Teaching Report 21.4.99

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  • 7/28/2019 Teaching Report 21.4.99


    Guy Lloyd


    ED 3101 (PD)

    1-4pm Wed

    21st April 1999

    Micro Teaching Report:The overall lesson seemed to develop well although I did exceed the time limit. This was caused by

    interchanging of to much technology within the teaching room, I also did not watch the time well. The

    critical friend did inform me of time, but I seemed to get a little carried away with the lesson. My time

    management had been discussed with critical friend prior to the lesson on two occasions and other issues

    within the lesson plan. This however did not work in the actual lesson, I feel that the time management

    aspect of lesson planning will have to be analysed more closely. The unpredictability and unknown humanbehavior factors within the lesson, cannot be predicted until the actual lesson is in progress. Once my

    lesson was in progress, I tried to micro reflect on each little scenario which occurred within the lesson. This

    gave me continual feedback of the lessons progression and my peers reaction to it. The group used was

    small and I feel that this lesson on teamwork may have worked better with a larger group. The reaction

    cards for each team member had definitive roles, to be acted out in the team environment, only four of

    these cards could be used. This showed me that flexibility and the ability to adapt to the situation as a

    facilitator are important.

    The amount of information and activity to be assessed in this lesson was extensive and the time limit,

    unfortunately only allowed shallow coverage. Consequently the lesson was a little rushed, this I feel left mypeers a little confused about the whole lesson objective. The discussion part of the lesson only allowed

    minimal interaction and I would have liked to spend more time on this reflective process. This would have

    allowed discussion on team work and its implications for the classroom and my peers. I had to give this

    discussion to my peers for homework which hopefully will give me some feedback on learnt material.

    The techniques and strategies used within the lesson were based mainly on interaction with reflection. This

    allowed me to ascertain the amount of learning taking place. Unfortunately I did not have time to have open

    discussion on the subject matter, due to time constraints. I feel that the if I had allowed more time in thediscussion area, it could have been more indicative of how the lesson provided knowledge on team work.

    On viewing the video at a later stage, it was evident that I had made some mistakes in the way I producedthe lesson and taught it. I feel that these issues should not be taken as failure but be used as indicators to

    further reflection and critical analysis for further lesson plans. I have asked for input from the critical friend

    and for a report which we decided would be an excellent reference from someone who did not interact with

    the lesson, but was an observer.

    The lesson was based on constructive learning, however I did not appreciate the time this style of teaching

    can command. I believe in constructivist theory and enjoy the implications and feedback that come from

    this form of teaching with peers. The strengths of the lesson I believe were its interactivity and

    involvement. It steered away from transmission teaching as far as possible and this was the objective. The

    filming of my peers as they worked with the teamwork scenario, gave myself and peers an insight into

    how we work as a team. Some interesting theories were discussed about the filming and reflection and this

    was my objective. Hayles a theorist we studied last year, explained that we react differently when we are

    aware that we are being analysed even sub consciously. Therefore filming my peers in an unaware stateproved positive. This was evidenced my their reactions when I replayed the footage of them working as a

    team. The weaknesses include my time management and the inability to get people working quickly in asmall group, which was the overall objective. I possibly should have explained in more detail the roles and

    responsibilities of teamwork before commencing the practical scenario. Future action and planning will

    allow me to focus more on the areas where I am weak and should in the long term provide a more definitive

    and productive lesson. The learning experience of the lesson has been enjoyable and I look forward to more

    extensive ways of conducting teaching.

    Guy Lloyd9712761109 ED 3101 (pd)

  • 7/28/2019 Teaching Report 21.4.99


    Teaching Plan:


    I choose the topic and decided that it would be important, because my colleagues and I have not

    experienced the importance of teamwork. Through the course at the university we have all worked solelyon projects, until this course which is making individuals work more closely. Therefore I decided that a

    lesson on teamwork would be beneficial to all. It fits with my belief of teaching as at sometime we all haveto work in a team environment. The team work scenario can fit into various aspects of life and to show the

    importance of this would be beneficial to my colleagues in future work in the university. The prospect of

    further teamwork and friendly criticism within study is inevitable, therefore I wanted to enhance skills

    already learnt through some subjects studied.

    Nature of the lesson:The lesson was aimed at team work and its importance. The lesson tried to allow what I would call,

    absolute constructivism in that I wanted my colleagues to really think for themselves and assess

    themselves, which was a large task. It fits with other learning in mathematics study and theories learnt in

    developmental psychology. The resources required were extensive and the critical friend played an

    important role in the production of videos for reflection and time feedback for the lesson.

    Purposes, Aims and Objectives:

    The learning outcomes that I intended for the lesson were that my colleagues would understand theimplications and theories behind teamwork and its advantages in the university, school and for their future

    pupils, in a school environment. Some of this information was gained however due to time restrictions Ifeel that I only skimmed the surface.

    Intended processes:

    The lesson went as planned but as I did not manage the time well it exceeded the allocated slot for this

    lesson. I felt that I did not need to write all the words that I would be saying in the lesson and relied more

    on the micro reflection of reactions, gestures and knowledge my peers seemed to be attaining, I do not

    know if this was a good strategy at this stage?. Each step in the lesson was marked and timed, but once the

    lesson was in progression it proved difficult to rigidly stay on track with time and management issues.


    This took place throughout the lesson and also at the end where my peers are going to bring some form ofreflection on team work into next weeks lesson, I can then assess this information to gain some

    understandings of what learnings took place. I have also watched the video on three occasions and have

    gained some knowledge by reflection, on issues within the lesson which will be changed to accentuate the

    points which I felt were really necessary for understanding.

    Guy Lloyd9712761109 ED 3101 (pd)