Emerald yet this month, you would have to be set up for Emerald by tonight. That means having at least two coaches, one each leg, all three of you active by tonight in order to be Emerald, because

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ranks only change on Thursdays and it's only based on what you have lined up on Wednesday night. So if your goal was to be Diamond by the end of September or whatever, and you just have one or two things that need to happen, this is it. Now a lot of you are like, “Yeah, but I’m trying to make Success Club.” Making Success Club also has to do with building your team as well. Remember, you make points when people join your team and they end up buying a challenge pack because they want to save on the coach startup fee. Who wouldn't? That's such a good deal that they get a challenge back and they save their $40 sign-up fee. So don't forget that when you sign up other members, you are making Success Club points from that as well. Two points if they get a challenge pack; one point if they get on Shakeology Home Direct. So never forget that. I feel like the last day of the month everyone’s just like, “I’ve got to make sales,” and it's not about that. The business opportunities such a huge benefit for everyone you know. Doesn't everyone you know want to look and feel good and have the potential to make a supplemental income or just make more money? Who doesn't want that? That's what we have to offer. It's an awesome thing to be talking to people about and following up with people about. The last day of the month is your day where you need to be like in follow-up blitz mode, personal messages like a boss and I love those people t that are go-getters. They just do not give up right to the last minute. That's how I am. I know that's how my girlfriends are: Jen and Erin who are on the call today and that's why they are so successful and have hit Success Club over and over and over and over again. Not every month is easy; some of months come right down to the wire, but we do not give up. It’s a non- negotiable. So again, I have a call today Jen Delvo and Erin Sanderson and so I’m going to introduce to you first, our first speaker, Jen Delvo. So what each of us are going to do is go over our top takeaways, spend probably about 10 minutes each going over our top takeaways. Jen’s going to go over some things, then Erin will go over some things and then I’m going to finish up and I'm going to focus on some things that really resonated with me that Mari Smith, the Facebook expert guru, talked about. So I hope that you will hang on for that as well. So first start off with Jen Delvo. Jen is a mom of two, she's an awesome mom, a wife. She's

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formerly a real estate agent or in real estate. Her ranks are currently 5-Star Diamond, 4-Star Diamond in her second business center, and a Diamond in her third business center. So she's killing it. She has been an Elite coach two times in a row and she has 40 months consecutive in Success Club. She's also one of my best friends and with that Jen Delvo, are you there? Jen: I am. Jenelle: Yup. Awesome. Jen: Thank you so much for that. It's so weird to always hear that and I’m like, “Wow, it's been an awesome, awesome, awesome ride, but I wanted to share with you my three takeaways from Platinum Edge. First I want to say you guys, Platinum Edge is literally one of my favorite conferences so if you can get to it, I highly recommend it because you know it's like a mini Summit and so it's a little bit more intimate. Summit, of course, is incredible and everybody's trying to get there, but Platinum Edge, it's like this intimate…I look so forward I’m sitting at the edge of my seat. There's amazing 00:05:00 speakers you take away so much and like Jenelle said, we're going to try to give you guys what we learned, but being there is very different. So okay, my top three takeaways: number one is be authentically you. My second one is lose the excuses: I actually talked on that one and the third one is going back to having fun. So I’m going to start with my first one which is being authentically you. I feel like we heard that over and over and over again. It's great to follow other leaders in seeing what they're doing. You find leaders that kind of resonate with you, but then you maybe change it into your voice, because their voice is different than yours. Your followers are going to expect something different than other coaches because they're going to sound differently. So just take it, tweak it, take these ideas, but be you. Figure out what you're really good at and blow the doors off of it. You don't need to know everything, you guys. There are so many thousand whistles and different directions you can take this business; you just need to figure out what you enjoy, what you're good at, learn it, become an expert at it, and just go with it, and think about it. There's a couple of easy ways to figure out what you are really good at or what you could be an

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expert or what you could focus on, and that's when people are asking you questions, that's a clue. When you become a resource for people and they're asking you questions, that's really what you should be focusing on. So for me, I wake up with questions from people who are struggling with something, they're going through a divorce health, issue whatever it is, so I talk about that a lot. I also…teenagers is a big topic, because we all know I have a teenager, 16, that, you know, that's something we struggle with, but I mean she's awesome, but I’m just saying there's teenagers are top. So I can get a lot of messages from that and then of course health and fitness. So those are what I really focus on and then maybe figure out the social media site which works best for you. If you love Instagram, stick with Instagram. If you love Facebook, stick with Facebook. And it's okay to have two, but don't try to do it all. Just saying…pick one or two. So the secret sauce, are you ready? The secret sauce is you, you, you, you, period, end of story: it is you. It is doing your workouts every day, pushing play. It is drinking your shake every day. It is working on personal development everyday, that’s key. It is sharing on social, whatever social site you're in, sharing your results, what you're doing on social media in a good way. Don't use Beach Body stuff. I feel like we have heard that over and over and over and over again too. Beach Body has great content; use it within your challenge groups, but don't use it on social media. You need to be you: people want to see you. Make new friends and talk to old friends and then repeat, that's it. “Find your light and let it shine.” That was a quote from Julia Boras - I love that. “Find your light and let it shine.” Lose the excuses: so this was a topic that I actually spoke on the stage for and let me start by telling you that I had the biggest excuse in the world seven years ago. So five months after I signed up as a coach, Darren was diagnosed with cancer and I think most of you know this, with brain cancer, and I literally almost took this off my plate and that could have been…everybody would have understood. They would have been like, “Oh my gosh, yeah,” because guess what? Society accepts excuses. I mean they just do. People understand that it's a way for you to not have to complete a goal that you talked to your friends and family about, because society accepts it. Like, “I don't have time.” We all have same 24 hours in a day, you just

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need to figure out time we can plug it in. “Nobody's liking my post.” I mean that's so normal, but I don't think people are liking on posts anymore. I don't think they're clicking double tap for an Instagram. People are just scrolling. They're looking at their phone and they're Scrolling. Mari Smith talked about this and maybe Jenelle will. Like ninety-eight percent, it was a huge amount, literally use their mobile phone to look at social media. So people are just in a hurry. So don't worry if you're not getting the likes; that doesn't matter. “Everyone is saying no.” Okay, well that's good first of all that you're getting “no’s” because that means you're putting yourself out there and you're going to get a lot of “no’s” and just keep remembering that those “no’s” will eventually become “yes’s.” They really do. I’ve been doing this for seven years and probably everybody on my team have said “no” at one point, but they just…they come around. They just don't know exactly what it's all about yet, so it's not the right time. “We can't afford it.” You can't afford not to. I mean that's the biggest thing is it's…your health is so important and if it's about becoming a coach and you're talking to somebody and they’re like, “I can't afford to become a coach.” “You can't afford not to. This is what's going to help you get out of it,” so you need to kind of explain that to them. “I’m redoing my house.” I just think…that one just kills 00:10:00 me and I think that they just don't understand what's in front of them and maybe they need to go back to their why. “I’m not supported by my up-line.” Megan Eggleston talked about this. She had no up-line: she had nobody go to. She’s a 15-Star Diamond coach and she's awesome and she did it all on her own without any support because she figured it out. She figured out systems. So you guys for me Beach Body was my escape. It was my joy, it was my outlet, it was helping other people, it became my passion, and it was just a little step away from cancer. So everybody has a struggle. I'm not saying I’m different than anybody else. Your struggle may be very different, but plugging into this can take you away from that struggle and it does not take much time during the day, I mean at all. You can pick pockets of time throughout the day. Think about this, this was something…I believe Toolin said, I’m not a hundred percent. “It is selfish for you not to share your journey. You've overcome a struggle that somebody out

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there is struggling with right now and you could help them with that.” I thought that was pretty cool. And lastly on that is I look at it as such a gift that we are giving to our kids because we've taught them when you're going through a struggle, how you overcome it. You know, whether it be not enough time or whatever your excuse is, show your kids or your family that: no excuses. It doesn't matter. You're pushing forward because you know how much this matters and how much it means to your family. And lastly you guys, have fun. I mean again, there’s so many things that we can get caught up in. There's so many bells and whistles; there’s so many videos; there’s so many trainings; there's so many things that can become overwhelming, you need to just go back and have fun. Think about when you first started. I remember when I was first starting out and I started having this vision and I’m going to talk about this in one second, but I started having this vision of what was going to happen and I would literally wake up in the middle of night so excited because I knew the direction I was going. I was not going to settle. I wasn't making up any excuses. I wasn't feeling like, “Oh my god I'm not going to get there.” I was like getting “no’s,” yes, everyday. But I mean I just knew full heartedly what was going to happen and I got excited about it and here's why. Number one: in the beginning, I do this on Mondays now, but in the beginning I was doing this every day, I was writing out one through ten my crazy, ridiculous, exciting goals. I mean like crazy. I mean one of them was to be in Turbo Fire videos and I was. And all my goals, if I were to look back now, I hit them all. I mean Darren would look at my goals and be like, “Oh yeah, that's not going to happen,” but it did. It's because I wrote them down everyday. They were at the forefront of my head and I was like, “I am so going in that direction.” Fake it until you make: this is another really good concept…is you manifest that…so if you’re an Emerald coach and you want to be that Diamond coach, you whole heartedly, you manifest that. You are a Diamond coach and you put yourself out there like you’re a Diamond coach. There was a story that…I don’t remember who this was you guys, I remember hearing at leadership last year, but this girl she was Emerald and somebody was talking about this that signed up with this Emerald coach. She’s like, “I just thought the way she put herself out there and she just would post

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with this confidence and she was doing every day,” and she's like, “I thought she was an Elite coach.” She was Emerald which is awesome. It’s just how you present yourself to other people. And then lastly, is create an awesome environment. So I know for me, if my house is cluttered or my office is cluttered, my mind is cluttered and I can't even think straight. So make sure you just declutter your little space or just have a spot that you can go in and get some serious workout and build a fortress around the focus. Light a candle, put some fun little sayings up that inspire you, but just go back to having fun. Here's the deal: follow your heart, seek happiness, and enjoy the ride. I'm going to leave it at that. 00:14:00 Jenelle: Wow, that was perfect Jen. Thank you so much. I’m so glad you went over everything that you did. I was like, “Yes yes yes. I can cross that off of mine too.” Okay cool, so next up we have Erin Sanderson. Some of you may know her on Instagram as “fitrockerchick.” I highly recommend you follow her and follow Jen Delvo as well. Both of them have amazing accounts. But don't follow t them if you're going to compare yourself to them and be like, “Oh, but I can't be like her. I don't know rock. I can't sing.” Like don't follow her if it's going to get you down, but I like following people because it inspires me but if you're someone that it kind of gets you down, it gets you defeated, then stop following people. Put your blinders on because you really do have to focus on you and your strengths, okay? Don't be thinking about what you aren’t or who you aren’t. So Erin is a wife, her husband Levi is awesome, and she's also a fur baby mom. She's formerly a rock star, still is a rock star in all of our 00:15:00 minds and, but literally you know traveling and singing. You should hear her voice; it’s amazing if you haven't yet. She is ranked 7-Star Diamond in her first business center, 7-Star Diamond in the first business center, 1- Star Diamond in her second business center. She's a two-time Elite coach, just like Jen Delvo, and she's a Success Club 10 Legend. So those ranks and stats speak for themselves. She's one of my close friends and here she is Erin Sanderson. Go ahead Erin. 00:15:30 Erin: Hi guys. Well thank you so much. I’m super excited to talk to you guys and I want to say a couple of things. One, what Jenelle said in the beginning about going

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Emerald and doing that tonight or if you have two to three people to may become active or just get in your business to achieve Diamond-like you can totally do that, today. It’s not a hard goal. Just don't think it's hard and it won’t be hard. Okay, so as far as Platinum Edge, this is the one thing that I just…well, I don't miss a lot of things, but I just won't miss it. And someone said to me at the end of Platinum Edge, it was their first event and they said, “Is this kind of like you go once and then you kind of got it or do you need to go every year?” And I was like, “No, no, no, you don't got it. Like every year they do something completely different.” It's new, relevant content, no fluff, no “rah, rah,” like right into it. Like you sit down and it's like to get your pens out; you're about to just really have your brain explode from experts and it was awesome. And it’s really hard to choose just three things to talk to you about today, but I am going to do my best to just relay what I feel like is the most important for you to do right now, and that is number one: live video. If you're not doing live video, you’re really missing out. This is the stat that Coach Glitter gave at Platinum Edge about live video. She said, “Video is doing 135% better than a photo,” and I know what you guys are thinking, like, “But a photo - I can set it up, I can look all good, like I could do a filter, I can like, you know, put eyeliner and eyelashes on, and all kinds of things. I can make it look just right and then I could craft the perfect pose that goes along with it,” and I get it. I did not want to do live video either for that reason. I was like, “But no. Like I got myself in my own little bubble right here. My pictures look this way. I say these things. This is like really good and safe,” but think about it. The people who you love the most are the ones who you know and they're real and the quickest way for you to do that is with live video. So Coach Glitter gave a challenge. She said she did 30 days of consecutive videos and would not let herself take a break. For you guys, I would say at least challenge yourself with doing a live video Monday through Friday on your Facebook. Just try to take it to Facebook and do a live video Monday through Friday. It doesn't have to be anything earth-shattering. You don't have to like drop epic knowledge bombs; you just have to show up and, you know, like place your chair in front of the printer, you know what I mean? Like, you know, try to like look a little together and everything, but it can just be like a

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minute-and-a-half. It could be two minutes; it could be five minutes. Just sharing whatever it is that you want to share: motivation, inspiration, something funny, whatever it is it really doesn't matter. And the thing about live video is also that it not only brings better traction to your Facebook feed, but it's allowing people to be a part of your life. You don't feel like you're a part of their life necessarily, because you're the one doing the live video, but they feel like they have a new friend. Like they feel like that is the hands down the quickest way for people to know, like, and trust you. And if you have the world at your fingertips on social media and through one live video, you can find your people and let people know really who you are, what's the point in having people follow you and like your post and like your pictures if they don't really know who you are and don't really care what you're doing? Like there's really no point. So live video is something I drug my feet on doing and before I did my first few I was like sweaty and nervous and I didn’t know what I was going to say and here's my thought because I’m going to be transparent. I thought, “These people…I'm going to do something. Like I’m going to do something. I’m going to show my true colors,” oh no, “I’m going to show my true colors and they're going to figure me out.” And they did and turns out they liked me. I mean, you know? And that's the thing: they're going to like you too because you like people who are real. You like people who are flawed. You like it when people's dogs bark in the background because they forgot they were like out running amok in the house because that’s just real life, you know? So live video. Number one: if you don’t do anything today, please write that down and schedule like your first day that you're going to do a live video. Okay number two, the number two take away was branding yourself. A couple different people talked about how to brand yourself and how simple that is and how simple it can be, but I feel like a lot of new 00:20:00 coaches especially and honestly some veteran coaches I’m really feel like branding yourself is hard or a challenge or they’re like, “Well I really need to rebrand myself,” or, “What's my brand?” or, “How do I brand?” You are your brand. You and your personality are your brand. The place that you get into trouble is where you're comparing yourself to other people, like Janelle said. So that's when you get into not knowing what your

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brand is it's because…this is why, mark my words: if you don't know what your brand is, it’s because you're busy trying to be like somebody else and it just feels like, “Oh no, it feels so chaotic.” If it feels chaotic it's because it's not real to you, it's because it's not true to you. That is the only way you cannot know your brand is because you don't know who you are. So step one of branding yourself is to figure out who you are, not trying to be like anyone else. I am not like most of my friends. They are not like me. They stick out in their own ways. We're all good at different things, but we can all be great coaches and build businesses and have a great time doing it because we know who we are. So whenever you are posting and trying to brand yourself, I want you to think about this: three to five other things besides body and fitness. Because that's a mistake when you're trying to put yourself out there in social media and brand yourself, it's a mistake to just put products and, “Well, I’m a coach now. I need to post fitness and just nutrition and just fitness and just Beach Body.” That's a mistake, because you are much more than that and when you put yourself out there and you think of the three to five things besides Beach Body and fitness that are really awesome and different about me, when you put that out there, other stuff falls into place so easily, so easily. Before I got on this I wanted to double- check that I was right, that it was so easy, so I messaged my sister, who is nothing like me, and I said, “ Do you think you could brand yourself right now for me? Like what would you say?” And she goes, “Oh yeah. Okay, so sarcasm, motherhood, I love to travel and I’m really cheap.” That's what she said and immediately I could t think of her with her kids around her doing Piyo and her with her…like everything about her being a coach, because she is coach. She's actually a really good one, but everything about her personal brand would fit right into coaching. It wouldn't come first, her personality would. Your personality is your brand. So if your brand seems hard to you it’s because you're pretending to be someone else. It's that simple. Just simplify and if you don't know who you are, ask your friends. Whenever you sit down to dinner with your best friends, what do you talk about? What are you dressed like? What makes you laugh? Like those are the things that make up your personal brand. It is not hard. It is not a perfect color

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scheme. It is not a perfect bicep curl. Like it's not that stuff; it’s you. Just like Jen said, “You are the secret sauce.” Okay, number three, this is my number three tip and this is a big one and I’ve already a messaged this to some of my top coaches just because it was…I think it was very well said and I think everyone, no matter what level in business, needs to hear this and that is: the best thing that you can do for your team, the best way that you can inspire your team, is to build another one. The best thing that you can do for your team is to build another one. You know a couple things on that: one, it should be hard, very hard, very hard for your team, your coaches, to out-sponsor you. That should be hard because you should be doing it first. Leaders pave the way. Like it should be hard for someone to out-sponsor you. It should be hard for someone to out-Success Club you, and if they are, that should push you. That should push you and it really is just as simple as that. The people who are on your team right now are not the people who are going to get you to the next goal. So the coaches that got you to this place, the team that got you to this place, the challengers that got you to this place, are not the same people that are going to get you to the next place. Now you're thinking, “Aw,” but you’re thinking about it all wrong. That's exciting. If that's what moves our business forward, if the best thing, the most inspiring thing that we can do for our teams is to build another one, then that means that that's what we have to do. So that means that when we feel like, “Oh, I’m rebuilding now. God, I need to put more coaches on my team. I need to get new…” You always do. You always do and if that's the best thing for them, then that's the best thing for you and that's what's going to push you and that's what's going to push them. And so I thought that was such a great way to say that. Just the team that got you to this place is not going to be the same team that gets you to the next place and you have to be the one that has the courage to go first, not only in pushing your business forward, but doing live video, figuring out who you are, and putting all that stuff together in this awesome little package that is you, and allowing that stuff to build your business. Okay, I think I’m done. 00:25:09 Jenelle: That was perfect. Thank you so much Erin. I’m so glad you brought that up because that point…I think we kind

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of know it, but we dance around it a lot because it seems like it kind of stings when you say it. Like really these t three or four coaches that I’ve, you know, brought into the team and they're excited, they might not be the ones that help me get to Diamond or help me get to 2-Star or whatever. Yeah, they probably won't be. To be honest, it's just when you’re building a team it's such a small percentage of them that are actually going to engage and then of those that engage and stick to it beyond three months and stick to it beyond six months, it's going to be an even smaller percentage that say, “I’m in this. Like this this is my gate. This is my jam. I'm not only going 2-Star, I’m going 5-Star, I’m going 10-Star, I’m going to be one of your six-figure earners. I’m going to be one of your seven-figure earners.” So it's even…you’ve got the percentage that engage in that of that that engage, you’ve got an even smaller percentage that stay in it and, you know, it is what it is, you know? This isn't for everyone and this is an amazing opportunity and not everyone has the patience or feel it enough to stick to it and realize that a lot of work up front is going to give you an amazing life in two or three years if you stick to it. Not everyone realizes that, so you do have to just continually be adding to your team. Okay, so I’m going to talk about some of the things that resonated with me that Mari Smith went over and if you're not familiar with Mari Smith, I definitely recommend that you follow her. mac Mari is M – A - R - I Smith. M – A - R - I Smith and she's a Facebook guru and, you know, she did say some things that, you know, I think we kind of know, but like for me just hearing the percentages. Like Jen was saying she said, “Ninety percent are on mobile.” So ninety percent of your followers are viewing your content from their phone and so what that says to me, anyone can interpret different things from that, but what that says to me is that, you know, people are scrolling like this and so everything, first of all, is smaller so like your profile picture should hopefully stand out and be a face and not be like, “What is that?” And she said, you know, even uploading a seven-second looping video as your profile picture is a good idea, which I have not done that yet, but I saw that some from the event already have done that. So a seven-second looping video. You could use the app called Boomerang. They have a looping video and upload that as your profile picture because when

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you're…let's say you're in a mom's group on Facebook and you're commenting on something and everyone’s like, “Who is this person that like…?” It just catches your eye when that person is commenting on things. So I thought that was a really good tip. But ninety percent of the people are looking from mobile, so that also tells me that we’re in this stage now and social media is constantly changing, but I think people want things faster and so I feel like posts need to be…the captions need to be shorter, and so that's a struggle for me. I ramble, but that's something that I’m going to have to work on. The other thing that she talked about was really…and this is something kind of both Jen and Erin talked about, but really specialize. Be a specialist. I have to put things in writing because I am a visual person. Like if you give me a word I’m going to remember that. So specialize. So instead of being a generalist and trying to like, “I’m going to cover everyone in health and I’m going to help everyone in health and fitness from the time they’re 10-years old until they’re a hundred years old. I'm just going to cover everyone in health and fitness; I'm your go-to. Health and fitness and nutrition, I’m your go-to.” It's just too generic; you really have to think about your background and your history and your strengths. What kind of problem are you trying to solve for people? What's that big problem? What’s that big thing that you overcame, that kind of got you where you are today or got you into this business or got you're passionate about fitness? What was that you overcame? And maybe it's not even really so much about fitness as it is about confidence or as it is about just learning more about yourself or whatever…maybe it's thyroidism or maybe it's, you know, postpartum depression, whatever it was. Like what kind of problem are you trying to solve for people? And be a little bit more of a specialist hone in on that so that you can stand out from others. Really think before you post. How is this post helpful? What do I want them to get out of this? Really think about that and I have to catch myself sometimes because I’m like, “I just need to get a post up,” but then I’m like, “But what do I really want them to get out of this? There's nothing they’re getting out of this. This isn't good. Let’s just admit it. This post is not good.” So let's sit back and get focused or, you know, don't post. So the third thing was the fact that like pages right now, and I think we all feel it, that like pages are just not

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getting a 00:30:00 whole lot of traction, right? But that doesn't mean don't do a like page because you still need to do like page because of the boosts and posts are straight money. They're golden. I mean I’ve said it a million time so I feel like no one hears me, but my boosted posts on the business opportunity are definitely what’s helping my success right now. I mean there's lots of different things that help my success that I’m doing, but if there was like one big thing, it's definitely boosting a post to the people who have liked my page about the business opportunity and saying, “Comment below,” and they will and I’ll message them from there. And what she said was, “Breadcrumb the money towards that.” So let's say you say, “I'm going to boost a post twice a month for thirty dollars each time and it's going to be about the business opportunity. I’m going to invite them to sneak peek and I’m going to tell them to ‘Comment below’.” So if your budget is thirty dollars twice a month when you boost that post, put let's say ten dollars on it. Actually let it get organic reach first for a few hours, then boost it for ten dollars, then add more money to it, then add more money to it, you know, as the next day comes along and the next thing comes along. So maybe it's thirty dollars over the course of three days, but don't put all those thirty dollars in right all at once. She said, “Breadcrumb it.” Now that's something I hadn't heard before, so she said, “Let it get organic reach first and then breadcrumb some more money into it.” So I thought that was really good, but, you know, I think we've all noticed that personal pages are getting more traction than like pages. So what Facebook is bringing to people's news feeds our post from their friends and family, okay? So if you have a like page and you're posting on your like page, Facebook isn't bringing your like page posts to your friends and families newsfeeds as much. In fact, the statistic is that one to six percent, one to six percent of the people who have liked on your page are having your like page post fall into their news feed. So it's organic reach, so if you're not paying for anything it's one to six percent of the people who have liked on your like page it’s falling into their newsfeed. So do the math. You know how many people have liked on your like page. Figure out what one percent of that is. Figure out what six percent of that is, and that's the number of people that see your post on their news feed

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organically. And it they do not like or interact or comment instantly, done. That post is not getting to anyone else’s news feed. It’s done; it's dead in the water. So if you get no comments or no likes, either like what it landed on, one person's news feed - literally one person - and they just didn't even scroll down far enough to see it. Just because it lands on their news feed doesn't mean they read. It does not mean they read it. It does not mean they actually saw it, right? So you have to even back down from that. So you really have to have, you know, scroll-stopping content that catches their eye and makes them want to comment right away; even if they're not into fitness and nutrition, they want to give their two cents or whatever. They want to say something about that picture and usually if it's something that looks like a stock follower or it's Autumn Calabrese or whatever, it's just white noise. It's white noise. They're not going to stop on it. It’s not going to be scroll-stopping at all. So it makes it that much more important, number one, that our content is really scroll-stopping. It doesn't have to be a long caption, but scroll-stopping. It has to be something that engages them; makes them want to comment or that or like on it immediately, and it also means that we need to do targeted ads for certain things. Video ads work well and that we have to do sometimes boosted posts. Now I know a lot of people are against boosted posts, I'm just saying from my experience and I’ve talked with some of my leaders, when we do a boosted post on the business opportunity to the people who have liked our page already, that works, because when it's the business opportunity you can target and add to people who have, I don't know, liked a certain brand that you love, but they look at that and go, “Okay, I don't know who this person is,” and they just keep scrolling. It doesn't stand out to them, so when it's about the business opportunity the people in business are the people who know, like, and trust you. So it has to be the people who have already liked your page, in my opinion, okay? I'm just saying, that works for me. Okay, the other thing that Mari said, which we know, we know this, but it's really nice to hear it again, is posting content that others want to share. It makes them say, “OMG, I must share this. OMG, I must share this.” So think about when you post something maybe it's a checklist or something where your friends are going to go, “OMG, I need to share this

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now with my friends and family. It's so funny or it's so true for it so helpful for this checklist for this graphic for this picture or whatever. Like OMG, I must share this.” Why? Because looks at the shares that you get on your posts and if it sees that people are sharing your content, right away Facebook starts bringing it more organic 00:35:00 reach. So your 1 to 6% turns into 20% and then it turns into 50% and then it turns into, usually not 100% ever, but it turns into more and more people seeing your like page posts because people are sharing it. It shareable content. So I really do think about that when I'm posting, whether it's on my personal page for my like page, because it works both ways. If Facebook sees people are sharing it, your organic reach is going to go up, up, up, because Facebook knows like, “Wow, people are actually sharing this with their friends and family. It's relevant information or it's a good post for some reason. We are going to bring it to more people’s newsfeeds.” The other thing that she talked about is when you're doing Facebook ads, like a targeted ad let's say to promote your page, get more likes on your page, or maybe it's to promote your freemium. Maybe you did an e-book or maybe you're doing a free clean-eating group or whatever it is, the majority of people, 81%, are watching that ad with their phone muted. So what does that mean? You need to have words on it. You need to have words on it and one very, very simple way to do that is to use Animoto.com. Animoto.com, got that? Screenshot it. I talked about this a long time ago, like years ago, in a training using Animoto.com. It's very simple to use. I actually haven't used it in a long time, but I'm going to use it again. And you just put, you know, things together and you put font on it and boom. Like if you look on YouTube, I did one on Animoto.com that’s gotten quite a few views and it was about the coaching opportunity. So if you look up “Beach Body,” “What is a Beach Body coach? Animoto,” or something like that, I think it will come up. But anyway, people are watching with it muted so you have to have to have words on it, okay? That was a really good tip. Now what else? The other thing is that she talked about adding an SRT file, that's a little more complicated. Chalene goes over that in Marketing Impact Academy, but that's basically where…I believe one way to do it is you can upload it to YouTube and then YouTube will automatically give you an SRT file, is that right Erin?

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YouTube automatically gives you an SRT file? She's like, “Kind of, sort of.” Go-ahead Erin, did you have something to add to that? 00:37:12 Erin: You have to have it transcribed. 00:37:13 Jenelle: Transcribed? 00:37:14 Erin: And then, yes. 00:37:16 Jenelle: And then yes, okay. Cool. So I mean if you don't want to get into all of that, Animoto is a pretty simple way to do that as well. Okay, so two more things: Christine, obviously Christine Dwyer and John Dwyer were the hosts of Platinum Edge, and they brought in a couple of speakers, husband and wife couple, that are from another network marketing business. And so they gave us some tips that have helped them build their business to where it is today. And when Jessica Higden spoke, she said something that…it’s kind of a quote you might want to write down, but she said something that really resonated with me. It's just so true and she said, “Circumstance has absolutely nothing to do with your success,” and I want to add to that, “…unless you let it.” So the point behind that is think about what you feel holds you back. Maybe it's your daily situation and life and your schedule. Maybe you feel like it's where you are in your fitness journey. Maybe it's you feel like because your time constraints. Maybe it's because you feel like you have no support from your spouse, your family members. Whatever you feel like is holding you back; think about it. There are other people who are more successful than you that had worse circumstances. I can guarantee it and if you don't think so, asked me and I will tell you. If you want tough love, I will give it to you. I will tell you someone with way worse c circumstances then you that is doing it and has done it and is successful. I mean you guys probably know one of my top coaches Mindy Wender. I mean she came from no fitness background, just working out, a newer mom, in her basement, in a very, very small town in the UP of Michigan, working at an appliance store for $10 an hour working full-time. Her husband had just been laid off. She had, you know, like I said no network on social media whatsoever, living in a small town. Her friends and family not into fitness or nutrition at all, is not

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supported by her family. Very shy, very much an introvert, no transformation story whatsoever, in fact, she's very naturally lean and so she was afraid like, “Who’s going to relate to me? Like I don't have a transformation story and I'm not planning to lose weight. Like I'm not trying to lose weight and this is kind of like a weight loss thing, right?” So everything that you could say, you know, you kind of need to have going for you to be a successful coach, she didn't have it and she's my most successful coach. I believe she's my top-earning coach, so there you go. “Circumstance has absolutely nothing to do with your success, unless you let it.” Like if you're going to let that bring you down, it will bring you down. I can promise you that. It will bring 00:40:00 you down if you let it. So that quote that Jessica had was great and then her husband spoke and his name is Ray and he talked about developing leaders. And he said that one trap that a lot of coaches get into is they I have this go-getter mentality when they start the business and are adding to their team and then all of a sudden they take on this lifeguard mentality, where they’re just going to try and manage their team and try and, you know, drag them and pulled them and push them and just these people that they've got so far and they lose that go-getter mentality of continually building their team and adding to their team and hosting those challenge groups and being a challenger themselves and they lose that and made just kind of take on this new mode of like, “I’m going to take these people on; I'm going to manage them,” and it just doesn't work that way. And so he said you have to, you know, if you don't want to get stuck, you have to continue in that…I think what a lot of us call it is that phase one where you're continually still inviting and you're still talking to people about the business opportunity and the challenge groups and all that. You can't just expect, like Erin said, that the people that got you here are going to get you there because they may or they may not. That's out of your control. All you can control is you. In some instead of trying to drag your team to do certain things, to add more to their team or become Emerald or to make Success Club or whatever, inspire then by you doing the work. Instead of trying to drag them, inspired them by showing that you do the work. Some of you may be frustrated like a new coach maybe isn't Emerald yet, well have you added to coaches yet this month?

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Have you added three coaches yet this month? Really are you doing the work that you are hoping that they do? And it made me realize as a leader like I’m always like, “God, what can I do better? What can I do better?” And I realize I rarely talk about when I do in Success Club or how many coaches I bring on per month and all that kind of stuff because I'm always afraid it's going to come off as bragging or that I'm trying to be like, “Well this is what I did.” But then I realized I have to show you guys, you know, what I'm doing and let you know that, “Dude, I'm in the trenches. Like I am busting my butt and I'm sorry if I don't make it seem that it is what it is. I'm busting my butt too. I'm right there with you. So I want you guys to know that. So that's really important and then the other thing lastly was something that Andrea Crowder said and she had an amazing presentation. I couldn't even begin to summarize what she said. It would be another hour. It was awesome. Andrea Crowder, she's amazing and she did say at the very end, “If you want rock star coaches, you have to be a rock star coach. If you want rock star coaches, you have to be a rock star coach,” okay? So that's…I know you maybe have heard it before, a very simple concept, but it's very, very true. And I did also want to mention that one of the speakers, Toolin Emre, I hope I'm saying your last name right, but she just…she had us in tears. She got a standing ovation. She was amazing. She talked about being you and everything that she's gone through and how, you know, she really started to take off when she put her blinders on and just said, “Okay, this is what I'm going to do,” and that, you know, in her first Insanity video, you know, when she was working out that all she could really do was kind of go like this. And she was like, “But hey, I did it.” Like she's just…like she so herself. I love it. She was hilarious and really raw and real. So I wanted you to, you know, look her up. Toolin Emre, E-M-R-E. Just to…I don't know if you feel like, you know, you struggled to be yourself because maybe you’re following…I don't know, people that are making you feel like you have to be a certain way that you're not. It sometimes just helps to look at other people and go, “Oh yeah, I totally relate to them and I can do that,” you know, so with that I hope that you guys got something out of this and I hope that you can go next year. Jen and Erin did you have anything else you wanted to add?

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00:43:55 Jen: I think we got it all. 00:43:57 Erin: Yeah, I think so. I mean that was really good Jenelle. I was even taking notes. It was like Platinum Edge all over again. I started to think… 00:44:04 Jen: I know because that's the thing is everybody here is something different, that's why it's so important to be there to really experience it because you're just…you may take away something that somebody else didn't, so I agree. I was taking notes as well. 00:44:16 Jenelle: Oh good. That's cool. That's funny. Okay awesome. Well you guys, thank you so much for the content that you prepared. Thank you everyone for being on the call, another great call, and we will see you next week. Bye- bye. Have a great rest of your month. 00:44:35 [End of Recorded Material]

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