Task 1 – Skye Nel Target Audience: Kerrang: Age – The age range for Kerrang 12 – 25. Gender – The Gender that Kerrang is mainly male. This is because of the type of music and the heaviness of the metal. Also it is very manly. But they also attract a female audience because of all the posters in the magazine. Social Status – The status of the people buying Kerrang magazines are mainly lower-class. They are mostly emo/goth/scene. Genre – The overall genre of most of the Kerrang Magazines will mostly be Scene/Indie/rock. Vibe: Age – The age range for Vibe magazine is 18 – 35. This is because the types of adverts inside are a lot more sophisticated. They also contain alcohol advert.

Target kerrang and vibe

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Task 1 – Skye Nel

Target Audience:


• Age – The age range for Kerrang 12 – 25.

• Gender – The Gender that Kerrang is mainly male. This is because of the type of music and the heaviness of the metal. Also it is very manly. But they also attract a female audience because of all the posters in the magazine.

• Social Status – The status of the people buying Kerrang magazines are mainly lower-class. They are mostly emo/goth/scene.

• Genre – The overall genre of most of the Kerrang Magazines will mostly be Scene/Indie/rock.


• Age – The age range for Vibe magazine is 18 – 35. This is because the types of adverts inside are a lot more sophisticated. They also contain alcohol advert.

• Gender – The gender for Vibe is generally both male and female. This is because the music that is inside and the adverts and everything in-between is very male and female.

• Social Status – The social status for a Vibe magazine is very middle class. They are people that earn a bit of money and have a bit to spend. They will be people able to afford things that are advertised.

• Genre – The overall Genre Of The Vibe Magazines will be Hip-hop/Dance.

Task 1 – Skye Nel

Kerrang Fonts:

Fonts, The fonts inside Kerrang magazine front cover the font is very editorial. It isnt plain it stands out a lot and suits this sort of magazine. The title ‘Kerrang’ has lines going thought it as it has been smashed.

The other words in the title are all different colours and different fonts, Causing this to be very eye catching to young people and this makes it more attractive.

The other thing is that the words on the cover look almost randomly placed. This fits in with the design with the magazine and makes it more suited.

The language used is very informal. This is because the people that read this magazine may not understand some of the formal context and also this particular magazine is meant to be fun to read. This means the language is informal, funny, entertaining but also informational.

All of the above is reasons on how and why the audience gets anchored. This is mainly though the brig colours used but also by the different fonts.

Vibe Fonts:

The font used in the vibe magazine is a lot more grown up compared to the ones used on the Kerrang magazine. This is because the target audience for this magazine is higher. Also the genera of people are different. This means the font they have to use has to be a lot more grown up. Also the different colours they use are a lot more standard. They use whites, greys and blacks. Also in the particular magazine cover, they have chosen to use yellow. This is very good because it complements the blackness.

The placing of the words on the vibe front cover is done really well because they are all the same font and all nearly presented. Although they are mainly single words under one another, it looks good and looks adult.

The language used is still informal, This is because the way they bring there news across is done in a very jokey way. They use comedy for there benefit and makes the magazine more appealing.

They anchorage on this magazine cover is everything above, They have a very good way of impacting the audience, and drawing them to the magazine even though it is fairly simple.

Task 1 – Skye Nel

Kerrang Colours:

The Kerrang magazine use very bold colours. There background is all white. And the main front colour is red, This alone stands out a lot but then they go and add in a bit of blue, Black, White and Yellow.

These colours all go together in a weird sort of way. They don’t complement each other but in the same sort of way the harshness between them attracts that audience because it looks very messy and wacky.

The background box’s for some of the text fits really well as you can see here:

The connotations in this front cover are huge. For starters the band featuring on the front cover is ‘My Chemical Romance’. They band name is plastered on the front cover in big letters, and its red. Red initiated both danger and love. This is good for the audience because there music is heavy rock/rock/indie. This could be seen as dangerous, but people love them and their music. Also the words Kerrang are red meaning Danger.

The other main colours used are black, blue and yellow. They all mean different things

The black gives the reader a sense of darkness and unknown and ambit of mystery.

The yellow brightens up he page and causes the reader to feel warm and happy.

The blue in the cover gives a nice calming effect

Vibe Colours:

The colour of the text on the from cover of Vibe magazine are very plane and simple, But they complement each other really well. For starters black and yellow work together really well. Mixed in with the grey it looks very nice.

The yellow is used because the Dead mouse icon is a black head with a yellow mouth. This is why they used black for the background, had dead mouse in the middle fading into the background and the text ‘Vibe’ in yellow.

There is a lot of connotation between the colours and the meaning behind them and the direct use of them.

Yellow is a calming colour, it is an attractive colour that makes the reader feel warm and happy.

Task 1 – Skye Nel

Black is the colour of mystery and suspense. This is because it is the unknown.



Strong Fellow AreaThe Primal Optical Area

This tell you what’s coming up in the magazine and will attract people. Also it used bright and vibrant colours what attracts you too. It also hold the name of the magazine

In the strong fellow area, it hold the name of the magazine. It also hold what’s coming up in the magazine and holds bright colours. This makes it very similar to the Primal Optical Area

Axis of Orientation

This area holds a band name, whose image is draped across the front of the magazine, It also advertises posters that are in the magazine. And it has a questions for a band that will be answered when you read the magazine

In the terminal area it advertises something that you will get inside the magazine (A tee T-Shirt). This will also attract readers because they might just buy it for the t-shirt.

Along the axis of orientation is a image of the band My Chemical Romance. This is a major eye catcher as they are dressed in black and the background is white. Also the lead singer is pointing out the page, giving the reader a feeling that the band is pointing at them. Also it gives other questions that will be answered inside the magazine. These are all tactics to get someone to buy the magazine.

The Terminal Area

Task 1 – Skye Nel


Weak Fellow AreaThe Primal Optical Area Strong Fellow AreaIn this top corner, there is the magazines name in big vibrant yellow on a black background. Also there is white text holding a statement that you can find out more about on the inside of the magazine.

In the Strong Fellow Area, there is a pretty much repeat of the Primal Optical Area. This holds the same info and the same title.

This hold the barcode, and some more information on what will be inside the magazine. There is also the bottom corner of the deadmau5 image.

In this corner it advertises a massive festival. This will attract people to the magazine just to read more about the festival. Also there is the bottom corner of the Deadmau5 Image.

Draped across the front of this magazine there is a massive image of Deadmau5, This is the artist that will probably feature thought out the magazine. Also on the sided there are bits and bobs about the information that may be heald within the magazine

Axis of Orientation

The Terminal Area

Task 1 – Skye Nel

Using A Double Page Spread Of The Inside Of The Kerrang Magazine I used.


The way the text is laid out in the magazine double page spread is don’t very well, they have written it in very small amounts in very small sections, giving the illusions of less writing. Also you can then easily split it into different parts with different information about the band.

The language the use is a range of formal and informal language, It’s not necessarily very formal because of the age range for the magazine but it won’t be completely informal. This is used to anchor the audience.


The colours they used correspond with the colours of the CD cover. This attracts the audience as well because the shades they used are already known to the reader. Also it blends it all in together really well. The imagery down the Left side of the left page is an image from the CD cover; this attracts the reader a lot more and anchors them. The use of so much black gives the

Weak Fellow Area

In the Primal Optical Area of the double page spread, there is a massive image of the MY Chemical Romance Band. With one of their most famous lines. This will attract the readers for a start off knowing who the pages are about.

In the Strong Fellow area there is another image form the bad MCR (My Chemical Romance). This is a famous image that is on the front cover of one of their most famous CD’s

Along the Axis of Orientations there hold many different quotes from many different bands that prove that many people respected MCR, and there work. This will attract readers for a start. Also it has many big red circles that hold more information about the band and there songs, and there different CD’S

Task 1 – Skye Nel

sense of death and mystery. Also the use of the red in the text boxes attracts the readers attentions.

Design and Layout:

The Primal Optical Area The Strong Fellow Area

In the terminal area hold the most text. There is a quote from the band Steel Panther,. There is also more imagery of the band and there other CD’s.

In the week Fellow area, very similar to the Strong fellow area in the respect that there is the other half of the image that is in the top cover (Strong Fellow Area). This makes the viewer more interested because everything about this page is very eye catching

Axis of OrientationAxis of OrientationAxis of OrientationAxis of OrientationAxis of OrientationAxis of OrientationAxis of Orientation

Task 1 – Skye Nel

In the week Fellow area, very similar to the Strong fellow area in the respect that there is the other half of the image that is in the top cover (Strong Fellow Area). This makes the viewer more interested because everything about this page is very eye catching