TAYLOR COUNTY LAND INFORMATION COMMITTEE MEETING October 27, 2017 Lester Lewis, Ray Soper, Kyle Noonan, Roxy Kahan, Sarah Holtz, Dave Roiger, Betty Blumenstein, Heather Dums, Bruce Strama, Larry Brandl, Bob Meyer, Dan Olson, Sara Nuernberger, John Easterly and Corp Council Courtney Graff, were present. 1. Lewis called the meeting to order at 9.00 a.m. 2. Approve Agenda A motion was made by Roiger, second by Soper to approve the agenda of 13 items. Motion carried. 3. Approve Minutes of the August 11, 2017 meeting. A motion made by Soper, second by Roiger to approve the minutes of the August 11, 2017 meeting. Motion carried. 4. Discuss correspondence and meeting attendance. None 5. Report Corner request There were three corner requests. 1. South ¼ corner Section 15 -32-3W, Town of Cleveland 2. North ¼ corner Section 4 -30-4W, Town of Taft 3. East ¼ corner Section 13 -32-3E, Town of Rib Lake Towns of Medford & Deer Creek are completely remonumented. Meyer and Easterly are working on Little Black now with just a few corners left to be done. 6. Review/act on 2018 Wisconsin Land Information Program grant applications. Meyer informed the board that he would be applying for the same grants that he had applied for in the past. Base budget grants could be used to scan highway plans & tax rolls, update servers, hardware and software that are needed in the Real Property’s office, Land Surveyors office, and Register of Deeds. The education grant will pay for his continuing education and could also be used by anyone else whom would like to go to any land information training. The Strategic Initiative grant will continue to be used for corner remonumentation. Also any extra funds could be used for the next Ortho photo project in the year 2020. A motion was made by Soper, second by Roiger to approve Meyer to apply for the grants. Motion carried. 7. Discuss/act on In-Rem Procedures. Roiger made the motion to start using the In Rem process in the year 2018 for the delinquent 2014 taxes, Soper second. Motion carried.


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October 27, 2017

Lester Lewis, Ray Soper, Kyle Noonan, Roxy Kahan, Sarah Holtz, Dave Roiger, Betty Blumenstein,

Heather Dums, Bruce Strama, Larry Brandl, Bob Meyer, Dan Olson, Sara Nuernberger, John

Easterly and Corp Council Courtney Graff, were present.

1. Lewis called the meeting to order at 9.00 a.m.

2. Approve Agenda

A motion was made by Roiger, second by Soper to approve the agenda of 13 items. Motion


3. Approve Minutes of the August 11, 2017 meeting.

A motion made by Soper, second by Roiger to approve the minutes of the August 11, 2017

meeting. Motion carried.

4. Discuss correspondence and meeting attendance.


5. Report Corner request

There were three corner requests.

1. South ¼ corner Section 15 -32-3W, Town of Cleveland

2. North ¼ corner Section 4 -30-4W, Town of Taft

3. East ¼ corner Section 13 -32-3E, Town of Rib Lake

Towns of Medford & Deer Creek are completely remonumented. Meyer and Easterly are

working on Little Black now with just a few corners left to be done.

6. Review/act on 2018 Wisconsin Land Information Program grant applications.

Meyer informed the board that he would be applying for the same grants that he had applied

for in the past. Base budget grants could be used to scan highway plans & tax rolls, update

servers, hardware and software that are needed in the Real Property’s office, Land Surveyors

office, and Register of Deeds. The education grant will pay for his continuing education and

could also be used by anyone else whom would like to go to any land information training. The

Strategic Initiative grant will continue to be used for corner remonumentation. Also any extra

funds could be used for the next Ortho photo project in the year 2020. A motion was made by

Soper, second by Roiger to approve Meyer to apply for the grants. Motion carried.

7. Discuss/act on In-Rem Procedures.

Roiger made the motion to start using the In Rem process in the year 2018 for the delinquent

2014 taxes, Soper second. Motion carried.

A. How many year’s delinquent before starting procedure.

Soper made the motion to implement the change in process from waiting four years to

taking a delinquent property to two years. This process will go into effect on March 31,

2019, giving the public a one-year notice. For the 2019 calendar year the Treasurer will

be foreclosing on the delinquent tax bills of 2015 and 2016. Roiger seconded the motion,

motion carried. Notification of the changes in procedure will be mailed to all delinquent

property owners in February 2018. The County Treasurer will put a public notice in the

local paper and on the local radio station.

B. When to use In-Rem and /or Tax deed

It was decided to take all delinquent property using the In Rem process.

C. What charges to use……actual charges, set charges

The Treasurer was directed to work with Corp Counsel on the amount of set charges and

obtain access to be able to view the live charges from Corp Counsel’s shared software.

Holtz will bring back findings at the next meeting.

8. Discuss/act on monies invested in contaminated properties that are left on the tax roll

for multiple years.

Holtz informed the board about all the expenses accrued on contaminated properties. Each year

the County pays each entity their share of the tax bill on these sites and then is also accruing the

tax deed fees yearly. She recommended that it would be more cost effective to take the

property while waiting for the clean-up to be completed instead of paying the tax bills year after

year. She suggested getting in contact with the assessor to have the assessed value looked at

and possibly lowered. The board gave Blumenstein and Holtz authorization to contact the

assessor in any instance of a property sitting vacant for multiple years because of contamination.

9. Inspection of possible tax deed properties. The Environment Assessment Committee

will leave by van 9:30 am for the inspection and upon return (12:00 Noon) will continue

the meeting in the County Board room.

The chairman called for a recess at 10:15 am for the Environmental Assessment Committee

members to inspect tax deed properties. The Environmental Assessment Committee members

are Kyle Noonan, Dave Roiger, Ray Soper, Dan Olson, Les Lewis, and Sarah Holtz. The

committee returned at 11:40 am to reconvene the meeting.

10. Discuss and act on which parcels will be taken in tax deed and/or In Rem and set prices

for future land auction.

Please see attached listing of the parcels that the board decided to take in tax deed and the

starting bids for each parcel.

11. Public input.

Noonan informed the board that he was contacted by the Town Chairman from the Town of

Westboro about a property that was purchased in a tax deed sale. The property has been

acquiring a bunch of garbage instead of being cleaned up according to our procedure that a

property must be brought up to code within a year after purchase. Noonan will be mailing him a

letter giving the owner 45 days to clean up the site or be fined per day until it is done.

Meyer notified the board about the issues we have been having with the speed of the GIS

website. Lewis will get in contact with IT to see what can be done.

12. Set new meeting date.

Next meeting will be by call of Chair.

13. Adjournment.

Soper made a motion to adjourn at 11:50am, Roiger second. Motion carried.



August 11, 2017

Lester Lewis, Ray Soper, Kyle Noonan, Roxy Kahan, Sarah Holtz, Dave Roiger, Betty Blumenstein,

Heather Dums, Bruce Strama, Larry Brandl, Bob Meyer, and Corp Council Courtney Graff, were


1. Lewis called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m.

2. Approve Agenda

A motion was made by Roiger, second by Soper to approve the agenda of 14 items. Motion


3. Approve Minutes of the June 16, 2017 meeting.

A motion made by Soper, second by Roiger to approve the minutes of the June16, 2017

meeting. Motion carried.

4. Discuss correspondence and meeting attendance.


5. Report Corner request

There was one corner request.

4. Section 2-T32N-R2E in the Town of Greenwood

Deer Creek is completely remonumented. Meyer and Easterly are working on Little Black now.

6. Discuss and act on County Surveyor and Land Information Budgets

The budgets were discussed separately. Soper made a motion to approve the Surveyors budget,

second by Roiger. Motion carried. Roiger made a motion to approve the Land Information

budget, second by Roiger. Motion carried

7. Discuss and act on County Highway Department’s highway plan scanning project.

Meyer informed the board that he received two quotes for scanning the Highway plans. One

quote was from a company in Oklahoma for $10,087.37 and the second one was from On Q

Solutions for $2971.90. Meyer informed the board that he would be using his 2018 base budget

grant money to pay for the scanning. Soper made a motion to have Meyer contract with On Q

Solutions to scan the Highway’s plans and profile sheets into a digital format. Roiger second the

motion. Motion carried.

8. Information to clarify possible request for quit claim from County to owner (parcel


Blumenstein informed the board that her office was notified that a parcel was up for sale and

there was a 1 rod gap that was missed in the title work that might still be owned by the County

and they would like to clean up the deed and include that 1 rod gap on the new deed.

Blumenstein informed Lewis and Strama of the situation. A quit claim deed was drafted by Salm

Law Office and Strama signed the deed per direction from Lewis to deed the property to the

new owner. The Salm Law office also paid the $30.00 Register of Deeds fees.

9. Discuss/possible action implementing In Rem process.

Graff instructed the board that the proposed In Rem ordinance will need to be approved at the

full County Board and that this only gives the County the right to use either the tax deed

procedure or the In Rem procedure. The Land Information Committee will be making the

decisions after the ordinance is put into place. Example: how many years delinquent, when to

use In Rem or Tax deed, etc. More discussion will be had after the full County board votes.

10. Discuss/act on In Rem ordinance

Roiger made the motion to present the In Rem ordinance to the full County board at the next

meeting in October, Soper second. Motion carried.

11. Discuss options for taking property(s) with a dam located on it.

Soper made a motion to present the ordinance that states the procedure to be followed when a

property is taken in tax deed and a dam structure is located on it to full County Board, second

by Roiger. Motion carried.

12. Public input.

Strama informed the board that property owners around Lake Esadore are in the process of

starting a Lake District. The County has property located in this area and it would be in the

County’s best interest to be part of the Lake District Association.

Holtz informed the board of the money invested in the contaminated properties that are left on

the tax roll for multiple years. This will be put on the next meeting agenda for discussion and

also the idea of shortening the amount of time that a parcel will be taken in tax deed or In Rem.

13. Set new meeting date.

Next meeting will be October 27, 2017 at 8:30 AM. The committee will recess for the

Environmental Assessment Committee members to inspect tax deed properties.

14. Adjournment.

Roiger made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:20 AM, 2nd by Soper and with all in favor

the motion was carried.



June 16, 2017

Lester Lewis, Ray Soper, Kyle Noonan, Roxy Kahan, Sarah Holtz, Dave Roiger, Betty Blumenstein,

Heather Dums, Dan Olson, Bruce Strama and Corp Council Courtney Graff, were present.

1. Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

2. Approve Agenda

A motion was made by Soper, second by Roiger to approve the agenda of 11 items. Motion


3. Approve Minutes of the April 28, 2017 meeting.

A motion made by Roiger, second by Soper to approve the minutes of the April 28, 2017

meeting. Motion carried.

4. Discuss correspondence and meeting attendance.


5. Report Corner request


6. Discuss In Rem/Tax Deed- how many years delinquent before the County takes


Courtney Graff was present to answer any questions about the IN Rem process. Roiger made a

motion to proceed with the In Rem process, Soper second. Motion carried. Graff will bring a

drafted ordinance to the next meeting for further discussion. Roiger made a motion to start the

process of eligibility in two years instead of the current four year process, Lewis second. Soper

opposed. Motion carried

7. Discuss policy to not except personal checks when in tax deed

Roiger made a motion to put in place a policy to not except any personal checks from a

delinquent tax payer for the months of September thru December if they are in the tax deed/In

Rem process, Soper second. Motion carried.

8. Public input.


9. Set new meeting date.

Next meeting will be by call of Chair.

10. The Land Sale Auction will take place at 9:00 AM

At 8:55 AM the meeting was recessed until after the tax deed sale. Sale started at 9:00 AM. Land

Information meeting resumed at 9:35 AM.

11. Adjournment.

Soper made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 AM, 2nd by Roiger and with all in favor the

motion was carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Holtz, County Treasurer

Tax Deed Land Sale Results Town of Chelsea Awarded Bid Name 006-80079-0000 006-80080-0000 $1300.00 Mike Olson Donna & Ron Moss Town of Ford 012-00352-0001 $230.00 Earl Berg Stanley & Kate Warminski Town of Hammel 020-00022-0010 $1,200.00 C. Michael Ortengren Phillip Bragiel Town of Jump River 024-00067-0000 $45,000.00 Jones Rental LLC Alfonso Ojeda 024-00065-0000 $99,000.00 Jan Pflughoeft Alfonso Ojeda Town of McKinley 030-80004-0000 $3,200.00 Ray Daino Roy Block Town of Westboro $3,000.00 Lee Yusten 044-80002-0000 Brandon Mercer City of Medford 251-00654-0000 $9,000.00 James Hickman Toni Padilla



April 28, 2017

Lester Lewis, Ray Soper, Bob Meyer, Kyle Noonan, Roxy Kahan, Sarah Holtz, Dave Roiger, Betty

Blumenstein, Heather Dums, Sara Nuernberger, Dan Olson, Corp Council Courtney Graff, and

CindiSue Zittlow were present.

1. Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

2. Approve Agenda

A motion was made by Roiger, second by Soper to approve the agenda of 16 items. Motion


3. Approve Minutes of the February 17, 2017 meeting.

A motion made by Soper, second by Roiger to approve the minutes of the February 17, 2017

meeting. Motion carried.

4. Discuss correspondence and meeting attendance.

Meyer informed the board that the LIDAR project is complete and all of the grant money has

been received. The grant money was less than expected so it was short by $1352.00 for paying it

in full. Meyer was going to use the retained fees account to pay the rest unless the board wants

it taken out of the remediation fund money. The board was okay with using the retained fees


5. Report Corner request


6. Review/take action to grant a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for ingress, egress and

utilities over and across Taylor County parcel 020-00207-0000.

Noonan informed the board that CindiSue Zittlow from Exit Realty approached him about the

land currently owned by Terry and Juliann Bashaw is up for sale and they would like to have a

permanent solution for access to pump the holding tanks and also bring firewood into the

basement. CindiSue Zittlow from Exit Realty was present to inform the board that there is a

potential buyer for the house and they would like the easement in place for the new owner.

Roiger made a motion to approve the easement drafted by Gowey Abstract pending the

approval of language by Corp Council. The County will pay the recording fees per Lewis.

Second by Soper, motion carried.

7. Discussion/possible action on meander property on Chelsea Lake.

Blumenstein informed the board that the property owners on the west side of Chelsea Lake are

not being taxed on the correct acreage because of water line recession. She would like to see an

accurate parcel map done to tax accordingly. Meyer suggested that he could do a section

summary using the LIDAR for high water marks. Lewis made the motion for Meyer to survey the

area and correct the acreage amounts, second by Roiger, motion carried.

8. Discuss/action County Ordinance for Foreclosure of Tax liens by action in rem.

Corp Council explained the In Rem procedure to the board and gave them some insight as to

how the process works and some averages on filing fee costs and attorney fees. The In Rem

process is done thru the judicial system and will hold more clout if the case is taken to court

after a property is taken for delinquent taxes. All delinquent parcels would be filed as one group,

not individual parcels so the cost could be shared amongst the parcels. She informed the board

that this could be put into place in addition to the tax deed procedure and it would take place

next year if approved. Roiger made the motion to adopt the IN REM procedure, second by

Soper, motion carried. Ordinance will need to be approved thru full County board vote.

Discussion was had on how many years we should wait until starting the IN REM or tax deed

process. We currently wait four years. This will be put on the next agenda to discuss.

9. Discuss/act on the payment of utility bills for tax deed properties

Holtz informed the board that the locks were re-keyed on the Ojeda property costing $143.00

and the electric bill was put in the County’s name on April 18th, 2017. Padlocks and hasps were

put on the Mercer property costing $111.36 and there will be a prorated amount owed for the

sewer quarterly bill. Also the Mercer and Moss property will have a tax bill for the 2017 tax year

because the deeds weren’t recorded until after January 1st. The tax amount will be prorated per

the board. Soper made a motion to give permission to the Treasurer to pay all bills accrued on

the tax deed parcels, second by Roiger. Motion carried.

10. Update and discussion on eviction notice for tax deed properties.

The Treasurer informed the board that the Ojeda property is evacuated and the son gave us

permission to lock the place up. Corp Council also went thru the Court system for a judgment

for eviction. Mercer will be off the premises by Sunday April 30th.

11. Discuss/act on when to do property inspection of recently acquired tax deed


No inspections will be done. Buildings and Grounds took pictures of the property when they

locked the dwellings up. The board decided to sell the Mercer property as is. The Ojeda property

was discussed and the board decided to clean the property up before trying to sell it. Roiger

informed the board that Ben Bersie has been known to clean out properties and then sells the

items at his store. Soper made a motion to have the Treasurer contact Ben and find out if he

would be interested in cleaning the site up pending proof of insurance. Also, with the direction

of the Chair, get a quote from a cleaning company if Ben is not interested, not spending more

than $6000.00. Treasurer and Chair will make the final decisions. Roiger second, motion carried.

12. Discuss/act on when prospective buyers of the tax deed parcels can view the interior

of the buildings.

Inspection of tax deed properties will take place on June 6th and 7th from 9:00 AM until 4:30 PM.

13. Discuss & set date for Land sale.

The date for the Land sale will be June 16th, 2017 at 9:00 AM

14. Public input.

Noonan informed the board that there could be upcoming properties that will be up for tax

deed that have dams on the parcels. He proposed that the County pass a resolution to be

protected from any issues with being in compliance with the DNR. Possibly the County could

pass a resolution that the County would remove any dams within a year if the land is taken in tax

deed. This will be added to next agenda for further discussion.

Blumenstein informed the board that Bob Christensen was in her office inquiring about the Joe

Pierce property on Main Street. The County took this property in tax deed in 2010 and it is

currently 5 years delinquent again. Craig Way has purchased the building adjoined to this one

and is interested in purchasing it and tearing both buildings down. Lewis advised Blumenstein to

have Bob contact the City of Medford as they would have the right to raise the building if it was

a health or safety risk.

Holtz addressed the board about putting a policy in place to not except personal checks when a

person is in the tax deed process. Board thought that this was a good idea and it will be added

as an agenda item for the next meeting.

15. Set new meeting date.

Next meeting will be June 16th, 2017 at 8:30 am

16. Adjournment.

Roiger made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 AM, 2nd by Soper and with all in favor

the motion was carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Holtz, County Treasurer



Feb. 17, 2017

Lester Lewis, Ray Soper, Bob Meyer, Kyle Noonan, Roxy Kahan, Sarah Holtz, Dave Roiger, Betty

Blumenstein, Heather Dums, Bill Breneman, Sara Nuernberger, Larry Brandl, Kevin Hauglie,

Pamela Hauglie, Craig Hanke, Brian Duell, Thomas Duell, Carrie Stoltz, Brandon Mercer, and

Danielle Steil-Mercer were present.

1. Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

2. Approve Agenda

A motion was made by Roiger, second by Soper to approve the agenda of 17 items. Motion


3. Approve agenda item # 10 from the December 12th, 2016 Land Information Committee

meeting due to incorrect parcel number being stated on agenda. Correct parcel number is


A motion was made by Soper, second by Roiger to approve purchasing parcel number 006-

80080-0000 from Ronald and Donna Moss for $2500.00. Parcel number was incorrectly recorded

in the December 12th agenda as 006-80079-0000. Motion carried.

4. Approve Minutes of the December 12, 2016 meeting.

A motion made by Roiger, second by Soper to approve the minutes of the Dec.12, 2016 meeting

with the exception stated in the previous agenda item number 3, which is recorded above.

Motion carried.

5. Discuss correspondence and meeting attendance.

Meyer informed the board that he attended the WSLS conference in January and it was very

informational. He also informed the board that the LIDAR project is finished and he should be

receiving the finished product on a hard drive next week. A discussion was had about how the

information could be shared with the public and also how the information will be backed up on

the server. Meyer will get back to the board with his findings on how the information will be

backed up and a possible solution for a cost recovery at a later meeting.

6. Report Corner request

There were two corner requests.

5. Section 15 in Town of Pershing

6. Section 23 in Town of McKinley

7. Redemption hearing at 9:00 am.

1) Kevin Hauglie, Pamela Hauglie, and Craig Hanke were present to redeem parcel 018-00077-

0002. Property owner Kevin Hauglie informed the board that he had a check in the amount of

$10,124.43 to redeem his property. Soper made the motion to allow Kevin Hauglie to redeem

his property, Roiger second. Motion carried.

2) Brandon Mercer and Danielle Steil-Mercer were present to redeem parcel 044-80002-0000.

Brandon informed the board that he did not have the money and would not be able to pay the

amount until he received his tax return in two weeks. Holtz informed the board that Brandon

had issued the County an NSF check in December for his 2012 delinquent taxes. Soper made a

motion to deny Brandon Mercer to redeem his property, second by Lewis. A roll call vote was

cast, two (2) voting aye (Lewis and Soper) and one voting no (Roiger). Motion carried.

8. Carrie Stoltz-advice on taking Brownfield sites.

Carrie Stoltz was present from the DNR to discuss some of our Brownfield sites. She informed

the board that the property previously owned by Sylvia Webster had a delay in closing the site

due to a well being drilled for an adjoining land owner. There was no contamination detected so

the paperwork should be closed out this year and no longer considered contaminated. The next

parcel discussed is the property owned by Kristine Sorensen. During a closing meeting it was

noticed that a fee of $300.00 for a soil testing was never paid. Ms. Sorensen does not want to

sign anymore paperwork for this parcel so Carrie was recommending that the County pay the

$300.00 so that the site can be closed. Holtz informed the board that her office charges $150.00

to this parcel every year for the tax deed process that will never be recouped. Roiger made a

motion to pay the $300.00 from the remediation fund to close the site, Soper second. Lewis

opposed. Motion carried.

9. Discuss/act on County Ordinance for Foreclosure of Tax liens by action in rem.

Discussion was had and action will be tabled until more information can be collected by Corp

Council whom was unavailable to attend the meeting.

10. Discuss/act on the payment of utility bills for tax deed properties

Holtz informed the board that there are no bills at present but once the tenants are removed

the utilities will start. No action taken.

11. Discuss/act on eviction notice for tax deed properties.

A motion was made by Roiger to have Corp Council draft the eviction noticed for a thirty day

timeline, Soper second. Motion carried. Meyer inquired about an easement that would need to

be put in place before selling the parcel previously owned by Alfonso Ojeda. Soper made a

motion to have an easement added to the deed of parcel # 024-00065-0000 for access to the

Western parcel, second by Roiger. Motion carried. More detail will be discussed at the next

scheduled meeting on March 24, 2017.

12. Discuss/act on when to do property inspection of recently acquired tax deed

properties. Added: 2/8/2017

This will be determined after the eviction process. Discuss at next meeting. No action taken.

13. Discuss/act on when prospective buyers of the tax deed parcels can view the interior

of the buildings. Added 2/8/2017

This will be decided after the tenants are evicted and property is viewed. No action taken.

14. Discuss & set date for Land sale.

The date will be set at the next meeting. No action taken.

15. Public input.

No public input.

16. Set new meeting date.

Next meeting will be March 24, 2017 at 8:30 am

17. Adjournment.

Soper made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 AM, 2nd by Roiger and with all in favor

the motion was carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Holtz, County Treasurer