August 2015 Av/Elul 5775 TBE Religious School Buzz Here’s What Everyone Is Saying: The word cloud above was produced by the creative minds at Temple Beth-El’s Religious School. Check out pages 6-8 to see what’s in store for the new school year.

TBE Religious School Buzz Here’s What Everyone Is Sayingtemplebeth-el.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/August-2015-Bulletin.pdf · TBE Religious School Buzz— Here’s What Everyone

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August 2015 Av/Elul 5775

TBE Religious School Buzz—

Here’s What Everyone Is Saying:

The word cloud above was produced by the creative minds at Temple

Beth-El’s Religious School. Check out pages 6-8 to see what’s in store for the

new school year.



August 1 Saturday morning 9:30 am Parashat Vaetchanan Maftir: Morton Stern Shabbat Mincha 5:30 pm

August 7 Erev Shabbat 5:45 pm Candle lighting 7:23 pm

August 8 Saturday morning 9:30 am Parashat Eikev Maftir: Barry Dreayer Shabbat Mincha 5:30 pm

August 14 Erev Shabbat 5:45 pm Candle lighting 7:16 pm

August 15 Saturday morning 9:30 am Parashat Re’eh Maftir: Ed Fineberg Shabbat Mincha 5:30 pm

August 21 Erev Shabbat 5:45 pm Candle lighting 7:08 pm

August 22 Saturday morning 9:30 am Parashat Shoftim Maftir: Michael Goldstein Shabbat Mincha 5:30 pm

August 28 Erev Shabbat 5:45 pm Candle lighting 6:59 pm

August 29 Saturday morning 9:30 am Parashat Ki Teitzei Maftir: Robin Benjamin Shabbat Mincha 5:30 pm


Rabbi Randall J. Konigsburg [email protected] Director of Congregational Rabbi Joseph Robinson Learning [email protected] Executive Director Bob Greenberg [email protected] Interim Foundation Mindy Cohen Executive Director [email protected] Bookkeeper Tammy McClellan [email protected] Communications Lindsey Herring [email protected] Events/Kitchen Debby Thomas [email protected] Administration Emily Gregory [email protected] Youth Programs Taryn Fink [email protected]


President Loraine Reznik [email protected]

Vice President Dan Weinrib [email protected]

Vice President Jessica Goldstein [email protected]

Vice President Eddie Griffith [email protected] Vice President Jacob Halpern [email protected]

Secretary Barbara Brande [email protected]

Treasurer Steven Sikora [email protected]

2015-2016 Board of Directors: Suzanne Bearman, Michelle Bearman-Wolnek, Danielle Bogart, Steven Corenblum, Tracy Diamond, Todd Doobrow, Lisa Engel, Arlene Fisher, Warren Gewant, Shira Goldberg, Allen Halpern, Naomi Kipp, Ronald Levitt, Sue Lischkoff, Evan Rhodes, Ben Rosenbaum, Rebecca Rothman, Wendy Rutkoff, Stuart Shiland, Rhonda Siegel, Matt Swerdlin, Tim Thornton, Alan Weintraub, Melvin Zivitz Past Presidents: Karl Friedman, Howard Bearman, J.B. Mazer, Myron Radwin, Morton Stern, Julian Brook, Norman Berk, Maury Shevin, Joan Lebow, Ron Froehlich, Ronald Shiland, Gary Gordon, Jack Schaeffer, Martin Damsky, Jimmy Krell, Steven Corenblum, Barbara Solomon, Seth Wolnek, Franklin Tessler, Vikki Grodner, Arlene Fisher



Daily Morning Minyan 7:00 am Sundays & Secular Holidays 8:00 am Daily Afternoon Minyan 5:30 pm Saturday Afternoon Minyan 5:30 pm

Visit www.templebeth-el.net to livestream services.


From Rabbi Konigsburg: FaithCraft


“This Is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared”1 is the title of a book by the late

Rabbi Alan Lew. It is about the transition from Tisha B’Av to Yom Kippur, a transition we

traverse every year but we often just let it slip by.

There is no day on the Jewish calendar as sad as Tisha B’Av, the day that not only marks

the destruction of the first and second Temple in Jerusalem, but also marks many

tragedies that have befallen our people since the time our ancestors wandered in the

desert after the Exodus from Egypt. On the other hand, the Talmud declares that Yom Kippur is one of the happiest days

of the year; with our sins forgiven, we can truly rejoice at the end of our fast. In fact, it was such a happy day that, in

ancient times, the end of Yom Kippur was when families would announce the engagements of their children.

How we get from our day of great sadness to the day of our greatest joy is one of the journeys that our Judaism takes us

on each year. It is a journey that does not require passports or changing money. It requires passion and a change of heart.

When we see the consequences of our actions, our failures to do good, our reluctance to do what we know is right, we

experience the tragedy of Tisha B’Av all over again. The structures of our life are suddenly on fire. The wall that we build

to protect ourselves from the onslaught of life are revealed to be inadequate and flimsy. Our lives are shattered and we

lament that we can ever be the kind of righteous and compassionate people we aspire to be. We are left to fend for

ourselves in a world that is cold and forbidding.

But that is not the end of the story. At first we turn inward and discover all the wrong turns we have made in our lives.

The times we were deceived that something we were doing was worthwhile when it turned out to be hurtful to others.

The time we deluded ourselves that what we wanted was the best when it was just a selfish dream. Turning inward we

see the delusions for what they are, and we wish we could go back and do something different.

Judaism says you can’t go back but you can move forward. First we have to make amends for that which we have done to

wrong others. We must seek their forgiveness and make good the pain we have caused. That others forgive us only

points to the fact that we need to forgive those whom we feel have wronged us. How can we expect others to be

forgiving if we are not forgiving ourselves? Step by step we work our way back to the path that we know is the path of

what is right and good. Day by day we work to leave behind the wrong thinking and refocus our lives on what will bring

us joy and contentment.

Once we are forgiven, we then set our lives so that the old habits will not come back. We create new habits that will help

us stay on course, that will move us to be closer to those we love, farther from those who seek to misguide us and we

move down a spiritual path that will lead us to God. Only God is a God of Judgment. We can’t fool God into ignoring what

we have done in the past. We are determined to face whatever divine punishment we deserve so we can move forward

knowing that our evil times are behind us. When we arrive at Yom Kippur, just nine weeks after Tisha B’Av, we realize that

nothing we have done to atone for our mistakes will ever be enough. Our humanity, the very essence of who we are,

betrays us. We are not perfect; we will never be perfect, we are doomed to fail no matter how hard we try. How can we

expect God to forgive us? We fast, we pray, we confess our sins and we resolve to make this new year better.

And you know what, God understands our humanity. God knows that we are not perfect. And God forgives us anyway.

God is just, but God is also merciful. If we can forgive others, then why shouldn’t God forgive us?

This is the August Journey that we all must travel. This is the transformation that can change our lives. This is REAL! So

the only important question is how prepared will you be?

1This book is available in the Temple Beth-El Reading and Resource Room.


The following was mailed to TBE congregants in July.


Message From TBE President, Loraine Reznik

Dear Temple Beth-El Family,

Thank you very much for your contributions to the renewed growth and success which Beth-El has experienced for the last few years. Your generous gifts of time, money, initiative and enthusiasm have had a significant impact on our synagogue community. With your help and the skills of our staff, we’ve been able to address many challenges and make some very positive changes.

Now it’s time to begin looking ahead—to envision the future for ourselves and for our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren—to determine what we need and want

for our shul in the years to come. It’s time for us to openly discuss these things together and to make intentional, deliberate and pro-active decisions to ensure a strong future.

This spring, I convened a group of current and past Temple lay-leaders to begin the conversations needed to shape our future. We realized that four inter-related areas are critical to our growth and success.

Community Collaboration: As part of a larger Jewish community, we need to explore potential synergies which can strengthen Temple Beth-El. It’s important for us to identify mutually beneficial ways to collaborate with other organizations. For example, this coming year, our Religious School will offer classes one afternoon each week at The Friedman Learning Center, making our program more geographically accessible.

Engagement: We all want Temple Beth-El to be a vibrant community, joining together in a wide range of activities that add meaning to our lives and help us grow spiritually. We must now identify the services, programs and opportunities most important to our members and explore new, creative ways of helping others to engage with us. Our Meditation Service exemplifies a wonderful new opportunity available to those looking for a non-traditional Shabbat observance.

Facility: We need to consider our building, in general, and to freely and openly discuss what we want our shul to look like, quite literally, as we envision our future. Single purpose areas, with a fixed layout, and multi-purpose spaces, which can be conveniently used in a variety of ways, will both be important. We need to determine what spatial configuration will best facilitate the activities we identify as being most important to us in the years ahead.

Finance: We’ve made great progress over the last few years from what had once been an annual deficit of $250,000 to today, when we’re closing out the 2014-2015 fiscal year essentially even (vs a projected $16,000 shortfall). But we’re not out of the woods yet. We need to eliminate our line of credit and to find a way to ensure that we don’t live from “hand to mouth” each year. We need to decide how we’ll fund the new initiatives we determine we’d like to see going forward. We must seriously and openly discuss new ways to provide annual financial sustainability and to secure our financial future through the Temple Beth-El Foundation.

These four areas will require serious thought and discussion. I hope that Temple members will join with our Board of Directors in defining a clear vision of our future. I’ll be sharing things with you as the process continues, and I hope that you’ll let me know your interests and questions. We are at the beginning of an exciting future for Temple Beth-El, and I know we all say together: Chazak, chazak, v’nitchazek — Be strong, be strong, and may we strengthen one another.


Loraine Reznik President, Board of Directors

We have received the following donations since our last bulletin:

Caryn and Steven Corenblum made a generous donation to the Max Corenblum Fund in honor of the Yahrzeit of their beloved father, Max Corenblum.

Dalia and Keith Abrams made a most generous donation to the Dalia and Keith Abrams Dues

Assistance Fund in honor of their 26th wedding anniversary. Sheri and Jimmy Krell made a most generous donation to the Arnold and Florie Krell Childcare

Fund in honor of Asher’s graduation from Columbia University. Susan and Billy Lapidus made a generous donation to the Maxine and Stanley Lapidus Special

Projects Fund in loving memory of their parents’ anniversary. Suzanne and Howard Bearman made a double Chai donation to the Murray Saul Fisher

Cantorial Fund in honor of Arlene Fisher’s special birthday. Carol Tuck made a Chai donation to the Roz and Vic Feigelson Religious School Fund in memory

of Vic Feigelson on his first Yahrzeit.


Message From Interim Foundation Executive Director, Mindy Cohen


I learned something very valuable at the Temple annual meeting last month from Foundation Board President Suzanne Bearman. She said Jewish camp is the number one experience you can give a child to strengthen and maintain his/her Jewish identity. Over the years, this concept has been repeatedly shown in a number of studies.

Recently, 70 campers and staff from Camp Ramah Darom visited Birmingham and Temple Beth-El provided them housing and meals. Several of the campers and staff at Camp Ramah are from Birmingham and one camper who visited that week is from TBE. What an amazing opportunity for those Jewish campers to bond together at the Temple and witness the rich history Birmingham has to offer. How, as a community, can we make this a reality for all of our children?

The Zivitz Ramah Scholarship Fund is one of the funds established to help the Temple Foundation support and ensure Jewish continuity for our youth. There are also many options you can choose from to set up a fund or leave a legacy gift to the Foundation, which will help the TBEF mission “to perpetuate the vibrancy of Temple Beth-El by sustaining a strong endowment.”

Please contact Mindy Cohen, Interim Foundation Director, to discuss your giving options at [email protected] or (205) 933-2794.


Message From Director of Congregational Learning, Rabbi Joseph

A Place for the Shekhinah to Rest The great sage Rabbi Chananiah ben T’radyon taught: When two people meet

and exchange words of Torah, the Shekhinah [the divine presence of God]

hovers over them.1 That is to say those individuals grow closer to God and God

to them, the more they learn and study Torah. This summer our dedicated staff

and religious school faculty have been working round the clock to design and

structure the program that will aid in bridging the connection to the divine.

As many are well aware, we have taken great strides in reformatting our

religious school curriculum. In doing so, our program will feature more

experiential learning and a greater engagement in prayer and spirituality, as well as provide more

option and choice.

Experiential Learning

Judaism is a living, breathing religion. It is not a relic of the past, nor is it some

passing fad. Rather, our tradition is continually evolving with each passing

generation. The styles, music, poetry, art, food, and so many more aspects offer

windows into the richness that is Judaism. As such, our program will be offering

interactive learning sessions on subjects of interest to students and faculty alike.

These four-week Sunday sessions will offer learners avenues to connect and

express their own passions within the framework of tradition. If any passionate

readers of this article are interested in delving into a particular niche of

experiential learning, please contact Rabbi Joseph (205.933.2740).

Engagement in Prayer

Our tradition offers a variety of entry points into belief and practice. One such

avenue is that of prayer. Through a multiplicity of liturgical pieces one finds links

to peoplehood, God and the eternal self. Yet as modernity rears its head,

familiarity and comfort of the Hebrew language begins to wane. Thus, our focus

and intention is to hone our learners’ skills and abilities to join into world Jewry

by providing increased attention and application to Hebrew prayer.


Life can be, and at times is, boiled down to an infinite number of life choices.

Were our religious school so inflexible as to buckle under the slightest pressure,

our entire program would suffer. As such we have built into the curriculum

opportunities for learners, parents, and faculty to grow. For grades 3-6, we are

offering an option to attend classes on one of two weekday afternoons

(Tuesdays at the Friedman Center in Mountain Brook, and Wednesdays in our

TBE classrooms). For all participants, we are presenting experiential learning

opportunities that speak to the heart and mind. As always, we provide direction for synagogue,

perspective, and local families to become involved in our offerings.

There are amazing things happening with the start of this new school year. We are interested in your

thoughts, feelings and support. Yet most of all, we are delighted to provide the structure for the

presence of the Shekhinah to dwell among us.

1 Pirkei Avot 3:3


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

August Religious School Calendar

Join us Saturday, August 15, for Temple Beth-El’s new contemporary Shabbat service. Shabbat B’Yachad,

“Shabbat Together”, will last from 9:30 to 10:30 am in the Kimerling Chapel with an optional breakfast

schmooze from 9 to 9:30 am with friends and family.

Service highlights include:

An abbreviated one-hour service that is easy to follow

Prayers in both English and Hebrew

Jewish and interfaith family-friendly

Opportunities for children and adults to participate

Appropriate for all ages


Liz Brody was born in Princeton, New Jersey, grew up in

San Francisco, California, and moved to Birmingham

with her parents, younger brother, Jonah, and two dogs.

She is a graduate of the Alabama School of Fine Arts,

where she studied creative writing and was the recipient

of the 2011 Alabama Young Writers Forum Award for

overall portfolio. She is currently a junior religion major

at Birmingham-Southern College, where she runs the

Jewish Student Union and philosophy club.

Liz has been the arts and specialty counselor at the LJCC

for the past two summers. She works closely with the

Birmingham community, hoping to cultivate a sense of

pride of identity and religion in the next generation of Jews who continue to let the city’s

Jewish presence and heritage flourish. She plans on pursuing a career in Jewish Education and

someday returning to Israel. When she isn’t painting for class credit or money, Liz knits and

talks about Franz Kafka, preferably at the same time and in Russian.


Ramah Reflections by Kaitlyn Jefferson


A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Ron Froehlich for being inducted into the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame, Class of 2015 From: Dodie Sokol & Howard Weintrob A Chai donation in loving memory of Donna Reisman From: Lynette & J.B. Mazer A Chai donation in honor of Arlene Fisher’s birthday From: Natalie & Albert Sikora

Sisterhood Flower Fund

A Double Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Sandy & Morton Stern on their granddaughter Melissa’s Bat Mitzvah Wishing speedy recovery to Adrienne Brook In honor of Ron Froehlich being inducted into the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame From: Arlene Fisher A Chai donation in honor of Eva Wilensky for teaching Mah Jongg From: Ella Rosen

Faye Bernstein: Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery and continued good health From: Temple Beth-El Sisterhood

Deborah and Hank Layman: An expression of gratitude for your escape from serious injury in your car accident; I hope you will never have such a scare again From: Phyllis Weinstein

Faye Bernstein: Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery and continued good health Robert Lewis: Sincere condolences are extended on the death of your beloved wife

Jean Bearman: Mazal Tov on your special birthday and for your service on the Chesed Committee in celebrating Israel’s 67th birthday Anita & Gary Gouse: Mazal Tov on your 44th anniversary Rhoda & Robert Feirman: Mazal Tov on your 58th anniversary Michelle & Rabbi Konigsburg: Mazal Tov on your 38th anniversary Bobbie & Howard Sokol: Mazal Tov on your 45th anniversary Debbie & Louis Tuck: Mazal Tov on your 34th anniversary Bruce Sokol: Sincere condolences are extended to you on the loss of your son, Alex Malcolm Sokol: In loving memory of your parents, Dorothy “Lovey” and Morris Sokol, on the occasion of their Yahrzeits Phyllis Weinstein: In loving memory of your beloved husband, Leon, on the occasion of his Yahrzeit From: Ralph Sokol



Want to send a Leagram? Contact Melba Epsman at [email protected], 879.4042.

NEW YEAR’S GREETINGS Wish everyone in our Temple family a Happy and Healthy New Year by listing your name in the High

Holiday bulletin. New Year’s Greetings is one of Sisterhood’s annual fundraisers. Everyone is invited

to participate in this project. Please return this form with your payment (check made out to

Sisterhood, cash, or credit card) by August 15th to the Temple office. Please include $10.00 per

household listing.

I want my (our) name(s) to read:


____________________________________________________________________ (Please print)

Return form to TBE Sisterhood, c/o TBE, by August 15th.




Shirley Froehlich and Hannah Helman are busy working on the upcoming Book of Remembrance, searching many sources for meaningful readings that will be included in the Book that is used four times a year: Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, Pesach, and Shavuot. Remember your loved ones by placing their names in the Book of Remembrance. Fill out the form on the opposite page and mail to Shirley Froehlich, 3600 Dunbarton Drive, 35223, along with your check made out to Sisterhood. REMINDER: We are changing the format to include NAMES ONLY.

There will be no descriptions of the personal relationship. We will not be ‘snail mailing’ the forms. APPLE CAKES No Rosh Hashanah (September 14-15) dinner table will be complete unless you have one of Sisterhood’s delicious apple cakes. Place your order now by emailing [email protected]. Cost is $25. GIFT SHOP SHOP OUR GIFT SHOP FOR YOUR BAR/BAT MITZVAH, ENGAGEMENT, AND WEDDING GIFTS! Contact

Esther Levy, [email protected], 969-3712, for gift suggestions. Upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvahs:

PRAYER BOOKS Would you like to have your own personalized High Holiday Machzor? If you would like to have your own Sim Shalom prayer book or Etz Chaim Chumash to bring with you to TBE, or if you participate in our services via Livestream and would like your own prayer book at home, please contact Esther at [email protected], and she will be happy to provide you prices and place your order.

Chanukah Raffle Don’t forget that Sisterhood’s Chanukah raffle is in the works! More info coming soon!

New Member Sisterhood welcomes new member Susan Beard!

11/7/2015 - Hannah Halpern 3/12/2016 - Clara Lapidus 3/19/2016 - Ida Rose Rutkoff 4/16/2016 - Lillian Goldstein

5/7/2016 - Ellie Mac Benck 5/14/2016 - Raffi Ivker 8/27/2016 - Jacob Feingold


SISTERHOOD BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE FOR YIZKOR SERVICES The Sisterhood of Temple Beth-El proudly announces the 15th edition of our Book of Remembrance. This book will be used at the four Yizkor services held during the year 5775-5776.

In addition to the Yizkor service, this book will include readings and tributes to members of our congregation who passed away during this past year. The Book will also acknowledge the six million who perished in the Holocaust, as well as those who have lost their lives defending the State of Israel. Please take this opportunity to remember your loved ones with a tax deductible donation to Sisterhood. The proceeds from this project support our Religious School and Sisterhood programming.

Please complete the form below and mail it with your check for $18 per deceased loved one payable to Sisterhood of Temple Beth-El. Kindly send your payment no later than AUGUST 21, 2015, to Shirley Froehlich, 3600 Dunbarton Drive, Birmingham, AL 35223. You may see your last year’s listing by calling or emailing Shirley at 977-4041 or [email protected] for this information.

Please PRINT names clearly and list

only ONE household on the “Your name” line (i.e. Abe & Sara Smith/ The Smith Family/ Abe & Sara Smith & Family/Abe, Sara, & Suzie Smith)

only one deceased loved one on the “in memory of line.” Listing of couples is separate and each name is $18. WE ARE CHANGING OUR FORMAT THIS YEAR BY LISTING ONLY THE NAME/S OF YOUR LOVED ONE, WITHOUT THE ADDITION OF THE RELATIONSHIP.

any additional names on separate piece of paper

We thank you and very much appreciate your support of this project.

Your name(s)


Telephone #

1. In memory of: = $ 18.00

2. In memory of: = $ 18.00

3. In memory of: = $ 18.00

4. In memory of: = $ 18.00

5. In memory of: = $ 18.00

6. In memory of: = $ 18.00

7. In memory of: = $ 18.00

8. In memory of: = $ 18.00

9. In memory of: = $ 18.00

10. In memory of: = $ 18.00

Amount Enclosed $_______________




Mazal Tov to Hannah Shapiro, who graduated from the University of Maryland with a double major in Government and Politics and Jewish Studies. Hannah is the daughter of Andrea & Jeff Shapiro.

Mazal Tov to Erica Mazer on her recent graduation from UAB School of Nursing. Erica is the daughter of Holly Mazer and Glenn Mazer.

Cathy & Irwin Fingerman are delighted to announce the engagement of their daughter, Shera, to Dr. Raimy Amasha. The wedding is set for December 2015. Raimy is the son of Esawey & Sharon Wein Amasha of Eugene, OR, and the brother of Sami Amasha of Boston, MA.

Mazal Tov to the following on their Special Birthdays:

August Keith Bernstein, Ellen Bruck, Alan Engel, Cheryl Palmer, Pam

Ruttenberg, Jack Schaeffer, Ralph Sokol and Carolyn Stern

*Special Birthdays are published in the bulletin beginning with age 50 and every 5 years thereafter.

Send us your good news and we’ll be happy to share it in the next Connection!

Melissa & Steven Altmann (18) Marsha & Harry Asman (60) Jodi & Mark Bearman (32) Faye & Sidney Bernstein (63) Lynne & Mark Cohen (46) Caryn & Steven Corenblum (34) Susan & Mark Crayne (44) Naomi & Edwin Fineberg (56) Shari & Gregory Friedman (14) Kathy & Steven Goldman (46) Mary & David Kimerling (34) Sheri & Jimmy Krell (28) Sue & Bill Lischkoff (49) Arlene & Silvio Litovsky (27) Celia & Jared Nadler (12)

Andrea & Larry Newman (2) Hazel & Murray Pizette (27) Barbara & Stuart Royal (44)

Wendy & Jonathan Rutkoff (13) Judy & Edwin Rutsky (47)

Leah & Jerome Safer (48) Andrea & Jeff Shapiro (24) Ina Mae & David Sher (49)

Sara & Jacob Shevin (2) Sandy & Gene Siegal (43)

Dolly & David Staff (67) Malissa & Samuel Touchstone (25)

Sue & Albert Tuck (51) Danielle & Alan Weintraub (18)

August Anniversaries

TBE Nepal Relief Fund Update

Your donations, coupled with matching donations from Rabbi Konigsburg’s Discretionary Fund, resulted in the American Jewish World Service (AJWS) receiving funds from Temple Beth-El totaling $1,200. These funds will help emergency relief and on-the-ground efforts in Nepal.

Since the June/July bulletin was published, we received additional donations from the following people: Debra Gordon-Hellman Mindy & Gary Cohen



Best wishes for a speedy recovery and continued good health to: Michael Bogart, Eric Goldis, Cherie Greenberg, and Faye Bernstein


With sympathy, we wish the following families peace and love during their time of sorrow:

Donna Reisman Wife of Harvey Reisman, mother of Marc Reisman (Jan) and Gregg Reisman (Sharyl), and sister of Toby Klein,

Rieva Lipsey (Jake) and Suzanne Gayle (Steve)

David Koplon

Husband of Gloria Kahn Koplon, father of Scott Koplon (Amy), Susan Barstein (Rodney), Cindy Geer (Jonathon), and Amy Beiser (Jeff), and brother-in-law of Sandy Koplon

Kay Virago Mother of Adam Abelson, and sister of Beth Wasson, Annie Long and David Crutcher

May the families be comforted among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.


25 Av – The Amsterdam hideout of Anne Frank and her family was discovered by the Nazis in 1941. 27 Av – This is the Yahrzeit of Mathilde Schechter, who is the founder of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. Elul 4 – At the 8th World Zionist Congress meeting in The Hague, Netherlands, the song known as “Ha-Tikvah” was adopted as the official Zionist hymn in 1907. 6 Elul – This is the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Gerson Cohen, chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and professor of Jewish History. Elul 11 – Operation Magic Carpet, which transported 45,000 Yemenite Jews to Israel, was concluded on this date in 1950.

TBE Foundation’s Executive Director Search

The Temple Beth-El Foundation recently announced its search to fill its permanent Executive Director position. An energetic and passionate person is sought to fill this part-time position and further the Foundation's goals of perpetuating Temple Beth-El and a strong and vibrant Conservative Judaism in Birmingham.

Contact Foundation President Suzanne Bearman at [email protected] if interested in the position. Please feel free to pass this opportunity along to those whom you think may be a good fit.



Here are a few ways you can begin to prepare, and help us prepare.

Breaking Through the Road Blocks – Preparing Yourself for the Holiday Season: Come learn with Rabbi Joseph and Caryn Corenblum as we explore the means of overcoming challenging obstacles in our daily lives. Light food and drinks will be provided for this riveting experience on Sunday, August 30, beginning at 4 pm.

Start the New Year with Selichot: This year's Selichot Service is on September 5th at 8 pm, and will include a discussion with Judge Debra Goldstein on "Forgiveness and Judgement." A time for reflection and selichah ("forgiveness"), this service and program are an inspirational way to prepare for the New Year.

Kol Nidre Tzedakah: Look out for more information about the three nonprofits chosen this year for our Kol Nidre Tzedakah Drive. Donations may be made any time from now through the end of the Holidays.

Birthwell Partners Community Doula Project: BirthWell Partners is a not-for-profit community doula project whose mission is to improve the health of low-resource mothers and infants in Central Alabama.

National Ramah Tikvah Network: The Ramah Tikvah Network supports camp programs for inclusion of Jewish campers with a wide range of learning, developmental, cognitive and social disabilities.

Masorti Olami: Masorti Olami acts to advance the interests and principles of Masorti Conservative Judaism. It works with all other arms of the Conservative/Masorti movement to advance Conservative Judaism around the world.

Donate or Purchase a High Holiday Machzor: The Lev Shalem High Holiday Prayer Books have been a hit, as they are easy to read with rich commentary. The Sisterhood is now offering the opportunity to purchase a personalized Machzor with your name embossed on the cover for $72. You may also donate a Machzor to TBE in memory or honor of a loved one for $72, including a permanent nameplate.

Cantor Bordowitz and Choir Return Engagement: This year we welcome back Cantor Harvey Bordowitz and our High Holiday Choir, who will bring musical meaning to our services. Cantor Bordowitz returns to Birmingham from Israel for the second year to share his inspirational holiday singing. The High Holiday Choir has been rehearsing since May. From Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur evening, they and the Cantor will provide an important musical presence to our services. The Choir members this year are Robin Benjamin, Ed Fineberg, Taryn Fink, Sherrie Grunfeld, Barry Ivker, Josh Ivker, Naomi Ivker, Sara Krantz, Judith Michaelson, Thea Ostroy, Susan Padove, Susan Schwartz and Sam Zuckerman. Special thanks to rehearsal conductor Barry Ivker and coordinator Naomi Ivker.

Keep an eye out in late August for the High Holiday/September bulletin, with information about holiday programs, holiday youth programming and community activities for you and your family.



There will be a special Havdala and free community concert on August 15, 2015, at 8:30 pm at the Levite Jewish Community Center. The event features Rick Recht, a Jewish rock musician. The concert is made possible through the generosity of Hilton and Robin Berger, and a grant from the Birmingham Jewish Foundation, and is supported by the Levite Jewish Community Center and the N.E. Miles Jewish Day School. For more information, visit www.bhamjcc.org.

Jewish Community News

The Birmingham Holocaust Education Center (BHEC) and campaign Co-Chairs Jeffrey Bayer and General Charles Krulak present the fifth annual L’Chaim (“to life”) fundraising event on August 23, 2:30 to 4:00 pm at the Dorothy Jemison Day Theatre at the Alabama School of Fine Arts. The proceeds from this event help the BHEC continue to expand Holocaust education in the community. This year’s event honors Holocaust educators. Our special honorees are Brenda and Fred Friedman.

The L’Chaim 2015 program includes music by the Cantor Jessica Roskin, Alan Goldspiel, Gabriel Tajeu, and the Birmingham Community Mass Choir. A dramatic reading, “What We Saw: In the Words of the Liberators”, features actors from The Seasoned Performers.

L’Chaim is open to the public. Tickets are $50 ($25 for students) and are tax-deductible. You can purchase tickets online at lchaim.swellgives.com. A dessert reception will follow the program. For more information visit bhamholocausteducation.org.


Southern Writers August 14, 10:30 am – noon Cost: Free/OLLI.UA.EDU Join the South’s most celebrated writers and instructor William Gantt, founder and director of The Southern Literary Trail, the nation’s only tri-state literary trail, as you learn about the beginnings of The Southern Literary Trail and its evolution to include Georgia and Mississippi. Contact Mindy Cohen at [email protected] or 205-510-9024 for more information.

Pancakes and Pajamas August 16, 8:00 – 10:00 am Join us in the LJCC auditorium for a pancake breakfast provided by the Cohn ECLC. Wear your pajamas for a relaxed morning! Everyone is welcome to attend.

“Hawaiian Luau” Mixed Tennis Mixer August 23: 2 – 5 pm Fee: $22, $18 MVP Join this interchanging mixed doubles event in Luau style. Players will dress in floral attire and the JCC supplies the leis! No partner necessary to play and all levels encouraged to play. Contact Dale Clark at [email protected] or 205-510-9014 for details.



Good Fortune Fund A Most Generous donation in honor of Rabbi Joseph Robinson’s first anniversary at Temple Beth-El and his wonderful contributions From: Geri & Bob Stone A Double Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Amy & Scott Stein on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Melissa From: Pat & Alan Geldzahler & Family A Double Chai donation in honor of the confirmation of Ellis Goldstein A Double Chai donation in honor of Jessica Goldstein reading Torah From: Punky Burwinkle A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Ron Froehlich on being named Distinguished American Sportsman by the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame From: Sandra Jaffe & Barry Dreayer A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Rabbi Joseph for an excellent first year at Temple Beth-El A Chai donation in appreciation of Dan Burnick, Natalie Sikora & Barbara Bonfield for their service as outgoing Board members From: Cherie & Bob Greenberg A Chai donation wishing Arlene Fisher a very happy birthday and many more From: Ricki & Lanny Kline Wishing Mazal Tov to Sandy & Morton Stern on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Melissa Stein From: Frieda & Eph Mazer Wishing Mazal Tov to Rhoda Feirman on her special birthday From: Maxine Sklute Wishing Mazal Tov to Ron Froehlich on being named Alabama Sports Hall of Fame Distinguished American Sportsman From: Pat & Neal Miller Wishing Mazal Tov to Henry Lapidus on his special birthday From: Gloria Weintraub Wishing Mazal Tov to Pam Ruttenberg on the Bar and Bat Mitzvahs of her grandchildren From: Sherry & Jerry Cherner

Youth Department Fund

A Generous donation in loving memory of Ann Robertson From: Diane Clark A Chai donation in loving memory of Vicki Arnold From: Janice & Neil Greenberg A Chai donation in loving memory of Howard Schultz A Chai donation in loving memory of Anita Allen Danneman From: Deborah Kimerling Schneider

Robert Spielberger Memorial Fund

In loving memory of Ann Robertson In loving memory of Charles Frankel, beloved grandfather on his Yahrzeit In loving memory of I.W. Spielberger, beloved father-in-law on his Yahrzeit In loving memory of Chico Bomchel, beloved dear friend on his Yahrzeit In loving memory of Dan Isenberg, beloved father-in-law on his Yahrzeit In loving memory of Yetta Bloomston, beloved aunt on her Yahrzeit In loving memory of Julius Bloomston, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Lynn & Bert Bloomston In loving memory of I.W. Spielberger, beloved grandfather on his Yahrzeit From: Wendy Rutkoff

Rita Laufman Youth Fund

A Chai donation in loving memory of Sidney Sokol, beloved husband and father on his Yahrzeit From: Dodie Sokol and Family In loving memory of Ethel Laufman, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit In loving memory of Rita Laufman, beloved sister on her Yahrzeit From: Sue & Bill Lischkoff

Chesed Committee Fund

A Chai donation in loving memory of Anita Allen Danneman A Chai donation in loving memory of Polly Sokol From: Lisa & Alan Engel

Edie Wilensky Memorial Fund

A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Jean Bearman on her special birthday In loving memory of Clara Mazor, beloved aunt on her Yahrzeit From: Ilene & Allan Wilensky

Simcha Shabbat Fund

A Most Generous donation in honor of Natalie & Eric Asman’s anniversary and the birthdays of Barry Asman and Marsha Asman From: Marsha & Harry Asman A Most Generous donation in honor of Howard Weintrob’s birthday From: Howard Weintrob A Generous donation in honor of Scott Brande’s birthday From: Barbara & Scott Brande A Generous donation in celebration of Arlene Fisher’s birthday From: Arlene Fisher

A Generous donation in honor of Rabbi Konigsburg’s birthday A Chai donation in honor of Michelle Konigsburg’s successful healing and speedy recovery From: Shirley Konigsburg A Generous donation in honor of the anniversary of Adrienne & Julian Brook From: Adrienne & Julian Brook A Generous donation in honor of the anniversary of Shira & Matt Goldberg From: Shira & Matt Goldberg A Double Chai donation in honor of Rabbi Konigsburg’s birthday From: Michelle Konigsburg and Ashira & Tim, Eitan & Alex, and Sarah & Hillel A Double Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Henry Lapidus on his birthday A Double Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Jean Bearman on her birthday From: Leah & Henry Lapidus A Double Chai donation in honor of the anniversary of Nan & Doug Unkenholz From: Nan & Doug Unkenholz A Double Chai donation in honor of the birthday of Lazar Golubov From: Zinaida Golubova & Lazar Golubov A Double Chai donation to the Simcha Shabbat Fund From: Anna Green A Double Chai donation in honor of Karen & Reuben Halpern’s anniversary From: Karen & Reuben Halpern



Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

In appreciation of Rabbi Konigsburg for his prayers for my recovery From: Maxine Sklute In honor of Jimmy Krell’s being an assistant mohel at the Brit Milah of Lewis Jesse Swerdlin on June 30, 2015 From: Phillip Glick

Religious School Fund

A Chai donation in loving memory of Gene Plotka, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Michelle & Evan Plotka

Elmwood Cemetery Fund

A Chai donation in loving memory of Ida Zonenberg From: Scott Bloomston, Fawn Bloomston, Alyssa and Jared Bloomston

Cemetery Maintenance Fund In loving memory of Hilda Katz Beck, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Faye & Norris Friedman

Chico Bomchel Memorial Social Action Fund

A Chai donation in loving memory of Irwin ‘Chico’ Bomchel, beloved brother-in-law on his Yahrzeit From: Howard Weintrob and Family In loving memory of Pearl Tishler, beloved grandmother and great-grandmother on her Yahrzeit From: Karen, Dan & Jack Weinrib In loving memory of Bert Gurwitch From: Lynette & J.B. Mazer Lynn & Bert Bloomston

Joe Koplon Fund In loving memory of Max Green From: Ann Goldman

Rosemore/Goldstein Food for the Needy Fund

In loving memory of Dora Goldstein, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit In loving memory of Carmen Miranda Belardo From: Marion Rosemore

Keith Altman Camp Ramah

Scholarship Fund In loving memory of Mildred Nassau, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit In loving memory of Esther Altman, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Carol & Charles Altman

Temple Beth-El General Fund Wishing a speedy recovery and

continued good health A Chai donation wishing speedy recovery to Faye Bernstein From: Cherie & Bob Greenberg A Chai donation wishing speedy recovery to Faye Bernstein From: Rhoda & Marvin Link A Chai donation wishing speedy recovery to Mr. & Mrs. Walter Strauss From: Charlotte Corenblum Wishing speedy recovery to Ilene Broda Wishing speedy recovery to Barbara Royal Wishing speedy recovery to Adrienne Brook From: Sherry & Jerry Cherner Wishing speedy recovery to Adrienne Brook Wishing speedy recovery to Julian Brook From: Tobie & Bernard Axel Wishing speedy recovery to Cherie Greenberg From: Doris & Fred Kanter Wishing speedy recovery to Stephen Peetluk Wishing speedy recovery to Ilse Nathan From: Freida & Eph Mazer Wishing speedy recovery to Faye Bernstein From: Ilse Nathan Frieda & Eph Mazer Melba Epsman Sherry & Jerry Cherner Ruth Siegler Gloria Weintraub Marian & Myron Radwin

Memorial Fund In Loving Memory Of

A Most Generous donation in loving memory of Ida Zonenberg From: Masha & Boris Yampolsky A Generous donation in loving memory of Ida Zonenberg From: Greg Glover

A Generous donation in loving memory of Ida Zonenberg From: David Lee A Chai donation in loving memory of Ida Zonenberg From: Eileen & Robert Cohn A Chai donation in loving memory of Ida Zonenberg From: Gail & Abe Schuster A Most Generous donation in loving memory of Ann Robertson From: Najjar Denaburg, PC A Most Generous donation in loving memory of Ann Robertson From: Maibeth Porter & Robert Eckinger A Generous donation in loving memory of Ann Robertson From: Lynette & J.B. Mazer A Generous donation in loving memory of Ann Robertson From: Melanie & Alan Dillenberg A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Ann Robertson From: Virginia Heiman A Chai donation in loving memory of Ann Robertson From: Donna & Gary Schiff A Chai donation in loving memory of Ann Robertson From: Kakki & J.R. Brooks A Chai donation in loving memory of Ann Robertson From: Caryn & Steven Corenblum A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Raye Jaffe From: Susan & Stuart Padove A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Raye Jaffe From: Lynette & Alvin Slaughter A Chai donation in loving memory of Sam Jospin From: Anne E. Cohn A Chai donation in loving memory of Donna Reisman From: Mayer Cohen A Chai donation in loving memory of Maria Katz From: Lynette & J.B. Mazer


A Chai donation in loving memory of Bert Gurwitch From: Kaydee Erdreich Breman A Chai donation in loving memory of Linda May Horwitz From: Leah & Jerome Safer A Chai donation in loving memory of David Koplon From: Bobby Heilpern In loving memory of Leon Becker From: Frieda & Eph Mazer In loving memory of Raye Jaffe From: Dorothy Shiland Mervyn Epsman Betty & Bob Anfanger Sherlee M. Ginsberg Tobie & Bernard Axel In loving memory of Howard Schultz From: Betty & Bob Anfanger In loving memory of Donna Reisman From: Sherry & Jerry Cherner In loving memory of Polly Sokol From: Betty & Bob Anfanger In loving memory of Anita Allen Danneman From: Betty & Bob Anfanger In loving memory of Ann Robertson From: Charlotte Corenblum & Karl Friedman and Mark Friedman Sherry & Jerry Cherner Arnold and Stuart Shiland In loving memory of Kay Lewis From: Carol & David Kahn Sherry & Jerry Cherner In loving memory of Gloria Ethridge From: Tobie & Bernard Axel In loving memory of David Koplon From: Susan & Ron Heidt

On Their Yahrzeits In loving memory of

A Most Generous donation in loving memory of Joshua Nissenbaum, beloved son on his Yahrzeit From: Barbara & Mark Nissenbaum A Most Generous donation in loving memory of Amanda Stein, beloved granddaughter on her Yahrzeit From: Joyce & Gaston Stein

A Most Generous donation in loving memory of Leah Kimerling, beloved daughter on her Yahrzeit From: Mary Kimerling A Most Generous donation in loving memory of Nathan Caine, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Harold Caine A Generous donation in loving memory of Max Corenblum, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Sherri Romanoff A Generous donation in loving memory of Max Corenblum, beloved husband on his Yahrzeit A Chai donation in loving memory of Julian Lichter, beloved friend on his Yahrzeit From: Charlotte Corenblum A Generous donation in loving memory of Iris Weiner, beloved sister on her Yahrzeit From: Barry Slater A Generous donation in loving memory of Iris Weiner, beloved former wife and mother on her Yahrzeit From: Jules Weiner and Family A Generous donation in loving memory of Ernest David Rosemore, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Geri Tape, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tape, Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Butler, Mr. & Mrs. Eric Whitehead, and Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rosemore A Generous donation in loving memory of Rose & David Weinstein, beloved parents on their Yahrzeits From: Ann Weinstein Bryan A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Morris Jerome Green, beloved father-in-law on his Yahrzeit From: Helen Green A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Gussie Witt, beloved aunt on her Yahrzeit A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Morris Goldstein, beloved grandfather on his Yahrzeit A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Malvin U. Goldstein, beloved cousin on his Yahrzeit From: Michael P. Goldstein A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Elizabeth Susan Hirschberg, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Ricki Kline

A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Marion Siegel, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit A Chai donation in loving memory of Sheryl Siegel, beloved sister on her Yahrzeit From: Rhonda & Eric Siegel A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Pearl Broner, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: M. Bennet Broner A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Pauline Schuster, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Esther Schuster & Allen Shealy A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Marshall Gordon, beloved husband on his Yahrzeit A Chai donation in loving memory of Jerry Gordon-Hellman, beloved son on his Yahrzeit From: Penny Gordon A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Jerry Gordon-Hellman, beloved husband and father on his Yahrzeit From: Debra Gordon-Hellman and Rayna G.H. Appleton A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Karen Nomberg, beloved daughter on her Yahrzeit From: Carol & Mark Entman A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Helene & Jacob Scheuer, beloved mother and father on their Yahrzeits From: Ruth Siegler A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Grigory Bolshinskiy, beloved father on his Yahrzeit A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Katerina Shal, beloved grandmother on her Yahrzeit From: Leonid Bolshinskiy A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Ruthie Mazer, beloved aunt on her Yahrzeit From: Fern & Shep Copeland Burr A Chai donation in loving memory of Pauline Schuster, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Abe Schuster A Chai donation in loving memory of Sheryl Siegel, beloved sister on her Yahrzeit From: Susan & Harold Brooks




A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Louise Winick, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Deborah Tessler A Chai donation in loving memory of Annie Rosenthal, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Hannah Helman A Chai donation in loving memory of Lynda Kemeny, beloved wife on her Yahrzeit From: Fred Kemeny A Chai donation in loving memory of Helene & Jacob Scheuer, beloved mother and father on their Yahrzeits From: Ilse Nathan A Chai donation in loving memory of Leonard Goldberg, beloved husband on his Yahrzeit From: Lenora Buchalter A Chai donation in loving memory of Clara Mazer, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Rhodes T. Mazer and Manon Mazer A Chai donation in loving memory of Jeanette Reiss, beloved grandmother on her Yahrzeit A Chai donation in loving memory of Alex Reiss, beloved grandfather on his Yahrzeit From: Richard E. Berkowitz A Chai donation in loving memory of I.S. Grossman, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Joyce & Gaston Stein A Chai donation in loving memory of Max Corenblum, beloved father on his Yahrzeit A Chai donation in loving memory of Dan Greene, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Susan & Steve Greene A Chai donation in loving memory of Rhoda Toranto, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Richard Toranto A Chai donation in loving memory of Frank Green, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Rochelle & Martin Green A Chai donation in loving memory of Philip Pisetzky, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Murray Pizette

A Chai donation in loving memory of Shirley Lane, beloved grandmother on her Yahrzeit From: Susan E. Dube A Chai donation in loving memory of William Miller, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Susan Padove A Chai donation in loving memory of Philip Schiff, beloved father and grandfather on his Yahrzeit From: Donna, Gary, Julie & David Schiff, and Caren & Seth Morganstern A Chai donation in loving memory of Harry Jaffe, beloved grandfather and great-grandfather on his Yahrzeit From: Jan, Kenny, Kendal & Tyler Jaffe A Chai donation in loving memory of Dora Euchvitz, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Anne E. Cohn A Chai donation in loving memory of Tessie Nadel Cohen, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit A Chai donation in loving memory of Monroe Cohen, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Ross N. Cohen A Chai donation in loving memory of Allan Brown, beloved brother on his Yahrzeit From: Jerome Brown A Chai donation in loving memory of Helen Bruck, beloved mother-in-law on her Yahrzeit From: Ellen Bruck A Chai donation in loving memory of Harry Cooper, beloved father, and Rachel Weinstein, beloved aunt, on their Yahrzeits From: Arnold Cooper A Chai donation in loving memory of Lewis Fleisher, beloved cousin on his Yahrzeit From: Robert Fleisher A Chai donation in loving memory of Isadore Itzkow, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Susan & Gary Goldstein A Chai donation in loving memory of Evelyn Dube, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Susan E. Dube

A Chai donation in loving memory of Charles Wreschner, beloved grandfather on his Yahrzeit From: Judy Michaelson A Chai donation in loving memory of Sarah E. Sarasohn, beloved sister on her Yahrzeit A Chai donation in loving memory of Isadore Eubanks, beloved brother on his Yahrzeit From: Anne E. Cohn A Chai donation in loving memory of Gabriel Fineberg, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: S. Edwin Fineberg A Chai donation in loving memory of Sam Greenberg, beloved father and grandfather on his Yahrzeit From: Sybil & Larry Michalove A Chai donation in loving memory of Robert Schlesinger, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Merry Taylor A Chai donation in loving memory of Raye Staff, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Dolly & David Staff A Chai donation in loving memory of Henry Emmerich, beloved grandfather on his Yahrzeit From: Susan E. Dube A Chai donation in loving memory of Florence Stein, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Abe Stein A Chai donation in loving memory of Bea McHale, beloved aunt on her Yahrzeit From: Samantha & Jim St. John A Chai donation in loving memory of Gertrude Schwartz, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Naomi Fineberg A Chai donation in loving memory of Vellie Mesch, beloved mother on her Yahrzeit From: Nissah Mattenson A Chai donation in loving memory of Jerry Randman, beloved husband on his Yahrzeit From: Barbara Randman A Chai donation in loving memory of Sam Greenberg, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Marcia & Harry Kuniansky


A Chai donation in loving memory of Moisey Kalikhman, beloved grandfather on his Yahrzeit From: Olga Belotserkovskaya & Al Belotserkovskiy A Chai donation in loving memory of Moisey Kalikhman, beloved grandfather on his Yahrzeit From: Bronya Belotserkovskaya A Chai donation in loving memory of Nathan Caine, beloved grandfather on his Yahrzeit From: Candace Caine A Chai donation in loving memory of Oscar Gershon, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Marian & Myron Radwin A Chai donation in loving memory of Leon Shapiro, beloved father on his Yahrzeit From: Sara & Kerry Shapiro A Chai donation in loving memory of Mary Feinberg, beloved aunt on her Yahrzeit From: Barbara Bonfield A Chai donation in loving memory of David Routman, beloved son on his Yahrzeit From: Harriet & Gilbert Routman Dora Goldstein, mother From: Marion Rosemore Jerry Rosenthal, brother From: Pat & Neal Miller Saul Bram, uncle From: Bruce Greenberg Zelda Jacobs, mother From: Jeffrey Jacobs

Dona Mintsina, mother From: Sergey Mintsin Rose Filler, mother From: Jimmy Filler Ikla Shitsel, mother From: Zanvel Shitsel Gustav Dobbie, father Karen E. Nomberg, daughter-in-law From: R.D. Nomberg Harriet Stiegel, mother, grandmother & great-grandmother From: Ina Mae & David Sher Gizella Steinlauf, grandmother Anne Kline, sister-in-law From: Maxine Sklute

David Slaughter, brother Mary Slaughter, mother From: Lynette & Alvin Slaughter Haya Koshina & Moisey Koshin, great-grandparents Faina Rabinovich-Shoher, aunt From: Genya & Virtor Safyanov and Zinaida Golubova Leon Greenberg, brother From: Dorothy Marks Yetta Bloomston, mother From: Rhoda & Robert Feirman Helen Ginsburg, grandmother From: Cindy May Anne Weisner, mother and grandmother From: Linda Levine Lazur Cooper, grandfather From: Arnold S. Cooper

Dorothy R. Tenenbaum, mother From: Sam Tenenbaum, Jr.

Harry Greenberg, father-in-law From: Dorothy Greenberg

Louise Schwartz, sister From: Norma Jean Long Loyce Coughlin, mother Robert Routman, brother From: Cindi & Michael Routman David Shweky, grandfather From: Natalie & Albert Sikora Lottie Grusin, mother From: Harriett Shulmister

ard Marks, husband Oscar Greenberg, father From: Dorothy Marks Jack Tishler, father From: Steven Tishler Rose Walters, mother From: Rhoda Rubenstein Lazar Golubov, grandfather From: Lazar Golubov Anna Feirman, mother From: Rhoda & Robert Feirman Louis Berman, grandfather From: Ann Z. Cohen Ida Goldstein, sister-in-law Dena Padawer, mother From: The Padawer Family Nathan Kulpe, father From: Sharon & Steve DeShazo Sandy Bruder


A Special Thank You to the Temple Thank you all so much for the lovely plaque presentation on Sunday [June 7] in Chris’ memory. All of

the wonderful expressions of love and kindness make this difficult time a little easier. I’m so proud of

the man Chris was and glad that we were able to get to know all of you.

Thank you so much.

Love from the Entire Jones Family


Please note that Yahrzeits for Shabbat Vaetchanan,

July 31-August 1, were printed in the

June/July bulletin.

Shabbat Eikev August 7-8

*Arthur Abrasley Louis Alterman Morris Belitsky Sophie Bloomberg Hannah Bujor *David Cohen *Myron Cohen *Lorayne Cooper *Samuel Coplon *Sara Davis Zlata Draluk Doris Fingerman *Rose Ginsburg Gertrude Goldberg *Rose Hyatt Goldstein *Ruth Gordon *William Gouse *Max Greenwald Isadore Halpern Frank Happ *Harry Kisber *Ellen Krell *Gladys Levis *Alvin Lipsitz Leon May Polina Meixon *Henry Morewitz Belle Nemser David Newman *Yale H. Niren *Alan Nozick *Beatrice Nozick Adele Overall Roy Reagan David Roitman Evelyn Rose

*Pincus Rosenthal David Schwartz *Ben Siegal Dorine Sigal Joseph Silberman Claire Simon Mildred Stern *Solomon Touro *Sophie Zeidman Khayka Zeltser Sura Zinger Rose Zucker

Shabbat Re’eh August 14-15

*Felicia Alberty *Julius Banks *Ethel Berman *Louis Berman *Melvin Binderman Paul Bruck Sima Charny *Rachael Cohen Sanford Cohn *Rabbi Cynthia Culpeper *Louis Davidson *Louis Epstein Sarah Feldser *Isadore Friedman *Marion Goldberg *Susan Goldberg Carole Goldman Muriel Goldstein *Al Gordon *Ida Gouse Murray Grodner Julia Hanan *Harold Z. Hirsch Rachel Iacubovich Mel Jacobs *Barbara Kallman Meyer Koch Isadore Krantz *Lillian Lapidus Ida Levine Max Levine Bess Levy

Julian Lilienthal *Annie Lipsitz *Esther Lischkoff Rose Marlin Daniel Melvin *Rose Minnen *Walter Nathan Celia Randman Annalee Redisch *Esther Roth Benjamin Beinish Salant Shmuel Salant Bernath Schwartz Anna Shapiro *Rose Slaughter Joe Stein *Eleanor Steinlauf *Jacob Temerson *Hannah Torme *Charles Weinstein Martin Weiss *Louis Wohl Alexander Zeldin *Sidney Ziff

Shabbat Shoftim August 21-22

*Bernard Becker Hyman Caplan Sara Cohn *I. Cooper Rebecca Cowitz *David Davidson Charlotte Donziger Frances Fried Charles Gershon *Sam Ginsburg Enoch Goldman Abe Greenwald Morris Halpern Albert Hodes *Jake Jaffe *David Karasek *Morris Katz Lila Krop *Mollie Lichter *Sam Lit

William Lux Adie Marks *Max Mendelsohn *Sara Mohr *Annie Moskowitz *Chaja Nagrodzki Louis Niren Gilbert Odrezin Mae Perloff Goldie Redisch Blanche Rogoff Harold Rothman *Dorothy Rudolph Roslyn Saron *Martin Schwab *Eva Schwartz *Henry Schwartz *Mollie Shevinsky *Rachel Shevinsky Sophie Shweky Max Silver Jean Silverman Victor Solodukha John T. Speaks *Harris Touro Heiman Zeidman *Semen Zinger

Shabbat Ki Teitzei August 28-29

Andrew Abroms Barney Aizar Simch Antselevich Jack Axel Phillip Baer *Mollie Berman *Miriam Block Robert Bonfield *Sofia Burtman *Harry Cohen Jeff Cohen Harry Coltan Bruce Cowan Harry Cowitz *Leon Creidman *Isaac Dimenstein *Paul Dimenstein

*Helen Epstein *Torme Family Napoleon Fields *Ida Fisher *Jennie Fisher *Jules M. Gerwin Leo Gilbert *Meyer Goldberg *Julius Goldstein Frank Harris *Samuel Herman Lyn Hiller Sophia Kantor *Abe Kaplan Jack Langer *Paul Leitner *Emma Levin *Joe Levy Ralph Limmer *Samuel Lipsitz Rosalyn Ludensky *Leon Meyers *Lawrence Olshan Fred Perel Esther Rachman Levi Rachman David Rosenthal Chaim Rutsky Anna Schuster Avrom Schuster *Gerry Siegel Esther Silver David Simon Max Stark William Sternklar *Sidney Studin * Torme Family Paul Wilder Moshe Zonenberg



If you or someone close to you is hospitalized or becomes ill, please contact the TBE office as soon as possible. The rabbis regularly visit and contact congregants who are hospitalized or ill, and it is very important that the Temple be notified in the event a hospitalization occurs. Thank you!

*Denotes a perpetual memorial plaque in sanctuary given by family members.



Every Shabbat, we are blessed to explore our tradition through the Torah reading of the week. Every portion has a different message and lesson to be learned. Challenge your family with a unique design to your challah. See if they can find the connection between your challah and the weekly parasha.

Vaetchanan (July 31-August 1) As Moses continues his speech to the people we explore the text of the Shema and V’Ahavta. For those looking for a real challenge, try this over-the-top representation of the verse about Teffillin, crafted by Julie Seltzer.

Eikev (August 7-8) From Ekev we are provided with the foundations for reciting Birkat HaMazon, Grace after meals (Deut. 8:10). Craft a number of benchers, after-meal prayer books, to provide the visual link to our scriptural connection.

Re’eh (August 14-15)

As the Israelites crossed the Jordan River, they engaged in a fascinating ritual. They wrote the word of God on 12 stones and placed them on Mt. Gerizim, at which point the priests stood at the foot of the mountain shouting up blessings and courses. Each time the people responded with “Amen.” The idea behind the ritual was to impress upon the Israelites that every moment contains the capacity for good and evil. This Shabbat, craft your own stones of blessing for the family.

Shoftim (August 21-22)

This parasha starts by stating “Judges and officers you shall appoint for yourselves in all your gates.” As we get closer to Rosh Hashanah it may be nice to provide a little reminder of our impending judgment with an image of a judge’s gavel or scales on our challah. Find a cutout you like and overlay the image onto your challah. Mix an egg wash or layer with flour over stencil and bake the image on your loaf.

Ki Teitzei (August 28-29) One of the fun and drash-able laws that comes from this week’s parasha is coming across a nest in a tree or on the ground and shooing away the mother for the eggs. Without completely re-enacting this mitzvah, use your store-bought eggs in a nest of challah for your guests this Shabbat.

Figure 1: http://www.myjewishlearning.com/author/julie-seltzer/

Figure 2: https://www.pinterest.com/carloscirov/bibliofilias/


THE FINAL WORD The article below was adapted from an email sent on June 10, 2015.

From Strength To Strength: Congregational Meeting Kicks Off 2015-16 with 'A Steady Hand'

This year's annual meeting, held on Sunday, June 7, focused on leadership, education, and community.

Rabbi Robinson opened the annual meeting with a D'var Torah about Caleb found in the week's Torah

reading. He noted that the story of Caleb reminds us "the only way we can overcome the challenges of

our times is to trust in the strength of each other … that is necessary to thrive."


The family of Officer Chris Jones joined us to honor his

memory with the unveiling of a plaque placed near the

entry where he stood for 12 years serving our

community. Chris' humble and dedicated care for our

community was highlighted. A photograph of the

plaque is shown at right.

On the educational front, Rabbi Robinson shared the

results of his work this spring with Consultant Emily

Hausman. Based on observation, parlor meetings, and

a survey of families, a three-year plan is in place to infuse our Religious School with 1)new access points

for students and families, 2)experiential learning (chuggim), and 3)Hebrew learning through prayer

(tfillah). Details of this program planning can be found on page 6, with more to come in the next few


Full reports were shared by Executive Committee members Loraine Reznik, Barbara Brande, Eddie Griffith,

and Dan Weinrib. Notably, Treasurer Steven Sikora shared that after several challenging years, we are now

entering the third year working within a balanced budget environment. Financial and program

highlights were shared in the Annual Report, which arrived as an insert in the June/July Connection.

Steven also shared that Membership Commitment forms for 2015-16 have been mailed and are available

on our Web site to download.

Suzanne Bearman reported that the TBE Foundation has in excess of $5 million in assets, but the General

Fund of the Foundation could be depleted in the future without new unrestricted contributions. Arlene

Fisher presented the Temple Beth-El Board of Directors Slate, and Barbara Bonfield presented the TBE

Foundation Board Slate, each of which was unanimously approved. The meeting closed with the

installation of the 15-16 Foundation and TBE Boards by Rabbi Konigsburg. In pulling out an Etz Chayim

Torah and Commentary book, Rabbi Konigsburg charged the Board to remember the "underlying values of

who we are as a people ... we have reached our goals through the steady hand of leadership."

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See page 14 for a High Holidays preview!