ASTROLOGY 4 NATION 2 Sunday November 7, 2010 5 NATION 2 Sunday November 7, 2010 BY A.S. FERNANDO If the lord of the 7th House is in the Ascendant, the native may go abroad and if the lord is with benefic planets, the native may go on frequent journeys as a sailor or as a skipper of a vessel. If the lord of 12th House is in the Lagna which happens to be a common sign, the native would go abroad very often. If the lord of 12th House is in the 9th House, the native would have residence and prop- erty abroad If the lord of the 9th House is exalted in the 12th House, the native would achieve honours in his own country and abroad. The lord of the 2nd House in the 12th House makes the na- tive rich in a foreign country. A stronger lord of the 2nd House would endow the native with more wealth. The lord of the 4th House in the 12th House indicates resi- dence in a foreign country. If the lord of the 5th House is in the 12th House, the native would go abroad for education. The lord of the 6th House in the 12th House, which happens to be a common or a movable sign, would make one undertake many foreign tours. The lord of the 7th House in the 12th House or vice versa, would cause one to undertake business tours and cause mar- riage with a foreigner. The lord of the 10th House in the 12th House would cause the native to make international connections for professional purposes. When the lord of the 12th House or its lord is afflicted, the native may get a lot of foreign travel. Direction of foreign travel Planetary positions also indicate the direction of foreign travel. If the planet influencing foreign travel is in the Ascen- dant, the native would travel east. The 7th House causing foreign travel would send the na- tive west, 12th and 11th Houses Southeast, the 5th and the 6th the Northwest, the 2nd 3rd Northeast and the 8th and the 9th Southwest. The planetary positions that determine the distance of the foreign journey involved The 3rd and 5th Houses in- fluencing foreign travel point to a place close to the native’s birthplace. The 1st and the 7th Houses indicate a neighbour- ing country. The 12th and 8th Houses indicate distant lands, 11th and 9th denote any place in the world and the 10th House a diagonally opposite place. (How planets influence foreign travel in the next article.) Plots, conspiracies and widespread agitation in the offing An earthquake in east of Sri Lanka Agitation among railway and bus workers An outbreak of a communicable disease Cultural ties with foreign nations The movements of planets from November 1 to December 31 Hand tells tales, but does not lie BY SUDARSHI Aries (Mesha) You would make profits from business ven- tures. But you might develop a tendency to re- sort to unscrupulous means to gain your ends. An excellent understanding with the spouse and peace in the family are indicated. But the spouse is prone to sickness. Your relations with your father might go sour. You would achieve re- markable success in your career if you are running the major or sub period of Saturn. Your earnings would go up. Friends will help you. You are also likely to undertake a journey abroad. Taurus (Vrushabha) You would shine in the field of performing or aesthetic arts possibly as a singer or an actor. The brief period from 13.07 hours on November 21 to 19.58 hours on November 21 is very auspicious for you. The ongoing period up to November 30 is not auspicious for your wife. You would lose your peace of mind due to nagging fear and suspicion. You are strongly ad- vised to steer clear of conflicts and disputes for involvement in them could lead to tragic circumstances. Gemini (Mithuna) Success at exams and contests as well in lit- erary and journalistic efforts indicated. You might come into unforeseen wealth or some benefit between 13.07 hours on November 21 and 19.56 hours on November 23.You would devote your time to ensure the wellbeing of your father, spouse and children. Your chil- dren would do well in their studies or vaca- tions and would bring credit to the family. Rahu and Pluto in the 7th House could cause your spouse sickness and physical disabilities. Cancer (Kataka) The brief period from November 10 to 15 is auspicious for you. But you are advised to avoid any activity involving risk element - boat rides, practice of martial arts, swimming in the sea and deep waters - from November 8 to Novem- ber 11. Those who marry before December 6 might inherit or acquire wealth and those en- gaged in business would make big profits. Health condition of spouse would cause you concern. Children would disappoint you. You would move into a new residence or you would renovate and refurbish your residence. Leo (Simha) You would achieve success in ventures you have embarked on. This lucky streak might end by November 16. You would great- ly benefit from the affection and goodwill of younger brothers and sisters. You have to resist the inclination to acquire wealth by hook or by crook. You have to pay special at- tention to the safety and health of your children. You might suffer a setback in your academic pursuits. You are prone to rheumatic pains and diseases afflicting the throat, ear and abdomen. Virgo (Kanya) You may have suffered a setback in your ca- reer when Jupiter left your Lagna for Aquarius in a retrograde movement. Your stratagems to outsmart your enemies and rivals would suc- ceed. You are also prone to diseases affecting your lungs. Uranus in the 7th House is capable of causing unexpected changes and developments which could de- stabilise your career. A journey abroad after November 16 is strongly indicated. Libra (Thula) You are endowed with dynamism, courage and determination to face challenges thanks to Venus exalted in your Lagna. You are endowed with humility and sagacity to win new friends. Uranus in the 6th House assures you of an up- per hand over your enemies. Venus exalted in the Lagna, Rahu posited in the 3rd House of Sagittarius and Jupiter in the 5th House of Aquarius have placed you in a strong position. You might undertake a journey to a distant place or leave the country on a pilgrimage or a visit after November 26. Scorpio (Vrushika) You should be going through a very active and eventful period in your life. You might go to extremes due to your exuberance and drive. You would become still more energetic when Ravi enters your Lagna on November 16. Natives, who are married, should be fac- ing problems that threaten their married life. They might either separate or seek divorce. You are also compelled to incur heavy expenses. You will continue to face problems till Janu- ary 8. Sagittarius (Dhanu) Problems relating to your residence or lands may arise. Your plans could fail due to unforeseen obstacles. You might have to go places possibly in connection with your duties. You are prone to ty- phoid and high fever. The period up to November 30 is not auspicious for you. You have to be careful not to make any wrong moves if you are running the major Dasa of Mars. You are advised to act with restraint and circumspect because both your married life and career are at stake. Capricorn (Makara) Mars, the lord of your 4th House now in the 11th House has produced a Dhana-yoga. You are assured of comforts of a good home. Reli- gious and philosophical disposition you have developed has inhibited to a great extent your drive and motivation to do well in life. You are advised to take precautions to ward off possible communicable diseases which you are prone to. Jupiter, lord of the 2nd House of Aquarius has made you a king without wealth - which means you have been offered a high position sans the basic require- ments to exercise your authority. Aquarius (Kumbha) You are now going through one of the most auspicious periods in life. Rahu in the 11th House neutralises all arishtha-yogas. Mean- while, Venus is exalted in the powerful trine, 9th House and Mars is swastha commanding Dig- bala. Jupiter is powerfully posited in the Lagna. You are in such a strong position none could harm you and whatever mission you embark on would succeed. Pisces (Meena) You are prone to sudden changes which could seriously disrupt your ongoing plans. You should be leading a very active life moving from place to place. Strained relations with father is indicated. You might gain recognition for your skills in phys- ical sciences or mathematics. Diseases resulting from a hot constitution might bother you. However, your health will change for the better after November 16. What the stars foretell for your Lagna (For the 2nd quarter of November 2010) Ravi (the Sun) Mars November 16 - 17.18 -Scorpio November 30 - 06.32 - Sagittarius December 16 - 07.59 -Sagittarius December 31 Sagittarius Mercury Jupiter October 17 - 12.53 Libra November 1 14.00 Aquarius November 05 - 06.16 Scorpio December 06 08.59 Pisces November 26 - 04.08 Sagittarius December 23 - 08.07 Scorpio Movements of the Moon from November 3 to November 30 November 03 Virgo 01.02 November 05 Libra 01.59 November 07 Scorpio 03.48 November 09 Sagittarius 08.16 November 11 Capricorn 16.29 November 14 Aquarius 03.51 November 16 Pisces 16.26 November 19 Aries 03.58 November 21 Taurus 13.07 November 23 Gemini 19.59 November 26 Cancer 01.05 November 28 Leo 04.52 November 30 Virgo 07.42 BY SUDARSHI Randi from Peradeniya Question: Do you say that matching of horoscopes is a must for a successful mar- riage and marriages resulting from love affairs are doomed to failure? Answer: When your question is put in the affirmative form, it would make a sweeping gen- eralisation which no sane and reasonable person can agree to. Success of a marriage depends on the bond of affection and un- derstanding between wife and husband. When a young man and a young woman with similar views, temperaments and inter- ests come to know each other, a bond of understanding would cer- tainly form between them. Such a bond may eventually lead to mutual affection and respect cul- minating in marriage. And their marriage would be a success. If a competent astrologer studied their two horoscopes, he would find them compatible. Matching of horoscopes can only help find whether two persons are com- patible, but horoscopes cannot make a couple compatible. Mahesh from Kandy Question: I am interested in Astrology and I possess some knowledge of this occult sci- ence. I want a simple answer to a simple question. What are the planetary positions that indicate possible early mar- riage? Answer: The lord of the 7th House and the 7th House should be strong and free from malefic influence. Venus, Karaka for wife and Saturn, Karaka for husband should be well posited. The 7th House from the Moon and Venus too should be strong and unaf- filiated. The marriage would take place when Venus or the lords of the 7th House from Lagna, the Moon and Venus transit above mentioned Rashis. Dasas and Antar Dasas too should be taken into consideration. Readers’ queries answered ZODIAC Date Duration Day Night Monday 1 07.27 to 08.56 19.21 to 20.52 Tuesday 2 10.52 to 16.21 02.56 to 04.27 Wednesday 3 11.54 to 13.23 23.54 to 01.25 Thursday 4 13.23 to 14.52 01.25 to 02.49 Friday 5 10.25 to 11.54 22.23 to 23.54 Saturday 6 16.21 to 17.50 04.28 to 22.23 Sunday 7 16.21 to 17.50 04.28 to 05.59 Monday 8 07.28 to 08.59 19.21 to 20.52 Auspicious days in November 2010 November 02 Tuesday after 19.34 November 03 Wednesday up to 01.40 November 06 Saturday after 21.16 November 08 Monday up to 05.55 November 13 Saturday after 22.11 November 14 Sunday up to 02.27 November 18 Thursday after 05.23 November 19 Friday after 05.33 November 20 Saturday up to 05.42 November 22 Monday after 03.43 November 23 Tuesday up to 22.17 November 25 Thursday after 07.34 Those born in solar month of Gemini A P R 1 4 - M A Y 1 5 M A Y 1 5 - J U N 1 5 J UN 1 5 - J U L 1 6 J U L 1 6 - A U G 1 7 A U G 1 7 - S E P 1 7 S E P 1 7 - O C T 1 7 O C T 1 7 - NO V 1 7 N O V 1 7 - D E C 1 6 D E C 1 6 - J A N 1 4 J A N 1 4 - F E B 1 4 F E B 1 4 - M A R 1 5 M A R 1 5 - A P R 1 3 SOLAR CALENDAR ‘Rahu Kaala’ for November 2010 Growth of national wealth and state revenue For planting tubers: November 2010 Friday 26 - from 09.25 to 09.37- Facing the North Flower plants: November 3 Wednesday from 05.58 to 06.10 - Facing the North November 12 Friday from 07.00 to 07.12 do do November 17 Wednesday from 06.03 to 06.13 do do Coconut seedlings: November 18 Thursday from 08.59 to 09.11 do do December 1 Wednesday from 07.55 to 08.57 do do December 16 Thursday from 06.26 to 06.38 do do For laying the foundation for a house and erecting doorframe December 10 Friday from 07.23 do do December 16 Thursday from 06.28 do do December 17 Friday from 06.17 do do For feeding the first rice meal November 12 Friday 09.58 do do For financial transactions: December 10 Friday 07.23 do do Initiating into first December 10 Friday 07.23 do do letters: December 16 Thursday 06.28 do do December 17 Friday 06.17 do do AUSPICIOUS ‘MUHURTHA’ Readers’ Column We are pleased that it has now become possible to make space available for a Readers’ Column in the Astrology sec- tion, `The Nation Zodiac’ beginning this week. We invite readers to participate in the `The Nation Zodiac’ by sending their views and suggestions relating to its con- tents as well as by seeking answers to their Astrology-related queries. Readers also may make their queries in Sinhala as well. Please address all your communica- tions to: The Nation Zodiac, The Nation Editorial, RIVIRA Media Corporation (Pvt)Ltd, 742, Maradana Road, Colombo 10 email: [email protected] Is travel abroad in your stars? BY A.S. FERNANDO The Sun (Ravi) moves in the Gemini sign from May 15 to June 15 in every year and those born during this period are Gemini people. The Gemini sign is ruled by Mercu- ry. Therefore, people born in this solar month are endowed with Mercurian qualities. Mercury people are physically ac- tive and mentally alert. They are fluent speakers and versatile writers. They are good actors and are clever at mimicking. They make good busi- nessmen as well. They are honest and big-hearted and are prepared to give an attentive ear to others. They are senti- mental and would have several love af- fairs simultaneously. Gemini people are often endowed with abilities in the field of scientific research and mathematics. The tendency to move from one occu- pation to another and the lack of sin- gleness of purpose make them jacks-of- all-trades, masters of none. Gemini people suffer disappoint- ments in love life. If they fail to have a second marriage, they would have a lifelong love affair with or without the knowledge of the spouse. Towards the middle life, they would encounter many obstacles which would hamper their career advancement. Gemini people can make a success of life if they realise their failings through a self-appraisal and make an effort to rectify them early in life. The Gemini sign rules the lungs, arms, hands, the nervous system and part of the brain. An afflicted Mercury might cause diseases affecting these parts of the body. They are also prone to bladder trouble and fever. Gemini people are advised to marry persons of the same Sun sign, Libra or Aquarius. What secrets do the fingers reveal? READ YOUR OWN HOROSCOPE PART 53 PART 3 BY A S FERNANDO Fingers are the most important and the most active part of the hand. Palmistry at- taches great significance to the fingers. We all know that there are four fingers and the thumb on human hand. The four fingers are described as Index Finger or the Finger of Jupiter, Finger of Saturn, Finger of Apollo or the Finger of the Sun and Little Finger or the Finger of Mercury. Index Finger or the Finger of Jupiter The finger next to the thumb is the Index Finger. This finger is not always straight. It leans to a side very often. You can as- certain to which side this finger leans by examining the tip of this finger in relation to the tips of other fingers. Some Index Fingers are straight while others lean ei- ther towards the Finger of the Saturn or the thumb. Finger of Saturn This is the middle finger, the longest one. It is seldom that one would find the Fin- ger of Saturn and the Index Finger are of equal length. Those with these two fingers of equal length would either commit sui- cide or die due to an unusual cause. Finger of Apollo The finger next to the Finger of Saturn is called the Finger of Apollo. Usually this finger is shorter than the Finger of Sat- urn; in length it is almost equal to the Finger of Jupiter. Leaning of this fin- ger too reveals a secret. If it is leaning towards the Finger of Saturn, the owner of the hand is a very fortunate person. If it leans towards the little Finger (Finger of Mercury), the owner’s family life is not happy. Little Finger (Finger of Mercury) This is the smallest finger on the hand. Usually this finger reaches the upper flange of the Apollo Finger. If this is unusually long, the owner is very fortunate and he would attain a high position by dint of perseverance. Fingers named after the mounts at the base The fingers are named after the mounts located under them. For example, the Mount of Jupiter is located under the In- dex Finger or the Finger of Jupiter. If you are a student of palmistry, you are advised to observe whether one’s fin- gers are short or long and whether they are close together at the base or are widely spaced between them. If the space between one’s thumb and the Finger of Apollo is very wide, one is very generous. He is a lover of freedom and independence. If the Fingers of Jupiter and Saturn widely sepa- rate, the owner is not conventional in his views. His behaviour and actions would be unorthodox. When the fingers of Saturn and Apollo are far apart, the owner is a person who lives for the day with no concern for tomor- row. Such people are spendthrifts. Widely separated fingers of Apollo and Mercury indicate that the owner is very indepen- dent in his thinking He would not care about what others think about him. You can get easily acquainted with per- sons with widely separated fingers. They are friendly and sociable by nature. People whose fingers are close together are unso- ciable, stingy, self-centered and are slaves to formality and convention. They would usually look on others with suspicion. BY SUDARSHI The advent of Jupiter to the Aquarius sign, Lagna of the natal chart of Sri Lanka is a propitious event for the country which engen- dered much excitement among as- trologers. The overall effect of Jupiter in the Lagna is prosperity and numer- ous new benefits to the people. Aspect of Mars takes off the shine However, the special aspect over the Lagna of Mars occupying the 10th House has, to some extent, taken the shine off this auspicious event, foreshadowing unrest and discontent among the people. The affliction has come from the 10th House which means the govern- ment it- self is held responsible for the situation. An outbreak of a communicable disease will cause widespread pub- lic concern and a challenge to pub- lic health officials. Mars will cease to command his special aspect over the Lagna when he enters the 11th House of Sagit- tarius on November 30, raising the prospect of a change for the better in the situation. National wealth grows National wealth and state rev- enue will continue to grow despite occasional losses likely to be caused by Uranus in the 2nd House. Mars holding sway over the 3rd House of Aries being its ruler may cause agitation among railway and bus workers. An earthquake in the east of Sri Lanka The malefic influence over the 4th house of Taurus may cause an earthquake in some part of the east of Sri Lanka. The 5th House aspected by three powerful planets Mars, Saturn and Jupiter indicates much activity in theatrical circles and in the enter- tainment sphere in general. Howev- er, the special aspect of Mars result- ing in malefic influence aggravated by the special aspect of Saturn has raised the grim pros- pect of wide- spread agitation over issues relating to education. The 6th House ruled by the Moon promises a marked improvement in public health and measures aimed at the wellbeing of the working class as well as security personnel. The 7th House owned by the Sun now in the 9th House of Libra points to new moves aimed at im- proving religious and cultural ties with foreign nations. Saturn in the 8th House portends the death of one or several impor- tant persons within the next few months. The Sun in the 9th House also indicates efforts to bring about improvements in foreign affairs as well as in trade and commerce. Threats to stability The 10th House predicts much foreign travel by rulers. Rahu in the 11th House suggests plots and con- spiracies and Pluto in the same House portends threats to the stability of the govern- ment. However, Jupiter, the lord of the 11th House of Sagittarius is holding both Rahu and Pluto in check. KNOW THYSELF BY NATAL SOLAR MONTH - PART 3

Taurus (Vrushabha) widespread agitation in the offing · 4 NATION 2 Sunday November 7, 2010 ASTROLOGY NATION 2 Sunday November 7, 2010 5 BY A.S. FERNANDO make a couple compatible

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Page 1: Taurus (Vrushabha) widespread agitation in the offing · 4 NATION 2 Sunday November 7, 2010 ASTROLOGY NATION 2 Sunday November 7, 2010 5 BY A.S. FERNANDO make a couple compatible

ASTROLOGY4 NATION 2 Sunday November 7, 2010 5NATION 2 Sunday November 7, 2010

BY A.S. FERNANDO� If the lord of the 7th House

is in the Ascendant, the native may go abroad and if the lord is with benefic planets, the native may go on frequent journeys as a sailor or as a skipper of a vessel.

� If the lord of 12th House is in the Lagna which happens to be a common sign, the native would go abroad very often.

� If the lord of 12th House is in the 9th House, the native would have residence and prop-erty abroad

� If the lord of the 9th House is exalted in the 12th House, the native would achieve honours in his own country and abroad.

� The lord of the 2nd House in the 12th House makes the na-tive rich in a foreign country. A stronger lord of the 2nd House would endow the native with more wealth.

� The lord of the 4th House in the 12th House indicates resi-dence in a foreign country.

� If the lord of the 5th House is in the 12th House, the native would go abroad for education.

� The lord of the 6th House in the 12th House, which happens to be a common or a movable sign, would make one undertake many foreign tours.

� The lord of the 7th House in the 12th House or vice versa, would cause one to undertake

business tours and cause mar-riage with a foreigner.

� The lord of the 10th House in the 12th House would cause the native to make international connections for professional purposes.

� When the lord of the 12th House or its lord is afflicted, the native may get a lot of foreign travel.

Direction of foreign travelPlanetary positions also

indicate the direction of foreign travel.

If the planet influencing foreign travel is in the Ascen-dant, the native would travel east. The 7th House causing foreign travel would send the na-tive west, 12th and 11th Houses Southeast, the 5th and the 6th the Northwest, the 2nd 3rd Northeast and the 8th and the 9th Southwest.

The planetary positions that determine the distance of the foreign journey involved

The 3rd and 5th Houses in-fluencing foreign travel point to a place close to the native’s birthplace. The 1st and the 7th Houses indicate a neighbour-ing country. The 12th and 8th Houses indicate distant lands, 11th and 9th denote any place in the world and the 10th House a diagonally opposite place.

(How planets influence foreign travel in the next article.)

Plots, conspiracies and widespread agitation in the offing

An earthquake in east of Sri Lanka

Agitation among railway and bus workers

An outbreak of a communicable disease

Cultural ties with foreign nations

The movements of planets from November 1 to December 31

Hand tells tales, but does not lie


Aries (Mesha)You would make profi ts from business ven-

tures. But you might develop a tendency to re-sort to unscrupulous means to gain your ends. An excellent understanding with the spouse and peace in the family are indicated. But the spouse is prone to sickness. Your relations with your father might go sour. You would achieve re-markable success in your career if you are running the major or sub period of Saturn. Your earnings would go up. Friends will help you. You are also likely to undertake a journey abroad.

Taurus (Vrushabha)You would shine in the fi eld of performing or

aesthetic arts possibly as a singer or an actor. The brief period from 13.07 hours on November 21 to 19.58 hours on November 21 is very auspicious for you. The ongoing period up to November 30 is not

auspicious for your wife. You would lose your peace of mind due to nagging fear and suspicion. You are strongly ad-vised to steer clear of confl icts and disputes for involvement in them could lead to tragic circumstances.

Gemini (Mithuna)Success at exams and contests as well in lit-

erary and journalistic efforts indicated. You might come into unforeseen wealth or some benefi t between 13.07 hours on November 21 and 19.56 hours on November 23.You would devote your time to ensure the wellbeing of your father, spouse and children. Your chil-dren would do well in their studies or vaca-tions and would bring credit to the family. Rahu and Pluto in the 7th House could cause your spouse sickness and physical disabilities.

Cancer (Kataka) The brief period from November 10 to 15 is

auspicious for you. But you are advised to avoid any activity involving risk element - boat rides, practice of martial arts, swimming in the sea and deep waters - from November 8 to Novem-ber 11. Those who marry before December 6 might inherit or acquire wealth and those en-

gaged in business would make big profi ts. Health condition of spouse would cause you concern. Children would disappoint you. You would move into a new residence or you would renovate and refurbish your residence.

Leo (Simha)You would achieve success in ventures

you have embarked on. This lucky streak might end by November 16. You would great-ly benefi t from the affection and goodwill of younger brothers and sisters. You have to resist the inclination to acquire wealth by hook or by crook. You have to pay special at-tention to the safety and health of your children. You might suffer a setback in your academic pursuits. You are prone to rheumatic pains and diseases affl icting the throat, ear and abdomen.

Virgo (Kanya)You may have suffered a setback in your ca-

reer when Jupiter left your Lagna for Aquarius in a retrograde movement. Your stratagems to outsmart your enemies and rivals would suc-ceed. You are also prone to diseases affecting your lungs. Uranus in the 7th House is capable

of causing unexpected changes and developments which could de-stabilise your career. A journey abroad after November 16 is strongly indicated.

Libra (Thula)You are endowed with dynamism, courage

and determination to face challenges thanks to Venus exalted in your Lagna. You are endowed with humility and sagacity to win new friends. Uranus in the 6th House assures you of an up-per hand over your enemies. Venus exalted in the Lagna, Rahu posited in the 3rd House of Sagittarius and Jupiter in the 5th House of Aquarius have placed you in a strong position. You might undertake a journey to a distant place or leave the country on a pilgrimage or a visit after November 26.

Scorpio (Vrushika)You should be going through a very active

and eventful period in your life. You might go to extremes due to your exuberance and drive. You would become still more energetic when Ravi enters your Lagna on November 16. Natives, who are married, should be fac-ing problems that threaten their married life.

They might either separate or seek divorce. You are also compelled to incur heavy expenses. You will continue to face problems till Janu-ary 8.

Sagittarius (Dhanu)Problems relating to your residence or lands

may arise. Your plans could fail due to unforeseen obstacles. You might have to go places possibly in connection with your duties. You are prone to ty-phoid and high fever. The period up to November 30 is not auspicious for you. You have to be careful not to make any wrong moves if you are running the major Dasa of Mars. You are advised to act with restraint and circumspect because both your married life and career are at stake.

Capricorn (Makara)Mars, the lord of your 4th House now in the

11th House has produced a Dhana-yoga. You are assured of comforts of a good home. Reli-gious and philosophical disposition you have developed has inhibited to a great extent your drive and motivation to do well in life. You are advised to take precautions to ward off possible

communicable diseases which you are prone to. Jupiter, lord of the 2nd House of Aquarius has made you a king without wealth - which means you have been offered a high position sans the basic require-ments to exercise your authority.

Aquarius (Kumbha)You are now going through one of the most

auspicious periods in life. Rahu in the 11th House neutralises all arishtha-yogas. Mean-while, Venus is exalted in the powerful trine, 9th House and Mars is swastha commanding Dig-bala. Jupiter is powerfully posited in the Lagna. You are in such a strong position none could harm you and whatever mission you embark on would succeed.

Pisces (Meena)You are prone to sudden changes which could

seriously disrupt your ongoing plans. You should be leading a very active life moving from place to place. Strained relations with father is indicated. You might gain recognition for your skills in phys-ical sciences or mathematics. Diseases resulting

from a hot constitution might bother you. However, your health will change for the better after November 16.

What the stars foretell for your Lagna(For the 2nd quarter of November 2010)

Ravi (the Sun) MarsNovember 16 - 17.18 -Scorpio November 30 - 06.32 - Sagittarius December 16 - 07.59 -Sagittarius December 31 Sagittarius

Mercury JupiterOctober 17 - 12.53 Libra November 1 14.00 Aquarius November 05 - 06.16 Scorpio December 06 08.59 PiscesNovember 26 - 04.08 Sagittarius December 23 - 08.07 Scorpio

Movements of the Moon from November 3 to November 30November 03 Virgo 01.02November 05 Libra 01.59November 07 Scorpio 03.48November 09 Sagittarius 08.16November 11 Capricorn 16.29November 14 Aquarius 03.51November 16 Pisces 16.26November 19 Aries 03.58November 21 Taurus 13.07November 23 Gemini 19.59November 26 Cancer 01.05November 28 Leo 04.52November 30 Virgo 07.42


Randi from PeradeniyaQuestion: Do you say that

matching of horoscopes is a must for a successful mar-riage and marriages resulting from love affairs are doomed to failure?

Answer: When your question is put in the affi rmative form, it would make a sweeping gen-eralisation which no sane and reasonable person can agree to. Success of a marriage depends on the bond of affection and un-derstanding between wife and husband. When a young man and a young woman with similar views, temperaments and inter-

ests come to know each other, a bond of understanding would cer-tainly form between them. Such a bond may eventually lead to mutual affection and respect cul-minating in marriage. And their marriage would be a success. If a competent astrologer studied their two horoscopes, he would fi nd them compatible. Matching of horoscopes can only help fi nd whether two persons are com-patible, but horoscopes cannot make a couple compatible.

Mahesh from KandyQuestion: I am interested in

Astrology and I possess some knowledge of this occult sci-ence. I want a simple answer

to a simple question. What are the planetary positions that indicate possible early mar-riage?

Answer: The lord of the 7th House and the 7th House should be strong and free from malefi c infl uence. Venus, Karaka for wife and Saturn, Karaka for husband should be well posited. The 7th House from the Moon and Venus too should be strong and unaf-fi liated. The marriage would take place when Venus or the lords of the 7th House from Lagna, the Moon and Venus transit above mentioned Rashis. Dasas and Antar Dasas too should be taken into consideration.

Readers’ queries answered


Date Duration Day NightMonday 1 07.27 to 08.56 19.21 to 20.52Tuesday 2 10.52 to 16.21 02.56 to 04.27Wednesday 3 11.54 to 13.23 23.54 to 01.25Thursday 4 13.23 to 14.52 01.25 to 02.49Friday 5 10.25 to 11.54 22.23 to 23.54Saturday 6 16.21 to 17.50 04.28 to 22.23Sunday 7 16.21 to 17.50 04.28 to 05.59Monday 8 07.28 to 08.59 19.21 to 20.52

Auspicious days in November 2010

November 02 Tuesday after 19.34November 03 Wednesday up to 01.40November 06 Saturday after 21.16November 08 Monday up to 05.55November 13 Saturday after 22.11November 14 Sunday up to 02.27November 18 Thursday after 05.23November 19 Friday after 05.33November 20 Saturday up to 05.42November 22 Monday after 03.43November 23 Tuesday up to 22.17November 25 Thursday after 07.34

Those born in solar month of Gemini

APR 14 - MAY 15 MAY15 - JUN 15 JUN

15 - JUL16 JU

L16 - AU

G 17 AUG 17 - SEP 17 SEP17 - OCT 17 OCT 17 - NOV 17

NOV 17 - DEC 1




- JA

N 1








4 - MAR 15

MAR 15 - APR13



‘Rahu Kaala’ for November 2010

Growth of national wealth and state revenue

For planting tubers: November 2010 Friday 26 - from 09.25 to 09.37-

Facing the North

Flower plants: November 3 Wednesday from 05.58 to 06.10 - Facing the North

November 12 Friday from 07.00 to 07.12 do do

November 17 Wednesday from 06.03 to 06.13 do do

Coconut seedlings: November 18 Thursday from 08.59 to 09.11 do do

December 1 Wednesday from 07.55 to 08.57 do do

December 16 Thursday from 06.26 to 06.38 do do

For laying the foundation for a house and erecting doorframe December 10 Friday from 07.23 do do

December 16 Thursday from 06.28 do do

December 17 Friday from 06.17 do do

For feeding the fi rst rice meal November 12 Friday 09.58 do do

For fi nancial transactions: December 10 Friday 07.23 do do

Initiating into fi rst December 10 Friday 07.23 do do

letters: December 16 Thursday 06.28 do do

December 17 Friday 06.17 do do

AUSPICIOUS ‘MUHURTHA’Readers’ ColumnWe are pleased that it has now become

possible to make space available for a Readers’ Column in the Astrology sec-tion, `The Nation Zodiac’ beginning this week. We invite readers to participate in the `The Nation Zodiac’ by sending their views and suggestions relating to its con-tents as well as by seeking answers to their Astrology-related queries.

Readers also may make their queries in Sinhala as well.

Please address all your communica-tions to:

The Nation Zodiac, The Nation Editorial, RIVIRA Media Corporation (Pvt)Ltd, 742, Maradana Road, Colombo 10 email: [email protected]

Is travel abroad in your stars?

BY A.S. FERNANDOThe Sun (Ravi) moves in the Gemini

sign from May 15 to June 15 in every year and those born during this period are Gemini people.

The Gemini sign is ruled by Mercu-ry. Therefore, people born in this solar month are endowed with Mercurian qualities.

Mercury people are physically ac-tive and mentally alert. They are fl uent speakers and versatile writers.

They are good actors and are clever at mimicking. They make good busi-nessmen as well. They are honest and big-hearted and are prepared to give an attentive ear to others. They are senti-mental and would have several love af-fairs simultaneously.

Gemini people are often endowed with abilities in the fi eld of scientifi c research and mathematics.

The tendency to move from one occu-

pation to another and the lack of sin-gleness of purpose make them jacks-of-all-trades, masters of none.

Gemini people suffer disappoint-ments in love life. If they fail to have a second marriage, they would have a lifelong love affair with or without the knowledge of the spouse.

Towards the middle life, they would encounter many obstacles which would hamper their career advancement.

Gemini people can make a success of life if they realise their failings through a self-appraisal and make an effort to rectify them early in life.

The Gemini sign rules the lungs, arms, hands, the nervous system and part of the brain. An affl icted Mercury might cause diseases affecting these parts of the body. They are also prone to bladder trouble and fever.

Gemini people are advised to marry persons of the same Sun sign, Libra or Aquarius.

What secrets do the fingers reveal?





BY A S FERNANDOFingers are the most important and the

most active part of the hand. Palmistry at-taches great signifi cance to the fi ngers.

We all know that there are four fi ngers and the thumb on human hand.

The four fi ngers are described as Index Finger or the Finger of Jupiter, Finger of Saturn, Finger of Apollo or the Finger of the Sun and Little Finger or the Finger of Mercury.

Index Finger or the Finger of JupiterThe fi nger next to the thumb is the Index

Finger. This fi nger is not always straight. It leans to a side very often. You can as-certain to which side this fi nger leans by examining the tip of this fi nger in relation to the tips of other fi ngers. Some Index Fingers are straight while others lean ei-ther towards the Finger of the Saturn or the thumb.

Finger of SaturnThis is the middle fi nger, the longest one.

It is seldom that one would fi nd the Fin-ger of Saturn and the Index Finger are of equal length. Those with these two fi ngers of equal length would either commit sui-cide or die due to an unusual cause.

Finger of ApolloThe fi nger next to the Finger of Saturn is

called the Finger of Apollo. Usually this fi nger is shorter than the Finger of Sat-urn; in length it is almost equal to the Finger of Jupiter. Leaning of this fi n-ger too reveals a secret. If it is leaning towards the Finger of Saturn, the owner of the hand is a very fortunate person. If it leans towards the little Finger (Finger of Mercury), the owner’s family life is not happy.

Little Finger(Finger of Mercury)This is the smallest fi nger on the

hand. Usually this fi nger reaches the upper fl ange of the Apollo Finger. If this is unusually long, the owner is very fortunate and he would attain a high position by dint of perseverance.

Fingers named after the mounts at the base

The fi ngers are named after the mounts located under them. For example, the Mount of Jupiter is located under the In-dex Finger or the Finger of Jupiter.

If you are a student of palmistry, you are advised to observe whether one’s fi n-

gers are short or long and whether they are close together at the base or are widely spaced between them. If the space between one’s thumb and the Finger of Apollo is very wide, one is very generous. He is a lover of freedom and independence. If the Fingers of Jupiter and Saturn widely sepa-rate, the owner is not conventional in his views. His behaviour and actions would be unorthodox.

When the fi ngers of Saturn and Apollo are far apart, the owner is a person who lives for the day with no concern for tomor-row. Such people are spendthrifts. Widely separated fi ngers of Apollo and Mercury indicate that the owner is very indepen-dent in his thinking He would not care about what others think about him.

You can get easily acquainted with per-sons with widely separated fi ngers. They are friendly and sociable by nature. People whose fi ngers are close together are unso-ciable, stingy, self-centered and are slaves to formality and convention. They would usually look on others with suspicion.

BY SUDARSHI The advent of Jupiter to the

Aquarius sign, Lagna of the natal chart of Sri Lanka is a propitious event for the country which engen-dered much excitement among as-trologers.

The overall effect of Jupiter in the Lagna is prosperity and numer-ous new benefi ts to the people.

Aspect of Mars takes off the shine

However, the special aspect over the Lagna of Mars occupying the 10th House has, to some extent, taken the shine off this auspicious event, foreshadowing unrest and discontent among the people. The affl iction has come from the 10th House which means the govern-ment it-self is

held responsible for the situation.An outbreak of a communicable

disease will cause widespread pub-lic concern and a challenge to pub-lic health offi cials.

Mars will cease to command his special aspect over the Lagna when he enters the 11th House of Sagit-tarius on November 30, raising the prospect of a change for the better in the situation.

National wealth growsNational wealth and state rev-

enue will continue to grow despite occasional losses likely to be caused by Uranus in the 2nd House. Mars holding sway over the 3rd House

of Aries being its ruler may cause agitation among railway and bus workers.

An earthquake in the east of Sri Lanka

The malefi c infl uence over the 4th house of Taurus may cause an earthquake in some part of the east of Sri Lanka.

The 5th House aspected by three powerful planets Mars, Saturn and Jupiter indicates much activity in theatrical circles and in the enter-tainment sphere in general. Howev-er, the special aspect of Mars result-ing in malefi c infl uence aggravated by the special aspect of Saturn has

raised the grim pros-pect of wide-


agitation over issues relating to education.

The 6th House ruled by the Moon promises a marked improvement in public health and measures aimed at the wellbeing of the working class as well as security personnel.

The 7th House owned by the Sun now in the 9th House of Libra points to new moves aimed at im-proving religious and cultural ties with foreign nations.

Saturn in the 8th House portends the death of one or several impor-tant persons within the next few months. The Sun in the 9th House also indicates efforts to bring about improvements in foreign affairs as well as in trade and commerce.

Threats to stabilityThe 10th House predicts much

foreign travel by rulers. Rahu in the 11th House suggests plots and con-

spiracies and Pluto in the same House portends threats to

the stability of the govern-ment. However, Jupiter,

the lord of the 11th House of Sagittarius is holding both Rahu and Pluto in check.