Teacher Education Capacity Development - Haiti

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  • 8/9/2019 Teacher Education Capacity Development - Haiti



    Photo Credit: Courtesy of 10x10 ad !ir" Risi#

    Teacher Education for Community 

  • 8/9/2019 Teacher Education Capacity Development - Haiti


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    A Letter to our Haitian Colleagues

     Tea$her Edu$atio for Co%%uity De&e"o'%et: Haiti (TECD) is a $o""a*oratio *et+ee the Or#ai,atioof A%eri$a States: De'art%et of Edu$atio- Cu"ture ad Hu%a De&e"o'%et (OAS) ad Tea$hersWithout Borders (TWB). It is disti#uished *y its s'e$ia" fo$us:

    Its target population: Haitia edu$ators +ho- at 'reset- 'ossess isu/$iet tea$her 'rofessioa"de&e"o'%et ad +ho reside 'ri%ari"y i rura" areas

    It’s emphasis on local support: The e#a#e%et of %etors- 'eers- $o%%uity resour$es- ada/"iatios i order to esure a &irtuous $y$"e of $otiuous i%'ro&e%et

    It’s direct connection to teaching practice:  A $urri$u"u% desi#ed aroud thou#htfu" dis$ussio ada$ti&e- 'ra$ti$a"- ad i%%ediate $"assroo% a''"i$atio.

    We all want children to be creative, community-minded, academically competent, optimistic, and

    confdent in their ability to shape their uture.  Ufortuate"y- &ery fe+ tea$her edu$atio 'ro#ra%s %aethe e2ort to a''"y these &ery sa%e as'iratios to the 'ra$ti$a" idu$tio ad o#oi# 'rofessioa"de&e"o'%et of tea$hers. This 'ro#ra% sees to a"i# the t+o ad so sythesi,es ti%e3hoored tea$hi#traditios- the 'o+er of $u"ture- +ith 'ro&e $ote%'orary resear$h ito +hat +ors i $"assroo%s.

    The content that ollows can stand alone or work in a modular ashion. At the sa%e ti%e- o si#"e

    tea$her #uide su$h as ours $a ser&e the %u"titude of $ha""e#es Haiti fa$es or su*stitute for a +e""3$o$ei&ed &isio for tea$her 'rofessioa" de&e"o'%et. It +as desi#ed to *e sha'ed- $rafted- aditer'reted 4 5ust as a $era%i$ artist sha'es $"ay- a 'oet $rafts +ords- or a da$er iter'rets %usi$ 4 *y the&ery $o%%uity of tea$hers that itera$ts +ith it. It hoors the tea$hi# 'rofessio *y fo$usi# attetioo $hi"dre.

     Tea$hers Without Borders ho"ds eor%ous res'e$t for the 'ride- 5oy- ad ite""i#e$e of the Haitia 'eo'"e.We +ored +ith &o"uteer Haitia tea$hers 'rior to the earth6uae ad $reated a 'ro#ra% $oe$ti#earth6uae s$ie$e +ith safety after+ards. Ti%e after ti%e- +e +itessed your $o%%it%et to "eari#.

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    We +ish to urture that $o%%it%et- ad so:At the sa%e ti%e- o oe $a *e$o%e a tea$her si%'"y *y attedi# a fe+ $ourses or +orsho's orreadi# throu#h the $otet. It taes 'ra$ti$e i $"assroo%s +ith %etors- $o""ea#ues- ad 'arters. It $ao"y tae root i ta"eted idi&idua"s ad is'ired istitutios. It +ors *est +he $oe$ted to a "ar#er

    'i$ture that $oe$ts'eo'"e- $otet- et+ors-ad so$ia" $ha#e. O"ythe %ay +e a$$e"erate$ha#e ad sustai our


     The Tea$her Edu$atio for Co%%uity De&e"o'%et Iitiati&e is yours as +e"". Paired ad ite#rated +ithour other $ourses ad &etted $otet a"ready a&ai"a*"e i 8re$h ad 9ry;"- TECD is a 'o+erfu" too" for%etors ad tea$hers.

    We '"a to au#%et TECD +ith o"ie ad fa$e3to3fa$e +orsho's ru *y Haitia %etors. We sha"" esurethat this $otet is %ade a$$essi*"e i throu#h Ca&as Istru$ture (a free o"ie $ourse '"atfor%)- S$ri*d (afree o"ie "i*rary)- ad C9317 (a free o"ie text*oo +e*site). We a"so ho'e to de&e"o' a radio sho+: to 'o'u"ari,e 6ua"ity tea$her de&e"o'%et ad to di#ify the 'rofessio.

    I +ish tha a Haitia tea$her- ?r. 8ee" Pierre- a 8u"*ri#ht s$ho"ar ad dedi$ated 'rofessioa"- +ho has

    e#a#ed the hearts ad %ids of tea$hers throu#hout Haiti i 1@ +orsho's rea$hi# o&er 00 tea$her"eaders this 'ast year a"oe.

    Of $ourse- oe of this +ou"d *e 'ossi*"e +ere it ot for the &isio ad $o&ei# 'o+er of 'assioate"eaders at The Or#ai,atio of A%eri$a States.

    et us a"" ee' #ro+i# ad "eari# for todays #eeratio ad %ay %ore to $o%e.

    ?y +ar%est re#ards-

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     Tea$hers Without Borders sha"" 'ro&ide The Or#ai,atio of A%eri$a Statesurestri$ted a$$ess to our etire $ata"o#ue of $otet ad tea$her

    'rofessioa" de&e"o'%et resour$es.


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    Dr. 8red ?edi$8ouder- Tea$hers Without BordersAssistat Professor- ohs Ho'is Ui&ersity

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    Table of Contents

    Course 1: P"ai# for Studet Su$$ess........................................................@

    Course 7: I$"usi&e C"assroo%s...................................................................1F

    Course : Studet E#a#e%et for Su$$ess.................................................7@

    Course : E2e$ti&e Assess%et ad E&a"uatio...........................................@

    Course G: Tea$her eaders as Co%%uity A#ets of Cha#e.....................GF

    Additioa" Tea$hers Without Borders Courses Resour$es..........................F0

    Exa%'"e Worsho' P"a i 8re$h................................................................F1

    !ri""e DE&a"uatio........................................................................................F

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    rogram !tructure

    Ea$h or "eari# %odu"e $otais the fo""o+i# $o%'oets:

    • O*5e$ti&es *ased u'o 6ua"ity tea$hi# 'ra$ti$es

    • Cetra" 6uestios that fra%e the "eari# 'ath that fo""o+s

    • eari#

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    Course ": lanning for !tudent !uccess


     The *est tea$hers a%o#st us are 'assioate a*out theirsu*5e$ts ad $o%'assioate to+ard $hi"dre. They tru"y

    o+- ot 5ust o+ a*out- their studets. They tra$ ea$hstudets 'ro#ress. Where'ossi*"e- they 'ersoa"i,e the$urri$u"u%. They tea$h +ith 5oy.

     The ex'ressio o the fa$es ofthese $hi"dre says it a"":

     The *est tea$hers a%o#st us $reate "essos thati$"ude three $o%'oets: (1) a +ay i: *ye#a#i# the i%a#iatio- the head- the hads-ad the heart (7) a +ay throu#h: *y fosteri# i6uiry-#uidi# "eari#- ad assessi# si""s- ad () B a +ayout: *y esuri# that +hat she has tau#ht ad +hatstudets ha&e "eared 're'ares studets for the ext"e&e"- dee'er "eari#- ad *eyod. That is +hat a"" ofour $ourses are a*out.

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     This %odu"e +i"" #uide the traier to e#a#e traiee tea$hers i di2eret a$ti&ities to #ro+ their a+areessa*out the ro"es ad res'osi*i"ities of a tea$her i $reati# res'osi*"e $iti,es $o%%itted to so$iety- ad'ro%oti# so$ia" i$"usio. Throu#hout the +ho"e sessio- #etti# e#a#ed i #rou' +or- 'air +or-'resetatio ad se"f3reJe$tio- traiee tea$hers +i"" *e a*"e to de%ostrate ad 'ra$ti$e ho+ to $reate a'arti$i'atory- de%o$rati$ ad i$"usi&e e&iro%et i the $"assroo% ad +i"" rea"i,e the i%'orta$e of a

    studet3$etered a''roa$h of tea$hi# for %eai#fu" "eari# +hi$h they +i"" *e a*"e to a''"y i their o+tea$hi#. Parti$i'ats +i"":

    • P"a studet3$etered "essos to 'ro%ote %eai#fu" "eari#.

    • I$or'orate studets $o%'ete$ies ad si""s i "esso '"ai#.

    • 8oster a 'arti$i'atory- de%o$rati$- ad i$"usi&e e&iro%et i the $"assroo% throu#h

    exe%'"ary 're'aratio ad '"ai#

    The central (uestion is this: Ho+ $a +e '"a ad or#ai,e our "essos i order to $reate e2e$ti&ead e/$iet tea$hi# ad "eari#K

    )A$*+& ACTI,IT-: )H% A* I. )H% A$E -%&. )H% A$E )E. /01 *I#&TE!2

    Itrodu$e yourse"f Lrst *y te""i# your a%e- ho+ "o# you are i tea$hi# 'rofessio ad +hy you ha&e

    $hose this 'rofessio. The te"" the traiee tea$hers to itrodu$e the%se"&es ad to ta" a*out +hy theyha&e $hose this $areer. Te"" the% to thi a"oud a*out a 're$ious %o%et for the% duri# their tea$hi#'ra$ti$e ad +hy it +as so 're$ious ad to share it +ith the $"ass.

    3Instructions for the 4acilitator5: Tell the trainees to form groups 6ith 7 to 8 members in each9Discuss the follo6ing ground rules to form and 6or in a group:

    • 8or% #rou's +ith %ixed #eder.

    • Dot for% #rou's +ith your frieds.

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    • E&ery*ody +i"" ha&e a$ti&e 'arti$i'atio duri# #rou' dis$ussio.

    • E&eryoe eeds to ha&e a ui6ue ad a$ti&e ro"e duri# #rou' +or- e.#. oe 'erso +i"" +rite

    the $hart- aother +i"" 'aste it o the +a""*oard ad aother 'erso +i"" 'reset it to the $"ass et$.

    • Duri# di2eret #rou' +ors e&eryoe shou"d tae tur to 'reset.

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    ;oal: Dis$ussio of +hat %aes tea$hers e2e$ti&e.

     The IterA#e$y et+or for Edu$atio i E%er#e$ies o2ers #reat tea$hi# %ateria"s- +hether oe is+ori# i a e%er#e$y setti# or ot. Here is a exer$ise fro% oe of their %aua"s:

    otes for the 8a$i"itatorQ: Dra+ these 'i$tures o the *oard. As the 'arti$i'ats +hi$h tea$her they are:

    !i&e the studets ti%e to thi. Dot iterru't ad "e$ture. If this fee"s too a*stra$t- #i&e the% so%esu##estios: As the #rou' ho+ they ha&e "eared to tea$h. Do they assu%e that the $hi"d o+s othi#or do they *ui"d o +hat the $hi"d a"ready hasK A""o+ the dis$ussio fro% this 6uestio. ?ay tea$hers +i""say that the $hi"d o+s othi# ad that is their 5o* to tea$h the $hi"d. As if this is rea""y so. What do theydo if they dis$o&er that the $hi"d a"ready o+s the $otet of the "essoK

    O"y +he you $a see that the studets are rea""y stru##"i#- the #et the dis$ussio #oi# +ith astate%et "ie this:

    “The ‘water pot’ teacher is one who assumes that they have all the knowlede and they are there to ‘fll the

    student’. !ecause most o us are trained to pass on ‘content’, it very oten eels that this is both true and

    riht. "owever, we are only one part o the child’s learnin. #hildren learn rom their amilies, their riends

    and their society.

    To use this ‘water pot’ method can be very tirin. $s a teacher you must be very sure that you know

    everythin and never make a mistake. %ou must be ready with the learnin that the child needs &because

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     you cannot keep pourin water i the pot is ull can you'( This type o teacher is not suited or teachin

     peace education as this philosophy can lead to arroance and the abuse o power. This type o teachin

    means that the learner will always be reliant on a teacher to tell them what to think and what to know. They 

    can never become independent thinkers.

    The ‘helpin the )owers’ teacher understands that there are other teachers in the lie o the child. These

    teachers also understand that their role is to help the child learn and eventually to learn independently. This

    is an easier and more rewardin way to teach as the learnin belons to the child. %ou are not e*pected toknow everythin + you are e*pected to help children learn thins that they need to know. 

    We *e"ie&e edu$atio $aot *e a s'e$tator s'ort ad so +e fo$us o

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    • *ae it safe. We $aot thi +he +e are fri#hteed. our $"assroo% ad e&iro%et %ust *e

    free of iti%idatio. As +e ha&e stressed i our $ourse 'o"i$ies- strii# a $hi"d destroys the s'irit.?ay ti%es- that strie is a e%otioa" oe. We $a strie a $hi"d +he +e %ae a iti%idati#re%ar that destroys a $hi"ds +i""i#ess to "ear. e&er e%*arrass a $hi"d i 'u*"i$.

    • !ho6 > Don?t Tell9 There are %ay di%esios to this. Te""i# is Thats the the%e here. I ter%s of tea$hi#- sho+ studets +here they are #oi#- +hat they

    eed to a$$o%'"ish. The sho+ the% ho+ to #et there. Pro&ide exa%'"es. ?ode" it. Use it. ?ae it$"ear ad rea" +hat it is they eed to o+ i order to #et there. Are you tea$hi# 'hysi$sK Thesho+ the% the 'ri$i'"e at +or sho+ the% the dya%i$s #et the% to L#ure out Criti$a" thii# is ot a*out sho+i# ad re'eati#. Thats %e%ori,atio. Its a*out sho+i# a+ay.

    • @rea it do6n= but don?t brea it apart. !reat tea$hers %ae the ufa%i"iar fa%i"iar a#ai.

    So%eti%es a $o$e't is o&er+he"%i#. If that is the $ase- start +ith the foudatio ad +or your+ay u'. Peo'"e eed to uderstad the story 4 +here it starts- +here it is headed- ad +hat it +i"""oo "ie i the ed. It is i%'ortat- the- to %ae thi#s $"ear eou#h i s%a"" $hus- so that'eo'"e $a 'ut to#ether the 'ie$es of the 'u,,"e. Thats the ey. They are the oes that +i""asse%*"e that 'u,,"e.

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    • Tell the truth9 ?ay tea$hers *e"ie&e that if they dot ha&e a"" the as+ers- theyre +orth"ess.

    o oe has a"" the as+ers. If you as+er a studet +ith 'erha's you $a a"soexted it to !uide your studets to *e$o%e $o""a*orators i their o+ "eari# ad$o3ex'"orers- +ith you- i the $"assroo%. I&ite the% to *e su*5e$t %atter ex'erts. Studets eedautheti$ity- ot a+e. Thats $riti$a" thii#.

    • *ae it human9 I desi#i# $urri$u"u%- Ld out +hat %aes 'eo'"e re"ate to it. ?athe%ati$s

    +as i&eted for a reaso- so des$ri*e a 'ro*"e% it $a so"&e 4 a rea" oe. That *ui"ds $riti$a"thii#.

    • uestions are as good as ans6ers9 !ood 6uestios is'ire $riti$a" thii#. A o*e" Pea$e

    Pri,e +ier o$e re'orted that- %ost days after s$hoo"- he +ou"d retur ho%e to sit ear his%other at the it$he ta*"e. She re$a""s that she e&er ased hi%- or Istead- his %other ased hi%- uestios o'e u' 'ossi*i"ities. They re6uire as+ers- *ut #ood as+ers raise e&e %ore6uestios. Istead of *ei# a &i$ious $y$"e- its a &irtuous $y$"e. Criti$a" thii# throu#h #ood6uestios *ui"ds %ore $riti$a" thii# ad *etter 6uestios.

    • ;ive students an opportunity to teach9 A $riti$a" thier does ot 5ust re%ai i herhis head.

    We ofte +rite to "ear- ot 5ust "ear to +rite. ou are "eari# to tea$h. At the sa%e ti%e- *othyou ad your studets shou"d tea$h i order to "ear. A""o+ o''ortuities for studets to *e$o%e

    ex'erts i a area ad to share their ex'ertise. Pro&ide $ha$es for o"der or %ore $o%'etetstudets to tutor you#er or "ess $o%'etet oes.

    • Thin about ho6 athletic coaches and artists 6or9 The $oa$h de%ostrates +hat she

    o+s- ex'"ais the ru"es- #i&es the studet a o''ortuity to 'ra$ti$e- 'ro&ides feed*a$- ad'uts the studet ito rea"3"ife situatios. So shou"d a tea$her. The artist asse%*"es %ateria"s-$o$ei&es of the 'ie$e- +ors at it i sta#es- ad $o""e$ts the +or for $riti6ue. So shou"d thetea$her. The ath"eti$ $oa$h ad the artist are o3traditioa" tea$hers- ad they ha&e a #reat dea"

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    • Why did you *e$o%e (or +ish to *e$o%e) a tea$herK

    resent: Se"e$t oe 'erso to su% u' the dis$ussio +ith the etire #rou' of tea$hers- usi# the 'oster*oard.

    LA##I#; LE!!%#!: A )A- I#= A )A- TH$%&;H= A#D A )A- %&T

    A )ay In

     Tea$hers are a*"e to deter%ie +hat studets o+ i order to *ui"d $uriosity ad readiess to e%*ra$ee+ $o$e'ts. The ey is to #eerate e+ ideas to 'ro*"e%s- %ae $oe$tios- ad or#ai,e their thii#ito a "o#i$a" 'atter.

    • Ho+ do you Ld out +hat studets o+K

    • What $a you do to #et studets iterested i the su*5e$tK

    • What a$ti&ities $a ea*"e studets to ex'"ore the issueK

    • Ho+ $a studets deter%ie the di2ere$e *et+ee +hat they o+ ad +hat they $a o+K

    • What do I +at studets to "earK

    • What do I +at the% to uderstad ad *e a*"e to do at the ed of $"assK

    • What are the %ost i%'ortat $o$e'ts- ideas- or si""s I +at studets to *e a*"e to #ras' ad


    • If I ra out of ti%e- +hat shou"d ot *e o%ittedK WhyK• Whi$h oes $ou"d I si' if 'ressed for ti%eK

    A )ay Through

     Tea$hers he"' studets to fo$us their attetio i order to study the su*5e$t %ore dee'"y. Tea$hers itrodu$e$o$e'ts- 'ro$esses- ad si""s +hi"e "earers ex'"ai +hat they o+ so that they %ay test theirassu%'tios.

    • Ho+ $a the studets *ui"d u'o +hat they a"ready o+K

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    • Ho+ do studets %oitor their "eari#K

    • Ho+ do studets 'ro&e their $o%'ete$e at e+ "e&e"sK

    • Ho+ do studets so"&e 'ro*"e%s +ith e+ o+"ed#eK

    • 9ee' a eye o your ti%e. I$"ude ti%i# i the '"a itse"f. The s%ooth rui# of your "esso

    de'eds to so%e extet o 'ro'er ti%i#.

     Thi a*out trasitios fro% oe a$ti&ity to aother. ?ae $ertai that studets are ot $ofused• I$"ude &ariety if thi#s are ot +ori# the +ay you ha&e '"aed.

    • Che$ for uderstadi# a"" a"o# the +ay. Whe +e ta" a*out assess%et- +e +i"" sho+ youho+.

    A )ay %ut

    •  Thi a*out a re"ay ra$e +here oe ra$er hads the *ato to the other. The oe hadi# o2 the

    *ato %ust "oo ahead to see +here heshe is #oi#- "oo *ehid to see +he ad ho+ to had o2the *ato- ad exted hisher had 5ust i ti%e. The oe re$ei&i# the *ato eeds o"y to "ooahead. She has to ru to $at$h u'. If the ruers are too fast or too s"o+- the +ho"e tea% su2ers.

     That is +hy +e ha&e to ta" +ith ea$h other.

    • We ot o"y ha&e to '"a that +ay- +e ha&e to %ae $ertai that our studets $a ru the ra$e-

    too- so that they $a %o&e ahead or $at$h u' if they are fa""i# *ehid. The ey here is this:

    +he you are desi#i# your +ay i- thi a*out:

    • What do I +at the% to tae a+ay fro% this 'arti$u"ar "essoK

    • Ho+ %i#ht this "esso 're'are studets to tae the ext ste'K

    ACTI,IT-: @&ILDI#; A LE!!%# LA# (@03N0 ?IUTES)

    I #rou's of 7- studets $a 'i$ oe "esso they are a"ready tea$hi# or $reate a e+ "esso usi# thefo""o+i# *asi$ out"ie: a +ay i- a +ay throu#h- ad a +ay out.

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    •  Tea$hers +i"" ea$h 'reset a 'ortio their "esso '"a to the etire #rou' as if they +ere tea$hi#

    the $"ass

    •  Tea$hers +i"" the 'ro&ide feed*a$ o the "esso

    •  Tea$hers 'reseti# the "esso +i"" ha&e a $ha$e to $o%%et o the feed*a$

    P"ease i$"ude the fo""o+i# i your "esso '"a:

    • A?E of the ESSO

    •  TI?E for the ESSO

    •  THREE OBECTI=ES of the ESSO (What you +at the% to "ear)


    • A WA I: Itrodu$tio ad A$ti&ities


    • COECTIO to the EVT ESSO

    4or -our lanning

    8or a +ay i- you %i#ht start +ith a 6uestio or a$ti&ity to deter%ie your studets o+"ed#e of thesu*5e$t or their attitudes to+ard it. ou $ou"d tae a si%'"e 'o"": ou $a a"so #ather *a$#roud ifor%atio fro% your studets 'rior to $"ass *ysedi# studets a e"e$troi$ sur&ey or asi# the% to +rite $o%%ets o idex $ards. This additioa"ifor%atio $a he"' sha'e your itrodu$tio- "eari# a$ti&ities- et$. Whe you ha&e a idea of thestudets fa%i"iarity +ith the to'i$- you +i"" a"so ha&e a sese of +hat to fo$us o.

    • De&e"o' a $reati&e itrodu$tio to the to'i$ to sti%u"ate iterest ad e$oura#e thii#. ou $ause a &ariety of a''roa$hes to e#a#e studets (e.#.- 'ersoa" ae$dote- histori$a" e&et-

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    thou#ht3'ro&oi# di"e%%a- rea"3+or"d exa%'"e- short &ideo $"i'- 'ra$ti$a" a''"i$atio- 'ro*i#6uestio- et$.).

    • Cosider the fo""o+i# 6uestios +he '"ai# your +ay i:

    • Ho+ +i"" I $he$ +hether studets o+ aythi# a*out the to'i$ or ha&e ay 're$o$ei&ed

    otios a*out itK

    • What are so%e $o%%o"y he"d ideas (or 'ossi*"y %is$o$e'tios) a*out this to'i$ that studets

    %i#ht *e fa%i"iar +ith or %i#ht es'ouseK

    • What +i"" I do to itrodu$e the to'i$K

    or a way throuh, 're'are se&era" di2eret +ays of ex'"aii# the %ateria" (rea"3"ife exa%'"es- aa"o#ies-&isua"s- et$.) to $at$h the attetio of %ore studets ad a''ea" to di2eret "eari# sty"es. As you '"ayour exa%'"es ad a$ti&ities- esti%ate ho+ %u$h ti%e you +i"" s'ed o ea$h. Bui"d i ti%e for extededex'"aatio or dis$ussio- *ut a"so *e 're'ared to %o&e o 6ui$"y to di2eret a''"i$atios or 'ro*"e%s-ad to idetify strate#ies that $he$ for uderstadi#. These 6uestios +ou"d he"' you desi# the "eari#a$ti&ities you +i"" use:

    • What +i"" I do to ex'"ai the to'i$K

    • What +i"" I do to i""ustrate the to'i$ i a di2eret +ayK

    • Ho+ $a I e#a#e studets i the to'i$K

    • What are so%e re"e&at rea"3"ife exa%'"es- aa"o#ies- or situatios that $a he"' studetsuderstad the to'i$K

    • What +i"" studets eed to do to he"' the% uderstad the to'i$ *etterK

    or a way out, you +i"" eed to thi a*out +hat studets ha&e "eared ad ho+ they $a a''"y it to theext sta#e of their "eari#. The i%'ortat thi# is to ee' asi# yourse"f- ho+ do you o+ that studetsare "eari#K Thi a*out s'e$iL$ 6uestios you $a as studets i order to $he$ for uderstadi#- +ritethe% do+- ad the 'ara'hrase the% so that you are 're'ared to as the 6uestios i di2eret +ays. Tryto 'redi$t the as+ers your 6uestios +i"" #eerate. De$ide o +hether you +at studets to res'od ora""y

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    or i +riti#. To he"' +ith this: as yourse"f these 6uestios:

    • What 6uestios +i"" I as studets to $he$ for uderstadi#K

    • What +i"" I ha&e studets do to de%ostrate that they are fo""o+i#K

    • !oi# *a$ to %y "ist of "eari# o*5e$ti&es- +hat a$ti&ity $a I ha&e studets do to $he$ +hether

    ea$h of those has *ee a$$o%'"ishedK

    Eective &se of TimeA i%'ortat strate#y that +i"" a"so he"' you +ith ti%e %aa#e%et is to ati$i'ate studets 6uestios.Whe '"ai# your "esso- de$ide +hat ids of 6uestios +i"" *e 'rodu$ti&e for dis$ussio ad +hat6uestios %i#ht sidetra$ the $"ass. Thi a*out ad de$ide o the *a"a$e *et+ee $o&eri# $otet(a$$o%'"ishi# your "eari# o*5e$ti&es) ad esuri# that studets uderstad.

    !o o&er the %ateria" $o&ered i $"ass *y su%%ari,i# the %ai 'oits of the "esso. ou $a do this i$reati&e +ays *y $reati# #a%es. By 'ayi# attetio as you #o- you +i"" ot *e sur'rised "ater. Co$"udethe "esso ot o"y *y su%%ari,i# the %ai 'oits- *ut a"so *y 're&ie+i# the ext "esso. Ho+ does theto'i$ re"ate to the oe thats $o%i#K This 're&ie+ +i"" s'ur studets iterest ad he"' the% $oe$t thedi2eret ideas +ithi a "ar#er $otext.

    It is i%'ortat to *e rea"isti$ a*out ti%e. We %ay ot *e a*"e to $o&er a"" of the %ay 'oits +e had'"aed to $o&er. A "ist of te "eari# o*5e$ti&es is ot rea"isti$- so arro+ do+ your "ist to the t+o or three

    ey $o$e'ts- ideas- or si""s you +at studets to "ear. Istru$tors a"so a#ree that they ofte eed toad5ust their "esso '"a duri# $"ass de'edi# o +hat the studets eed. !reat tea$hers %ae de$isioso the s'ot ad ad5ust their "esso '"as as eeded.

    Ha&i# additioa" exa%'"es or a"terati&e a$ti&ities +i"" a"so a""o+ you to *e Jexi*"e. A rea"isti$ ti%e"ie +i""reJe$t your Jexi*i"ity ad readiess to ada't to the s'e$iL$ $"assroo% e&iro%et. Here are so%estrate#ies for $reati# a rea"isti$ ti%e"ie:

    • Esti%ate ho+ %u$h ti%e ea$h of the a$ti&ities +i"" tae- the '"a so%e extra ti%e for ea$h

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    Be"o+ are se&era" su##estios tea$hers ad s$hoo"s $a use to arra#e the 'hysi$a" s'a$e of a $"assroo% iorder to fa$i"itate i$"usio:

    lace !tudent Dess in ;roups

    Put dess i s%a"" #rou's (73 dess 'er #rou') so that a"" studets ha&e o''ortuities for $oo'erati&e"eari#- $o""a*oratio ad dis$ussio. As +e""- '"a$e the tea$hers des o the 'eri'hery of the $"assroo%.

     Tea$hers i a i$"usi&e $"ass rare"y sit do+ duri# their day ad dot eed their des #etti# i the +ay

    rovide Centers and *eeting !pots

    Ceters a''ea" to &arious "eari# sty"es *ut they %ust a"so *e a$$essi*"e ad o'e. As +e""- the %ateria"sad %ai'u"ati&e at ea$h $eter %ust *e a''ro'riate ad stored +here a"" studets $a rea$h the%. P"a$i#*oos o a hi#h she"f is "i%iti# for a s%a""er studet or oe +ho is i a +hee"$hair. Create oe area of the$"assroo% +here the studets $a $o%e to#ether to ha&e dis$ussios- de&e"o' so$ia" si""s- ad 'arti$i'atei "ar#e #rou' a$ti&ities. This s'a$e %ust ha&e eou#h roo% for a"" the studets to #ather.

    Classroom Decor

    A i$"usi&e $"assroo% eeds to *e de$orated i a +ay that does ot $reate distra$tio. Too %ay *ri#ht$o"ors- 'osters- $"utter ad furiture $a easi"y distra$t the %ost fo$used $hi"d

    !afetyEmergency reparedness

    Esure ade6uate s'a$e for a"" studets to %o&e safe"y aroud the roo%. C"ear *u"y ite%s- sta*i"i,e

    furiture- ta'e do+ +ires ad $a*"es- ad '"a$e si#ssy%*o"s aroud the roo% that 'oit out exitetry+ays i $ase of e%er#e$y.

    ACTI,IT-: THE H-!ICAL CLA!!$%%* E#,I$%#*E#T (@0 ?IUTES)

    Ho+ $a you %ae your 'hysi$a" s'a$e i&iti# for studetsK Is there eou#h "i#ht- air- ad $o"orK Dostudets fee" oti$edK Is it *ori#K 8ri#htei#K Is there eou#h roo% for 'hysi$a""y disa*"ed studetsKCa *"id studets *y *ei# a*"e to 'arti$i'ateK Ca hard3of3heari# studets *y *ei# a*"eto 'arti$i'ateK

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    ACTI,IT-: !EL4+$E4LECTI%# (0 ?IUTES)

    • What are your i%'ressios a*out +hat you ha&e "eared so farK 8ee" free to +rite- dra+- da$e-

    a$t out- or si# +hat you ha&e "eared or the fee"i# you ha&e #aied

    • Ho+ did you fee" a*out this tea$hi# a''roa$hK

    • Do you ha&e %ore too"s o ho+ to $reate a 'hysi$a" s'a$e i your $"assroo% so that your studets

    $a "earK

    P"ease share your as+er +ith your $o""ea#ues

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    Course 0: Inclusive Classrooms


    I$"usi&e $"assroo%s *ui"d 'ea$e-$oLde$e- ad ho'e. I$"usi&e

    $"assroo%s are +hat studetsre%e%*er "o# after they ha&e "efts$hoo". I a i$"usi&e $"assroo%-a $hi"d is oti$ed- e$oura#ed-a$ade%i$a""y $ha""e#ed- adeeded. If you as tea$hers taea+ay o"y t+o $o$e'ts fro% this$ourse (i$"usi&e $"assroo%s ad$riti$a" thii#)- it +i"" *e asu$$ess *eyod a"" %easure. Wea"so stro#"y e$oura#e tea$her%etors to $osu"t the %aytested ideas of i$"usi&e

    $"assroo%s i UESCOs freedo+"oad:

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    • 9o+ ho+ to res'od to idi&idua" studet eeds ad esta*"ish a hea"thy ra''ort +ith studets

    )A$*+& ACTI,IT-: -%&$ !T$E#;TH! 4%$ THE )%$LD T% !EE (70 ?IUTES)

     Tea$hers +i"" for% 'airs +ith the 'erso *eside hi%her ad iter&ie+ ea$h other. The #oa" is to Ld the#ood (e&e the #reat) i e&eryoe ad share that #oodess (ad #reatess) +ith the rest of the $"ass.

     The 'oit of this +ar%3u' a$ti&ity is si%'"e- *ut &ery- &ery i%'ortat: +e are asi# you to #o dee'er tha

    si%'"y *ei# i$e ad 'raisi# others. Studets +ho sese e%'ty 'raise ofte fee" $heated. 8id out %oretha 5ust i so%eoe is #ood. 8id out how, where, and when. 

    It #oes e&e dee'er tha that. Whe 'eo'"e "oo *a$ at their edu$atio ad ex'ress sorro+ or a#er- it isofte *e$ause they +ere publicly humiliated. That hu%i"iatio $uts dee'. Whe our di#ity is #oe it isi%'ossi*"e to "ear. If a $hi"d does so%ethi# +ro#- she %ust "ear +hy ad "ear ho+ to esure thattheir *eha&ior i%'ro&es. That $o&ersatio *et+ee tea$her ad studet shou"d *e doe privately. S'e$iL$'raise- ho+e&er- shou"d *e doe publicly.

    We +at you to 'ra$ti$e it i 'airs. Here are so%e ti's for #etti# that $o&ersatio #oi#:

    • Des$ri*e a ti%e i +hi$h you %ade a 'ositi&e di2ere$e i aother 'ersos "ife

    • What si"" do you ha&e that others %ay ot o+ a*outK

    • What is your stro#est 6ua"ity as a 'ersoK A friedK A 'arterK

    Whe you are iter&ie+ the other 'erso- %ae your o+ o*ser&atios a*out +hat the 'erso said ad ho+she said it. iste &ery- &ery $arefu""y.

    Whe you are Lished iter&ie+i# the 'erso:

    • ReJe$t o +hat you heard ad "et the other 'erso o+ she +as heard. A exa%'"e +ou"d *e:

    • As the 'erso iter&ie+ed ho+ they fe"t +he they heard a*out their #ood 6ua"ities fro% aother

    'erso. Did they fee" ha''y or sadK

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    *eeLt fro% o*ser&i# su$h itera$tios *et+ee those +ho do ad they $ou"d "ear to use the%.


    Co""a*oratio '"ays a ey ro"e i i$"usi&e $"assroo%s. Studets are tau#ht ad e$oura#ed to +orto#ether ad su''ort oe aother. I additio to studets +ori# to#ether- tea$hers %ust a"so Ld +aysto +or +ith other 'rofessioa"s ad edu$ators- to %eet the eeds of a"" $hi"dre. Whe studets +ith %ore$o%'"ex eeds are i$"uded i a #eera" edu$atio $"assroo%- tea$hers $a $o%%ui$ate +ith di2eret

    hea"th $are or#ai,atios +ho are 'ro&idi# su''orts for s'e$ia" eed ids +ith Assisti&e Te$ho"o#y-ex'erts or thera'ists that ha&e *ee deter%ied essetia" to a $hi"ds "eari#.

    I$"usi&e $"assroo%s $reate o''ortuities +here a"" studets $a at oe 'oit or aother- *e #i&e the ro"eof a "eader or su''orter. Co&erse"y- a"" studets $a ad shou"d *e su''orted *ased u'o s'e$iL$ eeds toa 'arti$u"ar situatio. This re$i'ro$a" 'ro$ess of $o""a*oratio fosters a a+areess ad uderstadi# ofthe di&ersity that exists +ithi the $"assroo% as +e"" as i the *roader $o%%uity. I a $o%%uity of"earers- studets are e$oura#ed to +or to#ether ad dis$o&er +ays to su''ort oe aother.

    @uilding an Inclusive Culture

    A i$"usi&e $u"ture starts fro% the 're%ise that e&eryoe i the s$hoo" 4 studets- edu$ators-ad%iistrators- su''ort sta2 ad 'arets 4 shou"d fee" that they *e"o#- rea"i,e their 'otetia"- ad$otri*ute to the "ife of the s$hoo". I a i$"usi&e $u"ture- di&erse ex'erie$es- 'ers'e$ti&es ad #ifts aresee to eri$h the s$hoo" $o%%uity.

    A$hie&i# a i$"usi&e s$hoo" $u"ture #oes *eyod %ai# a de$isio to ru a +orsho' o *u""yi#- 'ut i ara%'- or o2er di&ersity traii# to sta2. It is %ore tha 5ust de&e"o'i# a &a"ue state%et that ta"s a*outi$"usio. A i$"usi&e s$hoo" $u"ture re6uires a shift i the attitudes of a"" the staeho"ders as +e"" as thede&e"o'%et of 'o"i$ies ad 'ra$ti$es that reifor$e i$"usi&e *eha&iour. Rea" i$"usio is a*out a$tios- ot

     5ust +ords.

    A i$"usi&e $u"ture is *ased o the 'hi"oso'hy that the +ho"e s$hoo" shares i the res'osi*i"ity for

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    i$"usio. A rea" $u"ture of i$"usio $aot *e *rou#ht a*out u"ess e&eryoe e%*ra$es it.

    Creati# a i$"usi&e s$hoo" $u"ture is $riti$a" *e$ause our s$hoo"s a$t as %irrors of the "ar#er $o%%uity. There is a #reat o''ortuity to tea$h studets- ear"y i their de&e"o'%et as $iti,es- a*out the i%'orta$ead &a"ue of i$"usio. They +i"" "ear *eha&iour that +i"" u"ti%ate"y he"' urture tru"y i$"usi&e$o%%uities. It a"so 'ro&ides a o''ortuity for 'arets to "ear throu#h their $hi"dre a*out thei%'orta$e of *e"o#i#- a$$e'ta$e ad $o%%uity.

    I a i$"usi&e s$hoo" $u"ture di&ersity is e%*ra$ed- "eari# su''orts are a&ai"a*"e ad 'ro'er"y uti"i,ed-ad Jexi*"e "eari# ex'erie$es fo$us o the idi&idua" studet. There is a io&ati&e ad $reati&ee&iro%et ad a $o""a*orati&e a''roa$h is tae. At the heart of i$"usio is $o%%itted "eadershi' ad ashared dire$tio.

    Classroom *anagement

    C"assroo% %aa#e%et *ui"ds i$"usio- *ut +e %ust *e $"ear that $"assroo% %aa#e%et addis$i'"ie are ot the sa%e thi#. I fa$t- they $a e&e *e o''osites. C"assroo% %aa#e%et %aes"eari# 'ossi*"e. It is or#ai,ed- fee"s safe- "essos are $"ear ad iteresti#- the tea$her is e#a#ed-ad "eari# is tai# '"a$e. Thi of $"assroo% %aa#e%et as "eari# %aa#e%et 4 %aa#i# ho+ad +he ad +here studets "ear.

    Dis$i'"ie is e$essary- *ut %ore for %ore idi&idua"s tha the $"ass. I other +ords- studets shou"ddis$i'"ie the%se"&es ad 'o"i$e *eha&ior i the $"assroo%. Whe that ha''es- tea$hers do ot ha&e

    to ye"" or 'uish. A +e""3%aa#ed $"ass is dis$i'"ied fro% the iside. A +e""3%aa#ed $"ass e#a#esstudets *e$ause they o+ it is a '"a$e for +or. I%'osi# dis$i'"ie *y the tea$her %ay *e e2e$ti&ei the short ter%- *ut it ofte fai"s.

    Here are 4%&$ factors that ofte $otri*ute to out3of3$otro" $"assroo%s:

    •  The tea$her does ot o+ the su*5e$t

    •  The tea$her does ot $are

    •  The tea$her is ot or#ai,ed

    •  The tea$her has ot 'ro&ided a "eari# e&iro%et ad stru$ture

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    Here are so%e ti's a*out $"assroo% %aa#e%et that +i"" %ae your "ife a "ot easier ad the $"assroo%%u$h %ore e5oya*"e:

    • Create $"assroo% ru"es with the studets ad 'hrase the% i 'ositi&e ter%s. Istead of try:

    •  Tea$hers +ho a"ter istru$tios to a$$o%%odate idi&idua" di2ere$es sed the %essa#e that they

    +at to rea$h a"" of their studets a"" of the ti%e.

    Create a !afe Climate for articipation

    •  Tea$hers $a foster a safe $"i%ate *y isuri# that they e&er ridi$u"e a studets 6uestios or

    re%ars. It taes o"y oe or t+o ista$es of XThats a stu'id $o%%et. Ha&et you 're'ared for

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    $"assKX to dis$oura#e 'arti$i'atio.

    •  ou $a disa#ree +ith a studet +ithout atta$i# hi% or her 'ersoa""y (e.#.- XAs I see it ....X).

    Re%e%*er a"+ays to di#ify "earers res'oses *y restati# their &a"id 'oits or $rediti# thethou#htfu"ess of their $otri*utios.

    )hen Discipline is #ecessary

    • So%eti%es e&e #ood %aa#e%et does ot +or. ou %ust $ofrot studets +ho atta$ other

    studets. (e.#.- Xoh- state +hat you thi rather tha atta$i# aother studet.X).

    • Whe you $ofrot studets +ho treat their $"ass%ates disres'e$tfu""y- you %ode" for your

    studets 'ro'er $"assroo% eti6uette. our studets +i"" tae you %ore serious"y if they o+ youefor$e the ru"es you i$"ude i your sy""a*us.

    • Oe +ay to e$oura#e 'arti$i'atio is to reifor$e a''ro'riate studet *eha&ior *oth &er*a""y ad


    • ?ae fre6uet eye $ota$t +ith your studets. ?o&e aroud the roo% ofte ad o2er +ords of

    'raise su$h as X#oodX or Xiteresti#X to studets +ho are 'arti$i'ati#. Refer to studet$otri*utios i your re%ars +ith 'hrases su$h as XAs Brote said...X or XWou"d ayoe "ie tores'od to oes 'oitKX Write studet res'oses o the *oard- a Ji'$hart- or a tras'are$y- adi$"ude the% i your hadouts as ofte as 'ossi*"e to a$o+"ed#e $otri*utios. Use studet

    'oits i your re%ars (e.#.- XAs E%%aue" 'oited out...X).

    ACTI,IT-: -%&$ T&$# /@0 ?IUTES2

    *aterials: ?a#a,ie- 'oster3*oard- s$issors- #"ue- %arers

    • Bri# i %a#a,ies ad as studets to +or si"et"y- i #rou's- to $ut out 'i$tures that $reate a

    story of a +e""3%aa#ed $"assroo%. Be $reati&e !i&e the studets 1G %iutes to $o%'"ete thisexer$ise

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    • 8or the 8a$i"itatorQ: Re%e%*er to %ae $ertai that the tea$hers are +ori# uietly  at Lrst. This

    is a $ha$e to de%ostrate $"assroo% %aa#e%et

    • After the 1G %iutes ha&e 'assed- as the #rou's to asse%*"e oe set of $"assroo% ru"es fro% the

    'i$tures. They ha&e to de$ide the #rade "e&e" they are +ori# o- Lrst. So%e you# $hi"dre +i""ot uderstad a*stra$t ru"es- so *y de$idi# o the #rade "e&e" Lrst- the #rou's +i"" *e a*"e to setthe ru"es at a a''ro'riate "e&e".

    • As the #rou's to re'ort o their $"assroo% ru"es

    • Be#i a dis$ussio a*out +hat they "eared fro% ea$h other- +hat $ha""e#es they fa$e- ad +hat

    they $a i%'"e%et i the $"assroo%s to%orro+.

    • If ti%e- dis$uss the fo""o+i#:

    ACTI,IT-: 4I$!T DA- /@0 ?IUTES2

    If you +at a $"assroo% +here studets $o%e to +or di"i#et"y- you eed to *e#i tea$hi# the $otet theLrst day of $"ass. et the Lrst day set the toe for the rest of the se%ester. et the Lrst $"ass set the toe forthe +ees to fo""o+ *y e"isti# studet iterest- i&iti# their 'arti$i'atio- ad *e#ii# to *ui"d a seseof $o%%uity.

    I #rou's- read the fo""o+i# ti's o *ui"di# a 'ositi&e "eari# e&iro%et ad $o%e u' +ith $reati&eideas to %ae the% $o%e a"i&e i your $"assroo%. 8or exa%'"e:

    • A #a%e to "ear your studets a%es fro% the Lrst daythis is the ey to esta*"ishi#

    re"atioshi's ad 'uts you +e"" o your +ay to a #reat $u"ture

    • A +ay to *e#i e&ery $"ass so that studets fee" +e"$o%e ad $a #et to +or ri#ht a+ay. This

    $ou"d *e your aou$e%ets- studet aou$e%ets- a ridd"e- a *i# 6uestio- or a $urret

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    e&et. Be $reati&e

    • 8id a +ay to hear e&eryoes X&oi$e i the roo%.> ou $a do this asi#: XShare +hat you re$a""

    fro% our "ast $"ass %eeti#X XShare +ith a 'arter +hat you foud %ost di/$u"t to uderstad itodays readi#X XI #rou's of three- share ho+ you %i#ht use +hat +e "eared outside theclassroom.>

    • E$oura#e your studets to itera$t +ith you ad ea$h other- rather tha 5ust you

    o As for studet i'ut fre6uet"y. Here are a fe+ ideas: As studets to $"ose their eyes ad

    raise the u%*er of L#ers that re'reset the u%*er of thi#s they #ot out of todays"esso. ou"" #et i%%ediate feed*a$ o your e2e$ti&eess- ad they"" o+ that you $area*out +hat they thi

    o As your studets to 6ui$"y 'u"" out a ha"f sheet of 'a'er ad share +ith youXWhat +et+e"" today...Is there aythi# you thi I shou"d $ha#eKX

    o Pro&ide $"osure +ith e&ery "esso. 8or exa%'"e:

    Xext ti%e +e +i""X

    XP"ease read.X

    XShare oe e+ thi# you "eared todayX


    Our #oa" is to i%'"e%et ad %odify &aried strate#ies to esure res'e$t a%o# studets. Bu""yi# is a for%of a##ressi&e *eha&iour that is itetioa"- hurtfu"- ('hysi$a" ad 'sy$ho"o#i$a")- ador threatei#. It is%istreat%et that is:

    •  The %istreat%et %ust *e hurtfu" ('hysi$a" or 'sy$ho"o#i$a").

    •  The %istreat%et is threatei#. The idi&idua" fears har%s. 8ear their safety.

    •  The %istreat%et %ust o$$ur %ore tha o$e. Ho+e&er- so%e disa#ree +ith this. They say oe

    &ery hurtfu" e&et is eou#h to "a*e" it *u""yi#.

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    )hat Does @ullying Loo Lie.

    • Hitti#- s"a''i#- e"*o+i#- shou"deri# (s"a%%i# so%eoe +ith your shou"der)

    • Sho&i#- i$i#- restraii#- or 'i$hi# i a hurtfu" or e%*arrassi# +ay

    •  Tai#- stea"i#- da%a#i# or defa$i# *e"o#i#s or other 'ro'erty

    • a%e3$a""i#- isu"ti# re%ars- ad 'ut3do+s

    • Re'eated teasi#- #ossi'i#- s'readi# asty ad %a"i$ious ru%ors

    • Harass%et- threats- iti%idatio- ad hurtfu" #ra/ti

    • Destroyi# ad %ai'u"ati# re"atioshi's (turi# your *est fried a#aist you)

    • Destroyi# status +ithi a 'eer #rou' or ex$"udi#- re5e$ti#- or iso"ati# others

    • Destroyi# re'utatios +ith "ies ad +his'eri# *ehid so%eoes *a$

    • Hu%i"iati# o"der studets i a %ixed3#rade $"assroo%

    • e#ati&e *ody "a#ua#e (fa$ia" ex'ressios- turi# your *a$ to so%eoe)

    •  Threatei# #estures- tauti#- 'esteri#- isu"ti# re%ars ad #estures

    • !"ares ad dirty "oos- asty 5oes- otes 'assed aroud- aoy%ous otes

    • Hate 'etitios ('ro%isi# to hate so%eoe)• Cy*er *u""yi#: e#ati&e text %essa#es o $e"" 'hoes- e3%ai"- or &oi$e3%ai" %essa#es- We*

    'a#es- ad so o dire$t ad idire$t for%s of *u""yi# ofte o$$ur to#ether. A"" of these *eha&iors$a *e iterre"ated.

    )hat Happens to Children 6ho are ,ictims of @ullying.

    • Bu""ied $hi"dre $a ex'erie$e e#ati&e 'hysi$a"- s$hoo"- ad %eta" hea"th issues su$h as:

    • De'ressio ad axiety

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    • I$reased fee"i#s of sadess ad "oe"iess

    • Cha#es i s"ee' ad eati# 'atters

    • oss of iterest i a$ti&ities they used to e5oy. These issues %ay 'ersist ito adu"thood.

    • Hea"th $o%'"aits

    • De$reased a$ade%i$ a$hie&e%et ad s$hoo" 'arti$i'atio. They are %ore "ie"y to %iss- si'- or

    dro' out of s$hoo".

    ACTI,IT-: @&LL-I#; TE!TI*%#- A#D $E!%#!E /@0 ?IUTES)

    ote to 8a$i"itatorsQ: This %ay *e a e%otioa" %eeti#- *ut it is i%'ortat to ex'ress oese"f. ou %ay$hoose to do this i s%a""er #rou's or +ith the etire #atheri# of tea$hers.

    art %ne: Testimony

    As tea$hers to des$ri*e *u""yi# i their s$hoo" or to the%se"&es as $hi"dre 4 +hat ha''eed- +hattea$hers ad s$hoo" dire$tors did- ad ho+ they rea$ted.

    art T6o: $esponse

    A you# #ir" a%ed ?o"ita +rites:

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    • E$oura#e studets to for% a $"u* to #ro+ a+areess a#aist *u""yi#.

    • Studets $a i&o"&e tea$hers ad 'arets i that $"u*.

    • Studets $a stad *eside the studet +ho is *ei# *u""ied et$.

    • o+ usi# $hart 'a'er to %ae a dia#ra% of your 'oits to %ae it &isua".

    Ea$h #rou' +i"" 'reset their $hart to the $"ass.

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    S%art 'eo'"e i%'ress us- *ut +e do ot a"+ays o++hat %aes the% so s%art. Were they *or that +ayKAre they si%'"y 6ui$erK Do their *rais 'ro$essifor%atio i a %ore e/$iet +ayK Ca their *rais ho"d%ore ifor%atioK Are they 5ust si""ed at %e%ori,i# orre%e%*er +hat they readK Was it that they +ere tau#ht at aear"y a#eK

    • S$ietists are ex'"ori# this issue +ith #reat itesity these days-

    es'e$ia""y *e$ause of e+ a*i"ities to s$a *rais usi# %edi$a" i%a#i# de&i$es.

    • ?ost 'eo'"e &ie+ ite""i#e$e as a quantity - *ut o&er the 'ast 0 years- this &ie+ has $ha#ed to

    &ie+ ite""i#e$e as %ore of a quality  tha 6uatity. Thas to Ho+ard !arder at Har&ardUi&ersity- +e o+ &ie+ our ite""i#e$e as a Lxed thi#. A eor%ous *ody of e&ide$e su''ortsthe fa$t that our *rais stret$h ad #ro+- that they res'od to a #ood edu$atio ad sti%u"atio-ad that %u"ti'"e +ays of tea$hi# to diferent  ite""i#e$es +ors.

    • So- +e ho'e that you o "o#er as i your studets are s%art- *ut how they are s%art

    •  This di2ere$e i thii# 'ro&ides hu#e o''ortuities for tea$hers- +ho ha&e "o# see that there

    are %ay ty'es of ite""i#e$e- ot 5ust oe. We are #oi# to "ear a*out the% so that +e $a

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    Eight Intelligences and ;ro6ing

    •  The 'i$ture that *e#is this se$tio (a*o&e) sho+s ei#ht ite""i#e$es. The Lrst t+o are oes that

    ha&e *ee ty'i$a""y &a"ued i s$hoo"s the ext three are usua""y asso$iated +ith the arts ad theLa" t+o are +hat +e $a"" X'ersoa" ite""i#e$es.X Here is a des$ri'tio of ea$h:

    • Linguistic intelligence is a*out *ei# +ord s%art: sesiti&ity to s'oe ad +ritte "a#ua#e-

    the a*i"ity to "ear "a#ua#es- ad the $a'a$ity to use "a#ua#e to a$$o%'"ish $ertai #oa"s. This

    ite""i#e$e re"ies u'o "a#ua#e to ex'ress oese"f. Writers- 'oets- "a+yers- ad s'eaers area%o# those that ha&e hi#h "i#uisti$ ite""i#e$e.

    • Logical+mathematical intelligence is a*out *ei# u%*er s%art: this id of ite""i#e$e

    $osists of *ei# a*"e to aa"y,e 'ro*"e%s "o#i$a""y- $arry out %athe%ati$a" o'eratios- adi&esti#ate issues s$ietiL$a""y. This ite""i#e$e a""o+s oe to dete$t 'atters ad thi "o#i$a""y.

     This ite""i#e$e is %ost ofte asso$iated +ith s$ietiL$ ad %athe%ati$a" thii#.

    • *usical intelligence is a*out *ei# soud ad %usi$ s%art. It i&o"&es si"" i the 'erfor%a$e-

    $o%'ositio- ad a''re$iatio of %usi$a" 'atters. It re$o#i,es %usi$a" 'it$h- toes- adrhyth%s. ?usi$a" ite""i#e$e is $"ose to "i#uisti$ ite""i#e$e.

    • @odily+inesthetic intelligence is a*out *ei# %o&e%et s%art. It etai"s the 'otetia" of

    usi# oes +ho"e *ody or 'arts of the *ody to so"&e 'ro*"e%s. It is the a*i"ity to use %eta"

    a*i"ities to $oordiate *odi"y %o&e%ets.

    • !patial intelligence is a*out *ei# 'i$ture s%art. It i&o"&es the 'otetia" to re$o#i,e ad use

    the 'atters of +ide s'a$e ad %ore $oLed areas. It is the a*i"ity to re$o#i,e sha'es ad'atters- o+ oes +ay aroud a ufa%i"iar to+- &isua"i,e o*5e$ts fro% di2eret a#"es- adoti$e Le detai"s.

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    • Intrapersonal intelligence is the a*i"ity to uderstad oese"f ad to a''re$iate oes fee"i#s-

    fears ad %oti&atios. It a""o+s oe to re#u"ate oese"f ad to so"&e 'ro*"e%s *y 'ayi# attetioto +hat +e thi ad fee".

    • Interpersonal intelligence is a*out *ei# 'eo'"e s%art. It is a"so the $a'a$ity to uderstad the

    itetios- %oti&atios- ad desires of other 'eo'"e. It a""o+s 'eo'"e to +or e2e$ti&e"y +ithothers.

      #atural intelligence is a*out *ei# ature s%art- ot e$essari"y s%art. It is a*out a

    s'e$ia" a+areess ad o*ser&atio si""s he"'fu" to uderstadi# ad or#ai,i# 'atters iature. It a""o+s 'eo'"e ot o"y to $"assify 'ro*"e%s- *ut a"so to see the% as 'art of a *i##er'i$ture.

    • E&eryoe oe of us has a"" these ite""i#e$es. They rare"y o'erate ide'edet"y. If +e tea$h

    +e""- +e $a #ro+ the% a"" or he"' a stru##"i# "earer #ai #reater uderstadi# *y a''roa$hi#"eari# throu#h his or her stre#th.

    • If you are a*"e to use the Iteret- here is a "i to a too" to he"' you "ear %ore a*out %u"ti'"e

    ite""i#e$es *y exa%ii# your o+: htt':"essosforho'e.or#sur&eyidex.as'. #lick on the link./ead the screen that comes up, especially the directions under the title 0#reate %our 1wn

    2ntellience 3rofle0 and click on the button at the bottom o that screen that says 0!ein.0

    • I this itera$ti&e a$ti&ity- you +i"" see that ea$h 'erso has a"" of the ite""i#e$es i &aryi#de#rees. This is iteded to *e a fu exer$ise 3 as+er the 6uestios to the *est of your a*i"ity. Atthe ed of the a$ti&ity- a ui6ue X?u"ti'"e Ite""i#e$e So+JaeX +i"" *e #eerated. The resu"tsare ot a*so"ute idi$ators of ite""i#e$e 3 they are si%'"y %eat to #i&e you the o''ortuity to"ear %ore a*out your ui6ue $o%*iatio of ite""i#e$es.

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    @odilyinesthetic: En'oys dancing= crafts= or sports

    • Teachin tip: C"assroo% theater: Studets $a a$t out the %ateria" to *e "eared throu#h ro"e3'"ayi#.

    • un activity &rades 5-6(4 As studets +hat they "ie to eat for "u$h 4 ad ha&e the% a$t out

    the as+ers i a #a%e of $harades.

    • un activity &rades 6-7(4 Use the hu%a *ody as a X%a'X for "eari# e+ ifor%atio i

    di2eret su*5e$ts. I #eo#ra'hy- the *ody %i#ht re'reset oe 'art of the +or"d. If the head is YYYYY(x $outry)- the +here is YYYY(y $outryYK

    *usical$hythmic: En'oys listening to music

    • Teachin tip4 Create dis$o#ra'hies: Su''"e%et *i*"io#ra'hies +ith "ists of re$orded %usi$re"ati# to $"ass %ateria". A"so- as 'art of a ho%e+or assi#%et- ha&e studets se"e$t %usi$that *est de%ostrates "esso the%es.

    • un activity &rades 5-6(4 P"ay uusua" or di/$u"t3to3re$o#i,e souds ad as studets toi%a#ie +hat they %i#ht *e.

    • 8u a$ti&ity (#rades @3M): So%e studets $a %ore easi"y %e%ori,e ifor%atio if they "iste to atea$hers "esso a#aist a %usi$a" *a$#roud. Baro6ue ad $"assi$a" %usi$ $a *e 'arti$u"ar"ye2e$ti&e.

    Interpersonal: En'oys giving advice to friends 6ho have problems• Teachin tip4 Peer shari#: Set u' a $"ass X*uddy syste%X so studets $a share ad de&e"o'

    ideas +ith the sa%e 'erso o&er a 'eriod of ti%e.

    • un activity &rades 5-6(4 ?ae "eari# a fu ad $oo'erati&e e2ort +ith $"ass3%ade *oard

    #a%es. Usi# L"e fo"ders- %arers- di$e- ad s%a"" #a%e 'ie$es- the ifor%atio to *e "eared $a*e '"a$ed o s6uares of a +idi# road or o se'arate $ards.

    • un activity &rades 6-7(4 As studets to thi of the resu"ts of u"ie"y e&ets. 8or exa%'"e-

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    XWhat if a"" of us $ou"d fee" ea$h others fee"i#sKX

    Intrapersonal: En'oys being by himself and thining

    • Teachin tip: Persoa" $oe$tios: To %ae "eari# %ore dire$t"y re"e&at- %ae $oe$tios*et+ee $"ass %ateria" ad studets "i&es. To s'ar dis$ussio- as: XHo+ %ay of you ha&ee&erX Or XCa you te"" a*out a ti%e +he youX

    • un activity &rades 5-6(4 Start idi&idua" or $"ass s$ra'*oos for re%e%*eri# s'e$ia" e&ets.

    • un activity &rades 6-7(4 Pro&ide o''ortuities for setti# #oa"s ad $harti# 'ro#ress to+ardthese #oa"s. !oa"s %ay *e short3ter% (Xist three thi#s youd "ie to "ear todayX) or "o#3ter%(XWhat do you +at to *e doi# te years fro% o+KX).

    ,erballinguistic: En'oys storytelling= reading boos

    • Teachin tip:  Ta'e re$ordi#: To he"' studets $"arify their thii#- ha&e the% use a ta'e

    re$order to ta" out "oud a*out a 'ro*"e% or 'ro5e$t. Re$ordi#s $a a"so *e used as a +riti# too".

    • un activity &rades 5-6(4 Ha&e studets thi of as %ay thi#s as 'ossi*"e that share a $ertai'ro'erty- su$h as thi#s that are roud (su- *a""oos- a s6uashed soda $a)- ad e$oura#e$reati&e as+ers.

    • un activity &rades 6-7(4 I&et i$a%es for +e""3o+ 'eo'"e that $a'ture features that

    %ae the idi&idua"s ui6ue.A #e6 Intelligence: Emotional Intelligence

    • Di2eret fro% itra'ersoa" or iter'ersoa" ite""i#e$e- e%otioa" ite""i#e$e is a*out *ei#

    fee"i# s%art. It is the $a'a$ity to re#u"ate our *eha&ior- %aa#e our %oods- rea$t a''ro'riate"y-%oti&ate oese"f- dea" +ith se"f3dou*t- ad re$o#i,e the fee"i#s i others. The ey i#rediets forthis uderstadi# are: $oLde$e- $uriosity- itetioa"ity- se"f3$otro"- re"atedess- $a'a$ity to$o%%ui$ate- ad a*i"ity to $oo'erate. So%e a"so $a"" this resi"ie$e 4 or the a*i"ity to $o'e +ithset*a$s.

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    ACTI,IT- " %4 7: LA##I#; 4%$ *&LTILE I#TELLI;E#CE! (@0 ?IUTES)

    • *aterials: Aythi# 4 art su''"ies- s'orts e6ui'%et- *ui"di# *"o$s 4 for tea$hers to use i

    '"ai# a "esso

    • Uderstadi# the $o$e'ts of ?u"ti'"e Ite""i#e$es 'ro&ides us +ith %u"ti'"e +ays to tea$h-

    rather tha oe. It a"so 'ro&ides edu$ators +ith a %ode" for or#ai,i# ad reJe$ti# o$urri$u"u%- assess%et- ad tea$hi# 'ra$ti$es. I tur- %ay edu$ators ha&e de&e"o'ed e+a''roa$hes that %i#ht *etter %eet the eeds of the ra#e of "earers i their $"assroo%s. ?u"ti'"eite""i#e$es a""o+s us: (a) to '"a our "essos i a +ay that $a %eet the eeds of di&ersestudets (*) to res'e$t the arts as a +ay to rea$h %ore studets ($) to 'ro&ide %ore $hoi$e i the$urri$u"u%- ad (d) to he"' us "ear ho+ ad if studets are "eari#

    • o+ that you ha&e a uderstadi# of ?u"ti'"e Ite""i#e$es- its ti%e to '"a ho+ to i%'"e%et

    the idea- for 5ust oe day- i the for% of oe "esso '"a to *e used i your $"assroo%. But "ets'"a it Lrst.

    • I #rou's- dis$uss the "essos you $urret"y tea$h ad +hi$h oe %i#ht Lt as a $adidate for

    itrodu$i# ?u"ti'"e Ite""i#e$es. It $ou"d *e a s'e$iL$ "esso i %ath- so$ia" studies- "iterature-et$. !o oe *y oe so that e&eryoe #ets a $ha$e to ta" a*out their "essos.

    • Braistor% to#ether +hat ite""i#e$e(s) %i#ht +or for ea$h 'ersos "esso

    • Preset it to the $"ass *y de%ostrati# the ite""i#e$e(s) you are usi#. It +i"" *e fu So%e

    of you +i"" si#- da$e- *ui"d

    •  The- "ist the ite""i#e$e that +i"" *e your $etra" fo$us for that oe "esso. Why did you $hoose

    that ite""i#e$eK

    ACTI,IT- 0 %4 7: *&LTILE I#TELLI;E#CE! I# -%&$ CLA!!$%%* (OE HOUR)

    • Itrodu$e to your $"assroo% at "east oe ite""i#e$e you ha&e ot used *efore. Dis$uss your $hoi$e

    ad your ideas for i%'"e%eti# that ite""i#e$e i the "esso +ith $o""ea#ues. Pro&ide their

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    feed*a$ 3 a short su%%ary of their rea$tios- 6uestios- "e&e" of e#a#e%et- ideasa$ti&ities theys'ared for you.

    • Before you start- tae a "oo a "ist of the #eera" $hara$teristi$s of studets +ho exhi*it stre#ths

    i ea$h of the ite""i#e$es.

    *ultiple Intelligences %vervie6

    :erbal-8inuistic 3 The $a'a$ity to "ear throu#h+ords

    ears fro% the s'oe ad +ritte +ord- i%ay for%s reads- $o%'reheds- ad su%%ari,ese2e$ti&e"y

    8oical-;athematical 3 The $a'a$ity for stro#reasoi#- as +e"" as the use of u%*ers ad

    the re$o#itio of a*stra$t 'atters

    • ears throu#h usi# o*5e$ts ad %o&i# the%

    a*out- ti%e- $ause ad e2e$t so"&es 'ro*"e%s"o#i$a""y uderstads 'atters ad re"atioshi'sad %aes edu$ated #uesses $a had"e di&ersesi""s su$h as ad&a$ed %ath- ad re'reset the%i #ra'hi$ for% +ors +ith %ode"s #atherse&ide$e *ui"ds stro# ar#u%ets.


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    de&e"o'ed $oordiatio ad ti%i# 'arti$i'atioad i&o"&e%et ro"e3'"ays. E#a#es i #a%es-asse%*"es o*5e$ts a$ts. Sesiti&e to 'hysi$a"e&iro%et dexterity ad *a"a$e $reates e+for%s that %o&e.

    ;usical-/hythmic 3 The a*i"ity to re$o#i,e toa"

    'atters- souds- as +e"" as a sesiti&ity torhyth%s ad *eats

    • ears throu#h soud ea#er to dis$uss %usi$

    ad its %eai# si#s ad '"ays a istru%eti%'ro&ises ad iter'rets

    2nterpersonal 3 The $a'a$ity for 'erso3to3'erso$o%%ui$atios ad re"atioshi's

    • ears throu#h itera$tios- so$ia"

    re"atioshi's 'er$ei&es fee"i#s- thou#hts-%oti&atios of others $o""a*orates iJue$eso'iios uderstads i &er*a" ad o3&er*a"+ays taes i di&erse 'oits of &ie+ %ediates-or#ai,es- de&e"o's e+ so$ia" 'ro$esses ad%ethods.

    2ntrapersonal 3 The s'iritua"- ier states of 

    *ei#- se"f3reJe$tio- ad a+areess

    • ears throu#h ra#e of 'ersoa" e%otios

    Lds out"ets for fee"i#s idetiLes ad 'ursues'ersoa" #oa"s $urious a*out *i# 6uestios

    %aa#es to "ear throu#h o3#oi# atte%'ts at#atheri# i ideas isi#htfu" e%'o+ers others.

    ACTI,IT- 7 %4 7: $E4LECTI%#! %# -%&$ #E) LE!!%# (@0 ?IUTES)

    otes for the 8a$i"itatorQ: As studets to dis$uss their ex'erie$e of i%'"e%eti# ?u"ti'"e Ite""i#e$es itheir $"assroo%. Was it easyK 8rustrati#K What see%ed to +orK Were the studets *usyK Sur'risedKCofusedK Ha''yK E#a#edK

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    ti%e. et the ids o+ that today they +i"" *e %ai# '"ats for their &ery o+ su%%er #arde totae ho%e ad "oo after.

    • What do #arde '"ats eed to sur&i&eK Su"i#ht- utriets- +ater- et$. WhyK

    • I your $"assroo% set u' a ra#e of di2eret '"ats (the ty'e +i"" de'ed o your "o$atio- *ud#et

    ad the seaso).

    • A""o+ the $hi"dre to L"" a $otaier +ith dirt *efore %o&i# aroud the $"ass %ai# sure the

    studets ha&e doe this 'art of the a$ti&ity $orre$t"y. After addi# seeds- "et the $hi"dre o+ thatthey %ust %ae sure they "a*e" a"" their '"ats so they re%e%*er +hi$h is +hi$h

    • 8or further a$ti&ities you $a "et the studets de$orate their $otaiers or a%e their '"ats.

    After Lishi#- the $hi"dre *a$ to#ether ad ex'"ai ho+ they $a "oo after their '"ats +he they taethe% *a$ ho%e.

    • Se'arate the '"ats ito 'ots +ith ho"es i the%.

    • Put the '"ats i a suy '"a$e ad re%e%*er to +ater the% e&ery t+o or three days.

    • Whe the '"at is hea"thy ad stro# you $a '"at it i your #arde.

    C%%E$ATI,E LEA$#I#;

    otes for the 8a$i"itatorQ: As studets to re$a"" the sessios i this 'ro#ra% ad as the% ho+ they fe"t+ori# $o""a*orati&e"y +ith their $"ass%ates. Did they e5oy itK Did they "ear %oreK If the sessio +as

    de"i&ered usi# the "e$ture %ethod did they e5oy that %ore or "ess ad +hyK

    Coo'erati&e eari# is a etire Le"d of studet i tea$her 'rofessioa" de&e"o'%et. It has *ee'ro&e to *e e2e$ti&e for a"" ty'es of studets- i$"udi# a$ade%i$a""y #ifted- %aistrea% studets adE#"ish "a#ua#e "earers (Es) *e$ause it 'ro%otes "eari# ad fosters res'e$t ad friedshi'sa%o# di&erse #rou's of studets. I fa$t- the %ore di&ersity i a tea%- the hi#her the *eeLts forea$h studet. Peers "ear to de'ed o ea$h other i a 'ositi&e +ay for a &ariety of "eari# tass. 

    I oe of our traii# sessios- tea$hers $a%e u' +ith a for%u"a to deLe $oo'erati&e "eari#:

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    Cooperative Learning:Divides the +or a%o# "earers a$$ordi# to their &arious si""sAdds to the o+"ed#e ea$h a"ready 'ossessed!ubtracts their stress and failure i ha&i# to 'reset i frot of a "ar#e #rou'- ad*ultiplies the $ha#e of e&eryoes su$$ess

    Studets ty'i$a""y +or i s%a"" tea%s. This +ay- they $a *rea ito 'airs for so%e a$ti&ities- ad

    the #et *a$ to#ether i tea%s &ery 6ui$"y for others. It is i%'ortat- ho+e&er- to esta*"ish$"assroo% or%s ad 'roto$o"s that #uide studets to:

    • Cotri*ute to their "eari#

    • Stay fo$used

    • He"' ad e$oura#e ea$h other

    • So"&e 'ro*"e%s

    • !i&e ad a$$e't feed*a$ fro% 'eers

    4ive !teps for Cooperative Learning

    o %atter +hat the setti# is- 'ro'er"y desi#i# ad i%'"e%eti# $oo'erati&e "eari# i&o"&es Gey ste's. 8o""o+i# these ste's is $riti$a" to esuri# that the L&e ey e"e%ets that di2eretiate$oo'erati&e "eari# fro% si%'"y 'utti# studets ito #rou's are %et.

    1. re+Instructional lanning: 'rior '"ai# he"'s to esta*"ish the s'e$iL$ $oo'erati&e "eari#te$hi6ue to *e used ad "ays the foudatio for e2e$ti&e #rou' +or. P"a out ho+ #rou's +i""*e for%ed ad stru$ture ho+ the %e%*ers +i"" itera$t +ith ea$h other.

    09 Introduce the Activity to the !tudents: studets eed to #et their X%ar$hi# orders.XEx'"ai the a$ade%i$ tas to the% ad +hat the $riteria are for su$$ess. The stru$ture the$oo'erati&e as'e$ts of their +or +ith s'e$ia" attetio to the $o%'oets of 'ositi&eiterde'ede$e ad idi&idua" a$$outa*i"ity. Set u' ti%e "i%its ad a""o+ for $"arifyi#6uestios.

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    79 *onitor and Intervene: this is +here you "et the #rou's ru +hi"e you $ir$u"ate throu#h theroo% to $o""e$t o*ser&atio data- see +hether they uderstad the assi#%et- #i&e i%%ediatefeed*a$ ad 'raise for +ori# to#ether. If a #rou' is ha&i# 'ro*"e%s- you $a iter&ee tohe"' the% #et o the ri#ht tra$.

    89 Assessment: so%e ifor%a" assess%et is a"ready doe +hi"e you are %oitori# the #rou'sduri# the exer$ise. A"o# the +ay- as for feed*a$ fro% studets. O$e the 'ro5e$t is Lished-

    *oth the istru$tor ad the #rou' shou"d e&a"uate itG. rocess: #rou' 'ro$essi# i&o"&es asi# the #rou's to rate their o+ 'erfor%a$e ad set

    #oa"s for the%se"&es to i%'ro&e their $oo'erati&e +or.

    Cooperative Learning !trategies

     There are so%e 'o'u"ar strate#ies that $a *e used +ith a"" studets to "ear i a"" su*5e$ts. ?ost ofthese strate#ies are es'e$ia""y e2e$ti&e i tea%s of four:

    1. $ound $obin:  'reset a $ate#ory (su$h as Xa%es of Ai%a"sX) for dis$ussio. Ha&e studetstae turs #oi# aroud the #rou' ad a%i# ite%s that Lt the $ate#ory.

    7. $oundtable: 'reset a $ate#ory (su$h as +ords that *e#i +ith X*X). Ha&e studets tae turs+riti# oe +ord at a ti%e.

    . )rite Around: for +riti# or su%%ari,atio- #i&e a sete$e starter. As a"" studets i ea$h

    tea% to Lish that sete$e. The- they 'ass their 'a'er to the ri#ht- read the oe theyre$ei&ed- ad add a sete$e to that oe. After a fe+ rouds- four #reat stories or su%%ariese%er#e. !i&e $hi"dre ti%e to add a $o$"usio ador edit their fa&orite oe to share +ith the$"ass.

    . #umbered Heads Together: as studets to u%*er o2 i their tea%s fro% oe to four.Aou$e a 6uestio ad a ti%e "i%it. Studets 'ut their heads to#ether to $o%e u' +ith aas+er. Ca"" a u%*er ad as a"" studets +ith that u%*er to stad ad as+er the 6uestio.Re$o#i,e $orre$t res'oses ad e"a*orate throu#h ri$h dis$ussios.

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    G. Team Figsa6: assi# ea$h studet i a tea% oe fourth of a 'a#e to read fro% ay text (forexa%'"e- a so$ia" studies text)- or oe fourth of a to'i$ to i&esti#ate or %e%ori,e. Ea$h studet$o%'"etes his or her assi#%et ad the he"' others to 'ut to#ether a tea% 'rodu$t *y$otri*uti# a 'ie$e of the 'u,,"e.

    G9 Tea arty: studets for% t+o $o$etri$ $ir$"es or t+o "ies fa$i# ea$h other. ou as a6uestio (o ay $otet) ad studets dis$uss the as+er +ith the studet fa$i# the%. After

    oe %iute- the outside $ir$"e or oe "ie %o&es to the ri#ht so that studets ha&e e+ 'arters. The 'ose a se$od 6uestio for the% to dis$uss. Cotiue +ith L&e or %ore 6uestios. 8or a"itt"e &ariatio- studets $a +rite 6uestios o $ards to re&ie+ for a test throu#h this XTea PartyX%ethod.

    9 Thin+air+!hare: I this %ethod- the istru$tor 'oses a 6uestio. Studets are #i&e so%eti%e (&aryi# de'edi# o the 6uestio) to thi a*out their as+er. They the Ld a 'arterad they ea$h share +hat they thou#ht of o their o+ (idi&idua" a$$outa*i"ity). They the+or to#ether to $o%e u' +ith a as+er that *eeLts fro% *oth of their idi&idua" res'oses.8ia""y- the 'airs share their as+ers +ith other 'airs- i "ar#er #rou's or +ith the etire $"ass.

    9 Circle the !age: I this te$hi6ue the istru$tor starts *y 'o""i# studets to see +ho hass'e$ia" o+"ed#e to share that is re"e&at to +hat the tea$her +ats the studets to "ear. 8orexa%'"e- if the studets are "eari# a*out forei# $outries- the tea$her %i#ht 'o"" to see +hohas tra&e"ed outside of the $outry. If the studets are "eari# a*out di&idi# fra$tios- thetea$her %i#ht as +hi$h studets +ere a*"e to so"&e the hardest di&idi# fra$tios 'ro*"e% fro%the ho%e+or the i#ht *efore. The studets +ith the s'e$ia" o+"ed#e are referred to as thesa#es ad are #i&e a #rou' of studets (a"" fro% di2eret tea%s) to ta" throu#h their s'e$ia"o+"ed#e. Whe the studets fee" that they ha&e "eared the ifor%atio that the sa#e has toi%'art they retur to their ori#ia" tea%s. They ea$h ex'"ai +hat they "eared fro% their sa#esad +or to#ether to address dis$re'a$ies ad to for% a $o%%o as+er.

    J9 Three+!tep Intervie6:  I this te$hi6ue- studets are a"so '"a$ed i tea%s. I the Lrst ste'studets $hoose a 'arter ad iter&ie+ the% +ith $"arifyi# 6uestios a*out the "esso. ext-

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    the 'arters re&erse the ro"es. 8ia""y- the res'oses are shared +ith the fu"" tea%.

    "19 $ound $obin @rainstorming: To a$hie&e this the $"ass is *roe ito #rou's that areidea""y to @ studets ad oe 'erso is desi#ated as the re$order. The istru$tor 'oses a6uestio that does ot si%'"y ha&e oe as+er ad studets are #i&e Xthi ti%eX to thia*out ho+ they +i"" as+er. ext studets share their res'oses- +ithi their #rou'- i a roudro*i sty"e (tai# turs- uti" ea$h %e%*er has had a tur). The re$order +rites do+ a"" of the

    as+ers.""9 Three+*inute $evie6: I this a$ti&ity the istru$tor- at ay 'oit duri# $"assroo%

    a$ti&ities- sto's ad #i&es tea%s three %iutes to *oth re&ie+ +hat has ha''eed u' to that 'oiti the $"ass ad to as ad as+er ea$h others $"arifyi# 6uestios.

    "09 #umbered Heads To#ether: Ea$h %e%*er of a tea% is #i&e a u%*er. The istru$tor'oses &arious 6uestios ad the #rou's +or to#ether to as+er the%. The the istru$torrado%"y $hooses a u%*er to $a"". Ea$h 'erso +ith that u%*er- fro% ea$h #rou'- theas+ers the 6uestio.

    "79 Teach air !olo: This is the o''osite of the Thi3Pair3Share. 8irst studets +or o'ro*"e%s as a tea%. They the ee' +ori# o si%i"ar 'ro*"e%s- *ut +ith 5ust a 'arter adLa""y o their o+. The #oa" of this is that the #rou' 'ro&ides s$a2o"di# for studets to +orto#ether to so"&e 'ro*"e%s *eyod their a*i"ity. The- +ith 'ra$ti$e- they +i"" *e a*"e to +or o

    the 'ro*"e% o their o+.

    After ea$h Coo'erati&e eari# a$ti&ity- you +i"" +at to de*rief +ith the $hi"dre *y asi# 6uestiossu$h as: What did you "ear fro% this a$ti&ityK Ho+ did you fee" +ori# +ith your tea%%atesK If +edo this a#ai- ho+ +i"" you i%'ro&e +ori# to#etherK

    &sing airs to Introduce Cooperative Learning

    A si%'"e +ay to start Coo'erati&e eari# is to *e#i +ith 'airs istead of +ho"e tea%s. T+o studets$a "ear to +or e2e$ti&e"y o a$ti&ities su$h as the fo""o+i#:

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    1. Assi# a %ath +orsheet ad as studets to +or i 'airs.

    7. Oe of the studets does the Lrst 'ro*"e% +hi"e the se$od a$ts as a $oa$h.

    . The- studets s+it$h ro"es for the se$od 'ro*"e%.

    . Whe they Lish the se$od 'ro*"e%- they #et to#ether +ith aother 'air ad $he$ as+ers.

    G. Whe *oth 'airs ha&e a#reed o the as+ers- as the% to shae hads ad $otiue +ori# i'airs o the ext t+o 'ro*"e%s.

    iterature $ir$"es of i #rou's of four or six are a"so a #reat +ay to #et studets +ori# i tea%s. ou$a fo""o+ these ste's:

    1. Ha&e sets of four *oos a&ai"a*"e.

    7. et studets $hoose their o+ *oo.

    . 8or% tea%s *ased o studets $hoi$es of *oos.

    . E$oura#e readers to use otes ad dis$ussio 6uestios to aa"y,e their *oos.

    G. Ha&e tea%s $odu$t dis$ussios a*out the *oo.

    @. 8a$i"itate further dis$ussio +ith the +ho"e $"ass o ea$h of the *oos.

    F. Ha&e tea%s share +hat they read +ith the +ho"e $"ass.

    M. 8or the ext "iterature $ir$"es- studets se"e$t e+ *oos.

    ACTI,IT-: LA# A C%%E$ATI,E LEA$#I#; LE!!%# (@0 ?IUTES)

    • I #rou's- dis$uss the "essos you $urret"y tea$h ad a 'ossi*"e $adidate for $oo'erati&e

    "eari#. It $ou"d *e a s'e$iL$ "esso i %ath- so$ia" studies- "iterature- et$. !o oe *y oe so thate&eryoe #ets a $ha$e to ta" a*out their "essos

    • Braistor% to#ether +hat $oo'erati&e "eari# te$hi6ues %i#ht +or for ea$h 'ersos "esso

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    • Preset it to the $"ass *y de%ostrati# the $oo'erati&e "eari# tea$hi# te$hi6ue or '"a you

    are usi#. It +i"" *e fu So%e of you +i"" si#- da$e- *ui"d- ad %ore

    • At the ed of their 'resetatio- as the% rado%"y ho+ they fe"t a*out usi# $o""a*orati&e ad

    studet3$etered strate#ies +he it +as de%ostrated i the $"ass- ad if they +ou"d "ie to usethis %ethod i their o+ tea$hi#. Why or +hy otK

    A/ity ?a''i# tea$hes studets to +or to#ether to so"&e 'ro*"e%s *y #rou'i# "ie3%ided$o$e'ts to#ether- setti# 'riorities- ad e&a"uati# ext ste's. It taes *raistor%i# to a e+"e&e" *y 'ro&idi# or#ai,atio ad 'atter to ideas #eerated *y #rou's.


    ACTI,IT-: C%%E$ATI,E LEA$#I#; through A44I#IT- *AI#; /@03N0 ?IUTES)

    *aterials: A roo% +ith ta*"es to ea*"e $o&ersatio ote 'a'er- sti$y3otes or idex $ards

    1. P"ease for% s%a""er #rou's of 3@ 'eo'"e 'er ta*"e.

    7. Te"" tea$hers that they +i"" *e *raistor%i# at ea$hta*"e a 'ressi# 'ro*"e% i their $o%%uities ad de$ideo oe.

    . Te"" the% that this 'ressi# 'ro*"e% eeds to *e stated i the for% of a6uestio- su$h as: Ho+ $a +e de$rease the u%*er of studetsa*set fro% s$hoo"K orHo+ $a +e %ae $ertai thatstudets $hoose %ore hea"thy foodK The 6uestios $a *e asso'histi$ated as the tea$her this the tea$hers $a had"e.

    $ules for *raistor%i#:

    • Criti$i,i# others idea is OT e$oura#ed.

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    •  The ideas ad thou#hts are 8REE. The +i"der you thi- the *etterit is.

    • uatity is i%'ortat: The %ore ideas- the *etter the$ha$es of Ldi# so"utios.

    . Braistor% for Kve minutes only

    a. Oe 'erso at a ti%e at ea$h ta*"e- '"ease 'ut out oe of yourideas to address the $etra" 6uestio.

    *.  The rest of the% at a ta*"e- '"ease add ideas

    $. Ea$h ta*"e is res'osi*"e o+ for $ate#ori,i# your o+ otes i 4 #rou's or the%es(OT ?ORE)

    d. Start to #rou' the% to#ether uder those the%es ad $reate a "a*e" for the 3

    e. Do this uti" you ha&e exhausted a"" the ideas ad ha&e #rou'ed the% to#ether

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    G. Ea$h #rou' 'resets their "a*e"s ad the%es to address the 6uestio

    @. The etire #rou' #athers. Ea$h 'erso is #i&e three sti$ers ad $a use the% to &ote o theso"utio that they +ou"d a#ree +ou"d +or *est.

    A DI44E$E#T ,E$!I%#: THE TE# !EED TECH#I&E

    A di2eret &ersio of a/ity %a''i# is The Te Seed Te$hi6ue used

    *y de&e"o'%et 'eo'"e aroud the +or"d.Ea$h #rou' is #i&e the te seeds ad ased to $osider the% tore'reset the etire 'o'u"atio of 'eo'"e a2e$ted *y a 'ressi# issueuder study. T

    hey are the ased to %o&e the seeds aroud ito #rou's re'reseti#&arious issues ad di%esios of the 'ro*"e%.


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    • Dra+i#s ad i""ustratios shou"d *e a''ro'riate for ad fa%i"iar to the $o%%uity %e%*ers.

    • Stro# 'ersoa"ities %ay *e a*"e to *e reasoed +ith i order to uderstad the i%'orta$e of the

    'arti$i'atory 'ro$ess- #i&e 'ro5e$ts that +i"" o$$u'y the%- or tae aside for a ey 'ersoiter&ie+.

    • Staeho"ders +ith &ested iterest %ay *e tae aside for a ey 'erso iter&ie+.

    &seful Internet Lins: This "esso '"a has ada'ted ifor%atio fro% The Te Seed Te$hi6ue *y Ra&i ayaara ad CAREs Househo"d i&e"ihood Se$urity Assess%ets. A Too"it forPra$titioers.


    • A*out 1G dra+i#s of $o%%uity eeds traditioa""y idetiLed *y $o%%uity %e%*ers.

    • ar#e sheets of e+s'rit.

    • Co"ored 'es or %arer 'es.

    • Sti$y ta'e.

    • Co"ored %arers.

    • Seeds for &oti#

    • Ho+3To Card

     @rief !ummary of Lesson:

    • A$ti&ity 1. Itrodu$tios. I$e Breaer: Si# a so# or '"ay a #a%e.

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    • a$ of edu$atio a%o# &i""a#ers

    • o s$hoo"

    • o a$$ess ifor%atio ad traii# o i%'ro&ed a#ri$u"tura" %ethods

    • Usustaia*"e e&iro%eta" 'ra$ti$es

    • a$ of 'ota*"e +ater

    $%FECT+@A!ED LEA$#I#;

    I 'ro5e$t3*ased "eari#- studets are usua""y #i&e a #eera" 6uestio to as+er- a $o$rete 'ro*"e% toso"&e- or a i3de'th issue to ex'"ore. Pro5e$t3*ased "eari# re6uires studets to use si""sZsu$h asresear$hi#- +riti#- iter&ie+i#- $o""a*orati#- or 'u*"i$ s'eai#Zto 'rodu$e &arious +or 'rodu$ts.U"ie tests- ho%e+or assi#%ets- ad other %ore traditioa" for%s of a$ade%i$ $ourse+or- a 'ro5e$t%ay tae se&era" +ees or %oths- or it %ay e&e ufo"d o&er the $ourse of a se%ester or year.

    Pro5e$t3*ased "eari# ex'erie$es $ofrot rea"3+or"d 'ro*"e%s ad issues ad re6uire studets toi&esti#ate ad aa"y,e the reasos *ehid a 'ro*"e%- as +e"" as a 'ossi*"e so"utio. 8or this reaso-'ro5e$t3*ased "eari# %ay *e $a""ed i6uiry3*ased "eari# or "eari# *y doi#-

     Tea$hers %ay e$oura#e studets to $hoose s'e$iL$ to'i$s that iterest or is'ire the%- su$h as 'ro5e$tsre"ated to their 'ersoa" iterests or $areer as'iratios. 8or exa%'"e- a ty'i$a" 'ro5e$t %ay *e#i +ith ao'e3eded 6uestio su$h as: I these $ases-studets %ay *e #i&e the o''ortuity to address the 6uestio *y 'ro'osi# a 'ro5e$t that reJe$ts theiriterests. 8or exa%'"e- a studet iterested i far%i# %ay ex'"ore the $reatio of a s$hoo" #arde that'rodu$es food ad dou*"es as a "eari# o''ortuity for studets- +hi"e aother studet %ay $hoose toresear$h hea"th $o$ers re"ated to s'e$iL$ food ite%s ser&ed i the $afeteria- ad the $reate 'osters ora &ideo to raise a+areess a%o# studets ad sta2 i the s$hoo".

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    1. Create #rou's of 3G studets i +hi$h ea$h 'erso has a ro"e. The tea$her des$ri*es ea$h ro"e(*e"o+)- ad either the tea$her or the #rou' assi#s a res'osi*i"ityro"e to ea$h %e%*er of the#rou':

    • 2nstruction /eader  3 Reads the +ritte istru$tios out "oud to hisher #rou'.

    • Time-=eeper - Periodi$a""y- te""s the #rou' ho+ %u$h ti%e is "eft for the a$ti&ity.

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    •  The #rou' $odu$ts a e&a"uatio of 'erfor%a$e.

    ACTI,IT-: $%FECT+@A!ED LEA$#I#; LA##I#; DI!C&!!I%# (0 ?IUTES)

    ote to 8a$i"itatorQ: Choose a 'ressi# issue i the $o%%uity- *ut oe that $a *e rea"isti$a""ya$$o%'"ished i a re"ati&e"y short 'eriod of ti%e. Ho+ %i#ht Coo'erati&e eari# esure a$ade%i$ex$e""e$e AD #et studets out of their seatsK

    !E$,ICE LEA$#I#; I! ACADE*IC! I# THE )%$LD %&T!IDE THE CLA!!$%%*

    Ser&i$e "eari# he"'s studets to *oost their $i&i$ e#a#e%et ad tae the iitiati&e to stre#the their$o%%uity with the added attraction o bein connected to learnin oals. Ser&i$e "eari# is ot the sa%ethi# as $o%%uity ser&i$e- thou#h *oth are &a"ua*"e. Ser&i$e "eari# has a %ethod that $oe$ts +hatoe "ears I s$hoo" to ser&i$e OUTSIDE of s$hoo".

     Tea$hers Without Borders %ost su$$essfu" 'ro#ra% $oe$ts earth6uae s$ie$e ad safety- ad +as$odu$ted i Haiti after the earth6uae. Here- studets "ear the S$ie$e- Te$ho"o#y- E#ieeri#- ad?athe%ati$s (STE?) of earth6uaes- as +e"" as $reate earth6uae 're'aredess '"as. It tea$hes s$ie$e-e#a#es $hi"dre- ad ser&es the $o%%uity. I short- ser&i$e "eari# is a +i3+i. Of $ourse- o a "ar#ers$a"e- that is +hat Tea$hers Without Borders is a"" a*out 4 the ser&i$e of tea$hi# o a #"o*a" s$a"e.

    As you $a see- ser&i$e "eari# is a *"ed of %u"ti'"e ite""i#e$es- $oo'erati&e "eari#- ad 'ro5e$t3*ased"eari#. O a s%a"" s$a"e- it $oe$ts the heart +ith the head ad outsiders to he"' isiders (tea$hers-studets) "ear. We ofte for#et that a e#ieer +ori# o a +ater 'ro5e$t i oes $o%%uity %ay oto"y ha&e %u$h to tea$h- *ut %u$h to o2er i +ori# +ith studets to he"' esure their $o%%uitys +ateris $"ea.

    Ser&i$e eari# su$$ess stories ha&e six $hara$teristi$s i $o%%o:

    1. The ser&i$e3"eari# 'ro5e$t %ust *e meaningful. Parti$i'ats ha&e to fee" eeded

    7. The ser&i$e3"eari# 'ro5e$t %ust *e connected to +hat you are tea$hi#. Outside %etors+ori# +ith your $"assroo% eed to o+ +hi$h si""s you +at to reifor$e

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    . It %ust foster leadership through collaboration. I other +ords- you +i"" ha&e to +at$h$arefu""y how studets are a''roa$hi# the +or. The *est 'ro5e$ts a""o+ studets to de&e"o'di2eret ids of "eadershi' +here e&eryoe fee"s $outed

    . It %ust #i&e studets ti%e for reBection a*out +hat they "eared ad sho+ ho+ they "eared it.Studets shou"d %aitai a 5oura" to ee' tra$ or re$ord of +hat they did ea$h +ee o that'ro5e$t- e.#. ho+ %ay hours they +ored there- +ith ho+ %ay 'eo'"e they ta"ed to- et$. They

    shou"d a"so fee" free to ex'ress the $ha""e#es they e$outered ad ho+ they atte%'ted too&er$o%e the%

    G. The $o%%uity %ust tae #i&e the 'ro5e$t the dignity ad &a"ue it deser&es

    @. A%'"e ti%e shou"d *e #i&e to demonstrations of +hat they ha&e doe ad celebration fortheir e2orts. Studets $a sho+$ase their +or at a s'e$ia" $e"e*ratio at s$hoo" or at a$o%%uity $eter

    ACTI,IT-: C%##ECTI#; !E$,ICE A#D LEA$#I#; (@0 ?IUTES)

     8or the 8a$i"itatorQ: E#a#e tea$hers i $oe$ti# their $"assroo% $urri$u"u% to $o%%uity issues. Itdoes ot ha&e to *e hu#e so$ieta" $o$er

    • *aterials: 'oster3*oard (7 'ie$es for ea$h #rou') ad %arers

    1. As tea$hers to +or i #rou's of 3G to *raistor% "essos for +hi$h they $a add a ser&i$e3"eari# $o%'oet. At the 'ri%ary s$hoo" "e&e"- studets "eari# a*out '"ats $ou"d $reate as$hoo" or $o%%uity #arde. At the se$odary "e&e"- studets studyi# *io"o#y or $he%istry$ou"d ex'"ore a issue of e&iro%eta" 'o""utio.

    7. It is *est for tea$hers to +or o %ai# that $oe$tio i a +ay that $a *e su%%ed u' i asi#"e sete$e- su$h as:

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    $o%fort +ith $oe$ti# their $urri$u"u% +ith ser&i$e "eari#- a 'ro5e$t $ou"d si%'"y $oe$tstudets to a existi# 'ro5e$t (a +ater or hea"th $a%'ai#- for ista$e)- or tae o a 'ressi#issue 'o&erty- i""itera$y- "a$ of a$$ess to s$hoo"- 'o""utio- uhea"thfu" eati#.

    • Re%id tea$hers that they %ust $oe$t a$ade%i$s ad ser&i$e i a si#"e sete$e- the 're'are

    7 'osters:

    •  The "st 'oster sho+s a 'i$ture or des$ri*es +ith +ords a "esso ad ho+ it is currently  tau#ht.

    •  The 0nd 'oster sho+s a 'i$ture or des$ri*es +ith +ords ho+ that "esso $ou"d *e tau#ht throu#h

    ser&i$e "eari#

    •  Tea$hers +i"" the 'ost the 'oster [1 oe side of the roo% ad 'oster [7 o the other side of

    the roo%

    •  Tea$hers +i"" the *e ased to #o to the 'osters +here they are %ost $o%forta*"e (asi# the%

    to *e hoest)

    • As the% to %o&e ad #o to the 'osters +here they are %ost ex$ited

    • 8a$i"itators $a ex'ad this a$ti&ity to ee' tea$hers %o&i# aroud to "ear %ore ho+ they

    +ou"d a''roa$h ser&i$e "eari#. Tea$hers $ou"d a"so tae their 'osters *a$ ad i%'ro&ethe% %ore.

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    Course 8: Eective Assessment and Evaluation

    )A$*+&: /01 *I#&TE!2

     Thi a*out your s$hoo" "ife adas the e+ tea$hers to re$a""ho+ they +ere e&a"uated. Bytai# testsK Stadi# u' atyour des ad re$iti# theas+ers to 6uestiosK>

    A story: Duri# exa%s I fe"tso stressed out- $ou"dts"ee' ad so%eti%es$ou"dt eat. We had to%e%ori,e a "ot of thi#s.After exa% +e fe"t re"ie&ed*ut i the sa%e ti%e +efor#ot e&erythi# +hat +ehad %e%ori,ed or "eart. If I"oo *a$ to %y s$hoo" "ife- I

     5ust fee" "ie +e studied to'ass the exa% or to a$hie&e #ood %ars i the exa%- ot to "ear aythi# for "ife "o# or to a''"y irea" "ife. ?ost of our "eari# +as *ased o %e%ori,atio- e&e the 6uestios i the exa% +ere re$a""or %e%ory *ased ad after exa% +e for#ot e&erythi# a*out +hat +e %e%ori,ed. o+ I fee" that"eari# shou"d ot *e "ie this. We ha&e to a''"y our "eari# i our rea" "ife. Other+ise- +hat is the'ur'ose of edu$atioK

    THE $%LE %4 A!!E!!*E#T I# LEA$#I#;

     The o&era"" #oa" of assess%et is to i%'ro&e studet "eari#. Assess%et 'ro&ides studets-

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    'arets#uardias- ad tea$hers +ith &a"id ifor%atio $o$eri# studet 'ro#ress ad theirattai%et of the ex'e$ted $urri$u"u%. Assess%et shou"d a"+ays *e &ie+ed as ifor%atio toi%'ro&e studet a$hie&e%et. Assess%ets are *ased o the "e&e"s of a$hie&e%et ad stadardsde&e"o'ed for those $urri$u"ar #oa"s a''ro'riate for the #rade.

    Assess%et ad e&a"uatio %easure +hether or ot "eari# ador "eari# o*5e$ti&es are *ei# %et.Oe $ou"d "oo at assess%et ad e&a"uatio as the 5ourey (assess%et) &ersus the sa'shot

    (e&a"uatio).Assessment should be built into instruction. It deter%ies +hether or ot the #oa"s of edu$atioare *ei# %et. Assess%et is'ires us to as these hard 6uestios: XAre +e tea$hi# +hat +e thi +eare tea$hi#KX XAre studets "eari# +hat they are su''osed to *e "eari#KX XIs there a +ay to tea$hthe su*5e$t *etter- there*y 'ro%oti# *etter "eari#KX

     Todays studets eed to o+ ot o"y the *asi$ readi# ad arith%eti$ si""s- *ut a"so si""s that +i""a""o+ the% to fa$e a +or"d that is $otiua""y $ha#i#. They %ust *e a*"e to thi $riti$a""y- toaa"y,e- ad to %ae ifere$es. Cha#es i the si""s *ase ad o+"ed#e our studets eed re6uiree+ "eari# #oa"s these e+ "eari# #oa"s $ha#e the re"atioshi' *et+ee assess%et adistru$tio. Tea$hers eed to tae a a$ti&e ro"e i %ai# de$isios a*out the 'ur'ose of assess%etad the $otet that is *ei# assessed. Assess%et '"ays a %a5or ro"e i ho+ studets "ear- their%oti&atio to "ear- ad ho+ tea$hers tea$h.

    Assess%et for "eari#: +here assess%et he"'s tea$hers #ai isi#ht ito +hat studetsuderstad i order to '"a ad #uide istru$tio- ad 'ro&ide he"'fu" feed*a$ to studets.

    Assess%et as "eari#: +here studets de&e"o' a a+areess of ho+ they "ear ad use that

    a+areess to ad5ust ad ad&a$e their "eari#- tai# a i$reased res'osi*i"ity for their"eari#.

    Assess%et of  "eari#: +here assess%et ifor%s studets- tea$hers ad 'arets- as +e"" as the

    *roader edu$atioa" $o%%uity- of a$hie&e%et at a $ertai 'oit i ti%e i order to $e"e*ratesu$$ess- '"a iter&etios ad su''ort $otiued 'ro#ress.

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    Assessment must be planned 6ith its purpose in mind9 Assess%et for- as- ad of "eari# a""ha&e a ro"e to '"ay i su''orti# ad i%'ro&i# studet "eari#- ad %ust *e a''ro'riate"y *a"a$ed.Resear$h ad ex'erie$e sho+ that studet "eari# is *est su''orted +he:

    Istru$tio ad assess%et are *ased o $"ear "eari# #oa"s

    Istru$tio ad assess%et %eet di2eret "eari# eeds

    Studets are i&o"&ed i the "eari# 'ro$ess (They uderstad the "eari# #oa" ad the $riteria

    for 6ua"ity +or- re$ei&e ad use des$ri'ti&e feed*a$- ad tae ste's to ad5ust their 'erfor%a$e)

    Assess%et ifor%atio is used to %ae de$isios that su''ort further "eari#

    Parets are +e"" ifor%ed a*out their $hi"ds "eari#- ad +or +ith the s$hoo" to he"' '"a ad

    'ro&ide su''ort

    Studets- fa%i"ies- ad the #eera" 'u*"i$ ha&e $oLde$e i the syste%

    4our Elements of Eective 4eedbac Resear$hers ha&e idetiLed four e"e%ets of e2e$ti&e feed*a$ that $a *e used +he #i&i# yourstudets feed*a$ o assi#%ets. They are as fo""o+s:

    1. Poiti#

    7. Su%%ari,i#

    . Posi# oe 6uestio for your earer to $osider. O2eri# oe or t+o thi#s for i%'ro&e%et

    Element N" of Eective 4eedbac: ointing

    • If you are res'odi# to studet +or i ay for%- si%'"y 'oit to the +ords ad 'hrases that

    %ost su$$essfu""y %ade you thi...so%eho+ they ra# true- or they $arried s'e$ia" 'ur'ose.Dot 5ud#e- 5ust oti$e. ou are si%'"y rea$ti# to +hat ha''eed to you +he you read the+ords this ti%eKX

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    exa%'"e to su''ort your idea 3 to %ae your thou#ht $o%e a"i&e for %e-X or you %i#ht 'oit to as'e$iL$ 'art of the +riti# ad say Xou +rote i your assi#%et- The $hi"dre see%ed $urious.What did that "oo "ie- fee" "ie- soud "ie- taste "ie- s%e"" "ieK 8i"ter your des$ri'tio throu#hthe L&e seses.

    •  Poiti# to thi#s that are e2e$ti&e i your earers $o%'"eted assi#%et is aother +ay to

    #uide hi% or her to #i&e you %ore of that id of +riti# +here it is "a$i#. 8or exa%'"e- you

    $ou"d say: XWhe you +rote that aitaas hads +ere shai# ad his &oi$e $ra$ed +he heread his 'a'er to the $"ass- I fe"t "ie I +as ri#ht there +ith you. Do this sa%e id of des$ri'ti&e+riti# 3 L"teri# throu#h the seses 3 +he you si%'"y +rote- the $hi"dre see%ed $urious.X

    Ho6 #ot to ;ive 4eedbac 

    • I your feed*a$- do ot use +ords "ie X#oodX- X#reatX- Xi$eX or X*ad.X They are +ords that do

    ot he"' a 'erso i%'ro&e. 8or exa%'"e- "ets say you +rote a short story ad the you #a&e yourshort story to a fried or a $o""ea#ue to read. If that 'erso said to you- XHey- that story you #a&eto %e to read +as rea""y #ood-X you %i#ht 'er u' ad fee" ha''y a*out the $o%'"i%et- *ut itdoes ot he"' you i%'ro&e. The %ore s'e$iL$ you are- the %ore studets +i"" trust your$o%%ets. 8eed*a$ that +ou"d *e %ore he"'fu" is as fo""o+s:

    • XI read the short story you set to %e. The 'art +here you ta"ed a*out traii# the *ird %ade %e"au#h out "oud.>

    • X?y %id started