TB Diagnosis _ Tuberculosis Test _ Healthcare Professionals _ TB _ Tuberculosis

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  • 8/13/2019 TB Diagnosis _ Tuberculosis Test _ Healthcare Professionals _ TB _ Tuberculosis




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    The World Health Organization

    (WHO) estimates that more than

    one third of the worlds population is

    infected with Mycobacterium



    Tuberculosis disease is caused by a bacterium that can affect any

    part of the body, but most comm only the lungs. Only TB of the lung

    or throat can be infectious and is generally transmitted by

    prolonged and/or frequent contact with an infected individual who

    is coughing bacteria droplets into the surrounding air. The bacteria

    are breathed in through the lungs , but can travel in the blood to

    other organs which become infected. Diagnosis of these non-

    pulmonary forms can be m ore difficult, as the person will no t have

    the cough so commonly associated with TB.

    A few years ago TB was thought to be a dis eas e of the past,

    particularly in the developed world. However,the diseas e has now

    made a dramatic comeback for a number of reasons. It is now

    often described as a global epidemic.


    Tuberculosis infection (latent TB infection) occurs when people

    carry Mycobacterium tuberculosisbacilli i n their body but the

    bacteria are being controlled by the infected person 's imm une

    system and so are still in sm all numbers. These bacteria do not

    cause d iseas e or any TB symptom. Individuals with latent TBinfection are not infectious.They wouldbe negativeto mos t TB

    tests including culture, Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAAT),

    and sm ear microscopy. Small nodules are occasionally seen on

    chest x-ray. Until recently the only test capable of identifying LTBI

    has been the tuberculin skin test.

    Tuberculosis disease (active disease) occurs when the bacterial

    load is increased and overcomes the body's immune defence.

    Tuberculosis disease may be infectious and can be identified by

    one or more of the following symptoms:

    severe cough for 2 or more weeks (often involving blood loss)

    weight loss

    night sweats

    poor appetite

    weakness or fatigue (tiredness)



    pain in the area infected

    Active diseas e can often (but not always) be identified by culture,

    sm ear m icroscopy, NAAT or chest x-ray. The number of peop le with

    active TB at a given time is just the tip of the iceberg, as many more

    are infected with TB and are therefore at a risk of developing the


    To view the relationship between active disease and latent

    infection click on the thumbnail.


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  • 8/13/2019 TB Diagnosis _ Tuberculosis Test _ Healthcare Professionals _ TB _ Tuberculosis



    TB control methods are based on three strategies:

    1. Vaccination using BCG is used in the developing to world

    and has limited use in the developed world.

    2. The diagnosis and treatment of active disease is important

    for individuals who have TB and it also reduces the onward

    transmis sion of the disease.

    3. The diagnos is and treatment of Latent TB Infection (LTBI).

    Most of the cases of active disease occur through the conversion o f

    LTBI to active dis ease. Therefore the European framework for

    tuberculosis control and elim ination in countries with a low

    incidencerecently recommended that "Tuberculosis control and

    elimination strategies m ust aim at diminishing the incidence and

    prevalence of latent infection to reduce the pool of those with

    tuberculosis infection from which future cases of tuberculosis will


    Latent infection can only be reduced by firstly identifying those who

    are infected. This is achieved by testing specific groups with a:

    Greater risk of transmitting the diseas e (healthcare workers,

    military personnel, imm igrants, contacts of index cases)

    Higher risk of progression to active disease

    (immunocompromised subjects, including HIV infected, renal

    patients, transplant patients, haematological disorders and

    those taking immunosuppress ive drugs).

    Once people with l atent infection have been identified they can be

    given preventative therapy which will e liminate the Mycobacteria

    tuberculosisand s o prevent conversion to active disease and

    eliminate the onward progression of the disease.

    1Broekm ans J, et al Eur Respir J 2002; 19: 765-775

    Diagnostics for Tuberculosis: Global Dem and and Market

    Potential /TDR, FIND SA. WHO 2006: p. 21.


    Previously, the only test available to diagnose latent TB infection

    has been the tuberculin skin test (TST). The test has rem ained

    more or les s unm odified for the last 60 years. Desp ite its

    inaccuracies, the TST is still being used to identify patients latently

    infected with tuberculosis.

    The T-SPOT.TBblood tes t offers a 21s t century alternative the TST

    providing greater accuracty, convenience and logis tical



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    People who are suspected of having active TB may be given a

    number of different tests to confirm the damage caused by the

    infection or to identify the organism s res ponsible for the infection.

    Skin test

    The tuberculin skin test described previously is sometimes used

    for active tuberculosis , with the sam e limitations . The skin test can

    only identify if a person has or does not have TB infection, it doesn't

    differentiate between latent and active TB. If the test is negative it is

    used as a rule out test indicating that the symptoms are not

    caused by TB.

    The skin test often remains posi tive for life after initial infection with

    TB, and therefore the test can be false positive in patients

    succes sfully treated for TB in the pas t.

    Radiological examinations - Chest x-ray and CT scan

    Ches t x-ray is us ed to check for lung abnormalities in peop le who

    have symptoms o f TB disease. The resul ts of a chest x-ray may be

    suggestive of TB; however the technique is not specific as m any

    other diseas es can produce s imilar features. Even experienced

    radiologis ts often have difficulty in determining the caus e of some

    abnorma lities. Therefore the results from a ches t x-ray cannot

    confirm that a person has TB disease (i.e. the test is imperfect as

    a rule in' test). Like the skin test it is difficult to distinguis h pas t,

    cured TB from current active disease s ince scarring in the lungs

    remains after a previous TB infection (even if the patient is

    completely cured).

    TB chest x-ray (left) and CT scan (right)

    The chest x-ray also has poor sensitivity; in the early stages of

    disease, the damage to the lungs may not yet have become

    sufficiently marked to be detectable so people who have active TB

    are mis sed. It is therefore an imperfect rule out' test. Clearly thechest x-ray is com pletely useless as either a rule in or a rule out

    test if the TB is not in the lungs. So in the 40% of all cases of active

    TB where the disease is not found in the lungs (extra or non-

    pulmonary TB) the chest x-ray is o f no use .

    In some hospitals Computerised Tomography (CT Scan) and

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) have proved us eful for

    imaging tuberculosis lesions, particularly those in the brain and

    spine. CT scans are therefore often used to identify non-pulmonary


    Smear Microscopy

    The sim plest laboratory test is the examination of sputum for the

    detection of acid-fast bacilli (AFB). This diagnos tic test is cheap

    (reagents cost less than 3 per test) and is performed in minutes.

    However, the WHO estimates that it only identifies 35% of patients

    with active TB. As the test identifies cell s s uspended in liquid

    sam ples it has particular difficulty in detecting many forms of non-

    pulmonary TB which occur in a variety of organs in the body. This

    test will als o identify acid fast bacilli other than M. tuberculosisso

    its specificity is no t 100%.

    Desp ite these shortcomings it is s till the front line tool for active TB

    diagnos is, partly because the more de finitive culture techniques

    take longer and because it can also determine if a person is

    infectious. It is argued that while AFB bacilli are found in the

    sputum the patient can continue to pass on the disease to other


    In some countries (Germany and Japan for instance) patients are

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    kept in hospi tal until there are no AFB visib le in the sputum as they

    are then considered not to be infectious. Sputum smear is thus

    one method that can be used to m onitor an active TB patient's

    respons e to therapy.

    Ziehl-Neelsen acid fast stain

    The MTB are the small red rod shaped organisms. Auramine

    fluorescence s tains are a newer adaptation of this test. It requires

    fluorescence microscopy but is a little more s ensitive as the

    fluorescence is easier to see than the coloured stain.


    Culture techniques are s till seen as the gold standard for active TB

    as they are extremely sensitive, so long as l ive mycobacteria can

    be obtained in the sam ple. It is therefore the "gold standard" test

    which is used for comparison with other methods when calculating

    sens itivity in active disease. M. tuberculosis can be cultured from a

    variety of specim ens including sputum, Central Spinal Fluid (CSF),

    pleural effusion, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), gastric aspirate etc

    and can thus be us ed to detect pulmonary as well as

    non-pulmonary disease. By asses sing the effect of antibiotics on

    the cultured bacilli, this technique can also identify the antibiotic

    sus ceptibility of the particular s train of TB infecting the patient. It is

    therefore the ma in method for identifying if a person has multi-drug

    resis tant (MDR) TB. However, it is not always poss ible to obtain

    mycobacteria in the sam ple, especially in non-pulmonary TB so

    culture is not a sensitive test. If performed correctly it should have

    very high s pecificity and can di stinguis h M. tub erculosisfrom other

    mycobacteria. A drawback of this tes t is the time to resu lt which

    can be anything from 2 to 6 weeks.


    Nucleic acid amp lification tests (NAATs), such as polymeras e

    chain reaction (PCR), are a relatively new development in active TBtesting. Even though NAAT techniques can m agnify even the

    sm allest amounts of genetic material, the sam ple used s till has to

    contain a certain number of TB bacilli and this is not always

    poss ible, particularly with non-pulm onary TB where s ensitivity can

    be as low as 60%. To increase the number of bacilli in the sample,

    and hence improve the sens itivity of the test, the laboratory will

    often culture the sample, to allow the bacil li to mu ltiply, before

    carrying out the PCR test. This can take several

    days or weeks. The ma in use of NAAT is no t to diagnose TB per

    se, but to rule out infections caused by atypical m ycobacteria in a

    sputum sm ear positive patient, before culture results are known.

    This helps treatment to be initiated quickly, with the therapy then

    being tailored to the patient based on the culture results obtained

    6weeks later.

    More recently NAATs have been used to identify MDR TB as

    mutations in the DNA of MTB which confer drug resis tance have

    been dis covered. These methods are quicker than culture but

    generally only identify resis tance to rifampicin and isoniazid.

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