ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and Technology Item 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group) UNIT PLAN Unit Title: Night and Day Stage: 2 Term: 3 Strand: Earth and Space Duration: 900 minutes (90 minute lesson) Concept: Students understand the relationship between the Earth, Sun and Moon regarding how night and day occur. Rationale Rationale Science and technology are of increasing importance and integral to our rapidly changing world. Through engaging and hand-on activities, students can begin their Science journey through exploring concepts they are naturally curious about. Their Science journey can allow them to discover their contribution to and influence on society and invite them to begin to take responsibility for their place in the world. In accordance with the NSW K-10 Science and Technology syllabus, this “Night and Day” unit will support students in their Science journey as they begin to explore the concept of how night and day occur based on a constructivist pedagogy. Skamp (2012) explains constructivism can be broken into two parts; personal constructivism and social constructivism. Personal constructivism, theorised by Jean Piaget, is based on the notion of students building knowledge and making meaning upon their own experiences and prior knowledge (Campbell and Jobling, 2012). Social constructivism, theorised by Lev Vygotsky, is an expansion of Piaget’s constructivist theory but includes the element of social interaction with an adult or educator to develop the students’ knowledge further than if they were learning alone (Campbell and Jobling, 2012). This unit supports both personal and social constructivism with students having the opportunity to develop individually using experiences and prior knowledge, and also with the guidance of the

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)


Unit Title: Night and Day Stage: 2

Term: 3 Strand: Earth and Space

Duration: 900 minutes (90 minute lesson) Concept: Students understand the relationship between the Earth, Sun and Moon regarding how night and day occur.

Rationale Rationale

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

Science and technology are of increasing importance and integral to our rapidly changing world. Through engaging and hand-on activities, students can begin their Science journey through exploring concepts they are naturally curious about. Their Science journey can allow them to discover their contribution to and influence on society and invite them to begin to take responsibility for their place in the world.

In accordance with the NSW K-10 Science and Technology syllabus, this “Night and Day” unit will support students in their Science journey as they begin to explore the concept of how night and day occur based on a constructivist pedagogy. Skamp (2012) explains constructivism can be broken into two parts; personal constructivism and social constructivism. Personal constructivism, theorised by Jean Piaget, is based on the notion of students building knowledge and making meaning upon their own experiences and prior knowledge (Campbell and Jobling, 2012). Social constructivism, theorised by Lev Vygotsky, is an expansion of Piaget’s constructivist theory but includes the element of social interaction with an adult or educator to develop the students’ knowledge further than if they were learning alone (Campbell and Jobling, 2012). This unit supports both personal and social constructivism with students having the opportunity to develop individually using experiences and prior knowledge, and also with the guidance of the teacher.

This unit is based on the 5E model approach, developed by Roger Bybee (as cited in Peers, 2007). The 5E model approach aims at establishing the connections between science and literacy to promote effective learning in both domains. The lessons in this unit follow the 5E model approach allowing students to develop their knowledge in a sequential manner and reflect on their learning.

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

Application of Literature in Science

Children’s books: Linking Literacy and Science learning

NarrativeSun Up, Sun Down: The Story of Day and Night by Jaquie Baliey

The book portrays the concept of day and night, how light rays travel from the sun and how the earth orbits the sun once every year.

Why Sun & Moon Live In The Sky : & Why Water Lives On Earth by Elphinstone DayrellAn enchanting tale based on an African Myth about why the Sun & Moon live in the Sky.


Earth and our planet in space by Simon SeymourExplores and investigates the relationship between the earth, moon and sun through beautiful pictures and facts.

GoalsKLA Strand Sub-strand Outcome

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

Science Earth and Space Night and Day Describes some observable changes over time on the Earth’s surface that result from the natural processes and human activity ST2-8ES

Describes how relationships between the sun and the earth cause regular changes.ST2-9ES

Working Scientifically

Investigates their question and predictions by analysing collected data, suggesting explanations for their findings, and communicating and reflecting on the processes undertaken ST2-4WS

Working Technologically

Applies a design process and uses a range of tools, equipment, materials and techniques to produce solutions that address specific design criteria ST2-5WT

Maths Measurement and Geometry 3D space


MA2-14MG Makes, compares, sketches and names three-dimensional objects, including prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres, and describes their features

Identify and name three-dimensional objects as prisms (including cubes), pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres

MA2-18SP Selects appropriate methods to collect data, and constructs, compares, interprets and evaluates data displays, including tables, picture graphs and column graphs

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

English Reflecting on Learning

Reading and Viewing

Speaking and Listening 1

Speaking and Listening 2

EN2-12E Recognises and uses an increasing range of strategies to reflect on their own and others’ learning.

EN2-4A Uses an increasing range of skills, strategies and knowledge to fluently read, view and comprehend a range of texts on increasingly challenging topics in different media and technologies.

EN2-1A Communicates in a range of informal and formal contexts by adopting a range of roles in group, classroom, school and community contexts.

EN2-6B Identifies the effect of purpose and audience on spoken texts, distinguishes between different forms of English and identifies organisational patterns and features.

HSIE History Community and Remembrance

First Contacts

HT2-1 Identifies celebrations and commemorations of significance in Australia and the world


Identify the special relationship that Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples have to Country and Place

HT2-3 Describes people, events and actions related to world exploration and its effects

investigate, drawing on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community representatives (where possible)

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

and other sources, the traditional Aboriginal way of life, focusing on people, their beliefs, food, shelter, tools and weapons, customs and ceremonies, art works, dance, music, and relationship to Country

Creative Arts Visual arts Making


VAS2.1 Represents the qualities of experiences and things that are interesting or beautiful by choosing among aspects of subject matter.

• seeks to investigate traditions in art suited to different subject matter (eg the landscape, the figure, the narrative, formal and abstract properties, the use of symbols) and uses these in their artmaking.

VAS2.3 Acknowledges that artists make artworks for different reasons and that various interpretations are possible.

• discusses reasons why artists make artworks focusing on who, where, when, why and how

VAS2.4 Identifies connections between subject matter in artworks and what they refer to, and appreciates the use of particular techniques.

• identifies resemblances between subject matter in artworks and the features of things as they exist in the world, recognising similarities and differences in how things are represented in the artworks.

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

Drama Making



DRAS1.1 Takes on roles in drama to explore familiar and imagined situations.

• creates a range of roles and situations adapted from their imagination, literature (including poetry) and everyday experiences

DRAS1.3 Interacts collaboratively to communicate the action of the drama with others.

• shares their drama making with others

• interacts abstractly or in role to communicate meaning to an audience

DRAS1.4 Appreciates dramatic work during the making of their own drama and the drama of others.

• responds to their own drama and that of others by describing their ideas and feelings


Phase Lesson Lesson Aim Assessment Link to Bloom’s Taxonomy

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

Engage Lesson 1 Discover students’ misconceptions about concept. Find out what students want to know.

Diagnostic Knowledge, Comprehension

Explore Lesson 2 Students explore the size and shape of Earth, Sun and Moon through hands-on activity.

Formative Application

Lesson 3 ICT based lesson to explore the relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth.

Formative Application

Lesson 4 Hands-on activity to explore shadows

Formative Application

Explain Lesson 5 Part one of two allowing students to express what they have learned so far. Organised in learner type groups.

Formative Analysis

Lesson 6 Part two of the explain phase. Students express their knowledge development so far through a presentation.

Formative Analysis

Elaborate Lesson 7 Students will express their knowledge in a new environment; by an art activity.

Summative Synthesis

Lesson 8 Students express their knowledge of the rotation of the Earth by making a model of the relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth.

Summative Synthesis

Lesson 9 Students express their knowledge of shadows and how they correspond to the Sun, Earth and Moon


Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

Evaluate Lesson 10 Students review their misconceptions and reflect on the unit.

Summative Evaluation


Diagnostic AssessmentKnowledge & Comprehension: Carried out in the first lesson assessment of students’ skills and knowledge upon entry to the unit of Science. It is carried out in a design and delivery that test the knowledge and comprehension levels of children’s engagement.

Formative AssessmentFormative assessment will constantly be carried out throughout five of the ten lessons. This will largely consist of: observation; discussion including (student-student and student-teacher); listening to students’ discussions, explanations and reasoning; students’ demonstrations; and examples of students’ work. Formative assessment occurs in lessons two, three and four. The teacher informally assess the students by taking anecdotal notes. This form of assessment is brief, objective and provides the teacher about individual instructional needs. Formative assessment occurs in all lessons two, three and four as part of the 'explore' phase and lessons five and six, part of the 'explain' phase. The teacher informally assess the students by taking anecdotal notes. This form of assessment is brief, objective and provides individual student learning needs.

In lesson two- Teacher will ask students questions in relation to size and distance. Testing what they already know about the area and distance of the sun, earth and moon. E.g “What happens to the Basketball (representing The Sun) when your partner moves further away from you with it?

In lesson three- The teacher listens to student conversations about using ipads to explore apps. Teachers will record the level of scientific literacy children have when exploring and talking about the sun, earth and moon.

In lesson four- The teacher looks to see if the students are recording the correct information and questions them on why they think the shadow is moving each hour.

In lesson five- The teacher moves around to the different learner stations asking students questions and observing how they interact with their activities. A child in the kinaesthetic class, might be asked to explain the materials he used to make a sun. In lesson six- Teacher listens to the literacies of science children use correctly, to discuss what they have learned. Teacher looks for definitions and words that are apart of their scientific vocabularySummative Assessment:

Summative assessment occurs in lessons seven through to ten. Students bring together what they have learned and the Scientific

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

conceptions that they have understood.

Lesson seven- Teacher observes and records the artwork representations of the sun, earth and moon.

Lesson eight- Students make a model of sun, earth and moon, teacher assess the size of each.

Lesson nine- peer assessment when discussing a sundial.

Lesson ten- Students' assessed against what they knew at the beginning of the unit, to what they now understand at the end.

Work Sample- to show understanding and achievement of outcomes

(To be added once the lesson has been completed for moderation purposes in the future)

Evaluation of UnitEvaluation of the unit will be based on: Was the overall unit of work successful? Were the outcomes and indicators achieved in each lesson? Were the activities undertaken by students in each lesson successful? Were all the students’ sufficiently challenged/not over challenged (working in the Zone of Proximal Development)? Were the resources used throughout the unit of work appropriate and sufficient for students to achieve the desired learning outcome? Was communication effective? Were explanations throughout the unit of work clear, concise and appropriate for students’ level of understanding? Was students’ possible misconceptions revealed and addressed? Did the unit of work follow the 5E model? Did the unit of work allow for co-operative learning, and learning social interaction effectively? Did the lesson and unit sequence flow and build upon previous lesson?Students


Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

There are 24 students in this Year 3 class.Differentiation

Special Needs

Students with special needs are catered to in Lesson 2, activity 9, during the explore phase, where students are to use their new knowledge about the size of the Sun compared to the Moon and Earth and amend or redraw their original drawings. The special needs student will have the opportunity to discuss the concept with the teacher in a one-on-one situation to clarify they have understood the concept being developed. The teacher will provide scaffolding for the student to ensure they are reaching the same knowledge development as the other students.

In lesson 4, during the explain phase, where students are given the opportunity to explain the concept in any format, the special needs student will be provided with scaffolding from the teacher after the student has requested what format they want to convey the information in.

Working at the expected level

Students working at the expected level will be differentiated by their learner types: auditory learners, visual learners and Kinaesthetic learners. In lesson 4 and 5, during the explain phase, students are given the opportunity to express their knowledge development in the format in which they feel most comfortable. This will allow the information to be focused on, rather than the presentation of the information.

Visual learners are catered to in lesson 3, during the explore phase, where students rotate through apps, internet websites and IWB activities.

Kinaesthetic learners are catered to in lesson 5, during the explain phase, by partaking in a role play.

Auditory learners are catered to throughout this unit as discussions are frequent to consolidate students’ knowledge.


Gifted students are catered to during the lesson 2 by measuring the distance between the Moon (golf ball) and the Sun (basketball), then working out a basic ratio between the two and comparing their ratio to the actual ratio between the Sun and Moon.

Gifted students are catered to during lesson 9 when students are asked to predict the time off the sundial they made a day earlier, the gifted students are encouraged to use angles and the degrees of angles to have a more accurate prediction.

Indigenous Australians 8 ways of Learning

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

8 Ways Lessons Explanation

1. Story Sharing Lesson 2 Students share their experiences of travelling and what they discovered about the shape of the Earth.

2. Learning maps Lesson 5 Learners travel on different learning paths to reach the same outcome.

3. Non-verbal Lesson 7 Students show their knowledge of the concept of the relationship between the sun, moon and earth through drama.

4. Symbols and Images Lesson 7 Students create their own interpretations between the sun, moon and earth through art.

5. Land links Lesson 9 Students learn to use the sun to tell the time of day.

6. Non-linear Lesson 5 & 6 Students gain deeper knowledge through investigating a specific concept.Students discuss and converse their ideas in an open ended fashion.

7. Deconstruct Reconstruct The whole unit The whole unit has been designed through sequential lessons with the end concept grasped by the students.

8. Community Links Lesson 5 & 9 Students discover the relevance of the sun, moon and earth in relation to telling the time.Through a guided discovery of the sun, earth and moon, students enhance and see the significance of these elements.

Essential Understandings

Students will learn about:

Essential Skills

Students will learn about:

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

-The relationship between the sun, earth and moon.

- How the relationship between the sun, earth and moon effects the earth. E.g. day and night.

- Characteristics regarding the sun, earth and moon.

- The formation of a shadow.

- How shadows impact the earth. E.g. day and night.

Investigate, predict, observe, classify, explore, discover, experiment, document, plan, design, make, record findings, in relation to day and night. Examples of this include:

- Planning, predicting and documenting an experiment on shadows.

- Designing and making a model on the rotation of the sun, earth and moon.

- Investigating, recording the shadow of a sun.

- Explore various ways of conveying their understanding of the relationship between the sun, moon and earth through discovering different perspectives in visual arts, drama and literature.

Students will develop and build on their ICT and IWB skills as well as their knowledge about night and day.

Risk AssessmentUsing materials and equipment safely is important when working scientifically. The curriculum states students will conduct investigations and apply their skills and knowledge through scientific inquiry. Students will draw on processes and design their ideas through Working

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

Technologically (Board of Studies).  Teachers must review each lesson’s possible risks before conducting the lesson. Also managing safety issues for a specific group of students is important. The following guidelines will help minimise risks:   - Caution students about potential dangers before they begin an activity.   - Check students’ health records for allergies or other health issues.   - Be aware of the school’s policy on safety in the classroom and for excursions.   - Be aware of potential dangers by trying out activities before students do them.   - Be aware of sharp equipment such as scissors or glass in the classroom when using them.  - Clean up spills immediately as slippery floors are dangerous.   - Instruct students never to taste, smell or eat anything unless they are given permission.   - Display a list of safe practices for science activities. 

Lesson Possible Risk

Lesson 1 For students to run and collide with each other when answering the true and false questions

Lesson 2 The different sized balls (basketball and golf) can hurt someone if not handled with care

Lesson 3 Students use the ICT including ipads and computers with care

Lesson 4 Students will be in playground over the period of the day. May be unsupervised for short periods.

Lesson 5 Verbal learners collide into each other when role playing

Lesson 6 Verbal group collide with others when presenting to class. Not enough room.

Lesson 7 Artwork with materials such as paint and crayons not to be consumed

Lesson 8 To be hurt with the scissors or brass fasteners when using them

Lesson 9 Students will be on oval over the period of the day. May be unsupervised for short periods.

Lesson 10 For students to run and collide with each other when answering the true and false questions

Learning Sequence

Learning Engagements Resources and Sign

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

Preparation off


Lesson 1: Pre test1) Show the youtube clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXh8t6iqKhc&feature=youtu.be (5:51


2) Brainstorm and discuss ideas about the differences between night and day and record them on the “What we think we know” column of the KWL chart. (15 minutes)

3) Explain to students that they will be keeping a Science journal throughout the term to record any ideas, observations or thoughts they may have during the Day and Night unit. (5 minutes)

4) Hand out “Where does the sun go at night?” worksheet (appendix 1) and have ‘True’ and ‘False’ posters stuck to opposite walls in the classroom, with an ‘Unsure’ poster in the middle of the classroom. (5 minutes)

5) Read out each question and ask students to mark their answer on the worksheet and then proceed to the corresponding side of the room. If students are unsure, they record ‘unsure’ and stand in the middle of the room. Allow students to give reasoning for their choice through questioning. (25 minutes)

6) Provide students with time to create an annotated drawing showing how night and day happen. Students are to record their ideas in their Science journals. (25 minutes)

7) For the “What we want to know” column on the KWL chart, students can express what information they want to discover throughout this unit. The students’ questions are recorded on the chart. (10 minutes)

-Print off 24 “where does the sun go at night?” worksheets-Have Youtube clip ready-Stick up True, False and Unsure posters.-A3 paper for annotated drawings-Prepare KWL chart

Learning Engagements Resources and Preparation

Sign off

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)


Lesson 2:1) Invite students to discuss ideas or experiences of travel by either flight or ship and allow them to explain

to the other students what they discovered about the Earth’s shape (sphere).2) Ask students to suggest items which may be the same shape as the Earth.3) Ask students to compare the size of the Sun, moon and Earth and which they think is the biggest,

smallest. Why?4) Introduce three spherical objects, such as a basketball, a golf ball and a tennis ball. Ask students to

match each spherical object to the Sun, Earth or Moon. Allow the student to explain why they have chosen that particular item for either the Sun, Moon or Earth.

5) Explain that the Moon is often mistaken as the same size as the Sun (refer back to drawings in lesson 1) and that they will now partake in an activity which will help them understand why they look like they are the same size.

6) Students will be in groups of three. Explain that one member will hold the golf ball (moon), while another student will hold the basketball (sun). The third student will stand in front and be able to view both the Moon and the Sun; the third person will represent the Earth.

7) The student with the basketball (sun) will move backwards until the student viewing the balls observes that the basketball appears to be the same size as the tennis ball (Moon). Students swap positions so that each team member has a turn to be the observer from Earth. In teams, students discuss their observations and relate them to the sizes of the Sun and Moon.

8) When you return to classroom, ask students to again review their drawing of Sun, Earth and Moon from Lesson 1 and to make adjustments or draw a new drawing to put their new knowledge into action.

9) As a whole class, question the students on their new knowledge and add it to the “What we have learned” column of the KWL chart.

10) Students reflect on the lesson and record their observations and discoveries in their Science journals.

-Basketball, golf ball and tennis ball-A3 paper for new annotated drawings

Learning Engagements Resources and Preparation

Sign off

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)


Lesson 3: As a whole class complete the following Interactive whiteboard activitiy.

http://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?b=science/earth_sun_moon encourage students to express what they believe about the relationship between the earth, sun and moon. (5 minutes)

Divide students into three groups.

There will be four stations set up (25 minutes for each station).

A timer on the interactive whiteboard for students to know when to move to the next station.

Each station requires students to use technology to explore and develop their knowledge about the relationship between the earth, sun and moon.

At each station students will further engage with the knowledge that they have just discovered by answering the following reflection questions (2-3 minutes after the timer rings to move to the next station.)E.g. IWB StationWrite down 3 facts that you found interesting from the IWB activities.Which activity was your favourite and why?

Do you have any questions that you hope to discover and explore at the other stations? At the end of the lesson students are to reflect on the activities completed in pairs. (10 minutes) As a class, reflect on KWL chart. Ask students to write out and add to the KWL chart any new questions

they have.

-Make sure apps are downloaded-Make sure AR boards are printed and ready for spacejourney app-Make sure task cards are printed for each stationPrepare the following websites:http://www.solarsystemscope.com/http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/menu/earth/http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/science/environment_earth_universe/astronomy_space/activity/http://www.windows2universe.org/our_solar_system/planets.htmlDownload the following apps:-Earth now-Interactive minds: Solar system

Learning Engagements Resources and Preparation

Sign off

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)


Lesson 4:45 minute investigation preparation 1) Discussion about previous lesson and what they students now know about the Earth rotating around the

sun. (5 minutes)

2) Introduce notion of ‘shadows’ and ask questions to begin discussion about how shadows are formed and what causes them. In groups of four, students explore the following website: http://www.scootle.edu.au/ec/viewing/L1126/index.html (20 minutes)

3) Explain to students that they will be working in collaborative learning groups to investigate “What happens to a shadow throughout the day?” Introduce measuring shadows activity to students and record: Aim, Procedure and Equipment on the board or butcher paper. (Experiment: Pencil lodged in clay base sitting on A3 piece of paper in the sun to cast shadow, students mark shadow on A3 paper every hour. After 5 hours of results, student’s measure and record length of shadows in their science journals. They are encouraged to record any further information they may find interesting). Remind students of a fair test and the variables which can and cannot be changed. Record the variables on the board or butcher paper for students to use as a reference point. (25 minutes).

*Students carry out investigation as per the procedure, preferably on a sunny day where they can mark the shadows every hour over a 5 hour period.*

45 min investigation recording and summary1) Once students have completed 5 hours of shadow recording, they will collect the data and compile the

lengths of the shadows into a column graph with the x axis showing ‘time of day’ and the y axis showing length (cm). (25 minutes)

2) Students will be asked to share any interesting information they discovered throughout the investigation, which will lend itself to a whole class discussion about why the shadows changed length and why the shadows moved around the page. This will lead into the following lesson where shadows are given relevance to day and night on Earth. (20 minutes)

prepare computers/ipads-pencils-clay-A3 paper-Sunny day-Butcher paper

Learning Engagements Resources and Preparation

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Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)


Lesson 5:1. As a whole class complete three true and false questions from the IWB:

The sun moves across the sky The earth rotates around the sun. The sun goes behind the moon (5 mins)

2. Students divided into four groups of five for inquiry based learner activities.

3. There will be four stations set up: Visual learners- Use IWB, kinaesthetic learners-Use paper materials, auditory learners-use ipads and verbal learners: Use instruction sheet for drama play ( activities run for 70 minutes)

4. Following the 'Non-Linear' way of learning, Indigenous Science Education is integrated through activities. Students have ample time to learn through interaction and group work.

5. Each station has a scaffolded question/instruction sheet to complete. Students are given the opportunity to ask their own questions and extend the learning once worksheet/instructions from teacher are completed. The teacher becomes the Facilitator.

6. Students sit back at their desk. Teacher ask one student from each activity to discuss with the class: what their activity required them to do and one interesting aspect they learned in reference to their learning style kinaesthetic, auditory, visual and verbal. (10 mins)

7. In students science journal booklets, they are given time to answer three questions under the 'explain' heading. (5 mins)

The teacher needs to set up:

- IWB and five worksheets for Visual learners

-Four Ipads and five comprehension worksheets for Auditory learners.

-Four scissors, ten pieces of yellow A-4 paper, three envelops and three cut out circles for kinaesthetic learners.

- Instruction sheet for sun, moon & earth rotations for Verbal learners

Learning Engagements Resources and Preparation

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Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)


Lesson 6:

1. Students in learner specific groups gather materials to present from the previous lesson. They are given time to set up using resources and and materials for presentation. (5 minutes)

2. Students in learner specific groups visual, auditory, kinaesthetic and verbal, present their activities as a group presentation to the class.

3. Kinaesthetic learners: present on the making of the sun and the factual information they used. auditory learners: explain the drawing and information they completed as they listened to a video about the orbit of sun, earth and moon.Visual learners: present on the literacies of Science they discovered for the specific terms, related to the layers of the earth sun, earth and moon. (15 minutes for each group)

4. Each group watching the presentations ask the presenting group one question. The question must relate to their topic and address 'how their activity relates to us as human beings each day'. (2 minutes each group)

5. The teacher squashes scientific misconceptions by extending students thought when the presenting group say something misleading or false.

6. Students are free to discuss and ask questions of interest about the information the class is presenting to the group. This maps to the students deconstruct and reconstructing Indigenous science education way of learning. (10 minutes)

7. In students science journal booklets, they are given time to answer three questions under the 'explain' heading. (5 mins)

-IWB game from Visual learners lesson five activity

-Ipads, worksheets used for Auditory lesson five youtube video clip

-The paper made Suns from Kinaesthetic lesson five activity

Learning Engagements Resources and Preparation

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Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)


Lesson 7:

Part 1

1) As a whole class look at four different art works that represent the sun, earth and moon.Ask students questions to engage and interest them. E.g. Why do you think the artist used these colours? (10 minutes)

2) The teacher may use the following artworks or may choose their own.http://www.yamajiart.com/product/planets-solar-system/http://michaelelliottfurr.deviantart.com/art/Sun-Moon-Earth-Star-273827755

3) Students are given the opportunity to choose a particular art activity that they like.4) The classroom teacher will use this time to observe and interact with their students.5) Students must produce at artwork that creatively reflects the sun, earth and moon. (35 minutes).6) Students will then display their artwork around the room. The students will view the artworks as if in a

art gallery. After the classroom is neat and all the equipment safely put away include a brain break activity.

Part 2

1) Show students an already made solar system snowglobe.2) Model how they would create the planets of the solar system but only modeling one planet.3) With the materials provided they are to make their own. (45 minutes)4) The teacher will observe how they complete the activity.

- set up 4 stations: digital artwork, painting, drawing, and clay and lego.

-plastic container with id and spinner plastic ring.



-Coloured clay

-Clear string

Learning Engagements Resources and Preparation

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Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)


Lesson 8:

1. Read to the class “What makes a shadow?” picture book by Clyde Robert Bulla. Class discussion about the book and a review of the previous ‘shadows’ lesson. (10 mins)

2. Direct the discussion towards the role shadows play in day and night.

3. Explain they will be creating a model of the relationship between the Earth, Moon and Sun to further develop their understanding.

4. Procedure: Using white paper, cut out the Earth and Moon, with the Earth slightly larger. Colour the paper plate yellow for the Sun, the Earth and Moon can be coloured to the student’s wishes. Punch a hole at the end of each strip and in the middle of the paper plate. Using the brass fasteners, attach the papers together as shown in the picture. (10 mins)

5. Students make the model. (60 minutes)

6. Once students have made the model, they have the opportunity to explain to the class the relationship between the Sun, Earth and the moon and how shadows create day and night. (7 minutes)

-paper plate

-white construction paper or card stock

-Earth and Moon cut outs from template

-hole puncher


-2 brass fasteners


Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

Learning Engagements Resources and Preparation

Sign off


Lesson 9:45 minute experiment preparation

1) Discussion with students about shadows and how they are formed (revision from the previous shadows lesson, lesson 4). Ensure to discuss how they are formed, what affects them, and why the shadows moved. (15 minutes)

2) Students review their information about shadows through use of the website: http://www.scootle.edu.au/ec/viewing/L1126/index.html (10 minutes)

3) Explain to students that they will be working as a whole class to construct a sundial. Discuss what a sundial is. Discuss the aim of the experiment and collaborate with students to write a procedure and any equipment needed. Record all information on butcher paper or the board for student reference. Experiment (20 minutes) –(sundial will be completed on the school oval using a pole and spray paint).

*Students perform and record the shadow every hour in their Science journal and assist the teacher in spraying the correct path on the sundial. This is carried out over a 5 hour period on a sunny day.*

45 minute review of experiment

1) Discuss the experiment and any interesting ideas the students discovered whilst performing it. Include links to Indigenous culture. (15 minutes)

2) As a class, go outside to the oval and ask students to predict the time using the sundial. Ask students questions such as accuracy of sundial, limitations of sundial? Do they think it is an accurate and effective way to tell the time? (30 minutes)

-Set up scootle activity-butcher paper-pole for sundial-spray paint-sunny day-protractors

Learning Engagements Resources and Preparation

Sign off

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)


Lesson 10:

1) Students will be reminded about the worksheet ‘Where does the sun go at night’ and be asked to complete a new worksheet. The same activity will be played, where students need to answer true or false to the questions.

2) Review of KWL chart to show students their development throughout the unit.3) Students will be handed out their old “where does the sun go at night?” worksheet and will discuss their

new results with a partner and reflect on their newly acquired knowledge, compared to their misconceptions at the beginning of the unit.

4) Students will complete a new annotated drawing of the sun, earth and moon to show new information they have learned throughout the unit. Discuss what type of new information they have discovered to include in their drawings (shape of sun, moon, earth; size; rotations; shadows).

One more column will be added to the KWL chart labelled “Further questioning”. Students are invited to identify further information they want to know about day and night. The questions are recorded in the new column. This process is to show students that just because the “unit” is over, learning for any particular topic does not stop. Students develop the notion of life-long learning.

-True and False posters-A3 paper for new annotated drawings-Add new column to KWL chart


Board of Studies, New South Wales. (n.d). NSW Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum: Science K-10 (Incorporating Science and      Technology K-6) Syllabus. Retrieved from http://syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au/science/science-k10/ 

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

 Board of Studies, New South Wales. (n.d). NSW Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum: English K-10  Syllabus.      Retrieved from http://syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au/english/ Board of Studies, New South Wales. (n.d). NSW Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics K-10  Syllabus.       Retrieved from http://syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au/mathematics/ Board of Studies, New South Wales. (n.d). NSW Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum: HSIE K-10  Syllabus.       Retrieved from http://syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au/hsie/ Board of Studies, New South Wales. (n.d). NSW Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum: Creative Arts Syllabus.       Retrieved from http://syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au/creative-arts/

Campbell, C. & Jobbling, W. (2012). Science in early childhood. Melbourne: Cambridge.

 Derek Owens (2009, April 13). Physical Science 9.2a - The Earth Moon Sun System [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjCKwkJfg6Y

Digital Expression. (2012). Amazing Space Journey- 3D Solar System [Mobile application software].        Retrieved from https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/amazing-space-journey-3d-solar/id579895132?mt=8 Education Services Australia (2013). Earth rotation Night and Day. [Video File].       Retrieved from http://www.scootle.edu.au/ec/viewing/L696/index.html 

Iswbrick Stopmotion. (2012, September 12). Disney Pixar Short movie day and night [Video            file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z8SXjEu7fg

Merritt, kevin (n.d) Planets solar system.Retrieved from http://www.yamajiart.com/product/planets-solar-system/

Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)

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ED3009 Key Learning Area: Science and TechnologyItem 1: Unit of work (Part A- Group)

NASA (2013). NASA's The Space Place for KidsRetrieved from http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/menu/earth/

Peers, S. (2007) Minds-on, hands-on: Creating competent and confident teachers of science and literacy. Teacher: The National Education Magazine, 12-17.Retrieved from http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=468488203558088;res=IELHSS

Skamp, K. (2012). Teaching primary science constructively (4th ed). South Melbourne, Vic. : Cengage Learning.

Topmarks (2014). Science Earth Sun and Moon.[video file]       Retrieved from http://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?b=science/earth_sun_moon 

Vossonos LSC (2014). Interactive Minds: Solar System- Lite [Mobile application software].       Retrieved from https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/interactive-minds-solar-system/id593614944?mt=8


Ryan Kennelly (20102528); Brendan Mckenzie (20111813); Reyabel Villanueva (20113008); Jennifer Younes (20111648)