The 17th BNSC Issue One brussels target

Target Brussels - Issue one

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Official magazine of the 17th Belgian National Selection Conference

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Page 1: Target Brussels - Issue one

The 17th BNSCIssue One


Page 2: Target Brussels - Issue one



Opening up


Lilian LiuOn behalf of the media team

3 Hello From The Board

4 World Domination And Mad Scientists

6 Delegates And Beyond

7 How To Be The Coolest Delegate

7 Session Checklist

8 Session Agents

9 Comic: Charlie’s Angels

Opening up Target Brussels, I would firstly like to wel-come you to the official magazine of the 17th Belgian National Selection Conference. Target Brussels is go-ing to target You, the participants of this session, dur-ing the following days. In a way it will act a bit like Charlie in the Charlie’s Angels films, watching your work and activities during this session. Well, a kind and cheerful Charlie that is. This session’s media team, also known as the Charlie’s Angels, will do everything in their power to make your stay in Gent and Brussels joyful, animated, refreshing, weird, amazing, surprising and last but not least memorable. This is something that your journalists, the session agents, will make sure through their super-sonic-laser-cameras, speed of light handwriting and help of leprechauns.

Being a delegate can sometimes be quite a tough job. Teambuilding, Committee Work, General Assembly. Social events, parties and academic work. New names, faces and friends. An EYP session is indeed an inten-sive experience. This is where your journalists come in. The four session agents has sworn an oath to keep you up to date on everything that happens at the ses-sion and beyond. Nothing slips by their eyes and ears.

During the session, Target Brussels hopes to provide some interesting lecture to enrich your stay. After the session, it hopes to enlighten you on what you might have missed out on due to late night speech writing and to make the memorable moments even more unforgettable.

However, the session has only begun! In this welcome issue, you meet some of the key figures of the session. In the delegate guide, you can find valuable advice on how to make the most of your time here. Why not try out, if not all, then a few points from the session checklist? We promise that you will not regret it. Every delegate is unique and has his or her own style. Nev-ertheless, the article on delegates and beyond can give some hints on what sort of delegate approach would make chairs, journalists and organisers very happy. Without revealing too much, I can tell you that it is mainly about openness, curiosity and willingness to try something new. So open your eyes, open your mind, open up. That is at least what this session’s jour-nalists/agents/Charlie’s Angels will do.

See you around!

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edited by Laura Mont Castro

Hey guys!My name is Kristina, though in local EYP I go by Chelmi. So I’m 19, I’m going to be a VP at the session and I am just soooo excited about it! I study Ger-man philology (mix of language, world literature and culture studies), I am in my 3rd year at university in Kyiv, where I am originally from. So I might attack some of you german-speaking people to see if any of you understands what I say! And I love gossips but can keep secrets. Seriously! ;)This session is really symbolic for me. Last time I was in Belgium was at the International Session in Leuven as a delegate and.... mmmm secret comes out!... my chair was Milda and our journo was Gustaf. This time we all are on the board! Moreover, I’m involved in the student’s parliament at my university and even after three years I still believe that I can change something for the better. :)

So this is your first Vice-President, an Ukrainian princess that will lead us all both firmly and sweetly. God save the VP!

…and your second VP. Swedish, smart and competitive: watch out!Hi everyone,I am crazy about sports and in my spare time I try to fit in as much of it as I can, whether it is playing myself, watching or talking about it. I love competing and I hate to lose. Lose as in not win that is. Lose as in losing my stuff I do so often that I have gotten used to it. Things I have lost during EYP sessions include, but are in no way limited to: phone, wallet, keys, watch, passport, coat, laptop, my entire suitcase, a bicycle and myself.

PS. He loses everything but managed to found an Allelle.

Our dear President likes femmes violentes, laughs at operas, hates Annoying Orange and wants to dance with her hands.

Hello! I am Milda, proud president of the session; my phone number is +3706xxxxxxx (you wish...) and as you can see from the country code, I come from Lithuania (NOT Latvia - get it right!). I cannot describe how very excited I am to preside this session in a country that currently holds the world record for lack of government, and even more excited to meet all of you! (But seriously, about the government - will you sort yourselves out already? :P)




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a bromance story

Mysterious, sleek, sexy and seductive Charlie has command over his hot and feisty women in the Charlie’s Angles films. The same unfortunately can’t be said for this media team’s Charlies because their boss men really are a bunch of warm fuzzy teddy bears when you delve beneath their hard, hand-some and commanding exteriors as this journo discovered. Meet the head organisers of the session: Hans Maes, Lucas Somville and Floris Lauwers.

Why are you head organisers of the session? What attracted you to the post?

Hans: Insanity and the love I have for my bros Lucas and Floris. We thought we could all channel our insanity, perverse hunger for power and love for organising into creating something awesome. The fun and sense of accomplishment I get from head organising makes me want to organise more and more and more. I’d head organise the world if I could. World domination? Watch this space, or if you’re clever, stay on Hans’ good side.Another thing I feel I must mention is that I am in a semi-homoerotic triangle relationship with my fellow head organisers, which has produced some nice stories I might tell you for later issues of the paper.Floris: (awkward silence)Lucas: (looking aghast and too shocked to answer) And swiftly moving on… Which one was your first

International session as a delegate and what year?

Floris: Long ago, 'twas the year 2008, in the dark mists of France I embarked on a long journey that was to change everything I knew. I set out for Rennes to what was to be my first International Session of the European Youth Parliament. It was a week filled with awe and wonder and it was then I knew my destiny: to organise a session the like of which the world had never seen! I started plotting and scheming and soon my plan took form, I would start small by organising a national session and then slowly but steadily move on to organise bigger and bigger events! Genius! One world dictator. Check. One Evil Genius. Check.Lucas: (shuffling uncomfortably) We were all in the same school and got selected to go to the same session in Rennes in 2008. We were friends. If you were a delegate at this session which

committee topic would you choose and why?

Hans: AFCO. I debated the same topic at the International session in Frankfurt last summer and we created a very strong resolution. I am excited to see the results of this session's AFCO.Floris: ITRE I or II, I'm very interested in Industry and Science and I believe they should be our foremost endeavors in Europe. Humanity's progress must not be stymied!Lucas: At this year’s nationals I would’ve picked IMCO! I’ve always been intrigued by patents and the internet. For you, what do the E, Y and P in EYP stand for?

Floris: Extraterrestrial Yeomen of Portugal, Elemental Yuletide Paragons or maybe Excruciating Youthful Pastries. But to tell the truth, EYP will always mean European Youth Parliament for me. The thing I’ve grown to

World domination and mad scientists?

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know and love over the years. Lucas: For me the E in EYP stands for evolving, the obvious link would be that Europe is ever-evolving. But it also has a more personal meaning. I can barely image what my life would’ve looked like without EYP. I fell in love with a girl for the first time in EYP, I fell in love with European politics, I got infatuated by the EYP. Of course the EYP has a downside as well, it’s impossible to meet the friends you've made as much as you’d want to. The Y is easier, why are we doing this? Why are you interviewing me? Why why why… Even though I usually don’t look at life from a psychological point of view, the EYP provides the perfect platform to do so. Why is, that particular delegate sad/scared/happy/uninterested/jolly/childish? Ever since my first chairing experience I got interested in the why and how of people’s doings.Hans: E in Europe means a lot to me. Like many Belgians, I support the idea of a United States of Europe in the future. I will do everything possible to get there, and if that requires me in the European Parliament working my ass off, then so be it. The Y in Youth means as much to me as does

the E. Like every EYP addicted person I could meet young people from all over Europe until the very end of my days, and that is probably what I will do. That is why the P in Parliament means a lot as well. I have the privilege of living in the country that hosts the actual European Parliament and I can't count the times I've been there anymore. I hope to make a living from P, as I plan to become a politician one day.Lucas: Hans! Attempting world domination does NOT make you a politician!Hans: Minor detail. Describe your fellow head organisers in three words.

Lucas: Hans – punctual, soft, hairy. Floris - Mad Scientist, humoristic, decisive.Floris: Hans - bulky beardy boffin. Lucas - huggable helpful hero. Hans: Floris - insane, genius, bookie. Lucas - cozy, friendly, lovely.

Can you tell me two truths and one lie about yourselves?Hans: 1. I played the baby of Madame Butterfly in the

eponymous opera in Antwerp, at the age of two but was cut because I cried too much. 2. I have never travelled by plane when travelling to/from an EYP session. 3. In the past five years, I've only lived three days without a beard.Floris: 1. I have watched the new animated My Little Pony series and I liked it. 2. My internet search history implies I'm a domestic terrorist. 3. I like writing, especially poems.Lucas: 1. I’ve read the entire ‘old testament’ and parts of the ‘Ketuvim’. 2. I lead a double life as a secret agent. I am trained in all forms of martial arts and have done survival training. I know 10 ways to kill you sitting here right now. Well that’s just GREAT. Hans the dictator. Floris the evil genius and Lucas the killer. 3. I was a fanatic swimmer for more than 13 years and when I quit last year I gained over 15 kilos. What’s a truth and what’s a lie? Find out for yourself during the session.

by Gráinne Hawkes

Floris, Hans and Lucas with ambitions ahead.

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the ultimate guide on how to make the most of your days during the session

Delegates and beyond

Everyone has their own opinion of the perfect delegate. If you ask a chair, an organiser or a journalist, the opin-ions may vary, but to become the ulti-mate super delegate, you would need to please all of the session’s ”Charlies”. Mission impossible? Of course not.

From the chair’s point of view, what matters most when pursuing the holy grail of EYP ses-sions, the International Session, is the whole pic-ture of the delegate, how she or he works in a group in all aspects of the session. In teambuild-ing, being active, lively, happy and most impor-tantly open to all activities, no matter how de-meaning or embarrassing they might be, is what will bring you closest to reaching your goal. Also something the chair and other members of your committee may start to notice at this point are leadership skills, not taking dictatorship of the group, but having the ability to join and perhaps even sometimes lead the committee forward on their mission, whatever it may be. For this no super powers or Kung Fu talent is needed, just plain old communication skills. No yelling, no swearing, especially no fist fighting, but lots of di-plomacy. No one wants to be a baby sitter for angry delegates who have made each other cry. From a journo’s point of view the wonder del-egate has an amazing bone structure, the ability to hold perfectly still when in a fantastic kick pose and a mouth that shouts out hilarious quotes and unknown wisdom. Well, not. Truthfully, we love a

delegate to be fun and bright and to have a sense of humour. The same openness to new ideas and activeness in all parts of the session are just as much appreciated by journos as they are by chairs.

Finally the organisers will ask you for one thing and one thing only. Be organised. Trash cans can always be found, so you might as well put your trash there. Organisers can always be asked for directions so don’t get lost try-ing to rely on your unmistakably supernatural navigational skills and most importantly listen to what is told, so no unfortunate situations occur.

So be open. Be diplomatic. Be fun. But most im-portantly have fun. That, is what we want to see.

by Sini Hyytiäinen

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Challenge yourself with this checklist and you will unveil the millions of pos-sibilities on how to enjoy yourself even more at the session.

Make your best friend of the session someone you have nev-

er met before and bring that friend-ship to the level where you can be over the top silly and do piggy back rides with each other all around the venues.

Pick out a mannerism of one of the officials, preferably of a

chair, and make it a sort of logo of the session, a.k.a. teach it to every-one. However, remember not to be mean.

Stay up late so that when everyone is waking up, you just walk over to the

mirror and start redoing your make up for the next day (recommended to be only done once during the session).

When dancing at a party gather up with a friend and surprise your chair or journo with a sand-wich, the sandwich meaning you and your friend

sandwich your chair or journo in dance.

For an evening programme, swap clothes with a friend. If this

friend happens to be of the opposite sex, even better !

While debating your topic, let the debate get so boiling hot

that your chair will insist on you talking about something else during coffee break.

Never stop debating Abigail’s tale. Even during coffee breaks

of the session continue trying to find new, surprising aspects on the story.

Become a true family unit with your committee, get to know

them, spend time with them and if possible have a midnight cup of tea with them.

1. Wear the FANCIEST clothes on the first nights (don’t save them for the last when no one cares).2. Drink a lot… of coffee, so ADULT.3. Speak English with your country’s accent, you’ll seem so EXOTIC.4. If you have a smart phone check it every two seconds and look very IMPORTANT.5. Know a bit of EVERYTHING and not much of anything, so that you can speak with everyone.6. Explain CRAZY stories about that that time you were partying with your friends and… (make them up if you don’t have any).7. In teambuilding, look SUPER-CHIC, but as if you weren’t trying (some old tracksuit can be vintage). 8. Don’t use contact lenses in committee work, glasses give you an INTELLECTUAL look.9. Find a bunch of smart friends and benefit from the CHEERLEADER effect.10. Behave yourself during parties; an unfortunate picture can DESTROY the best reputation.


be the coolest delegate of all times?

Session checklistby Laura Mont Castro

by Sini Hyytiäinen


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Atomic Laura You can call her Atomic Laura, but that’s just her alias… if she told you her real name she‘d have to kill you. Her sweet smile is her secret and most powerful weapon, for no one suspects how dangerous she really can be. If you see her wandering around with a dreamy expression, tremble, she’ll be planning her next move, and you may happen to be her next victim. If you want to sur-vive this session –physically and physiologically- you better buy her chocolate, tell her gossips and most importantly, make her laugh!PS. Like Sauorn’s eye, she sees EVERYTHING.


Electric Eva Have you ever heard about electric Eva? Well yesterday, I heard this girl talk about her friend who knows some people who are friends with people who have seen electric Eva. The rumor says, that she once was born out of lightning. She always carries around a super-sonic-awesome-laser-camera and she has the capacity to capture anything on film. She’s like big brother but way cooler. You might think that you’ve done something and nobody saw it, but the next day it’s in the newspaper. Anyway, if you don’t want to get in trouble you better watch out, she maybe blond but she’s better than James Bond.

Sonic Sini Yes, you need to watch out or befriend Sonic Sini. Why? She re-members conversations, so whatever you say it will be lodged into her super capacity brain and will not leave, this ensured by her speed of light handwriting, that will mark down any snide remark or funny comment made. Whenever, whereever. She also has the ability to turn whatever feelings are bouldering around inside her into lyrics. So watch out those who choose to hurt, annoy or amaze her, the whole world will find out. And remember, those lyrics are damn catchy. Most importantly, don’t let her small size fool you; just think of her as a pocket sized rocket, small, but extremely explosive.

Gaelic Gráinne

Gaelic Gráinne has the gift of the gab, otherwise known as talks a lot. She never misses a trick, and is friend with leprechauns. She hears and sees everything and if she doesn’t, her leprechaun Conor does. Tell her your gossip and she’ll give you a gold coin. You wont regret it!



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9by Eva Verbeeck

Charlie’s Angels

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IMPRINT Eva Verbeeck Gráinne HawkesLaura Mont Castro Lilian Liu Sini Hyytiäinen