Taylor Swift - Numerology Report SAMPLEthe ancient science of numerology. The report discusses: The lessons you are learning in this life …. The report can also guide you in identifying

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Taylor Swift





This report is designed to give you new insights into your character and personality from a perspective considerably different from that which most people use. The descriptions in this report are based on the ancient science of numerology. The report discusses: The lessons you are learning in this life …. The report can also guide you in identifying existing opportunities and opening the way to new and even more favorable possibilities. ….

Some talents and characteristics surface at different times in your life. .. A few characteristics may not have appeared in your life as yet although they’re described in this report. The description of these undeveloped potentials may serve to open your consciousness to new and exciting possibilities. …. For many people, some of their strong potentials are not developed because of obstacles which have not been overcome. A part of this report may describe you as you would like to be rather than as you feel you are. When this is the case, the sections of the report describing the obstacles holding back that particular potential are especially important for you to understand. ….

OVERVIEW There are several different sides to your character but your energy is primarily pointed in two contrary directions. A good part of you is probably strong and practical, interested in the business world or similar material activities, but another side of you tends to be introspective and reserved, concerned with inner needs and private projects. During your youth and young adulthood, you’ll struggle to balance the necessity of taking care of your material desires and ambitions with the equally strong necessity of spending time alone in study or contemplation. You’ll probably sometimes take care of one and sometimes the other, but rarely to your complete satisfaction. As you get older, you’ll probably learn how to balance your ambitious, practical side with your studious, solitary side so that you can feel comfortable with both.


TAYLOR: YOUR FINE ANALYTICAL MIND, SPIRITUAL AWARENESS—AND INTROSPECTIVE SIDE Your 7 Life Path You have a fine analytical mind and are capable of much in the way of learning. You probably have the potential to understand fundamental truths as well as the capacity to search for ultimate meanings. You may involve yourself in complex technical, scientific or philosophical studies. One of your major lessons in life is to use your abilities to learn the peace of mind which can only come from knowing yourself and accepting and expressing your deepest feelings. ….

Your 16/7 Karmic Debt Your growth will probably follow your own leanings and, since you often keep your motives and feelings to yourself, your actions may often not be what others expect. You may frequently confuse or upset some of your friends and associates, even people who think they know you well. You’ll have to work on reducing the effects of your strong introspective side if you want to get on better with other people. …. Your 11 Maturity Number Sometime in the middle of your life, most likely between the ages of thirty-five and fifty, you’ll probably re-evaluate your awareness of the spiritual world and its importance to you. At that time, you’ll probably examine the progress you’ve made to date in expanding your spiritual understandings. ….


YOUR ORDERLY, HARDWORKING NATURE— AND YOUR NARROW, LIMITING APPROACH Your 4 Expression And 4 Birthday The intuitive and spiritual side of your makeup is important in your life, but there’s another aspect which is likely to have a similar impact on your character development. You have a natural potential to work long, hard and patiently. If there’s a job to be done requiring a good deal of time, much difficult work and careful attention to detail, you can probably do it well. …. Your 13/4 Karmic Debt There are times when you may feel boxed in and unable to adjust your course to a more productive direction. If you rationalize your uncomfortable position—and you’re likely to be skilled at fooling yourself in this way—your predicament isn’t likely to change. …. Your 4 Modified Karmic Lesson You’re likely to find yourself in many situations requiring a great deal of work. You may be willing to work long, hard and patiently, continuing despite long hours or the heaviness of the job load. …. Your 4 Challenge During your early years, you’re likely to have difficulty accomplishing your work effectively. You may ignore work when possible or approach it in a careless fashion. On the other hand, you may work in such a rigid manner or with so little understanding of the implications involved that the job isn’t done well. …. Your 8 Karmic Lesson Despite your good business potential, you probably have to learn how to deal with money comfortably in your personal life. You may worry that you never have enough money, or you may have an unrealistic view of how far your earnings will go. ….


YOUR SOCIAL AND CREATIVE SIDE Your 3 Soul Urge You probably enjoy expressing your delight in life, sometimes with exhilarating enthusiasm, sometimes with intense but quiet pleasure. You may affirm your joy in living with many friends in varied activities or in the company of a few intimates engaged in quiet diversions. You probably want to involve yourself in creative activity as well. You’re likely to use your social and creative abilities in your career as well as in your personal life. …. The 14/5 Karmic Debt Added In Your Current Name There’s likely to be more change and variety in your life with your current name than there was before. …. YOUR CARING SIDE The Added 2, 6, 9 Energy In Your Current Name Along with the other traits mentioned, there’s another aspect of your character which may make its own contribution to your general makeup. With your current name, the loving and generous side of your nature may assume an important role. ….


THE OPPORTUNITIES AND INFLUENCES THAT WILL AFFECT YOUR LIFE IN 2019 Your 4 Life Path Period And 4 Pinnacle In addition to the many personality traits and characteristics just described, two long term cycles, the Life Path Period and the Pinnacle, set the background tone for a number of years of your life. They produce no abrupt or intense effect, but, rather, determine the general influences that you’ll feel during the time they’re active. At this time in your life you’re apt to be looking for more security and stability. …. JANUARY THROUGH DECEMBER 2019 A TIME FOR NEW BEGINNINGS, A TIME TO EXERT YOUR INDEPENDENCE AND INDIVIDUALITY. Your 1 Personal Year The year 2019 marks a time of exciting change, dramatic progress and new beginnings for you. Anything of a meaningful nature that you begin or expand now will have a significant effect on the course of the next decade. …. Special Focus For This Year In 2019, make the changes you’ve been contemplating. By all means, emphasize your strong need to break free when any relationships—possibly family—keep you from feeling as independent as possible. ….


Your 2 Essence January 1 to December 12 While the above described Personal Year indicates the best approach for you to take for growth and development during 2019, the Essence points out the likely events to take place during the period that it is active. Knowing the probable events that will happen and the preferred approach to those events will help you to get the most out of your experiences. Opportunities and events during this period emphasize the development of cooperation and patience. …. Your 19/1 Essence December 13 through December 31 During this period be ready to encounter events and opportunities that have a strong impact on your life that lead to your becoming more independent. Before you can obtain the independence you’ve been looking for, though, you must first change the limiting situations that are currently holding you back. …. Monthly Highlights For 2019 The Personal Year is an important yearly influence. This influence, though, is expressed with a somewhat different emphasis each month. Be sure to take the monthly emphasis into account, too, when considering the best approach to take to each month’s events. Monthly highlights for 2019 are given next, followed by detailed descriptions for each month. In January you may meet some special friends with the kind of sensitive nature that you like. Keep alert for both people and some job possibilities just beginning to develop. A substantial amount of work in March may be related to developing career chances. In June, make plans for further effort. In August, keep your balance, although you may face some emotional struggles. Expect major work developments in September and be prepared to act. But don’t be surprised if there are some delays in October. Consolidate your gains in December. SEPTEMBER 2019 Your 1 Personal Month Expect lots of important and exciting activity this month, as much as any time this year. ….


OCTOBER 2019 Your 2 Personal Month The forward surge of the last ten or twelve weeks may well continue into the first week or so of October. The fast pace will probably subside throughout the rest of the month, though, allowing you a welcome respite from the frenetic activity of the previous months. …. NOVEMBER 2019 Your 3 Personal Month This is a fine time to enjoy yourself with friends in large or small get-togethers. Express the contagious joie de vivre that you currently feel. Turn on those around you with all the fun and delight you can display. …. DECEMBER 2019 Your 4 Personal Month December is a fine time to consolidate the gains you’ve made during this exciting year. Take care of any organizational matters that come to your attention. …. JANUARY THROUGH DECEMBER 2020 A TIME FOR INCREASED SENSITIVITIES AND HEIGHTENED SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES. A TIME OF UNEXPECTED DELAYS. Your 11/2 Personal Year The year 2020 can be a very special time to make important spiritual advances if you’re attuned in that direction. During the year, you may have some unique experiences and gain new insights into religious or metaphysical matters. You may acquire a new sense of illumination, an awareness of great significance that can help in the development of your faith and inner peace. ….


Special Focus For This Year In 2020, devote significant effort to developing your metaphysical or religious interests. Plan to spend some time by yourself in which you concentrate on your inner growth and the continued development of your spiritual faith. Take some classes or do your own studying or research to enhance your knowledge. …. Your 19/1 Essence January 1 to December 12 Your Essence during this period is the same as the one described for last year. Expect the same kinds of events and opportunities to occur as you have already been experiencing. Make sure, though, to use the approach of the new Personal Year as you encounter the events that unfold at this time. Because your Essence for this period points in a very different direction than the Personal Year, you may find that things do not go as easily or as smoothly as you’d like. Your need for independence and self-centered attainment at this time conflicts with your potential for idealistic or spiritual achievement. …. Your 7 Essence December 13 through December 31 During this period you’ll find many opportunities for study and deep inner reflection. This is a time to write about scientific, religious or metaphysical subjects, or to get involved in research or educational pursuits that emphasize the understanding of fundamental principles. …. Monthly Highlights For 2020 You’re likely to meet new friends in January who may be able to open doors leading to advances in your spiritual growth. Plan to spend time by yourself in study and meditation, particularly during May. The special illumination that may result can be of great importance in your life. Make the most of some business or financial opportunities in June but continue your inner development, too. Enjoy the special closeness you experience during September with family and friends. In November, take steps to pull 2020’s high-level insights together.


JANUARY 2020 Your 3 Personal Month Look to your friends to open doors for new opportunities and a new awareness at this time. When you discover some possibilities that will allow you to expand or advance long-term business enterprises, study the situation carefully. …. FEBRUARY 2020 Your 4 Personal Month Be prepared for a substantial workload this month. Take care of details and loose ends related to your ongoing ventures. Contracts, agreements and other legal matters may need attention on or around February 18th. …. MARCH 2020 Your 5 Personal Month The free and expansive feelings you have this month will come as a welcome relief from the constant work and sense of restriction you felt in February. …. APRIL 2020 Your 6 Personal Month Much of this month’s activities are likely to revolve around your home, family and friends. Enjoy socializing with people you’re particularly close to and enjoy, too, the pleasure of romance and affection. …. MAY 2020 Your 7 Personal Month The love, affection and support you received in April will help you feel a lot more comfortable spending time by yourself now. ….


JUNE 2020 Your 8 Personal Month Your ongoing enterprises are likely to move ahead in June at a brisker pace than during the last few months. Some new business and financial opportunities may surface between June 2nd and 11th. Be careful where you put your energies, though. …. JULY 2020 Your 9 Personal Month You’ll be dealing with a number of situations in which the people involved will have strong feelings and possibly quick tempers. …. AUGUST 2020 Your 1 Personal Month You have a sense of quiet new beginnings this month. New opportunities and new people appear to be present. Your ongoing enterprises are likely to move slowly forward, particularly between August 7th and 25th. ….


SUMMARY Because of your diverse interests and abilities, you’re likely to expend considerable time and effort learning how to consolidate the various aspects of your character in a comfortable and productive way. When you understand how to combine the beauty of your loving, giving, responsible side with the power of your dynamic, practical side and the special sensitivity of your studious, solitary side, you are likely to find a great deal of satisfaction in your life. As you mature, you’ll probably learn to take care of your inner needs and material ambitions while giving generously to other people.