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  • 8/17/2019 Tcjryaku1 (Repaired)


    Bujinkan Dojo

    Shinden Kihon Kata

     The fundamental practiceforms of the Bujin training


  • 8/17/2019 Tcjryaku1 (Repaired)


     Ten Chi Jin Ryaku

    No Maki

     The rinciples of !ea"en# $arth and


  • 8/17/2019 Tcjryaku1 (Repaired)


     Ten Ryaku No Maki

    %rinciples of !ea"en&

  • 8/17/2019 Tcjryaku1 (Repaired)


    TEN RYAKU NO MAKIrinciples of !ea"en

    Taihenjutsu Ukemi Kata %assi"e defense 'ody form&

    (undamental practice forms for skill )ith the 'ody

    *hen rolling# the rear foot + leg should 'e acti"e rather thanpassi"e, This leg can 'e used to launch you into the roll 'y pushingo-# adding speed and po)er that can 'e used to get you onto yourfeet .uickly, $"en )hile rolling# you must maintain your a)arenessand maintain eye contact )ith your enemy or enemies,

    /, Mae Gaeshi - Forward techniues

    0en o Kai Ten %for)ard rolling&/, 12hand for)ard roll %ryote&1, l2hand for)ard roll %katate&3, No2hands for)ard roll %mute&4, 5eaping for)ard techni.ues

    a, 12hand for)ard handspring %ryote 6enpo tenkai&', l2hand for)ard handspring %katate 6enpo tenkai&c, Di"ing for)ard roll %hicho&

    7, Natural applications

    1, Yoko Gaeshi - !idewa"s techniues

    Soku !o Kai Ten %side)ays rolling&/, 12hand side)ays roll# left and right %ryote&1, l2hand side)ays roll# left and right %katate&3, No2hands side)ays roll# left and right %mute&4, 5eaping side)ays techni.ues

    a, 12hand side)ays handspring# left and right %ryotesokuho tenkai&

    ', l2hand side)ays handspring# left and right %katatesokuho tenkai&

    c, Di"ing side)ays roll# left and right %hicho&7, Natural applications

    3, Ushiro Gaeshi - #ackward techniues

    Koho Kai Ten %'ack)ard rolling&/, 12hand 'ack)ard roll %ryote&1, l2hand 'ack)ard roll %katate&3, No2hands 'ack)ard roll %mute&4, 5eaping 'ack)ard techni.ues

    a, 12hand rear handspring %ryote koho tenkai&

    ', l2hand rear handspring %katate koho tenkai&c, (lying rear roll

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    7, Natural applications

    4, $en %o Ukemi &'orward (assi)e de'ense*

    /, Kneeling 12hand for)ard 'reakfall+catfall

    1, Kneeling l2hand for)ard 'reakfall+catfall3, Standing 12hand for)ard 'reakfall+catfall4, Standing 12hand for)ard 'reakfall+catfall and front kick7, Natural applications

    7, Na+are &,owin+ water*

    /, Standing drop to the rear %tachi Nagare&1, Right side 'ody drop %migi yoko nagare&3, 5eft side 'ody drop %hidari yoko nagare&

    4, Tomoe crescent drop to rear7, Kuruma rolling drop to rear8, Natural applications

    8, !hi o Ten .hi To/i &0-direction1 hi+h and 2ow jum(s*

    /, (or)ard leap1, Back)ard leap3, Right leap4, 5eft leap7, Ten high leap8, Chi do)n)ard leap

    9 spiral leap includes a partial or complete turn )ith the jumpingmotion, 9ll leaps should 'e le"el sliding mo"es# not 'ounding hopsthat land )ith a thud,


    (our defenders stand )ithin arms reach, *hen the attacker mo"es

    to)ards one of the defenders# all the defenders leap either'ack)ards# for)ards# or side)ays as appropriate, Eight feet isconsidered a good leap, *hen leaping 'ack)ards# al)ays maintaingood posture, *hen leaping up)ards, 'ring the legs high 'ut al)ayso'ser"e the opponent,

    !ho Ten No 3utsu &Techniues 'or c2im/in+ tohea)en*

     The 'ody momentum and 'alance are used to permit running up

    "ertical surfaces such as trees# )alls# and fences %or e"en people&,

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    cm 'y 3 to 8 cm 'y a'out 3 meters at an angle, >nce you can runup it# jump o- it and land on your feet# incline the plank at a steeperangle, The training is then done on trees# )alls etc, The mostimportant things are to concentrate your mind into percei"ing theo'ject as hori6ontal rather than "ertical# straighten your 'ack# hold

    your 'reath and sprint at full speed, *hen you reach the top# kick sothat you jump o- it and do a 'ack)ard roll to a'sor' the shock oflanding,

    o Ko 3utsu &wa2kin+ techniues*

    /, Soku shin so soku ho 2 Side)ays ?cra'? running1, !yo jo ho ko 2 Running on ice or slick surfaces3, Mu on no ho 2 Silent running

    !hi4en G"o Un R"u !ui &mo)in+ in harmon" with'orce*

     Total 'ody mo"ement is re@ned for grace and naturalness in allactions, o)er 'ecomes a result of mere mo"ement# e"asi"eness isa result of mere adjustment of 'ody position,

    Ken Tai Ichi 3o

     The entire 'ody mo"ement and energy is used 'ehind a punch, Justmo"ing the 'ody makes the punch de"astating, There is no need torely on muscle tension,

    !hin Kok"o !anaden &5 dee( /reathin+ e6ercises*

    *hole 'ody respiration and rela:ation e:ercises, erform eache:ercise eight times per day, Deep stretching respiration# stretchnaturally and 'reathe,

    1. Sit in seiza. Inhale and at the same time, bend the shoulders and head

     backwards, naturally, but as far as possible. Exhale by reversing the process by

     bending your head and shoulders forward. se your body weight to push outas much of the air as possible. !t this time, your lungs should be empty. It is

    now a matter of repeating the process.

    ". Sit in seiza. Inhale and at the same time turn the head over the right shoulder,

    naturally, but as far as possible. Exhale by rolling the head down to the front.

    #nce again, you must use your body weight to s$ueeze out as much air as

     possible. %ou then start inhaling and at the same time turn your head over the

    left shoulder, naturally, but as far as possible. &hen once again you exhale by

    rolling the head to the front and s$ueeze the air out with the use of the body.

    'epeat the process.

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    (. Sit on the ground with your legs stretched out in front of you. )eep your legs

    together throughout the exercise. 'aise your arms over your legs, parallel to

    the ground. *rom this position, stretch your arms sideways and inhale. %ou

    exhale by bending forward and reaching out to grab your toes. Ensure that you

    keep your back straight for this exercise. &he s$ueezing action should help to

    expel the air from your lungs. repeat the process.

    Self massage; skin respiration techni.ue# important for grapplingtechni.ues,

    5ie on your 'ack and 'ring your knees to your chin, Ara' the 'ack of your thighs )ith 'oth arms and hold the legs to your chest, (romthis position# rock 'ack and forth from head to tail, 9lso# roll fromside to side,

    !ho !hin Go-Kei Go-G"o No Kata(undamental training routines of the @"e elemental manifestations

    Chi No Kata %earth inuence&

     The defender is in the shi6en natural posture facing the attacker,

     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a right high lunge punch# and thedefender responds 'y slipping 'ack and to the right into a leftichimonji defensi"e posture )hile e:ecuting a left inside 'lock,%alternatively, move back with the left arm raised and the right hand

    closed and held vertically at the right hip. Don’t block, simply raisethe left arm&

     The defender counter2attacks 'y stepping for)ard )ith the right footand e:ecuting a right up)ard2s)inging shi tan ken @ngertip dri"e tothe solar ple:us %use three ngers to strike, either have them sideby side or with the nger tips in a triangular posture. The thumband little nger touch each other &,

    Sui No Kata %)ater inuence&

     The defender is in the shi6en natural posture facing the attacker,

     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a right high lunge punch# and thedefender responds 'y slipping 'ack and to the right into a leftichimonji defensi"e posture )hile e:ecuting a left inside 'lock, %alternatively, move back with the right hand closed and heldvertically at the right hip.&

     The defender counter2attacks 'y stepping for)ard )ith the right footand e:ecuting a right outside omote shuto hand2edge strike to the

    throat, %Do the shuto straight from the hip if this is where the handwas held&,

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    !i No Kata %@re inuence&

     The defender is in the shi6en natural posture facing the attacker ,

     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a right high lunge punch# and thedefender responds 'y slipping 'ack and to the right into a leftichimonji defensi"e posture )hile e:ecuting a left inside 'lock, %alternatively, move back with the right hand closed and heldvertically at the right hip&

     The defender counter2attacks 'y stepping for)ard )ith the right footand e:ecuting a right ura shuto hand2edge strike to the right side ofthe attackers neck, %Do the shuto straight from the hip if this iswhere the hand was held&,

    (u No Kata %)ind inuence&

     The defender is in the shi6en natural posture facing the attacker, The attacker steps for)ard )ith a right high lunge punch# and thedefender responds 'y slipping 'ack and to the right into a leftichimonji defensi"e posture )hile e:ecuting a left inside 'lock,

    %alternatively, move back with the right hand closed and heldvertically at the right hip&

     The defender counter2attacks 'y stepping for)ard )ith the right footand e:ecuting a right s)inging shi to ken thum' dri"e to the ri's orside of the groin area, %alternatively, apply an upward swingingkoppo ken&,

    Ku No Kata %?emptiness? inuence&

     The defender is in the shi6en natural posture facing the attacker,

     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a right front kick# and the defenderresponds 'y slipping 'ack and to the right into a left ichimonjidefensi"e posture )hile e:ecuting a left inside 'lock %alternatively,move back with the right hand closed and held vertically at the right hip&, Raise the right hand a'o"e your head as a distraction %or shift your weight forward onto the left leg and apply a right shako ken toUke’s face&

     The defender counter2attacks 'y e:ecuting a right soku yaku heel2

    sho"e kick to the attackers midsection,

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    Ku No Kumite Kata

     The defender is in the shi6en natural posture facing the attacker,

     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a right high lunge punch# and the

    defender responds 'y slipping 'ack and 'locks )ith a right ukenagashi, Then pulls the attackers hand 'et)een the attackers legsand turns at the side of the 'ody, The defender checks the 'ack ofthe attackers knee )ith his o)n knee, This is a Ku "ariation and ane:ample of Kumite No Kata,

    Kihon a((o Kata &ei+ht /asic wa" 'orm*Fundamenta2 trainin+

    Koshi Kihon Sanpo %koshi jutsus 3 fundamental )ays&

    chimonji No Kamae

     The defender assumes a right2sided ichimonji defensi"e posture,

     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a left high lunge punch# and thedefender responds 'y slipping 'ack and to the left )hile e:ecuting aright inside 'lock from the ichimonji pose, The attacker steps for)ard )ith a right high lunge punch# and thedefender responds 'y slipping 'ack to the right )hile e:ecuting a

    left inside 'lock from the ichimonji pose# and then immediatelyshifts his hips for)ard )hile e:ecuting a right outside omote shutohand2edge strike to the attackers right forearm,

    !icho No Kamae

     The defender assumes a left2side hicho single2leg posture,

     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a right lo) lunge punch# and thedefender responds 'y dropping his hips slightly )hile e:ecuting ado)n)ards left inside 'lock,

     The defender continues the momentum of his 'lock to mo"e theattackers right hand aside# and counter attacks )ith a left foot sokugyaku toe2dri"e front kick to the attackers right ri's, %or sokuyaku&,

     The defender continues 'y stepping for)ard )ith the right foot ande:ecuting a right inside ura shuto to the attackers neck# knockinghim 'ack)ards,

     Jumonji No Kamae

     The defender assumes a left2side jumonji o-ensi"e posture,

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     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a right high lunge punch, and thedefender responds )ith a left inside 'lock# and then leans for)ard)ith a left shito ken thum'2dri"e strike to the attackers ri's 'eneaththe right underarm,

     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a left high lunge punch# and thedefender steps 'ack )ith his left foot to assume a right side jumonjio-ensi"e posture )hile e:ecuting a right inside 'lock# and thenleans for)ard )ith a right shito ken thum'2dri"e strike to theattackers ri's 'eneath the left underarm ,

    Torite Kihon Kata Go-o &7 'undamenta2 handca(ture 'orms*

    >mote Ayaku

     The attacker gra's the defenders right lapel )ith his left hand, Thedefender co"ers the attackers left hand )ith his right# and steps'ack )ith his left foot to straighten the attackers left arm, Thedefender crouches and uses 'oth hands to lift the attackers lefthand straight up, The defender ne:t steps 'ack )ith his right foot)hile applying an omote gyaku outside )rist t)ist to the attackersleft arm,

    >mote Ayaku Tsuki

     The attacker gra's the defenders right lapel )ith his left hand# andpunches at the defenders face )ith his right hand, The defenderco"ers the attackers left hand )ith his right# and steps for)ard andto the right )ith his right foot )hile punching to the inside of theattackers right arm )ith the left @st, The defender then uses 'othhands to lift the attackers left hand straight up, The defender ne:tsteps 'ack )ith his right foot )hile applying an omote gyaku outside)rist t)ist to the attackers left arm,

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     The attacker gra's the defenders right jacket slee"e )ith his lefthand, The defender steps for)ard )ith his right foot and reacheso"er the attackers left el'o) from the inside )ith his right arm, Thedefender continues the motion of his arm# coming up from 'eneath

    the outside of the attackers el'o) to apply a musha dori %goja dori&inside lifting el'o) lock to the left arm )hile pi"oting to the left, Thedefender then steps on the 'ack of the attackers left knee to dri"ehim to the ground,

    Muso Dori

     The attacker gra's the defenders right jacket slee"e )ith his lefthand, The defender steps 'ack )ith his right foot and pulls his righthand do)n, The defender ne:t steps for)ard )ith his right foot#

    'ringing his right hand up from 'elo) along the 'ack of theattackers left el'o), The defender continues the rolling motion ofhis hand )hile pi"oting 'ack )ith the left foot to apply a muso dorioutside arm 'ar to the attackers left arm,

    Kamae &Fi+htin+ %ostures*

    (udo 0a %motionless sitting&

     The left leg is folded under the seat# and the right leg is pulled in)ith the sole of the foot against the left thigh,

    Shi6en No Kamae %natural posture&

     The 'ody is in a natural standing position )ith the feet plantedshoulder2)ide and the arms hanging at the sides,

    !ira chimonji No Kamae %recei"ing posture&

     The )eight is di"ided e"enly o"er the t)o e:ed legs# and the armsare e:tended at the sides,

    chimonji No Kamae %defensi"e posture&

    Means one# or straight, The 'ody is turned side)ays to the attacker#holding 8=2E=F of the )eight on the rear leg )ith the front arme:tended and the rear hand open to protect the face,

    Doko No Kamae %?angry tiger? defensi"e posture&

     The 'ody is turned side)ays to the attacker# holding 8=2E=F of the

    )eight on the rear leg )ith the front arm e:tended and the rearhand clenched as a @st a'o"e or 'eside the head,

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    !icho No Kamae %?crane? single2leg defensi"e posture&

     The 'ody is turned side)ays to the attacker# holding the )eight onthe rear leg, >ne arm stretched# the hand open, The other hand as a

    loose @st# thum' up# just o"er the inside of the el'o), The standingleg is slightly 'ent# the other leg 'ent )ith the sole of the footresting on the other knee,

    !oko No Kamae %?'ear? recei"ing posture&

     The )eight is di"ided e"enly o"er the t)o e:ed legs# a little )iderthan the shoulders# feet a'out 47 degrees out)ard+for)ard, The'ody is turned at the )aist against the attacker and the arms areheld 'o)ed o"er the head,

    Kosei No Kamae %attacking posture&

     The )eight is di"ided e"enly o"er the t)o e:ed legs# a little )iderthan the shoulders# feet a'out 47 degrees out)ard+for)ard, The'ody is turned at the )aist against the attacker and the leadinghand is held open in front of the head, The trailing hand is held lo)as a loose @st in front of the stomach,

     Jumonji No Kamae %o-ensi"e posture&

     The )eight is di"ided e"enly o"er the t)o e:ed legs# a little )iderthan the shoulders# feet a'out 47 degrees out)ard+for)ard, The'ody is turned at the )aist against the attacker and the hands arecrossed at the )rists# thum's up# in front of the chest,

    Taihenjutsu Mu-To 8ori KataUnarmed de'ense a+ainst a sword9

    !ira No Kamae  (rom the recei"ing posture

    9s the attacker steps for)ard )ith a "ertical s)ord slash# thedefender mo"es from the hira recei"ing pose 'ack into a leftichimonji defensi"e posture to a"oid the cut, The defender thenpi"ots to the right and does a right shoulder roll# rolling a)ay in thedirection of the attackers ad"ance,

    chimonji No Kamae  (rom the defensi"e posture

    (rom a left ichimonji defensi"e pose# the defender di"es for)ard and

    to the right under the attackers "ertical s)ord slash# to end up'ehind the attacker, 9s the attacker turns and approaches )ith a

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    second cut# the defender steps for)ard )ith the right foot# and )iththe left knee on the ground# applies a right shito ken thum' dri"e@st to the solar ple:us )hile sheltering himself )ith the left forearm,

     Jumonji No Kamae  (rom the o-ensi"e posture

     The defender uses the shi ho to'i four2directional leaping methodfrom the jumonji o-ensi"e posture to a"oid the attackers s)ordslash, 9s soon as the 'lade is cleared# the defender springs 'ack atthe attacker )ith restraining gra's and counter strikes,

    o Ken 3u Ro((o &:; !trikin+ Treasures*

    Ken 2 striking )eapons

    /, Kikaku Ken or 0u Tsuki  %Demon horn strike&

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  • 8/17/2019 Tcjryaku1 (Repaired)


    Chi Ryaku No Maki

    %rinciples of $arth&

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    .I RYAKU NO MAKI%rinci(2es o' Earth

    ajutsu K"u o

    Nine Methods of >"erpo)ering an 9ttacker

    /, Te !odoki  %)rist gra' escapes&

    Katate 2 single hand# left and rightDefender pi"ots and 'acks up into a position 'eside the attacker#and allo)s 'ody motion to t)ist the )rist out of the attackers grasp,t is important that the defender spreads the @ngers of his gra''edhand )hen doing this,

    Ryote 2 dou'le hand gra' escapeDefender pi"ots and 'acks into position 'eside the attacker#pointing hands up and do)n to t)ist out of the grasp, t is importantthat the defender spreads his @ngers )hen doing this,

    !ote" #ontrol of the elbows is important.

    1, Tai !odoki %rear 'ody hug escape&

    Defender slams the hips 'ack into the attackers a'domen )hilelifting and spreading the arms, 9s the attacker folds for)ard# the

    defender e:ecutes a rear 6u tsuki head smash to the attackers faceand peels the attackers arms a)ay,

    !ote" Use koho tobi to accomplish this.

    3, >ya Aoroshi %?kill the arent? thum' crush&

     To free himself from clothing# 'ody# and )eapon gra's# the defenderfolds the attackers thum' 'ack on itself in the natural direction ofthe knuckle )ith crushing force,

    4, Ko Aoroshi %?kill the child? little2@nger crush&

     To free himself from clothing# 'ody# and )eapon gra's# the defenderfolds the attackers little2@nger 'ack on itself in the natural directionof the knuckles )ith crushing force,

    7, Koshi Kudaki %?)aist 'reak? thro)ing counter&

     To pre"ent 'eing thro)n 'y an attacker )ho has gra''ed him# thedefender rela:es and drops his center of gra"ity 'y crouching and

    leaning 'ack slightly to counter'alance the pull of the thro),

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    8, !appo Keri %?G )ay kicks? counters for 'ody or armgra's&

    1. 'ight heel stamp shove kick to the adversary+s left thigh.

    ". eft heel stamp shove kick to the adversary+s right thigh.

    (. 'ight inward swinging heel kick to the outside of the adversary+s left thigh.

    -. eft inward swinging heel kick to the outside of the adversary+s right thigh.

    . /roin kick by swinging inside edge of right foot up.

    0. /roin kick by swinging inside edge of left foot up

    . 2enka )eri 3 any kick with the right foot to cause pain and force the adversary

    to let go and back away.

    4. 2enka )eri 3 any kick with the left foot to cause pain and force the adversary to

    let go and back away.

     Note: Certain situations necessitate certain responses while excluding others, hence

    not all of the above are appropriate in all situations. Practice from and against

    various kamae.

    . )eri )udaki 56kick break6 overpowering a kick7

    1. &he attacker executes a right front kick, and the defender responds by

    sidestepping to the left and applying a right soku yaku heel stamp front kick 

    to the outside of the thigh or knee of the attacker+s right leg.

    ". &he attacker executes a right front kick, and the defender responds by

    shifting back and to the right into a left ichimon8i defensive pose while

    applying a left low sweeping block. &he defender can then punch or rake

    the knuckles of the right hand across the attacker+s right shin and ankle, or

    rock forward to slam his right knee into the inside of the attacker+s rightknee while his leg is held in place horizontally.

    (. &he attacker executes a right front kick, and the defender responds by

    shifting back and to the left into a right ichimon8i pose while applying a

    right outside sweeping block 2e then reaches under the attacker+s right

    ankle with with his left hand, and grabs the toes and pulls in a clockwise

    direction to flip the attacker into a rear facing stomach3down position. &he

    defender should then pull forward on the trapped leg and drive down on the

     back of the attacker+s right knee with the left knee, or punch into the back

    of the right shin with the left hand, to down the attacker.

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    -. &he attacker executes a right front kick, and the defender then responds by

    sidestepping to the left and applies a right fudo ken forefist punch to the

    outside or top surface of the thigh of the attacker+s right kicking leg.

    4. )en )udaki 56punch break6 #verpowering a punch7

    &he defender responds to the attacker+s punch with an in8urious counter3strike block,

    and then applies a fudo ken forefist punch or shuto open3hand strike to the same area

    in8ured by the block.

    &his techni$ue can be applied from the inside or outside of the attacker+s punch.

     9ote: be careful not to over3commit your strike as this could leave you off balance

    and exposed.

    ;. 2enka )udaki 56changing breaks67&he attacker steps forward with a right lunge punch. &he defender responds by sliding

     back and to the left into a right ichimon8i defensive posture while applying a right

    in8urious block to the outside of the attacker+s right arm. &he defender immediately

    follows with a kick to the same area in8ured by the block.

    &he same two3part techni$ue can be applied to a right front kick attack, and can be

    applied as a four3part techni$ue against a punch

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    1, sai Komi %@n do)n&

    Defender is in fudo 6a seated posture# as the attacker gra's his jacket lapel )ith the right hand, The defender responds 'y applyingan ura gyaku inside )rist t)ist to the attackers right arm )hilekicking the attackers left leg 'ack )ith a right heel sho"e, 9s theattacker goes do)n# the defender uses his right knee on the 'ack ofthe attackers right el'o) to hold him do)n on his chest and face)ith an arm 'ar,

    a((o Keri enka &< wa" chan+in+ kicks*

    Sukui Keri %scooping or lifting kicks&

    1. 'ight inside foot edge to the attacker+s groin or right shin and then right heel

    hook kick to the outside of the left thigh or knee.

    ". eft inside foot edge to the attacker+s groin or left shin and then left heel hook

    kick to the outside of the right thigh or knee.

    (. 'ight heel hook kick to the outside of the attacker+s left thigh and then right heelstamp to left foot instep.

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    -. eft heel hook kick to the outside of the attacker+s right thigh and then left heel

    stamp to right foot instep.

    . =efender+s right foot pins the adversary+s left foot to the ground and left foot

    executes a body kick attack.

    0. =efender+s left foot pins the adversary+s right foot to the ground and right foot

    executes a body kick attack.

    . !shi >arai low right heel swing kick to the ankles.

    4. !shi >arai low left heel swing kick to the ankles.

    2i &oh 5flying kick and drop7

    &he defender strikes the adversary+s chest below the collar bone with his fingertips,

    causing the adversary to slump from the pain. &he defender then leaps into the air and

    delivers a double simultaneous front kick combination to the stomach, chest, or face,

    and falls backwards to the ground with a backward roll to cushion the fall and get


    )appi 5hit and fly7

    !s the attacker approaches, the defender executes a right inside ura shuto open hand

    strike to the right side of the attacker+s neck from the attacker+s right side. &he

    defender then leaps back and to the left to escape.

    )ompi 5pack and fly7

    !s the attacker approaches, the defender executes a right outside omote shuto open

    hand strike to the left side of the attacker+s neck from the attacker+s left side. &he

    defender then leaps back and to the left to escape.

    ?umon8i 5cross7

    &he attacker steps in with a high right lunge punch. &he defender responds from

     8umon8i no kamae with a left inside blocking strike to the attacker+s right arm,

    followed by a right fudo ken forefist punch to the right arm. &he defender then

    executes a left shi to ken thumb drive fist to the right ribs, followed by a right shi to

    ken thumb drive fist to the same target point.

    )eri Sukui 5scoop the kick7

    &he attacker moves in with a high right roundhouse kick. &he defender responds by

    ducking forward and to the right to tackle the attacker+s grounded leg, and then

    throwing the attacker onto the ground on his back.

    !shi =ome 5stop the leg7

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    &he attacker advances with a right front kick. &he defender responds by diving under

    the attacker+s right thigh from the outside and executes a right fudo ken forefist punch

    to the inside of the attacker+s left knee. &he defender then tackles the attacker+s left leg

    to dump him on his back.

    Gyaku Gi(limb twisting controls, reverse technique)

    1. &ake #ri -. 2on /yaku . @usha =ori

    ". #mote /yaku . #mote #ni )udaki 4. @uso =ori

    (. ra /yaku 0. ra #ni )udaki ;. #h /yaku

    1. &ake #ri 56break the bamboo6 wrist fold7

    #mote outside grip 3 &he back of the attacker+s hand is gripped by either of the

    defender+s hands. &he defender encircles the underside of the attacker+s wrist with his

    thumb and forefinger and folds the wrist towards the inside of the forearm. Aith his

    free hand, the defender can apply a pulling motion to the attacker+s elbow, increasing

    the wrist fold pressure.

    ra inside grip 3 &he palm of the attacker+s hand is gripped by either of the defender+s

    hands, and the defender+s thumb and forefinger encircle the back of the attacker+s

    wrist. &he attacker+s hand is then pulled to fold the wrist towards the inside of theforearm.

    ". #mote /yaku 5outside wrist twist7

    &he adversary+s left hand is gripped by both of the defender+s hands, with the palm

    facing the attacker and the back facing the defender and the fingers pointing up. &he

    defender steps forward with the left foot and back with the right foot while folding the

     palm towards the inside of the forearm and twisting the wrist in an outward clockwise

    direction. &he attacker ends up on his back.

    (. ra /yaku 5inside wrist twist7

    &he adversary+s left hand is gripped across the back by the defender+s left hand. &he

    defender+s right hand can grip the attacker+s left hand for support, or apply downward

     pressure to the outside of the attacker+s left elbow. &he defender steps back with the

    left foot while folding the palm towards the inside of the forearm and twisting the

    wrist in an inward counter3clockwise direction. &he adversary ends up on his


    -. 2on /yaku 5primary wrist twist7

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    arm while pulling forward and down with his right hand, and executes a right soku

    gyaku toe kick to the attacker+s right lower ribs. Stepping back with the right foot, the

    defender pulls the attacker straight down on to his face and chest, using the attacker+s

    upraised right arm for leverage, or hugging the arm for control if necessary.

    The same techniques in !aku i must be practiced from attacks with a punch "tsuki#


    Na+e Kata&throwin+ techniues*

    /, Aanseki Nage 4, Taki >toshi E, !ane AoshiNage1, !araigoshi 7, >soto Aake G, tami

    Nage3, Ayaku Nage 8, toshi %?)aterfall drop? free2falling thro)&

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     The defender lifts and thro)s the attacker )ith a lim' or 'ody thro),9s the attacker 'egins his drop# the defender releases him andclears out# letting him fall to the ground unhindered

    7, >soto Aake %?'ig outside trap? rear hip thro)&

     The defender stands to the right of the attackers right side# holdingthe attackers left lapel or neck )ith the right hand and theattackers right arm )ith the left hand, The defender can kick theoutside of the attackers right knee to )eaken his stance, Thedefender lifts up )ith the right hand )hile pulling do)n and to theleft )ith the left hand# and steps 'ack )ith the left foot to spin theattacker do)n onto the ground on his 'ack,


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    -. &e @akura 3 =efender+s left hand grabs the attacker+s right wrist and the defender+s

    right arm hooks up from behind the attacker+s right upper arm. &he defender then

    drops back onto his seat while applying a right arm bar to slam the attacker

    forward onto his face.

    . )uruma 3 =efender grabs attacker+s lapels and drops back to his seat, swinging his

    foot up into the attacker+s groin and throwing him onto his back. &he defender then

    continues the rolling motion and ends up sitting on the prone attacker+s chest to

    apply a restraining hold.

    Note: Aith all the above nage kata it is essential to take keBs balance. !n effective

    way of applying the above throws is to enter and turn your body 5as in /anseki7 until

    keBs weight is committed on

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    &ori wraps his legs or arms around ke+s ribs, locks his ankles or wrists and s$ueezes

    ke+s body with a crushing grip 5by pushing ankles or wrists out, still keeping them

    locked7. &he body crush could break bones or prevent ke from breathing.

     Jin Ryaku No Maki

    %rinciples of Man&

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     3IN RYAKU NO MAKI%rinci(2es o' Man

    Ichi Geki &one ra+e*

    Defender is in fudo 6a seated posture# as the attacker gra's his jacket )ith the right hand, The defender responds 'y gra''ing theattackers arm# leaning 'ack and kicking to the midsection )ith theright foot, 9fter the kick# the defender knocks the attackers rightgripping hand a)ay )ith a left inside strike to the right )rist# )hileleaping up and 'ack to the right into a left2for)ard defensi"eosture,

    Osai Komi &=n down*

    Defender is in fudo 6a seated posture# as the attacker gra's his jacket lapel )ith the right hand, The defender responds 'y applyingan ura gyaku inside )rist t)ist to the attackers right arm )hilekicking the attackers left leg 'ack )ith a right heel sho"e, 9s theattacker goes do)n# the defender uses his right knee on the 'ack ofthe attackers right el'o) to hold him do)n on his chest and face)ith an arm 'ar, %ractice also# after the lying do)n# to escape )iththe hel of ukemi,&

    Ude Ori &arm /reak*

    Defender is in fudo 6a seated pose# as the attacker gra's his jacketlapel )ith the left hand and sta's or punches )ith the right hand, The defender responds 'y gra''ing the attackers left arm )ith hisright# leaning 'ack# and using his right knee to apply pressure to the'ack of the attackers straightened left el'o), The defender rolls tothe left and continues the pressure as an arm 'ar,

    Kana !hi/ari &iron +ri(*

    9gainst clothing gra's or rough confrontations# the defender gra'sthe attackers collar or shoulders )ith one hand on either side of theneck# and dri"es the middle knuckle of the thum'# as a koppo ken@st# into the 'ones on the sides of the neck )ith pressure, Thedefender then follo)s )ith a forehead smash to the face# pulling theattacker in )ith 'oth hands maintaining the choke,

    Ten+u 8ori &ca(ture the demon*

    f the attacker applies the Kana Shi'ari techni.ue applied a'o"e# thedefender responds 'y e:ecuting a dou'le happa ken open hand slap

    to the attackers ears, The defender then uses the thum's againstthe attackers nose pressing the 'ones# the sides or straight on the

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    nose to control the attacker, %alternati"ely# the palm could 'e usedto put pressure on the nose,&

    Ketsu Mi"aku &suee4e the (u2se*

     The attacker applies a rear forearm choke, The defender responds'y raising his shoulders and turning his chin to relie"e the pressure, The defender gra's the choking2arm hand and applies a singlethum' pressure dri"e to the 'ones or ner"es of the attackers arm#inside or a'o"e the el'o), The defender hugs the choking arm tothe top of his chest and 'acks out of the choke# )hile applying anarm t)ist up 'ehind the shoulder of the choking arm %or turns

    clock)ise to apply oni kudaki&,

    Tai 3ime &/od" suee4e*

    >nce the attacker is on the ground# the defender slides his footunder the side of the attackers ri's and leans for)ard to applycrushing pressure to the ri's )ith the shin, f the attacker attemptsto slip a)ay# the defender uses his free leg to step o"er theattackers 'ody and apply pressure from the other side of his ri's tohold him in place,

    .hi Goku Otoshi &2et 'a22 to he22*

     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a right lunge punch %or front kick&, The defender responds 'y sliding 'ack and to the left in a rightdefensi"e posture )hile e:ecuting a right outside 'lock, The 'lock isimmediately turned into a gra'# and the attackers right arm %or leg&is held outstretched, The defender then uses his left knee to applypressure to the attackers right el'o) %or knee& in order to dri"e theattacker to the ground,

    Keri Ni Taishite Ko To &a+ainst the kick*

    >nce a punch or kick has 'een 'locked# the defender stretches outthe attacking arm or leg# and then steps in )ith a 'ody slam to'reak or )eaken the el'o) or knee and do)n the attacker,

    !u Ko %the tiger lies do)n&

    -. &he attacker steps forward with a right front kick. &he defender responds with

    a right outside block to the outside of the attacker+s right leg. &he defender

    then steps forward with the left foot and executes a left shi tan ken fingertip

    spear to the attacker+s groin from beneath his right thigh.

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    . &he attacker steps in with a right front kick. &he defender responds by sliding

     back and to the right with a left inside block from the defensive pose. &he

    defender then holds the attacker+s right leg in place and counters with a right

    fudo ken forefist punch to the inside of the right shin above the ankle.

    Na+e Kaeshi &return the throw*.ounterin+ throwin+ techniues

    Ok"o &'a2se %ush*

     The attacker attempts a thro), The defender drops his hips forsta'ility# and counters )ith a left shi to ken thum' dri"e @st to thekidney and right fudo ken fore@st punch to the solar ple:us from theattackers right side,

    $u 8ori &ca(ture the head*

     The attacker attempts a thro), The defender drops his hips forsta'ility# and counters from the right side of the attackers 'ody )itha right punch to the face and a left hair2gra' at the 'ack of theattackers head to drag him 'ack and do)n# shako ken to the eyes,

    Fu Kan &wind turnin+*

     The attacker attempts a thro), The defender punches the attackerin the face )ith his right @st# and gra's the 'ack of the attackers'elt )ith his left hand# from the right side of the attackers 'ody, Thedefender then leans for)ard into a right shoulder for)ard roll#dragging the attacker )ith him, *hen the attacker lands on his'ack# the defender continues his roll# ending up sitting astride theprone attacker,

    Ko"oku &ri)a2 scoo(*

     The attacker steps in )ith a high right lunge punch, The defendershifts 'ack and right )ith a left inside 'lock# and then mo"esfor)ard )ith a right uppercut punch to the solar ple:us, Thedefender then steps for)ard and places his right foot 'ehind theattackers right foot and e:ecutes an osoto gake rear hip thro),

    o Teki &re2ease and throw*

     The attacker gra's the defender )ith his left hand and punches tohis face )ith his right, The defender steps 'ack )ith his right foot#

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    and sho"es his right palm2heel up into the 'ack of the attackersstraightened right el'o)# lifting the attacker, The defender thensteps for)ard and places his left foot 'ehind the attackers left footand e:ecutes an osoto gake rear hip thro),

    Ate Na+e &(2ace the throw*

     The attacker gra's the defenders right lapel )ith his left hand, Thedefender uses his right hand to apply a take ori )rist fold to theattackers left arm# and punches to the ri's )ith his left hand, Thedefender pi"ots to the right )hile going under the attackers leftarm# and then gra's the attackers left shoulder )ith his left hand, The defender then kicks the attackers support leg out to drag himonto the ground,

    !ettoh &/reak and dro(*

     The attacker gra's the defenders jacket )ith his right hand, Thedefender responds 'y stepping in )ith his right foot# and punchinginto the inside of the attackers right upper arm muscle )ith his right@st# fudo ken or ura ken %from underneath&, The defender thenapplies a left shi to ken thum' dri"e strike to the attackers left ri's,

    i !akku &," and suee4e*

     The defender e:ecutes a right shi to ken thum' dri"e strike to the

    left side of the approaching attackers neck, The defender thenleaps on the attacker )ith a do jime leg scissors ri' crush,Maintaining the leg hold# the defender allo)s his shoulders to fall'ack to the ground, The defender gra's the attackers ankles andpulls up# forcing the attacker to the ground, The defender thenapplies an ashi jime leg strangulation to the calf# or kicks do)n onthe attacker )ith the 'ack of his heel,

    i Toh &,"in+ 'a22*

     The defender strikes the ad"ersarys chest 'elo) the collar 'one)ith his @ngertips# causing the ad"ersary to slump from the pain, The defender then leaps into the air and deli"ers a dou'lesimultaneous front kick com'ination to the stomach# chest# or face#and falls 'ack)ards to the ground )ith a 'ack)ard roll to cushionthe fall, The defender then jumps on to the grounded attacker tocrush his ri's )ith 'oth feet or knees,

    !ei On

     The attacker gra's the defender 'y the right lapel and left arm# inpreparation for a thro) or slam, The defender dri"es his right thum'into the right side of the attackers neck )ith a pinching action# and

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    straightens his right arm )hile mo"ing to the left, The defenderholds the attackers left arm and e:ecutes a right heel stamp kick tothe outside of the attackers right knee, The defender maintains hisright hand pinching action )hile stepping 'ack )ith his left foot andkneeling on his left knee to thro) the attacker to the ground,

     Yume Makura &dream (i22ow*

     The attacker gra's the defender )ith his left hand and kicks to thestomach or groin )ith his right foot, The defender responds 'ydropping 'ack and to the right )ith a lo) left inside 'lock )hileholding on to the attackers left arm, The attacker then steps in )itha right punch to the face# )hich the defender 'locks )ith his lefthand, The defender then gra's the attackers right arm and steps in)ith his right foot to a position 'ehind the attackers right foot for a

    rear hip thro), *hen the attacker resists the thro)# the defendersuddenly con"erts his actions into a te makura thro) to pull theattacker do)n onto his face,

    R"o Te Gake &two hand tra(*

     The attacker gra's the defender and applies a dou'le hand choke tothe sides of his neck, The defender responds 'y dropping his hips)hile stepping 'ack )ith his left foot and pushing up on the

    undersides of the attackers el'o)s, The defender then suddenlypi"ots to the right and kneels on the right knee )hile pulling do)non the attackers left el'o) and pushing up on the right# to ip theattacker onto his 'ack# e"erything in one mo"ement,

    Fudo &motion2ess*

     The attacker gra's )ith his left hand and punches )ith his right, Thedefender 'locks )ith his left hand and applies a take ori )rist fold tothe attackers left )rist )ith his right hand, The defender uses his

    left hand to gra' the attackers left shoulder# )hile mo"ing to theleft side of the attacker, The defender maintains the )rist fold )hilepulling for)ard on the shoulder to thro) the attacker to the ground, The defender steps 'ack )ith his left foot to add le"erage to thethro),

    Gokuraku Otoshi &2et 'a22 to hea)en*

     The attacker gra's the defenders left lapel )ith his right hand andthe defenders right slee"e )ith his left hand, The defender pulls'ack )ith his right side and then steps for)ard )ith his right to

    apply a muso dori arm 'ar to the attackers left arm, The defenderthen pi"ots to his right )hile applying el'o)2'reaking pressure to

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    the attackers left arm# and uses the 'ack of his left heel to kick'ack into the 'ack of the attackers left leg, 9s the attackers leg isknocked out# the defender pushes do)n on the attackers left arm toforce him into a sitting position or 'reak the arm,

    Tei Ken &suee4e strike*

    9gainst a rear 'ody hug# the defender drops his hips and raises 'otharms in front of him simultaneously, 9s the attackers hands part#the defender gra's the attackers right hand )ith his right hand andthe attackers left hand )ith his left hand# )ith his thum's along the'acks of the attackers hands, The defender lifts the attackers armsin the air and steps 'ack)ards to the left# t)isting the attackersarms %fu iri& against each other to thro) him for)ard onto theground, The defender @nishes him )ith a do)n)ard heel kick,

    !etsu Yaku &snow jum(*

     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a high right punch, The defenderslips 'ack and to the right )ith a left inside 'locking strike# and then.uickly mo"es for)ard )ith an omote oni kudaki el'o) le"eragetechni.ue to 'reak the attackers right el'o), The defendermaintains his left grip on the attackers right forearm# and reachesup from under the attackers right arm to gra' the 'ack of theattackers right shoulder, The defender then steps 'ack )ith his leftfoot and kneels on his left knee to thro) the attacker do)n onto his

    'ack, The defender can use his right knee as a le"er to trip theattacker as he falls,

    Mu !an &2i't the 'o+*

     The attacker steps in )ith a right lo) punch, The defender steps intothe attack# mo"ing slightly to the right and co"ering the attackersright punch )ith a left palm slap )hile e:ecuting a right @ngertipstrike to the eyes, The defender lifts the attackers right arm andsteps under )ith a counterclock)ise pi"ot# and then applies a rightel'o) slam 'ack against the 'ack of the attackers straightened

    right el'o) to knock him 'ack)ards,

    Ge Kan

     The attacker steps in )ith a high right lunge punch# and thedefender responds )ith an oh gyaku for)ard shoulder le"erage,*hen the attacker hits the oor on his chest# the defender stepso"er the attackers 'ack )ith his left foot )hile kneeling on the rightknee, The attackers right arm is 'arred and 'raced a'o"e thedefenders left hip or thigh,

    Kata Maki &one side coi2*

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     The attacker steps in )ith high right and left punches and thedefender responds )ith inside 'locks from the left and rightdefensi"e postures, The defender immediately mo"es for)ard )ith aright musha dori folded el'o) lift to the attackers left arm, Thedefender then steps 'ack )ith his right foot )hile dri"ing a left shito

    ken thum' dri"e @st into the attackers right ri's, The defenderpi"ots clock)ise to a kneeling position on the right knee to pull theattacker 'ack and do)n,

    Ko Ki &strike the demon*

     The defender e:ecutes a dou'le happa ken ear slapping strike# orshito ken thum' dri"e strike to the sides of the attackers neck, Thedefender then leaps into the air and deli"ers a dou'le simultaneousfront kick com'ination to the stomach# chest# or face, The defender

    can turn his striking hands into gra's to pull the attacker into thekicks# if necessary, 9fter the kicks# the defender drops 'ack)ards tothe ground )ith a 'ack)ard roll to cushion the fall and escape,

    U+ari &rea( the uai2*

     The attacker attempts a rear hip thro), The defender responds 'ygoing )ith the thro)# e:ecuting a yoko nagare 'ody drop to a sittingposition# )hile maintaining his grip on the attacker, The defenderpulls the attacker o"er onto his head or shoulder# and thencontinues the rolling motion to end up straddling the prone attacker,

    9 hon jime choke @nishes the ad"ersary,

    !hi4en &natura2*

     The attacker gra's the defender 'y 'oth lapels, 9t this moment# the

    defender is in no danger# so he a)aits the attackers ne:t mo"e, fthe attacker sho"es into the defender# the defender responds )ithdropped hips and a punch to the attackers lo)er ri's, f the attackerpulls# the defender responds )ith an up)ard s)inging shin kick tothe attackers groin,

    ai/u Yori &attacks 'rom /ehind*

    !hi !ai &=n+er /reak*

     The attacker gra's the 'ack of the defenders collar )ith his righthand, The defender reaches 'ack )ith his right hand to gra' the

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    attackers right hand# and then leans for)ard slightly to straightenthe attackers right arm, The defender then turns his 'ody to the leftand s)ings his left @st up into the attackers right ri's, The defenderthen t)ists the attackers right hand o- his collar )ith an ura gyakuinside )rist t)ist, The defender steps 'ack )ith his left foot# using

    his left hand to apply counter pressure to the attackers right el'o), The defender then kneels on hisleft knee to pull the attacker do)n# and kicks to his chin )ith theright foot to @nish the attacker o-,

    !akketsu &ki22er suee4e*

    9gainst a rear 'ody hug# the defender responds 'y dropping his hips)hile raising 'oth arms in front of him, The defender then shifts tothe right )hile gra''ing the attackers right hand )ith his right

    hand# and looping his left arm under and 'ehind the attackers rightshoulder or upper arm, The defender then e:ecutes a gansekifor)ard hip thro) )ith his left side pressed against the attackersright side,

    Kin Kudaki &destro" the +o2d*

    9gainst a rear 'ody hug# the defender responds 'y shifting his hipsto the side and reaching 'ack )ith his lo)ered hand to gra' theattackers groin, The defender can also stamp do)n on theattackers instep )ith his heel# or slam 'ack into the attackers face

    )ith the 'ack of his head,

    i/ari &sk"2ark*

     The attacker steps in )ith a right high lunge punch, The defenderdrops for)ard and right to a crouching position on his right knee)ith 'oth hands on the ground, The defender then springs up )ith adou'le punch# loops his right arm under the attackers left# ande:ecutes a ganseki nage for)ard hip thro) )ith a leg s)eep%ganseki otoshi&,

    Keta Otoshi &dro( the sou2*

     The attacker mo"es for)ard )ith a right front kick, the defenderpi"ots clock)ise and left to the outside of the attackers right thigh#and e:ecutes a right toe kick to the attackers groin from 'eneaththe attackers right thigh, The defender then dri"es do)n lo) on his

    right foot )hile applying a shuki ken el'o) strike to the attackers

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    right thigh, The defender then e:ecutes dou'le shako ken palm heelslams up into the attackers ri's# knocking him to his left,

    !hi o 8ori &'our wa" ca(ture*

     The attacker mo"es for)ard )ith a high right lunge punch, Thedefender shifts 'ack and to the right into a defensi"e pose to a"oidthe punch, The attacker steps for)ard )ith a left lunge punch# andthe defender shifts 'ack and to the left )ith a right inside 'lock fromthe defensi"e pose, The attacker continues for)ard )ith a rightpunch# and the defender shifts 'ack and to the right )ith a leftinside 'locking strike follo)ed immediately 'y a right shikankene:tended knuckle punch to the attackers right upper arm or ri's, The defender then reaches o"er the attackers right arm )ith hisright to apply an ura oni kudaki outside el'o) le"erage, f the

    attacker pulls 'ack# the defender follo)s )ith a right ura shutoinside open hand strike to the neck# )hile holding on to theattackers right )rist )ith his left hand, The defender then gra's theattacker 'y the right collar or shoulder )ith his right hand# e:ecutesa right kick to the ri's or knee to fold the attacker# and pulls himfor)ard on to the ground )ith a right arm oh gyaku shoulder lift,

    Mo+uri 8ori &di)in+ ca(ture*

     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a right high lunge punch, Thedefender shifts 'ack and to the right into a defensi"e pose to a"oid

    the punch, The attacker steps in )ith a left high lunge punch# andthe defender shifts 'ack and to the left )hile applying a right inside'lock from the defensi"e posture, The attacker continues )ith aright lunge punch, The defender shifts 'ack and to the right )ith aleft inside 'lock# follo)ed immediately 'y a right shikan kene:tended knuckle punch to the right upper arm or ri's, Thedefender then slips under the attackers right arm )hile steppingfor)ard )ith the right foot, The defender then steps for)ard )iththe left foot )hile t)isting in a clock)ise direction# thro)ing theattacker )ith a ganseki nage for)ard hip thro),

    Ko Ku &'a2se s(ace*

     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a right high lunge punch, Thedefender slides 'ack and to the right )hile applying a left inside'locking strike from the defensi"e posture, The defenderimmediately shifts for)ard )ith a right omote shuto open handstrike to the attackers right forearm# leaning in )ith the left knee toallo) the 'ody )eight to pro"ide the po)er for the strike, Theattacker then e:ecutes a right front kick# and the defender leaps tothe left and counters )ith a right out)ard s)inging kick to the

    outside or underside of the attackers right leg, 9s the attacker falls

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    'ack# the defender steps for)ard )ith the left foot and applies a leftshito ken thum' dri"e strike to the attackers right ri's,


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    Kasa !a+i &ma+(ie*

     The attacker steps for)ard )ith a right high punch, The defenderresponds )ith a right outside 'lock from the ichimonji pose, Theattacker then e:ecutes a right front kick# and the defender counters'y pulling the attackers right )rist do)n to interfere )ith the kick#and follo)s )ith a right out)ard2s)inging kick to the outside of theattackers right leg# the defender takes the attackers right handdo)n in this mo"ement, The defender then applies a left shikan ken

    e:tended knuckle punch to the right ri's# lifts the attackers rightarm and steps under )ith a clock)ise 'ody pi"ot# and applies ane:aggerated omote gyaku outside )rist t)ist to pull the attacker tothe ground or thro) him on his 'ack )ith a ip,

    !o Toh &ho2d and 'a22*

     The attacker gra's the defender 'y 'oth lapels and pushes'ack)ards, The defender reaches o"er the attackers arms to gra'his jacket# lapels# neck muscles# or ears and pulls him into aforehead smash to the face, The defender then drops to his seat#

    sliding his legs 'et)een the attackerslegs# )hile pulling the attacker for)ard and do)n, The defender canuse an up)ard s)inging kick to the attackers groin to send himo"er onto his face, The defender follo)s the motion of the roll andends up astride the chest of the prone attacker,

    Ransetsu &cra4" snow*

     The attacker gra's the defender 'y 'oth lapels, The defender gra'sthe sides of the attackers jacket and dri"es his thum' tips into the

    attackers ri's )hile pulling him for)ard, The defender then drops tohis seat# sliding 'oth legs 'et)een or to one side of the attackerslegs# )hile pulling the attacker for)ard and do)n onto his face,

    Mu Toh 8ori Gata &unarmed de'ense a+ainst a/2ade*

    Ken Na+are &,owin+ strike*

     The attacker steps in )ith a right hand knife sta''ing lunge to the

    defenders stomach, The defender steps for)ard )ith his left foot#pi"oting to the right along the outside of attackers right arm to

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    a"oid the sta', The defenders left hand 'locks the sta''ing arm)ith an open palm sho"e from the outside# and turns into a gra'that holds the attackers right arm stationary, The defender thencounters )ith a right shikan ken e:tended knuckle punch to the'ack of the attackers right hand# causing him to drop the knife, The

    defender then steps 'ack )ith his left foot and uses an omote gyakuoutside )rist t)ist to the attackers right arm to force him to theground,

    !oto Tonko No Kata&%ractice 'orm o' the esca(in+ rat*

     The follo)ing techni.ues in"ol"e the use of Metsu'ushi 'lindingpo)der# Sen'an Shuriken thro)ing stars# and the Ao2Ton Tongiescape methods of the @"e elements 2 $arth# *ater# (ire# Metal# and*ood,

    ackets of the 'linding po)der and nine thro)ing stars areconcealed in the upper pockets of the jacket# these surpriseelements should 'e com'ined )ith the use of Taijutsu 'ody

    mo"ement for 'est ad"antage,

     To successfully use the strategies of !ea"en# $arth# and Mankind#the Ninja must 'ecome one )ith all things in the uni"erse andem'ody the spirit of the o)ers and 'am'oo, Iou must kno) )hento 'end )ith the )ind# and kno) that there is no need to 'end )henthere is no )ind, Iou must 'e a'le to 'ecome the oid itself# in orderto master the secrets of using the scheme of totality to accomplishyour )ill ,

    f you ask if there is truly such a thing as the fundamentaltechni.ues of Ninjutsu# )e )ill say ?no?, f you ask if you arepracticing the fundamentals correctly# )e )ill tell you that there isno right or )rong )ay, These mo"ements )e call the fundamentalsare only a means for the attainment of the natural e"er2appropriateresponsi"e mo"ement that comes )ith personal enlightenment,

    $an To Tonko No KataEsca(in+ (ractice 'orms

    Kata Ude Tonso No Kata &: hand esca(e (ractice'orm*

  • 8/17/2019 Tcjryaku1 (Repaired)


     The attacker uses his right hand to gra' the defenders right )ristand pulls the defender for)ard, The defender goes )ith the pull#making three short shuLing steps for)ard, >n the third step# thedefender lifts his right hand to apply an inside take ori )rist fold to

    the attackers right )rist, The defender then kicks to the attackersgroin )ith a right instep kick# and steps under the attackers upheldright arm# turning counterclock)ise and intensifying the right handtake ori )rist fold, The defender then thro)s the attacker for)ard#scatters the 'linding po)der# and escapes 'y dropping to theground %chi to'i&,

    !a-Yu Tonso No Kata &ri+ht-2e't esca(e (ractice'orm*

     The attacker uses his right hand to gra' the defenders left )rist#and pulls the defender for)ard, The defender goes )ith the pull#making three short shuLing steps for)ard, >n the third step# thedefender lifts his left hand to apply an inside take ori )rist fold tothe attackers right )rist, The defender then gra's the attackersright shoulder )ith his right hand and e:ecutes a right s)inginginstep kick to the attackers groin, The defender steps 'ack )ith hisright foot# turning clock)ise# and pulls for)ard )ith his right hand)hile lifting )ith his left to thro) the attacker, The defender thenscatters the 'linding po)der and escapes 'y dropping to the ground%chi to'i&,

    Ku/isu+i Tonso Gata &rear +ra/ (ractice 'orm*

     The attacker gra's the defender 'y the 'ack of the collar )ith hisright hand# and pulls 'ack, The defender goes 'ack)ards )ith thepull making three short shuLing mo"es )ith the attacker# )hileco"ering the attackers right gra''ing hand )ith his o)n right hand,>n the third mo"e# the defender uses his right hand to lift and applya right ura gyaku )rist t)ist to the attackers right arm )hileslamming 'ack )ith a left el'o) strike to the attackers solar ple:us,

     The defender then continues the )rist t)ist to thro) the attackerfor)ard# ings the 'linding po)der# and escapes %ukemi&,

    Atekomi Tonso Gata &strike and esca(e (ractice'orm*

  • 8/17/2019 Tcjryaku1 (Repaired)


     The attacker mo"es for)ard )ith a do)n)ard "ertical s)ord slash,(rom a left2for)ard defensi"e posture )ith the right hand high%doko& the defender rushes in under the s)ord )ith a right shito kenthum' dri"e strike to the solar ple:us )hile 'locking the s)ord slash)ith the left hand %at the attackers )rists&, The defender then leaps

    'ack to the right# ings the 'linding po)der# and escapes %ukemi&,

    Kote Uchi Tonso Gata &arm strike esca(e %ractice'orm*

     The attacker mo"es for)ard )ith a do)n)ard "ertical s)ord slash,(rom a left2for)ard defensi"e posture )ith the right hand high%doko& the defender rushes in to the left of the s)ord# e:ecuting aright hammer2@st strike to the top of the attackers right forearm, 9sthe attacker drops the s)ord# the defender punches )ith his right

    hand# leaps 'ack to the left# ings the 'linding po)der and escapes,

    Mi+iuchi Tonso Gata &ri+ht strike esca(e %ractice'orm*

     The attacker mo"es for)ard )ith a lunging s)ord strike, (rom arecei"ing posture# the defender slips to the right of the s)ord )hilee:ecuting a right shuto open hand2edge strike to the attackers leftforearm and gra''ing the s)ord handle )ith his left hand, Thedefender pulls the s)ord a)ay# scatters the 'linding po)der# leaps'ack to the right# and escapes,

    !a-Yu Kumo+akure No Kata &>-handed c2oudin+'orm*

     T)o attackers approach )ith s)ords held high, The defender loads'oth hands )ith 'linding po)der# and shifts 'ack)ards inch 'y inch)ith 'oth arms crossed in a crouching recei"ing posture, 9s theattackers mo"e for)ard to cut# the defender ings the 'lindingpo)der into their faces# rushes for)ard )ith a simultaneous rightand left punch to the solar ple:us of 'oth attackers# and then

    continues for)ard )ith t)o for)ard rolls to escape 'ehind theattackers 'acks,

    Kosei Kiri+akure Gata &attackin+ 'o+ 'orm*

    (our attackers approach )ith s)ords held high or aiming for)ard, The defender assumes a posture that looks as though he is going torun a)ay# stepping 'ack )ith the left foot and lea"ing the right footfor)ard# turning his shoulders to the left, The defender suddenlysnaps 'ack to face his attackers and thro)s the shuriken at them,

    9s they recoil# the defender scatters the 'linding po)der# mo"esthrough the confused cro)d# and escapes %ukemi&,

  • 8/17/2019 Tcjryaku1 (Repaired)


    a((o Kiri+akure &disa((earin+ into the 'o+ in a22directions*

    *hen surrounded 'y attackers# the defender thro)s shuriken to thefront and scatters the 'linding po)der to the rear, Concealed in theresulting fog# the defender drops to one knee to lo)er himself andthro)s the shuriken in all direction,