Target: Wellbeing Maggie Moody Portfolio Manager

Target: Wellbeing Title - University of Central Lancashire · Target: Wellbeing Maggie Moody Portfolio Manager. Target: Wellbeing aims to help people across ... Green Gym questionnaire,

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Target: Wellbeing

Maggie Moody

Portfolio Manager

Target: Wellbeing aims to help people across

the Northwest live healthier and happier lives.

Target: Wellbeing is a portfolio of:

• 10 local programmes

• 2 pan-regional programmes

• 94 projects

• Regional Support Network

• Robust outcome and process evaluation


- Increasing physical activity

- Encouraging healthy eating

- Improving mental wellbeing

Target: Wellbeing:

• £8.9 million grant (£11.6 million in total)

• 83% awarded to voluntary sector

• Focus on the areas of greatest need in the region

• Diverse programme of projects

• Strategic governance

Groundwork UK developed the joint application to the BIG Lottery Fund over 2 years

Groundwork UK appointed to manage the 4 year portfolio

Prisons Programme:

• BIG funding - £406,000, Match Funding - £71,660

• Total Funding – £477,660

• Original Direct Beneficiary Target – 1700

• Beneficiary Count To Date - 3824

• Comprehensive qualitative evaluation being provided by UCLAN, plus using an adaptation of the BTCV Green Gym questionnaire, measuring physical activity and mental wellbeing outcomes.

Example Project: Great Outdoors Delivery Organisation:




Primary Theme:

Increasing physical activity

Secondary Theme:

Improving mental health

Works with local people using native wildflowers in local green spaces, community areas and allotments.

Activities include:

• sowing wildflower seeds

• walks to enjoy and identify plants

• seed collection

• conservation work



Example Project: Great Outdoors Key Outputs for the project:

- Over 5.5 hectares of wildflower improvements to green spaces in Knowsley

- 973 beneficiaries in total

- Public involvement in practical environmental activities

- Exciting events programme with other project partners

- Workshops for health workers and employers

Unexpected outcome:

• The Wildflower Centre is now acting as a “collaborative hub” for our projects and Knowsley Health Partnership. They are now working on consortium bids.

Our Natural Health Service

“Our public parks, woodlands,

countryside and even our tree lined

streets, provides an opportunity to

improve health and reduce rates of 21st

Century diseases.”

Example Project: FootprintsDelivery Organisation: Western Cheshire PCT

Programme: Ellesmere Port

Primary Theme: Increasing physical activity

A community walking programme.

210 sessions - activities include:

• Family challenge

• Buggy Fit walks

• Skipping day

• Led health walks

• Train leaders and encourage to start up own group

• Promote independent walking using maps and diaries


Example Project: Footprints2416 attendances

937 beneficiaries in total so far, way in excess of the original target of 126, and the project doesn’t finish until March 2012.

“For every £1 spend on establishing healthy walking schemes the NHS could save £7.18p in the cost of treating conditions such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.”

“Walking more and losing weight can improve mobility by as much as 20 percent in older, obese adults with poor cardiovascular health, according to a new study from America’s Wake Forest University.”

From Walking the way to Health website

Example Project: Living AllotmentsDelivery Organisation:

Groundwork Pennine Lancashire

Programme: Burnley

Primary Theme:

Increasing physical activity

Secondary Theme: Healthy eating

Encourages physical exercise, social interaction, healthy eating and mental stimulation through sustainable allotment use.

362 Sessions

4150 Attendances

1729 Beneficiaries in total

Activities include:

• Flower shows

• Vegetables growing

• Gardening clubs

• Back yard gardening & growing in a small space



For more information


[email protected]

0161 237 3200