By Steven B. Dowd and Stephen F. Hulse Edited by Steven B. Dowd

Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

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Page 1: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

By Steven B. Dowd and Stephen F. HulseEdited by Steven B. Dowd

Page 2: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

A Selection of “Teaching Techniques” ColumnsPublished in Radiologic Technology, 1988-1996

By Steven B. Dowdand Stephen F. Hulse

Edited by Steven B. Dowd

With contributions byJanice Hall, Ann Steves, Bettye Wilson, Joey Battles,Donna Burr, Richard Bower, Byron Foster,Rita Laws, Shirlee Maihoff and Frederic Martini

Published byThe American Society of Radiologic Technologists15000 Central Avenue SEAlbuquerque, NM 87123-3917

Ceela McElveny, copyeditorJulie James-Griego, art director

Page 3: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Teaching TechniquesIn the Radiologic Sciences

Certain material comprising this book was previously published in

Radiologic Technology, the official journal of the American Society of

Radiologic Technologists. Copyright © 1988-1996 by ASRT.

ISBN 1-886800-01-4

Copyright © 1996

by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America.

Page 4: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



Foreword ..............................................................

Instructional TheoryIntroduction ..........................................................

Just Tell Them What They Need To Know ..........................

Admissions Criteria: Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe? .................

Motivating Adult Learners ...........................................

Attracting Adult Learners ...........................................

If You Mandate, Can You Motivate? .................................

Learning Theories: Something for Everyone .......................

Instructional DesignIntroduction ..........................................................

Curriculum Development and Alignment ..........................

Objectively Speaking .................................................

The Baccalaureate Degree in Radiography .........................

An Educator’s Guide to Articulation ................................

“Hello … Testing, Testing” ...........................................

Outcomes Assessment is Vital to Educators ........................
















Page 5: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



Instructional ToolsIntroduction ..........................................................

Grantsmanship Earns Attention and Money .......................

Human Resources for the Energized Lab ...........................

Tune In to the Video Learning Connection .........................

Getting Your Textbook Published ....................................

Faculty Development for Distance Educators .......................

Good Questions or Data Errata? .....................................

Instructional TechniquesIntroduction ..........................................................

Teaching by Lecture ..................................................

Components of Clinical Teaching ...................................

Simple Preparations Make for Good Speakers ......................

Questions About Student Interviews? ...............................

Using Case Studies To Teach Radiography ..........................

Medical Ethics for Radiography Students ...........................

Cooperative Learning Is Active Learning ...........................

Ideas for Interactive Classroom Learning ...........................

Teaching Your Students To Care .....................................

Test Statistics .........................................................

Use Questions To Improve Class Discussion .......................




















Page 6: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



A new column debuted in the September/October 1988 issue of

Radiologic Technology, the peer-reviewed journal of the American

Society of Radiologic Technologists. Titled “Teaching Tech niques,” it

was designed to address topics of concern to radiologic science educa-

tors — everything from admissions criteria to curriculum development.

The journal had always included articles on education, but most were

theoretically oriented, focusing on the abstract rather than the concrete.

The “Teaching Techniques” column promised to offer practical, useful

ideas that instructors could bring into their classrooms and labs.

Stephen Hulse, a radiography educator who was working as an

instructional design specialist for Penn State University, took on the

task of writing the column. He brought a pragmatic approach to the art

and science of teaching, and “Teaching Techniques” quickly found a

large and devoted audience among novice and experienced instructors


When Stephen Hulse retired from writing the column after four

years and 18 articles, the ASRT looked for a replacement. Realizing

that no single person could effectively fill his shoes, I offered a multi-

disciplinary approach through the use of the faculty in the Division of

Medical Imaging and Therapy at the University of Alabama, Bir ming-

ham. Writing responsibilities for the column would rotate among our

faculty members, giving each an opportunity to present their ideas (as

well as increase their chance at tenure). The ASRT agreed with the

multidisciplinary approach, and the UAB faculty took over the column

with the March/April 1993 issue.

In early 1996, as the column entered its eighth year, I began

thinking about the advantages of collecting all of the “Teaching

Techniques” material in one place. If other instructors are like me, they

have experienced the frustration of trying to locate a particular issue of

the journal from four or five years ago that had an article on test design

that they need right now. The obvious solution was to collect all the

Page 7: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

“Teaching Techniques” articles in a book format. I also thought new

instructors would find such a collection of articles particularly useful.

The ASRT agreed that a handbook for educators would be valu-

able to the profession and signed on as publisher. Ceela McElveny,

managing editor of Radiologic Tech nology, was recruited as copyeditor

for the book. My wife Lisa, a skilled and experienced indexer, agreed

to help put the book’s index together.

It was Ceela’s idea to divide the book into four main sections —

Instructional Theory, Instructional Design, Instructional Tools and

In struc tional Techniques. With these sections in mind, I re viewed our

col lection of more than 30 articles, assigned each to an appropriate sec-

tion and then wrote brief introductions to the sections. In reviewing

the articles, I was impressed by the range of material we covered in the

“Teaching Tech niques” column during the past eight years. We may

not have covered every possible topic, but I believe we did fulfill the

goal of the column — providing radiologic science educators with a

solid foundation of practical, useful ideas.

The faculty at UAB ended its guardianship of the “Teach ing Tech-

niques” column in the fall of 1996, after shepherding 19 articles into

publication. Elwin Tilson, the column’s new editor, takes over in early


The “Teaching Techniques” column has served radiologic science

educators well.

I hope this book follows in that tradition.

Steven B. Dowd

University of Alabama at Birmingham

August 1996



Page 8: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Introduction:Instructional Theory

Instructional theory refers to the various theoretical underpin-

nings of education, including theories of motivation and learning. I

have no hard evidence to support this notion, but I suspect that most

radiologic science educators, being practical sorts, find theory mildly

interesting but of little actual value. I encourage those who hold this

belief to read Stephen Hulse’s article in this section titled “Learning

Theories: Something for Everyone.” The article does a good job of

making obscure theories usable. As Hulse notes, instructors often teach

as they were taught, without stopping to think about the methods that

will work best. Instruc tional theories, however, provide groundwork

for fertile curricula.

Four articles in this section focus on adult learners — a topic that

has special value considering the aging of our student population and

the advent of mandatory continuing education. Interestingly, both

Hulse and I wrote negatively about mandatory continuing education.

My argument with the mandate has to do with the faulty logic that

states education is good (I can’t disagree there) and therefore everyone

should be forced to pursue it (this is where I have a problem). But

since mandatory CE is here to stay, we should at least offer it in a form

that meets the needs of adults, rather than simply repackaging entry-

level education.

I placed Hulse’s column on admissions criteria in this section for

one reason: The theory behind selecting students is probably no more

advanced today than 30 years ago. I doubt if radiologic technology is

alone in this regard. But certainly our “inputs” (students, although

I hate calling them that) are crucial in determining our “outputs” (grad-

uate technologists).

Many educators would agree that we really don’t know what it

takes to make a successful student and graduate, although we have our



Page 9: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

suspicions. But how many of you remember one or more students who

were simply atrocious in your radiography program but now are

re spected chief technologists? Similarly, how many of you recall a stu-

dent you could have sworn would be the ideal radiologic technologist

but who now is a very disenfranchised employee in danger of losing his

or her job every day? Admissions decisions can be a slippery slope to

climb. I challenge anyone who thinks he or she knows how to select a

good student to write up the results of that research … the rest of us

would be very interested!

I hope you enjoy this set of articles. Remember, theories give us

guidance in times of trouble.

Steven B. Dowd



Page 10: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

“Just Tell ThemWhat They Need to Know…”

…and gladly wolde he lerne, and gladly teche.


Canterbury Tales

“What’s so difficult about teaching? You just tell them what they

need to know and then give them a test.”

That enlightened view pretty much described the educational phi-

lo sophy of one former colleague. Of course there’s much more to

teaching than this, and a large part of it is based on understanding how

students learn and consciously designing instruction to take advantage

of that knowledge.

The learning model we’ll be looking at is known as the “Nine

Events of Learning” and was first described by Robert Gagné.1

1. Gain and Control the Attention of StudentsThink for a moment about any prime-time television show. Just

before the opening credits is a short segment (called a “teaser”) show-

ing a car chase, a fight or some other attention-getting device designed

to keep you watching and listening. Every class you teach also needs a

teaser to attract and hold student interest and direct attention to the


Several methods are available, such as asking a question, posing

a problem to be solved or telling a story related to the objectives that

draws upon the personal experience of the instructor or students. Ken-

neth Eble2 tells of teaching a seminar on lecture methods. He began by

standing behind the podium, head bent over his notes, droning on in a


After a few minutes he raised his head and said, “Has anyone

ever heard anything like this before?”



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“Yeah,” shouted someone in the back. “Yesterday afternoon!”

Eble had his teaser. The remainder of the class was spent en thu-

siastic ally listing all the qualities of ineffective lectures to discover what

contributed to effective ones.

2. Tell the Student the Expected Outcome of InstructionThere’s an old maxim in education regarding instructional design:

• Tell them what you’re going to tell them;

• Tell them;

• And then tell them what you told them.

When students know the objectives beforehand, they can better

organize their thoughts around what they see and hear. If done cor-

rectly, students also understand why it is important to learn the materi-


3. Stimulate Recall of Relevant Prerequisite KnowledgePrepare students for success with the current objectives by

re minding them of what they already know. Implicit in this is the

understanding that objectives follow a hierarchical order, i.e., the attain-

ment of complex objectives are built upon mastery of simpler ones.

This provides course continuity by telling students what they have

already learned, what they are about to learn and why it’s important to

learn it.

4. Present Stimuli Inherent to LearningThis is the subject content selected to meet the specific class

objectives. It may include, either singly or in combination, the learning

of concepts (groups or categories of objects and actions), rules (under-

standing cause and effect) and discriminations (contrasting and com-

paring objects or actions). Once again, material must be presented in a

logical order, building upon previously mastered material.

5. Offer GuidanceThe instructor prompts the student through a series of steps cal-



Page 12: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

culated to help him “discover” basic facts and underlying principles for

himself. The rate of learning increases because students are less likely

to lose time or become frustrated by basing performance on incorrect

facts or poorly understood concepts. The goal is for students to make

logical decisions based on understanding how different parts of a prob-

lem relate to one another. Wild guesses, even correct ones, should be

discouraged because they circumvent a grasp of underlying interrelated

principles. Remember, knowing “what” is no good unless the student

also knows “how” and “why.”

Structured guidance can be provided via a carefully constructed

se quence of questions leading to a particular conclusion, laboratory

experiments where the outcome is known and assignment of specific

articles for outside reading.

6. Provide FeedbackFeedback gives a student information about how well his current

performance meets the objectives. Feedback has the most impact when

it immediately follows the observed behavior, and it can be in the form

of a quiz, a test or a verbal comment. The information provided during

feedback should be precise, clear and focus on performance. If some of

the information is negative, it should not be demeaning.

7. Evaluate PerformancePerformance evaluations also provide the student with feedback

but generally encompass a larger segment of instruction. Tests, lab

practicums and clinical evaluations tell students how they are doing

compared to a standard.

8. Provide for Transfer of InformationStudents must be able to transfer the knowledge they gain in the

classroom to “real-world” situations, with appropriate modifications.

Know ledge trans fer appears to work best when the underlying concepts

and rules have been learned thoroughly. This can be facilitated by

using a variety of examples and illustrations in class and making sure



Page 13: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

that practice has occurred in a setting similar to where the knowledge

will be applied.

9. Ensure Retention of LearningLearning should be reinforced by reviewing the important con-

cepts, rules and discriminations; practicing the performance required;

and rehearsing the correct responses.3

There’s a lot more to good teaching than “telling them what they

need to know and then giving them a test.” It takes thoughtful plan-

ning to design a sequence of events that leads to actual learning.

References1. Gagné RM. The Conditions of Learning. 2nd ed. New York, NY:

Holt, Rhinehart and Winston; 1970:304.2. Eble KE. The Craft of Teaching. San Francisco, Calif: Josey-Bass

Publisher; 1976:51.3. Pratt D. Curriculum Design and Development. New York, NY:

Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich; 1980:304-305.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 60, No. 1



Page 14: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Admissions Criteria:Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe?

Radiologic science educators are lucky. Unlike public school

teachers and college professors who have to take what they get, radio-

logic science educators usu ally are able to select the students they will

teach. But with this prerogative comes the responsibility of being fair

and objective.

Fair admissions procedures are desirable for many reasons, not

the least of which are moral and ethical considerations. But there is

another reason as well: the legal consideration. Rejection of some

applicants is unavoidable. But with increasing frequency, the courts are

being asked to overturn admission committee decisions in favor of

rejected applicants, in the process often revealing poorly conceived or

highly subjective admissions criteria.1 This article examines program

admissions criteria with the purpose of looking at applicant information

that your admission committee should consider collecting and using as

part of its decision-making process.

To begin, an admission procedure must meet several criteria. It

must discriminate between qualified and unqualified applicants fairly

and objectively, select applicants who are most likely to succeed aca-

demically and professionally, and remain cost-effective in terms of time

and effort spent in selecting applicants for admission.

Let’s first look at some of the general criteria used in schools of

health professions.

In a survey of eight health professions including radiologic tech-

nology, Dietrich and Crowley2 found that programs placed primary

emphasis on past academic performance, but also relied heavily on

standardized testing and personal interviews. Letters of recommenda-

tion, student essays and demographic and biographic data were consid-

ered to a lesser degree. Interestingly, selection of students by lottery

from a pool of qualified applicants also has been reported but is still



Page 15: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

relatively rare.2-4 In a national survey of medical technology schools,

Garza et al5 found overall grade point average with a separate evalua-

tion of science grades to be a common practice.

Academic PreparationPrevious academic performance often is a good indicator of how

a student will perform in the future. In radiologic technology, Kav-

anagh6 calculated Pearson’s correlation coefficients for several readily

available measures of academic preparation and found the results to be

significant. The factors correlated with GPA in a radiologic technology

program included high school GPA (r = 0.71) and grades in algebra

(4 = 0.61) and biology (r = 0.67). But Kavanagh’s study also revealed

a relatively low correlation (r = 0.20) between high school GPA and

clinical GPA. Clearly, clinical competence in radiologic technology

depends upon something more than just a good academic background.

Standardized TestingStandardized testing has become commonplace in all phases of

education because of the ease of administration and (when used appro-

priately) its demonstrated validity and reliability. Perhaps the two most

widely used standardized tests in allied health education are the Scho-

lastic Aptitude Test (Educational Testing Service) and the Allied Health

Professions Admissions Test (the Psychological Corporation).

In a pilot study performed by the author, a retrospective analysis

of 26 students revealed a moderate correlation between SAT scores and

radiologic technology program GPA (including a clinical component).

Specifically, the coefficients were r = 0.48 (verbal SAT score with R.T.

program GPA), r = 0.62 (math SAT score with R.T. program GPA) and

r = 0.62 (combined SAT score with R.T. program GPA).

Other authors have examined the usefulness of the Allied Health

Professions Admissions Test. Katzell7 reports that the AHPAT “has

shown a high degree of validity as a predictor of first-year GPA in upper

divi sion allied health majors.” Multiple correlation calculations

be tween first-year allied health program GPA and AHPAT scores exhibit-



Page 16: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

ed values ranging from 0.84 to 0.31. Katzell points out that where a

low correlation exists between preprofessional GPA and allied health

program GPA, the AHPAT can appreciably improve the prediction of

academic performance.

Leiken and Cunningham8 confirm the usefulness of the AHPAT as

a predictor but suggest that other factors also must be considered. In

the admissions model they developed, preprofessional GPA and type of

school attended also were examined.

Applicant InterviewsMany health science educational programs use the personal inter-

view as part of the selection process. Gough9 describes the interview as

the most common method of evaluating nonintellectual characteristics.

Char et al10 placed the importance of the interview on a par with pre-

professional GPA and standardized testing. Chapman11 hypothesized

that better interviewing techniques would result in selection of more

suitable applicants and reduce the drop-out rate from radiologic technol-

ogy programs. In spite of this, the interview is neither universally used

nor re spected. Influenced by the constant harassment of threatened

political and legal action, the dean of one nursing school did away with

applicant interviews, relying solely on GPA as the determining factor.4

Still, most people would probably agree with the fellow, who,

“after listening to arguments against the use of selection interviews for

medical students … rose and stated, ‘Gentlemen, if I wanted to get

married and you had 20 willing maidens in this room and gave me all

the tests in the world about them, I still would like to talk to each of

them before I selected one as my wife.’”12

Although the interview will continue to play an important role in

the selection process, it is not without problems. Shepard12 identified

five potential reasons the traditional selection interview does not pre-

dict academic success:

• Inappropriate end point measures. Interviews cannot be cor-

re lated with GPAs and other similar measures. Interviews should be

used to evaluate noncognitive, nonintellectual skills.



Page 17: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

• Restricted rating range. Some interview scales use a 4-point

range. A 10-point scale may reveal finer distinctions among applicants.

• Unreliability among interviewer ratings. This concerns the

agreement on definitions of traits to be evaluated and the weight certain

traits should have in the admission decision. An in-service for inter-

viewers carefully defining each of the traits to be evaluated is a must

before conducting interviews.

• Interviewer error. This includes many interviewer perceptions,

such as prejudice, stereotyping, the halo effect, the error of central ten-

dency and the generosity effect. Once again, these problems must be

addressed before conducting interviews.

• Limited interviewer-interviewee interaction. The traditional

one-on-one interview format makes it difficult to assess effective com-

munication in small group settings, a quality that a health science stu-

dent or health professional would be expected to possess. Shepard sug-

gests that group interviews (those with two or more applicants and two

or more in terviewers) are superior to the one-on-one format.

In creating a job description for student technologists, Chap man11

lists several characteristics to look for during an interview: attentive-

ness to people, adaptability, ambition, conscientiousness, dependability,

emotional maturity, frankness, friendliness, good naturedness, kindli-

ness, orderliness and quick thinking. He further specifies that the inter-

view must evaluate aptitudes, motivational characteristics, personality

strength and limitations, and knowledge and experience.

Several authors have described methods of recording responses

during the applicant’s interview.11,13,14 In each method, the interviewer

follows a guide sheet with predetermined questions or areas of inquiry.

Applicant responses are recorded and points are as signed based on

established guidelines. After all interviews have been completed, points

can be totaled and comparisons made between applicants.

Letters of RecommendationLetters of recommendation contribute little meaningful informa-

tion about the applicant.4 Most people dislike writing unfavorable



Page 18: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

comments and, therefore, write only good or noncommittal reference

letters, or they write noth ing at all. In either case, accurate information

is lacking.

The passage of the Family Educational Act of 1974 (the Buckley

Amendment) makes this situation unlikely to change. This law allows

students and parents to review educational records — including letters

of reference — and challenge what they consider to be inaccuracies.

Because letter writers cannot be guaranteed confidentiality, few are

willing to commit themselves to expressing their true feelings about an


Weighting Selection CriteriaSo now that you have all this information about your applicants,

what do you do with it? You begin by digging out all the records of for-

mer students — good, bad and mediocre. One by one, begin listing the

students’ high school grade point averages, class rankings and SAT

scores. Continue by entering terminal performance information (final

GPA or Registry exam scores) from your program.

Next, you need to assess this information using multiple regres-

sion analysis. The only practical way to do this is with a statistical soft-

ware package and a computer. Multiple regression analysis generates

a formula allowing you to “plug in” each of the criteria discussed above

and estimate, with known accuracy, an applicant’s future aca demic


Of course, it doesn’t end there. Each year you’ll have more data

on graduating students to enter into the multiple regression program,

and each year your formula should get a little more accurate. Is it fool-

proof? No, but few things are. Statistics always should be applied with

caution, particularly in the nonphysical sciences. In the final analysis,

only you can weigh all the information and make a decision. But what

this method does is give you a firm foundation for making more objec-

tive decisions about whom you accept into your program. That in itself

should be a great comfort if you ever find yourself on the wrong end of

a lawsuit.



Page 19: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

References 1. El-Din D. Admissions in a school of allied health. J Allied Health.

1997;6:16-22. 2. Dietrich MC, Crowley JA. A national study of student selection practices in the allied health professions. J Allied Health.

1982;10:226-239. 3. Johnson R, et al. Selection of occupational therapy students. Am J Occup Ther. 1974;6:597-601. 4. Chaisson GM. Student selection: logic or lottery. J Allied Health. 1976;5:7-16. 5. Garza JV, et al. Admission procedures: a survey of current method- ology. Am J Med Technol. 1976;42:30-36. 6. Kavanagh LK. Admissions criteria for a college-based radiologic technology program: relationship of entry levels to subsequent per- formance in selected program course. Radiol Technol. 1981;53:113-117. 7. Katzell ME. The allied health professions admission test. J Allied

Health. 1977;16:14-20. 8. Leiken AM, Cunningham BM. The predictive ability of the allied health professions admissions test. J Allied Health. 1980;9:132-138. 9. Gough HG. Nonintellectual factors in the selection and evaluation of medical students. J Med Educ. 1967;42:642-650.10. Char WF, et al. Interviewing, motivation, and clinical judgment. J Med Educ. 1975;50:192-194.11. Chapman LJ. The interview process for the selection of student radiographers. Radiol Technol. 1981;53:37-43.12. Shepard KF. Use of small group interviews for selection into allied health educational programs. J Allied Health. 1980;9:85-94.13. Rifken SM, et al. Uniform admissions system for a medical labora- tory sciences program. Am J Med Technol. 1981;47:489-499.14. Dietrich MC. Putting objectivity in the allied health student selec- tion process. J Allied Health. 1981;10:226-239.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 60, No. 3



Page 20: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Motivating Adult Learners

As coordinator of in-service education for many years, I often was

dismayed by the reaction to our department’s in-service programs. I

would sweat out writing the objectives, pore over the literature to get

the latest information, gather appropriate visual aids and coerce experts

into speaking to our staff. But more often than I’d like to admit, the

reception to in-service programs was strictly “ho-hum.” And from dis-

cussions with other in-service coordinators both in and out of radiology,

I know this was not an uncommon reaction. Why this response to

information that should have been important, even exciting to the

learners? To answer that question, we must review research done on

the topic of adult education. Through the years, a number of educators

and learning psychologists have investigated what, how and why adults

learn. Some of the results of their research may surprise you.

What Do Adults Learn?Taken as a group, adults are more likely to be interested in learn-

ing information that can be applied in very practical ways, such as solv-

ing problems they face in the work setting.1 After all, most people rare-

ly search for answers to questions they don’t have. The challenge for

the in-service educator is to consistently show how knowledge can be

applied in common situations that confront learners. Gagné2 suggests

asking a question, telling a story related to the program objectives that

draws upon the personal experience of the learners, or describing a typ-

ical problem that the information presented during the in-service will

help solve. Another way to do this is to ask learners themselves how

they think they can apply the new information.

You can help ensure that information you’re providing to learners

is practical by doing a procedural task analy sis.3 There are two benefits

to this exercise. First, a complete description of individual steps plus

the correct sequence involved in task completion are easily discernible.

This data is invaluable for editing and fine-tuning program goals and



Page 21: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

objectives. Second, important procedural tasks that might otherwise go

undiscovered are brought to light. For example, steps in decision mak-

ing that the competent practitioner uses to select or modify activities

are not overtly evident to the casual observer, yet play a vital role in

task completion.

Another characteristic of adult learners is that they prefer pro-

grams to focus on a single concept or theory.4 This bias appears to

increase with age.

How Do Adults Learn?Learners in general, and adults in particular, need to be able to

integrate new information into an existing framework of knowledge.

Information that is totally new — that is, information that does not

mesh with any of the learner’s previous knowledge or experience — is

assimilated very slowly.

Gagné makes two suggestions that may help. First, tell learners

the program’s goals and objectives. Knowing the objectives helps

learners organize their thoughts and puts them in a better position to

understand why it’s important to learn the material. Second, remind

learners of what they already know. Doing this puts the new informa-

tion into perspective and provides “hooks” for attaching this material to

their existing knowledge framework.

In some educational circles, much is made about the presumed

dichotomy between pedagogy (child education) and andragogy (adult

education).5 Pedagogy is characterized by teacher-centered authority

and a formal organization of subject content. Common methods of

in struction include lectures, audiovisual materials and suggested read-


Andragogy, on the other hand, emphasizes an informal, collabor-

ative learning environment in which instructor and learner work

together to develop objectives and program content. Group discus-

sions, workshops and the case method are used to promote learning.

Andragogy often is advocated as the “better way” to teach adults. If

this is true, then it might seem that the andragogical model would have



Page 22: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

important implications for in-service education. But applying andrago-

gy in real life has been problematic. Houle and Brookfield6 explain

why: “There is a consistent overestimation of the adult learner’s readi-

ness to be self-directing.… [T]he more common reaction is one of con-

fusion, anxiety and often anger. Students will say, ‘We paid a high price

to come here and we want your expertise.’”

Roelf, in a study cited by Cross,7 reinforces this finding. Roelf

found that adult learners older than 30 were more likely to prefer peda-

gogical-based instruction. I observed this phenomenon at a national

educational conference. Attendees were well educated and held posi-

tions of responsibility at their sponsoring institutions, yet virtually all

conference sessions were based on pedagogical principles. Men and

women who routinely made life-and-death decisions sat quietly in their

seats, waiting to be told what they needed to know.

An exception was a session dealing with the application of pro-

gram planning. Thirty of us crowded into the closet-sized room. We

knew we were in trouble when the “facilitator” said, “This is going to

be your workshop. You are going to tell each other how to improve

program planning at your institution.” None of us had a clue about

how to go about this. If we had, we probably wouldn’t have come.

Our initial uneasiness quickly turned to anger. Most of us used the first

break as an opportunity to leave.

Does this mean andragogy doesn’t work? Not necessarily. Mal-

colm Knowles, the “father” of andragogy in the United States, always

maintained that the choice of a learning model (pedagogy vs. andrago-

gy) is situational, depending in part on subject matter and learner char-

acteristics. As Zemke4 observes, “Adults have something real to lose in

a classroom situation. Self-esteem and ego are on the line when they

are asked to risk trying a new behavior in front of peers and co horts.”

The lesson for instructional designers is clear:

• Provide enough information for learners to begin to compre-

hend and synthesize material.

• Involve your learners by letting them draw upon their collective


• But don’t put them on the spot.



Page 23: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Why Do Adults Learn?Research shows that adults generally will seek out learning expe-

riences when some life-changing event occurs, producing what educa-

tors call a “teachable moment.” In professional life, this teachable

moment often coincides with a job change or promotion. Closely tied

to this is the fact that adults are most prone to learn when some imme-

diate benefit can be demonstrated to them, not because learning is seen

as its own reward.

Also, there is strong evidence that an important, al though second-

ary, reason adults attend educational programs is to increase self-

esteem. Employees should be recognized for their willingness to

in crease their knowledge. You might, for example, ask them to present

what they learned to a group or to implement a new procedure based

on what they learned.

Summing It UpIn practical terms, planners who design in-service programs for

adult learners should:

• Take advantage of “teachable moments” by scheduling their in-

service programs as close as possible to changes in job duties.

• Arrange programs to meet the expressed needs of the learners

whenever possible.

• Use task analysis to clearly define the in-service program’s

goals and objectives.

• Tell learners the purpose and objectives of the program before

you start.

• Emphasize a “how-to-do-it” practical approach.

• Demonstrate how the information can be applied.

• Focus on single issues within a given program.

• Remind learners of what they already know about the subject.

• Use a blend of pedagogical and andragogical methods to teach

and involve learners.

• Give learners time to sort things out and ask questions.

• Reward participation in in-service programs.



Page 24: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Running an in-service program is not easy. Program content

often is mandated by administration or accrediting agencies. But by

using these basic principles of adult education, you can plan and orga-

nize your programs to help your learners get the facts they need back

on the job.

References1. Cross KP. Why adults participate — and why not. Adults as

Learners. San Francisco, Calif: Josey-Bass Publisher; 1982:91.2. Gagné RM. The Conditions of Learning. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Holt, Rhinehart and Winston; 1970:304.3. Gagné RM, Briggs LJ, Wager WW. Principles of Instructional

Design. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Holt, Rhinehart and Winston; 1988:143.4. Zemke R, Zemke S. 30 things we know for sure about adult learn- ing. Training/HRD. June 1981:46-52.5. Davenport J, Davenport JH. Andragogical-pedagogical orientations of adult learners: research results and practice recommendations. Lifelong Learning. 1985;9(1):6.6. Feuer D, Geber B. Uh-oh … second thoughts about adult learning theory. Training. December 1988:33.7. Cross KP. Who participates in adult learning. Adults as Learners. San Francisco, Calif: Josey-Bass Publisher; 1982:70.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 62, No. 3



Page 25: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Attracting Adult Learners

Much time has been devoted to the study of adult education, par-

ticularly to creating a profile of adult learners. This article examines

who participates in adult education, why they participate, how adults

learn and what barriers to participation they encounter.

Who Participates?Adults who take part in educational programs tend to be Cauca-

sian, college-educated and between the ages of 17 and 54. It’s interest-

ing to note that, as Cross1 states, learning is “addictive.” That is, the

more education an individual has, the more likely he or she is to pursue

adult education. For example, a high school graduate is about twice as

likely to participate as an individual with less than 12 years of school-

ing, and those who have attended college are almost twice as likely to

participate as those who have only a high school diploma.

And it isn’t just that better educated people have more time and

money to pursue continuing education. Riessman, cited by Cross,1

re ports that poorly educated people exhibit virtually no interest in gain-

ing knowledge for its own sake, a phenomenon Riessman calls “prag-

matic anti-intellectualism.” Learning for personal growth and develop-

ment is shunned in favor of utility and practicality in education. Dif fer-

ences in participation rates between men and women are negligible.2

Rates for participation in adult education may depend on how the

term “adult education” is defined. Tough,3 who defined it as “sus-

tained, highly deliberate efforts to learn knowledge or a skill,” found

that roughly 98% of adults could be considered participants in adult

education. The U.S. National Center for Education Statistics defined

adult education as consisting of people 17 years of age and older who

are “involved in part-time organized educational activities such as col-

lege courses, employee training, continuing education and private

instruction.” Using this definition, the Census Bureau reported a par-

ticipation rate in 1984 of 26%.4 Other estimates of participation range



Page 26: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

from one in three to one in five adults.1 These variations result in part

from differing methods of data collection and inconsistent definitions of

what component of the population is considered “adult.”

Reasons for ParticipationIn addition to who participates in adult education, it’s important

to appreciate why adults participate. Using a series of interviews with

learners he described as “conspicuously engaged” in continued learn-

ing, Houle, cited by Cross,1 identified three types of adult learners:

• “Goal oriented” learners participate in order to be able to do

something better or to reach specific objectives. For these learners,

activities are not restricted to one particular approach, but are likely to

involve synthesis of several methods (reading, traveling, discussion,

formal classroom study) to attain objectives.

• “Activity oriented” learners take part in adult education for rea-

sons not related to learning a subject or improving a skill. These learn-

ers are interested mainly in the social aspect of the learning environ-

ment, such as making new friends, escaping boredom or carrying on a

family tradition. Houle reports that most of the people in this category

did little or no reading.

• “Learning oriented” learners pursue learning for its own sake.

They are characterized by a seemingly insatiable curiosity. Houle

de scribed them as avid readers who are engaged in lifelong learning.

Tough5 used interviews to study why people undertook learning

projects, particularly those that were self-directed. He included people

who pursued knowledge, skills or information but excluded those

whose reason for learning was motivated primarily by the desire of

gaining aca demic credit. Because he did not examine efforts to learn

things that were not specific and concrete, Tough’s study ignored

Houle’s activity oriented group of learners. Nevertheless, Tough’s

re search uncovered several important points:

• Learners reported, on the average, between five and six reasons

as being “very important” or “fairly important” for beginning a learning




Page 27: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

• Adults seem to approach learning with the purpose of using or

applying the knowledge.

• Three learning patterns among adults are evident:

1. Some learners begin by recognizing that they want to do some-

thing better. Using this as a starting point, they search for activities that

will help them gain the requisite knowledge or skills.

2. Other learners begin with a basic curiosity about issues that

are of par ticular importance in their lives.

3. A third group of learners begin by realizing they have a signifi-

cant amount of spare time. They decide to use this time for learning.

• Most people participating in adult education enjoy learning,

and this enjoyment is an important ingredient in the continuation of

learning. Typically, learners report receiving enjoyment from having

learned successfully, from practicing skills they have learned and even

just from receiving the content.

Studies by Morstain and Smart, also cited by Cross,1 tend to vali-

date Houle’s typology with one major difference: Whereas Houle

as sumed that learners retain characteristic motivations for the remain-

der of their lives, Morstain and Smart recognized that individuals have

several reasons for beginning a learning project, and that those reasons

may change over time. In this respect, Morstain and Small support

Tough’s findings that people typically report several reasons for begin-

ning a learning project.

Cross1 summarized the findings of 30 state and national studies

about motivations for learning and found:

• Approximately one out of three learners reports that personal

satisfaction is the main reason for learning, and half of all learners

re port personal satisfaction as one of the reasons for learning.

• Between 10% and 39% of learners say they seek knowledge for

its own sake. These learners typically are well educated.

• Approximately one out of three adults indicates “escape from

routine” is an important reason for learning.

• Nearly two out of three adults indicate a preference for recogni-

tion, such as a certificate or diploma, for their learning activities.



Page 28: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

How Do Adults Learn?Although several learning theories — ranging from behaviorism

to cognitivism to humanism — have been proposed, none can be

ap plied across the board to all learners in all situations. Nevertheless,

some commonalities emerge.

Davenport and Davenport6 recommend a combination of peda-

gogical (teacher-directed) and andragogical (learner-directed) methods

in adult education because this “middle-of-the-road” approach meets

the needs of a larger segment of the target audience. This sentiment is

echoed by Geber7 when she refers to using “an artful balance of andrag-

ogical and pedagogical instructional methods” so the instructor “hits

the hot buttons of all learners” at least some of the time.

When are pedagogical methods most appropriate for adults?

Feuer and Geber8 cite Malcolm Knowles as identifying technical mat-

erial and foundational (introductory) information as likely candidates

for the pedagogical domain. Cross1 notes that pedagogical techniques

are preferred by those who have progressed the furthest in formal edu-

cation. This is not surprising given the fact that the majority of orga-

nized education is based on pedagogical principles, and those with

more education have more experience with and feel the most comfort-

able in well-structured classes and lectures.

Of course, not all learning takes place in structured classes.

Zemke and Zemke9 report that adults prefer self-directed learning “7 to

1” over classroom-based group learning. Books, tapes and qualified

peer-tutors often are cited as useful adjuncts for self-study. Of addi-

tional assistance to those involved in self-directed study are lectures

and short seminars, because they offer opportunities for learners to talk

to experts face-to-face.

Barriers to LearningBarriers to engaging in adult education can be classified into three

groups: situational, institutional and dispositional. In a study by Carp

et al, cited by Cross,1 major reasons listed as situational barriers includ-

ed lack of time, conflicting home and job responsibilities and lack of



Page 29: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

child care. Institutional barriers mentioned were inconvenient program

schedules, lack of adequate information about programs offered and

limited course offerings. The major dispositional barrier was the poten-

tial student’s lack of confidence in his or her ability to learn.

The issues of who participates, why they participate, how adults

learn and what barriers they face constitute the heart of planning for

continuing education programs. A solid understanding of these issues

provides the basis for producing programs that meet learners’ needs.

References1. Cross KP. Adults as Learners. San Francisco, Calif: Josey-Bass Publisher; 1982.2. Darkenwald GG, Merriam SB. Adult Education: Foundations of

Practice. New York, NY: Harper & Row; 1982:120-121.3. Tough A. The Adult’s Learning Projects: A Fresh Approach to

Theory and Practice in Adult Learning. Research in Education Series No. 1. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education; 1971.4. Statistical Abstract of the United States. 110th ed. Washington, DC: Bureau of the Census; 1990:165.5. Tough A. Why Adults Learn. Monographs in Adult Education No. 3. Department of Adult Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education; 1968.6. Davenport J, Davenport JH. Andragogical-pedagogical orientations of adult learners: research results and prac tice recommendations. Lifelong Learning. 1985;9(1):6-9.7. Geber B. The problem with andragogy. Training. December 1988:3.8. Feuer D, Geber B. Uh-oh … second thoughts about adult learning theory. Training. December 1988:31-39.9. Zemke R, Zemke S. 30 things we know for sure about adult learn- ing. Training/HRD. June 1981:45-52.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 62, No. 4



Page 30: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

If You Mandate,Can You Motivate?

Should continuing education for professionals be man datory? For

radiologic technologists, that question is no longer rhetorical. They

now are required to show evidence of participation in continuing edu-

cation programs to maintain their certifications with the American

Registry of Radiologic Technologists.

Nevertheless, arguments both for and against manda tory continu-

ing education continue to rage. Mattran,1 stating the arguments in

favor of mandatory continuing education, points out that it leads to

increased professional competence and exposes disinterested partici-

pants to information they might not otherwise encounter.

Mattran suggests three conditions for implementing effective

mandatory CE programs:

• The professional membership itself, not an external regulatory

or government group, must recognize the need for continuing educa-

tion. By promoting participation in continuing education as the norm

for professionals, individuals can be encouraged to upgrade their

knowledge and skills, thus simulating the traditional voluntary nature

of adult education.

• Educational programs must be designed around the day-to-day

realities of the workplace. Programs must be offered at times that are

conveni ent to both employers and employees.

• Educational programs must so completely engage the profes-

sional in the desire for continued learning experiences that he or she

does not become distracted by the pressures of work and home life.

Rockhill,2 arguing against the concept of mandatory continuing

education, rejects these propositions because of the assumptions under-

lying them. The first assumption is that knowledge determines perfor-

mance; the second is that continuing education can provide the requi-

site knowledge.



Page 31: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Implicit in the thinking of those who favor mandatory continuing

education are two learning theories: passive diffusion and queuing.3

The passive diffusion theory assumes that there exists a concentration

of knowledge on the instructor’s side, a deficit of knowledge on the stu-

dent’s side, and a semipermeable membrane between the two. Placing

the student and instructor in close proximity introduces a pressure gra-

dient. The rate of diffusion of “molecules” of knowledge is a “function

of the height of the gradient, the permeability of the membrane and the

duration of exposure.”3

Proponents of the passive diffusion theory believe that in the

ab sence of a pressure gradient, knowledge will “leak out” of the stu-

dent. There are two solutions for this dilemma: Provide complex and

extensive handouts to maintain the gradient after the learner leaves the

learning environment, or schedule frequent opportunities to reintroduce

the gradient. That is where continuing education fits in.

The queuing theory also has adherents among proponents of

mandatory continuing education. According to this theory, learners

have a finite number of “boxes” in which to store data. The prevailing

view in queuing theory is that data retrieval follows a last-in, first-out

sequence. For example, the last bit of information stored is the first to

be recalled. Some instructors believe this accounts for higher test per-

formance on material recently presented in class.

Queue overflow, which occurs when more information is put into

the learner than can be stored, results in loss of the oldest data. This is

an ideal feature for mandatory continuing educationalists, since the old,

useless information is replaced by new, functional information. Cook3

suggests that since there are a finite number of boxes in which to store

data, one can get an estimate of the target population’s queue volume

by examining the number of CE units required each year.

Of course, there are other, less lighthearted problems with the

issue of mandatory continuing education. For example, many factors

other than knowledge contribute to professional performance, such as

institutional goals, financial and managerial support, motivation and

staffing patterns.



Page 32: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

But there are even more practical problems associated with man-

dating continuing education, like providing financial aid to participants

so that lower-paid staff are not unfairly burdened, scheduling time off

so that attendance at CE programs does not have an adverse impact on

the participant’s family life, and providing child care to avoid discrimi-

nation against workers with children.

Even more to the point, mandatory continuing education runs

counter to the basic tenets of adult education. Although perceptions of

the purpose and characteristics of adult education vary from one

ob server to another, in general these differing views tend to comple-

ment, not contradict, one another.

For example, a composite view of the goal of adult education

could be stated as helping men and women improve both themselves

and society by:

• Increasing skills, knowledge and sensitivities.4

• Gaining competence in lifelong learning skills.5

• Changing attitudes and behavior within the context of personal,

socioeconomic and cultural develop ment.6

• Increasing one’s sense of self-control in his or her own life.7

Continuing education for adults should be considered a collabora-

tive effort between learner and teacher. Learning is at times self-direct-

ed, while at other times it may be directed by teachers or media pro-

duction teams.6

Perhaps Houle4 expresses it best: Educators are “cooperative art-

ists” who help learners “learn these things for themselves and, by the

use of [their] art, facilitate the accomplishment of [the learner’s] desired


But when participation in educational activities is mandated,

there is no intrinsic motivation for learning. With no motivation, it

doesn’t matter whether disinterested participants are exposed to infor-


Mandatory continuing education is a reality in the radio logic sci-

ences. Only time will tell whether its implementation has benefited the

profession and its practice.



Page 33: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

References1. Mattran KJ. Mandatory education increases professional compe- tence. In: Kreitlow BW et al, eds. Examin ing Controversies in

Adult Education. San Francisco, Calif: Josey-Bass Publisher; 1981.2. Rockhill K. Professional education should not be mandatory. In: Kreitlow BW et al, eds. Examining Con tro versies in Adult

Education. San Francisco, Calif: Josey-Bass Publisher; 1981.3. Cook RI. Learning theories implicit in medical school lectures. JAMA. 1989;261:2224-2245.4. Houle CO. The Fundamental System. San Francisco, Calif: Josey- Bass Publisher; 1972.5. Knowles MS. The Modern Practice of Adult Edu cation: From

Pedagogy to Andragogy. New York, NY: Cambridge; 1980.6. Darkenwald GG, Merriam SB. Adult Education: Foundations of

Practice. Philadelphia, Pa: Harper & Row; 1982.7. Brookfield S. A critical definition of adult education. Adult

Education Quarterly. 1985;36:44-49.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 63, No. 1



Page 34: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



Learning Theories:Something for Everyone

Periodically, we educators must defend what we do, what we

teach and why we have chosen particular methods over others. Often

we fall back on behaviors and methods we admired in our instructors;

occasionally we may point to so-and-so’s theory of education that we

learned in Professor Somebody’s teaching methods class. But as pro-

fessionals, we must have more than a default theory of learning. We

need to understand the philosophies of great educators and examine

our beliefs about the very purpose of learning.

The Purpose of LearningThe major goals of all learning, even if unstated, are to:

• Prepare students to cope with future situations in their profes-

sional and/or personal world.

• Foster a continuation of learning after completion of the formal

course of studies.

This concept, known as transfer of learning, occurs when learn-

ing in one environment affects a person’s behavior in another environ-

ment. If transfer of learning did not occur, educators would have to

teach students how to perform in every situation they might encounter,

a task clearly impossible. Rather, an effective curriculum helps stu-

dents improve the quantity and quality of material transferred from the

classroom to “real life.” Unless a curriculum accomplishes this, much

of the student’s and teacher’s time is wasted.

Two crucial issues to examine when designing or revising curricu-

lum to increase transfer of learning are:

• Does the curriculum help students successfully manage future

learning situations?

• If so, is the curriculum as effective as it should be in promoting

transfer of learning? If not, how can it be made more effective?



Page 35: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



Curricular changes have closely followed shifting patterns in edu-

cational philosophy through the years. Let’s take a look at the major

ap proaches to educational design.

Mental DisciplineThe mental discipline approach views the mind as a muscle that

should be exercised. Proponents of this approach, which dates back to

Plato and Aristotle, emphasize drill and practice combined with strict

discipline to buttress the learner’s attention, memory, will and persever-

ance. Transfer of learning occurs through mental exercise, which builds

the power of the faculties so they can automatically move into action in

appropriate situations. Curricular content is not important as long as it

is difficult and unpleasant. Mathematics, science and Latin are typical

components of this curriculum. Instructors frequently use physical and

mental punishment — belittlement, harassment, denigration — to

en force study habits.

ApperceptionThose who subscribe to the apperception theory view learning as

a process of implanting in students’ minds a great mass of information

and concepts organized by a teacher or textbook author. As students

integrate new facts with old, they generate new “feelings” that lead to

new behaviors. Apperceptionists like Herbart and Tichener measured

knowledge retention by administering frequent tests.

Herbart described five steps to maximize transfer of learning:1

• Preparing the teaching lesson using detailed lesson plans and


• Presenting the lesson in a prescribed order.

• Comparing facts, concepts and ideas.

• Drawing generalizations from the information.

• Applying concepts.

Transfer of learning, for apperceptionists, is a matter of simply

storing ideas within the mind where they are available for recall. The

shortcomings of this approach are:



Page 36: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



• Learning is teacher-centered; students tend to be passive, and

critical thinking is discouraged.

• There are too many facts to be covered adequately. Often,

material is learned only to pass tests and then forgotten, leading to a

low transfer of knowledge.2

• Problem-centered teaching, which teaches students how to

learn, is largely ignored.

Behaviorism/NeobehaviorismPost-World War II learning theory emphasized teaching by

in structional objectives. The behaviorist approach, as exemplified by

Skinner, Mager3 and Gagné, is teacher-oriented and only rarely takes

the learner’s needs into account. Behaviorism generally avoids specula-

tion about what occurs inside the mind. Teachers concentrate on mea-

suring overt behavior, particularly whether students are able to reach

the terminal course objectives. Students’ attitudes and commitment to

program objectives receive little attention.

In health science educational programs, the terminal objective is

successful performance on exams — particularly midterms, finals and

national certification exams. These exams consist mostly of multiple-

choice questions in which discrete bits of information are tested for

recall. Higher cognitive levels such as application, analysis, synthesis

and evaluation often are ignored.

Principles of learning Skinner integrated into this approach were:1

• Feedback and reinforcement to the individual were immediate.

• Subject responses advance from simple to complex, a phenom-

enon Skinner termed “shaping.”

• Opportunities for wrong responses from the individual are min-

imized to reduce the level of contradictory stimuli.

• The individual is not rewarded for incorrect or partially correct


• Individuals can move through material at their own pace.

• The behavior expected following completion of the educational

program is clearly defined.



Page 37: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



Robert Gagné’s learning systems model4 attempts to manage the

conditions under which learning occurs. A more moderate view of

be haviorism than Skinner’s, it considers the needs of individual learn-

ers. According to Gagné:

• Terminal objectives must be specified at the outset of curricu-

lum planning, and instructional objectives must be specified for each unit.

• Through task analysis, learning tasks are arranged in a hier-

archy from simple to complex.

• Fundamental learning tasks must be mastered before advanc-

ing to complex tasks.

• Individuals must be exposed to a variety of experiences to

en hance their “mediational” abilities.

• Informal and formal evaluation can provide feedback vital to

both instructor and learner.

Hull, whose particular brand of behaviorism is called “drive

reduction,” says, “The teacher should not be content with teaching one

solution to a problem but instead, whenever possible, should introduce

a variety of techniques for solving problems.”5 He recommends prac-

tice of discrete parts of a sequential act until all parts of the job are

equally well learned.

Bandura said learning occurs through observation, such as by

imitation of a model, a theory known as social learning.6 Bandura

believes “we learn to imitate because we are reinforced for such behav-

ior.” Teachers are models who shape or influence student behavior; the

teacher does not have to be older or even in the same discipline to act

as a model. Books, artwork and films also may serve as symbolic mod-

els. Bandura believed that exposure to highly esteemed models could

alter students’ attitudes to the point of modifying their behavior in clini-

cal settings and assisting in acquisition of skills.

In behaviorism, transfer of learning occurs through the repertoire

of conditioned responses available to the individual. The behaviorist

approach is most useful when instructional objectives are unambigu-

ous, achievement can be judged by agreed-upon criteria and a clear

imbalance exists between the teacher’s and learner’s areas of expertise.7



Page 38: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



CognitivismThis group of educators looks at schools as composed of groups

of individuals with varying needs and skills and views humans as

“rule-forming beings.” Teachers need to assess the learner’s abilities to

discover whether he or she is ready to learn. As David Ausubel

ex plains, “The most important single factor influencing learning is what

the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach accordingly.”8

With this approach, instructional focus begins to move away from

the teacher and toward the learner. Bruner’s discovery learning method

assumes that learners categorize material for use in perception, deci-

sion making and conceptualization. He termed the specific ar rangement

of similar categories a “coding system.” Such categorization reduces

the complexity of the material and allows the individual “to go beyond

the information provided.”9 Learning occurs by the generalization of

insights that stem from experience. Bruner’s major points are:

• Discovery learning occurs when students do not receive infor-

mation in its final format but must organize it themselves.

• Students build from specific to general categories in construct-

ing their coding system.

• Exposure to diverse experiences leads to constructing larger cod-

ing systems, allowing students to iden tify and classify new information.

• Educated guessing should be encouraged.

• A spiral curriculum, where students are exposed to similar

in formation in combination with new data, should be used.

• Learners must assume increasing responsibility for their educa-

tion as their knowledge grows.

• Discovery learning seems most useful for enhancing problem-

solving ability and transference of information.

A variant of cognitivism called reception learning was developed

by David Ausubel.6 Reception learning centers around a group of sta-

ble, organized concepts. Learn ing occurs when new information is

linked to knowledge already held by the learner. Therefore, for Ausubel

the most important factor in learning is what the person already knows.

In reception learning:



Page 39: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



• Teachers should organize material in a way that is likely to

have meaning for students instead of letting students organize the infor-

mation themselves.

• Before presenting the material, the teacher gives the learner an

advance organizer (content outline) that contains complex concepts

that will tie into the learner’s cognitive structure.

• Teaching that emphasizes similarities and differences between

new and recently learned material in creases retention of information.

• Teachers should introduce global concepts, then work toward

integration of specific information.

HumanismCurrent educational thinking looks at the human resources poten-

tial of learners. The purpose of education is to provide learners with

the tools needed throughout their lives to change and adapt to new

conditions and information. The problem-based learning curricula is a

response to this particular philosophy.

Maslow maintained that the real world consists of how the learn-

er perceives it and therefore can be known fully only by the learner.

Maslow supported student-centered teaching where the purpose of the

instructor was to facilitate learning, a process that involves, among

other things, empathetic listening. Other aspects of student-centered

teaching are:

• Students share responsibility with the facilitator for the content

and direction of the course.

• The ability to self-evaluate is an important part of education.

• Differences among students are expected and respected.

• Instructor criticism must be constructive and meaningful.

Knowles10 was the leading proponent of andragogy, a learner-

centered approach to adult education. His views on education were

similar to Maslow’s:

• Learning involves collaboration between facilitator and student.

• Learners move from a position of dependency upon the teacher

to one of self-directedness.



Page 40: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



• The adult learner’s increasing store of experience provides a

profound resource for learning — for themselves and others.

• The need to cope with real-life situations provides the stimulus

for learning.

• Teachers are responsible for creating conditions and providing

tools to help students discover their need to know.

• Education programs should be designed according to the stu-

dent’s abilities and needs.

• The goal of education is to build increased competence for stu-

dents so they can reach their fullest potential in life.

Does Anyone Agree?Although some parts of these learning theories are plainly contra-

dictory, there are some areas of agreement.6 For example, behaviorists

and cognitivists agree that:

• Relationships between stimulus and response are complex.

• Learning requires the identification of relevant stimuli.

• Individuals learn at different rates.

• Tasks must be within the competence of the learner.

• Learning conditions may be arranged to increase the probabili-

ty the student will make the desired response in relation to other possi-

ble responses.

• Motivation is important in producing behavior that leads to the

attainment of specific goals.

• Excessive motivation may interfere with reaching goals be cause

it may prevent the learner from understanding complex stimulus-

response relationships.

• Learners must learn to evaluate their own performance and

modify their behavior if it is inappropriate.

Within the cognitivist group, Bruner and Ausubel disagree about

the arrangement of cognitive structures and the method of material

organization. Bruner believes information should be arranged in a hier-

archy of facts from specific to general; Ausubel believes in beginning

with general concepts followed by specific facts, and instructors should



Page 41: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



carefully arrange and present information to the student in its final

form. The best approach in a particular situation is determined in part

by the learner’s previous learning experiences, intellectual abilities and


What Can Be Done To Improve Learning?The last factor, motivation, is central to promoting learning and

its transfer. When motivation for learning is extrinsic, such as for the

purpose of passing a test, both long-term retention of knowledge and

transfer of learning are low. Intrinsic motivation, where learning is

viewed as its own reward, results in longer knowledge retention and

higher transfer of learning.

How can the development of intrinsic motivation be encouraged?

Success is an important ingredient. Al though it is acceptable — even

desirable — for students to make mistakes as long as they contribute to

learning, a string of failures can discourage all but the most dedicated


Bigge and Hunt5 report high levels of motivation in situations stu-

dents find puzzling. When the situation is necessarily resolved, the

motivation for studying disappears. The natural tendency when teach-

ing is to tell students the right answers and not let them leave class

until all issues are resolved. This policy may undermine the develop-

ment of sustained intrinsic motivation. In support of this assertion,

Bigge and Hunt cite the Zeigarnik effect, in which students show great-

er recall of uncompleted tasks than of completed ones. These authors

suggest that good teachers will, within certain limits, allow students to

leave each class with some unanswered questions.

Active participation by students is much more effective than

passive reception. Effective participation is fostered through the appli-

cation of two principles — skill practice and whole learning vs part


Occasionally, students get the point in a brilliant flash of insight.

More often, learning requires lengthy study and practice. But mere rep-

etition by itself does not teach. Repetition may be of benefit when the



Page 42: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



student reflects on issues such as, “How well did I perform this?” and

“How could I do it better?”

Many students use massed practice, as in cramming for a test.

Research indicates, however, that distributed practice speeds learning

and increases retention of material while avoiding the fatigue and bore-

dom associated with massed practice.

With the behaviorist approach of learning, information is learned

piecemeal, with individual facts finally assembled into — one hopes —

a coherent whole. Cognitivists, however, believe students learn best by

starting with the largest chunk of information they can understand,

then moving to the small details. Research does not indicate a clear

winner in this argument, except to say that students with higher than

average intelligence tend to learn best using the whole learning

ap proach.11 Of course, some subjects lend themselves to being taught

by one method over another.

Making information meaningful, in the sense of helping students

see the relationship among facts, principles and generalizations, is

another way of increasing learning retention. According to Barrows,

education produces its greatest effect when students learn within the

context where future tasks will be practiced. “Learning that is driven

by challenge of practice and integrated into the reasoning required to

evaluate and resolve patient problems promotes structuring of knowl-

edge to support practice.”1

When students can see how information can be applied by draw-

ing out principles and generalizations in situations that they care about,

learning becomes imbued with meaning.

Perhaps Stephen Brookfield7 summed it up best when he wrote,

“Be cause every group of people engaged in learning will exhibit a for-

midable diversity of abilities, experiences, personalities and preferred

learning styles, it follows that facilitators should be ready to try a range

of different ap proaches. It is important that facilitators vary their meth-

ods, have a range of materials (visual and written) on hand and make

efforts to individualize their curricula and evaluative criteria when




Page 43: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



So, what is your educational philosophy? Are you a neo behavior-

ist? Cognitivist? Or, like me, an eclectic? Whatever your position, eval-

uate carefully to see if it fits the task at hand. Both you and your stu-

dents will benefit.

References 1. Barrows HS. A taxonomy of problem-based learning methods. Medical Education. 1986;20:481-486. 2. Bigge ML. Learning Theories for Teachers. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Harper & Row; 1976. 3. Mager R. Preparing Instructional Objectives. Bel mont, Calif: Lear Siegler Inc/Fearon Publishers; 1962. 4. Gagné RM. The Conditions of Learning. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Holt, Rhinehart and Winston; 1970:304. 5. Bigge ML, Hunt MP. Psychological Foundations of Edu cation. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Harper & Row; 1968:244. 6. Dubin SS, Okin M. Implication of learning theories for adult instruction. Adult Education. 1973;24:3-19. 7. Brookfield SD. Facilitating adult learning. In: Mer riam S, Cunningham P, eds. Handbook of Adult Con tinu ing Education. San Francisco, Calif: Josey-Bass Publisher; 1984:201-202. 8. Grant J, Gale R. Changing medical education. Medi cal Education. 1989;23:252-257. 9. Bruner JS. The act of discovery. Harvard Educational Review. 1961;31:21-32.10. Knowles M. The Modern Practice of Adult Edu ca tion. New York, NY: Cambridge Book Publishers; 1980:40-62.11. Pressey SL, Robbinson FP, Horrocks JE. Psychology in Education. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Harper & Row; 1959:355.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 63, No. 3



Page 44: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Introduction:Instructional Design

The obvious first step in developing a curriculum is the design

process. Curriculum design is never easy and never static, although

many instructors would prefer it that way. A curriculum that does not

undergo constant revision in today’s changing health care world cannot

meet the needs of students, employers or patients. Developing a curric-

ulum requires a knowledge of the discipline and an understanding of

how the discipline is changing. Then you can get down to brass tacks

and begin the actual work of designing the curriculum.

Two articles in this section focus on the development of objec-

tives — Hulse’s “Objectively Speaking” is an overview of the writing of

ob jectives, while his “Instructional Ob jec tives Within the Cognitive

Domain” offers sound advice on developing objectives that teach and

test at all levels of learning. All instructors tend to teach and test to the

lower levels of learning; it is the easiest and most comforting since even

the most “difficult” students can show gains in basic knowledge.

Developing objectives and learning activities for the higher levels of the

cognitive domain is much more difficult and time-consuming.

The article I wrote with my former graduate assistant, Joey Battles,

titled “Curriculum Development and Alignment” offers a comprehensive,

systems approach to curriculum development and alignment. Joey was

en rolled in a master’s program that provided him with good information,

but didn’t tell him how to teach. Like most programs, the assumption

was made that good teaching would follow from presenting content.

From that dilemma came a solution. I offered to teach Joey in an inde-

pendent study course how to design a curriculum from scratch and docu-

ment its progress in an article. Using a basic systems approach, we

developed a model for curriculum development we believe will meet the

needs of any teacher in the radiologic sciences. Joey is now dir ector of

the Medical Imaging Program at Clarkson College in Omaha, Neb.



Page 45: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Another article by Hulse, “Hello … Testing, Testing,” covers the

elusive theory of testing in a practical manner. I remember very vividly

the first time I read Hulse’s comment, “As a new instructor, I used to

write and type a 50-item test before lunch,” since it exactly described

how I wrote tests in those busy days early in my teaching career. Hulse

describes several other common pitfalls in his article, such as relevance.

I recall writing, as a new instructor, an obscure test item that asked stu-

dents to estimate the intensity of x-rays from a star many light years

away based on the inverse square law. Today, I realize how frivolous

that test item was. It revealed more my own ignorance of the need for

relevant testing than it tested my students’ knowledge.

More radiologic technologists need to be educated at the bacca-

lau reate level. With professions ranging from physical therapy to teach-

ing adopting the master’s degree as an entry-level standard, we need to

recognize that radio logic technology is certainly no less complex than

those disciplines and at least offer more baccalaureate programs.

Of course, there are a number of obstacles in advancing any pro-

fession. One is the development of appropriate higher-level curricula.

Two articles by Janice Hall deal with this topic — the first on the rela-

tionship of the baccalaureate degree to clinical practice and the other

on articulation. One hears of successful programs here and there, but

detailed, written descriptions of these programs are rare. Of course,

programs developed at the associate degree level should be done so in a

manner that facilitates articulation with baccalaureate programs.

The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radio logic Tech no-

logy is moving toward an outcomes-based method of evaluating pro-

grams. I can remember going on JRCERT site visits where the other

visitor asked content questions of the students to “see what they knew.”

Luckily, this doesn’t happen anymore, but our move to outcomes has

not been easy. My article titled “Out comes As sess ment Is Vital to Edu-

cators” was an attempt to begin the dialogue about outcomes. The dan-

ger, of course, is that we can nar rowly define outcomes and reach an

expected result. The evolution will not be easy for our profession.

Steven B. Dowd



Page 46: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Curriculum DevelopmentAnd Alignment

If you are an experienced instructor in radiologic technology, try

to recall the first time you had to decide “what to teach.” You knew

that certain subjects and concepts had to be covered in class and that

you should develop or follow something called a syllabus. But you

probably were unclear on the depth of coverage needed and how to

achieve the goal of developing a competent, caring practitioner.

Yura-Petro and Scanelli1 have noted that curriculum must be an

educational plan that teaches students “to think and to be and not only

to do.” The prospect of pre paring such a comprehensive plan can be

daunting to the inexperienced instructor.

Also consider the relevance of your curriculum. Are you sure it

reflects current clinical practice, new trends such as managed care and

the needs of your student population? A well-designed cur ri culum

should accomplish all of these goals. This article discusses curriculum

and curriculum development and also presents an approach to ensuring

that curriculum fulfills its goals — curriculum alignment.

CurriculumCurriculum has been defined in a number of ways. At its most

general, curriculum can be defined as a road map of planned experi-

ences given to learners by a facilitator or instructor.

A good, solid, current definition states that curriculum is all of

the experiences that individual learners have in a program of education

whose purpose is to achieve broad goals and related specific objectives,

which is planned in terms of a framework of theory and research or

past and present professional practice.2 These experiences are docu-

mented in the syllabus, which is a formal agreement between student

and instructor in terms of what will be taught and the expectations for

successful course completion.



Page 47: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Curriculum AlignmentCurriculum alignment is a systems ap proach to the development

and evaluation of curriculum. (See Fig. 1.) A systems approach has

three basic components: input, process and output.3 Similarly, Broski4

lists three steps in the development of curriculum: define, develop and

evaluate. Broski describes the process as one in which continual feed-

back is given and where one stage may overlap another in a continual

chain. Curriculum alignment follows this same process of continual

feed back but breaks the steps into eight categories that are basically

sequential. As a process of curriculum development and evaluation,

this system may appeal more to those of us who are linear thinkers.

Step 1: Validate present course content through task analysis.

Following a narrow guideline such as Registry relevant mat erial would

produce graduates who are not adequately prepared for a job or for

potential future roles in the health care system. For example, one easily



Fig. 1. The curriculum alignment feedback loop. Most textbooks are sold with ancillar-ies that perform some of these steps, such as an instructor’s manual with suggested course outline, a student workbook or a test bank. In such cases, the instructor must “fill in the gaps” to ensure curriculum alignment. (Artwork from: Dowd SB. Teaching in the Health Related Professions. Dubuque, Iowa: Eastwind Press; 1995. Used with permission.)

Feedback Loop

Validate course content through

task analysis

Agree on syllabus format

Agree on scope and sequencing

Write objectives from simple to most complex

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Align objectives with the text(s)

Carry out the curriculum

Align evaluation measures with the curriculum

Review and evaluate the curriculum

Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Page 48: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

could argue that trends such as patient-focused care could have been

foreseen a number of years ago through an analysis of the nursing and

health administration literature. If so, patient care curricula could have

been altered to include ECGs, venipuncture and many of the patient

care tasks that are now performed by radiology nurses. Items to con-

sider during the development of curriculum are presented in Table 1.

Step 2: Agree on the syllabus format. A common syllabus for-

mat keeps students focused on content coverage and means of meeting

course goals. Use of a single syllabus format within a program helps

students understand important issues, such as grading policies, and the

small nuances that make each instructor’s course different. Sug gested

categories are listed in Table 2.

Step 3: Agree on scope and sequence of the material. Peer-

review is widely recognized as a means of ensuring quality. The pro-

cess is at its most formal in the submission of manuscripts for publica-

tion in professional journals, but the process can work for curriculum

development as well.

One effective means of developing curriculum is to form a com-

mittee within the program and make it responsible for determining cur-

riculum scope and sequence. For small programs this process can be

formalized by asking other educators or clinical personnel to assist in

the evaluation process.

Step 4: Write the objectives from simplest to most complex.

Objectives form a road map that not only shows students where they

are and where they need to be, but also indicates the best route

be tween those two points. To develop objectives, ask yourself what

level of performance you expect from students. Do you expect basic

know ledge or task performance? Do you expect a higher level of per-

formance and critical-thinking skills such as evaluation and analysis?

Many recent textbooks written for the radiologic sciences cater to

instructors by providing objectives at the beginning of each chapter or

in a separate instructor’s manual. In fact, some newer textbooks even

provide “concordances” that indicate how the material covered in older,

established texts is covered in the new text, chapter by chapter. This



Page 49: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

information is intended to help the instructor who is deciding whether

to use a newer text.5 However, it is not appropriate to assume these

objectives were developed in a manner that is specifically applicable to

your students or program.

It is easy to assume that objectives are fairly static. This is a dan-

gerous assumption. If constant input is not used, objectives quickly

can become dated. For example, consider how a syllabus containing

the following objective might be confusing to a student: “Calculate,

using the for mula 5(N–18), the allotted ‘rem bank’ for a radiation work-

er.” This objective, left over from an earlier era, clearly needs to be

updated in the course syllabus.

Step 5: Align the objectives written with the text(s) used.

Essentially, an instructor at this point will determine whether or not the

selected textbook will be able to, in concordance with other learning

methods, assist the student in attaining course objectives. Because few

textbooks today can meet this criterion, many instructors assign supple-

mentary material through a reference list or by developing a “course

pack” of materials.

An instructor also is expected to be a “synthesizer” of material

and present conflicting material from a number of sources in a manner



Table 1Items To Consider in the Development of Curriculum

• Clinical practice — local, state and national guidelines (including scope of practice).• Student level.• Program type (associate or baccalaureate).• Registry examination.• Fiscal and physical resources of the program.• Time frame (semester vs. quarter; number of credit hours assigned to each course).• Future trends in clinical practice and teaching, identified through literature review or other means of external scanning.

Page 50: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

that students can understand. Examples include the proper site for

wearing film badges and the use of dose-response curves as models for

radiation protection.

In our experience, the radiologic sciences seem to attract the type

of student who expects “one right answer” to a question. This prob-

lem, in fact, may be endemic to higher education. It is the instructor’s

responsibility to clarify issues while also challenging students think for

themselves. This often is a difficult balancing act.

Another problem in using supplementary material is copyright.

A number of practices currently used by educators actually violate fair-

use practices. We all know or have heard stories about instructors who

photo copy chapters out of textbooks and then hand them out for stu-

dent use. A 1991 federal Circuit Court of Appeals case ruled that such

use of material violates the publisher’s copyright unless permission is

secured in advance.6 Some instructors mistakenly assume that all of

their use is fair use. In reality, copying even single pages for distribu-

tion to a class can be considered copyright violation. Although the

chances of getting caught are minimal, we cannot expect students to be

ethical in their use of mat erial for assigned papers and other course

projects unless their instructors are as well.

Step 6: Carry out the curriculum. Implementation of the curric-

ulum may prove to be the most difficult step in the entire process.

In struction is a dyna mic, rather than static, process. What works one



Table 2Suggested Categories for a Course Syllabus

• Course name and number.• Number of credit hours.• Number of clock hours (broken into activities).• Course meeting dates.• Instructor’s teaching philosophy.• Course calendar, including due dates of all assignments.• Course objectives.

Page 51: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

year can be a miserable flop the next. Instructors, therefore, should

view themselves as action re searchers and use the input gained from

one course to revise their next course.

Step 7: Align evaluation measures with the curriculum. In the

baccalaureate program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham,

students are expected — even in courses taught early in the curriculum

— to develop independent projects. Thus, even in a first-quarter course

such as radiation safety, students are asked to research a topic related

to radiation safety and present their findings to the class.

This type of assignment might not be appropriate in an associate

degree program, but students educated at the baccalaureate level

should “be able to teach in-service programs”7 and expect career

op portunities in areas such as academia, where research and presenta-

tion skills are critical. Because these graduates must present in the

clinical setting with the same basic skills as a technical level practitio-

ner, another method of evaluation (a 100-question multiple-choice test)

is used as well.

Step 8: Review and evaluate the curriculum. The revision of

current curriculum is an on going activity that should occur throughout

the curriculum development process. Experienced teachers typically

know how to adapt something that isn’t working while a course is

being taught. Formal review, evaluation and revision, however, typical-

ly occur at the conclusion of a course.

The curriculum should be adjusted and refined for the next group

of students to be exposed to it. Revisions will construct a strong foun-

dation that future curricula may build upon.

Alfred North Whitehead once said, “Education which is not mod-

ern shares the fate of all organic things which are kept too long.”8

Some pundits have paraphrased this sentiment as “knowledge keeps no

longer than fish.” An instructor who has not paid heed to the many

changes in radiation protection guidelines and regulations during the

past few years is providing students with a knowledge base that not

only is erroneous, but also is potentially dangerous to their future clini-

cal practice.



Page 52: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

ConclusionCurriculum development and evaluation should be viewed as a

dynamic process that reflects clinical practice, changes in the profes-

sional roles of radiologic science professionals and feedback gained in

the instructional process. One potential method of doing this is through

the process known as curriculum alignment.

References1. Yura-Petro H, Scanelli BR. The education of health care profes- sionals in the year 2000 and beyond. Part 2: the curriculum solu- tion. The Health Care Supervisor. 1992;10(4):27.2. Behar LS. The Knowledge Base of Curriculum: An Empirical

Analysis. Lanham, Md: University Press of America; 1994:5-11.3. Bille DA. Staff Development: A Systems Approach. Thorofare, NJ: Slack; 1982.4. Broski DC. Curriculum development. In: Ford CW, Morgan MK. Teaching in the Health Professions. St. Louis, Mo: C.V. Mosby Company; 1976:28-39.5. Thompson MA, Hattaway M, Hall J, Dowd SB. Principles of

Imaging Science and Protection. Philadelphia, Pa: W.B. Saunders; 1994.6. Blum DE. Securing copyright permission. The Chronicle of Higher

Education. September 11, 1991:A19-20.7. The Radiographer of 2005 — Technical and Baccalaureate Levels.

Albuquerque, NM: American Society of Radiologic Technologists; 1995.8. Gardner J, Reese FG. Know or Listen to Those Who Know. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Co; 1975:82.

By Steven B. Dowd, Ed.D., R.T.(R), and Joey Battles, M.A.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 67, No. 3



Page 53: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Objectively Speaking

By now most of us are exhausted with writing behavioral objec-

tives. Let a conference speaker even hint about writing objectives and

across the room eyes will glaze over while lips silently repeat the litany,

“A is for Audience, B for Behavior, C for Conditions, D for Degree.”

The names sometimes change just to keep us alert, and the “main

course objective” becomes a “goal” or perhaps an “aim,” while plain

garden-variety objectives travel under monikers like “facilitating” or

“intermediate” objectives.

But semantics aside, there is an important distinction to be made

between goals and objectives. Goals describe an educational outcome

in general, nonspecific terms and cover an extended time, perhaps an

entire semester or longer. For example, a statement like “The student

will successfully complete the ARRT examination,” although a com-

mendable goal, is so general that it provides no guidance about how to

achieve it.

On the other hand, an objective is a specific statement of instruc-

tional intent1 that attempts to change knowledge as a result of an edu-

cational experience.2 Knowledge is a state of mind that cannot be mea-

sured directly. This requires an indirect method of evaluation, that of

observing behavior, and hence the term behavioral objective.

The concept of competency-based education fits within the frame-

work provided by goals and objectives. Goals establish the purpose,

objectives set the criteria, and the competency exam compares the

desired performance (the objective) to the actual performance (the

competency). If the competency exam is successfully completed, the

student advances to the next objective; if unsuccessful, the student

receives remedial instruction.

Writing clear, concise objectives is not easy, as those who have

tried can confirm. But more difficult than writing objectives is consis-

tently choosing those ideals that reflect an important and meaningful

outcome of instruction. Much too often the objectives we write trivial-



Page 54: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

ize information into isolated facts so disjointed that the real importance

of knowing such material becomes opaque to the student. How, then,

do we know which objectives to select?

There are three main sources of guidance in selecting behavioral


• Task analysis3 carefully itemizes each discrete skill found in a

competent practicing professional. Because task analysis provides only

end goal statements, educators must determine the prerequisite skills

required and make them the course objectives. For example, task #41

(“Assist the physician in the intravenous injection of contrast medium

using appropriate aseptic technique”) would become several objec-

tives covering determination of needle size by gauge, needle safety,

as sembly of needle and syringe components, infection control and

aseptic technique.

• Credentialing agencies and professional organizations also pub-

lish behavioral objectives.

• Expert opinion (yours and other educators’) should not be

overlooked. Expert opinion can be invaluable regarding desirable and

important outcomes of instruction.

Armed with the knowledge from having consulted these sources,

you can confidently place pen to paper. However, as you do be sure to

remember the seven characteristics of good objectives:4

• Objectives should identify a learning outcome. An objective

that says, “The student will learn the Caldwell projection of the skull by

studying pages 113 to 115” refers not to an outcome of instruction but

to an activity of learning. Certainly evidence of whether the student

has learned this projection lies not in watching him read about it but in

demonstration of this skill.

A better objective might be “The student will correctly position

an ambula tory adult for a Caldwell projection of the skull, demonstrat-

ing the correct body position, x-ray tube angulation and central ray/film

alignment, and will follow accepted radiation safety practices for the

patient and technologist.” The phrase “accepted radiation safety prac-

tices” in this objective could be further defined also.



Page 55: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

• Objectives should be consistent with course goals. I once

worked as a consultant for a program director who included English

vocabulary words on her students’ medical termin ology tests. Her

objective was “to help the students speak and write effectively.”

Forget for a moment that a paper-and-pencil test cannot pos-

sibly measure someone’s speaking skills. The real problem with this

objective is that it didn’t match the stated course goal: “To correctly

use and understand medical terminology in the clinical setting.”

When objectives and goals are inconsistent, two avenues of approach

are available: You can either change the objective or change the

course goal.

• Objectives should be precise. It’s sometimes difficult to strike

a balance between too much and too little precision in an objective.

Too much, and the objective is in danger of becoming trivial; too little,

and it seems vague. So how much precision is enough? Remember,

the purpose of an objective is to give different people the same under-

standing of the desired instructional outcome. The exact number of

objectives required to accomplish this for a particular subject depends

upon the time available and the content complexity. Nevertheless,

authorities generally place the maximum number of objectives for a

single course between 12 and 25, with 20 as the most commonly men-

tioned maximum.4

• Objectives should be feasible. Practicality is the key word

here. Constraints that affect the selection of objectives include financial

support, staffing patterns, physical resources and length of course time


• Objectives should be functional. Attainment of an objective

should benefit both the student and society, either immediately or in

the future. The study of radiation protection, for example, is functional

because both the student and the patient benefit. It’s less clear how an

objective covering the historical development of Crookes vacuum tubes

could be considered functional.

Instructors should be cautioned to teach what students need to

know, not just what they themselves were taught as students or what



Page 56: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

they perhaps personally like to teach. The latter is a manifestation of

“goal displacement,” a recognized tendency of established education

programs to reflect the expertise and interests of teachers, not the needs

of the students.

• Objectives should be appropriate. Whether an objective can

be considered appropriate is largely determined by learner characteris-

tics such as educational background, career interests and developmen-

tal level. Of course, program directors always should discuss program

objectives with instructors, but this becomes particularly important

when the instructor is not a radiologic technologist. Non tech nologists

may not fully grasp the scope of knowledge necessary to become a

prac ticing technologist. Examples that come to mind are physicians

who teach anatomy “just like they would for medical students” and

physicists who want their students to “appreciate the beautiful sym-

metry of the universe.”

As radiologic science educators, we need to remind one another

that we’re graduating entry-level radiologic technologists, not physi-

cians or physicists. But if we’ve done our job, our graduates will con-

tinue to learn and grow beyond what they were taught in school, gradu-

ally maturing in the direction of their particular interests and career


• Objectives should be significant. Because time and resources

are finite, for every objective selected another must be excluded.

Therefore, be certain that every objective you select meets the other six

criteria in this list.

After working through these seven steps, validate your objectives

by asking other educators and radiologic technologists to evaluate

them. Mem bers of both groups often can discern problems and over-

sights in your objectives and suggest realistic revisions based on know-

ledge and experience.

Much more can be said about behavioral objectives, but these

guidelines should help you establish standards against which a pro-

posed outcome can be measured.

After all, one should be “objective” about these things.



Page 57: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

References1. Mager R. Preparing Instructional Objectives. Bel mont, Calif: Fearon Publishers; 1962:3.2. Bloom B, ed. A Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive

Domain. New York, NY: David McKay Company; Handbook 1:12.3. American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Con tent Speci -

fications. St. Paul, Minn: ARRT; 1984.4. Pratt D. Curriculum Design and Development. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich; 1980:184-186.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 60, No. 2



Page 58: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



The Baccalaureate DegreeIn Radiography

A great deal of controversy surrounds the relevance of the bacca-

laureate degree in radiography. The profession has rapidly evolved into

a complex discipline with multicompetent responsibilities and duties.

We must educate practitioners who have good patient skills as well as

the ability to satisfy the customer-oriented environment in today’s

health care system. With the current changes in the areas of radiology,

it is necessary to enhance radiography educational processes to fulfill

the needs of the health care community.

As stated by Dowd, radiologic technologists do not receive the

recognition they should as professionals.1 The U.S. Department of

Labor classifies them as technical workers rather than professional

workers due to a lack of autonomy and educational preparation.1 This

can be changed by developing a practitioner educated at the bachelor

of science level. In 1994, 19 baccalaureate degree programs in the

United States were accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Edu-

cation in Radio logic Technology. The baccalaureate degree in radio-

graphy should be viewed more favorably since the profession is grow-

ing and changing so rapidly.

I believe the baccalaureate degree opens doors to many opportu-

nities for professional growth, as demonstrated in Fig. 1. The baccalau-

reate degree facilitates career advancement and provides greater profes-

sional recognition and competency to serve patients. As one radiologic

technologist stated, “Nobody is going to come along and drop an

op portunity in your lap. You have to create your own.”2

The additional responsibilities of today’s radiographer make it

necessary to increase the length of the educational program to suffi-

ciently educate students without overwhelming them in the process.

The ideal curriculum would offer mul tiple modalities that could be

in cluded more effectively in a baccalaureate degree program.



Page 59: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences





Many in the profession still believe a baccalaureate degree in

radiologic technology will not be beneficial. Perhaps that belief is

based on the old paradigm that says, “The way we’ve done things in

the past is the only way.”

Although para digms can be useful, they also can be dangerous if

they prevent the community from adapting and changing with the

times. According to Walters, “A paradigm shift is occurring in educa-

tion, and it’s important for educators to get a handle on that so that we

can be at the forefront, leading by example.”3

Radiographers usually begin their careers as staff radiologic tech-

nologists. Promotions were once based on seniority, and the typical

career ladder used to look something like this:

• Senior radiographer/supervisor.

• Assistant chief radiographer.

• Chief radiographer.

Fig. 1. A baccalaureate degree facilitates career advancement.

Entry into the profession of

radiologic technology with

a bachelor of science degree

Entry into the profession with an associate degree or

after graduating from a hospital-based program

Level I = Staff radiographerLevel II = Advanced clinical roles, education or managementFurther advancement might require graduate-level education and experience.

Level I

Level IIFurther


Level I

+ Experience

+ Bachelor’s Degree

+ Experience

Page 60: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



Under this system, promotions were based more on experience in

the profession than on formal education.

The system of awarding promotions has changed significantly in

recent years. Upward mobility now is based primarily on the formal

education of the radiographer plus his or her experience in the profes-

sion. A radiologic technologist wishing to advance in the profession

first must de termine what level of education is required. Radio graphers

interested in career ad vancement should examine the options available

and prioritize ac cord ingly. Today there are more options for ad vance -

ment than simply supervisor or educator.

A number of bachelor of science degrees are offered for radiogra-

phers today. They can be classified as follows:

• The entry-level bachelor of science degree.

• A bachelor of science completion degree with a clinical focus.

• A generic bachelor of science completion degree.

• A bachelor of science degree in one of the radiologic technology

disciplines such as radiation therapy, nuclear medicine or ultrasound.

The generic bachelor of science degree is the most common. It is

often chosen by a supervisor hoping to become a manager. The entry-

level bachelor’s degree and the bachelor’s with a clinical focus are the

two degrees most likely to produce practitioners ready to assume new

clinical roles.

Many educational programs are aware of the growing interest in

specialization and are beginning to offer curricula in special procedures

such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, angiogra-

phy and cardiovascular procedures. The University of Alabama at Bir-

mingham (UAB) offers an Ad vanced Imaging program for registered

radiologic technologists who wish to pursue a baccalaureate degree as

an avenue of career advancement. Its curriculum is designed to further

meet the changing needs of radiographers by giving them the opportu-

nity to specialize in the more sophisticated radiologic procedures.

Students enrolled in UAB’s Advanced Imaging program are pre-

pared with advanced academic and clinical experience in CT, MRI and

vascular procedures including angiography and cardiac catheterization.



Page 61: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



Special emphasis is placed on clinical practice in these areas. Both aca-

demic and clinical course work are integrated throughout the program

curriculum, along with a component of basic management courses in

the health-related professions. The degree and the clinical experience

serve as a basis for potential promotion. A number of UAB’s clinical

affiliates give hiring priority to radiologic technologists who can per-

form examinations in more than one diagnostic imaging modality.

The Advanced Imaging curriculum is five terms long for the full-

time student. Upon successful completion of the professional phase of

the curriculum and general education requirements, the student is

awarded a bachelor of science degree in radiologic sciences. Com ple-

tion of this curriculum broadens the radio grapher’s academic knowl-

edge of complex areas and provides the opportunity to become compe-

tent in a selected advanced clinical specialty.

At the same time, UAB is converting its entry-level program from

the associate of science to the bachelor of science level. While the

Advanced Imaging program offers the opportunity for already-certified

radiographers to become competent in advanced modalities, the entry-

level bachelor of science program will offer a general curriculum that

will include specialization in quality assurance, CT, MRI, angiography

and radiography, including courses in trauma radiography, pediatric

radiography and fluoroscopy.

The program’s philosophy is to provide a strong liberal arts and

science prerequisite curriculum, a traditional radiography core and the

opportunity to explore advanced roles in radiography. The program’s

goal is to educate generalists who are able to assume a variety of multi-

skilled/multicompetent roles.

The length of radiography programs is an issue facing all educa-

tors today. The amount of additional education depends on the radio-

grapher’s area of interest. Certificate and associate degree level pro-

grams are available for students who want to spend less than four years

in college. These programs have been designed to prepare students for

entry-level technical competence as routine radio graphers and certainly

will continue to educate many radiographers for some time to come.



Page 62: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



However, there is a need to educate and develop radiographers

with higher level skills beyond technical competence in basic radiogra-

phy. Although radiologic technology is extremely specialized with what

seems to be an exceptional amount of content (some associate degree

programs require as many as 100 semester hours for completion), rec-

ognition as professionals may never come if the profession is not will-

ing to accept a baccalaureate entry-level minimum.4 Cooper and

Ramaeker maintain that the baccalaureate degree should be an indica-

tion of a higher level of competence than a certificate or associate


A baccalaureate degree is quickly becoming necessary to develop

the radiographer of the future — a radiographer who is able to take on

more advanced clinical roles and advance into potential management

and educational positions. As stated by Gurley, radiographers cannot

stand still while the profession moves forward.6 It is the responsibility

of the radiographer to pursue the education necessary to keep abreast

of profes sional development. Professionalism involves taking responsi-

bility for our own actions and being accountable for them. This is the

responsibility of the professional radiographer, both individually and


Radiographers today have many more options to grow profession-

ally. Whichever option the radiographer chooses, it is important not to

be left behind in this rapidly changing profession and industry.

With changes taking place all around us, it is only human for us

to be cautious and sometimes perceive these changes as a threat to our

own personal security. No profession can completely control its desti-

ny, and therefore every profession should be accountable to the society

it serves.

However, a profession that embraces society’s view of profession-

alism — which increasingly is defined by how many of its members

hold a baccalaureate degree, a master’s degree or higher — is much

more likely to succeed. Radio graphers who con tinue their educations

throughout their careers have much more to offer to their profession

and to their patients.



Page 63: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



References1. Dowd SB. The profession’s future: leadership development. Radiol

Technol. 1992;64:92-96.2. Daley L. Radiology is all in the cards. RS Wavelength. September 1992;3:9.3. Walters S. Paradigm watch. RT Image. 1993;6(16).4. Dowd SB. Radiologic technology: in search of professionalism. Administrative Radiology. 1992;11(11).5. Lauer OG. Principles and Practices of the College-Based Radio-

graphy Program. St. Louis, Mo: Warren Green Inc; 1984:264-276.6. Gurley LT. Introduction to Radiologic Technology. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby-Year Book Inc; 1992:310-314.

By Janice D. Hall, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 65, No. 1



Page 64: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



An Educator’s GuideTo Articulation

Education beyond certification in specific modalities seems to be

on the rise for radiologic technologists. More and more of them are pur-

suing associate de grees, and the baccalaureate degree is becoming

in creasingly important for radiologic technologists who want to ad vance

in the profession.1

Fortunately, radiologic technologists with associate degrees can

build on the educational skills they’ve already acquired to advance to a

baccalaureate degree. With proper advisement and guidance from edu-

cators skilled in articulation, these individuals can make a smooth tran-

sition from the associate to baccalaureate level.

It is imperative that students understand what is required to make

this transition early in the preprofessional phase, while they are still

enrolled in the radiography program at the community college. The

prospective four-year student should contact the baccalaureate program

and make an appointment with a faculty advisor to ensure that proper

criteria such as transcript evaluations and other pertinent admissions

information is appropriately obtained. Student counseling is very

important so that adequate communication can be established before

and after the individual begins working toward his or her baccalaureate


Degree OptionsCollegiate programs throughout the United States offer the bacca-

laureate degree in radiologic technology with core courses in educa-

tion.2 Completion of this type of program gives the student a back-

ground in radiography and education. Because the radiologic sciences

have become much more sophisticated and technologically complex,

the profession requires radiologic technologists with skills in advanced

imaging specialty areas. Some baccalaureate curricula offer studies in



Page 65: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



advanced radiographic procedures such as cardiovascular-interventional

technology, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

An example of one such program is the University of Alabama at Bir-

mingham’s Advanced Imaging option of the bachelor of science degree

in radiolo gic sciences.

Graduates of associate degree programs in radiologic technology

have a strong radiography background and may con tinue their educa-

tion toward a bacca laureate degree at UAB by majoring in the Ad vanced

Imaging option. The curriculum provides a degree path for the radio-

logic technologist who has a certificate or associate degree and is seek-

ing skills in advanced imaging specialties.

The articulation guide provided by UAB’s Advanced Imaging pro-

gram to specific community colleges in radiologic technology is

de signed for students who are considering admission to the Ad vanced

Imaging program after completion of the radiologic technology program

at the community college.

The intent of the articulation guide is to provide graduates of the

associate de gree in radiologic technology with college-level course

credits that apply toward the bachelor of science degree in ad vanced

studies in the radiologic sciences. It is de veloped for individuals who

wish to further their studies at the baccalaureate level in the radiologic

sciences area.

Specific general education courses offered at the community col-

lege such as the humanities, social and behavioral sciences and natural

sciences and mathematics can be used to aid in the fulfillment of the

prerequisite and core curriculum re quirements at the baccalaureate

level. A select number of the courses can be transferred from the com-

munity college to the four-year institution.

Graduates with an associate degree in radiologic technology who

pursue a baccalaureate in radiologic sciences will receive credit hours

toward the degree for specified radiography courses. The number of

credit hours depends on the credit value at the community college.

Gener ally, a maximum of 96 quarter hours (64 semester hours) can be

transferred from a community college. This includes any credits that



Page 66: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



may be awarded for the radiography courses from the community

col lege as well as transferable general education course work. Once a

stu dent earns the maximum number of transfer credit hours at the com-

munity college, it is necessary for him or her to transfer to the four-year

college or university.

Upon successful completion of the associate degree in radiologic

technology, the graduate usually may continue studies without inter-

ruption toward the bachelor of science in radiologic sciences if neces-

sary criteria are satisfied. The following requirements generally are


• The student must be registered by the American Registry of

Radiologic Technologists or be Registry-eligible.

• All prerequisite and previous course work must be completed

with a satisfactory grade point average as determined by the specified

B.S. program requirements.

After earning an associate degree in the radiologic technology

program and providing proof of registration with the American Registry

of Radiologic Technologists, the student will receive college credits at

the four-year institution toward the baccalaureate degree upon transfer-

ring. The award of credit usually will place the individual as an upper

level division degree-seeking student. Upon successful completion of

the curriculum, the bachelor of science degree is awarded by the four-

year institution.

Prerequisite courses such as English, biology, ana tomy, physics,

physiology, psychology and calculus can be completed at the com mun-

ity college while the student is enrolled in the radiologic technology


In addition, UAB provides students with a list of recommended

elective courses. Students are advised to contact the community college

program director or the Advanced Imaging faculty advisor before choos-

ing an elective that is not listed among the recommended courses.

Specific courses from the community college’s radiologic tech no-

logy program can be applied toward the degree in Advanced Imaging op -

tion of the bachelor of science in radiologic sciences. Student transcript



Page 67: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



evaluations are performed individually to determine which courses will

transfer from the collegiate associate degree program.

The following information is emphasized to the student at the

community college level:

• All sequence courses (such as Anatomy I and Anatomy II or

Physiology I and Physiology II) must be taken and completed at the

same institution.

• Math courses that require prerequisites should be completed at

the same institution; otherwise, a math placement exam is required to

determine eligibility to enroll in a higher level course upon transferring

to a four-year college or university.

• After reaching the maximum 96 quarter hours (64 semester

hours), it is necessary to transfer from the community college to a four-

year institution to continue course work.

• General education courses are transferred after admission to

the baccalaureate institution and upon receipt of official transcripts

from all colleges previously attended. Radiography courses are trans-

ferred only after students are accepted and enrolled in the professional

phase of the Advanced Imaging program.

ConclusionFor any degree to be meaningful, it must meet the perceived

de mands of the occupation. When these perceptions are congruent

with the goals of the degree, a unified attainment of objectives can

result.3 There fore, the radiologic technologist must look at the present

and fut ure needs of the profession to make the final decision. He or

she must make an assessment of personal abilities, career needs and

desired challenges.3

It is important to examine the areas in radiology that are available

to further educational studies, such as education, administration or

ad vanced imaging. Whatever decision is reached, students must be

committed and make every effort to complete their studies. Arti cu la-

tion guides can assist in easing the transition from the certificate or

associate degree to the baccalaureate degree.



Page 68: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



References1. Bell S. Focus on education: invest in yourself. Radiol Technol. 1990;61:225-226.2. Lauer OG. Principles and Practices of the College-Based

Radiography Program. St. Louis, Mo: Warren H. Green Inc; 1984.3. Gurley LT, Callaway WJ. Introduction to Radiologic Technology.

3rd ed. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby-Year Book Inc; 1992.

By Janice D. Hall, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 66, No. 3



Page 69: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



“Hello … Testing, Testing”

Picnics and ants, surf and sand, teaching and testing. Each of

these pairs goes together like peas in a pod. Most of us would find it

hard to talk about education apart from testing. But because we take

this relationship for granted, we sometimes fail to ask ourselves some

basic questions about the purpose and process behind testing.

Why Test?There are at least four good reasons for testing. First, tests can

help predict future academic success in college or professional school.

Examples that come to mind are the Scholastic Aptitude Test and Allied

Health Professions Admissions Test. Second, tests can determine how

well students are meeting course objectives. In this sense, tests are

diagnostic instruments revealing material that is misunderstood, misap-

plied or mastered. Third, tests like those administered by the American

Registry of Radiologic Technologists serve as “gatekeepers,” helping to

maintain minimum entry-level competencies within a profession. And

fourth, although not often used for this purpose by classroom instruc-

tors, tests can evaluate the quality of instruction by checking how well

students do in specific areas of the curriculum.

What Test Writing Skills Are Needed?Pratt1 suggests three talents vital to successful test item writing:

• Strong knowledge of the subject. Creating thought-provoking

questions with reasonable alternatives demands that the item writer be

familiar with common misconceptions associated with the material.

• Good writing skills. Grammatical clues, confusing sentence

struc ture and poor punctuation make it difficult to figure out what

in formation is being sought.

• Creative ability. Tests can, and should, measure high level

cognitive skills, not just simple recall of knowledge. If students are

asked to respond to material identical to what they have seen or heard



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before, only recall of knowledge is being tested. Evaluation of compre-

hension and application requires that the student respond to questions

surrounding new situations, and generation of novel or unique methods

of asking questions can tax the imagination of even the best instructors.

Perhaps the greatest enemy to designing good tests is lack of time.

As a new instructor, I used to write and type a 50-item test before

lunch. Yet professional item writers for major testing services generally

consider an output of five to 15 items a good day’s work. Rushing

through writing a test almost guarantees that low-level cognitive items

will be emphasized over analysis, synthesis and evaluation. It’s also

harder to generate plausible alternatives to multiple choice questions

when you’re pressed for time. Ideally, items should be tested over a

number of administrations, carefully honing the question and alterna-

tives each time. Barring this, at least show test items to a colleague

familiar with the subject and ask for a critique.

Is It Reliable?Good test design demands other qualities too, such as reliability.

Reliability is an indication of a test’s ability to measure consistently

how well students are attaining curricular objectives. If students of

equal knowledge and ability don’t receive the same score on a test, or if

a student performs differently on similar versions of the same test even

though he has forgotten nothing between administrations of the test,

we can say that the test is not completely reliable.

How can we increase test reliability? Several techniques can be


• Increase the number of items on the test. Consider the test as

a sample of student behavior. The larger the sample, the more accurate

the estimation of knowledge. The actual number of items required

depends upon the relative importance of the objective and the severity

of the consequences of incomplete knowledge or poor performance.

• Increase the discrimination of test items. The discrimination

value of a test question is a measure of its ability to distinguish be tween

knowledgeable students and their less knowledgeable classmates.



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Ideally, all knowledgeable students will answer correctly, while less

knowledgeable students will miss the question.

• For subjective tests and evaluations, increase the number of

judges and average the results. This method reduces unreliability

stemming from individual differences in grading practices.

• Evaluate discrete qualities separately. Don’t attempt to eva-

luate cognitive and psychomotor abilities simultaneously. For example,

if a student is unable to successfully demonstrate a parieto-orbital pro-

jection for the optic foramina, is it because he or she is unfamiliar with

what the position entails (cognitive ability), or can the student simply

not maneuver the patient into the required position (psy cho motor abil-

ity)? Mixed measurements like this make it difficult to tell.

Is It Valid?Closely associated with reliability is the concept of validity. In its

most basic form, validity simply asks, “Is the performance required

during assessment the same performance as that described in the

ob jective?”2 If the answer is yes, then objectives and test items are

con gruent and the test item is considered valid. Confidence in the

validity of a question can be increased by having objectives and associ-

ated questions reviewed by a peer group such as your advisory commit-

tee. Dissonance between stated objectives and test items then can be

identified and resolved more objectively.

Dissonant objectives and test items can be pretty slippery when it

comes to identification. Suppose, for example, that an objective calls

for students to “correctly use medical terms in the clinical setting.” Can

this be measured with a paper-and-pencil test? Probably not. Read ing

(necessary for completion of a written test) is an entirely different skill

from listening and speaking (required to successfully use medical termi-

nology in the clinic). A better evaluation method might be to give an

oral exam while keeping an eye on pronunciation as the student con-

verts from medical to lay terms. This duplicates more closely what stu-

dents are expected to do while in clinic and meets the specifications of

the objectives.



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But if we give the students a copy of the course objectives, and

the course content reflects those objectives, and the test questions are

based on the objectives, aren’t we just “teaching to the test”? Of course!

What’s wrong with that? If the objectives reflect important curricular

outcomes, what else should we be teaching toward? Tests shouldn’t be

a game where students have to guess what the instructor is going to

ask. Instead, tests should be the logical outgrowth of what the student

has seen and heard throughout the course.

A Balancing ActTests also need balance. The distribution of questions should

reflect the emphasis given during class; important concepts need more

test items for adequate evaluation than do minor ones. One way to

ensure test balance is to create a test blueprint containing a list of the

ob jectives. Each time you write a question, make a note of which

ob jective is being measured by writing the question number next to it.

When you’re done writing the test, look at the distribution of the ques-

tions. Does it emphasize what’s really important? If not, it’s time to


The Basics …Payne3 identified six general principles for writing test items.

They provide a basic outline to follow:

• Avoid trivial, obscure, obvious or ambiguous questions.

These questions are the easiest to write and often occur when the item

writer is rushed or a test blueprint has not been followed. Remember

to focus on important outcomes of instruction.

• Follow accepted rules of grammar and punctuation. Don’t

make students guess at what you’re trying to say.

• Avoid items containing irrelevant cues. This in cludes provid-

ing grammatical clues in the stem and distractors and the use of “text-

book” language or some other systematic difference in the phraseology

of the correct answer. Tests containing a large number of irrelevant

cues probably measure little more than test wiseness.4



Page 73: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



• Avoid writing questions whose answer may give a clue to

other questions. Once again, you want to test knowledge of the sub-

ject, not test-taking ability.

• Use test items that have a defensibly correct answer. Ques-

tions should be objective, and the correctness of an answer should not

depend upon the opinions of the person doing the grading.

• Use declarative sentences and simple terminology. As always,

the purpose of testing is to find out how well students are meeting the

objectives, not to evaluate their reading and vocabulary skills.

Finally, notify students well in advance of when tests are sched-

uled, provide clear instructions for each part of the test, give students

adequate time to complete the exam and take steps to minimize oppor-

tunities for cheating.

References1. Pratt D. Curriculum Design and Development. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich; 1980:234.2. Gagné RM, Briggs LJ, Wager WW. Principles of Instructional

Design. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Holt, Rhinehart and Winston; 1988:243.3. Payne DA. The Assessment of Learning. Lexington, Ky: D.C. Heath and Co; 1974:100.4. Roberts GH, Davis LG. Test wiseness. Radiol Technol.


By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 61, No. 1



Page 74: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



Outcomes AssessmentIs Vital to Educators

Outcomes measures are designed to ensure that institutions of

higher education are accountable to their constituent groups.1 The goal

is to ensure that institutions and educational programs really provide to

students the product they are selling. For many years we have assessed

student competency; the difference I see is that outcomes assessment is

broader and focuses on the long term.

As a Joint Review Committee site visitor, I have noticed some

resistance among faculty to the use of outcome measures. In some

cases, the resistance is due to lack of time; in others, I believe the resis-

tance is due to a fear of not measuring up to standards. I hope to

ad dress both those concerns here.

There is a need to support outcomes measures, as they are:

• Ultimately patient-oriented.

• Designed to emphasize basic skills.

• Process-oriented, allowing educators to develop the process as

they see fit.

• A form of quality assurance in education. Just as we advocate

licensure of practitioners to ensure that they meet certain minimum

standards before exposing patients to radiation, outcome measures

en sure that all programs meet minimum standards.2

Radiography programs should assess outcomes in terms of knowl-

edge, skills, values and beliefs, interactions and relationships. Specific

items that must be assessed include attrition rates, student honors and

awards, number of graduates in specific employment settings and per-

centage of graduates passing certification exams.

Outcomes assessment is a form of research in education. Unlike

academic research, I see the assessment of outcomes as applied

re search, performed to solve a specific institutional problem or potential

problem. I believe that outcomes assessment must be simple and must



Page 75: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



be used for program improvement. It should, however, follow a general

research design:

• Identify the problem or potential problem. A sample question

might be: Is ACT score an appropriate admissions criteria?

• Survey the related literature. This includes soliciting informa-

tion from other educators.

• Define the problem being investigated in clear, concise terms.

Specific outcomes now must be identified. In admissions, I have

in cluded a table adapted from a book chapter by Rezler.3 (See Table 1.)

These include both intermediate and long-term outcomes. The ques-

tion asked might now be: What effect does ACT score have on first-

year grade point average?

• Formulate testable hypotheses. The question now becomes a

statement (ideally a null hypothesis): Students with ACT scores of 20

or above will not exhibit a higher grade point average.

• Construct the research design. Decide the parameters for

re jection or acceptance.

• Collect, treat and analyze the data.

• Evaluate the results and draw conclusions. Should we now,

based on the results, continue to use ACT scores? Should we require a

higher or lower score? Should we add another test?



Table 1Predictors of Success and Outcomes Measures in Admissions3

Predictor Intermediate Outcomes Long-range Outcomes

Intellectual (Verbal and quantitative ability, knowledge)

Nonintellectual (Values, attitudes, interests)


Success in first year of school; grade point average, attrition, no delay in progress

Personal interactions; patient care; clinical grades; coping with stress

Lab skills, clinical skills

Professional knowledge, professional growth

Similar to intermediate outcomes

Practice skills

Page 76: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



Remember to keep it simple and relevant to the needs of your

program. I prefer to conduct many small studies throughout the year

and maintain a file of outcomes worksheets that can be used in the self-

study. Also, if I conduct two or three small studies a year on a criterion

such as admissions standards, then I am better informed and can iden-

tify actual problems faster.

Table 2 shows my method for assessing outcomes through out-

comes worksheets. I believe this method should be usable for all types

of programs. In this case I chose one type of predictor (intellectual)

and evaluated ACT score in terms of one intermediate outcome (first-

year GPA) and one long-range outcome (professional knowledge as

evaluated by employers). Keep these in a file, and you will face your

next self-study and site visit with confidence.



Table 2Outcomes Worksheet

Predictor: Intellectual.

Measures used: ACT score.

Intermediate outcome measured: First-year grade point average.

Conclusion(s): A t-test of means showed that students with an ACT score of 20 or higher had a sig-nificantly (p<.05) higher grade point average. Retain ACT as admission criterion based on inter-mediate outcomes.

Long-range outcome measured: Professional knowledge as indicated by employers on satisfaction survey.

Conclusion(s): Professional knowledge of graduates with an ACT score of 20 or higher was not sig-nificantly higher based on a t-test of means as rated by employers. (Employers’ rating of gradu-ates with an ACT score of 20 or higher was 3.1 on a 5-point scale; rating of graduates with less than 20 score was 3.0).

Action undertaken: ACT as predictor is retained due to good academic predictability. The possibility of using another predictor for long-term/professional knowledge will be explored.

Page 77: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



References1. Parnell D. Dateline 2000 — The New Higher Education Agenda. Washington, DC: The Community College Press; 1990.2. Casamassimo PS. Assessment of educational outcomes in pediatric dentistry: a site examiner’s perspective. Journal of Dental

Education. 1990;54:191-193.3. Rezler AG. Student selection and admission. In: McGuire CH, ed. Handbook of Health Professions Education. San Francisco, Calif: Josey-Bass Publisher; 1983:202-233.

By Steven B. Dowd, Ed.D., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 64, No. 4



Page 78: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Introduction:Instructional Tools

Every worker needs tools, even instructors. However, most of us

don’t use the tools we have as effectively as we could. Some instruc-

tors even fall in a trap of believing that the newest tool is what they

need, and only after that tool is purchased for them can they become

effective instructors.

The computer is the latest tool in education. Two articles in this

section look at the use of computers in the classroom. I wrote one with

Richard Bower on the basics of computer-based instruction. It reflects

my theory about instructional development that ID = ID. What does

that mean? Well, just as students learn that mAs = mAs through the

reciprocity law, I believe basic instructional design concepts are valid

no matter which medium you use. In other words, the basic compo-

nents of a good lecture will translate into a good computer program or

a good video presentation.

I met my colleague Rita Laws through the Internet, and we were

inspired to write the article “The Internet’s Role in Education” to

ex plore this technology’s potential in radiologic science education.

What does the future hold? I doubt if my crystal ball is better than any-

one else’s, but I imagine that someday the Internet will be the primary

delivery system for education. But just as we envisioned in the 1970s

that education would be revolutionized by computer-based instruction,

we have found that the road is a lot longer than we thought.

Another expansion of technology is the use of video education for

distance learning. Stephen Hulse contributed two articles on this topic

— one a general overview, the other discussing the very real need for

faculty development. Most students still like some type of instructor

contact, and for most people, that means face-to-face. Correspondence

education or, today, e-mail education, is unattractive to many people

because they want to interact with a person. I predict that distance



Page 79: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

learning will grow in popularity, and if the Internet can do it, an inte-

grated system with video courses, e-mail assignments and Web page

graphics holds great promise.

Donna Burr is the laboratory instructor at UAB. She and I decid-

ed to survey Southeastern programs (and have since surveyed all pro-

grams in the nation) on the use of energized labs. The results are

reported in our article titled “Human Resources for the Energized Lab.”

How a program uses its lab influences how well students will perform

in the clinic. The information given to students in class doesn’t typical-

ly make full sense until they try it in the lab; the lab is an important

intermediate step between theory and actual practice.

Speaking of surveys, Stephen Hulse offers common-sense ad vice

about them in his article titled “Good Questions or Data Errata?” I oc ca-

sionally receive surveys where it is so obvious that a predetermined

answer is sought that I wonder why they bothered to conduct a survey in

the first place. The advice in Hulse’s article holds true for other types of

surveys as well, including the dreaded student evaluation form.

Textbooks are perhaps the most basic instructional tool, and

many educators want to write one. Based on our experiences, Frederic

Martini and I wrote about some of the pitfalls of textbook production in

“Getting Your Textbook Published.” We both have been involved in

several publishing projects that worked very well and a few that hadn’t,

so we thought we could bring some expertise to those who wanted to

try. (As my mother used to say, you can only guarantee not failing if

you don’t try at all.)

Finally, as budgets shrink, Stephen Hulse’s advice about grants-

manship (“Grantsmanship Earns Attention and Money”) will become

more valuable to educators. Many assume that grants can be secured

only for “research,” but a number of foundations are willing to sponsor

equipment purchases or projects designed to improve the quality of

teaching. And if we continue to move to more baccalaureate and mas-

ter’s degree programs, we will have to do even more research — which

requires funding.

Steven B. Dowd



Page 80: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Grantsmanship EarnsAttention and Money

Mention the word “grant” to most people and they immediately

conjure up images of stuffy academia and major research projects. But

today, grants are available from a broad array of funding sources that

support both education and health care delivery services. As a director

of education or a department manager, all you need to do to receive

oodles of money is write a grant proposal. But therein lies the rub.

Grantsmanship runs a close second to writing self-studies on the list of

things we most dislike to do. It doesn’t have to be that way. With

careful planning, you can write grant proposals that attract both atten-

tion and, most importantly, money.

Where To LookSuppose you have an idea for a new method of providing health

care or an innovative educational program designed to meet personnel

needs. Because there are thousands of organizations that provide grant

monies, how do you go about finding one most likely to be interested

in your ideas? A good starting place is three references found in most

public and virtually all university libraries — the Annual Register of

Grant Support,1 the Directory of Research Grants2 and the Grants

Register.3 Addi tion ally, if you have online access, you might want to

search the online version of the Federal Register.

Once you’ve located a possible source of funding for your project,

it’s time to write your proposal. It’s important to check with individual

agencies for the format required, but most grants follow this outline:

Summary of the ProposalThe summary can be thought of as an abstract for an article.

Briefly state who you and your organization are, what you hope to

accomplish through implementing your proposal and an estimate of



Page 81: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

what it will cost. This is the first impression your proposal makes on

the reviewer, so make sure it’s good. Be concise and avoid jargon.

IntroductionNow that you’ve piqued the reviewer’s interest, expand on who

you and your organization are and why your ideas are best suited to

receive funding. The key word here is “credibility.” Here are some

questions the reviewer is likely to ask:

• How long has your organization or program been in existence?

• What relevant experience do you and others listed in the propo­

sal have with the problem being studied?

• Have other funding agencies thought your ideas good enough

to provide previous support?

• What do other professionals familiar with the problem have to

say about your ideas?

• Have you done a pilot project or prototype and, if so, what

were the results?

A few years ago, I applied for two grants from an agency that

supports design of computer-assisted instruction for use in medical

schools. While preparing these grants, I learned of an upcoming sym-

posium cosponsored by the funding agency. My colleagues and I put

together prototypes of the software for which we sought funding and

successfully demonstrated it at the symposium. When we wrote the

grant, we were able to point to a proven track record of software devel-

opment and the fact that our software had been received favorably by

hundreds of professionals. As it turned out, a number of those who

eventually reviewed our grant also were at the symposium. Our credi-

bility was established. The result? Both grants were fully funded!

Statement of the ProblemNow that you’ve established your credibility, it’s time to focus on

the problem. Be specific in your narrative and don’t overstate the prob-

lem. Make it appear to the readers that your problem is manageable

with the time and resources being requested. Also, you can use this



Page 82: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

section to further build your credibility by briefly citing documentation

of the problem as described in the professional literature and media

coverage. Supporting charts and graphs can be used, but if they are

extensive an appendix might be the best place for them. This also is

the place to point out why your proposal is the logical connection

be tween the problem being addressed and the funding agency.

Objectives of the Proposed ProgramRemember that objectives should describe a measurable outcome

of some activity. During a recent review of 60 grant proposals received

by an organization to which I belong, I found that fully one-third of the

proposals described what the researchers would do during the funding

period, not what would result from that activity. Funding was not

ap proved for these proposals because it was impossible to determine

what changes or improvements could be expected as a result of sup-

porting these programs.

Here’s a checklist for your objectives:

• Who will be affected by this grant?

• What changes/improvements/reductions in cost will occur as a

result of this program?

• During what period of time will these changes take effect, and

what is the long-term potential for this program?

Proposed MethodsNow is the time to tell the reviewers how you’ll go about achiev-

ing your objectives. You’ve already established your credibility in ear-

lier parts of the grant proposal, but now is a good time to reinforce it.

Review the pertinent literature and discuss why you have chosen one

approach over others that may be available. Ask yourself the following


• Have I described the technical aspects of my program, i.e., its

peda gogical design or special equipment needed?

• Are my proposal’s methods consistent with current technology

and methods?



Page 83: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

• How will my proposal handle variations in learner or patient


• What personnel are needed for this project and what qualifica-

tions and previous experience will they require?

EvaluationThe proposed evaluation method tells you (and the funding agen-

cy) how you will know when your objectives have been reached.

Kiritz4 recommends dividing a sheet of paper into four columns labeled

Problems, Objectives, Methods and Evaluation. First, list your prob-

lems. Match these with the objectives designed to address each specific

problem, followed by the methods you will use to reach the objectives.

Whatever evaluation method you select, be certain that it follows logi-

cally from the information in the first three columns.

Objective evaluations are hard to design. Opinion surveys of pro-

gram participants or personnel are considered “soft” information by

funding agencies, which generally prefer “facts and figures.” If you

anticipate using any form of statistical analysis, you should consider

contacting a statistician for help in designing your evaluation. One

caveat, though: Make sure his or her credibility is at least equal to

yours, or the entire grant proposal will suffer.

BudgetThe budget usually is the most difficult part of preparing a grant

proposal. How much is your project going to cost and how long will it

take? If people at your institution regularly deal with grants, see them

as soon as possible. They can make some valuable suggestions regard-

ing planning. Items you need to include in your budget planning are:

• Salaries and wages for all personnel, including anticipated

raises over the length of the funding period.

• The percentage of time each individual will devote toward the


• The cost of fringe benefits, including Social Security, insurance,

vacation and sick leave.



Page 84: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

• Supplies, including paper, computers and postage.

• Rental or purchase of equipment.

• Travel expenses for visits to other sites doing similar work, pro-

fessional seminars and so on.

• Utilities, including telephone, electricity and space rental.

To help you through this stage, you might consider using

PERT (Pro gram Evaluation and Review Technique) or CPM (Critical

Path Method) charts. A number of software packages are available to

help determine costs and time schedules for complex projects.

Some funding agencies require that the sponsoring in stitution

make a significant contribution to the project, either in the form of

matching funds or employee release time. Your proposal should

ad dress the availability of these contributions. You also should discuss

the issue of continued funding past the expiration of the grant period.

Continued funding by your institution shows a high level of commit-

ment and adds to your proposal’s credibility.

Finally, remember that grant writing is not a one-person job. It

requires teamwork to succeed. Build your team with an eye to creating

a pool of expertise, relevant experience and, most of all, credibility.

References1. Annual Register of Grant Support. Wilmette, Ill: National Register Publishing Co.2. Directory of Research Grants. New York, NY: Oryx Press.3. The Grants Register. New York, NY: MacMillan Publishers.4. Kiritz NJ. Program planning and proposal writing. The Grants -

manship Center News. 1978.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 61, No. 6



Page 85: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Human ResourcesFor the Energized Lab

College-based radiography programs use energized labs to bring

the clinic into the classroom. These labs are commonly used for posi-

tioning, imaging, physics and quality assurance lab assignments.

In 1981, Clements conducted a survey of college-based radiogra-

phy programs.1 Of the 134 programs responding to his survey, 78%

had an energized lab. Clements’ survey was primarily concerned with

the equipment found in a lab. Other articles have been written on vari-

ous aspects of the energized lab, primarily focusing on the development

of energized labs and their use in the evaluation of students.2,3

For many years, the radiography program at the University of Ala-

bama at Birmingham has employed a full-time laboratory instructor for

teaching in the energized lab. We also teach lab courses separately

from the regular didactic courses. For example, a didactic course such

as imaging has a separate, graded lab course. This method works well

for the program and, in a number of cases, the laboratory instructor

position has developed individuals who wish to become faculty mem-

bers at UAB or other institutions. Because tuition reimbursement plans

often are available to faculty and staff, the laboratory instructor position

serves as an ideal opportunity for an individual who wishes to pursue a

baccalaureate, master’s or doctorate.

In some other programs, the position of laboratory instructor

(also called laboratory assistant) is a part-time job, often in the evening.

It offers staff radio graphers with a potential interest in education the

chance to become involved in the program. An example of this

ap proach can be found in the radiography program sponsored by

Kaskaskia College in Centralia, Ill. This program has a total capacity of

about 80 students. According to Program Director Gary Stevens, M.Ed.,

R.T.(R), up to eight part-time employees teach student positioning labs

(personal communication, May 4, 1993). As a program director and lab



Page 86: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

instructor, we were interested in how radio graphy programs use their

energized labs. We were especially interested in how human resources

were used and whether full-time faculty or others (titled lab assistant or

lab instructor) are being used to teach labs. Does it make more sense

to use a perhaps lower-cost instructor for labs, freeing the faculty mem-

ber for other duties? Would a lab be of more use with a full-time lab


In site-visiting programs, Steven Dowd, Ed.D., R.T.(R), noticed

that many programs were not able to make efficient use of their labs

because they lack the personnel to keep the lab open at all times stu-

dents can use them. The goal of our survey was to examine how ener-

gized labs are used in radiography programs and to determine the best

use of personnel. The preliminary results from this study will be used

for programmatic planning and to prepare for a broader study on ener-

gized lab use.

MethodsTwenty-nine programs in the South (five programs from Alabama,

six from Mississippi, seven from Tennessee and 11 from Georgia) were

identified from the 1992 Allied Health Education Directory. Each was

sent a one-page survey that asked whether the program had an ener-

gized lab and how it used that lab. The survey had been analyzed for

face validity by experienced radiography faculty and was considered

appropriate for the study.

Limitations of this study include the geographic distribution of

the survey sample, which limits generalizability of the results, as well

as the small number of programs participating in the study. According

to the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology,

in 1993 there were 323 U.S. radiography programs sponsored by colleg-

es, universities and vocational/technical schools.4 An adequate survey

of this population would require a randomized sample of 175 pro-

grams.5 This does not detract from the intent of the study, which was

to form a preliminary view of the usage of energized labs, particularly

in terms of human resources.



Page 87: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Perhaps the strongest limitation in this survey was the lack of a

single model for the delivery of radiography education. Although diver-

sity among programs is desirable, it makes comparisons difficult.

Radio graphy programs now focus on the outcomes rather than the pro-

cess. However, for the decision-maker in a radiography program, com-

parative data is useful when justifying expenditures to the dean or other

school officials responsible for approving budgetary expen ditures.

ResultsTwenty programs responded to the survey, for a return rate of

69%. (See Table 1.) Eighteen of the respondents (90%) had an ener-

gized lab. This is higher than Clements’ number and might indicate

that more programs have energized labs today than 10 years ago.

The average hours of weekly use were 12.72, with a standard

deviation of 8.2. Seventeen of the respondents taught labs within regu-

lar academic courses; four programs also taught labs as a separate

course. Seventeen of the programs indicated the number of courses in

which they use their lab. The average was four. This ranged from one

to eight classes.

There were an average of 22.9 first-year students in respondent

programs, with a standard deviation of 7.3. The average number of

second-year students was 20.2. As an interesting side note, the differ-

ence between the classes was 2.7 students, or 12%. If this were viewed

as the attrition rate (which of course cannot be determined from this

study), then these schools had a lower average attrition than is seen


The average number of students in a program was 43.1. The two

programs without energized labs had slightly fewer students than the

average, 30 and 40. The average number of faculty was 2.86, ranging

from six in a program with 43 students to two in 11 other programs.

Two faculty members appears to be a common size. Since programs

vary greatly in their use of faculty and even in the definition of a faculty

member, there is no current way to determine an “adequate” number of

faculty (personal communication, Barb Huffer of the JRCERT, May 4,



Page 88: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



Table 1Responses to Survey Questions

Question Response

1. Does your program use an energized laboratory?

2. How many hours per week do you use your energized lab?

3. How many courses use the energized lab?

4. Do you offer specific lab courses?

5. Are labs taught within regular courses?

6. How many first-year students do you have?

7. How many second-year students do you have?

8. What is the total number of students in your program?

9. How many faculty members do you have?

10. Does your program hire lab instructors?

11. What are the requirements for lab instructors?

12. If you do not have a lab instructor, do you need one?

13. If you answered “yes” to question 12, what is your faculty-to-student ratio?

14. If you answered “no” to question 12, what is your faculty-to-student ratio?

15. If you answered “yes” to question 12, how many hours per week do you use the lab?

16. If you answered “no” to question 12, how many hours per week do you use the lab?

18 yes (90%); 2 no (10%)

12.72 hours average; sd = 8.2

4 courses

4 programs

17 programs

22.9 students average; sd = 7.3

20.2 students average; sd = 5.8

43.1 students average

2.86 faculty average; sd = 1.16

3 yes (15%)

3 require R.T.; 1 requires A.S. degree

9 yes (53%); 8 no (47%)

1 to 16.6 average

1 to 12 average

10.1 average

12.3 average

Page 89: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

1993). One of the programs with 60 students had only two faculty

members, but it also was one of the programs that hired lab instructors.

Only three of the 20 programs hired lab assistants. Thus, 85% of

programs use full-time faculty to teach labs. All the lab assistants were

part-time employees titled “lab instructor.” Total student numbers in

the programs hiring lab assistants were 60, 27 and 32. Requirements

for being a lab instructor were basic — in all cases registration as a

radiologic technologist and in one case an associate degree was

required. For an entry-level position, these requirements seem appropri-


Of the 17 programs without a lab instructor, nine indicated that

they needed a lab instructor; eight indicated they did not. Those indi-

cating they did not need an instructor had an average of 46.1 students

for 2.78 faculty, a faculty-to-student ratio of 1 to 16.6. Those indicating

they had no need for a lab instructor had an average of 41 students for

3.42 faculty, a faculty-to-student ratio of 1 to 12. However, a t-test of

means revealed no statistically significant difference between the two

populations. The programs indicating no need for a lab instructor also

had a higher, on average, use of the energized lab (12.3 hours vs. 10.11

for those indicating a need for lab instructors).

ConclusionsThe high standard deviation in number of lab hours shows non-

uniformity in the use of labs, ranging from 4 hours per week to 30

hours per week. Two programs reported lab usage of 30 hours per

week. Both had two faculty members; one employed a lab instructor

and the other did not. The other two programs reporting the employ-

ment of lab instructors used the lab for 14 and 20 hours per week and

employed two faculty members. In the cases of low amounts of lab

usage, programs using a lab for only 4 hours per week (two did in this

survey, with 44 and 37 students in the program) obviously have little

need to hire an individual to run that lab. The question must also be

asked if those labs are being used enough for student learning.

About half of the programs with a lab instructor indicated that



Page 90: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

such an individual was needed by their program. On the average, they

also had fewer faculty compared to the number of students, which

could indicate such a need is real. However, due to the great variance

in program delivery across the United States, it is impossible to call one

load excessive as opposed to another. Those programs with a “better”

faculty-to-student ratio also showed a greater use of the energized lab.

The implication is that programs with a smaller faculty-to-student ratio

were not able to make full use of the lab and could possibly benefit

from a lab instructor. If costs are a problem, a part-time lab instructor

could be a cost-effective solution.

We recommend that programs explore the possibility of hiring a

lab instructor. This individual can provide good quality, low-cost

in struction to students in the energized lab and serve as potential devel-

opment for a faculty-level position.

This survey also provides educational policy-makers in radio-

graphy programs with comparative data for planning in other areas.

References1. Clements MJ. Obtaining and utilizing the on-campus energized

radiographic laboratory. In: Lauer OG, ed. Principles and Practices

of the College-Based Radiography Program. St. Louis, Mo: Warren H. Green; 1984.2. Ballinger PW, Meredith GJ. Establishing two-year college affiliated programs in radiologic technology. Radiol Technol. 1976;48:131-142.3. Key SJ. Development of a procedures laboratory evaluation tool. Radiol Technol. 1989;61:57-62.4. JRCERT Annual Report. Chicago, Ill: Joint Review Committee on

Education in Radiologic Technology; 1993.5. Krejcie RV, Morgan DW. Determining sample size for research activi-

ties. Educational and Psychological Measurement. 1970;30:607-610.6. Gupta GC, Hedrick HL. Allied health education and accreditation.

JAMA. 1990;264:1843-1848.



Page 91: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

By Steven B. Dowd, Ed.D., R.T.(R), and Donna Burr, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 65, No. 3

Tune In to theVideo Learning Connection

The use of video conferencing in health care education is not new.

The Pan American Education and Com muni cations by Satellite was

established in 1989 by the Uni ver sity of Hawaii using a NASA weather

satellite. This two-way connection was the first of its type to provide

regular educational programming via satellite, in this case for nursing.1

Teleconferencing can increase opportunities for access to centrally

located resources, in terms of both institutional support and professional

expertise. But as Wagner and Reddy2 have noted, the pressure to deliv-

er greater volumes of material to an ever increasing number of people

leads to a method of media selection they term “hardware-driven.”

They define this to mean that decisions regarding program distribution

are based on the a priori assumption that teleconferencing can address

any issue or task equally well. In reality, teleconferencing should be

seen as an educational tool, and as such should not be considered any

more appropriate under all circumstances than using lectures in every

situation. Instead, program goals, objectives and content should be

considered before committing to a particular presentation medium.

Wagner and Reddy also describe several steps in de signing learn-

ing outcomes for teleconferencing. In struc tional designers must at the

outset distinguish between instructional messages and educational mes-

sages. In struc tional messages deal with those outcomes of instruction

that produce intentional learning or change in performance. Edu-

cational messages, on the other hand, broaden knowledge without

re quiring the learner actually to demonstrate increased knowledge or

proficiency. The conscious selection of media that will produce instruc-

tional messages can be developed through four stages:

• Consider the specific needs of the individual learner in light of



Page 92: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

his or her learning capabilities. These include an understanding of

learning theory and information and storage retrieval.

• Sequence the instruction to address known or perceived defi-

ciencies in knowledge or performance. Gagné et al3 describe nine

in structional events that are particu larly appropriate for addressing

fixed or variable task instruction: gain the learner’s attention; inform

the learner of the objectives; stimulate recall of prerequisite knowledge;

present the stimulus material; provide guidance to the learner; provide

feedback to the learner; assess the performance; make provision for

transfer of information; and provide cues to enhance the retention of

the material.

Wagner and Reddy cite Reigeluth’s elaboration model for instruc-

tion as most appropriate for cognitive task instruction. Reigeluth pro-

posed that instruction should be sequenced from the general to the spe-

cific and individual parts of the sequenced instruction should be related

to all other parts and to the lesson as a whole, an activity Reigeluth

calls “synthesizing.”

• The instructional message must be modified to take into con-

sideration such issues as whether a know ledge/skill deficiency really

exists, and if so, how and when the knowledge/skill deficiency mani-

fests itself in the learner, how the deficiency can be remedied and what

criteria can be used to measure the effectiveness of remediation.

• The final stage involves selecting the instructional delivery sys-

tem. Of prime concern here is the intended outcome of instruction.

Instructional outcomes for abstract subject matter can be facilitated

through use of speech and printed text. For concrete subject material,

simplified diagrams or photographs, film and television can be used.

For other types of information, merely seeing and hearing isn’t enough.

Learners need to actually apply knowledge in a practical, hands-on situ-

ation to obtain feedback about the correctness of their understanding of

the material.

Instructional designers who intend to use teleconferencing as the

mode of program delivery must consider the unique characteristics of

this medium with respect to its ability to reproduce reality. Wagner and



Page 93: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Reddy suggest the best use of the medium is for “special event, ad hoc

programming around which a course may be ‘wrapped.’”

Lane4 reports a media selection model developed using a modi-

fied two-round Delphi technique. From this came eight major areas for

evaluating teleconferencing:

• Educational objectives. Are objectives in the cognitive, psy cho-

motor and affective domains clearly stated and appropriate? Is the tele-

conference content equivalent to an on-campus or in-person version?

• Instructional design. Is the program planned and organized

around a logical sequence, and are a variety of teaching strategies used

that are appropriate for the target audience and subject content? Is the

content supported through the use of visual aids, and is the language

level appropriate for the target audience?

• Content. Does the course title and description accurately por-

tray the program content, and is the content up to date and clearly pre-


• Textbook. If a textbook is to be used with the teleconference,

does material correlate well between the two? Does the textbook add

materially to the quality of the course and to the understanding of the

content, or is it redundant?

• Faculty guide. Is there documentation for faculty and on-site

facilitators containing program objectives, content outline and outside

reading assignments? Are there methods of evaluation that engage the

distance learner in critical thinking?

• Student study guide. Does the study guide contain objectives,

content outlines, a glossary, references and self-evaluation exercises?

Does the guide help tie together the key concepts presented in the tele-


• Video component. Does the technical quality of the teleconfer-

ence meet broadcast standards, and is the method of presentation (lec-

ture, discussion, demonstration) appropriate for the content? Is the

instructor skillful in using the video medium?

• Program cost. Is funding available to adequately support and

distribute the program, and can a potential audience be identified?



Page 94: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Do these guidelines hold up in actual practice? To answer that

question, let’s look at two specific examples of video teleconferencing.

Boyd and Baker5 used two-way video teleconferencing to reach

registered nurses throughout South Carolina in a program leading to a

master’s degree in nursing. The program was sponsored by the Office

of Telecommunications at the University of South Carolina.

Boyd and Baker followed a carefully crafted plan to help ensure

the success of the teleconference. They recognized that inadequate

amounts of funding, support staff and faculty commitment were bar-

riers to a successful teleconference. They took several steps to over-

come these potential barriers:

• The Office of Telecommunications provided a support team of

experienced instructional designers who could plan courses based on

accepted theories of learning. The office also oversaw program produc-

tion funding.

• Faculty members were coached on techniques of working effec-

tively in the video medium. This included tips on clothing, advice on

the use of cosmetics and an introduction to video production terminol-

ogy. All were given opportunities to practice in front of the camera and

critique their performance.

• Production staff worked with the faculty to produce visual aids

before broadcast time. Paper pads were available for faculty to use in

place of a chalkboard.

• Course materials were duplicated and forwarded to all students

enrolled in the teleconference. The course syllabus, assignments and

exercises were the same as those used in the on-campus version of the


• The same number of faculty­student contact hours were

re quired for the teleconference as for the on-campus version of the


• The faculty who taught teleconferences were experienced at

teaching the content. They were the same in struc tors who taught the

course on campus.

In evaluating the effectiveness of the teleconferences, Boyd and



Page 95: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Baker found that the teleconference students had a slightly higher grade

point average than the on-campus students who took the same course

(3.71 vs. 3.63, respectively). In addition, 10% of the students who par-

ticipated in the teleconference graduated from the master’s program,

compared to 5% for the on-campus students. The authors note that,

with a few minor exceptions, student evaluations of the teleconferences

have been good.

A common concern regarding the use of the teleconference for-

mat is that socialization does not occur among students and between

students and faculty. Informal observation by the authors, however,

found that students worked together in study groups and formed car-

pools at the teleconference sites. Faculty also met more frequently with

students to help overcome feelings of isolation or of “going it alone.”

Feedback from the students, faculty and the accrediting agency

for nursing programs indicated that the planning paid dividends: The

use of teleconferencing increased enrollment in the nursing program

and improved the image of the university as a leader in education

through technology.

Parkinson and Parkinson6 reported on the use of two-way video

teleconferencing in nursing education at the School of Allied Health at

Weber State University. Stu dents for both the on-campus and telecon-

ference sites were given study guides with learning objectives, supple-

mental readings and visual aids. Additional print materials were mailed

to teleconference participants to help offset the decreased faculty/stu-

dent contact time (33 hours for on-campus students vs. 10 hours for

teleconference students). The same instructor taught both groups.

At the conclusion of the course, teleconference participants rated

the instructor lower in six out of seven categories — instructor effec-

tiveness, organizational presentation, ability to motivate students, clari-

fication of objectives, promoting learning and satisfaction of objectives

— than their on-campus counterparts. There was no statistically signif-

icant difference in the seventh category, fairness of examinations.

In the course evaluation, teleconference participants called the

course “significantly overloaded” and “too challenging.” They also



Page 96: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

thought the visual aids were unhelpful and the material was poorly

integrated. They reported lower overall interest and poorer course atti-

tudes compared to the on-campus students.

Despite the critical nature of the student evaluations, there was

no statistically significant difference in grade point averages between

the teleconference participants and the on-campus students. The

authors suggest this may be the result of two factors: Motivated stu-

dents can learn regardless of the instructional format, and instructors

who carefully plan their courses may be able to present the same infor-

mation in less time.

It is clear, then, that program planners need to examine the

de sired instructional outcomes and determine if video teleconferencing

is the best way to achieve these goals. Furthermore, careful planning is

vital to all aspects of teleconference production. Issues in learning the-

ory, contact sequencing and program production must be ad dressed to

provide learners with quality instruction.

References1. Anderson JS. A historical overview of telecommunications in the health care industry. Am J Distance Education. 1987;1:53-58.2. Wagner ED, Reddy NL. Considerations in selecting teleconferencing for instruction. Am J Distance Education. 1988;3:49-56.3. Gagné RM, Briggs LJ, Wagner WW. Principles of Instructional

Design. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Holt, Rhinehart and Winston; 1988:177-197.4. Lane C. A selection model and pre-adoption evaluation instrument for video programs. Am J Distance Education. 1989;3:49-56.5. Boyd NJ, Baker CM. Using television to teach. Nursing and Health

Care. 1987;8:523-527.6. Parkinson CD, Parkinson SB. A comparative study between inter- active television and traditional lecture course offerings for nursing students. Nursing and Health Care. 1989;10:498-502.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 62, No. 5



Page 97: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Getting Your Textbook Published

Expert teachers often are dissatisfied with the textbooks they use

for their courses. To solve the problem, they usu ally supplement the

text with additional material, some of which they have developed them-


What makes textbooks less than adequate? Many factors can

come into play, but a few of the more common include:1

• The author’s inability to explain material at a level students

can understand.

• Poor writing or organization that can’t be corrected by editors.

• Authorship restrictions, such as the inability of a publisher to

provide a certain quality of illustrations.

• The philosophic orientation of the author, whose view of how

the material should be presented may differ from the instructor’s.

At some point, especially after developing large amounts of sup-

plemental mat erial, an expert teacher may decide that writing his or her

own textbook is the solution. There are a number of reasons for writ-

ing a textbook — some good, some bad. Schoen feld and Magnus2 note

the following three aspects of textbook production that should be

ad dressed by any instructor who wants to write a textbook:

• Writing a text is the absolute expression of professing (being a

professor). It hones teaching skills and techniques and reaches a wider

audience. By writing, you will learn more about your discipline and

more about teaching.

• Publishing means selling, and selling means marketing. A text-

book author must become an entrepreneur. Unlike trade or academic

books, the textbook author must be willing to help promote and sell the

book as well as write it.

• Rewards are uncertain. Even a good text can receive meager

adoptions and lukewarm reviews. At research institutions, a 2000-word



Page 98: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

article may count for more than a 200,000-word textbook. At teaching

institutions, however, a textbook author may be “positively venerated.”

The financial rewards may be staggering (although this is unlikely in a

market like radio logic technol ogy) or you may receive years of “nega-

tive royalty statements.”

If you, as a professor, feel capable of producing a quality product,

are willing to let your ideas be held up for public scru tiny and realize

that the rewards of textbook production may end up being more intrin-

sic than extrinsic, then you may want to consider producing a textbook.

Payne and Gallahue3 make the following observation about writing a


Textbook writing should be undertaken for the love of learn-

ing, and for conveying knowledge, thoughts, and ideas on the

printed page. Textbook writing is all about the process itself, and

very little about the product. The rewards of textbook writing are

intrinsic and grounded in the creative process of “becoming” rather

than the extrinsic rewards of “being.”

Developing the ProposalLet’s say you have an idea for a new textbook and are willing to

undertake the challenges of publishing. Before you ever approach a

publishing company, you first must develop a book proposal. A well-

prepared proposal can save you considerable time should the publisher

consider the target market too small for your proposed text.4 The pro-

posal must convince the publisher that your book will be superior to

similar books already on the market. Although you might be willing to

develop a textbook as a “labor of love,” a textbook publisher will not be

interested unless your book has the potential to sell. The goal of a pub-

lishing company is to make money, not to disseminate ideas. Even a

small publisher must consider profit as the motive, because a publisher

who makes no profit will cease to exist.

If you want to develop a book for a specialty market and the big

textbook publishing companies show no interest, you may want to con-

sult a university press that specializes in short-run books of less than



Page 99: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

1000 copies. You also should investigate the possibility of self-publish-

ing your book.

Book proposals have six main components. Most pub lishers will

provide a format to follow when writing a book proposal, but proposals

generally include the following information:

• A market description.

• A competition description.

• A book description.

• An author description.

• Sample chapter(s).

Securing a book contract is highly competitive. It is estimated

that of 1000 expressions of interest to write a book, probably 50 make it

to the proposal stage. Of those submitting a proposal, only five to 10

are ac cepted by a publisher and only 30% to 70% result in a finished


Usually, the publishing company will ask other educators in your

discipline to review your proposal. If you are unable to convince these

reviewers that your textbook has merit, it is doubtful that the publisher

will offer you a contract. A goal of the proposal, therefore, is to con-

vince the reviewers that they would be willing to switch from their cur-

rent textbooks to yours once it is published. Let’s examine each part of

the book proposal:

Market Description

Each publisher has a specific view of the target market or audi-

ence for every book. You must be able to convince the publisher that

your book will sell enough copies to make the venture worthwhile.

This is especially important in a discipline such as radiologic technolo-

gy, where the market is small compared to disciplines such as English

composition or psychology.

Competition Description

If you are unable to describe what is good or bad about the cur-

rently competing textbooks on the market, the publisher probably will

decide that you are not going to be their choice of author. Another sure

“kiss of death” is to claim there are no competing texts to yours at this



Page 100: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

time. The logical assumption, from the publisher’s point of view, is

that if there is no competition there is no market, and if there is no

market there will be no demand for your text. When you prepare the

spreadsheet or table describing your book (see Table 1), you may want

to prepare a second version that shows how your textbook will stack up

against the competition.

Another method that worked well for Michael Thompson, senior

editor on the collaborative text Principles of Imaging Science and

Protection (W.B. Saunders, 1994), was to conduct a national survey that

asked what was good and bad about texts currently on the market.

Based on his data, Thompson was able to prepare a proposal that

revealed what educators didn’t like about the texts they currently were

using and how he intended to develop a book that would meet educa-

tors’ needs in the areas of physics and imaging.



Table 1Items to Include in the Spreadsheet

• Total number of pages and total number of figures.

• Front matter content and length.

• Back matter content and length.

• Number of chapters.

• Features (for example, definition of terms, pronunciations, word roots, additional readings, end-of-chapter questions).

• For each chapter: 1. Page count. 2. Figure count (number of figures in black and white, number in color, number of line drawings, number of photographs). 3. Table count. 4. Number of terms to be printed in boldface or in a second color (the use of a second color adds to the cost of the book).

Page 101: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Book Description

The book description should, in one paragraph, clearly describe

the book. Ancillaries and pedagogy also should be described in this

section. If your book is accepted, this section often forms the founda-

tion of the marketing plan for the book.

A content outline must be detailed enough to give the publisher

an idea of how your book will compete against current texts. In addi-

tion to the table of contents, a content outline should contain a brief

description of the intent of each chapter.

You should prepare a spreadsheet or table that describes your

book. (See Table 1.) The spreadsheet is difficult to prepare, but it forc-

es you to think about the details of your textbook. Be as complete as

possible when describing the features of your book, because everything

affects the final cost of the project. How many pages of text? Is there

any front matter? Back matter? What is the trim size? How many

illustrations? Will they be line art or photographs? Will the photo-

graphs be black-and-white or color?

By determining these factors in advance, you are doing the pub-

lisher’s homework and making it easier to prepare a budget for the

project. It doesn’t matter if you are off a little on page count or the

total number of illustrations; what matters is that the publisher has

enough information to make a rough estimate to assess profitability

(which affects their interest level and your leverage).

Also, doing this advance work proves that you know the ropes,

are organized and can be taken seriously. This is important, because a

lot of aspiring authors have great ideas but poor organizational skills. If

the reviews are good and the publisher needs a book in your proposed

market, you’re in business.

Author Description

Resumés and curriculum vitae usually are not very revealing.

You may be the world’s foremost expert on radiographic technique, but

that fact in and of itself does not qualify you to write a textbook. You

must convince the acquisitions editor that you are capable of explaining

concepts clearly and accurately, using the written word.



Page 102: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

You already accomplished much of that in the first part of the

book proposal, and some of it you will solve by providing a well-writ-

ten sample chapter. However, in this section of your book proposal you

should provide a brief overview of your relevant qualifications. Have

you written articles or textbooks before? Have you presented papers at

professional conferences? Have you won awards for teaching? Are you

recognized in your profession? If so, let the publisher know. Now is

not the time to be modest.

Sample Chapter(s)

Publishers may ask specifically for the first chapter of your book,

since it will serve as a foundation for the entire text. In some cases,

publishers will ask that two chapters be submitted — the first chapter

plus another representative chapter. Whatever you submit, make sure

that it accurately represents the remainder of the book. If you plan to

include boldfaced terms throughout your book, for example, then your

sample chapter should show how you will incorporate them. If you

intend to use pedagogical de vices, do so in the sample chapter with the

same amount of detail as you will in the potential book. Don’t consi der

the sample chapter to be a “rough draft,” even if the pub lisher tells you

that it’s all right to turn in something rough. Your sample chapter

should be very polished.

What If My Proposal Is Rejected?It can take as little as one ambivalent review to sink a proposal.

In some cases, reviewers may react with hostility to the very idea of

your textbook. The reason behind these reactions is best left to the

psychoana lysts. If your proposal is rejected, don’t be too discouraged.

Most experienced textbook authors have experienced rejection at one

time or another — some of them more often than they care to admit.

As consumers, you see only their successes, not their failures.

An author has two options if his or her proposal is rejected —

either submit it to another publisher or give up. The best authors learn

to glean relevant comments from the first set of reviewers and use them

to write a better book proposal.



Page 103: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

When the Contract ComesAn acceptance from a publisher is exciting, but don’t let your

enthusiasm lead you into signing a contract prematurely. Examine the

details of the contract carefully. For example, don’t commit to an over-

zealous schedule for producing the book. Consider your workplace and

personal commitments first. Also, look care fully at the publisher’s

requirements for ancillaries such as an instructor’s manual or accom-

panying software. Writing an instructor’s manual, in some cases, can

be as time-consuming as writing the textbook itself.

Henson4 notes that he used to tell potential authors not to worry

about the details of publishing contracts. Today, however, he realizes

that it is in the publisher’s interest to write a contract that benefits the

publisher. He recommends that authors follow these tips:

• Don’t be afraid to negotiate. Although most publishing com-

panies are honest, they have to look out for their own best interests.

Work, within reason, to protect your interests.

• Ask for a fixed royalty fee. Depending on the discipline, the

size of the market, the financials run by the publisher, your art contri-

butions and other factors, book royalty rates can vary from 8% to 18%.

Lower is much more common than higher, and rates offered to experi-

enced, proven authors are higher than those to newcomers. There also

are levels of royalties in many contracts. In other words, the front-page

contract rate may apply to U.S. college sales, while another rate —

specified in a later subparagraph — applies to foreign sales, direct sales,

discounted sales and so on. As separate items, these categories of sales

do not count toward any escalation point.

“Sliders” are a common feature of royalty contracts, with the

breakpoint often set at the projected first year sales. The contract also

may include a “home-run” clause stating, for example, that if the text

sells more than 30,000 copies in any one year, the royalty rate jumps to

12% retroactively. In general, royalty rates have been declining due to

the large investment — now including multimedia — required in these

markets. Also contributing to declining rates is the management of

megapublishers by conglomerates concerned with bottom-lining every-



Page 104: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

thing. Fifteen years ago, rates of 15% were common; today, those rates

are the exception.

Henson believes that sliding scales benefit the publisher rather

than the author. Such sales typically promise, for example, 10% royal-

ties for the first 5000 copies, 12% for the next 5000 and 15% for any-

thing above 10,000. Few books are going to sell enough to justify such

sliding scales.

In textbook writing, the experts rarely agree on royalty rates. This

makes it important to soli cit multiple viewpoints. (See Table 2.) For

example, Levine5 considers sliding scales beneficial and recommends

that authors lobby for them. In the end, it simply might be a matter of

the sales potential of the book. A book with large sales potential has

more to gain from a sliding scale than one with a limited potential.

• Ask for a grant or a nonrefundable advance to cover your

costs of producing the book. Ideally, a grant should be provided to the

author to produce the book; also ideally, the grant is non refundable in

the event the publisher decides to “kill” the project. Unlike advances,

grants are not extracted from the author’s royalties. They cover things

like computer hardware, express mailing fees, telephone bills, fax

charges and other costs that are directly involved with the preparation

and submission of the manuscript.

Neither grants nor advances are intended to reimburse you for

your time and effort invested in preparing the text. Your time is consid-

ered your “sweat equity” that justifies your percentage of final sales.

However, an advance can enable you to defer other income-producing

tasks that would compete with your writing time. For example, if you

normally earn $10,000 by teaching during summer session or evenings

as an overload, you could negotiate an advance of that amount so that

your evenings and summers could be devoted to the project. Keep in

mind, how ever, that this money will be considered an advance on your

royalties, not a grant.

When considering how large an advance to ask for, use 50% of

your estimated first-year royalty revenues as a ballpark figure. Say, for

example, that the publisher expects to sell 10,000 copies of your book at



Page 105: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

$30 per copy, generating $300,000 in revenues and $30,000 in royalties.

A $15,000 advance — 50% of your projected royalties — is a good place

to start your negotiations.

Keep in mind that an advance is an interest-free loan — it com-

mits the publisher to you and your project (and you to them!) more

securely than a contract alone. If there is no advance, your book con-

tract gets signed and shelved. It then becomes a “no-lose” situation for

the publisher, who may assign your book a lower priority. Staged

advances are fine incentives — “X” amount on signing, “Y” on comple-

tion of first draft and “Z” on submission of the final manuscript. This

type of schedule helps keep you focused on meeting your next goal.

• Look for hidden expenses deducted from royalties. Hidden

costs can add up quickly. Few authors realize the cost, for example, of

producing an index. For a 250-page book, indexing may cost $2000.

You may be required to prepare supplements on demand or else have

the cost of someone else preparing them deducted from your royalties.

Some publishers even may charge you to calculate your royalty state-

ment. Try to make sure that the publisher pays for reprint permissions.

In some cases, these items may not be nego tiable. If so, you might

want to look for another publisher. Most books don’t make money for

the author in terms of return-on-investment. You will spend thousands

of hours producing a book that may net you $2000 or $3000 a year.

How ever, you don’t want to start at a loss.

The Mechanics of ProductionIt would take many pages to discuss the complicated process of

producing a textbook. If your publishing company assigns a good edi-

tor to your project, he or she will lead you through the various produc-

tion phases as they occur, explaining each step along the way. Be sure

to educate yourself by reading books about textbook writing, editing,

design and production. Also, don’t be afraid to continually question

your editor. If you are not proactive in this aspect of textbook produc-

tion, you increase the risk of winding up with an inferior product.



Page 106: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

ConclusionThere is no more internally rewarding project than writing a text-

book: You get to learn more about your profession, you can try out

your best teaching techniques, and you gain the satisfaction of contrib-

uting to your profession. You also may make some money, but that

should be a secondary consideration.

As a discipline that is constantly advancing both professionally

and technically, radiologic technology needs quality textbooks. Con si-

der becoming one of the leaders in the profession by writing one.



Table 2Suggested Resources

Textbook Authors Association, P.O. Box 535, Orange Springs, FL 35419This organization offers several pamphlets on textbook publishing, including one titled “Some

Questions To Ask Before Signing a Publishing Contract for a Textbook.” The TAA also provides a legal hotline service, offers an ombudsman service to assist in disputes and maintains an author experience file that lists authors who are willing to share their publishing experiences with others.

Henson KT. The Art of Writing for Publication. Needham Heights, Mass: Allyn and Bacon; 1995.Henson probably is the most recognized authority in all aspects of academic publication. This

book is indispensable for all faculty involved in the production of scholarly materials. It contains a number of samples that are helpful, including sample proposal and competition statements. This text is especially useful for the publishing novice.

Luey B. Handbook for Academic Authors. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press; 1992.Written by a former university press editor and current academic, this is a good book on writing in

general, including journal articles and revising dissertations as books. The last half of the book dis-cusses textbook production. The information is both practical and usable. Included is an annotated bibliography that lists a number of sources.

Benjaminson P. Publish Without Perishing: A Practical Handbook for Academic Authors. Washington, DC: National Education Association; 1992.

This book spends a lot of time discussing issues that are only of peripheral interest to academic authors, such as literary agents, but it does contain a lot of useful information. The author is an aca-demic journalist who writes in a journalistic style through the use of multiple interviews.

Page 107: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

References1. Dowd SB. Teaching in the Health-Related Professions. Dubuque, Iowa: Eastwind Publishing; 1995.2. Schoenfeld AC, Magnan R. Mentor in a Manual: Climbing the

Academic Ladder to Tenure. Madison, Wis: Magnan Publications; 1994.3. Payne VG, Gallahue DL. Textbook writing: take the plunge! Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. 1994;49-54.4. Henson KT. When signing book contracts, scholars should be sure to read the fine print. The Chronicle of Higher Education. October 1990:132-133.5. Levine ML. Negotiating a Book Contract: A Guide for Authors,

Agents, and Lawyers. Mt. Kisco, NY: Mover Bell Limited.

By Steven B. Dowd, Ed.D., R.T.(R), and Frederic H. Martini, Ph.D.Originally published in Vol. 67, No. 4



Page 108: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Faculty DevelopmentFor Distance Educators

Today’s economics make it increasingly difficult for a hospital or

college to justify operating a health sciences educational program for

only 10 or 15 students. Ad min is tra tors are demanding more bang for

their buck, often touting distance education technology such as audio

conferencing and digitized video by phone lines or satellite delivery as

one way to reach this goal. But it takes more than just plopping some-

one in front of a microphone to make him or her a distance educator. It

takes planning and, more importantly, faculty development.

Traditional lecture-based curricula rely heavily on interaction

between instructors and students and among the students themselves.

Competent instructors continuously evaluate students’ understanding

of material and, if necessary, re-teach poorly understood subjects.

These teachers’ abilities depend not so much upon changing the les-

son’s content as on taking advantage of the continually changing teach-

er/student dynamic to make sure important instructional points are

presented with maximum impact.1

Colleges are rife with instructors who were hired not for their

excellence in teaching but for their demonstrated competence in a par-

ticular profession. Moore2 reminds us that “course design, program

production and academic professing are clear and separate specializa-

tions” that require a collaborative effort among professionals from

many disciplines.

Instructors skilled at distance education use teaching methods

that differ markedly from traditional classroom settings.3 Instructional

problems revolving around teaching methodology, learning styles and

feedback mechanisms “explode” in distance learning as audience size

increases and face-to-face contact decreases.4 No technology can over-

come poor teaching skills, and poor teaching skills actually can be

ex acerbated in distance education applications.5



Page 109: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Distance education has many potential uses in radiologic technol-

ogy. Programs that could be delivered via distance education methods

include nonclinical coursework, management and teaching seminars

and graduate/undergraduate credit courses.

Instructors need help to become strong distance educators, partic-

ularly in the area of interactive video. In 1992, the Penn State College

of Medicine designed a faculty development program to help instructors

cope with this technology. The program involved four phases — plan-

ning, development, implementation and evaluation.

Phase I: Planning. The project team was composed of academic

and clinical specialists and experts in instructional design, biomedi cal

communication and television production. During this initial phase,

the project team met to define the goals and objectives of distance edu-

cation in health sciences educational programs and to identify potential

topics, instructors and target audiences.

Phase II: Development. Based on a review of the literature in

distance learning and the combined expertise of the project team, a fac-

ulty development program was created to include three components:

• A workbook describing steps in preparation for teach ing a tele-

vised course; legibility guidelines for creating graphics; guidelines for

selecting clothing and jewelry; techniques for humanizing distance

learning; methods for increasing participation by distance learners; sug-

gestions for varying message style to maintain learner interest; and

techniques for encouraging feedback from remote learning sites.

• A videotape demonstrating each of the topics listed above,

in cluding proper and improper use of techniques.

• A studio session to practice on camera the techniques learned

using the workbook and videotape.

Materials developed during this phase were circulated to educa-

tors outside the project team for critique.

Phase III: Implementation. Two components of this project

were evaluated: In struc tor attitudes regarding the faculty development

program itself and student attitudes toward the teaching effectiveness of

faculty using distance learning technology.



Page 110: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Phase IV: Evaluation. Instructors who completed the faculty

de velopment program and taught via digital video or satellite were sur-

veyed using a Likert scale instrument. Factors evaluated included clar-

ity, helpfulness and relevance of the workbook and videotape, util ity of

the studio practice session and critique from the biocommunication

specialists. Students in the studio and at the remote site also were sur-

veyed. Factors evaluated included attitudes about learning via video

and satellite technology, the instructor’s use of distance learning tech-

nology, the instructor’s ability to humanize distance learning and inte-

grate remote-site students so they felt like they were part of the class,

the legibility of graphics and the usefulness of handout materials.

Initial reactions were favorable. Faculty appreciated concrete sug-

gestions for improving their use of educational technology, and stu-

dents generally agreed that distance education technology gives them

convenient access to experienced instructors.

Will studio learning replace face-to-face classroom in ter action

among teachers and students? Not in the near future, but an under-

standing of distance education techniques is a skill that the teacher of

tomorrow should have today.

References1. Willis B. Distance-delivered instruction: making it work. Educational Technology. July 1989.2. Moore M. Distance education: a learner’s system. Lifelong

Learning: An Omnibus of Practice and Research. 1989;12.3. Porter KW. Tuning in to TV training. Training and Development

Journal. April 1990.4. Carl D. Media and adult learning. The American Journal of

Distance Education. 1989;3.5. The Office of Technology Assessment. OTA report on distance learn- ing. The Distance Education Network Report. 1990;4.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 63, No. 5



Page 111: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Good Questions or Data Errata?

All of us, at one time or another, have needed to assess a pro-

gram, a service or an institution. The logical means of gathering this

in formation is by conducting a survey. Unfortunately, surveys often are

viewed as a research tool so easy to use that anyone can do it. As a

result, little effort goes into their planning and production. This lack of

effort becomes obvious when it’s time to analyze the results.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Careful planning and the use of

eight easy guidelines will make construction of your next survey

smoother and provide more useful data.

• Specify the survey objectives. What do you hope to learn as a

result of this survey? Do you want to measure attitudes, actions, inter-

ests or knowledge? Defining the information you require allows you to

write survey questions that are both specific and necessary. Don’t for-

get to involve other professionals early in the design stage to help

en sure that your survey is comprehensive.

How do you know whether your survey is ready for distribution?

Zemke and Walonick1 suggest that you ask yourself these questions:

1. Can you state the purpose of your research in 25 words or less?

2. What do you want to know?

3. Why do you want to know it?

4. Is gathering this information really important?

If you don’t have answers to all of these questions, continue to

re fine your research goals until you do.

• Review the literature. If the information you seek is common

to other educational or health care programs, the chances are good that

someone else has studied the issue. You may be able to save time and

money by using the results of their survey. Even if their research objec-

tives were different than your own, it’s possible that you may be able to

learn from their findings or avoid the pitfalls they encountered. If



Page 112: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

you’re lucky, you will find a research tool that fits your needs so closely

that you can use the same or similar survey questions.

• Write the questions. The questions you ask should follow log-

ically from your objectives. If a question doesn’t seem to fit your objec-

tives, throw it out. Or, if the question appears to probe some important

area of inquiry, rewrite your objectives.

The particular format you select for your questions will depend in

part on the type of information you’re collecting and the type of analy-

sis to be done. Closed response items take little time to complete and

can be summarized easily and thus are ideal if you must analyze your

responses quickly. Open-ended questions require the re spondent to

generate his or her own answers. These questions are useful in provid-

ing insight into problems. In addition, they can be quite useful in situa-

tions where the researcher cannot anti ci pate a reasonable number of

responses for closed-type questions.

One word of caution here. Likert scales have become increasingly

popular, but are difficult to interpret. For example, many succumb to

the temptation to average the answers of these 5- or 7-point scales, but

the resulting statistical analysis may be meaningless. That’s because

the “distance” between a response of 1 or 2 may not be the same as the

“distance” between 4 and 5. As a general rule, use a “yes/no/don’t

know” response format whenever possible.

• Use simple, direct language. Keep questions brief and avoid

double-barreled questions, such as “Would you favor offering pro grams

in ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging?” If a respondent

answers “yes” to this question, how should it be interpreted? Is he or

she in agreement with both propositions or only one? Use two separate

questions to measure issues like this. Also, avoid ambiguous terms

such as “some,” “most,” “few” and “many.”

• Determine the sequence of the questions. Most surveys begin

with easy, nonthreatening questions and gradually become more speci-

fic. Stacey and Moyer2 suggest the following:

1. Personal questions (age, educational level, income) should be

asked last. Many respondents do not want to answer personal ques-



Page 113: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

tions immediately and may refuse to complete the survey if they are

first on the questionnaire.

2. Avoid influencing the respondent’s attitudes.

3. Make the survey form attractive, easy to use and interesting.

4. Do not include questions that are intimidating or irrelevant.

• Use professional production methods. Typeset, printed mate-

rials are ideal, but clean computer-generated copy from a laser printer

or photocopier is OK too. Maxi mize the “white space” on your survey

to provide adequate room for responses. To avoid confusion, arrange

closed response items in a vertical format and consistently place the

response space either to the left or the right.

• Prepare the cover letter. Your cover letter should explain the

purpose of the survey and describe how the respondents were selected.

It also is an excellent place to provide instructions for answering the

questions. Don’t forget to include the address to return the completed

survey and the deadline by which it should be returned.

• Validate the survey. Despite your best efforts, you’ll be sur-

prised at how many errors go undetected in the planning and design

stage. Instead of discovering this after sending out hundreds of forms,

test your survey on representative members of your target audience.

Analyze the responses from this pilot test. If necessary, rewrite items

that are ambiguous and then duplicate the survey for distribution.

Properly planned and executed, surveys can provide a solid basis

for rational program planning. The time spent in careful survey design

plays big dividends in accumulating accurate and useful information.

References1. Zemke R, Walonick D. The non-statistician’s approach to surveys. Designing and Delivering Cost Effective Training — and Measuring

the Results. Minneapolis, Minn: Lakewood Publications; 1981:47-52.2. Stacey SE, Moyer KL. A Guide to Survey Develop ment. Pennsylvania Department of Education; 1982.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 62, No. 3



Page 114: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Introduction:Instructional Techniques

As would be expected, the largest section of this book deals with

the techniques of teaching. Stephen Hulse wrote two columns on the

traditional teaching techniques: lectures and presentations. Although

we need to concentrate on interactive methods of teaching, the lecture

is by no means dead and will continue in some form for many years to

come. From the participant’s standpoint, what makes a lecture good

often is not what is presented (content) but how it is presented (style).

Newcomers need to be aware of the pitfalls that can happen in lectur­

ing. One rule Hulse mentions in “Teaching by Lecture” took me years

to learn: Don’t overprepare, because overpreparing and trying to pres­

ent too much is as bad as underpreparing.

Hulse also describes clinical teaching in his article titled “Com­

ponents of Clinical Teaching.” Educators tend to over emphasize aca­

demic in struction at the expense of clinical instruction and often

assume that the techniques used for teaching in the classroom transfer

well to the clinic. Although this assumption is partially true, it also is

partially false. I long for the day when specific preparation for clinical

teachers exists and when their job is seen as important as the program


Interviewing students is an art. I firmly believe in using inter­

views to select students, as they add another, possibly more useful item

to the selection process than grades or test scores alone. In “Questions

About Student Interviews?” Hulse not only suggests questions to ask

during student interviews, but also explains what traits the questions

assess. This helps us design an interview process that is fair to the stu­

dent, while selecting for important criteria such as motivation.

Four articles in this section written by UAB faculty describe vari­

ous attempts to make learning more inter active, since we know this is

how students really learn. Making learning interactive can be a painful



Page 115: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

experience, because almost every class has a few “lazy learners” who

want everything presented in a lecture format. Still, there are tech­

niques you can use to get students more involved in the learning pro­

cess. Ann Steves addresses the correct use of questions, Shirlee Maihoff

writes about a method called cooperative learning, Bettye Wilson and I

discuss case studies and, in an idea piece, I describe some methods for

interactive classroom learning.

Caring and ethics are topics that radiologic science educators

never tire of, as they know these traits are essential for sound patient

care. “Teaching Students to Care” by Ann Steves explores whether car­

ing can be learned, while Bettye Wilson’s “Medical Ethics for Radio­

graphy Students” describes a possible implementation of ethics instruc­

tion, including useful methods to solve ethical problems. Institutional

philosophies such as managed care are going to make such issues

increasingly important in the future.

Steven B. Dowd



Page 116: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Teaching by Lecture

You must excuse the occasional unstifled yawn among students.

You see, by the time they complete four years of college they will have

endured almost 2000 hours of classroom instruction. With out question,

most of that time will have been spent listening to lectures.

Educators’ preference for lecturing is not surprising given three

facts: Most of us were taught that way, a lecture appears easy to pre­

pare and present, and lectures are widely accepted by students and

peers. But since so much time is spent lecturing to our students, let’s

look at some of the pros and cons of this popular teaching method. The

guidelines here are loosely based on recommendations by Eble1 and

suggest how we might approach the planning and delivery of a lecture.

• Use the lecture format appropriately. Lectures are excellent

for transmitting large amounts of information to groups large and small

and for imparting information not otherwise readily available, such as

recently discovered facts or original theories. A competent speaker also

can use the lecture to stimulate listeners and give insight as to how pro­

cesses work. But the lecture is a poor place to present abstract,

in tricately detailed or complex information to students.

Also, lectures generally are not effective in teaching application of

information, in developing problem­solving skills or in changing atti­

tudes. These areas are best addressed during a discussion or demon­

stra tion so that students can question the instructor and see for them­

selves how the facts fit together. Supporting information might be dis­

tributed as part of an illustrated handout for students to refer to during


Speaking of handouts, some instructors believe it is the student’s

responsibility to take notes during class and therefore do not provide a

handout. But research2 shows that note taking during class actually

may interfere with retention of knowledge. In fact, it appears that giv­

ing students a guide that outlines the material about to be covered and

stresses key concepts and phrases tends to improve test scores.



Page 117: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

The main problem with a lecture is it assumes that all students

learn at the same rate. Because this is not the case, many students are

alternately bored or bewildered. This can be partially overcome if the

instructor regularly checks student comprehension during the class.

• Teach only as much as can fit comfortably into the time

allotted. Some instructors are determined to “teach it all.” They usu­

ally can be identified by their slides and overhead transparencies con­

sisting of photo copied pages of books, their voluminous multipage

handouts and their cries of “I just need a few more minutes…” at the

end of every class. These instructors are shouldering the entire respon­

sibility for what students learn. But we can never “teach it all”; in fact,

I suspect it would be undesirable to do so even if we could, for it would

leave no room for students’ personal discovery and growth.

Instead, instructors need to identify two or, at the most, three

im portant points in each lecture, carefully supporting each with illustra­

tions and examples. Presenting manageable amounts of information

gives students time to assimilate the data and fit it into what they

already know and understand about the subject.

• Every lecture should have a beginning and an ending. This

is important. Although it would be nice if students arrived in class

ready to take notes, this rarely is the case. Remember that they have a

life apart from the classroom. There may have been an incident in the

clinic that has everyone excited, or students may be talking about a

movie they saw the previous night. The clever instructor bridges the

gap between the outside world and the classroom by focusing students’

attention on the material to be discussed.

Also, every lecturer should remind students of what they already

have learned, what they are about to learn today and, at the conclusion

of the lecture, what they will learn next time. This helps students

un derstand how the current material related to what went before and

what will follow. The beginning and end of class also is a good time to

tie up loose ends, answer questions and correct misconceptions.

• Don’t be a bore. Vary your voice, gestures and physical move­

ments to stimulate the audience and reinforce what you are saying.



Page 118: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Why is this important? Research indicates that students’ attention

begins to wander within 15 to 20 minutes of the beginning of a lec ture.2

If they aren’t listening, they aren’t learning.

But, you say, paying attention to voice, gestures and physical

movement strikes you as being theatrical. Well, perhaps it is. In two

fascinating studies by Ware et al,3,4 researchers looked at the relation­

ship between style of presentation and student learning as measured by

performance on an objective test. The “Doctor Fox Effect,” named after

the persona created by the researchers, demonstrates that an instruc­

tor’s style of presentation affects how well students remember facts.

Here’s how it worked. A trained Hollywood actor was coached to

deliver a lecture to several groups of students. Two factors were varied:

lecture content (high, medium, low) and lecturer seduction (high or

low). The authors used the term “seduction” to refer to personal char­

acteristics such as charisma, enthusiasm, expressiveness, friendliness,

humor and personality. The results? Students who heard the high

seduction presentation remembered more of the lecture content. Not

surprisingly, the students who attended the high seduction lecture gave

a more favorable rating of the instructor than did the low seduction

group. So the next time you hear a colleague say, “I just present the

material; it’s up to the students to learn it,” remind them to be enthusi­

astic and charming in the process.

• Know your subject well, but teach it like you just learned it.

Have you ever had the experience of listening to an extremely compe­

tent professional talk about his field of expertise? The kind where

you’re certain he knows what he’s talking about, but you’re equally

certain you don’t know what he’s talking about? Or have students ever

told you that they know a certain instructor is smart, but that some­

times she talks over the students’ heads? The problem may be that the

instructor is “too competent” to teach well. How can this be?

According to unpublished data from N. Whitman, learners pass

through four levels of competency: unconscious incompetence (the

learner is unaware that he cannot do a task), conscious incompetence

(the learner is aware of the task, but cannot do it), conscious compe­



Page 119: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

tence (the learner is able to think through a task step­by­step and do

it), and unconscious competence (the learner can do the task without

thinking about intermediate steps).

Most professionals­turned­instructors have reached this last stage.

But to be effective in presenting a lecture, instructors have to go back to

being “consciously competent” by recalling what knowledge they had

when they first learned the material and what explanations and infor­

mation are required to successfully grasp a topic. This is why students

sometimes do so well at teaching other students: as students, they are,

or are becoming, consciously competent. They know the right vocabu­

lary to use for explanations; they remember what problems they had in

comprehending the material; and they can consciously describe the

steps involved in arriving at a solution.

• Provide frequent opportunities for questions. Re mem ber, stu­

dents’ attention begins to wander about 15 minutes into a lecture. This

is an ideal time, then, to change the pace of the class by pausing and

re flecting on what has just been covered and asking questions. But this

is a time not just for students to question the instructor, but also for the

instructor to question the students.

When talking directly to a person, it’s easy to see if he follows

what you’re saying by his facial expression and verbal comments. But

as the size of the audience grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to

confirm that students are actively following and comprehending the

material. To overcome this problem, ask students to discuss key con­

cepts in their own words. This is the time to clear up misconceptions

and factual errors; if students don’t understand the preliminary infor­

mation, it’s unlikely that they will understand whatever follows.

Questioning during a lecture also can be used to promote individual

thinking among students and to encourage them to evaluate what they

have heard.

Of course, there are many methods of presenting information

other than a lecture. But when a lecture is the best choice, following

these guidelines will help your students get the most out of their time

in class.



Page 120: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

References1. Eble KE. The Craft of Teaching. San Francisco, Calif: Josey­Bass Publisher; 1976:42­53.2. Davis RH, Alexander LT. The Lecture Method. Michigan State University Press; 1979.3. Naftulin DH, Ware JE, Donnelly FA. The Doctor Fox lecture: a paradigm of educational seduction. J Med Educ. 1973;48:630­635.4. Ware JE, Williams RG. The Doctor Fox effect: a study of lecturer ef­ fectiveness and ratings of instruction. J Med Educ. 1975;50:149­156.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 60, No. 4



Page 121: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

ComponentsOf Clinical Teaching

When all the books are put away, when the last questions about

photoelectric effect and latent image formation are forgotten, when a

patient’s life is on the line, can your students provide competent, com­

passionate patient care? The question is not rhetorical; we’ve all seen

students who excel in their academic studies fall flat in their clinical

assignments. It’s this translation of theory into practice that’s often the

most troubling for teachers and students alike. How, then, should clini­

cal education be approached?

For years, the paradigm of “see one, do one, teach one” pretty

much summed up the approach to clinical education. And if radio­

graphy were strictly assembly line work and concrete guidelines could

be established for all procedures, then perhaps this simple model could

be applied. But clinical radiography just isn’t that simple; it involves

teaching not only complex relationships between objects both seen and

unseen, but role modeling of skills and attitudes as well. Any success­

ful approach to clinical instruction must take this complexity into


So what are the components of effective clinical teaching? Six

discrete elements can be identified:1­3

Pre-clinical PracticeNo surprises here. The instructor explains the objectives, demon­

strates the material in a clear and organized manner, highlights impor­

tant information and summarizes the major points at the end of each

class. Remember, the rule is “Tell them what you’re going to tell them,

then tell them, then tell them what you’ve told them.” Here’s how that

translates into clinical teaching:

• Explain the procedure you’re about to demonstrate and the

anatomical structures that it shows.



Page 122: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

• Demonstrate the procedure step-by-step and in a logical

se quence, stopping when necessary to make sure all students under­

stand the concepts.

• Warn students of potential problems and pitfalls.

• Demonstrate the procedure in one continuous flow so students

can observe how the ideal performance should look.

• Let the students practice in the lab setting and let them make

mistakes. Explain the consequences of those errors on patient care and

film quality, then have students practice the procedure the correct way.

Teaching MethodsThe instructor encourages student participation by establishing

rapport, uses nonthreatening questions to probe student understanding,

and answers questions carefully and concisely in a manner that shows

respect for the student as a person.

I once met an instructor who told me that he got students’ atten­

tion by yelling and belittling them in front of staff and patients. He

be lieved that students learned better when he “scared their pants off.”

Ridi culous! There is no evidence to support the notion that students

learn better without their pants. Instructors should remember what it

was like when they first studied the subject. Carefully define the terms

you use and, at least in the initial stages, provide information in easily

digested and logically sequenced chunks designed to help students

grasp the subject.

Clinical Expertise“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” Ever hear that? If

you’re to maintain credibility with staff and students, you must be able

to do every procedure you teach not just moderately well, but excep­

tionally well. The clinical instructor should be a resource for staff and

students alike.

The practice of designating new and inexperienced technologists

as clinical instructors “because they’re not ready for real teaching yet”

should be condemned. Clinical teaching is real teaching. Students are



Page 123: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

like sponges; they soak up information and attitudes from those around

them. Clinical teachers need the same teaching skills, the same depth

of knowledge and the same professionalism as classroom instructors.

Subject KnowledgeAt its most basic level, subject knowledge means instructors can

recommend specific procedures and projections to demonstrate the

re quired anatomy or pathology. But beyond this, clinical instructors

must know enough about related disciplines to teach the “what” and

“why” of clinical decision making (CDM).4 Students also need to

understand how value judgments and algorithms (decision­making

rules) come into play in the clinical arena.

Teaching CDM is not easy; the exact process used to make clinical

decisions often is unclear even to highly competent technologists. Ask

yourself this question: What process do you use to decide which pro­

jection will best provide the needed information given a specific patient

condition? Now, how would you explain that process to a student?

Un less you or someone else takes the time to do this, CDM will remain

a mystery to the majority of students. They will instead substitute rote

memorization of facts, which will fail in unfamiliar situations.

EnthusiasmThe instructor ostensibly enjoys teaching and working with stu­

dents, presents the information in an interesting manner and piques

students’ interest. An instructor’s knowledge, regardless of depth,

won’t impress students if it is presented in a dry, boring manner.

Prompt, Accurate FeedbackFormative and summative evaluations are essential if students are

to understand how well they are meeting course objectives. Student

egos are fragile; they need to be told promptly and precisely what they

are doing wrong so as to avoid injuring patients, but they must be told

in a manner that is not belittling. Un for tu nately, instructors often

neglect to tell students when they are performing procedures well.



Page 124: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Years ago, I heard self­esteem compared to a bucket filled with

water. Every time you criticize a person, you take a little water out of

his bucket. If you constantly take water out without putting any back,

the bucket runs dry. Be sure to keep students’ buckets filled with a

healthy amount of helpful assurances and encouragement.

Perhaps the most common method of giving feedback is the clini­

cal grade. Grades, essentially, are a sample of the student’s behavior;

the larger and more diverse the sample, the more accurate the estimate

of behavior. Base your clinical grades on many different sources, such

as evaluation of students by technologists, a film critique grade, the clin­

ical competencies grade and the number of competencies completed.

Broad sources of information garner important details about stu­

dent performance, like how well he or she works with patients and staff

(the technologist’s evaluation), the quality of finished radiographs (film

critique and competency grades), and initiative (the number of compe­

tencies completed). With this information in hand, specific areas of

performance can be discussed with the student.

Clinical education can be exciting. It’s the “real stuff” of radio­

logic technology. But handled poorly, clinical education becomes dead­

ly dry, an experience to be endured but not enjoyed. And if you don’t

enjoy what you do, why do it at all?

References1. Irby DM. Clinical teacher effectiveness in medicine. J Med Educ. 1978;53:808­815.2. Stritter FT, Hain JD, Grimes DA. Clinical teaching reexamined. J Med Educ. 1975;50:876­882.3. Irby DM, Rakestraw P. Evaluating clinical teaching in medicine. J Med Educ. 1981;56:181­186.4. Balla JI, Edwards HM. Some problems in teaching clinical decision making. Med Educ. 1986;20:487­491.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 60, No. 5



Page 125: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Simple PreparationsMake for Good Speakers

I once attended a conference in a nearby city. You know the kind

— big hotel, big crowds, tiny signs in dim hallways outside big meeting

rooms. I found what I thought was the right room and took a seat.

Shortly thereafter, the speaker rose and began his talk. I had trouble

making sense of it all but, hey, it had been a long day.

About 15 minutes into the talk, though, I realized I was in the

wrong room. Apparently so did about 20 other people, all of whom at

once made a beeline for the door.

Comparing notes later, we all agreed that we had been victims of

an unprepared speaker. This man had the unmitigated gall to get in

front of a group of paying customers without having taken time to plan

what he was going to say.

I’ve heard all the arguments from speakers like him before — “I

don’t want to lose the spontaneity of the presentation” or “I know what

I’m talking about, so why should I practice presenting it?” Un for tun­

ately, it isn’t only conference speakers who are guilty of poor planning.

Those of us called upon to speak at staff meetings, in­service programs

or to students often fail to plan what we’re going to say and how we’re

going to say it. But good planning isn’t hard and it doesn’t have to take

long. Here’s a short checklist for putting your program together:

• Write down what you’re going to talk about. Don’t write a

novel; one or two sentences will do. Putting it down on paper forces

you to seriously consider the purpose and goals of your talk. It also

may help suggest presentation methods and visual aids. Use your goals

as a road map to keep you on track. If you find that you’re adding

material that doesn’t seem to fit your original goals, you have two

choices: Throw out the material that doesn’t fit or change your goals.

Don’t try to “get it all in.” If you have too much material to comfort­

ably fit into one session, then use two.



Page 126: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

• Determine who your audience is. What do they already know

about the subject and what’s their motivation for attending your talk?

People generally learn faster if they can fit new information into their

existing framework of knowledge. Help them do this by reminding

them of what they already know about the subject. And if your audi­

ence is required to attend your program, you’d better be prepared to

make it both interesting and relevant. Emphasize the practical applica­

tions and benefits of using information you present.

• Choose your words carefully. Always be aware of the educa­

tional background of those you’re addressing and choose your terminol­

ogy accordingly. Although we’re used to working with educated pro­

fessionals, about 50% of the U.S. population reads and understands

language at or below the eighth­grade level. This is not to suggest that

you should talk down to people. Just use a normal, everyday vocabu­

lary and define medical terms when necessary.

• Know your subject. The need to thoroughly understand the

material you’re presenting may seem obvious, but often is overlooked.

You need to know not only how something is done but also why it’s

done that way as opposed to another, what alternate approaches are

available, and the pros and cons of those approaches. Try to anticipate

your audience’s questions. And if you’re caught flatfooted without an

answer, don’t try to bluff your way out. Just say, “I don’t know.” Then

find out and get back to the questioner.

• Organize a logical outline. Forget the indented outline format

Miss Peaseporridge taught you in the seventh grade. The trouble with

that outline format is that ideas just don’t flow in a nice start­to­finish

sequence for most of us. If you think of something to add you have to

squeeze it in somewhere by writing really small or drawing arrows.

After a while, your paper begins to look like it was mugged by a gang

of ballpoint pens. Instead, write the name of your topic in the center of

the paper and jot down ideas as they come to you, grouping similar

ideas together around the edge of the paper. Finally, number each idea

to put it into a logical sequence, recopying the outline onto another

sheet of paper if necessary.



Page 127: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

• Select visual aids. People forget 90% to 95% of what they

hear within 72 hours of hearing it, but in the same time frame forget

only 50% of what they see and hear. That’s why the effective use of

visual aids is so important. They reinforce what learners hear and help

move it into long­term memory.

If you’re using radiographs to illustrate a point, start off with sev­

eral examples of what the position or procedure should look like, fol­

lowed by several examples of what the position or procedure should

not look like. Be sure to point out the good and bad characteristics of

each example. This helps your audience apply the concepts that you’re


If you don’t have radiographs, you might consider using overhead

transparencies. These often­overlooked visual aids can be easily and

inexpensively produced simply by placing clear acetate in your copy

machine’s paper tray. One warning if you’re using printed material —

make sure the type is large enough to see from the back row.

• Get your audience involved. Encourage questions throughout

your talk. In fact, ask them questions to see if they’re following what

you’re saying. Clear up misconceptions as you go along and leave time

at the end of the program for more questions.

• Use handouts. They don’t need to be elaborate. A brief out­

line of your topic, important facts and figures and a place to put addi­

tional notes is all that’s necessary.

Presenting a program doesn’t need to be a chore, but it does

require planning. If done with care, both you and your audience mem­

bers benefit. They come away with knowledge they didn’t have before,

and you gain the respect of the audience for having done a good job.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 61, No. 5



Page 128: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Questions AboutStudent Interviews?

When it comes to evaluating school or job applications, most of

us feel comfortable looking at grade point averages and standardized

test scores. Yet we all know there’s more to a person than a scholastic

record; there is a living, breathing person behind that facade of paper­

work. An interview seems to be the best way to reveal the real person,

but many interviewers are unsure about what to ask.

The interview is used to evaluate cognitive areas of an applicant’s

background. Payne1 identifies four characteristics of noncognitive

be havior that affect vocational satisfaction: an effective working rela­

tionship with peers; enjoyment of job duties and re spon sibilities; belief

that the environment offers opportunities for personal growth; and

belief that, as a result of personal efforts, the community is being


Payne notes that noncognitive behavior (attitude) is the founda­

tion for motivation. A purpose of the interview is to examine those

attitudes that provide the impetus for striving toward specific goals. An

individual’s attitudes are relatively stable. The beliefs and attitudes

revealed during an interview are unlikely to change after the individual

is hired or admitted into an educational program.

Fortunately, it is possible to evaluate attitudes. For example, the

amount of time spent on an activity is a measure of the importance a

person attaches to it. Also, the scope of information possessed about

another person, place, idea or thing reflects a person’s attitudes. One of

the best attitudinal indicators is observation or documentation of an

individual’s behavior over a period of time.

Legal Considerations During InterviewsThe legal climate in which the interview takes place is always a

consideration. The courts, and in some cases the U.S. Congress, pro­



Page 129: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

hibit certain types of questions. Keep in mind, however, that laws may

vary from one state to another. You should stay abreast of legal rulings

in your area. As a general rule, if the information is not absolutely

es sential to evaluate the suitability of the applicant, don’t ask for it. It

probably has little legitimate use in a screening interview. A few for­

bidden questions include:

• Inquiries regarding marital status and maiden name.

• Inquiries regarding children or other dependents.

• Inquiries regarding the applicant’s age.

• Inquiries aimed at collecting medical or health information, par-

ticularly those intended to screen for possible physical disabilities. The

in terviewer may, however, describe the program’s or job’s physical

re quirements and ask if the applicant can satisfactorily fulfill them.

• Inquiries regarding Saturday or Sunday activities. These can be

interpreted as investigating the applicant’s religious be liefs. Again, the

interviewer may describe the job or program’s schedule and then ask if

the applicant can meet that schedule.

• Inquiries regarding confinement to a mental hospital.

• Inquiries regarding military service, including dishonorable dis­

charge from the military.

Interview ContentNow that we’ve reviewed a few of the areas where inquiries may

not be made, let’s examine the areas that can and should be investi­

gated during an interview.

Chapman2 identified four basic areas to be evaluated during the

interview: motivation (the inner sense of purpose that causes people to

establish and strive for goals); intellect (the ability to think through and

understand the implications of personal actions and decisions); knowl­

edge (the scope of information and understanding); and personality (the

distinctive qualities that, collectively, make a person an individual).

The personality factor, of course, is open to charges of subjectiv­

ity. We should not select students merely because we like them or

because they have personalities similar to ours. Instead, we should



Page 130: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

evaluate them on whether they can fulfill the obligations involved in

preparation for an entrance into a profession. The way a person inter­

acts with others, particularly in stressful situations, is especially impor­

tant in radiologic technology. This is a function of personality, and it

must be evaluated if the best candidates are to be selected.

In addition to the four factors described by Chapman, an appli­

cant’s maturity also should be evaluated. Matur ity is defined by

Ballinger3 as the realistic assessment of one’s strengths and weaknesses

and, when appropriate, being able to put the needs of others before

one’s own needs. Also important is the selection of realistic goals in

light of personal abilities and limitations.

The following questions have been developed and tested in actual

interviews to facilitate measurement of an applicant’s personal charac­


• Why did you apply to this program? (Assesses motivation.)

In most parts of the country, students have a choice of several pro­

grams. Did the student apply to your program because it was conve­

nient? Because of its reputation? Was it recommended by someone?

Has the student applied anywhere else? The interviewer is searching

for a measure of the student’s commitment to radiologic technology.

• Why do you want to be a radiologic technologist? (Assesses

motivation, knowledge and intellect.) Does the student exhibit an

ap preciation of what job duties are involved in radiologic technology?

Did he or she investigate other health careers before choosing radiologic


• What salary do you expect to earn as a radiologic technolo-

gist? (Assesses motivation, knowledge.) Are the student’s expectations

realistic, or are they overly inflated?

• What will you do if you are not accepted here? (Assesses

motivation, maturity.) Will the student pursue the goal of becoming a

radiologic technologist by rectifying academic deficiencies (if applic­

able) and reapplying for admission later? Or will he or she change

career goals? Students may be able to improve their chance for admis­

sion if their science and math course grades are improved. This may



Page 131: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

require enrolling in a community college.

• If you had a choice of any career, what would it be? Why?

(Assesses motivation, knowledge.) What other careers has the student

considered? Are there any similarities between the “ideal” career and

radiologic technology? Has the student selected radiologic technology

because of careful evaluation of personal abilities and found them to be

compatible with this profession?

• Where do you see your career five years from now? (Assesses

motivation, knowledge.) Is the student aware of avenues for advance­

ment in radiology technology? Does the student want to ad vance into

education or management or move into a specialty area in diagnostic

imaging or radiation therapy?

• What subjects did you enjoy the most and the least in high

school? Why? (Assesses intellect, motivation and maturity.) Did the

student follow an easy course of study punctuated only by an occasion­

al science or math course? Can the student explain why courses taken

in the past were important for a successful career?

• What did you enjoy or find interesting about your last job?

(Assesses motivation, personality.) Does the student like to work with

people? Enjoy responsibility? Look forward to challenges?

• What experiences in school or at work have you had that

will help you as a radiologic technologist? (Assesses intellect, knowl­

edge and maturity.) Can the student identify and describe experiences

that have contributed to personal growth? Does the student possess

enough self­knowledge to understand the relevance of both pleasant

and unpleasant experiences?

• What kind of activities would you like to avoid in a job?

(Assesses intellect and knowledge.) Has the student considered job­

related activities that are unpleasant and applied them to a career in

radiologic technology?

• What sort of experiences do you find frustrating? (Assesses

maturity, intellect, personality.) Does the applicant become frustrated

following minor incidents? Could a compromise be worked out or an

al ternate method of reaching the desired goal be found? Could the



Page 132: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

im plications of reaching a compromise be understood?

• Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses. (Assesses

maturity.) Is the student self­aware? Can he or she accurately describe

strengths and weaknesses? Are the descriptions consistent with the

student’s academic record and observations of the interviewer?

• What accomplishments in your life make you the most

proud? (Assesses motivation.) What does the student consider impor­

tant in life? Does it include personal growth? Are the accomplishments

of any significance?

• What makes you want to do well in school or at work?

(Assesses motivation.) Is the student motivated externally, by an

in structor or supervisor, or does he or she possess inner goals that pro­

mote a striving for personal knowledge and growth?

• Why should we accept you? (Assesses maturity, motivation,

intellect, knowledge and personality.) By this point, the student has

been led through each of the preceding questions and has had the

op portunity to explore and describe important life experiences, personal

qualifications and goals. This question gives the student an opportun­

ity to summarize this information. Can the student organize his or her

response in a cogent manner?

However you decide to handle interviews, be certain all appli­

cants are asked the same questions. This makes objective comparison

easier and helps defend against charges of interviewer bias.

References1. Payne DA. The Assessment of Learning. Lexington, Ky: D.C. Heath and Co; 1974.2. Chapman LJ. The interview process for the selection of student radiographers. Radiol Technol. 1981;53:37­43.3. Ballinger PW. Accepting Radiography Students: An Objective

Process. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University; 1985.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 62, No. 1



Page 133: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Using Case StudiesTo Teach Radiography

Case studies have long been used in schools of business, law and

medi cine. According to Donham,1 “The distinguishing characteristics

which make the case system of teaching law, in the hand of a compe­

tent instructor, an instrument of great power is the fact that it arouses

the interest of the student through its realistic flavor, and then makes

him, under the guidance of the instructor, an active rather than passive

participant in the classroom.”

The continuing increased interest in teaching cases stems from an

increasing appreciation of the value of narrative or naturalistic forms of

thinking as opposed to abstraction and generalization.2 Narra tive

forms of thinking reflect the ways individuals actually organize their

ex periences and develop professional knowledge. This is not a new

concept; in 1954 Dewing3 noted, “Human thinking and the new human

ex perience are indisolubly bound together. If we teach people to deal

with the new experience, we teach them to think. In fact, power to

deal with the new and power to think are pragmatically the same.”

Professional knowledge in radiography consists largely of the

accumulation of experiences in the form of concrete cases, primarily

clinical experience. Didactic education is simply a first step to a higher

goal of successful clinical practice. Experienced professionals develop

know ledge of the kinds of problems they are likely to encounter, what

these problems mean in relation to practice, what usually causes them

and which approaches are likely to be productive in solving them. By

providing experience with a variety of concrete cases, the case method

expands and sharpens students’ understanding of the profession.

Teaching via case method also provides models of how to think

professionally about problems. Students learn critical­thinking skills —

how to use theoretical concepts to illuminate a practical problem. They

learn how to spot the larger issues implicit in what might seem to be a



Page 134: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

minor decision. Teaching by the case method helps students learn how

to think productively about concrete experience. The case method thus

enhances their ability to learn from their own experiences.

Although cases may seem relevant to the teaching of topics such

as ethics, medical law and radiographic film evaluation, the connection

may not be so clear to radiographic procedures, which seems to be

more of a skill­based knowledge than one requiring reflection. How­

ever, to be professionals, radiographers must be able to create knowl­

edge as well as use it.4 Perhaps one reason why students have prob­

lems with the alternatives presented to them in clinic is because they

have not been taught to think in terms of alternatives, only in terms of

ideal solutions.

Strengths of Case StudiesWell­developed teaching cases:

• Provide experience with important clinical dilemmas.

• Illuminate the human intentions, feelings and misinterpreta­

tions that often are the core of problems.

• Provide models of how expert practitioners think about actual

clinical dilemmas.

• Increase students’ repertoire of strategies by showing them how

to approach problems.

• Help students learn to identify issues and think as profession­


• Provide emotional preparation for an unjust world.5 As we all

know, the world of the clinic is rarely ideal; there are, however, effec­

tive solutions to problems.

Students enjoy learning from cases, which appeal to the universal

delight in a good story. Explains Howard Becker,6 a well­known sociol­

ogist, “I have become more and more convinced of the importance of

stories — good examples — in the presentation of ideas. I used to be

irritated when students told me that what they remembered from my

sociology of art course was the story of Simon Rodia.… I wanted them

to remember the theories I was so slowly and painfully developing.



Page 135: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Later I decided the stories were more important than the theories.”

Case studies also are valuable to instructors. Biddle and An der­

son note,7 “Cor rectly used, the case study method will allow students

to draw many conclusions, some of which the instructor may not even

be aware.”

Limitations of Case StudiesTeaching via case study is not a systematic means of transmitting

facts or organizing knowledge. Simi larly, case studies cannot give stu­

dents practice in skills. The case method supplements, rather than

replaces, other methods of teaching. Thus, in courses such as position­

ing and procedures, the case method is best reserved for advanced

teaching, after the student has basic knowledge and some experience in

performing procedures.

Some faculty find it hard to locate good case mat erials. Many are

not sure how to go about teaching a case and fear that classes will

de generate into a pointless exchange of personal opinions.

Published cases or written sources are not the only sources for

teaching cases. Students often bring up stories of their own experienc­

es from clinic. Educators can turn these anecdotes into cases.

Students’ anecdotes invite fuller description and consideration of the

situation, and the methods of case teaching can guide the discussion

with an analytic framework. Instructors might, for example, ask their

students questions such as:

• What are the issues here?

• What alternative strategies might you consider?

• What is at stake here?

In short, a “case” is not necessarily a piece of writing; it is a way

of framing problems and analyzing experience. Cases can begin with

as little as a one­sentence description.8

Developing Your Own Teaching CasesAs we know, radiography does not consist of one set of clinical

skills. Clinical practice varies between practitioners and by region.



Page 136: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



Edu cators can develop their own cases to prepare students for the par­

ticular problems in a local context. The Harvard Business School pub­

lishes a text that teaches how to write a case study.9 Educators also

can use case­writing as an assignment to develop students’ skills of

reflective inquiry. However, students must possess a certain maturity

before they can write their own cases, including a knowledge of content

and experience in solving case studies.10

To prevent case discussions from becoming super ficial exchanges

of opinions, educators must think through what they are trying to

ac complish — what issues the case illuminates, what theoretical con­

cepts it illustrates and what understanding the case can develop.

It often is helpful to divide a case discussion into two stages:

problem analysis and problem solving. What often cripples problem

solving is an incomplete analysis of the problems surrounding the issue.

According to an old saying, a problem well­formulated is a problem half


Sample Case StudiesThe number of possible case studies is limited only by the imagi­

nation of faculty and students. The following are a few examples.

• A student comes to class and says, “According to Sally at

Riverside Medical Center, the way you teach us to do oblique lumbar

spines is wrong. She says that PA is the only way to do them.”

This is an example of an anecdote that can be turned into a case

study. One method might be to ask students to determine all the poten­

tial positive and negative aspects of performing oblique lumbar spines

in the AP and PA positions. A chart on the blackboard or the overhead

screen could document all the pros and cons. Another method might

be to ask students to come back with a technologist’s opinion to the

next class, and begin discussion from there. Remember the basic con­

siderations in an anecdotal case study: issues, alternative strategies

and stakes.

• Patient condition or pathology may engender negative com-

ments from students. Certain conditions may hinder the effective

Page 137: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

performance of radiographs that are otherwise considered to be

“easy.” Students may come to class stating that they “hate” to do cer-

tain exams due to factors that render them less than the ideal meth-

ods taught in laboratory.

These students can be led in a discussion of alternative proce­

dures that will demonstrate the same radio graphic signs of suspected

pathology. An assignment may be given where each class member or a

group is asked to bring in a list of procedures used to demonstrate the

anatomy. For example, a left lateral decubitus position of the abdomen

to include the diaphragm may include the same information as an erect

abdomen — and in the case of frail elderly patients, may be easier to


• All textbooks have their positive and negative aspects. A stu-

dent may indicate to you that he or she does not believe that a partic-

ular position or procedure was described well in the book, or you may

note that yourself.

Turn this situation into a case study by comparing how other text­

books describe that particular position or procedure. Then use the two­

stage approach of problem analysis and problem solving.

First, analyze the problem: What are the positive and negative

aspects? How could these descriptions be improved? Next, solve the

problem: Consider developing your own “Suggested Method of Des­

cribing ______________________________ Position.” For an example of

how to proceed, see the article by Frank, Kravetz and O’Neill,11 in

which the authors took a similar clinical problem — one that originally

had been identified by students — and devised a solution for teaching

the material.

ConclusionOne critique of positioning and procedures courses is that they

often are taught in an idealized manner that does not reflect actual clini­

cal practice. Using case studies can help bridge the gap between theory

and practice by presenting material in a more naturalistic fashion — in

other words, in the manner that actual practitioners use to think and




Page 138: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

References 1. Donham WB. Business teaching by the case method. In: Prager CE. The Case Method of Instruction. New York, NY: McGraw­Hill; 1931. 2. Bruner J. Actual Minds: Possible Worlds. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press; 1986. 3. Dewing AS. An introduction to the use of cases. In: McNair MP, ed. The Case Method at the Harvard Business School. New York, NY: McGraw­Hill; 1954:3. 4. McKay J. Developing curriculum for independent learning. Radiol

Technol. 1994;66:113­118. 5. Kleinfeld J. The case method in teacher education: Alaskan models. ERIC Digest. ED321965. Charleston, WV: ERIC Clearing ­ house on Rural Education and Small Schools; 1990. 6. Becker HS. Writing for Social Scientists. Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press; 1986:107­108. 7. Biddle BJ, Anderson DS. Theory, methods, knowledge and research on teaching. In: Wittrock MC, ed. Handbook of Research on

Teaching. 3rd ed. New York, NY: MacMillan; 1986. 8. Black JA, Dowd SB. Teaching hypothetical­deductive reasoning in radiologic technology: explanation games and other classroom methods. Canadian J Med Rad Technology. 1992;23:173­177. 9. Harvard Business School. Catalog of Teaching Materials. Cambridge, Mass: 1989.10. Dowd SB. A developmental approach to teaching with case studies. In: Kadel S, Keehmer JA, eds. Collaborative Learning: A Source-

book for Higher Education, Vol. II. University Park, Pa: National Center on Postsecondary Teaching, Learning, and Assessment; 1994.11. Frank ED, Kravetz NA, O’Neill DE, et al. Radiography of the ankle mortise. Radiol Technol. 1991;62:354­359.

A version of this article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Radiographic Positioning: Instructor’s Manual by Steven B. Dowd and Bettye G. Wilson, W.B. Saunders, 1995. Used with permission.

By Steven B. Dowd, Ed.D., R.T.(R), and Bettye G. Wilson, M.Ed., R.T.(R), RDMSOriginally published in Vol. 67, No. 2



Page 139: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Medical EthicsFor Radiography Students

Instruction in medical ethics has been a part of the curriculum

guide for radio graphy programs for several years, yet many educators

seem to be unsure how to construct an ethics course or how to teach

ethics. Educators must make the content understandable and useful

and convey the intent of ultimately helping the professional radiogra­

pher to become proficient in ethical decision making while under­

standing and abiding by the ASRT Code of Ethics.

To design and teach an ethics course, an educator should examine

exactly what should be conveyed to the student. Many may, at first,

rationalize that an ethics course must help the student develop the car­

ing, helping attitude so vital to health care practitioners. Steves1 sug­

gests that many instructors are not stressing skills that permit students

to develop into practitioners who are sensitive to the patient. Steves

also believes that it is the responsibility of the educator to prepare stu­

dents for both the technical and caring aspects of being a practitioner of

the discipline studied.

Patterson and Vitello2 discuss societal trends that have resulted in

a renewed emphasis on the study of ethics. They further state that

society is asking for greater accountability from all professions. Health

care, including radiography, is not excluded. It is the responsibility of

the radiologic science educator to design and instruct an ethics course

that meets the needs of both students and society.

It first is imperative that a course in ethics for radiologic technolo­

gy students contain some medical law material. In fact, courses typical­

ly are called “Medical Ethics and Law” based on JRCERT re quirements.

The day­to­day ethical problems faced by the practitioner have as high a

percentage of legal consequences as ethical ones. Problems related to

negligence, informed consent, malpractice and child abuse are ethical as

well as legal issues.



Page 140: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Dowd3 explains why students should study medical law in his

statement: “Radiographers must have a basic knowledge of medical

law in today’s health care environment. Today, radio graphers are rec­

ognized as health care professionals. There is an increased responsibil­

ity that goes along with this recognition. Today’s patients are custo­

mers and expect high levels of service. In past years, physicians and/or

the hospital were responsible for the care they delivered.”

Dowd also explains that data from the national database of medi­

cal malpractice filing shows a trend, during the past several years,

toward radiographers being held legally liable in lawsuits related to

radio graphy.2

An attorney who also is a radiologic technologist (a J.D., R.T.) is

possibly the best source for legal issues that impact the health care

de livery of radiological services. Another possible source of informa­

tion on the ethical/legal issues within radiology may be the legal staff

of any medium to large teaching hospital. While not as knowledgeable

about radiography as the J.D. who is a registered technologist, these

attorneys specialize in health care law.

Any ethics course should be constructed around certain core sub­

ject matter.

First, the course should contain an expanded area of terminology.

The definition of the term “ethics” and all associated terminology (i.e.,

morals, mores, values, rights, privileges, etc.) should be ex plored. Stu­

dents must understand all terminology used to adequately comprehend

basic ethical concepts.

Within this area, the instructor may include lecture material on

how members of society derive the values affecting ethical decisions.

Although other people play an important part in shaping our values,

they do so in the context of the roles they play in different areas. These

areas have been termed “value sources”; four of which have been iden­

tified by Guy4 as:

• Experience. Experiences in life such as love, marriage, birth,

death and work all shape our values according to events, positive or

nega tive, occurring within these experiences.



Page 141: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

• Culture. Our culture, ethnicity or the environment in which

we were raised or in which we live promotes derivation of values by

creating within us ideas of what is acceptable and what is not.

• Science. Science, which we generally rely on as being factual,

shapes our values by providing “truths” that cause us to value or

de value certain aspects of existence.

• Religion. The presence or absence of religion teaches us either

to believe in the reward and punishment system of right and wrong or

that there is no eternal payment for our actions.

Although we essentially derive our values from these four areas,

there are certain core values necessary for functioning in society today,

10 of which also have been identified by Guy4 and are listed in Table 1

along with a brief description of each.

The historical aspects of ethics and the theorists who dedicated

their lives to the study of ethics is another subject area that should be

included in an ethics course. An examination of this area provides the

student with a foundation upon which to build. Imperative to any his­

torical ethics component within the course is the need to explore conse­

quential (teleological) and nonconsequential (deontological) ethical


Teleological theories are goal­based theories that focus on the out­

come that produces the most good for those involved. In health care,

this theory can be used to promote, among other things, euthanasia. It

is conceivable, under teleology, that the end of life for a terminally ill

individual who is suffering and causing emotional and financial strain

for the family is good; the end thus justifying the means.

On the other hand, deontological, duty­based theories probably

would prohibit euthanasia because health care providers, especially

physicians, are duty­bound to protect life.

The types of consequential theories — egoism and utilitarianism

— should be studied as to their meaning and role in moral decision

making. Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative, W. D. Ross’ Prima

Facie Duties and John Rawl’s Maximum Principle of Justice should be

stressed under nonconsequential theories.



Page 142: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

And since religion serves as a source of values and guides ethical

decisions for many professionals, Saint Thomas Aquinas’ Natural Law

Ethics and the Roman Catholic Interpretation should be mentioned.

Each of these theories may then be applied to health care and profes­

sional ethical decision making.

The instructor also needs to define the types of ethical problems

likely to require the attention of the student and professional radiogra­

pher. To date, four problem types have been identified:4

• Ethical dilemmas.

• Ethical dilemmas of justice.

• Ethical distress.

• Locus of authority issues.

Any discussion of these problem areas must include their applica­

tion to health care delivery. For example, the reporting of suspected

child abuse by the radio grapher is a locus of authority issue because it

in volves reporting the suspicion to the proper authorities.



Table 1Core Values4

Core Value Description

Caring Thoughtful, attentive and scrupulous

Honesty Truthful, straightforward and trustworthy

Accountability Responsible and obligated

Promise keeping Keeping of commitments

Pursuit of excellence Motivated to strive toward being the best that one can be

Loyalty Faithfulness and allegiance

Fairness Open-minded and avoidance of favoritism

Integrity Avoidance of conflicts and resistance of pressure

Respect for others The ability to recognize everyone’s right to privacy and self-determination

Responsible citizenship Acting in regard to societal values

Page 143: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Several authors have suggested models for ethical decision mak­

ing. Educators should examine several ethics texts, rather than relying

on a sole source, to determine which one works best. Educators should

provide students with a general outline for solving complex problems

and a simple step­by­step process for making ethical decisions.

Dowd,3 Guy,4 Golden5 and Purtilo6 all have recommended note­

worthy step­by­step processes for ethical decision making, as shown in

Table 2. Although each of these ethicists differ slightly in the decision­

making process, two steps are included in each: assessing, sensing,

gathering and defining the problem; and analyzing, reviewing, complet­

ing and implementing the course of action. Thus, the first step to solv­

ing an ethical problem is determining the type of problem encountered

and the last step is making a decision and implementing it based upon

the collection and analysis of the information in between.

Whether educators use one of the outlines presented in Table 2 or

formulate their own, they should be careful to use one set of guidelines.

This helps alleviate any confusion that may be promoted by using sev­

eral different methods, while also allowing the students the opportunity

to work on solving problems using the same method.

Educators also should explain the ASRT Code of Ethics fully with­

in the context of the ethics course. Each of the 10 ethical principles in

the code should be dissected to determine the meaning and application

to professional practice of each principle.

For example, the code’s third principle states, “The radiologic

technologist delivers patient care and service unrestricted by the con­

cerns of personal attri butes or the nature of the disease or illness, and

without discrimination regardless of sex, race, creed, religion or socio­

eco nomic status.” Upon dissection, this principle serves to guide the

duty of the technologist to perform the requirements of the profession

without bias in any form. It admonishes the professional to put aside

any personal feelings regarding anyone or anything when performing

the duties and services inherent to the profession.

Those duties and services are described elsewhere within the

code and in the Scope of Practice for Radiographers. The principles of



Page 144: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



Table 2Suggested Models for Ethical Decision Making

DOWD1. Assess the problem.2. Isolate the issue.3. Analyze the data.4. Develop a plan.5. Institute the plan.6. Analyze the outcome.

GOLDEN1. Sense the conflict or problem.2. Formulate the conflict or problem.3. Search for a possible solution.4. Act or implement the solution.5. Review and evaluate the results.

PURTILO1. Gather relevant information.2. Identify the type of ethical problem.3. Determine the ethical approach to be used.4. Explore all possible solutions.5. Select your solution and complete your course of action.

GUY1. Define the problem.2. Acknowledge the context in which the problem arose in order to identify all stakeholders involved.3. Identify the values that are at stake.4. Select the values that must be maximized.5. Choose the alternative that maximizes the essential values and minimizes as few values as possible.6. Assure that the consequences of the decision will be ethical in regard to both its short-term and long-term consequences.7. Implement the decision.

Page 145: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences



Table 3Course Outline

I. Ethics — An Introduction A. Historical perspective 1. Theories 2. Theorists B. Modern perspectives C. Definitions (ethics, morals, values, mores, etc.) II. Developing Personal Ethics A. Sources of values and assessment of worth B. Core values that may be used for ethical decision making (caring, honesty, accountability, etc.) C. Values clarification III. Professional Ethics — Examining the ASRT Code of Ethics A. The use and intent of professional codes of ethics B. Discussion of each area in the ASRT Code and its relationship to professional practice IV. Professional Ethics and Institutional Constraints A. Hospital codes of ethics B. The Patient’s Bill of Rights V. Ethical Problem-solving Techniques A. Types of ethical problems 1. Ethical dilemmas 2. Ethical dilemmas of justice 3. Ethical distress 4. Locus of authority issues B. General outline for solving complex problems C. Five-step process to ethical decision making VI. Informed Consent A. Definition B. Radiographer’s roleVII. The Impaired Colleague A. Definition B. The radiographer’s responsibilityVIII. The Special Patient A. Types of special patients (elderly, children, terminally ill, contagious, etc.) IX. Case Studies in Ethics A. Cases involving scenarios in which the R.T. may be involved, such as whistle-blowing, organ retrieval, care of infectious (HIV or hepatitis) patients, DNR orders, etc. X. Medical Law — Basic Concepts XI. Medicolegal Issues for Radiographers

Page 146: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

conduct relate to one another and to the scope of practice, which then

relates back to the curriculum. Ethics, like other radiography courses,

is part of an overall educational plan for the professional radiographer.

Finally, the educator should invent and/or compile ethical case

studies likely to be encountered in professional practice and then allow

students the opportun ity to solve the problems. This will provide back­

ground information necessary to aid them in adhering to the ASRT

Code of Ethics and in solving problems related to ethics throughout

their professional careers. Interactive computer programs for instruc­

tional purposes also may be used by the instructor to promote student

learning and problem­solving exercises.

The content areas described here and shown in the basic course

outline offered in Table 3 in no way constitute everything that should be

addressed in an ethics course for radiography students. They do, how­

ever, represent critical areas of inclusion. The instructor ultimately will

develop an ethics course that provides meaningful information. Reach­

ing this point is a challenge, but it is one that every educator can meet.

References1. Steves AM. Teaching your students to care. Radiol Technol. 1993;65:119­120.2. Patterson SM, Vitello EM. Ethics in health education: the need to include a model course. J Health Education. 1993;24:239­244.3. Dowd SB. Medical Law and Ethics. University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Health Related Professions; 1993.4. Guy ME. Ethical Decision-Making in Everyday Work Situations. New York, NY: Quorum Books; 1990.5. Golden GG. Medical ethics courses for student technologists. Radiol

Technol. 1991;62:452­457.6. Purtilo RB. Ethical Dimensions in the Health Professions. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: W.B. Saunders Co; 1993.

By Bettye G. Wilson, M.Ed., R.T.(R), RDMSOriginally published in Vol. 65, No. 5



Page 147: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Cooperative LearningIs Active Learning

Recently, students enrolled in a class that used cooperative learn­

ing evaluated their experiences this way: “Less time needed to study at

home … more inter action with the professor … puts a little life into

empirical knowledge … hope to have more teamwork in future classes

… gets students to interact with one another … I pay more attention in

lecture so that I can help my team … makes classes more interesting.”1

Are these the types of comments that students make about your

classes? For most instructors the answer is no. But if you want your

students to experience these types of positive outcomes, cooperative

learning may be the way to achieve it.

Cooperative learning (CL) can be defined as a learner­centered

instruc tional process in which small, intentionally selected groups of

three to five students work interdependently on a well­defined learning

task. Students are held accountable individually for their own perfor­

mance and the instructor serves as a faci lita tor/con sultant in the group­

learning process.2

According to Cuseo,2 cooperative learning can be defined opera­

tion ally in terms of six procedural elements which, when implemented

together, distinguish it from other forms of small­group learning in

higher education. I will discuss each of these six elements in detail.

Intentional Group FormationCooperative learning typically begins with the selection of group

members based upon predetermined criteria de signed to create positive

effects in small group learning. Examples of these cri teria include class

standing, learning styles or even gender. Criteria may vary by instruc­

tor and purpose. The instructor must give careful consideration to who

is in each learning group in an attempt to create the optimal social

learning environment.



Page 148: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Continuity of Group InteractionIn contrast with traditional small group discussions or “buzz”

groups, which usually group students sporadically for a relatively short

period of time, CL groups typically meet regularly over an extended

period of time. This creates the opportunity for social cohesion and

bonding to develop among group members and allows for continuity of

interaction among the group members.

Interdependence Among Group MembersRather than simply allowing students to interact in small groups

and then hoping they will work in a cooperative manner, CL incorpo­

rates specific procedures designed to create a feeling of group identity

among students and collective responsibility for one another’s learning.

Several procedures may be used to increase the likelihood that a sense

of positive interdependence develops within CL groups. They include:

• Group creation of a common product at the conclusion of the

CL experience. Each CL group is expected to create a formal pro duct

that represents a concrete manifestation of the group’s collective effort.

This product could be a worksheet, a compendium or chart, or an over­

head transparency that can be shared with other groups. The ob jective

of working toward a clearly defined, common goal is essential for keep­

ing individual students focused on the group goal.

• Assignment of interdependent roles for each group member.

A sense of individual responsibility to the group may be strengthened if

each member has a specific role to play in achieving the group’s final

goal or product. For example, members could be as signed the fol low­

ing roles: a manager who assures the group stays on track and that all

members actively contribute, a group recorder who keeps a written rec­

ord of the group’s ideas, a group spokesperson who is re spon sible for

verbally reporting the group’s ideas to the instructor or to other groups,

and a group processor who monitors the social in ter action or interper­

sonal dynamics of the group process. Such role specialization assures

that each group member has an explicit and well­differentiated respon­

sibility to the group throughout the learning process.



Page 149: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

• Team building activities designed to produce a sense of group

identity and social cohesiveness. Activities could include icebreakers

or warm­up activities when the group is formed, such as name­learning

or personal information learning activities. The underlying rationale for

these activities is to create a social and emotional climate conducive to

development of an esprit de corps and sense of intimacy among group

members. This allows them to feel comfortable in future CL tasks that

will require them to express their personal viewpoints, disagree with

others and reach consensus in an open, nondefensive fashion.

Individual AccountabilityAlthough procedures for ensuring interdependence and coopera­

tion among group members are essential elements of CL, students are

graded individually. Recent educational research consistently supports

the importance of personal accountability and individual grading for

realizing many of the positive outcomes of CL.

Development of Social SkillsIn contrast with the strictly academic goals of most small group

work in higher education, a major objective of CL is the development of

students’ communication and human relations skills. To achieve this

objective, CL incorporates the following procedures:

• Explicit instructions on effective skills for communicating and

relating to others are given to students prior to, and in preparation for,

their involvement in small group learning activities. This should

in clude skills on empathic responding, active listening, constructive dis­

agreement, conflict resolution and consensus building.

• Students are provided with opportunities to reflect on and eva-

luate the process of social interaction. Students are asked to look at

how this has af fected their learning. Questions might include: Do you

find that you learn more or less when you verbalize your thoughts to

other group members? Do you learn more or less when there is dis­

agreement between yourself and another group member? Do you learn

more or less when you question the reasoning of other group members?



Page 150: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

• Effective interpersonal behavior displayed by students within

groups is acknowledged and reinforced by the instructor, then shared

with the entire class to be modeled after or exemplified in future group


Instructor as FacilitatorCooperative learning involves the instructor as a facilitator and

consultant in the group learning process. The instructor does not sit in

on group discussions, but instead circulates among the groups offering

encouragement, reinforcing positive demonstrations of cooperative

learning, clarifying task expectations, catalyzing dialogue or issuing

timely questions designed to promote elaboration and higher­order


The instructor needs to be cautious not to be overly influential or

authoritative, but rather to serve as a learned peer. This allows the

in structor to interact with the students in a much more personal, infor­

mal and collaborative manner than would be possible with a traditional

lecture. Table 1 summarizes the differences between cooperative learn­

ing and traditional learning.



Table 1Differences Between Cooperative Learning and Traditional Learning5

Cooperative Learning Groups

Positive interdependence among group membersIndividual accountabilityHeterogeneous membershipShared leadership by all group membersGroup members are responsible for one anotherTask and process are emphasizedSocial skills are taught directlyInstructor observes and facilitatesGroup processing occurs

Traditional Learning Groups

No interdependence among group membersNo individual accountabilityHomogeneous membershipOne appointed leaderEach member is responsible for himself/herselfOnly the task is emphasizedSocial skills are assumed and ignoredInstructor ignores the groupsNo group processing occurs

Page 151: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

According to Johnson and Johnson,3 more than 1207 studies have

compared the relative efficacy of cooperative, competitive and in di­

vidualistic learning on individual knowledge and proficiency at the

college level. Overwhelmingly, CL promoted higher individual knowl­

edge and proficiency than did competitive or individualistic learning.

In other words, research comparisons show that CL students learn

more, retain information longer, develop superior reasoning and critical

thinking skills, feel more support and acceptance and like the subject

matter and the instructor more!

In an article on cooperative learning and problem solving, Smith4

states that the power of the CL environment is amazing. Students for­

mulate and solve difficult and practical problems without complaining.

They learn and grow through struggling with their peers. Smith states

that the underlying rationales for this extraordinary outcome include:

• Whoever organizes, summarizes, provides ela boration, justifi­

cation or explanation also learns. The person who performs the in tel­

lec tual work — especially the conceptual work — learns the most.

• More learning occurs in an environment of peer support and

encouragement because students work harder and longer.

• Students learn more when they’re doing course work they enjoy.

To get started using CL, instructors should try evaluating a case

study. This task is a useful learning experience and a favorite activity

of students. With radiation therapy students, for example, evaluate a

case study with value clarifications around issues of death and dying.

The task needs to be clearly structured in terms of what the stu­

dents are expected to produce. Tools that can facilitate the task may

include visual charts, sentence starters, sequential diagrams or specific

questions with spaces for answers. A clear understanding of the task

will free students to organize their thinking and their written responses.

In conclusion, the coupling of technology and cooperative learn­

ing can be a dynamic match. They have similar interests, as both are

dedicated to active learning and both provide immediate feedback. I

be lieve that cooperative learning is the heart of a change in paradigms

of teaching that emphasizes active, rather than passive, learning.



Page 152: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

References1. McEnerney K. Cooperative learning: experience in a professional curriculum. Cooperative Learning and College Teaching. 1992;2:4.2. Cuseo JB. Cooperative learning vs. small­group discussions and group projects: the critical differences. Cooperative Learning and

College Teaching. 1992;2:4­5, 8­9.3. Johnson DW, Johnson R. Cooperative learning: where we have been, where we are going. Cooperative Learning and College

Teaching. 1993;3:6.4. Smith KA. Cooperative learning and problem solving. Cooperative

Learning and College Teaching. 1993;3:10­11.5. Johnson DW, Johnson R, Smith KA. Active Learning: Cooperation

in the Classroom. Edina, Minn: Interaction Book Co; 1991:3:3.

By Shirlee Maihoff, M.Ed., R.T.(T)Originally published in Vol. 65, No. 4



Page 153: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Ideas For Interactive Classroom Learning

Like most instructors in technical disciplines, I spend a lot of my

class time lecturing. However, I also recognize that students learn best

when they are actively involved in their learning. I am certain this is

why most students, in exit interviews and other commentaries, routine­

ly cite labs as their favorite educational experience.

When I began teaching, I shied away from teaching methods such

as discussion learning because I believed that I would sacrifice content.

My greatest fear was that I might not get through all the material, and

thus would sacrifice the students’ preparation for the Registry exam.

As I matured as an instructor, I lost that fear. I gained faith in my

own ability to get through all of the material. Also, the Registry exam

has become geared more toward critical thinkers in radiography. This

makes specific content coverage less acute, though still important, and

increases the importance of students understanding material and being

able to problem­solve specific situations.

This article discusses interactive lessons for teaching radiation

pro tection and radiobiology. Most texts cover the theory of these sub­

jects well but do not, in my opinion, cover the clinical/problem­solving

aspect of these disciplines well. In early courses, I noted that students

were able to repeat back the material. However, I never really believed

that they understood the material. I think adding more activities has


Icebreaker ActivitiesThe first day of class, I always start with a 20­question, true/false

pre­test. This allows me to assess students’ previous knowledge of the

subject and gives me guidelines for assessing their ending knowledge in

a subject. Also, it is a good way to begin the discussion of what will be

covered in the class. If the test is representative of the material that will



Page 154: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

be learned, the pre­test is an excellent correlated activity to the discus­

sion of the content in the course syllabus.

Since radiobiologic information is used to make value judgments

that translate into radiation protection practice, I use an activity titled

“Values, Science and Radiation Effects.”1 It is a multistage, combina­

tion lecture/activity method of teaching students that there is no “one

right answer” in the topics of radiobiology and radiation protection.

Experts make decisions based on sound scientific data, but there may

be more than one possible answer. One example is the controversy

re garding the appropriate age to begin screening mammography. At

what age do the benefits of mammography outweigh the risks?

Pro or Con?A similar activity is called “Pro or Con?” In this activity, students

must prepare a debate on one side of an issue. A group of about three

students is given 5 minutes to argue a point. Another group argues the

opposite side, and then each group is given a final minute to present

counter­arguments. Two weeks after the debate, students hand in a

short paper that outlines both sides of the debate. Some of the topics

I have assigned in the past include:

• Should pregnant radiation workers be restricted in any way?

• What is the appropriate age to begin mammography screening?

• Is radon monitoring worth the cost?

• What are the pros and cons of food irradiation?

• Will continued education lead to improved radiation safety?

Radiation Risks: The BEIR V ReportOne of the most important risk estimates in recent years has been

the BEIR V Report,2 which has gained fairly widespread acceptance but

is just now being discussed in our literature.3 The report’s authors

de veloped risk estimates for leukemia and non­leukemia cancers based

on a single exposure to 10 rem, 1 rem/year from age 18 to 65, and 100

mrem/year lifetime for males and females. (See Table 1 for samples

that may be used in class.)



Page 155: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

I hand out this information and use it for open­ended discussion:

What are the risks? What are the differences between risks for men and

women? How can this data be translated into practice? What weakens

this data as a comparison? (Answer: It was whole­body data.)

The Linear ModelMany risk estimates are based on the linear­dose response model.

Although this model has many weaknesses, it is used in radiation pro­

tection practice and guidelines because it is the most conservative



Table 1Risk Estimates

MALE ESTIMATES (All figures rounded to the nearest 10)

Total No. of Cancers Leukemia Non-leukemia

20,510770 excess cases


2,880 excess cases15

20,560520 excess cases


760110 excess cases

780400 excess cases

79070 excess cases

19,750660 excess cases

20,1402,480 excess cases

19,760450 excess cases

Normal incidenceOne exposure, 10 remAverage years of life lostNormal incidence1 rem/year, age 18 to 65Average years of life lostNormal incidence100 mrem/year, lifetimeAverage years of life lost

FEMALE ESTIMATES (All figures rounded to the nearest 10)

Total No. of Cancers Leukemia Non-leukemia

16,150810 excess cases


3,070 excess cases17

17,520600 excess cases

Not given

61080 excess cases

650310 excess cases

66060 excess cases

15,540730 excess cases

17,0502,760 excess cases

16,580540 excess cases

Normal incidenceOne exposure, 10 remAverage years of life lostNormal incidence1 rem/year, age 18 to 65Average years of life lostNormal incidence100 mrem/year, lifetimeAverage years of life lost

Page 156: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

model available. Starchman and Hedrick cite the following as a weak­

ness of the linear model: If 100 aspirin are 100% fatal, then a linear

model will see two aspirin as fatal to 2% of that same population.4

This can be used in discussion: What is the weakness of that model?

Is a threshold valuable? Why do we not assume a threshold for radia­

tion protection purposes, even though one may exist?

Clinical Practice ModelsAs I mentioned earlier, many good texts describe the theory of

radiation protection. Few describe the clinical practice of protection

well, in my opinion, for two reasons. First, most texts in this area are

written by physicists who are familiar with us, but not all aspects of our

daily practice. Second, it is difficult to cite specific examples for prac­

tice because clinical settings vary widely. I require students to de velop

specific examples of how radiation protection can be or is practiced in

their own clinical settings. This is valuable because it makes students

think about how the theory is practiced in their clinical setting. It also

helps students with specific recommendations for practice and sets the

class up to brainstorm further methods for protection.

Other ActivitiesThe following are activities I have used at certain times for speci­

fic reasons. For example, you wouldn’t want to compare film badge

readings between students if one student had a very high reading, as

this could cause embarrassment to the student. On the other hand, it

helps to clarify what a “high reading” is.

• Compare students’ film badge readings in class, perhaps on a

month­to­month basis.

• Have students develop an ideal radiation protection policy for

the program, including a pregnancy policy.

• Hand out a cancer risk sheet that asks students to indicate their

risk of cancer based on a variety of factors, including personal and

environmental. When discussed in class, the risk sheet makes students

aware that there are many risk factors for cancer.



Page 157: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

• Ask students what kind of information about radiation a radio-

grapher should be able to provide individuals, including patients, the

general public and other health professionals.

• Have the students think about what radiographers should do if

they work in a facility that routinely requires them to hold patients or

does not make use of other generally accepted radiation protection

prac tices, including alternative projections such as PA vs AP.

ConclusionThe ideas mentioned here are, of course, only general guidelines

designed to stimulate additional questions and thinking about radiobio­

logy and its practical application, radiation protection. One side benefit

I have noted is that often the students taught me something about the

educator’s role as protectors of the radio logic health of the population.

I believe that letting students make these kinds of decisions in class will

help them become better problem­solvers in the world of work, leading

them to discover additional means of radiation protection for patients

and improving the professional status of radiologic technologists.

References1. Dowd SB. Values, science and radiation effects. Advance for

Radiologic Science Professionals. April 27, 1992:10­11.2. Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation. Health

Effects of Ionizing Radiation: BEIR V. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 1990.3. Bushong SC. Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology

and Protection. 5th ed. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby­Year Book Inc; 1993.4. Starchman DE, Hedrick WR. A practical guide for protecting per­ sonnel, pregnant personnel and patients during diagnostic radiogra­ phy and fluoroscopy. Radiology Management. 1993;15(1):22­30.

By Steven B. Dowd, Ed.D., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 64, No. 5



Page 158: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Teaching Your Students To Care

A standard question posed to students interested in the radio logic

sciences is “Why did you choose medical imaging?” The common

answer is “I want to work with people” or “I want to help people.”

Once a student is enrolled in the medical imaging curriculum,

however, the em phasis is placed on technical skills. Most instructors

do not stress skills that permit the student to develop into a practitioner

who is sensitive to the patient.

McKenna Adler1 defines this aspect of the practitioner’s role as

“caring.” Goldin2 suggests that a practitioner can demonstrate caring to

the patient by providing emotional support, explaining the procedure in

a manner the patient can understand, permitting the patient to express

emotion, actively listening to patient concerns and responding in an

empathetic manner and recognizing the patient as a unique individual

rather than just another case. Certain aspects of these behaviors can be


Initially, many students do not realize the extent of the profes­

sional responsibilities they will be asked to assume or that “helping

people” means more than technically competent performance. Edu ca­

tors have a responsibility to prepare students for the technical and the

caring aspects of the practitioner’s role. How, then, can educators teach

students to care in a manner that will “help people”?

Students first need to understand the human dimension of the

prac titioner’s role. Curtis and Steves3 developed an in structional mod­

ule to help students deal with the interpersonal aspects of clinical prac­

tice and to offer a foundation for the development of caring behaviors.

The module consists of three parts: patient psychology, communication

skills and the patient­professional relationship.

The first section, patient psychology, is intended to sensitize the

student to the plight of the patient. Factors that influence patient



Page 159: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

be havior and common reactions to illness are key topics that instructors

may present in a lecture­discussion format. Obviously, the more clini­

cal experience students have had, the better equipped they will be to

actively participate in class discussion.

Dowd has suggested using popular movies as an instructional

method to help students understand what it means to be a patient.4

Films such as “Whose Life Is It Anyway?” or “The Doctor” provide fer­

tile ground for discussing how health care professionals can relate to

patients on a personal level. These films depict positive and negative

attributes of the professional role and sensitize students to the emotion­

al impact they and the procedures they perform have on patients.

Effective communication skills also are essential. Instructors

should review elements of verbal and nonverbal communication and

active listening. A discussion about barriers to communication is a par­

ticularly important aspect of this segment. In a high technology, high

through put discipline such as medical imaging, scarcity of time and

preoccupation with equipment can be tremendous barriers if practitio­

ners do not make an effort to communicate with patients. Furthermore,

these two obstacles sometimes may be used to excuse actively listening

to patients.

Lastly, the instructor defines the patient­professional relationship.

To make the definition more relevant, this re lationship is customized

for diagnostic imaging practitioners. For example, com pared to nurses

or therapists, the relationship between the medical imaging practitioner

and the patient is relatively brief and occurs for a specific purpose.

There fore, practitioners need to develop a rapport with their patients

quickly. Along with the time constraint is the unfamiliar technology

and intimidating equipment that may present a barrier to communica­

tion before the procedure even begins.

Interactions between patient and practitioner are grouped into

five areas:

• Greeting the patient.

• Explaining the procedure to the patient.

• Listening to the patient’s questions, concerns and requests.



Page 160: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

• Recognizing the patient’s physical and emotional needs.

• Responding appropriately to those needs.

Undeniably, a helping relationship is a complex one in which the

whole is not the sum of these five parts. However, breaking the process

into identifiable parts is helpful to a student who is just beginning to

deal with the interpersonal aspects of clinical practice.

Greeting the patient may seem to be a straightforward part of the

interaction between patient and practitioner. Nevertheless, the instruc­

tor should remind students that an impression is formed within the first

few minutes of meeting. Negative impressions are difficult to overcome

and may affect the rapport between the patient and the practitioner.

Students need to be cautioned that patients may interpret the question

“How are you?” in a medical or therapeutic context rather than a social

context. If this question is asked, the student should be prepared to lis­

ten and respond to the information the patient is sharing.

To help students explain procedures to patients, use class discus­

sion to identify key elements of a procedure explanation along with

suggestions for modifying the explanation based on a patient’s ability to

understand. Patients typically have questions after a procedure is

ex plained to them.

Students new to the clinical setting often fear patients will ask a

question the student cannot answer. Instructors can compose a scen­

ario de scribing the circumstances under which a patient is sent for a

particular exam. Students then are directed to ask people not associated

with health care to read the story and ask questions based on the infor­

mation given. As students report their results in class, this exercise

demonstrates frequently asked questions, basic anxieties or concerns

shared by patients and common misinformation about imaging proce­

dures. The re sults can aid students in refining their own expectations.

Students need to be aware that patients’ questions are sometimes

more than requests for information. They can contain clues to under­

lying concerns. Peloquin and Davidson5 cite suggested readings that

can help students develop active listening skills. Discussion questions

may include: In what way did a character in the reading not listen?



Page 161: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

What did that person not hear? How could this person have responded

differently to demonstrate active listening?

Recognizing and responding to patients’ physical and medical

needs are well­defined tasks. Emotional needs, however, are more diffi­

cult to identify. Un spoken requests for psychological comforting re quire

practitioners to distinguish content from feeling. Sev eral authors sug­

gest role­playing to give students the op por tunity to practice recogniz­

ing and responding to situations they may encounter in practice.3,5 It

allows students to apply concepts and strategies introduced in the lec­

tures and group discussions and provides a nonthreatening environ­

ment in which to explore possible therapeutic re sponses.

Dowd6 has pointed out that caring as a professional behavior

in volves feelings, moral thought, the ability to express one’s humanity,

interpersonal interactions and therapeutic interventions. Some educators

believe it is not possible to teach students to care about patients.

However, educators can develop in structional activities that encourage

re flection about others’ perspectives and assist students in improving

communication skills — the first steps in becoming a caring professional.

References1. McKenna Adler A. High technology: miracle or malady for patient care? Radiol Technol. 1990;61:478­481.2. Goldin GJ. Psychodynamic components in the role of the radiologic technologist. Radiol Technol. 1979;51:193­197.3. Curtis ES, Steves AM. Teaching the human dimension of the tech­ nologist’s role. J Nucl Med Technol. 1985;13:173­177.4. Dowd SB. Take your cue from the silver screen. Advance for

Radiologic Science Professionals. June 10, 1991:12.5. Peloquin SM, Davidson DA. Interpersonal skills for practice: an elective course. American J Occupational Therapy. 1993;47:260­264.6. Dowd SB. The radiographer’s role: part scientist, part humanist. Radiol Technol. 1992;63:240­243.

By Ann M. Steves, M.S., CNMTOriginally published in Vol. 65, No. 2



Page 162: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Test Statistics

As difficult as it can be to write a good test, it can be equally dif­

ficult to interpret its results. What do you do after you’ve administered

and corrected a test? Of what significance are the scores? Did students

do well (or poorly) because the questions were too easy (or too hard)?

Does the test reliably measure student knowledge?

Answers to these questions will help improve your tests through

the use of descriptive statistics and item analysis. Al though these

methods were pioneered for norm­referenced testing, they still have

applications in today’s mastery learning environment. Many of these

functions can be performed on a computer or scientific calculator, but

it’s still useful to understand how these evaluations are accomplished.

The purpose of testing is to find out how well students are meet­

ing curricular objectives. But if a test has low validity or reliability, it’s

impossible to accurately assess student knowledge. The main issue to

be addressed here is “how well do the items of this test measure the

objectives, in terms of both subject matter and cognitive skills, that

[should be] measured.”1

Ideally, test items should be reviewed by a committee of content

experts. Admittedly, it’s hard to objectively quantify the validity of a

test; that’s one reason it’s best to have a number of people look at and

evaluate each test item. This is an excellent function of your educa­

tional advisory committee. On the other hand, reliability — the degree

to which a test consistently and accurately measures students’ attain­

ment of objectives — can be quantified rather easily. The methods

we’ll look at are the Spearman­Brown and Kuder­Richardson methods.

Spearman-Brown MethodThe Spearman­Brown method divides the corrected test into odd

and even halves. Each half is scored as though it were a separate test.

Next, the correlation coefficient is calculated using Pearson’s product

moment formula (the one generally available on scientific calculators).



Page 163: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

The coefficient obtained determines the full­length reliability of the test

by inserting it into the Spearman­Brown formula:

where R = total test reliability and r = correlation between odd and

even halves of the test. Let’s say that the correlation between odd and

even halves of a test is 0.75. Putting this into the formula, we have:

A reliability coefficient of 0.70 or higher allows a norm­referenced

test to be used with confidence. For criterion­referenced tests, 0.50 is

considered acceptable.

Kuder-Richardson MethodAnother method to estimate test reliability was designed by Kuder

and Richardson. This formula, known as KR­21, can be stated:

where R = test reliability, k = number of items on the test, X = mean

of the raw scores from the total test and S = variance of the raw test

scores from the total test. (Variance is the standard deviation squared.)

Suppose we gave a 50­item test and the mean score was 43 and

the variance was 25.0. Putting these values into KR­21, we have:

Solving for R obtains:



R = 2r

1 + r

R = 2 x 0.75

1 + 0.75Solving for R obtains: R =


1.75 = 0.86

R = ( kk – 1

) 1 – X(k – X)


R = 50

50 – 1) 1 –



R = (1.02) 1 – 301

1250 ) R = (1.02) (0.76) = 0.78





Page 164: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Once again, the reliability coefficient is greater than 0.70, so we

can use this test with some degree of confidence.

Tests that exhibit low reliability can’t be used to evaluate student

performance. Serious attention must be given to improving the quality

of individual test items. This is where item analysis plays a role.

Item AnalysisItem analysis lets you evaluate the difficulty and discrimination

indices of a given test item. And, for a multiple choice test, it can tell

you much about the effectiveness of individual distractors.

There are four basic reasons for using item analysis:1

• To select the best items for inclusion on a test.

• To identify poorly written test items.

• To identify content areas or skills where the class as a whole

could benefit from review.

• To identify areas of weakness for individual students.

It was said earlier that reliability calculations were developed pri­

marily for use with norm­referenced tests, and the same is true for item

analysis. In spite of that, item analysis can be used to advantage in eva­

luating the quality of tests in criterion­referenced tests as well, particu­

larly the typical classroom test. One more thing: If you thought cal cu­

lating test reliability was tedious, item analysis is worse. In fact, for any

serious test analysis a computer is an absolute necessity.

There are three components of item analysis: item difficulty, item

discrimination and distractor effectiveness.

Item Difficulty

Item difficulty is a measure of the percentage of students answer­

ing a question correctly. Values for the difficulty index range from 0%

(very difficult) to 100% (very easy). The difficulty index can be used to

alert the instructor about potential problems. Questions an swered cor­

rectly by the majority of the class should be examined for grammatical

or other irrelevant clues. Remember the purpose of testing is to mea­

sure subject knowledge, not test­taking ability.



Page 165: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Conversely, if most students answer a question incorrectly, it may

indicate that a content area was inadequately covered in class or that

the test item was ambiguous or confusing. In either case, item revision

is required.

The “ideal” discrimination index for norm­referenced tests is 50%.

Research indicates that tests composed of items at the 50% level will

maximize test reliability. How ever, if you’re following Bloom’s hier­

archy of objectives, it is impossible not to have items of varying diffi­

culty. This will result in lower estimates of reliability using the KR­21

formula. Here are two suggestions when you are faced with this prob­

lem: Select those items with a difficulty index between 30% and 70%

and apply KR­21 with caution.

Item Discrimination

Item discrimination is a measure of a question’s ability to differ­

entiate between high and low achievers. Values range from –1.00 to

+1.00. If all the high scoring students and none of the low scoring stu­

dents get a particular question right, the discrimination index would be

+1.00. If all low scoring students and no high scoring students get a

question correct, the discrimination index would be –1.00. This ques­

tion actually discriminates against the more knowledgeable student.

One more point about discrimination: Very difficult or very easy

questions usually have a low discrimination index. In actual practice,

all test items should discriminate positively in a range from about 0.40

to 0.60.

Distractor Effectiveness

In examining your corrected tests, be alert to those distractors

that are chosen rarely or not at all. Distractors having a low selection

frequency contribute nothing to the difficulty or discrimination of the

question. These distractors should be rewritten or discarded.

After you’ve completed your item analysis, what should you do

next? Here’s one suggestion: Rescore your test and eliminate any ques­

tions that exhibit a low or negative discrimination index. The result



Page 166: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

should be a more reliable test. Of course, if you eliminate a large

number of items you run the danger of not measuring some important

outcomes of in struction, and content validity would be affected

ad versely. A better alternative is to build a question pool and construct

your tests from that.

Is item analysis a panacea for improving tests? Not at all. Item

analysis does help identify questions that need to be revised or thrown

out. But be cautious about placing too much faith in statistical meth­

ods of test analysis. In the end, all they can do is provide you with a

basis for more objective determination of whether you are getting an

accurate estimate of student knowledge. Used appropriately, item ana­

lysis is just one more tool you can use to sharpen your teaching and

testing skills.

References1. Payne DA. The Assessment of Learning — Cognitive and Affective. Lexington, Ky: D.C. Heath and Company; 1974:255,272.

By Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., R.T.(R)Originally published in Vol. 61, No. 2



Page 167: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Use QuestionsTo Improve Class Discussion

The discussion method is any teaching technique that uses two­

way communication between students and the teacher and among the

students themselves as a way to share ideas, opinions, conclusions or


Instructors use such techniques for a variety of reasons. They

may wish to assess the level of students’ understanding about lecture

material. Through class discussion, instructors often can discover com­

mon misunderstandings about key concepts. Instructors also can use

discussion to guide students in the application and analysis of their cur­

rent knowledge in relationship to other contexts.

Research has shown that, compared with the lecture method, the

discussion technique helps students achieve higher levels of reflective

thinking and creative problem solving. Exploring values and changing

attitudes may be accomplished through discussion.

Also, discussion forces students to become active participants in

the learning process. Studies prove that information obtained through

active discussion is better retained than information obtained through

the traditional lecture.

Planning Your QuestionsLeading a class discussion, like any other teaching activity,

re quires good planning. The key components of a productive class dis­

cussion are the questioning strategy of the instructor as well as the

questions themselves.

When planning your questions, con sider your purpose for incor­

porating questions into your class discussion. Your purpose will help

determine what level of questions you will ask.

Of course, the best questions are those that require students to

think. Asking ques tions that require only the recall of factual informa­



Page 168: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

tion supplied in yesterday’s lecture discourages student participation,

because the answers appear in the textbook or in the lecture notes.

Recall questions may have some value as a review of the previous lec­

ture material or introduction to new material, but their use should be


When developing questions, focus on truly important content or

issues. Questioning students about trivia may mislead them about

what the key concepts and problems really are.

Be precise in phrasing your questions. Ask questions that require

more than a simple “yes” or “no” response, unless you intend to follow

them up with other questions that further explore the student’s reason­

ing skills.

Be careful not ask questions that are too broad or general. These

may take your discussion in a direction you had not intended to go.

Also, make sure that your questions do not contain an “implied

re sponse.” This type of question discourages participation because stu­

dents may believe the answer is obvious.

Try to predict how students will respond to your questions. For

example, consider some of the typical misconceptions held by students

that might lead to an incorrect answer. Anticipating student responses

may help you rephrase a question that is ambiguous, too broad or too

restrictive in its scope. Your questions should give students enough lat­

itude to express a response in their own words.

Also, as you plan your responses, consider that your students

may not answer correctly or may not respond at all, and design an

ap proach for handling either of these circumstances.

Writing your questions out in the order in which they will be

asked will give you flexibility. If you think of better questions during

the class discussion, you can quickly substitute them for your planned

questions. Having a preplanned list, however, will assure that you

ad dress the important material in a logical order. The order of your

questions may be related to the sequence of lecture material, from spe­

cific to general, or from lower level recall questions to higher level anal­

ysis or synthesis questions.



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Leading a Class DiscussionPlanning your questions is only the first part of a successful class

discussion. Leading the discussion, how you present your questions

and how you respond to students, is the second. To encourage partici­

pation, always pause and wait for a response after asking a question.

Students need an opportunity to think about their response. Initially,

the silence may feel awkward to both you and your students, but allow

8 to 10 seconds for students to respond. The waiting period will show

that you expect a response and that you are patient enough to wait for


Be careful to ask only one question at a time. A series of ques­

tions may be confusing to students and they may not respond if they do

not have answers for all of the questions. Attempting to clarify your

first question with a second or third may change the meaning of the

initial question.

Use a variety of types of questions, especially open­ended and

divergent questions for which there is no single, correct answer. These

types of questions allow students to fully explain their responses. If

students appear to be having difficulty elaborating their answers, you

can assist them by asking for clarification, asking them to support their

opinions with reasons or facts that support their position, or by asking

several questions that may prompt an expanded response. Often, stu­

dents need explicit direction in applying the knowledge they already

possess to unique situations.

At the same time that you are attempting to develop yourself into

an adept questioner, you also are seeking to develop your students into

eager, participative responders. The way you field students’ responses

will affect the quantity and quality of future responses. Some sugges­

tions for acknowledging student responses include:

• Use strong, positive reinforcement when students offer a cor­

rect or thoughtful response.

• Try to find part of the student’s response to praise. If that is

not possible, thank the student for responding and ask if anyone else

wants to respond or comment on the first student’s answer.



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• If the student’s response is inadequate or incorrect, pause to

see if another student will respond with the correct response or a better

response. Avoid reacting with “Yes, but….” Instead, ask how the stu­

dent arrived at his or her answer. It is important to use this technique

for both adequate and inadequate answers.

Making comments and building on the student’s response dem­

onstrate that you have listened to the student’s remarks and value the

points that he or she expressed. This technique reinforces the concept

that teachers and students learn from each other, and also creates an

atmosphere of support, acceptance and respect.

If you are uncertain about the quality of your classroom discus­

sions or your skills as a questioner, tape record several classes to assess

how you use questions and how your students reacted. Then apply the

techniques outlined in this article and record your results to see how

you have increased the effectiveness of your questioning skills and the

participation of your students in the active learning process.

Bibliography1. Cashin WE, McKnight PC. Improving discussions. IDEA Paper

No. 15. Manhattan, Kan: Kansas State University, Center for Faculty Evaluation and Development; 1986.2. Frederick P. The dreaded discussion: ten ways to start. College

Teaching. 1981;29(3):109­114.3. Goodwin S, et al. Planning questions. In: Classroom Com-

munication: Collected Readings for Effective Discussion and

Questioning. Madison, Wis: Magna Publications Inc; 1989:91­93.4. Hyman RT. Questioning in the college classroom. IDEA Paper

No. 7. Manhattan, Kan: Kansas State University, Center for Faculty Evaluation and Development; 1982.5. Weimer M. Research summary: professors part of the problem? The Teaching Professor. 1987;1(7):3­4.

By Ann M. Steves, M.S., CNMTOriginally published in Vol. 66, No. 1



Page 171: Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

Teaching Techniques in the Radiologic Sciences

A Selection of “Teaching Techniques” ColumnsPublished in Radiologic Technology, 1988-1996

In today’s rapidly changing health care environment, what is the best way to educate radiologic science professionals of the future? This book is a comprehensive exploration of the many facets of radiologic science educa-tion, ranging from admissions criteria to curriculum development to com-puter-assisted instruction. Full of practical ideas for the classroom and lab, it is an indispensable resource for radiologic science instructors and valued reading for any educator in the health-related professions.

About the Authors

Steven B. Dowd, Ed.D., R.T.(R), is director of the radiography program and an associate pro-fessor in the Division of Medical Imaging and Therapy at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Stephen F. Hulse, M.Ed., is an instructional design specialist in the College of Medicine, Penn State University, Hershey, Penn.

ISBN 1-886800-01-4

100% of the profits from the sale of this book go to the ASRT Educational Foundation, an organi-zation dedicated to advancing the radiologic sciences through continuing education.