Task 1 Interview Plan Sheet

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  • 7/31/2019 Task 1 Interview Plan Sheet


    Name Liam Alford AO4 Unit 16

    Interview Planning

    Interviewer: Liam Alford Interviewee: Jamie Gillum

    Date: Time:Location: School Recording Method:


    The answers you give in this questionnaire will be confidential; this interview will be used only for

    gathering of information.

    After extracting all information from the questions, this will be safely locked away from the use or

    view of others or destroyed.

    All information read will be confidential, meaning that information will not be passed on to others

    outside of the people who are under the Data Protection Act.

    I (full name) give permission fore myself to be

    part of this interview

    Signed (interviewer) Liam J Alford Signed (interviewee)_________

  • 7/31/2019 Task 1 Interview Plan Sheet


    Name Liam Alford AO4 Unit 16

    At the start of your day, what time do you usually wake up to get ready for school? Well my alarm

    clock goes off at 07:30am, haha, I go

    After getting up, what do you do, e.g. get changed, wash, and eat breakfast?

    On a normal day, what times do you leave for school, and do you walk, cycle or get a lift?



    How long does it take you to get to school and what time do you get there?- How often do you get lifts?

    What subjects do you study in school and how many lessons do you have on a busy day?


    - Do you enjoy the subjects you do or do you wish you chose other subjects?What lessons do you enjoy and despise the much?

    Do you have pack lunch for break and lunch or do you get meals in school?


    - (LUNCH) What do you tend to have in your lunch box?- (SCHOOL MEAL) Do you like the food provided and would you add anything to

    the meal offers available?

    Other than school, what else do you do through out the day?


    - Is there any hobbies you do when at home? Sport, TV, gaming etc.During the evenings, do you do anything productive?

    - Completing coursework, Social networking, and fitness? Etc.What time do you normally go to bed to be ready for the next day?

    Structured/unstructured - I have chosen to go with the structured interview; there are a few follow up

    questions which could change depending on the answer the interviewee gives me.

    Structured interviews provides something to fall back on when you dont have things to ask (run out of ideas),

    also, it takes pressure off of you which could cause you to take attention off the interviewee, this making you

    look not bothered and bored.

    Recording Methods - During the interview, I will write down notes of what the interviewee has said, as this

    is what I am looking to do, collect information.

    Subject cover and interviewee - My subject was daily life, and the person I asked to be my interviewee

    was Jamie Richard Edwin Gillum, the reason I asked him was he is very random and unpredictable, this possibly

    making it an exciting interview, I also know him which will create a friendly atmosphere.

    LocationI have chosen the P.E classroomto use for my interview as the surroundings are bright (with lights

    on) and it is slightly cooler than places like the Sixth Form common room and G13 (private study room).

    Objects to bring/barriers availablePen/pencil paper/notepad. Tables and chairs.

  • 7/31/2019 Task 1 Interview Plan Sheet


    Name Liam Alford AO4 Unit 16

    Interview (Jamie and Liam)

    Liam: Right, Basically the thing I am going to talk to you about today, is daily life, so, there will be questions

    about what you do throughout the day, what you eat, sports and hobbies and then there will be some

    unstructured questions at the end which will include your weekend.

    So, first question at the start of your day, what time do you usually wake up to get ready

    Liam: At the start of your day, what time do you usually wake up to get ready for school?

    Jamie: Well, my alarm clock goes off at like 7.

    Liam: What time do you get up?

    Jamie: At about half 7

    Liam: How come it takes you a while to get up? Motivation, tired, go to bed late?

    Jamie: some, I go to bed to bed before 12, so I get quite a lot of sleep, but I just late there usually

    Liam: After getting up, what do you do, e.g. get changed, wash, and eat breakfast?

    Jamie: I usually get up at half7, and it takes me about 5-10minutes in the bathroom to do everything and then I

    have to get my bag done, that takes, I pick it up and put it onto the chair, empty it, fill my lunch box up, fill mydrinks up, if I need kit put that in, so that takes 5 minutes, so about 15-20 minutes.

    Liam: Quite along time, quite along time.

    Jamie: It is, I dont rush, I just take my time.

    Liam: On a normal day, what times do you leave for school, and do you walk, cycle or get a lift?

    Jamie: Id usually, I would get a lift with my mum at about 8, she says she wants to leave at 10 to 8 but we

    leave at like 10 past 8.

    Liam: Do you take anyone else to school?

    Jamie: Well, I take this kid called Liam Alford and Danny OCallaghan.

    Liam: Do you invite them, or do they just turn up just un-announced?

    Jamie: well, Liam has got a lift with me all the time and Danny, he just turns up,

    Liam: What subjects do you study in school and how many lessons do you have on a busy day?

    Liam: What lessons do you enjoy and despise the most?

    Jamie: Well, Public services, single and double and sport single and the one I enjoy the most, oh, that will

    probably be one of the public services ones, do you need a specific unit?

    Liam: Yeah, I will have a specific unit if you know it

    Jamie: Got to be Outdoor activities

    Liam: Do you have pack lunch for break and lunch or do you get meals in school?

    Jamie: I have a packed lunch, but I dont eat at break time I eat in lessons

    Liam: So you slack in your studies whilst eating?

    Jamie: Yeah a little.

    Liam: So what do you like having in your lunch? Chocolate, crisps etc.

    Jamie: (laugh), yeahLiam: So other than your break, do you buy anymore food anywhere?

    Jamie: Yeah, I sometimes get something to eat or drink at Tescos before school.

    Liam: What time do you normally go to bed to be ready for the next day?

    Jamie: uh, how do you define late though

    Liam: late, as in, I dont know say 11pm until the morning

    Jamie: I usually go to bed between half11 and half12, Ill probably, I dont think Ill go past half 12 on a school

    night, but occasionally I go before that.

  • 7/31/2019 Task 1 Interview Plan Sheet


    Name Liam Alford AO4 Unit 16

    Liam: During the evenings, do you do anything productive?

    Jamie: I usually just play the Xbox or sometimes go shopping with my mum.

    Liam: Do you, do you enjoy that or not?

    Jamie: Well, I have to go because otherwise I dont get anything.

    Liam: Other than school, what else do you do through out the day?Jamie: Sometimes I go to the park after school

    Liam: Who with?

    Jamie: uh Liam, some friends

    Liam: Are they all willing to go out, or?

    Jamie: Most of them are willing to go out, theres one or two who arent that keen on going out but we get

    them to come out anyway.

    Liam: How do you do that?

    Jamie: Stand at their door.

    Liam: (laugh) okay, I think I will end the conversation there, thank you for your time.