TEACHING SPEAKING (An Expository Study at Speaking Class of Training Class Program at Basic English Course in Kampung Inggris Pare) By: Siti Mualiyah NIM. 1112014000054 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2017

TEACHING SPEAKING - repository.uinjkt.ac.idrepository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/33731/1/SITI... · study is a qualitative method using an expository research design

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(An Expository Study at Speaking Class of Training Class Program at Basic

English Course in Kampung Inggris Pare)


Siti Mualiyah

NIM. 1112014000054








SITI MUALIYAH (NIM: 1112014000054). Teaching Speaking (An

Expository Study at Speaking Class of Training Class Program at Basic

English Course in Kampung Inggris Pare). Skripsi of English Education

Department at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Syarif Hidayatullah State

Islamic University of Jakarta, 2016.

Advisor I : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

Advisor II : Ismalianing Eviyuliwati, M.Hum.

The objective of the study was to find the description about the processes of the

teaching speaking in Training Class (TC) program at Basic English Course in Pare

Kampung Inggris. The participants of this study were all students in speaking

classes of TC program which were taught by Mr. Adin in academic period

September-October-November (SON) 2016. There were eight classes with thirty

students of each class in average and the total participants were 240 students. This

study is a qualitative method using an expository research design which aimed to

explore the subjects of the study deeply. The primary instrument of the study was

the use of human instrument which means that the researcher placed herself as the

primary instrument in order to gather and analyze the data. Besides using the

human instrument, this study also used observation and interview forms to

investigate how the teacher conducted the teaching and learning process in

speaking classes. The data which have been collected were analyzed through

several steps; organizing and familiarizing, coding and reducing, interpreting and

representing. For the data trustworthiness, the study conducted several tests were

carried out. The tests are data and sources triangulation to meet credibility,

transferability, dependability, and confirmability of the study. Based on the data

analysis, it can be concluded that the processes of the teaching speaking in TC

program conducted by Mr. Adin in academic period September-October-

November (SON) 2016 was appropriate with the aim of the speaking curriculum

which was to help the students to reach their goal to be able to speak it. The result

of such processes was proved by the fact that all students of TC program used

English as their means of communicaton in their daily life. The success of using

English in the students’daily life was also affected by another factor. The factor

was the institution system that obligated the students of TC program to use 100%

English in their community or with other students of TC program.

Keywords: Expository Study, Teaching Speaking



SITI MUALIYAH (NIM: 1112014000054). Teaching Speaking (An

Expository Study at Speaking Class of Training Class Program at Basic

English Course in Kampung Inggris Pare). Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa

Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2016.

Advisor I : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

Advisor II : Ismalianing Eviyuliwati, M.Hum.

Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan adalah untuk menemukan gambaran dari

rangkaian proses pengajaran speaking di program Training Class di Basic English

Course yang berlokasi di Pare Kampung Inggris. Partisipan dari penelitian ini

adalah semua siswa kelas speaking di program Training Class yang diampu oleh

Mr. Adin pada periode akademik September-Oktober-November (SON) 2016.

Ada delapan kelas dengan jumlah tiga puluh siswa pada masing-masing kelas

secara garis besar dan total jumlah partisipannya adalah sekitar 240 siswa.

Penelitian ini adalah jenis kualitatif yang menggunakan desain kajian ekspositori

yang bertujuan untuk mengekspos subyek dari penelitian ini secara mendalam.

Instrumen utama yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah human instrumen

yang berarti bahwa peneliti menempatkan dirinya sendiri sebagai instrumen utama

sehinga mampu mengumpulkan dan menganalisa data. Selain menggunakan

human instrument, penelitian ini juga menggunakan form observasi dan form

interview untuk menginvestigasi bagaimana guru melakukan proses belajar dan

mengajar di dalam kelas speaking. Data yang telah dkumpulkan kemudian

dianalisa melalui beberapa langkah seperti organizing and familiarizing, coding

and reducing, interpreting and representing. Untuk mengetahui tingkat keabsahan

data, penelitian ini melakukan beberapa uji keabsahan seperti triangulasi data dan

triangulasi sumber data untuk mendapatkan credibility, transferability,

dependability, dan confirmability dari penelitian ini. Berdasarkan pada analisa

data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa rangkaian proses pengajaran speaking di program

TC yang diajarkan Mr. Adin pada periode akademik September-Oktober-

November (SON) 2016 sesuai dengan tujuan kurikulum speaking yang mana

untuk membantu siswa dalam mencapai tujuan belajar yakni agar dapat berbicara

Bahasa Inggris. Hasil dari rangkaian proses tersebut dibuktikan dengan fakta

bahwa semua siswa program TC menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam keseharian

mereka sebagai alat komunikasi sehari-hari. Kesuksesan penggunaan Bahasa

Inggris dalam keseharian siswa juga dipengaruhi ole faktor lain. Faktor itu adalah

sistem lembaga yang mewajibkan seluruh siswa program TC untuk menggunakan

Bahasa Inggris 100% dalam komunitas mereka atau dengan siswa program TC


Kata Kunci: Penelitian Ekspositori, Pengajaran Speaking



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, who has given the mercy and

blessing upon the writer during completing this skripsi as the final assignment in

her study. May peace and salutation always be upon the Prophet Muhammad, the

savior of the humankind, who has brought the light onto this world and turned it

into a better place.

This “Skripsi” is a scientific paper that is presented as one of the requirements

for the degree Strata-1 (S.Pd.) in English Education. Completing this skripsi is

long processes and the writer would not have been able to complete it without

help and support of lecturers, institution, family and friends. Hence, in this

occasion, the writer is pleasure to acknowledge the help and contributions by

conveying her gratitude to them who have helped her in completing this skripsi.

First, the writer would like to express the deepest gratitude to her great

parents; her dearest father Kasan and her dearest mother Almh. Sofiyah for the

support morally, mentally and physically in motivating the writer to finish her

study. Next, the writer would like to express the greatest honor and deepest

gratitude to her advisors, Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd. and Ismalianing

Eviyuliwati, M.Hum. for patiently guiding her and giving her the most valuable

advice, help, and support during completing this skripsi.

The writer also thanks to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Educational


2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., as the Head of Department of English Education.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of Department of English Education.

4. All lecturers at Department of English Education who have given motivation,

guidance, knowledge, experience, and valuable knowledge during her study.

5. Mr. M. Kalend O., the directur of Basic English Course (BEC), who has given

her chance and permission to do research at his institution.


6. All teachers of BEC and Training Class (TC) program who has given her

permission and helped the writer to conduct the research.

7. All students of TC program who have help the writer to collect any data

considered as important.

8. Her family, especially her brother Jambul, who has been her spiritual teacher

for years and place where she always comes everytime she faces any hard


9. All of her friends in the Department of English Education, especially for

members of B class of 2012 for the encouragement, support, and love.

10. All the people who cannot be mentioned one by one for their contribution to

the writer during completing her skripsi. The words are not enough to say any

appreciations for their help.

The words may not be enough to say any appreciation for their help in this

skripsi. May Allah, the Almighty bless them all. Lastly, the writer realizes that

this skripsi is still far from being perfect. Despite the help from the

aforementioned people, there are weaknesses and shortages in this skripsi that

remain as the writers’ responsibility. Therefore, she welcomes all kinds of

corrections and suggestions for a better writing.

Jakarta, Januari 11, 2017

Siti Mualiyah



APPROVAL ................................................................................................... ii

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ............................................................................ iii

Surat Pernyataan Karya Sendiri .................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... v

ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xii

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xiii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................... xiv

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study .............................................. 1

B. Identification of the Problem ....................................... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ............................................ 4

D. Formulation of the Problem ......................................... 4

E. Objective of the Study .................................................. 4

F. Significance of the Study .............................................. 5

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................ 6

A. Speaking ....................................................................... 6

1. Nature of Speaking ................................................... 6

2. Level of Speaking ..................................................... 10

B. Teaching Speaking ........................................................ 13

1. Nature of Teaching Speaking ................................... 13


2. Curriculum ................................................................ 14

a. Aim.. ..................................................................... 15

b. Material of Speaking ............................................ 16

c. Classroom Management ....................................... 19

d. Methods ................................................................ 22

e. Media .................................................................... 26

f. Evaluation ............................................................. 28

C. Previous Relevant Study ............................................... 29

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................... 32

A. Place and Time of the Study ......................................... 32

B. Method and Design of the Study .................................. 32

C. Data Sources ................................................................. 32

D. Data Collection Technique ........................................... 33

1. Observation ............................................................... 34

2. Interview ................................................................... 34

3. Field Note ................................................................. 35

4. Documentation .......................................................... 36

5. Instrument of the Research ....................................... 37

E. Data Analyzes Technique ............................................. 38

CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................... 40

A. Teaching-learning of Speaking .................................... 40

1. Curriculum ................................................................ 41

a. Aim ....................................................................... 41

b. Materials .............................................................. 42

c. Classroom Management ....................................... 45

d. Method ................................................................. 46

e. Media .................................................................... 50

f. Evaluation ............................................................. 50

B. Discussion .................................................................... 51


CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ........................... 55

A. Conclusion ..................................................................... 55

B. Suggestion ..................................................................... 56

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 58

APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 60



Table 2.1 The Speaking Materials .............................................................................. 17

Table 3.1 Teacher Observation Guide ........................................................................ 37

Table 4.1 Speaking Class Schedule ............................................................................ 40

Table 4.2 Sample of Sentences Followed by the Translation Given by the Teacher.. 42

Table 4.3 Number of Students Remaining Sitting ...................................................... 43

Table 4.4 Common Expression ................................................................................... 44

Table 4.5 Places Which the Students Wish to Visit .................................................... 47

Table 4.6 Table of Question Given by the Students to the Performers....................... 47

Table 4.7 Table of Time Given by the Teacher to the Performers ............................. 48

Table 4.8 Table of Mistakes Done by the Students Followed by the Correction

Given by the Teacher .................................................................................. 49



BEC : Basic English Course

BTC : Basic Training Class

CTC : Candidate of Training Class

TC : Training Class

MS : Mastering System

SON : September-October-November



Appendix 1 Teacher Observation Guide.............................................................. 61

Appendix 2 Pedoman Observasi Pengajaran ..................................................... 62

Appendix 3 Pedoman Wawancara ...................................................................... 65

Appendix 4 Hasil Wawancara ............................................................................. 66

Appendix 5 Sample of Observasi Pengajaran .................................................... 79

Appendix 6 Lesson Plan of Teaching Speaking .................................................. 82

Appendix 7 Handbook/Course Book Cover ........................................................ 83

Appendix 8 Sample of Speaking Material from Handbook/Course Book .......... 84

Appendix 9 Sample of Speaking Material from Handout ................................... 85

Appendix 10 Sample of Picture Used as Media .................................................... 86

Appendix 11 Surat Izin Penelitian ......................................................................... 87

Appendix 12 Surat Keterangan Penelitian dari BEC............................................ 88

Appendix 13 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi .................................................................. 89

Appendix 14 Lembar Ujian Referensi ................................................................... 91




In this chapter, the writer presents background of the study, formulation of

the problem, limitation of the problem, objective of the study, and significance of

the study.

A. Background of the Study

Speaking is one of important English skills which has a complex process that

involves thoughts and languages to interact. It can be acquired not only by the

students of formal education but also by the students who study at informal

education such as English courses. To acquire it, students need sufficient language

exposure. So, in such a way, they are able to assimilate not only vocabulary,

syntactical knowledge, grammatical order, word spelling but also they are able to

assimilate pronunciation, intonation, and stressing.

Nowadays, acquiring speaking skill is important. There are two reasons

which make it important. The first is for academic purpose. Many educational

institutions begin to employ English as their means of communication to present

or to discuss any subject especially English subjects. It can be seen that speaking

skill is important to be applied in this area. The second is for career purpose. In

this era when the government applies MEA (Asean Economic Citizen), acquiring

speaking skill could be an additional value to each person who wants to get job

because many companies tend to employ those who have this skill.

To have such a skill, people do many ways in their life such as learning it at

school and at English courses. They spend years at school to learn speaking skill,

such as at Junior High School and Senior High School. However, many of them

could not perform their speaking skill properly even though they have spent years

at school. While, those who take English course in short time tend to perform their

speaking skill well.


As the writer experienced when the writer did PPKT (Integrated Teaching

Program) at SMK Nusantara 02 Kesehatan for six months, many students had

some difficulties in performing their speaking skill. They claimed that they were

lack of vocabulary to express things on their minds. They also stated that they

need more time to practice their speaking skill. The students added that it was

difficult to find partner to do conversation in English. It can be drawn that the

school and the teachers did not provide sufficient opportunity which enables

students an access to acquire more vocabulary, more times, and more chances to

practice with partners. So, they could have not performed their speaking skill

well. This fact is really inappropriate with the statement which said that classroom

environment in school with teacher’s instruction is an effective way to improve

students’ speaking skill1.

Some schools have not implemented yet the teaching process which gives the

students an easy access to English. It can be most likely affected by some causes,

such as; formal education seems difficult to give such a good environment to

provide students’ desire in performing their speaking skill outside the classroom

for communication. Nevertheless, there are some formal educations provide such

environment; still English communicative activity seems to be failed. It may be

because the environment lacks of attention by the educational institution itself.

Unlike school, learning speaking skill at English courses only needs short

time to perform it well. As the writer saw when the writer stayed at “Kampung

Inggris” Pare for two years, many English courses provide teaching process with

environments that make the students gain more vocabulary, get more time and

partners to practice and to perform their speaking skill.

Teaching speaking skill needs some steps which are well-provided. The steps

should promote the process of conducting communicative activities from the

preparation to the evaluation. They could be drawn as measurement of how

teaching speaking skill may successfully be conducted. In addition, the steps

could be related to the important factor in teaching speaking skill which is the


Stephen D. Krashen, Formal and Informal Linguistic Environments in Language

Acquisition and Language Learning, TESOL Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 2 Jun., 1976, pp. 157—168.


curriculum including the teaching aim, the materials of speaking, the classroom

management, the method used in the teaching process, the media, and the

evaluation conducted by the teacher.

The steps together with the factor could be inferred as follow. First is

preparation which consists of preparing the new language introduction. It is the

process where the teacher plans the teaching and learning process including

curriculum, the materials, techniques used, visualizing the time allocation, and

many others. The second step is presentation which is the situation where the

teacher present the materials to the students and make them perform the materials

given in a communicative purpose or in working pairs during teaching and

learning process. In the presentation, the teacher might conduct several

communicative activities where the students involved in activities which give

them opportunities to perform, to interact, or to communicate using the language

they are learning. And the last step is evaluation. It is necessary for the teacher to

employed various assessment which could be oral and written test to see the

progress of the students’ improvement.

However, there is likely to be one place which provides the teaching and

learning process that combines the steps and the factor in helping the students to

increase their ability in oral performance. It also has sufficient English

environment which gives the students opportunities to practice their speaking skill

every day. It is “Kampung Inggris” Pare, the place where has many English

courses that propose the teaching and learning process which is different from

formal school. Besides providing such effective environment for the English

learner, Pare also seems to be successfully implements the steps and the factor at

the same time. Because of such reason, the English learners can improve their

speaking skill only in few weeks. This is the same as what it said that the

environment is claimed as one of the most effective factor for language learning.2

Therefore, this study is intended to find the description about the processes of the


Yener Gulmez, Tej. B. Shresta, The Relative Effectiveness of Formal and Informal

Exposure in ESL Development, CNAS Journal, Vol. 20, no.1 January 1993, pp. 77—90.


teaching speaking which finally can improve the learners’ speaking skill


B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study, the writer identifies some conditions

that promote the research problem as follows:

1. The teachers do not provide teaching process which includes interesting


2. Students are lack of vocabulary.

3. Students do not have much time to practice their speaking skill.

4. Students do not have partners to do conversation in English.

C. Limitation of the Problem

The problem discussed in this paper is limited only in the teaching speaking

at one of the English courses in “Kampung Inggris” Pare, which is BEC (Basic

English Course). Moreover, the study was conducted in one of the classes in BEC,

which is TC (Training Class).

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the writer formulates the

question of the research as follows: “How is teaching speaking at speaking class

of Training Class (TC) Program at Basic English Course (BEC) in “Kampung

Inggris” Pare conducted?”

E. Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to describe how the teaching speaking at

speaking class of Training Class (TC) Program at Basic English Course (BEC) in

“Kampung Inggris” Pare is conducted.


F. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to give broader knowledge to both the writer

in particular and the reader in general about teaching speaking at speaking class of

Training Class (TC) Program at Basic English Course (BEC) in “Kampung

Inggris” Pare.




In this chapter, the writer presents nature of speaking, level of speaking,

teaching speaking, curriculum which consists of aim, materials of speaking,

classroom management, methods, media, evaluation in the teaching speaking and

the relevant study.

A. Speaking

1. Nature of Speaking

It is necessary to present the nature of speaking. Speaking is one of the most

important skills to be developed and enhanced as a means of communication

orally. In his book, Palmer states ―The vast majority of our communication is oral.

Most of our students will be asked to speak face to face with a variety of

audiences: classmates now, and someday co-workers, clients, team members, staff

and many others.‖1

Similar with Palmer, Thornbury confirms ―Speaking is so much a part of

daily life that we take it for granted.‖2 Speaking is also the delivery of any

languages through the verbal expression. In fact, to produce speaking, people

create sounds using a variety of organs of speech.

According to Brown, ―Speaking is a productive skill that can be directly and

empirically observed.‖3 Based on the definition, it can be drawn that speaking is a

means of verbal communication that is used by people and can be observed

directly when they speak.

Speaking is also the interactive process of making meaning that involves

producing, receiving, and processing information from one to another. When

people aim to speak something, they first construct meaning of what they want to

1 Erik Palmer, Teaching The Core Skills Of Listening & Speaking, (Alexandria: ASCD,

2014), p. 106. 2Scott Thornbury, How To Teach Speaking, (Longman: Pearson Education Limited, 2005), p.

1. 3 H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices, (New

York: Pearson Longman, 2003), p. 140.


convey. Then, they present what is on their mind through producing utterances

using their organs of speech to the others.

As Turk defines ―Speaking is the direct route from one mind to another, and

is the way we usually choose when we want to ask a question, or give an

explanation. Research shows that ideas and information are more easily

understood and processed through speech than through writing.‖4 It means that

delivering information through speaking is much easier than through writing. That

happens because the speaker can expressively use diction, stressing, and

intonation to the listener to convey the information, Harmer further states that:

Speakers have a great range of expressive possibilities at their command.

Apart from the actual words they use they can vary their intonation and stress

which helps them to show which part of what they are saying is most

important. By varying the pitch and intonation in their voice they can clearly

convey their attitude to what they are saying, too; they can indicate interest or

lack of it, for example, and they can show whether they wish to be taken


In addition, people can control what they want to say. They can speak slowly

or they can speak fast depending on what kind of response they obtain.

Sometimes, people use their body gestures such as moving their hands and doing

eye contacts to their listeners in a face to face communication to convey and to

help the listeners understand the information.

Speaking can be formal or informal activity. Tillit and Bruder state ―In all

languages the forms people use when speaking formally are different from those

used informally. In English we tend to use formal speech with stranger and people

of higher status, and informal speech with family, friends, and colleagues.‖6

People use both forms of speaking formally and informally depends on many

factors. For instance, people might speak more formally when they have

conversation with their boss or when they have to convey information

academically in front of many audiences. Otherwise, people might prefer speaking

4 Christopher Turk, Effective Speaking: Communicating In Speech, (London: Taylor &

Francis e-Library, 2003), p. 9. 5 Jeremi Harmer, The Practice of English Langauge Teaching, (Edinburgh: Longman, 1991),

pp. 53. 6

Bruce Tillit & Mary Newton Bruder, Speaking Naturally, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1999), p. Vii.


more informally rather than speaking formally when they are among their family

and their friends.

Furthermore, Tillit and Bruder confirm ―Informal speech is characterized

stylistically by omission, elisions, reductions, and sometimes, a faster speaking

rate. Formal speech is characterized by embedding (building information into

sentences, also characteristic of written language) and a tendency toward more

complete sentence as opposed to fragments.‖7

In addition, Louma points out ―Some speaking situations call for more literate

grammar with complete clauses and subordination. These are typically formal

speaking situations, which may involve prepared talk such as presentation.‖8

On the contrary, Turk states ―Unless they are pretending to be formal, people

usually speak in a style which is more direct, and easier to understand, than the

style in which they write; speech makes the personal interaction more

immediate.‖9 Many people tend to say ‘Sup’?’ instead of ‘What is up?’ and to use

slang in their daily communication when they speak informally.

Such a situation could happen because people choose to maintain their

relationship with their friends more than to deliver the massages as Newton argues

―Informal speaking typically involves tasks where conveying information is not as

important as maintaining friendly relationships.‖10

On the other hand, to sounds

more formal, people prefer saying the characteristic of written language

completely. For instance, some people tend to say ‘I have to go’ instead of saying

‘I gotta go.’

Students use speaking widely in the classroom interaction. It can be one of

the English language skills that most language students wish to have as their

ability. So, many of them learn it at formal schools or at English courses. As

Brown states ―Listening and speaking are two skills that are most widely used for

7 Ibid., p. Vii.

8 Sari Louma, Assessing Speaking, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 16.

9 Turk, op. cit., p. 10.

10 Jonathan Newton, Teaching ESL/EFL Listening And Speaking, (New York: Routledge,

2009), p. 120.


classroom interaction.‖11

However, it is not easy for the students to learn it. Apart

from learning prescribed instructional materials which possibly make their

speaking skill better, they also need more practices not only inside the classroom

through all classroom languages in formal environment but also outside the

classroom with supporting environment provided by the institution where they

learn it in informal environment.

Speaking is affected by exposures, formal environment and informal

environment, in different ways. The former occurs when the students consciously

learn such a skill in the classroom through the instructional materials which the

teacher is presenting.12

The students go through with what the teacher asks them

to do. Sometimes, the students also do various text-related tasks.

Grauberg points out ―Speaking in the classroom thus has two functions: one

is to learn the language, the other is to use it as people do in real life.‖13

It means

that the students not only learn speaking consciously in the classroom but also use

it as many people do in real life in communication. Furthermore, Grauberg

confirms that:

Speaking to learn can turn into speaking to communicate when the teacher

can tap into two of pupils' natural desires: to be sociable with friends through

talk and games, and to express themselves. When the class is broken down

into pairs or groups of friends, one of the essential features of real-life use,

interaction, has been introduced. When situations in the foreign country are

simulated that pupils accept as likely or at least possible, a credible purpose is

given to their exchanges. Speaking becomes even closer to reality when it is

accepted that pupils remain conscious of their normal environment and wish

to express their own views or talk about their own experiences.14

Therefore, in teaching speaking, the teacher might use various activities to dig

the students‘ natural desire to perform their speaking ability through games, talks,

groups, or conversations. The teacher might also ask the students to express their


H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Princples: An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy, (New York: Pearson Education, 2001), p. 294. 12

Yener Gulmez, Tej. B. Shresta, The Relative Effectiveness of Formal and Informal

Exposure in ESL Development, CNAS Journal, Vol. 20, no.1 January 1993, pp. 77—90. 13

Walter Grauberg, The Elements Of Foreign Language Teaching, (Frankfurt: Multilingual

Matters, 1997), p. 201. 14

Ibid., p. 202


feeling about certain things or experiences related to them because placing them

in such an emotional condition can make them produce effective speaking as Turk

states ―Providing the right emotional conditions is an important factor in effective


In the other side, the latter occurs when the students acquire the

target language by doing communication with their surrounding unconsciously.

Even though they do not really good at speaking the target language, but at least

they could interact with people around them meaningfully. That is why the

students who acquire speaking skill and get sufficient exposure from informal

environment tend to have better communicative oral performance than those who

learn it at the classroom or formal school.

To sum up, speaking is the oral skill which is vast majority of people

communication and is a means of communication that connect people

interactively in oral communication. Most of people will be in situation where

they are asked to speak face to face with their society. Speaking can be formal and

informal activity. It is formal when people speak to those who have higher status

and it is informal when people speak to their family or friends.

2. Level of Speaking

Riddell states ―A class which is in some way mixed ability – and the bigger

the class the more likely this is – will always be more difficult to teach. What you

should avoid, if possible, is effectively teaching separate groups within the class,

with different tasks, etc.‖16

When teachers have to deal with a big number of

students in the class, they will deal to the fact that they have to break their focus

apart. The teachers need to focus on managing the class and the teaching and

learning process at the same time as well.

Furthermore, labeling the students level of ability is necessary as Riddell

confirms ―It is important, then, to remember that such labels are more guides to

the general and approximate level of students in a class, and that students may be


Turk, op. cit., p. 29. 16

David Riddell, Teach EFL, (London: Hodder, 2014), p. 254.


better at one aspect of the language (e.g. speaking) than another (e.g. grammar).‖17

It means that it will be much easier to teach the class with the students who have

the same level of ability than the class with those mixed-ability students.

Therefore, to separate the students based on their level of ability by labeling their

level is necessary since not only will it give more benefits to the teacher to teach

but will it also ease the teacher to manage the class. Riddell divides the level of

students‘ ability to six labels. The labels are defined as follow:

a. Beginner18

Riddell describes that the students in this level of ability should be able to do

or know: the alphabet, tell the time, give simple information about himself/herself,

ask other people for simple information about himself/herself, communicate in

simple terms in everyday places, e.g. ask for directions, order a meal, make

suggestions, buy items in a shop, listen to and understand simple, natural speech

and conversation, and complete simple tasks, read some authentic texts such as

timetables or brochures and find the information they need, do simple writing

tasks such as taking or leaving a message.

b. Elementary19

Riddell confirms that the students who finish elementary course should be

able to do or know: talk about past time, make future plans or arrangements,

describe people using simple adjectives, describe places using simple adjectives,

express his / her hopes or intentions, ask people to do something for them cope in

simple social situations e.g. talk about the weather, describe simple physical

problems, give advice, listen to natural speech and conversation, and understand

the gist of what is being said, use authentic newspapers and find specific

information required, write simple letters and be able to link ideas together.


Ibid., p. 254. 18

Ibid., p. 255. 19



c. Pre-intermediate20

Riddell describes that the students in this level of ability should be able to do

or know: talk about more abstract ideas, participate in discussions and be able to

interrupt politely, and take turns in communicating, give a logical argument to

support a view, converse with relative ease in everyday social situations, use

formal and informal English in appropriate social situations, help people with

problems by making suggestions and giving advice, listen to natural speech and

conversation and begin to understand nuances and subtleties, read most authentic

texts and books for pleasure, write letters, both formal and informal.

d. Intermediate21

Riddell confirms that the students who finish intermediate course should be

able to do or know: express her or his opinion, agree or disagree with other

people‘s opinions, express how he or she is feeling and their general emotions,

use conventional social language in greeting and welcoming people, talk about

hypothetical situations in the past and present, talk about past habits, speculate

about the present and future, listen to natural speech and conversation, and

understand detail, read authentic texts such as newspapers and magazines and

understand the general meaning, write letters to friends.

e. Upper intermediate22

Riddell describes that the students in this level of ability should be able to do

or know: use all the main structures and tenses in English with a high degree of

accuracy, begin to express sarcasm and irony, use appropriate speech in a wide

range of social situations, understand and express humors, argue an opinion with

confidance, follow lectures and other monologues and be able to take notes, read

most authentic texts and be able to understand them with relative ease, write

letters, compositions, reports, summaries.


Ibid., p. 256. 21

Ibid. 22

Ibid., p. 257.


f. Advanced23

Riddell confirms that the students who finish advanced course should be able

to do or know: express himself / herself easily, integrate well with people whose

first language is English, vary stress and intonation to affect meaning, follow and

understand most forms of entertainment, use a vocabulary of about 3,000 words,

study for a high-level qualification in English.

B. Teaching Speaking

1. Nature of Teaching Speaking

In general, teaching is not easy for everyone. It needs formal training to be

professional teacher who can understand and adapt every dynamic changing

which might become influences to the learning-teaching process. Ambrose,

Bridges, Lovett, DiPietro, & Norman define ―Teaching is a complex activity, and

yet most of us have not received formal training in pedagogy. Furthermore,

teaching is a highly contextualized activity because it is shaped by the students we

have, advancements in our respective fields, changes in technology, and so on.

Therefore, our teaching must constantly adapt to changing parameters.‖24

Furthermore, teaching speaking is a process where a teacher helps the

students to provide and to facilitate them to obtain the learning goal which is the

needs to improve their performance in speaking skill. The teacher might

encourage the students‘ desire in learning speaking skill during the teaching and

learning process to help them obtain their goal.

In addition, to help the students learn particular things regarding their

performance in speaking skill, the teacher could make certain interventions such

as making the students practice to speak English and giving them feedback on it.

Ambrose et al. state that:

Together, then, practice and feedback can work together such that students

are continuing to work toward a focused goal and incorporating feedback (...)


Ibid. 24

Susan A. Ambrose, Michael W. Bridges, Marsha C. Lovett, Michele DiPietro, & Marie K.

Norman, How Learning Works, (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010), p. 218.


we can prioritize them appropriately and help make the learning- teaching

process not only more effective but also more efficient.25

The interventions that could be given by the teacher take the form of giving

information, explaining the materials, listening activity, questioning and

answering activity, demonstrating speaking skill or the process of it, and testing

the students‘ understanding and capacity. In interventions, the teacher also could

facilitate the students‘ learning activity using note taking, discussion, debating,

presenting, simulation and practice.

2. Curriculum

Curriculum has a big role in educational system and in creating effective

education for people. It also becomes reference for the teaching and learning

process. Curriculum has several things to concern about. They are the objective,

the content, and all things which lead the educational process such as materials,

media, methods, assessment, and even the time management. As Brown states

―Designs for carrying out a particular language program. Features include a

primary concern with the specification of linguistic and subject-matter objectives,

sequencing, and materials to meet the needs of a designated group of learners in a

defined context.‖26

One of primary function of curriculum is to provide the students by helping

and leading them to obtain what they wish to have. Therefore, it is necessary to

conduct need analysis to develop the curriculum so that what the students want

and does not in their learning process is known. As Richards states ―One of the

basic assumption of curriculum development is that a sound educational program

should be based on an analysis of learner‘s needs. Procedures used to collect

information about learner‘s needs are known as needs analysis.‖27

There are at least four purposes of needs analysis. The first is to know

language skills that the students need to own for the certain role. For instance, the


Ibid., p. 152. 26

Brown, op. cit., p. 16. 27

Jack C. Richards, Curriculum Development in Language Teaching, (New York:

Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 51.


teacher has to know that one student who wants to be a doctor has different needs

of language skills from those who want to be accountant. As Harmer says ―We

have said that different types of student will need to be treated differently, we also

saw that people learn languages for a variety of different reasons.‖28

The next is to help the teacher to know whether the teaching learning process

has been sufficient in providing the students‘ needs. The third is to collect certain

information about the difficulties that the students faced. So, the teacher can

prepare the solution to solve the problems. The last is to identify the gap between

the things that the students can do with what the students really need.

Here are what need to concern about in deciding and creating the teaching

and learning curriculum:

a. Aim

The aim of the teaching speaking is to provide the students a teaching and

learning speaking system which can help them to perform their oral ability so that

they can express themselves. Beside the desire to speak it well, having such

ability will help the students not only to express their needs with the target

language but also to share their feelings. As Grauberg states:

For many pupils the prime goal of learning a foreign language is to be able to

speak it. Teaching should therefore help them to achieve that goal to the best

of their ability. Yet the task is not easy, because conditions in the classroom

are very different from those in real life. There speaking normally occurs in a

domestic, social or occupational environment. Except for the fairly infrequent

occasions of a talk or a lecture, only a small group of people, typically two, is

involved. At times people speak to each other simply to demonstrate

friendliness or sociability, but much the most frequent case is that one person

has a reason to address the other: to request information or service, share

experience, suggest action. The other replies and a dialogue ensue.29

It indicates that the teacher has to help the students to obtain their goal since

the students‘ goal is the teaching and learning aim as well by giving a variety of

classroom activities. Furthermore, Riddell clarifies ―The aim of your lesson, or the

aim of the stage of the lesson, is what you hope to achieve, or what you hope your


Harmer, op. cit., p. 264. 29

Grauberg, op. cit., p. 201.


students will achieve. It answers the question ‗Why am I doing this?‘ / ‗Why am I

asking my students to do this?‘ Clear and realistic aims are essential if a lesson is

going to be successful.‖30

The teacher has to make them to practice to perform their speaking skill

whether inside or outside the classroom by providing such an environmental

language supports for the students. The teacher needs to give them any kind of

tasks and projects which need to be completed by them individually or in group as

well. In addition, to make sure that the aim has been achieved, the teacher has to

make an evaluation and to give feedback on the tasks and projects done by the


b. Material of Speaking

The teachers can use any kind of teaching speaking materials which become a

course book and are prepared by the institution where they teach, the materials

provided by other people, or the materials which are made by the teachers

themselves. Of course, what materials and where the teachers take them would be

fine if they know how to teach the students by materials they take.

Therefore, when the teachers decide to teach the student using the course

book, they need to consider several things such as how good the book itself and

the place where they try to apply the book. Riddell states:

Ideally, It should have been written by experienced teachers and also be

roughly appropriate for the level intended. You can assume both. In addition,

though, the book should ideally be appropriate for the country you are

teaching in, and this can be a problem. Unfortunately, a great many books are

British in content and culture, and if not solely British then European. It‘s all

very well reading an article about British food when you are in London, but

less so when you are in Tokyo or Jakarta or New York. Photographs of

‗famous people‘, with some notable exceptions, are often not recognized by


In addition, when the teachers decide to use other materials, they might create

the materials themselves or use authentic material which is real-life material not


Ridell, op. cit., p. 167. 31

Ibid., p. 207.


specially published for the classroom teaching. Even though it is good to use the

authentic one, but the teachers need to concern on several things when they decide

to use the authentic one such as how up-to-date the material is and how

appropriate the material is. As Riddell states ―It is best to use something

reasonably up-to-date, at least as far as reading matter is concerned (so, today‘s or

yesterday‘s news, not last month‘s). It is good to use authentic material simply

because it is real and something your students might be exposed to on any day.‖32

Furthermore, Richards proposes the materials for the speaking class. They


Table 2.1

Unit 1 Unit 2

Let’s get started!

1. Introducing yourself

2. Greeting people

3. Saying good-bye

Do you want to meet him?

1. Finding out about people

2. Introducing people

Are these your keys?

1. Identifying things (1)

2. Identifying things (2)

3. Complementing people

Where are they?

1. Describing where things are

2. Asking where things are

Unit 3 Unit 4

How old are you?

1. Describing personal information

2. Talking about interests (1)

3. Talking about interests (2)

Tell me about your family.

1. Talking about family members

2. Asking about family members

What does she look like?

1. Describing colors and clothing

2. Describing people

Do you like this sweater?

1. Giving opinion

2. Talking about prices

Unit 5 Unit 6

What time is it?

1. Telling the time

Tell me about yourself.

1. Talking about school


Ibid., p. 211.


2. Talking about routines

Are you busy?

1. Talking about the week

2. Talking about activities

2. Giving an opinion about school

and study

Tell me about your friend.

1. Talking about personal qualities

2. Comparing personal qualities

Unit 7 Unit 8

I love tennis!

1. Talking about routines (1)

3. Talking about routines (2)

How was your weekend?

1. Asking about the weekend

2. Talking about past events (1)

3. Talking about past events (2)

What do you have for breakfast?

1. Asking about meals

2. Talking about likes

How was your weekend?

1. Asking about wants and


Unit 9 Unit 10

You are really creative.

1. Describing qualities

2. Asking about abilities and talents

Can you play the guitar?

1. Describing abilities (1)

2. Describing abilities (2)

Let’s have coffee.

1. Asking about places

2. Describing outdoor locations

How do I get there?

1. Giving direction

Unit 11 Unit 12

Could you lend me S20?

1. Asking to borrow things

2. Describing requests and giving a reason

Let’s have apart!

1. Asking for and giving permission

2. Describing permission and giving a


How was your year?

1. Talking about past experiences (1)

2. Talking about past experiences (2)

What are your plans?

1. Talking about future plans

2. Talking about wants

Speaking Materials based on Jack C. Richards33


Jack C. Richards, Person to Person: Communicative Speaking and Listening Skills, (New

York: Oxford University Press, 2006), p. v.


c. Classroom Management

The teacher‘s effort to create the learning condition and situation in the class

effectively is necessary since the students‘ learning process and learning result

depend on how the class is managed. Therefore, the teacher needs to be able to

use any potencies of the class optimally to support educational interaction process

and to reach the teaching and learning goal. Riddell states that ―Effective

classroom management is an essential ingredient in successful teaching.‖34

Here are the teacher‘s and the students‘ role in the class that might affect the

teaching and learning process:

1. The Teacher’s Role

Teacher is a profession which needs special skills that only can be owned in

formal training in pedagogy and can shape their students. Teacher also has big

roles in the teaching learning process. Harmer proposes several roles of teacher as


a). The teacher as controller35

As controller, teacher controls not only what their students do, but also

when they speak and what language they use. This role is good at certain stage

of a lesson. The stage of the introduction of new language, for instance, is

necessary to be carefully organized since this stage makes uses of accurate

reproduction and drilling techniques. The teacher can make all attention is

focused on the front of the class. Thus, the students are studying in the same

beat. This is a perfectly example of the teacher‘s role as a controller.

b). The teacher as assessor36

It is clear that one of the teacher‘s jobs is to assess the students‘ work. The

teacher assesses how well the students are performing or how well they

performed. There are two kind of assessment. They are correction and

organizing feedback. The former is where the teacher control and correct the

students‘ mistake and error instantly. The teacher not only show the students‘


Riddell, op. cit., p. 16. 35

Harmer, op. cit., pp. 235—242. 36



error and mistake on their work, but also help them to see what is wrong and

how to put it right. Otherwise, the latter occurs when the students have

performed several kinds of assignment. This feedback is to see the extent of the

students‘ success or failure and to give some ideas on how their problems

might be solved.

c). The teacher as organizer37

Performing this role, the teacher organizes the activities together with the

time management which will be employed in teaching and learning process.

The teacher needs to organize them well since the success of many activities

depends on not only good organization but also on the students knowing

exactly what they are to do. To organize simply means to tell the students what

they are going to do, what their assignment is, what activity is, and then

organize the feedback when it is over.

d). The teacher as prompter38

In teaching and learning process, we may face the fact that there is one

moment when the silence of the whole class comes. The teacher‘s role as

prompter is necessary in this kind of situation. If such a situation occurs in the

teaching and learning process, teacher needs to encourage the students to

participate in certain classroom activity or to suggest about what to do next

when the silence comes.

e). The teacher as participant39

When simulation is necessary to be employed in the classroom activities,

the teacher might join the simulation activities as participant or sometimes

playing roles themselves. However, the teacher has to try to not dominate the

activity when acting the role as participant and to allow the students to

participate more in the activity conducted in the classroom. The teacher needs


Ibid. pp. 235—242. 38

Ibid. 39



not to be afraid to participate because not only will it give the chance the

students to practice their speaking English with someone who speak it better

than they do but it will also give the new atmosphere in the teaching and

learning process.

f). The teacher as resource40

When communicative activity is taking place, the role of teacher as

resource is necessary. It is possible that the teacher will be the walking

resource. On the other hand, the teacher needs to be ready to kindly give help if

it is necessary. In addition, if the students are involved in some kind of writing

task, then the teacher has to give available time so that the students can consult

their problem faced in the writing task.

g). The teacher as tutor41

Acting this role means that the teacher becomes a coach who provides

advice and guidance for the students‘ work. For instance, the teacher lets the

students choose the way to do the self-study projects given. Then, the teacher

can help them clarify the ideas and limit the task by pointing out the errors in

their work. In addition, the teacher might offer the advices about how to do it

better if the students want to study more.

h). The teacher as investigator42

To investigate means to observe what is going on, what works well in the

class and what does not, trying cutting new techniques and activities and also

evaluating appropriacy.

2. The Students’ Role

The students are one of the important components in teaching and learning

process since they are the subjects who want to obtain their educational needs in


Ibid. pp. 235—242. 41

Ibid. 42



educational process. They will become the prominent factor. So, they can

influence everything that is applied by the teacher in the classroom from the

planning until the evaluating process to reach what they need. It can be seen from

what material is prepared, what method is chosen, and what media is used that are

appropriated with the students‘ characteristic.

The students need to be involved in all activities which are conducted by the

teacher. Palmer states that ―Our students listen to lectures, explanations, and

material read aloud. They ask questions, speak in small groups, and present

reports on various topics.‖43

It means that the students have big role in classroom

activities since they are the subject of learning process. Thus, they will be able to

be more active in learning process not only individually but also in group

working. In addition, it is necessary for the students to completely realize their

learning motivation and goals. So, that they will consciously accept materials

given to them and involve themselves in any kind of tasks and projects from the


The students involvement means that they actively role in the teaching and

learning process. Their activeness needs to support by the teacher‘s role by

providing them the chances to take part in every classroom activity. Furthermore,

Riddell proposes what makes a good student as:

What makes a good student?: respect your teacher, know that you‘re not the

only student in the class, you must have a desire to study, listen, respect other

students, be interested, socialize with other students and teachers, speak in

class, pay attention, do your homework, spend time outside class using

English, go over what you have learnt in class, know why you are learning

English, respect the culture of the country, be attentive, disciplined, active in


d. Methods

To teach this skill is not easy since English is not our native language. The

teacher might have some difficulties that come from inside or from outside him or


Palmer, op. cit., p. 2. 44

Ridell, op. cit., p. 4.


her. Those which come from inside the teacher can be the lack of competencies

whether in performing speaking skill ability or in teaching speaking skill.

Some teachers cannot perform their speaking skill well. For instance, they do

not pronounce English words correctly. So, in communicative activity, the

students may misunderstand what their teacher has said and it would slow the

communicative activity. In addition, teacher may not be able to speak English

fluently which could decrease the students‘ learning desire. Other is that teacher

may lack of specific method for teaching speaking skill.

In teaching speaking skill, the teacher should make the students practice their

speaking skill since to perform this skill well the students need to practice it again

and again. To facilitate the students in practicing their speaking skill, the teacher

can give them the speaking related-instructions or provide them some methods.

Brown defines method as:

A generalized set of classroom specifications for accomplishing linguistic

objectives. Methods tend to be concerned primarily with teacher and student

roles and behaviors and secondarily with such features as linguistic and

subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials. They are almost always

thought of as being broadly applicable to a variety of audiences in a variety of


Here are some methods which can be employed by the teachers in teaching

and learning process to make the students perform their speaking skill:

1. Oral drills

Drilling can be good practice for the students who begin to learn speaking

skill since drilling gives the students opportunity to rehearse the language to

produce the accuracy. Harmer promotes some kinds of drills for the students‘

practices. They are:

a). (Four)-phase drills46

This type of drilling activity is so called because there are four phases or

stages, for instance Q-A-Q-A. The phase can be added become more or less

phases. It could become six- or eight- phase drills – or any other number for


Brown, op. cit., p. 16. 46

Harmer, op. cit., pp. 92—95.


the addition. It can have more questions and the questions can be asked in any


b). Mixed questions and answer drills47

Soon after learning the language, the students can be provided with such

drills to give a good opportunity for quick revision. This type of activity is

suitable for short practice session.

c). Talking about frequency of activities48

In doing this activity, the teacher firstly prepares set of flashcards which

show activities in different places. Secondly, the teacher divided the students

into groups of four with a set of flashcards placed in front of them. The

students are asked to face downwards and to pick up a card. Afterwards, the

student has to ask another student in the group about how often a relative of

asked student performs the activity shown on the card. This activity is a

simple cue-response drill. However, the benefit of this activity is that the

students are conducting the drill themselves rather than being controlled by

their teacher.

d). Chain drills49

This type of drill is suitable for practicing particular structure over and

over again. This activity could be employed as a game or as a personal

element. If we have large class with a big amount of students, the teacher can

put the students in some groups. Such activity is an amusing way of getting

quick and involving practice of a particular structure.

2. Discussions

One of effective way to make the students practice their speaking skill is

discussion. In this classroom activity, the teacher could divided the students


Ibid., pp. 92—95. 48

Ibid. 49



become several groups and ask them to solve the problem given. The problem

could be from any topics such as social context or others. By doing this activity,

the students will have the responsibility to themselves and to the other members

of their group. In addition, the students will improve their speaking skill because

this activity forces them to ask information and to convey ideas through speaking

English which relates to the topic given by the teacher.

3. Debates

Standing up in front of many people to convey arguments and to persuade the

others is not easy. It takes a lot of confidence and debate helps the students

improve their self confidence. Besides performing themselves, the students could

learn from the others by paying attention on how people demonstrate their

thoughts and persuade each other. It also improves the students‘ general

knowledge since the students need to understand the topic deeply. Debate strongly

helps the students to practice their speaking skill since they need to get to

converse with others and see other people‘s point of view. This classroom activity

not only makes the students practice their speaking skill but also makes them

practice their listening skill.

4. Simulation/Role Play

Improving the students‘ ability in speaking skill also can be done by doing

role play. It allows the students to explore their hidden resources and to engage

with others. The students also can express their experiences through actions on the

stages. Therefore, they could improve their ability to perform their speaking skill.

5. Information Gap

It is an activity where the students are given a task to complete the problem.

Each student is given different missing information and they must complete the

missing information and must communicate it to the others to fill in the gaps. This

activity is one of communicative activity which can help the students to perform

their speaking skill and if this classroom activity is done regularly, it can improve


their speaking skill better. The example of this activity could be like students

share information to complete a class timetable.

6. Retelling Story

It is appropriate way to make the students practice their speaking skill. The

students will retell the story given to them using their own vocabulary. In

addition, this activity requires the students to make question and answer session

which will make them practice and perform more their speaking skill.

7. Speeches

The students need to practice speaking English more formally and more

consciously in front of many people. So, they can improve their ability in

speaking English. The more they do speech the better speaking skill they will get.

Doing speech in front of many people also could increase students‘ self quality.

e. Media

1. Communication Games

It provides the students an activity which involves them to engage themselves

in communicative activity could be effective way to make them practice their

speaking skill. Such a game is best implemented regularly to make the students

active in practicing their speaking skill. Games that can be used in communicative

activities are snakes and ladders, describing, finish the story, telephone, sentence

race, and many other games.

2. Movie

The teachers can use movie with English dialogues as media in teaching and

learning process. In using it as media, teacher asks the students to watch, listen,

and imitating the way all actors in the movie speak. Also, to read and to identify

the subtitles commonly used are necessary.


Beside facilitating the students in learning speaking skill whether by

providing them the classroom activities or by giving them speaking related-

instructions, the teacher can monitor the students‘ speech production to see what

components of speaking they already have and what areas that need to developed.

The teacher also should provide sufficient environment which could be language

environment outside the classroom for the students to help them in performing

their speaking skill ability.

The environment could be verbal and non-verbal language environment. The

former could be implemented by having conversation with student in English.

Meanwhile, the latter may be applied by labeling some important things or

building using English. Both classroom activities and language environment are

important to be implemented by the teacher to help the students improve their

speaking skill.

In teaching speaking skill, at least there are four elements that should become

sufficient exposures in the teaching and learning process. Those elements are,

first, teacher who teaches the target language to the students and provides the

facilities to make the students practice to perform their target language.

The second is teaching structure which includes all process that the teacher

conducts from planning the material to evaluation at the end of teaching and

learning process. The teaching structure also includes how the teacher develops

the curriculum, choose what method to teach, and assess the students.

Moreover, curriculum is a standard concept which lead teacher in teaching. It

could be shaped by the teacher based on the situation and the condition certain

and different place. The curriculum is developed by the teacher formally and

informally. Here, teacher prepares plans for teaching activities from the start till to

the end. Teachers may do book selections which suit to the materials in

curriculum they made before. Also, they may prepare teaching technique which is

most appropriate to the topics of the teaching materials.

Furthermore, each student has different learning style that how they learn will

automatically affect the input. Some students do not have problem with listening

to the teacher the whole period of time, but other may have. Therefore, it should


be concerned by the teacher through preparing the plans before, during and till the

end of teaching process.

The third is classroom management that can be handled by the teacher that

could help him or her to support the teaching and learning process in the

classroom. In addition, in this element, it can be seen how teacher conduct the

teaching and learning process and how teacher use techniques of teaching

speaking skill.

The last exposure is environment involvement which takes important role in

helping the students to practice their target language outside the classroom

unconsciously. In addition, environment where the learner learns target language

contribute in influencing learners‘ ability. The quality of the environment is very

important for learners to be successful in learning process. There are two kinds of

environment which are formal and informal environment. The formal

environment focuses on the language as a material topic. Also, this environment

provides students to learn the language from the teacher, books, or other people.50

While, the informal one provide learners communication situation encountered

outside the classroom where language become a form of social behavior.

In conclusion, teaching speaking is an activity where the teacher helps the

students to obtain their goals which are to be able to perform speaking well. This

activity requires the teacher to prepare, to implement, and to evaluate the speaking

learning-teaching process in order to make the students improve their ability in


f. Evaluation

In the teaching and learning process, it is necessary to know the progress of

the students. To know such thing needs to employ an assessment on the students‘

learning result whether through a set of test or non-test activity. The assessment is

not only to assess the students‘ learning result but also the students‘ learning

process. Louma states ―Assessing speaking is challenging, however, because there

are so many factors that influence our impression of how well someone can speak


Abdul Chaer, Psikolinguistik: Kajian Teoritik, (Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 2009), p. 258.


a language, and because we expect test scores to be accurate, just and appropriate

for our purpose.‖ 51

It means that assessing speaking needs to be careful since

every one of us has the different background knowledge of how good speaking is.

When doing evaluation, the teacher needs to cover three things. They are how

success the teaching and learning process is, how well the students absorb the

materials taught, and what valuable information that teacher can use for the

feedback and backwash. Based on Brown‘s work, there are different five basic

types of speaking which have different type of assessment tool. They are imitative

speaking, intensive speaking, responsive speaking, interactive speaking, and

extensive speaking.

C. Previous Relevant Study

Here are the studies found by the researcher which are similar to the study

that will be conducted by the researcher. The first relevant study is ―The Relative

effectiveness of Formal and Informal Exposure in EL Development‖ and it was

conducted in Nepal. This study was conducted to know how formal and informal

environment influenced people‘s speaking skill in different ways. In this study,

the researchers had two groups of subjects who learned English in different ways

for the sampling. The researchers employed 58 subjects that were divided into two

groups consisting of 29 subjects for each group. The first group represented those

who got their English trough learning it in the classroom or formal education and

had no access to learn English outside the classroom. And, the second group was

those who never had formal education since they were child. They got English

only trough their environment such as from TVs‘ programs, radios, newspaper,

and many others.

The method which was used by the researchers was that the first group did

not have any exposures to English-speaking environment by way of visiting

English-speaking countries, nor did they have any chances to come in contact

with native English-speaking people within their own country on a sustained


Louma, op. cit., p. 1.


basis. In the other hand, the second group of the subjects had no formal schooling

at all but they had exposures to English-speaking environment through being

guides and expedition teams of mounterring and trekking for the foreigners.

The researchers used‘t’ test as the result of holistic mean of data in data

analyzing and they revealed how formal and informal environments affect

student‘s language skill in different ways. They explained that the former

promotes accuracy and the latter promotes fluency on student‘s oral performance

of the language itself.52

This study has the similar things to study with the research that was

conducted by the researcher. It is how the informal environment affects the

students‘ language skill especially on their oral performance. The difference is

that the previous study only focused on how the formal environment which is

classroom environment and informal environment affect the adults‘ speaking

performance differently. While, the study conducted by the researcher is not only

focused on how both environments affect the learners‘ speaking performance but

also focused on how other aspects may affect the learners‘ speaking performance.

The second study is ―Teaching Speaking through Story Telling (A Case

Study at the First year of SMK Puspita Bangsa Ciputat)‖. This study was

conducted by Meita Rahmania. The researcher aimed to know whether teaching

speaking through story telling techniques is more effective than teaching without

using story telling. She employed 20 subjects for the sample of the study. Meita

observed the teaching learning process of the English teacher in the classroom and

asked for the students‘ scores of speaking test with and without story telling

techniques to be compared. The researcher used t-test formula to count two

variables which were not correlated. She found that teaching speaking using story

telling is more effective than teaching speaking without story telling.53

This second study and the study conducted by the researcher have the same

focus which is teaching speaking. However, there is the difference between both


Gulmez & Shresta, op. cit,.. 53

Meita Rahmania, ―Teaching Speaking Through Story Telling: A Case Study at the First

Year of SMK Puspita Bangsa Ciputat‖ Skripsi at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Jakarta, Jakarta, 2007, unpublished.


studies that is the study conducted by Meita used Story Telling as the technique

while the study conducted by the researcher found Describing picture as the

technique used by the teacher.

The third study is ―The Effectiveness of Using Describing Picture to Improve

Student‘s Speaking Skill in Descriptive Text (An Experimental Research at the

Eight Grade Students of SMP H. Isriati Semarang in the Academic Year of

2010/2011).‖ This study was conducted by Inta Aulia Asfa. The researcher aimed

to know which technique is suitable to use in teaching speaking since the

researcher assumed that students who have learned English for several years have

not been able to communicate used English. So, the researcher thought that there

should be a solution to cope that problem. As result, the researcher tried to use

describing picture as a method to improve students‘ speaking skill. The study was

conducted in two classes; the experimental group (VIII A) which was taught using

describing picture and the control group (VIII C) which was taught with no using

of describing picture (Direct Method) as sample. To gather the data, the researcher

gave speaking test which had been tried out to find out the validity, reliability, and

the difficulty level. The researcher used t-test formula to determine whether or not

there was a significance difference between students‘ score in experimental group

and students‘ score in control group. She found that teaching speaking using

describing picture was effective method in improving students‘ Speaking skill in

descriptive text at the eighth grade students of SMP H. Isriati Semarang.54

The last previous study and the study conducted by the researcher similarly

focus on Teaching Speaking with Describing Picture as technique used. However,

the difference of both is that the former used the experimental as the method of

the study while the latter used an expository.


Inta Aulia Asfa, ―The Effectiveness of Using Describing Picture to Improve Student‘s

Speaking Skill in Descriptive Text (An Experimental Research at the Eight Grade Students of

SMP H. Isriati Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011).‖ Skripsi at Walisongo State

Institute For Islamic Studies Semarang, Semarang, 2010, unpublished.




This chapter presents place and time of the study, method and design of the

study, data sources, data collection technique, and data analyzes technique.

A. Place and Time of the Study

The research was held at Speaking Classes of Training Class Program at

Basic English Course in Kampung Inggris Pare. This research was conducted

from February 12 to November 29, 2016.

B. Method and Design of the Study

This study is a qualitative research using an expository research design. This

research design is chosen since the design provides the researcher to explore the

program, event, activity, process, individuals deeply in Pare Kampung Inggris.

Therefore, the researcher employed qualitative as the research methodology in

order to dig the clear and rich description about data and information needed

based on the real fact. In addition, it can reveal and mapped so that it can give

meaningful information for those who need it.

This research investigates how the teaching speaking is conducted from

planning to evaluation.

C. Data Sources

The researcher conducted the research at Pare which is broadly known as

“Kampung Inggris” in Kediri, East Java. Therefore, the data gained for this study

were the data taken from several sources that have competencies on the research

topic. There were two kinds of data collected in this research which were primer

and secondary data. The former included books, writings, and results of

interviews, observation and documents. On the other hand, the latter were the data

strengthened the former data which could be books, magazines, and one’s thought

words, acts, and many others.


Therefore, the researcher took and joined all classes to observe and to

experience from both teacher and students’ side. The participant of this study was

all students of Training Class (TC) Program. TC program consisted of eight

classes with 30 students of each class in average. So, the total participants were

about 240 students with one teacher who taught speaking. The consideration made

by the researcher of deciding the number of participants was to gain the

information as much as possible and because there is no general rule to concern

about as Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, & Razavieh state “There is no general rule about

the number of participants to include in a qualitative study. Of course, practical

considerations such as time, money, and availability of participants influence the

size of the sample.”1

TC program emphasizes on Speaking, Grammar, Writing, and Listening. The

materials are explained using 100% English. In addition, when the students are in

come to this program, they are obligated to use 100% English as their only one

means of communication. They have to use English when they communicate with

their community (other TC students) not only in BEC area but also in the other

places outside of BEC.

TC is three months program and provides various test of final examination.

One of them is that students practice their Speaking English with foreigners in

Borobudur Temple. Besides having class on Mondays to Fridays, the students also

have General Conversation session on Fridays morning. They are all placed in

Meeting Hall of BEC and given one topic to discuss with their friends. At the end,

they will have Farewell Party and Heat to Heart Sharing session.

D. Data Collection Technique

The researcher collected data using several techniques which were considered

to give rich and deep information to the topic studied. Here are the techniques

employed by the researcher:

1 Donald Ary, Lucy Cheser Jacobs, Chris Sorensen, & Asghar Razavieh, Introduction to

Research in Education, (Belmont: Wadsworth, 2010), p. 429.


1. Observation

Ary et al. argue “The qualitative researcher’s goal is a complete description

of behavior in a specific setting rather than a numeric summary of occurrence or

duration of observed behaviors.”2 Therefore, the researcher directly involved in

the community to observe the subjects of the study to get the complete description

if the topic studied. They also state “Qualitative observations rely on narrative or

words to describe the setting, the behaviors, and the interactions. The goal is to

understand complex interactions in natural settings.”3

It means that the

observation employed by the researcher was to optomalize the researcher’s ability

in describing many aspects such as the setting, behaviors, and interactions in

natural setting.

Furthermore, to obtain such a goal, the researcher immersed herself into the

community under studied and played her role to be participant as observer. As

Ary et al. confirm “In the participant as observer stance, the observer actively

participates and becomes an insider in the event being observed so that he or she

experiences events in the same way as the participants. The researcher’s role is

known to the people being observed.”4 Such a role possibly makes the researcher

see the situation and feel the condition the same way with how the subjects of the

researcher see and feel at the moment.

In addition, the researcher did the research by monitoring the English teacher

when he is teaching in the classroom for ten times. The researcher observed all

activities happened in the class as well. The researcher also observed the activities

supported to the topic studied outside the class. Thus, the researcher can capture

the phenomenon from the subject’s perception and definition.

2. Interview

The researcher employed interview session to gain the data which cannot be

obtained from observation and to verify the actions which were done during the

observation. Ary et al. state that:

2 Ibid., p. 431.

3 Ibid.

4 Ibid., p. 433.


The interview is one of the most widely used and basic methods for obtaining

qualitative data. Interviews are used to gather data from people about

opinions, beliefs, and feelings about situations in their own words. They are

used to help understand the experiences people have and the meaning they

make of them rather than to test hypotheses. Interviews may provide

information that cannot be obtained through observation, or they can be used

to verify observations.5

The researcher used interview because, by this technique, the valid

information regarding to the topic discussed can be gathered directly from the

source. Interview also can help the researcher to see the participants’ perspective,

opinion, and feelings about the experience. Using interview as a technique, the

researcher could lead the conversation to the research topic substantively.

Therefore, the data gained is real based on the fact. In interviewing, the researcher

employed open ended format questions which become the characteristic of

qualitative research to reach the thick description about the experience, feeing,

and situation. Ary et al. state “One characteristic that all qualitative interview

formats share is that the questions are typically open ended (cannot be answered

with a yes or no or simple response) and the questions are designed to reveal what

is important to understand about the phenomenon under study.”6

In addition, the researcher combined the open ended format with structured

interview where several students were asked the same question relate to the topic

of the research. The researcher interviewed the teacher of speaking class of

Training Class to get the concepts of teaching speaking skill and several students

to see their experiences in speaking class. Finally, to gather the data collected

from interview and to ease the researcher in analyzing them, the researcher used

an audio recorder.

3. Field Note

The researcher used field note to expand the description of the brief notes

which was done during the observation or interview session to collect and to

5 Ibid., p. 438.

6 Ibid.


complete the data. There are two components that the researcher always to

concern about. Ary et al. propose that:

They have two components: (1) the descriptive part, which includes a

complete description of the setting, the people and their reactions and

interpersonal relationships, and accounts of events (who, when, and what was

done); and (2) the reflective part, which includes the observer’s personal

feelings or impressions about the events, comments on the research method,

decisions and problems, records of ethical issues, and speculations about data

analysis. Field notes may include photographs and audio and video


Therefore the researcher collected data as detail as possible during and after

the observation. She collected photographs when it seemed necessary to picture

the moment in the classroom as well. Ary et al. add that:

The researcher’s field notes present the data that will later be analyzed to

provide an understanding of the research setting and the behavior of people

within that setting. It can be said that the successful outcome of the study

relies on detailed, accurate, and extensive field notes. Record everything you

see, hear, or experience during the observation session.8

Field note is very useful to write everything happens during observation or

interview since to write eases the researcher to recall the data than to memorize it.

This technique is concerned on what participants do as routines and become

recognition that what become routine is established by watching and listening to

what people do rather than asking them directly.9

4. Documentation

In gathering the data, the researcher collected several written stuffs like

books/module used in teaching and learning process, handouts, photos, diaries,

and any other documents related to the topic discussed. Ary et al. suggest that:

Qualitative researchers may use written documents or other artifacts to gain

an understanding of the phenomenon under study. The term document here

refers to a wide range of written, physical, and visual materials, including

what other authors may term artifacts. Documents may be personal, such as

7 Ibid., p. 435.

8 Ibid.

9 David Silverman, Amir Marvasti, Doing Qualitative Research: A Comprehensive Guide,

(California: Sage, 2008), pp. 216—217.


autobiographies, diaries, and letters; official, such as files, reports,

memoranda, or minutes; or documents of popular culture, such as books,

films, and videos.10

For instance, the researcher made researcher-directed diary during the period

of the research in specified period of time when conducting the study in Pare. The

researcher collected the letters given by the students for the speaking teacher and

speaking matters file as well which can be used to analyze, to interpret, and draw

the conclusion.

5. Instrument of the Research

The primary instrument of the study was the researcher herself. As Ary et al.

confirm “In qualitative studies, the human investigator is the primary instrument

for the gathering and analyzing of data.”11

However, she used checklist form of

teacher observation guide as well. The researcher can focus to monitor the

teaching and learning process conducted using checklist form of teacher

observation guide as the instrument.

Table 3.1


Variable Aspect Indicator Items






- Arranging Learning

-Teaching Process 1, 2 2

- Learning Preparation 3, 4, 5 3


- Explanation of the material 6 1

- Using of instruments and media 7, 8 2

- Involving students (individually) 9 1

- Student interaction 10 1

- Organizing of the class 11, 12, 13 3

- Using of method 14, 15, 6,17 4


Ary et al., op. cit., p. 424. 11

Ibid., p. 442.


- The intensity of using English in the


-Teaching process

18, 19 2


- Oral Test 20 1

- Affective 21 1

- Individual work 22 1

- Group work 23 1

Total items 23

Adapted from Euis Uswatun Hasanah12

E. Data Analyzes Technique

The researcher involves several steps which are considered to be necessary to

conduct in analyzing the data which have been gathered during data collection.

Based on Ary et al. state “In different texts, the approaches to analysis of

qualitative data vary slightly, but we believe they can be described in three stages

as noted in Table 17.1: (1) organizing and familiarizing, (2) coding and reducing,

and (3) interpreting and representing.”13

Therefore, in a simple ways, the

researcher employed the stages to analyze the date gathered from the data

collected. The researcher familiarized data collected such as transcription, field

notes, and documentation by rereading and listening to them in order to capture

the thoughts, feeling, and opinion as they occur. Afterwards, she organized those

data by making several lists of data sources in some ways such as from

observation, from interview, from places, or from people. As Ary et al. state “The

major task of organizing the large body of information begins after

familiarization. Start with creating a complete list of data sources. Files can be


Euis Uswatun Hasanah, “Teaching Speaking Skill Using Active Learning Method (A Case

Study at the Seventh Year of SMP SMART Akselerasi Ekselensia Indonesia-Bogor).” Skripsi at

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic Unniversity Jakarta, Jakarta, 2007, unpublished. p. 42. 13



organized in a variety of ways, for example, by interview, by questions, by

people, or by places.”14

Then, the researcher did the coding and reducing stages by gathering the data

to see the differences and the similarities among them by breaking apart and

rearrange them into categories. The researcher also reduced the data which did not

have any relation to the topic studied. Eventually, she came to the last stage of

analyzing the data which are interpreting and representing. Ary et al. state

“Interpretation is about bringing out the meaning, telling the story, providing an

explanation, and developing plausible explanations.”15

Therefore, the researcher

reported the findings by providing the thick description and explanation to give

the whole meaning of what was studied supported by the data.

Furthermore, for the data trustworthiness, the researcher conducted several

test such as credibility to know the internal validity, transferability to know the

external ability, dependability to know the reliability, and confirmability to know

the objectivity. Therefore, the researcher did the triangulation in the data

collected, the sources to cover those trustworthiness aspects. Ary et al. states:

In data triangulation, the researcher investigates whether the data collected

with one procedure or instrument confirm data collected using a different

procedure or instrument. The researcher wants to find support for the

observations and conclusions in more than one data source. Convergence of a

major theme or pattern in the data from these various sources lends credibility

to the findings.16

Thus, the researcher conducted interview session with the teacher to

investigate whether the data gathered from several observations matched to the

data gained from other source and vice versa. If the finding results of multiple

methods are similarly found then the study is reliable as Ary et al. confirm

“Triangulation, which we have previously discussed, is also used to establish the

dependability of qualitative studies. If multiple data sources or multiple methods

result in similar findings, it enhances the reliability of the study.”17


Ibid., p. 482. 15

Ibid., p. 490. 16

Ibid., p. 499. 17

Ibid., p. 503.




This chapter presents the data description which consists of discussing and

analyzing the findings of the research. They are data collected from observation,

interview, field note, and documentation.

A. Teaching – Learning of Speaking

The researcher is one of the BEC alumni who had spent her nine months to

study there from 2010 to 2011. Therefore, the researcher decided to do the

research at BEC specifically in speaking classes at TC program which were

handled by Mr. Adin. In doing the research, she observed and joined the teaching

and learning process in the class for ten times to see the situation and the

condition through monitoring the teacher when he was teaching speaking. In order

to dig the data deeply and to feel the experience that the students felt, the

researcher participated herself for several times in the classroom activities. In

addition, she stayed in home stay together with two students of speaking class

where the researcher conducted the research. Therefore, she could observe them

every day and obtain the data to complete the data collected.

There are 8 classes with the difference schedules. The researcher conducted

the speaking class observation in all classes. Here are the schedules:

Table 4.1

Speaking Class Schedule

Day Time Class

Monday 06.30-08.00 B class

08.00-09.30 A class

Tuesday 06.30-08.00 F class

08.00-09.30 E class

Wednesday 06.30-08.00 C class

08.00-09.30 D class


Day Time Class

Thursday 06.30-08.00 G class

08.00-09.30 H class

Furthermore, the researcher has taken many things as well such as strategy,

technique, procedure, and methodology of the teaching speaking conducted by

Mr. Adin in his classes. She also obtained the practical concept of the role of

teacher and the students’ involvement in the teaching and learning context since

the researcher not only observed the teacher’s performance, students’

involvement, classroom atmosphere, and teaching technique but also interviewed

the teacher himself.

Therefore, those above became the fact to analyze carefully. The following

paragraphs try to describe the findings completely in sequence.

1. Curriculum

There were three main aspects observed in the teaching speaking conducted

by the teacher. They are planning, presentation, and evaluation. Firstly, the

researcher found and analyzed the curriculum that had been become lesson plan

used by the teacher in speaking class (see Appendix). The lesson plan became a

reference and was applied in the teaching speaking. It consisted of the number of

meetings, learning subject matter for each meeting, and the learning resources

used for each matter. From the content of lesson plan, speaking skill materials

were arranged systematically based on the students’ level of target language.

a. Aim

The objective of the teaching speaking is that students are able to produce the

utterances they used in their daily activity and have the pure ideas on the problems

or the reality they faced. Therefore, the researcher conducted the class observation

for ten times and learnt the beginning process until the end. Generally, it can be

seen that the teacher has arranged and designed the teaching planning and

objectives well by preparing the material based on the lesson plan.


b. Material of Speaking

There were two kinds of materials used in the teaching speaking. They were

materials in handbook and in handouts. Those materials were appropriated with

the students’ level of ability arranged and made by the institution itself. The

speaking material was taken from the handbook and handouts owned by all

students. The materials discussed in the class could be changed if the previous one

is completely discussed.

Here is the example of how the teacher used the materials in the teaching and

learning process. When the teacher explained about “impersonal it”, the students

focused on listening to the teacher while keeping their eyes on the papers in their

hands. Some of them nodded when the teacher asked them whether they

understand the explanation or not. At the end of the explanation, the teacher give

the students chance to ask any kind of questions related to the materials which

was “impersonal it”.

After questions raised were all answered, the teacher ordered the students to

be ready to write some sentences in Bahasa Indonesia. They had to translate them

in English directly soon after the teacher gave them. They only had about 20

seconds for each question before they got the new sentence to translate. Those

sentences were not taken from handbook or handout but created by the teacher.

Here is the list of the sentences followed by the translation given by the teacher:

Table 4.2

No In Bahasa Indonesia In English

1 Sekarang musim panas It is sunny

2 Udaranya sejuk It is cool

3 Hari yang Indah It is beautiful day

4 Hari yang cerah It is nice day

5 Sekarang jam 7 malam It is seven pm

6 Kemarin hari Kamis It was Thursday


No In Bahasa Indonesia In English

7 Jarak antara Pare dan Jombang

hanya 40 KM

It is only 40 KM from Pare to


8 Belajar Bahasa Inggris Penting It is important to study English

9 Memasak itu susah It is difficult to cook

10 Dia (pr) lah yang aku sedang

tunggu It is her that I am waiting for

When the teacher came to the first number, he predicted that the students

might write “summer” instead of “sunny” for sentence number 1. That was the

reason he warned them that “musim panas” translated as “sunny” is totally

different from “musim kemarau” translated as “summer.” He also emphasized the

explanation in sentence number 8. He said that such sentence might be translated

using “gerund.” However, the material discussed was not about “gerund” at all but

“impersonal it.” Therefore, he warned the students to be more careful in

translating sentence in number 8.

After all sentences were given and translated by the students, the teacher

explained that he would give the right answer and asked to stand up for those

whose answer was wrong and to remain sitting for those whose answer was right.

As he argued to the researcher, this technique was employed to develop the

students’ attitudes toward their honesty.

Here are the list of who stood up and who remained sitting:

Table 4.3

Question (Q) Number of Students Remaining


Question no. 1 Less than 10

Question no. 2 Less than 10

Question no. 3 All remained sitting

Question no. 4 Less than 10


Question (Q) Number of Students Remaining


Question no. 5 More than 10

Question no. 6 Less than 10

Question no. 7 Less than 10

Question no. 8 More than 10

Question no. 9 More than 10

Question no. 10 More than 10

Finally, before he closed the meeting, he gave some common expression

which were not taken from the handbook and handout to the students and

explained for each common expression. In this session, the teacher wrote the

expressions on the white board and he read them first. He asked the students to

repeat what he said. The repeating process happened for about five times for each

expression. Afterwards, he gave the meaning of each expression and asked the

students to practice them. Then he pointed some students randomly to say the

expressions. The lists of common expressions are below:

Table 4.4

No Common Expression The Meaning

1 You are something common with me Wah, kita samaan yah?

2 Thanks anyway Makasih deh kalo gitu

3 One by one Satu satu

No Common Expression The Meaning

4 One for one Satu demi satu

5 Day by day Hari hari

6 Day for day Hari demi hari

7 All the same Biarpun demikian

8 No matter what Tak peduli apa

9 No matter when Tak peduli kapan


c. Classroom Management

The researcher investigated whether the teacher used English or not in the

teaching and learning process since it was clearly seen that English was the only

one language used by the students of TC program either inside or outside the

class. Such a language was used as a means of communication when they were in

BEC. The students talked each other using English. They discussed things in

English. They even expressed their feelings in English. Therefore, the researcher

conducted the class observation by joining the class for ten times. She found that

Mr. Adin explained the material and interacted with the students completely in

English. However, he used Bahasa Indonesia to emphasize any kind words

considered to be difficult to explain them in English as well.

Besides playing his role in facilitating and providing the students such

English environment in the classroom, the teacher also played his roles as follow:

To reach and to maximize the learning result, the teacher seemed to guide the

teaching learning process by giving more attention the students both inside and

outside the classroom. To obtain the better learning result, the teacher confirmed

that he did the simulation for every new technique he intended to employ. For

instance, he once came to the class a day before the teaching and learning process.

He arranged and changed the chairs arrangement for several times, he tried to find

the good composition of the chairs that might be suitable for the teaching

technique he intended to employ.

In addition, the teacher always discussed with another teacher for some

suggestions in planning the teaching process or in handling the various types of

students. Therefore, the researcher can conclude that the preparation conducted by

the teacher was planned.

The teacher noted that he always tried to make every single minutes of is

teaching and learning process to be meaningful for the students. He stated that he

did make an effort to make the student perform their oral language in every

chance he had. It was the reason of his decision to make “absences time” or

checking the attendance list not only to check whether this students or that


students came to the class or not but also to make the students attendance list

timing become more meaningful.

d. Method

The teacher used variety methods in order to help the students to gain their

goal which is to improve their oral performance. For instance, he once surprised

all students to look for some pieces of papers under the chair where the students

sit. Some students found it, and some others did not. The teacher asked those who

found them to come forward and gave a gift after answering the questions he


Furthermore, here is another example when the teacher conducted his

teaching speaking. In the very first minutes, the teacher always began the class by

leading the class to read “Basmallah” together then he continued by saying

“salam.” The teacher never forgot to greet the students and make sure that all his

students were in good condition. He confirmed to the researcher that such

activities were always done by him in order to tell the students that he really cared

of them indirectly. He noted that he could know whether his students were in

good condition as well.

Next, the teacher explained and asked the students to mention loudly the

favorite places they really want to go or in another occasion he asked the students

about their idol except their parents when their names is called. Many of the

students named the places in Europe such as Russia, German, Holland, England,

Finland, and France. The others named US, Australia, Papua, and Mecca. They

named the places with big enthusiasm and it was seen from how they raised their

hand then named the places with the loud voices.

After all names of the students were called, the teacher told them that he

provided time about 20 minutes and the stage together with microphone for those

who wanted to share their reason for choosing certain places. Soon after the

teacher announced such information, many students raised their hands and asked

to be chosen by the teacher to come forward the class. The teacher chose several

students to share their reasons in front of the class before other students one by


one. In that occasion, there were only eight students who had chance to perform

themselves in front of other students as list below:

Table 4.5

Student Name of Places

Student 1 Japan

Student 2 England

Student 3 Finland

Student 4 Mecca

Student 5 German

Student 6 Holland

Student 7 German

Student 8 Korea

Many students delivered questions for the performers. A variety questions

appeared from the students such as:

Table 4.6

No Question

1 What is the special of that place?

2 Why do you really want to go there?

3 Why not Indonesia?

4 Why do you choose that place?

5 Why don’t you continue your study in Indonesia?

The researcher found some mistakes done by the students when they

performed in front of the class or by the students asked the questions. The

mistakes were that they did not systematically arrange the utterances, misused of

certain English words, and grammatical error. Surprisingly, the teacher did not

give any correction and remained letting the students continued their performing.

He clarified that actually he knew the mistakes well. He wrote some notes for

each students and let them continued performing instead of disturbing them by


stopping them in the middle of their performance to correct their mistakes. He

give the correction that all students made at the end of the meeting in front of the

class order to inform other students about the certain mistakes in English. He

explained the right grammatical pattern of interrogative sentence and other

grammatical patterns. In such process, grammar was taught with inductive way.

In addition, the teacher also prepared the technique considered to be

appropriate to the content of the materials. The researcher found that after the

teacher had explained all materials, he always provided the last 30 minutes in

every meeting for the students to come forward and tell the story about the images

shown that they have described.

Afterwards, the teacher gave time and opportunity for those who had not

performed in front of the class to tell the story that they had made by describing

the image shown days before that day. All students must have performed.

However, they were not coming forward at the same time. Every meeting might

had ten to fifteen students coming forward. For that time, there were twelve

students performing in front of the class. Each student was given about one to two

minutes and maximally they got three minute as the table below:

Table 4.7

Student Time Given

Student 1 07.16-07.17

Student 2 07.18-07.21

Student 3 07.21-07.23

Student 4 07.24-07.26

Student Time Given

Student 5 07.26-07.28

Student 6 07.28-07.31

Student 7 07.31-07.33

Student 8 07.33-07.38

Student 9 07.40-07.42


Student Time Given

Student 10 07.43-07.46

Student 11 07.46-07.48

Student 12 07.48-07.50

In this part of teaching and learning process, the teacher did not choose the

students to come forward. He only said that he provided time and place together

with the microphone for those who had not performed yet. Therefore, the students

performed themselves one by one. There was no question and answer session

among the students in the session.

Next step was that the teacher gave the corrections of the mistakes made by

the previous performers. He read the correction while the students paid attention

to his explanation. Some corrections found by the researcher are:

Table 4.8

No Mistakes Corrections

1 Coffee Cave

2 Discussion Discussing

3 They did not asked They did not ask

4 He go yesterday Yesterday, he went...

5 Tell me who are you Tell me who you are

6 Bring Brought

7 Make me shocked Shocked me

8 They don’t They didn’t

9 Can to see Can see

Finally, he motivated the students to always feel happy from now and on. He

explained that saying simple words such as greeting could make other people

happy. Then, he asked two students to come forward in front of the students and

greet each other. Afterwards, he told them to come back to their chairs. Then he

closed the meeting by saying “salam.”


e. Media

He used picture as media in his class as method of teaching speaking. He put

a white board pictured several image before the students, usually four images, and

asked the students to describe them by making story based on the image shown.

For every day meeting, Mr. Adin let every student to come forward and tell the

story made to the other students.

He argued that such a media builds students’ thinking process since the

students always described soon after the images were shown. They imagined first

what might happen in the story or who might be the characters of the story. Then,

they creatively used their imagination in choosing words and making them

sentences and paragraphs until they made a story as well. Such a thinking process

considered to be important to develop the students’ thinking skill and creativity.

In addition, Mr. Adin stated that he sometimes employed other media in his

teaching such the use of puppets. It is confirmed by the researcher that at last

meeting she observed by joining his class, he played a puppet and act to be the

character of puppet he played by making his voice sounded like certain character

of animal.

f. Evaluation

Evaluation is the important step that cannot be separated from the teaching

and learning process. By evaluating the students’ learning process, the teacher can

measure how far the success of his teaching by investigating how far his students

are able to master the material that has been taught. The teacher also can see what

method and technique which are suitable and applicable to his students.

According the observation process, the evaluation of teaching speaking

conducted by Mr. Adin has two kinds of assessment to evaluate. They are written

test and oral test. The former was employed in every meeting to know whether

they master the material given at the same time or not. The latter was conducted at

the end of the program and was more compressive test since the students had to

answer the question given from the beginning to the end of the program orally.

The teacher employed evaluation rubric for the assessment of students’ oral test.


In addition, the oral test was conducted for all students of TC program. The

students who had waited in front on the class building were called five by five and

asked to follow the teacher inside the classroom which had been set before the

oral test was conducted. The five students sat in front of the teacher and waited for

the question. Then, they were given question one by one. They had to answer it

soon after the teacher gave it to them. After such test, they came outside and

waited to be called again to come to another teacher. When they came to the

second teacher, they were given a piece of paper in front of them. The student in

the right side was firstly allowed to open the paper and asked to describe the

image on it directly while the other four students waited for the first student

describing the picture to get their turn.

The teacher confirmed that the assessment of oral test included five aspects to

assess. They are fluency, vocabulary, grammar, accuracy, and comprehension. In

addition, the teacher stated that he also gave some assignments to the students to

be finished at their home stay. Therefore, he can at least make them work or

discuss with other students about the assignment even though they were in their

own places.

B. Discussion

According to the description of teaching and learning process, it can be said

that the students were actively involved during the meeting. They had a freedom

and independence the learning process without any pressure from the teacher or

another side. In addition, the teacher seemed to play his roles well by giving

opportunity in any chance in teaching and learning process. He did not dominate

the learning process conducted in the class. He never forgot to motivate his

students, built the learning desire and students’ participation in every single

activity he conducted.

The level of the TC students is Advanced since the researcher found that the

students of TC program did communicate each other in English either they are in

BEC or outside of BEC. It is proved by two students of TC program who stayed

together with the researcher in the same lodging house. She observed them every


day and she found them talked each other and expressed their feelings used

English for every single day. Even though their roommates talked to them in

Bahasa Indonesia when they needed something to ask, these two students of TC

program seemed to response in English. It is clearly matched with what Riddell

states about the students in Advanced level. He says:

The students who finish advanced course should be able to do or know:

express himself / herself easily, integrate well with people whose first

language is English, vary stress and intonation to affect meaning, follow and

understand most forms of entertainment, use a vocabulary of about 3,000

words, study for a high-level qualification in English.1

Such a condition forced the researcher to investigate what really made them

to do so. Therefore, she interviewed Mr. Kalend O., the director of BEC and Mr.

Adin, the teacher of the speaking class. They confirmed that it was an institutional

order to use English as a means of communication among the TC students. In

addition, they clarified that all students on TC program were obligated to

communicate in English wherever they were when they met other TC students.

Furthermore, the teacher designed the curriculum together with subject

matter, objective and the sequencing to teach specific language program which is

speaking as Brown states “Designs for carrying out a particular language program.

Features include a primary concern with the specification of linguistic and

subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials to meet the needs of a

designated group of learners in a defined context.”2

On the other hand, the objective or the aim of the teaching speaking in TC

program is generally to make the students obtain their primary goal which is to be

able to speaking it. Such objective is linear with what Grauberd states that “For

many pupils the prime goal of learning a foreign language is to be able to speak it.

Teaching should therefore help them to achieve that goal to the best of their

ability.”3 To reach the objective, the teacher taught various materials from the

1 David Riddell, Teach EFL, (London: Hodder, 2014) p. 257.

2 H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Princples: An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy, (New York: Pearson Education, 2001), p. 16. 3 Walter Grauberg, The Elements Of Foreign Language Teaching, (Frankfurt: Multilingual

Matters, 1997), p. 201.


course book that was made by the institution. The materials were designed by the

experienced teachers of BEC and appropriated based on the students’ level of

ability. The using of his course book was intended since the students of TC

program needed the higher and more difficult materials. Such book is ideally used

as Riddell states “Ideally, It should have been written by experienced teachers and

also be roughly appropriate for the level intended. You can assume both. In

addition, though, the book should ideally be appropriate for the country you are

teaching in, and this can be a problem.”4

Not only did the materials that get the teacher’s attention in reaching the

teaching and learning objective, but did the classroom management get his

attention as well. The teacher played his roles in the teaching and learning process

as Harmer proposed (see the teacher’s role in Chapter II). The teacher facilitated

and provided English learning environment for the students. Therefore, the

students might to practice their English as much as possible. The teacher also

controlled what his students spoke and did and became a tutor who was students

resource in the classroom. In several chances, he became the participant of the

students’ activity in role playing. He pretended to be the student’s father when his

student performed a role play in front of the class. In addition, he always

investigated whether the teaching and learning process run well or not.

The researcher assumed that the teacher used Communicative Language

Teaching (CLT) as a method even though he did not say it explicitly. It was

proved from the learners roles in the teaching and learning process. Richards and

Rodgers states “The emphasis in Communicative Language Teaching on the

processes of communication, rather than mastery of language form, leads to

different roles for learners for those found in more traditional second language

classroom.”5 For instance, the students were given more time to learn and to

practice the effective communication. When they made mistakes in grammatical

patterns, they would not be judged and corrected as they speaking. They were let

to continue their speaking performance since the meaning was more prominent

4 Ridell, op. cit., p. 167.

5 Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 166.


than grammar and grammar was taught inductively when the students need it.

Finally, the teacher asked the students to describe several pictures soon after the

pictures were shown before them.




This chapter presents the conclusions and some suggestions related to the

research findings which are discussed previously.

A. Conclusion

Based on the research findings in the previous chapter, the writer draws a

conclusion that there are some aspects in teaching speaking. They are objective,

the speaking materials, classroom management, teaching method, teaching media,

and evaluation. First is the teaching objective which is aimed to help the students

to gain their goal that is to be able to speak English. Second is the speaking

material. The teacher used the teaching materials that were taken from the course

book such as handbook and handout designed by the institution. Third is the

classroom management. Since the way the teacher manage the class will affect the

way he deliver the materials, so in applying the materials, the teacher played his

role in facilitating and providing the English learning environment for the students

to practice their oral performance for the classroom management. The teacher also

placed himself as the tutor and resource who allowed the students to ask anything

such as the materials they considered to be difficult. In addition, the teacher

always investigated whether the teaching and learning process he conducted run

well or not. Fourth aspect in the teaching and learning process is the teaching

method. The teacher used Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) as his

method. The teacher made the meaning in communication become more

prominent than grammar. He also provided sufficient time and classroom

activities to make the students to practice their speaking as much as possible. The

fourth aspect is media that was used in the teaching speaking is picture. The use of

picture as media did improve the students’ ability in target language oral

performance. In addition, by using the picture as media, the teacher is able

stimulate and maximize a variety of students’ potential ability such as the ability

to suddenly retell the story, to arrange the story sequence. Therefore, since every


student has to perform and convey their own story based on the picture given for

several times, their emotion and mental are regularly managed well. Thus, the

students are able to be actively involved in the process of teaching and learning


Finally, the last aspect in the teaching and learning process of speaking class

is evaluation. The teacher employed the formative test which is written test. It is

usually given at the end of material completely discussed. The teacher gave an

oral test at the end of teaching and learning period as well. The oral test was

conducted by asking the students to describe the picture soon after the pictures

were shown to them without any preparation. Such test was aimed to make the

students in creating pure ideas about problems and the reality.

B. Suggestion

At this point, the writer would like to give some suggestions to increase the

implementation of teaching speaking in the class:

1. To the English Teachers

The prominent steps to take care about are planning, presentation or teaching,

and evaluation. The teachers are suggested to prepare them well before coming to

the teaching and learning process. To make the students actively practice their

speaking skill either inside or outside the classroom, it is necessary for the

teachers to give interesting teaching methods such as Communicative Language

Teaching (CLT) in the teaching and learning process. For instance, the use of

picture as media in teaching and learning process can help the students to express

their idea through reflecting the image shown and then presenting it with their

speaking skill. Furthermore, to stimulate and to maximize the students’ interest in

practicing their oral performance, the teachers need to provide learning

environment which gives the students sufficient chances to practice it as well. In

addition, the teachers have to make the individual approaches to the students in

order to monitor their learning development.


2. To the English Students

It is necessary for the students to practice their speaking every time they get

any chances. For instance, the students can make a simple conversation with other

students in the class while they are waiting for the teacher. They can practice their

speaking outside the class when they meet their classmates as well. In addition,

they can try to talk to their teacher for advice on any specific things which need to

work on, for example the students may have some words they always say them

wrong. Another suggestion is “Do not be afraid to make mistake.” The more we

speak, the faster we learn.

3. To the Next Researchers

The next researchers who intend to do research in teaching speaking are

supposed to see how students’ motivation affects their oral performance. The new

researchers need to see the topic suggested from students’ point of view since this

research has been studied from the teacher’s point of view. Students’ motivation

is considered as one of prominent factor which can increase the students’ speaking

skill and gets less attention in the study conducted by the writer. In addition, the

future researchers may try to find out how other methods are applicable in

teaching speaking.



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Hasanah, Euis Uswatun. Teaching Speaking Skill Using Active Learning

Method (A Case Study at the Seventh Year of SMP SMART Akselerasi Ekselensia

Indonesia-Bogor). Skripsi at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic Unniversity

Jakarta, Jakarta, 2007, unpublished.

Krashen, Stephen D. Formal and Informal Linguistic Environments in

Language Acquisition and Language Learning, TESOL Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 2

Jun., 1976.

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Press, 2009.


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Variable Aspect Indicator Items






- Arranging Learning-Teaching

Process 1, 2 2

- Learning Preparation 3, 4, 5 3


- Explanation of the material 6 1

- Using of instruments and media 7, 8 2

- Involving students (individually) 9 1

- Student interaction 10 1

- Orginizing of the class 11, 12, 13 3

- Using of method 14, 15,

16,17 4

- The intensity of using English in the

Learning-Teaching process 18, 19 2


- Oral Test 20 1

- Affective 21 1

- Individual work 22 1

- Group work 23 1

Total items 23




Nama Guru :

Pokok Bahasan :

Hari/Tangal :

Waktu :

Petunjuk: Berikut ini terdapat kriteria-kriteria pengajaran dalam proses observasi

pengajaran guru di kelas. Peneliti memilih setiap butir pernyataan di

bawah ini dengan memberi tanda checklist ( ) pada kolom yang paling

mewakili penilaian peneliti.

Pilihan penilaian yang disediakan adalah sebagai berikut:

5 = sangat baik, 4 = baik, 3 = cukup, 2 = kurang, 1 = sangat kurang

No Klasifikasi Data 5 4 3 2 1 Keterangan

1 Guru merancang dan menyusun rencana pembelajaran

2 Guru merancang dan menyusun tujuan pembelajaran

3 Guru mempersiapkan sumber belajar

4 Guru mempersiapkan dan menyusun metode belajar

yang yang akan digunakan

5 Guru mempersiapkan alat dan bahan belajar (media)

6 Materi dijelaskan dengan cara yang dapat dipahami

7 Media yang digunakan bervariasi, antara lain;




Audio kaset

Vidio kaset





8 Penggunaan media disesuaikan dengan materi yang


9 Siswa mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama untuk

dilibatkan dalam proses belajar

10 Terjadi interaksi dalam proses pembelajaran, antara lain;

Komunikasi satu arah

Feedback bagi guru dari siswa

Interaksi antar siswa

Interaksi antara siswa dengan siswa, siswa

dengan guru (komunikasi multi arah)

11 Guru melakukan pengelompokan siswa dalam proses


12 Kelas dikondisikan dalam pembelajaran siswa aktif

13 Pengaturan bentuk tempat duduk dikondisikan dalam

pembelajaran siswa aktif

14 Metode yang digunakan bervariasi, antara lain;


Think pair share


Role playing, drama, simulation



Problem based learning

Case studies

Peer teaching

Information gap, etc.

15 Penggunaan metode sesuai dengan materi yang



16 Penggunaan metode didukung oleh fasilitas pebelajaran

yang ada

17 Penggunaan metode sesuai dengan kondisi siswa

18 Penggunaan Bahasa Inggris di kelas oleh guru sangat


19 Penggunaan Bahasa Inggris di kelas oleh siswa sangat


20 Guru memberikan test secara lisan kepada siswa

21 Guru menilai keaktifan siswa dalam proses

pembelajaran speaking sehari-hari

22 Guru memberikan tugas individual kepada siswa untuk

dikerjakan di rumah

23 Guru memberikan tugas kelompok kepada siswa untuk

dikerjakan di rumah




Nama Guru : Mr. Adin

Tujuan : Untuk memperoleh informasi tentang proses pengajaran Speaking

di kelas.

Waktu : 17 November 2016

1. Apa pendapat Bapak tentang pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di BEC khususnya

pengajaran speaking through describing picture?

2. Apa pendapat Bapak tentang pengajaran speaking through describing picture

sebagai bagian dari pengajaran Bahasa Inggris?

3. Menurut Bapak, sudah seusaikah pengajaran speaking dengan media

describing picture bagi siswa di BEC?

4. Bagaimana Bapak merancang perencanaan pembelajaran? Apakah Bapak

membutuhkan waktu khusus untuk membuat perencanaan pembelajaran?

5. Teknik apa yang digunakan di dalam proses pembelajaran dan bagaimana

penerapannya di kelas TC?

6. Apa saja kesulitan atau hambatan yang dihadapi dalam penerapan teknik


7. Apakah pengajaran speaking hanya dilakukan di dalam kelas saja? Adakah

kegiatan lain yang Bapak lakukan untuk membangun kemampuan speaking


8. Menurut Bapak, seberapa besar pengaruh lingkungan dalam membangun

kemampuan speaking siswa disini?

9. Bagaimana Bapak memandang siswa dalam pembelajaran? Bagaimana peran

Bapak sebagai guru terhadap siswa dalam proses pembelajaran?

10. Bagaimana Bapak mengolah kelas untuk menjadikan siswa aktif dalam

menggunakan Bahasa Inggris?

11. Bagaimana Bapak melakukan penilaian terhadap hasil belajar siswa? Jenis tes

seperti apa yang Bapak berikan kepada kepada siswa khususnya dalam

pengajaran speaking? Kapan tes tersebut diberikan?




Nama Guru : Mr. Adin

Tujuan : Untuk memperoleh informasi tentang proses pengajaran Speaking

di kelas.

Waktu : 17 November 2016

1. Apa pendapat Bapak tentang pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di BEC khususnya

pengajaran speaking through describing picture?

Kalau untuk pribadi saya, karena program yang kita bahas di sini adalah

Bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan di program TC. TC adalah program perioritas

utama di BEC khususnya di program 3 bulan terakhir yang mana setiap siswa

wajib menggunakan 100% Bahasa Inggris baik saat berkomunikasi dengan dewan

guru ataupun juga dengan siswa. Maka dari itu, penggunaan media describing

picture ini memudahkan anak berbicara sesuai dengan sekenario yang dibuat. Jadi

bahasa yang disampaikan lebih terstruktur dan jadi lebih terarah. Poin utama

dalam penggunaan media ini adalah mulai dari cerita pembukaan, kemudian poin

dari gambar yang disampaikan dan sampai dengan bagian yang terakhir. Sehingga

dari situ guru dapat mengendalikan atau mengontrol jenis vocab yang dipakai

anak melalui pronounciationnya. Kemudian guru juga dapat mengamati grammar

yang dipakai apakah itu menggunakan tenses simple present kemudian simple

past atau yang lain. Jadi lebih memudahkan guru untuk mengontrol setiap siswa

yang melakukan describing picture saat dia maju ke depan kelas atau mungkin dia

perform atau mungkin saat mendesrkipsikan gambar tersebut.

Namun, ada kelemahan tersendiri waktu kita mengajar menggunakan media

tersebut apalagi gambar yang ditunjukkan masih baru untuk anak tersebut. Nah

maka dari itu, mungkin dengan mempersiapkan sebuah catatan, anak tersebut

sudah mempunyai sesuatu yang akan disampaikan. Minimal dia bisa

menyampaikan satu, dua atau tiga, bahkan empat kalimat saja sudah cukup bagi

kami. Yang penting adalah dia mampu memberanikan dirinya. Karena proses

untuk merubah anak dari program CTC yang masih menggunakan Bahasa


Indonesia kemudian dipaksa untuk menggunakan Bahasa Inggris 100% di

program TC itu tidak mudah. Minimal anak tersebut sudah berani maju ke depan

dan berani menyampaikan apa yang sudah dia siapkan pun sudah menjadi awal

yang baik bagi dirinya. Walaupun dalam kenyataannya dia masih menghafal yang

dia siapkan dan terkadang dia lupa dan dia tidak dapat menyampaikanya. Namun

itu adalah proses baginya untuk ke depan agar berani berbicara, in syaa Allah itu

sebagai langkah awal mereka untuk berani menyampaikan ide. Walaupun banyak

sekali koreksi daripada penampilannya.

Sebenarnya, kalau dari setiap gambar yang kami tunjukkan ke anak-anak itu

kami membatasi mereka untuk membuat 10 kalimat tetapi lebih dari itu akan

lebuh baik. Dan mereka bukan menceritakan apa yang ada di dalam gambar

namun lebih mengarah kepada conversation. Jadi mereka seperti membuat sebuah

percakapan yang di dalamnya terdapat kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung.

Sehinga pada waktu dia menggambarkan, dia akan benar-benar menjadi seseorang

yang menggambarkan sebuah peristiwa. Jadi bukan seperti menghafal atau

menceritakan kembali. Tapi lebih memberikan komunikasi dan dialog di dalam

penggambarannya. Kemudian, biasanya untuk bulan pertama kami membatasi

mereka untuk membuat kalimat mulai dari 10 kalimat saja. Setelah itu, mereka

diharapkan sudah tidak melihat gambar saat menggambarkan tetapi langsung

menceritakan kepada teman-temannya dan jumlah kalimatnya harus lebih banyak

dari gambar yang pertama dan seterusnya. Walaupun, terkadang masih ada

beberapa anak yang berpatokan harus membuat 10 kalimat saja. Biasanya itu

menjadi sebuah proses bagi anak yang cenderung pasif. Tetapi, minimal dia sudah

berani mengeluarkan suaranya dan berani berbicara di depan publik pun sudah

cukup buat kami. Karena penilaian kami sesungguhnya bukan pada banyak dan

tidaknya kalimat yan mereka buat tetapi pada bagaimana anak tersebut

mengontrol pronunciationnya, pola tensesnya, dan juga khususnya dalam urutan

dari mulai ide pokok hingga penejelasn dan inti gambar itu. Bagaimana mereka

membuat kalimatnya menjadi berarah dan sesuai dengan gambar yang

disampaikan itu.


Untuk durasi pemampilnya kami batasi minimal 4 menit sampai maksimal 10

menit tergantung pada anaknya. Tapi biasanya anak menghabiskan waktu

penampilan sekitar 5 sampai 7 menit berhubung dengan banyaknya siswa yang

maju ke depan jadi kami batasi maksimal 10 menit sudah cukup. Tetapi untuk

minimal waktunya sekitar 3 sampai 4 menit. Tapi kalo dibawah batas minimal

tersebut kami akan menyarankan anak tersebut untuk mengulangi lagi pada

pertemuan selanjutnya. Jika dia tidak mau mengulanginya maka nilai anak

tersebut minus. Tetapi jika anak tersebut bersedia merubahnya maka dia akan

mendapatkan poin tambahan.

Ada guru yang memakai timer untuk mengontrol waktu penampilan anak.

Tetapi saya membawa dan memakai stopwatch. Jadi kalau sudah bunyi “tek”

maka sudah harus selesai. Terkadang saya melihat ke arah siswa untuk memberi

isyarat menandakan waktu mereka sudah habis atau mungkin bisa juga lewat

kertas. Biasanya kalau waktunya sudah selesai saya akan mengulurkan kertas

untuk penanda bahwa waktunya udah selesai agar anak tidak stagnan. Kalau saya

sudah menyodorkan kertasnya berarti waktu mereka sudah habis. Nah seperti itu.

Jadi ada beberapa kode yang anak harus tau sebagai penanda waktu penampilan

mereka telah selesai.

2. Apa pendapat Bapak tentang pengajaran speaking through describing picture

sebagai bagian dari pengajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Mungkin describing picture adalah salah satu media dalam mengajarkan

speaking selain memakai role play, musik, atau retelling story dan sebagainya.

Kalau dalam penggunaan describing picture kami mengaharapkan mereka

mempunyai ide murni terhadap sesuatu masalah atau realitas. Contohnya pada

waktu anak mendapatkan topik di suasana pasar, maka mereka menggambarkan

dan menyusun kalimat menjadi sebuah cerita yang mana cerita tersebut dapat

dilaporkan kepada orang lain. Jadi secara tidak langsung, hal tersebut

mengajarkan anak mulai dari tenses, penggunaan artikel, noun dan sebagainya

yang dapat dikoreksi secara langsung oleh guru. Jadi sebenarnya jika belajar

speaking melalui describing picture, maka kami menguji 4 skil langsung yaitu skil


menulis, skil berbicara, skil mendengarkan, dan skil membaca. Hal itu juga akan

melatih controlling dan emosi anak saat mereka berbicara seperti intonasi dan

lainnya. Jadi itu yang kami harapkan, melalui describing picture anak dapat

menyampaikan ide murni mereka. Saya pribadi selalu merangsang anak dengan

bebrapa teknik. Contohnya sebelum saya menyebutkan absen saya meminta ke

pada anak “Tolong sebutkan idola yang disukai.” Itu sebagai cara agar anak berani

mengangkat tangan dan berani memberikan sebuah opini dan dia akan memilih

“Ini idola saya.” Agar apa, agar minimal anak dirangsang untuk menyampaikan

sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan idola mereka. Mereka awalnya tidak tahu apa

yang akan disampaikan dan harus menyampaikan sesuai dengan artis atau idola

yang yang dia sebut. Jadi kalau dia maju kedan dan menggambarkan sebuah

gambar itu, kalau lupa minimal dia sudah menghafalnya dan mengingat apa yang

akan disampaikan.

Biasanya agar anak tidak terlalu monolog dalam describing picture, pada

awal-awal pertemuan saya selalu memberikan penjelasan pada saat describing

picture ibaratkan diri kamu adalah seorang ayah atau seorang story teller yang

ingin menceritakan sesuatu. Keluarkanlah semua emosi, ekspresi, dan sebagainya.

Sehingga pada waktu anda melakukan describing picture, anak yang lain akan

tertarik dan tidak datar. Karena ada anak yang melakukan describing picture,

hanya berbentuk cerita tapi seperti membaca. Maka akan terdengar seperti

mendengarkan radio saja. Bagaimana cara menggunakan emosi bagaimana

menggunakan gerakan tubuh dan sebagainya sehingga terkesan kita benar-benar

menceritakan sesuatu. Jadi agar anak tidak menjadi pasif. Walaupun pada

kenyataannya pada saat ada anak maju ke depan untuk melakukan describing

picture ada yang merasa ngantuk. Menurut saya emosi dan ekspresi adalah faktor

utama, dan juga power atau kekuatan suara. Mungkin karena suaranya pelan

sehingga membuat tidak teralalu mendengar apa yang disampaikan sehingga

mereka mengabaikannya dan menggunakan waktu tersebut untuk tidur atau

mengobrol dengan anak yang lainnya. Sehingga, memunculkan kesan saat cerita

describing picture sudah dimulai ada yang mengobrol sendiri tidak

memperhatikan anak yang maju ke depan dan lain sebagainya.


Biasanya saya selalu memberikan idiom, ekspresi, dan ungkapan dan menulis

beberapa koreksi dari vocab yang salah kemudian saya meminta mereka untuk

mengikuti apa yang saya katakan persis dengan nada yang saya keluarkan. Secara

tidak langsung saya memaksa anak untuk menggunakan intonasi, emosi, dan

tekanan dalam berbicara karena dalam speaking itu tidak mungkin kita berbicara

dengan datar. Ada beberapa anak yang langsung dapat menangkap apa yang saya

jelaskan sehingga pada pertemuan selanjutnya mereka dapat bercerita lebih baik

lagi dari sebelumnya.

Tata cara dalam penggunaan media gambar adalah seperti berikut, sebelum

anak maju ke depan untuk describing picture akan diberikan gambar yang baru

dan saya menyampaikan bahwa gambar tersebut akan dipakai untuk pembelajar di

pertemuan selanjutnya. Kemudia saya mempersilahkan anak untuk

mempersiapkannya. Saat mereka maju ke depan untuk describing picture, ada

beberapa anak yang langsung memberikan teks deskriptif mereka untuk dikoreksi.

Namun, ada juga yang setelah penampilan describing picture baru memberikan


3. Menurut Bapak, sudah seusaikah pengajaran speaking dengan media describing

picture bagi siswa di BEC?

Penggunaan media describing picture berawal dari materi listening yang

dalam pengajarannya anak diminta mengisi blank-blank sembari mendengarkan

lagu yang diputar. Materi listening tersebut berdurasi satu jam setengah dan

terkadang guru kekuranga topik untuk diajarkan kepada murid. Juga, anak akan

menjadi pasif dalam kelas jika hanya diminta mendengarkan lagu atau suara yang

diputar. Meskipun beberapa kali murid diberikan beberapa idiom dan ungkapan.

Jika gurunya aktif mungkin dia kan meminta murid untuk melakukan role play.

Jadi, sebelum describing picture belum diberlakukan di BEC khususnya di kelas

TC, anak hanya diminta untuk mendengarkan kaset “Tuning in USA” yang

diputar. Setelah itu guru menjelaskan beberapa idiom yang ada didalam kaset

setelah itu guru meninggalkan kelas. Kemudian guru kembali ke kelas dan

memilih beberapa orang untuk menampilkan seperti yang didengarkan di dalam


kaset tersebut. Kalau topik yang dibahas di dalam kaset berkaitan dengan recycle

bin maka anak diminta melakukan penampilan terkait topik yang dibahas. Lalu

bagaimana dengan anak-anak yang tidak mendapatkan kesempatan untuk tampil?

Kemudian dewan guru mencari inovsai baru yang memungkinkan semua anak

dapat berperan aktif semuanya. Maka dari itu, di kelas listening hanya diberikan

satu kali dalam sebulan dan pertemuan lain untuk describing picture. Keuntungan

media describing picture adalah memaksa anak mau tidak mau wajib berbicara

maju ke depan kelas bagi setiap personalnya. Karena ada penilaian khusus dari

penampilan describing picture. Kalau memang murid dapat menampilkannya

dengan lancar maka diberikan nilai bagus dan jika pada penampilan selanjutnya

tidak lancar maka guru akan memberikan tanda penurunan nilai. Kalau menurut

saya media describing picture sudah sangat cocok untuk di program TC karena

media ini memaksa anak-anak yang dulunya tidak mau berbicara sedikit demi

sedikit sehingga anak siap ke depan dan itu cocok dengan peraturan yang

diterapkan di program TC yaitu wajib berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris


4. Bagaimana Bapak merancang perencanaan pembelajaran? Apakah Bapak

membutuhkan waktu khusus untuk membuat perencanaan pembelajaran?

Sebenarnya, untuk materi sudah kami sampaikan di awal pertemuan. Guru

sudah memiliki lesson plan untuk minggu pertama hingga minggu terakhir selama

3 bulan dan anak sudah tau tentang itu. Jadi, materi untuk dua hari ini apa dan

untuk dua hari selanjutnya apa. Sehingga anak tau topik apa saja yang akan

diberikan. Saya ingin anak-anak merasakan pengalaman public speaking maka

dari itu saya menyiapkan satu set microphone dengan sound system di dalam

kelas. Karena banyak anak yang merasa pobia dengan michrophone, saya

menyiapknnya agar itu dapat menjadi teman bagi anak-anak sehingga mereka

terbiasa dan berani menggunakannya. Sehingga saat mereka mendapatkan giliran

untuk sudden speech in syaa Allah aka siap menggunakannya. Untuk

menindaklanjutinya, pada akhir program setelah tiga bulan beakhir saya bertanya

kepada anak-anak “apa manfaat menggunakan microphone pada penampilan


kalian?” Mereka bilang “ya Sir awalnya saya merasa takut jika berbicara

menggunakan microphone dan sekarang saya sudah berani menggunakannya

karena sudah terbiasa menggunakannya”. Kemudian, melalui media lain seperti


Saya sering melakukan ice breaking secara spontan. Jadi saya hanya memilki

bayangan atau gambaran saja sebelum masuk ke kelas tertentu. Karena saya sudah

pernah masuk ke kelas tersebut jadi saya paham betul karakter murid di kelas

tersebut pada detik-detik tertentu. Sehingga pada waktu masuk ke kelas kita

mempunyai beberapa cadangan ice dan untuk brain stormingnya. Jika saya

merasa kalau itu berhasil diterapkan di kelas tersebut maka saya akan

menerapkannya di kelas lain. Namun jika dirasa ada kelas yang tidak cocok

dengan penerapan itu maka saat otu pula kita bbisa menggantinya dengan

cadangan lain yang kira-kira dapat menarik perhatian anak sehingga mereka dapat

mengikuti lagi proses belajar mengajar dan mampu mencairkan suasana kelas

yang beku. Satu lagi, kami para dewan guru diberikan pesan oleh Mr. Kalend

bahwa mengajar itu bukan semata membuat anak itu mendapatkan sesuatu. Maka

prinsipnya adalah mengajarlah dengan cinta, keikhlasan, dan kasih sayang.

Penggunaan ice breaker tergantung pada susana murid. Itulah kenapa pada

satu minggu pertama saya berusaha membaca setiap karakter personal di tiap

kelas. Saya juga mewajibkan diri saya untuk menghafal nama setiap anak,

karakter mereka, dan suasana tiap kelas pada dua minggu pertama proses belajar

mengajar. Bahkan setiap ketua kelas pun wajib saya hafalkan dan ketahui

karakternya. Karena jika tidak demikian, saya akan kerepotan untuk selalu

mencoba mencari cara yang sesuai setiap kali akan masuk ke kelas. Cara saya

mengetahui karatker setiap anak adalah di saat saya mengabsen nama anak saya

selalu menanyakan opini atau pendapat mereka tentang sesuatu, hal itu membuat

saya memahami karakter anak dengan cepat. Dengan demikian, karena saya sudah

mengetahui perbedaan karakter dan suasana setiap kelas, saya pun dapat

menyiapkan cara atau alat yang akan dipergunakan untuk kelas tertentu. Biasaya

alat dan cara tertentu sudah saya persiapkan saat malam hari atau satu jam

sebelum saya masuk ke kelas. Seperti contoh, sebelum masuk kelas jam 06.30,


saya sudah masuk kelas duku sekitar jam 05.30 untuk menata dan mempersiapkan

sekenario dalam kelas dan meletak alat yang diperlukan di kelas.

5. Teknik apa yang digunakan di dalam proses pembelajaran dan bagaimana

penerapannya di kelas TC?

Pertama kali, anak diperkenalkan dengan gambar yang baru mereka lihat.

Kemudian saya berikan beberapa pentunjuk yang berupa kalimat seperti “in the

middle on the way.” Selain itu saya juga memberikan kalimat yang harus

diterapkan dalam pembuatan kalimat selanjutnya oleh anak. Tujuannya adalah

agar anak mengurangi kesalahan-kesalahan. Tekniknya seperti itu saja. Untuk

pengembangannya, saya berfikir dan mencari solusi untuk program TC pada

periode depan.

6. Apa saja kesulitan atau hambatan yang dihadapi dalam penerapan teknik


Beberapa anak mengantuk saat proses belajar. Kemudian saya mencoba untuk

masuk ke kelas dan mengamati apa saja yang menyebabkan hal itu terjadi. Saya

melihat susunan kursinya sangat kurang menarik. Contohnya, kursi yang dipakai

di dalam kelas adalah kursi berwarna merah yang membuat suasana kelas menjadi

pudar. Akhirnya saya meminta agar kursi diganti dengan kursi yang berwarna

lebih cerah yaitu kursi berwarna hijau. Kemudian kondisi kelasnya saya perbaiki

dengan meletakan semua gambar yang awalnya berada di depan kelas saya

pndahkan di belakang kelas. Kemudian, saya meminta agar kelas mempunyai

tambahan satu kipas angin lagi agar saat proses belajar murid tidak merasa

kepanasan. Untuk teknik di kelas selalu saya pikirkan setiap malamnya sebelum

masuk ke kelas dan berfikir bagaimana caranya agar mulai dari detik awal hingga

anak-anak keluar dari kelas dalam keadaan ceria dan harus tersenyum. Meskipun

terkadang saya melakukan sesuatu yang berlebihan. Seperti melakukan jogedan-

jogedan dan menggunakan ekspresi yang berlebihan. Tetapi yan saya tekankan

adalah bagaimana caranya agar anak keluar dari kelas dengan ceria dan

tersenyum. Karena menurut sumber yang saya baca itu mengatakan


“cenderungnya pengajaran itu dapat dikatakan sukses jika anak itu ceria dan

gembira setelah keluar dari kelas.” Sehingga saat anak tidak masuk maka dia akan

berfikir “apa yah yang akan guru saya sampaikan besok, kalau saya tidak masuk

kelas rugi.” Jadi ada sesuatu atau rahasia yang anak tidak tahu sehingga saat

masuk kelas lagi dia akan mendapatkan sesuatu yang baru daripada hari

sebelumnya. Jadi selalu ada tanda tanya di benak anak-anak. Saya bertanya

kepada anak-anak apakah ada yang kurang dari hari pertama sampai hari terakhir

dan alhamdulillah mereka mengatakan tidak ada.

Untuk controlingnya kendala saya adalah anak-anak yang kurang aktif dan

selalu duduk di belakang kelas. Maka dari itu saya menggunakan satu cara yang

dapat membuat mereka maju ke depan untuk berbpartisi aktif dan berbicara di

depan kelas. Yaitu, saya menempelkan beberapa kertas di kursi-kursi yang

biasanya menjadi tempat duduk anak-anak yang kurang aktif tersebut. Agar saat

mereka maju tidak memberikan kesan bahwa saya menghakimi anak tersebut

kalau dia tidak aktif di kelas. Tetapi membuat semacam drama sehingga saat saya

bertanya kepada anak “siapa yang memegang kertas ini?” akhirnya mau tidak mau

anak yang mempunyai kertas itu maju ke depan. Nah, setelah kedan, biar anak

tersebut merasa dihargai akhirnya saya memberika sesuatu kepada anak-anak ini.

Biasanya berupa kata motivasi pada stiker. Mereka akan mendapatkan stiker

tersebut setelah mereka menjawab pertanyaan saya.

7. Apakah pengajaran speaking hanya dilakukan di dalam kelas saja? Adakah

kegiatan lain yang Bapak lakukan untuk membangun kemampuan speaking


Sebenarnya, di TC itu ada dua kelas yang saling berhubungan, yang pertama

kelas EIU (English In Use) yang dipegang sama Mr. Fu dan satunya kelas

speaking yang saya pegang ini. Keduanya saling berhubungan. Kalo di kelas yang

pertama lebih menerapkan pengajaran ke personal anak. Kalo kelas saya lebih

mengarah kepada bagaimana speaking itu sendiri dan lebih fokus pada bagaimana

penggunaan grammar dalam speaking dan sebagainya.


8. Menurut Bapak, seberapa besar pengaruh lingkungan dalam membangun

kemampuan speaking siswa disini?

Kami memakai sistem seperti ini, jika anak sudah keluar dari lingkungan

BEC, mereka tetap wajib berkomunikasi menggunakan 100% Bahasa Inggris

kepada sesama anak TC yang lain atau dengan komunitasnya. Jika mereka

terbukti atau kami mendapatkan laporan bahwa ada siswa yang melanggarnya

maka kami akan memberikan kartu kuning kepada anak tersebut. Tujuannya

adalah, kami ingin menanamkan kepada anak-anak bahwa pada program TC itu

anak benar-benar diwajibkan untuk berbicara 100% menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

di dalam ataupun di luar lingkungan BEC denga sesama komunitas anak TC.

Mereka boleh menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia jika mereka pergi ke warung dan

berkomunikasi dengan penjual warungnya atau dengan orang lain yang bukan

anak TC lainnya. Pernah suatu ketika ada beberapa anak mengadakan pertemuan

di salah satu tempat nongkrong yang letaknya lumayan jauh dari BEC. Mereka

mungkin menganggap jika bertemu di tempat nongkrong tersebut akan bebas

berbicara Bahasa Indonesia. Tetapi ada anak lain yang peduli dengan peraturan

BEC dan dia melaporkan perbuatan anal-anak yang menggunakan Bahasa

Indonesia. Akhirnya pada hari jumat saat acara conversation, mereka dipanggil ke

depan ratusan anak lain dan mereka diberikan karu kuning menandakan kalau

sekali lagi mereka melanggar peraturan BEC maka mereka akan mendapatkan

kartu merah dan dan tidak berhak mendapatkan sertifikat dari BEC. Bagi yang

mendapat kartu kuning, dia dapat memperbaiki kesalahannya dengan cara harus

berpartisipasi aktif di kelas seperti menjawab pertanyaan dari guru atau sering

maju ke depan saat guru memberikan kesempatan. Kartu kuning ini memberikan

motivasi kepada anak tersebut untuk terus berpartisipasi aktif di setiap

kesempatan yang ada.

9. Bagaimana Bapak memandang siswa dalam pembelajaran? Bagaimana peran

Bapak sebagai guru terhadap siswa dalam proses pembelajaran?

Pertama, guru mendampingi anak dan mengerti apa yag dia harapkan. Kami

semua sadar bahwa sebenarnya guru-guru BEC itu mengajar untuk pengabdian.


Karena guru bukanlah hanya guru yang memberikan materi tetapi guru adalah

orang yang memposisikan dirinya sebagai mitra dan teman belajar anak. Sehingga

kalau mereka punya masalah, kami siap untuk menjadi pemberi solusinya dan

kalau mereka punya kendala kami siap menjadi guidenya dan lain sebagainya.

Jadi peran guru tidak hanya menyampaikan materi saat di kellas saja dan selesai

saat kelas selesai saja. Tetapi kami mem-follow up perkembangan anak sampai di

luar kelas. Maka dari itu, terkadang kami mengikuti acara anak-anak di luar kelas

dan tidak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan BEC. Seperti contoh, biasanya

mereka mengaja guru begini “Sir, kami mau main futsal di sana.” Ya akhirnya

kami ikut, meskipun di sela-sela kesibukan para guru masing-masing. Dan saat

bermain futsal pun kami membuat aturan untuk tidak berbicara menggunakan

Bahasa Indonesia melainkan 100% menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Terkadang

anak-anak mengadakan diskusi di luar BEC dan mereka melibatkan para guru dan

alhamdulillah dengan demikian guru dapat mengenal karakter tiap anak dengan

mudah. Jadi memang kami selalu memantau kegiatan anak di luar BEC. Jadi saya

memposisikan diri saya sebagai orang tua kedua mereka.

Saya menganggap murid itu sebagai anak didik saya bukan sebagai peserta

didik di dalam kelas saja. Jika ada anak didik saya yang mendapatkan masalah in

syaa Allah saya selalu siap memposisikan diri saya sebagai teman mereka untuk

memberikan masukan dan solusi. Hanya tidak masalah pribadi yang biasanya

anak ceritakan, terkadang mereka bercerita juga tentang kesulitan yang mereka

hadapi di kelas saat proses belajar mengajar.

10.Bagaimana Bapak mengolah kelas untuk menjadikan siswa aktif dalam

menggunakan Bahasa Inggris?

Mulai dari guru dulu, saya harus aktif di dalam kelas. Menurut saya, guru itu

tidak hanya sebagai seorang figure sebagai artis. Seorang artis harus mengerti

bagaimana dia mengikat para penontonnya. Ketika seorang artis sudah mampu

mengikat para penontonnya maka mereka akan selalu mengikuti kemana perginya

artis tersebut. Bahkan terkadang ketika kita ingin minita tanda tanganpun harus

saling berebut dulu hingga terinjak-injak. Sama dengan guru, mau tidak mau guru


harus aktif karena kalau tidak begitu lalu bagaimana dengan siswa. Walaupun

kadang saya malu melakukan sesuatu seperti joged-joged saat mengekspresikan

suatu kosa kata baru. Sejatinya aktor dan aktris dalam keidupan bukanlah mereka

yang tampil di TV tetapi guru. Karena guru adalah public figure dan yang

disampaikan guru adalah pencerah atau lentera bagi anak. terkadang saya

memberikan masukan kepada beberapa anak yang kurang baik penampilannya

dan gugup saat di depan kelas. Saya mengajari bagaimana memegang microphone

yang benar, bagaimana mengendalikan suara saat berbicara, dan mengajari gerak

tubuh pada saat penampilan. Saya jarang menunjuk orang untuk maju ke depan,

saya lebih sering memberikan kesempatan bagi yang ingin maju kedepan. Tetapi

jika yang maju adalah anak-anak tertentu saja, maka saya akan menunjuk anak

yang jarang sekali maju ke depan untuk maju. Dalam mengapresiasi penampilan

anak, saya selalu mengatakan kalau penampilan mereka bagus dengan

mengucapkan “good, good.” Tujuannya adalah agar anak tersebut merasa sudah


Selain sharing di dalam kelas, saya juga melakukan private sharing di luar

kelas dengan beberapa anak yang kurang aktif. Biasanya saya memanggil mereka

dan menanyakan apa masalahnya setelah itu saya memberika solusi dan masukan

kepada mereka. Tujuannya adalah agar anak-anak ini tidak merasa diabaikan oleh

guru dan tidak menganggap bahwa guru hanya peduli dengan murid yang pintar

saja. Karena sebenarnya guru itu memberikan sesuatu yang sama kepada setiap

anak dan tidak pernah membeda-bedakan mereka.

11. Bagaimana Bapak melakukan penilaian terhadap hasil belajar siswa? Jenis tes

seperti apa yang Bapak berikan kepada kepada siswa khususnya dalam pengajaran

speaking? Kapan tes tersebut diberikan?

Melalui ujian. Ujian yang dilakukan setiap hari dan juga ujian yang dilakukan

pada akhir program. Selain itu, kami juga menguji karakter anak karena di BEC

ini kental sekali dengan yang namanya ujian karakter yang berupa penilaian

bagaimana anak itu hormat dengan guru dan lain sebagianya. Itu dikarenakan

kami tidak hanya mengajarkan skil kepada anak tetapi juga karakter. Maka sekali


lagi untuk menilai hasil belajar anak tidak hanya melalui kemampuan speaking

mereka saja tetapi juga melalui karakter mereka baik itu pakaian anak atau yang

lainnya. Seperti contoh yang saya lakukan di kelas saya adalah saat ada anak yang

datang terlambat ke kelas tetap saya biarkan masuk tetapi saya berikan tanda

tersendiri untuk anak tersebut. Kemudian saya hitung tandanya, jika sudah anak

tersebut sudah mendapatkan tiga tanda berarti nilai dia sudah minus. Misalkan

saat sebelu terlambat anak itu mendaptkan nilai 90 maka setiap terlambat satu kali

maka nilainya kan dikurang 5. Secara kesuluran, saya memberikan penilaian pada

keaktifan anak setiap harinya, juga koreksi-koreksi pada tata bahasa yang


Untuk memberikan koreksi pada penampilan anak, dulu saya pernah mencoba

memberikan koreksi segera setelah anak tampil describing picture di depan kelas.

Saat itu, saya menghitung jumlah anak yang tampil describing picture hanya tiga

sampai empat anak saja karena saat beberapa anak mendapatkan banyak sekali

koreksi pada penampilannya sehingga menghabiskan waktu yang tidak sedikit dan

membuat anak lain tidak mendapatkan waktu untuk maju ke depan. Saya rasa cara

seperti itu sangat time consuming. Selain itu, jika saya memberikan koreksi segera

setelah anak tampil akan memebrikan sedikit trauma karena mereka menganggap

seperti ini “ini yang pinter aja salah, apalagi saya yang biasa saja.” Hal tersebut

akan membuat anak yang merasa dirinya kurang bisa menjadi tidak bergairah

maju ke depan untuk describing picture.

Selain itu, untuk penilaian juga kami perlakukan ujian di akhir program yang

berupa ujian tulis dan ujian lisan. Dalam bentuk tulis, kami memberikan gambar

kepada anak dan mereka diminta untuk membuat teks deskriptif dari gambar

tersebut sebanyak 10 kalimat. Sedangkan dalam bentuk lisan, anak akan diberikan

gambar yang benar-benar baru bagi mereka dan diminta untuk menggambarkan

saat itu juga tanpa persiapan apapun. Setelah selesai dengan describing picture,

anak akan diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang materi yang selama ini

sudah mereka pelajari dalam bentuk lisan pula. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui

apakah anak masih inget dengan materi dan contoh-contoh yang diberikan.









Sample of Speaking Material from HANDBOOK/COURSE BOOK



Sample of Speaking Material from HANDOUT



Sample of Picture as Media