Target Audience This is Tasha; she is 17 and lives in London. She is currently studying Music at the London College of Music. She is has a very unique fashion sense and dresses to stand out and look unique and individual. She is part of a band (she plays electric guitar) and at weekends she often plays at gigs for fun with her friends at college. She is very sociable and loves to go out at the weekend, either to clubs or pubs, however her favourite thing to do is go to gigs and music festivals. She doesn’t listen to ‘mainstream’ music and she likes to listen to bands/artists that barely anyone knows and her favourite music genre is indie or rock music; however she does sometimes listen to other ‘alternative’ music. She hardly watches TV, however if she does it is to watch skins or music channels like NME or Kerrang. The target audience for this magazine would be the type of people that listen to indie or rock music, who don’t have a very much money, as it is mainly aimed at students and don’t necessarily have a fixed income. I believe that if my weekly magazine cost £2.00 or more, then it wouldn’t be suitable or appeal to my target audience as it is too expensive for a weekly magazine, so I think that if my magazine costs £1.50 it is more suitable for the type of audience my magazine is aimed at. I have chosen Tasha for my target audience because this is the type of person (unique, someone interested in indie/rock music) that I want to aim my magazine at and

Target audience profile

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Target Audience

This is Tasha; she is 17 and lives in London. She is currently studying Music at the London College of Music. She is has a very unique fashion sense and dresses to stand out and look unique and individual. She is part of a band (she plays electric guitar) and at weekends she often plays at gigs for fun with her friends at college. She is very sociable and loves to go out at the weekend, either to clubs or pubs, however her favourite thing to do is go to gigs and music festivals.

She doesn’t listen to ‘mainstream’ music and she likes to listen to bands/artists that barely anyone knows and her favourite music genre is indie or rock music; however she does sometimes listen to other ‘alternative’ music. She hardly watches TV, however if she does it is to watch skins or music channels like NME or Kerrang.

The target audience for this magazine would be the type of people that listen to indie or rock music, who don’t have a very much money, as it is mainly aimed at students and don’t necessarily have a fixed income. I believe that if my weekly magazine cost £2.00 or more, then it wouldn’t be suitable or appeal to my target audience as it is too expensive for a weekly magazine, so I think that if my magazine costs £1.50 it is more suitable for the type of audience my magazine is aimed at.

I have chosen Tasha for my target audience because this is the type of person (unique, someone interested in indie/rock music) that I want to aim my magazine at and who I want to read it. I also feel as though she is the main stereotype of who I imagine my target audience to be.