, \' olunw 1, Numbt'r 5 l< 'oundt'd and Prirted In Oberstaufen tarday, A.,..t News JAPAN SURRENDER Miss Co. A Club Contest NCO CLUB Our romJ>Illl} has spirit and in- itiotlll' In 'I>Ort•. \\t •'lc built our,t•ht•s u re ro rd 11bich ,fond' hl')ond comport•. \t Rl'gimt nt in,Jlt'C'Itorh 11 n lk off "ith the hnron . und in I and E "' ' leud them n il in <·our..<' tnkin '. 'I hl'n, too, our littlt paper t'asls !Juilt• a fine rt'Ot•l'hon. an d the faults nr our lin t• .,orthall IPum ore tuo 'mall for detec ti on. But to mol..e the J>itture perfect. tbe thing \H' IH'Nl " - Wt•\ t' gut In bulonC'l' up uur hits. " c'n• j:Ot to a ".\li" ." On Wc•clnr,cJoy <'lt'ntng, \u gu't fir,!, tht• lint•,! nnd m<"t ottrtiC'IIH' \ CO Club in the E'l 0 OJlt'll<'tl dour.., to un informal t·>t•nin!' for the• tuff Offil'NS, Cbopluin,, ond ComptUl) (mntnondt'r of the nr ..t u nd 1 hird Bullulion s of the Oth Di1 i•inu ·, cr.11 1.. :JP'Ith lnfurun . t nnff t'inl t·nmnwnl Ult rlwurtl l)y un,rnu ... t'llr, W<'rnNI In prophP'} 11 ro'>v futun•. 1 ht• fnlJ011 111 g ('\ <'lllllg \10., OJll'll· nnd nwmht•r ... of till' : Jrd Buttulion 11 ith rlwir rtf><'' glt· um - "'S' bright)) urnt 111 fonc· to u•lll'r 111 o nt'" Pro 111 llw militun life· nf the ombut •uldil'r. lnfortnn - urrlv. nil the• mt·mhc·" nf tlu• Fif't Bottalton IH' r<· out 111 tb e bill- und had to dt lo\ thl'ir fe,tililil'' until - rir ... t t'llllll' f' "t ' rt' plcu•untly Prt"sidl'nl Truman ril'ia) OllnOUIIl'I'Oil'Dt night, August t•th, I''<' had oc·cepted und tout !It'd r·t•lt•brating in doy imm"'liatl'lv aFter , mt•uf of thi• C'ensotion oF hu UhUCll he \\l'nt 011 to suy that thf' llatiOII i' 11011 fu< <·d h} an r.merg<'IICY a l!rl'at us thut on D<'l'ember -;, I<Ut. l he rl'('()ll\ ''"1011 of indu try ".n jolt nut nf "nrk, so that b} Christmas 'i.UOII.OOO Ulll'lllployrd may 11(')) Ill• till' figur<·. \\ ithin '"" hour' of the jupum•M• tbrt·<· irnpnrlilnt stq>s \H're put in- to eff t•t·l. 1. Conscriptinn of nwn 26 ond rn er "us li'U ed. 2. lll're 't't mtn op<•ratmll "ht'rt'lll :; to :;•/• milium men 11ill rt•turn<'d tn civilian life during tlw tH'>ot }l'.Ur to l!l mnnths. 3. All <·onlrols n11•r munpn'IOI'T llt'rt' n•lintrui,h<•d hy tbe War MunpuiH·r 1 hl' uf the IIH'I.. Jw, umun•d the 11hnlf' 11nrlcl: lwrl', nft<'r almost fnur lnng hitlt'r \\ lll'n nur Co mpn n} nP11 •pnprr I 'urpri,t•d to . find un UIIIH>•phcrl' " o' fir.,t 'truggliu!(" to ltf e a nd to th<· t' \pt•t ·ted. l.tradunll> into th e pa per Glt•o mtng l111cn . , purkltn g glu-'t'' · thut "e 111 the tomJ>nny wont . und Anwri un ullno•phc•rc• I en t 'en•rul ft•llo'" < ·nnw fo11 ord "itl 1 a n unbeltt •l uhlt to the nt - tht• t•ngoging idl 'd thut o l'onte't be u"ton. J>rinJ,.., \ll' r<• lltrit•d and run to pitk out n " \li" Compa n' plentifu l. It dtdn 't toke fnr tlw 'A' ". \1 th<tinw nul much coulil d11tiug room to fill , unci ,.,pn·-- ion' bc• dnu( about it . hut 11011 lht• 'it - of prui't' 11t•n· lu he bt·urd t•H•r y- uorion i' more ;,tuhilin .• d und th e ldH· re . It 'II" hurd IU he Ill·' e th ut plt•o,unt 'uhjt•t ·t cun he nn,idered . • UC' h n uight duh C'uuld h<• fo und \\ ork ha' bt•t•n put 111to the orga n- •o fnr from the guud old iz111g o f. o t·on.re't now all is Things lwgou to look up in tht liiW'- I fi r I ·- • , . . h H'llrs nf ""' 11ith Jopan, in u pl'T- .. iod of a fe, ... d<ns c·f'rtoirvc'•·nh - ...t]';totlt' I . :ll'"w llf!t...JI. Ge n era l Sm the (then lone)) or the Dh h. ion i -during I and unal) Be t \\ t't'll no\\ an<l ne"t :-murda),\ b .., l!IH' lorightl'r, 111111' nf our tb c 2.1th o f .\ U!(U•I, l'lldl IIIUII \1ho 'lriJll' Or<' \1<'111)1111! tlwtr tu- h u, u pil'!Ur<' of hi' \1lf<'. '"t•1 ·t - "urd ... th!• Hul tond Bluo• Hu<>m hc· u r t. nr gt rl fr11•nd. ,Jwuld hut it '' h< •r<• )>Tl'\ mk the , 11 rrc· ntkr rle;> at Ko•.,PI. A Ger man Gt•nera l and hi., aide the nt •ar future. on· o n lh t• u·e c, , end or General ·m) the·., orde rc,. lor) on Page 2 Fir-.t, the atomic hom h. , 01111 1 hing 1 11 un l'lll('lupl' uud hrtll!! 11 111 E1l I hi' t luh 11.o• orj!.tni11·d \\lth a P t''-l'n in t hr· Huum." rt•prt•,t·nllll\1' from , ... ,.h ( ollljhlll) :\otlung , Jw uld Ia• p u t on tht• I'll· un hund In ,t.trt rill' ),,d ) ro ll ing l f' ln pt' h ut nu t hl" hut I.. nf tht• J)ll '- nntl fnrmul,lft' pl,ons. I he P rt•,i- turt • •bu uld b.. 11 r irwn th<• sn)di<• f' dt·t 11 ) ""' pluu·d in tla· <·upuhle nom(', ra nk uutl 'l'rt•d. hunds of Cpl. Lrni•· \l q!'rs. If ,.·, Only pt l' IU rt'' of \ nw ru : un gtrl., '"'II kn1111 11 uruutul ll t•tul q uurl••rs m u) lu• (' ll ll'rPd) ltrst <111 d is u prnmot<·r 11 hu rl'u l ly Local 4 1 out of ", uperman" or Buck Hug- N I d EN 11bkh jut ohout 111p('(l off tlw ews a n ews fuce of the carib lht• <·itit•s uf und and is '" terrifying tbut it produc·<'d ,u)wr- \II t'll l rll'' mu-t ht• i 11 hv :?41K) IHh pl.·nty of !:"· li s dning u houf' ou tl11· dull• h.-fun· nwntiont'd. bun!(-IIIJ Joh •" ht• ullt',tl'd b) ,\u gu' t 2:;th. u11d th 1• jndg<·•. niH tlw sUll'l'" nf th<\! lltllrt•. mun f ro m ••ndt p),nnun and ht "1-rl ..., ".:r. lluiJ \lurn•ll of" . \!" CnniJiilll), D inl..t•l, II dl d··· "'" nn tiJL• thrl't Ullcl I Huh ll.llthnl'r ur •• \hlp", Itt'' I pit tllr<''· In tlu· fnllu 11 "'u•· lwld du11 11 th<· '11 pr<••idc•lll'i< nf " ) hi' \lt rrnr . :-•·plt•mlu·r l •t. thr 11 luh· ( pl. ]111 I.. :-tutnl'l..l' l.c·•·p, '' p it t hut plu«· •e•t 1111d und I• Ill< hful t')e ' con i111 ,,,.h. nnd third 11 til Ill' prinh·tl 11 irh tlw Ill IIIII!<'' "'lnrw, on tht• .... t ho"'t'll. PL..tn'i ,,,•II uutl1•r\\ t\ to fOtll C'nmpo nv "A" bud Bn. g uurd Fri - du ) u ig h't a nd Snf urd u y. The \ lt'U th t·r '"" t'u ld, "' '' un d ultogel h- rr mi,cra hi P. T he• rc •sul t, 110 guard mnun t, no t'"<'i lmt nt . no t·asut llltc•s. ''"<·t· pt n ft•ll sn iff<• ), fr um the the gu nr ds th,,t bud 1\ ,tiJ..i n g (lt>>oh. !' he i11•p<'< tiun wu' hl'ld ns morn - illg, "it h tlol' llt·gim<'llt I C. 0. do- tl11 · in, Jw<·ti nl!'. C"mpn ny "A" p< r•<II>JI<•I "c•ri· f"il lh dn·-- <·d up llwrt• llrt' Jl rllh for llw nu•n wh mi111ug till' "IIIII III!! 'hots. l'ir ... r I H II<' 11 Ill rt•u•i1 ,. " Jlll"• tn th•• \h ic>ru: 't'fClfHf pritt'. II In Po ri : Ullfl thml prtll', u Pil" tn th P 'lOth J> i1 l'inu rt'•t .tr<'U, rh i' is u goldl'ft npponuuit) fur ull ntt·u. I o r h, •,ul,., tlu• fillt' pu" p ritt''• II l!i \1'' I 'll( h fi'IIUII th<• liJl· 1u uuuplinu·ul, in n \t'r} t.I II J:i hJt• 1111), tl1 u1 <·t•rlUIII girl t hut lll ('Oil'-. 'u llllH h to hun Su )UUr pif'IHrt ·'\ in U' "-UUil n' po-s ihlt·. Don't mi•s your diUnc·t• Ill u•·•·nrn p ll'h 1110 thing:s ul nn t·<' in tlu.· t',t,ir•o..;t ,uuJ plea""" 11 " > i><>"ih l<•. Company A To Kempten On S und n) , \u!('u' l 12. o ur com- pany• o iNt('() , togt•tht•r 11 ilb " ll" (ompuny oud sc• nt to 1-- l' mpt en to tukt· n>t•r the guard pools 11 hile the 2nd Bn. llt•nt to toke ib turn ot the field problem. Out' hundred and 'l'H 'n men Wl'nt '' ith Lt. \\ il- li ums to curry out the detail ,,hit ·h i• mode up muinly of roud blocl..s. They ore to bt• rl'turmng toduy . thl' l t>t h. h111h th<• Hc·d <IIIII hill<' Jl,dl dic)IJ S f11r tu)Pill, 1111 JuellnJ: II J)l h,l!u) 11r ''Jurn •e• 1un; · 11lmh 11 'II ulel murh t•> the good old \rn,rll ·,u• LltHH,. .. pht rP. thi ... to pr ...... pl.uh nn· h1'111g IlHHit• fol 'PIIIf' •'lllf t• tuiunu·nt \du·u 11lt mh•·r.., (lr lmth 1\au.dion' ''t il ht• tr"t'••H,d 111 t llt•·r· wirnllPIIt hY tht· fttulou I >I\ 1 ton 1\und. Oth<;r I'III<'IIUinml'lll, ut cu ...... ton pt•Jnut .... '"ill lu· dru''" to tht· lutgc•,t •pnl in lht• D11 i''""· PFC CLUB 54 1111 th e• Ju li et• 11 1\ 111'1 11 ond <J,•,tn. [o put 11 in to " ft·\1 \\t>rtb. ",\" Cumpnn) 11 IS on th t• bu ll , "ith tlw rc•su lt th lll 11 '"" tltc hl', l in the '] 11c ll' t' d dnrlltl! tht• \\Ur. .\ ( 11111 pa n) t' Uil dn it" h nJd, l rtu· 1 '\1'11 1111,1 th ut II C '-'n• nt cu put ion 1roops. ('nl. Lul' l.. eit '\nil<· a few qut·,dnns •I'\ to tlw lUIIf llions ond '''l' nll' d rc•ulh illl<•rt•,ll'd in \\hut \\ l' had to •a )' . 'I )Jp I'UII't'n SUS \1,, ,, ":\'nl enough rhn11," La't \ll'l'k ( o mp lln) ",\" los t '" n mun· uf ih olfi < ••r, " lw n l .t. l..:llnpp, un ci II. s .ol..t•r \\ ('H' ( ru n s- f nrt·d w the lith Ht•pl u·•·•ne11 t D<·- pot. tb1· 1 t·umt• to " A" Compu n) uf tt·r tlw hu,i lir ie s hue! t•nrlt ·d m t• r ht•re, ih l'y •nu n u daP.tNI tlu•m,t•h t•s und br·o uw " t•ll hl..t•d th ro u ;:: lw ut Co m ptHI ). \\ e prt·•e·nt to ) ou ''( luh :>4", m u ... t ( .. t.\lll(•rtuinrncnt. f11•o• bt·Pr, )JCftlllr for ,,Jit•, un d th <• ,,.ldt•d onrat'llllll nf ha1 tug nn nf- or prt'\('llt. I ft p ('lath j, ) .,, , ,lt·d in the• lull• E . .\1. Lt. Bo l..t·r hnd d JUrgt• of tlw 3rd ll ull 11 huh ' "" lu·Pn n·dt•roru ted tn Platoon, hut "e """ him n•rr l ittle. giH· our du b "ulmo,ph t·rl'." us lhc :lrcl ""' hu 11ng a roug h time mo untng rootl blo!'l..s. It's \ our d u h unci it is up to )ll ll Pfc.'s. 11 11d 1'1 t's. In ma k<• it o Lt. Knupp hod bt•t•n \1 tlh us only ' uttt'•'· Bn lh irs ! un d Th i rd Bot - u • hurl ltmt' whtn ht• \IUS put on tuhnu' urr re pr<''t'n l <•d J...t 's ru a l.. c d l' tueht •d s<•rvt<·e dj,churgi ug the Cnmpuny " A' ito slur nwmh cr. pe rsonnr l or t lw s ... th C<·r mon llw 0 <•ni n, of "Cluh 54 .. Army . Wlwn lw ret urn e d. he \\OS for J-ri 1 f. 1 y, 171 h, ol put 111 < ' hungc of the 4th Platoon . 7-: 10 p. m .. until midmght. l \Yc art' bOrry tu 'et• thl'm ll'III' C, cnll'rtutnml'nt 11tll indndt• I h c and \\e hope thll 11lwn •n •r lhey " ll o mpt•r l• lnnr Show" 011d it's five go, they "ill fiml tll('ir llt'W ussign - piN ·<• bond . nwnts to th eir li i11g. For furlht•r infnrrnnfion, set' Pfc. Au ri'\Oir u nd lu l' l.. from the Huy Rubbllt in runm 121. Any su g- offi<'<'rs nnd c•ntirc c·nlistcd pNson- gP<ot tons \1 ill be upprt•ciotcd. nel of (.ompony "A." By gt. Jack A. eurl..s An increas in g numht •r of ml'n of Able Company ore the benefits of thl' Army Edurution Program. Sgt . ll urry C. Coopt'r left last WPdut•sduy f or Englund, unci 1111 eight "t•l'k course in Depurt- m<•nt Store \lonng<'llll'nl Pf<·. Hob- t'rt 1\. ir< ·h gcssnN ond p, I. 1 fl'rberl W. Da1· is IC'ft on Soturdll) morning for Frcising. Cer mmt y. Tht•y ore to an .\ griC'u ltural C'nllcge to '>Indy c·our'''' in ,\ gric ulturt •, that lust for l'igbt llet•ks. Pfc. Robert . \lno r<• left on August 7th to nttend o 11111 ll( •t•ks ouf'e in Photogrophy at tht• '10th Dh i'ion • ij!'nul Com- pa n) . Pfc. Wm. Spct•r i; now ot- l<"nding a signu l repair course at the sunH' st ·houl. Se 1e u o ther men nf th e Company, Sgt. A lbt·rt Mt h. - ner. Pf<o. Ed dy Pnhnnll'cr, Pfc. )n mes Co", Pfc. George Lynn , Pfr. ll o ski ll Pfr. lk nnic Lo11 t•ku u nd Pfc. E rn es t Mu) t•r left lost Tuc oday for th e ))i, ;,ion Signal C ompany, and ore tul..i11g a four 11 eeks in Radio Rt ' J>air. nt•ss o nd on,i<•ly ut bnnw. 111 tht• same time thot it rob<·d till' hnpt"• of grea tly shortening tlw lenjrth of the ' ""· Nl',l, onl) on<' do:> ufh·r this tremendous Ill' II'· c·umt• \Htrd thnt the o1·iel lnlon hud t•nlt•n·d into the 11ar "tht• nmurai" imnwdintl'l) 'mushtng into \lith ;o t·rul'l.. dili- sinns of thl' Far Eu,tern Rt•d Army. and dirN·tly <!u<• to tlw <'0111- hint'd e ff el'l of thl' 1\Hl homh- she ll •, the ne11 n,f Pt' ace negotiation•. of Jupdn' n•,ttlt- tws to sur render. The J opanes(' nttuo ll) slnrtl'd their agn•..-inn in Chino ) t·ur' ago in 1'131. on II!H' r·n poign against the tll -t"r'; 'PI"'c ( h.m }apun Sll('(·t•('(fc.,t Ill Olllll'"'llg MondJUrio. Tht•:> •loppt•d fnr a s hort time, m<•an11hil e huilding up their \lOr modtine for tlw Ill''! thrust. Pll'nt y of iron "us pouring info their mt'lting pol from American steel Firm., dunng tl11• phose despite the IIHrllings of many so-colll•d ''radi<'u)," th ut someday the stt'l' l \\atdd he 'hut ba c l.. at us in thl' form of hulll'ls. In 1937 the mn<'hinl' ugu111 rullt'd .\bl c Compa ny bus the best re - presenta ti on in th e Battalion for men ollendi ug various sthook Thl' reaso n for this con lw uttributed lo the fine 110rk of nur Compon) T and E Lt s. 1-.une. Palombi ond llonniba l. and ul so of Sgt. Thornton, th e 1 and E '\'on -Com. The;e _1;e ntlemon . ho1 t• pu;lwd th e I nnd E progrum 111 A bit • ( nmpany. a nd to , ho" for 11. \\t' huH' mnrc opplieot io ns turned in thon any other Compony. Lel' b l.. t'cp up the fine work. into Chinn. and thi' "ur "'" t·on- tinurd up to thl' prf''t'nt du,. PliTt of rbe history must indud•• hc•r joining the "Ronw- Bt•rlin: I nk\1> Axis" "hich to 'l't fusrt'l rul•• up over the fou r t ·or ner-. of th<· ear th. ond fino II) on Ot'ct•mlwr •. 1941 , her p<•o<c l'n,oy' 1\nr- BlllTII OAY usu nud ;\umuro 'H'rt• b<n• i11g lo" to ' ee'y of Stoll' lloll in Wushmg- fon. 11 hen 'he set )nose h.t'r '"lr muchine on Pearl Ilurbor. \ <·s. thuf wa the beginning or tht• (•Jld. for the Lnited !\;ations proH•d tu be the strongest militury nnd ind ust- rial combination the• \\Orld hns :>t•t Lt. Willinms ce),•brnlt•d his hirth - da) , on Augu>f 6. Wt• undt•rstu lld he bod a big nk e bul..t•d. (llnpe il s<•en. \IUS good und htlpcd 'upplt•ml'nl The (>N>pl<' hiiH' ll('(ln that ' porlun diet "e ull undt•rgo) duped. But lot us that t hry St•riously. mnn y huppy rt•lttrn•. con not to )1\e .'" tht• 11orld Li<•utenoni. and mo} your surt·N•d - us good nc1ghbors. It ts nut 11 'l!lt"S· ing btrlhchlys all find our country I lion of roc· t>. und the \\Orld nt pcnc·e. troops ho 1·l' bct'n heroic Itt a ll times.

tarday, JAPAN SURRENDER - 80th Division · Miss Co. A Club News JAPAN SURRENDER Contest NCO CLUB Our romJ>Illl} has spirit and in

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Page 1: tarday, JAPAN SURRENDER - 80th Division · Miss Co. A Club News JAPAN SURRENDER Contest NCO CLUB Our romJ>Illl} has spirit and in


\'olunw 1, Numbt'r 5 l<' oundt'd and Prirted In Oberstaufen ~~~==~----------------~------~

tarday, A.,..t


Our romJ>Illl} has spirit and in­itiotlll' In 'I>Ort•.

\\t•'lc built our,t•ht•s u rero rd 11bich ,fond' hl')ond comport•.

\t Rl'gimt•nt in,Jlt'C'Itorh "~' 11 n lk off "ith the hnron. und in I and E "'' leud them n il in <·our..<' "~'art' tnkin '.

'I hl'n, too, our littlt• paper t'asls !Juilt• a fine rt'Ot•l'hon. and the faults nr our lint• .,orthall IPum ore tuo 'mall for detec tion.

But to mol..e the J>itture perfect. tbe thing \H' IH'Nl " thi~ -

Wt•\ t' gut In bulonC'l' up uur hits. " c'n• j:Ot to hon~ a ".\li" ."

On Wc•clnr,cJoy <'lt'ntng, \ugu't fir,!, tht• lint•,! nnd m<"t ottrtiC'IIH' \ CO Club in the E'l 0 OJlt'll<'tl it~ dour.., to un informal t·>t•nin!' for the• tuff Offil'NS, Cbopluin,, ond ComptUl) (mntnondt'r of the nr .. t u nd 1 hird Bullulions of the Oth Di1 i•inu·, cr.11 1.. :JP'Ith lnfurun . t nnff•t'inl t·nmnwnl Ult rlwurtl l)y un,rnu ... t'llr, W<'rnNI In prophP'} 11 ro'>v futun•.

1 ht• fnlJ011 111 g ('\ <'lllllg \10., OJll'll· in~ ni~ht, nnd nwmht•r ... o f till' :Jrd Buttulion 11 ith rlwir ~I rtf><'' glt·um­"'S' bright)) t·urnt• 111 fonc· to u•lll'r 111 o nt' " Pro 111 llw militun life· nf the c·ombut •uldil'r. lnfortnn­urrlv. pructi('ull~ nil the• mt·mhc·" nf tlu• Fif't Bottalton IH' r<· out 111 tbe bill- und had to dt•lo\ thl'ir fe,tililil' ' until ~UIHI~) . -

rir ... t t'llllll' f' "t' rt' plcu•untly

Prt"sidl'nl Truman ril'ia) OllnOUIIl'I'Oil'Dt night, August t•th, I''<' had oc·cepted und thu~ tout !It'd r·t•lt•brating in Armi~ltl't.' doy il}l!t~;l::i~if!IIJ~::.-..--"' imm"'liatl'lv aFter , mt•uf of thi• C'ensotion oF hu UhUCll he \\l'nt 011 to suy that thf' llatiOII i' 11011 fu< <·d h} an r.merg<'IICY a l!rl'at us thut on D<'l'ember -;, I<Ut. l he rl'('()ll\ ''"1011 of indu try ".n jolt million~ nut nf "nrk, so that b} Christmas 'i.UOII.OOO Ulll'lllployrd may 11(')) Ill• till' figur<·. \\ ithin '"" hour' of the jupum•M• ~urrt•mler, tbrt·<· irnpnrlilnt stq>s \H're put in-to eff t•t·l.

1. Conscriptinn of nwn 26 ond rn er "us li'U ed.

2. Pion~ lll're 't't mtn op<•ratmll "ht'rt'lll :; to :;•/• milium men 11ill h~ rt•turn<'d tn civilian life during tlw tH'>ot }l'.Ur to l!l mnnths.

3. All <·onlrols n11•r munpn'IOI'T llt'rt' n•lintrui,h<•d hy tbe War MunpuiH·r Cun11n1s~inn.

1 hl' M'll~tlinnu l 111'11~ uf the po~t IIH'I.. Jw, umun•d the 11hnlf' 11nrlcl: lwrl', nft<'r almost fnur lnng hitlt'r

\\ lll'n nur C ompn n} nP11 •pnprr I 'urpri,t•d to . find un UIIIH>•phcrl' " o' fir.,t 'truggliu!(" to ltfe a nd ent~rcl ) fo~c·tgn to th<· t' \pt•t·ted. l.tradunll> de\(• lopin~ into the pa per Glt•o mtng l111cn. , purkltng glu-'t''· thut "e 111 the tomJ>nny wont. und Anwri c·un u llno•phc•rc• I en t 'en•rul ft•llo'" <·nnw fo11 ord "itl1 a n unbeltt•l uhlt• n•<~ltly to the nt ­tht• t•ngoging idl'd thut o l'onte' t be c·u"ton. J>rinJ,.., \ll' r<• lltrit•d and run to pitk out n " \li" Compa n' plentifu l. It dtdn ' t toke lou ~ fnr tlw 'A' ". \1 th<• tinw nul much coulil d11tiug room to fill , unci , .,pn·-- ion' bc• dnu(• about it. hut 11011 lht• 'it- of prui't' 11t•n· lu he bt·urd t•H•ry­uorion i' more ;,tuhilin.•d und the ldH·re. It 'II" hurd IU he Ill· ' e thu t plt•o,unt 'uhjt•t·t cun he <·nn,idered. • UC' h n uight duh C'uuld h<• fo und \\ork ha' bt•t•n put 111to the orga n- •o fnr from the guud old ~lll ll'' · iz111g o f. o t·on.re't on~ now all is Things lwgou to look up in tht• -· J'l'~ liiW'- I fi r I · - • , . ·-~ • . ~· • h

H'llrs nf ""' 11ith Jopan, in u pl'T-·~ .. J~:::s=~~~~~a·~~~=:i~~~ iod of a fe, ... d<ns c·f'rtoirvc'•·nh - ...t]';totlt' I . :ll'"w ,.-?~ llf!t...JI. AA~-c::-,

General Sm the (then lone)) or the Dh h. ion i ~t0\\11 -during I ~pinion~ and unal) '"~ Be t\\ t't'll no\\ an<l ne"t :-murda),\ b .. , l!IH' lorightl'r, 111111' nf our tbc 2.1th o f .\ U!(U•I, l'lldl IIIUII \1ho 'lriJll' Or<' \1<'111)1111! tlwtr 1111~· tu­

h u, u pil'!Ur<' of hi' \1lf<'. '"t•1·t- "urd ... th!• Hul tond Bluo• Hu<>m hc·u r t. nr gt rl fr11•nd. ,Jwuld hut it '' h< •r<• J.:<lll~ )>Tl'\ mk

the , 11 rrc·ntkr rle;> at Ko•.,PI. A German Gt•neral and hi., aide the nt•ar future. on· o n lht• u·ec,, in~t end or General ·m) the·., orderc,. lor) on Page 2 Fir-.t, the atomic hom h . ,


111 u n l'lll('lupl' uud hrtll!! 11 111 E1l I hi' t luh 11.o• orj!.tni11·d \\lth a Pt''-l'n in thr· " \J~rror Huum." rt•prt•,t·nllll\1' from , ... ,.h ( ollljhlll) :\otlung , Jw uld Ia• p u t on tht• I'll· un hund In ,t.trt rill' ),,d ) ro ll ing l f' lnpt' h ut nu t hl" hut I.. nf tht• J)ll'- nntl fnrmul,lft' pl,ons. I he P rt•,i­turt• • bu uld b .. 11 r irwn th<• sn)di<•f' dt·t11 ) ""' pluu·d in tla· <·upuhle nom(', r a nk uutl 'l'rt•d. numl~r-r hunds of Cpl. Lrni•· \ lq!'rs. If,.·, Only ptl' IU rt' ' o f \ nw ru:un gtrl., '"'II kn1111 11 uruutul ll t•tulq uurl••rs mu) lu• (' ll ll'rPd) ltrst <111 d is u prnmot<·r 11 hu rl'u lly

Local 4

1 out of ", uperman" or :·Buck Hug-

N I d E N er~" 11bkh jut ohout 111p('(l off tlw ews a n ews fuce o f the carib lht• <·itit•s uf Hiro~himo und ;\u~usuki and is '" terrifying tbut it produc·<'d ,u)wr­

\II t'll l rll'' mu-t ht• i11 h v :?41K) IHh pl.·nty of !:"· li t· s dning u houf' ou t l11· dull• h.-fun· nwntiont'd. bun!(-IIIJ Joh •" ~'"" ht• ullt',tl'd b) ,\ug u ' t 2:;th. u11d th 1• jndg<·•. niH tlw ~rt·rtl sUll'l'" nf th<• \! lltllrt•. mun f ro m ••ndt p),nnun and ht "1-rl ..., ".:r. lluiJ \lurn•ll of".\!" CnniJiilll), D inl..t•l, II dl d··· "'" nn tiJL• thrl't Ullcl I ~~1. Huh ll.llthnl'r ur •• \hlp", Itt'' I pit tllr<''· In tlu · fnllu 11 111~ "'u•· lwld du11 11 th<· '11 e· pr<••idc•lll'i< '· n f " ) hi' \ltrrnr . :-•·plt•mlu·r l •t. thr 11 luh· ( pl. ]111 I.. :-tutnl'l..l' l.c·•·p, '' p it tur•·~ thut plu«· f~r,t. •e•t 1111d und I• Ill< hful t')e' con i111 ,,,.h. nnd third 11 til Ill' prinh·tl 11 irh tlw Ill IIIII!<'' "'lnrw, on tht• ~irl .... t ho"'t'll. PL..tn'i t~rt' ,,,•II uutl1•r\\ t\ to fOtll

C'nmponv "A" bud Bn. guurd Fri­du ) u igh't a nd Sn furdu y. The \lt'Utht·r '"" t'u ld, "'' ' und ultogel h ­rr mi,cra hiP. T he• rc•sul t, 110 guard mnun t, no t'"<'i lmt•nt. no t·asu tllltc•s. ''"<·t·pt n ft•ll sn iff<• ), fr um the the g unrd s t h,,t bud 1\ ,tiJ..i n g (lt>>oh.

!'he H cgiu ~t· nt <J I i11•p<'< tiun wu' hl'ld ns ~du•duh·d ~.tlurdu Y morn­illg, "ith tlol' llt·gim<'llt I C. 0. do­ill~,; tl11 · in,Jw<·ti nl!'. C"mpn n y "A" p< r•<II>JI<•I "c•ri· f"il lh dn·--<·d up

llwrt• llrt' Jlrllh for llw nu•n wh mi111ug till' "IIIII III!! 'hots. l'ir ... r

IH II<' 11 Ill rt•u•i1 ,. " Jlll"• tn th•• \ h ic>ru: 't'fClfHf pritt'. II )HI~' In

Po ri : Ullfl th m l prtll', u Pil" tn thP 'lOth J> i1 l'inu rt'•t .tr<'U,

rh i' is u goldl'ft npponuuit) fur u ll nt t·u. I o r h,•,ul,., tlu• fillt' pu" p ritt''• II l!i \1'' I 'll( h fi'IIUII th<• liJl· pnr t u n i t ~ 1u uuuplinu·ul, in n \t'r} t.I II J:i hJt• 1111), tl1 u1 <·t•rlUIII girl thut lll ('Oil'-. 'u llllH h to hun

Su J!~t )UUr pif'IHrt ·'\ in U' "-UUil n' po-sihlt·. Do n't mi•s your lu~ diUnc·t• Ill u•·•·nrn p ll'h 1110 thing:s u l nn t·<' in t lu.· t',t,ir•o..;t ,uuJ mo~.ot plea"" " 11 " > i><>"ihl<•.

Company A To Kempten

On Sundn ) , \u!('u ' l 12. o ur com­pany• wn~ oiNt('(), togt•tht•r 11 ilb " ll" (ompuny oud sc•nt to 1-- l'mpte n to tukt· n>t•r the guard pools 11 hile t he 2nd Bn. llt•nt to tok e ib turn ot the field problem. Out' hundred and 'l'H' n men Wl'nt '' ith Lt. \\ il­liums to curry out the detail ,,hit·h i• mode up muinly o f roud blocl..s. T hey o re to bt• rl'turmng toduy. thl' l t>th .

h111h th<• Hc·d <IIIII hill<' Jl,dl dic)IJS f11r tu)Pill, 1111 JuellnJ: II ~m J)l h,l!u) 11r ''Jurn •e• 1un;· 11lmh 11 'II ulel murh t•> the good old \rn,rll·,u• LltHH,. .. pht rP.

A~ thi ... J.:•u·~ to pr ...... pl.uh nn· h1'111g IlHHit• fol 'PIIIf' ~~,.du, •'lllf t• tuiunu·nt \du·u 11lt mh•·r.., (lr lmth 1\au.dion' ''t il ht• tr"t'••H,d 111 t llt•·r· wirnllPIIt h Y tht· fttulou I >I\ 1 ton 1\und. Oth<;r I'III<'IIUinml'lll, 11~ ut cu ...... ton pt•Jnut .... '"ill lu· dru''" to tht· lutgc•,t •pnl in lht• D11 i''""·


1111 the• Ju liet• " ''~'~' 11 1\ 111'111 ond <J,•,tn. [ o put 11 in to " ft·\1 \\t>rtb. ",\" Cumpnn) 11 IS on tht• bull , "ith tlw rc•su lt th lll 11 '"" tltc hl', l in the Jluttt~ lion . '] ~!' !"l'.'~t· 11c ll' t' d dnrlltl! tht• \\Ur. .\ ( 11111 pan) t'Uil dn it" h nJd, l rtu· 1'\1'11 1111,1 t hut II C

'-'n• nt cu put ion 1roops. ('nl. Lul'l..eit u~l.. t·rl '\nil<· a fe w

qut·,dnns •I'\ to tlw lUIIf llions hc.· r<.~. ond '''l' nll'd rc•ulh illl<•rt•,ll'd in \\hut \\ l' had to •a)'. 'I )Jp I'UII't'n SUS \1,,,, ":\'nl e no ug h rhn11,"

La't \ll'l'k ( omplln) ",\" lost '" n mun· uf ih olfi< ••r, " lw n l .t. l..:llnpp, unci II. s .ol..t•r \\ ('H' (runs­fnrt·d w th e lith Ht•pl u·•·•ne11 t D<·­pot. .\lthou~h tb1·1 t·umt• to " A" Compu n) u ftt·r tlw hu,i lir ie s hue! t•nrlt·d m t•r ht•re, ihl'y •nun udaP.tNI tlu•m,t•h t•s und br·r·ouw " t•ll hl..t•d t h rou;::lw ut th ~; Co mptHI ).

\\ e prt·•e·nt to ) ou ''( luh :>4", ft ·.Jiurin~ m u ... t ( .. t.\lll(•rtuinrncnt. f11•o• bt·Pr, )JCftlllr for ,,Jit•, und th<• ,,.ldt•d onrat'llllll nf ha1 tug nn n f­rH"t·r~ or JIOtl~f'OIIl" prt'\('llt. I ftp ('lath j, ).,, ,,lt·d in the• lull• E . .\1. L t. Bo l..t·r hnd d JUrgt• of tlw 3rd ll ull 11 huh '"" lu·Pn n·dt•roru te d tn P la toon , hut "e """ him n•rr l ittle. giH· o u r dub "ulmo,pht·rl'." us lhc :lrcl ""' hu11ng a rough

time mo untng th~ rootl blo!'l..s. It's \ our d u h unci i t is up to )llll Pfc.'s. 11 11d 1'1 t's. In ma k<• i t o Lt. Knupp hod bt•t•n \1 tlh us only ' uttt'•'· Bn lh I· irs ! und Th ird Bot- u • hurl ltmt' whtn ht• \IUS put on tu h nu ' urr rep r<''t'n l<•d J...t's rua l..c dl' tueht•d s<•rvt<·e dj,churgi ug the Cnmpu n y "A' ito s lu r nwmhc r. pe rsonnrl o r t lw s ... th C<·rmon

llw ~: rand 0 <•ni n, of "Cluh 54 .. Army. Wlwn lw returned. he \\OS ·~ ~l'l for J-ri1f.1 y, ~ugusl 171h, ol put 111 <' hungc of the 4th Platoon . 7-:10 p . m .. ) u,tin~ until midmght. l \Yc art' bOrry tu 'et• thl'm ll'III'C, cnll'rtutnml'nt 11tll indndt• I h c and \\e hope thll 11lwn•n •r lhey " llo mpt•r l• lnnr Show" 011d it's five go, they "ill fiml tll('ir llt'W ussign -piN·<• bond . nwnts to their li i11g.

For furlht•r infnrrnnfion, set' Pfc. Au ri'\Oir u nd ~ood lu l'l.. from the Huy Rubbllt in runm 121. Any sug- offi<'<'rs nnd c•ntirc c·nlistcd pNson-gP<ot tons \1 ill be upprt•ciotcd. nel of (.ompony "A."

By gt. Jack A. eurl..s

An increasing numht•r of ml'n of Able Company ore <'nJo~ing the benefits of thl' Army Edurution Program. Sgt. llurry C. Coopt'r left last WPdut•sduy for Englund, unci 1111 eight "t•l'k course in Depurt­m<•nt Store \lonng<'llll'nl Pf<·. Hob­t'rt 1\.ir<·hgcssnN ond p, I. 1 fl'rberl W. Da1·is IC'ft o n Soturdll) morning for Frcising. Cermmty. Tht•y ore ~oing to an .\ griC'u ltura l C'nllcge to '>Indy c·our'''' in ,\ griculturt•, that lust for l'igb t llet•ks. Pfc. Robert .\lno r<• left on August 7th to nttend o 11111 ll(•t•ks t·ouf'e in Photogrophy a t tht• '10th Dh i'ion • ij!'nul Com­pa n) . Pfc. Wm. Spct•r i; now ot­l<"nding a signu l repair course at the sunH' st·houl. Se1 e u o ther men nf the Company, Sgt. A lbt·rt Mt•h. ­ner. Pf<o. Edd y Pnhnnll'cr, Pfc. ) nmes Co", Pfc. George Lynn, Pfr. lloski ll ' kat\'g~. Pfr. lk nnic Lo11 t•ku u nd Pfc. E rnest Mu) t•r left lost Tucoday for the ))i, ;,ion Signal C ompany, and ore tul..i11g a four 11 eeks c·ot~r•e in Radio Rt' J>air.

nt•ss o nd on,i<•ly ut bnnw. 111 tht• same time thot it rob<·d till' hnpt"• o f greatly shortening tlw lenjrth of the '""· Nl',l, onl) on<' do:> ufh·r this tremendous Ill' II'· c·umt• \Htrd thnt the o1·iel lnlon hud t•nlt•n·d into the 11ar o~tninst "tht• Jop.tn~''~' nmurai" imnwdintl'l) 'mushtng

into Mo~ehuriu \lith ;o t·rul'l.. dili­sinns of thl' Far Eu,tern Rt•d Army. Ln~tly, and dirN·tly <!u<• to tlw <'0111-hint'd e ffel'l of thl' hr~l 1\Hl homh­shell•, the tbrillin~ ne11 ~ n,f orl111~l Pt'ace negotiation•. of Jupdn' n•,ttlt­tws to sur render.

The Jopanes(' nttuo ll) slnrtl'd their agn•..-inn in Chino 1~ ) t·ur' ago in 1'131. Afte~ on II!H' r·n ~·u!n­poign against the tll -t"r'; 'PI"'c ( h.m e'!~, }apun Sll('(·t•('(fc.,t Ill Olllll'"'llg MondJUrio. Tht•:> •loppt•d fnr a short time, m<•an11hil e huilding up their \lOr modtine for tlw Ill''! thrust. Pll'nt y of "~'rap iron "us pouring info their mt'lting pol from American steel Firm., dunng tl11• phose despite the ~olwr IIHrllings of many so-colll•d ''radi<'u)," thut someday the stt'l' l \\atdd he 'hut bac l.. at us in thl' form of hulll'ls.

In 1937 the mn<'hinl' ugu111 rullt'd .\blc Compa ny bus the best re ­

presenta tion in the Battalion for men ollendi ug various sthook Thl' reason for this con lw uttributed lo the fin e 110rk of nur Compon) T and E Officer~. Lts. 1-.une. Palombi ond llonniba l. and u lso o f Sgt. Thornton, the 1 and E '\'o n-Com. The;e _1;entlemon . ho1 t• pu;lwd the I nnd E progrum 111 A bit• ( nmpany. a nd to , ho" for 11. \\t' huH' mnrc opplieot io ns turned in thon any other Compony. Lel'b l.. t'cp up the fine work.

into Chinn. and thi' "ur " ' " t·on­tinurd up to thl' prf''t'nt du,. PliTt of rbe history must indud•• hc•r joining the "Ronw-Bt•rlin: I nk\1> Axis" "hich wo~ to 'l't fusrt'l rul•• up over the fou r t·orner-. of th<· earth. ond fino II) on Ot'ct•mlwr •. 1941 , ~>bile her p<•o<c l'n,oy' 1\nr-


usu nud ;\umuro 'H'rt• b<n• i11g lo" to ' ee'y of Stoll' lloll in Wushmg-fon. 11 hen 'he set )nose h.t'r '"lr muchine on Pearl Ilurbor. \ <·s. thuf wa the beginning or tht• (•Jld. for the Lnited !\;ations proH•d tu be the strongest militury nnd ind ust­rial combination the• \\Orld hns :>t•t Lt. Willinms ce),•brnlt•d his hirth­

da) , on Augu>f 6. Wt• undt•rstu lld he bod a big c·nk e bul..t•d. (llnpe il s<•en. \IUS good und ht•lpcd 'upplt•ml'nl The jopone~e (>N>pl<' hiiH' ll('(ln that ' porlun diet "e ull undt•rgo) duped. But lot us n~>l t~ink that thry St•riously. mnn y huppy rt•lttrn•. con not ll'~rn to )1\e .'" tht• 11orld Li<•utenoni. and mo} your surt·N•d- us good nc1ghbors. It ts nut 11 'l!lt"S· ing btrlhchlys all find our country I lion of roc·t>. juponl'~r-AmerK'an und the \\Orld nt pcnc·e. troops ho 1·l' bct'n heroic Itt a ll times.

Page 2: tarday, JAPAN SURRENDER - 80th Division · Miss Co. A Club News JAPAN SURRENDER Contest NCO CLUB Our romJ>Illl} has spirit and in

'fh<' ~tTHROR - ..\hi<' Ht•fl<'ctions • ' alurday, Au~ust 1 , l!)¥)

Atomic Bomb and the Future ( 8~ P!r. Eddie Pe'>ell I 0 m p a n y A VS Kassel

Tht• impnl't of llw homh that wrought thP dt'stntl'tion nf of llll' .Japatl!'sl' l'ity liii'O)<hima has madl' ih><'lf fl'lt all owr lht> glolw's surfaC'I' with an l'ffpct that is soht•nnl{ and lt•rTifv 11Jc d·•,, 1111r "• ' I) I 1 1 1 · u. 1. tt•r ~uud.1\ ., \prd tng. <'up l' t•vt•t·yw tl'rt' gra~p t tc fig tting impli<·ations of thi~ t. '""''· ''"' 1111 rJ1 ~ !"'!. ,.11111111. rur unhl'li<'vnhlt> dt•strudivl' )JOWl'!', that more tlrnn tlll'rPI V ;111 tht· <II>Uf!hho)' ,\ 1 "'""'"'1. t•fft•rtivl' wt•apon l'or lltl' s h011t•ni n g of tltl' wur· agnin~t .J:ipan hut hduro· tlw '''""' lt¥hl '""' I'SI' fal'isb, 1t t·ontnin)< within itsl'lf Uri' putl'ntiality of d"· ;;;;~~·~~~t"'t'i,',. ",',~~~'! '/;·~~:; .. ~::~' 1 ~~;~,•;.': moli~hing 1.;\'1.;1n TlliNCl, all tl11• physrt•nl IIWIII't' of thi' '" "luth th•· "" .. r '"'' "'"'''"") l':tdh. hud purli<'ipn1t'tl Ht"P lht·•r l.wdiiiJ:

011 l1uh B1·adt \Hj!ll!iil of JtJ~ l <iloomv philo~opht•rs ha\'t' long )II'Ptli!'!t•d !hnl 1111111 would 1111 • ~pprnu 1 h 'i ""'' th1· 11rwul

1'\l'Jltually l'l'l'lltt• Ow 111\'llllS of' his U\\11 dt·strudton, a!lll lhl' h.clllc uf l..:n•-··1 ' " ''"'' tllol( "'" :-;udtlt•n ~·nwrgpm··· of' tid~ 111'\\' I'PYUiu!iuuan· fun'<' lt-lltls IJl'\Cr '"' lur~ul IJ h) '"" c (trl•d ht•a''Y wpi_ghl to !lu• truth of suc·h lorhmltrtl' .. · (lur n ulttra l hut lcra•• '"''" ''"' """'"1"1 111 t I . \ • ( 4Hilpilll) J he ( 4•IIIIU111) ·,.. •·nr l'll<'Y '" to stand in ;1\\'t' of' thi,.. unnatural tlt'\Pioplltl'lll . '"'"~'h ,. 8, ra~ ,..,101, """""' hut

to slrnkt• IIlii' lwnd" r .. arfulh'. to 1'1111 awa\ frlllll II,. \\hnlt• '""' modt• 1111 I lnel!ll' 10 "'"'I mtll stiuus idt•a. Oc· IH'rhaps,' fatalj,.,til·all~· 'tn hrut•t• 11111 t-h ,. tl111 limn'""" n lou~l.t r. for~~ tlay \\ hidt WI', in OUt' ,0 1\'P<tkly human lu•m·t uf he.tr!' );,.(nrc tlu• 11.1 Ill u! l.o ocl fin 1l lu"·•• '!'rlfl\\ n wuuld sonwtinll' rai,..t• ilsl'll' 111 out Jlr<''t'lll't 11f h urruukr<'<l 1' \pnl ~ ••tlh tl < 1.·hao,.,, h 1• ·krll'sS. But lht• thin." has In Ill' f;u·c•d , ;tntl (II'I'IWI>s cnhll' J;UtrJ•un ' duclwg llu• ( 11111

I I I :". rn •• udmg (.J,'Itt_•ri uul hr .. , nllrt.: tl WOII 1 1(' •.,,,.t to t•xaminl' it t•an•l'ully, uhjt•t•ltvl'l) as bc·fit• •tofl, lhc ull~tc•r a111l •urn vf \lth

"-l:==:-;UlHI lh!:I'S <)~ !ht• spt•t•it•:; that tlll'UIM'h't'S t'l'l'llll'l] it. ( ollliJ>lHI) h.uJ ' \\II <OllfBj,"< 1111tl 'ulor thlll •·n ttl lt tl11 tn tu "'" d0\\11

Startling as it i~, tho• ~UC('t'ss of lh!• Ill'\\' (J()JIIh hn:- hct•n i11 .. ,.,. of 1hr· I• turt· !'''~'" ,,f the no l<trrprist• to nH.'n of ~rtl'nC<', <'Yl'tl lo !lwughtful l,tvmc ·n. Ju ,tory of rhc· :l th In ·"'''>· l~\'l'l' sint·•• <•xpPrmirwnt:; with atomil' Jll>WPI' W<'J'l' fir .- ! l.l'gun lhrnn~th C.-~ ure<·s of Jn!oru~<•· 111 the• lnltl'r part of !Itt• 19th ('t•ntury it was known that 1111• """ " hud lwt l<·urm·d d"'t nr

\ f1 '\'i of fht Grrmnn pri .. on er.. tn"-l'n in the hi,loric hattie uf f\n .... t•l. 'omt"' ,,r flu• (~. J; , .. tnntl tuntf·mplntin~ lh<- t'ro"d<-d IUtrucl~ ·. Ch ilinn" in tht• Sfal(~., \\ uu ld toiH• iu the bomb danto,c-e lou. but lhnJ', ju•( old ,(ulf lu the ln!nnlr) 111 011.

. . f I l . I I II I tlai~ JhHII l flu- (,~t nHtll!to. hu(l plullfll•d dtsintPgntliOII 0 ntom~ I'I'SU {('( Ill un k' 1('\"11 1 (' l'.\}1 °"11liiS. tlu·>r '"'! tlitd! •lantl fu pr<oted • I h·· Jllltl .. r dll hdllll· thut """' Jt Wa~ ,.jmpJy a lllllllt•r· OJ' g<•lting Pnough a (OII I' lngl'tiH•r In lh1•Jt ll'ar lint'> 1f ('UIIIIllltn118llnll, plulnnu '•"'' a hOiid ~ptH:t' lnrgc t•nongh; hert•tofOI'l' Uw ('\.J>f'rittH·nt:-, h;ul ,,JJich \\I'IC JJt•iu l'U1 to rthbuu., ln rt J:I!iH·rt·d Ill Jn\ rnitul ''II"' "lwu lwt•n ~·onfitwd to pntf'lit·ally iu,·i,ihlt· qnanttti<·:;, nr· ratiH'I' tl1<• •JWitrh•·~cl, 1 the 4th \nn .. rc;l "t' ""'' lll11 '"'1t "fl "" th l' ldt

I · f l>n '''"" ~n ht· 1t ''a' rhnt til' suiC" 11( 11w roud lt·lldlh,t nllo llw (silll'(' tlturn~ of coun•t• an' invi::--i J}t') qunnfltu•:-. 0 no :-. JHH'(.I Ct·rmtln .. !.t UJH. h d lht·lr UIO"'( ,, .. (II\ of J\ao; .. (•l Ill llu· "i't' hour ... of or dimt'lbiOil~ whal<'\'t•r. 'l'lte ahilitv lu hurrt•·~" a o!<KJ lh. "'"' ton•w·rt ~~~ • '"'" tlu· .\I,,. .I tlw m"'"'"~ .. r \\"'' Jnd. lh· "''"' body as lilt• H'l'llC of moh•t·nlar and ;tlnmH' tl isin!Pgration j, \rmi<·> hod tr1 d<·fl "" <•"''""" lo•tl I" l.t. llu111u MI. ""''" ull hdl Uu• l'Xplana.tion of why eitil's likt' ~al{iti'Hki; t•cut no\\ ht• "'otl. ltrt•lt·~ lm•'' ami tlu· C'u .. uinl! ht~ult

f I J \rJ II I I n I . u .Jiaon c·arrft•(l tlh· pro\t d 10 lu, .. UJH• or rlw \\Hr .. I h.tl • wipl'd nl'f tl11• fal'<' 0 t ll' l':ll't 1 . tal WI tapp .. n \~·It'll '"'"::· .. (r'} .. ,.~ "~' thut 1 011 11 _ tk· '"' had 111 (,1·rmon). lk11tu• ;I ho1111J lht' ~i:.W llf a h}O(.'k bllS(I'I" is ll~o'tJ (' llfi ht• illtag'lllc'(J. t•·r«ll«< k unci , 1. dill!' the• (,~'IIIBII' 1111k, \\l'rt' IOIIllll fr UJl the tllold Xatinns tltt' ;;izt• of franr·e, c·ontilll•nts, will dil' nf on t• hlo\\'. n·t·li 11~ 111 dt•l• 1 o11 '"""' four "''" l11funtn '" " 'l.""'''h '""

I I I I . II I I I ' t I I I I . I I r I lUll\ IIIJr' (11\Htfd .. U"i un tht> lull :If)() .t\ nd "'"' I ( I'Yl' opmcnt Ill" Ill a pro )It " I ~ a l'l'111 y )('I'll ll>(nril l a)S, 0 \\ OS '"'~ .. I II' \ ''"'' Ill !runt uf u,. I be· fir,, unci n.•at"lu•rl :111'1 snrpa!--0!-i<'d. dt·t·HhOJr fuuor~ 11 tht.· hr,·.tluq.; up ,.t·t·Hrul ... (phul .. wo"- C'tl\4'r in rtw

llw ltn.JI Gc rmo rt''L'ltunn• fo\.ltok 10 tlw lt·ft uf lilt' r11ud und • Thl' di'YPiopnwnt of llt'\\' rnt·ans of t!c•slnH'!ion .is. t•lt"l'l) Arml 1 to 4 't'' lnnj; ""' "' till' tlu· tlurd •qu.lll at·ru·• tht• ~ulh 111

ti I to tltl' "tory of tiH' dc'YI'IO{IIIH'Ilt of man IIIIIISI'JI , 11. Ita~ a mc·m••ror, or ull tht• 1111'11 ""II '"" "''"" •tad •. Wt• "''"' "'"'' all in !0~ }tisl()l'\ .• \ s is the Cil~l' flOW, tOO, lht'll' JlU\\l'l' lor Ill !runt ltnl' otdo I at 1\:.o,,t•l , the• till' huJc., \>h<•n the Wlk' <·.omt•

llll"('r\' IIIII I dt•alh has <ll\\'11)'>< ()('I'll pul'tJ)' ('OillJH'Il- lor~,rc·sl tn llk 11\ nnfu< tutonff I'll ) uruUntl Ill !Juc·k uf U• und Opt'lll'<l -::::::=~~~!W,-:"'~<:.·~·:IJI.I.!U~t . 1., f,., •l :., )! c ,J...,.. ,.l,i,.l! JO.!Uj...J lt•Cr )II (,t·JIIHI!ll. ll ""' thtn thHI ~ •\Jl.J.l> .111ci f:.<R~~,.J i.A<•<o~uJ.,

,.. ~..ti" · "• Y llH ~,l f ' ~ ·-,Tfl! freflil'l'"'t1l r ucf tnr·n ol the ll'\' ,,jtt1 m~nhillt' ~uu fin•. l\'( in tht• way rnnn progrl'ss, to ht•al and It• l'reatP a Ill' I lt•t· r;,., llulloliou "th hutooko . '"''"· 11111•111.11 up "" the eu1•my In! """ matl'rial lil't•. 'l'hus, lht• gn•nt jump l'rom thr l~t•avy cluh ""'''• ri llt·>. curb~•·'· Jll>tnb. IJiuth- klll<-rl rlw """' of tlwm ""''"' ""'> to tlw stone ax :md lnt1•r· to lhl' l'l'\'Oiulionar\' how 1111tl tii'I'U\\' lflr ~tuns anti mortnr' • topped tht· lct\t·d fll(' tonk, k<'P' rom1nff up

· .· I I · It' · po..tnl(~r 'J>t.'arhea'1t·d louuu·r.l ltud~ uu·d cJo\\Jl fhr roud for 1hl' f!rt•uh·r wrought tn(•r·fi'n~lllg'ly hPavy dt\a! l~ .an< CH!"UU It':-. Ill wur- J he Ul•(•flnlpanyin,.:- lnfurHr) ,,('rt' Jl<lr t nr tht mo rning. I \\U .. u hunlu-fan• hctW<'I'll tnk~·s nnd otlwr pnrntltV(' groups, hut also I'll - tnmplt•telv tlestrO\l'd und ""' Tl~t·r ku mnn Jll tb~ 1101~ "'"' fin•d ''"''Y ahl,•d nwn to fight off rnurh slrongt•t· animab \\ hid1 llll't•att•n- '""k' "ithdrt" iuul ldt ''"' <'< t) hu111oku round I llluld !(l'l Ill)

~I thrir l'Xl~lt•nn• to I.Junt fur mon• SU('('('Ssfnlh ancl Ill< u fur n 'Ill fer hu \ II. I he (,t•rmon hunt!, (Ill, hut " Jll't lCJllh·u '" ' ' 'fl · 1 1 1' 1 At lnl<~nlrv that re.,aJDrd 10 tht• til) hurq dorm un ''"'" ""> a hlflr rl'!iUit, to t:>at and lr\'(' h<'.tll'r. lis . nt'W )()In) ( ,.,., roy~. ll<o<'ll c·ontioued to "''"' fot•rc..l y I mad<·"'" "'"hut tht•) pru>rd Ill

''hut '""'f \\1' tuuld "'f'(•. \lu<hint• F"" bulll·t ... "'J-.WIIt·rrcl l!lld nppl'd lltlo u .. und \OU could hc-ur own .. <·rt·ttnung urut f!rn.tni ng in u.-rr1bl~

lwtn. I .. ,mli'hm\ mndt• 11 intQ u ttl~ .. r.u·k dru1nuj:t' dllt h in rht· mid­

dle• or the· fi..!d "'""!< "ith 'I hornhm. Dot . "''t lua·ll. ontl Htllt'r t:U).. ~\ud t·H•f\ Ull(t Jn U "f11Jt· 0 .,.Ju•JI \\UUid

'-( n·..tm nH·r our IU"ud .. ami hullt·t' 1rar riJtlu tbruu,:h rhr hu~ '- tnc·k. \\ t• mttd• · pl.tn .. fc,r a IJrt•nkrhroulth 111 our l•n•· .. a .. ~1011 n .. darlrw .... (:.~lfut• lwt .au...,t• il loolr·cl hnd •• oil duranf: rht• dtt ~ I "'wid rtJI"'<' my lu·.ul t·u·n mu e in o "half' n nd all I t·oulc·l "t•t• \H·re aho't .. C1a nt I igt·r~ rnurtn~ up ond Uuwn thP rnud lh rf thr) o" ned tht· pluu ... J,ut·r "r found our rhat rhcrf" ''t•n• m<"n of our companY in b.on"l.:' 'l.. liul• up thr road /inplf n t tlll'm, but frtJrn \\ ht•rr \\f.' 'H~rt~ w£' t oult.ln' t 'rt' uu\· hvu.,t.·~ and il i ~oo , t·r> mild to .. Q) thot we feh j.,ofutt'd."

On \pril 3rd u bmod flonl..ing HlO'f'lllt'lll of rhr t'IWm} pu!-thoo~ in rh<' (II ) ll't•lf took plot·(• uud tho! left tbt• fort "" but >Urround~d. .\ strunK ddt'JI"'I'l' """' orgnmz<"d for .tot~curil~ pUrJ>cl~'"' for rhc ntl!hl.

Prl'-'flnt'r"" hod fu\(·u takf'n nml Pfr. llw ~arlll · tinw \\'l' !war H'tc•ntt~ls tt-~hng of 11 wonclt•rful wodcl uuul the>. "Nc ""'"\'letcl) tlt-mur- "" u•nil 11n tho,•· Ti~t·r tnnJ..,, II'<· of tlu• f uht n• wlwn• "grl'at fat'IOI'Il''> an• hl•nlt•d II\• II plant ultzed h) w1t·n-e uru lt•q, nlll' and u•c·d tl11· hole•, " " "NC "' "' " IIH· siZl' <Jf fl tl'll'JlhOlll' booth," 1111 ('I'll of smokl•l(•,;s- <·itil's, o.f mnchine gun fire h) our """P'· jumpiiiJ< orr pin<" for thr 10\'ll 10

II tl Jh ~· h h l(t'l 1n10 th(.• hou .. P .. mro .... 1hP

Pt'"'"t'O ~·H·~ rlw follcu' 10g tlt· .. c: rip­twn o f "hat tonk pith t' in lhC' (·nwrgt·m·) C J>.:

e lotht•» win•d to product• l'Ornfortnhlt• !t•mpl'raltll'<'"• :t lis . ,. '"' rou<a•l '"t 1 1' ••nt•m) road "hi<h ''"' 8 <nler phu·r· "'·'"'' through llll' u~l' ancl cxh•nsion of l111• ,.111111' th<'Ot'it•s that "} '"" I~Jlc ·'i''""'\ und•~''r~~'": urull•·"· ""' rlroppcn~ '" a hulr OJh'l~ah' tht• Htt;tni<• bomb. 'rhen fhl'. inVC'Jltion Of thP run. of i~r~~·r~J-.f~~r~ onn::l: \II~::~ to"o '!IIIIJ.!t' htO tlt~inn rJo-.t• ror t·om furr . ~1 '

"'ju ... t a fct•r nudna,dat - It \\iJ"-' a lu,: dark. dnmp tt·llt~r and I 1. h:nnt· "d" 'PrU\\It•d c1n tbc• fltl(lt .... trulll· tn,r LH 1he dt·lutlt.•d mop u f lht• rll) lit.• l1t1tl t•oll••(f nu• tu r,lll ttl rhr cA ptnrt•d 1\ riinh und tr\ to fihd our thf' lot·illlflll unci .. ,rt·n.:rh of tlu•tr ddt·nt t•~ nf rlu• t'll) rlu•n· 'H'rt' fnP vf lltl'lll. Hll t·Hgt·r to toiL hut .. mrwho'' '' Jwu u c JJnt• to Uc-~ IRi l ~it tht.•)' f.!rt'\\ o Jilllt• dHII ancf 'n!(U(', \ llcth· prt' ... ..,Urf• lo,,...._.,.rtt rh~·m up ond ,,t• .. ruru•tl jUJIIIDff X'o; un Hw ulltp for thP ,:ft·nu· .. pHh thrv mt•nuont·tl. Out' 111 JMr­ru·ulur rrw, t·mpllo ... rll•d. u J.:hHII Uunkt•r JU'-1 Ulll"'ldt.• uf rht· park "''""u l on \dolph llult-r "'lrd'-"t•. nw nrullc•r) oh'"t~nc•r frum rht"

:ll<th ~ . 0 tulcl II' tlu "'''' da~ rhut tht· infurnhtiHUI \\U .. thr mu .. r ,u·u~rutt.• hr hud ht~d ull tlurw~ the \\dr .• \II thP h1,r ~uno,; uf tbt• D1d-

lirl'lll' lll" IIJ,'It'kl'tl a (l'l'IIH'IIdOUS ll'tlJl Ill tlu• dulli"lll" Ol lllt'a.ns \\ilhlll 0 ft'\\ tmh•' 11! J..:u-.c·l 11'1·11. 1111'11 \\l'fl' ll'ff (II hnl<l th~ huk•• "' " 1 Jtlcl t:uH·r the, mt·n u., tht·~ ran for of dt•~-otr·uction. It gave• to llll' ll tn•nwndous powc•r hy t' 1111111- . Thi' ''h"'" ;, •"". d<'"·rilll'd II > fill''""'"'· l.t ""'"'· '"~ < o . .,1" atilll{ IIH• lll'I'I'SI-olty of al.'lual clnse ph>·s i•:\nl ('ontnt·l \\ilh the• '>t:t. Julcu Curuu m l11• """ """'" """ '" 111 "'"Co'!'"''' u11d <hn•t·kd \ ' tdunizl'd ohjt•cts. "Till' grrat l'qualt Zl'l' g-tl\'(' to lhP wt•:>k, " 1\t· '"'r<' mo i11tc "" th•· . roncl "' '" ''" hou•<'' IIH• :-. lrt:nath to ('Olll(lll'l' OJ' at tlw lt•;tsl hnltlt• on 1'\' t'll lt•tms tm•ant' ""''''' "' truck- nl "r'""k') .,~, Gnmu 'llllk<• uf tlll' orlllll'r)

. ... • . t t' . ' I I . I I t! "'"'" "'' #(01 our first'"'"'" " Ul r II •. with tht- ~trung. 'l'lai:-; latter 111h•rpn• :1 10n IS\\ 1' ~· Y li~£\C n ,q~ 'H'rr- f!clt ing 11t~'a. 1\ <'nupll· oft0" .•. " ";' · •• hour.,''" \\(•rt• pinnt•d it tl'IL~ only n "mall purl of thr story. ,.~·, "!"'""" up un '" frJom ur '"[ 1 for

1 'j' '>robuhh """'" •till '"' 'I"~H· t11('UIIS of hnttlf' havP ('Oiltinunll) Jll'Ogn·s~l·d thrOUJ.{h ~j·~d~('~/(.:,~~~~; ~"'~"l~i'l~~~~ ~:'~,l:~~h ~,~;~,:



1t 1 l1UI If ·u Lard not 1~:-.''~ ~("tt'ntlfil' ('1~)pavor, hut tht' battlerl', t1u• Jlll'll \\Ito do , ~h(' ,\

10!4 0j1p0.,1tt' ~n:,. hal"'tnd .. -. uttf•1' thf fli.Pil;r.~) fi~~·.r 0 nu~);:.l£' 1

,;;1; fi~th!ill" un1J d\'ill" huv!' l'~~{'ntially rNuaint>d till' ~~11111'. f Itt• tht• 'it<' n! the ruud. alt•r tholf\ll ht•) 1


1, ~,.~ 1•1Jnllin" 10 on "'

p " • ~t . • I . t f . . .. of ('011 Cl . • rl ' n .. klt1111" ,.,. H'UIU'' . e . ht!!lor·y uf rnmlc•rn SOI'Il'ty Is tl II,.. ory o \Hils. \\Uts ' - " < ruoon "' mole on h .,. '"'"'L""''" lull thq <hd ht•lp '" Ill our

U'•st ur dt·fPU'-'' ' H'"Uinst a•rrp:-o~ion, of plunch•t·. Alwny:-. \\ :II'. r(nrnhliiCJ~l,, ""," ,,.){l,l ,,'"•~',.,,,,11 buf' ... , .. ltlon., '-0 that \\( .. n•uld ,firt· nhur q1 • ' · l" ,.... - 1 I · J · t 11 · . P\\ fl' \\1 tou mtlr 1 \Jr "·• • ,.... 1 b •I rrpu ... c 1 t.' Prl•ttv phr:t!-Ol':-o tu tlw contnu·y, tiH' nlP3f111lJ( w un( J H IN .tt t.Ju .. k "'• "l·rt· r~n·d on h>.!.''t'tlJUin"- u•t' I eC~~:. the" dut wu

pow"r tlw dl'~in• to OWII and control 111111'<' of land, !H•oph• ,m.lll urms and fer<· o·ompcll<·d, wJ n>uu,••·r,",',',',",.,. >Durin" ib<' """"' ' - · I' ~ tOJ'"ht k • ·1t ~ nt.·ttr n muc.t '' 'r- r- h. and ruw nwt<•rmb hy ~-omall clomtnant grnn J!s. ,orm I,... "' ,. ""' r '" n "' • '".· ~~~~~~· uf ""' mn•t unl<~rtuuu"' ' '"P

to t'<llltJUI'r th<· t•ntirP prt•-Chri~ttnn wnrld 111 ordt•r to hnYt' 1 ht• motu (,,. mun """'~ ";, "·' 111·11 c•cl. llcunml'l•l r ('d .\J.t>.t: tll'l<, th, lit! It• 1111•11 cticl till' fi)!hltng, ll~l'd till' >-(lt'lii'S aut! '"I'Jlnrl<·d b) tl 'l"""mul<' Ji· .1., ,. '"'iC'tii,iturrJ 1>) tu• ••·rm~n:

.. ,on rnduthn~ tht.• hi,: !44f, \H'rr tt•rOt•tf 10 Ull lhut J)UIOI :•

1 t • • • t I I I ll JlOWP I' IIJ!t'r tonk-. uml llrnmrt·tl \(' I( I • rill I (urtunntt•h tht•lr cnpto~ "' rt tht• howR und nnow~. \\hil l' I II' nug tty u~sUilll'l II' . '" uf "hl<h 'lr!¥'lclcrl'<lh nt uur ~.Jh·cl nnd n (, . ., hour- lolll'r thn Jo'Pudnl tinlt'~< t<UW l'lutllf.(<'>' in till' W<'II}JOih hnt !111• <·luu·ut·lc•r C'umpun). 1 h<· e~·tn) hac! ,k.JI!ull) '"'"' hlwruh·d " of till' ronHi<•t wu" tlu• ~nllll'. Lonb and hnrons fmt)!ht . fur clt•plu}l'd tht•tr urpwr in -ud1 •, , ""~ 1,1,. hi p, .. ,,.11• •• ,.,".""" w thr

parct•la of lund throuuh it all lhl' sl'l'fl' lHiling, linng ll llllltal thor '""t •.J!'.'In>)1<•cl "ur .\n,ll · ,:•,:•h m·•·•·;"" "" "' fullll"' · • t:"" dlld I on 1-X .. ..,fro)t•r ... uppor ':' II . 1 1 ·• T. ,1~r IJnl

CO!'iTJ~l En O!'lri P\0£ c lt•ft rhc Infantr)f "tth pnu: llfd ) "' \\ lwn I ""ft'' t_u- 11~ .. lf.:r • u:

'11M< MIRROR - Abk> R4'f lt>etlonll Prt• ... e& OIMntAf•• a. ..... ,. IIJ •••bf'N •' (•o•P••t- -' · 11111111 •• ,....,. .. _. .... '""••II tile ...... a .. to• or <•••P••r o•·

_..,.,hi U.- H. WIUI_.. ...... c:a=:::-::::: ;~-.... BTAJI'II' ,._ . -lieU. e..:-::~·L ....... ·-·· . ...,.,....

:~-... JI"~IL.::;.]IL;;;:: t=..CW::: .t=. =~~-·

tht, ir hart' haud" w 4jtop tJH' atu~fl I r,•nwndtt•r ~~rnmK tc, F.d. I':~~~;J~ ""hit·h thrf'ntt-rwd tht• dt.·~lrlu:llon tUHI "''1) wg. 1 but m_u!i,l h~ I t I ur till' (-'llhrp l!to.l Uuriultun " lhut'!l Ut·~llfr tt')WCd 111. I "'rtnt'n l'hl'Y :,(OpJH:•d it I <- lun· lntc•r os It rumbl('d by I ('(.lUI t r: inulwn nf tht• . "hlt·h four olht~r .. rulllllfl' olong rtl( I f >t· h ·lt tll('lr tunkr. ~ro horth J1111d 1t und n tjukk. douhiP 1Uk(' .lit ufwr ""hit.h lt•d \101( rh«> uHnmiOtt~t~ I.)Rtnttnff on tht.d 110, \\ ltft 8 ~tttrf('(l fht• ( hlll~ . rUU~Hil l( I Upd r~(' hrHkt•n. "A do" n IHY •plllf". I hn"'l lu((.~<' 1

h I t h ' r• tl llt·•ntt• t~wl... I hf' ompun) ~rt I" ¥ ~~ "f~•mt·d IH a.tup uud ,J_t•" ly. fu~Jn-.. ,..:;:'':,f th~ · tlu·m \\ 1th ,, .. t') ' '"'- 1 hc111 . '' 1 ~f~ ')[·- C. 0 lt•ut-d I ht, r.tnl .. 'lfflppt-t am u~. our. . J· .,;..·~ tln thr 1urrt"f'" ,·almiJ··

'r llood Joh of j'' I turned '"" •rd• "'· II•· I ( omeany for i uk ,. loo~, In u mulll'f of "'('('(mdtit. lack. •ro ~ h 1 thf'l dirt ao•l duv~ fur

Pk Harry •• "" 1

On tin• uwrninf{ uf .\J)rH -4111 lhf' tlltuc 1.. \\ uo,; n• .. um~l. h J)rugrc· .... ~·tl frwo hou .. c~ to bnU!ot' till thP moun clt·ft•nu• ''a' rc•u<. ht•tl ~uul h~ tht·n th1.• t·llt'lll\ pU"''IIUII"' "l'fC~ (~11Uplt·ti'• h !,Urruuntf<'t.l uruJ nfrt·r u It'" hour ... ur ... IU~f:lllg II our. llw cum· Dllllltlunt c•f rllt' ,rarri"-'(111, \\ ub '" "' uult• rnmt· uur undt•r n crut t' anti u"'kt·d fur ~urrf•nciC'r tt·rtn"-.

.. \ .. PI<.'. Pt''"('ll "u"' lht• ultt"'rpre· tPr t·LJ ih·d lr~ Gt"n. ~rn ) tlu•, he· 1(1\t'" u K•H•d ut·cou nt n f tb<> proc.i>t"diiiJ!l u .. follu""'

··snmc- h1g brft'"' "sntt-d. a c,.,., . man ;pt·ulau,r mon 111 • lu,r hurry .._, 1 "'u .. t•uiiN up 10 thit Dlt'C'IIAI p htf't• . . • \ Cal, )Hlrt"CJ ar1 Gfooc-ral und h1,.: uitlt'. u l)o'plral lloll) •ood 1,. Itt• ~ ~faJur •flt'f''"- f'tllcf <>yes. ,.rraight a-. o statute - '"'""' ••aad·

t'ONTISI Jm Ol\1 P.lUS I

Page 3: tarday, JAPAN SURRENDER - 80th Division · Miss Co. A Club News JAPAN SURRENDER Contest NCO CLUB Our romJ>Illl} has spirit and in

atunlay, Au~u~t IN, 194-'i T ht MIRROR -· Able Refleet lOIUI

Meet Lieutenant Hanniba11p I a t 0 0 n N e w

Our ''"'' IIIII (' nrric t•r. I I Dnnald Hie hurd ll•llllllh.ol. l11,ol, from <.lou < '''lt·r. \(,,"·• "hu lo i, !IH It odu 1:

fo,lllll.!' poll nu d11· \duu111 '""'' lit•, Ill loi' tl\1 It fit ld, I' llllllf: Ill' Ill

hh hunu•tn\\ u'" rt'fHIIdllnll. fur ht• hu-. JH0\~'11 h1m't-lf to "''"t '''r~ tt~p uhlc· lc ottln u11 rho· fic·ld uud ill l(ur-

On \ul!u•l Ill, IQ~..!. 11 lulc• ,foil .olll·ndon!( Ho,lon I 111\t ' r"t~. lu• c·n-"''"d '"'" the· I' H. ( . lie· <ild "''' rt•port to .u Ill<' do111 rhnu;:lo. 11111ol I l'iuu.on I'<, 1'1~ '!: for ir 111" 11111 unlol llot'll do.ol l 111 It• ..., 111 dc·t·uwd II lll't i'"''·H~ IO "'l•lll l,tklllg' llH'll

from dH· Lllh .. u·d II•·"'"'' ("'I''· l!,• look hi' lt.c,i<· lrltlllillg f111111

I ..lorunn to "''Jlft·mhc•r of th.ol \t',lr, do\\ rt Ul ( ,uup \\ IH ,-.lt•r {rd .

I• rom lh< rt' Ill'"'" '<'Ill 10 d11· t:hh .\ orlwrm• D11 '''"" '" """ h lw ",,, ,a .. ,i•'nt·d fur •• liuJe ht•trt•r dJ&-tO u \I 1 llur11o~ lh 11 !line• h t: n·c ,.;,,.,) .1 '"'ll t .or111 tl •c·t of I .loti r \\111,, lu "''Jll< mloc·r. 1 11~+ lu •lpj>IH'd fuc ( J. ( '> cotf olf )olllll If\ _!",, Ill~ j !11 lt'f t'l\ t d hh lliiiiiUI''II II Ill du

......_r>P' I ·oMP \ Y Jlf .\I>QUA RTE RS I I I I h · han• I{ODI' to Oivi ion for radio

",\ " for >t•in~t t re w ro I' ,. <·l'rmg •t·hool. Pf~. McFaddao and Cutshall

l llllt•d "!Hft''

lie· ,,., '·Ill fur ""'"""' duh on I .. hrll.rn lh, 1'1~~ . \l.ordo ,)I h. prut'­lilt'h lwfun· hP h,td linw fu rlot!ol.. u( ''hut ''ll' J!'UIIlC' on . ht' juuu--d "\' ( IIIII/HIII\ oiiHI \\ ,,_ lt•.tdlll!( d11• '\'l'UIId p diUtJII Jllfn ht~rtlt•,.

lit• lo.o- in (u, fl""''''inn I ht• :ioht•r '-.t.or fur do,torol(tll,fwd 'l'r­' "" i11 tl11 f,ut• of tlw t'llt'fll' al Lrfurr. lie lo·d foo, pl<!ltlltll uno-~'' fi,.lf! Ill d11• fIt<' u( I'Jil'lll\ firt • fo rt'dt II tht• \\fiOd ... Oil tht' Ullf'""" h

,f '"'' n rlo.or nH~rnin~: .nul hold I ht~t ''.t'u't hi .. wo .. l uufur~t.'llt~hl(• IIIOIIH'III 111 llllnh,ol !lot~oq;h. B.~tl.. tol 1\ ,_.,.( "hc·n d11· IIJ:t'l l.uol.., load lin • ( etltlJhtU\ pHIIIl'rJ do\\Jl , \'t d' lfl

Jai-. np1u1o11 thP luugt''1 tlu t'l' hour ... .. r I"' l1fc·.

lu n ;ttrd .. 1n }u .... pu""l-\\ttr pluu-., lw h.l'n 1 '""do in~: ch•lu1111' st•t l" \f'l. lit · thoul..-. ~rnl•.ol•h dout 'lllct'

>;('(lion nt thl' c·ompllll)' gam<·~? n ' ~ E.H' Wonder H: , .. hun· cnterrd the ho11pital and Pfc'L

I 5 \fu1 ruphilipo,, " (,n•c .... to us, 'I urrwr, Garrt•t and Forgione are Lt \\ollwm' " " ~ wurrit'd ohout htl'• bN•n hu,ing nny lurk with tht• 00 I>Norht•d Service. If this keep

dut' offin'r' ,dwn oil the olh<'r bont' ' hl' rC uo ·outhuft>llt up Sgt. Il<•lrdf(n will bt> e&lling out offil't'r' 111 th<; c·olllPnny Wt•re alert- Pre. Hnbhitl's promio,t·~ for the fht' fl'hn~t plutoon. "d ""' ''"f'k . "Pft-. ( lub" "ill ull turn out to be All tbc bo)·~ wl'rt' really sorry to

1 t Jlunnibu l '""' hopp)' oboul truet '~'e Lt. joe Knapp lt•nvc, we bad lol'in~ ult'ncd. huppu>r wht·n he 11 11s p, t. Pirouuli's wui,tlinl' is I'"X- juo,t begun to kn<~w and ,like each ",nuttloc•cJ." und ' 11Il huppit•r In he I>OIHiin g h et'llti'•C of tl~t • tll<'rOhlllld- othc•r, but 1t ,t'l'm' wl' ve never l'hu,t'll "' on umj)Jf!' for the 2nd Ollll' Fl of d10" " c'n• gl'l tin~t no11 ? bl't' ll ublc to ket'J> o Lieutenant Bn Field Problt•u · Pfc. llnrr "ill e1t•r bl'at T 3 ,,hl'n 1c ry long. Surely we uren't that

hi '>gt. Dinkc•l' critiral censor- it tonu•o, to fi,hing? hut!. •h1p 11ill pll'- 11 <'t'rlu ln t·urtonn 1 ~ M<· ullnuj!h kllll"' ho" nnd If u c·C'rlain Tc<h .• !fl. doesn't ,, hodo '" bt•tll!l' ~ubmoliC'd lh1., "h) Ius ue11 nrcknunw i~ "!the(' IC'u\e a u·rtain Pft·. nlnne «•~t•ry ''eel..' Pft'. Pt•.,s<.'n\ roving patrols in the lll l(ht "hen '>l!id Pfc. "i~bc~ to

~gi. fhornlon ''t il "in the ping- ones~ hull 11 1ll co11 rinu t· to he sui'- o,lccp thcr<.' is going to be a brg pun!{ 10urnumt' nl lo~ Company "A," C<'"ful? hra11 I. und then go un 111 lught•r '> UC'<·t•-. c~1 Quite a fC'" of the ft•llnws fo in

Pic-. !lmfl!llll' is c nj nying illl' fnl'f F IR T PLATOON for sport<.. 'I ht• rc llrl' Pf<··~. )if'k-dwt lu··, rno"rng ull formutions. 1 h<.' 1 If'>( ,_ gC'ff ing huck to nor- 01e r, Burden. and BonnC'r ulo~-~::::;;...,. lc·gn ll) ? noal s rrPngth UA'toin . T '>1(1. Mdlum : th • gt. ~f11drc ll and Lt'sli w


)'f1 " I ,., ·• O'Qu inn 1dll palt'nl Jll~t rc•turrwd from Purr, "hen• he pluy bo,.\• hall. und "<> 11;. 1.,y

I hh llll'lhnd of lc •u tni11g (;,•rmun o,pt•n t tllrt'l' \\Oildcrful dny,. A'U}s you '<'<' uru.::•rl fo.J: • ...,_:~"""'-~1 110 huol..-. Jll'f u ludd('r nnd some E"•rvonl' " 8 " comc lllong on the ore Sgt. 0-.en, Pfc ~. ,( hnUPJl'· PO'"'holol)' or 0 CJUilk !'lid of the \qJr \loon•.

Pfc·. ~lond ) has ouislwd n cer!uin 1 he C''\<'ilmcnl hu' dol'd do11 n soml'- It -.C'cm-. the pluloon pleu fur jUUIIrt• ulhum of U \~l':'l<•r trip "hut now, hut \\C o,t!ll l'UII' t !(l't pucl..ugco, frolll home i., lwginnrng thron!(h the Alp., on Ski ? I Bdl Morlrll (() ('QlllC doll n. o~f the to puy orr. bC'OU('OUp bo'\('S holt'

J>fc funl! •llu "11! ulwu) be sut·- chundlt'c rs,-lhc} suy JO} .., mf<l'\- bet•n t'Omin g. ,.,."fod oblninonl( I ght bulh'>. 11 nstC'- l<'lll rng. Pfc. Rob rh i~ lt'r)' cli-.oppoinlt•tl fhlfH'r hn,l..c·r-. de for uo, ? Pk Bud C'rorrord hns Iuken over 01 er tht' t'onc·e llutioll nf hi, po~s to

l'ft John-on \li ll ho\ C' I( 011)' thr dull!'' or tlw lihrurllln. \\hilt:> Thionlllle, but \\bO \\Olllclll' t bt•. ,.,,,ft•r 1w,, llout ull the suppl) the orginu l is cnJO)'i ll g h11n .,e lf 011 I , c•en: " II. V." llornherg<•r pn•,t·nt-t:roup 1, nn tlul\ lltllin? n nic·<' ~<' l<'n duy pu~' Sgt. Gorciu ing hi' 1ie11'> on the uc11s.

I :; Spanlwl..t• ' ill t'l' l'r tirt' of ~ays that's JUs t plai n dcluol dodg- Pfc's. Bonner ond Bluct..burn art• fi,J11n):'i mg. strll crying, "Oh 11IH'r<•l Oh "here• I

T;; \ltl\ t'r 111 ll vcr get 11 , lorcd ':>gt. Dcolrlrri's squad hos .tol..c•n is my litfle dog gon!' ... of t.ln"iu·~ llu• bu~ lc us the ft• llo" "l 11 t.urn 111 lift'. Jo<' ;~0 ) ~ 1 ~<')11 .. hold ome of the fe llo"" who t' lidcnt -an• nf lll'.lfltll( 11' lht•lr fo rmatwns ut 1"" ' 0 .•n- ly intend 10 improve tlwrl' fratt• r-

' . st!'ud o f the t~Slllll plut·e. Phy~o C'al nitin~ ability by attending tht• ( pl. l'fnltl(r.off "oi l C\ er c·hangt• truullnl( rs 11 ouderful u the mt•n k G 1 ~ Swt'

hi, "w hl'<k "irh the \\OIIlt'll nt on li ,. IH duty suy t'',c•e ly crmarlt j c a"t's u r ·., j>( .'· 1 I•' 1 " · orn >ergcr one 11mcrsou uru t: '· 11 111 ~ I undc•rsta nd I he C. o lorll' l com- Ardwmbult und Moore. Pft \lurpll\ mucle out 0 .1.. artt•r mc·11 ted on the nkc bunth of pf G · 1 k r

111·d-1 hc·!'l.. ""'"rduv nl"hr > I I . 139 B , 1 t c. arret IS oo lllg or 'PIIr.-" · . . "'nrc s 1n room - O) " 111 0 ing partner, can an)'OIH' help hwo?

rr. ()r lu h.orl II . good flnll' Ill c·ut thr<>tlt bunch. ll l''s j(Oiag out for the Ccnnpnny l'.orr-. ,.,,,.., 1111ly doose 1110 mn11t>~ If .,0 me oue doesn't come out bo,ing team. It·" d,,, ~ 1 1 ,,·irh some "''"" 11 e ore A'oing to Thr~e noi) l\on-Conh will be

I ~ \fc Kt·t" r >Cht've' hi' hds comm11 u murdc•r or somt•llullg. <,orry "bt'n th<' Pre·,, (.lub opeus c r.IH·cl rht• jt•rry t'cu i>Ons IIC' lwei just rc•membcr- it could huppen I this wct'k, 11 0 11 't thev. In rnrn rn '~'' urcl cuou~h? to )OU. ·

T'f1 . lf.trtllcon. ·1•1· 's rh,lln-1\,trl SE; O fD PLATOO A GOD 'Ei\D ill' h IIIJl \\Ill t· • r ('l'oi'C' !H'IIlf' II

, ul , <1""'1 11111 , fr!'it•nt ,,ur!-t•r ofl~rduy night und t'H'r) night B~ Pfc. Bill Chandler, 3rd P la toon 11 hl uoall ron11t! as usual "A" Compuny \10~ 11<'11

Know You r Enlisted Men .., ~gl. 11. rr1s " ill <'H r ""J"Y an) rt'IHI'~cntcd of the i\CO Clnh. Sc1-

future JOb mort· ilo .tn the out· IH• erul lur11e tublc~ \\ t're pulled to­lo , lu n· 111 ont lllof<'n' gt•tlwr for the purpo~c of (•onsum-

1 1 ) 11 !-ch t'\Ct' '"1..', n night ing ukoholic hcH·rug<' . .,ff lo r<~l 11l1t·r hl· r- rhruugh 111 fht• c·onsunu•r<, " "rc a follo11s:

A blt•ssed thing for an' mon to ha11• j, one soul 1dw lw nut tru<of utterly.

Who knolls the he'S( and \1 oc-t or him

I "~:1 lll'flll<'r. ,, '"·II "-""'' rJ un• 111 u \ ' ( ntnp tn n11dd IIHI"'l' fn,llt Jht;:-t in 4111\IHIC;._ lit'\''

papt'r if dot• f,H h '"'" '" 111.dh I.. noll 11 . ( .orl h '"' uld IIJ,Ifl Ill the nurfi1. in fut 1 he c·ilmt• to ' \ · ( n. l)(·forp I Pllllf'''t'f" m.tiH'U\f ,.. Jtlfl lw , rt·m,lillt'tl 11ith hi, l·lf'l l'larnou .._,, t•r ..,,nc t '.

"llt•p" Plflt•red llo<' 11r11n )111) 2. 19-1.2 and 'inc 1 luo' pro\ ,.;1 hiuN·If u 'uldit•r in noun) 11 u} '· C.ul 11 or k ('(j for Pt nn. n ... truad "' " t·iulo.lll nnd plu "' 111 !C" fto<·k. In hi, ulcl jnh ond tu Ill '< ,:1rl frit•tul. llann,do, II ho' lu•c·n 11 aiti11g thn•c• lull ;:'

lh• II"''' h 111' T '>~,:L Blun·wl.., S 'i~t. (Honwo) 1 r h llnrris, S ~t. Terreri, S ~gt. Stam-

.'\nd lo1cs him in spite of ull h is fau lh.

l ;; \\ • 11 1< rf. 'uu 1!"1 ~1 ' 1111' ' 1' <'' batwh, S.rt. Lot t.." ood. - .. ,. lt•she.

for "'" l'lc ( lnh lol..<· the t11 o lw " "' " \'tho will ~peak. the honc<o( truth tu him, r0111111 ,, h• 11 11 ,. r. r,r cun~t• lot•rl'? "rL Olol'er, gr. ~titdwll. Sgt.

'1\t>tH·k<. und pl. Muuth. l'fc I H < lll'o ''ill c·1 t:r < unw nut

o( )l!ollll~ 'Ill 1, lois Tl'lllrlt frttlll "1((. l.oci..\IOOd 11p011 heilll( inll'r-\ ''"'I'd, In nwmh<•r., of tlw sC't'Ond

I' rl' .end lllo~ lrt• is 1,., pong " 111 11luronn, ·t'on<·c•rnttl<' hi' .,, .cltt)

'While• rhe ,,·orld flatter' him In his fun· und laughs nt him behoncl loi ~ but'k.

,r -· In Ill I h• r,.,, pia. ' ... JliOh!C'IliO,, <I~ lllllpll'l' \IIIlo 1.1. Jlun-f' f '\, '' h• 11 • kn"'' ' 1 lo.ot lo do nihul. lot• rcplo!'d, und I quoit'. ""ii'\ 11 all lu• lollle, IIO\\ tlont 1111"1 <iu), 11 ithnut ''>onja' ", unquote.

'I 1hl' nffo" r hnH I• rt ' 1 ~" ar<· I Pft. 0 II. Sullurd rt'turncd rl'-h •Ut hr

1 c·t:nth frunl the '»~th GC'n~ro l Jlo,-

l'f llr1 <hdl ~>ill t·Hr lttOTn th.tt pital .iu \lunodo uftt'r 1110 IIC<'ks of r. 11 ruomlinn" lltl'.rn• Ill< "' tlottu ,. .. ,~, "hd<' !lwn• he '-U\1 Jlul l\l r-

11'1 '' ll..11o,r. In f) rt• mod h1~ or< hP,tru. ulso the 1''<. I rllut,on "ill c•\ cr gt 1 up t.~ llnh I fupt• Shu'' · We ore ~: t ad lo

loot•• If on th<' Ill rnu ;r' l'<'l' Ost·ur back. a' he• is u hig ht·lp l'ft I nlt-cln 111!l c" r rnct t !11 , Ito thc• 2nd plutoon ,ofrhull fl•am. 1 1 I ''he'll it ( rues to hue IoiilS' l'f J<'n,t·n hkt·~ his Joh of l>t'lllf.\'

tlu '' ltnlt '' 1rt' "-t·,uun 1,1r the uHll-


\\ t'UJinns, \\ c·eps nnd \~ O<'

1 • 111 l.nol..s n< if ,,C'·rr lo,ing nil our l'f< ltcoglc·r t'\lll't '' to <.ern lu' h<t)'-. l'fc's, Lyun, Gu•o, and ' kaggs

\\ ho "ill govr no t'oun,c• l and r<'­proof in the doy or pro .. pt•rity and 'elf C'Ont't'ot.

But "ho \\Ill comfnrl nnd t'nro ur­ugc him in the day or drffifull~ und sorro11.

\\'hen the '' oriel leu 1es him olo rw In fi t: ht hi' 011 n b<tfrlC' us lw mu) .

If Ill• hu'i h11d the goud fort llll<' to "in sut·h 11 fr~<•nd . lPt hl!ll cl••1n h imo,plf on her fnH>•, r .. tlter doan Jo,c IIC'r. lie mu st hnJ><'

,\11 things, end ure ull thing-.. ruthPr thon lost' IIH' most pn•c·iuu• uf ull I' Urlhl) pO~SC'SSIOLl'.

A lo ' ing "if!'.

T; H E A 8 A G I FI~h(:n. ·~~:: C~~~~~ Club 11o"

I I 1 • \ Or;:'UIIIIt'd "ithi11 til(> First unci "'""''"our llo;:-~" t.ol;iu~: MOYIE PLEASEf 11lurd Balwlions. Compan) "A" Jtu,

ols f11,1 :-lrell·h I nc! \UIIII us i1 Dc·.ar Ed!tor: . !dread) th, htghest p<'rt·cntngt• of lool..' urc•nrHJ on lho · "'"hi it has I rom utformut1on gn thrred from JU!'mht•r,hips in thC' i\CO (tub. It • nlt'll'cl It had c·c•11 plunnt·d to mc.mbrrs of . th~ (om,pnn) 11h,o l 11 nuld lw nite for 11 , In hu11• that ll llllnlloH<' ih lwg 1111111! l.o .. l ,,c•t·l.. ho1·1' '"''11 rh~ potlu~c. \ on 1~ n f reu>rd ill our P. l". C. C' luh. If )OU lout !he• nlnrnd.tnt ( r lliU(t'rwl '('Ill 1 :~\ (' fOC'\('r. slu rnng Gcra ldlllC' cure to join ~l'l' Pk. Ruhbi ll Co.

"11~ ho11 Ill' n•• go·11i11.: ,(,. orl 111 liiJtl dol' l.cl'k o u1uil.ohl,• 'fllll't' hllgeruld 1d11t'h played ut our lot·n l llqts ' ' nf our st .. n. It ""' on J "'"en 7. "'Hit· 11 inopu:-si h • In c·urq I hat r>usf theurcr ret't'ndy \It' find that " IQ~'j 1ho11 ( "rl left 111 , dt',lrtoc·fl \t' ulc.1 nut \\ orr! of noourh 111'11:- 1\U' ot \\II 1111 e;o..cl'pllonal l) good sho11 lof•• 1n 1Jo,. 1.10. tu lu•l(in :10 "'"' rc•cpurc·d In mukt• II k11u11n 11ithin und 11nndl'r if ot "ould ht' possible uf 11111, 1r111111 ,. lofc in t11 , fuuu 11,. thl' '"IIIJhlll) urod tho' ''""!.. llt'\1• for the :-.pet'ial cnit'e OrriC't•rs to 1t,11 Io,11 1.. 111 il<'atlillf.!. l'u. \\ 1, nwall ~l'ct·f\ ''" rht• f1rs t offu111~ for its ha1 C' the film returned here for o 101 do.ll 111, ''"'·kt·cl !!:ln-. ufll·r ln!loatllllo 'N'Ond showing for the men of the .·-• l,o". I hi, t·nlumu is nlt'nch·d to pro-~ First Boflalion ~>ho 11 e re 111 the

'Ill!•) '"'rt' <'Ill (II} of c·uur't'. , '"" 11 11 nwmla r' of thP rnni JHIII) field 11 1 the 11mc. 'II, p" "·" the f,!'tood llllldllt'l llll'd- \lflh !Ill ourlt·t f r •Ill~ n·quests, ITnrry )o hn~on

ul, lhl' I· I (J 11hlmn ""h four '"'" unnoUIH'I'IIlt'Uh, nd gripes. If Compun)· "A" has bCt'Onlt' morl' l'olrlll'd SlUr,, till' J'urplo• IJ1•,or1 11ili1 then• Is somt•tlun~ )Ill! hUH' to suy. lhon JU~I anlllht'r l int• ('OlllJ>U ily. 2 du,lt•r,, 11ud u !(rarod rot.cl r1f 7~ hPrt• ")'OUr 0 i>ll0fln.nll) to 'II)' ir . It hu~ through tb" paper at'quirNI l10111h, w,. nr lht• l'ir-t Plutuun Ju;! 11 rllt' .. UI~l }01 r lll'lll und !~bel II \Uite thor rt'll<'hc•s the highe .. t of a lOll!( ,, llh " llq>" urc· S\H'lliin' 1111( II , \ Bug Ill ('U c of the Edotor. o rrit·<'r-. ....Ill('(' multc•r prin ll'd i .. tl 1 g 1 'nur num<• 111ll h u"'ll nnless )OUirt'ud hi ghl•r ht•!Hlquurtcrs tht•re i'

II• otH·r '''' 1'11 pmuh t·1cn tho \\l' rt'<JUI'' I otht•rlli,c. nffc·rc•d lwr the chuntl' for t· ,·ery-

kHull 111' "''' lo-.ug u gouol 1111111. The Lditor oue to o, pcnk. uud to be hea rd.

In I""' llt•ek-. the n<''"PliPCr t'rt'w hu-. hc<'n having a grt'ul dt•nl of difficully in rNtdin~t the 'P<'lling of numcs ,t• nt 111 in the llt'l'kly materia l. We " nuld ret[lll'Sf thnt more curt' lw tukC'u in rh<' future to get the IHimt•s ~pellcd torrc•ctly und clt'nrl) . If tho'-t' <•nleriug mnl­t:>ri.ll 11ill print rlw nwn's 1Hl01<'' iu blnl'k lcllcr s, the diffirully 11 ill he rC'ud ol ) 01 erc·oml'. The nc•<•d fur thi., cure is npporl'nt. A mi"P<'IINI 11011)(' I II s ligbl to tlH' J><'rSO!l fw­ing coHsidt>rcd.

Page 4: tarday, JAPAN SURRENDER - 80th Division · Miss Co. A Club News JAPAN SURRENDER Contest NCO CLUB Our romJ>Illl} has spirit and in

The MIRROR - Allie Relleetloaa


Pf~. Fr-H A. Ro(llrr

Tht•r(" ore lx-uut·nUJ,~ ur p rtu· tit-t• ~o me' to report on tht"i "t•t•k ond ...,(• wtend to f't'H•r tlwru 0"" tum­pl<"ldy a~ J>O"-otil•lt'. Sinct• lht•) nr(' J)nH'tin• g-tunt''i, " c'll l(•t it go ut thut. Our pulit·) u~ bOtlfl uot the IC'ugut•., "tl8rl '\ill hl.' to puhli~h lilt' ..,t·lwduh.· of "A" C'ompuny'o.; gunu:., ror tht• ('Olllillg UlOIIth . Ulld IU !" b O\~ tht· ... wnchn g:, iu ull nf tht•au ot tlu· time '' t• go ro prt•' .


Fll'lll Ba. J"(• ttiU Cu. A Co. I) lin. lltJ. (u. 13 Co. C




w L

' 0 :1 t ~

., 0 :1 0 3


Pet. 1000 ilO j()()

000 000

I nm durin11 a ba•krtball same aad i ht• •aid Jhat 110mt' arran~ta 1 hod bt'<'n mudt•. More about lUI

a• ..,0 n u I h·arn the whole otory.

To•~•-Foothall II•·•~ ore tht' fi•f' rulf"• for IPaJDt'

competitio n in tuurb-football :

1. Eight man t<·aln. ~. All tt•um playf"ra eliJible to

rt•t·(•i\'l' JlU"'"«•~.

liH'" I hf'\, rhc• "'('rf... the:- future ol hf'r mnmmol .... ~~~1('(1 a mun too. wrunfr, \H'rt' IWI }t' l rret•l~ C'll· 1 h P " \ ·• bomh r tp" hloc~~ ur C'll)

tru .. lt'd tn clo alu• fi,rhtiutr "hifh ,lr\'t' l '- lht• utof»ll' luHnb l'\OJ)()· " u... It'd ln tht' lt•tu liu~ lund- rnu• .. tllll''- Tlw '' t'n(>OII"' nf the• fu­., , .. m•r-. tht•m ... .-h c•... I hr moclf'rn turc prohuhl) "ill ht• a hit~ tu np t•rn . du• 1u1..,t ft'" hundred )t'i.lr ... U Jhlrt alll' <"llllrt .. Nlrth. tt•ur tt'UUd('r ll,.fH' rt"c_l I ll th<' l(rt~u.t idt•n Of f)c- tbt• UtlllO.,pht•r('. JJH• bruin of !nUll mm ru(' • th ot th<• <·nmu1011 uwn. foHJ u<·hu' ' t• ... 1orrlaug thinKS w 11h lh<' Jo,~h ,,hn hnc.l ht"('ll hought the t•ll' ltlt'nl~ thut 'urruuud th.

Hll d -.old ur nttudl ('tl to tht' loud I hut ... untl' brUIU j, ropub lt• or \~Oil · \\llh 110 lhnu~llt or Ull) -.urh thint:t tlcrful. prudut li\e lln ng:,. It c:n·uu· ... lt"i "H1~hl'l" •.• ,.,t· rt• on un ()\t'll ligltl out of dur~lll'"'~• \~urrnth. C'UI·

lt·vt•l "tlh the ru•h. tht• po,~l'rful lun•. at mo~t·.., cft.,<CJ' ('rlt'S thul t•on 11H'orc:-fi<·nlh. uJ..,o tlu.• t•ru orr('\ - nrld u huntlrctl \ t•ar' ~o thl" "pnu olnltOitllr) i..H h auu•m('ut Ill ... ucn('(·, o f COC'h ltfe. w 'mu"f' or ('{H.h or A ping pong tourn iiH'Jit j'{ ohout nnd "''''"""' "' llll'UII' of Litt1nJ'. lht•,t• ""'' o "'""tt•rful . nt•ulllt', to j:<'t under ""~· I hcrt· 111tl h<• If rwrft•t lt•d frn·urm uud c·onnon plt:.•a ... uruhlt• tl11ng. {lu futt th('rt• j.., u -.uaglc-, und tf,,uhll•.., lt'OIH tu rt'-

Cunthclntc< fo r ('ompun)' "A 's'' Hlllc) hull h .'U III to d utc ure tl!'l fol­ltJ\,., :

3. On<' (t) h a nd tout•h a ny place. 4. kO }urd fi~ld 1'1 and 20 to JO. 5. Eac- h t<•um "ill furnish oue of·

riciul "' lmt•,nu:w. nud (''\pJ(,..I\f' u-. llll'lllh nr ~illlllf!· pruttll'nlh 110 Inuit 10 flw ('\('Ulllltl l J'rf' "'l'll( t•m h (OOIJ)UU)'. oud tht• Ct~rloltlh. 11<1\\ ll \\t'U~ OIUII \\ll"' ll"'<'"i u r nt~h ... , u·nufit' finch II~ .. ). wurnment , .. ill ... Ulrt aht• lOth or <'<run I 1<1 " ,, ..... ~ mun. hut "hut I hu1 brain ••nuht~' mun w tl11nk. \ugu't. I he ,,.hulul<• "ill lw pu,h·c. l '""""~ Ill(' bn ~ir u't."' of tht•-.r lit''' to rt·t~ .. on . . . But al lw.., nul )t•l un th(• bulh•un hoord Lc•f-.; 1;('1 \\l'.JJ)OII't 1 \luinl) ror wol~ o r \\ dr. hlllJ.dll u~ ht)\\ 10 "' (' \\tlh u ur· unolltf'r fir-.t in Buuolwn ('C)ItlJ)C11-rtH' fl('\\ \\dr" rt'"'tthin,.:- rrolll llu.· .. dq• ... , ho\\ lrl r• ~IHI for our 0\\H IIC)II. Humor hu it rhut tht• \\IIHH' r"'i t! rtl\~lh ond tl\talru•s ur ~r('O( ('0 111 ~ 1!"'. ·pllrp(l .. t''• ' llw \\OIItlt•r ... \\ (' ,..,u ploy. fu r Ht•~t. dHIIIII)iOII"thll)'. ~~~·~;<ul. IIHiu,triUI JllliH'" 11;<11 t rt•Oll'' 1 h<• ~lvr<<HI' lll<lt hiiH' ' thnt tlll'n l""'lbl ) Di>~,IOII um '" 1111 ur> ,:~rltl

1.(nrk .:~:"""'• .. <11! u~t· r tilt' hgblt·n. r<·dll(l' t,dwr un·. w_rnt·t~ th~ tncldt•r.

lu Jh.ttur,l ',,0ulnnu· ... lund.., ru h 1111U un t' JH' III' bt·C·111"'t• du·'i · .( llll"'t,

l(t. , \ ndrt•<. ht P lutoun: Pft'. Gryt'('"'~i • .!ud Plutoon : P fc.·.'s Gur­(' IU , llu"'~ill"i, 1\~r~~mun and SO\~C'r"i. 1111 frolll tht• 3rd Plutoon: Sgt. ()"en, 1'1<-. Burd,•n und l'ft•. \lour<·, 4 th Plotunn; und l. t \\ 111111111> und Sgt. I hor111011 of ( o. lh•ndquurtcro;.

\\ t•dn(·-.duy·.., ~U IIl (' .... tth Compon) ·c· ,, u ... o ... uup. Cmnpony 'A' "on tlu· fir,t thO !!UIIl£'"'. thus o third

1 ht• gumc "·ht'dnlf'd hNW<-'<'n Bn. llq. nnd Company " ,\" o n Wedne• · doy u ftf'rnoon hod to he c•o nc·~llt'd ht·c·uu~t· of th<" , .. ~utht~rmnn. Sint'f> 1hot \\ ll~ IIIC' final pr~;u·tt<·<' gamr ,d~t•duh•d fu r our ( om1>any, "''II he "'otnrhng IC'lt~Ul' c()mpctition '' i1hout nuy knu~ ledge of "hut our teuro nw do. ~tuu• the- fuotbttU. lt·u~ut• <lo<H.,n' t "'otOrl a' '-loon u~ rlw odn·ro;, aht.." or~-tanii'£'r~ mn} 'J(hl"dull~ u rt•,.. mort· prnoit(' gurm.~ ....

..,.,. 1 •• ,, ,·.tlth. llw rornwr ... , ... ,,. unt•mplcl\JJil'lll ... \n unht lt ' ahh dllcl Jtl('t t' of fit")d prOJ)t' rl) \hi"' llh.'ttlh tlf t'\.lrll~ I Ill f.\' llU \\t'r l't pt·r· nu,., t1 frt·t• ''or~t·r or t ru fl .. Uiull fl'tll'd . . und ,.., 11'l'( fu r JHirpu .. , .... n l(rt' OI, JlrO(rr ..... h<' ehnnjl!(' . . of ... prl'udan~ dc•otth. ) ('"'· i(.., 11 H ' P

lu11 fu, rt•lt•uou-.lllp w tltt• n• ... t of hupp) fo1rt thut ~~t· lw~u dn· (,t·r hi~ "tH'H't\ \\ d.., uot {-!rt'uth dtHc·r 111<~11"1 lo 1t. hu l 11!) tl ... ntl fu t I tluu c·nt. li t• ~1111 hud n hurd IHIIC' oh· !Itt• ... tull' of dw \\odd ,., "'iUt h 1hnt l ltillill~ lht' C' ,."''-'lllllt) .. u( lift•, ht.' II \Hi" lll't't'-.'otlf\ \ \Hir u( du• fu ... aill ,.,d., fonaplt•u•h ... uhJt'U for lUH' ,,til ,,, ... ,nt) ruH nul)' th i..• hi !< Jj,t'fifuuu J In fht• \\hllll" o f lht• fi~hlt•r-. , tlu• pour li\ai i Uih, It \\JI J (UIUIIH'rU.d lh JlO \~t·tfll l hJII)t'"'"' (;lh.t• f'\('nfllllll-': hilh II. J Jat• <tt l lite· lllil'"'i uni·mplu,uu·ut . tla- IUI .. t' r~ rult.lltiiK c'uu· ... ' 'hu Hhl"t' profit .... tlutl rt• ... u(l., \\ht•n 0\\IH'r"' dO"'l' \\ItO hlrt' Ulld JJ•I) du• "Jgt•.., o f do\\ II flw1r f +.H IOrU"' IJt• ..,IIIJ du.J hriJiiunt 111\t'lltnr .... lOO. dw ft, hlllll-!' dtHI d' Ill!! 111 '~ .ar. lin· \\lull 1-. tht• ft- ..... on 111 ht• dru'' Jt "J

dchuuct·cl \\t'tiJmn-. unh ..,llltt'l'tkd Jt j ..... unpk. 11111 111 pr,utltt' \('r\

ill h.tlflllt:' off IIH'It ot l ll 'Pl'l'cflt'r h~trd to n·~din.'. \\ ~lr.., lllll"'t )w rotH' .• \ _ \\t·ll quott·cl Gt'rlllUII p o li· ... IUJ)pt'd. J ht• c·.w-.t·.., of \\Ur mu ... l IIC;d -mtlllcH' f'\.)H'rt mHt' ... ,aid, da ... 1ppc·ar, ur ).(· dum• II"•'' ,,nh \\ tlr . .. the• lOIIflllfldiiOil ur polltit-. I hP IJhiJOril~. th•· pldlll JU'Oplt·

h~ otltt·r mrn n... •· ( 14tU"t'\\lll h..t\t' ut·,t·r l'rnfttu·d f rom, ht~H' lllt'.llll ht ·r•· tltdl "lu·n rul111.; IH''t"r ,,ault·d '""· t 1 Jt,., · ," ht·•·n .c-roup-. '' ulun nuuon ... '.w nut "'t'l- tul~c·d. dri\ t'll inln "'II lwlu•' lll g' In tJp dit•Jr ( OIJI<''h fur IIIIJU'ri•.JI..,IIt )fnh•r .... nl .. llldrt ~ .... ,\ 1Jpoft·oll"', !Jut P0 '~.1 ·r thoufh lt·~.tl. ··,,._.rll.tnH·nt- thi-. b(•f",Hhl' JH'\t'r clul dtt·' · tht• un 'hanm· ... tht•\ n· .. urt 1u ''or~ 1 ,,lift lht• , .. urkt•r.., uf nm ll<JIIou Ju·op t' n•.t ll~ rult• lht'lll'''"' ' .. toll• rtHICt·tl lH:·IIII't lht• \\orkf•r-. u( 4111 · lrul tlw t·conollllt JW\\l'r. tht• poll J tH.If l!'U\f'fiiiiH'III 11[ lfH'Ir tOIJIIU\-.),

....,,._ _ _.",.....' u·r .. lll~tJtl 111 ,, _,UL!'ht fnr po\H'r \\ ro 1110 .,( h:urJ from t11 on. l4•r flif • ,,, fit uT ut --,. r:i~ I ll«' (UI~ · of IUIIIOfh, - o r tlu· liHplc·-. \'ollfllll du• lhlltOII., \\h~t·h \\C'IJfth nf l!llllii'S,;j J,, J"f't ~, ll,"": .., • .,(f•d

l•rolu from IIIP nult·omc· of llu• ,(

110tf.,lu·d. (""tallct· tlw rulaug chquc• Hllt·Jt· .. t ... 11\ll"'t ' ' c t to lw 11 pl.•t•·tl

0[ \ tt ll und )dJMIII'"~l' ,, .. r laad .. In tomplt·tt tkmw 1.J11c rnlt• polt

"otdcl ll.nc· tmpo .. t·fl .. J,,,c·q upon uc.tlh .uul •·tunnniH alh. luu·rrw .til dn· ,\f,

1f1J il \\ll"' lnqH'rotht• llolhd rt (;I! lor• .. mu ... r lw (ho~ro~t u•r­

th ot "'' tl t' ... l rc,, thc·m- but tlu· .. ,.,.fl ... IJ'(·cJ b' fru:1•tl .. )np 1111~1 "r ou• flf dH \,IICifllt t \\t'ft fH'\ t•r till .ft•..,,. .!'rOIIIJ of hPIH'"'I Cllt II fn1 Ullttllic I

tlw -.r ru .. dt· (o r ,., uuumw pt•latit ,,I \t tu.tl d(ltlltiH' lo tt hw\ t• ~~~~ h P"'"t·rl. \n r ..... ,.ntwl r.u t ol out runcl foud iuuus '' 1 I ft, r,.u ~~t hatu·rlv t r n \\,H,

1.., th

11 tilt' pt·oplt• of 111, h\ tho .. c ,.,IJo !-.l,tlld t11 ) .... ,. t•·rttl11

·· ,,uwln~ .... tt .... uHt·r t·\trt·llll' I& ani JH..•\\l' "lw hu•• tl (, tr lht .. JIIp .ami Jlll'l'f\, ll..-WI I h· II("Oplt• phllll pt'ioplt tlu l0\\1 r d) ·s o( 1 u

11u e c~flt r \\

11rJd \\ ar II\ nl But onh t:o' • rnttll 111 of 1 d ln

111 nll .. ••n fur IJI,Jil\ )l lr"' llw tfu .. l' lo\\t r t I .., .. t \\til ''' rk

, .• utd... ,1ud nloll"(H•llt.., tlo , t'f\ uul fi ht ,,.. 1 a 1 .. , tin ,,,.JJ. ho\\t ,, r • • U .. t_ of lltHICll I t.lllb' wd "', .. ,

llw di ... cu ..... ,un ... ,till" ~o hale ..,trU\ttl off lu Jt!Uc·· lhlfllltf .. hut not 1+•ulh . I· ,.. 1 1 II• d tn~•·llH r ~ctf'lltt' !t .. <unlinuull~ IUIDl' up

\\llh Ullld/111 Ill\\ dt .. IH\t II'. IIH

hul!t-1 dul "'' ' ''llh .un\ ft..1r of


vs Kassel A

f()\11\l LU l'lt0\1 P\(,L

'' uh Cf·ut't;d '-~Ill\ du• (lhl'll ( ni•JJII'I of d11• l>n '"'IIIJI _ llw 111 ht In fun tht) ltncl '' lflkfl 1 ltUt lo ,..t I tht• tllll!.!llt"~ out uf '"''II uul olio\\ till m 111 put up u dt lt'IH t • n c urthn•• lfl tht• ht·SI :\ /I rlllt•, of ( tr pit~

• n·nwwlu-r ltutlt rd.nu, \\ ar-...n,.

. lin •·•rth t 1 1 "t It\ up tlw Jut., II \'I ,.., ht (,J l II l Iii< (( I.

111 fi fur 1 J I.

I lfl ' Y 'JIIH I X C, I .. \\hu cnuldu 1


I t·nlll}; rdtl. tht '"'' •H\III r!' cllld IIIUfll•·r In

of thP < '' dt.tll P"l'nl.tiiHII' '"'' u .. I t.tlkt·d '' Hh tlu·111 tht'\ '' u111·d ll,nH 10 tlunk 11 o\t·r , th•' ... wl. I h•• Ct·JH·rul ~, ,,, . d1+ 111 out• h,df huur

.trra ••n h rl lw1· tt \\c \\1 ,,. lllh\'11 tl ''"" c!ln"'

P'"l lo r4'1 lllll"flllt' SU)IIt'V. h,ll ft \\U 'I

)!nllfl to ~1111\\ 1h ll rlw han!! \\.ts 11\l'f, but \\I ' I •In lit'\ t•r rntJ.:I'I tJH' lllf'll of o ur ( oulp.tll) '' l10 ... uti lu) nu dwt f11'id

to dt·t ult· tn .. urn·mlt·r. ntltt·n, ,..,,. tlw urullt·n \\otdd /'nur 111. \ t tht• t·ud of tht· 'J1t't dit·c tiiiH' . uud

GRIN AND BEAR IT 11..1\t' ~or lw.1rd o f tlw fut \\OIIH'II

,., ho ', ... tlt:d u ... )Ill) ~ urd on tlw \\ , .... , c·oi.l"'t ~ ~lw lwn t tH Pr to lit'

lu:r 'hot·'-trlllJ.:. unci J,c·fun• ,he

ffHIItl ... rn.l.l l:ltH·n up du·' bro"-.P n ltultlt o [ c humpu,:tH• 0\t'; IJpr ~lt·rn ttncl lautu: lwd lu:r.

Thl' lhtttlt ·..,hip \\U.., ill port uud ''"'ltor.., ,,,·n· httnl;! ... )m,.,n uround. llw ~uuiP ''fl"' t·\htlntln;.: u hruu/t' tul,lt·t on tlw dt·t t.-..

(,uiclt·: " \nd lu ·rt• h ,,Jwrc• uur J'UIJUII! l.tjltUIII fl'il."

\1·r""" Old I 11l) · Wt·l l. nu hfHHit:r I nt•.tr h u ippt·cl uu till' dumu thing Ill } .. ,.fr.'

I h<• f('"' loyal .\ " ('()lnJH\11 \ "'JWC'· uut ))('lllg ltt~ct..'"''ur}. Thl' &ton•s (ti(Or.., \\ ho ftU\t' ..,Pl'JI n uf h•lUH .!1 fo 14 011d 21 IU t) imlitOf(' hOh pia) lt~(.· t(Uil(' proud or tlwm ,, . ., t'li'Y lht• \I(.'IOr) \\U,, I ht•r(' \\'0~ llllJ)O"'"llJfe 10 t('IJ ,., ho lfw fir ..,f fht• "'0Ull' lulk of ( mupuuy "(;" r('JiC'\. u re. for nil ffi(>lllb(•r"' of the -.ctuotl IIIIo{ ( 'cuupu u y "D .. un dte n•ud

t 11 hiO<·k, lhut do\, '" uudoubtf•tlly P U) ' ' CfUU Y "r-11. I• or ('\Umph•, tht•)" d1dn' t haH; tht•Jr b(•st tcu m on :"'\ ~~1. :-.c·u nt•r r..turnt•d from alit' tht.• nno r. Ill'\' llump<"r "h0" fur u ft·'~ hou r ... ,,..,it on l'hur~;Ciu) t ' \ l'll lll g und l~itll('t ··n·· Company didn't hu'e

W t• lut\ t'n't (i,tt•d th<' concl idutr< for thi' 'port 'inti' \ H' piO)'('(I only mu· gam(• ond ltl thP t imf' mo!:tt of dw pluyc•rs ''ere 1'pr<"''cd '' into ... ,~r\1('(•.

JI(U\ed U 0uhhy !!O illC of hull for lfu•1r Jw..,f WHitt t!itlwr, or c l"'(' \\(' II_., , t '\l'U though "''' l thl. 'J fit• or- lllll'tt hUH' U prt'tt) fair boll cluh. fll·l'r-. ha\£' o prdn fair quinh.•t und I hursd,J) u fu•ruoun 'H' trilltlllt"'d .tn• pr('(t \ ('Oc ~, Lt. ( uluhu u frorn IIH•rn tt to 0 (u "...,kuuking"/ u nd

FLASII - Ju't under the wir<' tomC''; nc·"' of t h t.· pm;t lea gut• 'dwdult' lfl thb >po rt. Our only gume of this ,.,t•t• l is Yledn('"otla\­Augu't tilth with Company " 1\.." • • I)" Company· ilncl L t. \\ illuun-. .21 . to ~- (,Hthcriu~ n total o four

rro111 (IU r., firC th ('if lu•..,t pJU\t'r'. \ (llllh Ill (\\ 0 gU tH('~ i s n ' t tOO hof. Our U'ctlll l't o


101a-. w pl~t) du.•m. \ l ' n une do"(' I O ..... ~un~mg-" tht•m

hut \\Ill ha ' <' tu ,,u1t unol lt•il.,:m· 1t1 tlu· .. c·t·mHI gu rru·. fo r\\(' ~<·Or<'cl

t·umpt:tnaon. Ot•c·dll"'t~ tht•rt• un• 110 Hlltt• Jmml -. lwrorl' 1hey monag{'(l to npt·n dutt·"i o n tht .. ...,< IH"dult•. hrt.•u"'- tlw ttc.

'I Ius l ~ll!(ut' " goinJ' to be run n~ un t•lunlllation tonrtuq, \\ h C" rl'hy u tt·nm mu ... t lot...c ,,.,o ~nmE'~ befo re bt' lllg t'illlliiiOICd.

l"ut• .. dtt\ n 1ght our w~110 nwt Bu. 1

\I IIH' 'tart of Fricluy \ gumt• llt• •. ulquu rlt.'r~ i n u f!'UIUt' hhiC'h '"llh ( o rnpnn) " I)" \ lfiOry <tC'<' IIlC'tl moy lt'r) likt-1 ) proll' lu lw duuhtful, fnr h ul f the lt·a m lwd to tbt• UUt:tu nding On(' uf lht• ..,,.,l,.Uil. Ill' ..,('(t•t.·tt•t.l frUill tfW ~!)('( tator:, dut• \t uu u nw

111 tht• c•uttrP !!llmt• dnl tu I u ud LPro~rum uh ... ~.·utt·t~ .... IJ o ,, •

t·1tlu·r ttou m ho\l' u t · omllhtlldau~o: 4''_t'r. _ du•y rt•ull~ clld a ""<'II JOb. kud . • wd ut t he <•nd of tht· rt·J!uJ 11 \\lfllllnf.! tht• fir..,t ~umt· 21·1:i. 13} linn .!oiiiH' Iii<' ... <.~He' \\ t.h tu·d up 111 tlw "'ldrt uf the ..,t•tond f.!HIIIl' l\\0 ..!.J ~JJ . In tl. ,~ t H''rttml• mor(' n•l!'ulur"' urrnl.·d ~o ,., c ft-•l t fH'riOtf ollr t£'Ull rt·,dh ..,fto\q•tJ it ... c·onri<1t•Jlt u( \ it' IOf) . fi 0 \\{0

\ (•r, OUr ... ti JH ·tlont~ h) ul<lln~ dtt· nppun· utturk duJn't < Itt·~ -.n "<' lo't th t.· t•Ht!O ,un ·lt--..., 'hdt• ''t' s~.~nk. t\\O st•tond ttttmc 13·21. In the fhircl f~t· ld gonJ.., Ulld h .. o rmds to rnuk_p und d t•<·idllt~ J;U IIH' ·'' (' 'Hirt<'tl () til

tht• r111ul ..,, urt' 3J 10 .,!:) , 1 hl '\\ kin~ ''11ft n nou r"h. plilllg' Up {'IIOUf:t h ''•t'il lu ~ h ,,Jth 1.3 poinl-.. illld "'n"t'r"" of H lt·.ul lo ('UU""t lmmc to 11 21-13 '' h thl' ' lu~ ... hot" 111 th«' o\t·ruuw 1r111111ph, lhu"' ''irwin,: t''n out nf pcnud. But it mu-.t IH" PntJlhUt..,il('d thrt•t• \\ t~ '"''n'n I "IJ to our u~uu l tb tt 1t \u.ts tt'ttiD pl,l) thut \\Oil tht• furm, hut if thnt's t I(' pour('"'' ,.,._,..

tiJlt. do, tht·J_(' \H>II 't ht• Uti) ('OIIIp iOIIll~ from tlu~ <"Orue:r.

S~:t. Shop''" o f the 3rd Platoon ~ ~ tn c bor!'<' of the wom. If )ou hu'e tlll} {' \)>l'rll·UN· in thh, ~port. ph•u ... t• C'ontuu him, for ot the pn'­..,,•nt mom(\.ut no wam hus hcen -.p)t•t t£'d. \\ ht•tht•r ,.,c wiu. lose. or clru'' 111 \Vt•clut•t..,doy's game. \H'

,.,nut w put th<" hl'"it tt~um from \bl<• on tlw fit·ltl .


.\ . t•ull h n<, be~n i"ued to all com -

I>UIIH'< fu~ hcr"•r;,. ' I hus for. A hie tOt, ~uhmttiC'd h'o uonws:

Pfc-. l" i nt<ll h y Vic-encio from the :Jrd Plu toon , "ho ... c \H~igh t is 127 II> .... li e hu'-1 hud P\pt•riC"ncc in nma­tt•ur bo\111~. At Cump h.ohl<'r, Cu i. h <' mu't hu1~ bt·~n 0. K .. for hP rt•<·<•nt.•d 11 ~-duy pn;; for l11;, bo"-

""t.'t.:Uh ..... dwu~h ull our lf'Uill'

It tl ~1 poor d.n tlu.., '' l't'"- \\I'll Jl,ur~da' nisdH · ' ' u .. 1lu· ho~,kt•lhnli It •IllS lo.HIIIII('. \\ t'l>l.t\t'd ( 11. " I)

\ hhout!h tJJi.., ,.,<•t'k•.., ~;umt·-. ,,t·n~ 111~ ... uc·t·<•,..,t ..... prut ll(t OIH'"'· the f(''U ih clr(' hrlflg Pft-. '-,c•uhorn Gurr('lt. W<'ight 165. h.llldt·d lit to Ht·~timt·nt ""' f..ar b(• from dw 4th Plutoun ho~ ju&t b{'en II_ frum u-. IH omu th(·m t · ... pt•uulh <·tan' 1nc (•d thnt tw should JOin Lh~ 'IIIC l" tlu·~ lttrllt'd uut d .. tlu·v c.IJJ ... ll'dt_u. I h• hu..,n'1 hnd too muc·h (' \.-ud nutlun~ \\t·nt t Jt' "·1\ ll hu ...

1 oth,·r ~liiUt'"· I Itt· p.t .. .:ln~ "'n_ ... u r I)C.Or uml HlfPIIIph for fu-ld

•I " \\('rt• \\tl\ ocr. Lu k ur 'Cl·

ur!HI 11 I h'Uill\HHk """' thl' (IH·If r I lur Ill Ju ... illj! 2.l In 17. Lt·t\ ht• th 1 kfnl It .,.,,1 Jll"'l u prcH ltn·

ltlf for !Ia a... .. J)t'< 1.11ur ft•t>l!-o. c·uta · lui• 111 '"' n.tn Hak• · ( olllJhUI\ "I)'' lh IH'"\.1 IIIII(' \\ (' lllt'C'I

C ''•lpdu~ ··.\ '"" lh1d I!U\trd dut~ 1 n.J,t, lliJ.dlt, 'or o!ttpCIII) ''( "' \\t'lt'

"dl "'/U•rl"' tu ~ utt a huH h nur !o st Hl I u• ~<~ nw in ord t·r lh.Jt our pll\t'I"S tould gt·t to tlw tourt tft, r fuu ... tun:: \IH·ir l't rc·lt·if uu ~und. \ s it \\U'. '"-' c·ould ouh •t t fiH· of our fir.,t ..,trin~ w~wllu·r.

..., ...,!!I \lilt lwiJ \\ U.., ~j:l of tlw tlttrd 1nd toulc\n't lt•aq• hi"i pu ... t

J'f,. \1, rt'Cl'IH·d nrclt•r ... from tlu.: dut tur twl to pill} hPc·au .. t• of ... unH' iruui.IP \\ll h hJ"' ft·(·t . ( OfllJltllt)

( h.ul ut lt·a"'t t :; pl u ~ t·r:-. 111 llltl ·

[orin ~wtf \H' hod Olll) l\\0 'llb~ti· lent·.., '~ ho h.t\l' not plu~c·d ttl Ull\

nf the• ,!.tmt·.... !h•nu• tht• uudook ''•'' notu- t(J bd~tht. 'iu ,., hc~t duJ ''' do"' \\ (' rc• .. t' 10 -.uprt'ntl' )u•q:llt-. .11ul pl~l)t·d p('r f<'uh ull tht' \\U\

1hrou~h. 'llll'rt. ,, ll..,jl•t tl hud pu ... ·'-i 111 llw \\ ho lt• gu~c. and IIH· lu.t .... kt·t ... t·f· tm·d w he• tq foot in d iunwtt•r fur nw-.t ~f tluJ 'hot.., '<'t•nu·d to drop an \\ uhoua toudun~ tht' rim. ""~"t·rs \\lh hi~l~ sc·orl• r ''it h . <·i~hl potnto.;. Oh )<':s 1 h C' finu l "c·ort' 11 " ' < n. A-~o. Co. < t~ . 1 ht'rt' \\ihn•t u "in~lc oul tmnmllh•d In <' ltht·r t<•um 111 h<• fi"t hnlf. u111l 't· r y ft·'' in th<• !'JC<·ond .

111~:h '!·ur••r f< the 11ct•l.. in th<• ll.uwlu.!n 11 0• It \ul.(lhun o f . th <' Offtu·r ' quinw '' nh 6.2 JHHnh. \\ IHH '' Ia·. a 1 ofP"1onul! ~ t•'r<' \\d~tlllll: him to look out rur "~\ " < !'· '• Uu,., kin~ ,~H>, "ith f\,o "ofr'' m~tu ., <·o mc in "':toud \\lth 37.


!:>uftbnll pl'rlf'lll·t• Ill th~ rint:. but hi' op· IHJJU'Ilh ht•ttPr bt>,, un·. for be'b

lut · ... <),,, · .., ,._mw lwt\\('f'll Co".\ " .uul Cu. ·'n .,., ,, ... H'n uniutt.·n: ... un~ to 'Htldl. Dut· to ..:pC'u~al "'il hoo f~. dt-ttld-.. t'tc .• our tt·~nn had to h(• uu,.:uwntt·d hy rn.ttt) Ut''" plu~cr ... \\ (• ~t~l off to U t UJllltlU IH.Jt n g f('Ud

t•urh lfl till' ;.!tllllt'. UIH.I frolll tll(•rt• on \\l' J."""' "'-' Ill throu,!dl dw nw-11011'. '' tnut ng h) the ~u re mur~in or 1.! In u. I t '~ lwttt•r to kP('P u u r 'JH't·d und (• udur~ln<c:' for lt•af!tH' ,:urn<· .... thnugh. t'""IH'< iolly tlw mil ­ht'H Uullar ~•rm or !"'!Htllhuugh. ou r tH t' JHlt lu·r \ ft·on'' hal!', w <'' r l'

lt··lrlllllg tht' (·.tpuhdiut .. s of uiOn) of ou r UnknOh II ..,tur.., ror futon· 'u_h..,lllllliou-. in un) tri,j., ''h ida rtllf.: ltt nrt ... t•. 1 tu ... ;.., 'nmt•thinJ! thut \\t' h , l\(' nt' \l'r had till' opportUtlll\ tn dn. ~

flu• (!'dill<' '' ht•thdt.•<l for \\ •·<lnp,. <1." lwtlll't'n , .. nncl lln llcr hud tu ht· tun< t"llc·tl hc·c·uu ... t' of ru111 1>111' tu n full 'dll·dul<·. tht're "111 lu· 110 opportun il~ 10 piJ) tht.., f.\"8 Utl' dt 11 lott•r d.lt<'. \\ lnd1 bnng• up tht' qut•,tlou I Ln t ' uu~ arrtHI I{('~ uu·nh h<•t•n nutdt' for po,tpoued lc·u(-!'llt' ~ttuH•., w h<' pln)t:d tlrr _ a! 1t lutl'r duh.·~ ff nor. ~ometlnu~ ... hould hl' doll(', nr ('l't' n pt•rh~rl "'<' I · HJ) for !!illlH'S in ull o utdoor ''""" 11 ill h1• • rwi lrd . It " o uld ht• ! hl'ttt'r lu huH' it "'t tl~d ln•fun• <11111·

pltunl~ :-.turt pouring in.

l'ndo)'s go nH' ll<'t\,cen .\ nnd I) tht• lu't pruttll·e o n<• ul,o hod

to ht· •·u llcd off hc·c-au'(' o f rtnn. LPI 'i hop<' thP \\t'ulht•rmn n i, n llttll• ))(' ltPr to ll"'i 11l'\.l \\ {'ek. \..!It'll

tlw h •n!ru<' 'torts up.

P. s . I lllt' llliiiiH'd tllf' \""tpOIII'd· !(IIIII<' (t""'ti u n to Lt. Col uhun (tht' Buttol10n Recreation offit•<'r) to 1he

ru,.r~t·d und plt•n1' fn ..,t.

IJ', pln111 10 '<'<' that "" need rnon~ nH•n nut fo~ ho'\inf! or {')sc '""(' thl• upporl nlll1) o f coming in fi~.,, w ntH' mort.• sport. Hl•rnember. tt' nu t 100 luu.• tu "'ign up. Alho tlwrt• ,,dJ he- trutning ghC' n befor~ > n u t' IIH' r tht• rua g. 4\uyo n<' inrer­'''l!'d ;hun ld rontttt·t Lt.' Polombi­lf ~w "" sull "idt II'. \Vc' H .. ' been lusmJ! our_ offi('l·r., ... o rupidly lotc ly t hut uoth111g "'<'t'llh to bt> c-Prtui n Ull) mort•.


Jlu ,J..~ tholl

Duh• l <·um' Tim!'-

\ u!( I~ \ "I 2000 t<J .\ " " .:!000 .!.! \ "I 2000 .!I ,\ I ' I [q. (3) 2000

\ o ll<')-bull

Dah• l t•nnh rime Au!{. t-l A ,.., L J;;o()

t ~ .\ " ).. t;;o() 21 A "I t~OO 27 A " llq. (3) 1:i00


Ontc Teom"' Time Field

Aug. t3 A I S M 1400 2

" ~\ ' !) L. lll30 2 t" .\ " 1\. 1400 2 19 A "I 1400 2 2 1 A " l lq (3) t400 2 !l ·' 1, orr (3J t&3o 2 2b A '' D 1400 2 ,- A 1 , orr ( t ) tii30 ~· 2 29 A \S c 1400 I