Team #2311 Problem B Page 1 of 31 For office use only T1 ________________ T2 ________________ T3 ________________ T4 ________________ For office use only F1 ________________ F2 ________________ F3 ________________ F4 ________________ 2009 12th Annual High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM) Summary Sheet (Please attach a copy of this page to each copy of your Solution Paper.) Team Control Number: 2311 Problem Chosen: B Please type a summary of your results on this page. Please remember not to include the name of your school, advisor, or team members on this page. In order to best measure the effect of a tsunami on a coastal city, we tested the severity of damage to the infrastructure in several American cities using several factors such as the slope of the city, the density of buildings in the city, the length of coastline, and a likely epicenter for the earthquake. By compiling this data we were able to estimate the devastation of earthquakes that would register 5.0, 7.0, and 9.0 on the Richter Scale based on the number of buildings the tsunami would reach and the mean price of buildings in each city. The first segment of our model measures the wave from the epicenter to cresting. To ascertain this, we gathered relevant data on each city, for example, statistics included the dimensions of epicenter (meaning the depth and distance from shore) and the terrestrial features off the coast. With this, we determined the average energy of the wave leading up to the impact and how the protruding features, like the harbors and islands, would slow the tsunami. The aim of this portion of the model was to find the mass, velocity, amplitude, and kinetic energy of the wave just as it begins to fall on the city, thereby causing the destruction. We developed an equation that uses the provided parameters to find these desired quantities and describes the characteristics of the wave. The second step of our model aimed to measure the destruction a wave would cause once it reached the shore and subsequently broke. This section relied on the first segment’s results in addition to the dimensional size of each city and the demographics of buildings in each city. We determined which buildings would be affected by finding the highest point the wave would climb and figured the number of buildings that were in that swath of land. We derived an equation that outlines the work needed to seriously harm each building, assuming generalizations on the traits of all the buildings. Next, total monetary cost was compiled, stemming from ratio of commercial to residential property and the price differences of each in all the cities. The fiscal cost of tsunamis fluctuated immensely with respect to Richter Scale value and the city. The most damaging example is a 9.0-magnitude tsunami in New York City resulting in $3.98 billion worth of reconstruction and repair. On the other end of the spectrum, a 5.0-magnitude landing in Hilo, Hawaii totals to $21.5 million in infrastructure devastation. The amounts appear daunting in scope, more notably on the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts; however, the likelihood of any sized tsunami in these areas is minuscule to insignificant. In summation, our model successfully and precisely estimates the cost of variously sized tsunamis that reach shore in American cities.

Team 2311 HiMCM Paper

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12th Annual High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM) Summary Sheet (Please attach a copy of this page to each copy of your Solution Paper.)

Team Control Number: 2311 Problem Chosen: B

Please type a summary of your results on this page. Please remember not to include the name of your school, advisor, or team members on this page.

In order to best measure the effect of a tsunami on a coastal city, we tested the severity of damage to the infrastructure

in several American cities using several factors such as the slope of the city, the density of buildings in the city, the

length of coastline, and a likely epicenter for the earthquake. By compiling this data we were able to estimate the

devastation of earthquakes that would register 5.0, 7.0, and 9.0 on the Richter Scale based on the number of buildings

the tsunami would reach and the mean price of buildings in each city.

The first segment of our model measures the wave from the epicenter to cresting. To ascertain this, we gathered

relevant data on each city, for example, statistics included the dimensions of epicenter (meaning the depth and distance

from shore) and the terrestrial features off the coast. With this, we determined the average energy of the wave leading

up to the impact and how the protruding features, like the harbors and islands, would slow the tsunami. The aim of this

portion of the model was to find the mass, velocity, amplitude, and kinetic energy of the wave just as it begins to fall on

the city, thereby causing the destruction. We developed an equation that uses the provided parameters to find these

desired quantities and describes the characteristics of the wave.

The second step of our model aimed to measure the destruction a wave would cause once it reached the shore and

subsequently broke. This section relied on the first segment’s results in addition to the dimensional size of each city and

the demographics of buildings in each city. We determined which buildings would be affected by finding the highest

point the wave would climb and figured the number of buildings that were in that swath of land. We derived an

equation that outlines the work needed to seriously harm each building, assuming generalizations on the traits of all the

buildings. Next, total monetary cost was compiled, stemming from ratio of commercial to residential property and the

price differences of each in all the cities.

The fiscal cost of tsunamis fluctuated immensely with respect to Richter Scale value and the city. The most damaging

example is a 9.0-magnitude tsunami in New York City resulting in $3.98 billion worth of reconstruction and repair. On

the other end of the spectrum, a 5.0-magnitude landing in Hilo, Hawaii totals to $21.5 million in infrastructure

devastation. The amounts appear daunting in scope, more notably on the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts; however,

the likelihood of any sized tsunami in these areas is minuscule to insignificant. In summation, our model successfully and

precisely estimates the cost of variously sized tsunamis that reach shore in American cities.

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Table of Contents

Restatement of the Problem 3

Assumptions with Justifications 3

The Model 5

Part I: Epicenter to Shore 5

Part II: Devastation of Cities 7

Part III: Putting the Pieces Together 9

Part IV: Application of Model to Cities 9

Hilo, HI 10

San Francisco, CA 10

New Orleans, LA 11

Charleston, SC 11

Boston, MA 12

New York, NY 12

Corpus Christi, TX 13

Strengths and Weaknesses 14

Extensions 14

Appendices 15

Appendix A: Equation Derivations 15

Appendix B: Data 21

Appendix C: The Cities 26

Bibliography 29

Article to the Local Newspaper 31

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Restatement of the Problem

Through building a mathematical model, measure the effect of earthquake-generated tsunamis impacting several

different coastal cities. Use the following cities for analysis: Hilo, HI; San Francisco, CA; New Orleans, LA; Charleston, SC;

New York City, NY; Boston, MA; and Corpus Christi, TX. Using property damage, losses of life, or any other reasonable

indicator(s), calculate the devastation caused by tsunamis that vary in magnitude. Write a letter to the editor of one of

the cities’ periodicals describing the results.

Assumptions and Justifications

A1. Weather variables, such as wind, precipitation, and air and water temperature, have a negligible effect on the

intensity of a tsunami.

-The aforementioned factors are very diverse in the given cities and vary drastically from season to season, meaning

no unified approach can be applied to them.

A2. Water is an ideal fluid, so viscosity is negligible.

-We found that this occurs under ideal conditions through our research, and we assume that we are dealing with

ideal conditions.

A3. The shape of the wave is sinusoidal.

-A sinusoidal shape is the model closest to the actual shape of the wave. Also, making the shape sinusoidal makes

finding the volume cross-sectional area of the wave less arduous.

A4. During a tsunami, there is only one wave that causes damage.

-Depending on the location and earthquake, the difference in time and magnitude of multiple waves would create

several different cases for the interactions of multiple waves. These extra variables made the math very difficult, so we

were forced to eliminate them.

A5. 1% of the energy produced from earthquake is transmitted to the tsunami.

-This simplifies the problem and is approximately equal for all earthquakes. Most of the energy goes into P and S

waves through the earth, heat, sound, and movement of water that doesn't support a tsunami.

A6. An earthquake that registers 5.0 on the Richter Scale will produce a wave with an initial amplitude of 1 meter. Each

step up on the Richter Scale will increase the amplitude by a factor of 1.32.

-Past research has no decisive conclusion on a relationship between earthquake magnitude and wave amplitude,

instead the consensus is that a typical base value is 1 meter and each progressive step marginally increases the wave


A7. While the wave is traveling through deep water, it does not lose any energy.

-This is approximately true. The energy lost is mainly through viscosity and air resistance. Because viscosity is

negligible and the amplitude is relatively small, both of these factors are negligible.

A8. All points on the ring of waves produced by the tsunami have the same energy (up until the waves encounter the

shore of the target city).

-This allows us to look specifically at the features of the target city and calculate energy without considering

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geological figures elsewhere.

A9. Before the wave crests, the area in the cross-section of the wave remains constant.

-This is approximately true, and assuming so allows us to calculate the effects of changing depth on changing height

of the wave.

A10. The presence of a harbor reduces the kinetic energy of the incoming wave by 5%.

-The shapes of all harbors are very similar. Thus, all harbors will have almost exactly the same effect on the tsunami.

This number was developed through research.

A11. The presence of barrier islands, breakwaters, or other islands will reduce the kinetic energy of the incoming

tsunami according to the equation 4

4f i



-All obstacles of this sort are the same in that they all inhibit the wave's motion and reduce its kinetic energy as it

passes over/around it. This drop is proportional to the width of the obstacle. In addition, all islands of this type are

relatively flat and at sea level.

A12. The bayous surrounding New Orleans affect the loss of energy of the tsunami 25% as much as an island of the same


-New Orleans is surrounded by bayous, and the tsunami would have to pass through a bayou in order to get to New

Orleans. The bayous would cause some loss of energy because they are not open water, but at the same time, they do

have some water, so they would not cause as much of a loss of energy. In addition, the rivers and streams connecting

these bayous to New Orleans would transmit the tsunami more easily. This assumption allows us to calculate the energy

loss of the tsunami as it travels through the bayous.

A13. Once the wave crests, it is no longer a wave; it is a mass of water moving towards the city.

-Again, this is nearly true, and assuming so allows us to apply conservation of energy to calculate the damage done

by the tsunami.

A14. The wave crests completely before encountering shore.

-This causes the water to be approximately level when it reaches shore. This allows us to accurately consider the

wave cresting and then hitting shore as a level mass of water rather than having to include a complicated expression

that explained cresting and destroying and the same time.

A15. The land in all of the cities is linearly sloped, except the bayous in New Orleans, which are flat (see assumption 12),

and the mountain in San Francisco (Mt. Sutro), which is impassable.

-By looking at topographic maps, this is true. The slopes are not exactly linear, but by approximating it as linear, we

can greatly simplify the problem. Because the mountain in San Francisco is so high relative to the rest of the city (925ft

compared to 52ft) and the mountain is so far inland, no feasible tsunami can pass over the mountain.

A16. The distribution of buildings and the population density will be uniform throughout.

-Obtaining the block by block layout of several cities would be difficult, time-consuming, and superfluous; and add

little to our generalized model.

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A17. All affected buildings in cities under consideration can be considered brittle, thus experiencing minimal

deformation before breaking.

-Many building materials, such as wood and concrete, are brittle. Brittle materials have a linear stress vs strain curve,

which makes modeling collisions between the tsunami and building much simpler.

A18. The average building in any city is two stories tall.

-The average building height near the coast will not be drastically different for different cities. Assuming constant

height allows us to simplify our model and eliminate one variable.

A19. All friction, heat, noise loss, and other sources of energy loss as the tsunami advances inland (besides change in

gravitational potential energy and building destruction) are negligible.

-These diverse causes of energy loss would be very difficult to account for, and because they are relatively small

compared to the total energy of the tsunami, they can be ignored.

The Model

From the time the earthquake occurs until after the tsunami has passed, the tsunami acts like two different objects.

Before the wave crests, it acts like a wave: a sinusoidal disturbance passing through the water. When it leaves the ocean

and moves onto land, it acts like a moving mass of water. Instead of trying to design a model that encompasses both of

these facets, we developed a model comprised of two parts: one to deal with how the wave reaches shore, and one to

explain how the wave interacts with the land and destroys buildings.

Part I: Epicenter to Shore

Before a tsunami occurs, tension in the Earth’s tectonic plates builds up. The epicenters of earthquakes that cause

tsunamis are usually at a site where an oceanic plate is subducting underneath a continental one. Because of friction,

the continental plate is compressed and bent backwards. When this tension reaches a critical level, it releases in a very

rapid movement, pushing upwards and forwards. The upward part of this movement displaces water. This causes a

ripple effect to emanate in a circular ring from the epicenter.

(For all of the following equations, see Appendix A for complete derivations)

The magnitude of an earthquake can be defined by the Richter Scale: a base ten logarithmic scale. Because the end goal

of the model is to calculate the amount of destruction done by a tsunami in a set of given conditions, we want to know

the energy of the incoming wave. To find this, we need to know the energy of the initial earthquake. According to our

research, the relationship is




= [Equation 1.1]

Where E is energy in Joules and R is the Richter Scale magnitude. In addition, we need to find the initial amplitude of this

wave. This is helpful because it allows us to find when the wave will begin cresting. Because the Richter Scale is

logarithmic, the desired relationship should be exponential. The lowest magnitude of earthquake that can produce a

tsunami is 5.0 on the Richter Scale. In addition, the smallest initial amplitude of a tsunami is 1 meter. The highest

recorded magnitude of earthquake that produced a tsunami is approximately 9.0 on the Richter Scale and the initial

amplitude was 3 meters.

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Using these two data points, we can derive the relationship

Ai = [Equation 1.2]

Where Ai is the initial amplitude in meters and R is the Richter Scale magnitude. Finally, the velocity of the created wave

is needed because it allows us to calculate the final speed of the wave as it approaches shore. The velocity of this wave

is defined as

i iv gd= [Equation 1.3]

Where vi is the initial velocity in m/s, g is the gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s2), and di is the initial depth of the

water, or the depth of the epicenter.

The wave loses no energy as it travels towards the shore, and because the water is so deep, it doesn’t lose any

speed either. Once the wave reaches significantly shallow water, the ground forces the wave to slow down. However,

the frequency of the wave cannot change, so in order to keep the frequency constant when velocity decreases is to

decrease the wavelength as well. This means that the wave bunches up. Because the same amount of water needs to fit

in a smaller space, the amplitude of the wave increases significantly. At a certain point, the amplitude will grow so tall

relative to the depth of the water that it becomes unstable. At this point, the wave begins to crest. We need to find this

point because then we can find the final velocity, depth, and amplitude before the wave crests. The wave becomes

unstable once the amplitude is at least .88 times the depth of the water because of Assumption A2. So, if we can find

the point when the amplitude is equal to .88 times the depth of the water we can find the cresting depth. We developed

a relationship using calculus to relate the cresting depth and amplitude to the initial depth and amplitude. We can solve

this for the cresting depth and get

231.089f i id A d= [Equation 1.4]

Where Ai is the initial amplitude and di and df are the initial and cresting depths respectively. Using this, we can also find

Af by multiplying by .88. Using equation 1.2, we can find the cresting velocity. Finally, we want to find the energy of the

incoming wave. Because Etsunami = 1% x Eearthquake,





= [Equation 1.5]

However, not all of the energy goes to the specified location. The fraction χ of energy that goes to the location is defined


2 rχ


l [Equation 1.6]

Where l is the coastal length in meters and r is the distance from the location to the epicenter. Thus, the energy

brought to the specific area of the city in the tsunami is


210city tsunam


iE Eχ χ


= = [Equation 1.7]

Thus, we now have the amplitude, energy, depth, and velocity of the wave when it begins to crest.

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Because the wave will crest and collapse before it reaches the shore, it will level out at the average height of the wave.

Using the mean value theorem of integrals, we can find

231.917i i


π= [Equation 1.8]

Using this, we can calculate the gravitational potential energy of the wave.



1.917f f i i


A g A dPE

ρ λ


l [Equation 1.9]

Because the center of mass was at the height of the average value, but now it is at one-half of the average value, so one-

half of its gravitational energy is transformed to kinetic energy. Because of conservation of energy, the wave’s final

kinetic energy after it falls is equal to the initial kinetic energy before it fell plus the gravitational potential energy

converted to kinetic energy. Thus,

2 2 2 23 3


( ) .8433 ( )


i i i i


g A d g A dKE

ρ λ ρ

π π= +

l l [Equation 1.10]

This value can then be used in the second part of the model where devastation is calculated.

Part II: Devastation of Cities

The second part of our model regards the wave after it hits the shore. Our goal is to calculate the devastation in terms of

cost of damage. To do this, we found the total area affected for each city, multiplied by the average number of buildings

per area, and multiplied this by the average cost of a building. The latter two items were found through research, thus,

this section of our model was mainly concerned with determining the total area of each city affected. Rather than

attempt to account for the complex fluid dynamics of a water wave climbing a shore, after the wave crested, we treated

it as a single mass and used conservation of energy to find the maximum height.

An expression for kinetic energy was found in the previous section of the model. Applying the work-energy theorem,

f i



= ∆

= −


[Equation 2.1]

In this case, the only work done on the tsunami is the work of collisions with buildings and other objects. Using the

formula for shear stress,

F xS

A h

∆= • [Equation 2.2]

We derived a formula for the work required to destroy a building:




S= [Equation 2.3]

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Where W is the work required, V is the volume of the building, U is the ultimate strength of the building, and S is the

shear modulus.

Initially we used this equation to calculate the work done whenever the tsunami strikes a building. However, we later

realized that not every building struck by the tsunami will be completely demolished. To account for this, we multiplied

the work done by each building by a factorv

v k+, where v is the velocity of the wave and k is a constant. We chose to

make the work proportional to velocity because we reasoned that the faster the wave travels, the more each object

struck will be demolished, and therefore the more work will be done on the wave by each building. The constant k was

determined based on data gathered from tsunamis that struck Hilo, Hawaii.

We then used this value for work to determine the height at which the kinetic energy is zero, which is the maximum

height reached by the wave.



f i



VU vbA Mgy KE

S v k

= −

− • = −+

[Equation 2.4]

Where b is the number of buildings per square meter and A is the total area affected.

Using m as the slope of the bank up which the tsunami climes,


11A y

m= +l [Equation 2.5]

Where ℓ is the length of the coastline in meters.

Substituting and solving for y,






yVU v

Mg bS v k m


+ • • ++


[Equation 2.6]

y = maximum height reached by wave (m)

M = mass of wave (kg)

g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)

V = average volume of a building (cu. m)

U = ultimate strength of average building (Pa)

S = shear modulus of building material (Pa)

v = velocity of wave (m/s)

b = # of buildings per square meter

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ℓ = length of coastline (m)

m = slope of ground in the city

To simplify calculations, we used average values for U, V, and S. U and S were found through research, and the average

volume of a building was found for each city. The average volume was calculated by multiplying the percent of buildings

that are residential in a city by the average volume of a residential building, and adding the result to the percent of

buildings used commercially multiplied by the average volume of a commercial building. These data are all listed in

Appendix B.

Using equation 2.5, area affected was calculated from y. Multiplying this result by b (buildings/sq. meter) and the

average cost of a building for each city (C), the total devastation was found:

0 2






Cb KEm


Mg bS v k m

• +


+ • • ++


[Equation 2.7]

Part III: Putting the Pieces Together

Both of these pieces of our model contain a large number of equations. By combining all of the equations in the first part

of the model, we obtain equation 1.10. By combining all of the equation in the second part of the model, we find

equation 2.7. However, we can consolidate our model even further. Although the equation is very large, we can

substitute equation 1.10 (kinetic energy) into equation 2.7 and find one expression for the destruction a tsunami causes

a city.

2 2 2 23 3

2 2



( ) .8433 ( ) 1( ) 1




i i i ig A d g A d


VU vMg b

S v k m


ρ λ ρ

π π+ • +

+ • •+



l l


[Equation 3.1]

Part IV: Application of Model to Cities

For each city under consideration, eight factors were used to calculate devastation:

1. Distance of city from fault line.

2. Depth of fault line.

3. Length of coastline.

4. Features around coast (e.g. harbor/bay, island, bayous, breakwater).

5. Slope of city land.

6. # of commercial and residential buildings in the city.

7. Area of the city

8. Average building cost in the city.

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Factors 1 through 4 are used to determine the mass, velocity, height, and energy of a tsunami wave as it hits the land.

Factors 3, 5, 6, and 7 are used to calculate the distance inland the tsunami reaches and the number of buildings affected.

Factor 8 is used to calculate the cost of damage.

For each city, all data used and figures calculated are presented in Appendix B. Here, the horizontal distance inland

reached by the tsunami, the number of buildings affected, and the total cost of damages are given for tsunamis

generated by earthquakes of magnitude 5, 7, and 9 on the Richter scale.

(See Appendix C for visual representations of each city)

Hilo, HI

Richter scale value Horizontal Distance (m) # of buildings affected Total cost (millions of $)

5 85.563 57 21.503

7 161.712 108 40.640

9 283.961 190 71.362

Hilo is one of the few cities that regularly experience tsunamis because of its location in the Pacific. Hilo is characterized

by a very low population and a high land slope. It is also located on a funnel-shaped bay called the Hilo Bay, which

increases its chances of encountering tsunamis. However, due to demographic and topographic eccentricities, Hilo has

the lowest devastation out of all the cities we tested with our model.

San Francisco, CA

Richter scale value Horizontal Distance (m) # of buildings affected Total cost (millions of $)

5 3.929 51 42.566

7 9.619 124 104.192

9 23.195 298 251.236

San Francisco proves difficult to model for several reasons. First is the elevation. Most of the city is fairly flat, with the

exception of the central mountains. One of our assumptions is that all cities have constant linear slopes, but a linear

model clearly could not account for mountains. Eventually, we decided that because of the mountains' height and

distance from the coast, no tsunami wave could feasibly get over the mountain, so we disregarded them in our model.

The second difficulty with San Francisco is the San Francisco Bay. The front of the city will be hit normally by a tsunami

wave, but a portion of the wave will also curve around into the bay and hit the city from behind. Half of the wave energy

will hit the city normally, at full strength, and the other half will be diminished by an assumed value of 5% in accordance

with assumption #22. Thus, the average energy of a wave hitting San Francisco is 97.5% of the energy of the wave.

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New Orleans, LA

Richter scale value Horizontal Distance (m) # of buildings affected Total cost (millions of $)

5 30.763 1043 159.609

7 76.388 2591 396.323

9 188.453 6392 977.752

New Orleans is one of the cities most at risk from tsunami waves, having the greatest number of buildings affected and

total cost of damage after New York City. The flatness of the terrain of New Orleans contributes to its vulnerability, as

the wave can penetrate farther horizontally into the city without losing kinetic energy by rising vertically. The long coast

of New Orleans means that the city has more area exposed to a tsunami. These factors apply to hurricanes as well as

tsunamis, and contributed to the massive devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

New Orleans has several unique features that affect the impact of a tsunami. First is a 1 mile wide barrier island. We

modeled the affect of barrier islands an breakwaters by multiplying the tsunami's energy by , where w is the

width of the barrier and n is a constant, determined from data to be approximately 4. Thus, a tsunami crossing a 1 mile

wide barrier island loses 1/5 of its total energy. After the island, tsunamis must traverse about 4 miles of bayous. We

estimated the energy lost in crossing the bayous is equal to 25% of the energy lost crossing an equivalent solid barrier

island. Thus, for 4 miles of bayous, the tsunami loses of its initial energy, after losing 1/5 of

its energy from the New Orleans barrier island. Thus, the energy of a tsunami striking New Orleans is its

energy on the open ocean.

Charleston, SC

Richter scale value Horizontal Distance (m) # of buildings affected Total cost (millions of $)

5 145.953 98 25.998

7 262.613 175 46.778

9 441.690 295 78.676

The city of Charleston, South Carolina is a sharp departure from its eastern counterparts. It acts as a tsunami-foil in that

it has a low building price per unit, low building density, small coastline, and low population density. The combination of

these four factors indicates a strong resistance to tsunami damage. Charleston also has a harbor, which changes the

energy of the wave to 95% of its original. The possible damage caused by the three levels of tsunamis is minuscule when

contrasted with the totals of New York or Boston, amounting to less than a tenth of the cost of reconstruction.

Additionally, Charleston has a fairly high land slope so the sparse building distribution will be even less impacted by a

tsunami of any magnitude. The above characteristics of Charleston protect it from massive damage, and consequently

the death toll as well.

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Boston, MA

Richter scale value Horizontal Distance (m) # of buildings affected Total cost (millions of $)

5 8.660 642 274.010

7 21.362 1584 675.912

9 52.113 3865 1648.939

The city of Boston, Massachusetts has two identifying traits, in reference to a tsunami's potential effect. The composite

price per building is comparatively high to the other cities and, for Boston; this is combined with an exceptionally high

ratio of buildings to square meter. What this does is intensify the tsunami's infrastructural damage. Since the buildings

are placed closely together and are expensive, the final cost of reconstruction will be increased relative to the other six

cities. Boston also has a large population density, which also fuels the tsunami's damage since building loss and death

toll will be highly correlated. The numerous islands scattered in Boston's harbor do act as a shield from tsunami and

decrease the energy of an oncoming tsunami by about 4/(1.5+4) = 0.73. Like other Eastern Seaboard cities, Boston has a

limited history of sea-bound earthquakes, which lessens the potential threat of a tsunami, but existence of a tsunami

would cost a radically vast amount of money.

New York, NY

Richter scale value Horizontal Distance (m) # of buildings affected Total cost (millions of $)

5 24.461 1165 635.927

7 61.227 2916 1591.727

9 153.115 7293 3980.546

New York City, the most populous municipality of the given cities, is similar to Boston in many respects. Both cities have

a high building density coupled with a high cost per building. A factor that separates Boston and New York and adds to

New York's vulnerability is its immense coastline. Like its New England neighbor, the high density and cost of buildings

means that a natural disaster would be very costly to the city, and by extension, increase the death toll. The coastline

factor would mean a larger swath of land is affected and hence more buildings are harmed. New York City has a harbor,

which dampens the hurricanes energy by 0.95, but no major islands. New York is largely ill-equipped and poorly laid-out

for an earthquake-generated tsunami wave. Its large coast exposes it to a larger section of the wave and its building

density coupled with its high cost per building further increase the prospective damage of any sized tsunami.

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Corpus Christi, TX

Richter scale value Horizontal Distance (m) # of buildings affected Total cost (millions of $)

5 105.088 453 48.005

7 260.824 1125 119.146

9 642.964 2773 293.711

Corpus Christi, Texas is unique from the other cities in that its land slope is significantly less, meaning it’s flatter than the

rest and has a stretch of land that covers the entire coastline. This adds to the steps in our calculations, because we have

to use the limiting factor for islands, which is defined as 4/(w+4), where w is the width of the island. The kinetic energy

for the wave will be four-fifths of the approaching wave since it passes over 1 mile of land prior to reaching the city.

Furthermore, the Corpus Christi Bay will again diminish the wave's kinetic energy by a factor of 0.95. Relative to the

other cities, Corpus Christi has a low building per meter ratio and on a building-to-building ratio are noticeably cheaper.

This is offset; however, by the low land slope, which adds to the tsunami's destructive power. All in all, Corpus Christi is

pretty severely damaged by a tsunami of any magnitude. That said, only one earthquake has ever been recorded to have

appreciably affect Corpus Christi, and it was pegged at 3.8 on the Richter Scale, so, in summation, the likelihood of a

damaging tsunami is insignificant.

This is a bar graph illustrating the differences in devastation for each city:

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Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses

⇒ Our model is very adaptable. Given any location, we can

find the most likely location of the epicenter, the terrain of

the city, any protective land features, population density,

and average building cost and strength. Using these inputs,

we can find the monetary damages from tsunamis of

various magnitudes for any location.

⇒ Our model greatly simplifies some of the extremely

complex aspects of a tsunami such as cresting, interaction

with obstacles, formation of a wave destruction of

buildings, and effects of topography.

⇒ If another measurement of devastation, such as loss of

life, amount of commercial property destroyed, proportion

of the city that is submerged, etc., then the equation can

easily be used to calculate these values. This is because

there are many separate intermediate equations in

addition to the final equation that can be combined in

different ways to yield different measurements.

⇒ We only base our model off of the most likely epicenter

location. Thus, our results pertain to the average case, not

the range of possible results.

⇒ Although the equations we derived are cumbersome

and a composite of many smaller equations, they are

easily adaptable and adjustable. Simple addition of data,

or data from a new city, can be straightforwardly entered

into the equation to produce new results.

⇒ Our model makes numerous assumptions concerning

constants in our derived equations. Although the constants

are reasonable, they are based off of limited data and


⇒ Our model utilizes very complex aspects of tsunami

waves, such as the cresting point, interaction with

infrastructure, and the relationship between initial

epicenter and final kinetic energy.

⇒ Our data, such as cost of buildings and building density,

are significantly individualized, meaning our effects are

unique to each city.


1. We would have liked to further delve into the effects of the bayous around New Orleans (and bayous/estuaries in

general) on tsunamis. We assumed its effects we 25% of that of dry land, but this is not actually the case. We would

have liked to calculate a more realistic effect.

2. We would have liked to further study the effects of varying topography on tsunamis, rather than assuming the land is

uniform. We could have used other models than linear models to describe the land, but the land resembled a linear

model. Using non-uniform topography would increase the accuracy of our model.

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3. We would have liked to further investigate the effects of bays, harbors, and protective islands on the strength of the

tsunamis. We simply assumed that harbors and bays reduced the energy of the tsunami by 5% and the protective

islands reduced the energy of the tsunami by the factor in equation in Assumption A11.

4. We would have liked to take into account the possibility of multiple waves, but it made the problem much more

complex, and we did not have enough time to pursue this option. It would have increased the accuracy of our model.


Appendix A: Equation Derivations

Calculation of the cresting depth (d2) given the initial amplitude and depth

1 2

1 2

2 2

1 2

1 20 0

2 2

1 2

1 20 0

Because the area under the curve of the cross-section of the wave remains constant,

2 2sin( ) sin( ) = so,

2 2sin( ) sin( ) so,

v v

f f

vA x dx A x dx


f fA x dx A x dx v gd

v v


λ λ

π πλ

λ λ

π π


= =

∫ ∫

∫ ∫


2 2

0 0

2 2

0 0

2 2

2 2sin( ) sin( )

2 2[ cos( )] [ cos( )]

2 2

[1 cos( )] [1 cos( )]2 2

Because .88 ,





f f

i f

i f


f fi i f f

i f

f fi i

f fi i

i i f f

i i

f fx dx A x dx

gd gd

A gdA gd f fx x

f fgd gd

A gdA gd

f f

A gdA gd

f f

A gd A gd A d

A gd

π π

π π

π π

π ππ π

π π


− = −

− = −


= =


∫ ∫

2 2

23 2

2 23 3



1.291 1.089

f f

i i f f

i if i i

f i i i i

d gd

A gd d gd

A dd A d

d A d A d


= =

= =

A1 = Initial amplitude (m)

d1 = Initial depth (m)

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λ1 = Initial Wavelength(m)

A2 = Cresting amplitude (m)

d2 = Cresting depth (m)

λ2 = Cresting Wavelength(m)

f = Frequency (Hz)

Calculation of mass of the incoming wave




2sin( )

2[ cos( )]


2[1 cos( )]

2 2


m A x dx









λ πρ

π λ

ρ λ π λ

π λ

ρ λ


ρ λ



= −

= −








A = Amplitude (m)

ρ = Density of Seawater = 1027 kg/m3

λ = Wavelength (m)

l = Shoreline length (m)

Average height of a wave/its height after collapsing








1 2sin( )


2 2sin( )

2 2[ cos( )]


.882 2[1 cos( )]

1 2 2


1 2






i i

i i

AV A x dx

A x dx

A x


A d

A d





λ λ


λ λ

λ π

λ π λ

π λ

π λ





= −

= −



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AV = Average value (m)

Ai = Initial amplitude (m)

di = Initial depth (m)

Af = Cresting amplitude (m)

λ = Cresting wavelength (m)

Calculation of Gravitational Potential Energy Right at Cresting




1 .9 1 7

1 .9 1 7


f f i i

f f i i

P E m g h

A A dg

A g A d

ρ λ

π π

ρ λ







Af = Cresting amplitude (m)

Ai = Initial amplitude (m)

di = Cresting depth

ρ = Density of Seawater = 1027 kg/m3

λf = Cresting wavelength (m)

l = Shoreline length (m)

g = Gravitational acceleration = 9.81 m/s2

Development of the model to connect Richter Scale Magnitude and initial amplitude.




The equation must have A=1 when R=5 and A=3 when R=9.

Because the Richter Scale is logrithmic, the desired equation is exponential.

A =m






R n















Ai = Initial Amplitude (m)

R = Richter Scale Magnitude

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Calculation of Kinetic Energy of the wave before it moves inland (PE zero is the AV)

2 23 23


2 2 2 23 3




( 1.089 ) 1.917

2 2

( ) .8433 ( )


f i lost i


i if i i

i i i i


Ag A d A g A d

g A d g A d

ρ λρπ


ρ λ ρ

π π

= + = +

= +

= +



l l

Ai = Initial amplitude (m)

Af = Cresting amplitude (m)

di = Cresting depth (m)

ρ = Density of Seawater = 1027 kg/m3

λf = Cresting wavelength (m)

l = Shoreline length (m)

g = Gravitational acceleration = 9.81 m/s2

Derivation of Equation Relating KEi and Other factors to Destruction

f i



= ∆

= −


At maximum height,

iW Mgy KE= −∑

By the Pythagorean Theorem and definition of slope, 2

2 2 2



( )


yAreaAffected y


AreaAffected ym

= +

= +



The total work is the work required to destroy one building times the buildings per area times the affected area, so


11 iW Wb y Mgy KE

m= − + = −∑ l

W is the work the wave exerts on one building, so the work exerted on the wave by the building is -W.

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Solving for y,







− +l

To calculate work done when a building is destroyed, we used

F xS

A h

∆= •

For brittle substances, breaking occurs at the ultimate strength;



xU S


∆= •


S∆ =

Using the definition of work,

W Fd F x= = ∆


2Uh VU


= =

Since V = Ah.

This expression would give the work done in the destruction of one building if all of the force were applied at the top, at

height = h. When a wave strikes a building, the wave force is distributed over every height from 0 to h, thus, the work

done is one half of the work if all force were applied at the top, so





This equation gives the work done on a building by the tsunami when the tsunami completely destroys the building.

However, when a tsunami collides with a building, the building is not always completely destroyed, instead being

partially damaged by the wave's force and partially damaged by the water. The faster the wave travels, the more work it

will exert on buildings it collides with, so we modified the work exerted equation by multiplying it by a factor of v

v k+.

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Using data from the 1960 tsunami in Hilo, Hawaii, we estimated k to be 500 m/s. Substituting this into the equation for y,






yVU v

Mg bS v k m


+ • • ++


Using our definition of devastation,

D Cb AreaAffected= •


11D Cby

m= +

0 2






Cb KEm


Mg bS v k m

• +


+ • • ++


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Appendix B: Data

Phase 1: Epicenter to Cresting









Slope (%


Land Area


Fault Line

Depth (m)

Distance to

Fault (m)

% of E @ City


Hilo, HI 5486 0.000289886 3.077


4.4 1960 50000 1.746249511



CA 19022.25 0.006688448 2.223


4.7 200 12500 24.21990139


Orleans, LA 70960 0.000972205 0.1894


2.7 2000 160000 7.058527688


SC 12870 0.000384751 2.051


2.2 1650 160000 1.280203655

NY City, NY 53220 0.010594643 0.08463


5.9 2370 300000 2.823411075

Boston, MA 35480 0.004849829 1.253


4.2 2480 320000 1.764631922


Christi, TX 30160 0.000692744 0.06629


1.8 2000 100000 4.800117138

SanF. IS



.5 is

full, .5


.95 of it



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Phase 2: Cresting to Destruction




Energy of

Tsunami (J)


Amplitude (m)

Cresting Depth



Amplitude (m)

Mass of wave

(kg) Potential E @

cresting (J)

Hilo, HI 5 19952623150 1 12.51464949 11.01289155 3782599839 264178316.4

Hilo, HI 7 1.99526E+13 1.732050808 18.04924785 15.88333811 7868124735 659930519.8

Hilo, HI 9 2.00E+16 3 26.03151996 22.90773756 16366358979 1648539127

San Francisco, CA 5 19952623150 1 5.848035476 5.146271219 2864040123 428050055.8

San Francisco, CA 7 1.99526E+13 1.732050808 8.434326653 7.422207455 5957443529 1069290242

San Francisco, CA 9 2.00E+16 3 12.16440399 10.70467551 12391981911 2671139989

New Orleans, LA 5 19952623150 1 12.5992105 11.08730524 49590385711 3440167693

New Orleans, LA 7 1.99526E+13 1.732050808 18.17120593 15.99066122 1.03152E+11 8593709299

New Orleans, LA 9 2.00E+16 3 26.20741394 23.06252427 2.14565E+11 21467511501

Charleston, SC 5 19952623150 1 11.8166575 10.3986586 7911613424 585188616.5

Charleston, SC 7 1.99526E+13 1.732050808 17.04256921 14.9974609 16456819097 1461830150

Charleston, SC 9 2.00E+16 3 24.57963812 21.63008154 34231563183 3651724124

NY City, NY 5 19952623150 1 13.33263885 11.73272219 41648974887 2730320688

NY City, NY 7 1.99526E+13 1.732050808 19.22899266 16.92151354 86633358908 6820476321

NY City, NY 9 2.00E+16 3 27.7330064 24.40504563 1.80205E+11 17037887687

Boston, MA 5 19952623150 1 13.5357989 11.91150304 28618615117 1847949842

Boston, MA 7 1.99526E+13 1.732050808 19.52200015 17.17936013 59529118344 4616270239

Boston, MA 9 2.00E+16 3 28.15559633 24.77692477 1.23826E+11 11531671714

Corpus Christi, TX 5 19952623150 1 12.5992105 11.08730524 21077311627 1462168230

Corpus Christi, TX 7 1.99526E+13 1.732050808 18.17120593 15.99066122 43842574949 3652568665

Corpus Christi, TX 9 2.00E+16 3 26.20741394 23.06252427 91196230911 9124297447

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Initial Kinetic

Energy (J)

Total Kinetic

Energy (J) Velocity (m/s)

Height reached by

tsunami (m)

Area covered by

tsunami (m2)

Hilo, HI 5 2.20583E+11 2.20715E+11 11.08010431 2.632781454 469622.194

Hilo, HI 7 6.61748E+11 6.62078E+11 13.30650673 4.975865066 887569.5573

Hilo, HI 9 1.98525E+12 1.98607E+12 15.98027568 8.737480749 1558547.472

San Francisco, CA 5 78046191173 78260216201 7.574247687 0.087361368 74773.74433

San Francisco, CA 7 2.34139E+11 2.34673E+11 9.096193955 0.213842620 183030.7126

San Francisco, CA 9 7.02416E+11 7.03751E+11 10.92395547 0.515630194 441334.6686

New Orleans, LA 5 2.03799E+12 2.03971E+12 11.11747521 0.058265412 2182957.254

New Orleans, LA 7 6.11396E+12 6.11826E+12 13.35138683 0.144678366 55420483.244

New Orleans, LA 9 1.83419E+13 1.83526E+13 16.03417384 0.356930071 13372652.191

Charleston, SC 5 4.35635E+11 4.35927E+11 10.76668055 2.993493389 1878808.498

Charleston, SC 7 1.3069E+12 1.30763E+12 12.93010456 5.386200026 3380544.757

Charleston, SC 9 3.92071E+12 3.92254E+12 15.5282404 9.059062969 5685746.477

NY City, NY 5 2.58752E+12 2.58888E+12 11.43648491 0.020701685 1301836.3

NY City, NY 7 7.76255E+12 7.76596E+12 13.73449737 0.051816367 3258499.4

NY City, NY 9 2.32876E+13 2.32962E+13 16.49426545 0.129580892 8148762.325

Boston, MA 5 1.31278E+12 1.31371E+12 11.52328891 0.108507808 307275.2765

Boston, MA 7 3.93834E+12 3.94065E+12 13.83874349 0.267660477 757968.0112

Boston, MA 9 1.1815E+13 1.18208E+13 16.61945848 0.652978156 1849120.796

Corpus Christi, TX 5 9.89945E+11 9.90676E+11 11.11747521 0.069662536 3169441.179

Corpus Christi, TX 7 2.96984E+12 2.97166E+12 13.35138683 0.172900137 7866449.374

Corpus Christi, TX 9 8.90951E+12 8.91407E+12 16.03417384 0.426221153 19391812.95

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Building Density

(bldg / sq. m)

Work to destroy

per building (J)

Horizontal Distance Water

Travels (m)

Hilo, HI 5 0.000122 2147165428 85.56325817

Hilo, HI 7 0.000122 2567425913 161.7115718

Hilo, HI 9 0.000122 3067339156 283.9610253

San Francisco, CA 5 0.000676 1499705503 3.929886086

San Francisco, CA 7 0.000676 1795667505 9.619551048

San Francisco, CA 9 0.000676 2148768937 23.19524037

New Orleans, LA 5 0.000478 1927601189 30.76315302

New Orleans, LA 7 0.000478 2304853811 76.38773284

New Orleans, LA 9 0.000478 2753593769 188.4530469

Charleston, SC 5 0.0000519 2087919493 145.9528712

Charleston, SC 7 0.0000519 2496883777 262.6133606

Charleston, SC 9 0.0000519 2983487792 441.6900521

NY City, NY 5 0.000895 2214682564 24.46140237

NY City, NY 7 0.000895 2647796919 61.22694914

NY City, NY 9 0.000895 3162846443 153.1146074

Boston, MA 5 0.00209 1998180236 8.659840982

Boston, MA 7 0.00209 2388875038 21.36157039

Boston, MA 9 0.00209 2853446464 52.11318085

Corpus Christi, TX 5 0.000143 2154032337 105.0875492

Corpus Christi, TX 7 0.000143 2575600011 260.8238609

Corpus Christi, TX 9 0.000143 3077052482 642.964479

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Number of Buildings


Cost per

Building ($)

Total Cost of Tsunami

(millions of $)

Hilo, HI 5 57.29390767 375309 21.5029192

Hilo, HI 7 108.283486 375309 40.63976684

Hilo, HI 9 190.1427916 375309 71.36230098

San Francisco, CA 5 50.54705117 842108 42.56607616

San Francisco, CA 7 123.7287617 842108 104.1929801

San Francisco, CA 9 298.342236 842108 251.2363837

New Orleans, LA 5 1043.45357 152962 159.6087445

New Orleans, LA 7 2590.99099 152962 396.3231639

New Orleans, LA 9 6392.12775 152962 977.7526445

Charleston, SC 5 97.51016104 266617 25.99786661

Charleston, SC 7 175.4502729 266617 46.77802541

Charleston, SC 9 295.0902421 266617 78.67607509

NY City, NY 5 1165.143489 545793 635.9271601

NY City, NY 7 2916.356963 545793 1591.727216

NY City, NY 9 7293.142281 545793 3980.546005

Boston, MA 5 642.2053278 426671 274.0103894

Boston, MA 7 1584.153143 426671 675.9122058

Boston, MA 9 3864.662464 426671 1648.939398

Corpus Christi, TX 5 453.2300886 105917 48.00477129

Corpus Christi, TX 7 1124.90226 105917 119.1462727

Corpus Christi, TX 9 2773.029251 105917 293.7109392

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Appendix C: The Cities

Corpus Christi, TX:

Hilo, HI:

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San Francisco, CA:

New Orleans, LA:

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New York City, NY:

Boston, MA

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Charleston, SC:


"Atlantic Ocean Floor Topography Lab." UCLA. Web. 8 Nov. 2009.


"The Formation of a Tsunami." Tsunami Institute. Web. 8 Nov. 2009. <http://www.tsunami-alarm-


Google Maps. Web. 08 Nov. 2009. <http://maps.google.com>.

Gulick, Sean. "Tsunamis - Walls of Water." UTexas. Web. 8 Nov. 2009.


Hills, Paul. "Materials." PWS Tutorial. Web. 08 Nov. 2009.


"How Tsunamis Form as a Result of Earthquakes." Helium. Web. 08 Nov. 2009.


Nelson, Stephen. "Tsunamis." Earth Science Australia. Web. 08 Nov. 2009.


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Nelson, T.J. "Tsunami Myths." Entropy. Web. 08 Nov. 2009. <http://brneurosci.org/tsunami.html>.

"Ocean Waves." Ocean World. Web. 08 Nov. 2009.


Pararas-Carayannis, George. "Chile - The Earthquake and Tsunami of 22 May 1960 in Chile." Disaster Pages of Dr. George

PC. Web. 08 Nov. 2009. <http://www.drgeorgepc.com/Tsunami1960.html>.

"Properties of Common Solid Materials." EFunda. Web. 08 Nov. 2009. <http://www.efunda.com/materials/common_


R.D., Catchings. "San Andreas Fault Geometry at Desert Hot Springs, California, and Its Effects on Earthquake Hazards

and Groundwater." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Web. 08 Nov. 2009.


Robert, Stewart. "Ocean Waves." Introduction to Physical Oceanography. Web. 8 Nov. 2009.


Smith, Jane. "Wave Breaking on an Opposing Current." US Army Corps of Engineers. Web. 8 Nov. 2009.


Traphagen, Mitch. "Gulf Earthquake Triggers Comments, Questions." Observer News. Web. 08 Nov. 2009.


"Tsunami Formation." MIT. Web. 08 Nov. 2009. <http://web.mit.edu/12.000/www/m2009/teams/5/research.html>.



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To the Editors at the Hawaii Tribune-Herald: November 8, 2009

Written by Team 2311

The Tsunami Threat in Hilo

The city of Hilo is not unfamiliar with tsunamis, and we, through analyzing its past, have calculated myriad traits

associated with the potential threat of future tsunamis. Between 1962 and 1985, Hilo witnessed three notable below-

sea earthquakes that were recorded to be 4.0, 5.0, and 5.5 on the Richter Scale. None caused major tsunamis, but they

did remind Hawaiians of the more extreme example just 2 years prior to that range. That wave was created just off the

coast of South America by an 8.5 Richter-value earthquake. The 1960 tsunami left most of the Hawaiian Islands

unaffected; in contrast, Hilo incurred waves of up to 35 feet (10.7 meters), 540 demolished buildings, and 61 deaths.

To produce a likely tsunami, we centered our research on the three earthquakes between 1962 and 1985. These

three earthquakes occurred around 50 km off the shore of Hilo and about 1960 meters below sea-level. Next, we

gathered data about the city of Hilo itself. Hilo has a mean percent-grade of 3.077 and a mean elevation of 38 feet (11.6

m). The building density (buildings per sq. meter) is 0.000122 and an average cost of $375,309 per building (that’s a

composite of residential and commercial buildings).

These facts allow us to calculate the potential loss of infrastructure in Hilo, which would be highly correlated with

a death toll. To estimate Hilo’s response to a tsunami, we tested three earthquakes of 5.0, 7.0, and 9.0 Richter Scale

units. For a 5.0 earthquake 50 km from Hilo’s coast, a 3,780,000,000 kg wave would hit the shore travelling at 11.1

meters per second. This was would affect the buildings of Hilo 86 meters inland. A 5.0 earthquake-generated tsunami

would amount to $21.5 million in damages. As the initial magnitude of the earthquake increases, so will the mass and

velocity of the wave and the devastation it causes. For a 7.0 initial Richter value, the wave would accumulate $40.6

million in reconstruction and repair costs, and infrastructure loss from a 9.0 earthquake-tsunami would reach $71.4


These numbers are undoubtedly large, and the death toll only adds to the prospective harm. However, under-sea

earthquakes are exceedingly rare and a subsequent tsunami is even less so. Tsunamis represent a menacing natural

disaster for Hilo, but, as with every climate and region, these disasters are minimally likely.