TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

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Page 1: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content


Kim Doyal


Page 2: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Hey there!

Welcome to the 'Thrive Content Builder - Ultimate Guide'.

My goal with this PDF is simply to share some of the different elements of this amazing plugin and share with you how you can usethese elements.

Depending on when you download this PDF, this may or may not be the most current version of the plugin (as an FYI, this PDF wascreated in July of 2016).

I was trying to figure out the best way to do this without spending a week doing screenshots ;-) , so I'm going to do a brief overview,then we'll get into each element (what it is and when and where you might use it).

Like I mention in the post (or one of the videos that accompanied this PDF), I would recommend having a site install where you canplay with the plugin or even simply a page that stays in draft mode on your site.Get comfortable using the visual editor before you need it (ie, before you need to market a webinar using one of the pages :-) ).

I'd love to hear your thoughts/feedback on the post, video and this PDF.Thanks,Kim

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Page 3: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Dashboard

This is the Thrive Dashboard. In this install I only have the ThriveContent builder plugin, but in my WPChick site I have all their plugins,which you would see above the 'Thrive Features' section (next to theContent Builder).This is also what you would see after installing and licensing the plugin(you won't see these options before you enter your email used topurchase the plugin and a valid license.Let's talk briefly about each of these options.

API Connections: this is where you would set up your connection toyour ESP (email service provider), webinar company or ReCaptcha orWordPress account. Just click 'Add new connection' and follow thesteps.

Page 4: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Dashboard (cont.)

Custom Fonts: this is where you can upload custom fonts foruse with your content. Click through to view the video I did onadding fonts and icons (super easy).

Retina Icons: this is where you can upload icons fromIconMoon (free) to use on your pages and posts. These areicon 'fonts' so they scale into any size you want. See the videoon how to add icons to your plugin.

Page 5: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Dashboard (cont.)

General Settings: I haven't set up a Facebook App withThrive on any of my sites (assuming this means you can pull alanding page into a Facebook Tab), but this is where youwould set this up. I also don't use Disqus for comments sohaven't connected this element as well.

Thrive EditorThe next few pages we're going to go over the editor andwhat each element is and does (and how you can use it).Depending on the length of the PDF I may have to do aseparate document that shows examples within each element(ex: a page that shows all the different styles of testimonials).The screenshots take up a lot of space and this PDF mightend up being as long as War & Peace. :-)

Note: I've changed the color of the editor to the dark version,but the default is the lighter version.

Page 6: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Simple Content Elements

Thrive Landing Pages: Kind of self explanatory, but this is where you select the landing page template youwant to use. This is also where you'll find the 'landing page settings', which will allow you to change certainelements (like a background image) on a page (once you've loaded the template) as well as adding trackingscripts to the page.

Paragraph / Text Element: This will allowyou to add text to the page using the built-inThrive editor (as opposed to the WordPresseditor). Once you click on the text you'll getthe editor to appear where you can customizeyour text.

WordPress Content: This will allow you to addtext (content) using the WordPress editor.

Page 7: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Simple Content Elements

Image: Easily add an image to your page and adjust the style of the image using the Thrive editor. See the image editor below.

Button: Easily add a button to your page or post with the button element. On the screenshot below you'll see there are multiplestyles you can select for your button as well as adjusting size, adding an icon, linking it or creating an event (such as having alightbox open).

Icon: Easily add an icon to your page or post with the icon element. You can also create an 'event' withan icon (on click, a lightbox opens, add an animation, tooltip or even Wistia video popover.

Page 8: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Simple Content Elements

Credit Cards: Add credit card icons to your page or post (under your button, link or as part of the sales page).

Custom HTML: Add custom HTML to the page (you obviously need to know HTML, but you this is where you might want to addan HTML widget. Ex: a scheduling widget from a third party platform).

Custom CSS: Again, you need to know CSS to add this here but this will allow you to add custom styling to your Thrive pageelements.

Content Container: The content container is an element that allows you to put different types of content / elements into one'box' (and you can style the content container)

Page 9: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Simple Content Elements

Content Reveal: Add content here that you would like to 'appear' after a certain amount of time (great for sales pages or opt-inpages).

Star Rating: Also pretty self-explanatory, but a star rating isgreat for doing reviews. You can watch the video on how tocreate a review box here. Below is the editor for the star ratingand an example of the 'review box' I created in the video.

The next section we're going to go over the Multi-Style Elements(a little more advanced than the Simple Content Elements).

Page 10: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Multi-Style Elements

Content Templates: The review box above is a great example of a content template. You cancreate an element and save it to use on posts and pages at a later time. One content templatethat I created recently was a copyright / footer template. I have theCopyright info.and then 3 pages (disclaimer, privacy policy &terms) linked to their respective pages. I includethis on all mylanding pagesso now I just have to drop that content template ontothe page.

Column Layout: The column layout element comes with 11different styles of columns you can add to your page. Simply dragthe element (like you do with every other element) onto the pageand then edit within those colums. The editor above the columnelement only has margin & padding options. There are more styleoptions with the individual elements that you add to the columns.

Page 11: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Multi-Style Elements

Content Boxes: Content boxes can be used for a bunch ofdifferent things (one of my favorites!). The style in thescreenshot below is one of 3 styles with a headline & onewithout the headline (there are 3 styles with a headline and 3styles without a headline).

Symbol Box: Symbol boxes are great for sales pages ormembership pages where you want to demonstrate what isincluded (videos, PDFS, etc. or modules. Ex: Module 1,Module 2 for membership pages).

Page 12: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Multi-Style Elements

Social Share Buttons: I use the SumoMe share buttons and can set the sharing options per page and post on my site, but if youwant to add social share buttons with Thrive this element will allow you to do that. The screenshot below shows the 'Custom SocialSharing options' (multiple styles and options as opposed to the default style).

Quote Share (twitter share): My guess is that this is called 'quote share' as opposed to twitter share or tweet this because they'regoing to add additional options to this element at a later date, but this inserts a great looking tweet box into your post or page.

Page 13: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Multi-Style Elements

Styled List: There are 6 different styles for lists. When you click on the drop down under the styled list you'll see your options. Youcan also edit the style when you're editing the individual element.

Divider: There are currently 4 styles of dividers with Thrive. Pretty self-explanatory, but here's a screenshot of the different styles.Dividers are great for breaking up content on a page.

Page 14: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Multi-Style Elements

Testimonials: There are currently 9 different testimonial styles. 5 with an image and 4 without (this is a great example of where Iwould simply drag & drop each option onto the page to determine which I like best).

Call to Action: You can use the Call to Action boxes for a 'buy now' option or simply to click through to another page (ex: if you wereusing the call to action in a post you could have it link to a sales page or even a lightbox for an opt-in).

Page 15: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Multi-Style Elements

Guarantee Box: The Guarantee box is great for sales pages when you want to offer a guarantee for your product (or service). Thereare 5 styles of guarantee boxes in this element.*Keep in mind you can also create your own style of Guarantee box simply using a few different elements in Thrive (although Thriveis great at testing different elements for conversions, so personally I'll just stick with their options).

Page 16: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements

Widget: The widget element allows you to pull in a Custom Menu (WordPress Widget) into your page.Example of when you might want to use this would be on a membership page and you've created acustom menu for your membership area.

Pricing Table: The pricing table elementcomes with 5 different options (1 column,2 columns, 3 columns, 4 columns & 5columns). The single column optionwould be great if you want to highlightwhat is included in a product (more bulletpoints) and the price.The example below is the 3 columnpricing table. All of the individualelements within each column areeditable (as are the colors of the pricingtable itself - the background).

Page 17: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements

Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content' element yet, butyou could use it a few different ways. Table of contents (this is more of a style preference because the Table of Contents elementworks great as well), you can highlight product features, post elements or specific points with tabbed content.

Page 18: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements

Featured Grid: This is different than the Post Grid (which I'll show you shortly). You can choose a featured grid with images oricons (which I'm displaying below). This is also great for highlighting product features or membership modules.

Content Toggle: The content toggle element allows you to use a headline and 'hide' the content until someone clicks the dropdown. You can add 'stack' content toggle elements if you want (the screenshot below shows one element with the content hiddenand one with it open). A great use for this would be an FAQ.

Page 19: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements

Table: The table element is another element I have used before, but this is can be used for a handful of things. Clearly my brain ison memberships because the first thing I thought of with this element was also to display different module features.

Data Elements: Data elements can be used for progress of a form, process or even just to demonstrate some type of data (notbeing sarcastic here :-) ). Maybe you have a course and want to show the completion rate.... the Fill counter would be great todisplay that X percentage of people have successfully completed your course.

Page 20: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements

Google Map Embed: This is pretty self-explanatory, but simplycreate your Google map & copy and paste the embed code into thebox when you click on the element (Open Google maps, make surethe map, view image or directions appear on the map, click 'Menu' inteh top lieft corner and click share or embed map. When that openschoose 'Embed Map').

Countdown Timer: The countdown timer comes with two options:Countdown or Countdown Evergreen. The Countdown Evergreen willcontinue to reset after the time you designate (ex: you want it to restto 24 hrs. ever day, just enter that option). There are 3 different stylesof Countdown timers.

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Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements

Responsive Video: The responsive video element comes with multiple options. You can choose YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia or Self-hosted (such as Amazon S3). You can also select the style (like the style in the screenshot below). You can also set what displays onthe player and a custom thumbnail.There are 15 different styles for your video player (the style I have used in the screenshot below is the "Dark Frame". I've chosen tohide related videos (it's a YouTube hosted video), Auto hids the YT logo and hide the video title bar).

Page 22: TCB- Ultimate Guide - Amazon S3 · Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements Tabbed Content: You can create horizontal or vertical tabs for tabbed content. I haven't used the 'tabbed content

Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Advanced ElementsPost Grid: The post grid element is a great way to displayyour posts from a specific category (or you can selectmore than one category). There are a few differentsettings in the post grid so I'll show you a couple differentscreenshots.

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Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements

Post Grid - continued:

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Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements

Post Grid: The screenshot below shows the settings I selected with the post grid element. Three columns showing image, posttitle & excerpt. You can set this as a masonry grid as well.

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Kim Doyal - The WP Chick

Thrive Editor - Advanced Elements

Page Section: Another element that is pretty self-explanatory, but it's a great way to highlight some content or break up a page toadd different elements with a colored background (you can add any of the other elements to the page section as well).

And there you have it!Those are all of the elements in the Thrive Content Builder.... as of this writing (August 2016).

You can see why it's one of my favorite tools for my online business!Thanks!Kim

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