TEACHING AND LEARNING MULTI-YEAR PLAN 2012 … Us/Multi Year Plan Documents/Teachi… · TEACHING AND LEARNING. MULTI. ... continue to be an integral part of the day to day learning

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The Program Department is responsive to system assessment data, EQAO results and needs identified at the school level. All professional learning is connected to the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well-Being (BIPSA-WB), and the SCDSB Essential Practices. There is a continued focus on inquiry to enhance instructional strategies to meet the needs of every learner.

Overview of Professional Learning

• Professional learning is purposeful with a focus on assessment for, as and of learning which informs instruction in all classrooms • Teaching notebooks (TNB’s) continue to be an integral part of the day to day learning within the classroom • Strategies to enhance the use of technology in classroom instruction are emphasized in professional learning • Teachers continue to learn how technology supports instruction and assessment • Professional Learning Cycles (Teaching Learning Critical Pathway (TLCP), Action Research, Professional Learning Cycles (PLC), Inquiry) • Collaborative planning through each of the stages of the PLC (Plan, Act, Observe and Reflect) with particular attention to identified learners (e.g., boy learners, FNMI

students, special education students) • Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) workshops • Professional Collaboration Sites with a focus on identifying action items to adjust instructional strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners. These opportunities for

staff to visit collaboration sites have resulted in order to gain a deeper understanding of implementing a comprehensive literacy program (gradual release of responsibility, use of Ontario curriculum documents, assessment for and as learning)

• Secondary Professional Collaboration Sites with a focus on technology use in math (TI-Nspire, CAS graphing technology) • Collaborative Inquiry in literacy and numeracy using a co-plan, co-teach model • Professional Learning for Teacher Librarians and Instructional Coaches with focus a on the integration of literacy, numeracy and technology in a variety of contexts

(focus on facilitation skills, co-planning, co-teaching) • Implementation of Ministry supported initiatives (e.g., Common European Frame of Reference (CEFR), Steps to English Proficiency (STEP) Resource document) • Development of a common definition for the Essential Practices (e.g., learning goals, success criteria, accountable talk, descriptive feedback), classroom structures and

tools • Implementation of Growing Success document focusing on assessment for and as learning • Closing the achievement gap • A variety of coaching models have been used to support teachers’ instructional practices focusing on early literacy, junior literacy, English as a Second Language (ESL)

support, French as a Second Language (FSL) instruction, numeracy, Student Work Study (SWS), Schools in the Middle, Ontario Focused Intervention Plan (OFIP)


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting Early Years Instruction Oral Language Collaborative Inquiry Early Primary Collaborative Inquiry

• Early Years Consultant LNS Capacity Building Series

• Curriculum Services Canada

• Let’s Talk About It • Supporting English

Language Learners in Kindergarten

• Alternative Curriculum Expectations/ Assessment Companion Tool (ACE /ACT)

• Eaglecrest books • Video conferencing

• PLC sessions for four subgroups of schools -FNMI, ELL, ACE/ACT, Emergent Oral Language

• Educator capacity building in development and delivery of oral language program through inquiry

• One FDEL-K educator team per school to participate in a series of 3 PLC sessions

• Years 1, 2, and 3 FDEL-K schools and two year 4 schools

• Educator teams to share evidence of their professional learning as well as the impact on student learning through the use of observations and use of iPod recordings

• Principal monitoring of FDEL-K programs with a focus on oral language development, reading and writing skill development

• FDEL-K team to monitor how oral language impacts writing for a purpose

• Increased oral language development in Kindergarten students

• Development of monograph to support best practices in intentional oral language programming

• Increased readiness for Grade 1 (as indicated through report card comments and assessment data: OLA, PM Benchmarks)

Early Success (Complete the roll out of early intervention)

• Early Years Consultant • Early Success Grade 1

Kit 1 • Early Success Grade 2

Kit 2

• Adobe Connect • Face-to-Face sessions • eWorkshop • Increase capacity at

the school level with a particular focus on students progressing with difficulty

• Grade 1, Grade 2 and Special Education Resource Teachers (SERTs) new to role

• Teachers to collect data to inform instruction

• Research and Evaluation staff to monitor system level data entry

• School Principals monitor data available on the dashboard

• Improved PM Benchmark scores at the end of the year


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Assessment and Evaluation Project Team within a play-based learning environment

• LNS Capacity Building Series

• Curriculum Services Canada

• FDEL-K Program document

• Subgroups: -Documentation -Next Steps -Learning Goals -Teaching/Learning -Writing exemplars

• RCT or DECE educators nominated by their administrator for participation

• Administrator leads for each subgroup

• Early Years Consultant and Principal of Program will monitor the progress of the project team

• Develop a resource of documentation practices and tools for assessment and evaluation that will support a play-based program

Year 4 FDEL-K Implementation Creation of What Educators Need to Know document

• Early Years Consultant • Senior Planner • Human Resource

Services Officer-Administrative and Support Services

• Full Day Early Learning Kindergarten Program document 2010

• Ministry Early Learning PD session resource materials

• Full day face-to-face professional learning related to play-based learning environments, classroom organization and scheduling

• Year 4 implementation schools – administrator and teaching staff assigned to a FDEL-K class for September 2013

• Principal observation as new teams form with a focus on how educators are implementing play- based learning

• Principal to collaborate with educator team(s) to ensure that the learning environment is conducive to student inquiry

• Develop a shared understanding of the vision and principles of the program, i.e., play based learning environment

• Effective use of space in the classroom and outdoor areas

Summer Institutes (optional professional learning for Designated Early Childhood Educators (DECEs)

• Early Years Consultant • Full Day Early Learning

Kindergarten Program Document 2010

• LNS Capacity Building Series (Pedagogical Documentation)

• www.edugains.ca

• Professional learning to understand the role and responsibilities of a DECE

• Understanding collaborative planning and play-based learning

• Educator teams (teachers and DECEs)

• Principal to support the partnership of the educator team and the implementation of a play-based program

• Implementation of play-based programs responsive to student need as evidenced through documentation of student learning (voice recording, learning stories, journaling, communication blogs for parents)


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


• Increased PM Benchmark scores

• Demonstration of developing numeracy skills through representation of thinking and making connections

Outdoor Learning Spaces

• Early Years Consultant • Senior Planner • SCDSB Outdoor Learning

Spaces support document

• Introduce document to schools implementing the FDEL-K program

• FDEL-K teams to implement recommended activities (e.g., sand, water, science, discovery)

• Facility Services • Principals • Early Years Consultant

• Increased use of the outdoor learning spaces to support inquiry-based learning

• To support Early Learning Kindergarten teams in integration of outdoor learning into daily programming


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting English as a Second Language Instruction Ministry English Language Learner (ELL) Policy and Procedures Implementation (Project#1: Identifying English Language Learners)

• ESL Consultant • Steps to English

Proficiency (STEP) Continuum

• Face to face sessions: 4 half- day PLCs for Secondary Teachers with focus on English Language Learner Profiles

• Implementation of STEP assessment resource continua to facilitate student learning

• Teacher representatives from each secondary school with responsibility for ESL instruction (Oct 2012)

• Ernest Cumberland (April 2013) staff responsible for teaching ELL students

• ESL Consultant to gather results of project data for presentation at the Learning and Leadership Conference

• Teachers monitor learning through student work and progress on the STEP continuum

• Increased awareness of ELL at secondary level

• Increased use of STEP assessment resource at secondary level

• Learning and Leadership Conference: May 2013

• Anecdotal evidence through teacher feedback

ESL/English Literacy Development (ELD) (Board website page)

• ESL Consultant • ICT Consultant • Early Years Consultant • Literacy Consultant • www.edugains.ca

• Update knowledge and skills components on web design specific to SCDSB website

• All SCDSB teachers and administrators accessing the information on the website (May/June 2013)

• ESL Consultant • Updated resources for Board website regarding ESL/ELD

• Ongoing feedback to meet the identified needs of ELL students

Continue implementation of STEP ongoing assessment resource in all classrooms

• ESL Consultant • www.edugains.ca • English Language

Learners: ESL and ELD Programs and Services, Policies and Procedures for Ontario Elementary and Secondary Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12

• Steps to English Proficiency (STEP)

• Face to face sessions at the school level

• In-class support to identify instructional strategies for English Language Learners

• Elementary and Secondary teachers with ELL students

• Guidance Counsellors • Special Education

Resource Teachers

• Teacher self-monitoring and reflections

• ESL consultant to support instructional strategies

• Annual updates of STEP continua for ELL students

• Evidence of student achievement of curriculum expectations through oral language skill development


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Oral Language Collaborative Inquiry (Full-Day Early Learning – Kindergarten (FDEL-K)/ ELL focus)

• Early Years Consultant • ESL Consultant • Let’s Talk About it • Learner Profiles of ELL


• Facilitator training day • Cross department co-

planning (FNMI, Special Education, Program)

• 3 full day PLCs with 2 groups of 3 for FDEL-K teachers from each school

• FDEL-K educator teams from identified schools (Regular Class Teacher (RCT) and Designated Early Child Educator (DECE))

• March-June 2013

• RCT and DECE self-monitoring through discussion of oral language evident in play-based learning and guided instruction

• ESL Consultant co-planning and observing with Principal the development of oral language

• Anecdotal evidence through teacher /DECE feedback

• Improved oral language scores (Oral Language Assessment (OLA)/ Activate Early Learning (AEL))

• Voice recorded documentation of student learning using Teaching Notebooks and iPods


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting French as a Second Language Instruction Revised FSL Curriculum (Support the implementation of the revised FSL curriculum for mandatory implementation in September 2013)

• FSL Consultant • Revised FSL Ontario

Curriculum policy document

• Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)

• Face-to-face sessions • Adobe Connect • Ministry rollout

training session

• All SCSDB FSL teachers • Teacher self-monitoring through implementation of revised FSL curriculum

• Anecdotal evidence of descriptive feedback to improve oral language communication

• Evidence of curriculum in classrooms through learning goals and success criteria

Job-embedded learning focused on oral language and CEFR

• FSL Consultant • CEFR • Ontario Curriculum:

French as a Second Language

• Co-planning and co-teaching of identified curriculum expectations using instructional strategies from CEFR that support the SIPSA-WB

• FSL teachers in areas 3, 4 and 5 to participate in PLCs in Fall – Winter 2012-2013

• PLC facilitator and participants to measure impact of specific strategies on student work

• Teachers to moderate student work to provide descriptive feedback for students

• Student and teacher survey with evidence of increased oral language and use of French language by both teachers and students

Extended French Feasibility Study: Township of Clearview September 2012

• Research and Evaluation Department

• Principals from the French Immersion (FI) and Extended French as a Second Language (EFSL) sites (French 10)

• FSL Consultant

• Community consultations via parent survey, media releases and information evenings

• Parents of students in Grade 4 and younger within Clearview Township schools

• Administrators of Clearview Township Schools

• In collaboration with the Research and Evaluation Department, parent surveys will be conducted and recommendations will be presented to the Program Standing Committee on November 14, 2012

• Feedback from Grade K – 4 parents in the Township of Clearview


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


FSL Feasibility Studies: Grade 1 FI, Gr. 1 Core French, Grade 4 EFSL, Grade 4 FI

• Research and Evaluation Department

• FSL Consultant • Principals from

designated French sites

• Parent Surveys • Teacher Surveys • FSL-qualified teacher

information evening • Consultations with

SCDSB FSL Feasibility Committees

• Consultations with other boards regarding implementation of Immersion

• Preschool, JK and Grade 2 parents

• FSL-qualified elementary teachers

• FSL Feasibility Study Table Teams

• Reports presented at the November 14,

2012 Program Standing Committee and the November Board meeting

• Survey Feedback from: -Preschool, JK and Grade 2 parents -FSL-qualified elementary teachers -FSL Feasibility Study Table Team results -Partner Boards

EFSL Home Reading Project

• EFSL teacher team to develop teacher, parent and student resource guides to outline an EFSL Home Reading Program

• Develop program guides for EFSL Home Reading Program

• FSL Consultant to introduce the resource document to Intermediate EFSL teachers

• FSL Consultant to facilitate the development of the resource document with the project writing team

• FSL Consultant to monitor the progress of the project

• Development of a parent and student survey to gain feedback on the use of the resources

Implementation of Early French Immersion (EFI) – Grade 1

• FSL Consultant • Barrie Region Boards’

FSL Consultants • SCDSB EFI Parent

Handbook • Canadian Parents for


• 3 full-day sessions in June to support EFI teachers with Literacy and Numeracy instruction, Essential Practices, assessment for and as learning and documentation of oral communication

• Use of TNBs to document learning

• Effective use of technology to support instruction

• Teachers who will be teaching EFI in September 2013

• FSL Consultant will deliver the FSL sessions in French to teachers new to role

• FSL Consultant will work with consultants from other boards to prepare the sessions

• Learnings from the sessions will be shared with Administrators

• Feedback survey from the three June sessions will inform the planning of future learning opportunities in September 2013


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


• EFI teachers will be invited to attend the Great Beginning Summer Learning Program offered through York Region District School Board


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting Literacy Instruction Teacher-Librarian/ Instructional Coaches (Learning opportunities for coaches / teacher-librarians focusing on the implementation of Essential Classroom Practices Document)

• Literacy Consultant • Student Achievement

Officer • Provincial Literacy

Lead • Instructional Strategies

Consultants • Essential Practices K-

12 working document June 2012

• Essential Practices Support document

• LNS monographs (Grand Conversations, Teacher Inquiry)

• Comprehension and Collaboration Inquiry Circles in Action by Harvey and Daniels

• Adolescent Literacy Resource Guide

• 3 half-day sessions • Session 1: focus on

understanding of the essential classroom practices

• Development of an inquiry statement based on the identified areas of need in the SIPSA-WB

• Session 2: introduction of mindsets, sharing evidence of inquiry work at the school level, developing awareness of the levels of implementation (key indicators), refinement of inquiry statement (precision and personalization)

• Session 3: sharing key indicators of the adolescent literacy guide, and reflecting on cumulative learning through the inquiry work at the school level

• 9-12 Literacy Leads • K-12 Teacher-

Librarians • K-8 in-school coaches

• Teacher expectation to share inquiry statements with administrators focusing on collaboration and the implementation of the essential classroom practices

• Teacher-Librarian or Instructional Coach ensure that the inquiry statement is embedded in the PLC work at the school

• Principal and coach observations through the PLC area of focus with attention to the identified essential practices

• Pre and post inquiry survey data collected to measure levels of implementation of the essential practices

• Increased co-planning among teachers

• Improved levels of student achievement as evidenced through moderated work samples from PLC inquiries


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Capacity Building for Administrators (Essential Practices: ‘Look fors’ and effective questions to support school level PLC)

• Literacy Consultant • Numeracy Consultant • Program Media

Specialist • LNS Student

Achievement Officer • LNS Capacity Building

Series • www.edugains.ca • Adolescent Literacy

Resource Guide • SCDSB Mathematics

Course of Study Grades 1-8

• Essential Practices Document K-12

• Co-planning and co-facilitating professional learning through the Superintendent –Principal PLCs

• Topics: literacy, numeracy, EQAO preparation using released items

• Learning activities based on essential practices (e.g., assessment for and as learning, accountable talk, effective questions, learning goals/success criteria, descriptive feedback)

• Superintendent -Principal PLCs within family of schools

• Principals working in consultation with instructional coaches and/or teacher-librarians to monitor the implementation of essential practices identified in the SIPSA-WB

• Use of school based Collaborative Inquiry (PLC/TLCP) Template as tracking for principals and superintendents

• Principals use the look fors and effective questioning techniques through walk-throughs

• Evidence of essential instructional strategies identified in the SIPSA-WB as part of classroom instruction

• Student achievement is improved as evidenced by student work, PM Benchmarks, CASI and report card data

School Level Support (Building awareness of effective classroom implementation of comprehensive literacy for teachers and administrators through technology)

• Student Achievement Officers

• Literacy Consultants • Student Work Study

Teachers • Substitution,

Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition (SAMR) Model

• Technology Integration Matrix (TIM)

• Focus on co-planning within the PLC based on needs identified in the SIPSA-WB

• Members of the school based PLC

• Principal monitoring implementation of literacy needs identified in the SIPSA-WB

• Classroom teachers to monitor the achievement of focus students (e.g., boys, at-risk, FNMI)

• Implementation of practices in classrooms: - Learning goals and

success criteria - Descriptive

feedback - Accountable talk - Assessment for

and as learning - Effective questions


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


• www.edugains.ca • Ontario Curriculum

policy documents • Guides to Effective

Literacy Instruction (Media Literacy, Reading, Oral Language, Assessment)

Ministry Literacy Leaders Collaborative Inquiry (Implementation of oral language structures that promote higher order thinking in primary / junior reading)

• Student Achievement Officer

• Literacy Consultant • SWS teachers • Curriculum Services

Canada www.curriculum.org

• 3 – full day sessions focused on promoting higher order thinking through inquiry

• Effective use of accountable talk for assessment for and as learning

• Literacy Consultant • ESL Consultant • SWS teacher • SEF Instructional

Strategies Coach

• Student work focused on inquiry statement

• Teacher reflection journals

• Artifacts demonstrating student thinking while reading and communicating

• Evidence of higher order thinking in primary / junior reading

• Improved work samples through implementation of descriptive feedback based on success criteria in student-teacher conferencing

Leadership Enhancement for Department Chairs (Cross curricular department professional learning to support implementation of essential practices)

• Literacy Consultant • Numeracy Consultant • Adolescent Literacy

Resource Guide • Ontario Curriculum

policy documents • Essential Practices

Working Document K-12 June 2012

• Think Literacy documents

• Growing Success • www.edugains.ca

• One face-to-face collaborative learning session connecting the essential practices to the guiding questions in the Adolescent Literacy Resource Guide

• Secondary Department Chairs

• Follow up through Secondary Principals meeting: share learning, receive feedback, and support next steps in the implementation of essential practices within the SIPSA-WB

• Department Chair exit ticket data

• Teacher engagement in school level PLCs


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting Numeracy Instruction Revise Grades 3 & 6 SCDSB Mathematics Course of Study to provide greater program planning guidance related to the effective use of diagnostic tools, timing, and EQAO preparation

• Numeracy Consultant • Program Media

Specialist • Ontario Math

Curriculum policy documents

• EQAO released items • EQAO Framework

• Presentations at Central Principals meetings and Administrative Council

• Presentation at Instructional Coaches/ Teacher-Librarian PLCs

• Half day in-service to teachers (Program and Special Education)

• Update board website to included enhanced Course of Study components

• Senior Administration (Jan 2013)

• School Administrators (winter-spring 2013)

• Teacher-Librarians/ Instructional Coaches (winter-spring 2013)

• Teachers of Grades 3 & 6 (winter-spring 2013)

• Principals to ensure that SCDSB Mathematics Course of Study is implemented

• Teachers to attend in-service

• Instructional Coaches and Teacher-Librarians to provide support at the school level

• Numeracy Consultant to provide board level support

• Course content to be taught by May 28, 2013

• EQAO preparation to be made an integral part of ongoing program instruction

• Review of data and trends of schools in relation to their EQAO performance to inform next steps

Increase the usage of manipulatives in elementary and secondary mathematics instruction in order help students move from concrete to abstract conceptual understanding through classroom embedded professional learning opportunities Develop a brochure to answer common questions regarding the use of manipulatives in secondary mathematics instruction

• Numeracy Consultant • Manipulatives in the

Secondary Classroom

• Facilitator Training for Collaborative Inquiry in Learning- Mathematics (CIL-M) Facilitators and Student Success Facilitators

• Embed professional learning related to effective use of manipulatives in various professional learning models (e.g., CIL-M, Middle-Years Inquiry, New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP), Cross-Panel Numeracy, Tutors in

• Administrators • CIL-M facilitators • Student Success

facilitators • NTIP teachers

• Program staff to model the use of manipulatives

• Principals to ensure manipulatives are available and encourage their usage

• Professional learning facilitators (e.g., CIL-M) to ensure that appropriate use of manipulatives are part of co-planning, co-teaching sessions

• Secondary Mathematics Chairs to support implementation at the

• Increased teacher and student awareness of the learning benefits of using manipulatives

• Increased usage of manipulatives in classrooms

• Increased student engagement through the use of manipulatives

• Improved student achievement as evidenced in the demonstration of thinking


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


the Classroom) • Update board website

to include brochure and other instructional materials

• Presentations to Principals and Vice-Principals PLCs

department level

Enhanced technology in elementary and secondary mathematics instruction through differentiated instruction and engagement of students in higher level thinking tasks Develop elementary and secondary brochures to answer common questions regarding the use of technology in secondary mathematics instruction.

• Numeracy Consultant • School based

Facilitators • Ontario Mathematics

Curriculum policy documents

• www.edugains.ca • SAMR Model

• Facilitator Training to CIL-M Facilitators and Student Success Facilitators

• Presentations to Principals and Vice-Principals PLCs

• Embed professional learning related to effective use of technology (e.g., teaching notebook, graphing calculators, The Geometer’s Sketchpad, Gizmos, Critical Learning Instructional Paths Supports (CLIPS), Fathom, National Library of Virtual Manipulatives, etc.) in various professional learning models

• Provide support to secondary math departments on the effective use of

• CIL-M Facilitators and Student Success Facilitators (Fall 2012)

• School Administrators • Classroom teachers

requesting support

• CIL-M Facilitators and Student Success Facilitators (Fall 2012)

• Senior Administration (spring 2013)

• School Administrators (spring 2013)

• Teachers (ongoing) • Tutors (spring 2013)

• Increased awareness of the learning benefits of using technology

• Increased usage of technology in classrooms to support learning

• Increased student engagement

• Improved student achievement through conceptual understanding

• Secondary Mathematics Chairs to support implementation at the department level


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


TI-Nspire CAS graphing technology

• Coordinate visits to TI-Nspire Professional Collaboration Site

Priority Schools (Provide focussed Numeracy instructional support to 14 elementary schools at Grades 2, 3, 5 and 6)

• Numeracy Consultant • Mathematics

Facilitator • Leaps and Bounds • SCDSB Math Course of

Study • Gap Closing

Junior/Intermediate • Growing Success

• Provide orientation to Principals on three part math instruction

• Engage teaching staff in professional learning cycles (co-plan, co-teach, debrief)

• Principals of the 14 priority schools (Fall 2012)

• Grades 2, 3, 5 and 6 teachers (winter-spring, 2013)

• Program department to provide support to school PLCs related to mathematics instruction

• Mathematics Facilitator to meet with Principals, co-plan with teachers and coordinate co-teaching sessions in all priority schools

• Professional learning facilitators (e.g., CIL-M) to ensure that appropriate use of technology is part of co-planning, co-teaching sessions

• Principals to ensure that teachers have access to computers and other technological tools

Implement diagnostic and intervention tools to support students with learning gaps

• Numeracy Consultant • Mathematics

Department Chairs • Gap Closing

Junior/Intermediate • Tutors in the


• Update elementary SCDSB Mathematics Course of Study to distinguish between, and illustrate the effective use of, various diagnostic tools (e.g., Gap Closing, Leaps and Bounds, Professional Resource and Instruction for Mathematics Educators (PRIME), Ontario Numeracy Assessment Package (ONAP)

• Mathematics teachers with a focus on identified learner groups (FNMI, boy learners, at-risk students)

• PRIME data entry for all students of Grades 4-7

• Secondary mathematics departments to apply a Gap Closing Implementation Plan

• Administrators to monitor PRIME data entry

• Secondary mathematics chairs to monitor Gap Closing Implementation Plans to inform next steps


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


• Update PRIME Adobe Connect professional learning modules

• Embed diagnostic tools in various professional learning models (e.g., CIL-M, Middle-Years Inquiry, NTIP, Cross-Panel Inquiry)

Support the implementation of SCDSB Essential Practices and Adolescent Literacy across subject areas

• SCDSB Essential Practices document

• Ontario Mathematics Curriculum policy document

• Growing Success • Adolescent Literacy

Resource Guide

• Leadership Enhancement for Secondary Department Chairs

• Secondary Department Chairs (spring 2013)

• Department chairs to communicate departmental implementation plans to school administrators

• Administrators to monitor departmental implementation plans

After-School Numeracy Program (Junior Mathematics)

• SEF Lead • Numeracy Consultant • Mathematics

Facilitator • Leaps and Bounds • GAP Closing • Guides to Effective

Numeracy Instruction • ONAP • PRIME

• After school professional learning sessions focused on instructional strategies to close the gap in mathematics through intentional instruction

• Elementary teachers working in the after school numeracy program (winter-spring 2013)

• SEF Lead to coordinate program planning

• Principal to monitor program delivery

• Evidence of improved student achievement based on report card and EQAO data

• Improved student communication skills through problem solving


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting Technology for Learning

Family of School Information Technology (FOSIT) Meeting

• Information Communication Technology (ICT) Consultant

• FOSIT Contacts • eLearning Contact


• Communication, planning and networking around the ICT Strategic Plan

• FOSIT Contacts (January and February 2013)

• School principals to monitor technology use in schools

• FOSIT contacts to support the implementation of technology as an instructional tool

• Improved communication between schools and board related to the SCDSB ICT Strategic Plan

• Increase in integration of technology in teaching and learning

Blended Learning


• ICT Consultant • FOSIT Contacts • eLC • Desire2Learn –

Learning Management System

• Ministry digital resources

• Face-to-face sessions in collaborative working groups to support the use of technology related to specific SIPSA-WB goals

• In-school support for teachers implementing blended learning

• Support for eLearning teachers to expanding the use of technology tools to promote engagement

• Technology as an integral part of PLC’s at the school

• eLearning teachers • School Administrators

• ICT Consultant and eLC to support eLearning programming

• Principals and Guidance Counsellors to monitor the eLearning opportunities and success of students enrolled in eLearning courses

• Evidence of increased student engagement and success in eLearning courses

• Increased integration of technology to support student demonstration of learning

• Use of student survey to improve learning supports

• Use of teacher survey to improve instructional strategies

Minds On Media

• ICT Consultant • FOSIT Contacts and

school leaders engaged in technology integration

• Integrating technology into the essential practices

• Teachers within the final phase of Teaching Notebooks (TNB) rollout

• Survey on how technology tools have been used to support instruction

• Increase use of technology in teaching and learning supporting the use of essential practices for student


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


• Minds On Media company

• ECOO.org

learning (e.g., accountable talk through voicethreads, video conferencing)

Guest Wireless Support • ICT Consultant • Program Media

Specialist • FOSIT Contacts

• Face-to-face sessions in collaborative working groups to support the use of personal technology devices

• Teachers and administrators as required

• Information Technology department to monitor guest wireless usage statistics

• Increased use of teachers and student devices on the guest wireless to support the essential practices and student achievement


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting Teaching and Learning Student Work Study (SWS) Ministry Initiative (Co-learning, research based initiative to investigate student thinking)

• Student Work Study teachers (2)

• Student Achievement Officer (SAO)

• Literacy Consultant • Numeracy Consultant • Early Years Consultant • School Effectiveness

Framework (SEF) Instructional Strategies Coach

• Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat (LNS) Capacity Building Series

• Ontario Curriculum policy documents

• www.edugains.ca (literacy, numeracy and assessment)

• Essential Practices K-12 working document

• Essential Practices Support document

• Classroom Teacher and SWS teacher co-plan and co-reflect within school setting

• School level PLC • Priority School

Numeracy Hubs (co-plan, co-teach)

• 2-3 identified teachers from each of 10 priority schools

• SWS to complete research based on implementation of instructional strategies based on identified area of need through student voice

• Classroom teacher to engage in inquiry with SWS teacher

• Principal walk-throughs asking questions of students related to supports that are available to them within their learning environment

• Engagement of student increased as evidenced through report cards and quality of work samples

• Specific instructional strategies identified to assist students in improving achievement are evident in daily teacher practice

• Livescribe documentation of student thinking and feedback to capture student voice

Math Facilitator (Ministry of Education special project to support numeracy instruction)

• Math Facilitator • SEF Instructional

Strategies Coach • Student Achievement

Officer • SWS teachers • Small Northern Board


• Professional Learning hubs based on identified area of focus in the School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well-Being (SIPSA-WB)

• Teachers of Grades 2,3,5 and 6 in 14 priority schools

• Math facilitator to provide support to individuals/groups of teachers with co-planning and co-teaching

• Principal to monitor the implementation of

• Improved student achievement in problem solving by selecting appropriate tools and computational strategies

• Evidence of three part


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


• Numeracy Consultant • Essential Practices K-

12 working document • Essential Practices

Support document • Ontario Mathematics

Curriculum policy documents

• Guides to Effective Instruction in Mathematics (Measurement, Patterning and Algebra, Number Sense and Numeration)

• Making Math Meaningful to Canadian Students, K-8 (Marion Small)

• SCDSB Mathematics Course of Study 1-8

• Math facilitator to co-plan and co-teach with individual and small teacher groups based on identified teacher and school need

• Professional learning: three part math instruction, open and parallel tasks

three part math instruction (minds on, action and consolidation)

• Teachers to monitor implementation of strategies (bansho, congress) and adjust instruction based on evidence of student learning through consolidation

math instruction • Report card and EQAO

data are improved in the area of proportional reasoning

• Evidence of student thinking is articulated through reasoning and proving

Knowledge Network of Applied Education Research (KNAER) (Ministry supported project on Exploring Learning and Differentiated Instruction: Grade 6 Fractions)

• Numeracy Consultant • Program Media

Specialist • Ontario Ministry of

Education Provincial Math Lead

• Ontario Curriculum policy documents

• Ministry Gap Closing • Ministry provided

open and parallel tasks • www.edugains.ca

• Professional learning facilitated by the Ontario Ministry of Education Provincial Math Lead using Teacher-Coach-Researcher-Developer Networking model

• Elementary teachers from Emma King, Huron Park, Huronia Centennial and Holly Meadows with expertise in math pedagogy

• Ontario Ministry of Education Provincial Math Lead co-facilitated

• Participants present problem solving question, moderate student work and identify gaps and areas for continued focused instruction

• Evidence of student achievement and thinking used to inform subsequent resource development and professional learning across the province using specific tools and strategies (e.g., number line, circle or area model for fractions)


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Tutors in the Classroom (Ministry project for post-secondary tutor candidates)

• Program and Special Education Department staff

• Professional learning sessions: teaching and learning through technology enabled learning environments to support students in EQAO preparation

• Post-secondary tutor candidates

• Elementary School Principals monitor the support provided to Grades 3 and 6 teachers

• Principal feedback through the Summary of Tutor Placement report

• Improved EQAO results in reading and math

Summer Literacy and Numeracy Ministry Programs (Selected students entering Grade 2 in September 2013)

• SCDSB FNMI Literacy Program Camp

• SCDSB Numeracy Program Camp

• Ontario Curriculum policy documents

• SCDSB Mathematics Course of Study 1-8

• Early Years Consultant

• Training related to instructional strategies, program delivery model and tracking of students for teachers and administrators involved in the program

• Teacher, Instructional Assistants and Administrators hired for the program

• Site Supervisors will monitor delivery of daily program with focus on guided instruction

• Program Staff (teachers and instructional leaders) to monitor the use of mathematical processes and reading strategies

• Improved student achievement in reading

• Improved student achievement in mathematics

• Students will communicate their knowledge and understanding through accountable talk

• Progress reports for participating students are sent to families and schools

Facilitator Training (Facilitator training for SCDSB central staff)

• Literacy Consultant • Elementary Student

Success Teachers • Instruction and

Assessment Facilitator • Numeracy Consultant

• Identification, development and practice of facilitation skills

• Development of effective questions to promote thinking

• Program Department Staff

• Elementary Student Success Teachers

• Special Education support staff

• First Nation Métis and Inuit (FNMI) support staff

• Central Program staff to inform professional learning and support work within the schools

• Effectiveness of facilitator skills will be evident in PLC work at the school level through effective questioning and focused inquiry statements


2012-2013 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


County Class Professional Learning

• Special Education support staff

• Early Years Consultant • Numeracy Consultant • Literacy Consultant • Information

Communication Technology Consultant

• SEF Instructional Strategies Coach

• Professional Learning based on Essential Practices (learning goals/success criteria, technology to support instruction, questioning, mathematical processes, descriptive feedback, PM Benchmarks, accountable talk)

• All County Class teachers

• Special Education support staff monitor the implementation of the IEP

• Principals will observe higher order questions being asked and students engaged in accountable talk

• Achievement of learning goals on Individual Education Plans (IEPs)

• Evidence of essential practices in daily classroom practice through collaborative inquiry


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting Early Years Instruction Revise ‘Kindergarten Connections’

• SCDSB Kindergarten Connections

• Full-Day Early Learning -Kindergarten Draft Program 2010

• Growing Success

• Writing team to be established

• Revised document will be consistent with FDEL-K play-based learning and include information to support learning through grade 1

• Professional learning to support the implementation of the revised ‘Kindergarten Connections’

• FDEL-K educator teams, SERTs and Administrators

• FDEL-K teams to implement strategies from the resource document

• Principals monitoring of FDEL-K with focus on questioning, oral communication through strategies referenced in the revised document

• Kindergarten Connections resource strategies evident in the FDEL-K program

• Increased evidence of inquiry evident in all classrooms

Continued implementation of Early Success

• Early Years Consultant • Early Success Kit 1 and

Kit 2

Training session focus: • Observation Survey • Deconstruction of the

lesson • Data collection and


• New Grade 1 and 2 teachers and/or SERTs

• Administrators monitoring of implementation of program in Grades 1 and 2 as identified by student need

• Pre/post diagnostic use of Observation Survey to determine effectiveness

• Use of data warehouse to monitor student progress

• Improved student achievement through increased reading, writing and oral communication


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Continued implementation of Activate Early Learning

• Early Years Consultant • Literacy Consultant • Activate Early


Training session focus related to program implementation: • Background of AEL • Student selection • Diagnostic assessment

• Educators new to Kindergarten/FDEL-K

• Teacher and DECE implement program and monitor student engagement and progress

• Administrators monitor the success of at-risk learners

• Deepen understanding of AEL as a support for the FDEL-K team with intentional focus on at- risk students

• Pre/post diagnostic assessment to evaluate success of program

Revise Kindergarten Mathematics Course of Study to reflect the goals, strategies, and philosophy of the FDEL-K program

• Early Years Consultant • Numeracy Consultant • SCDSB Kindergarten

Mathematics Course of Study

• Guides to Effective Instruction in Mathematics

• Super Source • www.edugains.ca • FDEL-K program


• Identify a team of educator teams to review the current document and make revisions to align with FDEL-K program and other relevant documents

• Introduce revised Mathematics Course of Study

• Focus on monitoring and adjusting instruction to meet the needs of students using the mathematical process as a tool in assessment for and as learning

• FDEL-K educators (RCT & DECE)

• Administrators

• Administrator observation of the implementation of revised Mathematics Course of Study through instruction and use of recommended resources

• Teacher and DECE monitoring of students strengths and next steps

• Educator teams monitoring of demonstrations of thinking and understanding through the mathematical processes

• Increased student demonstration of conceptual understanding (reasoning and proving through problem solving)

• Evidence of positive student transitions to grade one through demonstrated skill development


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Year 5 FDEL-K Implementation

• Early Years Consultant • FDEL-K Leadership

team • Full Day Early-Learning

Kindergarten Program: The Extended Day

• FDEL-K program

• Face-to-face professional learning related to play-based learning environments, classroom organization and scheduling

• Year 5 Implementation schools – administrator and RCT staff assigned to a FDEL-K class for September 2014

• Principal observation as new teams form with a focus on how educators are implementing intentional play-based learning

• Principal to collaborate with educator teams to ensure that the learning environment is conducive to student inquiry

• Develop a shared understanding of the vision and principles of the program (e.g., student led inquiry, intentional play based learning)

• Effective use of space in the classroom and outdoor areas to promote inquiry

Summer Institutes (optional)

• Early Years Consultant • Full Day Early Learning

Kindergarten Program Document 2010

• LNS Capacity Building Series

• Curriculum Services Canada

• www.edugains.ca

• Understanding collaborative planning and play-based learning

• Establishment of learning community for new DECEs

• Educator teams • Principal to support the partnership of the educator team and the implementation of a play-based program

• Implementation of play-based programs responsive to student need as evidenced through documentation of student learning

Welcome to Kindergarten The Learning Partnership

• Early Years Consultant • The Learning

Partnership training modules

• Welcome to Kindergarten bags

• Provide eLearning training sessions for educators

• share the

• Parents and students entering Kindergarten

• Kindergarten teachers and DECEs

• School staff • Evidence of successful school transitions

• Enhanced parent involvement


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting English as a Second Language Instruction ESL/ELD board website page

• ESL Consultant Lead • Program department • www.edugains.ca

• Continue to update knowledge and skills on web design specific to SCDSB Board website

• All SCDSB teachers and administrators accessing the information on the website

• ESL Consultant

• Updated resources for Board website regarding ESL/ELD

• Ongoing feedback to meet the identified needs of ELL students

Continued implementation of Ministry English Language Learners (ELL) Policy and Procedures

• ESL Consultant • STEP

• Implementation of STEP assessment resource continua to facilitate student learning

• PLCs with focus on co-planning and co-teaching

• Teachers with English Language learners in their class

• ESL Consultant to monitor transition to school and provide instructional strategies to teachers

• Newcomer Welcome Centre to monitor the communication and sharing of information

• Information from the STEP continua and Learner Profile validating skill development

Continue implementation of STEP ongoing assessment resource in all classrooms

• ESL Consultant • www.edugains.ca • English Language

Learners: ESL AND ELD Programs and Services, Policies and Procedures for Ontario Elementary and Secondary Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12

• Steps to English Proficiency (STEP)

• Face-to-face sessions at the school level

• In class support to identify instructional strategies

• Elementary and Secondary teachers

• Teacher self-monitoring and reflections

• ESL consultant to support instructional strategies

• Annual updates of STEP continua for ELL students

• Evidence of student achievement of curriculum expectations using technology


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting French as a Second Language Instruction Revised FSL Curriculum (Provide professional learning to support the implementation of the revised FSL curriculum Mandatory implementation in September 2013)

• Revised FSL curriculum document (when released)

• Face-to-face sessions • Adobe Connect • Ministry rollout

training session

• All SCSDB FSL teachers to receive professional learning (when curriculum document is released)

• Teacher self-monitoring through gradual implementation of revised FSL curriculum

• Principal to observe evidence of new curriculum expectations in learning goals and success criteria

• Anecdotal evidence from teacher feedback

• Evidence of curriculum in classrooms through learning goals and success criteria

Development of A Framework for FSL

• FSL Consultant • FSL Steering

Committee including representation from all stakeholders

• Ontario FSL Curriculum policy documents

• A Framework for French as a Second Language in Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12

• Develop and implement a SCDSB FSL Framework plan

• Components for consideration Include: heightening awareness of FSL programs and benefits, enhancing leadership and accountability, strengthening programming to improve achievement in FSL, supporting all students, implementing effective practices in planning, teaching and assessment, and expanding student

• Identified steering committee to inform FSL Framework Plan

• Principal of Program • Senior Administration • FSL Steering

Committee • FSL Consultant

• Communication of French language instructional programs continue to be highlighted


learning opportunities and heightening engagement

Continued implementation of Early French Immersion (EFI)

Grade 2

• FSL Consultant • Grade 1 EFI teachers • Barrie Region Boards

FSL Consultants • Canadian Parents for


• Professional Development sessions will take place in June to support new EFI teachers with Literacy and Numeracy instruction, Essential Practices, assessment and documentation

• EFI teachers to attend the Great Beginning Summer Learning Program offered through York Region District School Board (optional)

• Teachers who will be teaching EFI in September 2014

• 3 full day sessions in Spring 2014

• FSL Consultant will deliver the FSL session in French to teachers

• FSL consultant will work with consultants from other boards to develop the sessions

• Information from the sessions will be shared with Administrators

• Feedback will be requested from the teachers attending the sessions to develop a follow-up session in September 2014


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting Literacy Instruction Essential Practices Differentiated learning sessions for implementation

• Literacy Consultant • ICT Consultant • Numeracy Consultant

• Cluster schools based on inquiry foci

• Ongoing system communication

• Schools identified based on SIPSA-WB

• Facilitator of PLC • Central Principals to

inform all professional learning and support work within the schools

• Improved student achievement as evidenced through the use of descriptive feedback to improve work

• Evidence of differentiated product reflective of student strengths, needs and interests

Adolescent Literacy Resource Guide Principal capacity building in facilitation skills

• Adolescent Literacy Resource Guide

• Ontario Curriculum Policy documents

• Stages of implementation (awareness, beginning, partial and full)

• Facilitator training

• Experienced administrators

• Newly appointed administrators

• Principal • Superintendent (SOE)

through school visits

• Inquiry embedded in PLC work responsive to student need

Building awareness of effective classroom implementation of comprehensive literacy program to teachers/administrators

• Guides to Effective Instruction

• Adolescent Literacy Resource Document

• Co-planning/team building through rich literacy instruction

• K-12 teachers • Administrators

• Principal monitoring of SIPSA-WB goals

• Implementation of comprehensive literacy practices in all classrooms

Ministry Literacy Leaders Collaborative Inquiry

• Curriculum Services • Student Achievement


• 3 – full day sessions • Face-to-face

• Elementary teachers • September-June 2013

• Student work focused on inquiry statement

• Teacher reflection journals

• Artifacts demonstrating student thinking at spring sharing session

• Implementation of oral language structures that promote higher order thinking in primary / junior reading and writing


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Collaborative Inquiry for Learning in Literacy (CIL-L)Provide professional learning opportunities for teachers to develop facilitation skills

• Literacy Consultant • Early Years Consultant •

• 2 – full day sessions • Face-to-face

• Teacher representation from each superintendent area

• Work with consultant to co-plan / co-facilitate professional learning cycles for inquiry

• Develop skills to facilitate and embed a cycle of learning and reflection based on student need into daily practice

Ministry Collaborative Inquiry for Learning in Literacy (CIL-L)

• LNS Capacity Building Series

• www.edugains.ca • Curriculum Services

Canada video clips

• 3 – full day sessions • Face-to-face • Provide professional

learning opportunities to teachers/ administrators focused on co-planning and co-teaching using a three part lesson structure

• 6 teachers per area • 1 facilitator per area

• Co-plan, co-teach, and assess literacy lessons

• Implementation essential practices into daily teaching (e.g., technology as an instructional tool, three part instruction with focus on consolidation and reflection)

• Students will self-assess and provide feedback to peers based on success criteria

• Learning and strategies will be shared through principal meetings

Teacher-Librarian/Instructional Coaches

• Literacy Consultant • Special Education

Consultant • Early Years Consultant • Essential Practices K-

12 document • Capacity Building

Series • Adolescent Literacy

Resource Guide

• Inquiry based learning responsive to the identified needs in the SIPSA-WB

• Secondary Literacy Leads

• Teacher-Librarians • Instructional Coaches

• Teacher-Librarian and Instructional Coach to facilitate PLC inquiry

• Inquiry is evident in daily practice

• Co-planning, co-teaching and co-assessing are used to inform instruction and provide meaningful feedback for students


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Leadership Enhancement for Department Chairs

• Literacy Consultant • Numeracy Consultant • Adolescent Literacy

Resource Guide • www.edugains.ca • Growing Success

• Inquiry based learning • Secondary Department Chairs

• Principals to observe students engaged in inquiry learning

• Student demonstration of thinking through critical reflection

• Evidence of open ended questions used to engage learners in meaningful inquiry


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting Numeracy Instruction Revise SCDSB Mathematics Course of Study for all grades to provide greater program planning guidance related to the effective use of diagnostic tools, timing, and EQAO preparation

• SCDSB Mathematics Course of Study

• Ontario Math Curriculum policy documents

• Paying Attention to Mathematics Education K-12

• Paying Attention to Proportional Reasoning K-12

• EQAO released items • Guides to Effective

Instruction • Super Source

• Principals Meetings • Presentation at

Instructional Coach-Teacher Librarian PLCs

• Half-day in-service to teachers

• Update board website to included revised Mathematics Course of Study components

• Administrators (winter 2013-14)

• Teachers (winter 2013-14)

• Principals to ensure that Mathematics Course of Study is implemented

• Teachers to attend in-service

• Coaches and Teacher Librarians to provide support at the school level

• Numeracy Consultant to provide support at the board level

• Course content to be taught by end of May 2014

• EQAO preparation to be made an integral part of ongoing program instruction in all grades

• Review data and trends of schools in relation to their EQAO performance

Continue to increase the use of manipulatives and technology in elementary and secondary mathematics instruction through classroom embedded professional learning opportunities

• Essential Practices hyperlinked document

• What Educators Want to Know about Manipulatives

• CIL-M (pending funding), including

• Middle Years Inquiry/Cross Panel Numeracy (pending Ministry funding)

• Facilitator Training to CIL-M Facilitators and Student Success Facilitators (pending Ministry funding)

• Maintain TI-Nspire Professional Collaboration Site

• All Mathematics teachers (ongoing)

• Program staff to support implementation at the board level

• Principals to ensure manipulatives and technology are available and encourage their usage

• Professional learning facilitators (e.g., CIL-M) to ensure that appropriate use of manipulatives and technology are part of co-planning, co-teaching sessions

• Secondary

• Increased use of manipulatives and technology in classrooms

• Increased student engagement

• Improved student achievement and self-assessment using the mathematical processes


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Mathematics Chairs to support implementation at the department level

Continue to implement diagnostic and intervention tools to support students with learning gaps

• PRIME • ONAP • GAP closing material • Mathematics Course

of Study • Leaps and Bounds

• Provide professional learning opportunities for teachers new to using PRIME

• Provide professional learning opportunities for teachers new to using Gap Closing and Leaps and Bounds

• Develop on-line learning support resources (e.g., Adobe Connect videos) to support the effective use of diagnostic tools (e.g., Gap Closing, Leaps and Bounds)

• Teachers new to PRIME (fall 2014)

• Teachers new to Gap Closing/Leaps and Bounds (fall 2014)

• PRIME data entry for all students of grades 4-7

• Secondary mathematics departments to apply a Gap Closing Implementation Plan

• Administrators to monitor PRIME data

• Secondary mathematics chairs to monitor Gap Closing Implementation Plans

Continue to provide focused numeracy instructional support to elementary Priority Schools

• Mathematics Course of Study

• Nelson Math • Super Source • Guides to Effective

Instruction in Mathematics

• Orientation to Principals

• Engage teaching staff in professional learning cycles (co-plan, co-teach, debrief)

• Priority school Principals (Fall 2013)

• Grades 2, 3, 5 and 6 teachers (fall 2013-spring 2014)

• Program department to provide central support

• Mathematics Instruction Facilitator to meet with Principals, co-plan with teachers and coordinate co-teaching sessions

• Priority school administrators to monitor mathematics instructional practice

• Evidence of three part math instruction including open and parallel tasks with the mathematical processes used to assess student achievement


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Coordinate After-School Numeracy Program to support Junior Mathematics achievement

• Mathematics Course of Study

• Nelson Math • Super Source • Guides to Effective

Instruction in Mathematics

• Leaps and Bounds • GAP Closing

• After school professional learning sessions

• After school numeracy teachers (winter-spring 2014)

• SEF Lead to coordinate program

• Numeracy Consultant to provide training to staff and support schools to select instructional strategies

• SEF Lead to monitor program

• Evidence of student engagement

Continue to support the implementation of SCDSB Essential Practices, Financial Literacy Instruction and Adolescent Literacy Instruction across the subject areas

• Financial Literacy • Essential Practices

• Department Chairs meetings (fall 2013-spring 2014)

• Department Chairs • Department chairs to communicate departmental implementation plans to school administrators.

• Administrators to monitor departmental implementation plans


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting Technology for Learning Instruction eLearning • ICT Consultant

• FOSIT Contacts • eLearning Contact

(eLC) • Desire2Learn -

Learning Management System

• Face to face sessions in collaborative working groups to support the use of technology related to school improvement goals

• eLearning teachers • School Administrators

• ICT Consultants • eLearning Contact • Principals

• Increased student success rate in eLearning courses

• Use of student survey to identify necessary instruction to close gaps in learning

• Use of teacher survey to support instruction and the enhanced use of technology

Blended Learning

• eLearning Contact (eLC)

• TNB’s • Desire2Learn -

Learning Management System

• on demand and face-to-face learning with focus of integrating technology into daily practice

• Family of Schools • Principals to observe evidence of Blended Learning being integrated into instruction

• Evidence of blended learning will be in classrooms K-12

• Evidence of improved student achievement as evidenced through communication, application, reasoning and proving skills

21st Century Learning • ICT Consultants • FOSIT Contacts and

other leaders in technology integration

• Minds On Media company

• ECOO.org • TNB’s • Desire2Learn -

Learning Management System

• Technology enabled learning environments using the TIM model

• Integrating technology into daily instruction

• Enhancing student voice and engagement through technology

• Family of Schools • Survey on technology use

• Through walk-throughs, principals will see evidence of technology being used by students as an instructional tool

• Increase use of technology in teaching and learning supporting the essential practices

• Integration of lessons that redefine learning and allow students to select tools to demonstrate thinking


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


Supporting Teaching and Learning After School ‘Need to Know Series’ ((e.g. Essential Practices, Comprehensive Literacy, Facilitator Training, Numeracy Instruction, Technology enabled Learning environments and Blended Learning)

• Essential Practices document K-12


• Program Department will provide a series of afterschool workshops to support teachers in professional learning as identified in their Annual Learning Plans (ALP) and Principal Performance Appraisal (PPA)

• Interested teachers and administrators

• Classroom teachers and principals will provide feedback to facilitators

• Implementation of strategies learned into daily practice

Student Work Study (SWS) Initiative (Co-learning, research based initiative to investigate student thinking in support of student achievement)

• LNS Capacity building series

• Student Achievement Officer (SAO)

• SWS teachers (2) • Ontario Curriculum • eduGains (literacy,

numeracy and assessment)

• Literacy Consultant • Numeracy Consultant • Early Years Consultant • Essential Practices K-

12 working document • Essential Practices

Support document • www.edugains.ca

• Classroom Teacher and SWS co-planning and co-reflecting within school

• School level PLC • Numeracy Hubs (co-

plan, co-teach)

• Priority schools to be identified

• 2-3 identified teachers at each school

• SWS to complete research based on implementation of instructional strategies based on identified area of need through student voice

• Classroom teacher to engage in inquiry with SWS teacher

• Through classroom walk-throughs principals to question of students related to resource supports that are in place

• Engagement of student increased as evidenced through report cards and quality of work samples

• Instructional strategies identified to assist students in improving achievement are evident in the daily practice

• Evidence of teacher practice differentiated to meet the needs of at-risk learners

Math Facilitator (Ministry of Education special project to support numeracy instruction (pending approval))

• Mathematics Facilitator Instructional Strategies Consultants

• Professional Learning hubs based on identified area of focus in SIPSA-WB

• Priority Schools TBD • Ongoing support for

the 14 identified Priority Schools

• Mathematics Facilitator

• Principal • Teachers to monitor

• Improved student achievement through the use of the mathematical


2013-2014 Action Items

Resources Professional Learning/Activities

Audience Monitoring Responsibility


• Essential Practices K-12 working document

• Essential Practices Support document

• Small Northern Board Network

• SAO • SWS teachers • Ontario Curriculum • Guides to Effective

Numeracy Instruction • SCDSB Mathematics

Course of Study 1-8 • TNB’s

• Co-plan and co-teach individually and in small groups based on identified teacher and school need

• Professional learning: three part math instruction, open and parallel tasks

• Grades 2, 3, 5 and 6 implementation of strategies and adjust instruction based on student need

processes • Evidence of gaps in

achievement for identified subgroups will be reduced

• Evidence of three part math instruction in all classrooms

• Report card and EQAO data are improved in the areas of focus

• Student thinking is clearly communicated

County Class Professional Learning

• Special Education support staff

• Early Years Consultant • Numeracy Consultant • Literacy Consultant

• Professional Learning based on Essential Practices as identified in Special Education multi-year plan

• County Class teachers • Special Education support staff

• Principals

• Student achievement will demonstrate achievement of goals identified in IEPs

Tutors in the Classroom • Program and Special Education Department staff

• Professional learning sessions: Teaching and Learning through technology enabled learning environments to support students in EQAO preparation

• Post-secondary tutor candidates

• Elementary School Principals

• Feedback reports from schools

• Improved EQAO results in reading, writing and math as identified in SIPSA-WB

Summer Literacy and Numeracy Programs Selected students entering grade 2 in September 2014

• SCDSB FNMI Literacy camp program

• SCDSB Numeracy camp program

• Ontario Curriculum • SCDSB Mathematics

Course of study • Early Years Consultant

• Training for teachers and administrators involved in the program

• Teacher, Instructional Assistants and Administrators hired for the program

• Site Supervisors • Program Staff

(teachers and instructional leaders)

• Increased student achievement for participating students in literacy and/or numeracy


2014- 2015 Action Items

Supporting Teaching and Learning

• Continue to integrate meaningful descriptive feedback and assessment linked to learning goals and success criteria into professional learning to inform next steps for learning

• Continue to focus on the intentional use of technology to enhance learning for students and teachers (blended learning, Homework help, Ministry supported digital resources, eLearning, bring your own devices, Desire2Learn - Learning Management System)

• Continue to revise the Essential Practices Support document • Continue to promote Collaborative Inquiry through Professional Learning Cycles • Provide professional learning related to student inquiry using technology • Continue to update the Literacy webpage on the SCDSB staff website • Continue to update the Kindergarten and Early Years SCDSB staff website • Continue to monitor, revise, and update the SCDSB Elementary Mathematics Course of Study • Continue to support the increased classroom use of manipulatives and technology to enhance student learning through ongoing classroom embedded

professional learning opportunities • Continue to support the implementation of SCDSB Essential Practices, Financial Literacy Instruction and Adolescent Literacy Instruction through Department

Chairs meetings • Ongoing implementation of Growing Success • Ongoing enhancement of the List of Diagnostic Assessments and supporting resources to inform instructional practice • Continue to update SCDSB Numeracy website and hyperlinked Essential Practices • Monitor and support the implementation of mathematics curriculum revisions when they occur • Continue to liaise with all SCDSB stakeholder groups (e.g., Administrative Council, school administrators, classroom teachers) on issues related to SCDSB

numeracy initiatives and Ministry numeracy initiatives • Continue Professional Learning in implementation of Grade 2 French Immersion • Continue to implement the revised Ontario Curriculum for French and the CEFR to inform instruction • Implementation of Year 5 FDEL-K program – support educators as they implement program • Anticipated release of revised FDEL-K program document, Growing Success (K), and FDEL-K provincial reporting process • Re-examination of Grade 1, 2 and 3 practices as they pertain to assessment and documentation and inquiry based learning • Continue professional learning cycles within a family of schools model to support implementation of revised FSL curriculum • Establish and offer FSL professional collaboration sites for CEFR-inspired instructional practice • Continue profession learning opportunities for EFI teachers in Grades 1 and 2 • Continued implementation of ‘A Framework for French as a Second Language’